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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  December 13, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EST

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a guest or a hostage, you know, but that's the risk you have to take. >> the risk you have to take towns the taliban, an enemy still alluding american troops, still killing coalition forces, still fighting to win control of afghanistan, even after a grinding decade of war. >> larry: tonight, top leaders of israel and the palestinian authority meet right here on the
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dispute that has plagued the middle east for years. peace, is either side willing to make tough compromises, difficult decisions to end the conflict once and for all? can they hammer out a strategy maybe during the next hour? plus, special envoy to the middle east tony blair joins us for his unique take on one of the world's most pressing problems next. >> larry: good evening. tony blair is the special envoy for the quartet on the middle east. he's in the united states to address the 2010 saban forum hosted by the brookings institution. mr. prime minister, it goes on and on. now the obama administration has made a decision to step back from trying to persuade israel to freeze settlement expansion.
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you have called that sensible. why? >> because i think we need to find a way forward now that gives both parties confidence that we can have a negotiation that actually succeeds. and in the meantime, we've got to push ahead and create the change on the ground that's going to make a real difference in the lives of palestinians and also provide the israelis with the assurances they require on security. so you know, we've hit an impasse. it's a problem, but we've got to find a way through. >> larry: but that decision, where does it leave efforts for peace talks? it sounds status quo again. >> well, i think that there's still a lot that's going to go on. one of the interesting things that's happening in the middle east right now and in the
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israel/palestine situation, the leadership of the prime minister, with the full authority of the president, with the palestinian authority, they've been doing some really good things on the west bank in these past few years. they've been taking the militia off the streets and putting in proper security, they've been building the economy, they've been building the institutions of government. gaza, as we know, is a different story and we can come to that. but on the west bank of the palestinian territory, there is a real attempt to build a state from the bottom up, and despite all the difficulties in the political negotiation, that process of providing improvements in the economy and living standards of palestinians does offer us a proper way forward for the future if we want to take it. >> larry: secretary of state clinton said in her speech at the forum that you will address, that the united states not being a passive participant, however. did you hear anything, we're not going to be passive, yet we're letting them off the hook on peace. did you hear anything new in that? >> well, i don't think it's so
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much hearing something new, larry. but i think the united states are going to be active in going between the parties now and trying to work out whether there is a basis for a credible negotiation that leads to the two states that we want to see. a secure state of israel and a viable state of palestine. and the fact that they're going to be doing this in a somewhat different way from how we originally contemplated it, i don't think that matters so much. the important thing is that they conduct intensive negotiations with both sides to see, look, is there really a basis upon which we can move forward? then as i emphasize all the time, in the meantime, carry on with the issues to do with the economy and security and, for example, bringing help to people in gaza and giving palestinians
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a sense that it's possible if we can have a political negotiation that succeeds, that they will run their own state and given the israelis the assurances that they will require on security since that is the key concern that israel has. so, you know, i don't think it's a foolish thing for the americans to step back from the original path forward and say let's work out the right way forward and get this thick on track. >> larry: how would you assess the obama administration since they've taken office with regard to this issue? have things moved forward, have they gone backward, have we stayed mired? >> the single biggest thing they've done is say it's a priority from the outset. part of the problem in previous situations is that american presidents have come to this issue, come quite close to a solution, but come very much towards the end of their time in office. the fact that president obama made this a priority from day one, i think is really important. it gives us the chance now --
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you know we've hit this obstacle. instead of saying, well, that's it for this presidency. we're able to look at another way forward. and that's the single-most important thing. also, you know, as i've known from my discussions out in the region, i've just returned from israel and palestine a few days back, people do think he's actually sincere about bringing about a deal. so i think there's some big pluses for the administration in this, but we've got now to carry on and in particular as i say, work out how we support those state building activities that the prime minister of palestine is engaged? >> larry: by the way, as an aside, your book is terrific. >> well, thank you. that's very kind of you. >> larry: i mean it. what about the obama administration's goal of achieving at least the outline of a final peace settlement by september of 2011? would you bet on that happening? >> i'm not a betting man, which is probably fortunate in this
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instance, but it's -- look, it's possible. of course it is. but here's a bit of good news. a majority of israelis and a majority of palestinians still want peace and still want peace basically on the basis of two states. so, you know, if we could get this negotiation going again credibly, if we can make real change on the ground quickly, which is possible, we can make this thing work quite quickly. but we need to re-establish the credibility of that, of the process in order to do that. and that's why i think, let's hope we can get it done by that period of time. but the most important thing is over this coming period of time the next few weeks, the next few months, to see that there is a real outline of a credible plan and solution for this and in my view, above all else, make those changes that are going to give the israelis confidence on security and the palestinians confidence that their lives are going to improve and that the
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dignity they feel the statehood is owing to them is going to be theirs. >> larry: we'll have some more moments with tony blair, then we'll meet two leaders of each side following this. don't go away. ow in one place. so without fumbling through a bunch of apps, i can see what they're up to... quickly post that i care... and my phone's back in my pocket. so i can actually watch my son's game... go buddy! and not be... yay. ...that guy. [ male announcer ] buy any windows phone and get a second one free. so get your holiday on at at&t. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief
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and, go to to learn more about how you can move toward relief. celebrex. for a body in motion. quite a lot of my life has been really quite a battle. >> i was thinking, of course, of freedom. ♪ >> larry: we're back with tony
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blair, the former prime minister of great britain. george mitchell, our united states envoy, goes back to the middle east i think next week. what might another round of shuttle diplomacy accomplish? it seems like we've had shuttle diplomacy forever. >> george mitchell and i worked together on the northern ireland peace agreement. >> larry: i know. >> one of the things you learn in this business is that you can have failure after failure and hit obstacle after obstacle but you just got to keep going because in the end it can be done. and you know in the end with northern ireland, it was done. but it was tough every inch of the way, and we were constantly hitting snags and difficulties. but if it's important enough, and this is important enough, then we're just going to keep going. >> larry: you've spoken, mr. prime minister, about the cardinal importance of the state building exercise of the palestinian authority. how is that exercise going? what would constitute what you would call real change? >> the real change is in the
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palestinian authority providing security of a high quality. in other words, if you go back a few years, there were often militia running cities and towns, you know, there wasn't a properly constituted palestinian police and security force. today there is. you know, today they are building rule of law institutions, courts and prisons and so on, and when the palestinians -- because remember, this is a small bit of territory. you can fit the whole of israel and palestine into new york state let alone california. so it's a small bit of territory. you could fit the whole of israel and palestine in new york state, let alone california. it's a small bit of territory. so people are living side by side. security really matters. so the palestinian authority building this security capacity give confidence to the israelis. at the same time as a result of that, the israelis have moved some of the restrictions, given the palestinians greater freedom
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to operate. all that has to go far further. don't misunderstand me. we're a long way off where we need to be. but we do know what works. what works is the palestinians building capacity to run their affairs properly and the israelis responding to that by allowing greater freedom. and that then creates the conditions. this is the point of my view. this creates the conditions in which you can then get a peace deal because, you know, you're going to be talking to the foreign minister of israel and in the last peace process negotiation. and she will tell you that you can go around this circuit many times. you come back to the same issues to do with borders and security and refugees and so on. but what gives us the chance to make this peace deal possible is the confidence that we're not just doing these things in theory but we're doing them in reality. >> larry: your friend, former president clinton, told me that
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while northern ireland was a tremendous problem, i can't compare to this one. do you agree? >> i think that's probably true, although one interesting thing. in northern ireland, we reached peace, but there never was and still isn't an agreed outcome. in other words, some people want a united ireland, some people want a united kingdom. at least here with the israel/palestine situation, there is in principle an agreed outcome. so the complexities are of a different order and you've got many different regional issues not least the role of iran and so on, but actually in one sense, it is possible to see a future state of israel and state of palestine because that's, in fact, what both sides say they
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want to get to. >> larry: while we have you, a couple of other quick things. secretary of state clinton called the wikileaks publication of thousands of diplomatic cables an attack on the international community. what's your view of that? >> well, i agree with her totally. i mean, the fact is for people to be able to conduct international affairs, they've got to be able to do so with some level of confidentiality. that's not secrecy or hiding things from the public. any person of common sense can sit down and work out that if you're dealing with highly sensitive issues between countries, you have to do so confidentially. so you know, that's my view on that. >> larry: thanks so much. always good seeing you, mr. prime minister. great pleasure having you with us. >> thanks very much, larry. all the best to you. >> larry: former prime minister tony blair, special envoy for the quartet on the middle east. when we come back, we'll meet salam fayyad and ehud barak, the former prime minister of israel.
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>> larry: by the way i want to thank haim saban for helping to put together this special evening, this special edition of "larry king live." salam fayyad and ehud barak, is former prime minister. a rare opportunity to have top statesmen on both sides of this to take part in the forum for the saban forum and to be with us on this show. all right. prime minister fayad, the united states has agreed to stop trying to press israel on the freedom
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expansion. where does that leave us now? >> we listened to a policy statement by secretary of state in washington. based on that, my understanding is that the administration intends now with a view to try to identify positions on the core shoves permanent status. be on the palestinian side have done so and it is important to get a definition as to those core issues beginning with an understanding of what is meant by the government of israel when it says a palestinian state. what kind of state does mr. netanyahu have in mind? the one he says palestinian state. that's very important to begin to know in order for us palestinians to begin to get an understanding of that.
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>> larry: let's open in that area. deputy prime minister barak, how does it define a palestinian state? >> i think two states for two people who think about a secure israel side by side with a viable palestinian state both territorially, economically, politically and so on, but demilitarized. i believe that the objective is clear and even agreed upon, but we have to dive into the details because both divinity and hell are in the details. >> larry: this is so frustrating to people. prime minister fayyad, why can't we make more progress in this area? >> well, maybe precisely because the issues were not approached
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in the way that i'm proposing to you. i think for much too long issues were talked about in general terms. yes, there were discussions and negotiations where issues were discussed at great length. camp david, is an example of which mr. barak is aware of for sure. but those are very few instances when the issues were discussed to the extent necessary if not negotiated to agreement. a lot of bad things happened in between. a lot of disruption. leading to probably what might be call disillusionment with the capacity of the political
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process. now i believe is the time particularly after the difficulties of the past year and a half or so to get to the issues directly and permanent status issues are known. they were discussed extensively on many occasions before if not negotiated. now is the time to really put those issues on the table and begin to answer with specificity as to where the parties stand on those issues. i think it's important for the administration to approach the task this way this time around. a lot has been said over the past year and a half in general terms. i'm talking about here, for example, what prime minister netanyahu had said about the solution. what mr. barak had said about the starting point. but what we hear said about the kind of state that may be inferred from statements made by mr. netanyahu is not really reassuring. >> larry: all right. >> it is stated in general terms.
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not specific enough. >> larry: prime minister barak, secretary clinton urged both of you to stop blaming each other and focus on what needs to be done. can you be more specific in answer to prime minister fayyad's questions about specific? >> i thing that the secretary is right about the need to go into the details. i see a delineating a line within the land of israel according to demographic and security considerations that will allow a solid jewish majority within our border and a viable palestinian state demilitarized on the other side. security issues should avoid the petition of what happened in lebanon and gaza later on when we pulled out to the last square inch and found ourself facing rockets and missiles of all sorts hitting the heads of our
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civilian population. that should be avoided. we should avoid also the wave of terror that accompanied the failure of camp david ten years ago under my premiership when a wave of suicide attacks covered the streets of israel. and we have, of course, to take into account the possibility of an eastern front being emerging on our eastern border. all these could be solved in a way that will not -- i repeat not be contradictory to the needs of the palestinian viable and continued state. so i think that the refugee issue should be solved in a way that will allow them to be part of the palestinian state not going back to israel and jerusalem in a mutually agreed way where the heavily populated arab neighborhood will become arab part of the palestinian state. the israeli neighborhood main
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settlement blocks remain in israel has been brought back home. so basically, the only -- the most important element in my judgment comes at the end. it should be agreed and stated by the palestinians that this solution is the end of conflict and finality of mutual claims. and i believe that it's achievable. >> larry: we'll check on that. we'll be right back with this in just a moment. don't go away. >> larry: we're back. 4 control my asthma symptoms all day and night. [ man ] symbicort improves my lung function, starting within 15 minutes. symbicort will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. it is a combination of two medicines and should not be taken more often than prescribed. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems, and children and adolescents may have an increased risk of being hospitalized for asthma problems. symbicort is not for people whose asthma is well controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine
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it appears, prime minister fayyad, that according to former prime minister barak, israel is ready to deal with the specifics. does that satisfy you in some way?
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>> we are ready, too. we're ready to begin a process, actually. we've been waiting. the issue, as you know, happened to be lack of success in convincing israel to comply with its obligations under the road map including importantly the area of settlement expansion. but that's not really the only obligation israel has on the road map. the fact that it's been failure in securing that kind of commitment or implementation thereof should not mean that there are not other issues that
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cannot be pursued which would give strength and more meaning to the effort of the palestinian authority is getting ready for statehood. >> larry: prime minister barak -- excuse me, prime minister barak, what obligation, in your opinion, do the palestinians have? what do you want from them? >> we expect them to stop ending actions against israel and international forums. israel vis-a-vis the palestinians we are the stronger side party, so to speak, and we have to make the concessions, but israel is basically within the stretch of muslim countries all around and some of them even considering actively wiping us from map and history. so we have to be secure and we take it seriously. we expect the palestinians to act more, in a more kind of friendly or neighborly manner in many issues. i should tell you honestly that prime minister fayyad made a great job in building his bottom-up for the palestinians, and it is extremely helpful what
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he accomplished under the directives of president abbas. but still there is a way to go. and i propose that you will not spiral into a blaming -- or blame game where we have not accomplished, that will stretch forever. we have to come seriously to enter the room and start negotiating issue by issue. >> larry: there is a key thing here, prime minister fayyad, and let me ask directly. do you trust prime minister barak? >> in the spirit of looking forward -- >> larry: yeah. >> -- let me agree with what you just said. instead of looking backward, let's look forward. the progress that we've been
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able to make in the area of security, having succeeded in turns things around remarkably. now, why can't we see this effort validated politically by the government of israel and with it stopping its military raids into areas under palestinian authority control? this is not looking backward, this is looking forward. this would impart a great deal of credibility to the state building that mr. barak just referred to and make it look like an exercise, as part of an effort that would lead to ending israeli occupation and will make this whole effort begin to look like a state in the making, which is important not only to us palestinians but also to our israeli neighbors. >> larry: and mr. barak, do you trust salam fayyad? >> i fully trust him. i don't want to praise him too much because it might help him back home. but i think that he's extremely sincere. i think that abu mozzam is
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sincere. i spent a great deal of time negotiating with his predecessor and found that he didn't want to end a '67, the occupation but '47, the very emergence of a jewish democratic state in the region. i think now that it changed dramatically for the positive, now other players are competing with each other whose peace plan will be adopted by the rest of the world as a reference and israel is much riper. when i came back from camp david, some of my harshest critics are now well in the mainstre mainstream. and i believe that many likkud is the same. i think that the situation is ripe. it is time for leadership, for
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decision, for going to not put dissent the settlement issue of 43 years. all settlements together do not even cover 2% of the area of the west bank. and we do not plan any establishment of new settlements or confiscating new land. so it's basically about sitting together, seriously looking in each other's eyes and understand that each side has to overcome political resistance from its own place. and i just want to mention that basically the palestinians does not control the gaza strip. we're trying to see what could be done about it. hamas is a major obstacle, but we cannot meddle into it. we have to leave the palestinians to solve it among themselves. >> larry: and we'll ask the gentlemen what the united states role is and should be. [ sneezes ] client's here. whoa! that achy cold needs alka-seltzer plus!
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>> larry: gentlemen, secretary clinton warned that ending this conflict once and for all, achieving a comprehensive regional peace, is imperative, imperative. what role do you see the united states playing? and do you trust the united states? ambassador -- prime minister fayyad? >> we do. as a matter of fact, our position is in order for the process to move forward in a credible way and in a way that begins to project promise of success, the united states must definitely be involved and intimately involved in running the show and as necessary to come up with proposals. you have what mr. barak has said about the land mass that is occupied by settlements. 2% of the west bank. now, in previous discussions in
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terms of what might be involved in a final settlement, this was an issue of contention. for example, as how much of the land mass should be talked about by way of swaps. the last round of discussion what was on the table was something like 6% of the land mass of the west bank. there's a big difference between the two. this is the way in which issues should be negotiated and discussed and quickly. what should not happen, though, is for the timeline that was adopted up until this point is the timeline has got to be maintained. i don't think that we should start over in the sense of planning for another two years or starting it today. i think that we should maintain the original timeline of finding an end to this conflict. in the course of this coming
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year, i think it's imminently doable. >> larry: mr. barak, what do you think of the united states' role? how much do you trust this country? >> i think that the united states basically the only player that can enter the room and be respected or trusted by both sides to help them to come to terms together. we think that all settlement blocks together should cover for security and about 10% or 12%. the palestinians think it's 2%. some number should be found in the middle and some way should be found that they have a contiguous area in the west bank and the connection for the -- to the gaza strip once the regime there is changed. and so on. and i think that on all issues,
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including the refugee and jerusalem conflict, we will have the united states but we have the supreme responsibility. i don't believe that we are doing the palestinians a favor by going to an agreement. it's their right, it's our right. it has to do with our own identity and future and security and it's not a zero sum game. and the americans can provide both the encouragement for both sides to continue as well as the glue in some organizing support for palestinian refugees in the world wherever they are settled, organizing the support, financial support that probably the palestinian state will needed. and giving the answers together with us and with the region to the security needs of israel. >> larry: i'm going to take a break and ask the gentlemen when we come back, to predict where all of this is going and find out if they see a light at the end of the tunnel. back to more pills. and when he's finally home... but hang on; just two aleve can keep arthritis pain away all day
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>> larry: prime minister fayyad, honestly, do you see 2011 as a pivotal year? do you see a light at the end of the tunnel? >> i do. there has to be the case. as i said and as mr. barak had said before, the issues were discussed extensively before. there's no reason why the issue cannot or the conflict cannot be conflict resolution cannot be achieved with an agreement first in the course of this coming year. as far as we are concerned, we set out to get ready for statehood and to complete the task of getting ready for statehood in two years beginning in august of last year. we are more than halfway through the implementation of that
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program and we are getting ready for state come 2011. the question is will the political process have delivered an end to israeli occupation by then. i believe it can. where we are today, yes, there's a great deal of disappointment that the past year and a half have not produced the right conditions to get the process started in the right way. nevertheless, i do not believe it's too late. it could happen. if the issues are addressed in a serious way. and a direct way. >> larry: prime minister barak, how optimistic are you? or are you optimistic? >> you know, they say that a pessimist is an optimist with experience. but i don't think that way. i think that more than anything
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else it's our supreme responsibility as leaders to make whatever we can that this year will be the year when -- where a solution is achieved. i'm committed to put all my weight on it. and i believe that our people are committed, and i think that it could be done. and the alternative is much worse. either balkan situation or belfast situation or just total chaos. anything that could be achieved through agreement between two mature governments, responsible governments is much better than leave it to no one knows where it should end. >> larry: so can we say that both of you are in a mood to get this done in 2011? are you saying, prime minister fayyad, it will happen? >> you know, that's really that we have made when we launched this program in august 2009. we thought that two years then would be enough for us to get
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ready for statehood. by way of having strong institutions of the state. we also thought that we enlisted for the political process to have delivered an end to israeli occupation which is required for us to have a state of palestine. >> larry: mr. barak, will it happen? >> i don't know. i do not pretend to be a prophet. but i hope it will happen. i believe it will happen. i think we have to invest in a lot of work that is still to be done both in the bottom-up activities that prime minister fayyad is leading and on the political to bring it together. i think that it could happen. i hope it will happen. unfortunately, you know, fayyad
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is not the president of the palestinian authority, i am not the prime minister. we have work to do within our own domestic politics as well. >> larry: thank you very much. thank you very much. when we come back, two prominent businessmen not in the government but very involved in the topic will join us. [ male announcer ] if you've had a heart attack caused by a completely blocked artery, another heart attack could be lurking, waiting to strike. a heart attack that's caused by a clot, one that could be fatal. but plavix helps save lives. plavix, taken with other heart medicines, goes beyond what other heart medicines do alone, to provide greater protection against heart attack or stroke and even death by helping to keep blood platelets from sticking together and forming dangerous clots.
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>> larry: two distinguished world gentlemen are going to join us now. haim saban, businessman, philanthropist and chairman of the saban forum all on which this program is based tonight. and hani masri, also a businessman and philanthropist and founder and president of tomorrow's youth organizations. haim saban's background is israeli, hani's is palestinian. both have heard the show with the former prime ministers of israel and england and the current prime minister of the palestinian authority. from what you've heard, haim saban, they want peace, you want peace, the other side wants peace. is it going to happen? >> it has to happen. there is no two ways around that issue.
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if you look at the little sliver of land between the mediterranean and the jordan river, you will find a lot of jewish archaeology. with that said, there are 2 1/2 million people of palestinian descent that live on that land. therefore, the only way going forward is two states for two people. there is no other opportunity, solution of any kind neither for the palestinians nor for the israelis. so -- i was just going to say that when something has to happen, eventually it happens. >> larry: since everybody wants it, hani masri, why didn't it happen yesterday? >> that's a good question, larry.
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we have been into this process for 15 years. and nothing has happened so far. and i think most the majority of the palestinians and israelis want a two-state solution. but it is frustrating. the process is very frustrating. that is why i have in the last few years paid attention to children and women in palestine, and we started the program of helping children and women by establishing tyo. but i hope that something will happen eventually. but the process is very difficult and very frustrating, but there is no other way except that we do a peace agreement somehow. >> larry: haim saban, you live in america. what role should the united states be playing? are you satisfied with the role that the united states is playing with the speech made by secretary clinton the other day at your forum?
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>> i am -- yes, secretary clinton opened the saban forum in washington on friday. and she made a very compelling speech, and i really agree with i would say 99.9% of her thoughts as she put them forth. you asked hani a minute ago, why isn't peace happening. it's a very complicated area, loaded with emotions, and at the moment, the leaders on both sides are very well intended, but at the same time, they need some more encouragement. what we're hoping is the united states will supply that encouragement and basically the safety net that both the israelis and the palestinians need because there are
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significant risks involved for both sides. so the united states absolutely can play a very significant role, and i believe that this has ever intent to do so. >> larry: hai, do you have faith in the american commitment in this? >> i do, but this is a very difficult situation to answer. in the last 15 years, different administrations have dealt with this issue. nothing have happened. in the meantime, we have 60% of the palestinians today under the age of 16. there are social and cultural problems. there are issues to deal with the occupation and the right of freedom for people. and we must move while they're noerktding. we must move on helping children, helping the economy of the palestinians. it's a very difficult situation.
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moving on helping woman, empowering them to take a role in society. that is why a few weeks ago i have done this program chaired by quincy jones and we honored president clinton and tony blair. that is to bring our wareness to the main issues. while the politicians are talking we're going to do programs on the ground and expand the programs in terms of helping women and children in that whole reason. as an american, i say it's my duty. i can't help in the political process. that's not my job. we are there to be supportive of both leadership. both sides want to be in agreement. but at the same time, we have to move on and do something on the ground. and americans are always are givers, and as an american, i
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want to give something of my life to the people of that area. >> larry: and we have two outstanding americans in our closing moments. what role buzz haim saban see the businessmen playing? ♪ [ ted ] for years, i was just a brewer. until one of the guys brought in some fresh bread that he'd made from our pale ale. and from that first bite, i knew my business would never be the same. [ male announcer ] when businesses see an opportunity to grow, the hartford is there. protecting their property and helping them plan their employees' retirement.
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>> larry: haim saban, you put on the forum every year this, motor noteworthy forum. you certainly have contributed to this cause, as have you, mr. masri. the other thing that the businessmen, prominent citizens of israel and palestine can do, haim saban first. >> well, first of all, i do have to commend my good friend hani masri for the work he is doing on the ground. it is holy work, and it is very important work and i think it's absolutely wonderful that he's putting his money where his mouth is and his time and, you know, basically bringing onboard such highly placed individual as president clinton and cherie
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blair and others to support what he's doing and give it exposure. i believe that on the business side which is not an area that we have focused on. there are people that are doing a lot of things, and my wife and i have been thinking about going to the palestinian and israeli youth through the media, and it is our intent to engage with prescription fayyad and his team and exploring the production of documentaries and films that will promote reconciliation between the two sides, that we promote understanding, that we promote tolerance which i believe frankly is missing right now in the overall rhetoric of this issue, so it is absolutely
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possible for individuals such as hani masri, and, again, i commend him for it and myself and hopefully many others to join in doing some bottom-up work because the top-to-bottom work we can only influence to a certain extend by having the saban forum, having the saban center, issuing ideas, but it can go only this far. on the other hand, as i said, educating the people for the tolerance and the acceptance of each other is something that we can do very impactfully. >> larry: may i say, haim, that anything can i do in this area help with your documentaries in any way, i publicly announce tonight, i offer my services. to you, too, mr. masri, anything you can do. do you think the businessman can be more involved? >> yes, of course, and here is the biggest example, and we are very close friends for many years. we both worked very hard. the ultimate objective is the
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same, and we both work very hard to see that this is peace achieved in that area, and haim's center have served the community of the middle east very well in washington and in other places, and i -- and his work is incredible, and you can do a lot, larry. first of all, we will miss your show. it is a show that i have always watched, and i've known you for all these years. it is the best show and cnn will miss it, and you -- >> larry: i'll be around. >> you have done a lot of things. >> larry: -- and offer my services tonight to help in any way can i with you two great gentlemen, if anything in my small way i can do, i put my offer on the plate. >> help the children and women of the middle east. they all need help. we are -- in america we need to zoom in in our freedom and charities and so forth and not zoom all the military in. we need to zoom in preseg


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