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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  June 6, 2011 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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reporter, he told them this is not a pbs style documentary on the alaska governor. it's based on her book "going rogue" and about time in alaska, hoping to show viewer, republicans a different side of sarah palin, martin. >> just quick, sarah palin and paul revere. how is that going? >> this is another clip that her supporters will wince at this morning. last week, sarah palin was touring boston and was asked about how her trip was going. she chimed in that one of the things she liked about her trip was learning about paul revere. here's a clip. >> he who worned the british that they weren't going to be taking away our arms, by ripping those bell, and making sure, as he's riding his horse through town, to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure, and we were going to be free. >> you know what, i didn't mess
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up about paul revere. >> and there she was on foxnews sunday, yesterday, telling chris wallace that in her mind, she did not get that wrong. of course a lot of people are saying, the basic thrust, historic significance of paul revere's midnight rise is warn the americans that the british are come. now warping sarah palin the media is coming, reporters are coming because of the controversy of that clip. >> thank you very much for your indulgence. suzanne malveaux take over for me, i am done. thank you. live from studio 7 i'm suzanne malveaux. i want to get you up to speed. rick santorum is about to kick off his run for white house. the former pennsylvania senator will officially announce he's running for the 2012 presidential nomination. he's popular among congress
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serve t conservatives. more than 2,200 people out of their homes chased out of their homes from wildfires in arizona history. also burned more than $2,000 acres in the eastern part of the state. one man can only hope the house he built with his own hands will make it. >> a person doesn't realize how hard it is to face something like that. you think you're prepared for it. you think you're mentally prepared for it. physically prepared for it. you're not. i cried all of the way to the hotel. >> you did? in southwest, iowa, flooding is the big area. over 600 people near hamburg are evacuating as a levee between it and the missouri river begins to fail. heavy spring rains and melting snow packs forcing the river out of its banks. >> week three of the casey
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anthony trial is under way. focusing on forensics, they're charged with killing her daughter, caylee. the jury is hearing testimony about a hair recovered from the trunk of anthony's house. >> what i was looking for were hairs exhibiting depop positiin decomposition and that hair a compared with a hair from the hair brush that was from crayee. >> protesters chanted "shame on you" as dominique strauss-kahn arrived at a courthouse today. es accused of sexually assaulting a hotel maid. the protesters say they are concerned about safety. >> to know what we are up against, and i hope that we come
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with a plan that if we fall in a situation like that, we have one of those safety pins that, god forbid, we don't know what to do. when an incident like that happen, we freeze, we might say we're going to do this, but when the situation comes, we don't know how to act. >> in iraq, the worst assault on u.s. troop, in two year, five u.s. service members died. and five more were wounded in an early morning mar tar attack in a u.s. military base in southeastern baghdad. protesters celebrate, in the streets of yemen. their president has fled the country at least for the time being. he's in a hospital in saudi arabia. that is according to saudi state tv. president ali abdullah saleh was hit by a rocket attack in his compound in yemen friday night.
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al obeidy seized the word's attention when she abused moammar gadhafi's security forces of gang raping her. she is currently in malta with a final destination unknown. trace tests of a bean sprout farm found no evidence of e. coli. but they say e. coli may have affected only one match of sprouts. now, the testing is going to continue more on rick santorum jumping into the presidential race. he makes the announcement in somerset, pennsylvania. any time we are waiting. the two-term senator registered in single digits and pos over the past year or so. he does have strong support
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among many socially conservative voters, cnn's jim acosta is joining us with santorum's run from the white house. tell us about the setting, why it's significant and the new candidate? >> rick santorum is going back to his roots by holding this event in pennsylvania. he's going to try to remind voters that he's a part of the republican wave of very con sv tiv lawmakers that came into power in the mid '90s. he held on to that senate seat for 12 years, since 2006 where he lost rather badly, 18 points to bob casey. that was a tidal wave year for democrats. it has a lot of republicans nervous that they can get behind rick santorum that he has a national appeal. you're right, he has a appeal with evangelical voters, that really want to hear about issues
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like gay right, civil unions, abortion, those sorts of issue, those are the issue that are the bread and butter issues for rick santorum. i was in iowa a few weeks ago. talk to voter, taking a hard look at rick son tar santorum. if you look at the ratings he is 8%. he's got a huge uphill climb if he is going to make some noise in this race for the republican nomination. but, he has a very interesting life story. he and his wife have endured many family tragedy, they lost a child. they also have another child who has some severe disabilities, rick santorum does have a compelling life story to share. he will share that with voters
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along the way. no doubt about it. this is a tough race for rick santorum to win. there's a lot of other contenders, people like santorum that make it difficult for him to make a dent in the poll numbers. >> we are looking at live pictures are his life that has taken to the podium. he's racked up frequent flier miles. what do we know about his travels? >> he's spending a lost time in iowa. that's for good reason. in iowa. social conservatives matter. i was in iowa recently. they sort of stop you when you say that. you say wait a minute. we're about all conservatives here, not just social conservatives, let's face it. this say state that, you know, that social conservatives do very well in. and rick santorum knows that. he is going after the same voters that, you know, really got behind pat robertson a few iowa caucuses ago, rick son tore um is really banking on iowa.
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he will go to south carolina and do a lot of traveling down there, obviously, he has been out there as much as any other candidate in iowa. perhaps if you throw tim pawlenty in there. those two candidates are really gunning for these socially conservative voters in iowa and they will make a difference. rick santorum could surprise people and do well in that state. maybe not win the iowa caucuses but do very well and perhaps get energy behind this campaign. that's what he is banking on at this point. >> thanks, we'll be keeping a close eye on that event that's about to unfold. thank you, jim. >> you got it. >> a week from today, cnn will host the new hampshire presidential debate. join us as the republican hopefuls take on the issues as well as each other. that's next monday june 13th at 8:00 p.m. eastern. only on cnn. it was a disagreement against jail time that led to the collapse of plea dealings
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with john edwards. a source confirms that edwards did not want to be away from his children for an extended peered time. the justice department was insisting that he serve six months in jail if he pleaded guilty. a grand jury friday indicted edwards on six felony counts. he's accused of using campaign donations to pay his mistress. here's a look at what is ahead on the rundown. first, running from the flame, more than 2,000 people in arizona flee from one of the worst wildfires in state history. a strand of hair found in the trunk of casey anthony's car. what it could mean for their murder trial. new hope for patients dealing with the deadliest form of skin cancer. and as new members, rather new wireless hassle-free way to listen to your music. apple is preparing to unveil what is call it's icloud plus.
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>> i was getting hot dogs, i saw the slide blowing in the wind. i just -- i couldn't believe it. it is like something out of a movie. . it has happened again. this time three inflatable bounce houses blown away with the children inside. we also want to go live now to the announcement, senator santorum, rick santorum making his announcement jumping into the presidential race. >> but it is a beautiful day here, a chamber of commerce day here in somerset county. let me thank everybody here in the local community for the great cooperation and support, being here and showing up, and for -- well, for being where it all started. for the santorum family and that's why we're here. because our journey, our american journey started here in somerset county and so it is great to be here. thank you somerset county for coming out for us. [ applause ] the most common question i've
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had over the past 20 months, was, are you running? and the answer i always gave, took me a while, but i came up with this, no, i'm not running, i'm walking. and the reason i was walking is because i wanted to get out, and talk to americans all across america. dozens and dozens of states over the past couple of years. with a heavy sampling on iowa, new hampshire and south carolina, but i was out talking to people. listening to people. fryi trying to get a sense, whether, what i was feeling inside, the anxiety, and the concern that i had for the future of the country was something that was shared. the answer to that was, what happened a little over -- well, almost two years ago now with the birth of the tea party and people standing up and meeting after meeting, holding up their constitution, and talking about
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those are balloons, not shots. not that i haven't had my shots shot at me a few times. but people understand that something is wrong. there's something at stake in america that's important. it's important for us. and important for the future of our country. now what is it? it is the economy? sure it's the economy. who can say it's not the economy when you look at that pathetic rate of growth and incredibly just disourg aging lie high rate of unemployment. not 9.1%. 14%, 15% of people who really want to get work and can't find work. you can look at this administration and say what did they do in response? they just sent money to state capitals and municipals to keep government workers on the
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payroll and forgot about the rest of america trying to survive and grow. is it gas prices? yeah, it's gas prices. we're from somerset county, mineral rich somerset county. we have coal and gas and all sorts of resources and a president who doesn't want us to access those resources, then plains that prices of energy are high. and if you look at the record of spending under this president, he came in, sure he came in with a problem. then that hole he was in, he kept digging, and digging, and digging. now, for every dollar you spend, thanks to this president, 40 corrects is borrowed. 40 cents is going to be put on every man, woman and child to
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pay the interest on for the rest of their lives. who are we, who are you, mr. president, who are you, mr. president, to say that you, in your administration, should take 40 cents out of every dollar and borrow it from future generations to prop you up? he's done portion than that. he's devalued our currency by pumping fed reserve currency, inflating commodities, food prices, oil prices which is a horrible penalty on working american, on saving americans. he's devalued our currency, and he's not just devalued our currency, he's devalued our culture, through our marriage and not standing up through the defense of marriage act. the federal funding of
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abortions. he's devaluing our dollars, and he devalues our other currency, our moral currency. all of this is bad enough, but i think americans now realize, there's even more. there's something more that is concerning america. that's why i'm here in somerset county. i'm here in somerset county because my grandfather came to this county in 1927. did he come here because the government was promising him all sorts of benefits? promising him all sorts of hanouts and bailouts? he left a country where the government made all of the promises. he left a country, and i would add, a good job. he had a job on a mail train, he
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lived in a beautiful little idyllic town in the mountain, right down on a lake, i visited it. it is truly gorgeous. and i said why would anyone want to leave nine brother, eight brothers and sister, live a stable job in a beautiful place at the foot of the dolomite mountain, one word, one reason, freedom. he was watching what mussolini was doing. he was watching what he was inculpating into his oldest son, he said i will not stand for this. he came here.
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took a way laid trip to detroit but eventually came here. he started in the coal mines in northern somerset county in carpenter's park, pennsylvania. and he worked and he worked to give his children, my dad, who was 7 years old when he came in succeed. that's the america that my grandfather came to. that's the america that my dad lived in. that's the america that we need again today.
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that is what is unique. the president of the united states, just a few weeks ago in responding to paul ryan's budget said this. was talking about medicare, medicaid and unemployment insurance. and he said the country is a better country with those programs. i'm go one step further, he said. america was not a great country until those programs. . ladies and gentlemen, america was a great country before 1965. america was a great country, before government decided that it had to start taking from tho those. we had someone who -- i think the heat has got to them. make sure if there's any emergency personnel that can get here, i'll make sure this person
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gets some help. here you go. hand that down. there you go. you okay? >> we need to get a chair. >> right here.
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you're watching one of the people in the audience, as santorum makes his announcement. someone who clearly, the heat got the better of her. this often happens at various campaign events and big crowds. let's take a listen. the former senator has yet to announce his intentions, his formal intentions, but looks like he's gearing up for it. so let's take a listen. >> america is a great country. not because of our government, it's because our founders founded a great country. i love our tea partiers who raised their constitution up. that constitution, which is the owner's manual, for america,
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but, in that constitution that they hold up, is also another document that's always printed there. it's the declaration of independence. the declaration of independence is the why of america. it's who we are. we hear a lot of talk about american accept ulism. that all men are kree aed equal. endowed by our creator, certain unalienable rights. life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. our founders did something revolutionary with that statement. prior to that time, where they came from. rights did not come from god to
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every individual. that's not what those countries believed. rights came to the sovereign, to the king. to the government. and then the government would distribute the rights. . they left those countries. because they didn't want a king to tell them what rights they had. because they knew what rights they had from god. and in that constitution, they established a framework to do one thing, if you're going to sum up the mission of america, what transformed the world, what made this the greatest country in the history of the world, than in the 200 years of america, life expectancy doubled in the $2,000 year previous, it did nothing. why? because the principle purpose of
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america was to make sure that each and every person was free. that is the purpose of america. ladies and gentlemen, that is at stake now more than it has ever been, in the modern time. we are facing a time when we have a group of people, led by president obama, who believes that america's greatness is in government, not as people. and there is one singular act, that, to me, is the lynch pin, and that is obama care. obama care does something that no other entitlement has ever done, and that is, obviously, makes you buy something, but more importantly, it's the government, for the first time, that's going to have its
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clutches, to he crew eight dependency on every single america, not those in the margins of life. not those who are old or sick, but every single american now, will be hooked to the government with an iv. and they will come to you, every time they want to do more and say, well, you want that iv? you want that health care? >> you've been watching the latest one to throw his hat into the ring. this is santorum here. he's a favorite religious and social conservative. not surprise he took on president obama over abortion rights, gay rights, as well as the economy. he's the father of seven, known for hard charging and sometimes come butable language. and he's considered by some a longshot in the republican party for a candidate for president. but again, rick santorum now, the latest one to say yes. he wants to grab it, he wants to give it a try. we'll have more after the break.
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host: what, do you live under a rock? man: no way! man: hey rick check this out! anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save 15% or more on car insurance. here are today's choices for "choose the news." first adapting after a nuclear crisis. japan relaxes a strict dress code allowing workers to wear sand manies and shores to the office. why? because japan's super 0 cool biz sets therm the stas at 82
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degrees. a computer hidden in a laptop. sends information back to the owner. and, third, spending their lives in the clouds. former military and airline pilots come together to write messages in the sky. from the cockpits of world war ii fighter planes. vote by sexting 22360. text one to super cool biz. to nabbing a thief or air show skytypers. well, new options in cancer treatment promise to extend or even save the lives of thousands of melanoma and breast cancer patients. joining us from chicago where a national oncology conference is happening now, is dr. otatis brawley. he's the chief medical officer for the american cancer society. let's start first with melanoma. i understand this is significant. two new drugs that have been
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developed that increase the life expectancy of patients with the deadliest form of skin cancer, how does this work? . it's been 40 years since we had something good to say about melanoma treat. these two new drugs, actually look at a specific jen within melanoma. good for half of the people that have metastatic melanoma that spreads throughout their body. it makes them live longer. it's not a cure much the other modifies the immune system to help attack melanoma. the second is in the fda probe in the last several months. >> when you say "live longer" what kind of life expectancy are we talking about? >> we're talking about krin clinical trial, folks you didn't exeffect live a year, you see perhaps 30% to 35% live that one year, to that one year mark. maybe 15% living two years and
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these are people you really expect would have only lived for six to nine months at most. we're talking about marginal extensions in life. but the important thing is, in melanoma, we haven't had a drug that really worked, or a drug that really helped us improve our treatment for 30 years. this is exciting, because we've got really a foot in the door, and hopefully we can actually develop better drugs for melanoma. >> that sounds like a very significant development. how soon can patients be treated with these drugs. are they available? >> one drug has actually become available just within the last six to eight weeks. the second drug i would anticipate would be fda approved within the next several months and would be available for doctors to prescribe shortly thereafter. >> is there a new drug as well when it comes to presenting breast cancer? >> yeah, there's a drug call that's been around a long time,
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for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. when given to win at high risk of breast cancer can reduce the risk of developing and developing breast cancer. this is the third drug that we have that shows we can actually prevent breast cancer and people at very high risk for it. >> dr. brawley, appreciate that there's good news here. >> thank you. >> there are fires raining in arizona. hundreds of people now evacuating, leaving behind their hopes and dreams. we'll hear one family's story. you inspired a very special dog food. [ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. chef inspired. dog desired. i thought it was over here... ♪
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red lobster like this before. your own complete four-course seafood feast for $15. start with soup, like our hearty new england clam chowder. then enjoy a fresh salad with unlimited cheddar bay biscuits, followed by your choice of one of seven entrees, like new shrimp & scallops alfredo, spicy coconut & citrus shrimp, or wood-grilled fresh tilapia. then finish with something sweet,
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all for just $15. right now at red lobster. more on the serious wildfires, hundreds of people are getting out, hoping the that somehow their hopes will be spared. >> a person don't realize how hard it is to face something like that. if they are prepared for it. you think you're mentally prepared for it. physically prepared for it. you're not. >> jesse walk certify desperate for answers. >> i saw it all wecried the who. i got to go. >> reporter: he left behind the house he built with his own hand, his wife holly was the one
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that told him it was time to leave. >> i told him it was time to come down. it took a lot to get down. >> don't step on these. >> reporter: now everything they love is inside this trailer. >> thins like this. you know, were handed down. >> even her mother's pots. >> you want to take everything. we didn't have enough time to pack. >> reporter: still, their harries lie with what's left behind. >> they said that fire would hit this afternoon, it's probably there right now. he wants to fight for what's his. i don't blame you. >> the last word we have, the house is okay for now. we'll be talking to the walkers in the next hour. on the phone with us right now is brad pitassi. he's with the management team that helped fire operation
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around the country. brad you're also a firefighter in arizona, give us a sense what you are seeing on the ground. we've seen a touching story, of people who had to lift everything and run. >> that's correct. there are hundreds of thousands of those throughout this area and areas affected by this very large, complicated wildfire. it's a very moving place to be. there's low-lying spoke that's in this town, facing. and not too far away is the active fire line. >> how dangerous is this situation? are the folks at risk? >> the areas in the community most at risk, we have evacuations in place, the residents deserve a lot of credit for cooperating with the local sheriff's office and team as well. we have pre evacuation notices in some areas of the communities that are potentially threatened.
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we're trying provide the residences a much heads-up or evacuation times as we can do it. ultimately, mother nature is the one that is controlling the wind and dry conditions that we faced over the last day. >> how is that complicating the rescue efforts there because of those winds? >> fortunately we don't have any rescue efforts in place but it is complicates fire suppression and fire containment. we we have these spotting fire, embers can travel for miles with the wind gusts, so we have fire actively burning through the tops of the trees, we got a good strong 30, 40, 50-mile-an-hour wind gust, can blow a small ember three miles into a small grass field. all of a sudden can have another blow-up of the 60,000 acre like we had three, four days ago. >> brad, i know your crews trying to hold a 30-mile fire line near the border of the arizona state line. how are they doing? >> the crews out there are
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extremely dedicated firefighters across the country, they are doing a very good job. yesterday, we had an extremely active event going on, where we had hundreds of spotting fires that jumped one of the main roadways, tying the communities together. fire service successfully contained those fires and present presented the fire from moving to our neighbors in eastern new mexico. firefighters doing a tremendous job protecting the structures and keeping the spot fires from going to other large fires. >> thank you so much. we wish you andthe crews the best in trying to contain those fires. thank you. >> reminder to vote "choose the news." secretary 1 for super cool biz. japan tries to conserve energy by making every day casual friday at the office. secretary 2 for nabbing a thief using social media to lean on police to find a stolen computer
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and secretary 3 for air show skytyper, a group of pilots flying air shows. the winning story airs next hour.
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yemen is on the bring of civil war. the country's president. ali abdullah saleh was wound by
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shrapnel. that happened op friday night. now he's fled to saudi arabia for medical treatment and protesters are celebrating his departu departure. is he really gop for good? hoe ham mmohamed jamjoon, live abu dhabi, do you think they're being overly optimistic here. do you really think they think he's gone? >> what i heard yesterday. there was so of jubilation, people dancing and singing and setting off fireworks. really there was this collective feeling that their peaceful revolution that they were calling it succeeded. some of the protesters i was speaking with were having second thought, saying maybe they were celebrating too early.
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today they're hearing from yemen i officials and saudi officials. and a lot of enthusiasm turned into frustration today. they wanted to drive people out of the country for so many months. even though he's out of the country they're saying he's coming back. that's making his angry. they're feeling their work is only now just beginning. sure, the vice president is in power but really, the president controls one unit, his nephew controls the other, what does that mean? there's a power vacuum, a lot of chaos and frustration on the streets. >> let's talk about that. the obama administration is clearly worried about that. if you have this power vacuum, the government collapses, this could embolden al queda. al qaeda has been such a force there in that country. what is the concern around that? >> absolutely. let me break it down, just the past week and few dace regarding
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al qaeda and yemen. in the last week, there was a town in the southern part of yemen overtaken by islamic militant, completely seized. in the last few days we've heard of attacks tied to al qaeda killing soldiers in different supports of the country, there's been a concern inside and outside of yemen that al qaeda will take advantage of the political turmoil and strife and violence going on there. the obama administration is in a pickle. they've admitted there is no post plan for yemen. nobody in the opposition presented itself as somebody who can take his place much the vice president is weak, even though he's respected and nobody from the youth movement that everybody is galvanized by that they're coalescing behind. no one knows who will fill his shoe, he's still seen as a key ally on the fight on terror. even though people want him out. they don't know if someone else comes in and pick up the reins. suzanne. >> we'll pay close attention to
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that place. because it could become unstable. appreciate your reporting. thank you, mohammed. >> millions of americans say they feel guilty using vacation time. come on, get over it. others say they're too basecy to leave work. next, equipment free ways to get the time off you deserve. it doesn't leave room for much else. there's no room left for deadlines or conference calls. not a single pocket to hold the stress of the day, or the to-do list of tomorrow. only 14 clubs pick up the right one and drive it right down the middle of pure michigan. your trip begins at with less chronic low back pain. imagine living your life with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a non-narcotic treatment that's fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain.
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use up their allotted vacation days. come on, guy, compare it to 90% of workers in france. that's according to a recent poll. if you're feeling bunned out at your job. allisison kosik has ways on how avoid the guilt trip and take your much-needed vacation. >> reporter: this is coming from career worker, even though 36% feel comfortable taking time off. 24% said they can't afford to take a vacation and 12% who can afford one have no plans to take time off. workaholics, taking a vacation may be good for your job and health. 34% of americans come back feeling better about their jobs and more productive and another 53% of adults feel more rested after vacation. according to apparently we can't believe the work behind. 30% of workers will contact work
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while on vacation, so if you want to detach from the daily grind, make sure you've gotten all of your responsibilities taken care of. and use our out of office reply on your e-mail. leave contact for immediate assistance but tell your co-worker phone calls about your job. and if colleagues have to reach out to you, career builder advises setting limits on when you'll be available to chat and most of all, stick to them. now if you're worried about costs, check with your hr department if your company offers any discounts with airlines, hotels, museums or attractions to make your plans more affordable. but if you really want to get out of town, says look for last-minute deals on thursday to monday or friday, saturday to tuesday travel. and if you do opt for that staycation, it doesn't mean have you to be confined to your home. organize day trips in your town as long as they involve fun and relaxation. don't make this vacation about chores and errands. cleaning out the attic can
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definitely wait. if your boss allows it, try to shorten your work week, get to work before your normal intime and leave an hour or two earlier or work a few hours more during the week and leave early on fridays. good tips there. >> sounds great, thank you. standing ovation at a high school graduation but it wasn't for the valedictorian or even after a moving speech. it was for a teen who captured the attention of the entire student body with a simple step. ♪ hello sunshine, sweet as you can be ♪
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it's rare when something at a graduation overshadows the actual ceremony. but in michigan this weekend, one teen took center stage. check her out. she took her first steps in front of her fellow classmates walking across the stage to receive her diploma. angeline grew up using a wheelchair after being born with a spinal disorder that attacked the vertebrae. >> just because i'm in a chair, i still do everything everybody else does. if i can get through it with the
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challenge that i've got, there's no reason anybody else can't. >> text 22360 for the story that you'd like to see next hour. text 1 for super cool biz. every day is casual friday in japan as the government tries to save energy. text 2 for nabbing a thief. a computer's hidden program takes a picture of the person who stole it. and text 3 for air show sky typers flying world war ii fighter planes at air shows. winning story is going to air in the next hour. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge!
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big news today in america's wars in iraq. five u.s. troops are dead after the worst attack on the american military in two years. and in washington, the president and his national security team are debating just how fast to pull troops out of afghanistan. chris lawrence at the pentagon. chris, first of all, this attack in baghdad comes just months now before what? 46,000 u.s. troops are supposed to leave iraq. what does this mean for that effort and for the stability in iraq? well, i think if you put this in context, suzanne, two things that are really shocking about this is that, one, the number of troops killed. as you mentioned, the largest number of u.s. troops killed in a single incident in almost two years. some of these american troops were sleeping in their trailers when these rockets or mortars
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hit the trailers. it happened about 5:30 in the morning baghdad time. and again, when you put that in greater perspective, you got 46,000 troops left there in iraq. they're due to come home at the end of the year. secretary -- defense secretary robert gates just a few weeks ago said, if the iraqis were to ask us to stay longer -- and he said he hoped that they would -- he would also hope that the u.s. would say yes and agree to extend that, because he felt that the security situation there was still fragile enough and that the iraqi army wasn't at the point where they could defend themselves in all ways. s so he wanted to see a continued troop presence there. perhaps events like this might go some way to proving that case to try to get a continued presence, first convincing the iraqis, and then the americans who would have to make the call. >> chris, let's talk about afghanistan here. obviously the man who went there to get osama bin laden, he is dead. this is a very expensive war that we're fighting there, costing about $190 million a
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day. is the obama administration really ready for a fast drawdown of troops in such an area and unstable country because of that? >> well, suzanne, from what i've heard here at the pentagon, the original thinking was that when you had this july drawdown, it would be a minimal number. you know, maybe a few thousand troops, 3,000 to 4,000 troops. now of course there is some talk about raising that rate in light of what happened with osama bin laden and some of the budget crunch that's going on. but let's just bring people up to date. there were 70,000 american troops in afghanistan. then president obama ordered the surge of another 30,000. that brought the number to 100,000. so he's saying we're going to get out, start to pull out some of those numbers in july, but defense secretary robert gates in traveling in that region said, people are getting so hung up on this july deadline, but what really is important is what happens after that. >> i think that there's kind of
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two intermediate numbers that need to be resolved. one is, what is the size of the reduction that's announced in july. but the other is, at what point do you bring out the surge? the whole word "surge" as it did in iraq implies a temporary strengthening of the force. so how long should the surge last. >> so defense secretary gates wanting a more staggered approach to this drawdown. others, of course, that will be talking to the president want a faster withdrawal. >> okay, chris lawrence, thank you very much. appreciate it. top of the hour, i'm suzanne malveaux. want to get you up to speed. desperation now in arizona. there are hundreds of people chased out of their homes by wildfires. the biggest burning near the new mexico border. >> we're all there to help
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whoever did lose his or her home. i'm just hoping that it wasn't us. >> we feel bad if anybody loses their house. that's what i think. >> you think it could be yours? >> could be. >> in the northern plains, people are keeping a wary eye on the bloated missouri river. heavy spring rains, melting snow packs, are pushing the river out of its banks and some people are even building makeshift levees. others are packing up and getting out. protesters are celebrating in the streets of yemen. their president has left the country, at least for the time being. he is in a hospital in saudi arabia according to saudi state television. president saleh was hit by shrapnel in a rocket attack on his compound in yemen on friday night. he plans to return to yemen after his recovery. in libya, nato warplanes rocked tripoli late last night
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targeting moammar gadhafi's command center. today a russian envoy will meet with rebel leaders in benghazi. that is the movement's stronghold in eastern libya. rick santorum is the latest republican to join the 2012 presidential race. the former pennsylvania senator officially kick off his campaign in somerset, pennsylvania just in the last hour. santorum says is he running to oppose president obama's policies. >> i'm ready to do what has to be done for the next generation with the courage to fight for freedom, with the courage to fight for america. that's why i'm announcing today that i'm running for president of the united states. join the fight! join the fight! protesters from a hotel housekeeper's union chanted "shame on you" as dominique
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strauss-khan arrived at a new york courthouse today. strauss-khan is accused of sexually assaulting a hotel maid. he entered a plea of not guilty during the arraignment. more on today's court appearance ahead in a live report. initial tests at a german bean sprout farm find no traces of a deadly e. coli bacteria that so far killed 22 people. german grown sprouts were said to be the likely source of that outbreak. they say e. coli may have affected only one batch of sprouts but the testing will continue. more now on the wildfires that are raging across parts of arizona. the biggest is the wallow fire. it has already burned almost 200,000 acres, if you can believe that. hundreds of families have been evacuated, including jesse walker and his wife. >> person don't realize how hard it is to face something like that. you think you're prepared for it. you think you're mentally
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prepared for it, physically prepared for it. you're not. i cried all the way to town. >> you did? >> on the phone with us right now from arizona, jesse walker's wife, holly. first of all, holly, we saw the very emotional interview that was done with the two of you. how are you holding up? how is your husband doing? >> he's better this morning, suzanne. but we're all over the place and it's very hard. >> i know that he built that home with his own hands. is there any word at all on what has happened to your house? >> it's still there as of this morning. he talked to his brother who lives up there also, and things are all right right now. >> do you have any idea when you might be able to go back and to
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check on it? >> no. but we'll have notices telling us the updates on our property. >> where are you now? how are you getting along? are you staying with someone? with relatives? >> yes. we have our horses at his other brother's in eager and friend of ours has dogs at his house. we're here and there. >> we understand your brother-in-law, is he still at the home? >> he has a place up by us and he's still there. >> can you give us a sense of what you are going through at this time? it seems like it is heartbreaking to imagine such effort and love that went into your home for it to be at such risk right now. >> yes, it is. it is very hard to be upset like this and the animals. we don't know that we'll have it to go back to. we did have a cargo trailer which i trust fund full of
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everything that i could think of to take. i feel really bad for the people that just have a car and are unable to take very much with them. >> what kind of animals do you have? >> we have three horses and three big dogs and two ch chihuahuas. >> is it something you feel like you need from officials, from authorities, from your neighbors? >> we're being taken very good care of right now and we have a place to evacuate to with our animals so we can stay with them. >> well, holly, thank you so much for just spending some time with us and explaining your situation. we certainly hope that you and your husband are able to get your belongings and also to return to your home and that your home is -- survives this fire, this outbreak. thank you very much, holly. >> thank you, suzanne. ahead on the rundown, a strand of hair found in the trunk of casey anthony's car.
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it is part of the forensics evidence in her murder trial. plus, some silver linings in this otherwise brutal economy. and the woman who's accused gadhafi's troops of raping her now out of libya and in malta. then, we are doing some fact checking in the truth-o-meter. finally, the plane that splash landed gracefully on the hudson river making one final trip. 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge!
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anthony trial is under way today in orlando. the focus is on forensic evidence. anthony is charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter caylee. now over the weekend, jurors heard testimony about a hair recovered from the trunk of anthony's car. >> what i was looking for were any hairs that exhibited characteristics of apparent decomposition, and then that hair i compared to hair recovered from the hairbrush which is identified as belonging to caylee. >> prosecutors expect to finish their case in the casey anthony trial in about two weeks or so. then the defense is going to get its turn. joining us from las vegas with some perspective on the trial is criminal defense attorney richard herplan. thank you very much for being with us. you are a defense attorney. so far we've heard a lot of conflicting stories coming from this defendant, casey anthony. does she have a defense here? is this a slam-dunk case for the
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prosecution? >> well, it's not a slam-dunk case, suzanne, by any stretch of the imagination. there is a defense here and it's based on punching holes in the forensic evidence case. here, this expert was on the stand and clearly said "i cannot tell you definitively that the hair that was found with that decomposition band on it came from caylee anthony." "i can't tell you that." but it sure looks similar to those hairs found. well, similar is not exact. and here, this is a first-degree premeditated murder case where you're looking to put this defendant to death. so your burden is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. for many jurors, that's going to create reasonable doubt. "similar" is not an exact match. however, suzanne -- >> yes, go ahead. has the prosecution linked casey anthony to the murder of her child in any way based on what they've presented? >> no. it's a circumstantial case.
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there's no videotape of this murder. so what they've done is they've battered her, they've put all those jailhouse interviews up, people see what a liar she is, that she was out partying for 30 days after the child went missing. but the one thing they haven't shown yet is they haven't shown the manner of death, the means of death, the cause of death, they haven't proven that casey put the duct tape on the mouth and nose before caylee died because they need to prove that in order to get premeditated murder. and they're not going to be able to prove that because the medical examiner doesn't know the cause of death in this case. that's huge for the defense. and if you had an even playing field, that's a great line of defense. >> so richard, you know, you've said before that there's no way that casey anthony should take the stand. why do you believe that? >> i believe that, suzanne, because i think it was preposterous in the opening for baez to stand up and make a pronouncement of what happened here when he can't prove any of
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it. he has no obligation to prove this, but he told it to the jury. so now they're going to lose confidence in him and credibility because the only way they can prove this sexual abuse is now going to be through the words of casey anthony on the stand. suzanne, can you imagine if this woman puts her hand on a bible and swears to tell the truth before this jury? she has told more lies than anybody in the history of criminal defendants. the jury has heard so many lies. she has no credibility. it's not going to stand to help the defense if she gets up there. they're only going to hate her worse. and if a jury hates a defendant and has no credibility with the defense attorney, they're going to convict. >> all right, richard herman, thank you very much for following all of the twists and turns of this very interesting case. thank you, richard. >> the defense case hasn't even begun yet, suzanne. a lot more to come. >> okay, great. thank you. the former head of the international monetary fund pleads not guilty to sexually assaulting a hotel housekeeper.
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dominique strauss-khan was arraigned earlier today in new york. when he arrived at the courthouse, he was greeted by chants of "shame on you" from members of a hotel housekeepers union. >> shame on you! shame on you! shame on you! shame on you! >> cnn's deborah feyerick is outside the courthouse in new york and with us live. deb, walk us through what happened outside this courtroom today. >> reporter: well, suzanne, i can tell you that the look on dominique strauss-khan's face when he heard those chants from the hotel workers, i don't think he even realized that they were hotel workers. but when he heard those chants and looked around and saw all of the media attention focused squarely at him, he looked almost startled. a little bit taken aback. he walked up the courthouse steps with his wife, ann sinclair, her arm hooked through his. they made their way about 100 feet past many, many, many photographers. certainly the most i have seen in a very, very long time.
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did he not say much once inside the courthouse, but made it very clear through his lawyers that he's going to aggressively fight the allegations against him, including attempted rape. his lawyer later saying that the not guilty plea, in his words, was very eloquent. >> once the evidence is reviewed, it will be clear that there was no element of forcible compulsion in this case whatsoever. any suggestion to the contrary is simply not credible. >> reporter: it's interesting, while the lawyer is avoiding the term "consensual," he is also making it very clear that it was not forced. that whatever may or may not have happened in that room, it was not forced, suzanne. >> deb, what do we know about the lawyers for strauss-khan, their plan to go after the credibility of the victim? >> reporter: that seems to be a big part of the case. the alleged victim, a
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32-year-old west african working at the sofitel hotel as a housekeeper when this occurred a couple of weeks ago, her presence was really felt very strongly outside the courthouse represented by those hotel workers making sure that she herself is not forgotten. her lawyer says she's too traumatized to go back to work but she is eager to take the stand, to testify and say what happened. >> what she wants is justice. what she wants is for her voice to be heard. what she wants is for the world to understand that she's a wochl d woman of dignity and respect. >> reporter: but, it is interesting to see both sides coming out so strongly in this. dominique strauss-khan's lawyers basically saying we're going to show there's no evidence, while the alleged victim saying in fact she wants to say what happened. suzanne? >> all right, deb, thank you very much. despite the gloom and doom, the economy is not all that bad.
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here are today's choices for "choose the news." first, adapting after a nuclear crisis. japan relaxes its strict dress code allowing workers to wear sandals and shorts to the office. why? the government's energy-saving campaign super cool biz sets off thermostats to 82 degrees. second, finding a computer
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thief. a program hidden in a stolen laptop sends pictures and its location back to the owner. police don't help until the owner leans on them through social media. and third, spending their lives in the clouds. former military and airline pilots come together to write messages in the sky. from the cockpits of world war ii fighter planes. vote by texting 22360, text 1 for super cool biz, 2 for nabbing a thief, or 3, air show sky typers. winning story will air later this hour. rick santorum officially kicks off his run for the white house. the former pennsylvania senator announced last hour that he is running for the 2012 republican nomination. santorum is popular among social conservatives but recent polls show him in the single digits. in announcing his candidacy, santorum took aim at president obama's policies.
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>> we are facing a time when we have a group of people led by president obama who believes that america's greatness is in government, not his people. and there is one singular act that to me is the linchpin, and that is obama care. he said, let me tell you what president obama's team is telling me. he said, "americans love entitlements, and once we get them hooked, they will never let it go." >> we don't want that! >> they want to hook you. they don't want to free you. they don't want to give you opportunity. they don't believe in you. they believe in themselves, the smart people, the planners, the folks in washington. >> cnn chief political correspondent candy crowley has a look at the busy week that's ahead in politics. >> reporter: sarah palin capped
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off the first week of her "this is not a campaign tour" aboard a "this is not aboard a campaign bus" with a "this is not a campaign appearance." >> what president palin would do is cut the federal budget. >> reporter: unclear is whether palin's hide-and-tease tour will continue this week or not. somewhere in pennsylvania, rick santorum is hoping not, making his bid official monday, santorum could use some oxygen for his campaign. >> it's been great to be out on the -- been to new hampshire i think my 15th time. >> reporter: who knew? not many. a recent survey by pew research found fewer than half of voters who lean republican have ever heard of the former senator from pennsylvania. counting santorum, there are seven people known and not so much known now officially running for the republican nomination for president. former minnesota governor tim pawlenty will outline his cure for what ails the economy this week in illinois. need we say more?
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>> president obama's policies have failed. >> reporter: in the cycle of presidential elections, this is big dream season. >> i am so delighted to see you involved in a revolution! >> reporter: texas congressman ron paul is on round three. he first ran for president as libertarian 23 years ago, preaching lower taxes and less spending. >> mainstream is moving in the direction that i have been talking about for a long time and therefore, nobody knows what the outcome will be in this election. during the last campaign i knew what was happening. you know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. no more. >> reporter: and finally, on capitol hill where the campaign runs through it, this may be big miracle season. >> there is a bipartisan discussion going on that is civil and constructive and that they've come to some areas where they can possibly reach agreement. but nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to. >> reporter: what the house democratic leader will not agree to is cuts in medicare, which
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sounds like square one, except nancy pelosi is not known for her sunny outlook on bipartisan deals. time is running out to raise the debt ceiling, and throughout capitol hill history, deadline pressure has always outperform miracles. this could be the week -- or not. candy crowley, cnn, washington. >> a week from today, cnn will host the new hampshire presidential debate. join us as republican hopefuls take on the issues as well as each other. that is next monday, june 13th, at 8:00 p.m. eastern, only on cnn. well, with last week's dismal employment numbers and a new low in house values, you may have gone into the weekend pretty depressed. well, it's not the complete picture. here are some positive economic indicators. first, there's been a big drop in delinquent home loans. you can see it in this graphic. in the states with the biggest problems, the share of loans that are 90 or more days past due is actually falling. and, you're paying less for
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gas compared to a month ago. it is now an average of $3.77 a gallon. that is down from $3.97 last month. and this -- while stocks may have tumbled for the last five weeks, the dow jones industrial average is up 8.8% for the year. right now the dow jones is down by eight points. >> what you want to look at are, what are the recent trends. because one month is not a trend. and the last six months we've added a million jobs in the economy. the last 15 months we've added 2 million jobs. now the president's the first to say that it is not enough, and if the unemployment rate's 9%, we got a long way to go. there is a plan. it has been working. we have been adding jobs significantly over the course of this year. we faced a stiff headwind and this was a tough month. but i don't think that we should
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abandon the idea that what we need to do now is get the private sector stood up. >> for more on what's going on with the economy, go to she said she was raped by moammar gadhafi's forces and she's been in danger ever since. now, rushed out of libya for her own protection, our nic robertson has the latest.
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here are some of the stories ahead on the rundown this hour.
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first, the woman who stood up for her dignity in libya finally free of moammar gadhafi. next, packing up and leaving before the wildfires arrive. arizona homeowners worried sick now about leaving everything behind. and then kids injured when the wind catches those inflatable children's bounce houses. we have devastating news out of baghdad. five u.s. troops were killed there in a mortar attack that happened this morning. it is the worst death toll for u.s. forces there in more than two years. and in libya, after nato warplanes battered tripoli last night, a russian envoy meets with rebel leaders to discuss how to put further pressure on libyan leader moammar gadhafi. meanwhile, yemen is on the brink of civil war. president saleh is in saudi arabia for medical treatment after being wounded in an attack on his presidential compound. and the obama administration
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has made clear that it wants saleh out of power. but jamie ruben, a former assistant secretary of state says if saleh leaves, it could open up a big opportunity for al qaeda. >> president saleh has been such a complete ally for us in the fight against al qaeda, actually letting us come into the country, use our military forces at will, coordinate special forces operations, all of the things you need to do to actually destroy terrorist cells from al qaeda. and his departure therefore might -- we don't know yet, but it might make that battle against al qaeda more difficult. >> so we're in a tough situation because we have been exerting pressure to get him to step down as well. right? i think that we even had people sent by the president this past week to go talk about negotiating a way out for him. why do we want to get rid of him? >> well, you're exactly right. we had john brennan, who is the most senior terrorism official in the u.s. government who also
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happened to have served in the region go there because we concluded that saleh's presence was going to cause some sort of civil war and that an agreement had been negotiated by the saudis and this is a reasonable solution from the u.s. standpoint of having him step down but have immunity and have an orderly transition to a kind of government that, again, we could work with in the fight against al qaeda. this whole thing collapsed when he refused to sign the agreement, refused to leave the country, and now we've had these rather dramatic street battles in the capital and the resulting attack on his pals and him going off to saudi arabia. >> saudi state tv reports president saleh plans to return to yemen after he recovers from his injuries. well, she captured the interests and sympathy of the world when she stormed into a hotel room full of reporters in tripoli screaming that she had
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been raped by moammar gadhafi's security forces. since then she has been shuttled from libya to qatar and back. after a stop over in malta, she is now at a refugee facility in romania. our nic robertson is live in abu dhabi. nic, you've been covering this story from the very beginning closely mao for months. first of all, why this back-and-forth? why has this woman been brought from one country to the next to the next? will she ever be able to come back home? >> reporter: i don't think she's going to be going home if you call home the east of libya where the rebels control which is where her parents live. i don't think she'll be going back home any time soon. see now sees her life being outside libya. she doesn't feel safe there from gadhafi's loyalists who might be able to get to her even if she was in the east of libya. she's got her sights now firmly set on getting to the united states if she can on some sort of refugee program.
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she's a lawyer. she wants to continue her legal studies and she sees the united states as being the best place for her. she really wants to put this part of her life behind them, much as she's got family and friends back in libya. it's what she really would like as well is just to get over this horrible stress and strain that she's been put through. none of this -- none of it -- is what she wanted from the moment of that gang rape to all the sort of shuttling between countries. it's -- she wants a normal life. she wants what all of us want. it is just eluded her for the past few months now. >> nic, how likely is it that she would be able to go to the united states? does she have support? >> she certainly seems to. we know that secretary of state hillary clinton has followed her case carefully. she is in a refugee processing center now in romania. she's been told to expect to be there for several weeks. she will be presented with a
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number of different options of places she could go to. she's told cnn on several occasions her preference. and it seems that there is nothing standing in the way. but of course where she's being processed, they may have other ideas, other options may come up and sound more attractive. because at the end of all of this, she would like to have counseling and help to get over the trauma of the rape and for somebody to come alone with this sort of baggage and pressure that she's had into what will in the united states potentially be an alien environment without a good safety net around her, will be a very daunting prospect so she's likely going to look to where she can expect to find good sort of support to support her through everything she's been through and people like her that she can relate to. >> sure. nic, why is she in romania now? why romania?
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>>. >> reporter: she's being sort of processed through the u.n. high commission for refugees. it is a normal procedure and they have a center in romania for doing this where she has her own facilities, where she'll have a room, where she'll very likely be able to watch television and have access to what the unhgr can offer her in terms of sort of options and programs that she can get involved in, going to other countries. so it's part of that program that she's sort of now part of, now she's got this refugee status. >> okay, nic, thank you very much. we obviously wish her the very best. firefighters are desperately trying to get a handle on all of the wildfires that are happening in arizona. will they get any help from the weather? well, that's what chad meyers is going to help us with up next. . we don't go lower than 130. big deal, persuade him. is it wise to allow a perishable item to spoil?
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he asked, why leave a room empty? the additional revenue easily covers operating costs. 65 dollars is better than no dollars. okay. $65 for tonight. you can't argue with a big deal. we could've gone a more traditional route... ... but it wouldn't have been nearly as memorable. ♪
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from the dakotas to the southwest, people are on the run either from flood or fire. the mississippi -- rather, the missouri river bloated by heavy rain and late snow melts is being channeled through spillways to relieve some of that flooding. downstream communities are sandbagging and waiting as the waters rise toward record levels. in eastern arizona, disaster is brought on by flames. several huge fires are burning out of control. the largest has blackened almost 200,000 acres. our meteorologist chad meyers tells us what it is all about. what is happening here? >> today may be the worst day for the fires and firefighters as well. they're trying to build a 30-mile-long fire line and this fire is completely uncontained. 0% containment. wind's going to be 30 to 50
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miles per hour today. firefighters are going to be in the way. like if they're not always in the way. but today with winds blowing like this, the firefighters will be in the way of getting blown back, getting moved back all of a sudden everybody's got to get out of the way. let me tell you, these firefighters do an incredible job. they work long hours in very tough conditions. it's very hot there today and the wind is blowing again. let's get to it. critical fire conditions even extremely critical fire conditions here from phoenix all the way over toward albuquerque. the fire will be right in here and that's where the circle is for the most extremely critical conditions. i actually can see the fire on the satellite. you can see the smoke on the satellite now. phoenix would be way over here and albuquerque and amarillo would be over there but the fire line right here. as the fire grows bigger and bigger and bigger, the larger the ring, the more square footage and the more mileage that you actually have to fight. there are more than one fire. still couple fires pretty impressive east of phoenix, even
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southeast of tucson. that's the one right there they are concerned about. now that weather is not blowing toward phoenix but certainly the smoke and fire across maybe the i-40 region all the way toward albuquerque, all these red zones there is all about high, high winds and very dry humidity. that dry humidity again will fire up the storms, fire up the fire storms across eastern arizona and also western new mexico today. today is the worst day of the week but today could be a really, really dangerous day. >> we'll keep our eyes on it. chad, check out this story i have for you. >> what's that? >> this is a legendary stuntman. this is nick wolenda doing a high-wire act with his mom. it is the same high-wire walk that killed his great grandmother carl back in 1978. >> that's the exact same spot. those are the two exact buildings. >> it is 100 feet high, 300 feet long. no safety net. they performed this walk together to honor carl's memory. wallenda says he's been haunted by the way his great grandfather
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died since he was a kid. >> he was on a wire since he was 2 years old. well, with nets. right? but -- wow, what an amazing feat. that happened over the weekend. >> no safety net there. pretty incredible. >> don't look down. >> i could never do something like that. all right, thanks, chad. politicians say a lot of things they expect us to accept as fact. right? well, it is our job to call them on it. truth-o-meter is up next. [ carrie ] i remember my very first year as a teacher, setting that goal to become a principal. but, i have to support my family, so how do i go back to school? university of phoenix made it doable. a lot of my instructors were principals in my district. i wouldn't be where i am without that degree. my name is dr. carrie buck. i helped turn an at risk school into an award winning school,
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and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at producing products that save on fuel and emissions like ecopia tires... even making parts for solar panels that harness the sun's energy... working on social activities like clean up programs on beaches in many locations... and regional replanting activities that will help make a better world for all of us. ♪ one team. one planet bridgestone. with less chronic low back pain. imagine living your life with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a non-narcotic treatment that's fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens,
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stories our affiliates are covering around the world. inflatable bounce houses fly away. with kids inside! check out this amateur video from ocean side, new york. three of them went airborne and rolled across a soccer field. 13 kids were injured! witnesses say strong gusts of wind picked them up off the ground. in brentwood, tennessee, a fire destroyed the home of country singer trace adkins. his three girls and their nanny were inside at the time but are okay thanks to the family's fire safety plan. they ran to a tree that was marked with a yellow ribbon. and some drivers in new jersey got to see this unusual scene. trucks hauling a giant commercial plane through the streets. it is the same plane captain "sully" sullenberger landed on the hudson river saving everyone on-board. it is being trucked to an aviation museum in north
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as the political season ramps up, so does the rhetoric. what's true? what's false? we have been doing some checking.
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a reporter and researcher for, the political website of the st. petersburg "times." start with this one. democratic representative debbie wasserman schultz of florida says the medicare proposal by republican paul ryan of wisconsin would in her words allow insurance companies to deny you coverage and drop you for pre-existing conditions. what do we know? true or false. >> suzanne, we rated this one false. the republicans do have a proposal that would change medicare to a system where seniors buy their own insurance policies with some money from the government to help them pay for it. it is intended to reduce spending in the medicare program. but the part of the proposal says that the insurance companies who participate would have to offer policies to all seniors regardless of pre-existing conditions. so false. >> what about this from sarah palin? she said, look at the debt that has been accumulated in the last two years.
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it's more debt under this president than all those other presidents combined. true? false? >> this one got a false, too. we dug into the numbers and there is a couple of different ways you can calculate the public debt. but no matter how we looked at it, the amount of debt that's accumulated under the obama administration is not more than all the other presidents combined. so this one got a false and the debt has been driven by more spending and also reduced revenues because of the recession. >> okay. finally, mitt romney who is running for president, he says we are only inches away from ceasing to be a free-market economy. >> we gave this one a "pants on fire." again, looked at it a number of different ways. but we're just not that close to becoming an un-free economy.
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one of the metrics we looked at was from the conservative heritage institution which ranks countries by economic freedom. the u.s. is number nine on the list of economically free countries and we're very firmly in the mostly free category. so we gave this one the "pants on fire." >> all right, aenly, thanks for holding them accountable. we appreciate it. the government scrapped its food pyramid for the food plate with recommendations to eat more fruits and veggies. but if you're worried it is going to take a bigger bite out of your grocery budget, smart is the new rich author christine romans explains how eating healthy doesn't have to cost a lot. >> reporter: it's a message from the very top. >> fruits, we're going to do some fruits here. we're going to do somberries. >> reporter: a call to arms from the first lady, her "let's move" campaign to combat high rates of childhood obesity and promote healthy eating and exercise. >> we're all here today because we care deeply about the health and well being. >> reporter: but many people think eating healthier equals
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spending more money. not so says deputy secretary of agriculture kathleen merrigan. >> i've been on a campaign, crusade, if you will, myth busting exercise to say you can actually afford to eat fruits and vegetables. >> reporter: the usda calculates -- >> a little bit less fruit, vegetables, a little bit more for fruit. but if you boil it all down, it is 50 cents a cup. so that means for a 2,000 a day calorie diet, you would spend somewhere between $2.18 and $2.50 to meet that half a plate recommendation. >> reporter: it's not always easy, but you can actually save money. >> we know that in this country, on average, family of four is spending about $185 a week on groceries. if you follow a healthy diet plan, as we propose, you can bring that cost down to $175. >> reporter: buy fruits and
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vegetables while they're in season, frozen and canned are also okay. and have a plan when you hit the supermarket. and of course, there's always your own backyard. >> it's so interesting to see little first graders with their shovels talking about composting and running a household where you're healthy. you pack lunches, you try to pakistaniable lunches. there's no waste. tell me about that. a no-waste lunch. >> it gets a little dicey sometimes at 7:35 you're trying to make all the snacks and all the lunches for the day. but i find the kids are actually watching over our shoulders, don't put that in a wrapper, put that in a container we can bring home and wash again. it means the food you are packing is better, too. >> reporter: christine romans, cnn, new york. you told us what you wanted to see. your "choose the news" story just moments away. ♪ what do you see yourself doing after you do retire?
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the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be. ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. learn more at
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just last hour the chief medical officer for the american cancer society told me there is a much needed development. >> it's been 40 years since we've had something good to say about melanoma treatment.
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these two new drugs, one actually looks at a specific gene within melanoma. it is good for about half the people who have metastatic or melanoma that's spread throughout their body and it clearly makes them live longer. it is not a cure. the other is a drug that actually modifies the immune system to help attack melanoma. that second drug's actually been fda approved within the last several months. >> so doctor, whether you say live longer, what kind of life expectancy are we talking about? >> we're talking about in clinical trials where people got this drug, folks who you really didn't expect to live a year, you would see perhaps 30% to 35% live that one year to that one-year mark, maybe 15% living two years. and these are people who you really expected would have only lived for six to nine months, at most. >> also a drug approved to treat breast cancer has been found to decrease the likelihood of
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getting cancer. it is for women who are at high risk of cancer fueled by the hormone estrogen. well, you told us what you wanted to see. here's your "choose the news" winner. dan simon reports on how a california man got his stolen computer back with a little help from a smart piece of software and his online friends. >> reporter: a burglar ransacked his apt and took his laptop. but joshua kaufman knew something the thief didn't. he had installed a security application called hidden. it secretly takes screen graphs, pin points the computer's location, and snaps photos. >> when you saw that first image pop up, what did you think? >> i was amazed and impressed that it was working. i never really tested it out so i didn't know if it was going to work or not. >> reporter: it worked. the app began streaming images of the man in possession of kaufman's laptop. he could view the images by logging in to his hidden account on any computer. >> i was thinking this sucks.
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someone has my computer and is deleting all my stuff. nothing i can do about it. >> reporter: one moment he's in a car, shirtless in bed, or even sleeping on the couch. >> people sleep in front of their computers probably all the time, but they don't realize they're being captured on camera. >> reporter: kaufman presented the data to an oakland detective, but in a high-crime city like oakland, stolen laptops are hardly a priority. >> his first response was i hate to be the one to tell you this but we just do not have the resources to deal with this right now. we're just too busy. >> reporter: after weeks of inaction, kaufman put it all on a blog. guy staring deliriously into my mac book read one post. guy deleting my account said another. >> i set up the blog because i was frustrated and i wanted my story to get some more media attention hoping that it would cause the police to act. >> reporter: his strategy paid off. the blog generated thousands of tweets. police started getting calls from the media. and just like that, they called to tell him they tracked the


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