tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 1, 2011 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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cared, i started wanting to take care of myself. >> i le these wome no matter what. you're doing a great job. that starts to get taken inside. if i matter to somebody else, maybe i matter to myself. >> nominate a hero. at >> carol costello in the "cnn newsroom" starts right now. >> 9:00 a.m. on the east coast and 6:00 p.m. on the west. 216,000 jobs created last month and pushes down the unemployment rate to 8.8%. new information about that deadly outbreak of bacteria in several alabama hospitals. health officials say they have found the exact same strain on a water faucet at a birmingham pharmacy. nine died and ten got sick. past year, seen the fewest americans die in car accidents since the 1940s and even though
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we are driving more than in 2005, fatalities have dropped a whopping 25%. turn now to libya. moammar gadhafi troops beaten back the rebel advances and embattled leader is publicly, again, refusing to back down. behind the scenes, a remarkable story may be unfolding citing unnamed british government sources, the guardian newspaper reported that a senior adviser to one of gadhafi's sons is in london for secret talks. so how significant is this? former cia operative robert bayer says it could be really important. >> that's exactly what i would like to see is one of these kids defect and other members of the clan come out and then i'd really feel confident we're in days within seeing his departure. >> nic robertson is in tripoli. nic what do you think the aide to gadhafi's son is trying to accomplish in london? >> reporter: carol, i don't
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think that he is trying to negotiate the defection of one of moammar gadhafi sons. i don't see that as being in the cards at the moment. this aide to saif al islam gadhafi is playing a principal role in leading this country the past few years. he is a trusted loyal devoted member of of the leadership's right hand man, if you will. my understanding and i had a conversation with him a few days he said before he was leaving for london was this was really a family trip for him to london. it sounded odd to me. we discussed the possibility of the fact that he was there. he would be able to have talks, hold talks but, at no time, did he he tell me that is specifically what he was going to do. but i had somewhat of the impression that if he was going to london at this time, knowing who he was own what he does for the leadership here, that he could very well be involved in
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talks. but my estimation would be, and certainly from my understanding from him in the past, is that the leadership here still thinks that it can hold on, that saif islam believes he can provide some sort of a role going forward. in the future this is a country that may not necessarily have moammar gadhafi in its leadership but, at this time, there would be more likely, i think, talk about how compromise could be found, what role safe islam could play in that and what type of negotiations could happen with the rebels if it's at all possible. certainly, i'm still hearing from people here, there is still time for talk despite the heavy rhetoric we hear from both sides. carol? >> nic robertson reporting live in tripoli. moussa koussa would help in the libyan but fill in blanks of notorious act of terror.
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the 1988 bombing of pan am flight over lockerbie, scotland and tilled 270 people and many americans. merks, grab was convicted. some believe koussa was the master mind and head of a pan am victims group told cnn. >> i mean, he knows who ordered the bombing of that plane. he knows who made the bomb. who paid for the bomb. he knows how the bomb was transferred to malta. he also knows a great deal about the diplomatic arrangement when one bomber was released from prison in scotland last year. >> wasn't that the bomber who is still alive and kicking? >> zain verjee joins us from london. i know british officials are in a tough spot but where is koussa and where he is staying in the
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uk? >> reporter: we don't have a whole lot of information about that, carol. some reports say he is in some kind of a safehouse and being debriefed and interrogated. the key thing for officials right now is going to be to try and get as much information as they can from him about the situation on the ground in libya about moammar gadhafi, his state of mind, all of the operational and military issues. this is someone who would know about that information that is so critical. he is also someone who is considered by many people, carol, as the black box recorder of the regime. he has so much information. i mean, he was the external intelligence chief so he is going to know a lot of stuff about the lockerbie bombing, who planted the bomb, how it happened, how it was transferred. all of those details. if there is anyone to know, soussa will give interrogators a lot of information. sorry. >> the thing that people really want to know, these families really want to know is if
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moammar gadhafi ordered the bombing on board that plane. >> reporter: yeah. they do. they don't have the answers to that. one member of one family said, you know what? this is a really good day that he is in london and that he is being interrogated because this person said finally an opportunity to really get at the truth. there was someone else, carol, who said this is a guy who is libya's big bad wolf and i don't believe he said that he is suddenly gone vegetarian. the reality, carol, is that a lot of officials know that this is a bad guy. he has done a lot of bad things, but he has been the point person diplomatic and for many years for the west, for the united states and for britain, and he has reached out to them, he has given them a lot of crucial information about islamic terrorists, as well as getting rid of weapons of mass destruction. so they have a tight rope to walk and it is an opportunity. >> zain verjee, many things.
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we will talk more about the victims' parents and ask them what theyty about koussa's defection and what happens to him and maybe finally justice for their son. that is coming up at 9:30 eastern. day of prayer in the muslim world. in recent weeks we have watched it be a flashily day for protests. witnesses telling cnn witnesses have opened fire on protesters in damascus. more than 1 hundred killed in recent weeks. today's gathering despite the president saying he could lift the nation's emergency laws and outlaws any form of dissent. that state of emergency was enacted a half century ago and never lifted. yemen is another arab state reeling from weeks of protests. today, tens of thousands of people are filling the streets at the capitol and some rally in support of the government and others demanding the president resign immediately. the united states is worried that if the president steps down, yemen could become even
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more of a hot bed for terrorism. pro and anti-government groups are squaring off in jordan this morning. the government has deployed as many as a thousand police officers to keep them separated. last week, the groups clashed. more than a hundred people injured and one man died of a heart attack. protesters back in cairo after weeks of demonstrations in tahrir square toppled the president and brought the promise of reform. protesters say that those reforms are still not delivered. they are also oppose to do a proposed law in jipted that would make the protests illegal. here in the united states, let's talk about the unemployment rate because unemployment has hit a two-year low and the march jobs report actually looks good. according to the u.s. labor department, 216,000 jobs were created and the overall unemployment rate has fallen to 8.8%, that is the lowest level in two years. so what does it all mean?
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christine romans joins us from new york to tell us. hi, christine. >> reporter: hi there, carol. it means there is more evidence of an improvement in the labor market. a couple of different economists this morning one telling me these are encouraging numbers and another one saying this is meaningful improvement. what they are really closely watching, private sector jobs gains. how many times have you heard me talk about that? these are companies creating jobs. 230,000 jobs created from the private sector. that is the second best reading in five years. so you want to see that continue. carol, they added jobs in manufacturing, in retail, and health care. temporary work. but where you saw them lose jobs, it was the government jobs. why? budget cuts. we have been talking about that. so you've seen some of those jobs disappear. one other thing i want to bring in to you, if you continue to lower the unemployment rate the way we have been in recent months, economists say it will take maybe 3 and a half years to get to pre-recession levels.
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still a lot of work to do i want to be clear. we talked about the people who have been out of work for a long time. what does this report mean for you if you're a 99er. action on the front end and people recently unemployed are getting jobs but for people out of work a long time, still very difficult. the average length of unemployment is now 39 weeks. that's up. the last report it was 37 weeks. now it's 39 weeks. so the length of unemployment got a little longer so if you find yourself out of a job a long time, still difficult out there. i want to be clear out there. >> a lot of states are cutting the state unemployment benefits, too. so not gotten any easier on those people. >> that's right. >> christine romans, live from new york, thank you. turning to the latest on the japanese nuclear crisis. frustrating news for evac wees. tens of thousands people who left their homes near the fukushima plant may not be allowed back for months. officials say the plant needs to
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be under control first. radiation above the legal limit has been found in beef from the province where the damaged plant is located. the meat will not be sold and more tests will be conducted on beef, chicken, and pork from the region. 155 marines trained in radiological operations are due to arrive in japan shortly. the initial response force could help with radiation detection and search and rescue operations and decontaminating people. as demonstrators take to the streets in multiple middle eastern capitals we will take a look what they want. an expert joins us live in a few minutes. four "the new york times" journalists relive their capture in libya. yes took refuge from the dust in here and the pollen outside. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. it's the brand allergists recommend most.
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in syria, they are calling it a day of rage. in yemen, a day of liberation. friday prayers have, again, given way to friday protests across the middle east. egyptians and jordanians pouring into the streets. in each case the demands are a little different. joining us is fahamud a teacher at johns hopkins university. welcome. >> thank you very much. >> the protests in many countries seem to be growing. you have the president of syria refusing to step down. things are a little bit different in jordan. what are we to make of all of this? the big fear that we have in the
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united states is that this is just going to turn into an all-out war in the middle east. >> well, there is an all-out war in the middle east. there is an all-out war against the old aged auto krats that rule the region they are ruled by old men and men who corrupt and they are ruled by men who are decadent and only purpose in life to steal as many billions of dollars and give it to their sons and daughters and wives. so there is a war and i think we are a part of it, if you will. we are and should be and we are trying to be on the side of the angels in this fight. >> we're trying to be. but many americans are opposed to us getting involved in any other conflicts. we're already kind of conflicted about u.s. involvement in libya. >> sure. >> but will the united states have no choice? will it be sucked into these protests, this middle east war that is going on? >> well, as you said, we will be sucked into it. there was an expression from the
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'60s that said you do not care about the revolution but the revolution cares about you. so we are implicated in it. the shadow of american power lies over in the region. we have allies in the region who are caught up in fights with their own people. we are friendly with the intelligence service of these countries. you were talking earlier about the notorious gentleman, koussa a graduate of michigan state university, i believe. the libyan foreign minister who may have been involved in lockerbie and he had been our friend. he deals us cards from the bottom of the deck. so we are part of the scene. we are part of the fight there. and i think, in some places, for example, now in libya, we have made the right decision to back the forces of the free libyans and the to back the forces of democracy. >> before we end this interview, is there some light at the end of the tunnel? i mean, is there something positive that you can throw at
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us? >> absolutely. there is something positive. whenever men and women get together and decide to fight for their freedom it's very positive. when arabs talk about their own rulers and reform of their own lives and egyptians go out and have peaceful protests and throw out a spot of three decades. we have lived with it in the middle east for a long time and the heart of auto crassy was 9/11 and what happened to us on 9/11. i think this ride with freedom, if you will, should not scare us in the least. >> ahoud, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. captured by libyan troops and beaten and threatened and held six days. four "the new york times" journalists are still working through that trauma and they sat down with anderson cooper to tell their story. here, anthony shadid remembers
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what happened in the first minutes at a libyan government checkpoint. >> put on our knees first and a lot of slapping. empty our pockets. and i remember one of the shoulders was yelling at me, you're the translator, you're the spy. and then soon after that, they forced us on our stomachs. i think we all this that very sinking feeling this was it. i remember looking up from my stomach him being a tall shoulder and saying shoot them. it felt like a lot of time elapsed but i think probably a matter of seconds and another soldier said to him, you can't, they are americans. >> tune in tonight for part two of anderson's exclusive interview with the journalists at 10:00 eastern only on cnn. a tv news photographer en route to cover a sports story pulls a woman from a burning car. >> the people inside were kicking the doors. they couldn't get them open. they were screaming for help. >> more of his story of courage next. also ahead, a snowy start to baseball season for the cleveland indians!
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misery, jacqui jeras. >> it's a bummer, it really is. it's april but not unprecedented. this isn't record-breaking snow. we get it, even in mid april from time to time but it makes it rough. i think more than anything, it's spring. people want to get out. >> i want to wear my spring clothes! >> don't you! who knows what to wear this time of the year for the most part. it really has been like a top ten snowy year for so many people across the great lakes and the northeast as well. let's add a little insult to injury and show you video out of cleveland. yeah, opening day today. how about that? first pitch around 3:05 today and they had to scurry to get the snow off the field yesterday! look at this! yeah, they had to shovel it all. they had the tarp so they could roll it up and it will be fine and good. it will be about 45 degrees this cleveland this afternoon. for people who live in cleveland, they can tolerate that, right? >> that is like 80! >> almost for april. show you where the snow is in the northeast and this is where the heavy stuff is
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accumulating today. in the interior and we could be seeing up to a foot potentially even into the poconos and you head on up into the adirondacks. northern maine will get the worse in terms of accumulating snow. the big cities for the most part, not a huge deal. in new york we had a mix but just the rain. it's a cold rain and, yeah, it's certainly a miserable day and it's impacting your travel, too. ground stop until 9:30 at laguardia and probably of that continuing high today. we have 40-minute ground delays in philadelphia as well. and let's take a look at the snow, carol. who has got snow on the ground still on april 1st? look at this. the northern tier of the country is really seeing a lot and one of the biggest concerns is when we see a lot of this pink up there, and we're worried about that spring flooding as temperatures warm up in the upcoming weeks. >> something. that is no april fool's joke. i keep saying that even though it's a lame line. >> did you do a joke this morning to try to get somebody? >> i'm so bad at that!
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>> i the beautiful childhood memories they will have of their mom on april fool's day. >> thank you. >> yep. tv news photographer turns hero. his story tops our look at the news across the country. rob cook pulled a woman from her family car moments before it burst into flames! cook was heading to houston for a story when he spotted a four-car collision outside the city. he managed to rip the window from the car and pull the woman to safety. in atlanta, a man arrested after a scuffle with a former nba stard dominique wilkins. he told the fight was over money. it broke out wednesday following an atlanta hawks game. the man faces battery charges. missing egyptian cobra is found. it was hiding inside the bronx zoo reptile house. it was coiled away in a holding area.
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>> what we're going to do is we're going to her really closely about a week and make sure she is okay after being loose and she looks in fine condition. i'm sure she is okay. if that's the case, we probably will put her on exhibit when we reopen the building next week. we're going to try to do that next week. >> you should do that! she is the most famous snake in america! zoo officials told us they used rodent scented wood chips to lurp the snake out of hiding. word a senior adviser to one of moammar gadhafi's son is in london for secret talks. talk more about that next. and talk about the high libyan defector who is in britain and believe he is mastermind behind the lockerbie bombing. we are talking with one victim's parents about that next. he'd yet to hear of mutual funds, iras, or annuities. back then, he had something more important to do.
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really? here, there's nothing about juice on the zyrtec® label. what? labels are meant to be read. i'd be lost without you. i knew you weren't allergic to me. [ sneezes ] you know, you can't take allegra with orange juice. both: really? fyi. [ male announcer ] get zyrtec®'s proven allergy relief and love the air®. in libya new reports about gadhafi and his plans. the guardian, british newspaper is reporting a senior adviser to one of gadhafi's sons is in london for secret talks. the newspaper cites sources of the british government. those no details on the nature of these secret talks, the possibilities include brokering a cease-fire or a deal for gadhafi to step down.
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moussa koussa is in britain right now. he apparently defected. some believe he was the mastermind behind the lockerbie bombing. that happened just before christmas of 1988. a bomb planted in a suitcase destroyed pan am flight 103 over scotland. 270 people were killed including 189 americans. megrahi was convicted and sent to a scottish prison 13 years later but in 2009 he was released on reportedly having terminal cancer an back to libya to die. today he is still alive. megrahi's release and the fact he is still alive, first of all, welcome and thank you for being here. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. >> the lockerbie bombing happened 22 years ago now and you've been fighting for justice
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for all of this time. it seems that -- you know, it seems that the memories are fading so i'd like you to start with telling us about your son and that terrible day that you found out what happened over lockerbie. >> j.p. was 21-year-old college student. he attended colgate university in hamilton, new york but on the syracuse studying in london and on his way home from christmas. that day, obviously, is etched in our family's memory forever. >> forever. >> how did you hear? >> how did we hear? >> actually, i was on the way in my car down in washington, d.c. because i just had been transferred there. i heard it on the radio that there was a bombing of the plane. i didn't know exactly what plane j.p. was on or did they say it
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at this point in time. i tried to find my wife. she was on the way to the airport to pick him up. i asked her what j.p.'s flight number was and she gave me the flight number and that was the flight number of the plane that had been bombed. so i had to tell her what happened. >> oh, i just can't even imagine. >> i was on my way to pick him up. >> oh, my goodness. sort of justice came many, many years later. now you hear that moussa koussa who was a member of gadhafi's intelligence team, is now in the uk. he has defected. what goes through your mind? >> we were at the trial every day, kathleen and i, and we saw all of the evidence against megrahi and he got convicted. there was no evidence coming forth out of libya, anything beyond that.
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so we knew that, in fact, gadhafi ordered the bombing but there was never evidence expo exposed. we hope we have the evidence that gadhafi ordered the bombing and can take legal accession as far as the united states is concerned. >> it's a bad time for justice. >> it's a bad time for justice, because, you know, lawmakers here in the united states want information about what is going down in libya, so that moammar gadhafi is ousted from the country so they have a little careful in their questioning of moussa koussa. eventually, kathleen, what would you like to see happen to moussa koussa? >> well, i just want justice to be done. i mean, i want the people who prepared the bombing and who exercised the bombing, i want everybody brought to justice and i think it's the only fair thing that can happen and put this,
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you know, behind us. if you don't have justice and, you know, the united states government isn't willing to take that step, it's ridiculous at this point in time and i think it has been to done. justice must be served. >> i know some lawmakers, especially in the new york and new jersey area, are working to make that happen, but it probably won't come for a little while yet. thank you both for joining us this morning, jack and kathleen flynn. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. it is half past the hour. time to check our top story. witnesses telling cnn that security forces have opened fire in damascus. more than a hundred people have reportedly been killed in recent weeks. this morning, oil prices are opening at the highest levels in two and a half years. the turmoil in the arab nations pushed up to more than $107 a barrel. protests after ceo of go
9:34 am has a controversial video online and shows him shooting and killing an elephant in zimbabwe and posing next to it. he says he was helping farmers who say the elephant was trampling his crops. 216,000 jobs added last month and unemployment rate dropped to 8.8%. alison kosik is here with more details at the new york stock exchange. job gains. unemployment rate a bit lower so it sounds positive. what does wall street thinking? >> all you have to do is look at the numbers and see we are higher now. the dow up 53 and shows wall street is feeling good about this report because it came in better than they were expecting. we added about 30,000 more jobs in march than what was expected. also, the unemployment rate fell. a nice surprise. the february number of jobs that were added also was revised higher. for traders on wall street they think the jobs market is definitely turning around at
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this point. analysts expect the momentum to continue and expect to be job gains from 150,000 to 200,000 a month the rest of the year. of course it's not enough to substantially bring down the unemployment rate but, you know, it is a major shift from the depths of the recession. all right. besides the jobs number that came out today, the buzz here at the new york stock exchange is all about a hostile take overbid. nasdaq and intercontinental exchanges offering $11 billion to buy nyse euronext. that tops the bid of $10 billion. this could turn into a bidding war. >> he know you'll keep an eye on it. alison kosik, live at the new york stock exchange. ♪ college basketball's final four square off tomorrow in houston. butler will have a not so secret weapon back in its game. jeff fishle is here to tell us about it. >> mysterious and four legs,
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right? not talking about a bulldog player. we're talking about a bulldog. yeah, he was bad for the early rounds of tournament but he'll be there for the big game against vcu. it's the mascot! there he is! such a crucial part of the team! the ncaa kept him from the earlier rounds because of limited space. the dog is going in style to the game. he went to the doggie spa before grab is hig own on go charter flight. i tell you what he had waiting for him in houston coming up in 20 minutes. ron artest needs one hand to catch and score. the latest penalty box antics from vancouver's crazy green men. not little green men but green men and they kaus a lot of trouble for opposing teams. that is coming up at the bottom of the hour. >> can't wait. thank you. sarah palin threw out a figure of 600 million a day and we have heard 100 billion. what is the real deal? we will tell you what secretary gates says ahead.
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asked americans how much of the federal budget was devoted to spending on npr and pbs. most people guessed a full 5% of the budget. so what is the real deal? the federal government spen spends .01 of 1% for npr and pbs. let's talk about the cost of the libyan conflict. we have heard a lot of figures tossed around that, too. we heard libya will cost a hundred billion and sarah palin threw out another figure on fox. >> why this military action, for this humanitarian purpose when more people are dying in other parts of the world. >> yeah, that's a good question and that is the 600 million dollars a day question that is being asked now because that's the cost incurred by americans as we support the no-fly zone. >> so what is the truth? what will libya cost us? defense secretary robert gates told congress what we have spent so far. >> the costs are -- our
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calculation of the costs, as of last monday was $550 million. and at the ramped-down level of support, the cost, the run rate per month is about $40 million. rand paul followed his dad to capitol hill and my follow his dad's aspirations to higher office. rand paul has been in congress about three seconds? >> he did. he got sworn in in january and he is already at least considering looking at the white house. you know, he said in an interview, recent interview that the only decision that he has made about the white house is that he will not run against his father. his father ron paul, the texas congressman, is still considering running for president but rand paul is in iowa tomorrow at a fund-raiser for the state republican party.
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whenever anybody goes to iowa, they are seriously looking or at least want us in the media to think they are seriously looking to run for the white house. >> that's what i hear. okay. what is donald trump saying now? >> reporter: what isn't he saying about this whole birther issue? yesterday on msnbc. he is embracing the issue and proud of the issue. one thing he doesn't like, carol, he doesn't like being called a birther. he says it's derogatory and it's unfair because there are good people that happen to think there is a possibility that this man was not born in this country. so we will continue to hear more from donald trump about the issue on birther, but, you know, the big question is, carol, why is he embracing social issues? a lot of people think donald trump maybe his biggest appeal to independent voters would be on the economy. he's a very successful businessman. >> the big question why isn't he
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embracing this particular issue? because it's just a nonissue. >> reporter: well, it is a nonissue and you have folks like the former minnesota governor tim pawlenty who is running for president says he doesn't believe it but maybe he is embracing it because we're talking about it and when we talk about it, we're talking about him. >> amen. i think we should put a moratorium on it. >> reporter: no more! >> no more! next political update is in an hour. always get all of the political news 24/7 at cnn/ remember the days of the school principal walking down the hall with a big paddle? for some kids not a distant memory. 20 stats allow paddling but that may soon change. that story is next. n stuck in t, while my sneezing and my itchy eyes took refuge from the dust in here and the pollen outside. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. it's the brand allergists recommend most.
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♪ some of us recall the images of our high school principal walking the hauls with a wooden paddle in his hands. i remember those days. recent stats more than 225,000 kids got punishment in the 2005 school year and down from years earlier. 20 states still permit paddling and most in the south. top states in 2005, mississippi, arkansas and alabama. steve perry is our education pro. welcome, steve. >> welcome to the principal's office, carol. >> exactly!
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you know, when i ran for like student body president and i ran to ban paddling from my high school. that's how long this thing has been around. >> it's absurd. one of the biggest problems in public education is nostalgia. we think things were so much better back in the day. something as silly as hitting a child with a piece of wood is still considered something that we may want to do in school. we had a parent hit a child with a piece of wood last week. we called the police on her. you can't hit children with objects. we understand, i understand the need to be creative with discipline but in order to be creative with discipline, you need to have a relationship with the child. you can't just go around saying that they are wrong and that they are bad and that is what happens. >> steve, the only creative thing out there seems to be let's take a time-out. sit in the corner and take a time-out. does that kind of thing work? >> no, we don't need to do it that way. we do discipline differently here at capital prep. one of the things we do
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children, in this office they wouldn't sit. they stand. because this is not a place for them to be comfortable. they are not guests. it begins with something as simple as that. other ways in which you can be creative with discipline. you can have the child clean windows at a school or if you wanted to, have a child could stairs or something like that. anything that something physical and uncomfortable and doesn't necessarily hurt them. the parents and everyone else has to buy into it. ultimately, what is most important is not how you discipline them but how you build a relationship with them. once you have b89 a relationship with them you can establish expectations and they will respond to those expectations. the reason why successful school is successful is because they built relationships with the children. people think there is a short cut. there is no shortcut. paddling a chill will not improve the student's economic performance and nothing in the annals will say if you hit a kid with a piece of wood they will do better in math. >> i don't think you will convince some people. steve perry, many thanks. appreciate it. >> take it easy, carol. let's take a look at stories
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making news later today. in the noon hour, president obama is headed to a u.p.s. facility in landover, m.d., to talk about clean energy truck fleets and promoting a public private partnership that will help large companies produce diesel and gasoline use in their fleets by incorporating electric vehicles and alternative fuels. today at 4:00 p.m., religious leaders who are fasting to protest federal budget cuts will line up to pray at the u.s. capital. they say the cuts unfairly target the poor. a statue honoring 9-year-old tucson shooting victim christina green will be unveiled at 8:00 p.m. eastern tonight. the sculpture is made out of pieces of steel from the world trade center to mark the fact that christina was born on 9/11. the fbi wants your help in solving a mysterious encryption case that stumped them for a dozen years. that story is next. that your skr
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[ female announcer ] introducing purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. developed with dermatologists... it's clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt and toxins and purify pores. and with natural willowbark it contains no dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. dirt and toxins do a vanishing act and my skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from the new line of neutrogena naturals. [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser i don't have to leave my desk and get up and go to the post office anymore.
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the images top the look across country twochlt notes found in the pocket of 41-year-old ricky mccormack. his body was found in a missouri corn field in 1999 and the notes are the few clues investigator haves to go on but the encrypted text has them mystified. click on the fbi website if you have any insight into the case and we'll be talking about this more in the next half. loss altos, california, has the highest price for one single home a. russian billionaire actually paid $100 million for this french-styled chateau. in new jersey, former cocktail servers at the resorts casino say they're contemplating a lawsuit after allegedly being fired for how they appeared in the uniform.
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management said they were given a hiring preference for another position. many of them were too old to dress that sexy way and gotten rid of. police in california on the lookout for a 18-wheeler hiding in plain sight. it is a mobile marijuana-growing facility. the owner says it's used by professionals growing medicinal marijuana. we're following a lot of developments in the next hour. let's check in first with zain verjee live in london. >> hi, carroll. we are following the interrogation of libya's defector here in the uk. vaux plans in the event of a nuclear accident. are they adequate? we have an investigation. i'm elizabeth cohen in atlanta. more women are having babies over the age of 40. i'll give you medical reasons
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opening day because jeff fischel, i'm a tigers fan. you won't mention the yankees, will you? >> not that the yankees beat the tigers. >> stop it. >> it was a great opening day for several teams. not for the best player in all of baseball. worse day ever in the major leagues. albert pujols, home opener against the san diego padres, pujols, you can't stop him normally. yesterday, three double plays. never done that before. every time killed rally. padres beat them in extra innings. everyone keeping an eye on pujols this year. he's a free agent at the end of the year. upwards of $300 million of possible contract for the big man in st. louis. now, this is the way to do it for the home fans on opening day. the reds down to the brewers, 6-4. down to the final out. ramon
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ramon hernandez, the game-winning home run. back in my day a game-winning home run. >> it's cooler now. >> okay. lakers and mavericks, got physical. jason terry, he gives a little push to l.a.'s steve blake. blake objects. here comes a little nba slap and tickle. . add it up. four guys got ejected. you'd expect, you'd expect to see the lakers run artest in the middle of that. did you see that hoop? caught it with one hand and up with one hand. aren't they pretty? what a year for the vancouver canucks? vancouver clenched the president's trophy. best regular season record last night. the goal despite the bruising hit. ouch! that hurts. earlier in the game, dowdy sent 0 the sin bin and those crazy
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green men in vancouver giving him a hard time. bad enough for a two-minute penalty and then razzed by them. the bulldog of butler will be back. he got a seat on the chartered flight to houston. staying at a four-star hotel and even has his own entourage, of course. security detail, as well. >> he has a security detail? >> you must be taking good care of them. he means everything to that team. look at him. >> one good-looking dude. thank you, jeff. >> all right. it is 10:00 a.m. on the east coast. 7:00 a.m. in the west. good news on the economy, 216,000 jobs created, that pushes down the unemployment rate to 8.8%, that's the lowest rate in two years. new information about that deadly outbreak of bacteria in
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several alabama hospitals. health officials say they found the exact same strain on a water faucet at a birmingham pharmacy. nine people died. another ten got sick. an animal rights group calling for a protest of go disease after the ceo posted this controversial video online showing him shooting and killing an elephant and then posing next to it. parsons is talking about it this afternoon in a cnn newsroom and coming your way at 4:00 eastern. breaking news to tell you about out of libya. about a potential cease fire. we want to get straight to nic robertson in tripoli. nic, what are you hearing? >> reporter: carroll, this is coming from the rebels, from the rebel leader in the east of the country saying a cease fire from their side is an offer if the following seasons are meet by the gadhafi leadership and that is the removal of snipers and militias from the government
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troops around the towns of misrata and other rebel holdouts in the west of the countrying that the siege of misrata itself must be ended but one of the goals of the cease fire they say must be regime change so this is a conditions-based cease fire coming from the rebels and this is the first time we have heard talk of a cease fire like this so far, carroll. >> if that stipulation is in the works that regime change, how likely is it that gadhafi's side will agree to a cease fire? >> reporter: i don't think anyone can realistically expect and certainly not moammar gadhafi to go at the point of a gun. if the language is such that both sides can agree and this is still some ways off, then both sides can agree a language for deescalating the military conflict for resolving the differences that there is
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potentially the space in the future. we have heard talk of here by senior officials, a number of them in the past, that there is potential that gadhafi could in the future at some point step aside. that i don't think anyone expects him to goality the point of a gun. that would not the way it would happen but there is potential in all this language here for middle ground to be found but a question of can the sides who are at each other's throat right now achieve that kind of mutually agreed language. >> the other question is, what would a possible cease fire or a cease fire mean to the nato operation? >> reporter: this would mean that nato would very likely have to suspend its military strikes, that one would imagine that it would go to a position of falling back to the u.n. resolution which is ensuring and enforcing a no-fly zone and that
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civilians are safe. if the skns of a cease fire are met by both sides and gadhafi doesn't use aircraft to bomb the rebels then it would seem that the no-fly zone could continue to be enforced and patrolled but without actual strike. carroll? >> interesting. i'm going to let you get back to gather more information. nic robertson live in tripoli with talk of a cease fire. question 'll see what happens. part of the gadhafi inner circle is in the uk right now. moussa koussa was the foreign minister until he defected. he could give tips. the bombing of pan am flight 103 over lockerbie, scotland. some people think koussa was the master mind. 270, 189 of them americans killed including j.p. flynn, a student studied overseas.
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his parents told us what they'd like to see happen to koussa. >> i just want justice to be done. i mean, i want the people who prepared the bombing and who exercised the bombing, i want everybody brought to justice. and i think it's the only fair thing that can happen and put this, you know, behind us. if you don't have justice and, you know, the united states government isn't willing to take that step it's ridiculous at this point in time. and i think it has to be done. justice must be served. >> and, you know, mr. and mrs. flynn fighting for justice for 22 years now. zainer ha verjee is in london au can the parent's pain but british officials are in a pretty tough spot here. >> you know, they really are. they have to hold their noses on this one because they know full well that this is the guy kind of like the black box recorder of libya.
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he has all the goods so on the one hand they want to get justice for what happened with lockerbie but on the other hand they need to mine him for information about moammar gadhafi that they're trying to take down. they need to know things like operationally in the inner circle, on the battlefield. gadhafi's state of mind. will he stay? will he cut a deal? these are crucial things to use this time and this place to get information out of him and put them on the winning side. >> so, where exactly is he? is he come where in detainment? out there in a hotel somewhere in the uk? >> there's a big mystery. nobody really knows for sure. m i-5 we're told typically has a safe house. there was a report he was being debriefed o. officials are not saying anything because it's so sensitive right now. the only thing they said is even though he may want immunity from
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prosecution they're not giving it to him but a lot of lockerbie families are worried if he makes a deal and doesn't get tried and just as able to live somewhere in exile? so the issue of immunity is off the table for now and could be a discussion down the road. >> zain verjee, live from london, thank you. today, new reports of protests turning violent in syria. witnesses tell cnn that security forces have opened fire on protesters outside of damascus. more than 100 people have been reportedly killed in recent weeks. our reporter has been following latest developments in syria and joins us now. seems to be getting worse and worse in syria. >> carroll, every friday it's a new event in the middle east. today, syria, angry protesters all over the streets just after the friday prayers which are usually noontime in the middle
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east. they got out of the mosques and they were mad and angry with the lack of reforms, and they expected more from the president bashar. >> you say lack of -- you said he'd lift the state of emergency in place for 25 years and did not do that. he dissolved the rest of the government but he himself did not step down. there seems to be no way out for these protesters except to risk their lives in the streets right now. >> we're talking to the opposition. we called them via skype or they send e-mails. they talk to us over the phone and all the time afraid, worried. may be arrested. these are challenging times for the syrians and president bashar al assad promised reforms but people want more free doms. >> and they're not giving up either. many thanks to you. turning attention to american politics, with the government funded just through next friday, members of congress are fighting over what to cut
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from the federal budget. we have heard this story before. billions of dollars are at stake as you know but do lawmakers know what they're fighting over? actually, do you? jessica yellin has the results of a fascinating budget iq test. >> reporter: on capitol hill, they're on the verge of a government shutdown. because congress wants to slash federal spending. but republicans and democrats can't agree on how much to cut. the biggest fights are over just a handful of programs including -- >> foreign aid. >> npr. >> food stamps. >> reporter: if trimming those programs rein in spending may must make up a huge part of the federal budget. right? that's what most americans think. what percentage of the federal budget we spend on foreign aid? >> 40%. >> foreign aid? 20%. >> reporter: a new cnn/opinion research poll finds most
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americans think foreign aid makes up 10% of this year's budget. it is not even close. foreign aid, .6% of the 2010 budget. >> really? wow! yeah, i thought a big thing. >> reporter: so we asked about a few more. government pensions. >> government pensions. that was probably 10%. >> probably 10%. >> reporter: according to the poll, that's what most americans think. but the reality -- just 3.5%. for public broadcasting, npr. >> zero now, right? >> maybe 15. >> reporter: most folks think public broadcasting gets 5% of the federal budget. reality -- less than .1 of 1%. overall, americans believe foreign aid, government pensions, education, food and housing assistance and public broadcasting account for 52% of the federal budget. in reality, it is just 11.3% of
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the budget. the bulk of our spending goes to defense, social security, medicare and medicaid. >> we have very skewed perspectives. >> reporter: why do you think that is? >> probably the media. >> reporter: we in the media can take some of the blame but also the politicians who are making a small part of the budget a huge part of the budget fight. they're not talking about or touching the biggest challenges. social security, medicare and medicaid. jessica yellin, cnn, washington. it's funny. jessica should mention social security, medicare and medicaid because if you want to know where your taxpayer dollars are going, this is a graphic from the white house. you can go to white and get this. and this is where the money goes. and the bigger the box, the more federal dollar that is go to that program. you can see here, medicare is a huge box. social security's huge, huge box f. you want to know about health care, little box right here.
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some lawmakers have talked about cutting pelt grants and cuts to education. there's the financial aid for college students. so this is just an interesting perspective on how many tax dollars go in to specific things. and you can see why it's so important to talk about cuts to things like medicare and social security and also defense. i mean, it is just huge. so if you want a real education, go there, check out this graph and learn a thing or two. as congressional leaders try to reach a deal to keep the government running, tea party activists are sending out a strong message. >> i say to the republican leadership, take off the lace panties, stop being noodle backs. >> can anyone reach a deal? when one fraction refuses to
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compromise. you'll save 100 calories a day. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. that's how splenda® is sweet...and more. water, we take our showers with it. we make our coffee with it. but we rarely tap its true potential and just let it be itself. flowing freely into clean lakes, clear streams and along more fresh water coast line than any other state in the country. come realize water's true potential. dive in-to the waters of pure michigan. your trip begins at
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just got more powerful. introducing precise pain relieving heat patch. it blocks pain signals for deep relief precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol. [ male announcer ] icy hot no-mess applicator. wherever you hurt, it massages in icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. no pain. no mess. oh, you have heard this a million times maybe. if lawmakers can't reach a deal on the federal budget the government will shut down on april 9th. monday it looks like they struck a deal but not so much anymore. budget negotiations are fuzzy as best, nasty at worse. tea party republicans say they
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will not compromise. the republican leadership says they may have no choice. >> we can't impose our will on another body. we can't impose our will on the senate. all we can do is to fight for all of the spending cut that is we can get an agreement to. >> if liberals in the senate would rather play political games and shut down the government instead of making a small down payment on fiscal discipline and reform, i say, shut it down. >> political contributor john avalon join us from new york. he's trying to say they control the senate. we have to compromise but the 28 fresh men republicans elected to slash the deficit say we can't compromise because those who voted us in don't want us to compromise so who's on the right side here? >> the folk that is want to actually follow through on that old idea that politics is the
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art of compromise. you know, it is important to remember, there's a $30 billion cut offered as a compromise proposal. that would still represent the largest single cut in a budget negotiation at this stage in american history so we're not talking nothing. the other picture is a government shutdown, cnn poll found 62% of self identified tea put supporters support shutting down government but 35% of independents and 25% of the democrats. this is about absolutism and not interested in solving problems and you have the danger of a government shoutdown. >> you have a tiny, tiny teeny amount of people in this country controlling what happens to the federal budget? >> yes. that's the danger here. i mean, the extremists are sucking up the oxygen in the political debates lately and they have an all or nothing point of view. government shutdown is the result of that kind of playing chick within the american
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budget. going off a cliff, america shuts down and i think responsible republicans like john boehner read that. this is less important in the big picture than dealing with, you know, issues like entitlement reform, next year's budget f. you care about reducing the deficit and the debt, those are the fights to pay attention to. not taking the government off a cliff on $30 billion question on this budget resolution. >> i guess we'll be glued to the sets next week when the budget talks start in earnest. john avlon, many thanks, live from new york. that missing cobra with 200,000 twitter followers is home. we'll follow the trail next.
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we told a bit about this developing story, talk of a possible cease fire in libya on the rebels' part if, of course, conditions are met by the gadhafi forces. we want to find out more about this from the rebel perspective. reza is there. what are you hearing? >> reporter: well, carroll, this could potentially be a significant development or it could be all talk. it is not clear at this point but the opposition now saying they're open to a cease fire with the regime. if certain conditions are met, that announcement made here earlier today in the rebel capital of benghazi. the top leader says these are the conditions for a cease fire. if the regime, if the gadhafi forces, pull out of the cities, especially in the west, if they withdraw their sieges in the
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cities, especially like misrata and give the libyan people, they say, freedom of expression and freedom to protest. also, at a news conference today with the leader, the u.n. special envoy to libya who is serving as a mediator, u.n. special envoy yesterday, saying he was in tripoli conveying these conditions. now, what's interesting in the same news conference, the opposition still saying their ultimate goal is regime change. so it's not clear how that ultimate goal is squaring with these talks of a cease fire, carroll. >> yeah. because you have to wonder what's in it -- >> reporter: saying they're open -- >> what's in it for the gadhafi forces? >> reporter: well, when's in it for the gadhafi force is the taking off of pressure from the rebel forces and these air
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strikes, the involvement of the coalition. but again, what was interesting today, you had two officials, u.n. special envoy and you had the opposition leader with two very different objectives. u.n. special envoy saying that the u.n.'s objective is a cease fire, an end to the killing of civilians. the opposition leader saying he was open to a cease fire and the end of fighting still maintaining that the ultimate goal is regime change so the discrepancy between these two goals was made clear. and also, another development today, one opposition official telling us that new weapons, new military equipment have arrived to the front line. again, a lot of mixed messages coming from this opposition capital, this fight which is nothing unusual with the way things have unfolded in the past couple of weeks. >> reza, thank you. we appreciate it. news cross country, a photographer pulled a woman from
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her car moments before it burst into flames. the tv photographer was headed to houston for a story and spot add four-car collision just outside the city, he managed to rip the window from the car and he pulled the woman to safety. next, to baltimore, a group of middle school students are heading to the national chess championships after earning a state win for a second year in a row. how did they do it? one seventh grader said it's all in how you, quote, use your mind. that missing egyptian cobra that's been lighting up twitter pages is found hiding inside the reptile house. it never le the building. the snake actually was coiled away in a holding area. >> what we're going to do is we are going to watch her really closely for about a week and make sure she is okay after being loose and looks in fine condition. i'm sure she's okay. if that's the case, we probably
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will put her on exhibit when we reopen the building next week. we'll try to do that next weekend. >> and just so you know, there's now a facebook page for people trying to get the cobra to host "saturday night live." yes, more than 8,000 followers so far. on conan o'brien's show, it was playing the piano. why not host "saturday night live"? when was the last time you got pumped from an 89-year-old woman? a.j. hammer has details on that one. hello. >> hey, carroll. yeah, you know, it was a facebook campaign to get betty white to host "saturday night live," too. so it could work for the cobra. the woman in television is going with the times, doing a reality show. 89-year-old betty white's going to host and executive produce the episode called "betty
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white's off their rocker" based on a european program. according to nbc, airing the show this version follows a band of seven senior citizens who make it a mission to play pranks on unsuspecting younger people. i will be watching. >> anything that betty white is associated is a winner, i'm sure. let's talk about katie holmes because she was on "the ellen degeneres show" and trying to explain how her 4-year-old ate x-rated candy. >> this is a moment not a big deal but for the paparazzi. katie holmes can't go anywhere with her daughter without mob of photographers. little kids pick up things they should n't. here's how katie explained what happened on ellen's show. >> she grabs some gummies that are boy part gummies and i was horrified. >> boy part? >> p-e-n-i-s gummies.
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>> wins for me. and i should add, carroll, she was in a popular sweet shop that caters to kids. wasn't an inappropriate place and tried to get the daughter to put them down in a low-key manner. of course, that doesn't matter when you're katie holmes and then the picture is viral and made you snort so apparently it's entertaining. >> when she spelled that word made me laugh. >> she is used to having the kid around, i guess. >> a.j. thank you so much f. you want information on everything breaking in the entertainment world, a.j. has it tonight on "showbiz tonight" on hln. remember in the thick of the recession when lots of ceos did their part and they skipped big raises and bonuses? well, that didn't last long. details straight ahead. he said it's the only lens of its kind designed to realign naturally with every blink
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to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. motrin pm. checking our top stories now. minutes ago we learned that an opposition leader in libya is proposing a cease fire. the rebels say the goal remain it is removal of moammar gadhafi of power and say the talks could begin under certain conditions and want the government to end the siege on rebel strongholds and withdraw snipers and mercenaries. yemen is another arab state reeling from weeks of protests. today, tens of thousands of people are filling the streets
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of the capital. some are rallying in support of the government, others demand the president resign immediately. here in the united states, the roads are the least deadly in decades. new government figures show that last year car accidents killed the fewest americans since the 1940s. that's even though we're driving more than we did in 2005. fatalities have dropped a whopping 25%. the jobs report for march is out today. the economy's expanded by more than 200,000 jobs, shaving the unemployment rate by just a tiny bit. alison kosik is at the new york stock exchange for us. 216,000 jobs added, how significant is this, really? >> you know, carroll, it is significant. i'll tell you this much. better than wall street expected. you know, and if you compare it to last year where we saw big gains, sure, saw them but that was because of the temporary census jobs added to the economy and not really a true representation of job market and taking that out of the equation,
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we haven't seen gains like this, talking around 200,000 in 4 years. if you're looking for a job, here's who's hiring, at least back in march. we saw the biggest job gains in health care and manufacturing, areas including leisure and hospitality. and gains in jobs in administrative services. all right. the jobs are being cut in areas of construction, no surprise there. we'll still seeing housing in the dumps and state and local government having the huge budget issues. not seeing any hiring going on there. carroll? >> not seeing the paychecks fatter. the wage gap is bigger than ever but, oh, those ceos. >> i know. those naughty ceos, right? the median ceo pay last year up 27%. when was the last time you got a raise, carroll? >> not like that. i'm thinking 3% for most of us. >> exactly. exactly. so that means ceos made about $9
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million a year and that counts, their salary, their bonus, their stock options and so yes, the average worker saw the pay increase 2%, this is a worker making $50,000 a year. we got this from a "usa today" study. because of the stock options, the stock market is doing well so that's what helped their bank accounts. earnings of stocks rebounded last year, also. boosting the stock market, as well. carroll? >> i want to say so many things but i won't because i get myself in trouble. alison kosik. >> i was told to wrap or i would keep going, too. >> thanks, alison. turning now to the latest on the japanese nuclear crisis, frustrating news for evacuees. tens of thousands of people who left their homes may not be allowed back for months. japanese officials say the plant needs to be under control first.
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radiation found in beef from the province where the damaged plant is located. the meat will not be sold, of course. more tests on beef, chicken and pork from the region. and 155 u.s. marines trained in radiological operations are due to arrive in japan shortly. the initial response force could help with radiation detection, search and rescue operations and decontaminating people. as the nuclear crisis in japan, unfolds many of us are asking what if, especially in cities with a reactor next door. allen chernoff looks at one plant's evacuation plan. >> reporter: in the event of an accident, some nearby residents fear they would be stuck. >> i don't think we would be able to evacuate sufficiently. >> reporter: by now, indian point is required to have an emergency planning zone, a ten-mile radius from the plant.
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westchester county would try to evacuate residents gradually. >> initially for people in the two-mile ring and a five-mile downwind span. >> reporter: the direction of the wind could determine who needs to evacuate, since indian point is located right on the hudson river in a valley between these hills, the wind tends to blow downstream towards manhattan. in japan, authorities urge americans in 50 miles of the crippled fukushima daiichi nuclear plant to evacuate. for indian point, that radius would encompass new york city just 25 miles away. rush hour in new york, heaven forbid there's a nuclear accident anywhere near here. there is no way everyone is evacuating quickly. it would be nuclear gridlock. practically speaking, we couldn't really evacuate new york city. >> well, there's not a scenario we have where the dose rates or the radiation that would go out
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would require an evacuation of new york city. that's been at least identified up this point. >> reporter: the county's chief executive said they're well prefaired for a ten-mile evacuation but if a 50-mile evacuation were ordered -- >> it's a complete game changer. we would have to go back to the drawing board tomorrow and work day and night with multiple agencies and jurisdictions. >> allen chernoff joins us now. i'm not feeling any better. >> well, that's understandable. of course, a lot of counties are asking the nrc questions now after the nrc said in japan it should be a 50-mile radius from which people should be evacuating. the plans here just call for 10-mile radius. county officials all over the country are highly concerned about this. >> hopefully this is the wake-up call they need and i know it's complicated but has to be a way to fix the problems, to solve
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them. >> well, there are lots of details plans but involve the emergency planning zone that is are ten miles in radius. so that's really where the focus has been and this remains a question. we really need to learn a lot of lessons from what's going on right now in japan and it's going to take some time before we get all the information and see what the outcome is in japan, as well. >> many thanks. the royal wedding, just weeks away. will the lego land version of the royal wedding be just as regal as the real thing? that's next. now the healing power of touch just got more powerful. introducing precise from the makers of tylenol. precise pain relieving heat patch activates sensory receptors. it helps block pain signals for deep penetrating relief you can feel precisely where you need it most. precise.
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only from the makers of tylenol. precise. st: uld switching to geico reon car insurance?more host: is the pen mightier than the sword? ninja 2: ow vogeico. 15 minutes uld save you 15% or more on car insurance. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] introducing purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. developed with dermatologists... it's clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt and toxins and purify pores. and with natural willowbark it contains no dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. dirt and toxins do a vanishing act and my skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser
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♪ at the end of the month, prince william will make an honest woman out of kate middleton. mark sanders joins us live now. hello, mark. >> afternoon. >> i didn't mean to put it that way. it's going to be a beautiful ceremony. everyone's talking about here in the united states, that prince william isn't going to wear a wedding band. some people are quite shocked by that. >> yeah. this is true. and in fact, buckingham palace
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confirmed it. only one ring exchanged. that's going to catherine. but williams' decision, mark contrast of his father charles. and of course, his late mother princess diana in the last year of her life, she wore both the wedding ring and engagement ring and strange decision by william. >> strange they felt they had to announce that. if people spotted him without a ring it causes the paparazzi to go crazy. >> well, very much so. i mean, every time charles wears his wedding ring is photographed now. but the good news is that catherine will be wearing a wedding ring and we're told that is going to be very, very special. it's actually going to be made with a part of welsh gold. i didn't know there were any gold mines in wales but apparently there are. welsh gold is very, very rare. in fact, it's so rare there
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isn't any left anywhere in the world. but the queen was given a bit as a present sometime ago. she saved it for a very special occasion and passed it on to william. and it will go towards the ring that catherine slips on to her finger. >> i would wear that ring, too. did you hear about -- did you hear about this, this lego thing? it's kind of -- it must have taken hours to put together. >> oh, i did. and i think the queen's heard about it, as well. last weekend at windsor castle blurted out to a royal aide, i'm so excited about this wedding. and it's actually wind czar castle is quite close to lego land. it is in windsor and i've seen this reconstruction of the wedding. it's extraordinary. if you haven't got a ticket and can't be bothered to sit on the pavement for four days prior to the wedding this would be the best place to go. >> that's really cool. thank you very much, mark
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i kind of don't find this surprising. there's a new cdc study out showing fertility rates of women over 40 skyrocketing and more than any other age group. elizabeth cohen is here with the "daily dose." so many of my friends are having children. >> the birthrates overall have gone down for younger women, especially. way up for women over 40. up 6% between 2006 and 2009. and that's a huge jump for three years. i mean, that is really a big jump. >> shows you how women lives have changed. younger women going overseas, go to college. have a great career and then leave their jobs and have kids. >> speaking of which, look at kyra phillips. lived this wonderful full life. continues to live it with and there's the cute babies. introducing the phillips-roberts family. >> kyra is over 40? >> i know. she doesn't look over 25.
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>> she will be back to work but, yeah, probably going to take a -- they're so cute. >> aren't they so cute? you want to reach out and pinch their cheeks. >> i think even though it's more common for women over 40 to have children, there's still this fear that many women have that because they're pregnant over 40 they'll have a baby with a birth defect. >> right. that does happen and the chance of that happening does get bigger as you get older but the chances still are very, very small and you can talk to your doctors and ways to manage a pregnant woman over age of 40. >> is it safer than ever? have they figured out ways to get pregnant after 40 and have children? >> they have figured out ways to get pregnant. fertility treatments just jumped by leaps and bounds and as far as managing the risk, things like diabetes or prit's a manag risk. >> thank you as usual. >> thanks.
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calling all code breakers. the fbi wants your help in solving a mysterious encryption case so we'll bring in master decoder brad meltser for help. that's next. [ woman ] welcome back, jogging stroller. you've been stuck in the garage, while my sneezing and my itchy eyes took refuge from the dust in here and the pollen outside. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. it's the brand allergists recommend most. ♪
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afghanistan, according to a regional polices spokesman there. we don't have much information on this story. we'll continue to gather and update it as information comes in to us. the fbi is hoping you can help them solve a suspicious death of a dozen years ago. two notes found in the pocket of 41-year-old ricky mccormack. his body discovered in a missouri corn field in 1999. and the notes are the new clues investigators have but they're encrypted and the encrypted text has them mystified. brad meltser cracks a few codes. how do you begin to crack something like this? >> well, you know, the key thing is first you have to figure out who you're up against, either fighting an insane person or we're battling a riddler and when you want to crack something like this, there's really four methods. first one is you determine the language that's being used. if it's english or french and
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spanish and then the system he's using and it will be random letters and an is 1 or b is 2 or an old presidential or free mason cold and then figure out reconstruction the key and fourth step to decode the message. >> wow. so the fbi posted the notes on the website. have you got an chance to look at them? >> not only did i look at them but i immediately sent them to our staff. i was like to do an episode on this. what's interesting to me is the fbi is not a dumb group here. they're among the best decoders out there and their cryptography division is incredible. when they're asking for help, there's a real problem. when you look at the codes, sometimes you can see things that repeat and in the lack wage the letter "e" is most used letter and you can decode most normal lett aal words for that .
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this is all random. >> so is it possible that this is just nonsense or is this a really clever killer? >> you know, my first -- unless -- it eels always easy to say nonsense when you can't crack it but is this guy a lunatic is any first reaction. it's not just the fbi. they went to an analysis club that specializes in these things. talking my nerdiest friends of all who are members of these things and sometimes you have to wonder. one of the best ones is sometimes instead of a random letters it is a book code and a book code is something that if you don't have the book because each number will go to a letter in the book, if you don't have the book, you don't crack the code. sometimes they're much harder than what logic would entail. >> i hope you do the tv show on the letters. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you.
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news from libya and japan. may be making headlines but americans are focused on jobs. cnn deputy political director paul steinhauser is here to show us how wide the gap is between the economy and other issues. >> good morning. you have been talking a lot this morning about the new job reports that came out, the unemployment level and i have to think they're dancing the congo line at the white house. jobs by far the most important issue with the americans. all the national polls agree. most recent from cbs news. when's rig what's right at the top? jobs and the economy. every other poll indicates the same thing. jobs and the economy, carroll, a huge issue in the midterm elections and unless things change it will be a very, very important issue for the presidency which is a year and a half away and talking about that, carroll, april 1st, a very important day in the race for the white house. why? not because it's april fool's day. today is the beginning of the second quarter of fund raising. thinking of running for the
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presidency, you have to start raising money and file papers and i think we'll see a lot of contenders, possible contenders actually get into the game and includes president barack obama. he has to file papers to form a re-election committee. carroll, the race for the white house heathing up entering the second quarter. >> many thanks. your political update in an hour. and a reminder, go to the final four games tomorrow and one game with your blue bloods and then the upstarts. first, the party crashers. shaka smart with the 11th seeded vcu rams knocked off kansas, this after almost not making the tournament. vcu taking on butler. they made the finals last year and few picked them for this time around. a clutch three pointer helped them get by florida in overtime. there it is. i'm not very good at sports.
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this team is destined, kentucky's back in the final four for the 14th team. brandon knight led the wilwildc in the win playing connecticut. uconn's kemba walker sparked them. now in the final four after beating arizona. all the number one seeds gone home and throw away the busted brackets and sit back and enjoy tomorrow's games. how will radiation from japan's damaged nuclear plant affect dolphins and other sea life? in the next hour, live from the georgia aquarium with a ra ma arena biologist. you could get arrested for that you know. it's not what you think. look. there was a time when a company like that would envy us. little outfit. it's almost quaint. all these years we had something they could never have.
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something only the biggest operations could ever afford. it was our strategic advantage. now they have it. what exactly is "it" that they have? logistics. a level playing field. it's not fair. to london starts with arthritis pain... and a choice. take tylenol now, and maybe up to 8 in a day. or...choose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain. enjoy the flight. i thought it was over here... ♪
10:58 am
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designed to realign naturally with every blink and created with hydraclear® plus. i'm seeing more clearly, crisply, comfortably, all day long. now life doesn't have to be a blur. [ male announcer ] learn more at acuvue® oasys for astigmatism. looking at stories making news later today, in the noon hour, president obama is headed to a u.p.s. facility in landover, maryland, to talk about clean energy truck fleets. he's promoting a partnership to help large companies reduce diesel and gas use in their fleets. today, at 4:00 p.m. eastern, religious leader who is are fasting to protest federal budget cuts will line up
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