tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN October 16, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EDT
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tonight, jackie collins, her fabulous fiction. >> erotic sex as opposed to rude sex. >> what's rude sex? >> you don't want me to tell you on this show. i don't want to get bleeped. >> and her equally fabulous real life. >> i have a man for every occasion. >> plus, gloria estefan. [ speaking spanish ] >> her dream for her beloved cuba. >> my dream is to sing in a free cuba. to share my music with my people. >> if she had to choose just one song to sing, it wouldn't be one of her own. >> i would sing one of my favorite songs of all time, "man in the mirror".
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>> one of mine. >> and a hip-hop everyone sar you, the author, and the go-to man with hooking up hip-hop with fortune 500 companies. how they make them to cash magnets. how president obama can get related. and offered me some advice. >> go hair spray or something. >> oh, really? >> you have so many twitter followers, you can get that off. >> this is piers morgan tonight. jackie collins sold 400 million copies of her books, quite extraordinary. you read one of them, you know this about jackie. she's no shrinking violet.
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>> your sister isn't here to grab all of the attention now like she did the l.a. time. >> come on, you know you used to watch her on dynasty. >> she's a scene stealer. >> you used to read your books when you were younger. >> she kicks ass, that's what women likes to see. >> let me see. there are lots of women kicking ass out there at the moment, michelle bachmann, sarah palin. what do you make of it? >> i don't make a lot of them. but i think they -- they're coming out with kind of ridiculous sentences and ideas and i can't get with it. i -- you know, i want the democrats to stay out of my -- what do i want them to stay out of? i want them to stay out of my wallet and i want the republicans to stay out of my bedroom. i'm right down the middle, you know? i'm an independent. >> i find the fascinating thing about american politics is no
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one is quite sure which way the republicans will go here. they have mitt romney, john huntsman. they're not threatening the electorate. you have the tea party gathering the momentum. a huge following behind them. but there is still a sense of what would we get ourselves into if they governed the country? >> what's so interesting about the politics in this country you are what you looked like. if george clooney got up tomorrow and said i want to be president of america, the women in america would vote for him. you me that's true. >> you could to a lot worse. he's a very motivated guy. >> what do you think of barack obama's performance. >> i'm not happy with it. i don't think anybody is happy with it. it's interesting living in the heart of hollywood saying he's hope, he's hope. he's not. it's just not happening. and i think he's not experienced enough.
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i really was a mccain fan. i thought he was great. he was an american hero. >> could anybody really have taken over when barack obama did and done much with the economy in the state that it was in. it was so catastrophic? is he just realized that actually it's going to take years and years to repair the damage. >> yes, but you cannot whine about the last person who was the president. you cannot do that after two years. you have to do your own thing. and i think he can get it together, maybe. i don't know. but i don't see anybody who will be better unless george clooney decides to run. >> how long have you lived in america? >> over 20 years. i used to come here all the time when i was a teenager. my second home. i came here first when i was 15. i love hollywood. i've been writing about it every since. in hollywood lives, that's the base of my life. >> what do you love about it? why are you here. you love it, right? >> i love new york as well. you love london.
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you're an l.a. girl, right? i love the beach, i love the fact that you can go to the desert. you can go to palm springs, las vegas and gamble and skiing in the mountains. so much to do here. it's an exciting place to live. >> all of the big stars tend to live here, right? >> yeah, as a writer, i go to a lot of parties and i like to be an observer. i like to think i'm an anthropologist crawling through the jungles of hollywood watching what goes on. >> who's the most single most charismatic male star you met. >> that's a good question. >> marlon brando. >> he was fantastic. he was my favorite movie star. and when i first met him, ill thought this man was interesting. he would have been a great politician too. >> did you -- >> you'll read about it in my memoir. >> taste of it? >> no. >> fling or -- >> something like when i was 16. we won't get to that now.
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>> the detail. >> it was everything you would think it was. yes. >> i want to talk to you about the behavior of some of the politicians this year in america from a sex point of view. because there seems to be a run of quite extraordinary even by politician standard stories. weinergate, for example. >> it's unbelievable. >> did you grasp why a man would behave like that? >> oh as a man, what would you say about it? >> modern technology, i guess, has led some people like him to think that cyberfriends are, i don't know, a safer form of adultery? who knowles. >> you're on twitter all the time. i am. can you imagine doing something? can you imagine standing in front of a mirror and photographing you're? >> i wouldn't have communication with people i didn't know. that's what i found so extraordinary for a politician on somewhere like twitter where you don't know who the people are. >> he's talking to women and
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photographing himself. you don't want that man to be in a position of power. how can you trust him? it's like clinton when he got up in front of the world and said, i did not have sex with that woman. what did he call it? he changed the whole horizon of what teenagers regard as sex. >> in clinton's case, he's now remembers ever more fondly as one of the great presidents and people mourned his departure from the stage. they wanted him to carry on. >> people love sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. >> do people care about politician's sex life. does it matter? >> it matters. if you're the president of america, you should have a moral kind of standard. with kids in school, for instance, i write a lot about sex, but you don't have to pick up a book and read it. if you're the president, you say it wasn't sex and it actually was sex, then the kids in school are going to say, oh, well if he can do it, we can do it. and they are.
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>> you were strong when arnold schwarzenegger came in with the nannygate. >> i'm so surprised by that. why wouldn't i be. he's a guy living in a house with his beautiful wife. maria is a fantastic woman. he's screwing the housekeeper and having a baby with her which he knew about. i wrote this piece where i said to men, in general, zip it up. someone call med a raunchy moralist. >> you believe in raunchy sex, it's legit. >> if you're single, do whatever you want. hang from the lights here. >> married, unmarried. they're committing adultery and -- >> that's fiction. there's great married sex too. lucky santangelo has great sex. >> but many people in your books have torrid affairs. >> yeah, that's what i see around me? >> are you not quietly encouraging this behavior. people read this book and they
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think, that's a good idea. i want one of those affairs jackie collins is writing about? >> they do. i get great kind of tweets from married people who go, oh, you know, my wife was reading her book and we were on our honeymoon. i said what are you reading? let me say, this is great. we end up having a fantastic time together. i inspire people. i write erotic sex as opposed to rude sex. >> what's rude sex. >> you don't want me to tell you on this show. >> it's a late-night show. >> get bleeped, yes. >> what i think is fantastic about it is i have no idea how old you are. if i were to pass you in the street, i would guess around 50. >> right. >> i know that can't be true. >> where are you going with this? >> you were born four years before me. how do you look like this? your sister is the same. how do you preserve yourself so brilliantly. >> i'm a one man band. life is an adventure. i get up every morning, life is
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an adventure. i don't know what i'm going to do but write. if you do what you love to do, it reflects in your whole personality. i'm not one of the women in to maintenance. i play ping-pong, swim in my pool and i lift a few weights occasionally but that's all i do. i eat whatever i want. >> women want to hear -- >> i know, you see all the girls who go to the award premieres and they're fantastic. they're in the beautiful gowns. you see them in the magazine next week they're on their own, you're like, what is that? what did the cat drag in? it's the stylist and the maintenance. they spend their whole life. i couldn't do that and write books. >> joan's big secret is she never goes to the sun. since 21. >> she's in the sun all the time. >> i've seen her in san tropei. a mummied figured. >> you were? >> you were in san tropei. >> when i came to america, being
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english, i threw myself by the pool every day. i thought, this is fantastic, i had the most glorious sun tan. i said this is the most boring thing i can possibly think of and i can be bothered to go in the sun now. being in ap air conditioned house writing characters. >> 400 million books you've sold. >> yeah. >> can't be many people alive you sold more books. >> i've been doing it for such a long time. >> what is the secret of continuing to write books that people buy in such huge numbers, do you think? >> i think i write characters that people are interested in. lucky santangelo is a james bond for women. she's a character that women take power from. i get tweets and letters from my female fans who go, i broke up with my boyfriend and i was going to lie on the bathroom
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floor and cry and sob. and i thought, what would lucky do. i thought, screw it, i'm going to go do what she would do. women have to look after themselves. they have to have a career, a passion in life, they cannot live their lives through a man. i think that's so important. my message is girls can do anything. because i was expelled from school at 15 and i achieved all of this by myself. and i think that's a good message to women. >> it is. let's go to a break. we'll talk more about the book. more about writing. you still handwrite these things. >> i know. >> it's -- not even victorian. [ male announcer ] for sore muscles use new bengay cold therapy,
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we're bringing humanity back to insurance and putting people before policies. aviva life insurance and annuities. we are building insurance around you. i'm jackie collins. this is my everyday life, you know what i mean? hanging by the pool with a few people. you know what they say, what happens in vegas, stays in va gas. well, what happens in my house, stays in my house. >> that's the average day in the life of hollywood superstar jackie collins. don't be mad it's your life. let's face it.
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>> there's been ups and downs, piers. people say, she has this lavish life, built a house in hollywood. she has all these books. but i also nursed two men through terminal illnesses. there's people going through the same thing. i feel i can help people. i feel i can celebrate people's lives as they go as opposed to mourning their deaths. >> what is the best way to deal with a terrible tragedy like a loved one, a husband, a partner that you lose through an appalling lengthy illness. what do you think having been through this now several times, what do you recommend to people? >> there's no best way to deal with it. you have to go on. people have to survive after they lose loved ones. you wan to survive by remembering them in a good way. pictures are fantastic to have a lot of photos in them. always have good memories, always think good thoughts not
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think about the bad times perhaps when they're ill and angry, you don't think about that. you think of the good times. there are so many people out there living with people who have terminal illnesses and i can only say to them have courage and go on because it will be over one day and you can just celebrate their life. >> are you still on the dating scene? >> i live my life like an affluent bachelor. >> i love it. what does it mean? >> it means when i was a kid growing up, i would read my father's "playboy," they had a fabulous car and fabulous apartment, a great sound system. they could do whatever they waned to do. i have been married an engaged all my life. i lost my fiance, i said i'm going to live like an affluent bachelor, i want to do what i want to do when i want to do it. >> is there a constant stream of boy toys. >> i'm not in to toy boys. i have a man for every occasion.
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make of that what you will. >> how many occasions are we talking about here? >> oh, well, that would be revealing too much. >> do you love men or do you deeply distrust men? what have been the overview of the male species? >> i think men are fantastic. some of my best friends are men. men really are little boys. they are. they love their toys. you've got to feed them and you've got to keep them warm. i was going to say something rude, but i won't. and just, you know, treat them as though they are the most fresh thing in your life if you're with somebody. i believe in being faithful if you're with somebody. >> should women ever fully trust the man they're with? >> no, no. you cannot trust a man. it's too tempting. there's too many temptations. you're on a television show. you're nice on this show, horrendous on the other show. road to everybody. right? >> honest. >> you must know now that you're
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in the public eye, women throw themselves at you. >> nightmare. >> a smile on his face, he's a nightmare. a lot of very famous men friends. i watched it so many times. and i remember one woman in london, she was very rich. she was married to a very rich man. she would go after every celebrity. she would come to the nightclub and go, oh, that's this one and that's that. they all kind of succumb to her except michael kahne. he went, why would i want her when i've got shakira. he was always like, great. >> this book has always been a best seller. >> in england. >> how many copies do you think shift to this world? >> i don't know, shift. >> my twitter fans are going crazy about it. it's great. >> what is your twitter address? >> jackie j. collins. >> what is yours? >> piers morgan. >> i follow you. >> i follow you.
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>> lifetime pursuit. >> since you read the first sex scene in the book. >> i write good sex, that's why. >> been a real pleasure as always. >> it was lovely. >> a cracking book. i love this title. "goddess of vengeance." you just want to read it. >> it's a real pleasure. thank you as always. ives me a hp and great looking hair. does it do anything else for you? no? no? yes. [ male announcer ] head & shoulders. 7 benefits. 1 bottle. just having some chicken noodle. starting my progresso soup for lunch plan, huh. nope, just having some tender chicken and some tasty noodles. let's see... south western vegetables... 60 calories, oh beef pot roast... ...ya' know those jeans look nice.
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one of the top 100 best selling musicians of all time. she's sold 100 million albums, won seven grammies. she joins me now. gloria, how are you? >> i'm well. thanks to the statistic. i had no clue. >> extraordinary statistics. >> you and i go back a long way. >> a long way. >> the last time i saw you, this is slightly terrifying to me, i'm sure it will be to you, it's 20 years ago on your home in star island in miami, the wonderfully named island and you're recovering from the back injury you had when a truck hit your tour bus. even then, you weren't sure how that would all play out in your career and family and everything. i suppose the obvious question to me is how's the back? >> titanium reinforced. feeling great. i have to work out quite a bit to feel my best. all good. the reason 20 years is
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terrifying for you because you don't have a 31-year-old son like me. the 20 years are nothing. >> i have an 18-year-old son. that's scary. >> they hit those landmarks, that's scary, isn't it. >> i feel better than ever. stronger, i feel better in my own skin. life is good. i enjoyed it. i see the kids growing and becoming adults. >> to say that you have aged better than me is the understatement of the millennium, gloria. tell me about the new album. the first english speaking album in five years? >> yeah. >> the last one is in spanish. i didn't plan on going the studio. we never did music when we need to do it. something creative going on. and via our trainer, farrell and i. he's the producer of the first nine tracks of the album.
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they go back home in the stable of producers for bonus tracks. the idea came from farrell. he called me up and said i'd like to show you something. it piqued my interest. i thought it was a great idea. if we clicked well, thing things would flow and that's what happened. >> i like him. interesting character, very smart, good sense of humor. he's what it's about. he's political. all sorts of stuff. we remember having a long discussion about the war and stuff. >> it was a very natural and beautiful process. when i write him alone, it's all going on inside my head. you're a little wary when you start working with someone. it's a timid thing when you write. it clicked. it worked well. we discussed a lot of things between the takes and the writing. it's like a family affair.
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he had his son rocket there, two weeks old. fiancee, his entourage. the master class is the best audience she could have. we're in the middle right away, ignoring everything going on around us. it was wonderful. we're recording while writing which is a raw feeling on to the record. we found our character great fun. i really enjoyed it. i had great fun and looked forward every day to it. >> tell me about the impact. the extraordinary impact you had. in particular, for your father your life and career. the more i read about him, the more fascinating he becomes. he comes to america with your mother. the first thing he does almost is he gets sent to the bay of pigs. he's one of the guys sent by kennedy to go and try to overthrow castro, one of the cuban rebels.
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what a moment for him, for your family. you didn't know what was going on. you left a note to your mother, right? tell me about it. >> they weren't sent, they volunteered. these were guys -- the invasion was on his birthday, april 17. he was turning 28 years old that day. he had been a police officer in cuba and was in the presidential palace the night that batista abandoned cuba. he came home, very good looking guy, very moral. he wouldn't take free cigarettes or apples or whatever. so they chose him to be the escort to the first lady which they confuse. he wasn't the bodyguard, the motorcycle escort. his father who was in the army and had been for many years didn't want him to be in the army, he ripped up his papers without telling him. he told my mom, we're in trouble. the president left the country. she said please don't go back. he said i have to, that's my job. they put him in jail there. they hasn't done anything illegal but they make life impossible.
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he told my mother, i have to get you out of here. this is going to get very, very nasty. we need to do something about it. he came to the u.s. and they went in search of support to go back to cuba bay of pigs and we know how that turned out. i was two years. just under two years old when you came. >> you have no memory presumably of this? >> i have no memory of my father, the night he left, the day he came back from the bay of pigs and then he went and joined the u.s. army because they told him if they learned intensive english, they came to the office. they learned viet in vietnam. he was a moral man. he had beliefs. he believed in freedom. he feels trying to fight for it. he went to vietnam, he went to bay of pigs, he went to fight for his country. that stayed with me, he sacrificed a lot for his beliefs and his ideals. >> how much of your huge success
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did he get to see? >> none, actually. he came back from vietnam, i was 13 years old and he went downhill very fast. he died at 47. my son had been born, he was 2 months old. at that time he wasn't even aware. the day of my wedding i went to the hospital because at that point i was already in the hospital. and that was the first time in four years he said my name, he saw me in the wedding gown with emilio. so at that point, he didn't recognize a lot of people. he never saw what happened. i learned to play guitar for him. i sent him tapes to vietnam on reel-to-reel tapes. we bought a tape recorder for him and for us. it was his idea to record tapes for my mom and my sister. 2 years old, she was a baby. she didn't want him to forget my voice. i would play tapes on my guitar. he would play it for his friends. >> amazing.
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given that -- he knew you were musical. what would he have made of it. >> i know what he would have made of it. a few years ago, i never listened to the tapes because it breaks my heart. we were doing this is your life thing in spanish. they put up a picture of my father, a live tv show. they put an excerpt where he says to me from vietnam, gloria, i love the way you sound. some day you're going to be a big star. it killed me. i hasn't heard him say that. i hasn't listened to the tapes since i was 12, 13. >> you can't -- >> i can't do it. kills me. >> let's take a short break and come back and talk to you. i want to get deep down dirty and political with you. i want you to -- >> ask emilio. >> blazing.
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mean? >> it means nothing. it's like wow, like, you know, like those "wippa" moments in life. you're tipsy and you're dancing, it's like wippa. it's a great thing or a bad thing. but it's not a dirty word. >> did you scream wippa when president obama became president? >> i did. i wippa'd my way all around the kitchen. >> what did you feel in that moment? >> it was transcendent. i was happy that the country had moved to a level where we could put someone that's part of a minority in power. it was a big change and i was happy to have been a part of it and to have lived it. >> is there more likely to have a latino president? >> everything is a balance. you go from one extreme to the other. politics that way.
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we have a better shot now. >> you had a fundraiser for obama. >> yes. >> you're attached to him. how do you think he's doing. if you're being critical of your friend barack obama, if you had him here now and you could say, right, here's your report. >> you want -- let me give you an interesting take on that. first of all, i have never given one cent to political campaigns, although the fundraiser was held in my home, we never contribute to a party. we're nonaffiliated, both of ums. i had a special reason to want to have the president right there. last time i saw the women marching in cuba and continuing to do so for the freedom of their loves ones unjustly imprisoned journalists and writers and people who started speaking against the government were getting beat up. and i wanted to hand him letters from the dissidents and from
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these women and have direct access. we did. we spent quite a bit of time before the fundraiser happened giving him all of the things showing these pictures. a lot of these men were released. it was a big honor to me to have the president of the united states in my home. >> amazing. >> yes, it was. it was quite something. i caught some heat from it, i would gladly do so. i was very proud that he -- he got to become president as we talked about. how would i be critical? it's hard to be critical because i spend three months in the general assembly, the 47th general assembly of the united neighs as one of the people on the american team. it's a miracle to me that anything gets done anywhere with any government. it's such a monolith. people don't realize how difficult it is to get change to happen and how little power the president's office has by design.
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the last thing we want in this country is someone with so much power they can literally make those kinds of changes. he's doing a great job. he inherited a lot of problems. i think every president from now on is going to have a tough, tough road as did president bush from 9/11. >> you told the world, you played in almost every country. you've seen what used to be called emerging countries, china, india, brazil, others, becoming super powers in their own right, are you excited for that potential or like many americans do you feel slightly intimidated and threatened by that? no. i have a very global view. i travelled the world throughout my whole life and i felt comfortable wherever i've gone. that's the future. as we see, we were talking off camera about twitter and social media, look at the changes brought about by social media. this is actually the power of the people. >> have you fired your publicist yet? no point in having a publicist?
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>> oh no, exactly. my fans are the best. they're the ones that get out there. we want to promote your record over here and there. they're the best. it's amazing. i have a publicist. he's in house. >> one thing that's never changed since i've known you is you always had the same guy. he was in the green room. emilio. doesn't look a day older than the last time i saw him. >> the one and only. >> why him? you've had one guy. >> one guy. >> why emilio? >> why didn't the rest of us get a shot at it? >> you were far away. being your average bears...
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♪ love to hear it >> one of the biggest hits, "turn the beat around." let's talk about emilio. the man you found in the '70s. you fall in love. first proper boyfriend you've ever had. you married him in 1978. >> it wasn't planned that way. he found the only virgin left in the '70s by pure chance. the '70s were a hot time. you know? i was like the most calm of all my friends. >> how come you fended off what presumably was a very long list of male admirers. >> there were no male admirers. my dad was ill. i'd go from school to take care of him at home. i joined the band for fun out of high school. i was 17 years old. i didn't plan on getting married, period. wasn't in my realm of thought i was going to go to college. i was starting in the university of miami.
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i had a french minor. i had been accepted to sarbonnes in paris and i was going to be a diplomat and study international law over there. that was my plan. it happened naturally. we got together. we fell in love. we spent two years, you know, it's funny because the first time on july 4, 1976, i'm not going to forget this, this is bicentennial, we were playing a gig, we weren't dating or anything of the sort. he said i'm going to take you in the van. that area is a little iffy. we're in the van. he said i bet you and i would get along very well if we got married. i go, what? got married. we get along well. but that was emilio's speak beginning to tell me we had an interest in me and that it was serious. and we started dating, he never mentioned marriage again until he gave me my engagement ring on february 12 because he couldn't wait until valentine's day two days later.
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we clicked, we're balanced in life, values and priorities are very much on the same page. >> there must have been moments there where a, he wasn't sure if you would survive, and would you walk again? i think you were told you may not walk again. how did priorities change after that? >> our priority was our family. we were all together in that accident. i had my son, he was 9 years old. but quite honestly, i wasn't thinking on my career when this happened. i -- all i wanted to do was to be okay and be independent. my father was in a wheelchair for many years. it was clear to me what my family was going to go through which made me throw myself to the rehab. i spent six, seven hours a day in rehab. i thought i'm going to give it my all. if i end up in a chair, fine, i'll play basketball or whatever you can co-do in a chair.
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>> what's the moment you walked again? >> i walked again in the hospital after they reconnected me. not by myself. it was two weeks after and i had to be held up by someone on both sides and taking baby steps like an inch at a time. i couldn't sit up, lay down, someone had to do that for me. emilio did not leave my side for three months. he's electric. so for him to be stuck at home with me. he wouldn't sleep. i couldn't sleep more than 45 minutes. he had to get me out of bed, walk me around, flip me over, sit me up, bathe me. >> that's true love, right? >> it is. >> do you dream wistfully of the day that castro is gone and you can go back to cuba? >> go back -- i don't think i could live in cuba. my home is miami. i've been there since i was 2. i love the place. >> wouldn't you for the sake of your father, wouldn't it be quite a moment that you could fly to cuba post castro to complete really the job that he start?
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>> well, i tell you this, my dream both on a personal level and on a professional level, professional level to sing in a free cuba. to share my music with my people. i've sung for every kind of people there are. in miami, i'm considered a cuban exile. they don't say miami in gloria estefan, it's in cuban exile, gloria estefan. if they want, i'll be there, i can support in any way i can but i don't want anything from cuba. i want them to be free and to enjoy the things i enjoy. >> thank you very much, or should i say -- >> even the english can say it. it gives me a healthy scalp and great looking hair. you making fun of me? no. you making fun of me? yes. [ male announcer ] head & shoulders. 7 benefits. 1 bottle. with advanced power, the verizon 4g lte network makes your business run faster:
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star maker behind th careers of eminem, nas and mariah carey, also the author of "the tanning of america, how hip hop created the culture that rewrote the rules of the new economy." what does this all mean, the tanning of america? >> tanning of america is a term i dubbed that represents the process of the next generation of kids that no longer see color when they see each other. they see each other through shared values but they don't look at each other in segment through color. >> how much of that is done through social networking? >> i think social networking did a lot to help intensify the
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phenomenon. but i think the phenomenon started many years ago through music. and i basically get into that hip hop culture allowed for that sharing to take place. because everyone had a place to go to that they all responded to. so the clothing, the language, the bling, the rims on your car, it all came out of the culture of hip hop music. >> your big thing is kind of taking established brands and putting them together when nobody else has seen this and you've done it in an incredibly successful way. what about barack obama? if you were marketing him right now to win the next election, given all the woes and problems he's facing, what would you do? >> i -- i honestly think that he should speak to what he did with capturing osama bin laden. i don't think that ever got as much credit that he's deserved. the world was in fear. and he did a lot to close that gap. i think that you know, he should speak about what he inherited.
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he inherited a financial mess. everyone hoped he would resolve it quicker than he did. things were so bad. people want instant gratification but it took eight years minimum to cause that mess and they want him to solve it in 2 1/2. and it's tough. and i feel for the fact that he has these head winds in front of him and you know the republicans are doing a very good job of painting that picture, like what did he do. >> let's talk brands here. because you've been involved in some of the most successful brands entertainment and sport the world has ever seen. what individual do you think is at the top of their game? >> i think beyonce. >> i totally agree with you. >> i think everyone in the world feels the exact same way about beyonce. she's a beautiful person, happy she's a mom, she manages her brand very well. >> she had, when i interviewed her, she just exuded extraordinary self-confidence.
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>> one of the sweetest people. >> gentle. gentle, humble, but also very aware of her talent and how best to make it, would. how much of being a great brand is likability? >> well, it depends on who you are, right? because some people love their brand to not be liked. they actually find popularity in not being liked. like a guy like the boxer floyd mayweather or in wrestling, characters like hulk hogan. they would go and create -- be the bad guy and everybody just liked the bad guy. and it was just there to cause more public interest. so i think that's also another -- you could actually purposely want your brand or want your brand to be negatively perceived as a way to gain attention. >> it's to me, a brand is -- has to be completely carefully nurtured. if you're someone like tiger woods, there was the number one sports brand in the world for years. >> yes. >> a guy who just came into a predominantly white sport and just took over, dominated and it seemed like at one stage no one
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would ever beat him again and he'd be the greatest sportsman probably america had ever seen. then it all went catastrophically long in about three weeks. >> it was longer than three weeks. >> in terms of behavior, yes. but in terms of exposure and collapse. >> the lying. >> why did his brand collapse? >> you cannot lie to the media. he was -- i don't, you know, i don't drink, i don't smoke, i don't curse, i play golf every day, i'm the perfect athlete. period. and that was the model that was set out for him, that was the arc type that he was his mold he was going into, and when they caught him having loose activity and then everything started falling apart, it was like, wow. you are really, really a hypocrite. and i think that was the issue. that's when the whole thing fell apart. in the book "tanning" i speak about -- i left the record business. i used to run record companies and i went to the advertising business at 29 years old.
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so i got a chance to see guys, the artist create great content and then you got a chance to see the advertising business where you commercialize that content in hopes to get market share and sell consumers. so you get a chance to truly understand people who control their brand. >> who are the smartest people you've worked with in terms of that? >> jay-z. very intelligent, controls his brand, and i've seen him go from both industries and transition very well. and honestly, lady gaga, very much control her brand. she understands the way people perceive her. she -- exactly the way we see her is exactly the way she wants us to look at her and that's the job of a great artist, a great entertainer. somebody who sees themselves as a brand, beyond the music. you've got to transition beyond the music and be bigger than the category. >> if you were put in charge, say barack obama is watching this. >> oh, we're back at barack obama again. >> i want to put steve stoutt in charge.
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>> i would tell him to read the book. >> assuming he reads the book and he puts you in charge of rebranding him, remarketing america, incorporated. what would you do to get this country back on its feet? >> i think we need to -- we don't have the -- our export, our cultural -- our biggest export was our culture. our movies, our stars. we had that. i think he needs to spend a lot more time focusing on not -- you know, who we are as a brand. the financial power, the intelligence. the auto making ability of the country. we lost that. we lost the swagger that we had. you know, in the '60s, in the '50s. the diversity of america is a strength of the country and i don't think that we use that. we don't talk about our strengths. i mean, having so many diverse people in this country from all aspects of all over the world
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