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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 11, 2011 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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america! >> about 60 occupy boston protestors are trying to get bailed out of jail today. that's right, occupy boston is an offshoot of the occupy wall street. that is the group protesting the pigout between the corporate executives and everyday americans. police arrested the boston protestors for trespassing early this morning. they were trying to expand their camp to a second location. occupy wall street protestors in new york, they're on the move today. they're marching to the homes of five prominent manhattan billionaires. they include hedge fund mogul john polson, rupert murdoch, jamie diamond and billionaire david koch. opening statements are going on in detroit today in the terror trial of the nigerian man charged with trying to blow up
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an american airlines plane with explosives hidden in his underwear. he's acting as his own attorney. violence between egypt's christians and muslims may lead to new legal protection for religious minorities. a group described as thugs attacked christian protestors. that happened on sunday. at least 25 people were killed after the army and police got into the mix. well, egypt's prime minister says he's going to push a law that is making religious discrimination a crime. but experts say there is only so much that he can do during military rule. >> the problem, john, is we've got 24 men, that's the supreme council of the armed forces. they're like the wizard of oz. they're behind a curtain. they're ruling egypt without any responsibility. so they have the power and no responsibility, and then you have this prime minister, a decent man, who has the responsibility but he's got no power. >> egypt has set parliamentary
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elections for november 28, and a presidential vote has now been pushed back to 2013. new zealand's environment minister calls it the country's worst oil disaster ever. you see the tar patties already washing up on the beaches. they're just a tiny amount of the crew that is leaking from a crippled cargo ship. now, that ship is stuck on a reef about 12 miles off the coast, and they are jostling the boat, could even break it apart. >> that is unbelievable video there. an amazing snapshot. this is nature in action. this is southwestern england, a chunk -- that's right, a chunk of great britain crumbles into the atlantic. a group of people, including geologists, happened to see the slide and they caught it all on
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camera. this is bad news. the dunks, the lay-ups. the nba now scrubbing the first two weeks of the season. players and owners say they are nowhere near a deal on splitting up all the money the league takes in. no new talks are set and this lockout is going to continue. so now, chance to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. as we mentioned, the president is in pittsburgh, that is this hour. he's pitching his $447 billion jobs package to the workers there hoping to win over the support of the american people. according to the latest orc polling, more americans trust president obama to handle the economy. just 37% trust the gop. so today's talk-back question, are you sold on the president's job bill? carol costello joins us from new york, and the president still has a long way to go to make sure folks are on board with him, and he's trying to put
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pressure on members of congress to embrace this. no chance, it doesn't seem like this is really going to work. >> yeah, putting pressure on congress, i don't think that will work, but you never know, suzanne, because the senate is supposed to take up the jobs bill sometime today. you know, the jobs bill? hit it, mr. president. >> let's put construction workers on the job. let's put teachers in the classroom. let's give small businesses a tax break. let's help our veterans pass this bill. let's meet our responsibilities. >> how many times have you heard that? the president has said a gazillion times in eight different cities. if you need a refresher, the president's jobs bill extends unemployment, cuts the payroll tax, provides money to hire more teachers and construction workers. you know, infrastructure jobs. and boasts a tax on millionaires to pay for it all. republicans? they have their own mantra.
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>> what this week has shown beyond any doubt is that democrats would rather talk about partisan legislation they won't pass than actually passing legislation that we know would create jobs. >> because of those tax increases on millionaires. but you knew that already. what we want to know from you today is if you're buying what the president is selling. so the talk-back question today, are you sold on the president's jobs bill? i'll read your comments later this hour. >> carol, it seems like the obama administration strategy is to travel around the country and try to convince folks to buy into his plan. we saw that doesn't necessarily work for the white house. remember when bush was trying to privatize social security? he spent nearly a year trying to convince folks, ultimately didn't happen. >> that was not a popular plan. however, according to a poll that i just saw right now, most americans seem to favor the president's jobs bill, or at
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least parts of it. the problem for the president, he was expecting maybe the voters would put pressure on congress to get this thing passed, but that doesn't appear to be working. in fact, most analysts think that the president's jobs bill is dead in the water when it comes to the senate and the house of representatives, especially. >> i would be really curious to see what viewers weigh in on this. thank you, carol, really appreciate it. here's a rundown on some of the stories ahead. first, right at the billionai s billionaires' doorstep. occupy wall street protestors are marching to homes that they are blaming for corporate greed. millions of women take your vitamins and minerals every day, but a new report is saying some could actually harm you. and new bank fees? they're buried in the small print that you probably don't even read. we're going to tell you what to look out for. and also, tormented inside america's classrooms. to learn more about school
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bullying, we turn to the students themselves, and they have a lot to say in the noon hour. >> i was devastated that i had a stroke. it's like -- oh, my god, it just stymied me and i cried and i just didn't know what to do. >> that is a stranded woman at the south positivele. she is running out of time. she is a stroke victim who is waiting desperately to be rescued. ♪
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[ gasp ] [ mom ] my husband -- he thinks it's a 3-sheeter.
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i say 1-sheeter. bounty can clean the mess with less. [ female announcer ] in this lab demo, 1 sheet of bounty leaves this surface as clean as 2 sheets of the bargain brand. ♪ dance cooking? bring it. super durable. super absorbent. super clean. bounty the 1-sheet clean picker-upper. and try bounty napkins. we are unlawfully assembled. i command you, in the name of the commonwealth of massachusetts, to immediately and peacefully leave. >> and without warning, police began arresting protestors from the occupy boston movement early
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this morning. this demonstration is a spinoff from the occupy wall street protest that is now in its 25th day. >> the whole world is watching! the whole world is watching! >> about 60 people were arrested in boston mostly for trespassing. they had tried to expand the area where they had been camped out. meanwhile, protestors in lower manhattan plan to expand their reach today. they are heading uptown past the homes of billionaires and ceos, like head mogul john polson, rupert murdoch and head of jp morgan chase, billionaire david koch. people they are blaming for corporate corruption. we have the editor of the passport blog, and he joins us from new york. josh, you talk about the lessons
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that occupy wall street protestors can learn from the egyptian protestors who pushed out yvaric. what do you think they can take away from this movement? >> the wall street movement is almost a little harder because in the case of the egyptian protest, they could define a very concrete goal, and the criticism we've heard over and over again of occupy wall street is that people aren't quite sure what they want. i think that's the challenge they've had, is sort of defining a set of criteria for what it is that constitutes a victory for them. and in tarear square, it was very clear. there was a banner set up in the square indicating what its goals were. i would suggest that a first challenge for occupy wall street really to express to the world what it is that constitutes a victory for them. >> sure. and josh, you bring up a very unique point. you say it's important for the protestors to keep a broad
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message to attract a wide base, that in some ways it's a good thing to have all these kinds of folks with different messages in one place. is that right? >> right. well, while you need kind of a defined object, you also have to keep it broad enough that you attract a wide group of people to your movement. i mean, in egypt the challenge was they had student groups, leftist groups, the muslim brotherhood, trade unions and all these people were united and opposing the mbaric regime. but i think a challenge for them is to also expand their coalition a little bit. >> you also talk about keeping it friendly with police, that that is something very important. when you look at it this morning, the arrest of those protestors in boston, do you think the movement is heading in the wrong direction here now that we're starting to see scuffles with law enforcement? >> well, i think a certain amount of it is inevitable. there is going to be an
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antagonistic relationship between protestors of this type and police no matter what you do, but i think it's important they don't make police the enemy, that even when they are being arrested that they keep the focus on their justice, because what we saw in egypt is that they actually started to appeal to members of the police, and there were members of security that started to feel sympathetic toward their goals, and that's something for them to keep in mind, perhaps, as well. >> josh, final question here. what would you think would be a victory for the occupy movement? because they don't have a clear objective that people are really grabbing onto, so when do they walk away and say, you know what? we made our point, we won. >> here i think perhaps you need to look not to the offspring but to india where there was a movement to force anti-corruption through parliament. that was a specific law they were pushing. i'm not going to define goals for this movement, but i think
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perhaps a legal -- a bill or a financial sector reform, something they can kind of attach their names to and make that an object. >> all right. josh keating, appreciate it very much. thank you for your point of view. >> thanks, suzanne. people started accusing the occupy wall street protestors for living in filth, being camped out for four weeks now. but a cnn reporter said he was amazing at seeing the infrastructure they had developed. rob harper sent several pictures and said it was like a small community, that there was a doctor to handle minor medical needs, and a group that takes care of the many care packages that come in from around the world. in the middle of the park is a makeshift kitchen with cooks along with a serving area. plus stations have been set up to provide free clothing, even massages and spiritual legal
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advice. you can see all the photos sent in by our ireporters on our web site at we're watching many people take a multi-vitamin a day, and a new study now says it could have harmful effects on you are your health. elizabeth cohen is here. what do we know about the study? what did they find? >> the study is on tens of thousands of women, and that's good it was so many women. what they found, they were looking at women around age 62, and they were thinking to themselves, the women who took vitamins, will they live longer? will the women who took vitamins live longer and they found the opposite. the women who took multi-vitamins were 2.4% like toll die during this period. a tiny number but a real number. folic acid, 5.9% more likely to die, vitamin b6 4.1% more likely
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to die, and iron, 3.9% more likely to die. zoz what are the recommendations here, stop the vitamins, stop the supplements? >> there are no recommendations. the industry says there is no correct study. one study does not say, okay, vitamins are clearly what killed these women. it may be that the women who took vitamins were sicker than the women who weren't. it could be that's why they were taking the vitamins, so the doctors we talked to, including the study author, says you don't want to change anything based on this. maybe researchers need to do more research and see if these results are real or not. the women who were taking calcium, they were about 4% less likely to die during these 20 years, so there was that one. >> bottom line, should patients be taking these vitamins? >> an empowered patient needs to
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take vitamins with her eyes open. what i mean by that is there are not any great long-term studies saying yes, vitamins help you, or no, vitamins hurt you. you're taking a certain risk when you take vitamins, so go in with your eyes open and say, look, i think it's possible they could help me, but know it's also possible they could hurt you. >> i take vitamins, so i'm interested in this. stories across the country. places need rain but not this. you're talking destruction around the lackland air force base. tornadoes hit the area on sunday. good news, no one was hurt. in denver, police are looking for a pair of thieves who went to a jewelry store to sell some gold. the gold was assessed at $11,000. then, while one man distracts the clerk, the other switches the bag of gold with one that's full of junk jewelry. they made off with both gold and
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cash. all of that caught on camera. and here's one for the record books. unbelievable. okay, this is amber miller. she completes the chicago marathon on sunday. then gives birth hours later to a healthy baby girl. miller says she found out she was pregnant in february two days after signing up for the marathon, and she already paid. she said she was running. her contractions actually started as she neeared the finih line. unbelievable. from atm charges to the ends of free checking, americans are now furious over these fees. we're going to tell you why this is happening now and what you can do about it. but first, what do americans do for fun these days? well, it's all in the numbers. we're talking about the census numbers. i should give you that information. what's more popular now? attending classical music contests or bird watching. that moment coming up. i'm really glad we took this last minute trip!
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you booked our room right? not yet, thanks for reminding me. wait, what? i have the app so we can get a great deal even at the last minute. ah, well played get the app. [ male announcer ] there's just something ♪ dabout werther's caramel that makes a chocolate so smooth and creamy, you don't just taste it, you feel it.
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♪ magic [ male announcer ] werther's original caramel chocolate. what comfort tastes like. [ woman on radio, indistinct ] ♪ bum-bum ♪ bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum ♪ ♪ ai, ai, ai ♪ bum-bum ♪ bum-bum, bum-bum ♪ [ ice rattles rhythmically ] ♪ [ imitates guitar noise ] from honda. at liberty mutual, we know how much you count on your car and how much the people in your life count on you. that's why we offer accident forgiveness, man: good job. where your price won't increase due to your first accident. we also offer a hassle-free lifetime repair guarantee, where the repairs made on your car are guaranteed for life or they're on us. these are just two of the valuable features you can expect from liberty mutual. plus, when you insure both your home and car with us,
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it could save you time and money. at liberty mutual, we help you move on with your life. so get the insurance responsible drivers like you deserve. looks really good. call us at... or visit your local liberty mutual office, where an agent can help you find the policy that's right for you. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? so what do you think? do more americans attend classical music concerts or go bird watching?
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according to the 2012 abstract, big long title there, but the answer is bird watching. i don't go bird watching. i'll have to check it out sometime. text 1 for the blue penguin rescue. after last week's devastating oil spill, wildlife groups are now desperate to save new zealand's sea birds. text 2 for bagpipes in pakistan. meet the one man responsible for testing out thousands of new g bagpipes all around the world. or text 3 for movie magic in macedonia. if you've watched "the term denominator" or "the golden compass," you've got these guys to thank. computer graphics in a faraway place. winning story is going to air
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next hour. so if you're like me and a lot of other americans, they say they feel they're being nickel and dimed at their own bank, furious over these fees. last week bank of america got slammed with angry e-mails and petitions after announcing it's going to charge customers $5 a month to use their credit card. today cnn is looking at all these fees that have krept into our lives in recent years. allison joins us outside a bank of america in new york, and that is where all the fear is directed. is this a beginning that we'll see among many banks, perhaps even a trend. >> yeah. we're out at bank of america, suzanne, because bank of america is really the trendsetter with this whole fee explosion, especially with banks. chase and wells fargo, they're testing it in certain sites, but bank of america is the first to actually do it. i'm talking about charging you $5 a month. if you've used your debit card
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at bank of america to actually make purchases, there really is no way around it unless you only use your debit card for atm. if you walk up to a cashier and hit credit, no way, you're still going to get dinged that $5. we're not only seeing it with debit cards, we're seeing it with checking accounts as well. citibank is charging you if you don't keep a minimum amount in your balance, you're charged with a fee. in 2009, 76% of checking accounts were considered free, but this year it's only 45% of checking accounts are free, so we see where this trend is going. i talked with many, many people, customers of bank of america who say this whole bank fee gone wild is certainly making them furious. >> the bank smaki ins making mo my money so why am i being charged, what, $5 a month? i don't think it's fair. >> probably wouldn't make me change. what's going to happen is all
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the bank is going to end up doing, one does it, they all do it. >> and suzanne, many people say they're going to go ahead and switch banks because they're so upset with bank of america dinging them this fee, this $5 a month fee. the question is, will they actually do it? some say yes, they're going to smaller community banks, credit unions, where the fee is less. suzanne? >> yes, people are annoyed by this. i appreciate the advice there. there are ways to avoid the pain of checking account fees. how do you that? we're going to hear from senior analyst at we're going to keep an eye on the markets all day. you can check out for all the latest business news. when you have diabetes...
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your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have 6 grams of sugars. with 15 grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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here's a run down of the stories ahead. around the country, those new bank fees. if you're one who is furious, you need to listen up. and you heard corbin west telling herman cain to get off the symbolic crack pipe. it didn't take cain long to fire back. and later, terrorized by their peers, finally speak out, students advise each other on how to deal with the bullies. last week bank of america announced a $5 a month debit card fee.
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then citibank announced it would charge customers for what used to be free checking accounts. banking experts say the fees are not going to end there. if you're angry about the fees, we've got some solutions. greg mcbride is a senior financial analyst for greg, let's start first with those debit card fees. they are charging you literally to get your money, use your money. are other banks likely going to follow this? is this a trend, and how do we get around paying for this? can we? >> well, the bigger banks are going to follow this trend for sure because they're the ones that are being impacted by this new legislation that really cuts into their revenue. however, there are ways you can get around this. you can resort to other methods of payment such as cash, check or even your credit card. a lot of credit card reward programs are far more generous than what you see on the debit cards. if that's not going to work for you, if you're really tied to using your debit card, then take your business elsewhere. there are plenty of other
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smaller community banks that are exempt from this regulatory change and they're not going to be instituting debit card fees. >> greg, what do we do about the overdraft fees, the banks who charge for checking accounts? >> well, overdraft fees take the biggest bite but they're really the most easily avoided. the key is you have to know what's in your account before you initiate transactions, so take advantage of the 24/7 on line account information that you have. make sure you know how much you have to withdraw before you make transactions, and you need to check up a link between your account and your savings account so it's your money that takes the draw. as far as free checking, it's not going to go away completely. it's still out there, but you're going to have to work for it or search around and take your business elsewhere. something as simple as direct deposit could be enough to get that monthly fee waived, and
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again, a lot of community banks and smaller banks will remain viable alternatives for free checking. banks are not the only institutions charging special fees these days. the next hour we're fwg to tago take a look at cable companies, concerts and car fees. text 1 for the blue penguin rescue, the creative way wildlife groups in new zealand are rushing in to save birds from oil, essentially. text 2 for bagpipes in pakistan. cnn talks to one man in pakistan who tests out the thousands of bagpipes that are sold around the world. text 3 for movie magic in macedonia. meet the small graphics design team behind some of hollywood's biggest hits. vote now and the story will air in the next hour. hi, i'm scarlet johanssen.
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you, too, can impact east africa. how are you? i was struck by the mass of it, the largest refugee camp in the world. people are just surviving. basically i was there as an ambassador of oxfem to hopefully highlight not only the crisis but to highlight all the work that oxfem is doing and what they're providing for people. it doesn't need to be this way. there is enough food in the world to feed everyone. join the movement. impact your world. go to an airline has planes and people. and the planes can seem the same. so, it comes down to the people. because: bad weather, the price of oil those are every airline's reality. and solutions will not come from 500 tons of metal and a paintjob.
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the occupy wall street movement is made up of thousands of diverse activists in cities across the country but they
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share in a common language. they choreographed hand signals. it has to be mind boggling for someone who walks by, but luckily they have jeanne moos to play translator. >> they are flut tering fingers playing in thin air but saying what? this is silent applause, a sign of approval. on the other hand -- >> this -- >> this -- >> just shows we don't like what we hear. >> just shows we don't like what we hear. >> and if you're wondering why the occupy wall street protestors keep repeating themselves -- >> we use this human mike. >> we use this human mike. >> it's because they're not allowed to use amplifying equipment, so -- >> we amplify each other's voices. >> we amplify each other's voices.
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>> and you constantly hear them saying -- >> my debt. >> my debt. >> what does silent applause save on? time for the crowd sitting back down so everybody can hear. and everybody uses this same signal. it's used by the deaf to signify applause in american sign language. other protestor hand signals? to signify a point of order at protestor assemblies. >> wrap it up. >> not everyone is up to speed on the proper direction. some of the symbols could be misinterpreted. when michael moore suggested those who brought down the economy should be -- >> in handcuffs. >> in handcuffs. >> he inadvertently used the protestors' most severe hand signal -- >> it's a block which means you have some moral or ethical disagreement. >> not quite as confusing as the
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conflicting hand signals sent to a batter in "a league of their own." protestors take pride in not having a manager. the police have their own signals. >> folks, please keep walking this way. >> one officer ended up on facebook giving that age-old signal -- >> peace. >> in a police blog, someone suggested, maybe the cop is putting in his order for coffee. yeah, two sugars. actually, the protestors' hand signals remind us of the ones used by financiers. jeanne moos, new york. you heard west slamming herman cain, telling him to get off this plank for racism. now cain is firing back. women
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men and uh pandas... elbows mmm [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry, try it yourself.
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it didn't take long. republican candidate herman cain is firing back after being slammed by professor cornell west. you may have seen it yesterday on the show. cain says west is out of touch with the real world. that's after this exchange. what do you make of what herman cain said? he did acknowledge that racism exists, but he says, you know, it doesn't matter that much, that it's more about working hard and making opportunities happen for yourself. >> one, black people have been working hard for decades. i think he needs to get off his
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symbolic crack pipe and acknowledge the evidence sois overwhelming. >> we should point out that statistics show african unemployment is almost double the national average. herman cain and the rest of the presidential republican candidates are preparing for another debate. that is for tonight. this one focusing strictly on jobs. senior political editor mark preston from the political desk in washington. so, hey, mark, what are voters looking for here from these candidates here tonight? >> very simply what they've been looking to hear for the past year and a half is how are they going to turn the economy around at this point and how are they going to put people back to work? the national unemployment rate 9%. in some states it is at double digits. the rise of herman cain, will he become a target of other candidates on stage, such as
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michel michelle bachmann who is on the same base. mitt romney, who is leading in the new hampshire polls at this point, but what will mitt romney do? will he continue to talk in the way of a general election tone, not really criticizing the other candidates? i think what we will see tonight, though, is we will see rick perry certainly go after mitt romney, especially on the issue of health care. suzanne? >> mark, we all remember when joe the plumber became a household name in the obama campaign when he challenged him on his jobs plan here. do we know what he's up to? i understand he's now back in the news? >> he's back in the news. somebody who had a meteoric rise and fell off the face of the earth. he criticized president obama when talking about small businesses thinks he's going to run for congress up in ohio. he's trying to run for the
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congressional nomination. he could run for president, who knows. who he could face is nancy and governor cusinish. so joe the plumber who was a big name back in 2008 trying to make his way to washington to perhaps try to change things if he is elected. suzanne? >> mark, do we think he has a chance here, or is it too early to say? >> it's too early to say, and the big question is, is this one of those glamorous candidacies, someone who has a name recognition, someone who is maybe a c level celebrity? the question is can he raise enough money to perhaps win the nomination and go on to win the general election. it's quite possible. we just don't know at this point, suzanne. >> we'll be watching. for political news, you know where to go, politic
11:45 am am of new zealand's sea birds are covered in oil after a spill. text 2 for bagpipes in pakistan. there is one small factory to thank for thousands of bagpipes sold around the world. cnn goes inside. or text 3 for movie magic in macedonia. a world away from hollywood, a small graphic design team is making hit movies. so vote now. the winning story will air in the next hour. oyou've been sounding off o our talk-back question today, are you sold on the president's jobs bill? darrell says, am i sold? if i had a job, i would have money to buy it. more of your responses, coming up. just one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria
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to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. just having some chicken noodle. starting my progresso soup for lunch plan, huh. nope, just having some tender chicken and some tasty noodles. let's see... south western vegetables... 60 calories, oh beef pot roast... ...ya' know those jeans look nice. they do? yup. so you were checking me out? yup. [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less.
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i want to go directly to chad meyers on hurricane jova that is near mexico's pacific coast. i understand that things are developing. >> yes. and, you know, poert ouerto val is a very big town, very big city in the way of a hurricane today and tomorrow. right now it's in the slightly cold water and leaves a slightly higher intensity, but it will certainly do damage to those taller buildings in puert puerto vallarta. as it gets to mazatlan, it's going to be gulping dry air in mexico.
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as we get to the other side of the pacific, all this push is going to push water and heavy rainfall along the spine of the mountains here. i'm worried about the flooding that could come out of the mountains than i am about the 100-mile-per-hour gusts here at puerto vallarta. right now it's a category 2 on the western edge of mexico. if you have loved ones there, this will be a very rough night for them. >> we'll be paying close attention. thanks, chad. signing off on today's talk-back question, are you sold on the president's jobs bill? carol costello, what are folks saying? >> i'm telling you, suzanne, people have a lot to say. i think we have over 250 comments so far and they're still coming in. the talk-back question, are you sold on the president's jobs bill? katie says, i'm sold on the jobs bill. it needs to get passed to help
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people work. corporate america isn't helping in the least. it's time for this country to get back on track. this, from lee. how many times do people have to touch a hot stove until they realize it stimulus package and it won't work. this from lucas, the president was forever told that he needed a jobs plan so he made one. sure, it's weak but it also combines ideas from both sides of the aisle. i would like to republicans, where is your jobs bill? this from scott, i voted for obama but no, the bigger issues needs to be getting everyone in washington on the same page so those of us not in washington are properly represented. this is from tom, why even bother asking republicans what they think? they made it abundantly clear that they hate our president and will do anything to undermine him, including sabotaging our economic recovery in the name of cheap political gain.
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please keep the conversation going i'll be back with more in 20 minutes or so. >> carol, i want you to check this out. we all get blindsided by life every day, but not like this. take a look at this. >> whoa! >> it is the strangest thing, right? an antelope comes out of nowhere and ram this biker. it's a hit-and-run. it happened during this bike race through a south african game reserve. the teenager only had a concussion and whiplash, it could have been a lot worse when you think about it. animals weigh like 400 pounds. so that's a bad day. >> i hate to see it again. oh! >> you and i are both runners, can you imagine if something like that happened, if something knocked you over? you don't expect it. >> that would be a good story. >> maybe at a game reserve, maybe you should expect
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something like that. you're in their habitat, maybe you should expect it. >> can you imagine at the dinner table, you know telling your loved one, you'll never believe what happened to me today, i was run over by an antelope. >> right, sure, you just didn't win the race. i think the antelope won. i understand the biker was in second place before that happened so the antelope came in first, i think. >> absolutely. >> carol, talk to you in a bit. reminder to vote for today's choose the news winner for the story you would like to see. one for the blue penguin rescue, text 2 for bag pipes in pakistan, the one man responsible for testing out thousands of bagpipes sold around the world. or text 3 for movie magic in macedonia. tiny graphic design team making hits in hollywood. vote now, the winning story will air in the next hour. i'm really glad we took this last minute trip!
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you booked our room right? not yet, thanks for reminding me. wait, what? i have the app so we can get a great deal even at the last minute. ah, well played get the app.
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mathis team of guinea pigs to ty boanso to save some y, d inea pig: row...row. they genatectry, wch le me rf t. guinea pig: row...row.took one, 8 months to get the guin: ..row.ow...row. they genatectry, wch le me rf t. lile cbby one to yell row! guineaig: ro's kof strange. guinig: row...row. such a simple word... row. anncr: t an easierayof strange. save. get online. go to get a quote. e u 15% or more on car insurance.
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taking a stand against bullying, we're talking about torment that some of these kids are living through, we're talking to them. we recently got insight on bullying from some high school seniors and juniors. carl, explain to us who are these kids and can they do
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something? can they do something to become less vulnerable and less susceptible to being bullied by others? >> absolutely. i mean, a lot of experts we've spoken to have said one of steps to stopping bullying in schools is getting kids involved in the solution to bullying. once you get students involved they could have an impact where they see this in other students. the students for this segment this morning are really standout kids, members of 21st century leaders, an organization that recruits the best and brightest rising juniors and seniors throughout the state of georgia. they attended a leadership conference and we at cnn student news worked with the kids and thought they would be excellent resources for finding solutions to bullying. what would they suggest? that's what they asked them and here's what they said. >> keep it to yourself find a friend or family member or somebody you really trust and tell them what's going on and get other people's advice because you can't handle it on your own. >> have a teacher or
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administer,er, someone to talk to and we'll stop a lot of problems that's happening now and students won't feel so alone. >> i think more people should report it. i see it at school so many times kids are being bullied. no one does anything about it, they'll get over it, nothing serious is going to happen. >> even if it's a simple compliment like i like your shoes, that simple comment can make somebody's day so much brighter. i think that can cancel out the negativity. >> start a protest, make people feel bad for bullying, make them feel bad and i believe they'll stop it. >> social media sites should be more filtered for this kind of stuff like facebook and twitter. because people are posting stuff and people don't do anything about it. it's there. the truth is people see that and take those things to heart. >> they do and cyber bullying is a newer challenge we're seeing students face, suzanne. one thing facebook has done,
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they have a stop bullying pledge and cartoon network has gotten involved. so these different groups trying to combat cyber bullying specifically. >> those kids have a pretty good idea, it sounded like to me. is it this advice match up with some of the experts are saying? >> that's the best part of today's report, what they are saying matched up beautifully with what experts advise. you heard the first couple kids say speak up about this, tell somebody. that falls under what we would say is spread the word. everybody is degree agreeing, once you experience bullying, start telling an adult or administrator and people and thought are even better. another thing that experts suggest, spread the love. complimenting a victim, i like your shoes can help. experts had actually said that can make a difference. if another student comes up to a victim and says, whether it's i like your shoes or you didn't deserve that, that can help a bullying victim get through the
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day. another thing experts suggest, stand up to the bully, make the bully feel isolated so they are not getting the sense of reward for bullying the kids. when it comes to cyber bullying specifically, take a picture and screen shot of what happens on the internet. if there's a way to isolate a video on youtube, that's a good idea. once people go after bullies it's helpful to have hard evidence in hand. >> how do you know, what's the difference between a kid that's picked on or bullied? is there any way to understand the degrees on how kids are tormented in school? >> we had a student at cnn student news who said, sticks and stones may break my bones, words would never hurt me. whoever said that has never been to middle school. everybody is mean in middle school. i didn't know nice kids in middle school at all. it's very difficult for experts to agree on where that stops, where being picked on stops and
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where bullying starts. it's very difficult for them to come to a consensus on bullying. the good thing here is the advice they have for combatting is trickling down to the students we spoke to, suzanne. >> we need to deal with this. thank you so much, carl. appreciate it. >> all week long, anderson cooper and cnn bring attention to america's bullying crisis. then cnn saturday night, don't met "bullying, it stops here" right here at cnn at 8:00 eastern. top of the hour, i'm suzanne malveaux, we want to get you up to speed. >> you are unlawfully assembled. i command you in the name of the commonwealth of massachusetts to immediately and peacefully disburse. >> boston police haul in 60 protesters overnight, part of the occupy wall street movement
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that is shining a spotlight on large salaries in america's executive suites. the boston group was trespassing. they were trying to expand their camp site to a second location. some of the occupy wall street demonstrators are heading north out of lower manhattan. they plan to join a protest past the homes of five manhattan billionaires, among them newscorp chairman rupper murdoch and jamie dimon. new zealand says it's the worst oil disaster in history, this tanker spilled tons and tons of oil after hitting a reef 12 miles off the coast. workers tried to transfer the oil to another ship but rough weather stopped the operation. now there's gooey tar patties washing up on new zealand's beaches. the scene looks like the mess created by the bp gulf oil disaster back in the summer of 2010.
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opening statements are going on in detroit today in the terror trial of abdul mut lab, the young nigerian man charged with trying to blow up a plane with explosives hidden in his underwear. he's acting as his own attorney. the manslaughter trial of michael jackson's doctor resumed in los angeles a short time ago. jurors are hearing dr. conrad murray in his own voice. prosecutors are going to finish playing a tape of murray's interview with police two days after jackson's death. in the recording played on friday, murray admits giving jackson anesthesia as a sleep aid every day for two months. a death certificate list steve jobs' immediate cause of death as respiratory arrest. it confirms that jobs suffered from pancreatic cancer that spread to other organs. tim cook announced today the company will hold an event
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october 19th to honor jobs. for first two weeks of the nba season, they are over, even before they started. david stern canceled the games. there's been almost no progress to an end to the player's lockout. >> we spent two days here. i think it's fair to say that we establish the positions of the parties with complete certainty of where each stood. and we remain really very, very far apart on virtually all issues. >> the nba says most of the league's 30 clubs lost money last season. the owners want players to cut their pay. hank williams jr. is not going to let it go. he's putting a new song on his website ripping espn and fox news. williams is angry that espn dumped his are you ready for football theme after williams
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compared president obama to hitler during a live fox interview. williams says this is america and he has the right to free speech. the song is keep the change. it's a dig at president obama's 2008 campaign theme. now your chance to talk back on one of big stories of the day. the president is in pittsburgh this hour. he is pitching his $447 billion jobs plan to workers there. according to the latest or cnn polling, just 37% trust republicans. are you sold on the president's job bill? carol costello joins us from new york. hey, chaarol. >> the senate is supposed to take up the jobs bill sometime later today, you know, the jobs bill, hit it, mr. president. >> let's put construction workers on the job. let's put teachers in the
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classroom. let's give small businesses a tax break. let's help our veterans pass this bill. let's meet our responsibilities. >> the president has said that a ga zil ontimes in eight different cities, if you need a refresher course, the president jobs bill cuts the payroll tax and provides money to hire more teachers and construction workers and infrastructure job and boost tax on millionaires to pay for it all. republicans have their own mantra. >> what this week has shown beyond any doubt is that democrats would rather talk about partisan legislation they won't pass than on actually passing legislation we know would create jobs. >> because of those tax increases on millionaires buzz but you knew that. if you are buying what the president is selling? are you sold on the president's
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jobs bill. i'll read your comments later this hour. thank you, carol. here's a breakdown of the president's plan. he wants $240 billion in payroll tax cuts. so your employers would with hold less in social security. the president wants $60 billion to go to building infrastructure. $49 billion for insurance reform and extension. 35 billion to prevent teacher and first responder layoffs and another $30 billion would go to modernizing schools and wants $15 billion for refurbishing vacant homes and paying for all of this, of course, that's the sticking point. right now the president is in pittsburgh promoting his plan. we're looking at live pictures there. let's go to our white house correspondent dan lothian. what do we think about this? the president's strategy, taking it to the people before you take it to congress. is that working are there sme parallel back door meetings going on to come up with some
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sort of negotiation with the republicans? >> well, look, i just talked to a top republican aid who told me there have been no back door negotiations between the white house and top republicans to get this bill passed. what the white house's strategy has been is for the president to go around the country and we've seen this over the last few weeks, the president has been meeting with the american people and pushing this jobs bill. first of all, explaining it to them then asking them to put the pressure on members of congress to pass it. i just talked a moment ago with melanie barnes and she told me that the strategy here was that you get the american people to put the pressure on members of congress. but the big issue is, is that working? we have seen a cording at least to some of the polling that the american people appear to be embracing the president's jobs bill, but still, no sign that this is a bill that can pass in its entirety in congress.
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and so what republicans are saying is that the president should have been negotiating with them so they can reach some kind of compromise behind the scenes. that has not been happening. >> and dan, you mention that poll that the obama administration is rolling out there suggesting that americans are warming up to the bill there. are you sensing that from people who you see when he goes on the road? >> well, you do hear positive reaction for people out there across the country. their biggest concern is that despite all that has happened over the past three years, that many of them remain unemployed, that they still have a difficult time staying in their homes, meeting their mortgage payments. so they are encouraged by the fact that something is being done in washington. as you know, one of the biggest criticisms when you see the polling is that not only are americans upset at republicans but also democrats because they feel that nothing is getting done in congress. so this is something that they can look at and say, look, someone is doing something about
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it so therefore they can support that. but i think the biggest issue here is does the president have the support in congress? yes, politically that's good to have the support of the american people but needs the support of congress in order to get this done. >> thank you, dan. appreciate it. >> president obama is scheduled to speak to union workers next hour in pittsburgh. cnn of course will bring that to you live. here's a rundown of the other stories ahead, first stranded at the south poll. if you can believe this story, a 58-year-old woman suffered a stroke but getting her could be an impossible mission. plus, is it a car, motorcycle? it's both. you could revolutionize the way we travel. the trial of michael jackson's doctor is resuming in los angeles. we'll play more from an audio tape taken two days after jackson died. bank account holders won't be the only ones furious over new fees. where else you're getting
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nickeled and dimed. >> the race was definitely easier than the labor. >> it kind of hurts just thinking about it, yeah. amber miller, completes the chicago marathon then right after, a few hours later has her baby. about werther's caramel that makes a chocolate so smooth and creamy, you don't just taste it, you feel it. ♪ magic [ male announcer ] werther's original caramel chocolate. what comfort tastes like. i was 18 years old before i had my first fresh bun. the invention that i came up with is the hot dog ez bun steamer. steam is the key to a great hot dog. i knew it was going to be a success. the invention was so simple that i knew i needed to protect it. my name is chris schutte and i got my patent, trademark and llc on legalzoom. [ shapiro ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to legalzoom today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. see? he's taking his vitamins.
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aspercreme breaks the grip, with maximum-strength medicine and no embarrassing odor. break the grip of pain with aspercreme. text 22360 for the story you would like to see. text 1 for the blue penguin rescue. after last week's oil spill, wildlife crews are desperate to save new zealand's sea birds. text 2 for bagpipes in pakistan. meet the one man responsible for testing out thousands of new bagpipes, that's his job.
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and text 3 for movie magic in macedonia. if you watched the terminator or the golden compass, you've seen these guys at work. it's a small team of graphic designers and they are from a far away place. text 1 for the blue penguin rescue, 2 for bagpipes in pakistan, or 3 for music magic in macedonia. imagine sitting at your desk and all of a sudden you have trouble seeing or speaking. that is what happened to one woman. she is 58 years old, her name is renee nicole duser. she believes that she suffered a stroke. but unlike many of us, this new hampshire woman simply can't call 911 for help because she's stuck at the south pole. that is where she manages the scott research station and it is winter there. and there is nothing going in or out. doctors at the station are doing what they can for her there
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until a rescue flight can be arranged. she talked last night about her situation. >> i was devastatined that i haa stroke, oh, my god, it's like, it just sided me and i cried. i didn't know what to do. the doctors told me go back to my room. i wound up going back to the clinic because the concern wasn't so much in my stroke but more my diet of being dehydrated and all of a sudden apparently i guess brain swelling started to happen and and i wasn't acting quite rational and obviously she was very concerned about what was happening. >> what do you say to claims that it's too dangerous to send a plane in especially to pick you up? just by talking to you, you sound okay. what -- >> oh, yeah. >> is there a danger in you staying there for those extra
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couple of days? >> well, it's not the issue of a couple of days, i'm here now going over six weeks now waiting here. now, i totally understand because i am the senior representative here at south pole station. and i'm very familiar with their evacuation procedures and i do -- i will be the first one to say i would not want to place the air crew in any danger to come and get me. now, i totally understand that. >> we want to bring in our chad myers who can kind of explain what's going on there. so, chad, we understand it's spring at the south pole. tell us what the conditions are like. what is she facing and what is the potential crew facing? >> temperatures were 74 degrees below zero a couple of days ago. that's way too cold to fly a plane in because the jet fuel in general terms to jelly. finally here we have had this
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summertime obviously in america, it's been winter in the southern half of the hemisphere. right there now because we went into spring and now into fall, they have gone the other way, they've gone to winter to spring. so yes, we can finally get some light here. you have to understand that this south pole station doesn't have any lights on the runway. if you get wind to blow at about 20 miles per hour, this very light snow just fluffs and flies everywhere and zero visibility. finally, at this station, they are seeing a little bit of sunshine because the sun is about 6 degrees below the equator. every morning they see the sunrise just slightly above the horizon. and it comes around and there may be just enough light to see what would be the runway that they would make with poles and sticks and make straight lines because it has to be fairly straight and don't want to be running over anything rough. it's the light but it's also the temperature. they need to be above 50.
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if you're not above 50 degrees blof zero, at any time this fuel will turn completely into jelly and temperatures are still falling to 70 degrees below zero. you have to understand, this stroke or potential stroke happened in august. now it's been almost a couple of months. they probably can get her out in a couple of weeks. >> chad, thanks. the company that runs the station for the national science foundation is r tatheon. they said the team includes a board certified surgeon and emergency room physician. they are highly experienced in providing all levels of medical care to the employees at the station. we'll go to elizabeth cohen, our senior medical correspondent. it's been six weeks without proper medical care regarding what she believes is a stroke. what is going on right now with her body and her circumstance? do you suppose?
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>> well, it's interesting that the ratheon notes they have doctors there. the family says there are two things they don't have, one is an expert in strokes who knows how to rehab someone and look out for a new one. they don't have imaging equipment, mri or ct scan. they don't know exactly where the stroke was. in the united states or new zealand where i guess she's hoping to go, they would have stroke experts who would be able to do imaging and see where the stroke was and do rehab specifically designed for that particular location of the brain where the stroke occurred. they don't have that there. she's doing some basic rehab. she's learning for example, math all over again. this is a nuclear engineer having trouble with sixth grade math. that's what's happened to her brain. she writes on a blog her family is keeping that she is having vision problems and has trouble understanding things when she reads. it seems like she definitely has been having problems. >> are there things she can do to help prevent the side
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effects? >> well, the stroke that is done that happened is done and over. there's nothing they can do about that. the fear is that there's a lot of unknown here. might she have a second stroke? they don't know because they can't look at an image. >> she said she's having a hard time seeing, is that pretty much a clear sign that she had a stroke? >> that's one of the results of a stroke that it can hurt your vision. what's interesting, that was apparently what made her seek medical attention in the first place, having trouble seeing and went to the clinic and said something is up. at first they thought it was a detached retina and looked and it was fine. that's when they thought, i think we're having a stroke here. >> what are some of the signs? >> everyone needs to know them because strokes happen way more often than we think. it does not just happen to elderly people. she's not elderly and apparently she's had a stroke. doctors have made is easy for us. remember fast, if you suspect someone has had a stroke, ask them to smile. if it droopz on one side, that's
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the sign of a stroke. ask them to raise their arms, if they can't keep one up, that's also a sign. ask them to say a simple sentence like my name is mary smith. if the speech is slurred, that's a sign of a stroke and t is for time. there's a drug called tpa that has been a miracle for so many people that suffer from strokes but you have to get it to the person in this window of about four and a half hours. if no one notices for half the day, you're already too late. >> all right. thank you so much, good information, appreciate it. >> it's not the first time we told you about someone needing medical attention while at the south pole research center. around the same time back in 1999 we were following the case of jerry kneel son fitzgerald, a doctor at the station when she discovered she had breast cancer. with guidance from physicians in the united states she treated herself for months until rescue flight was able to land.
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fitzgerald died ten years latser when the breast cancer returned. >> those feeling the need to speed, a motorcycle and car hybrid, it runs on electricity. so it's nearly impossible to tip over. we're going to show you the technology that's going to change the way we travel. not white collar or blue collar or no collars. we are business in america. and every day we awake to the same challenges. but at prudential we're helping companies everywhere find new solutions to manage risk, capital and employee benefits, so american business can get on with business. ♪
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it's a vehicle that looks like it just landed from another planet. our cnn correspondent dan simon joins us from san francisco. we're looking at this thing. i don't know, is it a car or motorcycle? what is it? >> reporter: well, it's sort of both. i want you to see here behind
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me. you've never seen anything like it. it's got two wheels so technically it's a motorcycle but it drives just like a car. this is one of the first times the public has had a chance to see this thing. it's been under wraps for some time, the inventor, a guy named daniel kim had been working on it for several years. this is going to be hitting showrooms in a few years. i want you to take a look at this prepares piece we put together. it looks like something out of a sci-fi movie but if it hits the street it could revolutionize transportation. danny kim took his expert knowledge of vehicles and engineering and let his imagination run wild. >> the best way to describe it, we take the efficiency and romance of a motorcycle and integrate the convenience and safety of a car. >> reporter: it began with a simple scooter with kim and a small team in san francisco testing out their theories. they recently completed this
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prototype which is a slick frame that sits in the middle of a three story garage. >> you get in like a normal car and shut the door. >> reporter: this has two wheels like a motorcycle but steering wheel of a car plus a regular accelerator and brake and be fully electric. the secret he says to making this eventually run is with two guy yoe scopes that keep the vehicle upright. kim says it represents eight years of research on knock-ups like the scooter. >> we use the guy row scopes to stabilize the vehicle when leaning in a turn. if you get tixt-boned, what happens is the vehicle will skid and scoot over and never actually fall over. >> it will always be on the two wheels. >> it will always be upright on two wheels. >> reporter: kim hopes to have an actual product on sale in few years at an affordable price of
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$16,000. >> my long-term vision is to be the primary commuting vehicle in the united states. >> reporter: let's be clear, this is just a mock-up, a working vehicle so to speak should be on the road in about six months and hope to be in full scale production in the year 2013. suzanne, you might be wondering if a passenger can be in this and believe it or not, yes, just like a motorcycle. the passenger would sit right behind the driver right here. i don't know how comfortable that would be but it can be done. >> it looks like you have to be kind small actually to fit in there. how fast can that thing go? do we know? >> reporter: well, it can top 120 miles per hour. so it's pretty fast. the battery, it has a long battery life, can go about 200 miles on a single charge. that's actually much better than some of these electrical vehicles you get in. so look to see this in showrooms
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in a few years. >> it looks cool, we'll see how it goes. jurors are hearing in the michael jackson death trial details now about how the family reacted to his death. it is the rest of dr. murray's interview with police just days after michael jackson died. gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. consumers er wanchai ferry orange chicken... over p.f. chang's home menu orange chicken women men and uh pandas... elbows mmm [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry, try it yourself. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65,
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here's a reason rundown of the stories we're working on. we're live outside the courtroom in los angeles where jurors are hearing an audio tape in the trial of michael jackson's personal doctor. banks aren't the only ones with new fee agendas. we'll tell you where else you're being nickled and dimed. who will be the next designer at dior. we'll tell you the big name rumored to be jumping ship. court is back in session now in the trial of michael jackson's doctor. right now the jurors are hearing tape of dr. conrad murray's
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description of the family's reaction in the moments after jackson died. listen as he describes to investigators being with the jackson family after jackson was pronounced dead. >> i also went into the area, there was an office inside there with me and there was another -- spent a lot time with the dad and cried. the people who came in went back to the bedroom and because at that time latoya had viewed the body. they were wondering at that time, they said that there was a two-hour window at which point i had to move him to the coroners office. so i went back into the room and mrs. jackson if she had a desire to see mr. jackson. and she said no.
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>> criminal defense attorney richard herman joins us from las vegas. what kind of details are we now learning from the audio tape from dr. murray? what kind of specifics about jackson's drug use, for instance and propofol? >> well, good afternoon, suzanne, we're learning a lot about michael jackson's drug use. and all of these self-serving statements coming in during this prepared interview, i say it's prepared because he went in with his lawyers knowing this would be recorded. at this time, at the time of his interview, sigh suzanne, this was simply a death case, not a homicide investigation. murray did not know that anybody would be pointing fingers at him as the reason for the death. so he's there. he's giving this interview and telling us information he learned about the drug use, about the propofol and about dr. klein and demerol addiction.
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but we're also hearing an explanation for applying cpr on the bed because he said the bed was hard. he says he was only out of the room for two minutes, so he's pinned down now to two minutes where he left the room to go to the bathroom and came back and found michael laying there dead. >> what specifically does he talk about when he says the kinds of drugs jackson was using on a regular basis? >> well, he talks about the b benzodiazapi benzodiazapines. i heard a little marijuana was found in the room there. but the propofol, the propofol use is the thing that is so shocking and suzanne, we're hearing over and over again so we're becoming a little dumbed down from it, not so shocked by it. but if you speak to any physician, any doctor and let them know that someone is using propofol in a home setting, they are just -- their jaws open. it's just shocking. will that be shocking to the
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jury? i don't think so. i think the shock effect is wearing off now. >> i understand that the doctor said he had been administrating this to jackson over the course of a couple of months on a daily basis. i want to talk about happened to jacks jackson's older sister who stepped in the jury box. was there any kind of admonishment from the judge or any follow-up on what happened? >> the judge was furious with this and halted the proceedings and admonished her and the prosecution for allowing this to happen. there should be nothing like this happening in a courtroom. nobody should be that close to the jury where there could be any interaction. i'm not sure in the end it's going to matter one way or the other. however, it wasn't proper. but this judge, suzanne, i'm so impressed with how this judge is handling this proceeding. we were hearing it was going to take two or three months. no way, the prosecution is going to finish their case maybe by
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the end of this week or early next week. we're in the science phase -- i'm sorry, we're in the science phase and that's it. once they finish the signs face, put a few detectives on the stand and it's over. >> very quickly here, what about the judge's twitter restrictions? i understand he set pretty strict ground rules for that as well. >> trial lawyers have to wake up to what's happening in the real world right now. he does not want people twittering, especially reporters from special stations like cnn and other stations from twittering from the courtroom. he does not want that. and especially doesn't want jurors twittering any which way. i think it was a mistake not sequestering the jury. i think that's the only mistake the judge made up until now. but i am very impressed with not only the judge but both sides, both lawyers, prosecution and defense, really very impressive and it's going to be quite interesting when we get through the science phases, you're going
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to hear diametrically opposed discussions about propofol. one is going to say it's outrageous and shocking and other will say it's not that bad if it's a controlled environment. reasonable doubt, i don't know. at this point, suzanne, the prosecution should be owning the trial and i don't believe they are. i think the defense has made some major holes in the prosecution case so far. >> all right, richard, thank you very much. we're of course going to continue to bring you highlights from the trial. if you want to see gavel to gavel coverage, you can tune into our sister network, hln. don't forget to vote for today's choose the news winner. text 1 for the blue penguin rescue. the creative way wildlife groups in new zealand are rushing in to save birds doused in oil. text 2 for bagpipes in pakistan, cnn talks to the one man in pakistan who tests out thousands of bagpipes sold around the
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world. or text 3 for movie magic in macedonia. a world away from hollywood, meet the small graphic design team behind some of hollywood's biggest hits. vote now. the winning story will air in the hour. americans as you know, we are furious over fees from debit card to checking accounts, it's not just the banks. see how cable companies, online ticket sites are also doing it. i habe a cohd. yeah, i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels
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fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth! but only allstate gives safe drivers more. a bonus check every six months they drive accident-free. so what's it going to be? eenie, meanie, miney... or more. shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. try smart balance buttery spread. it's heart-healthier than butter. with omega-3s. 64% less saturated fat. and clinically proven to help support healthy cholesterol. ♪ put a little love in your heart ♪
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a lot of us are upset over bank fees, next time you pay for cable, i want you to take a closer look at the bill. poppy harlow has some examples. poppy, we might not notice it at first but they are there for a lot of different things? >> all over the place, suzanne. interestingly enough, consumer reports did a study a few years ago and found hidden fees are the single biggest annoyance for americans when it comes to their
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finances. we'll show you fees that maybe they are not hidden but they are buried deeply and you are paying them and don't know about it. let's look at online ticket printing fees. you're going to a baseball game or concert, you expect to pay if they ship you the tickets. but do you expect to pay if you print them out yourself on your own computer? you likely are. they call it a delivery charge. and ticket master told us that they have some vendors that pass that charge on to them and they pass it on to you, the consumer. look for those in the onlike tickets. this was a shocker to me. early car rental return fees. if you rent a car from the biggest car rental places in the country, if you return it early, you may be charged and charged pretty significantly. some examples that these companies gave us, if a car is returned early in florida, you
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could pay for that. if a car was rented for a week and you decide i'm evenly going to use it for three or four days, they are going to change your rate from the weekly cheaper rate to the daily rate. hd cable fees. almost all big broadcast networks broadcast in hd. but direct tv, time warner cable and comcast told us there can be fees for hd service. i looked on my own bill, i'm paying 7.99 a month to get cnn on hd. >> it's hard to comment, we are seeing what people want to watch and don't want to pay all that money as well. how do we avoid the fees? >> i talked to a lot of experts about this. let's pull up their advice. lynnette said, you have to watch out for the got cha fees, you can't afford to let laziness
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bite you in the wall et. do what consumer reports told us, call the company. ask a consumer representative if the price even offered is the absolute best price. they suggested trying to hagle. if there's a lot of competition in your neighborhood, try to hagle, so and so told me i could get it at this price. call around and finally vote with your wall et. don't just complain and don't just blog about it. we see a lot of complaints online. do something about it. because these fees really, really add up for people. we all hate fees, very annoying but happen to all of us. be aware and save your money. >> i'm going to go home and check all of my bills now and see what i'm i haven't noticed before. thank you. the buck doesn't stop there. next hour, cnn continues our furious over fees series with what congress is doing about these fees. and rumors across paris, will the creative mind between louis
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vuitton jump ship to a world famous fashion house. who will be dior's next designer? here's advice from the help desk. >> we get answers to your financial questions. with me now the president of consumer education at smart and the personal finance expert. steve in texas, does requesting my credit reports negatively affect my credit score. >> absolutely, positively, 100% not. when you ask for your own credit reports through any of the retail websites where you can buy them or annual credit to claim your annual freeb freebie, it has no impact on your credit score. >> he's 82, retired with a portfolio of $1.5 million, is now a good time to vest in bond, mutual funds, the investment would be solely for his wife who
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is 70 years old. >> what a good husband. the issue with bonds right now, while they are age appropriate for somebody in the 70s and 80s, interest rates are so darn low. when they creep up, what happens, the bond prices go down. yes, i do think some bonds make sense but the key is to keep the duration really short. i'm talking one, two, three-year max. narrow in on the curve. i'm a big fan of dividend paying stocks of another source of income generation and to help fight inflation in a more conservative way than a more volatile equity investment. >> stick with big dividend investment companies that will be here for the long haul. >> if you have a question you want answered, sebd a question to cnnhelpdesk at brought to you by -- this is $100,000.
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>> pick up the latest issue much "money" magazine on news stands now. t back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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nationwide is on your side. for what they are wearing on the streets of paris to what they are talking about everywhere, who will be the next designer of dior? it is the biggest question in fashion and alina cho is in paris and she's all over it. >> reporter: this care sell of
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fashion on display at marc jacobs for louis vuitton, may be a wink and nod to what's swirling around him, the rumors he could be the next designer of christian dior. the previous designer got fired back in march. in the horse race to replace him, marc jacobs is in the lead. >> this all comes from the hands, very human. he's very human. >> reporter: you know who has magic hands is marc jacobs. >> i heard that. >> what do you say to that? >> i have five fingers on each of them and one doesn't work well. >> reporter: have you made a decision? >> as i said, the people will know, not talking and the one we're talking are not knowing. >> reporter: he founded his fashion house in 1946, introducing flowers and shapes,
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far different from the boxy world war ii styles that had been in fashion. after he died, his assistant took over launching his career. but it was john gal yan no in the '90s that brought glam or back to the house of dior. for 23 years he worked with his right hand bill gaten, now a director of his own label and also designing dior until a permanent designer is found. >> reporter: how is it felt to be thrust into the lime light? >> it was alarming because it was unexpected and shock for everyone. but getting used to it quickly, steep learning curve. >> reporter: and marc jacobs? >> he has a tremendous following. he has the cool -- also has the experience. >> reporter: in addition to his successful name sake label, he has already revitalized another
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brand, louis vuitton. >> it exploded because it was under the right people and people wanted to look that way. models and actresses. >> reporter: the fashion world believes jacobs could do the same for dior. he reportedly wants $10 million a year. if ever there was a tryout, insiders say he nailed it with this collection for vuitton. back stage it was emotional, one top editor called it a sweet farewell and a fashion moment to remember. >> you've been sounding off on today's talk back question, are you sold on the president's jobs bill? michael says jobs bill or water bill the obstructionist republicans won't pass it. more of your responses straight up ahead.
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are you sold on the president's jobs bill? carol costello, what are folks saying? >> people are very passionate about this question, are you sold on the president' jobs bill. this from prince, yes, because just doing nothing is not the answer. everything in this bill sounds like it will help the every day people. what's the issue? this from cathy, no, i don't support it. if xbrobz are so important to the president why did he take so long to put a bill out there when democrats had control of every branch of government. carol, i vote yes on the jobs bill, at least he's doing something positive to help those
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in need. i am tired of hearing how it will trickle down to those in need. thanks for your responses. about 75 to 80% were for the jobs bill in some form. >> really? >> and we got a lot of responses, over 300. >> okay. great conversation, thank you, carol. you told us what you would like to see, your choose the news story moments away. it doesn't cover everything.
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you voted for today's choose the news, saving the blue penguins is the winner. >> being doused in sun light and soap and canola oil, fighting and flapping in the hands of those trying to save him. >> from tip to toe, they are covered in black sticky gunk, matting up all of the feathers right down to the skin. they've ip jested it and starting to get aneemic, which is part of the toxic effect of the oil. >> reporter: this little blue penguin stabilized under 40 degree heat. picked up after swimming straight into the slick. it could be anywhere between 1 and six weeks before the birds are returned to the wild. first they'll be put in the pools and have to prove they've got their waterproofing back before they are set free. >> they have to set on the surface for six hours without
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showing sign of it sinking throw and starting to sink. with the shags, they don't come up as well, they get more stress and the biggest problem with those guys is getting to keep food down. >> reporter: this could be just the beginning now more than 30 kilometers of this coast line is under close guard. dozens of teams with body bags are on alert for any more victims. >> we have cases for live ones. >> reporter: it doesn't appear the oil washed in yet, locals are worried about this popular fishing spot. >> there's no slick on the surface, anyway. i know that a lot of heavy oil sits three feet down anyway. you can't see anything out there. >> reporter: what you can see is the crowds. the stricken ship is a talking point. >> pretty


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