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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 31, 2011 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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how do you pick the songs? >> we go back and forth. then we go and each person picks their own song. so it's emily, amy, emily, amy. we just trade off. ♪ but if i hold it to my ear i can hear the whole world ♪ >> who have you not yet collaborated with that would make a dream collaboration? >> for me, i would love it if, like, andre from outkast would do a remix or something. >> mary j. blige for me. i don't know if i could sing with her. she's too intimidating. mary j. blige or stevie wonder. >> what is it about the two of you that has kept you together? >> what we do together has a magic that wouldn't be the same as if we were alone. >> very nice. brooke sits down with artists as they travel through atlanta. if you want to see some of had her other "music monday" interviews, check out
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top of the hour. i'm martin savidge, in for brooke baldwin. herman cain is on damage control. many employees forced to pay more because of weight or lifestyle. and millions right now without power. it is time to play reporter roulette. joe johns in washington, the political world is abuzz involving herman cain. what's the latest? >> the latest is that herman cain says this is a witch hunt. this all started with a report in politico which claimed that there were two women who charged him with various forms of sexual impropriety, if you will, improper conduct, in the 1990s when herman cain was working at the national restaurant association. the report was that there was actually some type of a settlement and that the settlement was sealed. well, now we know from a speech
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and question and answer session at the press club here in washington, d.c., that herman cain says he was falsely accused of sexual harassment. he says he didn't know that there was a payout, and, if there was, he says he hopes it was a small one. in his view, again, a witch hunt. that's about where we stand. >> joe, all of this comes out of course when herman cain reaches the top of the leaderboard, so to speak. any chance this came from a rival campaign? >> million-dollar campaign. we have asked politico the question. we had one person who actually said it came from a tip, not specifying where that tip came from. another reporter who worked on the story saying this was just a lot of hard work over several weeks, done by politico. so still trying to flesh that out, as you know reporters want to keep their sources a secret if they can. a lot of people, when a story like this comes out, always want to know the source of it so they can sort of judge the motivation.
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but you're certainly asking the right question there. >> joe johns, we'll continue to follow it. thanks. meanwhile, next on reporter roulet roulette, more companies are targeting employees because they smoke or they are obese. karina huber live in new york. karina, these workers are about to pay more when it comes to insurance, right? >> that's right, martin. eye new study finds that nearly 40% of employers will penalize their workers next year if they are obese or if they smoke. that's a big jump from back in 2009 when it was 9%. at the moment, some state workers already pay more like in south carolina and georgia, but some of the private employers like walmart, the nation's largest private lawyer, will charge tobacco users higher premiums next year, but they'll operate on the honor system and not test specifically if you have nicotine in your blood. other companies use medical screenings. >> and what is behind all of this? >> well, of course this is about rising health care costs. they are soaring.
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and not only for workers, in most cases it's actually employers who actually pay more than we do. a kaiser family foundation study found next year it will cost an extra $1,300 for family insurance. essentially employers are trying to get you to make more healthy decisions that could ekwailt to less sick days and less visit totz doctors. not everyone is in favor of this. critics are saying it's invasion of lifestyle, attack on lifestyle. >> thank you, karina. maybe a little financial incentive. next, cnn meteorologist chad myers is in york, pennsylvania, a town still woozy after a weekend pounding. how are the people of york recovering today? >> reporter: finally getting back to normal. only 6,000 people now without power in woryork. not bad compared to where we were. we were the first to get snow, also the first to get sun. rarely do you go on a blizzard event and then have to worry
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about snow screen. there's not enough snow to make a snow bawl, which is good. we got about ten inches of snow and all of a sudden the sun came out yesterday and it went straight into the ground. even the crews here talking about, when is the mower coming out? but the people to the northeast, they actually got much more snow than we did, compared to 10 inches here to 20, 30 inches for massachusetts through connecticut, parts of upstate new york, even northeastern through the delaware water gap. that's where most of the power lines are still down. that's where we're talking about the millions of people still without power, marty. that won't be over for the next couple of daze. so many power lines are down after the weight of the snow on the leaves took the power lines to the ground. now they all have to go back up. they won't go back up in unison. they'll get one line up per crew. they prioritize the line. if that line on the ground can get 5,000 people back online, they're going to put that line up a lot sooner than they're going to put your line up if it's on your property and you're
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the only person that's going to get power back. that's how they prioritize what they can do for the most people they can at a time. so this isn't over by any stretch. i don't even think by friday everyone will have power back across the northeast. >> chad myers, a remarkable storm. thanks very much. that is today's reporter roulette. still ahead on this halloween, a disturbing story out of missouri. what a worker found inside a haunted house that involved a noose and a young woman. plus, how far is too far? disturbing video of a boot camp for kids, now a criminal investigation. you'll see it. also, justin bieber says one senator should be locked up because of her stance on mufbsi and the bill she is pushing. it would have a huge impact on the music industry. then, want to go into space?
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turn around, do yourself a favor! >> that's a miami police officer being arrested at gunpoint by a state trooper, and it gets worse. the officer was arrested in uniform while driving his police cruiser, charged with reckless driving after leading the trooper on a seven-minute chase reportedly driving 120 miles an hour. his excuse? he was on his way to his off-duty job at a school. a senior navy officer pleaded guilty to raping two female sailors under his command. commander jay wily was court marshaled and sentenced to ten years in prison. after a plea deal, he'll serve just 42 months. wily once commanded the "uss monson". three, two, main engine start, one, zero, and liftoff. >> nasa on friday sending a new rocket into orbit, but today it's talking about the possibility of sending ordinary folks into space.
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the agency announcing it will allow boeing to lease a shuttle hangar to build a new spacecraft. the capsule designed to act as a space taxi. we're told this could create as many as 500 new jobs. a missouri teenager is in the hospital today after she apparently was strangled inside a halloween haupted house. the girl worked as an actress inside creepy world. police say a co-worker making safety checks found her caught in a noose being used as a prop. they say customers may have walked right past her without realizing that she was in trouble. a big retirement in major league baseball. st. louis manager tony la russa says he's calling it quits just three days after guiding the cardinals to the world series title. la russa has led the cardinals since 1996. he also managed the chicago white sox and oakland a's in 33 years in the big leagues. they're totally filled. nobody can go in them anymore. you just have to hold it. >> passengers and crew sitting
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on a plane for nearly eight hours, bathroom stops working. up next, why a pilot had to beg for help. and i'll speak live to a retired pilot about whose responsibility it is in situations like these, the airline or the airport? don't miss it. plus -- ♪ i'll never know why jesus came to love me so ♪ >> herman cain responds to allegations of sexual harassment. and for some reason sings. we'll break it down. stay with us for that.
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most of us who fly have been stuck sitting on the tarmac, but
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did you hear what happened to the passengers on a jetblue flight from ft. lauderdale to newark over the weekend? the snowstorm that socked the northeast diverted flight 504 to hartford, connecticut. that's where the plane sat on the tarmac for about eight hours. this was supposed to be a pretty short flight. there wasn't much food or water on board and the bathrooms quickly backed up. even the pilot was frustrated. listen. >> look, we can't seem to get any help from our own company. i apologize for this. but is there any way you can get a tug and a towbar out here to us and get us towed somewhere to a gate or something. i don't care. take us anywhere. >> at one point, the pilot was almost pleading but ready to take matters into his own hands. >> i have a paramreej ick on board that needs to come off. i have a diabetic that has issues. a list of things. i just need some help. >> roger, do you need a
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paramedic? >> no. we have a fire truck. i don't know who all the players are, but it looks like they've got it covered. my priority right now is a tug and a towbar. if you give me a wedding shop i'll build one myself. >> jim, a retired pilot in phoenix, have you ever been in a situation like this? >> never. absolutely not at all, and i'm glad i wasn't and i hope i never am. i think this whole thing did not have to happen, martin. >> we're going to get into this, but i want to play a clip for you again. we'll talk about it afterwards. >> look, you know, we can't seem to get any help from our own company. i apologize for this, but is there any way you can get a tug and a towbar out here to us and get us towed somewhere to a gate or something? i don't care. take us anywhere. >> well, the pilot is obviously frustrated with the airline, but who really is in charge in a
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situation like this? is it the airline? is it the airport? >> it's the airline to begin with. let me back up a little bit, martin. they never should have taken off. they never should have take be off. let me tell you, chad myers on cnn a good 24 hours or more before this storm hit forecast it. he talked about the specifics of it, how many people would be out of power, how many cities would be inundated by this. all that. so this whole idea about this being a surprise storm just forget it. that's not the case. so the airline should have known that they were flying into a zone that may have some great difficulties. knowing that, they should also have planned for diversions to airports outside of the snow zone. you know, we're just talking about a little bit more newly to fly another hundred miles one way or another and you don't have any of these problems. once you get into that, now it's the slippery slope, just about every decision you make is going to be a bad one.
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>> well, and the airline did point out, as it says, it was a very severe storm, they had to divert a number of its aircraft to a number of places fltd and this was one of those things. but as you point out, if they had just been, well, listening to the weather forecast, this could have been figured out ahead of time. why don't they do that? >> i have no idea why they don't. they have their own meteorology people. they have all kinds of access. they have cnn to take a look at. they have every reason to understand what's going on. yet they flew into this thing knowing full well that they may have problems. that's okay. but if you're going to do that, you have to put enough fuel on the airplane so you have options once you get near your destination. airlines now routinely, more than ever before, are skimpy on fuel. they think it's going to cost them much too much to ferry fuel unnecessarily so pilots are kind of left in the dark in terms of making the decision about how much fuel is on board. so that is a large thing in terms of where they could go and
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why. >> well, let me read the statement that jetblue has put out because we fwheed to give them their due. getting all the flights deplaned at the same time in a small airport is not unlike trying to get an elephant into a smart car. it's not an easy fit. but i think as we already pointed out here, jim, it's not so much the problem or getting into it, it's how you get out of it. you say the best way to get out of this one was for jetblue to what, cancel all of their flights? >> absolutely. absolutely. it's done every day these days, given the kind of fines that could be levied on these airlines for problems on the tarmac like this. so a lot of airlines are now canceling flights before they take that chance. but if you're going to take the chance, okay, put enough fuel on board to have options to go someplace where we can be serviced properly. and once you're on the ground, look, jetblue flies into hartford. it's not in the middle of nowhere and they have crews there. you can't tell me they couldn't get a truck to back up there and
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dump those lavs. you can't tell me you couldn't get access tore sandwiches or food or water to those passengers on the airplane once they got into this mess. i'm really appalled by this. it puts a bad mark on the aviation industry and not necessarily because of something that you couldn't do anything about. >> jetblue is saying, jim, that the passengers of 504 are not eligible for compensation. do you think, one, is it true? who decides that, but could that change? >> i think passengers on jetblue's attorneys are going to determine whether or not they're eligible for compensation of any kind. i think they were treated in a terrible fashion, and i think the airline owes them a lot more than just a couple of bucks. i think it -- this is one of those cases where the passenger bill of rights really should be laid out and have it really affect that airline and any other airline thinking about doing something that's a
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no-brainer. >> jim 'ttilmon, thank you so much. >> thank you. that little plan that i just shared with you doesn't force the granite state to expand your tax footprint, if you know what i mean, like 9% expansion. >> rick perry off the cuff and definitely very loose. there were many more of those moments and you'll hear them next. but first look at the big board, the dow down 200 points as we approach the closing bell. every time a local business opens its doors or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee, it's not just good for business. it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know
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back to rick perry. we showed you a clip of that free-wheeling speech in new hampshire. we promised we'd show you more. well, here it is again, texas governor rick perry speaking friday in manchester, new hampshire. and he starts with something that sounds like an off-the-cuff raising plea. >> i'm with her. write your checks.
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gold is good. if you've got any in the backyard because, you know, if they print any more money there in washington, the gold's going to be good. and she will take it. this is such a cool state. i mean, come on, "live free or die"? you've got to love that, right? i come from a state, you know, where they had this little place called the alamo and they said victory or death. we're into those slogans chblt our founding fathers were some of the first in the world to think about that concept and to put it into words, and they declared that our rights were endowed by our creator. and among those were life -- i love it that they start with that one, katherine.
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i called it -- everybody's got a little slogan, right? mine's cut, balance and grow. get that, cut the size of this government and balance that budget and grow the economy, and it's pretty simple actually. or can styou can stay in the ol system that's out there. and, snaenator, the ones that wt to stay in the old system, pay the lawyers, pay the accountants all the money are that! think about it. you know, we spend $500 billion a year in tax preparation. any accountants or tax lawyers out there, i'm sorry, dude, but that's too much money. $500 billion. my plan is really pretty simple. it does deductions for the mortgage, deduction for charitable -- yes, you can keep that in there.
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and your state and local taxes are in there. put those on, $12,500 for every dependent that you have. you know, pretty easy math. subtract it, send it in. it's awesome. why not? that little plan that i shared with you doesn't force the granite state to expand your tax footprint, if you know what i mean, like 9% expansion. this little school i grew up in, it was called pin creek. it was very small. as a matter of fact, the motto of the school was no dream too tall for a school so small. yeah. and, by the way, i graduated in the top ten of my high school class. was that on my resume?
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>> once again, that was texas governor rick perry speaking friday evening in manchester, new hampshire. perry now has agreed to appear at our next cnn debate, and that is scheduled for the 22nd of november. time now for an america's choice 2012 politics update. republican herman cain strongly denying a published report that he sexually harassed two former employees. he says he knows nothing about reported payouts to his alleged accusers. >> in all of my over 40 years of business experience running businesses and corporations, i have never sexually harassed anyone. number two, while at the restaurant association, i was accused of sexual harassment. falsely accused, i might add. i was falsely accused of sexual
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harassment, and when the charges were brought, as the leader of the organization, i recused myself and allowed my counsel and my human resource officer to deal with the situation. and it was concluded, after a thorough investigation, that it had no basis. >> cnn's chief political analyst gloria borger joins me now. gloria, did herman cain answer all the questions really surrounding these allegations? >> no, i don't think he did. i think he'll have more questions as a result. while he said that he knew about these charges that he'd been falsely accused, he also told us he had recused himself as head of the association from any investigation, but he told us he didn't know about any payout. well, that kind of, if you ask me, strains a little cred youul
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there. he knew he was cleared but didn't know there was a payout? the women ended up leaving so he might have noted that. >> what is this going to do to his campaign? some will be critical but others will rally. >> absolutely. i think that evangelicals would be a good place to start. i believe that they will rally around him because he's denied all of these charges and they will rally around him forcefully. they will blame the media or other campaigns or whomever else. this is a candidate who said today that he has a target on his back. but, let me say this, if this unravels on herman cain and things become known that are not known now, i believe evangelicals would turn on him with a great deal of force. so i think this is a very tricky situation. i think the other campaigns stay far away from this right now, but obviously if something were to happen to herman cain that would be good for rick perry, the man you just showed a few
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moments ago. so, for now, i think, martin, this kind of freezes the race as people watch how mr. cain and his campaign extricate them selves from this problem. >> a lot of people will be watching, including us. gloria borger, thanks very much. >> you bet. stunning video. it shows life inside a boot camp for at-risk kids. tough love? or just plain too tough? decide for yourself. plus -- mother finds her teenage daughter stabbed after a home invasion. she later died. now investigators say coins could be the biggest clue to solving her murder. sunny hostin is "on the case" and that is next. e, improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula goes beyond 24-hour moisture. it's clinically proven to improve your skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts.
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coins may be the clue that solve the brutal murder of a 14-year-old girl. police think that kelly owe
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laughlin came home and walked in on a burglar. she was found by her mother and was rushed to the homt. but she died. sunny hostin is "on the case." how could a set of coins, something like that, solve a killing like this? >> well, these rare coins, martin, were stolen from the home, and when i say rare, i mean rare. there's apparently one $10 gaming token commemorating the 50th anniversary of the flamingo las vegas hotel. so those folks that have these coins could possibly be implicated in her murder. this is just good old-fashioned police work. they've contacted pawnshops in the area. they've contacted local coin shops. and this could very well lead to many, many leads in this case. >> well, i understand the police have been questioning a man suspected of at least one burglary in the area over the summer so i'm wondering, you know, are they looking at him as a possible suspect here, or do you just bring him in because of what happened in the past?
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>> well, he isn't a prime suspect, is my understanding, martin, but they are looking at him. he is part of the investigation. he is in custody right now on a warrant related to something else, but not the prime suspect. certainly part of the investigation. >> we'll wait and see how that develops. in the meantime, we've all seen talk shows featuring boot camps for troubled kids. but some video from one of those camps is raising a lot more than just eyebrows. take a look at this. >> sunny, this has prompted an investigation in pasadena, california. what kind of charges could people in this video face is it criminal child abuse? >> no question about it.
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it's just so clear. and look how disturbing there video is. i'm certain that we don't have all of the information and all of the evidence of things that happened here to this child and to others. it's -- i see that it's very clearly criminal child abuse. we're talking about willful cruelty, that would be considered in california. the other thing is unlawful corporal punish tmentpunishment. you've got not one, not two, but four adults screaming at this child. i think there's part of the video where you hear this sort of blood-curdling scream coming from the child. it's really just unbelievable. when i take my lawyer hat off and put my mommy hat on, it's just infuriating. we've seen so many teens be abused in these boot camps, and some have died. there was a government report done a couple of years ago, and there were ten instances reported where children died in these sorts of circumstances. so we can't sort of overemphasize how cruel and
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unjust some of the behavior that we're seeing on this video is. >> no doubt about that at all. sunny hostin, thank you very much for joining us. just hours from now, nato's mission in libya will be over. seven months and thousands of air strikes later, nato will stop its operation against moammar gadhafi's regime. cnn's matthew chance just landed in tripoli. what he has to say about the milestone, that's coming up next [ male announcer ] are you considering a new medicare plan? then you may need help finding the right plan for your needs.
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the nato operation in libya has just a few hours left to run. today nato's military leader, secretary-general, touched down in tripoli to mark the occasion. our matthew chance has returned today to tripoli as well. he was on that flight with nato's secretary-general. matthew, is nato declaring mission accomplished, a success? >> reporter: that's exactly what they're declaring. they're saying this is one of the biggest successes for the western alliance in its recent history. it's much more clean in terms of the in and out than, for instance, afghanistan has been or iraq was. so they're very kind of self-satisfied about that. take a listen to what the secretary-general of nato had to say when i spoke to him on the aircraft that took us both from nato headquarters in brussels to here, the libyan capital. >> we have been are to protect
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civilians and that nation has been a great -- massacre. we have saved countless lives. we have fully -- the united nations mandate. that was our mission, and we have gotten what we promised to get. >> reporter: libyan leaders expressing some concern that nato may be leaving too soon. thier still very worried about the threats posed by different factions, possibly gadhafi supporters mustering themselves and posing a security threat as well. but nato is adamant they are in 2 1/2 hours from now approximately ending their mission in the skies over libya, marty. >> matthew, the country's new leaders are saying they found some of gadhafi's chemical weapons. i guess we can assume now that they are in safe hands? >> reporter: well, they certainly will be, that's right. the prime minister of the
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country, jibril, saying the chemical weapons stores had been located in the country. the international authorities have been informed according to the interim government here in libya and inspectors are expected to come to libya to deal with the issue later this week. and so that's something that's solved a lot of concern. it is one of the big concerns of nato also. i spoke to the secretary-general about this. if there are any weapons, caches, around the country, arms dumps, they should be brought under control very quickly. >> matthew chance reporting from libya, thanks very much. back home, one senator should be, quote, locked p up. that's what hoeart throb justin bieber is saying about a senator is saying about music. i'll tell you what she's pushing that would affect the industry and how she's responding to the biebs. plus, find out how the white house is celebrating halloween.
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that will be next. the postal service is critical to our economy-- delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service, and want to lay off over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains 5 billion a year from post-office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it. but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth!
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political pop time, and today we're talking about a pop star who is talking politics sort of. justin bieber says he wants a united states senator locked up in jail. well, it might be a bit oversimplified. listen to what the recording superstar told a radio show on the subject of an antipiracy bill sponsored by amy cloeb ashar. >> that guy needs to be locked up. >> it's a she. that's how you got your start. >> she needs to be -- whoever she is, she needs to know that i'm saying she needs to be locked up. put away the cuffs.
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>> senator cloeb ashar sponsors the legislation making it a felony to illegally copyright music. we're not sure if justin bieber is fully informed about the issue. the senator's office responded saying the youtube star has nothing to fear from her bill. it's about stealing content on the web. the president, first lady and mrs. obama's mother handed out treats saturday to children from around the d.c. area, celebrating early. in case you're wondering what the first family gives trick-or-treat trick-or-treaters, a mix of dried fruit and a cookie and m & ms. >> high school football can be fiercely competitive, but two schools took their rivalry to a whole new level, and it's on all the video sites. stick around for this.
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plus, 72 days, that's how long kim kardashian and her new husband lasted. they're getting a divorce. find out why and how much money they made from the wedding they just had. and leaisa is live in frons. in case you're wondering, many other hollywood couples didn't quite make it to their first anniversary. according to "marie claire," drew barrymoore and tom green, only five months, renee zellweger and kenney chezy and lisa marie and nicholas cage. we'll have more, next.
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back now with the list of the shortest celebrity marriages, according to marie claire, the source. the take on the cake, italian october rudolph valentino spent six hours in newlywed bliss with jean aker. she was apparently locked out of honeymoon suite. "the situation room" storts in a couple minutes. wolf blitzer joins me for a preview. wolf?
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>> we are going to spend some time look at accusations levelled by politico. herm yan cane is the front-runner in not only the polls are registered republicans but in iowa with a dead heat with mitt romney mp herman cain responded today over the national press club. we are going in-depth, taking a look at accusations. we got one of the reporter from politico, he is live to break this down. er with getting reaction from the other republican campaignes from sources all over the place. we are going to spend a lot of time taking a closer look at the nature of these allegations, what that mean, what could t could mean for herm yan cane's presidential campaign. other important news as well as dramatic developments happening in libya, the end of the nato nation, for example we are going to pakistan. so we got some big news, all this coming up, martin right here, in "the situation room."
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>> come watching with thanks very much, wolf blitzer. >> everybody remembers the big high school rivals, just who they were. there just isn't any evidence left of the smack talking you did years ago before the big games. fast forward now to 2011, and you've got the defending georgia state football champs and they are playing their rivals in the sub suburban area. it is trending today. my daughter pointed this out today. i think saturday maybe. these two videos are great. >> it is fun. high school students decided to produce their hip-hop video. and they brought to t to their rival high school and it's totally viral. >> let's take a clip at it right now. >> where you at ♪ ♪ we don't even -- are you even
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on the map ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ well, where you at? we don't even see you, are you even on the map ♪ ? ♪ everybody mark their calendar on 10-28-11. ♪ snow that's the day we send every brongo up to heaven. ready to back up all our facts. hear you talkin but can't hear you screamin ♪ >> that was all done by students. >> by students. it was aamazing. i saw you dancing a little bit. >> it very catchy and they deliver it. >> they absolutely drivered it. grayson is not to be outdone. they responded and i think we have a little bit of that. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ snets ♪ grayson sea 's got your game on ♪ >> they are really catchy. >> a lot of fun. >> the kardashian thing. she filed for divorce today. >> yes, she has. >> is that a heart breaker for you. >> only 72 days. it went by so quickly. the special was on this weekend of their wedding. you got to see them get married this weekend. >> this is the thing. how much money did they make? >> like over 17 million
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reportedly. they made a lot off of that wedding, a lot pf but it did not last at all. kim released a statement. she apparently is sad about it. she says after careful consideration i have decided to end my marriage. i hope everyone understands this was not an easy decision. i hoped this marriage was not forever but sometimes things don't work out as planned. we remain friends and wish each other the best. don't we always though? >> it was heart-felt. >> yes, straight from the gut. >> there was a -- they actually played the game. those two teams and i would be remiss if i didn't ask, you have a final score? >> yes, grayson took it over, they beat them 14-7 in the final moments. final seconds of the game. even though i thought, i thought brooke wood was going it pull it out. >> their rivalry will live on forever. i think they had several hundred thousand hits already. >> yes, youtube is loving it. >> i bet they are. that's good. thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you. let's go to to karine huber
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now. >> the dow is down by 233 points, just a drop of almost 2%, same thing for the other idexes. a lost investors had been flocking toward the safe-haven bet as would he have uncertainty of the u.s. and europe. that is not good for their manufacturers. so they have stepped in. that caused the dollar it really rise and that's not not good for commodities, which a lot of them are trading in for u.s. dollars. we are seeing a pull back on shares of exxonmobil and shares of alcoa. this is partial because investors have taken the time to
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didigest about the debt crisis in europe. a little bit of uncertainty. at the same time, mf global filed for bankruptcy protection. this is a firm headed by john corzine. which happened is that they were very exposed to sovereign debt which they bought last year and they gambled. they hoped it could pay off to the upside but in fact it hasn't. so they filed for bankruptcy protection as the first major securities firm to go down due to big write-offs with european bonds. that is causing today. >> they were down in october. is today going to change sna. >> at the beginning of the trading session this morning, they were up for about 12% for the dow, nasdaq and s&p 500. we are down about 2%. a lot of the market geekes who look back the stocks traded over a hundred years ago, they look
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the at algorithms throughout history. they say this is a normal year. based on the economic data, continuing to look better than expected, as we saw the gdp data and hopefully the jobs report friday is a good one. if we seek continued growth in the u.s. then we could skmekt november and december could be descent months for the stock market. traditionally it is a good period, those two months. we will see positive gains for 2011. >> thanks very much. now, tomorrow's news today. let's fast forward. pay attention, get your name on the ballot for the republican primary. mark it on your calendar. whoever wins that race has gone on to become the nominee for president. then, coaching legend, pat summit, begins her 28th season with the women's basketball team. this summer, summit, 59, reveals she suffers from early onset of dementia. wrapper 50 cent's new


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