tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 1, 2011 11:00am-1:00pm EDT
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>> mark preston for us there on the hill. thanks. that does it for us. we'll be back here bright and early 9:00 a.m. eastern time. now taking over studio 7 in protest, suzanne malveaux. >> good to see you, keira. >> as she mentioned, i'm suzanne malveaux. herman cain and how he's responded in the last 24 hours to reports of inappropriate behavior, claims made by two women he worked with in the '90s. well, that's when he was head of the national restaurant association. he has been criticized for giving conflicting comments about what he did and didn't know after politico came out with this report on sunday. well, just this last hour, he clarified those comments with robin meade from our sister network hln. we're going to play it for you in its entirety. >> herman cain, who is a candidate for the republican nomination for the president, has been kind enough to join us in our studios in washington, d.c., and he's joining us live
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this morning after what was surely a very stressful and busy day yesterday. i do hope you got some sleep, and thank you for being with us. our viewers do thank you, too. >> thank you, robin, and it was a busy day but i survived. >> this is why it was a busy day, and we're going to talk about many issues, but let's start with what's at the top of the news. many people are asking, did you say something early yesterday about sexual allegations against you but something completely different hours later? let's watch as things happened yesterday. >> if the restaurant association did a settlement, i am -- i wasn't even aware of it and i hope it wasn't for much because nothing happened. so if there was a settlement, it was handled by some of the other officers that worked for me at the association, so the answer is absolutely not. i am unaware of any sort of settlement. i hope it wasn't for much because i didn't do anything.
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the fact of the matter is, i'm not aware of a settlement that came out of that accusation. i was aware that an agreement was reached. the word "settlement" versus the word "agreement," you know, i'm not sure what they called it. i know that there was some sort of agreement because . because it ended up being minimal, they didn't have to bring it to me. there is a memory i recall as the day has gone on. she was in the office one day, and i made a gesture saying -- i was standing close to her, and i made a gesture, you're the same height as my wife. >> i'm confused a little bit, mr. cain. you do sell yourself as a straight shooter, so what's with what sounded like inconsistencies? were there inconsistencies or no through yesterday? >> robin, thank you for giving me this chance to clear the air.
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this was 12 years ago. i was falsely accused, and secondly, the word "settlement" suggested to me some sort of legal settlement. and as i recalled what happened 12 years ago, i recalled an agreement. i wasn't thinking legal settlement. and so the words have been suspect, and i do recall an agreement. i recalled, as my thoughts went through the day, that there was an agreement with this lady who made these charges and they were found to be false. i have never committed sexual harassment in my entire career, period. and it was found that nothing took place in terms of sexual harassment in this particular case. >> and you had said all along that they were false accusations, they were not found to be valid enough, that the accusations stood. but as the day went on, you seemed to recall a little bit more about the different cases.
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is there anything new now that we're a full 24, 48 hours into this that you're remembering more about what happened, mr. cain? >> that is it. the best account is the one i gave last night on another station, and the only thing that i added as -- remember, this was 12 years ago, and i was trying to recollect this in the middle of an already busy day. so the only thing i could remember when i was asked about any specific things that were in the allegation, i came up with the fact that i made a gesture by putting my hand under my chin, standing near this lady, saying, oh, you're the same height as my wife. my wife is five feet tall, she comes up to my chin, and i was simply making that comparison. we were in my office, the door was wide open and my assistant was standing right outside. >> why is it all of a sudden you remembered things about it yesterday?
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were you informed or were you told more about the case yesterday? >> no. i just started to remember more. remember, in 12 years, a lot of stuff can go through your head. this wasn't exactly something that i had top of mind where i was trying to recall every little detail that went on 12 years ago. but as the day went on in the middle of all these other things we had planned -- and by the way, we did not let this distraction stop me from making all the appointments that i had made in order to get my campaign message out. >> now, at the same time, the story -- where this all started was from politico, and it had mentioned that there were two cases, two accusations of sexual harassment. do you remember anything now about the other case? >> absolutely not. i wasn't even aware of the second case until we saw the politico article. the first one i was aware of, but the second one, and i still haven't recalled. i didn't even know the second
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one existed if it exists. remember, the article said two anonymous sources. >> you said regarding the first one that you do remember a little about now, that you turned the complaint over to the hr person and the general counsel and that you didn't know what happened to the complaint. did you ever ask, hey, what's she accusing me of, or how did this turn out? >> i did, but when he said the gesture with the height thing, and there was a couple other things in there that i found absolutely ridiculous -- >> what were those? >> i don't even remember. they were so ridiculous, i don't remember who they are. >> you remember they were ridiculous, but you don't remember what those other things were? >> the reason i forgot them, robin, is because they were ridiculous. i dismissed them out of my mind. i said, if she can make that stick and call it sexual harassment, fine. she didn't make them stick. the only thing i remember was the one gesture i made talking
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about the height. >> why did you never go back to hr to find out what their review had found. >> because it started out as -- it started out where she was making some huge claims about sexual harassment. i do recall that she was asking for a large sum of money. i don't remember what that sum of money was. but as the review of this moved forward, that sum of money, negotiating with my attorney, negotiating with her attorney, got less and less and less because her attorney started to figure out she didn't have a valid claim. she couldn't find people to corroborate some of these things that she was saying, and so as it got smaller and smaller and smaller, it turned out to be, from my perspective, which is why i didn't go back and ask about it, more of a separation agreement rather than some sort of legal settlement. this is why the word changed from "settlement" -- because the word "settlement" was in the political article.
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i remember an agreement. and in many companies and organizations, sometimes you call them separation agreements. you don't call them legal settlements. so this is why later the idea of an agreement came back to memory. >> i think what's puzzling is politico reported it gave your campaign like ten days to come back with some reaction, and i believe we have that tape. i want to play that tape where the reporter asked if you had been accused of sexual harassment but you didn't answer. hold on. >> last question, last question. >> sirks have you? have you? have you ever been accused, sir,
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of sexual harassment? >> i remember the first time i saw this, oh, my gosh, he asked this back to the reporter. the politico said your campaign had it for ten days. >> we had it for ten days, ro n robin. we made a conscious decision with my sign-off, i'm not going to go out and start chasing two anonymous accusations, so that was a conscious decision. we didn't know what the article was going to include, we didn't know what the accusations were going to be, so for me to even answer the question was totally inappropriate. you don't do business like that. >> well, do you have -- aren't there other accusations against you that you wouldn't know what two accusations he was talking about when he said sexual harassment? >> all we know is that they contacted my office and said that they had two anonymous sources accusing me of sexual harassment, and we said, what details can you give us? they couldn't give us any other
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than it occurred when i was at the national restaurant association. i immediately recall one, and that was the one we talked about earlier. i couldn't recall the other one. and the reason that i wasn't going to answer ms. question standi -- his question stand ing on the street after i had done another interview, that could have been taken totally out of context. i wanted to do then what i am doing now. >> if either of these two women, one you remember, the other you don't remember the case, you're saying, if they were watching now, what do you say to them regarding their case? you say they were false and they were found to be false. >> i would say, why are you bringing it up now? obviously someone is encouraging them to bring it up now because i'm doing so well in this republican nomination. that's all i would say. why are you bringing it up now? secondly, are you being used to try and help paint a cloud and
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help sabotage my candidacy? that's all i would say. i would just simply ask the question as to why they would do that now. you and i both know why they're doing it, because someone does not like the fact that we're doing so well in this campaign and that i'm at or near the top of the polls consistently. >> so you feel like this is a smear campaign? from whom, do you think? >> i absolutely believe this is an intended smear campaign using these two cases -- like i said, i'm not even aware of the second one. it is a smear campaign. when they cannot -- >> by whom? do you know by whom? >> we don't know. we have no idea. when they cannot kill my ideals like 9-9-9, they come after me personally. and someone asked me yesterday in one of the many interviews i did, clearing the air on this, is there anything else? not that i know of. i knew about that one case at the restaurant association. i've been in business, i was in business before i ran for president over 40 years, and that was the only instance of
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accused sexual abuse, sexual harassment, only one. so what i'm saying is -- and then in the rest of the political article, chfwhich was near the end, the last two paragraphs, two people on the association, members of the board of director, attested to my character and integrity. but not a lot of people are paying attention to that. >> i do want to say that's true, that political article did say most people did remember your tenure fondly there and was happy to have you there. but after what appears to be missteps in the way you handled this yesterday, if you could do yesterday differently in the way you answered the questions, agreements, settlements, did know, didn't know? >> if i could do it over, robin, i would start with the last interview i did last night and make that the first interview of the day. because after 12 hours during the day, many events, many
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interviews, i was able to gradually recall more and more details about what happened 12 years ago. so that's what i would do differently. but, you know, i wasn't given the opportunity to think about it for a day before i had to start answering questions. that's what i would do differently. i would take the very last interview of the day and make it the first interview of the day, because the last interview i made it real clear. i was falsely accused and it was demonstrated to be false. i wasn't aware of the second accusation. i never committed to sexual harassment to anybody. in my 40 years, this is the only case i know about, and if there are others there, they would probably have to make it up because i am totally not aware and i'm not trying to hide anything. i'm trying to put it all out there for people to see. >> the women reportedly were paid a pretty good amount settlement when they left the restaurant association, so based on that, i mean, what do you think the viewers and the voters should make about the legitimacy
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of the claims, how big this was to you -- if someone falsely accused me, that would be big and i would remember, i think. >> here's what i recall, that the settlement with the one that i remember and am aware of and was a financial settlement and it was somewhere in the vicinity of three to six months severance pay, something of that nature, which meant it wasn't outside the guidelines of employees who left. as i recall, this first lady left the restaurant association before i did. i was only there two and a half years, and the case, the accusation, didn't come up until she left the national restaurant association. i remember that there was a financial settlement, but it was not outside our guidelines for what people get settlement for when they leave the restaurant association involuntarily. >> okay. now, you've been married for more than 40 years.
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you've been really happy and proud to say that. i'm wondering, what does your wife, if we may ask, have to say about all of this and these things surfacing? was she told initially all those years ago about it? >> yes, she was. when this happened years ago, i told my wife about it because it was found to be baseless. and the hardest part on my wife, quite frankly, is all the innuendos from all the news reports that haven't been presenting the facts. the fact that, yes, the word settlement, i said i don't recall a settlement earlier in the day. that's because i considered what happened an agreement. but because of, like i said, the detail at which every word was scrutinized, it was an agreement so it looked like i changed my story. i didn't change my story. i simply got the wording right and the difference between settlement and agreement, there is a difference to me. >> a lot of campaign watchers are saying, whoo, this is a misstep by his campaign.
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do you have any fears about how this is going to play into your poll numbers? >> first of all, it may affect my poll numbers, but most of our supporters have not been shaken by this whatsoever. in fact, many of the people that have been in organizations that i have run, i've been president and ceo, have called and asked, would we like for them to do a testimonial, and this is ridiculous because they're attest to go my honesty and integrity. other people find this an attempt to cloud. robin, yesterday on line, we had one of our highest fundraising days in the campaign, one of the highest ever. >> wow. >> so what it has done, i believe it has backfired on those that are trying to put a cloud over my campaign because they can't shoot down my ideals. they can criticize 9-9-9, they will criticize the energy
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independence strategy we're going to unveil in the next couple of weeks, but they can't shoot down the ideas. and here's another thing that has all my critics upset. the people, the voters, the ones that matter, they like these ideals because they are specific, they're common sense, and they can understand it. and this is what they can't defeat because i don't give generic responses, i give direct responses, and i've had people tell me over and over and over again as i'm speaking around the country, don't change, tell it like it is. >> joining me now is hln's robin meade and wolf blitzer from washington. robin, first of all, excellent interview. i loved the interview, and there are a lot of folks, of course, who would love to sit down 20 minutes, 25 minutes with her man cain. how did you make that happen, first of all? >> i was really -- i was impressed that he staill came o the show and was willing to talk so long. like you said, that was almost a half hour's worth of a news
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broadcast. we had booked him ahead of time for something else. it was for the 100th birthday -- the 100th birthday of what would have been ronald reagan's birthday. you know what i'm saying, anyway. if ronald reagan were alive, it was 100 years ago he was born. so he was supposed to come to atlanta for that and actually be in our studio. it just so happened he wasn't coming to atlanta, but he kept the date with us. even after all the allegations and the news was coming across, we respected him that he still kept the appointment and came in and talked with us. >> you pressed him because he stayed in that seat. a lot of times, they take off the mikes and they're done. you really pressed him on a lot of these issues. you and i have talked about this, there still seems to be some unanswered questions there, right? i thought it was very telling when you asked him, if you had that day to do over again, what would you do differently? >> and what did he say, he said,
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i would do yesterday over, i would do the last interview first. what happened in that interview with fox? that's where he gave the most information. it's almost like he realizes, and i can't put words in his mouth, but it's almost like he realizes if he gave that much information at the start, it wouldn't become such a big issue. to his point, he says that's when he started to remember cases about the one point where he remembers details of accusations where they were found to be false. throughout the day it was settlement, agreement, settlement, and i felt we were really splitting hairs over what does the word settlement mean and what does the word agreement mean? >> was there anything that surprised you? >> many things. for one, i was surprised to hear that after everything that's been in the news cycle, he said that had been the best fundraising day for their campaign yesterday even with everything going on. i did notice -- do you remember what he said, my wife was told.
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but then he said he didn't remember the first allegations and some of the allegations were so ludicrous that i didn't remember it. people can make ludicrous accusations. for example, if someone said, robin, u pink hair. that's ludicrous because of how crazy it is. he said he can't remember, yet he told wife at the time because those accusations are false. >> i want to bring in wolf bliter here, because wolf, robin brings up a really good point. this is one of the best days for if you understandraising. do we think this is going to back fire as he blooeflz or is he just doing damage control and he's out. >> pink among certain activists and others, this will help him. he's probably going to generate
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rig to smear him, trying to hurt him. so he probably will. i thought it was really telling and i thought robin did a really good job in bringing out more information than we had gotten, including in that fox interview with greta van susteran last night. he did disclose my personal lawyer was negotiating with this woman, the woman who was accusing him of sexual harassment, with her lawyer, and they started off, the woman's lawyer, with a high amount of money they wanted for a settlement, but then in the course of negotiations, it came down, he says, because there was little of a corroborating evidence and the money went down, and they finally settled in what he described as three to six months of sher salary, whic
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is a normseverance package of someone who is being dismissed. remember just the other day, yesterday he was saying that he recused himself. the general counsel for the national restaurant association got involved together with other executives at the national restaurant association, and he simply walked away from it. but today he did disclose -- i guess he had been thinking a lot about it, remembering all his own details. i think he said my lawyer was negotiating with her lawyer, and the settlement money went down, down, down. so he's getting more information. more is coming up. and now all of a sudden, we're learning one of those lawyers was directly involved in trying to reach some sort of agreement with this woman. is that your reading, robin, as well? >> you could read that two ways because my lawyer and her lawyer, i would consider people at my company to be my lawyer, too. do you know what i mean? so did he mean that or did he
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mean what he said? we could ask that about the whole situation. did he mean what lawyer. but even if he recused himself, he had to walk a. the amount of money this woman was speaking was going down, down, down, and her lawyer was suggesting there wasn't enough corroborating evidence. one thing i'm anxious to hear is he said, if you take a look at this whole situation right now, he's blaming his political adversaries, his political enemies for generating this whole story to politico. he doesn't know who did it, but he thinks there is a campaign out to get him because he's
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doing so well, not only in national polls but in iowa, south carolina, north dakota and he thinks there is a smear campaign out to get him even though he doesn't know who is behind it. politico themselves, and i spoke to one of the reporters yesterday, won't say who provided that specific tip to politico to begin investigating this. you're going to want to know it changed off that story. who would gain in the course of a smear campaign bringing him down among the other stand dates. these are questions. politico would be trying to find out who tipped off the "washington post" just as these
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other news organizations are not trying to get to the bottom of this. in the scheme of things, it may not mean a whole lot, who originally provided the tip, but it will provide some context to how dirty this whole campaign for the republican presidential nomination could get as opposition research begins to develop. >> i think that's true, and rob robin, i want to ask you this as well, and wolf can weigh in here, whether or not he has regained some sense of credibility. because the one thing that seemed inconsistent in your interview was when you were asking him, you said, i kept recalling as the day went on, more and more details here, but then he revealed to you that it was ten days prior when politico came to him and said that there were accusations of sexual harassment by two anonymous people. so he did have that information for ten days. so it seems hard to believe that there was a recollection process that was going on within that 24-hour period. >> that's why i asked him. i was like -- you might remember that i said something along the
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lines of, were you informed yesterday? like, did someone say hey, this happened and here's the details. did someone remind you? he said because he all of a sudden was talking so much about it that that brought about his sudden memory about it. and some people may go, really? but politico gave you the information and asked you the question about it for ten days. with some people i think we're a little surprised, too, at his initial reaction to the reporter if politico had given him ten days to respond. granted, you probably wouldn't expect a reporter outside an event and they come in and ask you something different, that might kind of shock you, but his initial response wasn't yes or no. the reporter really pressed him on it. it wasn't yes or no even though they had been given leeway, ten days to think about it here.
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so, you know, was it properly restored? i don't know, but i did see the old herman cain back. it was almost like sunday and monday there was high pressure, and there was a lot of was it an agreement, was it a settlement, a splitting of hairs, if you will. but he came in the studio today the jovial guy, the friendly guy, and i said to my producers, what kind of mood is he in? i kind of expected him to be in a bad mood, and they said he's
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in a good mood. herman cain let the voters know that guy is back, it seems like. >> you had a tendency to ask a little more about who he is as a man, and we're going to bring that part of the interview after a quick break. ask him how much he spends on gas. how much does he spend on gas? how much do you spend on gas? how much do i spend on gas? if i charge regularly, i fill up like once a month. he only has to fill up about once a month. [ woman ] wow. that's amazing.
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inappropriate conduct by two women he worked with many years ago. take a listen. >> you've been kind enough to come in and talk about accusations years ago at the national restaurant association that he says were proven to be false about sexual harassment charges against him or accusations against him. so is there one thing before i move on to other topics here? anything else that you want to say to clear the air, as you say, and get this off your chest about that topic? >> nope. anything else that comes up along these lines, people are going to have to make it up, and i fully expect some people are going to make up some stuff and want us to go on a wild goose chase trying to prove that it didn't happen. we're not going to allow these distractions to get us off track. >> you were kind enough to come here, so i do want to ask about you and your campaign. you are a prior cancer survivor? >> yes. i am five years cancer free.
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i had stage 4 cancer, and i was able to get an aggressive treatment schedule in a period of nine months and i am totally cancer free. the last checkup i had with my oncologist, he actually put it in writing because i wanted to make it available to the press because some people are asking, do i still have it? no. he has called me, and i quote, a cancer miracle. so my health is just fine. >> i'm glad to hear that. that certainly had to shape your views about health care. with so many people and so many businesses struggling with the cost going up, how would help these people? not just about how do you feel about president obama's plan, i want to know how will you help these people? >> we have the best health care in the world. we have a health care cost problem. and, unfortunately, president obama's solution is driving the costs up. the way i would help people is to ask congress to pass patient-centered market-driven
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reforms. there is a whole list of them in hr 3400. that all got swept under the rug. if we would do that, we would be pushed into decisions closer to the patient and the doctor rather than push the decision up to a bureaucrat. this is how you help people. secondly, we provide a safety net for those people who have preexisting conditions or other conditions that would prevent them from being able to buy down on. this is what i plan to use to help everybody with health care in this country. >> you are known as a former businessman, but you have never held a public office, and that's a lot of the criticism that comes from that, too. what does a former business guy not know about running the country? you've got one minute. go. >> a businessman will propose ideas that would fix the problems. a politician will propose ideas
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that will simply be something they think they can pass. the way i'm going to get things fixed is that the american people are going to understand my proposals so they can get behind them. it was former senator dirksen who said when they feel the heat, they will see the light. the american people will be my heat and congress will see the light in order to pass these common sense solutions. >> what does a business guy not know about politics? >> what a business guy does not know are some of the intricatecys, the way you pass some of these processes. >> what was your impression after your 25 minutes? >> that it seemed to be a -- like splitting hairs over words. i was almost not sure if i -- if i listened to the interview
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again, should i have asked, did you mean this with that word, did you mean this with this word? over settlement and agreement, i felt like we were splitting hairs. but he was back and forth with the story and knew what he wanted to say about it where at the beginning of the week, he didn't feel like that at all. >> i want to bring in wolf as well. wolf, what do you make of it? do you think he's back in control of the story here? when robin asked him, anything else to say about this, he said nope, not at all. is he going to get more questions on this, or can he move on at this point? did he help or hurt himself? >> i think he helped himself, but he's going to get more questions, there's no doubt. as robin points out, there are still a lot of unanswered questioned, and in the course of robin's interview more questions emerged that will require further explanation. i can tell you and i can tell robin that after the interview, he walked off our studio here at the washington bureau of cnn, i was there to greet him and welcome him to our bureau. i walked him to the elevator,
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robin. he was in an excellent mood, he was really happy with the interview. he was really happy with your questioning. he obviously has a soft spot for you, so he liked everything you asked him and it gave him an opportunity to make his case. but there will be some questions that will require some follow-up from journalists. a lot of journalists are covering it, a lot of mainstream organizations are all over the story right now. i suspect it will dominate the news. specifically, did he hire his own lawyer, or was he referring to the national restaurant association lawyer when he said, my lawyer was negotiating with her lawyer, this woman who was accusing him of sexual harassment. i think that has to be resolved, that question has to be resolved. and this other flat assertion that he made that his political adversaries were behind what he called the smear campaign against him. who was he referring to? he said he doesn't know who was responsible, but i'm sure there will be a lot of digging on that part of the story as well. so there are more questions that have to be resolved.
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these two women who allegedly made these accusations, their names are now known by other news organizations, not just politico. the "washington post" reported today they have gotten the names of these two women. you'll remember at the end of the interview he said, why are these women raising this issue now? i don't know if these women are raising this issue now other than raising the issue knowing about the incident. maybe they don't want their names to come out for something that occurred 10 to 15 years ago. there is going to be more of this coming out and the story is not going away, but i think it's fair to say, robin, you did an excellent job in that interview. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> and it ended abruptly because? >> i was told -- and wolf would be able to verify this -- i was told we had to go because there was a fire drill in the
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building? >> we had a fire drill in the building that was scheduled and we delayed it because the interview was going on. he had to go because, and i spoke to him afterwards, he was ten minutes away from another appointment, and he's determined to keep his schedule as is despite this distraction of these allegations. he said to me, i have another appointment, i need to go, i don't want to be late. so he's moving on and he's got his eggs with him, obviously. his campaign is continuing to move despite what he calls this distraction, and it is a serious distraction, but eventually we'll get to the bottom of it one way or another, i suspect. >> if he says he's moving on -- >> it is interesting, as you guys have been pointing out. it certainly hasn't been hurting his fundraising. yesterday he raised a lot of money on line. >> i don't think his story is going away any time soon, but thank you, wolf, and thank you, robin. it was a really, really great interview. >> and thank you for helping us get that.
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ask credit to mr. cain for coming on. a lot of people might have run and hide, but he was there and he was willing to be there for a half hour. thanks again. bring you up to speed on some of the other big stories of the day. we're also watching the dow stocks. they're down now more than 250 points. when an investment lacks discipline, it's never this obvious. introducing investment discipline etfs from russell. visit r a prospectus, containing the investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and other information. read and consider it carefully before investing. me too. you booked our room right? not yet, thanks for reminding me. wait, what? fret not ma'lady. i have the app so we can t a great deal even at the last minute.
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sick. she is -- dorothy rodham was 92 years old. a plane makes a dramatic emergency landing. this is out of warsaw, poland. you can see the plane had 230 people on board. it was having trouble with its landing gear. it circled the airport for about an hour before sliding down the runway in kind of a belly flop landing there. airport officials say all the passengers are safe and no one was injured. they sprayed the plane with some foam after the landing. after a great october, the stock market is off to kind of a rough start for november. markets are down sharply across the board. right now we're looking at the dow down more than 259 points. the snag of the debt deal in europe has investors worried. in an unexpected move, greece announced plans on holding a public vote on whether or not to approve the deal.
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happening now in iowa, some of the presidential candidates are addressing the national association of manufacturers. you're taking a look at some live pictures here. michele bachmann is speaking now, rick perry, rick santorum, newt gingrich all here. each candidate expected to speak for about 15 minutes or so. the occupy movement, political protesters are kicking off the event of this election. occupy des moines, it's called. activists have invited groups across the country to converge on iowa leading up to the caucus. they plan to occupy the campaign offices of every presidential candidate to focus attention on issues like corporate greed. >> we have a chance to really make it clear to the candidates that, again, they're not going to ignore us. they can not ignore us because we're going to be in their face. >> i think if we're able to get all the other occupations to
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send people here to support us, we can definitely show the candidates that we need them to listen to our voice. >> more now on this moovrvement iowa. david goodner is first on the occupation des moines movement. david, give us a sense of what your goal is here. why are you going to occupy the offices of all the presidential candidates? >> our analysis of the situation is pos terty is a bipartisan consensus in this country. so all the presidential candidates, including president obama, are putting the interest of big banks and giant wall street corporations ahead of the interests of everyday people and hardworking families. so we have a unique role here in iowa as the first in the nation kickoff caucus. we're going to confront all the candidates, including obama, and
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demand that they start putting people first. >> are you going to invite people across the country to join you? how do you imagine this working? >> i think we're going to start here with our folks in iowa. we have a large basis of support here in iowa in our local communities. we're also going to reach out to the wider occupy movement. this is our chance to take a direct fight to some of the most powerful people on the planet, and this they keep touting to corporate power, we're going to call them out so the american people know exactly where they stand. >> when you go and confront some of these presidential candidates, what would you like them to do? would you like them to take your message or your vision and make them part of the campaign or part of the debate or to do more than that? >> they need to start talking about the bread and butter issues that matter to everyday people like jobs and housing. corporate greed, getting the influence of big money out of politics, reclaiming our democracy from big money. those are the issues that the occupy wall street movement cares about and candidates need to be addressing those issues
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instead of talking about cutting social security and cutting education and privatizing and deregulating the environment. those things are off the table. we're demanding no cuts, no concessions. we did not cause this crisis, so wall street needs to pay for it. >> all right, david goodner, thank you so much. we'll be keeping a close eye on what happens out of iowa as you all assemble there. thank you, david. >> thank you. he had a broken back, but it didn't stop one man from pulling his wife from a burning plane. [ female announcer ] don't just moisturize, improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula goes beyond 24-hour moisture. it's clinically proven to improve your skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. and for healthy, beautiful hair, try nourish plus haircare. only from aveeno. ♪
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deal. we're having mexican tonight, so another pill then? unless we eat later, then pill later? if i get a snack now, pill now? skip the snack, pill later... late dinner, pill now? aghh i've got heartburn in my head. [ male announcer ] stop the madness of treating frequent heartburn. it's simple with prilosec otc. one pill a day. twenty-four hours. zero heartburn. no heartburn in the first place. great. [ man ] it's my new malibu.
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[ woman ] '57 bel air -- still have it. [ both ] our camaro. [ man ] chevy silverado -- third one. [ male announcer ] people love their chevys. that's because for 100 years, chevy has offered the best value in america. come in now and help us celebrate our centennial open house, november 1st through the 7th. and fall in love with your next chevy. ♪ fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. where they grow america's favorite wpotatoes. idaho, everyone knows idaho potatoes taste great. but did you know they're good for you too? they're high in vitamins and potassium. and idaho potatoes are now certified to carry the heart checkmark from the american heart association for foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
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so they're good for my family, and for yours. heart smart idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. could be pri before the electricity is back on in the northeast. this morning more than a million and a half people in five states are still without power. utility crews are scrambling to fix the damage from that freak snowstorm over the weekend. in thailand the worst of the flooding in central bangkok appears to be over but there's some outlying areas misery
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rising with the floodwaters. authorities are warning about diseases and other dangers lurking in the water. some people are just trying to get to dry ground. >> reporter: what you are looking at is a road, but the road is covered with water and looks like a lake. what we're seeing is people getting boats, anything that floats basically and taking their belongings out of their residences. this is a rens dent shal neighborhood and there are shops along this neighborhood as well. people are seeing this water rise and rise and rise. there are people that had to be rescued. you're seeing people getting into boats. that's the only way to make it across this stretch of the freeway. >> an amazing rescue story out of canada and also a story of courage and determination and even the power of love. a man suffered a broken back during a plane crash but in spite of his jury he manages to pull his wife out of burning wreckage. >> i don't know how he did it.
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he just yanked and i felt my arms and he yanked me. >> unbelievable story. customers didn't like being charged to use their own debit cards and let their banks hear about it. two more have gotten the message and we have details from the new york stock change. an ingredient that works more naturally with your colon than stimulant laxatives, for effective relief of constipation without cramps. thanks. [ professor ] good morning students. today, we're gonna... thanks. when an investment lacks discipline, it's never this obvious. introducing investment discipline etfs from russell. visit r a prospectus, containing the investment objectives, risks, charges,
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joining some of these other banks saying that response to customer concerns and the changing competitive marketplace, bank of america no longer intends to implement a debit usage fee. clearly they -- >> surprise, right? >> they seem to be listening to what folks are saying. >> they do. and it's rare that you really see this kind of about face in the banking industry. yes, just moments ago bank of america making a big announcement after all of the outrage that bank is america is going to call off the $5 debit card fee for purchases, call that off all together. what's interesting you see how the turn of events happened. on friday bank of america announced some customers could be exempt and they were going to try to make it easier for customers to escape the charges, but now bank of america is scrapping the idea all together. so bank of america joining other banks, regions bank says it will stop charging the $4 debit card
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fee beginning today and tomorrow sun trust will stop charging its $5 fee. with sun trust and regions this fee has been in effect so customers of these banks will get refunds. this of course follows jp morgan and wells fargo who said they would do the same. everybody getting together and really expressing outrage actually paid off for once, right suzanne? >> well, we've been all over it and talking about it. what do you suppose, do you think the occupy movements have something to do with this as well? big banks have been the target. >> you know, i think the banks certainly won't acknowledge that the occupy protest had any effect. but it's definitely because of customer outrage. all of these banks, they are responding to customer feed back. there's a comment from cnn money from a reader that says u.s. consumers in mass are one of the most powerful forces and we are seeing that play out. >> real quick on the markets,
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what is happening now you have a huge sell-off because of new developments out of greece? >> we have the dow falling 287 points right now. what you see are investors spooked by a bombshell from greece's prime minister, what he's asking is that greek voters vote on the european debt plan, this is after everybody thought the european debt plan was a done deal. what this vote could wind up doing is throw a wrench in the european debt deal. here's what makes it worse, this referendum vote is not supposed to happen until january. this will drag the uncertainty out. what you've seen today, uncertainty and nervousness have returned to the u.s. markets. >> michael jackson's doctor, conrad murray is about to reveal whether or not he's going to take the stand in his own defense. he's on trial in michael jack n jackson's death just moments away. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced.
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i don't always have time to eat like i should. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes, which can help lower a1c. [ male announcer ] glucerna. helping people with diabetes find balance. and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios.
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[ tires squeal ] an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual insurance, if your car's totaled, we give you the money to buy a car that's one model-year newer with 15,000 fewer miles on it. there's no other auto insurance product like it. better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual. it's a better policy that gets you a better car. call... or visit one of our local offices today, and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance -- responsibility.
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what's your policy? top of the hour, i'm suzanne malveaux. presidential candidate herman cain wants to set the record straight about allegations of inappropriate behavior back in the '90s. in an interview this morning on hln he denied he sexually harassed anyone and tried to explain apparent inconsistences. >> this was 12 years ago, he was falsely accused and secondly the word settlement suggested to me some sort of legal settlement. and as i recalled what happened 12 years ago, i recalled an agreement.
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i wasn't thinking little settlement. the words have been flas pekt and i do recall an agreement. i recalled as i thought went through today that there was an agreement with this lady who made the charges and they were found to be false. i have never committed sexual harassment in my entire career, period. it was found that nothing took place in terms of sexual harassment in this particular case. >> so we would like to hear from you, will sexual harassment allegations sink herman cain? carol costello joins us with more. carol, you saw robin meade's interview it was fascinating how he was trying to explain himself. >> actually the most fascinating part came near the end of robin meade's interview when he got this money because of the allegations and the story is back firing in his favor, that was fascinating, but i digress.
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it startedwide a story on politico, two women accused cain of sexual harassment back in the '90s when he was chief honcho for the national restaurant association. first cain's camp said the political story was false, a witch hunt. then cain denied this had ever been a cash settlement, until he didn't. >> i am unaware of any sort of settlement. >> i was aware there was an agreement reached. >> yes, by the time cain was on fox news yesterday he had an epipha epiphany, not only did he remember there was a settlement, he remembered the exact gesture that they made one of his accusers uncomfortable. >> she was in the office one day and i made a gesture saying and i was standing close to her and i made a gesture, you are the same height as my wife and
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brought my hand -- didn't touch her -- up to my chin and said you're the same height as my wife because my wife comes up to my chin. >> none of this means cain is guilty of anything but a shifting story matters to those who represent victims of sexual harrisment. if cain is elected president he'll be head of the largest workplace in the nation. as gloria allred told me the president must be the gold standard of employers, didn't we learn anything from the clinton era? so the talk back question, will sexu sexual harassment allegations sink herman cain? i'll read your comments later this hour. >> he claims he's getting more money and more attention but clearly there's unanswered questions and his credibility as well i imagine because he acknowledged to robin meade, saying politico went with him ten days ago saying there were accusations of sexual harassment
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by two anonymous stories, he claims he was recalling the story as the day went on but i think he'll have to do more explaining. >> it is clear the story is not over. i'm sure that many more questions will be posed to mr. cain. >> thank you. hillary clinton's mother has died. the clinton foundation says she died early day in washington. secretary of state hillary clinton had canceled a trip because her mother was sick. she occasionally appeared with clinton on the campaign trail during her 2008 run. she was 92 years old. >> after a great october stock market is off to a pretty rough start for november, we're talking about the markets across the board down, the dow jones down 311 points, snag in the debt deal in europe has investors worried in an unexpected move, greece announced plans to hold a public vote on whether or not to
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approve that deal. well it could be friday before all of electricity is back on in the northeast. utility crews are scrambling to fix the damage from the freak snowstorm over the weekend. you may recall the heaviest snow fell in massachusetts, connecticut and new york. at last count, about 1.6 million people were still without power across the region. well, a plane from newark new jersey, pretty amazing, makes a dramatic landing in poland. the plane with 230 people on board having trouble with the landing gear, circles the airport for an hour before it's sliding down the runway on a belly landing. airport officials say all of passengers are safe and no one was injured. emergency crews sprayed the plane with foam after the strange landing. >> the whole world is watching. the whole world is watching. >> it's a legal victory for the occupy movement in tennessee. a federal judge blocked police
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from arresting demonstrators. the judge issued a restraining order against new rules that require protesters to have permits to abide by a curfew. police arrested more than two dozen people on saturday for violating that curfew. gunfire breaking out during halloween celebrations in new orleans. right now police are investigating shootings that left two people dead. the first outside a nightclub on bourbon street sent people running for cover. one man died and seven were injured. another man was killed in a separate shooting. and we've got an amazing rescue story out of canada. it's also a story though that's about courage and determination and even the power of love. a man suffered a broken back during a plane crash in british columb columbia. in spite of the jury he somehow manages to pull his wife out of the broken wreckage. >> i don't know how he did it. used personal restraint and just yanked and i felt my arms and
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yanked me. >> if you build it, they will co come. >> you might remember this scene, the baseball field bought by kevin costner's character in the middle of an iowa corn field has been sold. according to the "chicago tribune." they are turning it into a youth softball complex. now to the courthouse in los angeles where michael jackson's doctor is on trial. everybody has been wondering, will dr. conrad murray take the stand in his own defense? we want to get right to our own ted rowlands who is here. any word yet? >> reporter: well, suzanne, we thought we were going to find out about a half hour ago when the judge took the bench here but they were working some other things and the judge ended up getting a little testy and cleared the courtroom. the bottom line is we don't know yet. all indications are that dr.
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conrad murray will not take the stand in his own defense but it is up to him and the judge wants an answer one way or another at some point this morning. the short answer is we don't know yet. >> we don't know yet. we'll definitely be following up with this. how many more witnesses do we expect? >> there are two more defense witnesses -- actually one in a little bit. they are finishing up dr. white, the star witness, dr. paul white. he's already gone through cross-examination and they have one more scientist that they get on for a short period of time today then we expect the defense to rest its case assuming murray doesn't take the stand. then the prosecution will have a rebuttal case. it's their option one way or another if they want a rebuttal case and they indicated they are going to put on a small rebuttal case with one witness and that will be their medical expert. bottom line, we're looking at three more witnesses, two and a
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half to go. >> could the jurors get the case by the end of the week? >> reporter: theoretically yes, if shaffer is on the stand for a good part of the day today and into tomorrow, you figure the judge will allow both sides thursday to prepare and then friday will be closing arguments. then there would be a chance, although i don't think the judge will limit the sides on how long the close will go but they could get the case by friday. >> we'll be watching closely. here's a rundown of the stories ahead, can herman cain survive? we have the latest on first real test of this president hall campaign. >> the whole world is watching! >> then occupy activists stepping it up a notch and planning a march on the iowa caucuses. after 7 da2 days, kim kardashia
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filing for divorce. a coach viciously beaten trying to stop a fight. >> if you're crushed up corn flakes, that's what the bone looked like. at bank of america, we're lending and investing in communities across the country, from helping to revitalize a neighborhood in brooklyn to financing industries that are creating jobs in boston or providing funding for the expansion of a local business serving a diverse seattle community and supporting training programs
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for tomorrow's workforce in los angeles. because the more we can do in local neighborhoods and communities, the more we can help make opportunity possible. ♪ ♪ ♪ when your chain of supply ♪ goes from here to shanghai, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there ♪ ♪ track it all through the air, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ clearing customs like that ♪ hurry up no time flat that's logistics. ♪ ♪ all new technology ups brings to me, ♪ ♪ that's logistics. ♪
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women accused him of inappropriate behavior back in the '90s. the women reportedly worked with him while he was head of the national restaurant association. the report came out, the news website politico. take a listen. >> all we know is that they contacted my office and said that they had two anonymous sources accusing me of sexual harr harrisment. i immediately recalled one and i couldn't recall the other one. the reason i wasn't going to answer his question standing on the street after i had done another interview, that could have been taken totally out of context. i wanted to be able to put it in context like i'm doing now to explain what i do and what i didn't know and what i can now remember and couldn't remember at the beginning of yesterday. >> now, if either of these two women, one of whom you remember and one of whom you don't
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remember the case, if they were watching now, what would you say to them regarding their complaints? because you say they were false and found to be false. >> i would simply say, why are you bringing it up now? obviously someone is encouraging them to bring it up now because i'm doing so well in -- >> joining me now is cnn senior political analyst david gergen. what do you think about cain's comments there that first of all he's convinced that somebody is trying to smear him. does he make a case here? >> well, it's possible that somebody is trying to smear him. he has had an important defender, mike huckabee, who argues that mike huckabee won the iowa caucuses last time as you'll recall and a champion of tea party and would be helpful to him. mike huckabee is saying likely a
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rival campaign planted this. when you become a serious contender you come under serious scrutiny. whatever is out there is likely to come to the surface and you have to deal with it. that's the nature -- and it goes with the territory, like being president, things happen to you and people throw things at you. one task of a presidential candidate is whether you can handle it. i must say this has not been herman cain's finest hour trying to respond to the allegations. the story kept shifting yesterday. >> even today, did you buy the argument that he made that as the day went on he recalled more and more information about this alleged settlement with this woman having had information in his hand for ten days that there were two women accusing him of sexual harassment. did that ring true to you? >> it's possible but it did not ring true to me. the campaign had notification more than ten days ago that this story was brewing.
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and just in the nature of things, i can tell you as a guy, when somebody starts bringing those kinds of questions up against you, you remember it and you have a clear memory because it's a dagger at your heart. everyone knows they would have a pretty good memory of what happened. i thought from the beginning that we're not getting straight story here. he revealed more as he goes, but you know, i think -- i bet he knew -- i bet he remembered in the beginning the first one, whatever the separation was. we still don't have all of the facts by the way on what happened, whether -- how much money was involved, why did the national restaurant association -- did they fire her? did they pay her money to stay quiet? what were the facts? we don't know all of that. >> what do you make -- the fact that he says he's ready to move on here. does he need to move on here? can he talk about other things now or will we see this play out
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for quite some time. >> of course he's ready to move on. but no, i think it is going to play out for another day or two. what he needs is a lawyer in his campaign or personal lawyer to sit down and put this together, figure out what really happened and know the full details and get the story out. then let the chips fall where they may. there's a very reasonable chance this doesn't amount to very much. there's a chance it does. until we know that the story will hang around his neck and damage his candidacy. this is always been a probable candidacy, he performed above his fighting weight and been a strong candidate. but now that he's up in the stratosphere he has to play the tough game. when you get into the arena and want to go up against the champions, you've got to be willing to take a punch and show you can punch back. >> the game is just getting
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started. >> you're looking at live pictures of other republican presidential candidates in iowa speaking at the forum on the national association of manufacturers, rick perry, rick santorum, michele bachmann and newt gingrich getting their 15 minutes to speak. now, iowa could become the staging grounds for a new political twist in the occupy protest. activists are calling for protesters around the country to converge on des moines. they want to occupy every presidential candidate's office ahead of the iowa caucuses. it's a really great time for everybody to come together while the media is here and looking and go into an arena where political and economic discourse is destructive currently and to command it's ti command it's time to change. >> hundreds of people coming to the state and no destruction of
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property, go into the offices and occupy them and extend the presence until the candidates, all of them start addressing the issues of corporate greed. >> we have a chance to really make it clear to the candidates, they are not going to ignore us, we're going to be in their face. >> cnn in depth for a look at an offshoot occupy protest in seattle. it gives you a feel for how die verse the protesters are. ♪ >> there's women and young kids and young families with babies in strollers. i feel it's one of reasons why i'm just compelled to come out here. because i want people on the street to see that it's middle class, middle aged people out here too. it affects everybody. >> my name is darcy and we come down here every weekend with my family. i'm a doctor and my husband is a teacher.
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my husband has been laid off every year for the past four years. i owe $150,000 and as a new doctor out, we're actually barely middle class, barely getting by. that's just crazy. >> bailout those banks, too big to fall. they are even bigger now, no banksters in jail. >> raging grannys are a group of old women passionate about social justice. >> we're told there's no money for health care or schools or taking care of the needy in this country. middle class, all of us, tremendous unemployment. and fear that people have ♪ >> bring these deep tensions to the surface so people are forced to face them, forced to interact with them and forced to seek the change from the government. you go into the market and you download it and it's called i am
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getting arrested and it will send out to anybody that you want to know that you're being arrested and that you need help. police are probably going to let you do it unless they are being -- >> we're going to gather up and have our escort take us up the hill and we're going to occupy our new location. >> we are the 99%. >> welcome home occupy. >> this is just the beginning. >> this is just the beginning. >> here on campus. >> here on campus. ♪ >> sacrifice, you know, we all have to make sacrifices. we're tired of sacrificing our money, our dignity. >> we have liberties. we have rights. and we want to keep them. >> we got new developments out
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of greece, they triggered a sell-off today in the markets around the world. we'll go live to the new york stock exchange to see what it means for your portfolio. [ beep ] [ mom ] scooter? the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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taking the money and running, top executives working at big companies bought out in a merger are getting paid millions for walking away. alson kosik is at the stock change with more. >> the wall street journal looked at payouts that ceos will get after selling their company. there are three in line for $50
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million each in pending acquisitions, motorola being taken over by google, the ceo will get $66 million and ceo of southern union will get $54 million. four others could get exit packages of $30 million. generally the golden parachute as we call it, it's the eye equivalent of two to three years of salary plus bonus options, neighbor industries is getting $100 million, but that's not a merger, suzanne. >> wow. okay, so these are big numbers. >> big money, huh? >> anything to limit the payouts now in the works? >> last year's wall street reforms tried to limit these so-called golden parachutes and shareholders get an advisory vote if the company is sold. keep in mind it's only advisory, it's not binding. the wall street journal says right now 24 votes so far are
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in, no payouts have been voted down. not such a big surprise there because you have to remember that shareholders generally get pretty good premiums for the shares if the company is sold as well. although some shareholders have protested, the mergers and acquisitions ain't too bad for the shareholders either. >> it looks like a brutdal day on wall street. what's going on with the markets? >> it is and on markets worldwide we're watching stocks all down 3 to 5% following a sell-off in asia. you're seeing the u.s. markets follow in those footsteps, germany and france were hit the hardest because they are the ones writing the checks. this is after everybody thought that european debt deal was a done deal last week. not the case. this is even after everybody thought that the debt was going to be cut, safeguards would be put in place for the future. all of this is in jeopardy because greece's prime minister has called for a public vote on
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the european debt deal that has thrown everything out and that's why we see the markets selling off, the dow down 281 points. >> thank you very much. will he or won't he? all eyes are on the courtroom in los angeles. any minute now michael jackson's doctor is expected to say whether or not he is going to testify in his own defense. ♪ ♪ ♪ when the things that you need ♪ ♪ come at just the right speed, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ medicine that can't wait legal briefs there by eight, ♪ ♪ that's logistics. ♪
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♪ freight for you, box for me box that keeps you healthy, ♪ ♪ that's logistics. ♪ ♪ saving time, cutting stress, when you use ups ♪ ♪ that's logistics. ♪ but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! when an investment lacks discipline, it's never this obvious. introducing investment discipline etfs from russell. visit r a prospectus, containing the investment objectives, risks, charges,
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expenses and other information. read and consider it carefully before investing. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual insurance, if your car's totaled, we give you the money to buy a car that's one model-year newer... with 15,000 fewer miles on it. there's no other auto insurance product like it. better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual. it's a better policy that gets you a better car.
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call... or visit one of our local offices today, and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? will dr. conrad murray take the stand in his defense or not? then reality show star kim kardashian answering questions about whether or not her marriage was staged for publicity. we're getting a report out of los angeles. later, the role that social media played in a brawl that injured a high school coach in georgia. we're still waiting for conrad murray to say whether or not he's going to the stand. he's on trial in connection with michael jackson's death and the judge gave him until today to
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say whether or not he wants to testify. right now the judge and attor y attorneys are going over all of the exhibits and the judge wants to know who objects to what. joining us now, criminal defense attorney richard herman. first of all, while we wait for the doctor's decision, what are the pros and cons of him taking the stand in his own defense? >> i think at this point suzanne, i think it's 50/50 whether he's going to testify. in this particular case, his worst case scenario, if everything goes wrong for con rads murray, maybe two weeks in jail and then house arrest for a period of time. that's his worst case scenario. i think if the defense feels that dr. white got real hurt on the cross-examination and they need dr. murray, i think he just very well may get up there and testify. if he does, he's going to face a blistering cross-examination, but he's an amiable person and
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he's going to convince the jurorses he meant no harm to michael jackson and he's a team player. >> when do we expect the trial to wrap up? >> i expect -- look, it's either -- if dr. white steps down today, i believe that the prosecution will call dr. shaffer as a rebuttal witness and then maybe one more person and i think it's over. so maybe another day or two and i think you're going to hear summations to the jury. we could have a verdict by the end of this week. >> richard, i understand that the jury has -- that the trial is actually resumed now and that they are questioning the witnesses. give us a kind of the picture we've seen of dr. murray, how is he painted in this trial? >> there are two portraits, if you look at the prosecution pore trait, he's a womanizer and money hungry guy that will do
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anything for the buck. then we heard the defense, he opened a business in a poor area and saved people's lives and committed to his patients and kind of contrary to someone seeking the almighty dollar. it's two sides, it depends where you go. if you're a staunch michael jackson person you're going to take the negative implications. if you're willing to give conrad murray a fair shake or if you happen to like him, then you're going to be in his camp. i think this jury will be split. i don't think it's going to be unanimous. i think we're going to be looking at a hung jury here at a minimum hung jury. >> really? do you think it makes any difference that the jackson family recently has been in the courtroom, even in the front row? >> well, they are trying, i mean they are trying to influence as much as they can and they have every right to be there. i would not like it as a defense attorney representing conrad murray but they have every right to sit there and as long as they are not making facial expressions or shaking their head no or doing anything to sort of interrupt the jury, the
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judge has no choice, they have every right to be there. it's their brother and their son. and they have every right -- i would have the children there too if i was the prosecutor. i would have them sitting in the front row also. >> we're watching pictures of the parents there. richard, thank you, we'll keep a close eye on all of this. we'll see which way dr. conrad murray goes whether or not he's going to take the stand. it should be very interesting. thanks, richard. >> very interesting, i'll see you soon. >> we're going to take you live to l.a. in just a few minutes to figure out what went wrong, what went right. kim kardashian's marriage, she's filing for divorce after 72 days. just one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day
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was a char raid or whether or not there was really something that happened in the marriage that didn't work out. >> i know it's so hard to tell, was it real love or publicity stunt? reality queen kim kardashian and kris humfries tied the knot, a big lavish and highly publicized ceremony after dating for a few months. yesterday that whirlwind romance came to a screeching halt. kardashian filed for divorce on monday, 72 days after a self-described fairy tale wedding to humfries. it krits recites ir reconcilable differences, kris wanted to move back home to minnesota and that wasn't in kim k.'s plan, i can't picture her in the midwest. anyway, of course the larger issue seems to be they didn't really know each other, right very well?
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>> a couple months. >> so things weren't sorted out and didn't sort out regular things people would sort out before walking down the aisle. of course there were the ratings to consider with. what was being called in the states the big wedding of the year. you see that big rock. what's going to happen to that ring? maybe she'll auction it off, give the money to charity. >> there is the issue of the ring and all of money that happened when they got married. how are fans reacting to all of this? is there sympathy for either one of them here? >> not a lot of sympathy but outrage, people feeling duped in you can imagine that. as crazy as it sounds, a lot of fans got wrapped up in this fairytale wedding thing. they thought they were making an attempt at love. this has people asking if the whole thing was a scam to promote the reality series and
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two-part wedding. what caught my eye was the reaction from celebrities who support same-sex marriage, you know the battle on that end and people say it's a slap in the face to those who don't have the same marriage rights. kris humfries is saying he wants the marriage to work. in a statement to "showbiz tonight," i love my wife and am devastated to learn she filed for divorce. i'm committed to this marriage and everything this covenants represents and i'm womening to do whatever it takes to make it work. we heard from rob after competing on "dancing with the stars." >> we're here as her family to be supportive, we support anything she does and that's about it. >> so it's no secret that the kardashians are really one of tv's most successful families and there are reports that the couple made up to $18 million
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from the wedding. we've done the math, that adds up to $250,000 for every day of the marriage or more than 10,000 bucks an hour. love at least when it comes to the kardashians, it isn't cheap, suzanne? >> all right, thanks. one of my writers on my team wants to know if she's available for dating. >> he's bold. >> he is. >> that's a courageous thought. >> we'll pass on the information to you, the e-mail and that stuff, i'm sure you'll get it to her. >> i'll work on that. well, it may have started online but ended with violence on a football field. >> if you're a crushed up corn flakes, that's what the bone looked like. >> a high school football coach is permanently injured, social media apparently played a role. first, here's some free money advice from the cnn help desk. >> time for the help desk where we get answers to your financial questions and joining me this
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hour, lynette cox, ask the money and david novak, a certified financial planner and add junk professor. beth from pennsylvania wrote that she and her husband have $25,000 in credit card date and also have money in a 401(k) but worried about withdrawing because of the implications because it would count as income earned when their son applies for financial aid. that's an interesting question. what can they do? >> probably i would leave the money in the retirement plan alone if possible. one other option may be to get a home equity loan or line to pay off the credit cards because rates are the historic lows. if they are insistent on taking the money out, take it out as a loan assuming they are still working because it wouldn't count as income because they are borrowing it from the plan. you need to be careful about that, if they leave the job, the money would be due immediately. >> very good point.
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lynette, your question comes from jason in colorado. he is 38 years old and single and contributes about 14% of his $60,000 a year salary towards his employer response sponsored plan. he's thinking of moving that into a roth i.r.a. and says the employer doesn't offer a match. how should he split the contributions? >> he may want to rethink that strategy overall by maxing out to the extent he is right now he's contributing about $8400 or so to az 457 plan, lower his taxable income and reduces the taxes he has to pay. the roth has its own benefits because he he can take out the moneys tax free on the back end. if he wants to do a split,my want to think about 60/40, 60% in the employer sponsored plan and other 40% for the roth i.r.a. >> folks, if you have a question you want answered, send us an e-mail any time to the help desk at accept it.
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and text, it's fun and harmless. david mattingly looks at one disturbing incident of social media fueling violence in georgia. >> reporter: david daniels says it was the one hit he didn't see coming. >> all of this looked like corn flakes. >> reporter: what do you mean? >> if you crushed up corn flakes, that's what this bone looked like. >> reporter: five hours of surgery, five metal plates to replace shattered bone, daniel was struck in the face with a helmet when he tried to break up a brawl between his players and another team. >> it makes no sense. i don't understand it. >> reporter: coach daniel is a victim some say of trash talking fueled by social media and text messages. but what's particularly hard for people here to accept is where this happened. small town rural georgia.
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daniels were playing against the hancock county bull dogs, footage from the press box shows the game itself was peaceful. there are no pictures to show what happened after the game. >> we saw this sea of people and it was just like moving like a wave then all of a sudden with you saw a helmet go up. >> reporter: the superintendent was there when her coach was struck down outside the locker room. she has demanded a state investigation. >> there was talk on facebook before this game or going back and forth on facebook, maybe text messages before. >> reporter: text messages including this one, allegedly from a hancock volunteer assistant coach who coached at warren county the year before. apparently taunting warren county players, hancock administerers say that text was actually sent after the brawl. but the school's head coach is also among those blaming social media for fanning the flames. >> facebook keeps everything going.
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if i don't see you, we have no confrontation. but now facebook puts everybody together all the time. >> reporter: searchers players pages on facebook, we could finds no evidence of trash talking but the consultant becomes it's becoming a problem for all schools. >> social media is increasing the communication speed to the point that rumors that used to spread in hours and days is spreading within minutes and seconds and escalating quickly and the violence can escalate with it. >> reporter: david daniel wasn't aware of any problems before the fight that left him permanently injured and refuses to say anything negative about the kids involved in the violence. >> i'm not like that. everybody wants to be hateful and i can't do that. you can't do that. kind of bad off. >> reporter: his emotional and physical injury still obvious
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two weeks after the brawl i watched coach daniel return to the field for first time. take a look at this guy, constantly on the go, on the move on the sidelines. one they he can't do however is raise his voice. he his if he yells, it causes a lot of pain. quietly he complains of severe headache and more surgery may be needed. while a criminal investigation continues, no one at this small town school is sure how to stop the violence from happening again. david mattingly, cnn, georgia. will sexual harassment accusations sink herm an cain? more of your responses up ahead. [ mom ] scooter? your father loves
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carol costello is here with your responses to the talk back question. >> the talk back question today, will sexual harassment allegations sink herman cain? with or without the accusations, herman won't make it to the white house. he's not cut out for the job. they might, i'm a paul supporter but in defense of cain people shut let the sinless cast the first stone. nobody is perfect. this from glenn, asking questions about a factual documented case that would show the quality of character not necessarily guilt of the candidate but continuing questioning about a president's birth in which has no basis in fact is good politics?
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this from jackie, it's not about the harassment charges or the settlement, it's the lying about it and changing his story four times in a 24-hour period that will do him in. he's done. and thanks as always for your comments. >> thank you, carol. prescription painkillers are legal but did you know they now kill more people than cocaine and heroine combined. if you've just signed up for medicare or will soon, there's no time like the present
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prescription painkillers are responsible for so many deaths in this country, the centers for disease control has labeled it an epidemic. elizabeth, how many people are we talking here? >> the numbers are staggering, we were surprised when we saw this. in 2008, the most recent year for which they have statistics, 15,000 deaths from prescription pain relievers, compare that to 1999 when it was over 4,000. this means in 2008, those deaths you see there more than the deaths from her o win and cocaine combined. >> they sort of defy conventional wisdom. it's middle aged folks in rural areas are the most likely. it's not young people and not city people. it happens to them too but most likely middle aged and rural
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areas are more likely. >> why are people dying? why are so many people dying now? >> doctors are prescribing these drugs more which in many ways it is a good thing for people in pain and should be prescribed. but doctors and patients often aren't careful that taking it for a good reason doesn't turn into taking it for the wrong reasons and making sure the patient doesn't try to sell that prescription. >> what can we do to fix it? >> doctors have to be better about making sure that when they prescribe for three days that it's really three days and doesn't go on for three months or longer. and patients also need to recognize signs that they are no longer taking it for pain, they are actually taking it for something else. then state governments need to be better too. they need to watch out for people who are doctor shopping and aren't really sick. also, their doctors who are pill nuts and prescribe these medications because they make money and states need to do a better job of catching them. >> elizabeth cohen, thanks. >> cnn newsroom
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