tv AM Wake Up Call CNN October 14, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EDT
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♪ happening right now, the clock is ticking closer to that 7:00 a.m. deadline for hundreds of wall street protesters to leave lower manhattan so it can be cleaned but they're saying they're staying put. thailand, residents are being told it could get worse. historical sites underwater. elephanted stranded on rooftops. they have been up all night. hundreds waiting for the release of the apple iphone 4s. leading the pack in california, apple co-founder steve wozniak.
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it's october 14th. your "a.m. wake-up call." i'm carol costello joining you live from new york. it's a countdown to a showdown. the mayor of new york says protesters need to leave the park so it can be cleaned. occupy wall street organizers say they are staying right where they are. in fact, the protesters have begun cleaning up the park themselves as they see it, the mayor's cleanup is really an eviction notice. >> mayor, we do a lot better up cleaning up wall street than this park. not only that we have more than 650,000 signatures from every country in the world. supporting the people we're occupying wall street. the mayor needs to not evict them. >> they've been there for almost a month protesting the weak
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economy and a political system many deem corrupt. the best response tore the alleged plot to kill the saudi ambassador. sanctions are paying off and they vow to ratchet up the pressure. several lawmakers want stronger measures like crippling their currency by pressuring other countries to stop buying their oil. senator bob corker sees the plot at a provocation. >> the early part they were willing to do something in our country that would have created a war. i mean that's been our response to these kind of things in the past. so if you really just take "a" to "b" to "c" it's evident that the iranian government was willing to conduct an act of terrorism on our soil knowing the history of the way americans have responded to that. they were willing, it appears,
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to me to provoke a war. >> in the meantime, a friend of one of the men charged says he was too disorganized and forgetful to pull it off a plot. he is accused of conspiracy to murder an official and the second suspect remains at large. president obama will bring a special guest along to michigan to tout jobs joined by the president of south korea. the president hosted mr. lee and his wife at a white house state dinner and praised the free trade agreement passed by congress this week saying it's a win for both countries. >> from air row suppose to electronic electronics, it will open korea's lucrative services market and pleased it will help level the playing field for american automakers. as a former executive, president lee will understand when i say that just as americans buy
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hyundais and kias, i hope that south koreans will buy more fords, chryslers and chevys. >> today the two leaders will visit a general motors plant in michigan where new car, the chevy sonic is being built. engineers and designers from both countries collaborated on the car. with the president's jobs bill stalling in congress a group of republican senators have unveiled their own plan. it contains gop staples like capping the top income tax rate at 25%. it would also repeal the president's health care plan. the lawmakers say it's a blueprint for economic recovery, still, senator rand paul knows it'll take -- knows it'll take a lot for the other side to buy into it. >> you will get rid of joblessness and unemployment when your economy grows again. we think our package can create over 5 million jobs. we are ready to discuss it with the president. we welcome havinging him come down. >> democrats say the gop plan
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would not create jobs with senator chuck schumer calling it a political fig leaf. the first new device without steve jobs at apple's helm goes on sale today. people have been camping out all night long to be among the first to get the new iphone 4s. at the head of the line at one california apple store his old partner steve wozniak talked with iphone enthusiasts working up and down the line on a segway. they have broken an apple record, 1 million in the first 24 hours. with the release much the new phone what better way to han him than a day set aside in his honor. people around the globe are invited to participate by visiting annpple store. he died after a long battle with cancer. now, let's head to atlanta and check in with rob marciano. heavy storms coming to some
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people in the united states. tell us about it. >> yeah, last night some rough weather including some reports of tornadoes across parts of virginia, also flooding rains in through d.c. and baltimore. here's some video coming to us from yesterday afternoon. yesterday evening. slowinging down traffic. no doubt about that. a bit of a disaster there. w wjla giving us that. where is the rain right now? some shifted towards the northeast. here it is on the radar scope. travel delays because of this. some rotating to upstate new york. parts of northern new england. but right now, new york city is for the most part on the dry side. this is a larger system and there's more rain moving into virginia so the areas that got hit hard last night will see another influx of rain, lesser in the way of severe thunderstorms but nonetheless it's going to be a rough day. if you are traveling today, i'm one of them. new york metros will see some delays maybe up over an hour because of wind and rain.
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even when it's not raining or there are thunderstorms there will be winds. they will be gustyiest in chicago. warm and toasty with daytime highs. 91 los angeles, 88 in dallas. 70 in new york or 65 or so in toronto. speaking of toronto, a 100-year-old marathon runner is scheduled to, well, run the marathon up there. how about that? there he is. his name is fadra singh. he has an interesting nickname. if he finishes the marathon, he'll be the oldest man to do so and he did it about eight years ago. the guy loves to run. still kicking. >> i think his nickname is the turbin torpedo. you can see why. probably not as fast as a tore
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peat dough but as far as wearing the turbin, that's fantastic. we'll be following him. >> he is my new hero. >> guinness book of world records will monitor his progress. >> just as an aside the tigers did win and go back to texas. >> they did. your boy came out strong, so good luck to them. >> he did, justin verlander and it was a crazy sixth inning. thank you, rob marciano. we appreciate it. although the alleged iranian terror plot is serious they could not help but have fun with it, the comedians. >> this iranian terror plot suspect, one of them was an iran-american by the nail of mansoor and owned a used car lot in texas. this is real. you know, they were running some of his old ads on cable tv from the used car lot and you can see there was dak well, here, you be the judge.
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>> howdy there. it's your friend crazy monsoor and i'm saying it's jihad on my friends. and i'll do anything to get you behind the wheel of this suv if you drive a group of hit men to a restaurant freaked by the saudi arabian ambassador in the u.s. everybody else's cars are shiite. >> wow. the pictures coming in to us out of thailand this morning. you have to see them. they're sad and difficult to believe. high floodwaters destroying neighborhoods and historical sites. residents being told it's about to get first -- to get worse rather but first our quote of the day. this is the quote "it's been a rough month. we have been brutalized and
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consumers er wanchai ferry orange chicken... over p.f. chang's home menu orange chicken women men and uh pandas... elbows mmm [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry, try it yourself. it's 11 minutes past the hour. back to our quote of the day. "it's been a rough month and we have been brutalized and chewed up in the press by our opponents
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and own party." who was that? that was anita perry, wife of governor rick perry. when a pastor encouraged voters to choose perry over romney because romney is a mormon. the transportation security administration says it will not meet its december 31st deadline requiring the inspection of cargo. the tsa met the goal for flights originating in the united states last year but so far it has not met that requirement for flights coming into the united states. thailand's devastating floodwaters are draining toward bangkok today and residents have been told to prepare for the worst. we'll go around the world with paula hancocks. she is live in bangkok. these pictures, paula, you know, the floodwaters around these
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historical sites are sad. >> reporter: well, carol, i'm not sure if you can hear me. it's a particularly bad line because i'm on the back of a military truck at the moment in the area. this is the eastern suburb of bangkok and it is completely flooded. and it has been for about three days we're being told so parts of the capital are suffering very badly from this rain. the only way to get around these areas is by boat. that's what we've been doing and seeing people evacuating from homes that are being submerged by the waters. it is very difficult for people here to get food and water. there are volunteers in the navy is carrying out donations and jobs to those people that can't get any help. now, this is one of the most difficult areas for residents because they -- the water that is here would ordinarily go into the inner city of bangkok, the business district of bangkok
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before heading out to the sea but the government has decided to sacrifice this area among others to make sure that the hotels and the businesses are not affected so people here are suffering mean more than they would ordinarily. everybody i've spoken said they have never seen floods like this. i spoke to a 78-year-old woman yesterday who said never had her lifetime had she seen anything like this. it is really quite significant, the a water that is here. carol? >> we have heard stories, paula, about elegants on rooftops. we've heard stories will historical sites completely submerged by water. >> reporter: that's right, yes. we went to an ainncient city an could see how many historical monuments had been covered by water. the big fear is if this water stays for a long time there could be permanent damage to
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these very significant structures. we've just been inside a temple which was almost completely submerged but the ground floor was okay and so there were a lot of people staying there. but, again, the mon was telling me if this stays for too long there will be significant damage. we spoke to a government spok spokesperson who said it could take months for it to recede if there's no significant storms and typhoons and that is a big if at the moment, carol. >> paula hancocks reporting live from bangkok, thailand this morning, thanks so much. even though he's on top right now, some conservatives still question if herman cain can cut it in a nationwide race but getting a boost from one southern governor.
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and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. 16 minutes past the hour. comedians have been joking about all the big names in politics but lately honing in on just one. who that would be herman cain. here's your punch line. >> we have put together for you an educational video. get to know the 999 plan. here, watch this. >> the 999 plan takes the issue of taxing americans fairly. u.s. citizens under the age of 9 pay a 9% plat tax while older than 9 but younger than 99 pay a
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9% tax plus a 9% national sales tax. corporations pay a 9% tax on revenues with installments payable on the 9th of each month. a simple formula results in 99% of charitable contributions. >> former godfather herman cain has him soaring in the polls. according to a report he'd had several meetings with papa john looking for a running mate. >> hey, any publicity is good publicity. it's time now for your political ticker with tim farley from p.o.t.u.s. >> you can't be simple stupid. that's why i have a career in radio. good one.
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>> good morning. let's talk more about herman cain. he seems to be the topic of the day, haley barbour came out and kind of sort of supported herman cain and said he believes that cane could actually beat president obama. here's barbour on "the law ra ingraham show." >> if herman cain is running against barack obama i think he'll sweep the south. he is likeable. he does not give you the impression that he's full of himself. but rather that he is a straight talking person who will tell you -- calls them like he sees them, not trying to sugar coat anything. >> haley barbour knows what he's talking about, but like as the question still hangs out there will southern voters vote for herman cain. >> the bigger question is why is haley barbour saying this, smart man, head of the republican national committee and some thought he would run for president. this is a savvy politician.
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whether they've determined who the nominee is why is he touting herlen cane. it could be a signal that there is a race to be won here and you have some work to do cut out for you to be able to go out and get that nomination. i still think it's looking way beyond things to think herman will get the nomination. he is popular now but we haven't even begun to have the primaries. he doesn't have a ground game organization in new hampshire where this will tell, but that said i think that what we've heard from haley barbour is just the first step in saying we need to figure out who will get there and people knead to pick up his game. that's not saying he isn't sincere but there's another message there somewhere. >> it is interesting that rick perry is making the rounds of the network morning shows this morning. he doesn't normally appear on such shows. so he's trying to sell himself out there and recover from his debate performance last week or
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maybe it was tuesday. i lose track. president obama for a bit. he's going to michigan bringing the south korean president with him and they're going to tout jobs. will this resonate at all with people. >> it makes a lot of sense from a couple of different standpoints. it's a plant that s the sonic made with korean parts and the president of south korea with a president just off the end of that -- the passage of the free trade deals with -- included south korea but the president is able to get a three-fer and he can tout the fact he was able to help gm and chrysler with the bailout and talk about congress not doing anything with the jobs act and throw in a couple of hits against mitt romney who had not favored the bailout. mitt romney's father was governor and the president can start once again those early pummelings we were talking about yesterday in a state where there's 11% unemployment right
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now so he also has to make nice with unions. >> yeah, he needs that support. tim farley, live this morning from washington, d.c. >> have a great morning. >> you too. don't shoot the messenger, ladies but if you are using birth control pills, could it be they are causing you to choose men who aren't that attractive? that's not all. a new study. i'll tell you more about it. the best way to design a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh. see if we can "stitch" together a better deal. that's a hint, antoine. ooh! see what anandra did? booking your flight and hotel at the same time gets you prices hotels and airlines won't let expedia show separately. book it. major wow factor! where you book matters. expedia.
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24 past the hour. a disturbing trend in underage drinking. children are soaking gummi bears in alcohol. these videos are popping up all over the youtube. by soaking gummi bears in liquor they are free to roam the streets popping them in plain sight. a warning has been sent out to some schools to be aware. the overall rate of heart disease is droping across the country but the south still has the highest rate. the center are for disease control says heart disease is still the leading cause of death in the united states. kills about the same number of americans each year as cancer. other respiratory and diseases combined. does taking the birth control pillower women's expectations. it suggests women who take it
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tend to go for men less attractive and shall we say bad in bed. it messes with the subconscious chemistry tri, it says. the good news is women who met their men on the pill had longer relationships. they questioned 2500 women in the u.s., czech rupert murdoepu britain who had at least one child. take that how you want it. i'm just the messenger. a big showdown looming in new york. they've been ordered to leave the month they've therein there for a month. it's 26 past. we're centurylink ... we're committed to improving lives and linking americans to what matters most with honest, personal service...
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good morning, happy friday. this is your "a.m. wake-up call." i'm carol costello joining you live. 30 minutes past the hour just about. we could see a great big showdown in lower manhattan as occupy wall street protesters brace for a confrontation with new york city police. they have been asked to evacuate zuccotti park so city workers can clean the park but protesters believe the whole thing is a ploy to get them out and are vowing to stay put. susan candiotti is live in lower manhattan. so, susan, just about a half hour from now is the deadline. what's the mood out there right now? >> reporter: well, it's more crowded than i've ever seen and we have been out at this hour quite a few times. everyone is usually dense. they're not now. the park is full of people. there are a fairly large --
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there is a fairly large contingent of police officers out here, but people are up and about and awake and feeling i guess it would be safe to say excited and hopeful and certainly seem like they're not intending to go anywhere, not if they can help it. >> i know the protesters are trying to clean up the park on their own. would that be enough for mayor bloomberg and the city? >> reporter: that's right and they have been cleaning off and on all night. a few more joined the group about midnight or so. of course, we had a pretty hard rainstorm in the overnight hours and so, in fact, there's a -- russell simmons has tweeted hip-hop mogul saying he is offering to pay as much as it takes to go get everything cleaned up in hopes of getting the mayor who he considers a friend of his to change his mind but at this hour it seems like the city and the people, the company that owns this property
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have dug in their heels, well, so have the protesters. >> so if they don't leave and the new york city police want them to leave what might happen? >> reporter: well, the early word is they're insisting, the protesters are they may passively resist, could mean locking arm, this kind of thing and if the police are going to make them move they'll have to pick them up and remove them. they're not going to leave willingly, carol. >> susan candiotti, you're going to stay right there and join us for "american morning" live from lower manhattan. a big vote over abortion in the house of representatives. >> we must protect the sanctity of an innocent human life. >> this is beyond irresponsible. it is, indeed, reprehensible. >> we'll tell you how it played out and what the white house is planning to do just ahead. the p for unlimited mobile to mobile minutes.
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the trial of michael jackson's personal physician will not be in session today but attorneys for both sides are expected in court. court adjourned yesterday with more damaging testimony against dr. conrad murray. >> you're aware that when dr. murray discovered michael jackson, he immediately performed cpr? >> objection. >> you think that's wrong? he shouldn't have done that. >> i think he should have called for help. >> dr. murray also told police he comforted jackson's children in the emergency room the day the singer died but jackson's oldest son disputes that. he could face four years in prison if found guilty. guilty on all counts. that was the verdict for in man. he is the second man convicted in a horrific connecticut home invasion back in 2007. you probably remember this case.
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two men broke into the petit family home before killing his wife and two daughters. after that the two men set the house on fire. the other man, steven hayes has been sentenced to death. mr. petit was asked if the verdict gave him any kind of closure. here's what he had to say. >> it's not clear to me that time heals all wounds but you form some form of scars that like i said in some interview that jagged hole in your heart you smooth out the edges a little bit and you just take it one day at a time. >> 251 for, 170 against. the house of representatives passed a bill that amends the health care law that prevents funds that provide abortion services. the it's called the protect life act and it quickly gathered republican support. only 2 republicans voted against it along with all but 15 democrats. the white house says it will
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veto the measure. the ceo of solyndra has resigned. brian harrison and solyndra have been under fire since they filed for bankruptcy protection after receiving $500 million loan guarantee from the government. he was among the company execs who refused to testify during the hearing into the controversy. thousands are expected in washington this weekend for the official dedication of the dr. martin luther king jr. national memorial. the dedication was supposed to happen in august to coincide with the 48th anniversary of the march on washington and king's "i have a dream" speech but had to be postponed because of hurricane irene. president obama is expected to speak at the dedication ceremony on sunday. the fitch credit rating agency has its eye on 13 banks it's looking to downgrade. we'll tell you which ones they are and what it means for them and your portfolio. [ male announcer ] it's true...
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consumers er wanchai ferry orange chicken... over p.f. chang's home menu orange chicken women men and uh pandas... elbows mmm [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry, try it yourself. it's pro-cool technology releases armies of snowmen masseuse who cuddle up with your soreness and give out polar bear hugs. technology. [ male announcer ] new bengay cold therapy. the same technology used by physical therapists. go to for a $3 coupon. and what it doesn't cover can cost you some money.
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38 minutes past the hour. live with christine romans. the unlucky 13. 13 under review by fitch, the credit rating agency and those are, what, headed for a downgrade. >> they've been put on notice that if things continue the way they're going or there is a shock to the system they could be downgraded. so it's put on watch for a potential downgrade and the reason why, this is just one of the three i want to point out. fitch is one and some says it doesn't carry the same weight as s&p but does nefeed into this narrative it's difficult environment for the financial sector and they're worried about exposure to the mortgage crisis, bank of america in particular and the investment banks and they're trading desks are not
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making money and downgraded were three bank, rbs, lloyd's and s ubs. if there are downgrades it can be difficult to raise money from investors and go out into the funding markets and when they have difficult raising money you start talking about 2008 territory again. i will say fitch makes a clear point in its analysis of the conditions of these banks, very concerned about the slowing economy, about potential shocks from europe and other things like that but point out these are in better shape today than they were before the financial crisis in 2008. that's the good news in there. >> yeah, a bit of a brighter note. whenever you hear banks in trouble in any way -- >> i know. >> nobody is for that anymore. i can tell you that.romansroman. if there is no labor agreement by tuesday there will be no nba games played on christmas. they are scheduled to meet with
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a mediator that day. christmas is one of the big first day of the season and the first two games have already been canceled. game four last night, the brewers were trying to even things up. randy wolf pitched seven strong and ryan braun, the hero of the series, you see he got two more lifts to lift them to a victory over st. louis. that is tied at 2-2. the brewers back at home this weekend. yeah, tony did his part too. in the american league, the tigers facing elimination and came out swinging against the rangers, four home runs on the night. a record. to the sixth inning with the game tied at two cabrera doubles down the third baseline, tigers win 7-5. texas leads it 3-2 and the tigers head to texas. i'm keeping my fingers and my toes crossed but that sixth
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inning was wild. a single, a double, a triple and a home run all hit in that one inning and i don't think it's ever happened in baseball before. to atlanta and rob marciano. it was one exciting game. >> it was, i missed most of that excitement, sadly. i turned it on. it was the tigers had already a commanding lead at that point but -- >> how about that sixth inning? >> mlb postseason, even without the yankees or the red sox and a hate to say it, the drama is right there. if you are enduring travel today you'll have drama, i think. take a look at the radar. across parts of the northeast, we've got a decent size storm system really just getting organized and as it does so it will spin rain, thunderstorms, we had rough weather move across virginia yesterday. with flooding rains and even reports of tornadoes. damage certainly reminiscent of that and we'll get official word of whether or not there were
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actual tornadoes later on today. eight reports of tornadoes across parts of virginia yesterday. we don't expect as much rough weather today but certainly there will be a decent amount of rainfall. it will filling in through d.c. new york is dry as is philadelphia but throughout the day thunderstorms will be a possibility and the wins are going to slow things down. pretty much everywhere. new york, boston, philly, you can throw d.c. in there, certainly chicago, the back side. gusty winds and detroit for some thunderstorms, they managed to get the game in without any sort of range delay which was impressive. behind the system wind and desert southwest and so ccal afr recordi recording setting records it will be warm again. congratulations on tigers. see what they do saturday, carol. have a good weekend. actually see you in about tension. >> the mayor of new york says protesters need to leave
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zuccotti park so it can be cleaned but the protesters say we're staying put. people are camping out to get the new iphone 4s. let's talk about something good to. head live to new york and apple store. first on this day in history, october 14th, 1962 marked the beginning of the cuban missile crisis and brought the united states and seoviet union to the brink of nuclear conflict. no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at
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a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh. see if we can "stitch" together a better deal. that's a hint, antoine. ooh! see what anandra did? booking your flight and hotel at the same time gets you prices hotels and airlines won't let expedia show separately. book it. major wow factor! where you book matters. expedia.
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good morning. happy friday to you. it is october 14th. your "a.m. wake-up call." i'm carol costello joining you live from new york. 46 past the hour. a countdown to a showdown. ♪ >> the mayor of new york say protesters need to leave zuccotti park by 7:00 so it can be cleaned. occupying protesters are saying right where they are. they have begun cleaning up the park themselves. as they see it the cleanup order is really an eviction notice. >> mayor would do a lot better cleaning up wall street than zuccotti park. and not only that we have more than 650,000 signatures from every country in the world. supporting the people who are
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occupying wall street. the mayor needs to not evict them. >> these protesters have been there for almost a month protesting the weak economy and a political system many deem corrupt. lawmakers are pondering the best response to the alleged iranian plot to kill the saudi embassy on american soil. top white house officials tell a senate committee sanctions are paying offer and they now want to ratchet up the pressure on tehran. several lawmakers want stronger measures like crippling iran's currency by sanctioning its central bank or pressuring other countries to stop buying their oil. senator bob corker sees the plot as a provocation. >> they were willing to do something in our country that likely would have created a war. i mean that's been our response to these kind of things in the past so if you really just take "a" to "b" to "c" it's evident
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that the iranian government was willing to conduct an act of terrorism on our soil knowing the history of the way americans have responded to that, they were willing, it appears to me, to provoke a war. >> in the meantime, a friend of one charged says he was too disorganized to pull off such a plot. manssor arbabsiar is one of them. he'll be joined by president lee, and the president hosted mr. lee and his wife at a white house state dinner and praised the free trade agreement saying it's a win for both countries. >> from aerospace to electronics it will increase manufacturing exports including those produced by our small businesses and open korea's lucrative services
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market and pleased it will help level the playing field for american automakers. as a former executive, president lee will understand when i say that just as americans buy hyundais and kias, i hope koreans will buy more ford, chevy veries and chryslers. >> they will visit a gm plant where the sonic is being built. engineers and designers from both countries collaborated on it. with the jobs bill stalling, a group of senators have unveiled their own plan. it would repeal the president's health care plan and they say it is a blueprint for economic recovery. still senator rand paul knows it'll take a lot for the other side to buy in. >> you will get rid of joblessness and unemployment when your economy grows again. we think our package can create over 5 million jobs.
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we are ready to discuss it with the president. we welcome having him come down. >> democrats say the gop plan would not create jobs with senator chuck schumer calling it a political fig leaf. the first new device without steve jobs at apple's helm goes on sale today. people have been camping out all night long to be among the first to get the new iphone 4s. there are lines around the block in some cities and cnn money's lori seagal is there. they line up to get their hands on it. what does it look like out there? >> reporter: 200 people right now in line. i spoke to the first people. they've been here for two weeks before the announcement even happened they decided to camp out and in anticipation of the announcement and, you know, these events always bring out the best of characters. people in line are on their iphones, they're on their ipads
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and, you know what's interesting is right at the front of the store and this is the flagship store there are still flowers and people have brought apples to kind of remember steve jobs. a pretty exciting crew out here. >> we're seeing pictures on our television screens of steve wozniak. we understand he is at the head of the line at a california apple store and just a nice gesture to steve jobs in remembrance of him people are coming up and asking him for his autograph. are people lining up more you think to honor steve jobs or is it their great, great, great desire to have this new iphone? >> reporter: you know, i think it's a bit of both. one girl said she's never had an iphone before but after listening to what everybody has been saying about steve jobs she says she has a ton of admiration for him and this is what she wanted to do. get an iphone and see what the hype is about. this has affected my life and it didn't even make me realize it
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until now. such a great job he did with product building that these people are in line for every release and will be in line for every release because they're so addicted to these products. >> the thing i find interesting this is an iphone -- it's not i phone 5 but an iphone 4s so it isn't even a complete upgrade and have a number of preorders for this thing. >> i think a lot of analysts say there is a disappointment and people were disappointed it wasn't the iphone 5. but if you talk to people who are purchasing it, a lot of techies so i talk to a lot of start-up people. this is a pretty great upgrade. you know, this is going to mean a faster phone. you have an updated -- a camera that is essentially going to make your phone like a point and shoot camera and this
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application that everybody can't stop talking about is a built-in app and will serve as a personal assistant and could take on google or something like that. so, you know, i don't think people here -- at least the people in this line. you don't line up in the rain and for more than nine days if you're not excited about the release. >> yeah, you got that right. laurie seagall, producer for cnn, thank you very much for filling us in. we appreciate it. it's just good news and more good news for google. details ahead from the nasdaq worksite. let's look at the word of the day. tokidoki. find out what it means. [ beep ] [ mom ] scooter?
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the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. ask and...a digital recorder. i'm finally feeling better. good honey, you turn into such a little whiner when you're sick. no i don't. [ bawk! ] honey, i'm sick. i can't reach the remote. that sounds nothing like me. [ beep ] honey, i'm sick. i can't reach the remote. that kind of does. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day on everything to prepare for cold and flu season. we're so confident in our low prices, we back 'em with our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart.
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it is three minutes until the top of the hour this. is your "a.m. wake-up call." today's word of the day. toki doki. what does it mean? it means sometimes in japanese it's in the headlines because the new barbie doll toki doki will feature tattoos. every mother's dream present for their daughter. let's head live to the nasdaq marketsite to check the numbers. carter evans is there. >> i have to say it. kids these day, wow. tattoos on barbie. what's next? >> i know. >> reports on retail sales coming up today. those are always important. also one on consumer sentiment. in the meantime, our futures are lookly fairly good. down futures up 77 points. s&p 500 up 8 1/2 points. >> give us a quick look at what's making headlines on sglfsh is talking about google
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and google's third quarter earnings. their revenue just soaring. sales up 33% to nearly $10 billion, and google+, this is google's answer to facebook. started out with 10 million users. in the beginning of the quarter. now there are 40 million -- i almost said 40 million losers. 40 million users on google+. >> yes, certainly not losers. >> not at all. >> are you going to be out standing in line to get a new iphone 4s. >> there are men of them. you don't need to stand in line. >> you won't partake in the craziness? already 200 people in line at the new york city store. >> i can't believe it. not me. not me. i like to wake up and come in here early in the morning. >> that's because -- i think i'd rather be waiting in line at the apple store.
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