tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 7, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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divine consciousness. and we recycle from there. >> thank you both ve much for a fascinating debate. the book is a great read. i recommend it for everyone who wants to have a huge argument with almost everyone they know. thank you. that's it for us tonight. "ac 360" starts right now. it is 10:00 p.m. on the east coast. tonight, breaking news. a leading conservative powerbroker or mega church pastor calling mitt romney's religion a cult and says that obama embraces difficult positions and when robert jeffreys talks, his congregation of 10,000 and conservative christian voters listen and respond in the voting booth. when he spoke today at a gathering in washington, he made both major news and major waves in the 2012 presidential race. he joins us momentarily. here's a sample of what he said to jim acosta after he introduced perry on stage.
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>> southern baptist convention which is the largest protestant denomination in the world officially labelled mormonnisms is a cult. i think romney is a good world man. i think those of us that are born again followers of christ should always prefer a competent christian to a competent -- to a competent nonchristian like mitt romney. that's why i'm enthusiastic about rick perry. >> what do you say that mormonnism shouldn't be an issue in this campaign? he's just as american as everybody else. >> i agree he's just as american as anyone else. and the article six of the constitution -- >> and mormones say they are christia christians. they believe in jesus christ. >> a lot of people say they are christians and they are not. they do not embrace historical christianity. i think we have the duty to prefer christians as our leaders. that's what john j., the first supreme cou justice of the supreme court
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said. we have a decision between a rick perry and mitt romney, i think evangelicals have to go with rick perry. >> a spokesman for latter day saints declined to comment on the statement. he said that those who want to understand the centrality of christ to our faith can learn more about us and what we believe by going to joining us is robert jeffers. pastor, thanks very much for being with us. why do you believe the mormon church is a cult? >> well, again, when i talk about a cult, anderson, i'm talking about a theological cult as opposed to a sociological cult. you know, thee logically, a cult is a religion that has a human founder versus a divine founder. joseph smith is the founder of mormonnism vers jesus christ. and secondly, cults tend to look at other religious text outside the bible for their guidance. mormonism certainly accepts the
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bibl. it accepts the newer revelation, the book of mormon that came from a angel to joseph smith. it's a theological cult. i know that's a loaded term. and it's not -- it has never been considered, anderson, as a part of historic christiancy. >> the church of jesus christ does consider themselves christians and on the website they say they accept jesus christ as their savior, redeemer and they say each of these titles points the truth that jesus christ is the only way by which we can return to live with our heavenly father. >> and we can get into an indepth discussion and put everyone to sleep out there. >> do you krconsider -- >> this is not a new position. i do not consider them a cult. i consider that catholicism teaches that a person is made
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right with god by faith in christ and good works and a number of good works. but historic christianity has been that we're saved by faith in christ alone. i wouldn't label it a cult. i would say it's basic tenants are contrary to the teaching of the new testament. >> hindus and buddhists, islam, cult? >> yes, absolutely. and the bible teaches very clearly that only those who trust in christ as their savior will be in heaven. and jesus made that clear when he said i'm the way to the truth and the life. no man comes to the father except by me. >> why in a political leader, why -- the difference between rick perry and romney, there are political differences. but why base your decision on the closest most core held belief, religious beliefs of these two men? they both belief in jesus christ. they both are -- believe in their faith and in you yourself say are good people. >> right.
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anderson, again this is not the only criteria that we use to select a leader. in fact, i didn't mention the word cult or mitt romney in my introduction of governor perry today. >> you said it right after you left the stage in an interview and you said it plenty of times before, over the years, going back to 2007. >> that's right. again, i'm not labelling mitt romney as a bad person or mormones as bad people. >> but you say he's a member of a cult. >> yes. but anderson, if i were to say to you, you know, anderson, you're not a republican. i don't think you would say -- disagree with that. i would say that not because i think you're a bad person, but you don't hold the basic tenants of the republican party. >> obviously, you don't know that about me. but saying somebody is a republican is not a value judgment. saying that they're in a cult is a value judgment. i mean it's an incendiary term. >> not a theological cult. that may be a pejorative term to
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say cult. i'm talking in terms of a theological cult. i believe that morm onism fits that definition. there is a reason that christian evangelicals should not vote for mitt romney. i also said in interviews this afternoon if it came down to a candidacy -- or a choice between mitt romney and president obama, i would vote for mitt romney. >> do you believe that barack obama is not a christian? >> i was getting to that. i think it's better to have a nonchristian like mitt romney who embraces biblical values than to have a professing christian like barack obama who embraces unbiblical positions. i accept barack obama's claim that he's a christian. >> it doesn't sound like it. saying you accept his claim that he's a christian doesn't sound like you really believe that. >> right. >> i mean you don't say -- >> you said rick perry is -- you say you don't have any reason not to believe. you don't say that about rick
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perry. i accept his claim that he's a christian. but you're saying that about the president. >> i talked to rick -- that's right. i talked to rick perry. i haven't had the chance to talk to president obama. that's the difference. >> you don't base his public statements -- that's not -- you don't believe that's valid proof enough? >> i have no reason -- i have no reason not to doubt his public statements, anderson. none at all. >> okay. what are his -- why do you believe his positions are unbiblical, the president? >> right. i believe he's the most pro abortion president in the history of the united states. and i believe in the sanctity of life and that is a very important issue. when it comes to mitt romney, i think his recent so-called conversion to life is very suspect given his position as governor. romney care as you know included a $50 deductible for abortions.
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and so i think that his conviction about a life is very suspect. when you compress that to rick perry who signed into a law that texas sonogram bill, he defunded planned parenthood. and i think rick perry would conservatives have a proven track record. >> do you worry that you're harming your candidate rick perry? you were introducing him on stage today. you made the statement in the past. clearly rick perry is now distancing himself from what you said. he clearly knows you believe this because he said this in the past. and he's continued to choose you to introduce him. so do you worry you're damaging him a little? >> i think there are a lot of assumptions there, anderson, that he knows what my position is on mormonism. >> it what in the dallas news and widely reported. i assume he would know. >> he may not have seen. that i wouldn't assume that at all. >> i would assume that he has people around him that would know. that. >> i represent his viewpoints.
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>> pastor jeffers, i appreciate your time. thank you very much. >> thank you. good to be you. >> i want to bring in bruce father. it is interesting. what do you make of this? i mean it's nothing really new, i guess. >> i think the reason we're having this conversation now is because mitt romney is back at the front-runner in the campaign. it was unlikely we were going to go through the campaign without this issue coming to the surface. if you look at the polls, the four in ten americans say they believe that morm mormonnism ise cyst antti. and a third said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate if he or she were a mormon. so this issue was always going to come back. and now this is the day that it brought it back to the conversation. >> on a theological basis, is it fair to call something a cult? >> what's interesting this definition, he was using -- he said there is a sociological cult and a theological cult. his definition af theological cult is one founded by a person
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as opposed to a divine figure. he included islam. islam says that it was founded by divine revelation to mohammed and the same with buddhism and the other religions. i think this is a term that people who don't believe in other people's religion have thrown around for decades. i don't find that particularly new. i think what is going on here is if you look at western religion, okay, i think basically religions have had toward prior religions a yes but attitude. we're the holiest day of the jewish year. christians say okay we believe in the hebrew bible but we continue the revelation continued with jesus and the new testament supplemented the hebrew bible. what mormones and others are saying is we believe in christianity. but in the case of morm anism, we believe there is subsequent revelation and that's the source of the difference. so mormones can say we believe in jesus. he is our savior. but they also believe that
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joseph smith got divine revelation himself, also that resurrected jesus came to north america and these are the kind of ideas that have sat uncomfortably traditionally with protestant christians. >> do you think -- obviously i cannot believe that rick perry doesn't know the beliefs of the people introducing him on the stage. he is a very smart guy with a good team around him. this stuff is vetted. you say it's a widely held belief and, therefore, it's not necessarily going to harm him politically among evangelical voters. >> i think a lot of ways none of this is particularly new. not a lot of he van jevangelica this way about mormonism. rick perry surrounded himself with a lot of people that have extreme views. you think of the call, his big event, bring rain to solve the problems of the country and have divine revelations to solve economic problems, one of the co-sponsors of that event is
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john haky. and john mccain had to reject the endorsement of john haguey because of haguey's anti-catholic views and comments about the holocaust being divinely inspired. so in a way this is rick perry's jerimiah wright problem. it is a familiar refayne in american politics that political figures are responsible for the religious views of their religious endorsers. i think this is the 2008 conversation that's now presenting itself in the 2012 race n that regard, i think rick perry, this has always been an issue for him. i think it will get worse as the views of other people around him begin to be made public. >> bruce, appreciate you being with us. >> let us know what you think. we're on facebook and twitter. coming up, the wall street movement and the politicians condemning it even though they praise the tea party movement for using the same tactics. is that hypocrii hypocritical?
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and amanda knox faced physical abuse in prison and dr. drew pinsky to talk about what will be ahead for her. >> jurors today heard what michael jackson's doctor told police about his patient and just how medicated he was. that and much more when 360 continues. my doctor told me calcium is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal.
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keeping them honest with law makers who don't like when people rally in large numbers to protest against government policies. they don't like it at all. when they like the same thing, they lover the idea of people rallying in large numbers and raising voice to voices to prot. now the wall street movement is entering the fourth week. thousands gathering in austin, texas, mipz, seattle, atlanta. we're also talking about the tea party movement over the last two years like occupy wall street, there are people from all over life. people in the movement hold a grab bag of political views and policy goals. neither side resorted to
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violence. both sides are calling for peaceful change within the political process. large numbers of arrests in the of course wi wall street movements in new york. you may agree with one side, neither or both. common sense says you can't call this dangerous destructive and anti-american for their protest rallies. the other side patriotic when both sides are using pretty much the same tactics. that's what some politicians are doing. listen to them condemn the wall street rallies. >> well if, you look at what they're telling the media, they don't know why they're there. they're just mad. this attack upon business, attack upon industry and freedom, now the unions seem to be weighing in and trying to subvert that anger in a political power to try to re-elect a president whose policies are just totally ignorant and incompetent. >> i, for one, am increasingly
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concerned about the growing mobs occupying wall street and the other cities across the country. and believe it or not, some in this town have actually condoned the pitting of americans against americans. >> i don't have facts to back this up. but i happen to believe that these demonstrations are planned and orchestrated to distract from the fail policies of the obama administration. don't blame wall street. don't blame the big banks. if you don't have a job and you are not rich, blame yourself. >> some of the voices speaking out. senator orrin hatch slamming them saying they're alarming and we're going to get more of it. we'll have riots in this country because of what these people are doing. that was him just yesterday. listen to him and others talking about tea party rallies. >> i've been watching what the
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tea party does. i'm impressed. >> the tea party movement is expressing the most powerful political force in america. it's written in the constitution of the united states, we, the people. we, the people, expressing their concern about their loss of freedom. physical irresponsibility of this administration in the leadership here in this house. >> first i'd like to thank you, though, for being here and for fighting on the front lines of what we know is truly a battle for our democracy. >> what do you think about this whole tea party citizens movement? i said it's getting bigger, stronger, and more impactful. >> again, the issue is not what each side believes but rather politicians on one side rallying expressing democracy and the other side's rally, a threat it to. joining us is co-chair of the tea party express. do you think it is fair to make comparisons between say the early tea party movement and the occupy wall street protests? >> you know, we -- it was an
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organic movement. i don't know if this is organic or not. the tea party movement was organic. we started by having rallies. we evolved into something else. can you make that comparison. i think that we're both mad as heck about the bailout of the banks. but other than that, i don't see a lot of comparisons. we're trying to reign in the spending in washington. the answer to what we believe to washington's problems are less government, smaller government. they want more government, bigger government. so i don't see that there's a lot of comparison. >> i'm not talking about necessarily the beliefs. obviously, although the bailout issue, the issues have different. but the large group, you know, groups of people who are angry and are coming together, coalescing and early on it sort of a hodgepodge of different ideas. i remember some of the early tea party rallies. >> i have to disagree with you on that. anderson, when we came together, there was one thing that brought
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us all together and that was out of control spending in washington. it was all about making washington live within their means. from what i've heard from these people, half of them don't even know why they're there. and they have this list of demands that is completely unreasonable. >> let me jump in there. i mean i think the same, you know, i think it's easy to go down to one of the wall street protests, grab out a few people, quiz them and make them look bad. that was done to a lot of tea party folks. >> it's still done. >> i think unfairly. it's very easy to take one person out of a crowd who doesn't know the issues and say well, look, clearly the tea party doesn't know what they're talking b also i remember seeing early tea party stuff. i agree central issue is reigning in spending. i would argue it seems like to me that the central issue with the wall street people is greed on wall street. you look at some of those -- yes, people have this whole hodgepodge of other issues. i remember early tea party rallies, there are pictures of
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people there for illegal immigration and greater gun control. they were there for less gun control. they're opposed to socialism. so aren't early on there is a hodgepodge of different issues? >> there may be. even today you can go out and you'll find different factions within the movement that are focused on different things. overall, we're focused in reigning in spending. another thing is, i don't know if i said about the rest. we came together. it's been peaceful. we've been completely peaceful. last weekend alone in new york city there were 700 arrests. i mean that is not representative at all of what this tea party movement is about. we are very focused. we know what we want to do. and, you know, maybe they'll figure out what they want to do. but the thing is you can't be mad at wall street. what wall street did was completely legal. wall street -- these people are protesting against capitalism. what america was made -- that's what america is. and they're protesting against
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capitalism. they want to take capitalism down? yet, they're mad at the banks being bailed out. that is double talk out of both sides of their mouth. if they were -- i mean it's capitalism that would have allowed the banks to fail. instead, wall street had an ace up their sleeve. they reached back to washington and the money was pumped into there. so, you know, what do they want? do they want capitalism or do they want socialism? we want capitalism. we want to protect this great country and what was founded upon, the constitution. and we want washington to live within their means. >> amy kramer, i appreciate you coming on. thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. let's turn to princeton university cornell west who co-host a radio program smiling west and he joins me now. professor, thanks very much. we were just talking to a tea party organizer who's basically asking what do these people on wall street want? it seems like they're against capitalism. is there a central -- from what
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i've heard, the people i heard talking, there's a lot of different people with a lot of different opinions. is there a central point, a central belief? >> let me first say that i'm blessed to be a small part of the occupy wall street movement, 101 cities aren't world or 70 cities in the united states. the major issue is corporate greed. 1% of the population own 40% of the wealth. 100% income growth in the last ten years went to the top 10%. 83% of income growth over the last 25 years went to 1%. we're calling for the renewal of democracy. and i'm not a leader, i'm one voice among others. but it's very clear the corporate greed and the presidential complex and the military industrial complex, in the corporate media complex and on wall street is sucking the democratic energies out of our society. this is not a question of an ism. this is a question of individual liberty we support.
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social justice, we support. fighting corporate greed, we must do to pass on democracy to the younger generation. >> we just played a montage of a lot of republicans who praised the tea party movement early on but are calling the occupy wall street protesters mobs saying essentially it's dangerous. when you hear that kind of rhetoric, what do you think? >> i mean, i just heard the mayor of new york say this is one of the most peaceful groups that he's seen. 700 arrests. this is peaceful arrests. this is in a tradition of martin luther king jr., dorothy day, civil disobedience is a form of democracy. it's been profoundly peaceful. but every movement has a variety of different voices, viewpoints, lunatic friends. there was some very ugly things at the tea party brother ands sisters did. they tried to spit on some
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congressman, brother john lewis, a black man. they had a number of different things that don't represent all of the tea party but there are elements in the tea party. there will be elements in any movement. keep in mind occupy wall street is more inclusive. we're open to atheists, pro thetic mormones, prophetic baptists like myself, we're concerned about common interest and common good and 42% of our children living in poverty. 72% in poverty or near poverty. 22% living in poverty. we must agree that is a moral disgrace. professor, you're not a leader but you are an eloquent spokesperson at this point, one of many. how do you translate the central idea of being against greed on wall street, how do you translate that into demands on paper or demands that actually allow a movement to grow beyond just people on the street-cam
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ping out to actually affect change? >> well, it's not just people on the street. there are actually creating a magnificent set of communities of all colors, all genders, all cultures, all sexual orientations, all religions and even, as i said, atheists and agnostic brothers and sisters. it's difficult to translate social movement into one or two demands. but that is a process. stage by stage, step-by-step. be very clear, brothers and sisters of all colors who are in the various cities occupying wall street symbolically or literally, keep in mind corporate greed, wealth inee quality, ending the wars, dealing with the presidential complex, trying to highlight poor and working people who have been pushed to the margins and that 1% of our population disproportionately are getting the benefit. >> professor west, i appreciate talking to you, cornell west. still ahead tonight, crime and punishment.
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detailed about amanda knox's time in prison. what will she face as she tries to pick up where they left off four years ago? dr. drew pinsky joins us. plus, the science behind this youtube video. a woman hearing her own voice for her first time. her emotional reaction and we'll talk to dr. sanjay gupta about this new technology that made it possible. amazing stuff ahead. mary? what are you doing here?
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a couple days ago we showed you a video that's gone viral an youtube. a 29-year-old woman hearing her own voice for the first time after being profoundly deaf her whole life. >> there you go. >> so now technically your device is on. can you tell? it's exciting. maybe you can put it down for a second. just get used to the sound. what does it sound like? i can hear myself cry. >> that wasn't a miracle, it is science. a new device making the impossible possible for sarah who was born with profound hearing loss. she had the device implanted and her husband shot that video you
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just saw, the device being turned on for the tifrt time. sarah had never heard their voices and now she can. we were all amazed by the video. we wanted to learn more about this device. we spoke to dr. sanjay gupta. so was she able to hear anything at all before the implant? >> it sounds like she was able to hear some things. she had just profound -- what they call sensory hearing loss. there are different types of hearing loss. this is one that a lot of people get as they get older, as they listen to lots of loud sounds. they have damage to the inner ear. she at it at a very young age. i think it's amazing video to watch, anderson. just the profound impact of someone regaining a sense like that. but we have an animation of what normal hearing looks like. this may explain what was happening. you have the sound coming in. and, you know, your outer ear and middle ear do a good job of
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taking out a lot of the distortions, taking out background noise, filter it out. you hit the eardrum there. that's normal. this is normal hearing. then it -- you see the bones making that motion against what is known as the coclea. that is that snail looking thing over there. that's how it works. the vibrations come n transmit the sound through the bones and the yellow part on the far right of the screen, that's the nerve sending the signal that you just heard something and deciphering that into real sound. in her case, at some point in there between the bones and that snail like looking thing, she wasn't getting enough vibration. there wasn't enough sound actually transmitted through. so it would come through very muffled, very, very hard to decipher. so she could hear things barely vibrations and rumblings mostly. >> what is the difference between this implant and a cochlear implant? >> well, you know, first of all, hearing aids, you know, which a lot of people wear for this
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hearing loss, essentially think of that like a microphone in your ear. you're essentially taking sound and you're using that to amplify and send the signal back further into your ear. cochlear implant, you're sending signals directly to the brain stem. that's people that have complete hearing loss because of damage to the nerve that i just showed you there. here, what you're doing is still using your normal ear. you're using all of what i just showed you, outer ear, inner ear and the eardrum is working as a microphone. but what happens is there are a couple wires. i think you have a model. >> i have a model of it here. >> so there is a processor you see sort of near the back. that's what you're looking at is right behind the ear. that is under the skin. it's not something you see from the outside. >> so this is under the skin this part? >> it's under the skin. she can feel it if she put her hand back there and controlled by remote control. she can turn it up and down if things are too loud or too soft. it has a couple wires going to
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where the bones were that were transmitting the sound. it is essentially collecting that vibration, analyzing that d data, sen data, sending it to the processor and sounds more normally. it's not that muffled sound anymore and you're getting a lot more than just the vibrations she was hearing for a long time. >> how much does this cost? and does insurance cover it? >> well, no, it does not cover it. it is expensive. it's about $30,000. this is a recently fda approved thing. they said they saved up for a long time to be able to purchase this. and i think the company sort of thinks with a lot of devices, if more people get it, the cost may come down. it is a very expensive thing right now. the fda has approved it for this particular use. but even after the operation which you mention the was two months ago, it takes time for someone to heal. and then ultimately start using it. >> just amazing.
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i love watching that video. sanjay, thanks. >> thanks, anderson. still ahead, shocking allegations. a report that amanda knox faced sexual harassment inside the prison where she was for four years. anderson, we ghin syria. activists say a kurdish opposition leader was shot to death in his home today. at least eight others were killed throughout the country. more than 3,000 demonstrators have reportedly been killed since the anti-government demonstrations began nearly seven months ago. opposition commanders in libya say they may be only day as way from taking control of gadhafi's hometown. the military leaders told lee on upon eta they don't believe that the out offed lead kerr command even his loyal militia any longer. three women share this year's nobel peace prize. they were chosen for their nonviolent fight for women's rights.
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and two usair bases are getting the royal treatment. captain harry walesa rifd in california today for the final days of his helicopter gunship training. during his two months in the u.s., he'll also go to a base in arizona, from one brit to another, he finds himself a loose end and someone to show him around town, he can always call me. anderson. >> all right. i'll keep that in mind. >> i'm sure he'll call. >> you never know. >> thanks. still ahead, amanda knox out of jail, back in the states. her story is far from over. there is a report that she was sexually harassed in the prison where she was living. we'll talk about that and hear what her dad says about how she is adjusting. and jurors in the michael jackson death trial hearing conrad murray's interview police about the day jackson died. the latest coming up. ♪ [ male announcer ] every day, thousands of people are choosing advil®.
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tonight it has been just three days since amanda knox returned to her parents home in seattle and there's a new report on what she faced nearly four years in that prison. according to cbs news, amanda was sexually harassed behind bars. she said there was an administrator who would take her to his office alone at night and say a number of inappropriate things. he left amanda terrified. now she's a free woman. last night her dad told aaron burnett how well amanda is adjusting to life back home. >> well, you know, really it's reconnecting with the family and, you know, she has a couple of twin cousins that were one
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year old when she was in -- first went to italy. now they're 5. so it's really neat to see her playing with them and, you know, it's like they never missed each other. and it's really nice. >> that was amanda knox's dad. earlier i spoke about drew pinsky about the challenge that's amanda knox may phase in the days, weeks, and months ahead. i keep thinking about amanda knox. four years in this prison in another country. how do you even begin to return to your prior life? >> there may not be a return to her prior life. in fact, i suspect there won't be. i hope there won't be. you have to remember this is a young girl who was extremely naive. that -- she has to take some responsibility for what happened. though she was acquitted of having killed somebody, she was in some circumstances and doing some things that are kind of like not so great in a country why naively she believed she was as protected as she is in this country. the fact is she had to grow up and she grew up a very hard way.
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she says she just wants to lie on her grass. that will keep her happy for ten minutes and then she has to go on with her life. i predicted she would speak as soon as she got off the plane. she's going to be angry. there is going to be a lot of anger and resentment. >> angry at -- >> the circumstances, angry at the -- unless she gets angry for herself and forgives herself, she won't complete the healing process. >> would you be angry? >> oh, sure. >> when you think about it, this is a person whose life -- her life was interrupted for four years. >> truly life interrupted. and i'm saying now, it will never be the same. maybe for the good. i think what she's going to do is make it -- learn how to make it a part of her life narrative and want to be of service with it. any time i dealt with people with lots of heavy trauma, that's the direction they go. some people turn inward and just want to be with a therapist and be quiet. i don't think we'll see that with herment i think we'll see
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somebody speaking out bait. the piece i haven't heard her say is the role of substance in this. of course that's my interest. when you find unwanted outcomes in adolescent young adulthood, you find substances. somewhere in there, that has to be addressed. too. >> her family, whasz your advice for family members who have a loved one who's got out of prison? >> my suspicion is that they have just been longing for their daughter to get back. they haven't been able to sleep nights. they'll get a good night sleep. >> should parents get their child to talk about it to them or just wait? i remember elizabeth smart's dad, i talked to him. he said we just are letting elizabeth do things on her own time. >> it's -- it really is -- if things are going to heal and heal well, you want professional intervention. yes, the parents need to stand back a little bit. but this is the tricky piece that american parents don't understand quite so well. you have to be fully present. put a piece of yourself into that relationship and be present all the time. from the outside looking in,
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these are a divorced couple that have seemed to come together on her bee half. so we're seeing that kind of at least evidence of presence, whether they can actually be emotionally attune and connected all the time, we'll see. but it's not so much always about the talking. it's about the availability and the continuous presence of an emotional support parent. >> her parents lives have environment forever changed. financially this has been incredibly draining. their lives have been nothing but this. >> nothing but this. i'm sure they wouldn't have spent a penny any other way. i know amanda will feel guilty about that. you wonder if the running away and substances and boys and all is part of her seeking refuge. >> it's great that she's home. hopefully she gets the time she needs. >> yes, there is fear they're going to try to extradite her or appeal it. she ain't going nowhere. >> no. dr. drew, thanks. appreciate it. up next, dr. conrad murray told police about the day that michael jackson died and what medication he was taking. ale anr favorite foods fighting you?
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the justice department filed an emergency motion today to try to stop a new immigration law from going into effect in a alabama. the law has a wide range of provisions including one that requires the state to check public school students immigration status. the labor department reports 103,000 new jobs in september. that's more than expected. but still relatively weak according to economists. and the simpsons will live on for at least two more seasons. entertainment weekly reports fox has renewed the show for season 24 and 25. there was some question whether it would be canceled because of a salary dispute between the studio and the voice actors. no word yet on what kind of deal they reached. anderson? >> thank you. have a good weekend. don't miss our special weekend this sunday, "bullying stops here." i spoke to four students. they are being relentlessly bullied at their school in
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minnesota. here's one of the students. >> we had assigned seats on the bus. >> you would hide under the seats? >> i would. and then i go to the nurse three times a day at least. >> zwroust get some place. >> yeah, to go home. >> we're going to have more of kyle's story ahead. see what a school officials has to say about the bullying accusations when we continue. welcome to the team. here's your signing bonus. better deposit that before you get hurt!
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bullying stops here, a town hall at rutgers university including phil mcgraw and kelly ripa and also some very, very brave kids from minnesota's largest school district. they are speaking out about alleged pervasive anti-gay harassment. that's what they say. the school district is facing a federal investigation and lawsuit from two groups and several students say the district's policy of barring teachers from talking about homosexuality, what they call a neutrality policy, they say jeopardizes their safety at school. the district declined to speak to us citing the on going litigation n april, the superintendent spoke to cnn and defended the policy. >> all the students come with parents in this community and parents have a wide range of beliefs. we serve them all. >> the town hall at rutgers, i spoke to four amazing students
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would are fighting back. they're part of sunday's special. here's a look at what they had to say. how often do you get bullied, do you get pushed around? >> almost every day. >> almost every day? >> yes. >> and how about you? you're straight, but your two dads are gay and you're on a gymnastics team which people make fun of you for. what do people say you to? >> they call me gay, faggot, gay boy. >> what do people call you? >> they call me dike. [ beep ] faggot. i've even been called words that i'm ashamed to say to this day. >> dylan, you have been taken out of the school. you're now being home schooled. did you just not feel safe in school? >> kids made me feel like i was the grossest person in the world. and they would just go against walls and say here comes the he-she or here come the trash. and they just made me feel gross. i didn't feel safe at school. so i just left.
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>> i'm sitting here and i'm stug with rage and i just feel so angry and so upset for the four of you in your class experience. and it seems to me that this is all backwards. instead of taking it up with the kids that are tormenting daily and using abusive language and being abusive to their students, this young man can't even go to school anymore. he shouldn't be the one having to stay home. i just want you to know that people do care about you. i care about you. and i really feel touched for your experience. >> jane, you and your wife are raising a daughter. what you hear the kids, what goes through your mind? >> well, you know, these kids do need to know that they are loved. and it's really, really sad that they don't have an advocate. i think this neutrality policy is ab dough indicating their responsibility, the adults response biment of protecting these kids. it makes me very sad. >> how do you get through the
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day, kyle? >> i pray every day that i don't have to go back to school. and i go -- >> you pray every day that you don't have to go to school? >> i hide under the seats of the bus. and i would -- >> you hide under the seats? >> yes. and then i go to the nurse three times a day at least. >> just to get some place? >> yeah, to go home. >> to go home. i understand at what point how many kids did you no he who were bullying you? >> 40. >> 40 kids. >> yes. >> you could identify 40 kids? >> yes. >> i want to thank you for your courage and strength. i think you're just so impressive and so brave. i think you have tremendous courage. thank you. i appreciate it. yesterday interviewed kyle and i said is there anything else you would like to say? he said i would like to sing a song. he said that to me today. he said can i sing? so, kyle is going to sing his favorite song. >> all right.
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