tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 29, 2011 2:00am-3:00am EDT
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be a good idea. in my defense, i just can't resist it when she calls me anderstand. this is just the world we live in now people. when snooki says jump, you say how high. when snooki says tan, you say how tan. she actually also made me wait when snooki says tan, you say how tan. she actually also made me wait at that tang place for 20 minutes while she got her teeth whitened. true story. and frankly, i'd do it again. i'd do it gen damn it if snooki told me to. i bet you anything regis philbin feels the same way. that does it for us, thanks for watching, i'll see you again at 10:00 p.m. tonight. we're on the frontline with bernie madoff tonight. his family talking to the press in a full-court press. why? his former attorney comes out front. it's just a few days until halloween. we were up to some mischief today and we can't resist sharing it with you. and the bottom line on the tea party. how much sway do they really hold over the gop? answers, let's go "outfront." --
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i'm erin burnett. "outfront" on a friday night, the most shaky republican race since 1964. six different candidates have led in the national polls so far this year. it's amazing to think about it. but there is a big reason for it. the tea party. a cnn poll shows that the republican party is literally split down the middle. half of them support the tea party or are active members. well, 49, 51, some call that a mandate. i call that a split. the tea party is really the tea parties. christina boterri from the national tea party federation told us there are at least 5,000 tea party groups. there is no national umbrella group and there is no one manifesto. case in point, michele bachmann. one tea party support group called on her to quit the presidential race today. the other tea partiers have endorsed her. minnesota congresswoman
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responded to the call for her to quit on "the situation room" earlier with wolf. >> it certainly isn't a blow to my campaign because i've had nonstop support coming out of the woodwork from tea partiers all across the country. >> so lots of groups, lots and lots and lots, which means a lot of fighting. but when you add up the numbers, the bottom line is power. the tea party is half the republican party. joining us to talk about it tonight, sal russo from the tea party express. sal, thanks very much for being with us. we appreciate your taking the time. >> glad to be here. >> so what is your view of this -- the breaks that are happening within the tea party, which i know is a broad definition. but you have one group calling for michele bachmann to step down, others supporting her. do you support her? >> i think the you said it very correctly. contrary to some of the impressions, the tea party movement is an extraordinarily broad-based movement.
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that's the reason we won more republican state legislative races since 1928, more republican congressmen since 1948. it has to be broad-based and it is. so there's a divergence of opinion. some of the groups have social policies, some have foreign policies, but i think the one unifying theme of all the tea parties is they're opposed to the increasing size and cost and intrusiveness of the federal government and they want to see economic programs advanced by the candidates that will foster economic growth and job creation. so, on that score, i think really all ten of the republican candidates have done very well as far as the tea party is concerned. and you know, contrary to that poll that you recited saying the party is 50/50, i think when you hold somebody to say do you belong to this group or that group, it narrows it down. i think what you find is an overwhelming number of republicans and frankly, americans, agree with what i say is the basic premise of the tea
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party is that the success of spending and the gigantic skyrocketing national debt is unsustainable. >> let me clarify for viewers that that 49-51 was people who reflective of people who identified themselves as active party members or the support of the concept. ron brownstein was on our program last night, pollster at the national journal, saying that among the half of the party that did not identify with the tea party, mitt romney has a very clear lead. but on the tea party side of things, he has not gotten traction, 10 to 18% of that group all the way through. he hasn't been building. it's herman cain who is the front-runner. and not significantly so but is the front-runner among the tea party people who define themselves as tea party. do you think at some point you've got to come behind one person? >> well, i think that could happen. we've been polling our members for several months now and what we have found is that every couple of weeks, the leadership changes.
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it started off the newt gingrich was ahead. then newt -- then mitt romney pulled ahead and then when herman cain had the good south carolina debate, he pulled ahead. and then michele bachmann did really well in the new hampshire debate. she pulled ahead. then perry got in the race. he pulled ahead. and then cain had the straw poll victory in florida. and now he's ahead. so i think what that tells you is that people are in the tea party movement as well as americans generally are testing out these candidates trying them out, seeing how they sound and how they feel about them. and so it's moving around. there's not a consensus. which is why i think it's silly to tell anybody to get out of the race. let's keep them all in the race and hear what they have to say. we're in serious economic problems. we need good answers. >> i want to bring in ned ryan on the phone. i know you were going to be with us in person rushing to get to a studio. ned ryan for those watching cnn all day, the man who asked michele bachmann to step down, the president of american majority, which is another tea
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party affiliated group. ned, thanks for being with us. why did you taking this stand against michele bachmann today? >> first of all, thank you for having me. yeah, we're crazy drive here in new orleans. the reason i wrote this post was really an observation that the tea party movement always has been and hopefully always will be very focused on how do we fix the economy, how do we get jobs and government back to its limited role. that's the focus, that's the purpose. that's where the movement started. as evangelicals are deeply pro-life, i understand the social issues but somebody driving social issues that doesn't have the substantive stands and contributions on how to solve our economic problems, first of all, is not going to go anywhere and is not really adding much meaningful to the debate. i think at some point, it's going to begin 0 damage and confuse people and dilute the party message. that was the purpose of why i wrote that post. >> thanks very much more equalling in, ned, because we did want to hear from you.
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ned ryan and sal russo there. interesting that someone who is a self-identified evangelical, he doesn't want those issues to dominate, he wants it to be the economy. a split tea party and split gop are potentially problems for my next guest, rince priebus. setting your party's agenda, having trouble coalescing, as that interview just showed. does that worry when it comes to a national election where your party's split in half? >> no, it doesn't because i think you know, and i agree with sol. i don't think anything's split at all. you have a party here that has multiple candidates running for president and you're going to have some people supporting one over the other. that doesn't mean that there isn't complete unanimity in the fact that we need to save this country from a president who seems to have a love affair with the man in the mirror without actually following through with any promises. while we may be picking our
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horse so to speak and having a debate amongst each other, certainly we're going to have a uniform and a direction in in party that is in one direction, which is to put a republican in the white house. >> do you think so? i'm just curious. when you look at the mitt romney numbers, the half of the party that doesn't identify itself as a tea party supporter or active member, i hear your point they'll all come together, are behind romney. within the other half of the party, they're not in love with the guy. are you confident if he's the nominee you'll get them to go to the poll. >> i think if you look at barack obama and hillary clinton and you go back four years ago, you had two people that fought each other all the way through the end of june. and guess what, it was pretty good for the democratic party. i really believe that, erin. i mean, i think having the debate within your party over a new direction for america, which is what we're having in our party and i think of a lot of
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independents are involved with it, is really the same kind of debate, although much different issues than what was happening in 2008 among the democrats. so, we're having that debate. i think it's its healthy for our party, healthy for america. listen, if you want to keep going the same way we have been for the past four years, then americans will stick with barack obama. but i happen to think that's a pretty miserable place to be and most americans agree with me. and that's why i think we're going to be ultimately successful in 2012. >> let me ask you this in terms of money. how much money is it going to cost you to do it, reince president obama at $84.9 million raised. mitt romney $32.2 million and the man tied with him has about million raised. how much is it going to cost you? >> i think it's going to come down to issues. i think the republican national committee, along with the candidate when we get a nominee and do some joint fund-raising agreements together like the dnc
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and barack obama are doing and we're raising a good amount of money and our net dollars are very high and we're very competitive, but the fact is, it's going to be expensive. we've got a president who's in love with campaigning. i hate to keep -- i'm not trying to continue to do this, but look, we've got a president who is more interested in raising money and being president than he is putting americans back to work. guess what, here's the deal. i think most americans are tired of it. they're tired of the speeches, tired of the pageantry and want to go a different direction. we're going to give them that different direction next year. >> thanks very much for taking the time to join us. we're going to be talking about it with james carville. >> most do, that's the good thing. >> you got to see it that way if you're in your seat. thanks very much. appreciate it, reince. it's been more than a week since gadhafi died, but his son, saif, is still on the run. what is libya doing to find him? an 8-year-old autistic boy was lost in the virginia woods for six days, found today curled
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up in the fetal position. the doctor who treated him out front with the exclusive details. sometimes it is fun to be bad. actually, it's often fun to be bad. we can't resist telling you what we did today. yeah, anderson. we're talking about you. you got a weather balloon with points? yes, i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] write your story with the citi thankyou premier card, with no point caps, and points that don't expire. get started at with ni heard they found and points that doenergy here. it's good. we need the jobs. [customer:] we need to protect the environment. [worker:] we could do both. is that possible? [announcer:] at conocophillips, we're helping power america's economy with cleaner, affordable natural gas.
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>> the number tonight, 600,000. that's the number of facebook logons that are compromised each and every day. now, that sounds like a lot. you know what? it is. if you look at it like this, it's only .6% of total daily log ins. facebook is the world's largest social network with over 750 million users, despite the rise of google plus.
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to help store the data, facebooking is building buildings in sweden just south of the arctic circle. the cold air will help keep the company's servers cool and save it millions of dollars. when you look at where all the money goes in energy, look at cisco and facebook. that's where you see the big gas guzzlers. james carville, david frum, cnn contributor and john avlon. great to see all three of you on a friday night. >> thank you. >> you start laughing, mr. carville. you hear the tea party conversation we had? we had a couple of the 5,000 groups on, including the guy who said michele bachmann get out. what do you think? >> i cannot believe what i'm watching over there. you watch these debates and then you watch tea party splitting. it's hilarious. then the chairman of the republican national committee talking about obama and pageantry and look at himself in the mirror. >> you don't need to pay for pay-per-view boxing anymore, do you? >> i really don't.
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i'm mystified but gratified that all this is going on. as a democrat, it's fun to watch here. >> all right. john avlon, what is your take? are they going to coalesce? they say they don't need to but they do. will they? >> this is going to be a long process. the reality is mitt romney, the presumptive nominee, is not getting support from the tea parties or evangelicals. that teavangelist crowd. that's a big deal. the rest of the field is fractured. here, you've got the most conservative crowd running for president of the republican party in modern history and the conservatives don't coalesce around one candidate. it makes mr. carville very happy. >> let me bring in mr. frum here. david, i want to coach to you from a column this weekend about mitt romney where he says, romney, supposedly the republicans' most electable next november is a recidivist reviser, an unusual alliteration, of his principles who is not only becoming less
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electable, he might damage gop chances of capturing the senate. that is harsh. >> the first question is, which of the candidates on the stage would make the best president? from my point of view as a republican, it's incontestable. romney can do the job and almost nobody else on the stage could do the job. what i think is sort of sad and sorry about the tea party activists, the party is split down the middle. someone like me, i'm in the nontea party half and i'm quite content with romney. if the other half cannot agree on one person, they will lose, even though they have half the numbers. it's just ndisciplined and irresponsible of them not to coalesce. yet, as you saw in that interview, there is something going on in that movement. something as self-evident as, hey, you know, one half of the party has one candidate and the other half of the party has half a dozen candidates. we can tell how this is going to come out. they can't say something like that because the very idea of responsible leadership is so anathema, they can't even apply it to themselves.
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>> that's an interesting point. >> when you have someone like george will, a wise man in the republican party in the conservative movement, come out that the hard against romney, that is a real roblem for mitt romney's campaign. you have the reagan revolution as potentially being handed over to someone who said he wasn't a republican during the reagan years. that is a real problem for him in terms of coalescing the party. >> david, it was interesting, you heard ned ryun who said bachmann should quit. it was fascinating how he said i'm an evangelical and believe in the social issues but do not want them to dominate the campaign at all. that's smart politics. but partly it could be a sense that the republican base needs -- is realizing that social issues aren't going to be enough. >> i think that's a big part of it. i think what he was doing was being connected to the real world of coalition politics. you can't get -- look, when somebody like me says i looked at it and mitt romney seems like
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best of show, that doesn't mean perfect or ideal. that doesn't mean i expect to agree with him about everything. the art of -- along with political leadership, you need political followership. some willingness to draw your own priorities to choose from the best of the available options, no the to let the better be the enemy of the good. and if you don't do that, you're not doing politics, you're doing protests. >> james carville, i'm curious. you heard me talking to reince priebus about the money. the president has raised more than mitt romney. we all saw the story today in the "new york times" that is mr. obama who said he would issue lobbyists, 15 of his, quote unquote, bundlers have raised $5 billion. is that going to hurt him at all? >> who's going to attack him for it? certainly not romney. people understands, the reason we have high held -- the reason we have pollution and the reason
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we have income inequality is because plutocrats and providers provide the money for campaigns. i think people understand that at some level. is it fair? yes, the white house says that they don't let lobbyists on the premises and things like that. but there's great cynicism about money and politics. i think people are on to something. there is a connection. >> look, when president obama is going to try to run against official washington and he's getting in bed with bundlers and trying to raise $1 billion, you're going to get a very compromised candidate. it's hard to harness the anger. >> thanks so much to all three of you. please have a wonderful weekend and mischief night. all right. "outfront" next, an 8-year-old autistic boy found after spending six days alone and lost in the woods. the doctor who treated him coming out front exclusively. and the latest in the search for baby lisa.
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as we told you, the police were supposed to question her brothers today but they didn't. why not? and people in the building were not happy today. we can't resist telling you what the "outfront" outlaws did to deserve it. >> the previous interview used cisco telepresence to bring people together for face-to-face conversations. business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at ♪ it's just how i want to do it ♪
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and now a story we can't resist. mischief night, hell night, devil's night. whatever you might call it, it's the night before halloween when kids across the nation play pranks on their unsuspecting neighbors. toilet paper, eggs, shaving cream, all of it. and since our next show is on halloween night, for us, tonight is mischief night. so we couldn't resist doing this. >> he's not here.
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>> he's not here? oh, shoot. he doesn't have any markers, does he? yeah, a sharpie will do. thanks, appreciate it. we just couldn't resist, anderson. still "outfront," the "outfront" five. the house of madoff. >> it was a very ugly family tragedy playing out here. rising threat. >> there is another big concern. the highest tide is coming within the next 24 hours. his long trip home. >> it's a story ultimately about how we went through all of that, but survived it.
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and ultimately got to a point of reconciliation and forgiveness. all this still "outfront" in our second friday half. ♪ it was the best day [ whooping ] ♪ it was the best day ♪ it was the best day ♪ ♪ it was the best day ♪ 'cause of you we make a great pair. huh? progressive and the great outdoors! we make a great pair. right, totally. that's what i was thinking. all kinds of vehicles, all kinds of savings. multi-policy discounts from progressive. call or click today.
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we start the second half of our show with stories we care about where we focus on our own reporting the "outfront" five. number one, there were reports bank much america might scale back its plan to charge a $5 debit card fee. a person familiar are the bank's plan told "outfront" the fee is not going away. it just won't affect as many people. still, it's a move that comes after jp morgan chase, citigroup and u.s. bankcorp said they will not be imposing a monthly fee. number two, a strong 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit peru this afternoon. the quake hit about 30 miles south of ika. however, there appears to be no reports of major damage. there has not been a tsunami warning issued. they are closely watching the situation because peru is the number one silver producer in
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the world and number two in copper. number three for us. thailand bracing for more floodwaters that could hit in the next 12 hours. sara sidner is in bangkok and she told us there is already three to five feet of standing water in the city and when high tide hits saturday afternoon, waters could go as high as 13 feet. the fear now is the water could cross over defenses along the chao praya river and its canals, causing more damage. number four, adele, the grammy award-winning singer canceling tour dates and public events for the rest of the year in order to have surgery on her throat. the british singer had previously canceled tour dates in america due to hemorrhage of her vocal cord. her album, "21," has been number one on the billboard charts for 13 weeks. it sold over 4 million copies and the best selling album in digital history. it has been 84 days since america lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? the debt supercommittee working on keeping us from another
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downgrade hopefully will step up to the plate. today a group of 200 business associations signed a letter telling the commission not just to do a deal, but to go well beyond the $1.2 trillion they've been mandated to cut from our debt. well, it's a madoff media blitz. there have been three major tv interviews recently, two books and countless articles. it is a coming-out of sorts for ruth, his son andrew and daughter-in-law stephanie. madoff himself gave a two-hour off camera interview from prison in north carolina. now, the books, which are expected to be best sellers, could bring in a lot of money to the authors. madoff's $50 billion ponzi scheme, the largest in history, came to a crashing halt in 2008. as of today, only about $10 billion have been recovered. bernie madoff's former attorney, ira sorkin, came "outfront" today along with a senior writer for "the new york times." i spoke to them about the media blitz. diana told me she e-mailed with madoff himself this week.
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>> he told me that although his psychologist told him not to watch the interview that stephanie did on television, he did watch it. in an e-mail he sent on monday, he said, "it was as painful as i expected. i cannot find fault with what she said about me or the hate she expressed. i certainly am guilty of causing mark's death." so, it obviously hit home to him. he is always the spider at the middle of the web. he is the ghost at the feast, because he was the man who hit the dominos and sent all of these lives shattering. >> does it surprise you that they're all doing books at the same time? does it surprise you they're doing them at all? what's your take on this? obviously, i would emphasize you're the former attorney for bernard madoff. >> i suspect that because there has been a great run to see who can get to interview him and there has been pressure from all sources, as diana well knows, from every media outlet,
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electronic, print, to interview him, somebody got to him and now everyone is trying to, as we say, front run, which is a securities term, to get there first. i think that's what it's doing. a ripple effect. >> dana, how much money is at stake here? a lot of viewers would be wondering given there's a lot of victims out there. where do the proceeds from the books go? >> you should know neither of the people who stand to profit directly from these books, lori sandel, the author of the book coming out on monday and stephanie madoff mack herself, whose book is already out, neither of them are the subject of any allegations of wrongdoing. they are, you know, completely free to profit from this book as any author is free to profit from their book. >> ike, you've spent -- you were involved here, years to think about this to delve into it. what's your view at this point as to what ruth madoff knew?
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>> i am convinced, and that's supported by the government that has investigated her for two and a half years, almost three years, that she was unaware of what happened. there have been no charges leveled against her and quite frankly, and i think this is a point that needs to be made, we've been asked as lawyers why some of my contemporaries, yes pled guilty when he did. >> right. >> rather than wait, hang out, not be incarcerated in effect game the system. and i think it's important to note that he pleaded guilty when he did as early as he could to take the pressure off his wife and children. >> how much money are we going to get back? some have said that in terms of ponzi schemes, vicky ward from "vanity fair" said on the show that the lawyer said if you're able to get money back from the banks that did business with madoff, they could get near $50 billion back.
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that seemed like a very high number relative to the eight to ten they've been able to find. how much will victims eventually see? >> the trustee has gotten about $11 billion erin and is able, we think, eventually to be able to distribute that. if he's able to distribute that to the people who have out of pocket cash losses, they will see a recovery in excess of 55 cents on the dollar and historically, that is amazing for ponzi schemes. >> before we go, can bernard madoff write a book himself. >> he can but he won't get the proceeds. the son of law prohibits him from gaining anything from his own publication. >> thanks so much to both of you. ike, diana, appreciate it. >> thank you. it's been eight days since moammar gadhafi died a brutal death. the favorite son, saif al islam, who is expected to succeed his father is still on the run. the international criminal court in the hague has a warrant for his arrest and today said they're negotiating with intermediaries for his surrender, but it is unclear who those people might be.
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no one actually knows where saif is. benjamin barber was a long time adviser to saif. he's now a distinguished fellow at the policy center. not a lot of people know saif as well as you do. and i wanted to start with where you think he might be right now. >> i suspect he's in the southern sahara going as fast as he can for the mali or the niger border, having watched what happened to his father and to mutassim, who were captured alive but within an hour, died brutal deaths. i think he wants to get out of the country knowing if he's caught, he probably won't get out alive. >> i know he's being protected by the toureg, the nomadic people who live in the sahara. is he going to hide when he gets across niger, of course, one of his brothers is there, or would he turn himself in? >> i think he will turn himself in, because i think he has a story that will both help
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explain where he comes from and where he was in the seven years before the insurgency but helps explain where a number of the people in the insurgency come from. one of the reasons he wants out is that's a story some of the national transitional council don't want told. >> let's talk about the choice that he made. some say had he played his cards differently, he could be running a more reformed libya. but there was a moment when he had to choose. you said he made the michael corleone choice. >> by that, i mean for seven years, he was a hero of young reformers and young secularists. he went to london, got his ph.d. at the london school of economics. there's been controversy about the ph.d. but the committee will report out that it was a straight work that he did himself. he was involved in a lot of industrial and oil deals, but he was also involved in civic reform, giving out computers to schools, starting two independent newspapers because there had been no free press. he said in 2007, there is no free press. don't pay any attention to what my father said. he acted for a number of years
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as the leading edge of the reform movement, and in that reform movement, mr. jalil, who was the justice minister in the gadhafi government and now the chairman of the council and mr. gibrill, who was an economics minister brought in from dubai by saif to work first with him on the development council and then became economic minister, both of them were part of his reform team before the insurgency happens. >> that will be the case he will make. as you said, there was a moment when the he had to choose to go with his father or go against him. he chose family and tribe over the future. >> the arab saying is family first, clan second, tribe first, country and principle last. and though i think he was a principled young man, he made the choice for family. he made the choice like michael corleone to defend his father, whether or not he was involved in actual military action the way his brothers, both dead now, we do not note. >> of course, will be a matter
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for the hague. we'll be following that international manhunt and find out what happens to saif gadhafi. after six days lost in the virginia woods, an 8-year-old autistic boy was found safe and sound. the doctor who is treating him comes out front exclusively next. then baby lisa. the police hoped to talk to her brothers today. it did not happen. we'll tell you why not. and then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had given its last. but with their raymond james financial advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable. and they danced. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. [husband:] getting cold out here. [wife:] in here too. we need more affordable energy in this country.
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we need to protect the environment. what about the economy? what about our planet? [announcer:] at conocophillips, we're helping power america's economy with cleaner, affordable natural gas. more jobs. less emissions. a good answer for everyone. so with affordable energy that we can get to safely... we could afford to eat out more often. our daughter likes my cooking. don't you lori... lori?
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every night. our outer circle, we reach out to our sources around the world. tonight to syria where protesters are calling for a no-fly zone. arwa damon is in beirut. would a no-fly zone work there? >> reporter: erin, the syrian dynamics are very different to those that existed in libya when the no-fly zone went into place. when it comes to syria, there is no chunk of territory that the opposition controls and no clear and defined frontline. and perhaps most importantly, there is no consensus amongst the international community as to how to approach this uprising in syria. but activists are saying that right now, the regime has left them with no choice but to call for this course of action. erin? >> arwa, thank you. and now to britain where the government announced new succession loss. max foster is in london and max, what does this mean for the royal family? >> reporter: erin, this doesn't affect the current royal family, but it could change things if prosecute prince william and katherine have a child.
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imagine they have a daughter first. that daughter will only become queen if she doesn't have a brother. if she has a brother, the brother will become king. it's fundamentally sexist. also, under the new rules, that queen, that princess could marry a catholic. that's unheard of in british history, a catholic living in buckingham palace. erin? >> i'm just glad the girl could get the rights. in an interview scheduled for today with baby lisa's two half-brothers was scrapped. we told you it would happen today. police hoped to have child specialists sit down with the 6- and 8-year-old brothers of the baby to see what the boys might be able to tell them about the night she disappeared and wanted to collect dna samples. jim spellman is in kansas city tonight. can you tell us why the meeting was canceled and whether or not it be rescheduled? >> reporter: the defense team, as it were, that have assembled around the mother, deborah bradley, say it's been postponed. it's a huge setback for investigators.
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they haven't spoken to the boys since the night she disappeared and say they're vital to getting information about where she may be. they need that dna to eliminate it from a lot of dna they gathered during a large search last week. they're really hitting a roadblock mainly around this divide between the family that doesn't want to talk to the police and the police who say they need to talk to them to advance the investigation. >> all right. and a quick question. the local attorney, cindy short, who had been working for the family is no longer representing them as of today. do you know why? >> reporter: no, we don't know why. she sort of sent a very terse one-sentence note out this morning saying she's no longer working with the family. there's been so much chaos coming from this group of lawyers and investigators around the family. this is the latest thing. almost every day, there's some sort of drama coming from them. baby lisa is still missing over three weeks now. >> thank you very much, jim. we'll get more on this over the weekend, we hope. an 8-year-old autistic boy was missing for nearly six days,
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but this story has a good ending. he was found alive. robert wood junior wandered away from his family while on a hike in virginia on sunday and he was found at a quarry about a mile away, thousands of volunteers searched for him. he does not speak. that made the effort more complicated. a volunteer found him. he was taken to an area hospital for evaluation. dr. christopher walden treated him and is with us tonight. it's a pretty wonderful ending to the story. >> it was very heartwarming from the moment we received a phone call that we were actually getting him by one of our loyal med flight helicopters, knowing that he was going to be coming to our er for treatment. >> and so, what was his exact condition when he came in? we had seen that he was found in the fetal position, curled up in the quarry. >> correct. when we received him in the emergency department around 3:00 p.m., he was awake, alert, surprisingly, very interactive,
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was excited to see his mother. was smiling every time he saw her. he did have some signs and symptoms consistent with cold exposure, and we did a pretty thorough medical investigation to make sure we were treating all of his medical problems adequately. >> and how did he survive on his own, knowing that he's autistic and it seems pretty severely so, given, as you've said, he doesn't speak? >> correct. you know, it's an amazing story that he was able to survive for that amount of time on his own. and we really are appreciative of all the volunteers out looking for him and helping to bring him safely to us today. >> and so how long will he be in the hospital, and is he going to be a-okay? >> yeah, i can't go into specifics regarding his medical diagnoses. he'll definitely be in the hospital for a short period of time. we're conducting tests and making sure that we're addressing all of his immediate
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>> and would you just as a curious -- because so many people are so focused on autism, the rise of autism, how autistic is he? >> it's, you know, difficult to address that due to being his medical condition. however, he is non-verbal. however, we treat him just like we treat any other trauma patient that were to come to our level one trauma center, making sure he gets the appropriate head-to-toe examination and medical condition up front. >> all right. well, thank you very much, doctor. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> wonderful ending as people were tracking that. >> thank you. well, mark whitaker had a long trip home. the author of this terrific new book, "outfront" next.
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and those are live fireworks in lower manhattan over the statue of liberty. it is her 125th birthday. that's a great show. before the snow tomorrow. well, we're ending the week talking to the boss, mark whitaker. he's thinking, okay, are you kidding me? executive vice president and managing editor of cnn worldwide. that is his day job. but in his spare time, he wrote a new book called "my long trip home: a family memoir," chronicling his life growing up in a biracial family. and mark, it's a really great read. it reads like a novel. we were just talking about it. but how it all started was, as you write in the book, you woke up a saturday morning after thanksgiving and said i'm going to write a book. >> yeah. well, my dad had passed away exactly a year to the day before that. and you know, i knew that there was a fascinating story of my parents, this interracial
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couple, met in the 1950s. my dad was a student. my mother was a teacher. it was illicit in that way as well. they both came from these interesting worlds. he came from black pittsburgh. his parents were undertakers. my mother had grown up in france. her parents were -- her father was a french protestant pastor who had helped hide thousands of jews from the nazis during the war. so there was a lot of kind of interesting history. >> sounds like a novel. >> but there was a lot of messiness, too, after my parents got divorced, a lot of unhappiness, depression on my mother's part as she tried to raise two boys on her own. my father became an alcoholic, lost a lot of jobs. you know, so you know, i never -- you know, people told me, you know, you should write this story someday. but i couldn't quite bring myself to do it. and yet a year after my father died, i just woke up in the middle of the night and said i want to try to do this. >> how long did it take to you write it? >> it took about a year and a half in all. and i started writing from memory, the way people do conventional memoirs. but i realized after a certain point, there were a lot of things i didn't know, there were a lot of secrets, things that
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had been hidden, gaps when my father wasn't in my life that i didn't know about. and i started reporting. and it was really the reporting that got me going and made me obsessed as i started to piece together the puzzle of their lives. >> so you look at the front cover, and you've got your black father, your white mother, and you. and obviously, it brings to mind barack obama. but some of the stories in the book about race were amazing. you talk about in the '50s. but your father warned you a black man should never get lippy with a police officer. your mother was almost denied tenure at swarthmore because she was married to a black man. and then you had this story about your father bought the camera he couldn't afford with color because when you were born he wanted to take pictures of you go from light color to dark color. so how important was race in your childhood and your identity? >> well, you know, i sort of grew up in two worlds. a kind of largely white world of sort of academia where my parents were. but then there was the black world of pittsburgh, where we went when i was a small child and where my mother, even after my parents got divorce, and i wasn't in contact with my
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father, she would still bring us several times a year back to visit, visit pittsburgh. but in those days, it's interesting now that, you know, with a biracial president and all these athletes and singers who are biracial, it's sort of cool. i felt completely alien at the time. i mean, you know, sort of the idea that that was, you know, going to be something that was going to be commonplace just wasn't sort of -- >> you didn't feel at home in both? you felt sort of alien -- >> well, i didn't really think about it. it was really later when i became -- and i write about this in the book, that i became a teenager and went to college and so forth, there's all these pressures to sort of self-define as were you -- were you black? well, the fact is, in our history, you know, if you're a little bit black, you're all black. you know, i mean, that's sort of been the tradition. so -- and that's always what my father told me, is that look, you know, you're black. and you know, you have to understand the tradition. >> i'm curious, when you mention this and then you've got barack obama and -- race is a topic in a way it has never been before. i don't know. i'm curious whether you think for better or for worse.
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because there's barack obama, who's biracial and now there's herman cain, who's black. >> yeah. >> and cain has made comments about race and african-americans being pressured to vote democratic. and i'm curious whether you think the conversation right now about race is good or bad. >> the positive thing about herman cain is it just shows there are all these different ways to be black. people don't think there's only one way to be black. and that's one thing that my father always told me. although one of the interesting things to me about herman cain is that i think one of the reasons people on the right are connecting with him is that in an era where both on the right and now on the left with occupy wall street, you have these groups that are incredibly sort of fed up with kind of the establishment, traditional politics, and so forth. it's hard when you're just another white man and another white politician to kind of suggest that you're not somehow part of that establishment that screwed things up so badly. so i think people are looking for different kinds of people, and i think he's benefiting from that. >> and what about you? you said when you were born,
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this whole thing with the camera, but you came out purple is i think how you described it. >> like most babies. >> you were purple. but it was because you broke your collarbone, which you said -- and what you went through in those first couple days no doubt set your, quote, capacity for stoicism. >> well, the fact is that i had to be quite stoic after my parents got divorced. and i was very unhappy. i worshiped my dad as a kid. i found out in the course of reporting how much i worshiped him from some of my mother's letters and so forth. i wanted to live with him after they split up. he had moved to a cool bungalow in venice beach, you know, back in the day in the '60s, you know, leading the bachelor life. and he just wasn't prepared to, you know, have a child in his life. i became very overweight as -- and i became much more introverted. but one of the things that i sort of realized in reporting this book is how once i became an adult, even though i kind of thought i was doing everything on my own, i was getting back more in touch with some of, you know, the qualities of being outgoing and sort connected to the world that actually i'd
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