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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  November 2, 2011 9:00am-10:59am EDT

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this controversy, he said there are forces working against me. that's all he said about that and then he started talking about technology and things that his secretary was doing to promote technology in the workplace. >> there you go. we'll continue to monitor that and so will kyra phillips because "cnn newsroom" sfarts wi right now. herman cain surging in the polls but stumbling to defuse this political time bomb. we're talking about the allegations of sexual harassment dating back to the 1990s. cain calls it a smear campaign and moments ago he, once again, scoffed at those claims. >> there are factions that are trying to destroy me, personally, as well as this campaign. but there is a force greater. a force at work here much greater than those who would try to destroy me and destroy this
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campaign and this journey to the white house. and that force is called, the voice of the people. that's why we're doing as well as we are in this campaign thus far. y'all were supposed to applaud. >> here's another development. one of his accusers may go public. her attorney says that she can only break her silence if the confidentiality agreement is lifted. that decision will be up to cain's former employer. >> i have not had any direct contact with the national restaurant association. in the interviews i've given, i suggested that would be the right thing to do so that she can tell her side of the story since mr. cain is telling his side of the story. if they agree to that, then i will confer with my client again and see what she want to do. ultimately, it's up to her. >> we're covering all the
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developments. brian todd has the latest on the story at hand. paul steinhauser has the political implications. brian, let's start with you. the attorneys saying that he's actually meeting with his client today, right? >> that's right, kyra. we are told he may meet with her as early as today, possibly tonight to go over everything that they need to work out before they actually approach the national restaurant association and formally ask them to release this woman from her confidentiality agreement. the lawyer says that he's actually not seen this case in 12 years. it was closed 12 years ago and he didn't have a cop y of it. he is asking this woman to give him a copy today. the question will be, will they formally approach the national restaurant association to release her? the lawyer said he's hoping that group will do it on his own. the question to them now is, are you going to release this woman? the only thing they said so far in this statement is, "we have seen media reports saying that
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joel bennett is publicly making requests on behalf of a former national restaurant association employee. mr. bennett has not been in contact with the association. if we are contacted by mr. bennett, we will respond as appropriate." those wheels all in motion. mr. bennett meets with his client, this woman, who says she was sexually harassed by herman cain. he says this woman has been very, very upset since the story blew up in the media and since herman cain has come up with these firm denials. she wants to speak out. we'll see if that other shoe drops probably very soon, kyra. >> in addition, cain is coming forward and dismissing these claims as a political smear campaign. he said it again this morning, but he's also saying that race may be to blame. >> that's right. he has, he has kind of, well, he was asked about that by fox news and while we should just play that exchange. take a listen. >> do you think that race and
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being a strong, black conservative has anything to do with the fact that you've been so charged? if so, do you have any evidence to support that? >> i believe the answer is yes. but we do not have any evidence to support it. >> and some of herman cain's supporters have actually called this something like a high-tech lynching. something like that. just to kind of put that factor back into this whole argument. but, again, herman cain being very, very firm in his denials that he ever sexually harassed eeth of the two women who have allegedly complained against him, kyra. >> brian todd, thanks so much. paul steinhauser. herman cain supporters still rallying behind him with words and money, lots of money, paul. >> one plus to herman cain with this whole controversy, it has been the money. the campaign telling us they raised online $400,000 on monday, the first full week day after this report came out of
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the allegations. that's a lot of money in one day, kyra. also, as you mentioned, a lot of top conservative pundits supporting herman cain. this is the inside the beltway types going after herman cain. also, the poll. you mentioned the poll. let's take a look at this. qui quinnipiac poll. herman cain at 30%, pit romney at 20%. what makes this different? herman cain's lead, it is a lead, 7%. that is over or more than the sampling era. it is truly a lead for the first time. but the kacaveat this was conducted almost entirely before this controversy broke on sunday, kyra. >> in addition to this controversy, all of us have wanted the chance to talk to him about the allegations of sexual harassment, but also getting asked about foreign policy, as well. iran and china. take a listen to this.
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>> yes, they're a military threat. they indicated that they're trying to develop nuclear capability and they want to develop more aircraft carriers like we have. so, yes, we have to consider them a military threat. >> now, he's talking about china specifically right there. what is the reaction been to that, paul? >> yeah, those comments are starting to get a little buzz. overshadowed the other night. that happened the other night on pbs with judy woodruff. 1964 so it really is a nuclear power. but, listen, herman cain admits it's foreign policy not his strong suit and he's been downplaying the significance of it. to a degree, yes, it has. his campaign says he continues to study up on it. kyra, listen, the economy overwhelmingly the top issue for the republican nomination, but this month there are four debates coming up and two of those debates on november 12th in south carolina and a cnn debate on the 22nd right here in washington, d.c. both those debates will focus on
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national security and foreign policy. so, it could be an issue for herman cain this month, kyra. >> paul, thanks. next hour, we'll talk with one of herman cain's good friends and ask him about these allegations. also, all the latest political news. go to our website, once again, frederick robertson joining us live this hour. a disconnect between the people who shape the economy and those of us who live it, well, consider this. leaders of the world's top 20 economies are about to discuss the global financial crisis and the sacrifices that need to be made with the backdrop, the french riviera. of course, ali velshi always figures out a way to get himself. san tropa, everyone is in france, but the talk is all about greece. >> yeah, i drew the short straw here because i really figured that people like you and a whole
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lot of other people in america would not be that interested in having me talk about the g-20 and i would be on the beach, but god bless the greeks, because of them, i'm sitting here talking to you. the french prime minister and angela merkel from germany and, in your words, they'll look at him and say, what were you thinking yesterday? he decided that he was going to take this business of this greek, you know, stuff they've got to do to fix the economy and put it to a referendum. if you were greek and they asked you, hey, would you guys like to work a few years longer? would you like to pay more taxes than you do? would you like to lose those kind of siestas? how about fewer days off? people get used to their entitlements. if the greeks get to vote on this, they say no way. they don't get the bailout from the germans and other europeans and the euro zone goes back into crisis. this was all supposed to happen a different way, kyra. the europeans were supposed to show up at this g-20 with this little thing they worked out
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last week all gift wrapped with a a bow on it and do you mind investing in us because we really got our act together and all of a sudden this thing happens. right now the greeks are holding the world by the chest hairs. if they do not get this thing done, they risk putting the markets, international markets back into turmoil. look what it cost everybody yesterday. the dow was down 3%. that is your 401(k) because the greeks can't get it together right now. >> wow, we've seen the protests, as well, in greece. interesting to see what type of protests we'll see at the summit. usually they come out in droves. we'll talk about that, ali, coming up next hour. >> we're expecting about 8,000 or 10,000 people. i'll tell you more about that when we talk again. >> ali, thank you so much. that summit will include heads of state and policymakers you probably never heard of. their decisions could impact every person on the planet. no surprise that the world is watching. zain verjee in lunden with a
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look at the internaestional headlines. what are the newspapers saying, zain? >> as greece holds the world by its chest hairs let's look at what they are saying. protesters confined to nice as police seal off fortress cannes. a repeat of the violence of the 2000 violence european union summit in nice. last chance for g-20 to show leadership. it says the g-20 was created in 2009 as the steering committee for the world economy, the latest unforeseen risks risks to a group of bystanders. then finally "china daley." bumpy road still lies ahead. needless to say, what the international community is hoping for is not just a joint statement at the end of the summit, but down to earth
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collective actions. kyra? >> zain verjee out of london, we'll be talking about the summit throughout the morning. ladies, if you have just a few drinks a week, you know what, you can be at risk for breast cancer. dr. sanjay gupta here to tell us more about this linkage that has been made. what do we know? >> it's interesting. for some time there has been proven that alcohol increases your levels of circulating estrogen. that is important because estrogen could be the fuel for breast cancer and also shown as a result that heavy drinking can be a problem with regard to breast cancer. this looked at light and moderate drinkers specifically. what they're saying women on average who had a drink a day, one drink per day increased their breast cancer risk 1.2 times. if you had two drinks per day, there was an increased risk. it didn't matter if there was beer, wine or liquor. measuring a cumulative effect. if you went 10, 20 years without drinking at all, you got credit
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for that. if you drank, that increased your risk. that's whau what's this new stu talking about. >> a glass of wine is so good for your health. >> right. this is one of those tough positions in medicine because there's risk reward with just about everything. one thing we don't talk about this enough, but we talk about relative increase. the absolute increase is gives you some perspective. the average risk is about 2.8% for a woman to develop breast cancer. if they drank two drinks per day on average, it would go up to 4.1%. obviously, an increased risk. but not saying you're going to get breast cancer if you're a drinker. just increases the risk. it is good for your heart, which is what you're alluding to, kyra. increases your good cholesterol and decrease formation of clots. american cancer society says we're not ready to change our recommendations. we think there are benefits to drinking lightly. less than three drinks per week.
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>> family history and current medical stats. >> you do. those things add to your risk. always important to point out, kyra, most women who get breast cancer have no family history. they are the family history. they are the first ones in their family to develop it. breast cancer cases come when they don't have history. don't get solace in that. if you have risk factors, you want to consider drinking adding to those factors. >> glass of wine tonight, yes or no? >> just don't do one every night. three times a week maybe. i'll even buy you one. >> that's a deal, thanks, doc. senior citizens in georgia are accused of being terrorists. coming up, we'll tell you more about the alleged murder plot that involves four older men and homemade biological weapons. also ahead, will and kate spending their day packing up supply boxes. may not be glamorous, but they're helping save lives in east africa. we'll be right back.
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police in racine, wisconsin, busted a huge marijuana operation. more than $7 million worth of pot. the property owner is in jail now on a $1 million bond. in philly, the pilot of a barge that crashed into a sightseeing boat and killed two tourists was sentenced to a year and a day in jail. matthew devlin admits he was distracted when his ship crash under to the duck boat last year and also surrendered his coast
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guard boat issue license. an off-duty officer saved a woman and her infant when her car got stuck on a railroad crossing. mom failed a couple sobriety tests and the child turned over to a family member. in georgia, four senior citizens accused of being part of a bizarre. george, tell us about the plot. >> well, kyra, these men allegedly had plans to kill a lot of people. here, the four affidavits released from this federal investigation will take a quote from fred thomas who is described as the leader of the group. listen to this "no way for us to save this country, to save georgia without doing something that is highly, highly illegal." another quote reads, when it comes to saving the constitution, that means some people got to die. all this information comes from
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confidential informants who told investigators about this group called covert group that they plan to buy ammunition and explosions and produce ricin and to release it on highways in atlanta and other cities across the united states. but investigators say they made the arrests before these men could become a threat. listen. >> they had taken substantial steps such that it was important that they be arrested and be charged with crimes. but the public was never in any imminent danger. the fbi and the joint terrorism task force was monitoring this to make sure that it was never close to anything actually happening. so, no one was in imminent danger. >> so, later this afternoon eastern time, we were waiting to see frederick thomas, dan roberts, ray adams and sam crump make their first appearance in federal court. again, these men in their 60s and 70s allegedly targeted, plan to target people in government, corporate leaders and members of the media.
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they were also planning to target the atf and irs buildings in atlanta. kyra. >> tell me about the special expertise that apparently these men had. >> well, apparently, according to the investigation, crump was a contractor for the cdc and adams was a retired lab technician with the usd, a. they say he had caster beans and caster beans are necessary to produce ricin and also that he had the formula to do so. kyra? >> all right, we'll track it, thanks. now, remember the bank of america $5 debit card fee that probably outraged you. well, good news. the bank is backing down. and an american model gets fired for defending the gadhafi family. hear what she said in a magazine interview that made her biggest client back out.
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this is vanessa hesler. she's done adds for calvin klein and she used to date one of moammar gadhafi's sons. zain, what exactly happened? >> she's describing it to the italian magazine as a really passionate relationship. now, the german company telefonica canceled a major advertising contract. there is no way they can continue to have her as their face with some of the stuff that she said. one of the spokespeople said she failed to distance herself from the contract on libya. so, what did this model say, kyra? she said she had been dating
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gadhafi for four years and she said this to the magazine. she said, "i didn't have contact with him since the uprising broke out, but our relationship was one of passion." she went on to say the gadhafi family is not as they're being depicted and described them as normal people. she was crying for libya and the libyan people and felt the rebels really did not know what they were doing. by the way, this other model who was an ex-girlfriend who ended up having to be evacuated from libya and she ended up going to malta and described him, also, as a pretty decent guy and that they were friends. kyra? >> do we know anything -- have we heard anything more from her how she met gadhafi's son, why she dated him, why the relationship continued on for four years, apparently? >> she hasn't really given any specifics, but, i mean, he had a
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lot of money. you know, he seemed to have an affinity towards models and one of them described him as being a great guy, lots of fun, taking her to st. bart's which is a luxury resort place and an island in the caribbean to monaco and plenty of gifts of louis vuitton bags. they're not really revealing many more specifics. you wouldn't really want to right now given what has happened. but this model of vanessa hessler is coming out defending her and she's insisting she's staying by her comments. this was a normal family and that she was sad to see what happened in libya. >> don't know what planet she lives on. zain verjee, interesting story, for sure. just minutes away from the opening bell. yesterday was pretty rough. will today be rougher? we'll take you live to new york stock exchange. the scandal around herman cain might not hurt him at all, in fact, it might help. coming up, a reporter that takes
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that idea just a step further. he thinks the cain campaign can actually thrive because of all this. the postal service is critical to our economy--
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delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service, and want to lay off over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains 5 billion a year from post-office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it.
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[ male announcer ] we're not employers or employees. not white collar or blue collar or no collars. we are business in america. and every day we awake to the same challenges. but at prudential we're helping companies everywhere find new solutions to manage risk,
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capital and employee benefits, so american business can get on with business. ♪ checking top stories now for a woman accused of herman cain of sexual harassment is questioning cain's recent statements on the case. she may tell her side of the story if a confidentiality agreement could be waived. more than a million people in the northeast don't have power. at least 15 deaths are blamed on the storm. president obama leaves for the g-20 summit tonight. global leaders meet in france stating tomorrow. looking at a deal to contain
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greece's debt crisis. all right, the opening bell is about to ring on wall street. investors, i think it's pretty fair to say, are on edge. christine romans live in new york, alison kosik at new york stock exchange. christine, greece, still has everyone worried. >> greece, the 32nd largest economy in the world has the entire world watching and waiting to see what is going to happen next year. absolutely right. greece has been the center of this drama. the beginning of the sovereign debt crisis for europe and now the beginning of the end of the sovereign debt crisis with europe depends on what greece does here. the prime minister has been summoned to france to meet with eu leaders. he wants to have a national referendum on a yes or no to the european bailout. yes or no to staying in the euro. yes or no to europe, basically. that has surprised and shocked many in europe who said, look, we worked very hard to put together a deal to save you, to save europe, to save the euro
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and now you want to put it up to your own people for a vote. that is just going to cause too much of a delay and too many months of uncertainty until that happens. so, really big concerns about where we go forward from here and whether greece is onboard, kyra, with what europe wants to do to get the financial house in order. >> opening bell ringing right there. alison, the fed also announcing a rate decision later today. that will impact things. >> no surprise on the rate decision. rates are expected to remain right where they are at historic lows. i think the focus will remain europe today. you know, the markets are clearly still rattled from this stunner by greece. we are opening higher. the dow is up about 60 points. we had indications we could open stronger than this. what you are seeing is short lived because this europe issue is really going to hang on the markets, just when everybody thought this european debt deal was a lock up. we got this big curveball from
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greece's prime minister. now we have investors looking at that word again. that uncertainty. it's really turned markets upside down. so, you'll see nervousness continue to weigh on the markets and the markets are most likely going to remain very volatile. kyra? >> all right, alison kosik, christine romans, thanks so much. we'll keep an eye on the markets. you can see right now, it's looking good. up by 87, 88 points. we'll keep tracking it. megan mccain says that america's speed date with herman cain is over. but, hold on a second, des moines register actually found likely republican caucus goers still supporting him despite the sexual harassment allegations. plus, the cain campaign says it raised $400,000 monday. best day yet. it's one thing for a scandal not to hurt a candidate, it's quite another for it to help. joshua green with bloomberg business week. you don't think scandals will
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help candidates, but in this case you think cain can actually thrive. why? >> this is a strange cycle. as you mentioned in the intro the "des moines register" which just came out with a poll on saturday that showed cain in the lead in iowa came back after news of the sexual allegations broke and they didn't find any losses for cain. another is that a lot of conservatives rallied around him yesterday and, also, he seems to have one of his best fund-raising days ever. there is a scenario where cain could continue to thrive and one big component of that is that iowa, which is suddenly a very contested state. if perry's attacks on romney are
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successful, that could end up ben fating herman cain. >> joe klein wrote a piece for "time" magazine, i saw it yesterday. similar notions here. i want to just pull a quote and you tell me what you think. he writes that the notion of a black man as a sexual predator is a particularly toxic stereotype and it may intensify the self righteous satisfaction some republicans are getting from supporting a conservative blackm black man for president. >> you can hear cain's campaign making this charge. they used the phrase high-tech lynching and evoked clarence thomas. this has been a dog whistle to conservatives to let them know, hey, we're being unfairly attacked by liberals and it's because of race and you ought to do the right thing and get behind lu behind herman cain. in the short term, that worked. he maintained that support. with the new allegations coming out and the possibility that some of the accusers may come
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out and be able to talk about this publicly, that could still change. >> joshua green, bloomberg businessweek. interesting article. thanks for joining me this morning. >> you bet. remember bank of america $5 debit card fee that probably outraged you? there is good news. the bank is backing down. a bizarre story in our "cho "showbiz update." a fling with justin bieber has led to a baby boy. is this a chevy volt? [ stu ] yeah. it's electric. i don't think so. it's got a gas tank right here. electric tank, right over here. an electric tank? really, stu? is that what you pour the electricity in? it's actually both, guys. i can plug in and go 35 miles gas free, or i can fill up and go a whole lot farther. is that my burger? oh. i just got bun. i didn't even bite any burger. hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question.
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jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. what are these guys doing? [ horn honks ] could you please not honk while this guy's telling me about his chevy volt? is that that new... is that the electric car? yeah. but it takes gas too. ask him how much he spends on gas. how much does he spend on gas? how much do you spend on gas? how much do i spend on gas? if i charge regularly, i fill up like once a month. he only has to fill up about once a month. [ woman ] wow. that's amazing.
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so, a woman is now saying that justin bieber is the father of her 3-month-old baby boy. and the teen superstar is actually named in a paternity suit. it's a bit of a bizarre story, we're told, straight from the mouth of a.j. hammer and he'll tell us why. what makes it so bizarre, a.j.? >> well, it's bizarre because he
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is so young and was so young when this woman would have gotten pregnant, allegedly, by him. she's 20-year-old maria. she would have been 19 at the time she got pregnant and she's alleging that she and what would have then been a 16-year-old bieber had unprotected sex in a backstage bathroom after one of his concerts. i have to tell you, you know, as famous as bieber is, he's only 17 years old. there's a limit to what i'm willing to say. a pr rep says while we haven't seen the lawsuit, it's sad that someone would fabricate malicious, defamatory and demonstrably false claims. we will vigorously pursue all available legal remedies to defend and protect justin against these allegations. >> it always does. a lot of interesting legal issues within this.
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all right, we'll follow it. now, yesterday, you told us about kim kardashian filing for divorce. today she sends out a letter to her fans. what exactly is she saying? >> pretty lengthy explanation, kyra, of what she says happened. kim really doing her best here to try to defuse some of the outrage over the 72-day marriage coming to an end. posted a letter online and in it calls herself a hopeless romantic and denies that it was a tv scam. "i want a family and babies and everything so badly that i basically rushed into it too soon." once this wedding train started rolling down the tracks, she didn't know how to stop it. i give her a lot of credit for just coming forward and saying that. she didn't know what to do. kim is in australia right now, but that's not far enough away to dodge the questions that will come. here's what she told a local camera crew there in australia.
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>> there's been so many different reports that, you know, just aren't true. like my wedding cost $10 million or i got paid $20 million to have a wedding and all of that is just not true and, you know, hearing that kind of stuff like i married for love. anyone that would, you know, get married for a tv show, it's just, you know, ridiculous. and it's just sad that i even have to defend that. >> well, as for the money she made or didn't make from the wedding, kim says she will donate money from all difficult gifted she received. she is cashing that in and donating it to charity. >> okay, a.j. it's wednesday, as we know, another elimination from "dancing with the stars." i have to admit, i missed it. this is news to me, as well. who's out? >> it was a shocking shocker. david arquette got the ax last
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night. the studio audience did not like this one bit. they were booing. he handled his disappointment, as you would expect from david, graciously. he joked with the judges and the fans. it did come down to david arquette and nancy grace. she had the lowest score from the judges on monday but her fans came through and kept her alive. happy to see nancy still in the game and dancing for yet another week. nice going, nancy. >> there we go. i have a good feeling about this, a.j. i think it could be good stuff for her. >> oh, yeah. >> we'll have more "showbiz headlines" with a.j. next hour. we know who will replace regis. will and kate packing boxes to help save lives in africa. just ahead, going to the unicef center in denmark. the royal couple there getting emergency supplies ready to ship.
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checking stories across country now. in los angeles a 35-year-old man accused of being a hackerazzi has pleaded not guilty. christopher cheney hacked into e-mails like scarlett johansson and christina aguilera. how is this fo water pressure. police say it is what is left of
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a hit and run crash. the water from a broken fire hydrant lifted a car some ten feet into the air. police are still looking for the driver. and new yorkers getting a sneak peek at the so-called taxies of tomorrow. they begin hitting the road in 2013, but advocates for the disabled say the new taxies actually violate ada standards. let's head overseas. will and kate are visiting unicef's global supply center in denmark. the young royals are helping pack and send life-saving supplies to east africa. that area has been devastated by famine. royal correspondent max foster live in copenhagen for us. i know we've got a live picture, as soon as we see will and kate. we'll bring that up. live pictures moving now towards kate and will. there it is right there. so, max, we've got this live picture. they're there at unicef. tell us about this supply center. it's huge, right? it's like the size of three football fields.
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>> yeah. exactly. it's the global supply center for all of the aid going through unicef. it all comes here and then gets distributed. what we understand happened here is there was a meeting of minds between these two young danish royals and william and catherine. they were all increasingly concerned about the situation in east africa. and they wanted to highlight it. so, they all decided to come down here together. it's all going on in the building behind me. you just saw the live pictures there. the four of them watching the video of the situation in east africa. they all traveled there and william and catherine have lots of friends in kenya. they got engaged in kenya. they have a personal association here. also, princess mary has visited kenya. so, you saw them being moved by that video and trying to do something about this. unicef, i have to say, kyra, thrilled to have them here. here's what the head of unicef
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u.s. had to say. >> we're very thankful. i spent the several weeks asking america what mountaintop do i have to stand on and, obviously, when the royal family pays attention, the world pays attention. so, it's very exciting for us. >> it's all about raising awareness, really, kyra. >> all right, royal correspondent max foster there live in copenhagen. we're following the live pictures and we'll continue to bring more to our viewers about what exactly the royal couple will be doing to help in that effort. all right, well, you remember that 22-year-old who started a petition to get bank of america to drop its fees? well, she won. and now the bank is backing down. we'll get her reaction.
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customers who ras outraged about a $5 debit card fee? you may be happy, because bank of america is back-pedalling, right, alison kosik? >> yes, this is what we like to hear, what's fun is you remember all the bampgs were lining up, they couldn't wait to ding us with the fees. but now all the big banks have scrapped their plans to impose the fees for the debit card purchases. it's a dramatic reversal when you think about it. especially for bank of america. so b of a is calling it off, even before it even started. that $5 fee on debit cards was set to start in january. but yesterday they said, let's just forget about it, let's not do it other banks are following that as well. sun trust going to stop charging
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its $5 debit fee today, and regions bank and jp morgan, wells fargo, they all said they're going to back off if that idea. keira? >> now customers have one big win. but banks will probably find other creative ways to charge us. >> yes. banks, because the reality is, banks still have it make up for the lost revenue, because of these new regulations. think about it, most checking accounts that we have these days, they're not free any more. but i think here's, here's the big lesson in all this there's strength in numbers, b of a, regions, suntrust, say they're cutting their fees because of customer feedback. one outspoken person, she got to sign an downline petition against the debit card fees. she's confident that this is not a short-lived victory for the people. listen to what she had to say.
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>> they saw 300,000 people who were upset about it. they saw all the people leaving their banks. and you know, if they're smart, they won't come up with a new fee. as for what i do next, i'm going to support people who start campaigns. i mean there's already been a bunch of positions that have been started about banks. so i'm going to support those. >> and has petitions for virtdly any cause you can think of, women's rights, education, environment. it's true, keira, we all band together, we're productive about it, we can get things done. >> all right, we can, allison, thanks. we're following lots of developments, let's check in with chief business correspondent, ali velshi, he's live in quite the beautiful place there on the south of france. ali? >> i know you can't see it behind me, because we're in a working press area. but i am in cannes, on the cote d 'azur, i'm here to cover
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the g-20. but it's taken an interesting twist, with the greek prime minister saying he wants to take the european deal to the people in a referendum. that's thrown the whole meeting into disarray, world leaders are gathering to convince him to do otherwise or to risk putting the world back in global recession. i'll have more on that in a few minutes. and i'm christine romans here in new york, ali will have the angle from cannes and i'll have the angle from the u.s. why is it so important that europe get its act together, that greece fall in line with the eu debt deal? and what does it mean for recession and recovery here in the united states? it matters to your job and your 401(k). i'll have it at the top of the hour. now the fbi is joining an investigation into a bankrupt brokerage firm run by former new jersey governor and u.s. senator, jon corzine, what are the feds looking for? i'll have a live report coming up. >> thanks so much. plus herman cain's campaign
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says cash is pouring in and the fundraising phones are ringing off the hook. ever since those sexual harassment allegations surfaced. so the scandal actually give him a boost? our political buzz panel sounds off.v '57 bel air -- still have it. [ both ] our camaro. [ man ] chevy silverado -- third one. [ male announcer ] people love their chevys. that's because for 100 years, chevy has offered the best value in america. come in now and help us celebrate our centennial open house, november 1st through the 7th. and fall in love with your next chevy. ♪
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one of the most storied franchises in sports could be yours. los angeles dodgers owner, frank mccourt and major league baseball have announced that the
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team is for sale. the court gives up its battle to keep the team, following a messy divorce and bankruptcy. no word on possible buyers, but they'll need deep pockets. the team could go for more than a billion dollars. and novak djokovic, still a joker. he shows up courtside last night, wearing a halloween mask. the man in black, playing the swiss indoors, his first tournament in six weeks after a back injury. djokovic goes on to beat javier malis in three sets. djokovic's record this season, an amazing 65-3. a gop presidential contender, rick perry, goes off the cuff, leaving some voters scratching their heads. here's cons jeannie moos. >> reporter: when presidential candidate rick perry gave us saluting, arms in the upright position, kiss-blowing speech, you could have thought he was just overcaffeinated. but when he opened his mouth -- >> today has been awesome, girl. >> you'll never look at this guy
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the same way again. >> if they print any more money over in washington, the gold is going to be good. >> he was a loosy-goosy. >> this is such a cool state, i mean, live free or die? >> i will have what he's having. >> we're kind of into those slogans, man. it's like, live free or die, victory or death. bring it. >> when rick perry brought on was endless speculation about what he was in an altered state. and the answer ranged from -- how drunk is rick perry in this video? to rick perry wasn't drunk. perry spokesman said simply that the governor is passionate when he speaks. and that he got a standing ovation. >> you know what i mean. like 9% in expansion. >> true, we're showing his oddest moments. but there were a lot of them in the 25-minute speech. on fox news, they let loose with his defense. >> i think he was just loose. >> because he was so loose -- >> many suggested that given rick perry's recent back surgery, maybe pain pills were
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to blame. john stewart said there is one other explanation. >> rick perry just got back from the dentist. >> is this real life? >> i can't see anything. >> many thought governor perry's speech was just fine. goofy, yes, drunk, no. sure looked bliss fully at the syrup they gave him as a gift. not only did he swish it, he clasped it to his heart. some compared this to the dean scream that more or less dashed howard dean's presidential hopes. >> and then we're going to washington to take back the white house! [ scream ] >> others compared to the bad lip-reading parody that went live in september. >> and save a pleretzel for the gas jets. >> he was downright flamboyant. >> are that, 20% flat tax, put
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it on there. >> one person posted, he's channeling paul lynde in the center square. >> you just have to turn her on. >> and something seemed to turn on rick perry. >> i love herman, he's the best. >> jeannie moos, cnn, new york. it's the top of the hour, thanks so much for joining us here in the cnn news room. herman cain is surging in the polls. but stumbling to defuse a political time bomb. allegations of sexual harassment dating back to the 1990s. well cain calls it a smear campaign. here's what he said just an hour ago. >> there are factions that are trying to destroy me personally as well as this campaign. but there is a force greater, there's a force at work here that is much greater than those that would try to destroy me and destroy this campaign.
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and this journey to the white house. and that force is called the voice of the people. that's why we're doing as well as we are in this campaign thus far. y'all are supposed to applaud. [ applause ] >> well, at least one of cain's accusers is not laughing. in fact, she might go public if she's allowed to. her attorney says she might break her silence. but only if the confidentiality agreement is lifted. cnn's joe johns is in washington, joe, that lawyer actually spoke to cnn last night. >> yeah, that's right on ac 360. interesting, another busy day for herman cain. he seems to keep speaking all over washington, d.c. there's a lot of good information in that interview from last night. it confirms number one, what we always knew, that there is another side of this story. there is a woman out there, possibly two, we think two, according to the lawyer, who would like to come forward, but
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this one woman sounds like sthees bound by confidentiality agreement from 12 years ago with the national restaurant association, where she and herman cain both worked. the lawyer is joel bennett, spoke on ac 360. said he has not contacted the national restaurant association. but it also sounds very much like he's hoping the association on its own will release the woman from the confidentiality agreement that was signed so many years ago. so that she can speak publicly about it. listen. >> i have not had any direct contact with the national restaurant association. in the interviews i've given, i've suggested that would be the right thing to do, so that she can tell her side of the story. since mr. cain is telling his side of the story. and if they, if they agree to that, then i will confer with my client again and see what she wants to do. ultimately, it's up to her. >> it's also interesting, the lawyer also asserted without any degree of certainty, essentially
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that it's his understanding the original tip on this story may have come from the national restaurant association. now that of course would be important information, if it's accurate. because there are a lot of people out there right now, including herman cain, suggesting there's some type of plot, if you will, to discredit him. and if you can put a name on the source of the information, it might tell you a little bit more, perhaps, about motivation. so we'll see on that one, keira. >> joe, you've got a law degree. cain is already speaking about ha happened here, not in total detail. but he's talking about it. hasn't he already broken the confidentiality agreement? >> it just depends. because we haven't seen it. we don't know what the confidentiality agreement is. the question is whether he's one of the parties, or one of the signatories. one of the people who actually would have signed the document. if that's the case, perhaps you
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know, there's a possibility that he certainly has breached the confidentiality agreement. but reading between the lines here, and looking at how much he's talking, you sort of come to the conclusion that the one of the parties, if you will, the party that's holding everything up here is the national restaurant association. they're the people who have control over the confidentiality agreement. but it's just hard to say, keira, because we don't know what the document actually says and who signed it. >> well, it shall continue. that's for sure. joe, thanks. herman cain is in alexandria, virginia, at this hour. at a health care convention. he's expected to hold a news conference in just a few minutes. we'll bring that to you live. okay. investors around the world, pretty much on edge. the greek bailout is on hold and now there's a lot of concerns of an economic crisis that could sweep around the globe. in france, right now there's a high-stakes meeting of world leaders and experts who shaped the world's economy. as they go behind closed doors,
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well protesters are pouring into the streets. we've got it covered for you, ali velshi is in cannes, france, for the g-20 summit. alison kosik is looking at the ripples on wall street and zain verjee looking at world reaction. alison kosik, how do the markets look? >> markets are looking pretty darn good right now. the dow is up 120 points. but the market still wants some answers. they want specific answers, they want solutions on this global,en this global mess, that's what's really going on here. you know, growth is already slow, it could get even worse, especially when you look at europe. did you know that the euro zone's gdp forecast is only for 4.3% growth all of next year. the number one worry is the european debt deal. lots of questions, like will it go through, can greece, germany france and the rest of the euro zone implement a plan to cut det. we saw the debt deal blow up yesterday after greece's prime
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minister called for a public vote. so detentions are high, a lot of uncertainty. and it's not just greece, italy is dealing with its own high pool of debt of $2.5 trillion. italy needs to show commitment to reform as well. and i haven't even mentioned the u.s. the u.s. is dealing with its own debt issues. remember the supercommittee? needs to hammer out a debt-cutting deal by thanksgiving. so we're not in the all clear just yet. even though the markets are higher today. keira? >> we're looking at the numbers now, the dow industrials up about 117 points. we'll continue to watch those numbers. allison, thanks so much. the g-20 summit will include heads of state, policy makers, probably some you've never heard of. but the decisions could impact every person on the planet. so it's no surprise that the world is watching. and so is zain verjee. she's in london. looking at all the newspapers this morning. because she's such a well-read gal. hey, zain. >> i've been flipping through all of them today, keira and let me give you a sense of what the
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"guardian" is saying. here is the headline, it says protesters confined to nice, as police seal off fortress cannes. it says france is keen it avoid a repeat of the violence at the 2000 european summit in nice, when 50,000 anti-capitalism protesters fought battles with riot police. "the irish independent" reads last chance for g-20 to show leadership. the g-20 was created in 2009, as the steering committee for the world economy. the latest unforeseen twist in greek politics risks relegating the g-20 to a group of bystanders. and finally, "china daily" hong kong says bumpy road still lies ahead. needless to say what the international community is hoping for, is not just a joint statement at the end of the summit, but down-to-earth collective actions. and you know, keira, france and germany have been hopping mad at this latest crisis with greece and the real question people are
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asking at this summit is what is greece going to do? how is greece going to move everyone forward? because greece really has the world between the acropolis and a hard place. keira? >> do you want to grab that phone line there? i'm just curious. >> yeah, sorry. hi mom. >> zain verjee, as the world braces for the g-20 summit. thank you, zain. score another one for consumers in the battle against big banks. bank of america has become the latest to give up on debit card fees. okay. christine romans, we're getting somewhere. but there's always hidden charges someplace else, come on now. >> i know, i've already been sneaking around trying to figure out where there going to be more charges popping up. maybe a charge to talk to a human person, or a charge to get a paper statement. here are the two lessons from the big bank, from the bank of america news, dropping its $5 debit card fee. one, consumers matter.
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many banks said their consumers told them this wasn't going to fly with them. and two, bad publicity matters. two big things that the banks, i mean it appeared they didn't care about. but now we see them testing and then back-pedalling away from these charges to use your own money. these debit fee charges. molly catchpoll is the 22-year-old with two part-time job who is sort of sparked this controversy over bank of america. she said, come on, this isn't fair. her online petition had more than 300,000 signers. we asked her this morning how she feels today. >> finally, you know, this big corporation is listening to its customers. and backing down and that is so exciting to me. and i wish that could happen more often. you know, i just want everybody to know that if they're unhappy about something, they can try to create change. >> i will say bank of america stuck it out a little bit longer than others did. you saw jp morgan chase, wells
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fargo backed off of their pilot programs. suntrust, regions bank said they heard from their customers and would not charge the fee. so consumers matter, we see that. but be very, very careful and please, everyone, scrutinize your -- scrutinize your statements if you are late, you will get a fee. your interest rates could go up. the bottom line here is be very, very careful how you use your credit cards, your atm cards, your debit cards, because they're looking for ways to, they're looking for ways to get the fee money. keira? >> thanks for the warning, christine. well straight ahead, four senior citizens accused of being terrorists. and the feds say, the suspects planned to make their own biological weapons, more on that after the break. plus enough marijuana to fill a dump truck. how much this nearly one-ton load would have gotten on the street. woman: day care can be expensive. so to save some money, i found one that uses robots instead of real people.
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checking stories cross-country now, police near racine, wisconsin, say they busted a huge marijuana operation. they actually seized enough to fill a dump truck. more than $7 million worth of pot. the property owner is in jail on a $1 million bond. in philly, the pilot of a barge that crashed into a boat and killed two tourists was sentenced to a year and day in jail. matthew devlin said he was distracted when his boat crashed into a duck boat last year and surrendered his coast guard license. an off-duty officer as you can see, saved a woman and her
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infant we her car got stuck on a railroad crossing. the mom apparently failed a couple of sobriety tests and was thrown in jail. her child? turned over to a family member. well in georgia, four senior citizens are accused of being part of a bizarre murder plot, to kill federal officials. the suspects are set to appear in court today and our george howell is live in gainesville, georgia. so george tell us more about this alleged plot. >> well, keira, these four men allegedly had plans to kill a lot of people. some scary stuff here. i've been reading through the affidavits that are part of this federal investigation. and i want to single out two quotes from fred thomas, who investigators describe as the leader of the group. striking here, there's no way for us to save this country, to save georgia without doing something that is highly, highly illegal. another quote reads, when it comes to saving the constitution, that means some people gotta die. all of this information came from confidential sources who
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told investigators about this group, the militia called covert group that they planned to buy ammunition and explosives and that they had planned to produce a deadly toxin called ricin. ricin, if it gets in your lungs or gets on your skin, it is deadly. they planned to disperse ricin on highways in atlanta and in other cities across the united states. but investigators say they made the arrests before these men could become a threat. list listen. >> they had taken substantial steps, such that it was important that they be arrested and be charged with crimes, but the public was never in any imminent danger. the fbi and the joint terrorism task force was monitoring it to make sure that it was never close to anything actually happening. so no one was in imminent danger. >> so this morning, this afternoon at 2:30 eastern, we're waiting to see frederick thomas, dan roberts, ray adams and sam crump. make their first appearances in federal court. these men in their 60s and 70s,
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they had actually planned to target workers, government workers, people that are in the media. also they say they were planning to attack the atf and irs buildings in atlanta. keira? >> george, we talked about this last hour. tell our viewers about this special expertise that these men actually had. >> well this is very interesting. reading through the affidavits. crump was apparently a contractor with the cdc and adams was a lab tech with the usda. and it said adams had the formula to produce ricin and he had castor beans. castor beans necessary to produce the deadly toxin. keira? >> we'll follow the court proceedings. george howell, thanks so much. still ahead, greece inching close to the brink of economic crisis. investors are cringing and world leaders are scrambling.
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will and kate filling up aid boxes to aid south africa. we're live at the unicef center where the royal couple is getting the food and medicine ready to ship. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one.
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capital and employee benefits, so american business can get on with business. ♪ well it's been less than an hour since the opening bell rang on wall street and investors are bracing for a volatile day. right now the dow industrials up 150 points. a couple of reasons for the nervousness, one of them unfolding at the g-20 summit of economic leaders, that's where our ali velshi is. everybody is in france, but the
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talk is about greece. >> yeah, that's exactly right. i had my, i had my speedos packed to have sort of a relaxing day and maybe show up on tv a little bit and tell you what was going on at the g-20, i'll bring them for you, because everything changed. everything is about greece. yesterday the greek prime minister said instead of saying yes to the deal that was worked out in large part to help greece, out of its financial troubles, rather than approving it, the greek parliament is going to put it to a referendum. there's a very good chance that if you put this vote to a referendum, the idea that the greek a peopling are going to have to pay higher taxes, work longer, take shorter holidays and lose benefits, they may thumbs down to the deal and that imperils the entire deal that was supposed to help out the euro zone, help out the banks that are in trouble. what's happening they've summoned the greek prime minister, george papandreau here to nice, french president
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nicolas sarkozy and german chancellor angela merkel. they'll gb to pile on to him. president obama is arriving this evening. treasury secretary is going to be here. they're going to pile on to say you are imperilling all of europe by saying you're going to put this vote to a referendum. and if you do that, you're imperilling the recovery in the rest of the world. that's what's going on right now. there's supposed to be a vote in the greek parliament on friday about this. it's unclear whether this suggestion will actually pass parliament. but basically between now and friday, we're back into this uncertainty. if there is is a referendum, keira, it could be in december or even january and that's going to create more uncertainty for markets. we saw very, very heavy drops on the market yesterday. if you want to know what the connection is between you and what's going on in greece? that's exactly it. that uncertainty turned markets down, it ended up costing people monday in in their 401(k)s and their retirement accounts. >> and the thought of you in a speedo there, in the south of france -- could cause anything.
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>> it could still happen. if the greeks don't settle this thing -- yeah. >> ali velshi, lord help us all. >> we'll talk tomorrow. well will and kate are actually packing aid boxes to send to east africa. as you know, that area has been devastated by famine. right now they're at the unicef center in denmark and they're getting food, water, medical supplies ready to ship. royal correspondent max foster live in copenhagen. basically, they've been spending time with the folks there at unicef, max, seeing what's in the boxes and getting ready to see the shipment go. >> i'm trying to get this horrible image of ali in speedos out of my head. i'm going to focus right now. they're currently -- inside the building behind me. this is a vast global center for all of unicef's aid. a little earlier on we saw all four royals packing boxes of aid to go out to the children.
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so what you've got is the oils and the two danish royals, the crown princess and princess, princess mare, the australian he married a few years ago, altogether, it's a meeting of minds we're told. all four of them very concerned about the situation in east africa and they're gn down the news agenda. they wanted to come here to highlight it and all four of them made visits to kenya. the prince and princess made visits there. and they've gotten more and more worried about this. this was quite a recent engagement they organized. they're here now and they spoke to sun kref. they're pleased to have them here highlighting this case and they say's there's going to be hard work involved in today's visit as well. >> the royals are going to be packing, stacking and packing. >> you're going to make them work for their visit money? >> they're working, absolutely working. you know, i think the primary message of today is, anyone can help. >> there's a real problem, keira
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with just raising enough aid right now in a world economy, an american economy in recession. there's not enough money coming through to this and not enough awareness. many other news stories that the world has been focusing on recently. >> and max, you made the point, you know, why are they so interested in this part of the world? it's very special to them. i mean this is an area where they got engaged. >> yeah. and they, they stayed in touch with friends, they've been hearing reports from friends and they've been quite shocked by it, we're told, by the palace. it's an area of the world they're interested in. and harry goes to africa quite a lot, prince william has got some charities there. and the prince and princess of denmark have both visited there. so there's this meeting of minds. they wanted to get together and these are four very glamorous royals. and unicef are pleased to have them here. a bit later on the duke and duchess are going to go to the airport and see all of this aid loaded on to a b.a. passenger
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plane. all the seats are going to be filled up. a mercy mission, going to nairobi overnight. we'll pick up the story from there tomorrow, we'll see the follow-through of this as well. >> thanks, max. herman cain scandal, will it hurt him or help him? he says his fundraising phones are ringing off the hook. we'll asking our political buzz panel how it will play out. plus the feds looking for $600 million after jon corzine's wall street firm goes bust. corzine is a former governor as you know, a man who was once on the short list for treasury secretary. and he's right in the middle of it all. [ female announcer ] investing for yourself is a necessity. i find investments with e-trade's top 5 lists and use pre-defined screeners to work smarter. not harder. i depend on myself to take charge of my financial future. [ bell dinging ]
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checking the top stories, president obama leaving for the g-20 summit. global leaders meeting in france, to look at a deal to contain greece's debt crisis. a british judge ruled today that wikileaks founder, julian assange will be extradited to sweden to answer questions about sex charges. the court will hold another hearing this month to determine whether assange can appeal. and attorney for a woman who accused herman cain of sexual harassment is questioning cain's recent statements on the case. the woman may tell her side of the story, if a confidentiality agreement can be waived. all right, time for political buzz, your rapid-fire look at the best political topics of the day. three questions, 30 seconds on the clock and playing today, cnn contributor, maria car daytona, sirius xm talk show host and
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republican strategist and columnist for "the hill" newspaper. sherry jacobi. jon stewart talking about herman cain's sexual harassment allegations. >> if he's telling the truth, he's just a nice church-going guy and everything he does to now is tainted by these allegations. the clip of herman cain smiling at the end of his political ads? that's just -- that's just dirty. that commercial is just always going to play with different music in people's heads now. ♪ ♪ [ laughter ] >> okay. all jokes aside. cain's campaign did raise $400,000 on monday alone. he even said in an interview that his fundraising call center crashed. so could this actually rally his supporters? a lot of people coming forward and analysts saying it will. maria? >> well, clearly it has, if those are the kinds of numbers
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that he's raising. but the question is keira, what is coming next. you already have one of the women that is accusing him of sexual allegations, that sexual harassment, that she wants to come out and tell her story. it depends on the next steps. it depends on how he handles it. i would be more worried if i was a supporter of his, of the comments that made that clearly indicates he's not ready to be commander-in-chief. just this past monday he's talked about how he's worried about china becoming a nuclear power. hello, china has been a nuclear power for decades. >> sherry? >> the question for gop primary voters regarding herman cain. he more like bill clinton with regard to paula jones and we know democrats were just fine with that. or is this more of a clarence thomas situation, where it's a one-off. the problem is there seems to be question whether this is a second woman. usually stories like this need more substantiation, you have to show a pattern and politico might have a problem with that. i know a lot of reporters are checking that out.
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if it looks like it's just one allegation and this woman was not even spoken to in advance, they may be scraped up the inyou endoand the nra is not coming forward and cain lives to fight another day. >> pete? >> this story has got legs. this is making anthony wiener look like a one-off. it's because herman cain is giving it leggings. first he says he doesn't know anything, then he says he knows something, then he said it was three months of pay and then six months worth of pay, now we find it's a year's worth of pay. if this woman comes out to speak. it will be great for us comedians. you have to wonder who is giving money based on this. i don't know, there's a sliver of his supporters that might love the idea that women -- that he says women are harassing him or women say they're harassing him. is it a misogynistic element? >> stay tuned. a group supporting cain calls this a quote high-tech lynching. cain has said in an interview,
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as a matter of fact last night, that he does believe that race is a factor. so do you agree, sherry? >> you know, again it goes back to whether this turns out to be a bill clinton situation or a clarence thomas situation. if there's no second woman, and this story is only half-baked and politico ran a little too soon with it or if that's all there is, then i think there is some, you no, some credibility to the charge that herman cain is being targeted because tease a republican african-american. and that just simply won't be tolerated. so i think it really hinges on the credibility, national restaurant association has to come out clearly somebody there already breached the confidentiality agreement by showing somebody something. but it all hinges on if this is a pattern with the second woman. >> all right, maria? >> that's an insane allegation. and it's offensive that his supporters would even connect this to a lynching. they need to go back and study exactly what a lynching was. a lynching was torture, it was murder, it was hangings. this is not what this is. this is big-league politics. and herman cain and his supporters need to stop whining
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and put on their big boy pants and take a class in crisis communications or three, get 0 out all of the information to get in front of the story if he want to survive and move on. >> ooh, maria brought out the big boy pants. pete? perfect segue. >> i agree with march yarks we shouldn't use the word "lynching" unless we talk about a lynching. i don't know what's high tech about this at all and i don't understand the racism. people are going to connect it to clarence thomas? i don't get it. it's not like anybody accused barack obama of being a secret muslim, non-american, a socialist, a marxist who hung out with some unsavory elements, palled around with terrorists. nothing like that. i don't the race factor and we'll see that maybe one of his opponents, a republican perhaps, we'll see leaked the information. >> buzzer-beater, 20 seconds each on this. radio host, bradley dean jumping off the michele bachmann
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bandwagon saying that everyone is thinking, lady, you stink. when will we start to see gop candidates drop out of the race. maria? >> that's going to be, that's an doctoring question, keira. i don't know, but i will say this -- i am starting to get a little offended that everyone is going after michele bachmann. this guy who said that she stinks, did he see perry's latest speech? oh my god. talking about stinking. has he heard about romney's latest flip-flop? has he seen herman cain talking about how he's worried about china being a nuclear power? talking about stink? it's all over the gop candidates. >> sherry? >> i think pawlenty probably got out a little bit too early. i don't think candidates should be dropping out just yet. in 2008, john mccain was care rig his own luggage through the airports because he didn't have any money. he ended up being the nominee. president obama is such a failed president. 9 job situation, the economy, he keeps trying to run out of town. run around congress, he can't get anything done. his incompetency is clear.
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i don't think any gop candidate should be dropping out, giving how bad obama is. >> pete, take us home. >> i looked into this guy bradley dean, he is really afraid of everybody, muslims, he's afraid of gays, he makes reverend wright look like the pope. so any affilation with this guy that michele bachmann had for a general election wasn't going to help her, anyway. a lot of candidates are just in it for speaking fees and to sell their books and i think that's why michele bachmann is still running. >> thanks, guys. we shall do this again. now we're going it talk about a story that combines politics, wall street and possibly the worst of both worlds. at the center, former new jersey governor, jon corzine, and the bankrupt brokerage firm that he ran. cnn has learned that more than $500 million of customer money is missing and the feds are investigating. susan candiotti has been working her sources and joins us from
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new york. susan, this is a pretty bre breathtaking in scope, isn't it? >> it is and the firm and possibly former governor corzine could be in big trouble. right now he is not being mentioned as a target here specifically. the fbi is joining in an investigation begun by the securities and exchange commission, to find out what happened to at least $600 million of customer money. and the question is, did mf global, which filed for bankruptcy monday, use its customers' money to help prop up the beleaguered company? if they did, it's a serious charge. rules require firms to keep america funds separate from company money. and mf global is a company that former new jersey governor, jon corzine, took over last year and corzine, no stranger to managing money, he was also the former ceo of goldman sachs, quickly made some big bets on some rather risky assets. we're talking more than $6 billion invested in the debts of italy, spain, portugal and ireland.
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european nations with troubled economies. and when europe started to teeter, people started to worry about those bets. and it created a crisis of confidence. >> at the end of the day, they took a very risky position. it was very large. and because of its size, became risky and put pressure on the capital of the firm ultimately resulting in a lack of confidence by investors and other parties. and essentially creating a run on the bank. >> corzine was close to finding a buyer for mf global over the weekend. but when the potential buyer learned about the missing money, it walked away from the deal. at yesterday's bankruptcy hearings here in new york, mf global's attorney argued that all the money has been accounted for. but federal officials say they're still trying to get to the bottom of what really happened in the days before mf global filed for chapter 11. so for now, again, we're still waiting to hear more from the fbi. but for now, they are not confirming or denying their
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investigation. and we haven't yet heard back anything from senator corzine. >> okay. we'll follow it. thanks, susan. is the search to replace regis philbin over? up next, find out who will be sitting next to kelly ripa in three weeks. aj hammer has the scoop. ur work is done here. nice work, team. i'm heading home. vaaa vrooom! need some help, ma'am? grrrrrrr! [ in high voice ] oh thank you. [ imitating engine ] wooosh! ♪ these things are heavy. ♪ [ plunk ] [ imitating engine ] zzzzzzzz! hey, honey. i'm glad you're home. ♪
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[ male announcer ] built for work. and everything you work for. ♪ the chevy silverado hd. [ boy ] dad! [ male announcer ] from fathers to sons, chevy runs deep.
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okay, we now know who is going do replace regis philbin when he steps down for good in just two and a half weeks. can't believe it's almost there. the news actually broke earlier this morning, nose for news, maybe that's what i was thinking. "showbiz tonight's" aj hammer here with the scoop. drumroll. >> yeah, keira, i'm thinking it might not be permanent, though. jerry seinfeld is going to be the first guest host on "live with regis and kelly" after regis makes exit. he will be guest-hosting for three shows in november. he's just one of what's going to
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be a parade of guest hosts as the show decides who is going to be the full-time replacement for really the irreplaceable regis philbin. they're clearly going for variety in their guest hosts, listen to the line-up, it includes kim cattrall. howie mandel and miss piggy and kelly sitting next to each other. >> they're going to be some competition there for diva-hood for sure. >> i think, i think. >> i can't wait to see jerry seinfeld and kelly. and there's also some pretty shocking news out there, about one of the most popular teen idols on the planet. >> yeah, the biebs, he's being sued by a woman who says he is the father of her three-month-old baby boy. she's 20-year-old mariah gator and she's alleging that she and then 16-year-old bieber had unprotected sex in a backstage bathroom after one of his concerts. she's demanding he take a
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paternity test. even if she were to prove her claim, she could be in trouble with the law, because a d.a. could investigate her for statutory rape. again, he would have been just 16 years old. as for bieber's response, a pr rep for his label said while we haven't yet seen the lawsuit, it's sad that someone would fabricate false claims, we will vigorously pursue all available legal remedies to defend and protect justin against these allegations. and all the headlines having a little fun with the title of one of bieber's biggest hits this morning "baby, baby, baby." >> i'm not going to go there, aj. but we will go to kim kardashian, filing for divorce. a lot of speculation out there about, really? >> yeah. well kim is speaking out for the first time, giving an in-depth explanation 6 what she says happened. a lot of people are feeling deeped by her 72-day marriage and all of the hype and tv programming that went along with
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it. but kim claims her intentions were pure. she posted a letter online. in the letter she calls herself a hopeless romantic, she denies that the wedding was a made for tv scam. she said i love with all of my heart and soul. i want a family and babies and a real life so badly that maybe i rushed into something too soon. quite frankly, i give kim credit for copping to thatnd a fact that once the whole wedding train started rolling down the track. she didn't know how to grab the emergency brake. she was so afraid of disappointing people. obviously people were disappointed in either case, it became this no-win situation for her. she is in australia right now. and she's faced tv cameras for the first time since announcing her divorce. here's what she told a local camera crew in zral. australia. >> okay, maybe we don't have that sound. but basically she is saying she doesn't feel like she needs to defend it. she doesn't feel like she needs to defend the idea that she may have made money from this. which she claims she didn't make
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all the money that everybody says. by the way, the keira, the gifts she received for her wedding totalled over $60,000 by some estimations and she is saying that she will be donating money from all of those gifts to the dream foundation. so at least there's a charitable effort here and i tip my hat to kim for doing that at least. >> what about the $2 million rock she's got on her left hand? what do you do with that? >> there is that. and apparently, everybody is saying she gets to keep it. that's what happens. you know, when you file for divorce, it doesn't matter, you get to keep the rock. >> all right, aj. until tomorrow, if you want everything breaking in the entertainment world, aj's got it, "showbiz tonight," 11:00 p.m. eastern every night and with us in the morning, 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. he's got our headlines. starbucks wants to jump-start the job market with your cash donations. up next, the company's ceo tells us why he wants average americans to all pitch in. also we'll show you one gusher of a home ruit-and-run.
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t. [ both ] our camaro. [ man ] chevy silverado -- third one. [ male announcer ] people love their chevys. that's because for 100 years, chevy has offered the best value in america. come in now and help us celebrate our centennial open house, november 1st through the 7th. and fall in love with your next chevy. ♪ (rawhen an investmentrsation) lacks discipline, it's never this obvious. introducing investment discipline etfs from russell. visit r a prospectus, containing the investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and other information. read and consider it carefully before investing.
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checking stories cross country now in los angeles, a 35-year-old man accused of being a so-called hacker is accused of hacking into emails of more than
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35 celebs has bail. how is this for water pressure? it's what's left of a hit-and-run crash with a fire hydrant. the water was so strong, it lifted the car some ten feet into the air. and advocates for people with disabilities say new york city's new taxis violate ta.d.a standards. star bruks is rolling out a new program to boost small businesses and the company wants you to help. cnn money's poppy harlow joins us for more. this plan will hopefully put americans back to work? >> it's interesting, howard schultz, the head of starbucks, is sort of taking the jobs crisis into his own hands. you'll see these little wrist bands. they say, let's create jobs for usa. they're all over starbucks, about 7,000 starbucks across the country. you can give $5 as a donation to fund small business loans. and they say that's going to help create jobs in america.
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and in return you get the wrist band. the bigger story behind this that's so interesting, keira is this push that howard schultz, the head of starbucks has been making the last few months. i want to show you some web roll of his website. he came out this summer with a pledge, to ask people to stop donating to washington, and political campaigns and to washington got its fiscal house in order and got a long-term debt plan. and he asked business leaders, large and small, to pledge to hire about 3200 business leaders have already done that now starbucks is saying we're putting our money and our muscle where our mouth is. we are committing money and an effort to this. so i asked him why is it businesses' responsibility to operate in way that is asking people to put money and their support behind creating jobs in america. his answer was very interesting, take a listen. >> the old school of looking at profit as a singular goal for the reason a company exists, i
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think is a shallow wrong approach. i also believe that those companies that are willing to embrace the balance between profitability and social conscience will make more money. you'll be able to attract and retain greater people. because they will believe in the reservoir of trust of the company. >> keira, starbucks is putting $5 million of their own money behind this effort to support it. and i asked howard schultz, all right, do you think it's a moral obligation for business leaders in this country, you've got a lot of businesses sitting on billions of dollars, record amounts of cash, is it a moral obligation to hire? he said i wouldn't go that far. but businesses need to change the way that they work, and starbucks is certainly doing that. it's a step out that we haven't seen from business leaders, really across the country yet. keira? >> he sure knows successful business, that's for sure, poppy, thanks. make sure you go to for more on that story and all the day's money news.
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here are some stories making news later today. president obama speaking at washington's georgetown waterfront next hour, expected to push congress to approve parts of is his american jobs act. minutes late, a bipartisan group of senators is expected to unveil cost-saving plans for the cash-strapped u.s. postal service and later today, federal reserve chairman, ben bernanke, speaking on the feds' upcoming economic forecast and whether interest rates could change. a quick break, we'll be right back. an ingredient that works more naturally with your colon than stimulant laxatives, for effective relief of constipation without cramps. thanks. [ professor ] good morning students. today, we're gonna...
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it's true. you never forget your first subaru.
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well he's the man of the hour, and probably next hour, too. because everyone is talking about it. herman cain right now speaking live in alexandria, virginia, he's speaking to a group of doctors, but as you know, amid these allegations of sexual harassment, apparently he's not going it take q&a. but he might mention this. we are monitoring it. this live event, and we'll keep you updated on what he says. meanwhile president obama is also speaking. it will be in about half an hour. and he's hoping to sell his jobs plan. brianna keeler is at the white house with more on that. brianna? >> hey there, keira, he's going
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a few miles down the road to the key bridge. which connects georgetown and arlington, virginia, to deliver a speech on the infrastructure part of his spending plan. republicans criticizing it, saying it won't be quick enough to create jobs. and also on the ticker, we have a unique look at a media blitz, the white house has done, the target, local tv stations. if you were watching the briefing yesterday, you might have seen some new faces. a number of local television anchors from across the country, they got to interview the president and got to meet bo the dog and they broadcast their evening news from the south lawn. you can check it out on the 1600 report. and also on the 1600 report, you might be kind of surprised to see who vice president joe biden and his wife, jill, are having over for dinner tonight. none other than house majority


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