tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 1, 2011 2:00am-3:00am EDT
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kris jenner would be in a bentley double parked on your soul. her soon-to-be ex-husband may be the ball player but in the game of reality tv, kim kardashian wins every single time. that's it for us, thanks for watching. erin burnett out front starts now. a new crop of college graduates, $1 trillion in debt. was it a mistake? is going to college not the best way to get a job. we can't resist this one, kim kardashian files for divorce. and herman cain, allegations of sexual harassment have cropped up. will they derail his meteoric rise. breaking news, stocks fall sharply, spooked by worries about the european bailout. the dow lost 276 points. the european crisis took a bit
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out of the u.s. markets and also took out a former u.s. firm. john corzine's company mf global filed for bankruptcy today after more than $6 billion in bets on europe gone bad. it only went so far, the dow was up the best since 2002. the s&p 500's best gain since december of 1991. stocks were spooked, fitting, because it is halloween. and new jersey governor chris christie told kids to stay home. yeah, he cancelled halloween for people who lost power. all right. the republican candidates seem to be celebrating halloween. we called every single campaign and figured they must all be out trick or treating tonight with kids or grandkids. we're not kidding. only rick santorum, the one with trick or treat aged kids, and herman cain showed up to work today. jon huntsman tried but a power outage kept him home.
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mitt romney spent the day with his family in boston. you get the point. herman cain had all of the spot lights focused on the one day he may not have wanted the attention. in washington he fought back against allegations of sexual harassment. >> i have never sexually harassed anyone, and those accusations are totally false. >> the gop front-runner defended himself against a politico report which claims two women accused him of inappropriate behavior during his tenure at the national restaurant association in the 1990s. now, will this derail his meteoric rise in the polls or not? one man whose opinion matters more than almost anyone's is republican rainmaker and king maker haley barbour. former rnc chief is a republican fund-raising powerhouse. fund-raising for the republican governor's association doubled when he became chairman in 2009 from $59 million in 2008 to $117 million in 2010.
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election year. he entertained a presidential run himself and is one of the most sought-after endorsements in the country. karl rove recently enlisted barbour's help to raise money for his super pack, american crossroads. with barbour's help, the conservative organization is aiming to raise $240 million in 2012, the presidential election year. haley barbour, thanks for being with us. we appreciate your taking the time. we wanted to start with this issue about herman cain. as you know, earlier he denied the allegations in interviews that are airing tonight on pbs and with greta van susteren. he goes on to say he does remember an incident and knows it was settled, or as he says, quote unquote, agreed to. is this going to hurt him? >> well, i'm sure something he doesn't want to be talking about. whether it hurts him is going to turn on what the facts really are, in depth. you know, what was the sexual harassment? was it something that was suggestive or was it actually something worse than that?
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it's hard to know how it will turn out. you do know this, this is not what herman cain withins to be talking about today or any day during his campaign. >> no, it sure isn't. and it's interesting, because earlier david gergen was saying, you know, sometimes delving into people's personal lives seems to go way too far in the modern media era, but given in this case there were settlements with these two women, this does seem to be a fair thing to be pushing harder and harder on. you've met herman cain, you know herman cain. do you think the more people push, the more they may find, or not? >> well, i'm very surprised to hear this. i've never seen any indication of anything like this. i've known him 15 -- well, more than 15 years. i knew him when he was a very successful businessman. as he has been in all of his career, from what i can tell. so i was very surprised by this. that being the case, i would be surprised if there's anymore to it. >> so two weeks ago, i remember this -- i know we called your
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office to ask you about it. when -- when said if the election were today, your wife said she would vote for herman cain. and you had said, i believe, that if it were herman cain versus barack obama, cain would, quote, sweep the south. you still think so? >> i guess barack obama, yes, man, i do. look, president obama's problems around the country are that his policies are bad policies. people think that his policies are making the economy worse, not better. that his policies are going to make health care more expensive, and reduce quality. so that sort of problem for barack obama is a political problem that's not going to be overcome by somebody else getting smeared. if this is an election like most american presidential elections, it will be a referendum on the president's results, what he's gotten done. and with bad policies, he's had very bad results.
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>> governor barbour, i wanted to ask you about mitt romney. and as you know, even though he's -- either tied with herman cain in some polls, ahead in some, slightly behind in others, he is seen as the man to beat by the white house. but everyone keeps saying, well, we like mitt romney, we don't love mitt romney. why is he having such a hard time connecting with conservatives, with the tea party, you know, mississippi, you can answer this question, perhaps better than anyone else. what's mitt's problem? >> well, first of all, i think the idea that mitt, being at 25% of the polls and not growing a lot is not necessarily the indication of a problem. i think what's going on is that millions and millions of republicans are looking to see who is the republican candidate that has the best chance of beating obama? normally at this stage, republican voters are saying, who is the candidate i like the most? who is the candidate that i'm most in agreement with? but i think a lot of times this
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time we are seeing republicans say, "i want to make sure my party nominates the person who has got the best chance to beat barack obama, because our country has to have a change." romney being probably the best-known person when we started, probably is the person that gets the least look right now, that people are looking at the ones they don't know very much about. and that may explain how you've had kind of skyrocketing polls for michele bachmann that came and went for rick perry, that came and went, or for herman cain. i think voters are looking over this field, because they think it is so -- such an important, critical election to america's future. >> i know a man that you liked quite a bit, chris christie, republican governor of new jersey, obviously. did not jump into the race. and then quickly endorsed mitt romney. your endorsement matters a lot, because you raise money, because people listen to what you say. are you endorsing mitt romney tonight? >> i'm not endorsing anybody here.
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i have said since soon after i made the decision not to run myself that i didn't intend to endorse anybody for the nomination. that is still my position. i didn't endorse anybody in 2008. i'm going to do everything i can do from now until next november to elect a new republican president to replace president obama. but i don't intend to get involved in the nomination contest. >> all right. well, haley barbour, a pleasure to talk to you again, sir. and we'll talk to you again soon. >> thanks, erin. thanks for having me. congratulations on your show. >> thank you, sir. appreciate it. now i want to bring in jeff toobin, our senior legal analyst, kevin madden, the campaign spokesperson for mitt romney in 2008. and john avlon. we've got a lot to talk about. i want to talk about what governor barbour just said about the election. but i want to start with herman cain. jeff, it's interesting. first he denied, then he remembered more. as the day goes on, he remembers even more. how much more is there to this herman cain sexual harassment situation?
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>> well, he better hope there is something more to it, because it's currently a disaster. what we are two facts. one, that there was an accusation of sexual harassment by two women. we know, fact two, that money was paid to these two women. now he denies it. you know what, that's not good enough. this is a guy running for president of the united states. this is a very serious accusation. he has got to get in front of the story somehow and explain why it's not a real story, because it will pursue him. it will destroy his candidacy if he doesn't -- >> if he doesn't come out. >> and notice what governor barbour said. he was very careful to say there need to be more facts that come out. >> yes. >> so he -- who is a good barometer of where the center of the republican party is, he's not happy with today's answers. >> no, he's not. he did make a point of saying i have known him for 15 years, personal character, vouched for him. >> but said he would be surprised if there was anything more to this.
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but in is political communications 101. you get ahead of the story, the facts out. it's rarely the crime and politics that cover up. he's got a situation now where all these allegations are out there, but they have been getting calls for ten days before this became public. they seemed flat-footed when they responded. >> what does mitt romney do to take advantage of this situation? i imagine he doesn't have to touch this with a 50-foot poll. the focus on cain right now is about something that has nothing to do with being president? >> well, look, i mean, the question you have to ask yourself, if you're any opposing campaign, is what do the american people care most about? the american people care most about the economy. that's the reason that herman cain had an ascent in the polls, because he has talked about his 9-9-9 plan in a very simple, unvarnished way, and it directly addressed some of the concerns people have about the government and have about the economy. so any campaign governor romney's, anybody else in this campaign, they have to focus very acutely on what they're going to do to put the american economy back on track, what
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they're going to do to create jobs. and how, with those arguments, they can beat barack obama in a general election. >> john avlon, what does herman cain do right now? does he stand up and have a press conference and say, i'm going to put it all on the table, i know i clearly was not direct about it to begin with, nor transparent, or is that smart or bad politics? >> he needs to get the information out there quickly. he has a reservoir of good will. he seems like a likeable, authentic person. he needs to get ahead of the story. and i think part of the issue is, as one of the rising front-runner, he's got a target on his back. people are trying to attack him. he can say this is part of the mud slinging. >> this is going to be complicated for him. the defendant in this case, if it would have been a case in this settlement, was the national restaurant association, which he doesn't work for anymore. they have the paperwork on this case. >> whether it was sealed -- >> who knows what he has anymore. i mean, he's got to tell the story in a incomprehensible way. he himself may not have the material to work with. but he has got to say more than he's saying now. this is ridiculous.
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>> as i wrap it up, i will say judy woodruff was saying the settlement was five figures, which would mean it would maximum out at $99,999,000. and i'm just saying -- >> that's not a lot of money -- by lawsuit standards, that's not a lot of money. but it may be this was just a nuisance settlement. but if that's the case, someone has got to say it in a convincing way. >> thanks to all three. appreciate it. john, jeff, kevin. outfront next, the super committee charged with coming up with a better plan for the economy. all 12 members have taken money from lobbyists since think got their job. in america, we believe in a future that is better than today.
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the number tonight, $9 billion. that is how many colonels of candy corn are introduced every year, enough to circle the moon 21 times. in new york city, 50 to 60,000 people participate in the village halloween parade every year. you see it getting ready. it's always raucous. it's fun, i guess. but, man, candy corn, that stuff has got to be part of the reason health care costs are rising in america. okay. now, seriously, solving america's debt crisis. if washington can do that, confidence, growth, jobs will follow. the high-profile super committee, six republicans and six democrats, were appointed to point at least $1.2 trillion in cuts to the deficit. but at the same time, since the committee was formed in mid august, every member, except for one, has taken lobbyists' money. and the one took it and gave it back.
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we asked cnn's deb feyerick to investigate. deb, what did you find when you looked at the money? >> it's so interesting, because at face value, it does appear to be a conflict of interest. you're taking this money from political action committees, from these special interest groups, basically. and this is all going -- while they're negotiating $1 trillion in debt savings. whether it's taxes or entitlements, publicly, everything is on the table and that makes the 12-member super committee, very powerful, but also extremely tight-lipped, even with their own staffs, and that's according to political watchers. nobody is talking about what's on the table, what's being cut. some groups have called for a moratorium on donations. others for total transparency when dealing with any special interest group or lobbyists. bottom line, let's take a look at the money. within six weeks of being appointed, 11 of the 12 committee members took in contributions totalling more than $300,000. on the republican side, congressman dave camp from michigan took in the most with 90 grand. his colleague also from
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michigan, fred upton, $36,000, while the others took in about $22,000 or less. the democrats, well, they didn't do too badly either. representative xavier becerra from california took in $38,000, while james clyburn, over $36,000. the others, 29 grand or less. now, senate -- the senator, patty murray's donations, they're still being calculated. but right now, only senator john kerry said he's not raising any money during this period. and other people we did get comments from said, well, the money they got was money they had gotten before they were appointed to the committee. side by side, republican super committee members took in $181,000 in a six-week period. democrats took in more than $121,000. the next figures do not come out until january. it's going to be after the decisions are made. donors who gave $10,000 or more to super committee members include giants of oil, health care, entertainment, including
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chevron, pfizer, the national beer wholesalers association, walt disney and federal express. and, of course, passing the hat among business executives can mean $5,000 more per individual. so there's really a lot at stake. and, you know, this is fund-raising season. and while this may look like it's sort of a drop in the bucket, 90,000, 25,000, to you and i it's a lot. but when talking about these campaigns, 10, 20, $30 million to in some of these races, clearly it's not that much still. the payout could come in january and nobody knows what's on the table. that's what's so frustrating. folks i spoke to today said it keeps changing day after day. nobody can follow what's going on. >> how much money, who is going where, and whether it's linked to do this for me or scratch my back. >> exactly. >> deb, thank you very much. we appreciate it. as we continue to ask that super committee to please step up and do something by that date, it's not a deadline america can afford to miss. it is called "operation
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ghost stories" but has nothing to do with halloween. just happened to happen coincidentally today. it's the name of the fbi sting operation which brought down russian spies, including the bombshell who got all the attention, anna chapman. all were deported last year. today the fbi released thousands of documents, videos and photographs detailing the spy ring. in one surveillance clip, anna chapman can be seen with an undercover fbi agent who was posing as an employee of the russian consulate. the newly released evidence has all of the markings of a spy novel set during the cold war, only these agents were real and current. paul callan is a former prosecutor and contributor at cnn. he's outfront tonight to break it all down. paul, great to see you. so why did suddenly we get this information? the press had filed a freedom of information act saying we want to see these pictures, video. are you surprised the government actually forked it over? >> yeah, i'm really stunned. and it seems so orchestrated. i mean, it's "operation ghost stories" being released on halloween?
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normally the government vigorously opposes freedom of information requests like this. i mean, this is a spy case, there are intelligence sources involved, theoretically. there are exceptions under the freedom of information act that the governor could have used to prevent release. so i'm very surprised. >> and some of these things -- spies passing cash for information in a train station. we had that. a meeting in a coffee shop. does this compromise our law enforcement in terms of where they are, where they're hovering, what they're looking for. the kinds of places they have under surveillance? >> i know the red head that's gotten such press -- >> the bombshell. >> it was a starbucks i think she was surveilled in. i don't think anything has been compromised in that respect. obviously, these are public places for the most part. and i think spies know that, you know, they're being watched. and if they're going to be watched, they're going to be watched in a public place. >> what could the government motive for doing this without a fight be? >> i think this entire case has been publicized to embarrass the russians.
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putin has been very aggressively anti-american, and we pick up ten spies, and we ended up trading them, by the way, only for four american spies. and now they're very openly living in russia, which you never see in espionage cases. so i think it sounds like department of justice and the obama administration is rubbing the russians' face in this. how easy it was to catch them, and you know something, the videos are humiliating. they're professional spies and nailed so easily by the obama administration. >> nothing worse than looking like an incompetent spy. >> it is. and so instead of using the freedom of information act to protect our sources, we humiliate the russians. sounds political, erin. >> paul callan, thank you very much. still out front, one of the suicide bombers responsible for a terror attack in somalia this weekend is from minnesota. another example of home-grown terrorism.
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and then how important is a college degree? author michael ellsburg says not worth it. and kim kardashian is getting divorced. we couldn't resist but look back at all 72 days of her marriage. [ male announcer ] this is lara. her morning begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. [ female announcer ] get money saving coupons at
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that's usually what is cited. she released this statement, after careful consideration, i decided to end my marriage. i hope everyone understands this is not an easy decision. i had hoped this was forever but sometimes things don't work out as planned. we remain friends. there were, of course, highlights during this couple's short time together. their wedding was aired as a two-day special on the "e" network and renewed their vows on "ellen" and made $18 million on their wedding which works out to, this is a pretty good day rate, $250,000 per day that they were together. now, of course, there may be some sadness out there today. according to photos found on, dozens of people showed up at the kardashian star dash for an impromptu vigil, with signs and candles, some of them with their phone numbers, hey, kim, please call. we're going to stay positive tonight, celebrate the good times. it wasn't the shortage celebrity marriage ever. in honor of their 72 days, we can't resist playing that you are favorite scene from the 2005
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comedy, "wedding crashers." you've been so good to me snoets you know you make me wanna shout you know you make me wanna shout now wait a minute >> now, what is she going to do with the $2 million engagement ring? we don't know about that, but we want to. we just couldn't resist. still "outfront," the out-front five. spooky speech.
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>> gold is good. if they print anymore money over there in washington, the gold is going to be good. halloween, on hold. >> you have power, be happy about that, and don't leave the house. child mystery. are investigators any closer to finding a suspect? thousands of peopleuncer, are choosing advil®. advil® helps me do what i love. the job's tough, advil® is tougher. advil® never lets me down. [ male announcer ] take action. take advil®.
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second half of our show begins with stories we care about, where we focus on our own reporting, do the work, and find the "outfront" five. number one tonight, gop front-runner herman cain fighting back against allegations of sexual harassment. earlier, i spoke with republican reign and king maker governor haley barbour of mississippi. he said he would be surprised if there was more to it. the governor is a powerful player in the gop but did not offer to endorse another candidate or mr. cain. number two, mf global, a financial firm led by goldman sachs ceo jon corzine filed for bankruptcy today after bad bets on europe helped put it $39 billion in the red.
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right now it doesn't look like corzine will get a golden parachute. brian foley of ryan, foley & company ran the numbers. corzine had more than $11 million in stock options but right now they're worth zero along with the rest of the company. he did get a cash bonus this year of $1.25 million. number three, power out for two million customers along the east coast. connecticut the hardest hit with 63,000 customers powerless. connecticut light and power told some parts of the state could be in the dark a week from today. and in new jersey, more than 300,000 outages, with several people being on our staff. obviously, one of whom wrote that line. number four, the department of transportation launched an investigation into a jetblue flight that spent eight hours on the tarmac because of the snowstorm. under recent d.o.t. regulations, customers must be let off after three hours. obviously violated here. we did the research and found out jetblue could face a fine of $3.5 million for just that plane's delay.
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jetblue said they wanted to deplane sooner but issues at bradley airport in hartford prevented them from doing so. and it has been 87 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? not enough. today the u.s. treasury said it will borrow another $305 billion this quarter and another $541 billion in the first three months of 2012. well, it looks like an american from minnesota is one of the suicide bombers responsible for a weekend terror attack in somalia. the fbi says americans are actively involved in al shabaab, an islamic extremist group. according to my sources in the u.s. government, americans of somali descent are significant fund-raisers for al shabaab. eric schmidt is a terrorism correspondent for the "u.s. times" and coauthor "of counter strike." eric, a pleasure to see you tonight. defense secretary leon panetta told me a few weeks ago his biggest worry was a home-grown suicide bomber who trained oversees, comes back, and bombs a subway in the united states.
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al shabaab is recruiting americans who could do just that, aren't they? >> that's what law enforcement officials are doing. al shabaab started as insurgency in somalia but it's expanded and grown closer to al qaeda in recent years, but it carried out a suicide mission in uganda last year. sometimes they're called the somali taliban because they chop off the hands of thieves, stone adulterers, yank out people's teeth because they believe gold fillings are un-islamic. what has happened here, there are 30 or so americans that have gone to somalia in recent years, some attracted to online videos appealing to them to fight in somalia and the concern is some may come back to the united states and carry their fight here. >> why, eric, have they been so successful in recruiting from america? i know a lot of communities are
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in the midwest, but also in terms of fund-raising from the united states, which is something i've been told they have been pretty successful at doing. >> that's right. there are about 14 individuals last year and somalis here in the united states arrested and charged with providing material support and funds and other support to shabaab and somalia. they're basically supporting a nationalistic movement in somalia. al shabaab controls much of southern somalia, although they've had some set backs recently in the capital of mogadishu. this campaign attracted many young people, young many in particular in places like minneapolis where there is a large somalia-american community to come fight in somalia. the concern of law enforcement officials is shabaab is teaming up and getting closer to the al qaeda branch in yemen. that is the same branch of al qaeda that was responsible for the so-called underpants bomber in 2009 and the printer cartridge plot in 2010 p.m. >> something to keep a close eye on.
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we'll be talking to eric in the future. pretty frightening these people live here, train there and have american passports. and we can all imagine how that could end. thanks again, eric. halloween is not just time for ghosts, goblins and a chance to scare young ones. it's a time to talk about the tricks and treats of politics. john avlon is with us. and i've just got to say, john, we did call all of the campaigns today and it was an unusual day. usually one or the other is off. it was like they were all off, but herman cain. >> when did halloween become a political holiday? >> it seems like they were. and like i said, only rick santorum had little kids to take trick or treating. you were writing about jan brewer today in "the daily beast." would you call it a trick or treat in politics? >> we're giving this a political dirty trick. it's unprecedented. arizona governor jan brewer is threatening to impeach her entire independent redirecting commission opinion these are democrats and republicans tasked with coming up with nonpartisan lines. but what she has done, she
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didn't like what they came back with, wasn't in favor of her party so she is threatening to impeach the whole bunch. unprecedented power grab. that's a political dirty trick. >> wow. >> yeah. >> do you have any treats? i'm not going to let you get away without a treat. absolutely. we've got treats. a big night for parties. people like to go out and have a good halloween party. but you don't usually get -- orange tie. you don't usually get a presidential candidate loose and goofy, getting to see how they might look after hours. but texas governor rick perry gave us a glimpse maybe of just that friday night at a fund razor in manchester, new hampshire. this clip has been going viral. let's take a quick listen. >> i'm with her. write your checks. gold is good. if you've got any in the backyard -- because, you know, if they print anymore money over there in washington, the gold is going to be good. and she will take it. >> i'm just saying, he might have a sponsorship deal if this whole presidential thing works
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out. that guy can hustle some gold. >> wow, i would love to see, since they all took the day off, if anyone is going to show up in a halloween costume. >> i think you get extra points if you show up for halloween and you're a presidential candidate. >> i would think they should. thanks very much. and people -- that's good for likability. depending on the costume you choose. >> that's true. >> let's check in with anderson cooper with a look at "ac 360." >> erin, we're keeping them honest on 360. more on the sexual harassment lawsuit against herman cain. we'll play sound bites and let you hear how his story changed little by little throughout the day. we'll also speak with john martin who broke the story for politico. also up close tonight, this was never supposed to happen. stranded for hour after hour, out of food, out of water, and the bathroom off limits. it happened to passengers aboard a plane. you'll hear the pilot of the diverted flight 504 pleading with airport personnel to help get his passengers off the plane.
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they were unbelievably close to the jetway. they were there for many, many hours. those stories and tonight's ridiculist at the top of the hour, erin. >> i'm amazed they don't open the door and say let's put the chutes out, let's end this. hell on earth. thank you, anderson. pope benedict started using a rolling platform to get around. is it a sign of a more serious condition? and it's been a year and five months since 7-year-old kyron horman disappeared from outside his school in portland, oregon. have we gotten any closer to finding him? the other office devices? they don't get me. they're all like, "hey, brother, doesn't it bother you that no one notices you?" and i'm like, "doesn't it bother you you're not reliable?" and they say, "shut up!" and i'm like, "you shut up." in business, it's all about reliability. 'cause these guys aren't just hitting "print." they're hitting "dream." so that's what i do. i print dreams, baby. [whispering] big dreams.
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we do this at the same time every night. our outer circle, where we reach out to our sources around the world. and tonight we begin in afghanistan, where afghan officials suggested today that an infamous insurgent group is responsible for killing 13 in the suicide bomb of a nato convoy. nick paton walsh is in kabul tonight. nick, who are officials blaming? >> reporter: a key development today, the afghan interior spokesman saying preliminary evidence suggests the notorious hakani network were behind that blast on saturday. vitally important, because u.s. officials claim they have a safe haven and technical assistance from pakistan's intelligence services, something which pakistan denies. this will put the scrutiny on pakistan for the days ahead, key meetings between afghan and pakistani officials happening just tomorrow in istanbul. erin? >> nick, thank you.
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and now to libya, the official end to the seven-month-long nato air strike campaign comes at midnight. matthew chance is in tripoli. i guess it means it's just past. matthew, is there talk of a security role from here on? >> reporter: firstly, nato has made it quite clear that its libyan intervention is well and truly over. any further military assistance must be negotiated separately. indeed, there's word the u.s. may continue to control the skies over this country beyond the nato deadline. and libya has huge challenges ahead. potential for conflict, other security challenges. the new libyan authorities may have to work very hard indeed to impose their will. erin. >> all right, thank you very much. and now to london. that's where max foster is weighing in on the health of pope benedict xvi. he started using a rolling platform to get around. max, is there worry that the quote/unquote pope mobile is a sign of something much more serious? >> erin, i think what's worrying people, we haven't seen this platform since it was last used
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by john paul ii. that was in his latter years. the current upon active is 84 years old. the vatican had this to say about the platform. this is just not to tire him. nothing else should be read into the general state of his health, which is good, they say, erin. >> thank you very much. testimony got heated today in the case against dr. conrad murray. prosecutors cross examined defense expert dr. paul white and asked if he knew why dr. murray failed to tell paramedics or anyone else that he had given michael jackson propofol. >> at ucla, when the emergency room doctors specifically asked him what had taken place. is that your testimony, that it was a detail that was overlooked? >> it was obviously overlooked. he didn't tell them. >> well, not obviously. it could also be a lie, correct? correct? that's another option. >> if you say so. i guess, yeah. >> that's another option, correct? >> it's an option, yes. >> ted rowlands was in the courtroom and has the latest on the case.
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i wanted to ask you about that, ted. i know you've just learned something about conrad murray himself? >> reporter: well, yeah. after the end of court, just a few minutes ago, erin, the judge asked conrad murray, hey, are you going to testify or not? and murray surprised everybody by saying "i haven't made up my mind yet, judge." so the judge basically, in essence said you better hurry up. and has given murray until 8/30 pacific time tomorrow to decide if he's going to take the stand in his own defense. i think everybody thought he would answer no. but he threw a ringer in there. >> and was anything -- do you think had to do with the sound bite we just heard, which obviously seems pretty damning for dr. conrad murray on that cross-examination? >> yeah, david walgren, the prosecutor, is immensely talented. and he made a lot of good points today during his cross-examination. but i do think that dr. paul white was able to stand up on the main thing the defense wants here, and that is that alternative theory on specifically how michael jackson
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died, with a self-imposed syringe full of propofol. i don't think that had much to do with that decision by murray or lack of decision. >> so how much longer do you think this goes? i know you said the judge had said, hey, dr. murray, you need to make a decision by tomorrow in terms of testifying. jurors were told this would end by the end of the week, though. do you think this now looks like it could go longer? >> yeah, absolutely. now we're looking at maybe going all the way through this week, possibly into next week. and i can tell you this watching these jurors, they are not happy about it. on friday, when the judge dismissed them early, one juror actually crossed his arm and rolled his eyes. they're getting tired, i think. so we'll find out tomorrow about murray. if he doesn't take the stand, we'll be done by the end of the week. >> well, ted, we'll be talking to you. thank you. >> okay. it's been a year and almost five minutes since 7-year-old kyron horman disappeared from outside his elementary school in portland, oregon. his stepmother, terri horman, was the last person to see him and remains a person of interest in the investigation.
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despite thousands of tips, hundreds of volunteers, the case remains unsolved. but kyron's father, cain, refuses to give up hope. i spoke to him earlier about the case, and the latest efforts to locate his son. >> the latest we had some searching going on in the neighborhoods where we feel that he could have been traveling through the day of his disappearance. those searches did not yield any clues that we're aware of at this point in time. they also didn't locate him either. so that was pretty much the latest, i think, that that was wrapping up in mid to late september. we've got some things that are still going on through the legal system that have been relatively slow but progressing, and, of course, there's the investigation aspect of it. >> and are investigators any closer, from your understanding, to finding a suspect, or have they ruled anybody out at this point that they had been looking at? >> well, i know that there's been a lot of work done to go through everyone that was at the
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school that day, and get as many people ruled out as possible. i don't know that i have the absolute latest status on that, i think they were still going through interviews with people there, it had dwindled down quite a bit. as far as we know, we have one person who's still a significant person of interest as far as the investigation is concerned. because of the inability to rule her out. i think there's one other person, possibly two at this point in time, that we're not able to get any information or cooperation from. so they're still -- there are still areas of focus. >> and a few people, obviously the person to whom you're referring, terri. you're still technically married to her. she was involved in a murder-for-hire blot against you. how are you handling that situation. >> to be honest with you, i'm not. kyron's the priority, and that's where we continue to put all of our effort and energy into. it's something that's still on the table.
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it's difficult because i think everyone wants to see justice served. we're just trying to take a good methodical approach too soon. kyron's investigation, they're all heavily linked together. by pushing one forward too soon could potentially damage the other one. we're doing everything we can to build the box of that case, we find him first, hold everyone accountable. right now, it's pretty much in a holding pattern. >> we're glad to play a small part if we can. appreciate it. >> thank you. again, thank you for your help, we appreciate it. >> bill gates, steve jobs, mark zuckerberg, none of them went to college. how important is a college degree to your future success? michael ellsburg comes out front to share his controversial findings.
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according to the federal reserve bank of new york student debt will eclipse a trillion dollars by the end of this year. which is more than america's credit card debt. while we're all aware that that's a problem. the average debt for a new college grad is somewhere between $22,000 and $28,000. the unemployment rate for college graduates is higher than the rest of the country. michael elsberg says a college degree -- from recent college graduates. won't lead to a successful career. he's written the book "the education of millionaires." we're told in a lot of
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statistics you see, a college degree means a better job, a higher paying job. it's something that you should just categorically want. but am i wrong? >> that is true if you want to go into a traditional profession, a doctor or lawyer, then you need to get it. >> because it's required. >> it's required. you may not learn anything relevant to it but you have to do it. if you want to start a business or become an entrepreneur or self-employed, i think it's almost entirely irrelevant and money down the toilet. >> money down the toilet. how do you really feel? in your book, you spend time with a lot of people who did just that, and became incredibly wealthy. one is jonathan parker, investor in facebook, founder of napsst er, played by justin timberlake in "the social network." >> sean didn't even go to college. he's not even a dropout. he taught himself. i went and interviewed people who taught themselves how to create thing, how to start businesses, how to make an
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economically valuable impact. so he found that what he needed to learn, he could just teach himself. and really, with the internet is a game changer on this one. now anyone who is 15 can log on and find what they need to learn and learn it on the internet. >> so does this work just for people who are geniuses and incredibly motivated? because we gave the example of steve jobs. and bill gates. these guys got into harvard and dropped out because they were too smart. they're not the run of the mill entrepreneur. >> most of the people in that book that you're holding were told by their teachers that they were dunces and morons and they didn't really prove themselves until they got out of the academic system. so our nation has this system where we judge kids by one standard, and that is academics. and that is one standard, but there's also can you start a business, can you sell things, can you create things, are you innovative? and kids who do well in that are told that they're stupid just
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because they don't -- they're not great in academics. >> we're not just talking about people who have gone into the technology industry, which i think is important. because when you talk about people that you spent time with, treasure island on the las vegas strip. that's a business, that's a guy who -- >> exactly. there's a gentleman i interviewed, phillip ruffin, he dropped out of college to build a hamburger stand. he was owning gas stations and convenience stores. he kept building it up and up. now he's a billionaire. he owns treasure island on the las vegas strip. >> on the back of your book, one of the people who wrote one of your -- we call it blurbs in our industry. it caught my attention. the co-founder of paypal, facebook, saying college is a waste of time. not just to make regular money but even for regular jobs. and you spent some time with people he is paying to not go to college. what did you find out from them? who are these kids? >> i actually mentor now a you man called dale stevens who is 19.
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