tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 17, 2011 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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that bank missed its earnings expectations and is selling off sharply this morning, down by more than 7%. over at citi group, it is the second major bank in a week that the economy is challenging. that's disconcerting. also a report on regional manufacturing that's weighing on markets and a lack of optimism about europe coming up with a long-term solution to its sovereign debt problems. those are a couple of things weighing on the market today. >> karina huber, thank you so much. "cnn newsroom" continues right now with joe johns who's in for randi kaye. high stakes, long odds. huge money. every word, every decision, a crap shoot. vegas is the place but the game, at least for the next 13 months, is politics. we're counting down to the latest showdown among the leading republican candidates for president. that's at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow on the las vegas strip. a debate co-sponsored by cnn and the western republican leadership conference. and one thing we already know -- one candidate is on a roll. his name is herman cain.
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brand-new cnn/orc poll shows cain in a dead heat with mitt romney at the top of the gop field and cain's gain is rick perry's loss. the texas governor now a distant third. if you don't believe fortunes change in a heartbeat, take a look at this. just a month ago perry was riding high and cain polled a mere 9%. want to bring in my comrade in politics, paul stein houser, the venetian hotel at casino. hey, paul, can herman cain take these numbers to the bank or should we expect, you know, a bounce-back? >> yeah, i wouldn't take them to the bank yet, because, joe, this race has changed so much. listen, back in the summer we saw michele bachmann jump up in the polls, then go down. we saw the same thing with rick perry. will it happen to herman cain in maybe. other polling from our brand-new cnn polls, two-thirds of republicans say they're not 100% married yet to their candidate. they may change their mind. only about 1 in 3 republicans say i'm definitely sticking with
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the candidate who i'm backing right now, joe. >> you know, one of the things about cain -- and everybody's talking about him right now. he's made some comments on immigration, he's spoken about an electrified fence that potentially could kill people on the border. now he's meeting with sheriff arpaio who is a controversial figure. a number of republicans have met with the sheriff. the sheriff reportedly is under federal investigation. is there a potential perhaps for some of this to backfire or do we know? >> you know what? joe, had he a tough weekend, herman cain, for those controversial comments. you talk about the ones on the fence. he made them in tennessee on saturday. let's take a quick listen to what he said. >> when i'm in charge of the fence we're going to have a fence 20 feet high. going to have barbed wire on the top. it's going to be electrified. and there is going to be a sign on the other side that said, it will kill you.
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>> that was saturday on the campaign trail. sunday on sunday talk shows herman cain said, i was joking. i was joking. listen, the controversy's here. we'll hear more about it today most likely when he meets with arpaio in neighboring arizona. tomorrow night right behind me our cnn/western republican debate right here at the venetian. you can expect illegal immigration and bonder security will be a big issue. herman cain's big jump in the polls has brought more scrutiny to what he says. >> he says he was joking about this but this is not the first time he said something and then had to walk it back. at the end of the day do we really know what his position is at all? >> exactly. he's used that line, hey, i'm just joking before. you know what? herman cain has to get used to being in the spotlight now. because of his standing in the polls, he's going to get more scrutiny from the media and from the voters so he needs to be used to this now. that's why a lot of other candidates are start to criticize his 999 tax plan.
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>> joe steinhauser, we are looking forward to that cnn debate. more protesters hitting the streets mean more clashes with police and mass arrests. the occupy wall street movement just keeps growing. in chicago 175 protesters wound up under arrest when they refused to leave grant park. about 2,000 gathered to show solidarity with those in new york who started the "down with corporate abuse" campaign. and it's gone global since it began a month ago. hong kong to tel aviv, madrid to buenos aires, peaceful for the most part, but in rome, the demonstration turned violent. protesters torched cars, threw rocks and smashed windows. police fought backfiring tear gas. several officers were hurt. president obama is in north carolina right now on a mission to pressure congress to pass his jobs bill. in his words, piece by piece. after the full package failed in the senate. the first goal is saving jobs
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for teachers, firefighters and police officers. he's in the asheville area to kick off a three-day bus tour of north carolina and virginia. both are key battleground states but the white house says this is an official trip, not related to his re-election campaign. the obama administration has dropped the idea of long-term health insurance. it was part of that massive health care law passed in 2010. the program was similar to long-term care plans available in the private sector, and supporters tried for 19 months to find a way to make it work financially. premiums were supposed to pay for it, but experts realized not enough young people would sign up to make it sustainable. indy car's racing at record speeds, spinning out of control, ends up in a massive pile-up and the death of driver dan wheldon. >> all of those elements coming together i think is just like the perfect storm and it was
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unfortunate, it was tragic. >> but was this race a recipe for disaster before it began? but first, on a much lighter note, if you're thinking it is time to start an exercise regimen, listen up. whatever excuse you come up with not to, save it. check this guy out. 100 years old and he just completed the toronto marathon. fauja singh, for your 8 hours and 25 minutes going the 26.2 mile distance, you are today's "rock star." [ man ] i got this citi thank you card and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes, i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪
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indy car star dan wheldon is being remembered today as the consummate professional, a great champion, and a wonderful ambassador for the sport. he died yesterday in a horrific crash at the las vegas indy 300. this is dashcam video from another car, 1 of 15 involved in a fiery pile-up in which three other drivers were hurt. wheldon had won the sport's signature event, the indy 500, two times. most recently this past may he was just 33 years old. with a wife and two young sons. i want to talk more about the man, crash and indy car racing versus nascar with ed henson, a senior writer for he joins us today via skype from jasper, georgia. ed, in vegas yesterday, there was something like 34 cars on the track. a full mile shorter than the indianapolis speedway. is 34 cars in this situation too many? >> certainly in retrospect it
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appears so. i would say just on paper, yeah, that's too many for a mile and half high-bank track. that was bad circumstances. it was a function, frankly, of indy car's struggle to make the splash and to try to get some sort of notice and attention. vis-a-vis nascar which has absolutely dominated indy car racing in north america. >> why do you think that is? also, it's been said that indy car is more dangerous than nascar. why is that? >> well, they're equally dangerous for different reasons. nascar, of course the open cockpit is the key to indy car. there is a tradition there of open wheels, that is no fenders, and open cockpit rather than looking at a roof and a windshield, the driver is looking at the sky. and any time you have that open cockpit you invite what our best biomechanical engineers call
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injuries with intrusion or invasion. that is you can have a tire and wheel breaking off, coming back into that open cockpit. the driver has no big windshield to protect him. he has no roof to protect him. then when the cars fly cockpit-first into that catch fence, then what you're doing is you're inviting foreign objects, part of the cash fence, into that open cockpit. as long as the tradition of open cockpit and open -- open-wheel car cars. >> i'm sorry, why is it though -- i asked that question before -- that indy car seems to be struggling up against nascar? >> well, they split. it is just at the wrong time. there was a civil war in indy car racing in the late '90s. the two divisions split. the indy 500 lost its mystique. then all of its satellite races. you have two different groups of
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indy car racing and the public just wants faith in them, because when you -- they divided and conquered themselves. there wasn't enough attention being paid to either one. it was self-destruction of indy car racing. they put the public's attention over here on what was called the indy racing league which is with a we essentially have now, and over here on car which was the better league and it was a function of a split-up over money and power in indy car racing. now, they were doing this just as nascar was on the rise. nascar would have overtaken them anyway. reason being, the nascar cars are bigger. if they're easier to identify, numbers are bigger, it's clear which car is which. the indy cars -- look at the crash that killed wheldon. it is hard to tell which car is which. that's not only true in a wreck,
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it's true all the time in indy car racing. as a spectator, nascar's just a better show so they divided themselves politically and financially. they're not as good a show. they just drew themselves over a cliff -- >> just one more very quick question for you. do you think this is going to change racing at all and do you think people just go because it's sort of blood sport sm just give me sort of a quick answer, if you can. >> no, i think people go to see the avoidance of death. they're thrilled by the avoidance of death, not by death itself. it will change racing a little bit in that they always investigate and try to make safety improvements. >> ed hinton, thank you so much for that via skype. appreciate your knowledge on the sport. >> thank you. decades since millions of innocent jews were murdered. the last living nazis are set to be prosecuted. many are in their 90s. that's right, their 90s. our "undercovered" story next.
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re-opening hundreds of investigations into former nazis. it is a story we think has been "undercovered" and deserves attention. most of these cases go after former nazi death camp guards who are now well into their 80s and 90s whose cases were previously dropped. that is, until this man, john demjanjuk was convicted in may by a german court after being extradited from the u.s. demjanjuk who is 90 years old was found guilty on almost 28,000 counts for being an accessory to murder. his conviction has opened the door for prosecutors to charge thousands of other former nazi guards. author of "operation last chance, one man's quest to bring nazi criminals to justice and self-proclaimed nazi hunt er joins me now from jerusalem. how many re-opened cases are we talking about and how do you go about the process of getting these cases reopened?
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>> well, i think that the scope of the project is basically at least about 4,000 potential cases. but of course, many of these people who served either in the murder squad, or in what we call pure death camps, that's death camps which did not have an adjacent labor camp but whose sole purpose was mass murder, is about 4,000 people. unfortunately, many of those people already passed away. but even if only 2% of them are alive, that's already 80 cases and if, let's assume, that half can't be put on trial for medical reasons, that still leaves us with at least 40 people who spent a significant amount of time during world war ii carrying out mass murder on practically a daily basis. >> so what roles do these people -- did these people actually play in the death camps, if we know?
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>> okay. these are the people who basically carried out the process of mass annihilation. from the minute that trains of jews arrived from all over europe, these people were forced out of the train cars and forced into a certain place where they were deloused, told they would be resettled, stripped naked and pushed into gas chambers where they were of course murdered. that's in the death camps. but in the death squads, these are the people who rounded up the jews, took them out to a site, purposely chosen for the mass murder because it was totally isolated and there would be no bystanders, no one could see what was going on. then they organized the murder and carried it out. >> and why has it taken so long to bring these people to trial? >> well, you have to understand
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that until about three years ago, the german prosecutors did not attempt to bring any person to justice who was not an officer and who was not german. and the reason for this was that when west germany assumed responsibility for its judicial system in 1949, germany -- the country faced a practically impossible task, which was to bring all those people who were personally responsible or played a role in the mass murder of the jews and other people classified as enemies of the reich to justice. so the country would have had to put maybe -- i don't know -- maybe 4%, 5%, 6% of its population on trial. obviously that's an impossible task. so they actually decide to focus on those with command responsibility. now the practical implication of that decision was, if you weren't an officer, you basically had nothing to worry about. but now, thank god, that policy
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has finally been changed and now anyone who served in these units can be brought to justice and stand a very high likelihood of being convicted for at least accessory to murder. >> but then there is the problem of trying to come up with direct evidence after all these years. it sounds like a very difficult proposition. >> no. but the point is this -- that for the first time, german prosecutors do not have to present proof of a specific crime, with a specific victim. and this is the uniqueness and significance of the damjanjuk vision. basically they said in may if you served as an armed guard at a death camp, you are automatically guilty of accessory to murder. now this conviction basically reflects the true reality of the death camps and the death
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squads. in other words, they basically said, anyone involved in this, these are processes, these are installations, that were created for one purpose, and one purpose only -- the mass murder of jewish civilians and other people classified as enemies of the reich. so if you served it, you ipso facto were involved in this horrific, absolutely terrible process and deserve to be punished. >> thank you so much, doctor, for that from jerusalem. locked in a basement and taken advantage of. four mentally disabled people taken from state to state. it is a surprising story and today we're learning there may be more victims out there. "crime and consequence" coming up. but first, on this day in 1931, proof that you can run but you can't hide forever. chicago mobster al capone was convicted not for smuggling or bootlegging liquor or his other dirty deeds. no. instead, he was taken down by the feds for not paying his taxes.
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in "crime and consequence" today we are focusing on the horrific crime uncovered in a philadelphia basement. four mentally disabled people locked in a small dark room for weeks. but they may not be the only victims. early we heard from philadelphia's police commissioner. >> one of the things we were able to recover in a search of one of the offenders' linda westin, we've got about 50 different i.d.s of people, social security information, power of attorney information, those kinds of things which we now have to track down each and everyone of these people to get their status. we believe that she's been involved in this for a period of time. we don't know how many victims, however, are part of this investigation. >> the fbi is joining the
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investigation today trying to answer some of those questions. our susan candiotti has more. >> reporter: police call it an act of evil. in a basement below the basement of this philadelphia house, a chained, shackled, 1 of 4 mentally challenged adults to a boiler all locked behind a steel door. one woman and three men, aged 29 to 41. >> it looks like a dungeon. these people were stored like surplus meat in the basement. >> reporter: held captive in a 15 by 15-foot room emaciated, covered in bed sores and filthy conditions. building's owner discovered them saturday when he heard dogs barking inside. he pried the door open and couldn't believe his eyes. >> one was chained by the left ankle with a padlock and chain. i had to get the tools to cut
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the chain. got out my hacksaw to cut the padlock. >> quite simply this case just makes you shake your head. it is despicable and unspeakable. the mere fact that individuals would treat disadvantaged people like this is just ridiculous. i mean and it just simply makes us sick. >> reporter: neighbors couldn't believe what was going on. >> it's craziness. that somebody in real life can do something like this. this is only stuff that you see in movies. >> reporter: three people are charged, including linda weston who police say orchestrated the alleged kidnapping. police say the suspects traveled with their victims from texas to florida and arrived in philadelphia october 4th. they're jailed on six charges, including kidnapping and aggravated assault. investigators say they might have been stealing social security checks of the alleged victims. the fbi is looking into that. the four victims are now hospitalized. >> i don't know whether the motivation for this is financial or whether it is just out and out evil. i'm not sure. but either way, it is just a
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despicable act. >> reporter: the victims were in such bad shape the landlord who found them told us if he had discovered them one day later he believes they would have been dead. susan candiotti, cnn, philadelphia. >> the victims, one woman and three men, range in age from 29 to 31 years old. they've been identified all except for one. his name is herbert and that is all the police say they know. they believe he's from virginia but they are asking for your help identifying him. their tip line number is 215-686-3154. now to politics and the money game. should low numbers mean the end for some of the republican presidential hopefuls? it's "fair game" and it is next. but first, our political junkie question of the day. we know that barack obama set all kinds of fund-raising records in his 2008 campaign. but what has been the best
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one-month haul for any presidential candidate, ever? the answer when we come back. ♪ money ♪ get away ♪ get a good job with more pay and you're okay ♪ ♪ money he oor ♪ ♪ girl started blowing up their credit score ♪ ♪ she bought a pizza party for her whole dorm floor ♪ ♪ hundred pounds of makeup at the makeup store ♪ ♪ and a ticket down to spring break in mexico ♪ ♪ but her folks didn't know 'cause her folks didn't go ♪ ♪ to free-credit-score-dot-com hard times for daddy and mom. ♪ offer applies with enrollment in™. new fiber one 80 calories... ...with its sweet honey taste, 40% daily value of fiber... ...and 80 calories per serving... may want to tell a few friends. ♪
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before the break we asked you what is the one-month fund-raising record for a presidential candidate. and here is the answer -- barack obama brought in $153 million in september of 2008. it was part of his record-breaking fund-raising for the whole campaign, but i'd be willing to guess all you political junkies know that already. time now to go beyond partisan talking points to the heart of the political debate where all sides are "fair game." today we're talking about money -- the lifeblood of politics. here are the third quarter numbers for republican
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presidential candidates. there are not really that many surprises here with perry and romney up top. but what, if anything, should we be taking from those numbers? my guest today, our cnn contributor will cain in new york, and democratic political consultant anant ed espinoza j me from laungos angeles. ed, is there anything we should take away from these? >> i think we give too much attention to how much money someone makes as opposed to how much money someone has. we do this with our neighbors and big high-finance jobs and their fancy cars but not what they have in the bank. groupon makes a ton of revenue but no net revenue. in politics, mitt romney's raised $32 million while rick perry's raised $17 million. but rick perry has more money. he's spent less than romney. what i'm trying to tell you is romney has spent money, yes, it set up an infrastructure but also to achieve the position he's in, while perry's money
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represents a little bit more potential. he still can spend that money to krcreate an initial impression, negative ads about romney. i think that's important to pay attention to. >> ed, one thing to talk about here is the cain factor here. here's a guy who's polling in the top tier of the republican candidates but he what's that tell us? it sounds to me db for example, i mean at least i have to raise the question, are the voters taking him seriously if they won't give him as much money as the other guys? >> well, in politics, perception leads reality. what cain has done right now is created that perception. problem he's got is he's raised $3 million but he only has $1 million in the bank. the reason we look at financial numbers in presidential campaigns is because it dictates how much people are able to communicate with a broad electora electorate. to give you an example of what $1 million is worth? most competitive congressional
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campaigns in this country are multi-million dollar campaigns. he's a million dollars in the bank and he's running for president. not a good sign. he needs to be able that capitalize on his popularity right now and turn that into some sort of a better financial figure if he's going to get anywhere in iowa or any of the other early states, especially again $15 million war chest of rick perry and mitt romney. >> we should just say that herman cain's popularity boom or boomlet has come late in this fund-raising quarter. the interesting thing will be can he turn this popularity into fund-raising for the next quarter. >> yeah. now i asked before the break, is it possible that some of these candidates who are in the single digits in fund-raising ought to get out of the race. what's your answer to that? >> i don't think so. look, i think there is an interesting and important debate going on inside of conservatism. it is about how important is the role of social conservatism? how interventionist should our foreign policy be? we have many internal debates going on, and all of these
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candidates represent different aspects of that debate. i think they're serving a very important role. i think eventually rick santorum, a guy that hasn't raised much money and doesn't get much traction in the polls probably can't stick around. but right now this is a valuable debate. >> ed, what about you? four years ago a lot of people wrote john mccain off right about this time and should somebody get out so early, even if they're just not making a lot of money but just have some potential? >> four years ago i was working for bill richardson. he had $21 million in the bank. it was good for 2% in iowa and 4% in new hampshire. three of these candidates right now have less than $400,000 in the bank. it's not enough to pay staff or keep the lights on in these early states for the next three months. it is not enough to go on tv. it is not enough to get mail out to their candidates. >> that's one way to look at it, ed. the other way to look at it is that none of these numbers matter right now. >> that's right. we still have a long way to go. >> they matter. they're not going anywhere.
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yes, they should get out of the race right now and let the questions at the debates go to the real contenders. >> thanks, guys. got to let you go. appreciate that so much. that is "fair game." remember to watch the western republican debate tuesday night, 8:00 p.m. eastern, right here on cnn. if you live in this place, you live under constant fear of violent attack. and now the government is considering doing something many say will make living there more dangerous. we'll take you there next in "globe trekking." p n. then i tried this. it's salonpas. this is the relief i've been looking for. salonpas has 2 powerful pain fighting ingredients that work for up to 12 hours. and my pharmacist told me it's the only otc pain patch approved for sale using the same rigorous clinical testing that's required for prescription pain medications. proven. powerful. safe. salonpas. i'm not a line item on a budget.
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and i'm definitely not a pushover. but i am a voter. so washington... before you even think about cutting my medicare and social security benefits... here's a number you should remember. 50 million. we are 50 million seniors who earned our benefits... and you will be hearing from us... today and on election day. ♪ ♪
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1,000? israel's highest court is hearing argument today about a controversial prisoner swap deal. at the center of it, this israeli soldier captured five years ago in a cross-border raid. many of the prisoners due to be released helped mastermind or carry out terrorist attacks against israel. it has divided the country. matthew chance is live in gaza waiting for this swap to take place. matthew, it's an emotional issue, but at the end of the day it is mostly about security, isn't it? >> reporter: well, at the end of the day, from the point of view of israel, it's about making sure they don't leave anyone behind. it is a very militarized society. it is a matter of pride for them. they don't leave their soldiers in the field, dead or alive. and in the case of this prisoner, he is very much alive. he is being held by hamas here
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in gaza and it's taken five years for the israelis and palestinians here in gaza to reach this deal, which if you look at it from one perspective, it is very imbalanced. 1,027 palestinian prisoners being freed in exchange for this one israeli soldier who was captured five years ago. on the other hand, he is the only soldier that tells by the palestinians so the palestinians had no one else to trade with so they got as many people released as they could in that deal with israel. >> a lot of people in israeli society certainly support this swap. why is it that so many israelis are willing to go along with this? >> i think the overwhelming number of people in israel, according to the opinion polls, support this deal simply because they don't want to see this young 19-year-old corporal -- at least he was 19 years old when he was taken by the militants
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here in gaza five years ago -- to continue to languish in whatever conditions he's being held in here in gaza any longer. they want him reunited with his family. his parents have been very much in the public limelight campaigning for the government to do a deal, to secure the release of their son. it looks like if all goes well over the course of next several hours, they will have achieved that. but of course, everybody in israel knows this is a heavy price to pay. many of the hundreds of palestinians, 1,000 or so palestinians that have been released, have multiple life sentences, they've been convicted of involvement in some terrible atrocities that have been endured by the people of israel over the past several years. and further back than that as well. so it is very difficult to see those people released for many israelis. the fact we've got parents of one terror vic trim wtim who sp us earlier. >> everyone wants him safe and
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well and back home but i think there is a real failure to understand the price that's been paid. the price is phenomenal. we with releasing people who have dedicated their lives to killing jews and israelis. >> reporter: despite that sentiment, which is held by a lot of people, the overwhelming opinion of israeli is that the deal should be done. >> matthew chance, live in gaza, thanks, as always, for that reporting. herman cain says race should not be an issue in the run for president. >> people sometimes hold ourselves back because they want to use racism as an excuse for them not being able to achieve what they want to achieve. >> why he says the notion of racism is overblown. an in-depth look at herman cain next. but first, one person we won't be going in-depth on -- lindsay lohan. and it seems her growing rap sheet. lohan could be back in jail again. according to tmz, the actress
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could face nearly a year-and-a-half behind bars if a judge rules she violated her probation -- again. honestly, we have lost count with all her duis, shoplifting, probation violations, and court appearances. this time, she reportedly failed to show up to perform community service at a women's center. how many chances is this girl going to get? give me a break. lindsey, you may be a celebrity, but in our book, "your 15 minutes are up!" ♪ running on empty ♪ running on ♪ running wild ♪ running on ♪ running into the sun but i'm running behind ♪ or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee, it's not just good for business. it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $7.8 billion
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this week we are looking "in-depth" at a man a lot of americans are just starting to notice -- herman cain. he's alone among this year's crop of republican presidential candidates in never having held public office. but that's not all that sets cain apart, as we hear from cnn's shannon travis. >> hello, chicago! >> reporter: in 2008, americans watched as one african-american kept his eyes on the prize and won it. >> it's been a long time coming. but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to america. >> reporter: fast forward three years. another plaque man legislation eyeing the prize, also generating buzz but who's reluctant to mention his race in the story of his journey. republican presidential candidate herman cain also believes the notion of racism is overblown. >> people sometimes hold
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themselves back because they want to use racism as an excuse for them not being able to achieve what they want to achieve. >> reporter: many of herman cain's conservative supporters agree -- race should not be a major issue. why are conservatives reluctant to talk about cain being a black man? for one, many say it's liberals who overly focus on race an politics. the candidate himself says this -- >> why is the republican party basically poison for so many african-americans? >> because many african-americans have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view. >> reporter: a second reason concerns the tea party. critics accuse it of harboring race elements. though cain's popularity is rising in recent polls, the talk-show host has long been a tea party favorite.
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he's been a sought-after speaker at tea party rallies. he's won presidential straw polls with strong tea party support. and many activists say they want him on a presidential ticket either at the top or as vp. organizers cite those facts against claims of tea organize organizers cite those claims. jenny beth martin told cnn, quote, i think that having an african-american with so much tea party support is another example that the tea party movement is not racist. it shows that we're looking at the issues and we're not looking at skin color. yet questions regarding cain's skin color will likely continue. as many people celebrate martin luther king jr. at this weekend's dedication of his washington memorial, herman cain has his own take on the dream. >> i have achieved all of my american dreams and then some because of the great nation the
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united states of america! what's there to be angry about? >> shannon travis, cnn, washington. and remember to watch the western republican debate tuesday night 8:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. rats, pigeons and owls, what do they all have in common? they've all been dinner for this next guy coming up. yep, how he ate roadkill for 30 years and why he says it's healthier than store-bought meats. not kidding here. he's going to join us next. who's hungry?
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taking a closer look at stories making headlines across the country at street level. in central florida, a disturbing sign of how much families are struggling to put food on the table. according to the orlando sentinel, as many as 222,000 students are standing in line at school to get lunch for free or a few cents because their families can't afford it. the number of students in the federally funded lunch program is staggering across central florida. we're talking about 71% of students just in osceola county alone, up from 63% four years ago. now to new castle, pennsylvania, where cnn affiliate wtae reports two brothe
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brother were charged for stealing a bridge worth $100,000. 24-year-old benjamin jones and his older brother alexander were arrested. this is the remote area where the bridge used to be. officers say the jones brothers cut the bridge apart and sold more than 15 tons of scrap metal for more than $5,000. the brothers face felony theft charges and stolen property among other charges. we want to hop to the atlantic, to the english channel, to take a street-level view of our final story in the uk. what are you having for dinner tonight? before you dish out the boring standbyes of chicken or beef with a side salad, this may be something interesting. a budget friendly recipe tip or two for you, like roadkill. no joke, jonathan hn nathan has a diet of roadkill, owl curry, rat stir fry.
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how about califlower mushroom. before you trash his exotic dishes, though, hear jonathan out. he's on the phone with us from the uk. jonathan, okay, you know, you don't actually kill the animals, correct? >> no. >> you find them on the side of the road or in the woods. >> yeah, yeah. i'm a conservationist and naturalist. one thing i really don't do is kill any animals myself. unfortunately they're already killed for me. >> why, though? why eat roadkill as opposed to something you can make up in your own home oust the refrigerator or perhaps in a restaurant? >> well, i believe it's a much better meat. it's totally organic and otherwise it would totally go to waste. to see so many animals driven over in the uk every day, it's a wicked waste. i'm a taxidermyist for a
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profession. >> i would take it you're very selective simply because you could be eating some animals that are diseased if you're not checking the meat out pretty carefully. >> there's a very small possibility of wild animals having disease here. i totally think that's farm animals are far more likely to carry disease. so they don't usually accumulate pesticides or heavy metals or disease in them. i'm very careful with the animals that i pick up. if i see something that looks suspicious, then i won't take it. >> you know, i can see eating perhaps the deer or something, but rats? it seems like that in itself is sort of a bridge too far. rats? >> well, surprisingly rats are very, very delicious.
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i'd never pick up a rat from a town or a city. these rats live in the countryside, natural lives, away from human beings, eating berries and seeds and other kinds of natural food foods. and they're not carrying any diseases or bugs. and i eat them and they are absolutely delicious. one of my favorites. >> well, it it certainly doesn't look like that deer fit in the trunk of your car very well. thanks so much for that, jonathan mcgowan. fascinating thought. >> thank you. tomorrow night the campaign focus shifts to cnn's western debate. jim acosta joins me live from las vegas. jim, you have new poll numbers. what do they say? >> reporter: that's right, joe. our latest cnn /orc polls show what a lot of the polls have been showing in the last week or so, herman cain right at the head of the pack or near the head of the pack. he is nipping at the heels of mitt romney, really just neck and neck at this point, our
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latest poll showing 26% for romney, 25% for cain and rick perry at 13%, a major reversal of fortunes for rick perry. just last month, joe, our cnn/orc poll showed rick perry at 30%. he was leading the field, ahead of mitt romney at that time, herman cain at 9% then. he has nearly tripled his support among the republicans in this latest poll. another thing i think is just really interesting about these poll numbers is that two-ed thirds of the republicans we surveyed said they might change their mind between now and when they have to vote in their individual state primary or caucus. and, you know, they're fairly satisfied with their candidates. the folks that we surveyed in this poll, only about a third of those said that they're not satisfied with the field at this point. most are saying they're satisfied or fairly satisfied. so, joe, some interesting poll numbers, more good news for
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herman cain. he made those very controversial comments over the weekend about immigrati immigration. he'll be tested on that i imagine at the debateere at that venetian tomorrow in las vegas and of course we'll all be watching, joe. >> thank you so much for that, jim acosta. we will certainly be watching that debate. now it is time for brooke baldwin and "cnn newsroom "continues. it is a good day when joe johns is in the studio. don't go too far. hello to all of you. i'm brooke baldwin. rapid-fire let's go beginning with the world of indycar racing reeling from the death of a champion. fans began placing photos and memories of dan wheldon at the gates of the indianapolis motor speedway just minutes after hearing he had been killed in a horrific racetrack crash. >> i know this is a dangerous sport. i know we're exposed to that every day in normal life as well. but you don't think about it,
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and today we have to think about it. we lost one of my best friends. >> dan wheldon the reigning indianapolis 500 champion died yesterday in this fiery pileup in laungs. he was just 33 years old. renee-you nicole douceur is finally somewhere other than the south pole. the american researchers has been fighting to be evacuated ever since august when she suffered an apparent stroke. severe weather kept her grounded, no planes in or out. a u.s. air force transport was finally able to reach the pole and today she arrive nd new zealand for treatment. a surprising revelation today from the mother of missing little girl baby lisa in kansas city. she says she was drunk the night her daughter disappeared. 10-month-old lisa has been missing now for two weeks. her mother is revealing these new details about the night her daughter went missing. i want to listen to what she told the "today" show. >> were you drinking that it night? >> yes.
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>> how much? >> enough to be drunk. >> so you were drunk. >> uh-huh. >> a lot of people are going to say, debra, you were drunk that night. is there any chance you did something to hurt your daughter you're not telling us? >> no, no, no. if i thought there was a chance, i'd say it. no. i don't think that alcohol changes a person enough to do something like that. >> that mother also told nbc that based upon the questions the police are asking her she expects to be arrested. a real-life horror story playing out in philadelphia. police say four mentally disabled people were held captive in a basement, one of them chained to the radiator. the fbi is helping local police investigate. two of the three suspects were arraigned today and bond was set at $2.5 million for each. coming up next hour, i'm talking to the landlord of this particular building who found these people saturday night. and a boston police arrested a man expected of setting this massive apartment building fire. police tell the boston globe it may have been a suicide attempt.
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a 6-year-old boy had to be dropped from a third floor window into the waiting arms of firefighters just to get out safely. 13 people were injured in the fire, which broke out early this monk. the fire department says 25 units in total in that building were affected. it it's a real dutch master murder mystery. legend has it genius depressed painter vincent van gogh committed suicide, shot himself, but two pulitzer prize-winning authors are drawing a different conclusion. >> that a couple of kids had shot vincent van gogh and he decided to basically protect them and accept this as the way to die. these kids had basically done him the favor of shooting him. >> he was covering p up his own murder. >> curators at the van gogh museum in amsterdam are skeptical. since there wasn't exactly any forensics back in 1890, the
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world may never know for sure. "sesame street's" youtube channel is up again, but onlike hackers replaced some of the educational videos with more sexually explicit material. parents, it's been fixed. also, after spending 26 years in prison for a murder i did not commit, dewey bozella won his first and only professional boxing match at age 52. he claimed victory saturday night when he delivered a hard right to his opponent's jaw. president obama called bozella last week to wish him luck in the fight. and take a look at those pictures here. this is fauja singh, the oldest person ever to finish a marathon. folks, he's 100 years young. he crossed the finish line yesterday after eight hours. even though he finished last place, get this, he didn't start running marathons until he was 89. kudos to him. we are just getting started
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here on cnn. a lot to cover in the next two hours. watch this. missouri mom debra bradley now admits to drinking the night her 10-month-old baby girl disappeared. we'll hear from her this afternoon. a brand new cnn poll, the republican race for the white house just in time for a major debate in vegas this week. find out who's tied for first place right now. moammar gadhafi's last stronghold is a ghost town except for this. snipers are gunning for people in sirte. we're live from libya. also, the american man suspected in the disappearance of robyn gardner in aruba asks to be released from jail. we have brand new detail detail and lady gaga goes marilyn monroe on bill clinton ♪ >> and clinton reveals his love for the international superstar.
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the republican road show is headed out west. that's right, big debate right here tomorrow night 8:00 eastern live from las vegas. you know, right on cue, we've got a new poll showing the herman cain bubble has not yet burst. he is right behind mitt romney and actually romney's one-point lead is well within the poll's five-point margin of error. rick perry running third and the rest of the kand dads in single digits. t.j. holmes is live for us in las vegas. t.j., i know a lot of eyes will
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be on mr. herman cain. >> reporter: of course they will. you know, we're wondering how many times we're going to hear "999." we're in vegas. they're taking bets on how many times we'll hear 999. yes, that comes with actually being at the top of the polls. people are paying more attention to you and you are getting scrutinized a whole lot more. now, 999 is about the economy. you certainly will hear a lot about that. perfect backdrop for it here in nevada with the highest unemployment rate in the country. but you also never know what could come up at these debates. i know you will remember when the issue of "don't ask don't tell" came up and a gay soldier was actually booed after he asked a question. well, it just so happens with our debate coming up tuesday that they're just wrapping up here in vegas a first of its kind, at least according to the organizers, summit, a summit of gay and lesbian active duty members of the military. a meeting like this wasn't even
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possible a month or so ago. now they fear a meeting like this won't be possible in the future, depending on who's elected president. >> good morning to our second panel of the day. we're going to discuss the freedom to marry. >> this is a summit that could not have taken place a year ago, even a few months ago. that's because don't ask, don't tell was still in place. >> it is life changing to me. >> september 20th was a big day for most the folks you see here. >> i feel like for the first time i get to be me unconditionally. that's odd for that to be 27 years old and it's the first time that's ever happened. >> it it's an amazing feeling. it's a great time in history to be part of the military. >> you couldn't do this before. >> no. and not keep my job. to do something like this and be able to tell the stories i think is what's so important right now. >> our goal is to build a visible, proud gay community in the military that people feel comfortable being able to come out or just be who they are. >> reporter: and you think the
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fight might not be done and depending on who is in the white house and who's in those two houses of congress, that maybe don't ask, don't tell could come back. >> i think one of the things we'll see in the upcoming presidential campaign is, are people really going to threaten to bring back don't ask, don't tell? i think that's something that is scary for me personally, am i going to again be threatened to lose my career in the future? that's something that i don't want to think about. i want to stay in the military. i don't want to have to worry about losing my career in the future again. i hope i don't have to. >> reporter: well, do they have something to worry about, brooke? you have some like bachmann and santorum who would say, yes, they would try to put don't ask, don't tell back in place. ron paul and herman cain said they would let it go. newt gingrich is open to it. mitt romney said it never should have been taken out of place in the first place but not exactly saying he would try to overturn the repeal. so still something that active
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duty gay and lesbian members are concern birthday. >> in addition to the bit you brought up in your piece, 999, unemployment, the highest in the entire country being nevada. what else should we be looking for? anderson is hosting, correct? >> reporter: anderson cooper of course is hosting. one thing you need to look for is the count of the podiums up on stage. there's going to be one missing because there will be a candidate missing. of course, jon huntsman says he is boycotting the cnn debate. how dare he! >> why? >> reporter: he has good reason. he has his reasons. they're political but he's trying to take a stand for nevada which has moved its caucuses around and trying to throw the calendar in flux. there are a lot of those story lines happening around the debate. yes, vegas is a good backdrop to talk about the economy, state highest unemployment in the country, vegas metro area, highest unemployment in the country of major metro areas. a lot of story lines including of course the fact that herman
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cain is at the top of a lot of polls these days. >> t.j. holmes in vegas, we'll talk again next hour. thank you. also coming up, it is the crash heard round the world, the one that claimed the life of an indycar champ wheldon. today he is being remembered and questions are being raised about safety on the racetrack. plus, a new admission from the mother of missing baby lisa. what she now admits to doing the night her little girl disappeared. also, look at this. rebels fighting gadhafi loyalists in one of the last hold jo holdouts in libya. the rest of sirte is a ghost town. we'll take you there, coming up. you don't just taste it, you feel it. ♪ do you believe in magic? ♪ ♪ it's magic ♪ [ male announcer ] it's a comfort that comes from the only caramel worthy of being wrapped in gold. ♪ do you believe in magic?
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[ male announcer ] werther's original caramel chocolate. what comfort tastes like. i'm not a line item on a budget. and i'm definitely not a pushover. but i am a voter. so washington... before you even think about cutting my medicare and social security benefits... here's a number you should remember. 50 million. we are 50 million seniors who earned our benefits... and you will be hearing from us...
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a shocking and tragic end to an indycar race sunday. 33-year-old dan wheldon died in a fiery crash at the las vegas indy 300 race. take a look at this. this is dash cam video from a car just behind that initial crash. it shows wheldon's car hitting the right wall of the track and immediately you can see the flames catching fire. in total, 15 cars were involved in the fiery crash, and officials actually stopped the race and announced that wheldon had in fact passed away. emotions ran high among all these drivers, thier friends, as news of wheld withen's death spread. his colleagues and competitors did this five-lap salute in his honor as bagpipes played "amazing grace." former indy driver lynn st. james spoke with us today about this race and the track in vegas. >> i'm making the analogy, it's
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the perfect storm. it was where everything that p happened, that came together, you know, caused the result, which was that crash and unfortunately the death of dan. but no one thing actually caused it. the configuration of the track, 34 cars starting on a 1 1/2-mile track at those speeds, all of those combined and have a driver start at the back who is a champion who wanted to have a great show, all of those elements coming together was just like the perfect storm and it was unfortunate, it it was tragic and it was just something that we all wish would never have happened. we run 33 at indy, but that is a 2 1/2 mile track, more than a mile longer. it's more of the configuration. you know, you've got really, really wide racetrack with 20 degrees of banking in the turns, 9 degrees of banking on the straight aways. so you have the momentum and ability for all the cars to go flat out. so that really takes the car out of the driver's hands. soy don't think it was the
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number of cars necessarily. it was just the fact that it was the speeds and the configuration, again, that combination. we can't pick out one thing. people would love to find something to blame if on, and it isn't just one thing. >> wheldon is survived by his wife and two young sons. in fact, he came on cnn, talked to us about avoiding an accident while driving in the indy 500 back in may, a race he won. >> as i cleared that car that i was overtaking i noticed that just in the corner of my eye that had got up in the gray and made contact with the outside retaining wall. and at that point i just focused on making sure that i didn't get caught p up in any of the debris, made sure he didn't come back across the track in front of me and then i just drove that honda pad indycar across the line like i stole it because i wasn't letting up until i saw either the caution or the checkered flag. >> i want to bring in "sports illustrated" senior writer lars anderson live in birmingham, alabama. i know your beat is motorsports.
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can you just explain to me what was it exactly that p happened? what sparked the crash between turns one an two? >> it was two cars just in the middle of the pack, they got together, their tires touched, lost control. then almost an accordion effect going back. 15 cars were involved, 4 of them went airborne including dan. obviously dan got the worst of it. >> lars, for people not familiar with motorsports, indycar race is open wheels, uberfast cars, open wheels, unlike nascar like the closed wheels. in the indy, any tiny move can clearly do major damage, correct? >> yeah. las vegas motor speedway was built specifically for nascar, it's a bowl shaped, high speeds there at nascar as well, about 180 or so. the difference is, in the stock cars of nascar, they can get together and touch and not lose
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control. whereas indycar, if it touches another wheel of another car, just the slightest little touch, you're going to lose control. and because the indycars have more downforce than the nascar cars had they can go faster so they're going 220, 224 mifrles r hour. the cars don't have time to react behind them. you could see that with dan yesterday of i want to ask more specifically about the vegas track in a minute. but first i know there were a lot of driver fears sort of manifested, voiced before this particular race. i want to play some more sound from dan wheld withen when he was talking about the danger of the sport and the indy 500 track. >> it's incredibly intense around this racetrack. we're doing speeds in excess of 225 miles an hour. and with this race you just never know what can happen. so it's about staying focused and you really don't ever let off the power unless you have to. >> so what does he mean "let off the power," lars?
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>> it means that he is on the throttle completely around at 1.5 miles of the track. the cars, as i said, have so much down force which means the tires stick and grip the track so well that they don't have to brake or lift off the throttle at all the entire 1.5 miles around the track. >> so if drivers, then, talking about las vegas motor speedway, if they were already fearful of this it track ahead of time, fearful of packed racing, why race there? >> well, i don't think you'll see -- you won't see indycar racing there ever again, that would be my guess. indycar needs to do soul searching and decide whether they want to race on ovals at all anymore other tharn the indy 500. as lyn st. james mentioned, it it's a bigger track, 2.5 miles and it's not quite as dangerous because the cars aren't as compacted as they were in las vegas yesterday. >> so what else then, lars? what other changes do you think will come as a result of this horrible tragedy?
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>> well, dan was only a part-time driver this year, and he helped indycar actually test a new generation of car, which is going to be adopted next year, which will have plenty of safety changes in it. just going forward, indycar has always been on the cutting edge of safety in developing new safe at the mechanisms both for the track, the walls and cars themselves. it's just an ongoing evolution. yesterday's event i've told friends this, i've been at the magazine sna17 years and this i one off the saddest things i've had to cover. >> thank you, lars. it is one of the last holdouts in libya where gadhafi loyalists are holding strong. >> reporter: away from the fighting, the city is deserted. >> we'll take you to gadhafi's hometown of sirte next. then baby lisa's mother, what she now admits to doing the night her 10-month-old daughter disappeared. we'll hear from her, coming up.
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remain loyal to gadhafi are stubbornly holding on. this is the city of sirte where gadhafi was born. it's now deserted except for snipers on the inside and revolutionaries on the outside. dan rivers was just there. take a look. >> reporter: the front line hasn't moved much for days now. but that doesn't make it any less dangerous. this is the safest way to get around here. snipers have been picking off ntc soldiers every day. they have plenty of ammunition, just not much discipline when they use it. a gadhafi sniper can keep a dozen ntc troops pinned down for hours. but the revolutionaries have their own sharpshooters. patiently they wait on rooftops
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until they see movement. and then the inevitable. away from the fighting, the city is deserted, abandoned like the livestock which roam these once-busy neighborhoods. almost every building is pock-marked with bullet holes, some utterly destroyed. sirte used to be a city of some 100,000 people, but now it's difficult to find just one. the handful we have encountered have been here just to salvage a few more possessions from the wrecks of their homes and all the while the fighting is continuing. it's why few have made the dangerous journey here to collect belongings. this man and his wife grab a carpet and some cushions to make their night in a tent more comfortable. they hurry as a nato jet circles overhead. others come to look at what remains of their homes. this man and his mother get what they can. he doesn't want to be intervi
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interviewed but is beside himself with worry. he said he paid $20,000 for this apartment and now look at it. one man does talk anonymously. >> translator: i am not with gadhafi. i not with the other side. i will a man of peace. >> reporter: it's clear the national transitional council will think they are pro-gadhafi because they haven't taken up arms. we find a flyer from gadhafi's regime wanting residents to resist the rebels for the safety of their families and children. it sounds like a veiled threat. that all-pervasive fear was stoked to perfection by moammar gadhafi's regime for more than 42 years, and it still hangs in the air here, even though gadhafi no longer rules these shattered streets. >> dan rivers is now out of sirte, live in tripoli. dan, as far as you know, has the situation in sirte changed at all?
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have the revolutionary fighters made any more progress in securing sirte? >> reporter: brooke, they really haven't. we were there this morning, just checking in on the situation. they're still pinned down in the same positions that they have been for days now by those pro-gadhafi snipers that just shoot anything that moves. when we were there this morning, they were starting to use heavy artillery again, the ntc forces, just to try to pummel the pro-gadhafi positions one more time to try to shift the front line. but at the moment the gadhafi forces seem to be holding their ground. >> dan, you were just saying last week there is the speculation that some of these loyalists are so reluctant to relinquish sirte just because gadhafi could be hunkered down there. is there any other reason, evidence that that is true? >> reporter: there isn't any hard evidence, no. all we can go on is what people coming out of there have said. and some of the people that have come out of there have told the revolutionary forces that they
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think that gadhafi's there or that they've spoken to someone who claims they've seen him. we haven't had any firsthand, direct witness accounts that he is there. i suppose the revolutionary forces -- he's got to be somewhere, and he's definitely not in tripoli as far as we know. they've got control of tripoli. they now have control of benny wa leeb. he could equally have fled across the border to algeria, niger. we don't know. a startling admission from the mother of missing baby lisa. what she says she was dog the night her daughter disappeared and why she fears being arrested in the near future. be right back. [ marge ] psst.
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the mother a missing baby in kansas city is talking today. what she's revealing could change some things. jim spellman is covering the lisa irwin story. he's live in kansas city. jim, lisa's mother deborah bradley did a couple of tv interviews and tell us what she said. >> reporter: yes, she dropped a couple of bombshells speaking with nbc news. the first one probably most importantly she admits she was drinking that night and in fact says she was drunk when the baby went missing. the second thing she said is she changed her story. she said originally the last time they saw baby lisa was 10:30, now saying 6:30 creating a four-hour gap. that really changes the whole tenor of the investigation. here's her describing to nbc news what the interviews with police have been like. take a listen. >> when i first -- they first
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questioned me, i couldn't fill in gaps, it turned into, you did it, and they put the picture down of her on the table and they said, look at your baby and do what's right for her. just tell everybody where she is so she can come home. i kept saying, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know. >> reporter: she also says in that interview that she expects to be arrested. police have been playing that down. they won't really comment on that. there's been lots of searches going on here, brooke. we've seen them draining part of a creek to look for new clues. yesterday the national guard sent a unit here to research a wooded area, going inch by inch through the vines. so far they tell us all the searchs have been solely covering their tracks, trying to get new, freshize to try to create clues on this investigation. they say that's not based on any new information. still a mystery two weeks after baby lisa disappeared.
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>> so it sounds like there aren't any substantial leads from what i'm hearing from you. we played a piece of video also, jim, where essentially members of the police department were reenacting what the mother and father had essentially told police. had anything come from that? have they been able to get any clues from the reenactment? >> reporter: the police here have been definitely quiet about the details of the investigation. that window is just over my shoulder on baby lisa's home right here. about an hour and a half ago they had dogs going all around the house and neighbors' homes. they were inside the home of the next-door neighbor. not sure what's going on inside the homes. the police keep telling us they have no new lead, anything really to tell us. so far, you know, nobody's been arrested, nobody's been listed as a person of interest. they're not on the lookout for anybody. it's really mysterious what's going on. i frankly don't think that
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anybody really knows what happened that night and it's really the police -- the police are just all over it it, working night and day trying to find a clue. i think they're as frustrated as the rest of us that this case isn't becoming more clear. >> two weeks and counting. jim spellman in kansas city, thank you. and sometimes sorry isn't enough. coming up next, we'll tell you what blackberry is offering all those customers, all of you who lost your service last week. plus, we're going back to vegas. that is where wolf blitzer is, getting ready for cnn's republican debate tomorrow night. we'll talk to him about what we can expect and also what's crossing the political it ticker. first, a famous actress helping kids orphaned by aids. she co-founded an organization that helped fight the disease. here is the aamazing story on today's "impact your world". >> hi. i'm alfre woodard. you can make an impact and change the lives of children who have been orphaned by hiv/aids. ♪
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part of our mission is to work to combat hiv/aids. we have about 3,500 right now aids orphans that we assist on an ongoing basis. >> keep turning toward the light! keep holding on to each other. join the move. me me me ment. impact your world. go to an airline has planes and people. and the planes can seem the same. so, it comes down to the people. because: bad weather, the price of oil those are every airline's reality. and solutions will not come from 500 tons of metal and a paintjob. they'll come from people. delta people. who made us the biggest airline in the world. and then decided that wasn't enough.
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between lions coach and 49ers coach? you can see the coaches shake hands but it gets worse. schwartz is obviously upset about something. we're assuming it it's a handshake. schwartz is in the white jacket. guy in the black hat is jim harbaugh. then you see schwartz trying to get back to harbaugh. well, we have now learned that the national football league is getting involved. they are telling cnn that the confrontation is under review by the league. look at everyone running onto the field after this went down. the lions head coach is schedule to hold his usual monday press conference in detroit. we will watch it and let you know if he addresses it. and now let's talk politics. time for a political update. wolf blitzer joining us live from las vegas where cnn is hosting the gop presidential debate come tomorrow night. i know we have some new numbers, wolf. if people were thinking, hey, you know, herman cain last week may be the flavor of the week, he's still holding strong, se not? >> reporter: he's doing very
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well in our cnn/orc poll. nationwide, not just iowa or new hampshire or florida, all over the country, republicans choice for the presidential nominee, mitt romney at 26%, neck and neck with herm haddan cain, 25% perry 13%, paul 9, gingrich 8 bachmann 6, santorum 2 huntsman 1. huntsman won't be here. a statistical tie for all practical purposes nationwide among romney and cain. take a look at this next number, though, brooke. it does open up the -- suggest that's the race is by no means a done deal. we asked republicans, do you definitely support the candidate you've selected right now? only 33%, a third, say they do. two-thirds, 67%, say they're open to changing their minds. these numbers obviously could change. and here's another question that
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we asked but does not bode well for the president and the democrats. we asked, are you extremely or very enthusiastic about voting in the next election? 64% of the republicans nationwide said they were extremely or very thuz yenthusi. only 43% of the democrats are that enthusiastic. it's similar, by the way, to what the numbers were in 2010 when the democrats lost so many seats in the house of represent it actives and the senate. just the opposite of 2008, 2006 when the democrats and president obama did very well. that enthusiasm gap is a significant number we're watching very closely in this latest snapshot. brooke, back to you. >> we also know, wolf, that president obama kicked off his bus trip today. he was in asheville again trying to sell his jobs bill in north carolina, certainly no coincidence, key battleground state. >> reporter: yeah, north carolina, virginia, two states he won the last time. not by huge numbers but did win
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both states. he's hoping he'll have a shot at winning both of them this time. this is not necessarily billed, this three-day bus trip, as a campaign event. it's billed as government work. your government at work, the president going out speaking to the american people. he's going to be speaking at a group -- to a group at a town hall meeting with some q & a in our 5:00 p.m. eastern hour we'll dip in and take some of that live. we'll also be speaking, by the way, brooke, with ron paul, the republican presidential candidate as well as dan pfeiffer, the white house communications director. a lot coming up here in "the situation room" from vegas today. >> vegas, baby! >> reporter: have you ever been to vegas, brooke/. >> indeed i have. indeed, indeed. what happens in vegas, wolf blitzer stays in vegas. >> reporter: will not stay in vegas because the whole world will watch the debate. what happens in it the debate in vegas will not stay in vegas. everyone will be watching. >> thank you, wolf. don't forget to watch the cnn
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western republican presidential debate tomorrow night hosted by anderson cooper, 8:00 eastern time only here on cnn. remember last week? i know a lot of you do, a lot of blackberry users around the world lost service. now blackberry's maker, research in motion, has taken action to try to make things right by offering its customers free apps. so according to r.e.n., en. and they started out at wall street, spread to cities across the country and now these occupy wall street proit tests are popping up all around the world, even julian assange is getting in on the action. plus, it's monday and you know what that means. music monday time. ♪ i got to meet a couple of these guys, walk around a beautiful park before they put on a pretty amazing show.
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cage the elephant. how did they come up with that name? what they told me, we're talking music. music monday coming up. al recor. i'm finally feeling better. good honey, you turn into such a little whiner when you're sick. no i don't. [ bawk! ] honey, i'm sick. i can't reach the remote. that sounds nothing like me. [ beep ] honey, i'm sick. i can't reach the remote. that kind of does. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day on everything to prepare for cold and flu season. we're so confident in our low prices, we back 'em with our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪
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. you know i love music and each monday we profile different aifrts in a segment we call "music monday." today's group hails from kentucky, describe themselves as slacker funk punk. they exploded onto the scene in 2009. i met up with two of the members right before they hit the stage in atlanta's midtown festival. today's music monday we give you cage the elephant. >> cage cage cage cage!
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>> reporter: cage the elephant. where does that come from? >> well, we're actually in a small town in georgia playing a show, and there was this guy that -- he was just outside the venue running around like ranting and raving about how the elephant had to be stopped, we had to cage the elephant. >> reporter: just randomly rantion and raving. >> yeah. so it stuck with us. >> reporter: so, wait, what is that like? when you have people coming up to you, they recognize you, they know your music, they blast it in the morning like he said? is that wild? are you rock stars? >> it's pretty bizarre. >> i hope not. >> reporter: why not? >> best song i've ever heard!
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♪ >> reporter: why did a bunch of kentucky boys move to london? >> why wouldn't a bunch of kentucky boys move to london? >> reporter: why did you do it? >> it's just we'd heard these grand stories of rock 'n' roll utopias that were across the pond and so we wanted to go and check it out for ourselves. >> also, we were talking to a few record labels and they were with -- the only record label that was going to give us a 100% creative control. >> that was the biggest appetizing thing to us. >> reporter: creative control. >> to not have someone over your shoulder telling you what to do. >> we didn't want to be one of those bands that had a particular sound or had to have
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side projects in order to do a certain style of music, creatively be fulfilled. we wanted to do whoofr we wanted with this band. >> reporter: explain how the internet or social media, any of that, how that's helped you or even artists overall right now. do you think it's easier to be a rock star? >> i think music is more accessible to everybody, which is a very good thing, but there's so of more out there now, too, that a lot of really good stuff gets passed over. >> it's one of those things that you try not to think about all the tech stuff too much, you know? i play guitar, i sing songs, i act like an idiot on stage. >> reporter: what's the biggest compliment someone could give you as an artist? >> just to say they're into your music really. >> they listen to it. "you're my favorite band." that one always makes me happy. ♪
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>> reporter: i think that's a wrap. woo! thanks for walking with me. you can watch all my music monday interviews at i love to hear who you love and who you're listening to and who you want to appear on music monday. also, if i can just give a little shout-out to my aids walk team. thousands of p people across the country came together for an amazing cause over the weeshg concerned, aids walk. events took place in los angeles and atlanta yesterday. i just wanted to say thank you to our team, several walkers including fellow cnners. we raised $12,000 for the cause. the money raised goes to provide treatment, medication, prevention education and other support for families neighbors and friends living with had hiv
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or aids. thanks, guys. that was fun. now this. >> we've realized what angers americans angers us as well. we're all pay forge a crisis we haven't caused. >> all of these occupy wall street protests popping up globally, that is next. then we're waiting for one of the most high-profile prisoner swaps to take place in the middle east. we are live in gaza where hundreds of prisoners could return home as part of this major deal to release one israeli soldier. but first, do you live if a lucky city? well, "men's health" is out with the list of the luckiest cities in america. the list is based on the most lottery winners, fewest lightning strikes and fewest deaths from falling objects. number five, richmond, virginia, number four, wilmington, delaware, three, fix. -- three, phoenix.
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the top two after the break. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. i'm getting an upgrade. [ male announcer ] as you wish, business pro. as you wish. go national. go like a pro. now through january earn a free day with every two rentals. find out more at whose long day starts with arthritis pain... and a choice. take tylenol arthritis and maybe up to six in a day... or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. happy chopping. she is the greatest thing ever.
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now we bring you back to the list of america's luckiest cities. this is from "men's health" magazine. number two? baltimore, maryland. and the number one luckiest city in america he, gorgeous place, san diego, california. again, you've been tweeting me through the break. what does lucky mean? the cities where they have the most lottery winners, holes in one, fewest lightning strikes and fewest deaths from falling
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objects. there you go, the top five. now to the occupy wall street movement. it's really spreading worldwide now and that is what's trending today. the demonstrators took to the streets not just in the united states, united kingdom, canada, japan, hundreds in sydney chanted and marched outside the reserve bank of australia building. they were inspired by the occupy wall street movement and vowed to occupy sydney's banking district indefinitely. police and businesses were on alert in toronto as the occupy movement ramped up there. occupiers rallied against, quote, spiritual wickedness in high places. the occupy canada had support of major unions there. the demonstrations were for the most part peaceful except in rome, italy. police fired water cannons and tear gases into the crowd after cars were set on fire,
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protestors marching against global economic policies. in london, wikileaks founder julian assange addressed a group, leading the group in protests on the edge of london's financial district. thousands marched through the streets protesting cuts and criticizing bankers. and here in the u.s. princeton university professor and activist dr. cornel west was arrested yesterday in washington, d.c., occupy rally. west was arrested on the steps of the u.s. supreme court. he says he was demonstrating to show solidarity with the occupy wall street movement and in honor of dr. martin luther king jr. so what exactly do the occupy wall street protestors who inspired this worldwide outrage want? their demands certainly vary. you can read them on the intern internet. they include congress investigates and prosecutes wall street criminals. congress passes the buffet rule
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on fair taxation, revamps the securities and exchange commission and limits the influence of lobbyists. also trending today, if you know anything about julianna rans sick, you know the e! news co-host has never been shy about sharing her medical news publicly. first it was her trouble trying to get pregnant. now rancic has announced she has breast cancer. here's what she told ann curry on the "today" show just this morning. >> through my attempt to get pregnant for the third time through ivf, we sadly found out that i have early stages of breast cancer. and it's been a shock. >> rancic says her prognosis is good because the cancer is caught early, but also says she has to put off trying to get pregnant at least for a while. also trending out of hollywood, the actor who played mr. spock in the recent "star trek" remake is coming out.
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