tv Larry King Live CNN December 9, 2010 3:00am-4:00am EST
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-- captions by vitac -- >> larry: tonight, angelina jolie opens up about life with brad. >> brad is an extremely, extremely hands-on, wonderful father. >> larry: the kids, the paparazzi. >> it's a monster you can't think about or control. >> larry: plus, the sensational celine dion. she'll tell us about her new twin boys. the pressures and pitfalls of being a celebrity mom. and how her next vegas show might top anything she's ever done. celine, angelina, next on "larry king live."
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>> larry: angelina jolie is an academy-award winning actress. the goodwill ambassador for the united nations. high commissioner for refugees. and she stars with johnny depp in the new film "the tourest." it opens in theaters this friday, december 10th. let's begin with a clip. >> frank. come with me. >> you're ravenous. >> do you mean ravishing? >> i do. >> all right, grab him. >> why's everyone trying to kill me? >> alexander pierce. he stole big money from a gangster. they think you are him. >> the man's a criminal wanted in 14 countries. >> it's gone too far. you were part of a plan.
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>> this is exactly why she chose him, to distract us. >> i am sorry i got you involved in all this. >> why are you involved? >> larry: why did you decide to do it, dear? >> well, i was looking for a -- i was looking for something i hadn't done and something light and i read it and she was such a lady and it seemed like a lot of fun and it was shooting in paris and venice which are very hard to say no to. and then to work with floorian as a director and to work with johnny as a co-star was just hev son -- >> larry: tell me about florian. because when you read the ads, it looks like it's two directors. because it's florian van shrinkle dahmer smoke. tell me about him. >> he's an extraordinary man. he did "the lives of others." it's just a beautiful film. i think he's one of our best directors out there today. he is probably one of the most intelligent men in the world, if not one of the most intimidating
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because of that. but very, very sweet. he speaks many languages. every country we went to, he was flewant fluent in. very cultured and just meticulous about his art. when you're involved in his film, you feel like you need to do your best work but also he's going to be so precise about making every little detail just so carefully crafted and so you appreciate him. >> larry: are you an actress who likes that? >> for this type of film, i did, yes. for this type of film, i think the other character in the film is the elegance and the beauty of venice and paris and i think without that and without -- florian's sensibility it would have been me and johnny running around trying to figure out what to do. >> larry: it's a terrific script. you really are thrown. that twist at the end. i love movies like that. you really did. and, again, you were superb.
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so was he. you had never met johnny depp, right? al pacino told me the other day he's one of the best actors he's ever worked with. how did you feel about him? >> i absolutely stand by that. i agree. he's one of the best actors i've ever had the privilege of working with. i think he's often seen -- i think we think of him in all these kind of wild extravagant roles. these eccentric personalities. behind that, where that comes from is somebody who's such a renaissance man who loves to paint who loves to do music, who is so bold in his choices. you know, if you think about it, there's just nobody else out there like him at all. nobody comes close to him when it comes to that kind of character work. so he's wonderful. >> larry: you liked him right away? >> i did. i did. -- started talking about kids right away so we have a lot in common. >> larry: in an interview he did in "vanity fair" he said getting to know you was a real pleasant
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surprise. he described you as incredibly normal. i guess people are shocked to know that. i know you. you are incredibly normal. why do you think people are surprised at that? >> oh, i think -- i guess all the things everybody's always saying or, you know, this crazy world we all live in. where things are beyond what they seem to be. but i don't know, it's funny hearing that i'm normal from johnny, i don't know what that means. >> larry: well, you're a mother. you work hard. you care about things. >> yes. >> larry: you're a devoted -- you're devoted to brad. it's normal. >> i am. i try to be the best person i can be and i have a great family that grounds me and i'm very, very lucky. and johnny's very normal as well. he's a great parent and great husband and they've got a great family. so it's -- it was a pleasure to just spend time.
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>> larry: he did say -- he did compare you to came dame elizabeth taylor in terms of being both a movie goddess and a real broad. what do you think he meant by that? >> i don't know but i'll take it. that's a high, high compliment. i think she's extraordinary. >> larry: he also said you had a dark perverse sense of humor. what did he mean? >> i can't believe he told people that. i would never confess. i won't confess. i don't know what he's talking about. >> larry: your movie career is very interesting. you do deep roles. you did that wonderful film. i thought you had the academy award nomination for, that you did with clint about that woman who lost a child. that was i thought an incredible performance. you also did "salt" which was one heck of an action film. do you like to go back and forth? >> i do.
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i think like most people, if we had the chance, we want to express all different sides of our personality. when we've done one, we hope to get the opportunity to learn something new and try something different. i've been so lucky in my career that they've allowed me to do all different types of genres and women. of course, the films like "changeling" are very emotionally rewarding. other films like "salt" are very fun. i do get lucky doing both. >> larry: i was referring to "the changeling. i forgot the title for a moment. was that a difficult film to play? >> it was. you know, it's funny, i had never met clint before and i met him the last time i was in your studio. and he was just coming off. and i was in the waiting room. it was the first time we met. we joked that we really, really wanted to work together. i told him how kraelz i was about him and his films. we ate, you know, in your little craft service in the back. it was the beginning -- i think
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a few months later we decided to do "changeling" so -- >> larry: so, once again -- >> but -- >> larry: -- this show is part of history. >> there you go. >> larry: we'll be right back with angelina jolie, the film "the tourist" opens friday wide. don't go away. [ male announcer ] it's a rule of nature. you don't decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pick vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant ♪ but i really love my bank ♪ i hate-- didn't quite catch that last bit. i said i really love my bank. right... is there a problem ?
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>> larry: we're back with angelina jolie. would you work, by the way with clint eastwood again? >> oh, in a heart beat. i'm crazy about him. i think he's just -- he's just the coolest guy in the world. and he is one of the best directors. and he -- i couldn't have gotten through that film without him. he helped me so much. he was -- he was just so there for me, helping me understand the character and emotion. just really directed me and guided me.
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just, as you know, he's just one of the best. >> larry: how did they get all those cars together to 1928 los angeles and those streets? how did they do that? >> i guess you just can't say no to clint. he asked somebody for a lot of cars. >> larry: it's an amazing period piece. >> it was beautiful. it was beautiful. i remember being on set and looking out the window and seeing all these cars and seeing all the costumes and feeling like i'd been dropped into the past. beautifully done. >> larry: you and brad -- brad's in new york with you, right, now? he's museuming today, right? >> yeah. >> larry: we've discussed this before. your paparazzi madness. so is johnny depp. was it is media, was it intense in venice? >> it was, yeah. there was -- i mean, as it would
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be on the streets of new york. it's hard to get away when you're in the middle of some place like venice. so there was a lot of it. but somehow we just -- you know, we just chose to ignore it and were able to shoot through it and have a good time. and there was also a lot of local people that came out. so that was actually nice. and it's nice when you drop into somebody else's home, you don't want to disturb them by making your big crazy movie, and instead they were very supportive so. we tried to focus on that and the positive side of it all. >> larry: can it, trunk ly frankly, distract from work? >> yes, yes. but on this one, we were lucky that a lot of the harder scenes, the more emotional scenes, the more complex scenes, were more inside a boat or inside a room. and so it is very hard if you have to do a big emotional scene, for example, on streets. in "the changeling" i had to come out crying and screaming and there was a bunch of
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paparazzi. that's hard. but in something like "the tourist," this character feels like she's on parade all the time anyways so -- >> larry: you think we'll ever -- >> -- it was almost part of the character. >> larry: you think we'll ever have a cure for -- if cure is the right word, by the way, for the paparazzi and the invasion of privacy? do you think we'll ever see that go away? >> i don't think the hunger for it will ever go away. so i think it will always be fed. i do think and i do hope there will at some point be laws how close they can get to children with cameras. i think at some point it's going to be clearer that it's emotionally not healthy. and with long lenses, there's no need. i'm somebody that i would like there to be a law about the distance they have to children. so i think we work for things like that. something simple and practical. but the overall of it, it's a monster that you can't think about or control. >> larry: how do the children deal with it?
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>> well, we try not to get them in the middle of it. we try to get them around things and under things and so they don't. when they do, we just have to kind of smile and say, don't worry, it's not scary, they just like to take pictures. as a parent, the only thing you can do is try to make sure they don't feel it's a threat, you don't act like it's a threat, and you just keep smiling so they don't feel anything negative. >> larry: i'm told in europe, they're stricter about taking pictures of children. is that right? >> they don't -- yes. in many countries, like france, they don't publish them. they blur children's faces. i think that's wonderful. >> larry: that is a good idea. how is it -- you're a working actress. you're involved in the things you do for the u.n. you have a working husband. the two of you are on parade all the time. and you're a mother. and you have six kids, right?
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how do you balance all of that? >> we have -- i'm very, very lucky where i have a career where it seems like i'm very busy but i work for a few months and then i have months off. so my schedule is not as demanding as many, many mothers across the world who some have two, three jobs and no help. so i'm, you know, mine is not as difficult. brad is an extremely, extremely hands-on, wonderful father. we take turns working. so when i was shooting "the tourist," for example, he was home with the kids and helping them with school and bringing them to visit sets and -- so we try to never -- we never work at the same time. we never separate the family. and that's the best we can do to try to keep it all balanced. >> larry: i remember the book and the film "eight is enough," is six enough? >> i don't know.
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probably microfilm. usually microfilm involved. >> what awaits me? >> trouble certainly. >> danger? >> oh, yeah, most likely be shot at in less than two chapters. >> larry: angelina jolie's our guest. "the tourist" opens friday. do you guess as to how well films are going to do? >> no. i haven't a clue. sometimes if you're not careful somebody will tell you. some studio head will tell you what they're anticipating. i try to totally ignore it. >> larry: do you read the -- >> because you can't -- you have to do films because you -- no, i never look for it. sometimes people tell you what you don't need to know. i never look for it. i never want to do films because of that. you hope that people see films and you hope that they enjoy the films because in the end that's why you make them. but i love a film as much as --
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i loved "mighty heart" and that was probably my least successful commercial film. and it's my favorite so -- >> larry: do you read the critics? >> no. good or bad. i think it's best to -- i'll ask brad what he thinks. i'll ask, you know, my family and if people in the street give me their opinion, i appreciate it and i take that and that means something. but i never -- i never do. i think -- you know. good or bad, you don't want to be influenced by that. >> larry: what's your next role for the u.n.? >> well, i'll continue to work on different things this year. we're working in haiti still. with a lawyer's program. and for statelessness and children's issues. and documentation. which is a big problem. i will continue work in cambodia and ethiopia. and really just -- i follow, as you know with refugees, you tend to follow the movements of the people.
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continue to follow the afghani refugee, the pakistani people who have been displaced. as the needs come up and as the different -- you know, depending on what story's gone out of the headlines that needs attention, you tend to just be there and pay attention. when i get a call and they say, they need you somewhere, that's where i'll go. >> larry: how's new orleans doing? >> it's good. brad's worked so hard on that. he's learned so much. he commits so -- he's really so committed to learning about building and better ways of living. as you know, you've spoken to him about it. you know his focus and his heart is, you know, he's just -- it's a beautiful thing, his commitment to that part of the world and that project. >> larry: remember, before we interviewed him the last time, i stood next to you when he spoke to the crowd there. people thought we were a couple, angelina, they got thrown.
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>> and he's not somebody that looks -- yeah. it's hard to confuse him every once in a while. >> larry: couple other quick things. what's next for you professionally? >> i think i have "kung fu panda" coming out which i love. i love those movies and they're very fun. i directed a film a few months -- a month ago i guess we finished and i'll be editing in january. >> larry: what's the film? >> that's it, i'm not working right now. it's a film that takes place during the war in bosnia from '90 -- well, the film takes place '92 to '95 and it's about -- it follows many different characters. it's more about what happens to people and how people try to hold on to their humanity during war and war time and the horrors that surround them and the longer it takes for us to intervene, how much further they slide into this darker place.
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and the losses and the pain. and how some of them rise above it. how some of them can never, ever forget. so it's a combination of many different stories. it's also a love story. it was with all local people. and it was a great learning experience for myself. >> larry: you like directing? >> i loved it. yeah. i loved it. i loved being a part of a team. sometimes the actors are separated. you know, we have our trailers and our characters and our relationships. and the director gets to be with all the sound grips, electrics, dp, and you just feel a little more part of the team. so i preferred it. >> larry: the film is the director's baby, isn't it? >> i suppose. i suppose. we'll see. i tried not to think that. when i was there, i actually felt that the more you empower everybody else and the more it can be a family, the better the film. so we'll see. we'll see if i'm right. see how i do.
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>> larry: and what do you -- what's the jolie-pitt family doing for christmas? >> we're looking. we actually have our maps out. we're looking for a country to go to but we haven't picked one yet but we want to travel. we're going to be abroad. >> larry: a country? >> we tend to -- we have a plan that every other -- we're home or we're in missouri with his family and then the following year we'll try to find a new country to explore. so one year at home and one year abroad. and this is our year abroad so we kind of get to pick some new place to explore. >> larry: thanks, angelina. i really loved "the tourist." hope everybody gets to see it. have a wonderful holiday. >> thank you, happy holidays to you. >> larry: angelina jolie. celine dion is next. ♪ so delicious... your mouth will be strangely attracted to them. everything pops with pringles cracker stix.
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>> larry: celine dion is a five-time grammy winning singer/songwriter. one of the most successful recording afrt ing sts in the history of recording. she heads back to caesar's palace in las vegas in march. and we're thrilled to welcome her once again to "larry king live" from her home in west palm beach, where she is nestled in with her new set of twin boys. what's it like? how are they doing? >> well, the weather here is very cold but i tell you, my twins and my big boy and my husband as well, they're keep meg warm, so that's the spirit of the holidays. it's so wonderful. it's just amazing to have all that love and it's wonderful to talk to you as well, larry. >> larry: when you were on this show in february, you said you and your husband, renay, great friend, would love tom have another child.
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and you were trying. it turns out you may have gotten pregnant right after that show. >> larry: that's right. we had tried time after -- we've tried five times before this last try that worked out. and i guess when you try and you believe and you just -- we just kept trying. and we were blessed twice. and it's just amazing to have my 9 1/2-year-old beautiful boy and, now, we waited so long to have and hoped for another child and we were blessed -- double blessed. and it's just extraordinary to be parents again and it's such a blessing. and they're doing -- nelson and eddie are doing really well. and they're 6 weeks old. and i still look at them and i still can't believe it. i can't believe it. >> larry: you named nelson after mandela, is that right? >> that's right, larry. i did.
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we did actually. when we knew that we were going on this last tour, go to south africa, started the tour there almost two years ago now already. i knew that we were going to south africa. and we hoped to meet with mr. mandela. and we did. and i wanted to take a little course of history before we left because i wanted to know about the apartheid and i wanted to know how great of a hero he was. i wanted to know what he did. better. and so i met with a teacher and i learned about -- much more. and so when i met with mr. mandela, my mom was there, rene was there, rene's son patrick was there. our son, rene-charles was there. it was such an impact to meet with him. what a hero. and we decided to name one of our sons after nelson mandela.
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and for eddie, that was another hero of our lives as well. eddie marnay was a french lyricist who wrote five of my french albums and he also wrote for edith piaf and barbra streisand and other wonderful singers. we wanted our boys to grow and say you know, we're named after wonderful people. so that's -- >> larry: early in your pregnancy, it was triplet, right? >> yes, there was three baby, that's right, yes. and nature took its course. and one little baby just decided to step back to give the two others a chance to survive very well. and you never want to have -- wanting to make a choice -- to make a decision if something goes wrong, for example, with a pregnancy, you never want to be put, like, forward and have to take a decision and put an end to something.
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so if there was -- the doctor said to me, if was something wrong, you know sometimes the baby decides by itself and nature takes its course and it puts an end to it. we don't know what happened. we're not trying to find out. one little baby decided to step back. you just have to look forward. but you still miss -- i still think about the one that stepped back and just is not here today. you always think of that. i'm sure every woman who has that experience still has a feeling about the little one that's not there. >> larry: you tried in vitro so many times unsuccessfully. did you ever think of giving it up? >> we tried many, many times. and that was the sixth try. and then i have to say that many times that i asked myself when am i going to end? when am i going to stop? what's going to tell me that i need to put an end to that?
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because when you try three times and four times, it's like, am i going to go forward? we question ourselves many times. but i guess it's nature itself. until -- we are women and we can be pregnant and we can have babies. then you keep -- you still want to keep going. and then one day this is the beginning of something else. or an else for something. and then this is your answer for you to stop. so -- but i'm not there yet i guess. so we were blessed. >> larry: she'll be in vegas again in march. what a show that is, by the way. and we'll be right back with celine dion. john n bon jovi's our special guest tomorrow night. and garth brooks on friday. it's entertainment week on "larry king live."
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>> larry: those clips are from "through the eyes of the world," that terrific documentary that followed celine everywhere. she is featured, she and the twins, showcased, in fact, in the edition of "people" magazine that hits the newsstands friday. there's obviously an intense public curiosity about the kids. how do you decide how much you'll share? >> i'll leave it to rene. first of all, as people know, i'm an open book. i have shared my whole life. my private and my show business life. it help mess s me actually to feel my songs and to go on with my dreams. but how much to share? i think i leave it to rene.
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i trust him. i love him. he's been my leader in my career. as well as the leader of my heart. and it's trust. and we share an amazing relationship together. for that part, i leave it up to him. >> larry: are the twins identical -- are they identical or fraternal? >> not identical at all. when they were born, they were actually separate. in their two little homes. i couldn't -- i couldn't see the difference. i was like, oh, my gosh, and we don't even have names. i'm going to say baby a, baby b for how long? i was like confused. who's baby a? we mixed the hats. baby a is not baby b. we were all confused. rene says, i know how important choosing names. it's such a responsibility to choose names. we have to have names. i said, i know, i know. after about a week, we couldn't take it anymore.
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we sat down. we said, okay, it's going to be our two heroes here, nelson and eddie. so rene-charles, nelson and eddie. we're very proud. so here we are. >> larry: are you getting a lot of sleep? >> excuse me? no sleep at all. it's pretty amazing how we can survive with no sleep. actually, my little boy right now, rene-charles, is a little sick, he has a little fever and he has some stuff going on, so i want to be there and i want to take care of him and at the same time, we're breastfeeding the babies every 2 1/2 hours. no, let me rephrase that, we are not breastfeeding the babies. i'm breastfeeding the babies. so it's like there's not a lot of sleep. every 2 1/2 hours. and then we're not counting the rest. i mean, sometimes i have 25 minutes left. do i shower, do i eat or do i sleep? it's up to me. it's still up to me for that
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part. but it's a great challenge. it's very, very tiring. it's full of surprises. but it's all with love. and it's all amazing. all day, i'm in my pajamas. sometimes i forget to really close it well. so it's -- it's overwhelming. in a good way. in a good way. but there's no sleep yet. >> larry: how is rene-charles adjusting to his little brothers? how is he adjusting to his little brothers? >> it's quite funny and interesting at the same time, because a lot -- everybody's asking us that question obviously. but people think probably that he's like, oh, my two brothers, can i hold them, can i hold them? i don't think it's there yet. i think rc's looking at them. like, mom, the only thing they do is, like, these type of things. they look up. they look down. they cry. he's trying to make faces to make them laugh. and they kind of look.
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i say to r.c., they're just starting to see. colors is just coming now. and he's like, i think he's looking forward to play with them. so they're not talking about baseball yet. but very soon it will happen. so r.c.'s very interested, obviously, in them. but he's looking for them, this is nelson, this is eddie. mom, are they okay? he's trying to make them laugh. he can't wait for them to throw the ball. >> larry: when we come back, we'll talk about her return to las vegas.
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>> larry: celine dion returns to the coliseum in a room built for her at caesar's palace. the new show premieres march 15th. excited about that? >> i'm very excited. it's wonderful to be wanted and to be loved again. it's wonderful to go back home again. if i may say this way. it's always exciting. we've had a lot of meetings and get together a few months back with all the wonderful people involved in the new show. and ken erlick will be the director of the show. who's been doing the grammys, you know, for more than 30 years. and actually, it's just wonderful to get ideas again. every time you think, i'm going to run out of ideas at one point. but no, everybody gets together and we have ideas and we're going to be with 31 musicians on stage and, for me, i mean, there's much more than that, but just this itself. 31 musicians for a singer, it's a dream come true. i mean, you might have that once
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in a while in a recording studio. but every night on stage with you? it's going to be hard for me to spend my time like not looking back too many times. to have my back against the people and go back and notice the crowd and the same time as all those wonderful orchestra. so i'm looking forward to go back and perform again. i'm thrilled. and there's going to be a lot of surprises and effects and i'm very, very happy. >> larry: does the stage still slope down? and are you going to fly again? >> no way. i'm not going on the ski slope again for -- that's it. i've had five years of that. it was magnificent. but it's been very, very difficult for the spine, for the neck, for the body, for the voice itself actually. so no, actually, when i ended las vegas with "a new day," they had put it back straight. so they kept it straight. and we made sure they did.
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and i'm looking forward to perform on a flat and smooth surface. i'm looking forward to experience that. >> larry: does the show have a concept? >> well, it's going to be much more -- i kind of feel that it's more about music itself. not that we didn't do that before. it's putting more emphasis on big orchestra, music, musician, singers, songs. we want to do music as pure as possible. like the old days i guess. so if it's a concept -- >> larry: how about costume? costume changes? >> well, about costumes, yes, i think people like to see artists change in different outfits. again, it's a -- you have to be careful with that. people want you to change.
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they want to see outfits. if you change too much, they say it's too much. if you change too little, they say it's not enough. so you have to change just enough. you can't please everybody. but i have a wonderful stylist. i'm going to be working with again. and we'll make sure we can please as many people as possible. you know me with fashion. i enjoy that very, very much. so i will try to change not too little and not too much. hopefully i'll have my shape again. but i'm not very worried about that. first thing first, the health of the children. and i'm sure annie will find the perfect dress for the perfect size for the moment that i will be in. >> larry: she's one of the great performers in the world. celine dion. returning to vegas in march of next year on a three-year contracted run. conan o'brien will be with us monday night. we'll be back with celine after this. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65,
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>> larry: we're back with celine dion. i imagine vegas is much easier than that tour you did. >> well, it's very different, that's for sure. the energy is very different. i have to say that when you tour the world, obviously the jetlags and different hours and ways of living and traveling, a lot of hours in the plane and you wake up in the morning and you're not quite sure where you are, and it is very tiring. it takes longer to get to a place. but it was so well put together, so well done, and it gives you a chance as well to see the world. i was so proud to have my mom and my son, to see the world and do safaris and visit museums and -- i mean, see different livings, and it was just a big thrill and a great, great chance for all of us.
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it made all of us i think grow very well. but as well, to be stable in one place, it's also another great opportunity when you can leave your family home, knowing that when your kids are small they can have stability. so i think my child was old enough to see the world, but right now for my little two new kids on the block, should i say, it would be -- it's perfect right now. so i can't pick -- i can't pick one thing that's better than another. it's just too different energies. it's like an up tempo song and a ballad, for example. mmmmmmmale s with pringles cracker stix. ♪
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>> larry: 30 years ago tonight, who could forget it, john lennon died. what are your thoughts about him? the beatles, that whole era? >> what a legend. what a man, and it's so unfortunate what happened. and it's amazing because 30 years ago, like you said, he was killed. and it's amazing because today rene and i were talking together about him, and i was 12 years old when he was -- when he was killed. but fortunately through his amazing music and through my family, my brothers and sisters and my husband, i have learned his music and his words and so i
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kind of grew a little later with him. but he's part of my life and we were talking a lot about him today and it's just like -- i remember that 40, 40 years ago he wrote an amazing, amazing song called "imagine." and we've been singing that song today in the house and it's just so unfortunate, you know? >> larry: want to do a little for us? >> he lives inside of all of us in a way. you know. still. >> larry: why don't you do a little for us. >> i knew you were going to ask me to sing. but i'm certainly glad because i love to sing for you and for the people. all right. well, if i may say imagine, then. imagine there's no countries it isn't hard to do
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nothing to kill or die for and no religion too imagine all the people living life in peace you may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one i hope some day you'll join us and the world will be as one >> larry: you're incredible. you are an incredible, incredible lady. it's an honor, honor knowing you. i wish good health to the little boys and to rene, give my best to your great husband. >> thanks so much, larry. >> larry: and we look forward to seeing you in march at the coliseum in las vegas at caesar's palace. >> thank you, larry. rene and i, we love you. thank you for everythingou
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