tv Larry King Live CNN January 1, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EST
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>> i heard -- woo. then it all started to fall on us. it all started to fall on us. and we were l on fire. >> larry: it went through me. i felt that was my town. we've had a lot of fun putting this incredible week together. thanks for watching tonight. and during the past 25 years. thanks again. -- captions by vitac -- >> this is the opportunity we've been waiting for. >> from the witch's brew of politics to the rolling boil of the economy. >> unemployment rate is still unacceptably high. >> from the hot pepper of pop cultural to the sometimes
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exhilarating, sometimes hard to swallow main course of news. >> we're doing everything we can to stop the damn leak. >> everything came crashing down. here to help pick up the pieces in our cnn diner, we have our own anderson cooper, the nfl network's rich eisen, trutv's sunny ho stin. our super twitter tweert jack gray all part of "ac 360's" all the best, all the worst of 2010. welcome i'm tom foreman. this was once again a tough year all around. seemed like anything well done was rare. sure we found some sweetness mixed with the sour, a taste of good alongside the bad but mostly week after week the menu gave us the same thing over and
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over, more problems. >> it's time for a nerd. >> we kick off with the worst, biggest, baddest political story of the year the midterm elections, where candidates of all stripes roasted each other. >> want to know just how out of touch harry reid is? >> barack obama is the worst president in history. >> it was a strange year, i think. >> this is a hard year. >> 2010 is a year to forget. >> we don't like anybody. there's so much polarization. >> i thought the election what kind of a freak show. >> our country is fading. >> the attacks were relentless from demon sheep. to the call girl call-out. >> the true case of the senator and the madam. >> to open gunplay. >> the ads were phenom neal entertaining but, also, really, really nasty. people say they hate nasty,
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negative campaigns but, you know what, it works. >> submit to me. >> not always. >> submit to me. >> worst of a bad lot. democrat allen grayson's taliban dance spot in florida. >> hands off our bodies. >> that was despicable. i don't know what he was thinking. >> best last laugh, the target of that spot, republican dan webster took grayson's congressional seat in a landslide. best out of the frying pan into the fire, house speaker nancy pelosi who took more heat than anyone else in the negative ad onslaught. >> the people in her district that know her the best actually really like her. the people outside of her district, the rest of america are wondering whether or not she has the ability to blink. >> she seems as disconnected to me as obama but in a less likable way.
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>> we'll have more on the president in a bit but first -- best case of making the major parties blink. like it or hate it, the rise of the tea party. >> i still don't understand where they came from. is it they've just been so successful. >> i think that means we're winning. >> it's shocking to any. >> they did not grab as many congressional seats a they would have liked, but they did grab the washington establishment by the collar. >> the tea party exists because of partisan politics. >> and the tea party gave the partisans a hard shake. >> all people do is [ bleep ] about how people don't vote and there's apathy and blah, blah, blah. now you've got these people out there and half the country is going, ooh, freaky. i think these guys have been great for the system. >> i don't agree with the ideology, but citizen activism
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is good. >> i think there's a lot of inflammatory and potentially dangerous rhetoric we saw. >> you cannot deny that the tea party had a major impact on politics in the united states and in the national discussion about politics in the united states in 2010. >> i think there are a lot of folks out there in the tea party who really do believe in smaller government and lower taxes. >> whether they have any staying power, i'm not sure. >> i'm not a witch. >> worst use of magical powers. delaware senate candidate christine o'donnell made the republican favorite disappear in a primary puff of tea party steam. >> the people of delaware have spoken. >> but then banished herself, tramg far behind democrat chris coons who won the election. >> she's a lunatic. so she's not senator. this is all good. >> what i believe is irrelevant. >> best pounding of the pundits. sarah palin. >> love her or hate her, she's
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definitely entertaining. >> the hockey mom gone rogue proved all her predictions of her political demise dead wrong, serving in prominence in republican and tea party circles, giving us a new book, a new word of the year, refute ate, and even a few reality show. >> i think sarah palin would say she's not doing a reality show. she's showing you the peaks and valleys and the indigenous life of alaska. by that i mean her husband i think. >> i think she is a brilliant politician. i think she has an insight for the zeitgeist and for what people want to hear. i don't see her as a political figure. >> worst substitute for a teleprompter. palin scribbled crib notes on her hand.
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palin laughed off the critics as she often does. >> it infuriates those who don't like sarah palin. but those who really, really like her, they find it charming and great. >> we real lit can't be dismissive of sarah palin. i think we'll see her again and again and again. and you betcha we're going to see her in 2012. >> who is going do beat her? mike huckabee? come on. they're going to out-jesus each other? >> biggest winners. the republicans with a massive sweep of seats to take control of the house. hey, don't cry about it. you won. >> in terms of momentary electoral success, they had a knockout punch for november of 2010 and now we're going to have to see how it plays outgoing forward. >> biggest loser, bipartisanship. voters still want it. the parties, not so much. >> they didn't even run on pretending that they would work
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together. >> the sentimentment around the failure of our two-party system is well-founded i think. >> best tongue in cheek, jon stewart and stephen colbert's rally to restore sanity and/or fear. best never-say-die spirit. the write-in candidacy of senator lisa murkowski. >> every year you have to wonder which state will count deep into november. alaska, you're it this year. congratulations. >> best nonpolitical political story, chelsea clinton's wedding to whoever that guy is. best double play t. two president bushes throwing a pitch at the world series. worst lack of diversity, elena kagan was confirmed. that means the entire supreme
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court attended yale or harvord law school. >> they all belong to the same club. >> worst photo op. congressman charlie rangel doing the two-step at his birthday bash while ethics investigators were cueing up the "we caught you" waltz. adding his name to the list of d.c. players who wound up on the wrong side of the moral compass. >> as my mother would say, this is trashy and enough of this. >> pop culture rolled out plenty of the best and worst, some trashy, some silly, some sultry, all approved for minors. it's all coming up along with the best tech, the worst celebrity and a double rainbow. >> oh, my god, it's full on. >> all the best, all the worst, 2010. i can get a cc for just my signature? that's right, right now you can take home a volkswagen for just your signature. like the cc, or the tiguan. huh. yeah, plus every vw includes scheduled carefree maintenance.
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the world of big news gave us the best new real reality show of the year, the nearly two-month saga of the trapped chilean miners. >> i love that story. who knew the chilean miners were so hot? >> it was hands down the best story of the year. >> somebody compared to it the moonwalk. it really was kind of like that. >> their journey to and from the underworld was riveting, their story inspiring, their return to the land of the living full of happy endings even hollywood can't top. >> i was utterly shocked that everything worked out. by the way, they had a live feed by a fiberoptic cable down in the mine. >> i was stunned. chile, go chile. >> then they come out alive, and
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only to be greeted by wives and mistresses. >> some of them probably wanted to go back in the ground once their wives got ahold of them. i'm so happy that you're alive. but now i have to meet your gumar? what the heck. >> edison pena came out to run the new york city marathon. >> as if he hadn't overcome enough human struggles and demonstrated the power of the human spirit enough by surviving all those weeks underground, i thought that was a really beautiful thing. worst winter weather. the blizzards that had folks in the washington, d.c. area running for cover faster than a sex scandal. 40 inches of snow. no flights, no open roads, no power for hundreds of thousands. good times.
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>> the snowstorm was insane. >> the newspapers had a really fun time trying to name the blizzard, snow pocalypse. >> no magedone. >> i've never lived in a place that had that much snow before. that was a new experience for me because i'm a southern girl. >> really? i have absolutely no memory of any snow this year whatsoever. >> no wonder. he was in haiti for the worst big story of the year. the earthquake that left nearly a quarter million people dead, a million homeless and countless sorrows. >> every reporter i know who was down there and every cameraman and producer who spent time in iraq and afghanistan, we all agree haiti is the worst thing any of us have ever seen. >> haiti, earthquakes, cholera, mudslides, it made the book of revelations look like "good night moon." >> haiti had so many challenges before the earthquake hit. >> worst follow-up, the snail's pace of relief that came in
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despite worldwide promises of quick and steady aid. >> not just a bad news story. it's a bad policy story on top of a bad news story. >> there has to be a better way to provide longer-term aid to places like haiti. >> worst domestic story. give it to the gulf. the explosion that took 11 lives and produced the oil spill that just kept on spilling. >> the gulf oil spill was quite possibly one of the most depressing events certainly of my lifetime. watching this oil on a live feed gush and gush and gush. >> and nothing was working. it was gushing and gushing and gushing. it was shocking that we couldn't plug a hole. >> the gulf oil spill was one of those reminders that decisions have consequences. >> i don't think people who weren't there not on the ground really realized how it was the
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keystone cops bumbling around down there on the coastline. >> clearly we should have called chile in. we just didn't realize it. >> worst math. bp's original estimate that only 1,000 barrels a day were going into the water. >> meanwhile you have independent scientist whose look at it for a few hours and say there's 70,000 barrels of oil pouring into that thing. >> sort of like the iran hostage situation, we couldn't do anything about it. it made us feel impotent. it made us feel captive. >> of course, you have this big rich company still doing extremely well. ceos who appear not to kind of get what's going on. the government fails to respond. >> worst initial response, the official one from bp and the white house, too. >> and today that we've been involved from day one, what was the involvement? >> it was sort of the perfect, here is what's wrong with everything these days. it kind of leaves you exhausted. >> finally it's capped.
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who is talking at it anymore? as if there's no problem economically, ecologically, environmentally in that area? >> best news for our troops. the end of combat operations in iraq. worst news, afghanistan rumbles on with no clear end in sight. >> i worry that the country is not fully aware of how important it is and how much is at stake in afghanistan. >> worst community relations, the war over the proposed muslim center and mosque near ground zero. >> the questions about what it means to be american and what is american. >> i think it showed so many people in the world at large that we're intolerant. and is that the message that -- do we want people to think that americans are intolerant? >> worst interloper, the florida pastor who tossed gasoline onto the barbecue by threatening to burn the koran. >> i thought it was reprehensible and disgusting.
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no one should be allowed on television with that mustache and mutten chops. he should have been voted off the island. >> best security, tsa's stepped up scans and pat-downs at airports. worst invasion of your personal space. >> if you touch my junk, i'm going to have you arrested. >> here is the thing. traveling is not what it used to be. traveling sucks. i travel all the time and still can't get it right. >> worst really little problem for a really big city, new york's bedbug infestation. >> i dressed as a bedbug for halloween. >> tom, i didn't meet one i'm happy to report. >> there are some scientists who believe ants and bedbugs will rule the world. who knows. >> coming up, the best and worst sports of the year. including the best trick play of the year.
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hide your kids, hide your wives. >> we're looking for you. we're going to find you. >> the kitchen is just heating up. attention medicare and insurance beneficiaries. do health issues limit your mobility? is it difficult to get to the bathroom on your own? do you feel like a bother to others due to your lack of mobility? have you fallen in the past 12 months? if you answered yes to any of these questions, you may qualify for a new power chair at little to
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harry potter and his pals lit up the movie theaters once again. part one of "the deathly hallows" was one of the biggest blockbusters this year. another out-of-this-world adventure made the color of money turn blue. best money maker, "avatar" was released late in 2009, but this year reigned supreme as the biggest box office winner ever. >> repetition, repetition. >> becoming the first film to gross more than $2 billion. >> before seeing the movie "avatar" i was an atheist. after seeing it with my wife we actually went home and connected our tails together. >> i don't want to see blue
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people running around. >> to me it was "dances with wolves" in a different galaxy. >> nadi. >> nadi. >> other big openings, "toy story 3," "ironman 2," "alice in wonderland." >> i'm in love with you and i want you to pick me instead of him. >> and "eclipse." >> i liked "inception." >> worst disappointment. >> why don't you start calling me gordon. >> "wall street money never sleeps." >> ready for the grand finale? >> "easy a." >> smart, funny. >> i'm talking about taking the entire social experience of college and putting it online.
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>> best thing on screen about people online. >> i love "the social network." i thought it was fantastic. >> your best friend is suing you for $600 million. >> i don't know how accurate it was about the founding of facebook. i thought it was a fascinating story. >> all i know about facebook is that mark zuckerberg is laughing all the way to the bank. >> best alternative to wasting your time online, wasting it on the sofa. >> i'm a tv junkie. i love "the good wife." i love "dexter." that show is brilliant. >> i'm a sapp for "glee." >> glee club is fun. >> i'm surprised eliot watches that. >> my favorite tv show is "modern family." >> "breaking bad" is my favorite television show. that is just genius. >> i still like "law & order."
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>> best show to air while you were sleeping? comedy central's tosh point 0. >> i think it's really funny. the web videos are amazing. >> hello. party is here. >> worst commentary on our culture. the raging success of "jersey shore." >> i watched it. i liked it and i hated it at the same time. >> i do fear that americans would vote for this snooki for congress at this point. i'm concerned. >> i want us all to have a good time without no drama. >> i went to high school with all those people. >> my friends were proud to call
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themselves guidos and guidettes. >> go to a party. >> pumping like champs. >> pump their fists in the air, make out with multiple people, throw up. >> i do not want to watch the es ka paeds of trashy folks on national television. >> it's fun to watch. we all have a little trash inside of us. let's admit it. ♪ >> on to music. ♪ i whip my hair back and forth." >> the best reason to buy a neck brace, willow smith's "whip my hair." >> i worry about people's health. you should do it with care. >> i'm not listening to a lot of music right now. >> i have no idea what i'm listening to. isn't that terrible? >> i will say that i downloaded eminem. i thought he was really good. >> if you listen to his lyrics, he has a lot to say. >> worst wardrobe malfunction, lady gaga who reached for a dress and grabbed an entree.
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>> meat dress? that's lady gaga. >> it was kind of revolting, wasn't it? that was just awful. >> it was a medium rare dress which is the way i like them. >> she gets on every magazine cover in america. if i put on a meat suit, i'd be lucky to get attacked by my neighbor's dog. >> as long as the meat dress doesn't touch me and no one around her got salmonella, we'll be all right. >> what a smart chick. hats off to her. >> hats off, too, for the best song of the year in terms of shear popularity. ♪ california girls we're unforgettable." >> "california girls." >> i have to admit. i know it's bubble gum, but i love that katie perry. >> then she came up with the worst way to tickle elmo. >> are you ready to play dressup? >> her steamy visit to "sesame
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street" was dropped after parents saw too much of her muffin. >> who gets bounced off "sesame street?" wow ♪ >> i'm the father of two little girls. i have to watch thousands of hours of "sesame street." i'm entitled to a little cleavage shot that doesn't involve ms. piggy. >> i was hoping the see the katie perry segment over and over again. >> best group you did not listen to this year but should have, the new pornographers. >> morons, incompetent morons ♪ >> best comeback? >> we love comeback stories in america. the best one of the year was conan o'brien. >> the kicked around conan returned to late night and beat
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both letterman and leno in the initial ratings. >> wish him the best and he deserves it because he's a very creative guy. >> he really got the short end of the stick and has come out on top. >> been a letterman fan forever. oh, conan works for tbs now. that's part of our company? i'm team conan. >> best never went away. >> 2010 was the year of betty white. >> i've been the caretaker of this house for 50 years, but you can kick me out. >> betty white, i have two years to say to you, never die. >> i'm not saying we're engaged, i'm just saying we're registered at macy's. >> just a great, what i would call a great broad. are we not allowed to say that anymore? >> we had no shortage of celebrities behaving badly. lindsay lohan, paris hilton.
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>> hey, i get it. you're bored, lonely, can't afford a hooker. keep it in your room. >> charlie sheen gets my vote for the worst acting celebrity. >> give the best worst actor award to mel gibson for his supposed rants. >> if that really is mel gibson on those tapes, that's pretty bad. >> i personally can no longer watch "brave heart" and enjoy it. >> best romance, the engagement of prince william and kate middleton, setting the stage for a spectacular royal wetting next spring. >> coming up, is that a cell phone in your pocket or are you bret favre? the worst thing in washington besides congress and the best speech ever anywhere. >> drastic times require drastic measures!
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the griddle as the heat went up his approval ratings went down. just as the majority of voters once seemed to think he could do no wrong, this year some acted as if he could do no right. it was enough to make even the presidential seal come unglued. >> we cannot sustain -- oops. was that my -- oh, goodness. >> the president seal falling off the podium. yeah, i don't know. maybe we spent money on other stuff and can't afford glue anymore. >> he hasn't convinced anybody that he's moved us or knows how to move us in a direction that is appropriate. >> unable to satisfy his own constituents from the left and certainly unable to find common ground with those on the right. >> i'd say president obama had a bad season.
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>> bad year for barack obama. are you kidding me? terrible year for barack obama. hands down, the worst problem, the economy. and the worst number, unemployment, stubbornly holding at nearly 10%. >> that's a really, really high figure. >> people without jobs don't give a rats [ bleep ] about jobs reports. >> when we say we added 50,000, 100,000 this month or last month, we or not even close to beginning the process of getting the economy back where it has to be. >> if you're without a job, that's not helping you. you need to see real relief. >> we're lacking imagination here as far as what we actually do productively, economically in this country. >> until people really see improvement in their own lives or their neighbors' lives, i think it's going to be hard for people to believe. >> everybody, no matter what level you're at, i think is dialing back expectations for themselves, for their kids. that's horrifying. the fact is it did get better, a
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little better this year. and some could argue that it didn't get worse. but if you'd like to know how tough it is, take a trip to sun many nish gan. >> that's not the worst place to post your resume. which state had the highest unemployment? >> i'm going to say florida. >> i'll go california. >> worst unemployment rate of any state in the country? i think is nevada. >> correct. gambling on their future with a jobless rate over 14%, and the state with the best employment picture? >> i'll go nebraska. >> it might actually be louisiana. >> eliot? >> i think it is north dakota. >> correct, with unemployment under 4%. >> eliot spitzer, fantastic. god bless him. >> i don't know what they do in north dakota. >> they recent south dakota. >> the reason why north dakota had such low employment is they only have five people that live in the state. and they're all there to maintain mt. rushmore. or is that south dakota? unemployment problems coast to coast created a terrible
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environment for the president. so did the mortgage crisis, the soaring deficit. >> a tough job, the worst job in the world. >> look, this is the first term for him. any person going into that position i don't think could have done much better. >> americans, we're not a patient bunch. worst moment? that cnbc town hall meeting when he was confronted by a voter. >> i'm exhausted. i'm exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change i voted for. i'm waiting. i'm waiting. i don't feel it. >> she later lost her job. >> what could any of us say if he were in his shoes at that moment. >> obama i think was shocked. you could tell he was taken completely by surprise. >> even the people that like this guy, they're having to work on it. i don't want to sound like i think obama is a bad guy because i don't. i just -- i'm just puzzled increasingly by him and his style of governing. >> i think he came in on this
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change, yes, we can, yes, we can, yes, we can. and now it looks like no, we can't. >> the news was certainly not all bad for the president. >> easy to forget health care legislation, record setting financial reform from an historic presidential perspective. he's got to be pretty happy with those results. >> for the first time in six years, ford, gm and chrysler are all operating at a profit. >> the bulls pushed the markets up. >> if you really want to make a lot of money, you have to come to new york and work on wall street because their salaries are the highest they've ever been. >> the supporters will say there are things he accomplished. but obviously as he, himself, said, he took a shellacking in
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the midterm elections. >> what do we want him to do? lose his cool, pull his hair out, scream and shout and kick? not very presidential. >> this time he had problems with not just conservatives, but liberals. best or worst political schizophrenia depending on how you look at it, the independent voters who pushed barack obama into office and this year pushed away from him just as hard. >> i think we saw a lot of independents frankly switch from 2008 to 2010. >> independent voters are saying we will vote for those who produce. show us the money. show us the goods. show us the jobs. >> absolutely. i think that more people now identify themselves as independents than either republican or democrat. >> when you would say -- let's say even ten years ago, i'm an independent, people sort of looked at you with some contempt. now if you say at a party, a cocktail party, i'm independent, you're interesting. >> it's the new cool. >> and the new cool left the president in the cold. in a moment, the worst case of getting overheated about politics. good plays and bad sports and the bed intruder guy.
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>> you're so dumb! >> stay smart. stay tuned. all the best, all the worst will be right back. so, during sign then drive i can get a cc for just my signature? that's right, right now you can take home a volkswagen for just your signature. like the cc, or the tiguan. huh. yeah, plus every vw includes scheduled carefree maintenance. really? that's great. there you go. oh, that guy's pretty good too. yeah, he's ok. [ male announcer ] it's amazing what you can do with a pen. sign then drive is back.
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for a limited time get any 2011 volkswagen for practically just your signature. or 100 pringles. both cost the same, but only the pringles superstack can makes everything pop! ♪ ♪ whoa-oh-oh-oh ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ hey, hey [ male announcer ] the choice is yours... 100 of these or 100 pringles. same cost but a lot more fun. everything pops with the pringles superstack can! ♪
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this was a huge year for sports, big games, big deals, lots of big chances for all the best and all the worst. best underdog coming out on top, the new orleans saints from a city still staggering back from katrina making it to the super bowl for the first time in team history and winning. who dat? we dat. >> the new orleans saints win was the feel-good story of the year. >> when they won, you could hear the shouts from every single house. it was astonishing. >> that was amazing. for new orleans, it was an incredible moment. >> i'm not a huge football fan, but i wanted to see new orleans have this win. >> i think it could be one of
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the top moments in sports history for what the championship meant to this one particular town. >> best athlete role model of the year, because he signed with the saints in the wake of katrina and stayed, joining his teammates in countless projects to help the city rebuild, quarterback drew brees. >> drew brees is a god among men. >> the moment that really touched my heart is when drew brees is holding his little son. >> amazing. still gives me goose bumps to think about it. ben roethlisberger and bret favre both caught up in accusation of improper sexual conduct, denied by both. >> as far as bret favre, didn't he retire already? >> i don't care. if he wants to sent pictures of his genitals to somebody, that's his business. >> i won't believe it. how about that. woint believe it. >> the lakers took the trophy and lebron james took the award for worst overhyped move,
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dissing new york in the process. >> good riddance to lebron. >> it was a terrible year for lebron. he's rich beyond his wildest dreams now. >> in hockey, the blackhawks house ted the cup. in baseball, san francisco brought the world series home. in canada, the winter olympics drew 2500 athletes from 82 nations, best setup for a snowball fight if there were snow. >> i love the winter olympics. but it's so much better if they have winter. >> the dance tribute to the whales of the northwest territory was a bit much for me. >> united states won the most medals overall. canada, the most gold. >> i would trade everything i've succeeded or think i'm succeeding in life to be able to do the olympic downhill and finish it. this is amazing stuff.
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>> i don't follow sports. i can't even pretend. i could say, yeah, yeah, did you see the game? but i don't really know what "the game" is. >> worst interference. the vuvuzela horns at the world cup. >> i was on board and then the zzzzz. >> those things need to be balled up together in one big plastic ball and shot into space never to be heard from again. >> worst fare weather fans, us. we followed every kick right up until our team was booted. >> americans love, love, love soccer for seven minutes every four years. >> i didn't get the soccer buzz. >> since when has soccer been such a big deal? >> for the record, the trophy went to spain. >> worst horsing around, the jockey fight after a rough and tumble breeders cup race. best horse race, zin yad da, retiring as the money winningest
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mary of all time. best endless love. at wimbledon, two players, 183 games, 11 hours. >> the longest tennis match in history. i sat there drinking my beer and eating chips thinking wow, those guys are in great shape. >> not great tennis. it was a great feat. >> best sneak play, driscoll quarterback jay sore garza took the ball, paced off a nonexistent penalty and took off in the championship game for corpus christi, texas. there was so much beyond the world of sports that just had to be seen, new internet sensations, folks grabbing their 15 minutes of fame and, of course, the best new technology of the year. the ipad is changing the way that we smear glass. >> it's just fantastic. >> the apps, i'm app crazy.
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>> being able to say that makes you sound up and with it. >> i have it. i turned it on once. it looked cute. >> i love the way the ipad looks and i would like to be the kind of person who would know how to use it for all sorts of things, but i'm not. >> worst and best social networking site. it's still facebook. >> this is the year i unfriended all my facebook friends. i think the unfriend button was probably my favorite piece of technology which i never tested before 2010. >> best challenger to last year's best tech, the iphone. google's android system. >> best online dance sensation, the douggie best student, wolf, learning it from doug himself. >> best internet crime fighter, antwaan dobson, a guy broke into his sister's room. he told the local news crew.
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>> i think it came from such a good place. he was outraged. love that guy. i love that guy. >> i think it's a beautiful story of empowerment. >> i actually incorporated that into one of my catch phrases on nfl network this year. i actually used hide your kids, hide your wife. >> i think he got auto tune. ♪ we gonna find you >> i want to be auto tune, benchmark, milestone. best moment of zen, double rainbow guy. >> double rainbow all the way across the sky. best music video period, keenan cahill and 50 sent. best video to keep your mom from getting a tattoo. >> ow! phil davidson running for office in stark county, ohio.
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>> it's too much. >> worst misread, the host on australia's top model announcing the wrong winner. >> i couldn't keep my eyes off of it. best attempt to talk to the animals gone completely wrong, anderson's visit with the apes where he dressed up in a bunny suit. >> the easiest answer is i was wearing a bunny suit because an ape told me to. that doesn't clarify it, does it. >> we thought charlie sheen had issues. we have one last treat heading your way. all of our wishes for the next year's best and worst. stay put.
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>> take a moment to reflect, to stop and actually listen to someone else. you may find they're saying something quite different. >> sit down and read, read to your kids, read to yourself, read to a homeless person, just read. >> my wish for america is just that it continues to move forward, it continues to innovate, it continues to be this shining beacon on the hill. >> stop the hate, stop the bullying and just give peace a chance. >> my wish for america for the coming year is more prosperity and kindness. >> it's going to sound trite, but let's create some jobs for the folks really desperate for jobs. >> i would wish for more jobs, more people to get jobs. we need them desperately. >> i wish for jobs. >> my wish for america is like it is every year, goo health and safety. >> i just want us to feel like there's some hope.
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