tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 15, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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show me the carfax. horsepower, foxpower, same thing. just show me the carfax. before you buy a used car, get a carfax vehicle history report. see accidents and service reported to carfax and a price based on the car's history. ask your dealer or go to just say, show me the carfax. hello, everyone, you are in the "cnn newsroom." the occupy movement has gone global. what began as a public demonstration in a small park in
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lower manhattan today spread to cities around the world. you see it there on your screen. it was a worldwide display of sympathy and solidarity with the protesters of occupy wall street. there was tokyo and japan, london in to uk, rome, sidney, hong kong, indonesia to name a few. most were peaceful. though some arrests were reported. rome, however, stands out as the exception today. thousands of peaceful demonstrators suddenly scattered as anarchists began lobbying cocktails. now, numerous fires broke out. you can see riot police there on your screen responding. and a fire broke out in a government building, as well. protesters broke out shop windows, riot police moved in
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with water cannons and tear gas. and let's go to "newsweek" reporter barbie nango. did they take advantage of the protest, this occupy movement to create havoc? is that what happened today? >> reporter: that's absolutely what happened. anarchists by nature are against police than they are government. and in a situation with a planned protest that everyone's known about for weeks and weeks ahead. they had an ample opportunity to get themselves set up. and we saw police in italy saying 500 anarchists all considered to be part of the most violent anarchists infiltrated the protests. and it started about 20 minutes after the protest began with the breaking of windows and then the torching of a car and everything just went downhill from there.
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and it all culminated in a major square just off the edge of the historical district of rome. and, you know, really turned violent with a one-on-one between these violent anarchists and the police. and it was very intense, and people were worried. there were a lot of people were worried it would turn into a situation like we had in 2008 where, again, anarchists infiltrated a protest and one was shot. people were worried, and things are calm in rome right now, but it was a tense day. >> this is the italian capital, not the way you're used to seeing the italian capital, with shops on fire, cars windows being broken. and what about the occupy movement protesters, barbie? what did they do when this trouble started? and what are they saying about the violence? >> reporter: they were terribly disappointed. i had several people come up to
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me and say, this isn't what we're here for. we're here to protest peacefully, to demonstrate against, you know, legitimate complaints we have against our government, about taxes and joblessness and education cuts and a variety of issues. right now they're planning to have another demonstration either thursday or friday if they can get city approval, which i think they'll probably get next week because their voices were hijacked by this violent movement. >> right. certainly their voices droned out today in rome. we see in these protests and other cities, we're going to talk about that in a little bit. let's take you back to where this occupy movement began a couple of weeks ago in lower manhattan. susan canadiotti is there. how are people reacting to the global expansion of the occupy movement? >> reporter: well, the organizers and members as we call them of occupy wall street
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are very excited about that. this is the kind of response they were hoping for, to grow the movement literally around the world. and it's been a very, very busy day here at the original camp here at wall street where protesters have been here throughout the day filling the park literally. a lot of people coming in from the outer boroughs of new york city to show their support. there was also a march here earlier. there were no problems or scuffles with police. however, there were two dozen arrests at a local branch of citibank when some occupy wall street protesters who have accounts at that particular branch went in attempt to close their account. when they went in the door according to occupy swwall stre, the door was locked behind them and they were arrested. the police department version was the bank manager asked them to leave and when they wouldn't, that's when the people were arrested. so other than that, there is scheduled at this hour a rally
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in time square where organizers here said they were expecting up to 5,000 people. however at this hour, we understand it's a very small group of only about 50 or so according to our cnn people on the scene. maybe a little bit more than that, but they're expecting that to go as the night goes on. a very busy day. >> right. let me ask you about the citibank situation. some of the protesters we're hearing one thing, and from the police we're hearing another. the protesters are saying essentially a group of 20, 25 people went into the citibank, wanted to close their accounts, and then a non-uniformed security person started cuffing people. the police has a very different version of events, but either way you look at it, i imagine, susan, it's very tense what's going on. >> reporter: well, police said there was only one person who resisted arrest. so they describe the situation as being calm there. occupy wall street is saying that they find it in their words incredible that people could go into a bank, attempt to conduct
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business where they have accounts, and yet were arrested and unable to do what they went in there intending to do. clearly it's a statement they wanted to make. at least they're certainly getting publicity about it. and to that degree, you could certainly say they tried to make a point. >> susan candiotti is there in lower manhattan. this is where the occupy wall street movement began. and as we've seen today has spread outside of america's borders. we'll have a lot more on that and our top world news stories a little bit later. now we're going to take a break on cnn. out of control at mcdonald's. look at this video. customers jump the counter and go after a cashier, but it's the employee who goes on the attack. we'll have more of this interesting video. las vegas gets set to host republican candidates before the presidential hopefuls clash. there's already a battle brewing between two states. we'll be right back. stay with cnn.
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well, ten people were killed in clashes in the yemeni capital today. according to witnesses, take a lock at this video. it was called a sad day for the revolution as tribal fighters battled. trying to end a demonstration against the government. protesters are demanding that the president step aside. meanwhile, a security official said drone strikes killed seven suspected militants including the son of this man
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anwar al-awlaki. he was assassinated himself in a u.s. drone strike last month. all right. well, las vegas is the site for the next test for the republicans battling to be the next president. cnn is hosting a debate on tuesday with the western republican leadership conference. t.j. holmes is standing by live in las vegas. so of course, now who will come out on top of this cnn western republican presidential debate is the big question. t.j. holmes, well, i imagine if you knew the answer to that, you would be in a whole different line of work. set the scene for us. >> reporter: all right. well, we know who is not going to come out on top. because as you know, we go through a lot to put on a debate. it's not an easy thing to do with staff and staging and planning and preparation. and would you believe that one of these republican candidates has now said no thank you, cnn. he is boycotting our debate.
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who? of course we're talking about former utah governor jon huntsman. now, he claims he wants to do this for, one, to focus on new hampshire. going to spend all of his time, money, energy, and efforts there. also he says he's upset with the state of nevada and the gop here for putting their caucuses on january 14th. now, what that has done is thrown the whole primary and caucus and early voting calendar into disarray. with florida moving up to january 31st, now you've got nevada moving up earlier to january 14th, you've got iowa expected to go january 3rd. it doesn't leave a lot of room for new hampshire to get a lot of attention. so jon huntsman says, you know what? i'm going to focus on new hampshire, take a stand with them, new hampshire threatening to do their primary in december. i asked the head of the gop here in nevada, had her on this morning on my show, asked her point-blank, will you consider moving your caucus from the 14th
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and can we all just get along? listen to her answer. >> is it even an option? is it even on the table for nevada to switch its caucuses from the 14th back just three days to the 17th? is it even on the table? >> no, it's absolutely not. we're going to stick to our date. our state's working really hard at fding their locations. >> reporter: she says, you hear there, we're not even considering it. so what this means is now new hampshire could possibly go as early as the first couple of weeks of december. now, what does this mean for the voters? what does this mean for the candidates? means they won't get as much time to actually go out there, shake the hands, meet and greet the voters. it means the voters will be denied access to those candidates for a longer period of time. and it also means that the people of nevada will miss out because you've got five candidates, only one boycotting our debate, but at least five saying they will boycott the caucuses themselves.
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so this could really be a, frankly, lose/lose for everybody in this situation, but you heard her, she says they are not budging. we shall see. >> there something interesting about nevada and its holding its caucus when it is. it's more diverse than new hampshire. economically, it has been hit incredibly hard. so however this comes out, will tell us something about this republican race, won't it? >> reporter: well, you hit it on the head and you said incredibly. yes, it is incredibly difficult for the people here. you think of las vegas strip, and of course, you think of the gambling and the good time and a playground for adults, but it's a 14.2% unemployment rate in the las vegas metro. that is number one in the country for metro areas over 1 million people. the state, highest unemployment of the 50 states. they have a dire situation, a quarter of the population hispanic. so there are issues, more diverse, like you said, more diverse than new hampshire.
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this is a very important state and they wanted to move up, get more of that attention. so now it seems the candidates could be denied, the voters could be denied, and opportunity here in this first in the west caucus. so i don't really see -- nobody sees just yet how this is going to get worked out besides new hampshire going as early as the first couple of weeks of december. and can you imagine us all in new hampshire around the holidays? christmas time? my goodness. >> i think i can. i don't know. we'll see. t.j., thanks. t.j. holmes in las vegas. >> good to see you. >> the question, of course, who is as we were asking t.j. there is going to come out on top of this debate. join cnn live from las vegas on tuesday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern. anderson cooper will be asking the questions. we'll take a short break. when we come back, as we all know, cancer is a killer, but turns out it is more of a killer if you are single. details in two minutes. - ♪ ai, ai, ai - ♪ bum-bum
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questioned a $50 bill two women gave him. one of the woman slaps him, jumps the counter, her friend follows her. now, the server reacts grabbing some sort of metal pipe. >> stop! stop! stop! >> well, this is just -- this just got ugly. the clerk no longer works at the mcdonald's and has been charged with felony assault. the customers are in serious condition at the hospital and are facing several minor charges themselves. let's bring in human behavior expert dr. wendy walsh, also a host on "the doctors." okay. so first off, what do you make of this kind of behavior that escalates all of a sudden? these are situations we a all find ourselves in every day. where we're irritated with somebody because they've questioned the validity of a bill. that's a small thing, right? how does it come to this?
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>> well, it comeso this because remember all humans have a natural fight or flight response when they feel they're being attacked. we socialize it out of most of our children. the 2-year-olds that hit, we say, no, i'm going to hold you so you don't hit. no hitting, no biting, we teach consequences so people learn to control their impulses. unfortunately, there are still some family systems that aren't teaching that. so in a stressful fight or flight situation, some people go to their primal state and go to fight. >> but it's not just sometimes education or upbringing, right? some people are wired differently, they have a shorter fuse. >> absolutely. men are more likely to be this kind of aggressive, although we're seeing increasing rates of aggression in women as the genders are becoming more similar. but yes, we are all wired a little bit differently. but in general, there's a family upbringing piece too. >> let's talk about this study that men who are single are at higher risk of becoming stricken
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with cancer. now, first of all, you'd say, okay, it's bad enough that you can't find a mate, but then you're also more at risk for a deadly disease. >> not that they're more at risk of getting cancer, they're more at risk of dying. the mortality rate is much higher. it's a little higher for unmarried women too, but not as drastically as it is for men. what happens is men usually don't go to the doctor, a lot of them don't own health insurance. when there's a wife nagging them and caring for them, they go and get taken care of. because there is a your for cancer, it's called early detection. >> okay. so it's not because they're say emotionally more content, their body reacts better to treatment. this is because a mate might sound the alarm earlier, right? >> there are many, many factors, and i think having a strong supportive relationship is one thing that can help you get through a big illness for sure. >> okay. let's talk about this. the wireless devices. in the united states, now i'm going to read this out. the wireless association ctia
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found that cell phones and tablets now actually outnumber people in the united states. by about 15 million. >> amazing. >> it is amazing, but what does it say about how we interact with other people? how do we -- how do we establish. and this is an important question. how do we establish relationships? so many of our relationships now are texting, bbming, whatever-ing. we're spending less time face-to-face. >> and a lot of this technology was designed to keep us connected. but we're keeping in touch, but we're not touching anything tender. we're seeing a big gender divide. men prefer text, women prefer talk. we're the emotional beings who do the relationship bonding part of our -- in our relationships. i think that there's another piece too. the reason why there are so many phones and devices out there is
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that corporations have realized if they also purchased these products for their employees, they get a virtual 24-hour employee. a workforce the that never stops working. it's really ton us to turn those -- >> dr. wendy walsh, that's easier said than done. one of the things that happens with these wireless devices, if you turn it off, there's always in the back of your mind the idea that you might be missing something. something might be going on without you. >> that's right. but maybe you could be creating some utopian without it. >> dr. wendy walsh, thanks very much. >> nice to see you. just ahead, will the real tea party candidate stand up please? who is their choice in the republican field? more politics next. gary... he hung up. ...why do we have so many a's in our name? so we're listed first in the phone book. ya know, gives us an edge.
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just as a fighter for civil rights, but also a fighter for economic justice. the organizers here want to see congress and the white house work together on measures that could actually bring down this nation's high unemployment rate. let's listen to what the reverend al sharpton had to say when he took the stage. >> we come today because this country has ignored the plight of unemployed and people that are chronically unemployed on monday in this, the capital. they had the audacity to turn down a jobs bill. so if you won't get the jobs bill done in the suite, then we will get the jobs bill done in the street! >> reporter: and so that's really the point of this march and rally, to keep the pressure on members of congress and on
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the white house to work together to get something done. the reverend al sharpton said they plan similar events in 25 cities, all meant to keep pressure on members of congress. ath ner athena jones, cnn, washington. a new front-runner in the race for the republican nomination. and few people predicted herman cain would be at top of the polls at this stage in the game. let's talk about herman cain, the tea party, and tuesday's republican debate. let's talk about herman cain, as i said, a bit of a surprise at this stage in the race. what do you make of it? >> well, it's a total surprise. there's a lot to like about herman cain. he's got a lot of charm, sense of humor, and he's certainly got charisma, which has been lacking from the candidates in this race. and he has had a successful business career and service on the federal reserve bank of kansas city. those are all real accomplishments, but he's never been elected to anything. he's not governor of georgia,
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not mayor of atlanta. he's never had an office of public administrative responsibility unlike the governors in the race. so it's not the kind of biography that normally qualifies you for the presidency. >> well, could that be part of his appeal? the fact that you said he's charismatic, he says things, he has nice little sound bites that are amusing in some cases. he's never been elected, but at the same time, he does have that businessman past that could give him some credit as far as the economy's concerned? >> well, look, but what the president does is the president runs the government of the united states. the presidency is an administrative job. and you know, we've been through a number of years where presidents have not been successful at administering things and we've paid the price. look at the present president. he's a man of extraordinary abilities in a lot of ways. he's not a very good negotiator, he never had to negotiate anything. and as a negotiator, he has been unsuccessful again and again to the cost both very much of his own party and sometimes to the whole country. there's skills you only get from
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holding a public office. and that's why almost always we require you to have held a public office before you become the president. >> right, you are coming at this from the conservative side just so we tell our viewers. let me ask you about mitt romney. now, the tea party might not be happy with the mitt romney nomination. has the tea party in essence, if mitt romney becomes the candidate, has the tea party failed politically speaking? >> it will be an amazing thing if after all of this commotion about the tea party. if after all their furygainst the president's health care plan that the republican party nominates the who is the grandfather of the president's health care plan. about 3/4 of republicans do not want to nominate mitt romney. but in this year of the tea party, they have been unable to produce a credible alternative. we've gone from donald trump to michele bauchmann to rick perry, who each of which has staggered and failed in their own way. now we've got herman cain. i think the air is going to go
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out of that balloon too and the party will be confronted with this that really the only plausible alternative to governor romney is governor perry and he increasingly convinces republicans that he's not up to the job. >> is he done, though? his fall from the heights that he was occupying just a few weeks ago is breathtaking. >> well, done is premature. he has raised a lot of money. but i think what he's shown in a lot of national television is he's not good at handling stress. presidency is a stressful job. he's not good at thinking on his feet. you have to do that if you're going to be president. and he's got kind of an unbecoming whining. just the other day his wife was on television complaining that people had been brutalizing rick perry for his faith. if mitt romney had gone to an event and been introduced by somebody who had attacked rick perry's faith, then rick perry would have a valid complaint, but the shoe's on the other foot, it was his introducer attacking mitt romney's faith. yet mitt romney never complains about anything.
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>> let's circle back to this debate, then. jon huntsman won't be present, but how will this advance the process in terms of who republican voters might choose as their nominee against president obama? >> well, i think these debates are fantastic. i'm just so delighted to have so many of them. because what democratized the whole thing -- if you have hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars to give to the republican party or the democratic party, the candidates will come to your house and the houses of your friends and you'll have a chance over and over again to see them close up and get a sense of them as people. and too often in the past it's been the case that the rank and file members of the party don't have any experience like that. this debate brings the people into the living room of everybody with a cable connection, everybody with a high-speed internet connection in just the same way that used to happen only to the rich. and the republicans have a sense of who their leader may be.
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>> thanks very much. pleasure talking to you. defense attorneys in the michael jackson death trial go after expert testimony on propofol. but did dr. conrad murray's lawyers help him or not? but first -- let's talk to you about money, tough economic times are hitting homeowners in the wallet, of course. but depending on your situation, refinancing your mortgage could put more money in your pocket. here's the explanation with christine romans. >> if you have a mortgage rate 5% or higher, you need to check into refinancing that mortgage. rock-bottom rates can spell huge savings for homeowners. how big? consider a house with a $200,000 mortgage. three years ago, a 6% mortgage rate was common and the payment excludeing property tax would be $1,199 a month. that same home refinanced at 5.5% a year ago cost you about
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$1,135 a month. are financed today at a low 4.2%, the mortgage payment is only $978 a month. that's $2,650 a year less than the same loan at 6%. a lower monthly payment, you would save $79,000 in interest over the life of that loan. the math is clear. so why aren't thousands of people running out to refinance? it takes money. home appraisals can run you $400 and closing costs could reach couple thousand at minimum. takes time, patience, and paperwork. and if your home has lost value or your credit score has dropped, you are likely frozen out. >> the single biggest impediment to refinancing is the lack of equity that many homeowners have. what it really takes to qualify and get these low rates is good credit, proof of income, and some equity in the home. and it's that lack of equity that's really the main obstacle for so many homeowners.
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>> for everyone else who plans to stay in their house a few years, mortgage brokers say do it. >> the good thing about lower interest rates for the people refinancing is it puts more cash in the consumer's pocket and hopefully that'll get people to start spending and help really get this economy to really recover. >> while the 30-year fixed mortgage remains a popular refinancing option, applications are up for 15-year fixed loans. the advantages for the 15-year. you'll own your house half the time, build equity faster, and you pay thousands less in interest. the downside, your monthly payments are higher than with a 30-year fixed loan. for more on saving money in your housing expenses, check out "smart is the new rich," christine romans, cnn, new york. in america, we believe in a future that is better than today. since 1894, ameriprise financial has been working hard for their clients' futures. never taking a bailout. helping generations achieve dreams. buy homes. put their kids through college. retire how they want to.
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an expert witness in the trial of michael jackson's doctor testified that treating jackson's insomnia with propofol was "incomprehensible." >> propofol is, again, a very strong anesthetic medication. and we use it to facilitate to make you comfortable during a diagnostic procedure. we don't use it for -- for rest or for sleep. >> right. so it's not just a sleeping pill, obviously. let's bring in our legal experts, criminal defense attorney holly hughes and avery
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friedman. >> nice to be with you. >> nice to be with you. has the defense, holly, been able to discredit, do you think, any of the testimony we heard that could be damaging to dr. murray? >> well, i think what we're going to see is the discrediting is going to come when they call their own experts. when you put an expert on the stand, as a lawyer, you know darn well they know more than you. that's why they're the expert witness. so i think what they did do that was very helpful was the defense attorney managed to push the expert into sort of losing it a little bit, you know, he got a little bit uppity at times and too gleeful -- >> what does that do to the case when that happens? >> well, the jury starts to wonder, why do you have a dog in the fight? you're supposed to be the scientific expert. let's just talk. and they might resist that. we saw in the casey anthony how they didn't like when jeff ashton, the lead prosecutor and jose baez got into it and sort of went at it like it was personal. and that's how it looked between
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flanagan and the doctor from time to time. >> i don't see it that way at all. i think you've got two powerful witnesses. a sleep expert. and both of these guys connected the behavior of conrad murray to what happened here. and it's going to crescendo on monday to dr. steve -- who is absolutely wonderful. steve -- >> shaffer. >> i forgot the last name. schaefer, yeah, by the way, thank you for that. who will end it by saying it was the way that propofol was administered. that's it. now, what we're going to see will be the defense experts. and we're going to see paul white who people consider the father of propofol. >> it's a battle of the experts now? >> absolutely. >> absolutely. >> when you talk to people, the prevailing opinion now at the very least is, look, an anesthetic used for operations in hospitals, why would you administer that for someone who is having trouble sleeping at
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night? >> we've only seen the prosecution's case so far. and if they're not hitting it out of the park in their case in chief, they should have never brought the charges. so i think we need to take a step back and listen and hear what the defense experts say because, you know, for everyone that says black in a court of law, you're going to find somebody who says white, okay? >> honestly, holly, i think that the prosecution has hit it out of the park. they started quickly and give credit to judge miwho has seen this in two weeks. this isn't the o.j. case. this is moving and hard-hitting and the prosecution has done what it's supposed to do here. >> if the prosecution has done what it's supposed to do, avery, what does the defense now need to do? i mean, does it need to go after these expert witnesses? >> well, that's done. all they have left -- >> with their own witnesses. >> is dr. paul white who is a superstar, works with a number of experts that have already testified.
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>> let's talk about the so-called underwear bomber, this man who said he wanted to try to blow up a plane with explosives in his underpants. he has confessed to all of the charges. let me ask you, holly, about -- and he represented himself. why do that do you think as far as he's concerned? >> i've got to tell you, that's a fabulous question. because i'm actually a little puzzled. typically when we see terrorists, they've got a message. they want it out there. when you see folks who are egomaniacs enough to represent themselves in court, we saw that with warren jeffs. he wanted to get up there and basically get his message out there. so when this fella went ahead and entered a plea and basically gave up a stage, 'i've got to tell you, i'm shocked. and the only thing i can figure is he's protecting somebody a lot higher up than him and he does not want it to come out on cross-examination. he doesn't want their name mentioned in court, and they start saying aren't you friends with so and so. he's protecting someone. >> he is an ideologue.
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he has made statements about his ideology. but indeed, holly's exactly right. what's happened here is the government will never find out the people behind this. but on the other hand, i think what's very important here -- i'd like to mention it, this is the 600th prosecution by the government -- this debate between military tribunals -- >> if in a civilian court. the revelations in a trial like this one could be who is behind it. and the failings also of the intelligence community have not been caught earlier which is an issue that's been discussed very much in the case of this young man. he went from sing sing to the boxing ring after the break.
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boxer in prison always maintained his innocence. but the legal system seemed stacked against him until 2009 when he was finally exonerated and set free. well, we brought our legal analysts back for this one. explain to our viewers these extraordinary legal issues. avery, i'm going to start with you. 26 years in prison. >> 26 years in prison and you know what? dewey never gave up. the wonderful thing about this story is that ultimately if you persevere and you're innocent like dewey, you prevail. and it took lawyers, in fact two young lawyers in new york that actually represented him were able to dig up law enforcement officer who actually when he retired took the file to help prove there was another suspect who agreed he was responsible for the murder. that helped dewey walk. but it was a battle that took 30 years. >> it makes you think how many are in a similar situation who have not been able to prove their innocence? >> one is too many. >> absolutely. but it highlights two really
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oppositional positions here. what we see is how the system can go so wrong, so badly, and the problem with the legal system, it's made up of people. and what we saw here is that the prosecutors intentionally hid evidence. they had a fingerprint that did not belong to dewey. they had a confession from another man saying uh i am the one responsible. and they never gave that to his defense team. so what you have is you have -- not just a flawed investigation, not a bad eyewitness, i.d., you have maliciousness. >> what -- >> well, i will say on the opposite end of the spectrum then, you've got a detective who in his gut said this doesn't pass the smell test. i will testify to what i know, but i'm holding on to this file and when i leave, when i retire, i'm taking it with me to preserve it because somebody's going to come looking and those are his exact words.
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somebody's going to come looking for this file. >> dewey had somebody on his side that fought for him for a quarter of century. in prison for something he didn't do. >> exactly right. >> avery, holly, thank you so much. >> thanks. >> we'll have much more on his remarkable story tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. eastern. up next, a chef who lost his stomach to cancer. why the cliche you are what you oat has a new meaning. dr. gupta explains. stay with us. [ woman on radio, indistinct ] ♪ bum-bum
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each week dr. sanjay gupta introduces us to a person that achieved remarkable things despite having to overcome major, major challenges. in today's human factor, he tells us about a man who helps others learn that food can be medicine. take a look. >> this man is a chef without a stomach or much of an he fof gus. >> i had 11 surgeries in the last six years. >> reporter: you see, he was diagnosed with gastric cancer weeks after appearing in the 2005 season of "the next food
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network star." his treatment was painful. he had half his stomach and most of his esophagus removed shortly after his diagnosis. eventually he was cancer free. that's when the headaches began. >> they saw 10 to 12 lesions and was told this is it. you got to, you know, you're on your way out. >> reporter: it wasn't cancer but a serious brain infection caused by his newly constructed digestive system. >> i ended up springing a leak at that junction where the stomach and esophagus were connected. dp antibiotics got rid of the infection but a year later, a second one, worse than the first. both infections were so serious that doctors didn't want to risk him getting yet another one. so in march of this year, the rest of his stomach was removed. even though his stomach is gone, he eats six healthy small meals every day.
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which now go directly to his intestines. it's cliche. it's cliche because it's true. >> reporter: he wrote a cookbook while in the hospital after his first operation. and for the last five years, he's been teaching fellow survivors how to incorporate cancer fighting foods into their diets. >> it's power and energy and it's energy that a guy can assimilate. >> reporter: he says the six years have been difficult. but being open about his cancer and surrounding himself with family and friends has helped him overcome every challenge so far. >> somehow you just kind of find a little more strength just to keep going and keep going and keep going. and, you know, here we arement i just had my six year checkup and we're six years cancer free. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn reporting. the occupy movement first it was wall street. now it's the world.
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protests go global. most were peaceful. but this one took a turn for the worst. and the occupiers were not the instigators. your top stories are next. our 4 new rich & hearty soups really have people talking... [ guy ] ring, ring. progresso... i love your new loaded potato with bacon. that's what we like to hear. ring, ring. progresso... ...switch our phone service?, i think we're pretty happy with our phones. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. why did we build a 556 horsepower luxury car with a manual transmission? because there are those who still believe in the power of a firm handshake. the cadillac cts-v. manual or automatic, that's entirely up to you. we don't just make luxury cars, we make cadillacs.
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let's check your top stories before the top of the hour. the occupy wall street protesters spreading across the pond to europe. in portugal the language was different but the message was the same. marchers turned out in lisbon to demonstrate against the 1% that they accuse of hogging the world's wealth. police and protesters clashed in london as well. england has seen its own recent unrest with several days of rioting in august unrelated to the occupy movement. 70 people were injured and a spokesman for the mayor was condemned for the violence. eyewitnesses say a protester threw a molotov cocktail at the
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building. it turned ugly when anarchists moved in to take advantage of the event. in washington, the reverend al sharpton led a protest that wasn't part of the occupy movement but had similar goals. a union leader demanded "jobs with justice." he also criticized mean spirited republicans and weak kneed democrats. sharpton had his own warning for lawmakers saying if you can't stand up for the unemployed we're going to vote to make sure you join the unemployed. the son of this man is dead. a security official says he was killed in a series of drone attacks in yemen last night. al-awlaki himself was killed in a drone strike a little more than two weeks ago. and american troops are heading to central africa to help hunt down the leader of a notorious rebel group blamed for thousands of rapes and murders. the u.s. trps
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