tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 16, 2011 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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mr. yamazarez might want to keep his head down, plans to sue the fbi. the correct answer to our gps challenge question was c, king david of the sandwich islands known now as hawaii, the last monarch of the i labdss. thanks to all of you being part of my program this week. i will see you next week. you're in the cnn newsroom. i'm fredricka whit field. honoring martin luther king on the national mall today. the king family along with the first family helped dedicate the memorial hours ago. we'll go live to the national mall in a moment. first, new developments at this hour in the frantic search for a missing baby girl in kansas city. missouri governor jay nixon is calling in national guard troops to help police look for lisa irwin. jim spellman is in kansas city with more on this investigation
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into the 10 months old disappearance. what prompted the national guard's involvement now? >> honestly what prompted this is a lack of any other leads. police it tell us they haven't made any breakthroughs on the case. they're trying to get fresh eyes on this investigation. take a look here, as you mentioned 25 national guardsmen deployed here to research this area a few blocks away from the home. these are especially trained mps, and they've been trained in it. joining fbi and local law enforcement here to just try to bring a fresh set of eyes, go through everything, make sure they haven't missed anything. here's what the national guard told us about their search. >> with the additional man power, they're able to research or search the area with like a fine tooth comb. they're able to get down in the grass, dig in the dirt, try to find any glues that helps. they're low crawling under bushes and vines. >> and here's exactly what they're talking about.
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take a look at this thicket. this goes on and on for probably about a half a mile around this field. this is where they've been investigating. this is an area they've cleared. you can see an old it television set, trash in here, they've gone inch by inch through the thick woods. web they find something they plant a flag like this and the forensic teams can check it out. so far doesn't look like they've found anything here but until they get other meaningful break in the case they're not left with a lot of options besides trying to get out and find anything that will lead to finding baby lisa. >> and jim, the proximity of these woods to the home where she was allegedly taken from, is what? >> it's just a few blocks away and it's right off of a main road that leads from her home to the residential areas where they -- through the commercial areas. they've searched pawn shops, enitty homes. over the weekend they got a report from neighbors who had been searching a boarded up property, found baby diapers in the basement.
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police say they don't look like they have anything to do with this case. there was a homeless man seen in the neighborhood. they're able to determine he was not a suspect. they keep chasing down everything they get but it's not leading anywhere. they're out seeing if they can come up with fresh leads. >> jim spellman, thanks so much, from kansas city. we'll speaks to the fbi about the search for lisa irwin later on in this hour. >> and now to the nation's capital, washington, d.c. a day to pause and remember. the nation's most famous civil rights leader. ♪ >> 48 years after his "i have a dream" speech martin luther king jr. has a place on the national mall. president obama and other members of the king family joined dignitarieses across the country for the king memorial. the stone sculpture is between
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the lincoln and jefferson memorials. the ceremony supposed to take place last august but postponed because of hurricane irene. cnn's athena jones is at the king memorial dedication site. so, you know, athena, president obama, king's children, aretha franklin, stevie wonder, some of the more prominent people there at the ceremony. who else was there? >> a lot of civil rights leaders. you heard from congressman jou john lewis who knew king, civil rights icon on his own. andrew young also spoke, jesse jackson spoke, king's children as you mentioned, ber niece king and martin luther king iii and some of the people behind the monument of people who made it happen, the foundation that raised this money. it's a monument costing $120 million. we heard poetry from nicky giovanni and gospel songs from singers. you see behind me there's a concert going on. of course the president left
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some time ago, but there's still performing a concert for the people who came out, many of them traveling from far away, for this event. we've heard james taylor sing, sheryl crow, and so it's been a big day of celebration here. one thing that i should mention that's been it interesting in the speeches we heard there was a political undertone. we heard a little poll it ticks in ber niece king's speech, dr. king's daughter, al sharpton's speech, andrew young's speech and from president obama himself. at one point he made a reference to the protests going on on wall street and now around the world, really, saying that if dr. king were here today, he would remind us that an unemployed worker can protest wall street without demonizing every one who works on wall street. he also seemed to be trying to align his agenda and party's agenda with the goals that dr. king fought for. as you know he fought for economic justice. let's listen to a little bit of what the president had to say.
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>> when confronting disappointment, dr. king refused to accept what he called the isness of today. he kept pushing towards the ought-ness of tomorrow. and so as we think about all the work that we must do,e building an economy that can compete on a global stage, fixing our schools, so not just some, every child gets a world-class education, and making sure that our health care system is affordable and accessible to all and that our economic system is one in which everybody gets a fair shake and everybody does their fair share. let us not be be trapped by what is. >> and so you hear him there trying to spell out some of his own goals and align those with dr. king. he often talks about -- the president talks about how change is never easy, change is hard
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and brought that up again today and also said, those with power and privilege, will always decry any call for change as divisive. which of course also seemed to be a reference to the polarization going on in washington today. so it was a day of celebration and a day of politics here, fredricka. >> athena jones, thanks so much, coming from the nation's capital. >> all right. today is a proud day for the king family. i recently sat down with two of the late civil right leader's children to hear what they think about their father's memorial. >> i remember our mother often saying to us, any time we would have dinner or any other kinds of conversations, honor and suffering is redemtive and i think about all of the sacrifice that so many people paid and to be standing here to see this is kind of like a redeeming moment for us. >> how significant is it that his memorial is the only one in the washington mall dedicated to
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a nonpresident? >> well, i think that is -- that speaks volumes. it speaks volumes and again not just that, but a man of peace who had a global vision for our nation and our world and as ber niece also stated, first and foremost he was a man of god. and so there are a lot of ways to connect with the martin luther king jr. memorial i believe. >> more of my interview with king's children a bit later on in this hour. in the race for the white house, the lead among republicans seems to change with every poll. the cnn poll of polls, which averages the latest four national surveys, shows former massachusetts governor mitt romney back on top, but close behind him, former god father's pizza ceo herman cain, texas
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governor rick perry who was a frontrunner, much of last month, falls to third now. cain meantime wins big among tea party supporters in south carolina. he picked up 55% in yesterday's nonbinding straw poll. newt gingrich finished a distant second with 14.5% and michele bachmann, a tea party candidate, finished with only 8%. >> most of the gop candidates will be facing off in las vegas come tuesday. cnn is putting on that debate along with the western republican leadership and my colleague, t.j. holmes is there. all right. t.j., take us through the format, you're standing outside the venetian. this debate will be taking place inside the venetian. what makes this one very significant? >> well it's significant for a number of reasons. we have a lot of stories playing out around our debate now. one of those being, that one of the candidates, fredricka, can you believe, skipped out on us? he is boycotting the cnn debate.
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i will get into more of that in just a second. give you a look inside the debate hall. we're still going through the motions putting this thing together. we promise we'll have it ready by tuesday. notice there are only seven podiums up there now. supposed to be eight podiums. we had to take one away because jon huntsman said he is not going to show up. the former utah governor focusing his attention on new hampshire because of a dust up of where nevada has decided to have its caucus, kind of complicated but at the end of the day new hampshire wants nevada to move its caucus back a few days or new hampshire might threaten to go as early as december to have their primary. but again, that's another side issue. the issues here for the voters of nevada, they don't care about the back and forth between nevada and new hampshire. what they care about are jobs and the economy. when you think vegas and i can say to you, fredricka, first thing out of your mind about vegas you would say -- >> the strip. >> you think of the strip. >> yeah.
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absolutely. and you think of the gambling and you think of the restaurant going, you think of the money coming and going. >> that's exactly what you think of and the rest of us think of who live outside of nevada and las vegas and consider this an adult playground. here in vegas, the first thing they think about, is the 14.2% unemployment rate in the vegas metro area. that is the number one, the highest unemployment rate in the country among major metro areas. the economy here in nevada, highest unemployment rate in the country. so, when you think about having this debate here in vegas at the beautiful venetian, wonderful resort with the backdrop of gambling and money and fun, no. this is actually the perfect place to have this debate and talk about the economy because no place has been hit quite like nevada and specifically las vegas when it comes to this economy, fredricka. that's why we are here and this debate and first western debate, this first western caucus is so important.
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>> the pressure is on for these candidates to address jobs, the economy, et cetera, being moderated by anderson cooper. who will make up the audience? who are the ticket hold ers of this debate? >> oh, my goodness. it's a tough ticket. we found out. we'll have people from the community who have been invited but you're going to have a very -- it's going to be a heavy republican audience, of course. a lot of people from the nevada gop, tea party members who will be attending and we found out that some other people are going to be coming, not necessarily invited but they don't care and what we're talking about here, the occupy las vegas folks. no, the occupy las vegas folks are going to be coming to the debate. they're not going to get in, no, but they're coming to make a point. they know our cameras will be there, the country will be watching and the candidates will be here. this is their chance to have their voices be heard. i was at an occupy las vegas rally, just yesterday, few hundred folks, loud, some of the same concerns you're seeing in many of the other occupy rallies
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around the country. they will be attending our debate as well and a part, no doubt, of the conversation that evening. >> all right. it t.j. holmes, thanks so much, joining us from las vegas. of course you do not want to miss the debate. you need to tune in for the cnn western republican presidential debate from las vegas this tuesday night, 8:00 eastern time, cnn's anderson cooper will be the moderator. and we're taking you overseas momentarily to moammar gadhafi's hometown, his die-hard loyal troops just won't give up. cnn is live from t tom the fier fighting in libya straight ahead. [ charles ] when you can make a person smile
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some news making headlines around the world. security forces in yemen opened fire on protesters today. anti-government demonstrators scattered when shots rang out in yemen's capital gathering to march against the embattled president to urge him again to step down. ep witnesses tell cnn four people were killed and more than 50 wounded. nearly 300 people are dead blamed on the worst flooding to hit thailand in 50 years. u.s. marines are now in bangkok helping the thai distribute aid
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supplies. almost the entire nation is flooded after two months of nonstop rain. the israeli government today released the names of hundreds of palestinians expected to be released from prison in the coming days. israel and hamas agreed to swap more than 1,000 palestinian prisoners for one israeli soldier kidnapped more than five years ago. and finance ministers from the world's largest economies vow to take all necessary actions to stabilize global financial markets. the ministers met in paris this weekend ahead of the g-20 summit next month in kahn. cannes. in libya the few troops who remain loyal to moammar gadhafi are stubbornly holding on to one place and soldiers for the new government cannot budge them. it's the city of sirte where gadhafi was born. it is now completely deserted except for snipers on the inside and revolutionary fighters on the outside. cnn's senior international correspondent dan rivers is in
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sirte, a dangerous place to even put your head up today, you don't even have the lights on and that's kind of underscoring one of the reasons why, dan? >> yeah. this city has become increasingly dangerous. it's underlined by the fact that the commanders of the brigade of troops that we're with here at this camp, outside the city, he was shot and killed today by snipers, shot twice as he was directing troops right on the front line. they've been unable to make any real gains for the last two or three days they've been pinned down by sniper fire and rocket-propelled grenades, unable to move. and it seems that colonel gadhafi's dwindling number of loyalists are determined to fight to the death. they've been there now for weeks held out, to the final area of sirte these rebel forces just cannot seem to penetrate because
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it's so well defended by snipers on rooftops and as machine gunmen along the roads leading. >> it. >> why is it pivotal for the transitional forces to try to contain or control sirte? >> well, this is the last place. this is the last link in the chain along the coast. the last city that hasn't been conquered by the ntc. they're saying that once sirte falls, they will proclaim that libya has been liberated finally. bani walid was the only other place and we got news today that ntc forces have managed to take the city center in bani walid. you can hear them testing their guns again just now. but sirte, that last area of sirte, they have about 90% of it already, but district two is the only bit they don't have and
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they are desperate to finish this war off and finish off colonel gadhafi. >> that was live gunfire we just heard behind you so we're going to let you go and allow you to take cover. thanks so much. several thousand u.s. troops had planned to stay in iraq past the end of this year. well that's now changed. we'll tell you why in a minute. plus the king children talk about the symbolism behind the new memorial on washington. annot employers or employees. not white collar or blue collar or no collars. we are business in america. and every day we awake to the same challenges. but at prudential we're helping companies everywhere find new solutions to manage risk, capital and employee benefits, so american business can get on with business. ♪ so american business can get on with business. [ woman announcing ]bsite there's an easier way. create your own small-business site... with intuit websites.
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what to do about syria? that's what arab foreign ministers are asking today at an emergency meeting of the arab league. the military crackdown against anti-government protesters has not let up in months and the u.n. estimates 3,000 people have died in the clashes. yesterday witnesses say syrian troops fired into a massive crowd gathered for the funeral of a child killed friday by security forces. the u.s. military withdrawal from iraq will be complete by december 31st. that's a slight change from the original plan to keep one army brigade in iraq into next year. the pentagon said this weekend, it could not get assurance from the iraqis that remaining troops would be immune from prosecution. the only u.s. troops left in iraq after the first of the year will be the security detail at the u.s. embassy. the son of u.s. born militant cleric anwar al awlaki was among those killed in a trio
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drone attacks friday night in yemen. a senior security official also says the attacks killed seven suspected militants. how much of drone strikes have been a factor? joining me is peter bergen. you know, be a drone attack kills the father and now the son. it seems as though u.s. intelligence has either been incredibly heightened where they're able to pick off many more suspected terrorists, or these drone attacks are being used more frequently with greater precision? which do you think it is? >> well, i think that i mean the drone -- u.s. drone strikes in yem reason not a new phenomenon but owned up to by the yemeni government than in the past. previously i think, you know, fredricka, i think wikileaks changed the environment a little bit as it relates to u.s. drone strikes in yemen because once those documents came out, showing that there had been discussions between people like
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david petraeus and the yemeni president, plausible deniblts for the strikes went away. we have seen in yemen, you know, quite a number of strikes, which, you know, two or three years ago would have been portrayed as yemeni government operations and now people are just fessing up and saying these are american drones. >> so the yemen has been described as lawless by many people. so what does this say about the relationship between the u.s. and what yemeni authorities, the u.s. i guess is interacting with to allow these kinds of attacks to take place? >> well, certainly, you know, we haven't seen any dim min new wigs of american drone strikes or actions against al qaeda in yemen as a result of the recent protests and revolutionary activity there. so what it says, fredricka, to me or anybody else, is that you know the relations between the cia and central command which is responsible for this part of the
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middle east, and joint special operations command which is also involved in all this, and yemeni counterparts continues. that's -- whether that's true when ssa lay was in saudi arabia after he narrowly escaped a bomb inside his presidential complex, whether he's [ inaudible ] or not, the relationship between the united states and the yemeni government on this issue has continued. if saleh is forced out of power my guess is whoever replaces him will continue to have this relationship. after all the united states can exert a lot of pressure on yemen which is a poor country with very few resources and needs american support. >> moments ago i reported that the u.s. is reportedly pulling a u.s. combat brigade out of iraq ahead of schedule. does this sort of notice, public notice, leave vulnerabilities for iraq or perhaps existing
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u.s. troops? >> well, i mean i think there are still 41,000 american troops there and they will draw down by the end of the year. you know, i think this might be a nesh gaiting ploy to put more pressure on the iraqis to come to a deal where some american soldiers would remain and, obviously, the united states' position is that if they don't have immunity from prosecution, they're not going to stay. so pulling a brigade out early might be a way of signaling to the iraqis, you know, try to come to an agreement on this issue. if they don't come to an agreement on the issue so be it. we have had american soldiers there, you know, for seven years. and we can make the argument that it's time for the iraqis to step up and really take responsibility, completely, for their own security. they have a pretty effective army which is capable of independent operations and so, you know, i think that's a reasonable argument. >> national security analyst peter bergen, thanks so much. good to see you from washington. >> thank you.
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getting you the discounts you deserve. now, that's progressive. call or click today. it's a proud day for the family of the late reverend martin luther king jr. the civil right's leader memorial was dedicated in washington this morning. i talked with martin luther king iii and his sister the reverend berniece king about his father's legacy and what the memorial
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means to them after 14 years in the making. >> this particular monument took less time than most of them. if not all of them. so i think that speaks volumes, that we were able to move it along in that time period. but, you know, it's the irony is, that his life span in terms of impact in this world was just about 14 years. so there's some kind of parallel to the work that he did as well. >> and more of my interview with the king children coming up. a look at our top stories right now. missouri governor jay nixon is calling for help in the search for a missing 10-month-old baby. nixon is ordering national guard troops to kansas city to help police. 25 soldiers will be deployed for at least one day. we'll speaks to the fbi about the search for lisa irwin in about 15 minutes.
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the fbi is investigating after a dead newborn was found in a guest cabin on board a carnival cruise ship. the ship was docked on the caribbean island of st. martin when a crew member discovered the body. authorities took custody of the infant's body and interviewed the 20-year-old american mother. she is expected to return to the u.s. by tomorrow. apple holding a memorial for its former chief executive steve jobs today. many prominent silicon valley executives have been invited to the event. the memorial will take place on the campus of stanford university and not open to the public. in philly, police and the fbi are investigating a shocking discovery. four mentally challenged adults chained up in a done begun-like basement. here's what we know. the four victims include one young woman and three men. the building's janitor found and released the victims and called police. >> i am the one who cut the
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chain and let them free. >> what were they saying to you? did they say thank you? did they say help? >> no. they weren't talking anything. they were dead almost. >> how were they dressed? >> really, really poorly. really poorly. couple blankets, couple mattresses they throw inside. i don't know. [ inaudible ] on the other end, that was a terrible condition. >> ben simino of kyw has more. >> reporter: the steel door in this al led to a subbasement for the six apartment building. police say the room barely high enough to stand in was a prison. >> we get in the basement, subbasement, this is what we find. four mentally challenged adults. >> reporter: inside the room measuring 15 feet by 15 feet, police say they found four
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malnourished mentally handicapped adults imprisoned. police say they were in their 40s but had the mental capacity of children. >> that's the thing that's heartbreaking. somebody would have to suffer or individuals would have to suffer that indignity. >> reporter: police blocked off the building for the investigation but tenants were allowed to come and go. rob has lived here seven months. he can't believe what he's hearing. >> just crazy that somebody in real life can do something like this. this is only stuff you see in movies. >> reporter: the apartment building registered to turget, a turkish immigrant who owns property in other parts of the city. diane has been his tenant 20 years. >> there's no way that anything like this, that he should be associated with it. >> reporter: police are trying to figure out who did this and why. the four adults in this basement were taken to the hospital where police say they're now recovering. >> very unsettling. it's not even the basement. it's a subbasement. it's a closet. 15 by 15. with a heater. very disturbing.
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in washington, a day to honor the nation's most famous civil rights leader. ♪ happy birthday to you happy birthday ♪ >> 48 years after his "i have a dream" speech the rev land martin luther king jr. has a place of honor. president and mrs. obama joined members of the king family and dignitaries at the ceremony for the king memorial. seeing the memorial for the first time was a moving experience for king's children as martin luther king iii and reverend berniece king described to me before attending today's event. >> well, it is a connecter, perhaps for some people it will be the first connecter. obviously with the internet, people know a lot about our father, but those that come to
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visit, i think the inspiration of the words that they encounter may awaken something. they'll want to understand better who this man was and the kind of change he affected in terms of advancing our society globally. >> and this man we're talking about was your father. >> our father. >> martin luther king iii, when you go to this memorial site, when you saw it for the first time, what was the emotion you felt? >> the emotion i will characterize by words of our daughter, my -- our daughter's 3 years old and we took her back in may before the monument actually opened, and this is what is amazing about it is how i felt, she said, i'm not going to cry. i said, andrea, what did she just say? just as i said that, she said, i'm not going to cry and then she looked up at the monument and she said, this is awesome. >> it seems like a poignant
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location, near the tidal basin and when people go there whether for the cherry blossoms for the spring or running, it is a very peaceful place. generally it's a place where people keep moving but now it seems there is a place where you stop, where you take pause. is that fitting? is that kind of symbolic of who your dad is? >> it certainly is. dad was always reflective, but he would also warn us not to get caught up in the paralysis of analysis. and we always need to analyze what the situation is, but not get paralyzed. >> maya angelo weighs in and says she's not crazy about the paraphrasing that took place. i was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness. in her words, that this mini mizes the man, that there was much more to that quote. did you have any thoughts about her assessment? >> it's going to be corrected.
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first of all. is what we understand. but i don't know exactly how it got to that place. that was not -- number one, that was not what dad said. she is accurate. he said, if you want to say i was a drum major, then say i was a drum major. he never said i was. as i say the issue is addressed because it's going to be corrected. i think that's wonderful because -- >> it will be the whole quote? >> my understanding it's going to be the whole quote. will that make a difference in what a person feels when they see that memorial with the paraphrasing versus that true quote? >> well, i think it goes back to what she said.
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today, maybe not, because we know. 50, 100 years, yes, it could. and you know, who knows what young people, what is going through young people's minds. so, i just think if we're going to present a quote, then we need to present it correctly. and that gets people to thinking about what is most important in life. >> the king memorial was supposed to be dedicated last august but it was postponed by hurricane irene. now completely open to the public. from one family's celebration, we turn to another's heart ache and the desperate search for a missing baby. we'll hear what the fbi is doing to find 10-month-old lisa irwin. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement
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together with the missouri national guard as well as law enforcement from both the state of missouri and kansas. we've put a request out for assistance to conduct the search today of an area that we have previously searched and the governor was more than happy to give us the assistance of the missouri national guard to assist in this search. >> why are you searching an area that was previously searched? >> what we're doing is we have additional manpower here. we have new man power here, fresh eyes, going over an area that we have previously searched. it is a very thick, wooded area, and to have a new look, set of fresh eyes out on the ground, we are looking for any type of lead or tip that could lead this direction, lead this investigation forward. >> are dogs being used? >> we do have some canines out here in the area for the search. >> is anything being picked up? >> you know, at this point we are truly just looking for any type of lead or any type of clue that can help us move forward
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with this investigation. we're doing our due diligence and doing a very thorough search of the area. >> so this search is according to our reporter there, is only a few blocks away from the home where this baby was last seen, correct? >> that is correct. >> and are there any indications, whether it be from eyewitness accounts, any evidence, anything smells, any cues, clues whatsoever that leaves you to believe that baby lisa would be in this general vicinity you were searching for a second time? >> we do not have any hot tips or leads that have brought us back to this area. what we are doing is trying to be extremely thorough because it is so densely inhabited and so dense in its growth, be we are going out there and trying to just go back over it, be very thorough and make sure that there's not a tip or a clue that possibly we didn't see the first search. >> what about interviews involving the family members, the parents, local police had,
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you know, substantial conversations with the family members, will the fbi be involved or have you been or will you be in the same dialog with the parents? >> we have been working in support and jointly with the kansas city, missouri, police department during this entire investigation. >> all right. bridget patton, thanks so much for your time. appreciate it. all the best as everyone is hoping that baby lisa irwin is found. >> thank you. big changes in the weather. some areas seeing a 20 degree temperature drop as we start the new work week. alexandria steele will be along to let you know where. the cold front is headed.
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it's october, countdown on, halloween around the corner. i love this time. >> i love it. >> >> so it's a huge industry, a billion dollar industry, buying costume, the pressure is on, what am i going to be this year. pressure mostly for the kids. some of us adults like to play too. we're going to reveal what the top costumes are. what's helping to garner that billion dollars? >> yes. >> that industry. >> i think -- what the most popular is my daughter jagger is
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wearing. that's a tease for you. it's kind of like what the people are doing, what they're watching, the movies they're watching. >> inspired by that. >> i think also because the economy, i read, people are also kind of using what they have like being in the '80s, how easy to go into your wardrobe to be the '80s. >> we'll give people a hint to let them figure it out. a list of some of the, you know, top children's costumes. pumpkin, action superhero, you mentioned that, inspired by movies, princess. what's it going to be? what's the top vote getter? >> the one where people are putting down the most bucks for? >> i think it's changed. when i was a little girl my mom was like you're a bum alexandria. >> we never had store bought stuff of course my stuff was made up, rag tagged and made up and fun. >> what are you? i have no idea but who cares. >> we're going to reveal the answer. >> after your weather. >> halloween isn't tonight because the winds and rain have plagued so much of the midwest and also the northeast. want to show you a quick radar
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hit and where all this rain is. this is why it's a good thing, right. it's not halloween, that would be a bummer. detroit with the strong winds we talked about yesterday, 20,000 there still without power. expect it to be restored by this evening, though. also what we've seen in places like new york, and if you're flying, impacted by the wind. places like newark running 40-minute ground stops right now because of that. let's get rid of the radar and show you the big picture because, dot, dot, dot, the weather is changing dramatically. the heat on, no question about that here in the south. 81 in atlanta, 83 in memphis, pick up one more or two more degrees today. this is the current temperatures. look at this, between the cold 40s and 50s and warm 70s and 80s. the pinnacle of the heat in the southeast will be tomorrow. we will pick up a few more degrees, flirt with temperatures, we broke temperatures in georgia and alabama already today. tomorrow potentially. look at atlanta getting to 86. should be at about 73, 74.
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temperatures still warm. 90 dallas. the pinnacle of the heat. but the bottom falls out. here's what's dg to happen for this week. very warm in the southeast. windy conditions in the northern tier of the country. look toward the next few days. incredibly wet in steve fosseso. one to six inches. we have these two things coming together. area of low pressure from the south, this system not even in the pacific northwest that will, and they'll converge and watch temperatures drop about 20 degrees. so 30s and 40s in the midwest by friday. only in the low 60s in the south. as we get toward midweek. wednesday, thursday, friday, very cool temperatures drashgs matically lower than the peak of the heat we'll see tomorrow. >> oh, my gosh. bring out the sweaters. don't tell me this means kids have to layer underneath their costumes. >> that's days from now. >> i realize it's going to be cool in october. >> we'll probably warm up a couple more degrees by then. >> we were talking about the most popular halloween costumes.
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>> yes. >> guess what? >> going to reveal? >> yes. reveal right now. we had pumpkin, action superhero, princess, what do you think? >> c, who doesn't want to be a princess. >> all girls want to be a princess. >> big girls. i want to be a princess. >> for jagger your daughter. >> she's 3. she's into the princess mode. she's going to be aurora, that's her favorite "sleeping beauty" with the shoes and hat. not a hat. a crown, pad were me. >> that's going to be fun. >> i know. happy halloween. >> didn't realize she was so in the know. >> she is. she's on top of it as girls seem to be these days. thanks a lot. also coming up next, who is leading this week among the republicans eyeing the white house. cnn takes a look at the polls and tries to crunch the numbers for you after this. we are building a website by ourselves.
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a look at our top stories now. after more than a dozen years in the making the reverend martin luther king jr.'s memorial has been dedicated on the nash mall. president barack obama was the keynote speaker. missouri governor jay nixon is calling for help in the search for a missing 10-month-old baby. nixon is ordering national guard troops to kansas city to help
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police. 25 soldiers will be deployed for at least one day. irwin was last seen in her crib on october 4th. perry, romney, cain, every poll that comes out seems to have one or the other at the very top. the latest cnn poll of polls, finds former massachusetts governor mitt romney back on top. close behind him former godfather's pizza ceo herman cain. texas governor rick perry who was a front runner much of last month falls to third. a big night in hollywood. >> i hope you are having a good time tonight. >> a star studded concert for bill clinton and his foundation. kenny chesney, usher, lady gaga, ashton kutcher, ellen degeneres and barbra streisand were there. this year marks the tenth anniversary of the william j. clinton foundation. it supports a number o
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