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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 7, 2011 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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eastern. >> i want to get you up to speed for this thursday, july 7th. casey anthony stays in jail. at least for now. a florida judge gave her the maximum sentence today for lying to police. four years. >> i will sentence you to one year in the orange county jail imposing a $1,000 fine on each count, all four counts to run consecutive to each other, giving you credit for the time that you have previously served. >> analysts say that means casey anthony could go free as early as august. on tuesday jurors found anthony not guilty of killing her daughter caylee, but they convicted her on four counts of lying to police. now, one of the jurors says she and others on the panel were,
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quote, sick to our stomachs over the not guilty jury. jennifer ford, a nursing student told abc news that the evidence didn't add up to murder conviction. >> how did she die? if you're going to charge someone with murder, don't you have to know how they killed someone or might have something -- where, when, why, how? those were important questions not answered. i'm still confused. if you put even just the 12 jurors in one room with a piece of paper, write down how calleigh died, no one knows. we'd be guessing. we have no idea. >> president obama and congressional leaders are starting debt ceiling crisis talks. that's happening at the white house right now. the president is dramatically upping the ante. democratic officials say he'll go for perhaps 4 instead of $2 trillion in debt reduction over a decade or so. he could consider cuts in social security and medicare. in exchange the president wants republicans to agree to tax
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increases. something they said they will not do. >> i've also been clear that we are not going to raise taxes on the american people. we're not going to raise taxes on the very people that we expect to reinvest in our economy and to help grow jobs. attorneys say dominique strauss-khan will never plead guilty to anything. the former imf chief's lawyers sat down with manhattan prosecutors to discuss the next steps in the case. prosecutors have questioned the housekeeper's credibility. federal appeals court is ordering the pentagon to stop enforcing don't ask, don't tell immediately. congress repealed the policy last winter but the obama administration favors a slow transition to open service by gays and lesbians in the military. now, if that's to continue, the administration will have to get the u.s. supreme court to block the appeals court order. federal regulators are
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ordering exxonmobil to make safety upgrades to its montana pipeline. it ruptured last week, spilling thousands of gallons of oil into the yellowstone river. for starters, exxonmobil will have to rebury the pipeline under the riverbed to protect the river from future accidents. >> the water's going out into farmlands in places here. you can see where animals graze, where people use this land for livestock purposes. so, it's going to have a wide-ranging impact here. you don't even have to go very far. we're on a road not far at all from the city. you just walk a few feet down into the grasslands. all have you to do is just yank some of this grass off and you see how almost every blade of grass is coated with this thick, just disgusting oil. the very definition of gumption. police are looking for a man who walked out of a san francisco art gallery with a picasso under his arm.
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police say he went straight to the picasso, picked it up, walked out, got into a cab waiting for him. the pencil drawing "head of a woman" valued at $200,000. back to casey anthony now as she goes back to jail. the judge threw the book at her this morning, giving her the maximum possible sentence for lying to police during the search for her daughter. wanted to get straight to our cnn's martin savidge. he's now outside with demonstrators. first of all, paint a picture for us, what that was like inside that courtroom as everybody waited for sentencing. >> reporter: well, it was a very different feeling than it was a couple days ago when we were there to hear what the verdict was. this time it was a much more relaxed casey anthony we saw. in fact, to say she let her hair down is literal and figurative. if you looked at her in the
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video, you saw one of the striking things about the change of her feature was that she has no longer have the hair up in a bun or ponytail. she had it hanging around her shoulders. she felt much more comfortable in the courtroom today. the sentencing aspect is a very complicated equation here. the judge did throw the book but he didn't have much of a book to throw. you're really talking about four misdemeanors here. he gave her the max time, one year for each of those four, to be served consecutively. in other words, one after another, not concurrently, which was one of the big questions. she's already served about three years. she gets good time. she gets something which in florida they call gain time. right now the attorneys for both prosecution and defense are still in the courtroom sort of putting their heads together to figure out, well, what will be the exact release date? they know one thing, it is not going to be today. the judge had indicated, while in the proceedings that it could be around the end of july or august. in the meantime, a small gathering really of protesters. not the kind we anticipated to
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see really given the nature of how high emotions have been running. security is very high. you've got sheriff's deputies on horseback here. you've got helicopters hovering overhead. and you've got deputies walking all around the grounds here. but for the most part, it has remained calm as they continue to try to figure out exactly when will casey anthony go free. >> martin, there are demonstrators out there. what are they saying to you? are they upset? do they think this is justice done? are they waiting? >> reporter: two groups out here. they're divided into specific protest areas. this one is basically the group opposed to the way the verdict came down. they've been basically saying there's been no justice for caylee, which of course is the little girl whose life was lost in all of this. and then you come over to the other direction, well, now there's hardly anybody there, but if you look just off in the distance, you can see that there is another small gathering, there was. those are the pro-casey folks. as we say, the two sides have been kept apart as a result of
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law enforcement. very small crowds actually considering how much and how angry people were when that verdict came down. >> martin savidge outside the courtroom. most legal experts predicted casey anthony would walk out of jail a free woman today but judge belvin perry sided squarely with the prosecution during sentencing. want to bring in our senior legal analyst, jeffrey toobin. the defense has some time to appeal. would it make any sense for them to do that or is she going to be in jail for such a short period of time, there's really nothing for them to do? >> i think it would be crazy for them to appeal. casey anthony won this case. a week ago she was looking at the death penalty, at the possibility of getting a lethal injection. today we are trying to figure out whether she's going to get out the end of july or in august. i mean, the difference so stark between those two options, it is so clear she won this case.
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she's not even as a result of this case a convicted felon. the four crimes she was convicted of are misdemeanors. it is unusual to get consecutive year-long sentences for four misdemeanors but because she served so much time already, this really amounts to a trivial addition. she should take her winnings, go home, stay away from children, leave florida and disappear into obscurity. >> jeff, i don't know if she's going to do any of those thing you mentioned, but why do you suppose that the judge gave her the maximum here? do you think he was sending a message to the public, to the jurors, to her? >> well, you know, what he did, which i thought was very smart, is we've all been talking about the four misdemeanors. what judge perry did is he summerized the false statements that casey anthony made. they were so appalling, so disgraceful. here, this 2-year-old child is dead in the ground and she's telling police all sorts of
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fantastical, awful lies. and just to be reminded of what she did, i think the judge very appropriately was appalled at her behavior and wanted to give her the maximum that he could. it was not much given the fact these were just misdemeanors. by summarizing the actual lies she told and, you know, reminding us of the horror of what this woman did, you know, putting the world through this painful, ridiculous, in retrospect, search and, you know, when she knew where her daughter's body was was just appalling. >> is this case over? we know there are other people that have come forward, the one with the identical name of the made up, fictitious nanny who is suing now, and also the parents, cindy as well as george, cindy at least, it was shown during the proceeding, had lied at some
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point during the testimony. that could possibly bring a perjury charge. what's next? >> i think the criminal case is over. there is nothing further to do as a criminal matter. casey anthony could confess on the steps of the courthouse. she's protected by the double jeopardy clause. this case is over. civilly there's a lot going on. most importantly, the irs is after casey anthony. and the irs is always first in line for money that she owes. she received money from abc, she didn't pay taxes on it. the irs is after her. there are various civil cases. there is -- the florida authorities' attempt to try to get casey anthony to pay for some of the investigation that went forward. all of that will be resolved in the usual way civil litigation is resolved, which is very, very slowly.
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i anticipate these things will kick around in the courts for years. i would be surprised, other than the irs, if casey anthony ever winds up paying anybody any money. >> jeffrey toobin, thanks so much. let's go direct ily to the white house, brianna keilar is just out of the meeting the president is having, small group of democrats and republicans, sitting down trying to negotiate a number of things, obviously, how to tackle the federal deficit and the budget. want to go to brianna. what do you have for us? any progress here? >> well, suzanne, i think there's been a lot of movement here in the last day. we learned yesterday president obama was considering a deficit reduction package of $3 to $4 trillion over the last -- over the next ten years. much bigger than he had been considering before. we learned some new details. actually, i think we also ha have -- i want to show you this. >> we'll go directly to the president speaking, if i may.
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>> i was reading about that sand storm. >> that's incredible. >> too much dust in here. >> all right, guys. thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you. >> sorry to interrupt you there. i just wanted to give our viewers kind of an inside peek. you were inside that room. obviously, the president and republican democratic leadership refused to answer any questions you were throwing at them. what took place? what kind of progress was made out of that meeting? >> reporter: this is the very beginning of the meeting, so we're still waiting to figure out if anything happens.
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we've been told from a republican source i spoke to said, don't expect any deal to be coming out of this meeting. this is pretty intriguing because i know that just looks like a bunch of leaders sitting around the cabinet table, this is the first time we have really seen this video of these discussions. so much of it has been behind closed doors. and this is the first time the president really has these top eight members of congress here in these debt discussions. there's a whole lot to tackle. after what was seemingly kind of a stalemate, an impasse here for the last couple of weeks, as this august 2nd deadline ticks closer and closer for raising the debt ceiling, we know that yesterday we learned from democratic sources the president is considering a much larger, much more ambitious package than he talked about before. $3 to $4 trillion in deficit savings, it appears according to sources, over the next ten years. that's almost double, perhaps even more than he was considering before. it's so ambitious, suzanne, it's
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something that would have to require putting social security, medicare and medicaid, the big three entitlements, on the table as well as tax reform. very comprehensive idea here, although one republican source that i spoke with stressed this is just a proposal being discussed between president obama and speaker boehner. but that's pretty significant -- >> sure, absolutely. >> reporter: they are seen as the two big players in this. >> absolutely, very significant. brianna, if you would, tell us about on the republican side, i know there are some ideas what republicans are willing to give up or negotiate in these talks. >> reporter: that's right. we're learning something about the timeline i find particularly interesting. i learned from a republican source, i said, how is it even possible you could tackle all of this in this time? the answer is, perhaps they can't. one republican source said something that republicans are amenable to and is being discussed is dealing with entitlements sort of up front here ahead of the august 2nd deadline and then pushing the tax reform negotiations beyond august 2nd because it would be a
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large overhaul of the tax system. what republicans would like to see is a reduced tax rate for corporations and for individuals. and then they'd like to see a similar repm simplification of tax deduction codes that americans and corporations take so they can vastly reduce what they pay in taxes. sounds simple, right? we know that this is so complicated. i mean, this really -- this is why so many people here in washington are employed because of tax loopholes. this is something that a lot of people on both sides of the aisle, it would be -- obviously the devil will be in the details but i think the devil is also in the large, broad strokes as well. >> play this out for us, if you will. what happens if they don't reach a deal? what would be the consequence if they don't come up with something? >> reporter: you know, if you listen to experts, if they don't come to a deal, if the u.s. were to default on their loan
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obligations, it would be at least in the words of white house press secretary jay carney ka clam to us and i think a lot of experts agree the ramifications would be serious if the u.s. cannot pay their loans. very real for americans would be interest rates, your 401(k), i mean, we're talking about very real everyday stuff. at this point, you have both sides saying they're still working towards doing that. but as i mention, this current proposal under consideration could stretch negotiations beyond august 2nd. obviously, there would have to be some sort of raising the debt ceiling before that and staggering parts of the negotiation. >> brianna keilar just out of that meeting. a rundown of some other stories we're covering. first, we're counting down to nasa's last shuttle mission. hear the final crew's re-election. also, new job numbers. the markets moving now. plus, casey anthony goes back to jail. our attorneys discuss her sentence. and later, al qaeda tries to
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make a comeback in afghanistan. >> right past there, usually our patrols don't push too far past that. if you push too far past that, you'll take enemy contact.
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(screams) when an investment lacks discipline, it's never this obvious. introducing investment discipline etfs from russell. visit r a prospectus, containing the investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and other information. read and consider it carefully before investing.
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unlike fish oil, megared softgels are small and easy to swallow with no fishy smell or aftertaste. try megared today. cnn's in depth focus this week, the final mission of nasa's space shuttle program. "atlantis" is scheduled to lift off in a little more than 24 hours, 11:26 a.m. eastern on
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friday. big question about the weather, whether or not that will cooperate. our john zarrella is covering the launch at kennedy space center and he's talked with the crew. reynolds wolf is tracking the weather near kennedy space center. john, we'll talk about you first. tell us about the crew. are they ready? are they excited? >> reporter: this crew at one point didn't even think they would be the last crew. the "discovery" crew and then "endeavour" and then nasa added this flight. this was supposed to be a rescue shuttle if the others got in trouble but nasa decided, you know what, we have all these extra parts left, a vehicle that can fly, why not fly it? so, that's what the determination was made. and then suddenly this crew found themselves not being a backup on need crew but the prime crew and now they are flying the final shuttle.
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they have become known as the final four. >> beautiful shuttle. beautiful day. >> reporter: you guys are going to be the last shuttle flight. what's going through your mind? are you going, oh, man, you know, why me or is it like -- >> kind of like being at disneyland late at night thinking, am i going to get to the front of the line before the ride closes or am i actually going to get cut off at the very end? when we find out, wow, you squeak by. then to realize this is the last space shuttle mission ever, it was an honor to be a part of it. >> we want to make sure we get the job done. when the job is done, we can look back and reflect and think about where the place in history lied for this final shuttle flight. >> the crew getting their last looks at the space station complex -- >> we've got more transfer and low guesstic supplies to send to station than we ever have on any other mission. we're very, very busy in training. it's a very challenging mission.
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>> reporter: you represent thousands of workers for 30 years who have poured their heart and soul into these vehicles. >> that's exactly right. >> reporter: and you are representing them on the final flight. >> it is -- and i think that's where i feel the most pressure, to be able to represent them the way they deserve to be represented. and finish out the program on a high note with a successful mission and then be able to thank them all afterwards, ideally. >> reporter: would you say the shuttle program, then, has been a success? >> i think at times it is the -- i hate to use the cliche but sometimes it's the rodney dangerfield of the space program over the years. but it's just the amount of payload it can take to orbit, the amount of payload it can bring back, seven people on top of that, you know. you know, where else have we seen that in a space program? >> i like that, john, rodney
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dangerfield of the space program. are there any commemorative things brought on the shuttle to celebrate the last historic flight? >> reporter: oh, yeah, absolutely. they are, in fact, bringing up commemorative pins and they are bringing up some bookmarks and commemorative patches and all of these space-flown items will be distributed to schools across the country. so, that's pretty neat. that's a pretty cool thing. >> pretty cool stuff. thanks. hopefully we'll see you there. reynolds wolf is watching the weather for tomorrow's shuttle launch. reynolds, some traveling today, i'm hoping to get there and see the historic launch. we think it's going to happen? >> how much do you like orlando? you want to stay there through the weekend? unfortunately, that might be the situation. >> i think i am. >> when you're in central florida, you're always going to have the possibility of flormz. the sea breeze, daytime heating. in this situation, we have a little bit of that but the biggest player is what you see a
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little farther to the southwest. this is part of a tropical disturbance. unfortunately, it is moving directly towards the space coast. that means what you'll be seeing is increase of cloud cover, increase of rain. last thing you possibly need when you're trying to have a launch. the way it looks now, when you look at computer models, you have of course the launch site, radius of 20 miles of clear air for it to launch. it looks like as we fast forward into thursday, that into friday, a chance taking off friday is 30%. saturday, 40%. by sunday, a 60% possibility. so, it gets a little better each time. again, that is, again, wishful thinking. it will be tough but the farther we go through the weekend, better chances. they do have that window tomorrow. if we do have it, we may have a successful launch. >> i'll be there either way. i'll be there for the weekend. >> you can't lose. you can't lose. you're in florida. good times. enjoy. >> i'll use it for vacation. cnn plans special coverage of tomorrow morning's launch of
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"atlantis" from kennedy space coverage. our coverage of the last shuttle flight begins at 10 a.m. eastern. new jobs report has the markets buzzing. we'll break it down from the new york stock exchange.
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three great stories. only one will air in the next hour. choose the news you would like to see. first, a disabled veteran in the iraq war encourages other wounded vets to become active and physical and fit. one of their first challenges, skydiving. second, the russian government thinks radio can change hearts and minds by giving russia's view on things and they're trying to do it from washington. and third, japan's aggressive
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young women are driving a new fad in sushi. we're not talking about raw fish. it's sushi made with raw meat. and the women are called karn voluntary girls. you can vote by texting 22 360. vote one for injured vets skydive, two for russian radio in d.c. or three japan's carnivore girls. a new jobs report has some good news for the economy and the obama administration. figures show 157,000 private sector jobs were added in june. that is doubling the projections. i want to go to our alison at new york stock exchange. a lot of people want good news, they hear good news. how significant is this report? >> reporter: this report comes in as encouraging, suzanne. we are seeing an immediate reaction on wall street. the dow up 80 points. the nasdaq, higher by 32.
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wall street is looking at this report because it's an important one because we were thrown a curveball in may when the private sector only added 36,000 jobs. it was a huge disappointment after looking at how the earlier part of the year did. businesses added 200,000, a little more than 200,000 for a few consistent months for a while. so, then it was a big disappointment in may to see only 36,000 -- that only 36,000 private sector jobs were added. another encouraging part of this report, suzanne, is that small businesses are doing most of the hiring. you really want to see hiring there because small business accounts for two-thirds of all the jobs here in the u.s. >> you know, most important jobs report is out tomorrow. that comes out tomorrow. does this raise the bar for tomorrow's report? >> reporter: i'm seeing a lot of optimism here on wall street. you know, before this report came out, the expectations were anywhere from 80,000 to 120,000 jobs would be added to the economy. that is, of course, referring to the government jobs report.
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now i'm seeing that go up just a little bit. there's more optimism after this adp report. you know, i think what it's doing is calming nerves and raising expectations for the big government jobs report coming out tomorrow. >> we'll be watching for that tomorrow. thanks. casey anthony does not get her walking papers today. she's ordered back to jail by the judge. i'll talk to two defense attorneys about the latest twist in this ever-surprising case. does that in one daily dose. t new citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal.
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here's a rundown of some of the stories we're working on. next, casey anthony gets the maximum for lying to police but she won't be in jail for long. al qaeda attempts a comeback as the u.s. pulls troops from
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aafghanistan. in 20 minute, a woman watches as her husband is mauled to death by a grizzly in yellowstone national park. it's not exactly clear how much longer casey anthony will remain behind bars but one thing is clear, judge belvin perry gave the florida woman the maximum sentence possible for four counts of lying to police in connection with the death of her daughter. >> i will sentence you to one year in the orange county jail imposing a $1,000 fine on each count. all four counts to run consecutive to each other, giving you credit for the time that you have previously served. >> so, that sentencing surprised a lot of people. we are joined by two legal
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experts, defense attorney and fornler prosecutor holly hughes, she's here with me in atlanta, and criminal defense attorney richard herman joins us from las vegas. so, what happened today? richard, i'll start with you. is it what you expected? >> it pretty much -- kind of what i expected. i'm sure the judge is taking vengeance out on her right now. i think what we left out of that clip is now we'll speak to bureau of prisons to calculate her time. since i was so stellar in my prediction of the outcome of the verdict, and i'm in las vegas, i'm going to double down and say this -- i think she's going to be released today when they get those results in. when you are arrested for seven crimes and you go to prison, you begin to get credit for each day you're in prison. she's getting credit now for 900 days if prison. those misdemeanor counts are one-year maximum sentences. she's already maxed out on all four of those. it's irrelevant today that the judge stacked the sentence.
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i really believe, when bureau of prisons gets together with them today, she is going to be released this afternoon. >> holly, what do you -- do you think that's true and why do you suppose the judge actually made that decision to throw four years at her? >> i think what he did was he looked at what she lied about. let's look at the basis of the statement she was charged for lying. this is -- you know, we have false info to a police officer. basically that's when you get pulled over, you know you have warrants out on you so you give them a fake name. that's what we see the charge for. in this particular instance, this is a whopper of a lie. and the judge said in the sentencing, okay, when you told this lie, did the police have to go out and investigate? then when you told this lie, did they then have to expand more resources and go out and investigate? when she lied to the police she was obstructing the investigation. they all thought they were looking for a live child. based on that, he gave her the max. this is a tough judge. you remember birdman, the guy in the courtroom flipping off jeff
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ashton the other day, he gave him six days for that stunt. we know he's a harsh sentencer. we know he's going to give them what he feels is appropriate. and here, given the severity of what actually underlies those counts, it doesn't surprise me. >> i want to stay with me. i understand that karen levy is coming out. she's going to deliver the news about just how much time casey anthony will be in jail behind bars out of that four-year sentence that was -- let's go to it. >> for 1,043 days and her release date is july 13, 2011. >> reporter: can you explain how it was calculated, karen, because 1,043 and four-year sentence doesn't add up to release next week. >> yes. i can tell you that -- let me hesitate by saying, i will release additional information. i did not receive any paperwork
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at this time. this was a verbal issue. so, once i have an explanation of that, i will be happy to provide that to you. but i knew you were all in here waiting so i went ahead and gave you the date. as soon as i have any additional information, i'll be happy to e-mail it to you. but the date is july 13, 2011. thank you. >> so, richard, i want to ask you, so, she's not going free today. next wednesday, six days from today, july 13th. what was the calculation behind that? >> i really think she got credit for each individual perjury count from the daye day she was first incarcerated. roughly speaking, she gets credit for 10.2 months per year. she's already been in three years. and those counts are already one year per. i'd like to ask holly a, in her entire legal career, has she-e seen a judge stack misdemeanor
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sentences like that? i never have. the judge went out of his way to slam her like this. i have never seen misdemeanor convictions stacked four years consecutive. >> i actually have. i've represented an armed robber and, believe it or not, despite his written confession, we actually got it reduced to four misdemeanors. in that instance she stacked them. yes, i've seen it happen once before, again, very serious case. i'm not making light of that. but, by the way, richard, you did hear me accept your bet, right, so you now owe me money. >> i was close enough. i was only six days off. >> pony up. >> richard has not been right on any of this. why are we even listening -- >> okay, i have a serious question for you. what's next for her? does she owe money to the investigators? are necessity going to go after her for money, time, wasted effort in trying to find that child? >> yes. >> you have three different agencies after her. tim miller who runs
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equasearches, he indicates they spent $112,000 looking for the child. the state filed a motion to recoop money for all the cost of their investigators and irs has already filed a $70,000 lien against her for money she made from selling caylee's pictures. >> richard, what about that woman who had the same name as the fictitious nanny, do you think she'll get anything? >> she'll get nothing. what's going to happen now, that casey doesn't have to veil herself under fifth amendment rights, she'll say, i didn't mean this zanida gonzalez, but i never met you, i don't know who you are and i never met to defame you, i never met you before in my life. you're not the person i was talking about. and based on that, the civil judge should dismiss that case. tim miller has no prooifyty can casey. he never signed any deals with her. the state, though, they'll have a hearing in about a month and figure out how much they'll seek
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to recoop. >> thank you for your time. appreciate it. we'll watch as this unfolds in six days. that is when she'll be getting out of jail. the question is, what is next for her? most people agree, it's not going to be easy street. dr. drew pinsky of our sister network hln says a healing isn't likely for the anthony family. >> i don't see her going home maybe ever. i mean, i don't see how this family reconciles. there's so much blood that's been drained out of the system. it's almost impossible to heal something like this. the other issue is that i think she's physically in harm's way. i've seen -- if you have checked youtube today and look at people's outrage and the incredible fury and frenzy that people are worked up into now, i actually think she's going to have to probably go into hiding for a while. >> we'll talk about that with our legal experts, richard herman and holly hughes. they'll be back next hour to talk about casey anthony's future, including all the other
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lawsuits that she could be facing. today's top tips, it's all about tipping. cab drivers, pet sitters, furniture movers, everybody who deserves a little extra something. how much? alison will break it down. (screams) when an investment lacks discipline, it's never this obvious. introducing investment discipline etfs from russell. visit r a prospectus, containing the investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and other information. read and consider it carefully before investing. this past year alone there was a 93% increase in cyber attacks. in financial transactions... on devices... in social interactions... and applications in the cloud. some companies are worried. some, not so much. thanks to a network that secures it all
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and knows what to keep in, and what to keep out. outsmart the threats. see how at cisco.
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for stories our afill yatds are covering. first stop, yellowstone national
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park. a grizzly bear attacked a woman -- excuse me, killed a man earlier today. he apparently surprised the bear and her cubs and she acted to protect them. it is the first fatal bear attack at yellowstone in 25 years. two blackhawk helicopters are flying to the aid of people threatened by flooding in more more. they're dropping 156 sandbags each weighing 110 tons outside of waiverly. talk about outrageous crimes. a group of neighborhood children in strongsville, ohio, had their lemonade stand robbed by teens in hoodies. the take, $13.50. >> teenager's kal car pulls up. looks like they're getting money to get out to get some. we pour some. then they come out of the car and threaten to beat us up if we don't give them money. >> i ran and hid behind the tree. >> we're not sure who it is. we're trying to find that out.
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donated $20 to pay the kids back and wanted them to know that there are good people out there.
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a lot of fire and questions is over alleged hacking of cell phones, of celebrities, even of a missing teenager who was found dead later. this is something that the british tabloid has come under fire for weeks and months, but particularly over the last week because of the case of this dead teenager whose cell phone was allegedly hacked, but again we are getting worked from the news corp, the owner ruper murdock's media group that owns fox news as well as "wall street journal," announcing that sunday will be the last day of
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publication for the british tabloid "news of the world." that just in. we're also covering all thing money, tips, there are a few folks that you should be giving money to this summer. alison has the tips, with tipping etiquette. >> it's tough anyway, because it's so confusing. "real simple" magazine has great advice to avoid the awkward moments. let's say you're going on vail occasion, is the advice is always tip $1 to $3 a balling, but if bulky items, throw in an extra dollar or two, same rules amr. for the bellcap, and the driver of, but chip in extra if the driver waits for you or even helps you with your bag. also, before you leave the
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hotel, the advice is gives the house keep ugh $2 a night and $3 to $5 a night if you're staying at a higher-ened hotel, but if you're staying a week or have a family, leave a tip every day instead of at the end of the trip, since the housekeeper may change from day to day. >> what about if somebody is watching your house or dog? >> if you've got someone watching fido while you're away or at work, give the dog walker up to 20% of the final bill. "real simple" says don't tip s. instead bring a gift back from the place you visited or offer to watch their place. if you have a gardener or pool cleaner, a good rule of thumb is about $20 to $50 or the cost of one visit at the end of the summer. suzanne? >> a lot of people to tip there.
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>> we have a question whether or not summer camp counselors should get tips, too. we'll have that answer.
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we're back with alison kosik. what about when you come to your kids? the camp counselors? the sports instructors? >> you do. if your kids are at summer camp, the experts at "real simple"
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say, if you can give up to $10 a week in gratuity, but some camps have rules against tipping, so check first. if nothing else, a nice thank-you note will do. as far as the swimming and tennis instructors, you're not expected to tip. you're already paying them, right? >> i'm going to pick up my niece in a couple weeks, so good advice. >> tip those counselors. >> i will. we're going to take a quick break. hey, the new guy is loaded with protein!
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really? 25 grams of protein.
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what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. new ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] new ensure high protein. ensure! nutrition in charge!
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don't forget to choose the news. you can vote for the story you'd like to see by texting 22360. text 1 for injured vets skydive, a disabled war veteran shows others they can do anything that they set their mind to. and 2 for russian radio in d.c. russia trying to change perceptions by reaching out to americans. or text 3 for japan's carnivore girls. forget the raw fish. these women are talking about raw meat sushi. the winning story will air in the next hour. republican presidential candidate michele bachmann's first campaign ads hitting the air waves. jim acosta joins us live from washington. jim, tell us about these adding and where they're airing. >> suzanne, this is a pretty
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important ad buy by the campaign. so figure why not? the bachmann team is running an ad right now, i was watching it a few moments ago on my iphone. basically it talks about her iowa roots. she was born in waterloo, iowa. it is her hometown, even though she's the congresswoman from minnesota, she likes to talk about her iowa roots, but she talks about the debt ceiling vote that apparently is coming up in congress. we'll have to wait and see if it ever does, but bachmann says she will vote no on raising the dead ceiling, so laying a markers there for the rest of the republican field, suzanne. >> real quick, mitt r078 any may top the polls, but tea party activists say he's not their choice? >> that's right. i talk to matt skiffie yesterday from freedomworks, and the family research council. these are two pillars of the modern-day republican party, saying there are still concerns
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out there among conservative activists about mitt romney despite the fact that he's the front-runner. here's a bit of my interview with matt kibbe. >> my prediction is somebody emerges to fill this vacuum, a hunger for a true fiscal conservative in the race. >> he doesn't fit that bill. >> i don't think he's there. >> you're waiting for a tea party savior? >> we're not waiting. we're shopping. >> so, suzanne, they're not just looking for a savior, they say they are shopping for one. when i asked him yesterday, who do you have in mind? the first name that came out of hi mouth was rick perry. a lot of conservatives would like to see the texas governor jump into the race. >> thank you, jim. for the latest political news, you know where to go, top of the hour, i'm suzanne malveaux. up to speed, we have breaking
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news, the british newspaper "news of the world" is shutting down. sunday's paper will be the last. the tabloid has faced intense scrutiny this week over a phone-hacking scandal, most recently the paper hacked the voicemail of a kidnapped teenager who turned up dead. reports also say the "news of the world" hacked relatives of terror victim and war dead. that prompted advertisers to start fleeing, drove newscorp stock down. it's part of ruper murdock's media empire, including fox news and "wall street journal." dan rivers joins us live from london with more. essentially how did it get to this point, where they said, you know what? we've got to shut this thing down. >> i think the news of the world was becoming a toxic brand. they had to do something to stem the flow of advertising away from news international. it is an incredible development. it must be said. it's only 457d in the last 10 or
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15 minutes or so. james murdock, who is the deputy chief operating officer of the parent company and newscorp and chairman of news international, ruper murdock's son gave a statement to staff saying the goodening the "news of the world" does however has been solid by behavior that was wrong. he went on to say having consulted senior colleagues, i have decided we must take further decisive action with respect to the paper. this sunday will be the last edition of the "news of the world" and in addition, the revenue from this weekend's paper will go to good causes. it is an incredible development. the "news of the world" has been around since 1843, one of the biggest selling papers in britain. it has a reputation second to none, really, for uncovering scandals and gossip, and has been at the center of this massive controversy that has exploded with revelations that they had hacked into the voice mail messages of a 13-year-old
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schoolgirl who was murdered, in 0rd to get salacious stories. that has provoked a huge back lash with an emergency debate in the british parliament. 9 prime minister came out and roundly condemned them. the advertisers were fleeing in droves, and now they have taken the ultimate sanction. >> do we think that's the case of the dead teenager that was the final straw here, because there have been a lot of complaints, and we've even seen recently celebrities coming forward, i believe hugh grand was one of them. was that the case that was brought before them, where they realized they could just not survive? >> i think if that had been on its own, it would have been bad enough, and they may well have taken the decision. that coupled with the news they had allegedly hacked into the voicemail messages of the families of soldiers who died in afghanistan while they were grieving, that they had hacked into the voicemail messages of families killed in a terrorist attack here in britain in 2005.
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it just got worse and worse. people could not believe the kind of behavior that allegedly had been going on at this tabloid, and it just got to the point where everyone in britain was horrified with the continuing stream of allegations, and i think they realized the game was up, they had no choice, really, but to close this paper. there was talk of a huge boycott that no one was going to buy this weekend, the advertisers were leaving in droves, the share price yesterday of newscorp still more than 3%. they were in really being financial trouble here, so i think they have clearly decided to cut their losses and end it. we don't know quite how many job losses that will mean, but there will be a lot of people here who will feel this is right and that it is the result of their own bad behavior, their appalling behavior over the previous ten years that it's come to this. >> dan, do we know, is this isolated to this one particular british tabloid? or is this what other tabloids
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are doing? could we see a domino effect where there are other papers and publications impacted by what we have seen with this? >> yeah, i think there is no doubt that the "news of the world" were not alone of this practice of hacking into people's voicemails. there are suggestions that it was endemic, really across all newspapers in britain for a certain time. now people are aware of how illegal and controversial it is, but for the people i've been speaking to, it said everyone was up to this. "news of the world quest by no means were the worst perpetrators. lots were doing it on an even greater scale. "news of the world" and news international maintained it was a rogue reporter initially, it then said the editor was not aware of what was going on, they had sort of a cabal of journalists up to no good.
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that became more and more -- because of the sheer size of it. you could be an editor, having all these stories appearing without asking where the stories are coming from. >> dan rivers, thank you very much for the breaking news. casey anthony will go free next wednesday. an orlando jury found her not guilty of killing her daughter on tuesday, but they did convict her of lying to police. the judge gave her the maximum today, four years to be served consecutive, but with time that anthony has already spent in jail and good behavior, she walks in six days. one of the jurors says the not guilty verdicts made the members of the panel, quote, sick to our stomach. jennifer ford told abc news people should not interpret the acquittal as casey anthony is innocent. >> i'm not convinced she didn't, but i also couldn't exclude the possibility of it being an accident.
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so i can't find her guilty of a crime if i'm not sure a crime was committed. so it was just that not knowing exactly what happened and not knowing who made the right choice. we don't want to set someone free if they killed their beautiful daughter sdpoo his attorney says dominique strauss-kahn will never plead guilty to anything. a hotel housekeepinger accuses him of sexual assault. the former imf chief sat down with his attorneys to talk about the next step. prosecutors have questioned the housekeeper's credibility. a federal appeals court is ordering the pentagon to stop enforcing don't ask/don't tell immediately. congress repealed the policy last wind, but the obama administration favors a slow transition to open service by gays and lesbians in the military. if that's to continue, the administration will have to get the u.s. supreme court to block the appeals court order. relatives are pleading with rescuers to keep looking for
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seven americans missing off the coast of mexico. they've even set up a facebook page for donations to pay for the search teams. 19 american passengers and 16 crew members were rescued when their fishing boat sank last weekend. one american is known dead. facebook wants to be your phone company. the social site h announced a new video chat service in a partnership with skype. it allows you to talk to facebook friends face-to-face. it's just as quick as a traditional phone call. >> it's not the case like with traditional skype where both people have to have downloded skype beforehand. we think this is awesome. we're using the best technology out there for doing video chat, with the best social infrastructure that's out there in order to create some cool scenarios. police are looking for a man who walked out of after art gallery with a picasso under his arm. police say the well-dressed
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thief went straight to the picasso, got into a cab waiting for him. the pencil drawing is valued at $2 4u7bz,000. picasso did the sketch in 1965. with a rush to make a deal to redue the nation's debt forced a meeting at the white house today. democratic sources say the president is proposing as much as $4 trillion to reduce the debt over the next ten years, including social security and medicare, but had he wants the republicans to give up something as well. brianna keilar is live from the white house. brianna, you were inside that meeting as they came out there. you saw the president, the democrats, the republicans there, you even tried to shout a question at the president. what did you ask him? >> i asked him if social security was on the table i asked him twice. he wouldn't answer. you've heard the white house say, you've heard democrats and
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republicans say they're not going to negotiate this through the press, and certainly he stuck to that, and all we heard about is small talk about the sandstorm in arizona, if you must know, what was discussed while we were there, nothing really. sources revealed to us last evening, told cnn that the president is considering a many more ambitious plan. our jessica yellin reporting this was $3 to $4 trillion in deficit savings over the next ten years. that was much bigger than the president was considering before. a republican source familiar with negotiations telling me today, and confirming suspicions about what that would entail, because it's such a big comprehensive plan that would include putting all of the entitlements, social security on the table along with comprehensive tax reform. it's striking, sue ann, you can imagine that's a heavy lift, considering that seemingly the last couple weeks the talks have
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been at an impasse. really that's very ambitious adding to this, trying to get that done in such a short amount of time. >> sure. i know the frustratiom uustrati getting an answer to your question, hoping to get something out of that meeting, but the treasury secretary set a deadline, august 2nd to raise the debt ceiling. speaker boehner said they have a 50/50 chance of coming up with a compromise. what happens if they don't make this deadline? >> reporter: he also said he'll know more in the next few days, a better sense if they're coming to a deal, and that was something that he told our producers at cnn. i mean, basically this would be according to the treasury financially ruinous for the u.s. you would have foreign nations that now hold some of the u.s. debt. they wouldn't want to hold the u.s. debt if the u.s. isn't going to be making good on the debts they own. there would be -- so that issue with foreign investments.
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the credit rating would be downgraded. i also think suzanne these are large, broad strokes to rock the global market, but this will also affect americans on a very real level. just in the course of your life you borrow money to buy a home, a car, you have a 401(k), obviously if the markets were to be shaken, if interest rates were to be severely affected, the expectation is all of those things that have been impacted over the course of the financial crisis would be even more different. >> tell us about the republicans. the republican congressional leaders, do we think they're going to give a little on the no tax increase pledge? is there any wiggle room there? >> reporter: what they are talking about is comprehensive tax reform. what they're calling for, and what speaker boehner has discussed with president obama i'm told by a republican source
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is reducing the individual tax rate and also simplifying the tax code, getting rid of tax loopholes, credits that a lot of people and corporations use that they pay vastly less, but see sand, it's no deal. sources we are talking to are cautioning this is preliminary, this is just on the table right now. >> brianna, thank you so much. excellent reporting. here's a rundown of some of the stories we're covers. first, the end of the space shuttle era. one couple talks about the future of their business as "atlantis" prepares for a final liftoff. a british tabloid folds as more victims keep coming forward. then how the hacking scandal is hurting investors in robert murdock's company here in the united states. and later, our legal experts debate the future for casey anthony after she learns she'll be free in six days. and a man receives the
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first-ever organ grown from stem cells. we'll show you how that was done. ♪ ♪ ♪ look at that car, well, it goes fast ♪ ♪ givin' my dad a heart attack ♪ [ friend ] that is so awesome. ♪ i love my car [ engine revving ] [ male announcer ] that first chevy, yea, it gets under your skin. ♪
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we're looking at live pictures of kennedy space center. some pictures there. there's absolute rain pouring down there, as we await to see if the weather is going to cooperate. we're just hours away from nasa's final space shuttle launch. you see the live picture there of the shuttle in the rain that is pouring down. the scheduled launch is c's in-depth focus this week.
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we'll see if it goes without a hitch or not. the shuttle program is ending with the "atlantis" mission to the international space station. for one couple, it's like saying good-bye to a family member. brooke baldwin brings us that story. >> reporter: through the decades, they marked major milestones with the launches of the space shuttle. >> we watched the launch when i was 21. from one of their first date to brenda opening hshop. right now her business is booming. but with the launch of the 135th and final space shuttle mission jerry is marking a different kind of memory. >> i started in april of '81. >> reporter: so you worked from
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'81 until -- >> april of this year. with the program shutting down, everybody got cut back. our department got cut back earlier than some of the others, so tiffs time to move on. >> reporter: 30 years to the month jerry was laid off. he was one of 7,000 workers at kennedy space center alone who are already jobless or soon will be. it's easily family to the last time to the space coast. that was after the last apollo mission in 1975 six years before the launch of the first space shuttle. this time around jerry says the job outlook is better. >> there's a barrier, which is going to build a business jet right at melbourne airport. they'll do their final assembly there, so it's a little different now. >> reporter: while this area is steeped in space, officials say space tourism makes up just 5%
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of the tourism now. beaches, cruise ships and the visitor center will still bring in the tourist, but that doesn't take the sting out for someone who just lost his dream job. what's worst, the loss of the era or the loss of nasa family? >> hmm, good question. i think it really goes together. there's a big tradition out there that you get a picture signed and, you know, you get that, and that's it. so it does bother you. it's like when you give your badge in for the last time, it gets to you. >> reporter: for now, jerry is helping his wife sell shirts and souvenirs to tourists in town from all around the world. no matter what happens, it will be a bittersweet chapter for a couple who's watched, hoped and
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loved 134 times. now they wait for their next mission. >> so we're going to keep printing, and he's going to go find another job. i love him to death, but he's a rocket scientist, you know? it doesn't take a rocket scientist to print t-shirts. >> reporter: brooke baldwin, cnn, kennedy space center. all right. chad myers is live at the kennedy space center. he's tracking the weather to see if tomorrow's launch -- are you okay hearing me? can you hear me? >> reporter: we're okay. i haven't seen any lightning yet or heard any thunder, but the weather is all around us. i think it will be this way the next 24 hours. the chance of launching tomorrow is not that good, less than 50/50 for sure. people are kind of scattered under things, trying to stay out of the rain. about an hour ago we had weather
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warnings where people said there's lightning in the air, get inside. this is a mockup of explorer, you can look at the cargo bay, even though this is the last one, all this member ra billia will be here for a long time. let me show you what we're dealing with here. it's hard to hear you, because it was raining so hard. we have rain in the area, though it's drifting to the north. showers all day tonight into tonight, and then they'll die off. this is a typical florida day. sunshine pops during the morning hours, and it warms up, the atmosphere wants to bubble. that's what we're seeing now. that's what we'll see in the forecast for tomorrow. it begins to dry up with drier area coming in for saturday, a better chance for sunday, but if we were going to try to launch it today, it would be a complete washout, there's no way to fly a shuttle through this. the criteria, it's so very, very tight for the shuttle to fly.
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it can't flew think a cumulus cloud, there could be a cirrus cloud above us, but there are clouds everywhere, and there are still more coming. in fact, there are more showers and thundershowers still south of us down into the keys and into the everglades, still making their way up this way. at the launch site, we'll probably see showers. it only takes a 25-mile radius. if we get things to move out, we win, and we get it launched tomorrow, but according to the meteorologist and the men and women working in houston, they say lest than 50/50 if it looks anything like there tomorrow, we don't have a shot at all. the weather not looking so bad, maybe we're out of the lightning and thunder criteria for a while, but it is going to be one of those days today, and maybe a slow day for tomorrow. we'll have to see. >> thank you, chad. hope to join you tomorrow for the delayed launch off the
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weekend. cnn plans special coverage of tomorrow morning's scheduled launch of "atlantis." the coverage of the last shuttle flight begins at 10:00 a.m. eastern. the launch is set for 11:26. we have three great stories, only one will end this hour. here are the choices. first, a veteran disabled in the iraq war encourages other wounded vets to become active and physically fit. one of the first challenges, skydiving. second, the russian government thinks radio can change hearts and minds by giving russia's view on things. they're trying to do that from washington. and third, japan's aggressive young women are driving a new fad in sushi. we're not talking about raw fish. it's sushi made with raw meat. and the women are called carnivore girls. text 1 for injured vets skydive, 2 for russian radio in d.c., or 3, japan's carnivore girls.
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the winning story will air in the next hour. g it hard to brea, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better, and that means... game on! symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. [ whistle ] with copd, i thought i might miss out on my favorite tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today i'm back with my favorite team. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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u.s. central commanders are seeing a resurgence just as troops are getting ready to live. nick peyton walsh joined a patrol on the hunt. >> reporter: almost a decade looks like this, americans pushing the afghans to the front, taking the high ground in hills impossible to police. the pressure for less americans, but the afghans only mustered
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five men for this patrol. >> when you shoot, it's got to be five to seven-round bursts. >> reporter: and despite this training, let alone taking on the very terrorist network america came here to eradicate. it's here that afghanistan's if you had looks a lot like its past. high on the ridge lines they found safe havens for al qaeda. u.s. and afghan officials have reveal they located here al qaeda fighters using the secluded alpine villagers. in june, hundreds of americans were airlifted in 9,000 feet up, but they faced fierce resistance and longer, nastier fight than planned. u.s. officials say they killed 120 insurgents and top leaders, many taliban, but several of them arabs linked to al qaeda, damaging their network.
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they're said to be mostly across the border, and pakistan is again a concern back where they started. we pushed down into the valley, still an insurgent stronghold, high-tech american attack helicopters buzzed overhead until militants shot at them. >> it's uncharacteristic for the taliban. they're getting gutsy. right past there are usually patrols. if you push it far past that, you're going to take enemy contact it's pretty certain. >> the afghans clear about who lay in wait for them ahead. [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: at the foot of the valley, the american base is often hit by pot shots, times from lone gunmen up high, who they then mortar.
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al qaeda's return to these remote hills could tie america's hands, making it harder to justify pulling back from here. the terrorist network made america's case for invading, slipping back in just when america makes its case to leave. nick paton walsh. we're going to find out what's next for anthony after she was sentenced this morning for lying to police. well-being. we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nurture it in your cat with a full family of excellent nutrition and helpful resources. purina cat chow. share a better life.
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casey anthony will get out of jail six days from again. we have confirmation of a release date from a court reporter just within the last hour. >> the defendant was given credit for 1,043 days at this time her rear lease days has been calculated as july 13th, 2011. >> so casey anthony only has six more days behind bars. judge melvin perry gave the woman the maximum sentence possible for four counts of lying to police in connection with the death of her daughter. we're joined by holly hughes, she's here with me in atlanta,
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and richard herman, who joins us from las vegas. so richard, to you first. >> well, she's? segregation, by the way i spoke to a jail official who says my calculation is right and she should be out today. in any event, maybe she will be later on. who knows, but she'll be in segregation. she's in danger. child killers are the number one targets in prisons they really have to watch over her. >> is she in any more danger now, because in a sense she's been found not guilty? >> yes, because beforehand, everybody was thinking the system, quote/unquote, was going to take care of it and get some justice for this baby. probably right now there's a lot of folks who think she got away
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with nurled, just like we see in the public. the system did what it was supposed to do, it functioned as you should have. that doesn't stop folks from feeling like it was the wrong verdict, so a lot of anger and rage. now that those folks are locked up with her and they're thinking she's a baby killer, going to walk away, so therefore we need to exact justice, so richard is right, they're going to have to monitor her closely, if they. serve and protect is their charge. >> let's play a bit of dr. drew. he had an interesting take on what things will be like after for casey anthony. >> what you see is one of two things. if she's indeed primarily a criminal, you'll see more criminal behavior. o.j. simpson has taught us that. they're their own worst enemy. if this is primarily a sick person, as people begin talking
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now that the case is over, there's a lot of impairment here very clearly. if she's a sick person, she will continue to create the chaos and adviserfection we've all gotten sucked into. think about it, one young woman's behavior has sucked hundreds of lives into her vortex. she is capable of a lot of damage. >> richard, do you agree? do you think she's going to commit crimes? and this will be a troubled life for her, this move forward? >> she's certainly not mother of the year. let's face it. her behavior was abhorrent. she may be innocent of the charges brought, however this is not a great mother. her serial com pulsive lying was completely out of control. who's to say? why should it stop? of course it's going to continue. i have happen to agree with dr. drew on this. i think she's going to spin herself into trouble. she needs a support group around
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her. i just don't see anybody. she can't live in baez' office, but i think she's in a heap of trouble. >> where does she go now? does she go back to her family? is that even possible? >> you know what? this family is dysfunctional is a word we've heard tossed around, on a level we have never seen before. so, yes, i do think at some point -- it may not happen today or next week, but i think there is going to be that stage where they say, okay, you know, you are what you are and you've done what you've done, but come on back. i think they will take her back. but it is going to be a hard road. dr. drew and richard nailed it. this woman. we have heard from the professionals. we all got caught up, because that was the trauma. she stole hundreds of checks from her mother cindy. she stole how many checks from
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her friend amy, and went on the shopping spree when her baby was missing? there were allegations she stole from her grandfather's retirement account. that's sort of what led to this big blowup fight the night before. so she's not going to stop. you know why? because she now feels vindica d vindicated. she feels like all the lies she told, all the that crazy behavior, she got away with it. it's okay. the jury said no problem. >> richard, is she going to need security? >> that's the problem. nobody. the dichotomy is law enforcement who they blessed with her in the trial is now charged with protecting her life. miller said last night on one of our shows he heard from an aunt in texas who said they would be happy to take her in, which i don't know why they would publicize that, but for her own safety -- >> should she go underground,
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take on an allance essentially? >> yes, if she was my client, that's what i would tell her to do. absolutely. she's in trouble, suzanne. you know, she's probably the most hated woman in the united states right now. whether you agree or not with the verdict. >> six days from now she will be released next wednesday -- >> or today. >> or, you know, how that unfolds and whether or not she has the kind of security he needs. richard, thank you. holly, thank you. british tabloid in print for 168 years is forced to shut down. what caused it to fold? and how it's having a direct impact on thousands of u.s. investors today. my doctor told me calcium
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scandal killed a 168-year-old newspaper today. newscorp said sunday's edition will be the last. people across britain reacted with revulsion after learning the paper hacked the voicemail of a kidnapped teenager. she turned up dead. now there are revelations "news of the world" eaves dropped on relatives of terror victim and war dead. alison, advertisers were abandoning beforehand, now it looks lick newscorp stock took a hit? >> reporter: well, newscorp shares took a hit yesterday, suzanne. they're rebounding today on shareholders like this kind of news when they hear that when something is in trouble like "news of the world" is in trouble and it's shutting down, it means advertisers for the company at least, the hope is that the advertisers won't sort of boycott the other properties
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of newscorp, so shareholders see this as a positive that "news of the world quist is shutting down. we have the other possible ramification for newscorp from this alleged hacking scandal. at the moment it's trying to buy britain sky broadcasting, and that could put that deal in jeopardy, but even bigger perspective newscorp is huge. it made $600 million just last quarter. it owns fox, it owns "wall street journal," "new york post," "harper collins, but even with this newspaper shutting down, the big questions going forward, will this hit the reputation. >> give us a sense of how the stocks are doing today? >> well, we are seeing stocks higher, we're seeing an immediate reaction after that positive adp report. also we got a positive report on weekly initial jobless claims.
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of course, everybody waiting for the big government jobs report tomorrow, but this adp report that came in showing that 157,000 private sector jobs were added does give some optimism here on the floor of the exchange before that government jobs report comes out on friday. suzanne? >> alison, thanks. doctors in europe may have hit on a medical breakthrough. an artificial organ grown in a lab using a man's own stem cells.
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here's a reminder about your choose the news stories today. you can vote for your favorite. text 1 for injured vets skydive, a disabled war veteran encourages others to stay fit. 2230 russian radio in d.c. russia reaches out to americans by hitting the air waves, or 3 for japan's carnivore girls. how a raw meat sushi fad mirrors changing gender roles in japan. winning story will air in just ten minutes. well, a cancer patient who was given less than a month to live now has a much better outlook thanks to an artificial organ grown with his own cells. senior mel correspondent elizabeth cohen is here to explain what it all means. what did the doctors do? >> this man was really at the end of his road. he's 36 years old. he had this huge tumor on his
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trachea, but like many, it was caught really late. they treated him, but they could do nothing more. they said you need a trachea from that cadaver, that line is so long, he would have died, so doctors said we're going to make you one. they made it out of the plastic, this sort of spongy, plastic, and then coated it with his own stem cells. that's the windpipe, sort of thj region. there was a tumor. that green stuff is all tumor. so that's -- as you can see, that is huge. so they built him a new one, vote coated it with his stem cells and his body accepted it, his bod,said, this is me, and his veins actually grew, the vessels actually grew into it, because his body thought it was a part of it. >> so does everybody with trachea cancer, would that be a treatment? >> it would be wonderful.
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right now they can't do much for people with trachea cancer, but first they have to try this in more, and then they need to try it in more people. right now they're going to start a clinical trial, with 10, 20 people, but he had the surgery about a month ago, and he's being discharged from the hospital. he's healthy enough that he's leaving. >> most people have to wait for a cadaver to have this. is this the kind of thing that can just be grown now? >> you know, the dream avision is one day we won't have to wait, we'll be able to make a kidney or liver in the lab. this is a baby, baby, baby step in that direction. here they made a fake one. they coated it with stem cells from his bone marrow, so that his body would think it was his, and if they can do that with more organs, that would be wonderful. but a windpipe is a basic
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structure. it's not like a heart that that would be an incredible day. >> thank you, elizabeth. we'll take a quick break. to ha. i thought i was invincible. i'm on an aspirin regimen now because i never want to feel that helplessness again. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. talk to your doctor, and take care of what you have to take care of.
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witch a follow-up to the story from yesterday. according to u.s. security officials, terrorists are considering a new tactic to take out commercial airliners, human bombs.
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those officials think they know who hatched the idea. here's brian todd. >> reporter: u.s. security officials tell cnn of a chilling tactic terrorists might try next, targeting commercial aircraft by surgically implanting explosives or bomb components inside the bodies of attackers. >> we see this as the latest iteration or evolution of what terrorist groups are trying to do to circumstance come vent or security layers, and to perhaps defeat our societal norms. >> reporter: officials say there's fresh intelligence showing terrorists shall a renewed interest in planting bombs in bodies, but there's no specific or imminent threat. one u.s. officials says a man suspected is imra him asirri. asiri is believed to have planned the plot to kill the interior minister in saudi arabia, by replacing a bomb in the rectal cavity or underwear
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of his own brother, but he escaped. i asked the question. what does this tell you about where terrorist officials are versus security officials? >> it tells me we have exhausted the capabilities of the technology available to us. there's no way we can take the next step after the body scanners to figure out when a person carries a device inside his body. >> reporter: ron and other experts say those full-body scanners, which we once tested on you can see through clothing can find prosthesis, breast implants, contours, but cannot detects bombs inside the body. i spoke with the chief trauma surgeon at washington hospital center. do you need a hospital to do this? or can you do it in a field camp? what kind of training do you need? >> the fundamental question will be how well do you want to do it? if you want to do it to 20 people and have 19 die and one success that you can send on your mission, that would be easier. you could do that sloppy, but if
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you wanted to do it well and expect them all to remain sterile, not cause infection, then you're largely talking about a hospital or at least a clinic setting. >> reporter: explosives he said could be placed in the absent men or elsewhere. he says an explosive could be implanted in a prosthetic device. he says a non-sophisticated implanted bomb might last three to four days before a complication sets in, but if it's a sophisticated surgery and implant it could last weeks, months, or even longer. experts disagree on whether a bomb inside a body would need an external detonator or if it could be set off with a timer. it's also not clear if the body itself could blunt the impact of an explosion. brian todd, cnn, washington. in about ten misses or so we'll hear from president obama at the white house. he's going to go to the briefing room to address reporters, this comes after talks he had thonk with republican and democratic leadership over the budget and
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also dealing with the federal deficit and raising the debt ceiling. all of those talks taking place at the white house earlier today. we'll see if there's any breakthrough that happened with those talks, republicans saying no new talkses or tax hikes, the president saying he's willing to cut some $4 trillion over ten years when it comes to government spending. we'll see if there's any breakthroughs that happened, but in ten minutes, we are going to hear from the president. this was not scheduled before, and this has been added to the schedule to update reporters and the american people on how these talks are going. we'll have more after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ look at that car, well, it goes fast ♪ ♪ givin' my dad a heart attack ♪ [ friend ] that is so awesome.
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live pictures inside the white house briefing room as they set up a hasty setup for the president who will be speaking to the american people and reporters in less than ten minutes or so, this after some critical talks with republican and democratic leadership over the issue of raising the debt ceiling. aggressive young women? japan are driving a new fad in sushi, made with raw meat. these women's are called carnivore girls. we have this report. >> reporter: the proper slice and molded rice, a
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picture-perfect sushi, except this sunday raw fish, it's raw meat. [ speaking foreign language ] horse meat, pork and chicken, says chef kenskei onishi, all raw and uncooked. gobbled down by eager customers packing the restaurant. no fish allowed, and in an odd way, the battle between meat and fish parallels the japanese battle of the sexes. iya goes raw three hours a week. she's a carnivores, a buzzword. carnivore girls call the shots in love, they're independent and opinionated. raw meat eaters. a direct contrast to japan's so-called herbivore boys. translated in japanese, sex means relationship in flesh, so herbivore boys are less interested in sex. born out of two decades of
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japan's economic stagnation, traditional masculinity and career don't drive herbivores. with one of the lowest birth rates, herbivore boys embody the nation's societal fears. what is a carnivore girl? carnivore girls are the reaction to herbivore boys, says this group. it's the upheaval of the gender, says this girl. restaurant manager hioraki hit twitter, talking up his new raw meat sushi bar. you made this place trendy. you could say that, he says. we're riding off the buzz of the carnivore girls. half of his customers are women. the restaurant expanded to four locations, and is now looking into franchises. trends or not, since we're talking about the handling, the inge ingesting, it begs the question, is this all safe? japan has some of highest food safety sar


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