tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 7, 2011 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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not now. but maybe 300 million years ago? do you think so, chad in. >> i do. you bet. >> i suspect. "cnn newsroom" continues right now with randi kaye. hi there, suzanne. thank you very much. we start today with unemployment. we're all talking and worried about it considering 14 million americans are out of work. the jobs report for september is out today and here is the deal. the labor department says the economy added 100,000 new jobs last month. that's better than expected. but still economists say not good enough. the unemployment rate remains at 9.1%. right now take a look -- the dow is down about 50 points there. certainly seems that the jobs numbers are not enough to rally that market. the president huddled with top senate democrats today as he continues to push his jobs bill. but the big question remains -- where are the jobs? here's christine romans with some answers.
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>> there are 3 million jobs open right now. 3 million. here's a look at seven jobs, seven categories in high demand even now in this tanking economy. the first one is retail workers. average pay here, $25,000 a year so you're not going to send a kid to college but retailers are looking to hire half a million temporary workers with the holidays coming up according to the national retail federation. major chains often hire these temp workers then full-time after the holidays. we definitely saw that last year. retail workers, there are jobs there. >> some other jobs in high demand -- truck drivers, engineers, including industrial and software engineers. registered nurses. professional chefs. and accountants. but it is undeniable people are not just angry and frustrated, they are lived with the economy, jobs, their paychecks an the
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income gap. look at this scene. in new york, right now, at the heart of our financial district, the occupy wall street protests are intensifying. we do have a live picture for you. today marks the 21st day of the movement with no signs of it dying down any time soon. in fact, the grassroots protests, the discontent are spreading rapidly across the country from east to west, north to south. this map gives you an idea of just how far this movement has gone. scenes like these played out in cities all over the u.s. these just from thursday. and it is hard to ignore. even the president and vice president now weighing in. unions, lawmakers and political candidates are noticing too. but the big question is, how do you translate protests into actual change? we're going to talk to's julie ann pepetone later about that. other stories happening right now, the u.s. justice department is asking a federal
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appeals court to block alabama's tough new immigration law. the law signed by governor robert bentley went into effect last week and includes measures that allow police to ask about the legal status of crime suspects and require state officials to check the immigration status of some public school students. critics say the measure amounts to racial profiling. 800 people evacuated their homes today after a cargo train jumped the tracks and exploded into a massive fireball. it happened early this morning in central illinois. amazingly, there are no reports of injuries and no damage to property. the fire is contained, the train was hauling ethanol alcohol. local media reporting deputies were going door to door asking people to leave town but an emergency official says evacuations were voluntary. three crusading women from africa and the middle east share this year's nobel peace prize. the liberian president ellen johnson sirleaf, a liberian peace activist and also a yemeni campaigner for democracy.
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head of the nobel committee called the share honor a very important signal to women all over the world. in a phone interview, johnson sirleaf agreed. >> women from all walks of life who challenged the dictatorship of former president charles davis and who stayed out in the sun, in the rain, fighting for peace in our country. >> the win could boost johnson sirleaf's re-election effort in liberia. a u.s. government panel will soon stop recommending prostate screenings for healthy men. the source says the preventive services task force says the psa drug test too often leads to unnecessary tests and needlessly painful treatments. at first, a lot of people considered occupy wall street a joke but the movement's gaining legitimacy.
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how some are comparing this rally to the revolutionary protests in cairo. that's next. but before we go to break, today's shout-out goes to a man who has made the injustices of the past his business for the future. his name is steve mckenzie, he's an attorney in the small town of manning, south carolina. he's working to right some of the wrongs frt jim crom the jim era. he wants to reopen a case of a young man executed in 1944 at the young age of 14. he was accused of killing two young girls even though there was no physical evidence connecting him to the crime. steve mckenzie's efforts we deem him today's rock star. [ male announcer ] this is lara.
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the occupy wall street protests are growing. even the president, lawmaker and unions have their eyes on this scene. demonstrations on wall street are being compared to the tea party movement and protests in egypt's thahrir square and it i spreading. this is the scene in other cities. what started out as a group of small activists has grown. cnn's been covering the wall street protests since day one. these protests really seem to be evolving. how coordinated and powerful do you think this movement really is? >> well, it's true on day one there were a few hundred people there. definitely passionate people but as you said, since then lawmakers have signed on. labor unions have joined and even president obama acknowledged it so it is certainly gaining attention. it's gained a lot more people actually being present at the protests because these labor unions are so strong. >> what do you make of the
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comparisons and do they hold true, the comparison being made to the tea party movement and the comparison being made even to the arab uprising? does this hold true do you think in terms of this movement? >> well, the organizers have said very transparently they were inspired by the so-called arab spring that we saw earlier this year. of course that occupy wall street we're only 21 days into it. it is far too soon to say that it will have the same effect as perhaps that arab spring, but it is similar in that it is definitely tapping into some nationwide anger. this is not just happening on wall street. other people around the country are starting up their own occupy their city. so it is similar in that they're kind of -- there's this national consciousness. there's a lot of angry people out there and this movement is tapping into that. >> what about the critics who say that they're really targeting the wrong institution, that these people should be moving their protests to washington, to the white house and the steps of congress?
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>> well, it's true that a lot of what they're complaining about is regulation and laws and all of that would have to come from d.c. but when you look at what they actually have a problem with, they talk about corporate greed, corporate personhood, that we shall overthrow capitalism. of course the symbol of that is wall street. it is the new york stock exchange. it is our nation's financial center. protesters feel that the people who were largely responsible for the economic downfall were the people who were on wall street and they feel they have not been taken to task for that. so i think being on wall street is kind of a symbol of what our nation's financial system is and what the protesters do have a problem with. >> all right, we'll leave it there. thank you so much. appreciate your time. coming up -- over 50 and out of work? tired of hearing that you are overqualified? well, it may be time to re-invent yourself. we'll tell you how to get a leg up in this slumping economy. that's next. but first, here's what
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remain unemployed almost four months longer than their younger counterparts. so what do you do? my next guest says you simply re-invent yourself. meet the author of the book "funky to fabulous" eli davidson. thank you so much for coming on. i love what you're doing. let's talk about what's happening to these older workers. discrimination has gotten worse. >> 17% more of the reporting of age discrimination. only 1% of all older workers are optimistic about getting a job. and 80% of all executives admit that they have age discrimination. >> wow. that sounds like a really tough situation for older people. if an older person is out of work, what should they be doing right now? you say stop looking for a job? >> yes. stop wasting your time looking for a job. >> what should they do? >> what they need to do is to start a business. they need to leverage all those
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years of doing what they do and target it to the people that value what they do. so cnn followed me helping somebody start his own business and he made more money in three days than three years. >> but starting your own business, i think to a lot of people that sounds like a really big step. it's probably easier for some than it is for others. so where do you start? where do you find the confidence, then where do you find even what you need to do it? >> i think you're right, people do need to find the confidence. but frankly, in this economy, if you like to eat, you better start a business. because half of all of those good jobs are gone forever. so you really need to leverage your talents. there was a fireman who was laid off. what are you going to do as a fireman? how can you use those skills? what he did was he found what he was naturally good at. he was great at doing things around the house. so he started a business, a honey-do business of helping
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other people with their home projects. he made $5,000 the first month of business. so really the key is find your talent and this is really the important thing most people miss -- target those to the people that are really looking for and needing that help. >> what -- how do you get them to think though -- if you're somebody who's always work in the corporate world, how do you train yourself to think out of the box? >> that's where i come in. that's where i come in. it is really essential that people take a stand and people forget that we are mammals. we are mammals. we are pack animals. we function best in a herd. so that's why people need to have the support of a group to keep them on track as they're doing something completely new. they're re-inventing themselves. >> it is fascinating. i'm sure it is very difficult not only financially but even psychologically for a lot of these people. >> it is incredibly difficult. and we're being called to
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literally re-invent ourselves because the way it's been going is not the way it will go in the future. again, if you like to eat, you better start a business. >> yeah. wow. there is a lot of competition out there these days certainly in the younger workers are landing the jobs. if you just could leave us with one quick piece of advice what would it be. >> it would be do what you love and target it to the people that need it. >> okay. well said. eli davidson, thank you so much. appreciate it. in the michael jackson manslaughter trial, dr. conrad murray's lawyer suggests a coroner's office investigator was being pretty sloppy with the key evidence. is this defense working? nancy grace breaks it all down for us next. but first, it was this day in 1998, 21-year-old matthew shepherd was beaten and left to die because he was gay. his horrific death did not go in vain. his friends and family set up the matthew shepherd foundation to embrace diversity and
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president obama signed a law making it a federal crime against this. we'll be right back. and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. then you may need help finding the right plan for your needs. call now to find out how a medicare plan from unitedhealthcare medicare solutions may have the coverage you're looking for. the annual enrollment period is earlier this year. it begins october 15th and ends december 7th; so now is the best time to review your options. medicare has two parts, parts a and b
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the michael jackson manslaughter trial enters its ninth day of testimony today. yesterday lawyers pore dr. conrad murray finally got a chance to go on the offensive. hln's one and only nancy grace joins me now to discuss all of this. how are you? >> i'm fine, thank you for having me. >> pleasure to have you. let's talk about what the defense was trying to show yesterday, that the coroner's investigator did what they called a sloppy investigation, that she had moved a syringe without a glove in michael jackson's bedroom, among other things. what do you make of that? is that something that the jury will notice? >> well, of course the jury's going to notice it and it's a problem. it is a problem for the state. i'll just put that out there right at the beginning. you remember what happened in the o.j. simpson double murder trial. the state was put on trial and the police handling of the crime scene was put on trial and it worked. there was a not guilty verdict in that case. however, in this case, the coroner's investigator was a
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young girl named elissa fleak and she did make some mistakes. some mistakes that i find unacceptable. however, do they affect the case? no. i don't think they're going to affect the outcome of the case because of this. you see what i've got laying out in front of me? this is just part of the autopsy report. now, what she did -- in my mind, the most serious thing she did was not take a photo of the propofol bottle hanging in that saline bag. it was used as a drip to inject into jackson's knee. close to his knee. what does it matter that she didn't take the picture? it doesn't matter a lot because what the coroner says is very clear. he died of acute propofol intoxication. what else does it say? circumstances do not support self-administration of propofol. >> which is what the defense has been trying to say, that he did this to himself.
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>> exactly. so whether she took a picture of that or not, it doesn't matter. would it have helped if she had handled the scene correctly in yes, it would have helped a lot because this is another fire the state's got to put out. >> what about this, that conrad murray's fingerprint, not michael jackson's fingerprint, but conrad murray's fingerprint was on the 100 milliliter bottle of propofol that prosecutors say was used in his death. >> it's like having your fingerprint on the gun. and this was the print. it couldn't have been a better print as far as i'm concerned. the left index finger. because if he's right-handed, you hold it with this hand and you fiddle with it with this hand, then you put it in a xylene bag with your left hand. if you're right-handed while you adjust with the right hand. you couldn't have picked a better print than the left index. >> so coming up in a couple of days ahead, either today or even next week, we're supposed to hear this two-hour interrogation tape, conrad murray with the police. will that be significant? will that be important? >> you know what i love about
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this? for two days conrad murray essentially was on the run. he wouldn't meet with police. now, if a friend of mine, as he said jackson was a friend, died, i would want answers. i would be laying on the front steps of the police station wanting answers. where was conrad murray? they couldn't find him. they had to go through his lawyer to get him to talk to police. and, yes, we are going to hear his tape. he was caught on audiotape within 48 hours after jackson's death and i can assure you -- and i haven't even heard the whole thing -- he's going to contradict himself left and right on that time line and he is going to get caught in his own web of lies. mark my words. >> all right. i'm marking it down right now. nancy grace, we'll see if you're right. we'll watch that tape in court probably today. thank you so much. a jobs bill, will we get one? and the wall street protest continues to intensify. does the movement help one political party over the other?
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it is all "fair game" next. and now for you political junkies, a question. remember the movement to get hillary clinton to challenge barack obama for the presidency? she has said no way. but who was the last sitting democrat to face a primary challenge and who was the last republican? bonus -- what did they have in common? stay tuned for all the answers. when anybody in america calls quicken loans for a free home loan review, we'll offer them a free android smartphone. but how are you gonna get these phones to our clients coast to coast? it's gonna take a little magic. i'm on it. straight from motown to you, america! yes! helping people coast to coast. give me that spartan touch. [ male announcer ] call today for a free home loan review. we'll offer a free android smartphone to you! one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze.
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today i own 165 wendy's restaurants. and i get my financing from ge capital. but i also get stuff that goes way beyond banking. we not only lend people money, we help them save it. [ junior ] ge engineers found ways to cut my energy use. [ cheryl ] more efficient lighting helps junior stay open later... [ junior ] and serve more customers. so you're not just getting financial capital... [ cheryl ] you're also getting human capital. not just money. knowledge. [ junior ] ge capital. they're not just bankers... we're builders. [ junior ] ...and they've helped build my business. aspercreme breaks the grip,
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before the break we asked who were the last democrat and republican presidents to face primary challenges? in 1980 senator edward kennedy took on jimmy carter around welcome defeated him. in 1992 george h.w. bush survived a challenge by pat buchanan. bonus -- what do carter and bush have in common? they both lost the general elections, carter to ronald reagan, bush to bill clinton. ten years today. ten years ago today u.s.
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warplanes began firing on afghanistan. it was an allied response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. since the start of the war, 2,700 nato troops have been killed. 1,780 of them americans. nick paton walsh travels to bagram airbase in afghanistan to see the kind of commitment and sacrifice these troops endure. >> reporter: it began when they landed in abo ed ied in bagram goes on. ten years of jet fuel, faith and now fatigue. here you can see what it takes to carry on through this decade's wars. lieutenant colonel eric albe albertson is chaplain here. >> a number of our soldiers are on their third, fourth, in some cases their fifth tour. there is a fatigue factor. emoti emotionally drained, physically tired. we've had instances where
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soldiers have taken their own lives here and that's tragic. we've had about six or seven since i've been here. when someone takes their own life, there's almost a sense of you've reached out to me for everything else, why didn't you reach out to me for this? >> reporter: the ripples of a suicide reach far. this sergeant is in this war so three sons won't be. three tours marred by the recent loss of a friend in iraq. >> it was actually she overdosed and like she was younger than me so i didn't -- i thought she had a lot to live for. i don't know why it happened. i wasn't necessarily talking with her frequently at that time, but it hurt me a lot and how? because i knew her. i knew what some of her dreams
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were and now she didn't get to live those dreams. it's like it ended. >> reporter: this was a dirt road a decade ago. now it is home to 1 in 9 of america's troops in afghanistan. when the americans landed here ten years ago it was on this russian-made runway and now they've been here nearly a year longer than the soviets. the costs to the soviets -- huge. the total cost to america still unknown, although signs of sadness and change are everywhere. the prison here now gone. it's afghan, prisons are elsewhere. soon troops will leave for good but will carry away with them the scars of here and iraq. >> what i knew every yearcy call the family, either the spouse or the parents of the individual that has been associated with me that was lost in combat. and then i also call very close
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friend of mine that was injured, severely injured on the day that that occurred. like i said, i make three calls a year -- actually four. sorry, four, four calls a year to family members. i wouldn't say it makes me feel good or bad. i just think it is something that i need to do. >> reporter: the closing stages of a war longer than anything america's ever coped with before. nick paton walsh, cnn, bagram. more "cnn newsroom" right after this break. the postal service is critical to our economy--
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delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service, and want to lay off over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains 5 billion a year from post-office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it. and what it doesn't cover can cost you some money. that's why you should consider an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. all medicare supplement insurance plans can help pay... some of what medicare doesn't, so you could save... thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses. call now for this free information kit and medicare guide. if you're turning 65 or you're already on medicare... you should know about this card -- it's the only one of its kind endorsed by aarp;
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see if it's right for you. all medicare supplement plans let you keep your own doctor, or hospital that accepts medicare. there are no networks and no referrals needed. help protect yourself from some of what medicare doesn't pay... and save up to thousands of dollars in potential... out-of-pocket expenses with an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. call this toll-free number on your screen now... for this free information kit, including this... medicare guide and customized rate quote. you know nancy grace from her legal show on our sister
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network, hln. but now she's under a very different spotlight. nancy is on abc's "dancing with the stars" and she has been going strong these last few weeks while names like basketball star ron artest and tv personality christine cavalari have headed for the hills. she joins me now with her dance partner, trin continue mcmanus. how are things going, team mcgrace, which i hear you named? >> he named it so his name could be first. >> really! >> yes. that's what happened. i walked out of the room, i walked back, it was all done. >> how is it going? any surprises planned for this week? how are you guys doing? >> it is going really well, actually, yeah. >> let's just say in the upcoming dance on mooned night i am the bull. it's -- what is it? >> it's the pasadoble, as i say. >> it is the story of the matador. >> i made it very clear i was not going to be a barnyard animal under any circumstances. >> i tried to make sure that she
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wasn't going to be that character. >> it sounds like you're heading there. >> bottom line, i'm the bull. >> you look great. obviously dancing agrees with you. yes? six or seven hours of rehearsing every day? >> it is grueling. especially when you're not a professional dancer. certain professional dancers think you should dance like a professional dancer. >> what do you think is the biggest obstacle that you need to overcome to win this thing, to take it home? >> well, actually, i just try to get through each monday night. i can't think onthe dance and being the bull and getting stabbed to death on the dance floor. that's where my head is right now. and the steps rex treatmently complicated. extremely complicated. i feel like i'm right in the middle of the dance floor and it's just going around and around. whoa! wait a minute! >> how is she as a partner? >> she's doing really, really good. the longer you stay in the competition, it is easy to forget that you weren't a
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dancer. you know? so i kind of have to push nancy even more each week and each week but she's taken on that challenge. she's taken on that and she's -- yeah, she's doing really good. but, yeah, the competition gets stronger and stronger each week. >> speaking of the competition, any predictions on who might be the next one to go? >> you know what? the truth is i know this sounds corny, but everyone's dances are so different and so great. i would never have predicted cavaleri would be thrown off. or frankly, the other two. >> considering the competition, everyone's really supportive of each other. maybe when they go off, they're happy enough to kind of stay around but everyone's been really nice to each other. everyone's trying to push each other. >> carson crestly robbed me on
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celebrity jeopardy, i knew him before. people are connected if various ways. we're all practicing together in the same rehearsal hall so we're together all the time. it is a pretty close bond. >> we wish you luck. we will be watching for the bull dance. >> you know what? just vote. 800-868-3405. >> i love it that it's written on your hand. nancy grace, tristin mcmanus, thank you so much and good luck. time now for the assignment. the time in our show where we bring you interesting stories that you won't fine anywhere else. this week we're focusing on animal intelligence. there is some pretty remarkable research being done with dolphins. scientists believe they are probably the most intelligent species after humans. i saw for myself in today's assignment. spend a day with a dolphin and you're quickly reminded of why they've always captured our imaginations. they are playful, socialable, and just incredibly fun to be around. but scientists say there's a lot
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more to these animals and they're just beginning to understand the intricate thinking of these so-called big-brain mammals. >> here you go! good girl! we came here to the baltimore aquarium to see just how intelligent dolphins are. you see them playing with their trainers all the time. but scientists who study them say there's a lot more happening there than just play. that their intelligence actually rivals ours. here you go! to see up close what has scientists so excited, we climbed down into a tiny underwater lab with a window into the aquarium where scientist diana reese puts a two-way mirror up against the glass. the dolphins can't see us but reese can study how the dolphins react to the mirror. >> we used to think we were the only species on the planet that could think and now we know that
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we're amongst many thinking species. so the questions are no longer can they think, but how do they think and what's amazing is in this capacity with giving them mirrors, it looks like they're doing a lot of things very similar to us. >> reese has been studying dal fins' behavior for 25 years. >> most animals don't even pay attention to mirrors so if you put a mirror in front of your dog, most dogs won't even look in a mirror. cats don't pay much attention. other animals do pay attention but never figure out it is themselves. they think it is another of their own kind. >> but dolphins do figure it out. >> not only do they figure out that it is them, but they show interest to look at themselves. one thing is to understand it is themselves, it is a whole other thing to say i want to look at myself, i want to see what my face looks like or what does it look when i turn upside down and blow a bubble. >> we sat in awe as this group of dolphins explored themselves before us unable to ignore the mirror. several did hang upside down. >> he's upside down. he keeps on doing it. he is going to get wild now.
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he's being very innovative. watch this. >> reporter: other dolphins open their mouth and stuck their tongue out. they put their eye on the mirror to get an even closer look. not convinced a dolphin can recognize itself in the mirror? take a look at this video of an earlier experiment from 2001. scientists marked this dolphin on the side with a black pen but did not mark the other. when released, the dolphin with the mark swims directly to the mirror and turns the mark towards the mirror like he's trying to take a look at what's been done to him. the unmarked dolphin doesn't show the same behavior. dolphins aren't the only big-brain mammals who recognize themselves. elephants do, too. watch what happens when reese tested them at the bronx zoo. this one with a white "x" marked on his face turns toward the mirror. over and over to take a look. back at the baltimore aquarium, reese is now focusing her
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research on younger dolphins. >> bo is 5. >> just like human children, younger dolphins make lots of movements and watch their reflection. they quickly learn they are watching themselves. what are you trying to figure out with the younger dolphins? >> we're trying to figure out at what age -- at what developmental age do they start figuring out that it is them in the mirror and when are they showing interest in the mirror. >> foster who is 3 started recognizing himself in the mirror about the same time toddlers do, when he was about a year-and-a-half. reese says some dolphins pick up on it at just 6 months, much earlier than children. >> this is spirit. what's funny is we recognize this because it is so similar to what kids do, when chimps do. it is amazing. they go through the same stages. these are animals that have been separated from us through 95 years of evolution.
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big brains processing things in similar ways. >> reporter: with a mirror providing a window into the dolphins' minds, reese believes she's discovering that their super high levels of intelligence are in many ways much like our own, and if that's true, the question is, what does that tell us? >> in the end, what this tells us is that we need to look at these animals in a new light with a new respect and really provide much more protection in terms of conservation efforts and welfare efforts for these animals and also appreciate that we're not at the top anymore. we're not alone. we're surrounded by other intelligence. >> oh, wow! so smooth! beautiful. >> reporter: remember the old saying that it always seems like dolphins are smiling at you? well, maybe they are. >> they sure are smiling. dolphins' big brains allow them to have complex emotions just like us. large brains are traditionally associated with greater
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intelligence, and the brain of the adult bottle-nosed dolphin is about 25 percent heavier than the average adult human rain. this allows dolphins to process other information better than other species which lets them understand and interact just the way you saw in our story. so will we get a jobs bill? the wall street protest continues to intensify. does the movement help one political party over the other? it is all "fair game." next. but first, sarah palin never really said her bus tour was a campaign. but curious, isn't it? almost every key state the gop presidential candidates went to palin and her big one-nation bus were sure to follow. coincidence? i think not. then she smacked everyone with this gotcha decision in a letter to supporters saying "i have decided that i will not. seeking the 2012 gop nomination for president of the united states." call it what you like, but our question is -- why? why string everyone along for this long? sarah palin for the biggest
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build-up to nothing. your 15 minutes are up -- for now. ♪ in here, anarchy meets order. working with at&t, doctors set up a broadband solution to handle data and a mobility app to stay connected with their business. so they can run the office... even when they're not in the office. it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. call at&t and see what we can do for your business. your nutritional needs can go up when you're on the road to recovery. proper nutrition can help you get back on your feet. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength... helping you to bounce back. ensure! nutrition in charge!
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time to delve into today's 2012 campaign issue -- the economy. one inescapable image is the growing occupy wall street protest movement and it comes as the president pushes hard for his jobs bill set against a backdrop of unemployment stuck at 9.1%. both topics are "fair game." here's the president hammering congress over his jobs plan at his news conference just yesterday. >> we will just keep on going at it and hammering away until something gets done.
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and i would love nothing more than to see congress act so aggressively that i can't campaign against them as a do-nothing congress. >> well, that is throwing down the gauntlet. a democratic political consultant in austin texas joins us, leslie sanchez also joins us from los angeles. hello to both of you. let's talk. we got a few topics here to discuss. talk about occupy wall street. but the jobs bill first. what is it going to take, ed, to get a jobs plan agreement? >> well, it's going to take cooperation by both parties. the problem the president has encountered over the past few years he's really had to govern literally with one hand tied behind his back. republicans doesn't want to come around on any package. they held out on consumer protection, student loans and even the s.t.a.r.t. treaty. we need to work together and
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move a jobs package forward but until the other side shows they are willing to work with us we've had to go it alone. >> leslie, the democrats claim that it is the republicans who are being obstructionist when it comes to this. what's your take? >> no. there's a lot of fantasy land and a lot of political theater. the reality is on one part, republicans and democrats are working together to do meaningful things that are pushing innovation, growth of jobs, for example. they just had patent reform, biggest one in the last century. going to protect a lot of our inventors, our designers. there is a lot of things commerce is doing right. what the skepticism is is about the president's leadership on the economy. the bailouts, many believe the stimulus package, obama care, downgrade of the s&p. there's a lot of combination that really puts into question the president's decision when it comes to jobs and the economy. >> all right, let's talk wall street. the occupy wall street protests. ed, which party do you think has the most to gain with these
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protests as we watch them grow and unfold now throughout country? >> well, this really is a movement that we see growing here and i don't know that you can say necessarily one party benefits more than the other. but in political campaigns, one of the things that we try to do is focus on the things that we is focus on the things that we can control and not so much on the things that we can't control. there are things bigger than we are. this is one of those things. one thing we can control is -- >> ed, let me interrupt you there. we lost leslie. just keep going. yep, i hear you. >> okay. one of the things that we can control is what we say. what the crowds are saying is, we want leaders who care us. people who respond to our issues. and there are some things that congress does that are hopeful but if people aren't feeling it, it doesn't have the same effect. so when you have things like eric cantor coming out and saying that he has growing
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concern for growing mobs, language like that doesn't communicate as well. when steve forbes says, you can reach your millions by putting away $5 from each paycheck. the happy meal clause, i guess. those aren't the kind of things that i think resonate with people. >> leslie, i'm not sure if you could hear everything that -- >> thank you. that was a conspiracy. >> that was not a conspiracy. let me just say that for the record. >> no, i'm kidding. it's all in gist. >> it's a giant temper tantrum. people don't know what they want. they don't know how to fix it. everybody is angry. can you blame them? college kids are coming out of school owing more debt from school than people had on their first mortgage. nobody has jobs. it's a lack of confidence in the president's leadership.
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this is something that you have to be very careful in not try an gu lating. they are looking for leadership, fresh ideas, and somebody is going to have to answer that call. >> all right. leslie sanchez, ed espinoza, thank you. >> thank you. farmers in georgia are not happy with the anti-immigration laws. why they are fed up, next. [ angela ] endless shrimp is our most popular promotion at red lobster. there's so many choices. the guests come in and they're like yeah i want to try this shrimp and i want to try this kind and this kind. they wait for this all year long.
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[ male announcer ] it's endless shrimp today at red lobster. your favorite shrimp entrees, like garlic shrimp scampi or new sweet and spicy shrimp. as much as you like any way you like for just $15.99. [ trapp ] creating an experience instead of just a meal that's endless shrimp. my name is angela trapp. i'm a server at red lobster and i sea food differently. and all we need to do is change the way we're thinking about them. a couple decades ago, we didn't even realize just how much natural gas was trapped in rocks thousands of feet below us. technology has made it possible to safely unlock this cleanly burning natural gas. this deposits can provide us with fuel for a hundred years, providing energy security and economic growth all across this country. it just takes somebody having the idea, and that's where the discovery comes from.
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harvard just got humbled. it was etched as the most ranked best university in the word. the u.s. justice department wants a federal appeals court to block alabama's tough new immigration laws. several civil rights groups are fighting that law as well and asked for the farmers affected by it, they say it puts their lively hood on the line. >> reporter: it was supposed to be an informational meeting but it quickly heated up. >> i don't think there is an answer for the short term. >> reporter: these farmers in alabama say that they are facing a crisis. their fruits and vegetables are rotting in the fields because there aren't enough farm workers. they say that a law that knocks down on illegal immigration has scared away the hispanic
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immigrants that they relied on. >> we did everything that we could to replace them. nobody wants the jobs. that is a misconception. >> basically, this law is shutting us out. and that's the money that we live on. >> reporter: listening to their concerns is alabama state senator scott beason, the republican that wrote the immigration law. >> i don't think you can write it to say that agriculture is exempt or anything like that. you have to decide what you're going to do with the illegal aliens in the state, you're going to make them easier to say here or not easy to stay here and my position is to stay with the law that we have. >> reporter: farmers in georgia reported that they were 11,000 workers short in the summer. to fill the gap, the ten hour days and 90-degree heat drove most of them away. in alabama, farmers are making desperate efforts to replace the hispanic migrant workers who
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left, including offering to increase pay but they've had little success. this family has relied on migra migrant workers at their farm. >> the americans are not going to be working as hard as hispanics. >> and rafael is joining us live from i atlanta. how is this going to affect the states? what is it going to cost the states, really? >> it's really difficult to understand the magnitude of the problem until you put it in dollars and cents, randi. according to a new survey by the university of georgia, the estimate is that $75 million that these farmers are losing because they don't have enough workers to work the fields and pick the fruits and vegetables in the state of georgia. >> and there's really nothing that they can do about it at this point? >> that's right. what they are trying to do is approve a guest worker problem
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as soon as possible but it's just too late for the season. it's going to take at least months, if not a full year before they can get something like that approved. so time is running out and they just don't have the workers that they need for their farms. >> rafael, thank you. appreciate your reporting. now let's check in with paul steinhauser. we're talking about gop hopefuls trying to woo social conservatives. who are they going after? >> it's called the value voters summit and it's one of the largest gathering of social conservative voters that is held every year. and just about every one of the republican candidates are attending the conference. rick santorum was the first to speak and coming up in the next hour, rick perry will be speaking and just about all of the candidates will be there except for jon huntsman.
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now, for these value voters, it's not just about defeating president barack obama. there's more to it than that. take a listen. >> this election is too important to elect a republican. we need to elect a conservative that will undo the economic and moral and social destruction that this administration has unleashed on american. >> tony perkins is there and head of the research council which is putting on this summit, this conference. it all ends tomorrow afternoon with a straw poll. about 3,000 delegates. they get to vote in the straw poll. we'll see who comes out on top. randi? >> paul, is there one candidate that is most appealing to this group? sfw >> i don't think there is one. rick perry and michele bachmann
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is loved by a number of them. not one, but many. some don't do well, such as mitt romney or jon huntsman. randi? >> all right. paul steinhauser, thank you for the update v a great weekend. >> thank you. thank you all for watching. hope you have a great weekend. don lemon in atlanta picks it up from here. >> thank you, randi. i'm in today for brooke baldwin. i want to get you caught up on everything that is happening. let's do it "rapid fire." governor rick perry tops the conservatives at this hour at the values voter summit in d.c. you heard paul steinhauser talking about it. perry is taking a bumble in the polls in recent days and we're going to bring you some of his remarks live when he takes to the mike in just moments. the economy is picking up. more jobs. that's according to the september jobs report. perry was stronger than
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expected. 103,000 new jobs created last month. but it didn't make a dent in the unemployment rate which remains unchanged at 9.1%. so far the economy has regained 2.1 million of the more than 8 million jobs lost since the recession began. occupy wall street. protesters are taking to the streets for the 21st day and rallies are being held in new york and d.c. and other cities around the state. they are talking about corporate greed. we are getting messages from cnn ireporters. let's listen. >> i'm here because people are talking about the issues that affect everybody and i realize that my success does not depend on stepping on some one else. investigators are looking at a train derailment in tiskilwa,
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illinois today. people were evacuated as a precaution. >> no one is being forced out of their homes. the authorities are just suggesting that people leave for safety reasons until the fire and wreck has been taken care of. the mother of a missing 10-month-old girl says that she is cooperating with the police. police, though, have a different take. >> tonight they decided to stop talking to detectives and i don't have to illustrate how that affects the investigation. it speaks for itself. >> the baby, lisa irwin, disappeared from her kansas city bedroom monday night. her mother says that police accused her of failing a polygraph and of having something to do with her daughter's disappearance. in britain, rupert murdoch's mansion is asking for to call a
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hotline if their employees are acting unethnically. it's the latest fallout in the allegations that reporters bribed police officers for tips. prince harry here in the u.s. and he will be here for two months. le be doing training in california and arizona. he will be one step closer to being combat-ready which means going back to the front lines in afghanistan. top gun was filmed at the el centro base in california. according to the palm beach post, there is a bill that has been filed to make dwarf tossing legal again. what's the reason? unemployment. all the law does is prevent some dwarfs from getting jobs that could be happy to get.
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happening this hour, federal prosecutors are cracking down on the distribution of medical marijuana. much of the discensary rees in the state have been ordered to be shut down. the justice department is asking a federal appeals court to block alabama's new immigration law. the obama administration contents that the law invites discrimination and only the federal government is in charge of immigration. in just a moment, we're going to show you an unintended consequence of alabama's immigration law. and how it could cost you money. we'll show thaw in just moments. we've got a lot more to cover in the next two hours, including a shocking video that you have to see. a man tapes himself shaving a young boy's head, his eyebrows, and then he beats him. the reason? to teach the kid a lesson.
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wait till you hear who this guy is and the point he wanted to make. wendy walsh is fired up. she joins me live. >> torture. full of genocide. a police officer tells women, if you don't want to be raped, don't dress provocatively. the actual words used sparking a worldwide story. a new warning to men. don't get a prostate exam? the man who is behind this controversial story. texas governor rick perry takes the stage to convince voters that his star is still shining. we'll take his speech live.
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[♪...] >> announcer: now get a $250 airfare credit, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. certain restrictions apply. all right, guys, i want you to listen up. ladies, as well. because this is information about the most common kind of cancer including breast cancer. we're talking about prostate cancer. a government panel says the psa blood test, the one that screens for prostate cancer, is no longer needed. so what is going on here? dr. michael la fever is a member of the task force conducting this investigation. this affects a lot of guys. one out of six will eventually get prostate cancer. so why the radical change now? >> well, thanks for having me,
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don. the draft statement against using the psa for screening for prostate cancer, basically saying that the harms of screening outweighs the benefits. the common perception that it prolongs lives is not based on scientific evidence. >> so i just had this talk with my doctor. i fall within the age range. does it outweigh the risk? is it in the testing or in the actual treatment where the tests come in? >> the risks really come in in the treatment. in the united states, about 90% of men diagnosed with prostate cancer through screening are, in fact, treated, and treatment for prostate cancer is not benign at all. about 5 out of a thousand men will die within 30 days of surgery for prostate cancer. about 10 to 70 out of a thousand
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men will experience a complication but survive and longer term, about 2 to 300 of those thousand men will experience impotence. so the risks are very real. the best science that we have, the risks are between small and none. the two best studies that have looked at this issue came up with slightly different results. in spite of that, neither were what we called conventionally statistically significant. >> go on. >> the trial in europe would suggest that about seven men out of 10,000 will benefit from prostate cancer screening. that is, avoid a death from prostate cancer. a trial in the united states shows an increase risk in death in the screen group of 3 per 10,000. the truth is probably some place in between.
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which means that if there's any benefit, it's very small. >> all right. so dr. lefevre, what should men do who are worried about prostate cancer, especially men who fall into that category? what should they do? >> well, i think there's two answers to that question. first of all, know that this particular recommendation applies to men without symptoms. if they have symptoms, they could be consistent with prostate cancer. they should talk about those symptoms with their doctor and get recommendations about what the next steps should be. as far as asymptomatic symptoms go, they encourage screening tests for which the benefits do not outweigh the harms. we certainly recognize that this test is in widespread use today and some men will continue to request and some physicians continue to offer this test in practice. i think that an individual man who places a higher value on the
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possibility of benefit, however remote, than he places on the probability of harms, remains a logical candidate for screening. but if that's not the case, then i wouldn't be screened. >> so the best thing to do is to have the conversation with your book for and know what you're talking about the conversation that we've given you here. thank you, dr. lefevre, appreciate it. a young boy is humiliated and beaten by a mentor. that mentor is now facing charges. and it was all caught on camera. this is a story that you're going to be talking about for days. we have the video and the story behind it. you don't want to miss it. plus, the immigration law in alabama and georgia is heating up. how it can cost you money even if you don't live in those states. we heard from republican presidential candidate mitt romney hours ago and now we're awaiting rick perry to come out and speak. the value voter summit live here on cnn is expected in about 25
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tough new laws having unintend unintended consequences in southern states. illegal immigrants are leaving so fast that they are leaving fruits and vegetables rotting in the fields and watch this video. it's from my colleague, rafael romo. >> reporter: it was supposed to be an informational meeting but the conversation quickly heated up. >> what is the answer to our problem? >> i don't think there is an
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answer for the short term. >> reporter: these far farmers in alabama are facing a crisis. there are not enough farm workers. they say that a law that cracks down on illegal immigration has scared away the hispanic immigrants that they once relied on. >> we have done everything that we can do to replace it. nobody wants the jobs. that is a miss conception. >> basically, this law is shutting us down. >> reporter: listening to alabama governor, scott beason, the governor who wrote the law -- >> i don't think you can say that agriculture is exempt. you have to either make it easier for them to stay here or not easy for them to stay here and my position is to stay with the law that we have. >> reporter: farmers in georgia, where a similar law was approved, reported that they were 11,000 workers short over the summer.
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to bridge the gap, state officials had felony probationers at the farms and the ten-hour days drove most of them away. in alabama, farmers are making desperate efforts to replace the hispanic migrant workers who left, including offering to increase pay, but they've had little success. for decades, this man and his family have relied on migrant workers at their farm. >> the americans are not going to get out in the heat all day long, bend their back all day long, and they are not as hard as workers as hispanics. >> rafael romo is joining us now. how does this translate? does this mean higher prices at the grocery store? >> well, the problem is that they are going to have to find the money somewhere and according to this study by the university of georgia, they have $75 million so far this year and the problem is that the workers are going to need to find
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somebody who can pick those fruits and vegetables. >> okay. thank you for your time. the latest plan that is helping farmers use nonviolent inmates near the end of their prison term to pick fruits and vegetables. what is in it for the inmates? it's money and the chance to land a full-time job after they are released. the farmers get workers and tax credits and if they hire them after they get out of prison, that is work. what should they do with a criminal who turns into a criminal act? the story of a little boy whose beating was caught on camera and now the man responsible is facing charges after he uploaded the video to youtube. plus, we're waiting for republican candidate rick perry to come out. he's expected to speak at 25 minutes after the hour. we're going to carry it live for you here on cnn.
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a room and worry about like you just came out of bootcamp, all right? >> that was just a small part of it. brooks admitted to the police that he posted this video on youtube and he can be seen shaving the boy's eyebrows as a punishment for not going to school. brooks goes off camera into another room and you can hear the horrifying sounds of the belt and the boy screaming. it's so disturbing we decided not to show it to you. but we can show you this. >> 15 of them. go. up, down.
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>> that is brooks forcing the boy into a boot camp style exercise regimen after shaving him and allegedly whipping him with a belt. a doctor later found multiple loop marks and scars on the child's upper thighs consistent with a belt. at the beginning of this video, brooks justifies his actions because of the african-american men in prison compared to college and joining me to discuss this is doctor of psychology, wendy walsh. it's so disturbing to watch this. you have to watch it online. it's unbelievable. would you characterize this as child abuse or is this just discipline? >> it's absolutely child abuse. there are marks on the body. that's a criminal event. that's assault. and the fact that this man wasn't even a parent or a legal guardian makes it even worse, in
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my mind. i know -- i mean, if we try to figure out what his rationalization was for posting it online owe trying to believe that this is good discipline, we have to remember that this man who assaulted this child probably was parented that way himself. >> he probably does rationalize that because he has a good argument but when you look at the totality of this and you look at his execution, it's obviously not good. there is an african-american practice of using corporal punishment than in some other cultures.
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this teaches kids how to hit and be bullies and might send them to jail. so i don't know how it gets them into college. >> we talked about that. do you think it's cultural or class or -- because kids in my day and probably you're day, there was a lot more corporal punishment going on but not these days. >> definitely. there's a culture piece, a social class piece. but the question is, where is the line and when do you cross it. child abuse laws are different from state to state. its an open hand on the buttock that leaves no mark. anything else, emotional abuse, burning, sexual abuse, we have to know where the line is. >> other than psychological problems, what else could a beating like this cause? i'm sure there are many. huge, huge, huge. and for those people who say, i was bite enas a child and i am
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just fine. >> spoil the rods, spoil the child. >> exactly. >> there are a bunch of other kids severely developmentally disabled. everybody comes into the earth with a biological predisposition some children with the least amount of abuse and corporal punishment can become so terribly damaged. others with terrible abuse come out functional as adults. we don't know which is which. but for sure we know that this makes them bullies and more aggressive in school. >> there are a lot of single parents out there these days, especially moms looking for mentors. >> i am one. >> and especially for a male figure to guide their child, male or female. this is a self-described mentor. is this common for a mentor to practice this kind of behavior?
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>> no. and i believe it's illegal. there are child care workers, coaches, amazing guys helping out so many kids and i don't mean to disparage those doing a great job. but if a child lives in the home with a nonbiological boy a. mommy's boyfriend or mommy's new husband, he has an eight times chance of suffering physical, mental, or emotional abuse. this nonbiological male doesn't seem to have the same degree of empathy that a father would my advice is fathers whether you're involved in the mother's life or not, get involved. it's very important. >> is there every a case for corporal punishment like this? >> like this? with a belt?
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no, never. >> we're going to go to politics and hear from rick perry in just a moment. before we go to him, romney argued for a robust u.s. presence around the globe promising to bol ter support for israel, expand the navy's war fleet. and he had some tough words for president obama. >> surrender of world leadership is still surrender. this is very simple. if you do not want america to be the strongest nation on earth, i'm not your president. you have that president today.
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>> now, that was mitt romney speaking earlier at the value voter summit in washington, d.c. they are introducing rick perry and we will bring that to you live. very strong criticism by mitt romney. he's not the only republican speaking out today. again, we're expecting rick perry to take the stage in minutes in washington, d.c., his remarks are straight ahead. don't go anywhere. you are not going to miss anything. movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at
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with maximum-strength medicine and no embarrassing odor. break the grip of pain with aspercreme. all right. we are live at the family research council where rick perry is speaking. >> it strikes me as interesting, there is no voter in america who is not a value voter. it's just a question a question of whose values they share. some say that government must be central in our lives and serve as our caretaker they receive
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equal outcomes and they don't believe and that american and rather emulate we see what the policies have led to. 148 million americans out of work. 45 million americans on food stamps. and according to wednesday's all street journal, more than half of americans receive benefits. now n. response to this economic misery. and when they utter fair share, they just want to know once again to play fast and furious
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for the truth. and even job creators, can't spread success by punishing it. you can't unite our country by dividing it. the answer lies in a positive optimistic vision with policy's routed in american exceptionalism. there is unlimited freedom and nothing troubling our nation today that cannot be solved by the rebirth of freedom, nothing. [ applause ] >> i happen to believe in private ingenuity and the values of the american people. american is worth achieving and
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requires hard work and not government handouts and in this present generation of americans. they are not looking for governments to lead the way. but you can't live free if you can't find a job. and you can't live free when it gets between you and the doctor. and if we're going to get entrepreneurs off their feet again, we need to freeze. all of the pending regulations are that are out there for the next six months.
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freeze them all. we need to cut faxes for families and businesses because the only money that will put in your pockets, not governments. we need to repeal the bureaucratic nightmare known as oba obama. [ applause ] you know, there are three pillars that serve as the foundation of our country. strong economy, strong families, and strong military we have created about 40% of jobs since june of 2009. our success and they will spend all of the money.
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and four, stop the frivolous lawsuits. they kill jobs. [ applause ] we passed the most sweeping formation which is a lose or state all in the state of texas you know, at the same time that the fed chairman warns that the recovery is close to faltering, just yesterday they said that our tax revenues have rebounded to prerecession levels. [ applause ] >> our august home sales rose. our exports and manufacturing
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activity started climbing again and, yet, there is president obama standing in front of the white house press corps doubling down on the strategy that doubled our are deficit. it just goes to show you that those blinded by tax and spend and spend big government ideology will never see the truth. every day it is clear that the united states economy -- for it to grow and succeed, we need new leadership. >> the pro tax americans need a
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new leader and sound economic policies. texas is not immune to the ee feblts of the national economic environments but recent reports show that low, flat, and fair taxes, reasonable and predictable regulations restrain government spending is a proven recipe for job creation. the key to prosperity is liberty. yet the larger government grows. the smaller our circle of freedoms. the most basic unit of government is family and i believe with all of my heart that the government closest to the people is the best for the people. there should not be a single policy coming out of washington, d.c., that interferes with decisions best made by the
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families. [ applause ] and i'm proud to be where i grew up, we didn't have much in the way of material goods we were sure rich. we were rich in spirit and abundant in faith and devoted to family. happiness wasn't a product of what we had. or what we believe. we believe we were blessed to live in the freest nation on this earth. that we were fortunate to grow up where there was a strong sense of community. that there was nothing that we couldn't achieve and home of the brave. in fact, my school where i grew
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up, we graduated and had a motto. no dream too tall for a school so small. there are millions of americans born in less than ideal circumstances maybe thrp born into poverty, born without a parent. but as a society, we must stand for the principle that every life it worth living regardless of the circumstance. in america, it's not where you come from that matters. but where you go. as americans, we must affirm the value of life. not just of our declaration of independence but in the ways that we live.
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some candidates have the prevailing political winds and it's about the absolute principle that every human being is entitled to life. all human life, all human life is made in the image of our creator. [ applause ] and every innocent life must be protected. from the most frail to the elderly to the unborn. that's why as governor i have religiously worked for policies such as parental consent for minors seeking abortion, a ban on third trimester abortions and an informed consent law and was
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proud to sign a budget that deplanned parenthood in texas. [ applause ] our obligation is not only to protect life and be stow freedom on other generations, but it's also to instale character. young americans must never be taught about rights without also learning about responsibilities. we must not -- [ applause ] >> must not proclaim the responsibilities of a free society and ignore the responsibilities for individuals. we must never mistake liberty
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for license. one's a right. the other leads to bondage. for more than a generation we have indulged at the expense of and reaped the consequences in the form of teen pregnancies, divorce and broken families, the cycle of incarceration that joins young fathers behind bars. the fabric of our society is not government or individual freedom. it's the family and the demise of the family is demise of any great society. [ applause ] this kbrat country of ours has
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never been steered off course that has expanded freedom and promote strong families. but neither can be preserved without an unwavering commitment to the national security and as americans, we have the greatest, fighting force for freedom in this entire world. our men and women of the united states military. and there are some places that say you can't find heroes anymore. my, my, were they ever wrong. we have heroes here. they are fighting in the mountains of afghanistan. they are in the sands of iraq.
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and there are places that we don't even know about to find and destroy the enemies of this country. and they put their lives on the line every day so that we don't have to. over the years i have been so honored as i travel to the outpost and iraq and afghanistan. and i've signed letters to their loved ones who have made the ultimate sacrifice. i consider myself so fortunate to have been able to wear the uniform of our country. and that experience and forms my perspective about our defense
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policies specifically, i believe we must never put the military on the chopping block. never. [ applause ] the question we must ask is not what we can afford to spend on our military but what it costs to remain secure and free. the real component of keeping america secure is keeping israel secure. [ applause ] we can never forget that it was israel that took out the nuclear capabilities of iraq in 1981 and
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of syria in 2007. israel is our ally. they are our friend. and when i'm president of the united states, america will, again, stand with our friends. [ applause ] and that is true when it comes to defense spending and also true when it comes to border security. let me say this about border security. i have lived and breathed this issue for over a decade as a board of governor. i have signed budgets of $400 million of state regulation along that border. i have dealt with the carnage
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caused by traffic and drugs and weapons and people. as a border governor, i know firsthand the failures of our federal and i know the answer is not to grant amnesty for those who broke the laws to come into this country and i signed a bill to require voter i.d. in order to protect the integrity of our voters and for the obvious security reasons, i vetoed regular legislation to give driver's license to illegal aliens. there is no homeland security without border security.
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and make no mistake about it, what we are sighing south of our border is nothing short of a war being waged by these narco terrorists. they represent a clear and a present danger to our country. they are spreading violence to american cities. they are pedalling poisons to our children. and we including cooperation with the mexican government as we did with columbia some years ago. you can't have liberty. you can't have opportunity. you can't have prosperity without security. the issue before our leaders is securing a better future for all americans. you see, economic security is
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the topic of discussion at millions of dinner tables across the country of ours. and i've listened to thousands of americans and they are not under any illusions about the current state of our country. they never mistaken hope for a handout because they want to earn their keep. they aren't looking for speeches. they are looking for commonsense solutions and they know our first order of business to getting america working again is sending our current president to the private sector.
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[ applause ] and like all of you, i still believe in the exceptionalism in america. to paraphrase both abraham lincoln, america remains the last hope for mankind. we must never forget that the exceptionalism of america can be traced right in our founding principles. the fact that the framers of our constitution and to declare that all men are equal endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights has guided america throughout our history, from the first columnists to arrive in the real world, to the courage of george washington during those darkest hours at valley forge to the defeat of
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tear tiernary in the cold war, time and time again america has been the source of light in a world that's been beset by darkness. and like in a lighthouse perched on the shore, we have provided the safe harbor to millions who have been adrift in a sea of economic misery? and we can aspire to a source of hope of light for all those that live here and those that come here, anchored by our ideals, we can rebuild on the solid foundation of truth instead of the shifting sands of more relatively and restore hope at home and while projecting our
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values abroad and we can occupy the planet if we remain one nation under god. god bless you. thank you for coming and allowing me to participate today. >> texas governor rick perry and gop presidential hopefuls speaking at the values voters summit in washington, d.c., hitting on a couple of themes here. really saying that he's going to protect the defense budget. mitt romney saying the same thing, that he'd like to go back to a time when america was better and greater. he was born in 1947. talking about the military, the loss of jobs, hitting on abortion, and also on immigration. let's talk more about that, especially the immigration part, because of what he has said in debates back in 2007. saying some illegal immigrants should shall able to get granted in-state college tuition.
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jim acosta is at the values voter summit where rick perry was making his pitch. it's fair to say that this is pure and simple red, neat politics. what do you think of what he said? did he make his case today when it comes to immigration? >> reporter: well, on that issue of in-state tuition for undocumented workers in texas, he's gotten beat up on it quite a bit. he made it pretty clear that the value voter summit that there should be no amnesty for undocumented workers and we've heard rick perry talk about this in recent weeks, talking about the drug war going on down in mexico and he used a phrase today that i'm not sure we've heard from rick perry, referred to it as a clear and present danger to the united states and
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also said that no options should be taken off of the table when it comes to dealing with mexico and the united states, under the perry administration, enters into a military cooperation with mexican forces the way that the united states did with colombia to fight the drug cartels. >> very specifically, he said, that being a governor has lived and breathed for a while now. this is very strong language. he said some illegal immigrants spread violence to american cities and pedal poison to our children. that's strong language it really is, don. he called democrats playing fast and furious with the facts that
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was a dig at the president on the whole scandal that has been investigated internally. so rick perry is definitely trying to address that weakness that he has politically by going after the president on this issue. >> i've got to run. if you can do it within five seconds, is this enough to gain his momentum? >> reporter: sure. i think so. i think this is a speech that he needed to give. he went after mitt romney on abortion. he did not mention him by name but said that being pro life is not something that he should do during election year but something in your portfolio your whole life. rick perry is raising his game. don't count him out yet. a lot of people have done that in texas and have paid the
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price. >> jim acosta, thank you very much. we're going to carry herman cain's speech. make sure you tune in for that. how many times have you changed cars, friends, jobs in the last ten years? life is different for you, i'm sure. but not for a group of soldiers that we're going to meet today. >> what i do every year is i call the family, either the spouse or the parents of the individual that has been associated with me that was lost in combat. >> we're going to introduce you to a group of soldiers whose lives have been on repeat, another friend, sorry lost in battle. we want you to think about them, the tenth anniversary of the war in afghanistan. in just 14 minutes.e it mmmh, orange chicken. great. i didn't feel like going out anyway. [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry. restaurant quality chinese in your grocer's freezer. and here's what we did today:
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