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tv   AM Wake Up Call  CNN  November 2, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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developing right now, in less than an hour, a judge in london set to decide whether wikileaks founder julian assange
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will be extradited to sweden. an incredible emergency landing caught on camera. pilots forced to land a 767 packed with passengers on its belly. get your morning coffee. and pitch in to create jobs. that's what starbucks is hoping millions of americans will do next time they stop in one of its stores. and good morning to you. it is wednesday, november 2nd. this is your "a.m. wake-up call." i'm carol costello joining us live from new york this morning. thanks for being here. if you're just waking up today, new claims that he's not telling the entire truth about sexual harassment allegations made against him. one of the two women who accused cain of inappropriate behavior says she wants to speak out about the scandal that's overshadowed cain's campaign. the alleged incident occurred when he was chief executive of the national restaurant association in the '90s. the woman is barred from speaking about the scandal because of a confidentiality agreement she signed with a
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trade group. her lawyer talked about the case on anderson cooper. >> have you approached the restaurant association or been asked by your client or your former client to approach the restaurant association about getting this confidentiality agreement overturned? >> not yet because i had closed my file and had disposed of the agreement. i'm getting it from my client. i hope to get it today or tomorrow. and once i do that with my client's consent, i will do that. >> has your client asked you, in fact, at this point to do that? >> she's still mulling over what she wants to do about this. she's naturally concerned about all the publicity and this coming up 12 years after the fact. >> the attorney, joel bennett, says his client has been very upset since the story first came out because cain is giving the impression that she made up the allegations. bennett says he knows his client very well and that he's sure she would not make up a false complaint. if you have a 401(k) plan,
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good chance you'll be eyeing the markets throughout the day. the big question this morning, will they take another nosedive like yesterday? over fears the european debt plan for greece may collapse. as you see here, overseas markets are mixed right now. japan's nikkei closed down while the hong kong's hang seng closed up. and right now in europe, the ftse is trading up. the latest turmoil was triggered by prime minister -- by the prime minister of greece, and his surprise plan to let greek voters decide whether to accept a bailout plan reached by european leaders last week. a no vote could result in greece abandoning the euro as its currency and possibly defaulting on its huge debt. the move could cost the prime minister of greece his job despite the fact the candidate voted to support the referendum. a no confidence vote in parliament is set for friday. all of this mess triggered, a big selly of on wall street yesterday. bank stocks were hit especially hard. a bit of good news, though. stock futures are trading up on wall street right now.
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one firm that got caught up with the european debt crisis and suffered heavily is mf global. the commodities and derivatives brokerage house which collapsed in bankruptcy on monday. now the discovery that hundreds of millions of dollars are missing from customers' accounts. the feds are trying to figure out just how that happened. according to sources close to the investigation. mf global is led by jon corzine, the former governor of new jersey and former ceo of goldman sachs. occupy protesters are calling for a general strike in california today in a bid to shut down the city of oakland, and they're urging unions, workers and students to take part. tonight demonstrators plan to converge on oakland's port, one of the city's most visible symbols of commerce. they're protesting a police crackdown which they say caused serious injury to a veteran. protesters claim scott olsen suffered a fractured skull after being struck by a tear gas canister launched by police. a new warning about alcohol
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and breast cancer. even moderate drinking increases a woman's chances of developing the disease. that's according to a new study of more than 100,000 nurses in the united states. the report says that as few as three to six glasses of wine consumed in a week increase a woman's chance of developing breast cancer. and the risk went up with the amount of alcohol consumed. the link between alcohol and breast cancer isn't new, but the effects of moderate drinking had not been calculated before. the study appears in the latest edition of the "journal of the american medical association." now let's head to atlanta and check in with rob marciano. good morning, rob. >> good morning, carol. we have a storm brewing out west. denver, second snowstorm in a week. i know that sounds a big deal, it's in denver, you know, it's still early in the season. and we had our own little early-season snowstorm across the northeast. and those folks still in the dark, a lot of them, and still very cold. here are flight delays. denver's going to be a spot. heavy snow and wind. although they do a great job out there getting rid of the snow.
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but visibility will be an issue as will the wind. and los angeles, also gusty winds. santa ana winds setting up out there. chicago, minneapolis and dallas may be your problem areas. mild on the eastern third of the country. and more east of the mississippi, should be quiet as far as the weather is concerned. but, again, those who are dealing with the power outages still half a million or so in connecticut and massachusetts, parts of new york and new jersey, those areas in the snow zone are below freezing this morning. so they're dealing with that on top of being in the dark. all right. back to the west we go where the high fire danger's going to be an issue with those santa ana winds blowing. and a couple of feet of snow potentially across parts of the higher terrain. with the winds and low visibilities east of denver, blizzard warnings have been posted for that area. 33 for the high in denver. 57 in new york. we take you back out west outside san diego. check out this video, carol, of a car got in a fight with a fire
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hydrant. look at the high-pressure water scooting up the back end. i don't know how long it was like that, but shows you just how powerful the water pressure of those high durant hydrants c. don't be playing in that one. >> can you imagine going out to get in your car and seeing that? it's like you'll never believe what happened. that's true. thank you, rob. >> see you in a bit. everyone has an opinion on why kim kardashian and kris humphries are getting divorced, and that includes comedian jay leno. here's your punch line this morning. >> after just 72 days of marriage, kim kardashian has filed for divorce from her husband. 72 days. i was on at 10:00 longer than that. >> i know. >> i was. please. well, tmz is reporting one of the reasons they broke up was that kris wanted to live in minnesota, and kim didn't. which is understandable. you ever been to minnesota in the wintertime?
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you freeze your ass off. and in kim's case, that could be fatal. that could be fatal. that could be a career ender. shock waves in greece felt around the move. the move that stunned europe and triggered a huge selloff of stocks. first our "quote of the day." the ncaa, the thing that governs college sports, not everyone is happy about it, so here's today's quote. the ncaa is one of the most vicious, most ruthless organizations ever created by mankind. i think you would compare the ncaa to al capone and the mafia. find out what u.s. leader said that in 90 seconds. it's eight minutes past the hour. while going shoeless and metal-free in seconds. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...and go.
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you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. now this...will work. [ male announcer ] just like you, business pro. just like you. go national. go like a pro. go national. go like a pro. ♪ we're centurylink ... we're committed to improving lives and linking americans to what matters most with honest, personal service... 5-year price-lock guarantees... consistently fast speeds ... and more ways to customize your technology. ♪
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consumers er wanchai ferry orange chicken... over p.f. chang's home menu orange chicken women men and uh pandas... elbows mmm [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry, try it yourself. it is ten minutes past the hour. this is your "a.m. wake-up call." now back to our quote of the day. it's about the ncaa, the organization that governs college sports. the quote, "the ncaa is one of the most vicious, most ruthless organizations ever created by mankind. i think you would compare the ncaa to al capone and the mafia." that's what democratic representative bobby rush from illinois said. he called a forum to discuss the guidelines surrounding college athletics including if college athletes should be paid and how injuries and transfers would impact eligibility. and there you have it. governments and investors
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around the world are still struggling to come to terms with a stunning development in greece. the greek cabinet today voted to approve the prime minister's call to let voters decide whether to accept the latest european bailout, a plan designed to prevent the country from defaulting on its huge debt. dan rivers is following developments in france. so dan, how close was the cabinet vote, and what's the reaction from the greek people to the prime minister's move? >> reporter: well, the cabinet vote for the referendum was unanimous, but the problem is, the greek prime minister, george papandreou, is now facing a no-confidence vote in parliament on friday, a vote that he may lose. if he does, that could trigger snap elections and would see the kind of unraveling of this feel that european leaders thought they had nailed down in brussels last week. the g-20 was going to flesh out more details of that deal here
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on the riviera in cannes. now it's going to all be about the crisis that is rapidly escalating in the euro area. the greek prime minister, george papandreou, is going to arrive here today to have an emergency meeting with president sarkozy of france and angela merkel, the german chancellor. really to explain to them why he arrived at this surprise decision to put the austerity measures and the bailout to the greek people without telling president sarkozy, without telling the german chancellor, and without even telling his own finance minister who had no idea this referendum was going to be announced. >> so the referendum will definitely be on the ballot, right? >> reporter: yeah. i mean, what he is proposing is having a vote for the greek people to decide if they approve of this bailout package
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effectively of more deep cuts to public services and the 130 billion euros that is being suggested to bail them out. the problem is that most opinion polls show that greek people may well vote against that. but it might not even get to a referendum put to the greek people because if he loses this no-confidence vote in parliament amongst politicians, he'll be out as the prime minister. he could be finished. there could be a snap election. his own party is already splitting. he's only got a wafer-thin majority in parliament. so this is really beginning to kind of unravel very rapidly. and he's undoing a lot of work that they thought they had nailed down as a result of that summit in brussels. why does this matter? because it imperils the whole euro project here. if greece defaults basically, it could end up having to exit the euro completely. and that may weaken the whole
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currency here, which could theoretically see other countries in a more perilous position. italy, for example, has a terrible set of public finances. it has enormous amounts of debt. more than 1 trillion euros of debt. and a lot of experts are saying italy could be next in line if greece is the first one to be pushed out of the euro. >> just awful. and, of course, it's a big trading partner with the united states, that will affect stocks here and eventually people's 401(k)s in the united states, so he'll be watching very closely. dan rivers, many thanks, reporting live for us from france. one of the women who accused herman cain of sexual harassment says he's been lying according to her attorney. now she wants to tell her side of the story. that's ahead in our "political ticker." ♪
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16 minutes past the hour. time for your "political ticker" with tim farley. tim, we're going to talk about herman cain. he's still denying he ever sexually harassed anyone, calling it a smear campaign. cain says he remembers more about one allegation anyway. >> it started out where she was making huge claims about sexual harassment. i do recall that she was asking for a large sum of money.
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i don't remember what that sum of money was. but as the review of this moved forward, that sum of money negotiating with my attorney negotiating with her attorney got less and less and less because her attorney started to figure out she didn't have a valid claim. >> so the lawyer for another woman who accuses cain of sexual harassment says his client is now upset, and she wants to speak out and tell her side of the story. but, of course, she's barred by that confidentiality agreement. so listen to this conversation with cnn's anderson cooper. this is the woman's lawyer talking with anderson. let's listen. >> i have not had any direct contact with the national restaurant association. in the interviews i've given, i suggested that would be the right thing to do so that she can tell her side of the story since mr. cain is telling his side of the story. and if they -- if they agree to that, then i will confer with my client again and see what she wants to do. ultimately, it's up to her.
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>> okay. so tim, imagine, if you will, somehow this woman gets out of this confidentiality agreement and she comes forward and she tells her side of the story. this could get really ugly. >> it has gotten ugly already, carol. this is just another shoe waiting to drop. and from the beginning, this has been a totally mismanaged embarrassment. it's a neophyte candidate who is frankly groping for answers, if you'll pardon the expression, hasn't found any. he's done things like parse phrases, making distinctions without a difference for things like settlement and agreement. and that kind of nuance might play well in a courtroom. it does not play well in the court of public opinion. bottom line for cain as a candidate, he's a man who has grit appeal because he is not a politician. and frankly, he is sounding more and more like a politician every day. and that can't be good for him, carol. >> although cain says that he raised $400,000 on monday after the story broke. he seems to have very strong
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support from some conservatives. so you kind of wonder, is this thing just going to blow over and he's going to be okay in the long run? >> i can't imagine that it's that good of thing because partly he's tried to portray it as a left wing media conspiracy. he made an appearance on fox with tough questions. i'm not sure if republican lawmakers who he'll be courting on the hill today will want to get too much associated with him until they find out more details about this. there's even been sort of a playing of the race card, if you will, if you want to go back to when clarence thomas was going confirmed, the high-tech lynching of the uppity black, or the stereotype as the black man of the sexual predator. all of that is an undercurrent. i can't imagine that the support for cain, while it may still be very, very strong in some quarters, that it would be actually expanding as a result of this. you may see sort of some circling of the wagons, but i think that core is going to get smaller and smaller if this
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turns out to be more of an embarrassment. so far it has not played well for herman cain, in my opinion. >> tim farley, host of "morning briefing" on sirius potus radio. coming up, what did news corp. officials know about the phone-hacking scandal and when? newly released documents may prove trouble for news corp. head james murdoch in the upcoming face-to-face with parliament. we'll have more details for you next. first, if you're having eggs this morning, how about some deviled eggs? that's because it's national deviled eggs day. and if you can't make it in time for breakfast, have them later. it can be served as a side dish, appetizer or even as a main course. mmm, that's versatility. it's 20 minutes past the hour. [ mom ] scooter? your father loves
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your new progresso rich & hearty steak burger soup. [ dad ] i love this new soup. it's his two favorite things in one... burgers and soup. did you hear him honey? burgers and soup. love you. they're cute. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. ♪
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we're centurylink... a new kind of broadband company committed to providing honest, personal service from real people... 5-year price-lock guarantees... consistently fast speeds... and more ways to customize your technology. ♪
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it is 23 minutes past the hour. welcome back. with the recent europe debt deal looking a bit shaky, the world's most powerful political leaders gather this week in france to get their arms around the global economy. let's head around the world with zain verjee live in london. it seems impossible to get your arms around the global economy, doesn't it? >> it sure does, especially now where it seems like more of a struggle and a fight that's going on. the situation is really serious. i mean, these world leaders are going to be meeting in the south
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of france on the french riviera. and the beautiful plan that was so hard and difficult and took a long time to work out may be thrown into jeopardy when it comes to the euro zone crisis. greece is top of the agenda, and this meeting for the g-20 is really going to be a test on whether this deal's even going to hold. so greece has been playing out a big drama over the last 24 hours. first of all, there's going to be a confidence vote this friday for the greek prime minister. that could throw the political system in total jeopardy. and the government could be on the brink of collapse if that doesn't go through. then there's a referendum that's going to be called either in december or january. some reports are suggesting now december on whether the greeks even want that deal or not. and that could scuttle the whole thing and put the entire euro zone in danger. and it took europe by surprise, that decision. so this is going to be topic number one at the g-20 meeting. >> i'd like to be behind closed
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doors and listen to those conversations. let's talk about these new documents that have just been released about james murdoch and what he knew about that phone-hacking scandal. because it's not over yet. >> no, it's far from over. in fact, james murdoch is going to go next week in front of a parliamentary committee here to continue to explain what he knew and when he knew it. let's talk about these documents specifically, though. we're talking about a bunch of briefing notes and e-mails that were sent between news corp. lawyers. and those documents have now been handed over to the british parliamentary committee. now, what they are saying, that there's enough information to show that ever since 2008, lawyers and senior officials at news corp. knew what was going on with these phone-hacking scandals, and they did their best to try and keep it private. also, one thing that's emerged is that news corp. has also agreed to pay thousands of pounds to an early phone-hacking
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victim. why? well, many are saying because it's that specific case that really shows that there are fatal flaws in the argument that news corp. is saying that they didn't know how widespread all of this was. so it's going to be interesting. and we're going to watch and see what happens when james murdoch, his reputation has really been tarnished by this whole scandal, when he faces the committee next week. >> zain verjee live in london, thanks, as always. coming up, forcing your citizens in georgia are in custody accused of plotting attacks on judges, irs agents and others. and a plane makes an emergency landing on its belly. it's an amazing feat by the pilot. unbelievable. we'll have more on that story, too, next.
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and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. so my old contact lenses would sometimes move out of place and blur my vision. my eye doctor said there's great news for people with astigmatism. acuvue® oasys for astigmatism. he said it's the only lens of its kind designed to realign naturally with every blink and created with hydraclear® plus. i'm seeing more clearly, crisply, comfortably, all day long. now life doesn't have to be a blur. [ male announcer ] learn more at acuvue® oasys for astigmatism.
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good morning, it is wednesday, november 2nd. this is your "a.m. wake-up call." i'm carol costello. four men will step into a georgia courtroom later today accused of trying to buy explosives and stage deadly attacks. federal agents say the men all in their 60s and 70s are part of a fringe militia group. they're accused of plotting to attack u.s. government officials with explosives and the biotoxin ricin. prosecutors believe this was very real, a very real threat. >> this wasn't just talk. they had taken real steps toward carrying out their plans. >> prosecutors say the public was never in imminent danger. members of occupy oakland want to ramp up their protests in california. beyond several planned protests
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today, our dan simon tells us organizers are hoping to elicit the local work force. >> reporter: this up groo of protesters in oakland became really energized last week when they were evicted by the city which of course set up that violent confrontation with police. now they're back in full force, tent city back here in front of city hall. they want to see if they can take things to the next level by calling for a general city strike. they want workers to skip work. they're also telling teachers and students to not go to school. we know there will be several hundred people marching throughout the streets of oakland. they say this will be a peaceful protest. but given what we saw last week, police are preparing for all eventualities. dan simon, cnn, oakland, california. a 22-year-old u.s. army military policeman has been arrested on suspicion of espionage. specialist william colton mallay
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was take into custody at the base in anchorage, alaska, where he was stationed. officials are only saying that it's an ongoing investigation involving both the fbi and army counterintelligence. he'll be tried in the military court system. america is losing its battle against suicide by veterans and service members. that's a direct quote from a new report that warns the military's growing suicide rate threatens recruitment and public confidence. the center for a new america security study says there were 309 military suicides in 2009. that's up from 160 in 2001. the increase is blamed on the lack of proper mental health care for service members and veterans. it was a real white-knuckle moment on a flight from new jersey to poland. a plane with no landing gear making an emergency landing in warsaw. max foster has the details on this incredible story. >> reporter: a nightmare
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scenario many of us fear when boarding a plane. the boeing 767 was forced on land on its belly after technical failure with the landing gear. and miraculously, it did so safely. it must have felt like an eternity. a landing none of the 230 passengers could have expected when they took off from newark on the flight to warsaw. >> translator: it was unexpectedly calm. the pilot landed perfectly. the crew kept us calm. we were sure that we landed on wheels. we were clapping our hands, but it turned out there were no wheels. >> reporter: once it was clear that the landing gear had failed, they had no choice but to crash land without it. for the safest possible landing, the pilot had to burn off excess fuel. and he circled around warsaw for an hour to make it happen. >> translator: there were no problems with landing. nothing happened. it wasn't even swinging. so we all thought that we had really landed with no problems. but i was sitting close to the
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wing. and i saw the sparks and smoke. and then we ran to the exit. >> reporter: sparks flew at warsaw airport as the plane slid along the runway in what was a textbook emergency landing. emergency crews rushed to the scene. luckily there was no blaze, and none of the passengers or crew were hurt. max foster, cnn, london. as you wait behind the school bus with the red flashing lights this morning, here's something that should make you smile. fourth and eighth grade students scored higher in math -- they scored higher last spring than ever recorded. on a 500-point scale, fourth graders gained one point to 241 this year. eighth graders also up a point, 284 out of a 500 possible points. eighth graders also gained a point in reading while fourth graders were gnat. a little good news for you this morning. still ahead, starbucks says you can help create jobs in america by picking up your coffee fix this morning. all you have to do is buy a cup
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of joe. we'll show you how it works next. the employee of the month is... spark card from capital one. spark cash gives me the most rewards of any small business credit card. it's hard for my crew to keep up with 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. 2% cash back. that's setting the bar pretty high. thanks to spark, owning my own business has never been more rewarding. [ male announcer ] introducing spark the small business credit cards from capital one. get more by choosing unlimited double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet? this guy's amazing. [ technician ] are you busy? management just sent over these new technical manuals. they need you to translate them into portuguese. by tomorrow. [ male announcer ] ducati knows it's better for xerox to manage their global publications.
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so they can focus on building amazing bikes. with xerox, you're ready for real business. it is 35 minutes past the hour. developing right now, worries over greece. stock markets are taking another hit, and european leaders are holding an emergency meeting today, all while greece's prime minister pushes ahead with plans to hold a public vote on its bailout plan. let's check in with christine romans. boy, greece really threw a wrench into things, didn't it in >> to say that europe is mad at greece right now is an understatement. europe has been mad at greece for months, and then suddenly it looks like internal politics in greece where the prime minister wants to have a referendum on whether greece will accept that big eu debt deal, throwing everything into question again. and it's really, really unnerved investors. and for the first time you're really hearing people say, look, this is an existential crisis
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for europe. you've got to look at who are the members of the eu, who deserves to be members of the eu? this is what happens if you lower standards for some countries to come in. suddenly you look at europe's debt -- or greece's debt, and it's still just a big problem. carol, i'll just say that papandreou, the greek prime minister, has been summoned to the g-20 meeting in nice where i'm sure he'll get a dressing down from sarkozy and merkel. and we'll see, maybe markets will be a little more optimistic today because they think that greece will ultimately go along. there's another little twist to the story, too. if, i think, 40% of people have to show up in greece for this referendum to pass, it may be that papandreou is trying to show that he's in charge but knows that they'll never have enough people turn out to vote for this referendum. who knows what the thinking is. >> i know, but that's a big gamble.
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and i don't think there's any way to -- i don't think there's any way you can say you're going to put a vote to the people and then rescind it as a politician. >> it's a gamble -- it's a disaster. the whole thing is one big, huge disaster. and a week ago we thought this thing had been -- at least we thought there was a deal and we were on the way to healing for europe. remember, if europe falls into recession because of a big debt debacle, it is very bad for the united states. it's the number one destination. some $400 billion of american goods. you can't have the u.s. recovering with europe falling back and not being able to fix its debt crisis, which is why this g-20 meeting is so incred reply important that they get this all fixed or at least get on the road. >> ali velshi's going to join us live from the g-20 summit in about 20 minutes, we hope, at least. let's talk about starbucks. >> sure. >> it's revealing this new plan to help create jobs. >> and starbucks is going to throw $5 million into the brew to get it started. you know that the ceo, howard
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schultz, has been very vocal, almost political, i would say, about his distaste for gridlock in washington. he wants to help people, help companies, create jobs. so they have started something, a small business loan program that they're trying to help fund. you buy $5 donation at your starbucks when you get your cup of joe. you get this cool bracelet to show that you're a supporter of american jobs. and then they're going to send that money called the opportunity finance network, i think, and they're going to try to get, they say, every donation you give will help fund $35 into that to get main street hiring. you know, carol, it's interesting. main street has been hiring. big companies have been firing or not hiring over the past couple years. main street is where any hiring has been happening, it's been happening. companies with under 500 employees on average are hiring about 60,000 people a month. so howard schultz wants to keep the money flowing to that. >> good for him. christine, see you in a bit.
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herman cain mired in a sexual harassment scandal that won't go away. what he's saying now and what the lawyer for one of his accusers is saying. that's next. first, it's time for your "get smart question of the day." another milestone for youtube. a celebrity has become the first to get 2 billion views on a channel. is justin bieber? lady gaga? or kim kardashian? your answer in two minutes. it's 40 minutes past the hour. what's this? it's progresso's new loaded potato with bacon. it's good. honey, i love you... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. ♪ what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. i want healthy skin for life. [ female announcer ] don't just moisturize, improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula goes beyond 24-hour moisture. it's clinically proven to improve your skin's health in one day,
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with significant improvement in 2 weeks. for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. and for healthy, beautiful hair, try nourish plus haircare. only from aveeno. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the peace of mind of owning a 2011 iihs top safety pick. the all-new volkswagen passat.
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it is 42 minutes past the hour. now back to your "get smart question of the day." a celebrity has become the first to get 2 billion views on youtube. so who is it? justin bieber? lady gaga? or kim kardashian? the answer is justin bieber. the 17-year-old pop star received 94 million views on his channel last month alone.
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herman cain is waking up today to new claims that he's not telling the truth about sexual harassment allegations made against him. one of the two women who accuse cain of inappropriate behavior says she wants to speak out about the scandal that's overshadowed his campaign since politico first broke the story on sunday. the alleged incident occurred when cain was chief executive of the national restaurant association back in the '90s. the woman is barred from speaking publicly about the scandal because of a confidentiality agreement that she signed with the trade group. her lawyer talked about the case on "360" last night. >> have you approached the restaurant association or been asked by your client or your former client to approach the restaurant association about getting this confidentiality agreement overturned? >> not yet because i had closed my file and had disposed of the agreement. i'm getting it from my client. i hope to get it today or tomorrow. once i do that with my client's consent, i will do that. >> has your client asked you, in
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fact, at this point to do that? >> she's still mulling over what she wants to do about this. she's naturally concerned about all the publicity and this coming up 12 years after the fact. >> joel bennett says his client has been very upset since the story first came out because cain is giving the impression that she made it all up. bennett says he knows his client very well and that he is sure she would not make a false complaint. coming up, why the u.s. military wants to give lollipops to injured soldiers in the field. and take a look at these pictures. a car crashes into this hydrant. and look what happens. that's just bizarre. we'll have more on this story just ahead. but first, on this day in history, 28 years ago, president ronald reagan signed the king holiday bill into law. the legislation made martin luther king jr.'s birthday a federal holiday. 44 minutes past the hour. sorry.
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these people, huh? you know i've found that anger is the enemy of instruction. you don't know the egos that i have to deal with. you're probably right. thank you! whoever you are. i'm pretty sure that was phil jackson. he's quite famous... million championships... triangle offense innovator... [ male announcer ] the audi a8. named best large luxury sedan. nice wheels zen master. thank you...todd. ♪ consumers er wanchai ferry orange chicken... over p.f. chang's home menu orange chicken women men and uh pandas... elbows mmm [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry, try it yourself.
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will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to
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good morning to you. it is wednesday, november 2nd. this is your "a.m. wake-up call." i'm carol costello joining you live from new york. it's 47 minutes past the hour. england's landmark st. paul's cathedral now says it will back off its legal action against the occupy london protesters. let's go to london with zain verjee. so zain, why the change of heart? >> well, they decided maybe it's not such a good idea.
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they decided that rather than take legal action and forcibly disband them, maybe what they should do instead is engage the protesters and see what their issues are and find a way maybe, they say, to work together to highlight some of the social issues that they are really frustrated with. this has been going on for a long time now. a very senior cleric at st. paul's cathedral also resigned. it's really caused a firestorm over here. what they want to do is try and come to some resolution. they say they're going to pause and talk just for a few days, not weeks. carol? >> we'll see what happens. this is kind of an odd story. some u.s. soldiers in need of painkilling drugs may be handed lollipops? >> yes. and there's only one flavor, carol. and it is berry. and that's all the flavors they can get. it's actually kind of an interesting development because u.s. marines and soldiers in afghanistan will attempt to have
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more injected into their muscles if they need a painkiller. but now there's this whole idea of giving them a lollipop instead. they're sayi ing this is actual better than taking morphine. they call it a fentanyl lollipop. they say it's better because it eases pain faster. because when you put a lozenge into your mouth, it absorbs into the blood system much better than an injection does. the other thing, too, carol is that you can also have more control over the dosage because if you give someone a lollipop or a lozenge and they react to it, you can just pull it out. whereas if you've injected morphine and it's in, it's in. so that's going to be the new plan moving forward, lollipops. >> lollipops. sounds good to me. zain verjee live in london, thank you. if you have a 401(k) plan, good chance you'll be eyeing markets throughout the day. the question, will they take a nosedive over fears the european
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debt plan for greece may collapse? as you see, overseas markets are mixed now. japan's nikkei closed down while the hang seng closed up. the latest turmoil was triggered by the greek prime minister's plan over whether to accept a bailout plan reached by european leaders last week. a no volt could result in greece abandoning the euro as its currency and possibly defaulting on its huge debt. the move could cost the prime minister his job despite the fact the cabinet voted to support the referendum. a no-confidence vote is scheduled in parliament. that's scheduled for friday. all of this mess triggered a big selloff on wall street yesterday. bank stocks hit especially hard. stock futures are trading up right now on wall street. one firm that got caught up with the european debt crisis and suffered mightily is mf global, the commodities and derivatives brokerage house which collapsed in bankruptcy on monday. now the discovery that hundreds
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of millions of dollars are missing from customers' accounts. the feds are trying to figure out just how that happened. that's according to sources close to the investigation. mf global is led by jon corzine. the former governor of new jersey and ceo of goldman sachs. a new warning about breast cancer and alcohol this morning. even moderate drinking increases a woman's chance of developing the disease. that's according to a new study of more than 100,000 nurses in the united states. now, the report says that as few as three to six glasses of wine consumed in a week increases a woman's chance of developing breast cancer. and the risk went up with the amount of alcohol consumed. the link between alcohol and breast cancer isn't new, but the effects of moderate drinking have not been calculated before. the study appears in the latest edition of "the journal of the american medical association." let's head to atlanta and check in with rob marciano. any flight delays expected this morning? >> yeah, i think denver's going to have issues, although the
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airport out there does a great job when they have snowstorms. this is a pretty good one, especially for this time of year. already seeing over a foot of snow in wyoming and blizzard warnings have been posted. here is a list of the delays that we expect to see today. denver, heavy snow and wind, over an hour. also windy in los angeles because of santa ana winds blowing. could be dust kicking up in phoenix. chicago, minneapolis and dallas, the other problem spots if you're traveling today. here's how winds shake down in socal. high fire danger kicking up gusts to 40 to 50 miles an hour as the classic santa ana setup is under way. it's all part of the backside of this storm system which is rolling into the central plains. 8 to 14 inches of snow expected in the denver metro area. just east of there across the flat country, windy conditions cause blizzard conditions. speak of snow, here's a look at a high-resolution satellite picture from nasa taken from yesterday or the day before of the snow cover just after the snowstorm. notice the contrast between the white and the greenish terrain.
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you don't get this type of picture in january or february. some of that snow's going to be melting although it's chilly this morning. mild conditions across -- everywhere east of the mississippi looks to be a nice day today. temperatures will rebound, of course, above freezing to below freezing in some spots across the snow zone right now. but they get into the 50s and in some cases the 60s. i've got to show you the video from just east of san diego. this car, further information i've gathered over the last half an hour, carol, authorities think it was stolen because nobody was in or near the car when they finally got close to it. and it was getting cleaned on the rear end side for a good hour before they could shut things off. at least it's a clean stolen car now. >> exactly. it's just such a bizarre picture. thank you, rob. we appreciate it. breaking news to tell you about right now. the controversial founder of the wikileakaks website julian a
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assange. a british judge already approved the tradition, but assange appealed that decision. his appeal has been denied. he will be extradited to sweden to face charges of sexual impropriety. bank of america announces it will not move forward with its plan to charge customers a $5 debit fee, but will this be enough for already outraged customers? maybe not. it's 54 minutes past the hour. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. o0 ♪ we're centurylink... a new kind of broadband company committed to improving lives with honest, personal service, 5-year price lock guarantees and consistently fast speeds. ♪
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three minutes till the top of the hour. welcome back. the late-night shows are getting
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a kick out of the herman cain sexual harassment scan zdascand. jon stewart says it's going to change the way people look at cain. here's your punch line. >> if he's telling the truth, he's just a nice church-going man and everything is tainted by these allegations. even his simple love of ice cream. >> black walnut because it tastes good all the time. it just sounds really dirty now. and that clip of herman cain smiling at the end of his political ad. oh, that just -- that's just dirty. that commercial's just always going to play with different music in people's heads now. ♪ >> i really tried not to laugh,
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but it was impossible. let's head to the nasdaq market site and check in with carter evans. good morning. >> that was pretty funny, i've got to say. leave it to jon stewart to make those connections there. hey, you know, you see this red behind me. yesterday it was an ugly day for stocks. today is going to be an interesting day here at home. we'll hear from fed chief ben bernanke and get a reading of the mortgage index and a reading on employment from payroll firm adp and earnings from comcast and sony, just a number of companies today. futures are higher now but we've got this greek debt deal hanging over our heads, and no one knows exactly what to think. futures are higher. dow futures up 80, nasdaq up 22.5, s&p 500 up about 10. but anything can happen. >> you're right. anything can happen. let's talk about bank of america, though. because this is score one for the consumer. >> let me shift over here because this headline on cnnmoney.coms


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