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tv   World Business Today  CNN  July 4, 2011 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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>> a real pleasure. lovely to meet you. >> billie jean king. what a legend she is. i'm knee me charges at a u.n. tribunal of the haig but his lawyer says he'll not be appearing a person because the person hasn't approved his team of lawyers. shin a wa has talked about thai's government. she's poised to be thai's next prime minister after launching a political career six weeks ago. her brother was ousted in a
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milita milita milita milita milita military coup five years ago. the greek government is forcing through a deeply unpopular program of seattle sales, spending cuts, and tax increases. it looks as though venezuelan president hugo chavez will be staying in china for the time being. this video was released. venezuelan officials said he would be back on tuesday. now they said he'll be back inside of six months. those are the headlines. i'm monita rajpal in london. "world business today" starts right now. good morning from cnn london, i'm nina dos santos. >> and a very good afternoon from cnn hong kong. i'm andrew stevens.
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welcome to "world business today." these are our top stories on monday, the fourth of july. the invisitors welcome a change of leadership, and the prospect of renewed stability and grouktd. >> tiger airways tanks when there's talks of substandard safety. >> and harry potter fans are on a marathon stamina. before that, let's take you to the stock markets. firsthand asia, solid gains as concerns about the u.s. recovery and greece's debt fades. things are off to something of a seesaw start and living large on the horizon, we get the big monthly jobs number out of the u.s. let's get to europe. nina, how's it looking? >> well, european stock markets, an drew, seem to have been taking their cues from asia, but
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starting out, generally speak, of an optimistic note. the eu's approval has eased some investors' worries. we'll have more of that in just a moment, but taking a look at the markets as you can see, it's broadly speaking a mixed picture. the cac 40 down but we have pretty modest gains from the ftse 100. >> modest indeed. certainly here in asia, nina, things getting off of the a stronger start. the trading day is, of course, winding down. concerns are high, the european debt crisis being pushed aside. the nikkei up by nearly 1%, just at that 10,000 yechb threshold. it did cross a little earlier in the day and has pulled back from that. and that was thanks in part to tokyo electric power.
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shares up by 0% today. the company at the center of japan's nuclear troubles is getting very good news. senior government officials have proposed a plan to take up tepco. it puts the nuclear operations under government control. investors certainly working their way through some funding back. now, we're also looking at some high profile deal making. nestle is in talk with one of china's biggest confectioners. the deal could be the biggest foreign but chas. this would give access to the huge chinese market. hu fui, chi needs to get more details. beer maker asake may be also looking to boost its sales. asahi is looking to be bought by
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charlie's group as well as pfn beverages. thailand is preparing the way for this woman to become the country's first prime minister. she is set to replace an i sit. he resigned this monday morning. yingluck is the head of the majority. she's just two weeks into her political career. but it's her family ties that are getting most attention. sarah siden now explains from bangkok. >> reporter: a worried cheer. voters made a historic decision. for the very first time, tie land will be headed by a female prime minister. yingluck took a lead for the
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party. yingluck is the younger sister of one of the former prime ministers thaksin sin a wa tra. y y yingluck's critics are wired she'll do his bidding. >> i will tell them that i really want to go back, but i'm fwargt the right moment and the right situation. >> reporter: the thai party is feergsly behind thaksin and want him back. the former yellow shirts will do whatever they can to stop that from happening. what does his citizen ter say about all of this? we asked her just before the election. >> reporter: if you become prime minister will you parnd thaksin
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and allow him back in the country. >> i can't do anything special for my brother. i will make sure that he gets everything everyone has and make sure i follow the law. >> reporter: the main thing they want is for their leaders to shrink the gap between what they earn and the sky rocketing cost of living. free education is good. care for the elderly is also good. in fact, every party's policies are great. the question is if they'll ever implement them, she says. despite the animosity between the two major parties, they are making similar promises to the country chl free education, better overall economy and major increase in minimum wage but they want to give the volters the reality check and looking at how much it will cost, it's looking at how much thailand can support. >> it will be something where we have to spend an additional 1.5
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trillion up to 7.5 trillion with all the extravagant programs which is five times the national budgets. we'll be broke in one year. >> reporter: no one wants to see that. analysts are right that means thai voters may be disapond with their political leaders yet again. sara sidner, cnn, bangkok. it's a day in the netherlands. they're preparing to enter a plea on wartime charges. we'll be going to the international criminal court in the hague in a few minutes time. in the meantime let's go back to the story we were bringing you anti land and sara sidner. a clear landing for the thai party. they have been gaining. that's in contrast to moves during the past month or so which is when investors still down thai stocks and got out of
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the currency. let's go over to international war crimes try bu nal at the hague and listen. >> could mr. mladic be assisted in taking off his cap? thank you very much. mr. mladic, would you please call the case? [ speaking in foreign language ] >> good morning, yourns. number 9 t 92 i, the prosecutor versus mladic. >> thank you. mr. mladic, during the initial
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events you're invited to put on your earphones, because otherwise you'll not be able to attend -- mr. mladic, wait for a second. you'll have an opportunity to speak. i already would like to start with a the following observation. mr. mladic -- >> translator: cannot hear anything. >> wait until i give you an opportunity to speak. could we verify that he's -- could we verify that mr. mladic is on the right channel, which i
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take it is channel 6? >> translator: now i can hear. >> mr. mladic, would you remain silent for a moment wait for a skochbltd you'll have an opportunity to speak. >> translator: thank you. >> the chamber noticed that there was some undesirable silent communication between you, mr. mladic and another. it seems that this communication was initiated from both sides, that is from you and from the public gallery. the chamber will not allow this to happen again. the attendant of the public serve
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serves the public of the trial, not the trial alone. any miss giving by the public to watch the accuse order vice versa. measures will be taken if you, mr. mladic, or the public would not follow these instructions. mr. mladic i'm ready to tell you that presentation will be one of the next matters to be discussed. mr. mladic, you are communicating with the public gallery. i told you before that measures would be taken if you continued to do that.
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so would you please focus your attention on the chamber and not communication with the public gallery. so please look in our direction. we're addressing you. mr. mladic, i said you will have an opportunity to speak. so let me introduce this hearing. during the initial period, let me first say good morning to everything and may i have your appearances first, prosecution? >> good morning, your honor.
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peter groom, ms. mccluskey. >> thank you. mavi the appearances of the defense. >> translator: for the defense, alexander alejic, duty counsel. i would ask if i can make a few sentences. >> yes. >> translator: your honors, the initial appearance of mladic until today, i visited him in detention more than ten times. i had totally normal communication with him until last friday when we last saw each other. on that occasion, general mladic told me that he would not appear in court because his chosen counsel has not been appointed yet. however, this morning when he came to the tribunal general
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mladic came with me this morning telling me he did not wish to be here this morning. in view that it was extended until the first of august this year, i would like to add my own voice to that and due to this overall situation i would like to ask the trial chamber to postpone the entering of general mladic's plea until a later date. rule 62 a 4 says if the accused does not enter a plea during the initial appearances that the trial chamber is going to take maeshs. for the protection of general
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mladic's interest, i kindly ask that the initial plea be postponed. if he is again against my presence in this courtroom, i would like to ask the trial chamber for a chance to leave the court roochlt tharoomcourtr. thank you, yourns. >> thank you, mr. aleksic. we'll deal with the rep senn tarks but we'll first consider your request.
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mr. aleksic, you have given two requests. to powe post the hearing for a later point in time. that request is denied. the second request was that you would be allowed to leave the courtroom. that request is denied as well. the chamber fully understands that you're without instructions at this moment, which does not make your task very easy. at the same time, you're apoilkted as duty council and what i want to invite you to do is to intervene, even without instructions, intervene whenever you consider it to be in the best interest of mr. mladic to intervene. we'll deal with the representation as i announced before. >> translator: i understand, your honor. thank you. >> let me then introduce today's
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hearing. mr. mladic, during the initial appearance of the third of june, 2011, you decided not to enter a plea on the count of the indictment. instead you chose to do so 30 days from the initial appearance. you asked for more time, but that's what the chamber decided. that is within the 30 days as provided for by the rules. and it is for this purpose that the chamber schedules today's hearing. before we proceed, however, with this, the chamber would like to deal with some other matters fir first. during the initial appearance,
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and i'm talk about your health, you have drawn the chamber's attention to a number of issues related to your health. you then gave consent for the registry to provide the chamber with your medical documentation. su subsequent to the initial appearance, they requested that you provide instruction to the chamber no later than the 29th of 2011 and inform the registry accordingly through an informal communication. according to a memorandum from the register to the chamber dated the 30th of june, 2011, the reporting medical officer at united nations detention unit indicated that you no longer
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gave your consent to provide to chamber with your medical documentation. therefore, the chamber did not receive it. your reporting medical officer further informed the chamber that in his opinion, there was no medical reason which would prohibit you from attending and participating in the further appearance, which was scheduled for today, and is on this basis that the chamber has decided to proceed as planned today. i'll now move to the second item i'd like to raise, the issue of legal representation. on the first of julg, 2011, the register requested an extension of time for the assignment of
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permanent council for you, rule 62 c of the rules of procedure in evidence. in the registry's request, which was filed publicly, the register sets out the steps taken by rep sensitives of the registry and by you -- rep sensitives of the registry and you, mr. mladic, with regard to this issue. based on information provided to the chamber, the chamber is satisfied that this matter is about to be resolved and that the chamber has -- grants the request for assignment of council a bit later than
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provided for in the rules. apparently your representation is a matter of major concern to you at this moment. i therefore advise you to briefly address the chamber on the matter. but before you do so, i already introduced the matter as follows. you've had, i think altogether four meetings with the registry in which assignment of council was discussed. the chamber was also informed that you had expressed your preference for council to be assigned. i do understand that your preference was mr. sojic from
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bell graves and a lawyer from russia. mr. mladic if you continue to dras the public gallery rather than the chamber, as i said before, measures will be taken. yes, mr. mladic. if you don't activate your microphone, they'll not hear you. if you want to say anything -- >> translator: mr. orie, i am not underestimating you in any way. i hear better in my left ear, and i'm cold on my head. let me put my cap on. half of my body isn't functioning. i'm not underestimatinging you in any way. i want to communicate with you
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in a humane way. you are trying to impose impossible conditions on me, a lawyer i don't want and -- i'm just going to look at you. >> mr. mladic, if there's any problem with your medical condition, chamber could have addressed it better if it would have had the medical information which you told we should not receive. therefore, under the present circumstances we'll just continue as there is no need to put a cap on your head. if at any time later anything would indicate that this would be an appropriate measure to meet your medical concerns, then we'll consider that. mr. mladic, i invited you to
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briefly address the prep -- the representation issue. as i said, you had four meetings with emergency staff. you had expressed your preference for preferred council to be present. they have not been assigned yet. apart from the two preferred counsel at any point in time. also any potential counsel has been discussed with you. one of the issues which needs to be resolved is that there's no right of audience as any counsel who is not qualified and as a result committed to do so. i understand that the registry is working hard on vary fig whether a counsel of your
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preference, whether they could be admitted, yes or no, whether they qualify, yes or no. so that matter is dealt with. i also understand that it was only very recently that you came up with names, not giving the registry but opportunity to deal with the matter, i think, seven to ten days to deal with the matter. i further understand that an opportunity has been given even to visit you during the weekends and as every -- any potential counsel was able to visit you. so therefore the registry is working hard on the matter and the matter not yet being resolved but soon being revolved, we will proceed. if, however, you would like to raise any matter of disrespect, you have a brief opportunity to do so now.
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>> translator: how much time do i have in terms of minutes to say this briefly? >> well, let's say it's my professional assessment that two minutes or three minutes will do. please. please procedure. please proceed. >> translator: since i'm an elderly man and slick, can i be given five minutes to say that? >> mr. mladic, you're invited to start. if you -- >> translator: i understand. i understood that. mr. orie, to cut this story
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short, i request that two attorneys attend my trial, mr. me lowe sadic and mr. -- he was a judge for many years, highly confident. he visited me in my cell and i suffolk him at length, for four hours. i wish -- >> mr. mladic, one second. if you have certain counsel preference, you don't have to explain the reasons to the court why you prefer them. we do understand that you have had discussions with confidential counsel including
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mr. sadic. please proceed. >> translator: i ask you kindly that mr. alexander mesiav be allowed to come. i don't know him personally. i would like him to come so that we meet and that he, salij and i draft the concept of my defense before this court. as for other attorneys, i'm not asking for them and i don't need them. >> mr. mladic, whether or o not someone can visit you in united nation detention unit is in the hands of the registry. so i take it that you have taken notice of the fact that mr. m d mla
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mladjc would raich to be visited by mr. medevek. is that correct? >> yes, your honor. we will facilitate the visit. >> thank you, mr. registrar. any other matter in relation to your presentation? >> translator: i wish for you to extend my time. i would kindly ask for a month so together with my two lawyers and my son, we meet up at the detention unit and clarify the situation i'm in, i with them and they with me. it's no use for you to try imposing a lawyer on me through
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the registry. as for this young man, he's young and likeable. i don't want to offend him in any way. >> mr. mladic, as i told you before, assignment of counsel is primarily the responsibility of the registrar. we have received reports. you're working hard with the registry on this matter to be resolved and let me just consult with my colleagues. mr. mladic, a similar request was made by mr. aleksic a couple of minutes ago and his position
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was denied. may we proceed? >> translator: no, i won't. >> mr. mladic, you'll have an opportunity to speak if i give you an opportunity to do so. mr. mladic, my question to you is -- andky guess what your answer will be, but let's just hear it from you. are you ready to answer pleas today, yes or no. >> translator: mr. orie, you can do whatever you want. without mr. sadic and without mr. alexander medev, there's no
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need for me to read anything or say anything. and you do as you wish. you are not letting me have -- >> mr. mladic, i understand. >> translator: you want to impose -- >> mr. mladic, i do not want to impose anything. i refer do you the registrar to resolve the matter -- could you please -- could you please be silent when i'm speaking, mr. mladic. we prefer the matter of counsel is a discussion between you and the registrar and that's how it is. under the circumstances, i understood your answer to be that you're not ready to enter a plea at this moment. therefore, there's no need to
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proceed. if you would be ready to enter a ple plea, i'll just inform you rule 62 a score 4 provides that trial chamber or the judge shall, if the accused fails to enter a plea at the initial or any further appearance enter a plea of not guilty on the accused's behalf and we'll proceed on that basis. i will read the counts and then -- >> translator: no, no, no. don't read it to me, not a single word. >> mr. mladic -- mr. mladic, you should not interrupt me. >> translator: i have to interrupt you. >> mr. mladic --
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>> translator: i don't have a lawyer. mr. mladic, if you do not stop interruptingmy, the claimer will decide whether you should be removed from the courtroom. >> translator: remove me now. >> we'll proceed to count i. >> translator: don't go on, mr. orie, please. let my attorney mr. milo sadic come, and then i'll speak.
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>> i'll inform you of what i earlier said of the following. it has been discussed among the judges of this chamber whether mr. sadic, who is counsel of preference, apparently, could attend the hearing this morning. the chamber would not have opposed to mr. sadic sitting next to mr. mladic. they're awaiting further verification of his qualifications. the chamber was informed that mr. sadij, whether the request was ever made or nefrms considered the matter left the haig and that is as far as i'm concerned the main reason mr. sadic is not sitting in front of you. mr. mladic, my last -- if you
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say -- continue to interrupt -- >> translator: no, no. no, no. you're not right. you're not -- >> we're not going to discuss you. i hooesh instruct you not to interrupt me anymore and to wait until i give you an opportunity to speak and i will proceed. under count i, mr. mladic, you're charged with genocide -- >> translator: no, no. i'm not going to listen to this. i'm not going to listen to this at all. without my lawyer, i'm not going to listen anymore. you're talking in vain. i'm not going to listen without my counsel. >> mr. mladic, mr. mladic, mr. mladic, mr. mladic, the court
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orders that you be removed from the courtroom. could security please escort mr. mladic out of the courtroom. could mr. mladic -- >> translator: who are you? you're not allowing me to breathe. >> we adjourn. we adjourn for the moment. we adjourn for the moment. curtains dourngs please. we resume -- we resume soon. >> you beerch watching live
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pictures fromming from the hague where the criminal court has been listening for the hearing of ratko mladic. he is present there for a second hearing on his plea where he wants to plead guilty or not guilty to charges including genocide and crimes against humanity. you can see that ratko mladic was removed from the courtroom by alphons orie. let's go to correspondent dan rivers for more insight as to what happened. dan, those are some pretty dramatic scenes there. >> yeah, i mean it seems completely true to form, the way he's behaving is in line with the way he's behaved all the way since he was arrested and indicted. he is just refusing to cooperate basically. he's repeatedly saying he wants his two lawyers that he's named, one from serbia and one from russia. but as judge orie said, the
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registry was only given the name of those lawyers fairly recently, so they've been unable to check their qualifications, to check to see if they're experienced and qualified to represent him and he doesn't want to seem to sit and listen to those 11 charges in total, including genocide, persecution, extermination, murder, and forceable transfer to be read out. as you say, very dramatic scenes as he was constantly interrupting and refusing to go with these proceedings and also con substantiately being told not to jess tour the public gallery and not interrupt the judge, he wasn't having any of it and he was forced to be removed from the court and they'll go into short recess. i guess what's going to happen is they'll continue without him since he's not going to sit quietly and listen to the charges read out. so they will continue, put in not guilty pleas for all of
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them, i would imagine, as the judge was saying under rule 62 a 4 sets out that if he's not going to comply, the judge will enter not guilty pleas on his before and then they will move forward with this. but, yeah, very dramatic scenes as he refused to play ball, basically, with this tribune. >> okay, dan rivers, cnn, international correspondent monitoring that situation. many thanks for that. we're heading into a quick break. we'll be back with more insight, more analysis, and, of course, when the international court resumes in the hague, we'll be bringing you that as well. many thanks. candy? um-- well, you know, you're in luck. we're experts in this sort of thing, mortgage rigamarole, whatnot. r-really? absolutely, and we guarantee results, you know, for a small fee, of course.
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. let's go back to the hague in the international criminal court. the commander was forcibly removed from the courtroom. this is judge alph missour alph >> responsible pursuant to article 73 of the statute. the chamber enters a plea of not guilty on behalf of mr. mladic. under count ii mr. mladic is charged with genocide punishable under article 43 a of the statute of the tribunal and this count focuses specifically on events in and nearby events in 1995. mr. mladic is charged with both individual criminal
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responsibility under article 7-1 of the statute and personal responsibility pursuant to article 7-3 of the statute. the chamber enters a plea of not guilty on behalf of mr. mladic. under count iii, mr. mladic is charged with persecutions on political, racial, and religious grounds, the crime against humanity, punishable under article 5 h of the statute of the tribunal. and he's charged with both criminal responsibility pursuant to rule 1 of the statute and superior responsibility under article 7-3 of the statute. a plea of not guilty is entered by the chamber on behalf of mr. mladic.
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under count iv, mr. mladic is charged with extermination, a crime against humanity, punishable under article 5 b of the statute of the tribunal. he e he's charged with both individual criminal responsibility under article 7-1 of the statute and superior responsibility pursuant to rule 7-3 of the statute. the chamber enters a plea of not guilty on behalf of mr. mladic. under count v, mr. mladic is charged with murder, pun irritable under article 5 a of the statute of tribunal. he's charged with both individual criminal responsibility pursuant to
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article 7-1 of the statute and superior responsibility under article 7-3 of the statute. the chamber enters a plea of not guilty on behalf of mr. mladic. under count vi, mr. mladic is charged with murder, violations of law or customs of law, punishable under article 3 of the statute of the tribunal. he's charged both with individual criminal responsibility pursuant to article 7-1 of the statute and superior responsibility under article 7-3 of the statute. the chamber enters a plea of not guilty on behalf of mr. mladic. under count vii, mr. mladic is
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charged with deportation, a crime against humanity, punishable under article 5 d of the statute of the tribunal. he's charged both with individual criminal responsibility pursuant to article 7-1 of the statute and superior responsibility under article 7-3 of the statute. the chamber enters on behalf of mr. mladic a plea of not guilty. under count viii, mr. mladic is charged with utter inhumane acts, a crime against humanity, punishable under article 5 i of the statute. he's charged both with individual criminal responsibility pursuant to
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article 7-1 of the statute and superior responsibility under article 7-3 of the statute. the chamber hooesh enters a plea on behalf of mr. mladic of not guilty. under count ix, mr. mladic is charged with acts of violence. the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population, a violation of the laws or customs of laurks punishable under article 3 of the statute of the international tribunal. and he's charged both with individual criminal responsibility pursuant to article 7-1 of the statute and superior responsibility under article 7-3 of the statute. the chamber enters on behalf of
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mr. mladic a plea of not guilty. under count x, mr. mladic is charged, punish bd under article 3 of the statute of the international tribunal. he's charged both with individual criminal responsibility pursuant to article 7-1 of the statute and spi superior responsibility and article 7-3 of the statute. on behalf of mr. mladic, the chamber enters a plea of not guilty. under count xi, mr. mladic is charged with the taking of hostages, a violation of the
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laws or customs of law, punishable under article 3 of the statute of the international tribunal. he's charged with both individual responsibility pursuant to article 7-1 of the statute and superior responsibility under article 7-3 of the statute, and the chamber enter on behalf of mr. mladi kr a plea noft guilty. . i feel that a few other matte matters -- the chamber would
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like to deal with some additional matters. on the 14th of jeune of this year, the prosecution asked the chamber about the exact scope of the disclosure obligations and more specifically if the obligation covered the supporting material for previous versions of the indictment as well. on the 16th of june, 2011, the chamber then informed the prosecution that a disclosure obligation covered the supporting material for the operative indictment. it further advised the prosecution to disclose at least lists of the supporting material for the previous versions of the indictment. the chamber also reminded the prosecution that already at the initial appearance, the chamber had instructed the prosecution
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to disclose the material related to the rule 61 hearing. these communications were done through informal means on which the duty counsel was copied and i hereby put on the record. on the first of july, 2011, the prosecution filed a public notice on disclosure, indicating that it had fulfilled its obligations pursuant to rule 66 a, small i, but there was one matter not entirely clear. in footnote 3 you said something about an electronic disclosure. does the chamber well understand
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that hard copy disclosure has been completed but it is still working on electronic disclose your. >> you beerch watching events on the criminal court in the hague where judge orie entered not guilty pleas on behalf of ratko mladic. let's go over to international correspondent dan rivers who's been watching it. dan, what do you make of it? >> just as he refused to cooperate with judge orie at all, constantly interrupting him, first of all asking if he could put his hat on, complaining about his health. and as judge orie mentioned several times he he was gesturing toward the gallery. and judge orie was constantly trying to get him to look at him as he addressed him and mladic
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didn't want to play ball at all. as he was trying to get down to the nitty-gritty of the pleas, he kept saying his two lawyers, one from serbia, one from russia that he had asked for -- the problem is he only had recently given the names relatively recently, and the registry which deals with running the court effectively hasn't had time to check out these lawyers to ensure that they're suitably well qualified, you know, if they have any running criminal convictions for example, if they're allowed to represent him. and that was consistently pointed out. he just didn't want to hear it alt all. and in the end he was forcibly removed from the chamber. we couldn't see that but there were two security guards taken away and now these 11 charges are being entered on his behalf during his procedure here of all 11 charges. those charges are the worst you
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can expect rj genocide, deportation, forceable transfer, murder, and so on and so on. is this all relating to the bosnia war between 1992 and 1995. and i think what's important here is they are trying to prove that genocide happened in a wider context than some of the other trials had proved in the past. in the past they've just kind of nailed it down. here they're trying to show it happened across 23 municipalities. specifically sara yeah voe left many dead. >> dan rivers bringing us up to date what's been going on in the international court. of course, ratko mladic was forced to enter a plea. he refused to do so.
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he was forced to leave the courtroom.
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♪ sing polly wolly doodle all the day ♪ ♪ hah
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