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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  October 14, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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we're on the front line in china. can america's kids compete? and plus we can't resist a vile stink bug invasion on a friday night and the bottom line on foreign oil. all candidates say america must kick the habit. what will it take for america to be independent. let's go "outfront." >> the white house decided not to send congress all of the
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related documents to the solyndra loan. this has to do with the president himself, doesn't it? >> this means members of congress are not going to get a glimpse of what is on the president's blackberry or anymore internal documents from the white house relate to the solyndra loans. two investigators asked the white house to release all of the internal documents, anything that mentioned the solyndra loan whatsoever and send them to captiol hill. the white house counsel sent a letter to them this afternoon. we got a copy of it and it says, we're not going to do this. we're not going to send you the documents because you have 70,000 pages of documents from agencies, 900 pages from inside the white house and to be bottom line it for you, erin, this is consistent with other administrations. we have always heard of executive privilege. the president always protects,
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traditionally the right of their advisers to give them unvarnished advice. so this isn't that big of a surprise but expect political fireworks any way. >> thank you very much. let's bring in john avalon and jeffrey toobin to talk about that. political fireworks. we are going to get some because in addition to the news jessica broke we see an energy adviser that pushed for the loan raised a half million dollars for the president's re-election campaign. >> solyndra stinks and all of the e-mails show culpable and the wisdom of making the loans. however, to this piece of breaking news, the white house has already turned over 70,000 documents and 900 documents from the white house. the issue at end is what to do with the president's blackberry. it is unprecedented technology territory and that's one of the reasons it makes sense to invoke executive privilege to stop it from becoming a political fishing expedition. >> the blackberry new precedent
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here. >> when obama came president, people said don't carry a blackberry, people will suppress it. bad embarrassing news comes out at 6:30 on friday. i don't think it is going to i don't think this is going to be that legally controversial. if it's about the blackberry, this is the core of presidential decision making. it's like his diary. that's not something that any court is going to turn unless there is direct proof there's something relative to criminality and it is far from any criminality here. >> how much more political fallout is there? the solyndra loan is something a lot of people know it is bad. and or there is something bad about it. >> it is short hand for questions about wasting taxpayer money on green jobs.
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it will resonate throughout the electorate. it is a symbol for a problem in the administration. >> the problem is political, i think it is far from clear it is a legal problem. you said culpability, maybe political kuculpability but thi is a loan guarantee for green jobs. some companies succeeded. this one failed that in and of itself doesn't suggest a legal issue but whether the government should be spending money this way. >> there is a kwid quo pro problem. you have an administration that wanted to push green jobs and they wanted to do it by the private sectors and used loan guarantees so you have the problem of political culpability. it is a symbol that republicans are using the question is will this become so toxic that it actually stops america's long-term investment in green jobs. that goes way beyond the
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politics. >> thank you very much. john will stay with us. the loan story befwan with the president's goal of energy dense and a push for green jobs help is far from the only one with that goal. rick perry said his jobs plan was about making america energy independent. it's a familiar refrain, herman cain made a promise in "outfront" last night. >> i want by the end of the decade for the united states of america to be be departmentent on oil-rich countries. >> oh, wait. it's less of a big deal than it seems already. >> we will lay the foundation for our future capacity to meet america's energy needs from america's own resources. >> reduce our dependence on foreign energy supplies.
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>> our dependence on foreign oil will be stopped dead in its tracks. >> fully deregulate natural gas to bring new supplies and bring us closer to energy independence. >> make our nation more secure and less dependent on foreign oil. >> okay. it's almost a joke, right? but here's the thing. why hasn't it happened? a combination of factors. american oil is expense i have to extract versus iraqi oil which one oil ceo said is like drinking oil out of a straw. i have been told that getting oil out of the ground in iraq can cost $2 in iraq and in mexico it can cost 20. >> we end up importing half of our oil according to the energy information administration. what if we went for it and really committed to finally doing it? ripping out the heroin needle? becoming energy independent? here's the thing, we don't have
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enough supplies to last indefinitely. we'd have to produce eight times the current levels according to city's anthony you. we have other options like coal or natural gas. we have a lot then and still have a lot now. going all in on nat gas, overhauling the electric grid and overhauling every gas station in america would take trillion dollars. it would take ten years but he thinks it would create 10 million jobs. john avalon is with us and the director of the energy forum at the baker institute and he is joining us as well. amy, what's your take?
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>> we are able to produce natural gas and oil from solid rock. we have a lot of oil and gas in solid rock in the united states. so when all of those presidents made those statements years ago it wasn't so possible but now actually the truth is we have a lot of potential. politically there is all sorts of issues, environmental issues among them. >> that's not the biggest one in the current environment. this is a hollow promise. as you showed every president has put out for 40 years. >> a joke but not funny. >> not remotely funny. people want to move away from our addiction to foreign oil. there is no silver bullet. only approach is an aggressive all of the above approach. we innovate our way out of problems in america. it will have to have diversification conservation and invasion and some of the plans
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we are hearing from the president are drill baby drill. >> amy it could seem the current president tried to get it right saying if you are going to look at innovative ideas or green, i don't want to pick which is the winning technology. we will get loan guarantee and we know we will get a lot of failures but that's how we will end up with the next great industry. did he do it right? >> i would pick a bone with the president. if he had taken that half billion dollars and put it in to real r and d. let's not subsidize someone who is producing all of the energy for solar cells when it makes sense to subsidize a land line phone company to make rotary lines no. we want to promote solar because the current technology is not efficient enough. where i could criticize the white house is in the allegation of how many resources we are going to give to existing companies with old technology and how much money are we going to spend on invasion.
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>> thank you very much to both of you. we appreciate it. john and amy and we will be talking more about this. solyndra and beyond. jon huntsman boycotts nevada. he spoke to "outfront." new search for baby lisa and did a nuclear accident contaminate hundreds of thousands of kids? in, in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at but they also go beyond banking. we installed a ge fleet monitoring system. it tracks every vehicle in their fleet. it cuts fuel use. koch: it enhances customer service. it's pretty amazing when people who loan you money also show you how to save it. not just money,
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the number tonight, 52. that's how many years barbie is. and she's just as appealing, sexy, i know all terms are loaded when it comes to barbie. but as ever, mattel the maker of barbie products report that sales for the iconic doll were 17% in the third quarter. that's the biggest gain in over a decade. well, there has been turmoil for the gop calendar and it all started in florida when they cut the line jumping ahead of the four states that were slated to go ahead. the traditional first in the nation primary, of course, is new hampshire. it is kind of squeezed out.
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now it's fighting for a spot out front. five five of the presidential candidates say they support new hampshire and are boycotting the nevada caucuses. herman cain, michele bachmann, newt gingrich, rick santorum, and john jon huntsman, he came out front and said that he will boycott the cnn debate next tuesday. >> we have decided to boycott nevada because they are leap frogging the primary schedule, which jeopardizes the all important new hampshire primary which i think is critical to our -- to the success of our democracy. if you are going to boycott nevada in terms of the caucus you need to do it fully and that includes the debate. >> a former deputy press secretary for george w. bush is joining us from seattle. robert zimmerman is here with me in new york tonight. thank you to both of you. scott, let me start with you. new hampshire in the position to move the primary back to december. it's become a sort of race early
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unless nevada relents. how will this be resolved? >> well, i think the main way that this will be resolved, is if nevada actually chose to go three days later than the date that they've announced, which is the 14th. if they were to go to the 17th of january, that provides a weak -- week space between them and new hampshire on january 10th and a week space between new hampshire and my home state of iowa which will be its caucuses on january 3rd. both of iowa and new hampshire work very closely together to coordinate these dates and they are in sync and the presidential candidates know that. and are going to campaign aggressively. >> the bigger issue is these candidates don't want it to be resolved. jon huntsman can't afford plane fare the way his campaign is running. they want to try to make a play for new hampshire. >> i don't disagree with you,
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robert. i would say that nevada has mismanaged their dates in the past, mismanaged their caucuses in previous years and don't have the tradition of new hampshire, they don't have the history of iowa. >> let's be realistic, scott. the tradition of new hampshire. >> it makes sense for most candidates to skip nevada. >> i'm curious why this hasn't happened before. if you are an important, early state, you have more influence than a later state. >> >> it has happened in the past. it's always been a position between iowa and new hampshire. under state law, new hampshire, under their own state law comes first. >> i'm talking about florida and nevada and all of the states fighting now. >> there's always a battle. in fact, last year, florida and michigan were discounted from primary process and lost delegates when they tried to jump the calendar. there's always a process. let's understand the tradition.
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the enormous economy, the economic boost this means to new hampshire and iowa. iowa being the first caucus and new hampshire the first primary. let freedom ring. >> let me ask you about herman cain. he was on our show yesterday and he's got a lot of momentum. the man of the moment, if not more, a big surge. haylee barbour saying that he can "sweep the south." do you think herman cain can go the distance? >> i think it is certainly possible. you look at this year and people are hungry for fresh ideas that are not of washington. people are tired of slick, packaged presidents and herman cain like it or not has come in and with a fresh idea of the 9-9-9 plan and it has taken over the debate in the republican field. it dominated this week's debate and was the topic of discussion and he has a likable personality that really comes through and resonates with voters. >>
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>> that really comes through and resonates with voters. >> if you examine governor barbour's comments, he was sending a message to mitt romney not to take him for granted. the reality is, this is a campaign running on political viagra. it's about his artificial and temporary as the trunk, bachmann, and perry surge. >> i don't think so. >> if it lasts more than four weeks you might as well go to campaign doctors. >> with all due respect, you haven't been a republican voter in a primary caucus and republicans are hungry for somebody with the outside experience willing to tell it like it is and herman cain is doing that. >> but pry mars and caucuses are about intense organization. it is very intense organization. it requires funding and grass root activism and we see him selling books in tennessee. >> but that's grass roots. right? it's getting people that need all of that. let me ask you about the immigration law that passed in alabama. i know we have been talking about that. this is amazing stuff an apeels
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court blocked the part of the law that required teachers to collect information on whether their students were illegal immigrants. 2,000 kids stopped going to school. there have been issues with agriculture the state. i want to ask you, scott, first, what does it mean putting or keeping immigration the center of the national conversation just when it is a topic a lot of these republicans don't want to talk about in the primaries? >> it is interesting, erin. this is a topic that when i worked for president bush at the white house we worked on aggressively. we worked across party lines to try to get comprehensive immigration reform put in to place. unfortunately, because of harry reid, that did not happen. but these states are reflecting the desire out there for someone to do something about the problem. interestingly, alabama, in that case, they actually -- one part upheld was that police officers could detain someone they
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stopped lawfully if they suspected they were an illegal immigrant. some parts were upheld and others were not. but this topic, we have to reduce the volume -- >> scott we have to recognize. >> discussion in order to bring people together. the leaders of both parties pander on it. >> we have to recognize this is a bipartisan disgrace. by party during the first two years of the obama presidency my party did not show the leadership to get the job done despite the rhetoric and your party had six years with president bush in the house and senate and didn't step is up to do the job. >> we had an opportunity in 2007, robert. it failed -- >> we will leave it -- thank you very much to both of you. we appreciate it. nothing wrong with sparring on a friday night. 11 dans no sign of 11-month-old lisa irwin. there were videos of the toddler 10 months old, not a toddler but
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with hope that someone will come forward with information leading to her return. we have the latest from kansas missouri tonight. baby lisa is 11 months old but has been missing two weeks now. this is the family's front yard. people have come by, left teddy bears and signs of support and hopes she is found safely. her parents despite having made public statements after her disappearance have kept a low profile in the last week or so despite now being, having brought on a high-profile private investigator by the name of wild bill stanton. he came from new york to help the familiar hi. his services paid for by what is described as a wealthy benefactor. he announced today an anonymous donor put up a $100,000 reward for baby lisa's safe return and or any information that leads to her abductors' conviction. having said that the one thing that has not changed in the almost two weeks the story has
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been going on in kansas city is police have no solid leads as to where baby lisa might be. they continue searching areas around here, wooded areas, rock quarries, creek areas but still no sign of where baby lisa might be. those investigators are keeping information very close to the vest. no sign of where baby lisa might be or any hopes that anyone might be arrested in this case. erin? >> ed, thank you very much. "outfront" next, it is that time. we can't resist. tonight it is the creeping fear of the stink bug that is under our skin. and later, nancy grace on the michael jackson trial. you can't change the way banking works. just accept it, man. free ? doesn't close at five ? try nature. it's a bank. what do you want, a hug ? just accept it. hidden fees, fine print, or they'll stick it to you some other way. stay with the herd, son. accept it. just accept it. accept it. just accept it. accept it. if we miss this movie, you're dead. if you're stuck accepting banking nonsense, you need an ally.
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ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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a story we can't resist. according to congressman bartlett we are under a terrorist that could inflict a plague of biblical proportions and what is it? it is the brown marmarated stink bug. this bug was accidentally introduced to the united states in pennsylvania in 1998. the hearty stink bug spread to a dozen states including new jersey, connecticut, delaware, new york and the state of maryland. but it is still just a smelly bug. can it be that serious? we wanted to investigate and go
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"outfront" to see how serious the threat is. we spent the day looking through websites and message boards created by victims of what representative bartlett calls the bug from hell. what we saw shocked us. post after post about the destruction and odor." singing them clinging by the multitude on window screens it is like a mor ror movie. it sounds pretty disgusting. good thing we have a federal grant. we can't resist imagining what would happen if we didn't. here's a clip from the 1977 horror movie "empire of the ants." [ screaming ] >> i'm sorry, we couldn't resist. by the way, it takes a lot of squashing to get the real stink effect of the stink bug coming from the state of maryland.
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still "outfront" the president touts his job plan in detroit. so we asked the white house about jobs, china and the crucial word, manipulation. and then will conrad murray take the stand in his own defense? a close court watcher tells us. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. but they also go beyond banking. we installed a ge fleet monitoring system. it tracks every vehicle in their fleet. it cuts fuel use. koch: it enhances customer service. it's pretty amazing when people who loan you money also show you how to save it. not just money, knowledge. it's so much information, it's like i'm right there in every van in the entire fleet. good day overall. yeah, i'm good.
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we start the second half of the show with stories we care about. we focus on reporting, find the out front five. first up rick perry unveiled his
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plan to create job by making america energy independent. we did the math f. you take gas as an example, an analyst says going all in would mean 100% domestic supply, overhauling the grid and upgrading every gas station in the united states would cost up to a trillion dollars and take up to five years. sound unrealistic but he says it would create 10 million jobs. mississippi governor haley barer would sweep the south if he were the nominee. "outfront" spoke to the spokeswoman who said that he has not endorsed a candidate. but his wife said she'd vote for cain. the iphone 4s went on sale today and in typical fashion, people lined up for hours. sprint says the best sales day ever and so did at&t. we spoke to an industry analyst who says sprint's deal with apple, 30 million iphones sold over four years, according to
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though "wall street journal" with will be nearly impossible to reach for sprint even given today's sales. number four, the enthusiasm for iphone's not isolated. retail sales rising to the highest level in seven months. sales 1.1% higher in september, better than expected and we hear that the data helps to counter the idea that america is going in to another recession. need the good news where we can get it. because it has been 70 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back. there was a big jump on wall street today. optimism ruled the week. stocks up for the year and after this week's jump 4.9% for the dow and 7.6 for the nasdaq, 6% for the s&p. but it does not mean more jobs, at least not yet. the director of the national economic council is joining me tonight from the white house. i want to start with good news.
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we were talking about retail sales. americans are still spending and we have a strike team of ceos and toward on the show. 17 out of 220 of them say a double dip recession is not inevitable. this is more optimism than you might think from these guys. are things getting better. >> we have had better numbers than we expected but let's not kid yourselves. things are not good enough. we have historic long-term unemployment challenges in our country, truly a crisis of long-term unemployment. we still have the blue chip projecting only 2% growth for next year and unemployment at 9%. when you have even, even if it is a small risk of a double-dip recession or predictions that growth could stay weak and unemployment this high it's just imperative that we take action to ensure this recovery takes
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hold and we get stronger job growth over the next 12 to 18 months. >> i want to ask you about something that came from the treasury department. they delayed a ruling on whether china was manipulating its currency. it may sound nerdy but it obviously matters to every person watching tonight. it keeps wal-mart prices low and rooiz raises the standard of living but makes it cheaper to make things in china than the united states. it is really the right thing for america to do or to push for right now? >> i think it is absolutely right for us to push for a more market determined currency from china. yes, they have taken steps that have seen their currency appreciate some since the middle of last year. but i don't know any serious economist who thinks it's enough. that does mean that our workers, our companies are not getting a level playing field. the president does believe, and i think a lot of the
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international community does believe we need to see china let their currency be market determined. all american workers, american companies have ever wanted is a level playing field. >> does that mean you support the word manipulator? >> oh, you know, words -- >> are words really important? >> i will let other people choose the words, but i'll tell you this, we think it is not fundamentally valued at a market determined way and that is, we believe, putting our workers and our companies at an unfair advantage and that's something the president has pressed and will continue to press in international forums going forward. we think it would be better for china, as well as the rest of the economy for them to have more market determined currency. >> all right. i'll let it go at that. although, we'll let the manipulators stay out of it.
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for those watching that is a loaded word that matters a lot. the president was in detroit today talking about foreign car companies and hoi how they are creating american jobs with the president of south korea. americans are obviously dealing with our own car company's problems wech talked to treasury today about general motors and the tarp situation. taxpayers put $51 billion in to gm and they are $26 billion in the red and taxpayers own 32% of the gm shares. will american taxpayers make money on gm ever? >> well, i don't think that anyone could have imagined or hoped as much as how well things have gone for the american automobile industry. i'm not going to comment on what the exact financing and projections will be. i think if you look at the money that's been put in since president obama's come in to office it is a very positive story. you know, on banks, we are already at a point where the taxpayer is making a profit. but what's just as important and
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critical is that the president's at a plant today employing 1750 workers. that very plant was slated to be closed before the restructuring effort that president obama's team took forward with gm. we have a competitive big three that is competing, creating jobs and keeping manufacturing strong in the united states, and i think that is, you know, a great tribute to them and the workers, and a great tribute to president obama for doing what at the time was very unpopular but now i think everyone agrees is paying off for our economy. >> i don't know that everyone agrees but you make a good point. >> most. >> have a good night. >> thank you. president obama is sending 100 troops to central africa to help to battle a violent rebel group called the lord's rezips tans arm. they say the rebels have terrorized the region over two decades. chris lawrence is at this pentagon tonight. what role will american military
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personnel play? >> erin, these are mostly green berets but they are not going there to directly engage the rebels. we're told the only attack, if in self defense they have to. they are going to give strategy and take ticks to the african nations to help to beef them up. basically the united states has given between 30 and $40 million to these nations over the past few years. it hasn't done much to slow the rebels down. now the green berets will go in to give more direct assistance to try to stop this rebel group. >> thank you very much, chris. appreciate it. still "outfront," an update on the nuclear disaster in fukushima japan. 50,000 children live near the plant. dr. sanjay gupta talks about the health risk that is rising there. and the latest from the michael jackson death trial. the defense starts its case next week. and we go to china with the tiger kids.
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this is shanghai, the best in the world when it comes to math and reading. but what about when it comes to fun and creativity? meet shanghai's kids coming up. a guy named his own price, wants a room tonight for 65 dollars. we don't go lower than 130. big deal, persuade him. is it wise to allow a perishable item to spoil? he asked, why leave a room empty? the additional revenue easily covers operating costs. 65 dollars is better than no dollars. okay. $65 for tonight.
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will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to we do in the same time every night. our "outer circle" where we reach out to sources an the world. we start in thailand where devastating floodwaters have killed 250 people. the worst isn't over. paula is in bangkok.
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what can you tell us about what's to come? >> the center of bangkok so far appears to be mo texted and the flood gates are holding. there is something like 35 billion cubic feet of water hitting the capital every single day and that has to go somewhere. at this point, it's going in to the suburbs and it's the suburbs that are being sacrificed. many are already under water. the death toll for the whole of the country at this point is more than 280. and at least 8 million people across the country have been affected by these floods. >> thank you. and now to italy, the wylie italian prime minister survived a confidence vote. we have more from rome. does the vote leave his coalition weaker? >> yes, it does. italy is facing a dire situation economically and the parliament needs to be focused on fixing that. they need to be passing strong austerity measures and focused
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on renewal of the economy and without a strong majority in parliament he will have a difficult time, according to many political analysts, pushing through the tough measures. >> thank you. and now to london, a growing scandal is forcing the resignation of the defense secretary liam fox. his close personal friend is under scrutiny for allegedly receiving improper payments and gifts and fox allowed him to pose as a government adviser. max, what are the implications for prime minister cameron? >> erin, this is after a week of immense pressure of fox and the prime minister has stood by him throughout. he said he was very sorry to see the defense secretary go today. liam fox is a senior member of the conservative party. he represents traditionalists and that power base has been lost from david cameron's cabinet. erin. >> thank you very much, liam. in japan, news of the the
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nuclear disaster continues. 50,000 children are being checked for thyroid problems after they found irregularities in a small number of children. sanjay gupta is joining us now. i want to start about what do thyroid abnormalities mean. what are the major health repercussions? >> the thyroid gland is a major source of hormones in the body. one thing people may notice if it is not working is they may have problems with just feeling tired, may have blood pressure abnormalities. all sorts of things it can regulate. a lot of times people don't realize it is a thyroid problem and look for all sorts of causes. if it is a try roid problem it has to be treated. what we have seen through history is when you talk about radiation, you are talking about
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particles. but some of those are things taken in to the body and concentrated in the thyroid gland. it concentrates various isotopes and that's why the thyroid is the first place that a cancer or irregularity may develop. think of the thyroid gland as a canary in the coal mine after a nuclear problem like this. that is why they are looking this. >> now we are seeing ten of 130 children evacuated had irregularities in their thyroids. are you surprised and is it indicative we could see more major problems coming out from people affected by the fukushima leak? >> what is interesting to me, erin, if you think of three mile island and chernobyl, when you think of nuclear disasters that is what springs to mind. you would be hard pressed to find even a single case of thyroid cans canner after the three mile disaster. which is surprising because a lot of people were concerned about it. chernobyl, on the other hand,
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which was in some ways worse than in japan, you had 6,000 cases of thyroid cancer in the years following. so this seems to be going more the way of chernobyl. could these early thyroid irregularities turn in to cancer later down the line? with these kids, it's amazing, erin, they are going to screen 350,000 children. it is a huge population of children potentially affected. they will screen them every two years until the age of 20 and five years after that. it is good they have learned from the previous nuclear disaster and they want to find the cancers early if they are going to develop. >> it is unform nate it is going more on the lines of chernobyl rather than three mile island. thank you for explaining it. >> anytime. thank you. two weeks in in the trial of conrad murray and the prosecution is set to rest the case as early as monday. have they proven that michael jackson's doctor is responsible
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for his death? nancy grace has covered every trial, every controversy and she is famous for her show on hln and is here to break down the case. thank you for joining us. the prosecution has laid out a substantial case and damning evidence. is it possible for the defense to turn it around? >> anything is possible. anything can happen in a courtroom but i do not think it is probable. and i think conrad murray has turned out to be his own worst enemy. when he spoke to police it was all recorded. that audio was played line for line for the jury. in that audio, we hear him torpedoing the time line. what he told police is absolutely impossible based on cell records. of course a jury is going to believe cell records over conrad murray and they are about to let him have it on another point where he told police about this big scene where he comforted the children. the children say it never
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happened. now, does that touch on the actual homicide, no, but it does prove conrad murray to be a liar, and under our jurisprudence system the judge will give the jury a charge that says if you disbelieve or witness in any portion of their statement, you are allowed to disbelieve the entire statement. so his credibility has been attacked successfully. >> do you think -- so you are talking about the tapes which of course are extensive. do you think the defense has no choice but to put conrad murray on the stand next week? do you think they will go for a hail mary pass like that? >> you are right about that. that would be a hail mary bass pass, but i don't think that pass is going to be effective and i'll tell you why. a lot of times the defense feels pressured. they feel there's nowhere for them to go but to put the defendant on the stand. the reality is, the jury may think he's guilty, may not be sure, but once he takes the
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stand and makes a jackass out of himself on cross-examination they will know he's guilty. i think it would be best to leave the jury wondering, than to know for sure when they go in to deliberations. >> interesting way to put it. what about the culture it seems to embody for the rich, famous celebrities that there is a culture of enablers. if not conrad murray than somebody else. that sort of seems to be under this whole trial has been that feeling. will that be something the defense could use to affect the sentence, maybe get a more lenient sentence? >> i can only pray they do, because in effect, what that is saying is hey, if my client didn't kill him somebody would have. that would have a horrible argument in court. the reality is even if he is convicted on this extremely weak charge of involuntary manslaughter, he may get straight probation for killing the king of pop. i'm not saying that jackson's life is more valuable than
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anyone else but i'm saying what it symbolizes. what you can get away with in a court of law is shocking. he may get straight probation, even on a conviction. it's possible. >> that's amazing. hopefully it will go to the jury next week at some point. in the meantime u you are busy covering the trial and in a slightly awkward turn in our interview you are doing a lot of dancing and spinning around. do you think you can win and topple ricki lake? >> well, right now, and this is my dancing partner who's teaching me all of the great moves that i bungle up on the dance floor. we are taking it one dance at a time. i'm not ready to look at the big picture. right now i have to focus on the rumba which is what, tristan. >> the dance of relationships, good and bad. >> well, you have a good partner, tristan. >> you have the best partner out there. there you are in that dress. love it. good luck. we're rooting for you both.
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>> thank you. >> erin, thank you so much. and remember, erin, you can vote from your cell phone, land line and computer, just fyi. >> good to know. thank you so much. appreciate you both taking the time. have a great weekend. bye-bye. >> thank you, take care. vote. and then next up, we are going "outfront" in china. >> what's your favorite thing about america? hear his answer next.
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>> nba, basketball. >> yes. >> well, timmy was the only child. that was his name timmy who didn't say the iphone was his favorite thing about america. we met him in a group of under 12-year-old chinese kids in a language camp this summer. we went to see if the tiger mom phenomenon is true. it is 7 a.m., time to rise and shine for bill's son. he is at sleep away camp for kids under 12 about an hour outside of shanghai. job number one, learning language. >> english is easy and interesting. >> it makes me happy. >> good morning, everyone. >> good morning. >> the 23 kids here started to learn english at achblg 5 and they have big am big.
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bill's family picked his english name in hopes he will end up like one successful american. >> like bill gates. >> it is not remedial summer school. these children are here by choice. ♪ happy birthday to you >> reporter: still the parents say they are raising well-rounded children. the debate over who is raise the world's future leaders, china or america is raging here. the battle hymn of the tiger mother is a best seller on both sides of the pacific. bill's parents pete and sunny have read the book. only his father speaks english. 30% of the opinions are not direct. for example, for modern chinese parents, we would not say garbage if children make mistakes. >> do you think that chinese children, children like bill,
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are being raised to be creative? >> you must come by the strictness and the creativity together and that would be best for the children's future and in general speaking maybe for the whole country's future. >> reporter: the kids we saw spent more time playing basketball and badminton than studying at camp and creativity is part of the agenda, but chinese kids still work harder than americans. how much time do you spend at night on home work? >> so many times i finished my home work in two with hours. >> two hours. >> two hours a night? >> two hours a night. wow sglmpblts that pays off. shanghai kid rank number one in the world in math compared to america's number 31. entrepreneur bob compton on the spends his time studying the chinese education system. >> if they are able to bring creativity and education to a level close to america they are going to


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