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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  November 11, 2011 1:00pm-3:00pm EST

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over 20 to over 20,000 today. >> reporter: and as they try to save the black rhino through relocation, there are plans for a move deep in the jungles here within the next few years. efforts to reverse the time for rooi the rhino species on the brink of extinction. "cnn newsroom" continues right now with t.j. holmes. >> interesting story there about the black rhino. we're going to talk about it a little bit more this hour but have you a good weekend, suzanne. >> you, too. top of the hour now. i'm t.j. holmes in for randi kaye. just a week ago, a meeting of the penn state board of trustees would not have led a network newscast. but, we're talking about it today. the beloved institution in crisis. the trustees at penn state are acting and the nation is watching. today they are launching their own investigation of the serial rapes of young boys allegedly by a former assistant coach and allegedly covered up or at least
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ignored by other penn state officials. we get the latest from our mary snow. >> reporter: two days after ousting its president and former coach joe paterno, penn state's board of trustees announced today that it is forming a committee to investigate the failure surrounding the reporting of sex allegations by jerry sandusky. the board of trustees says no resources will be spared. they will have independent counsel and investigative teams saying there are no restrictions on the scope or activity of this committee, this as a new interim prefz penn state rodney ericsson addressed the board about moving forward here at penn state. >> i accept this new leadership role under circumstances that i never could have imagined. it has been truly difficult to comprehend the terrible nature of the allegations that were revealed in the attorney general's presentment last week.
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my heart aches for the victims and their families an my mind searches for answers like millions of others across the nation. this is a tragedy for many lives and it will take all of us some time to come to full grips of the magnitude of all the damage that's been done. >> reporter: sandusky's attorney told cnn his client maintains his innocence. mary snow, cnn, state college, pennsylvania. the mother of one of jerry sandusky's alleged victims says she wants sandusky put away for a long time. victim number one belonged to a charity sandusky founded for kids when victim one started gives clues that something was wrong. his mom wants to guard the family's privacy but she did tell abc about the day her son tried to find information on "weirdos." listen to this. >> i had asked him who he was looking up and he said he wanted to see if jerry was on there.
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and i sid, well, why would you look him up? and he said, i don't know, he's a weirdo. and i proceeded to ask him if there was something he needed to tell me. and at that point he didn't indicate anything. i called the school and expressed my concerns. i told them to pull my son down to the guidance ae ancance offi to him. and they did. at that point they called me and told me it was very important that i get there immediately, which at that point i already had suspicions so i kind of knew what it was about. >> tonight, penn state tonight plan a candlelight vigil for the young victims. a lot of people think it should be a crime to not report child molestation to police. some states already have those types of laws in place. pennsylvania, however, does not. one representative wants to change that, kevin boyle lives in philadelphia and introduced a bill to close what he calls a
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loophole in existing law. that will be later this hour. greece has a new prime minister to deal with the country's financial crisis. he took the oath of office this morning. he's got the resume to take on greece's huge debt. he is a economist and former vice president of the european central bank. he promises to move ahead with the bailout package and us a start measures. wall street opened the day 175 points higher. defense secretary leon panetta calling for a deeper investigation into the mishandling of fallen troops' remains at the air force mortuary. he's directing the secretary of the air force to determine if proper disciplinary action was taken after partial remains of troops killed in iraq and afghanistan were incinerated and dumped into a virginia landfill. that practice was stopped in 2008 but just recently this all came to light. two civilian workers have been
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transferred to other jobs so far and one military officer has been given a career ending letter of reprimand. the annual solemn observance at arlington national cemetery on this veterans day. president laid it at the wreath of the unknown soldier. then he turned his attention to america's two wars in iraq an afghanistan and said it is time for some good news. >> we can stand here today and say with confidence the tide of war is receding. in just a few weeks, the long war in iraq will finally come to an end. our transition in afghanistan is
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moving forward. my fellow americans, our troops are coming home. >> they'll come home to maybe a little more good news here. senate approved the president's plan for tax credits for those who hire and employ vets. one of the major obstacles returning soldiers face. also a victory at least for now proponents of an oil pipeline running from canada to the gulf of mexico. obama administration is putting off the decision on route until after next year's presidential election. keystone pipeline's current planned path would cross over a source of critical drinking water for the great plains. arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords speaks on national television for the first time since she was shot in the head and critically wounded. giffords was at a meet and greet at a supermarket when a gunman opened fire. she and six people were killed. she and four others were wounded. she talked with abc's diane sawyer. >> how do you feel?
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>> pretty good. >> is it painful? is it hard? >> difficult. >> it's been just over ten months now since gabrielle giffords was shot. we're at seven minutes past the hour now. we're taking note of the time. because of a rare moment in history just a couple of minutes away. should we be getting ready for the worst possibly? should we be celebrating? making a wish? we don't know what to do. in a couple minutes we'll tell you if we're still around what we should be doing but a moment in time we'll never have again is about to take place just minutes from now. stick around for that. but first, you hear that saying too good to be true? when something is too good to be true, it is too good to be true. but not this time. this is bridal shops across america. they are giving away free. we do mean free here. no springs attached, no catch. they're giving away wedding gowns worth up to $3,000 to military brides to be. just in time for veterans day
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here. check out brid for a give-away near you. americans are always ready to work hard for a better future. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times.
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case you didn't know that already. some people are making a pretty big deal of this. are they not, chad meyers? now here we are just second away from being 1:11 on 11/11/11. what's the big deal? >> unless you're in the mountain time zone and then it's 11/1 /11 because they're two hours -- >> people are scared about the word 11. 9/11. most earthquakes have an 11 in there somewhere. >> it's 1:11 now. >> we have four second. see if we can make it. >> don't scare me like that. >> okay, we're good. >> you sure? >> no. people do have a little bit of a fear of 11. but i tell you what, there are so many weddings going on right now in las vegas. >> what's the point of that? >> well, 1 o11/11/11. i got married 02/02/02 which was groundhog's day. but anyway.
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>> but also they hope the guys will remember -- you can't forget that anniversary. >> people around the globe, people around the world -- go on to wikipedia, google it, just type in 11/11. people have a phobia about all this. but i think we're okay. it seems like the earth didn't shake. we still have california to go. because the next hour it will be 11:11:11 in california. >> mountain time now. >> it's 10:00 still in california. so in 59 minutes, that's when we're doing this again. >> what about the lottery? people buying lottery tickets? >> you can't just buy all one number. even like a powerball, you can't get six 11s. it would be a good powerball number. we're all good, man. >> whatever you folk are doing out there, if you have plans for this day, let us know, lease. 11/11/11. send us your i-reports,
1:13 pm db >> a lot of people are predicting earthquakes. 100 years ago, 1911, the temperature dropped 60 degrees in a couple hours in kansas city. they had a record high and record low on the same day. that's the biggest thing i can find. >> other than that, you've not seen anything odd? >> no. here we are at 13 minutes past the hour. we're still here but one particular animal species is not. an animal going extinct in africa. other dying species as well. and they matter to you. it involves everything from putting food on your table to saving your life? we're talking about that in two minutes. stay with us. man: all right. we were actually thinking, maybe... we're going to hike up here, so we'll catch up with you guys. [ indistinct talking and laughter ] whew! i think it's worth it. working with a partner you can trust
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i've got some pictures i want to show you. pictures of africa's western black rhino. our views of the rhinos will now be limited to just this for the most part. pictures or maybe old videos. like this one. because the world's largest conservation network says the western black rhino is now extinct in the wild. the northern white rhino on the brink of extinction as well. that's just some of the bad news from the international union for conservation of nature. the iucn recently reviewed 60,000 species. it is an "undercovered" story that we think deserves a little more attention. james deutsche has dedicated his life to saving wildlife. with us from new york, the black rhino here, is that it, can't find one in the wild anywhere? >> that's it. they're all gone. i mean i think we knew they were on their way out but it is a depressing day. >> how long does it take for something like this to actually
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happen until we get to the point where you can say there are no more in the wild. >> there has to be real surveys that have gone out and double-check where the last rhinos were found and we have to be 100% sure. in this case we are completely sure. they are gone. >> now people who are watching this would say, okay, well that's too bad, but i assume there are other species of rhinos out there. rhino's not playing a role in my every day life. what's the significance of one species being gone? >> you know, this is the canary in the coal mine, because rhinos are big. everybody's heard of them. when they go extinct, we hear about it. but there are thousands of species going extinct every year that we don't hear about and many of those are really important to our lives. whether it's bumble bees in the united states, bats in the united states or sharks in the world's oceans, a lot of species have made a big difference to us are going fast. >> is this not a matter of just
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natural evolution an just the way things go, species come and go, or do human beings have a lot to do with this? >> species come and go and about five or six times in the ancient past they've gone when meteors have landed on earth. but species are actually going extinct faster now as a result of us, as a result of human action on the globe than at any other time in history. >> are we not doing enough to save these species sh is the will not there to save these species? what is it? >> i think the will isn't there, the consensus isn't there. you know, it's no accident that this species hayes gone extinct is a species which is killed for one part -- the horn. species which are subject to a global trade in wildlife parks, those are among the species at
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greatest risk. >> now can you save them. efforts have been under way. we are talking about the white rhino i believe was one example, but some of the efforts like we're seeing on the screen right now to relocate, put them into a habitat that's more favorable to them but this takes a lot of manpower, a lot of money and i assume it takes a lot of time as well. but we can save them. >> we can save them. we can make heroic efforts after a species has been wiped out of the wild to put it back. but you know, that's actually not the most sensible and cost effective way to do it. the most sensible and cost effective way to do it is to create national parks in protected areas and to get in and save the habitat first. it's a lot cheaper and you save thousands and thousands of species and the whole ecosystem on which a whole community depends instead of spending a fortune on one species. >> well, an "undercovered"
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story. this story got a lot of our attention. we'll talk about it plenty more throughout days and weeks. james deutsche, we appreciate your time. >> thanks for your focus on this. 20 minutes past the hour now. turning to a story out of major league baseball, not the kind you are used to hearing about a major league baseball player. kidnap from -- at gunpoint from his home? we've got new information on this case. details on just how often pro athletes have actually been targeted by kidnappers. but first, a twitter sabbatical for one of the site's most prolific users. chances are you know ashton kutcher. you know through tv, the tabloids, the other half of demny moore. the actor sent out a tweet on wednesday night, "how do you fire joe pa? hash tag insult. hash tag no class. goes on to say as a hawkeye fan,
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i find it in poor taste. well, what kutcher didn't know before posting that, he didn't know the full story. now, we know more about what is happening at penn state. we'd like to show you the tweet but it actually disappeared from the star's feed and in its place there is a bit of an apology and it reads, as an advocate in the fight against child sexual exploitation i could not be more remorseful for all involved in the penn state case. so, aplusk says he's taking time off twitter to make sure it is managed properly. we're taking some time off of ashton kutcher as well. your 15 minutes are up. [ dr. banholzer ] every once in awhile
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25 minutes past the hour now. new developments to report in the case of a major league baseball player kidnapped in
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venezuela. the washington nationals catcher was taken at gunpoint from his home wednesday night. authorities believe they now found the vehicle used in the abduction and they say they have new clues about the alleged kidnappers, who they might be. luis carlos valez joins us now from new york. do they think they know who might have taken them? >> reporter: well, that's the big question. hi, t.j. it's been three days since the kidnapping in venezuela and we still know very little about what happened. venezuelan authorities say they found the vehicle used in the kidnapping and determined that the kidnappers tried to set it on fire. they also say they have assembled sketches of two of the alleged perpetrators nep say four people in total participated in this. the minister of interior says an elite group has been formed to investigate the case and rescue ramos. he said they hope to find him soon. the president of the venezuelan baseball league talked to cnn in caracas about this shocking
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case. >> it's a really terrible news for venezuelan people, for venezuelan population. baseball is the number one sport in our country and our concern at this point is to have mr. ramos back with us. we are waiting for a solution. we talk with the authorities and they assure us that they are working very hard to solve this situation. >> last night in valencia, ra s ramos' hometown, fans held a vigil and prayed for his release. he's very popular in his home country. they see him as an international star who plays the nation's favorite sport. you might be asking yourself, what account united states do about this? well, the answer is very little. the fbi offered to help but they haven't heard back from hugo chavez's government. it has its hands tied because ramos first is not a u.s.
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citizen and the crime did not occur in the united states. >> last thing here quickly, if you can, this isn't necessarily unheard of that a pro ball player would be targeted. >> yes, exactly. we have several cases. i'm going to give you a couple of examples. first, in 2002, mets outfielder was shot in the arm during a car jashging. 2004 kidnappers dressed in police uniforms kidnapped the mother after detroit pitcher. in 2008 a venezuelan born catcher's brother was kidnapped, then killed. then the san diego pirates' son was kidnapped. the boy was released. in 2009, the mother of former mets pitcher omar minaya was abducted. >> all right, thank you from new york. arguably, most qualified gop candidate finally making a move toward front runner?
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maria cardona, will cain taking on these topics and each other next. get ready -- political junkies, polls measure anything from politics to religion. which political party do you think is more religious? the answer is next. ♪ [ male announcer ] we're not employers or employees. not white collar or blue collar or no collars. we are business in america. and every day we awake to the same challenges. but at prudential we're helping companies everywhere find new solutions to manage risk, capital and employee benefits, so american business can get on with business. ♪
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before the break we asked you the question -- which political party is more religious -- at least based on church attendance. the answer according to the gallup poll is most definitely republicans. 40% say they attend church weekly. 38% of republicans say they attend seldom or never. religion slips on the democratic side -- 27% of democrats say they attend church weekly and more than half, 52%, say they seldom or never attend.
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two names gaining some traction in the presidential debates. this is a completely different reason here. rick perry's problems din to grow while newt gingrich is using his strong debating skills to gain momentum in the polls. it's all "fair game." let's tackle perry and his choreographed attempts to regain momentum. he went on late night tv to make fun of himself. >> listen, you try concentrating with mitt romney smiling at you. that is one handsome dude. i had a five-hour energy drink six hours before the debate. i wanted to help take the heat off my buddy, herman cain. >> and the number one rick perry excuse -- >> i just learned justin bieber is my father. >> okay, maria cardona, will cain, you got to give the guy credit, that was pretty funny. but will, seriously though --
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can he skip debates? is that even an option? it seems like we're talking about him after every debate for the wrong reason. >> that is an option. i just don't know how you skip debates. especially after this debacle. that would be a sign of defeat. you do have to say this -- one of the most endearing qualities is being able to laugh at yourself and the man has handled this as well as you could handle it. there is no way to make this thing is positive but that's about as close as you can get to it. >> maria, can you give him credit as well? we all have bad moments. just not on a national stage. is he going to be okay? >> i don't know if we can move on. i think it all depends how he does in the upcoming debates. for exactly the reason that you and will have said. but i do agree with will -- he's handled this about as well as anybody could expect anybody to handle it after the kind of debacle that he had. he was very funny and let's not forget he has raised some
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serious money. he has some serious staff in terms of infrastructure in the state. so let's see what happens from here on out. the problem is, is that what happened to him really solidifies in his critics' minds everything that has been thought or said about him in terms of not being ready for prime time. he was really funny last night but we don't need a comedian in chief. we want a commander in chief. >> all right, let's turn now to newt gingrich. you talk about mitt romney, just steady as she goes. but newt gingrich has been the same. everyone almost agrees, he's maybe the smartest candidate in this race who hasn't quite found traction but he's putting together a lot of good debate performances. some polls show he is gaining momentum. >> i will make three points about newt gingrich and i will remember everyone of them. number one, newt gingrich can date any social ills problems back to its genesis even at the turn of the last century. number two, unfortunately he's
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also coming off as pretty petty. constantly attacking the media on a personal level with maria bartiromo, not a good sign. last, there was a moment in that debate where john harwood said did you think $300,000 from fannie mae and what for? he got at a very important issue -- the art of crony capitalism. should newt gingrich rise in the polls to become the mitt romney alternative? there is a dossier out there that will look very ugly for newt gingrich. >> you hear it all the time, once you get to the top of the polls, people start examining you in a way they don't really pay attention if you are in single digits. >> there is no question about that. the reason newt has risen in the polls is because he really had nowhere else to go. he was at rock bottom. until he does rise in the polls he is going to get a free pass but he has a huge record, will is right. and that record is going to be examined and re-examined and it
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already has. there are already traits about newt that neither conservatives -- in terms of the three marriages -- nor democrats. he also has an issue with discipline. in the beginning of his campaign had he a ton of pretty serious stumbles which made him stay at rock bottom because clearly conservatives haven't found the knight in shining armor they are looking for. >> to both of you this question -- has herman cain steadied after all these allegations this week? >> no. >> no. the issue just's been distracted. herman cain can thank his lucky stars for rick perry and the penn state scandal. >> there is no question that herman cain's -- on the debate night was the best one because of what happened to rick perry. the focus was taken off of him. but i don't think this is the end of it. he has not answered these allegations in a way that voters deserve. he's asking voters to trust him with the most sacred oath of office. he hasn't given him a reason for
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all voters to trust him with that. >> maria cardona, i will see you tomorrow morning, on "cnn saturday morning." as always. will cain, answer the phone when we call you to be on cnn saturday and sunday morning. >> that's not true! you just told everyone on tv a lie. >> see you guys later. thanks so much. we have a "fair game" postscript for you here. with all of the herman cain problems, allegations of sexual harassment, a joke right now about anita hill? you remember, she's the woman who was involved right in the middle during clarence thomas' nomination to the supreme court claiming he made unwanted sexual advances? here now is herman cain, a little hard to hear so we've added the words up for you so take a look and a listen right now.
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>> as you know, thomas survived a hearing as and was confirmed for the high court. 38 minutes past the hour. we want to pass along some information we are just getting into cnn. a helicopter crash just outside mexico city that has killed nine people. we have confirmed that mexico's interior minister -- there he is -- of mexico killed in this helicopter crash. jose francisco blake mora was n on-board that aircraft. nine people dead. two other ministry officials also on that helicopter. a story we are just getting in. a breaking story that one member of the government there in mexico killed. we don't know about the conditions, any weather conditions or mechanical issues on that particular helicopter just yet but we are working to get that for you. breaking news, nine people killed including the interior
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we are working more on what may have caused the crash. but two other ministry officials on that helicopter as well but the interior minister along with at least eight others killed in a helicopter crash right outside of mexico city. we'll keep an eye on that as we continue to go globe trekking now. president obama heading home to honolulu tonight for the apec summit. u.s. is hosting the meeting of the 21-nation asia pacific economic cooperation. treasury secretary timny geithner already there promoting the president's push to create new jobs at home. apec countries account for 55% of the world's gross domestic product and 43% of world trade. also the death toll rising in the 5.6 earthquake that shook eastern turkey wednesday night. 22 people were killed now. the search goes on for dozens believed still trapped in the rubble of a five-story hotel. crews are using jack hammers and hacksaws to dig for survivors. so far 30 people have been rescued.
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if you haven't already made it to the seven wonders of the world you have some more traveling to do. in 30 minutes from now there may be seven new natural wonders of the world. chosen by millions of online voters. some of the top sites in contention -- the grand canyon in the u.s. and great barrier reef in australia. also pulling in high, indonesia's kymoto island. speaking strictly of the loss, joe paterno did nothing wrong there. in terms of the law. neither did the grad assistant who witnessed the alleged rape but maybe it is time for the law to change. one guy certainly thinks so. he's about to do something about it and tell us about it. stay here. it's not the bayer aspirin you know. it's different. first, it's been re-engineered with micro-particles. second, it enters the bloodstream fast, and rushes relief to the site of your tough pain. the best part? it's proven to relieve pain twice as fast as before.
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penn state gearing up to play its first game without legendary coach joe paterno. that happens tomorrow. the alleged child sex abuse scandal unfolding at the school is still raising some troubling questions about past suspicions surrounding former coach jerry sandusky and how those were dealt with. a mom of one of the alleged victims spoke out this morning to "good morning america." >> and at some point he came to you and he said he wanted some information about how to look up sex weirdos? >> yes. >> what did you think about that? >> he asked him who he was looking up and he said he wanted to see if jerry was on there. and i said, well, why would you look him up? and he said, i don't know, he's a weirdo. >> now her son, not the first or only alleged victim. his case is key because he reported it and as a result triggered the sex abuse investigation against the former coach sandusky. according to the grand jury, sandusky victim alleged
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allegedly eight boys, one as young as 7 or 8 years old. going as far back as 1994. the grand jury only identifies the alleged victims by number, but we said 1994. so let's take you back to the victims six and seven. this is only how they are identified, by number. six and seven allege sexual abuse. this is when it all allegedly began. then another year later, another victim, victim five, as referred to in the grand jury indictment comes forward. just a year later, another victim comes forward. let's move forward a few years now to 1998. what happens in '98? police begin to investigate sandusky for victim six that you just saw there a while back. now we're moving forward some five years after this all started. he retires from penn state. he's been there a number of years. he also has been -- worked under joe pa for a number of decades there at the school. now to 2000. victim number three and victim number eight. again this is how they are referred to by the grand jury. not their names.
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also alleged sexual abuse. couple years later, 2002, this is when the incident took place you are hearing about, when the grad assistant mcqueary allegedly saw sandusky having sex in the locker room with a victim, victim number two. now according to the grand jury indictment, this is when two school officials were then notified about this alleged incident. let's fast forward a little more to 2005. victim number one alleges this is when the sexual abuse began. 2009, a couple of years ago, sandusky is barred from a school district and the attorney general then begins an investigation that brings us up to where we are now. here we are. 2011. sandusky, curley schultz, and two other school officials have been charged and now paterno and the school president have been fired. people are wondering did they do the right thing? coach paterno, he went forward, he told his superiors, is that
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enough? only two cases were actually reported directly to police. of all these cases we just took you through, only two roared directly to police. penn state representative kevin boyle is with us now from philadelphia. he says this highlights a loophole in the state's law. sir, thank you for being here. what's wrong with the law now and how do you want it changed? >> quite simply, t.j., what's wrong with the law is that neither mike mcqueary or joe paterno violated the law. they were completely immoral and unethical with their behavior. mike mcqueary saw a rape of a 10-year-old boy and did absolutely nothing besides telling his father and joe paterno. joe paterno was informed by mike mcqueary. he informed the athletic director but then did nothing more about it for another eight or nine years and even allowed jerry sandusky access to the locker room at penn state with troubled youth from his charity organization.
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>> but do you think the law would have changed anybody's behavior in this case? these were moral failings, it appears, by some people. so you think they would have to be aware that, okay, if i don't report this to the police, then maybe i could get in trouble? td get in trouble, that would be the incentive to go forward? it seems that there was a personal moral failing that no law would have changed? >> obviously the biggest culprit is jerry sandusky. his transgressions are abundantly clear. if mike mcquery or whoever else, the people at penn state who saw this abuse secondhand or firsthand or reported it directly to the police, the chances of sandusky being arrested some time ago would have occurred. >> let's say the law you want imposed now would have been in place a long time ago and coach paterno then took the
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information he had to his superiors in violation of the law that you now want. what would be an appropriate punishment for failing to report to the police? what's the punishment? >> mine is to impose a third degree felony. not reporting suspected abuse in the commonwealth of pennsylvania, these are serious crimes and they should be felonies. >> representative boyle, a lot of states do have these types of laws in place. do you have the support you need in that state? do you think there's going to be a problem getting this past? >> i spent the morning calling both the republican and democratic colleagues and everyone has been on board. everyone is outraged in the commonwealth of pennsylvania on what has happened and what has tarnished a fine institution like penn state. >> representative kevin boyle. we'll follow up with you, okay?
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>> thank you. >> all right. thanks so much. we're getting close to the top of the hour. if you have a child, know a child, then you know the education system is going through some tough times. how about paying kids to do good in school? it's actually raising some eyebrows. but before you jump to conclusions, we'll let you hear the details, next. losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the chex mix boring potato chip decoy bag. now no one will want to steal the deliciousness. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix is a bag of interesting. woman: day care can be so to save some money, i found one that uses robots instead of real people. 'cuz robots work for free. robot 1:good morning... robot 1:...female child. sfx: modem dial-up noise
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all right. any parent who has looked at a report card has probably thought about offering money for a good report card. director of a.p. training and incentives is joining me on the phone from highwawaii. explain this math and science initiative, first. >> well, you'll have to go back to high school. we have a multifaceted comprehensive program that includes incentive but also teacher training, more time on task for students and required materials for students being able to pass a.p. exams. >> explain to me, though, the incentive, the financial one. >> well, if students are able to get a 3 or greater, they get $100. it encourages them to not only just take the course but teaches them the value of knowing what
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it is to work hard. >> greg, why do you have to offer money? why do you have to offer snun. >> well, our results, our program has been proven for about 16 years. nobody has the results like we do. and we have a crisis in this country. we have professionals and we have an economy in crisis that we should use and replicate across the country. the entire program works. >> people lose their minds when you hear the idea of paying kids for their grades or paying them for what they should already be doing in the first place. is your stance simply, hey, whatever works? >> to concentrate on the incentives because it's a small part what we do. the entire program works and if anybody is skeptical, come to the hundreds of schools around in effect across the kourncountd
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see how it motivates them to better their lives. >> you hit on this a while ago. we need kids in these a.p. courses. why are they not trying them any way? why do we have to have a financial incentive? why are they not motivated enough to go into these tough courses? >> well, they are. we just really enhance the support of the schools. we double and triple the enrollment and not just the incentives. it's a come prehprehensive progd there's no reason to mess with something that works. >> last thing here, where does this money come from? >> we have wonderful private and public support and our original donors are exxonmobil, gates, and dell and hundreds of donors across the country who want to improve the economy, want to do something about the education and we're providing results for them. >> so you're saying and for folks wondering, no taxpayer
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money is going, towards this initiative to pay kids? >> very small fraction. >> greg, i wish you were around when i was in school. thank you for coming and appreciate having on on the l e line. now we're going to go to paul steinhauser. all of the stories in politics. newt gingrich gaining some traction, possibly? >> t.j., this is a great dynamic. he was left for dead back in may and june, lost a lot of his staff. his campaign was in the red. but he's been sneaking up in those polls. brand new ones out. here is romney at 23% up there near the top but if you take the sampling there, newt gingrich is basically tied at the top with mitt romney. go to the next one, cbs news poll. same kind of numbers, cain, romney, and gingrich all tied at
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the top of a three-way he split. this is really fascinating. newt gingrich was on the campaign trail in new hampshire. here's what he had to say about the polls. >> the real means of the poll is, when the front-runner is at 18 real estate next two tied at 15, it is a wide-open race. i think that the american people are looking, asking questions, thinking about it, and i think it will stay wide open until january. i think we'll be up here in january in a relatively open race. >> you know, we have seen so many people go up and down. michele bachmann, rick perry. h herman cain has been up. maybe he'll go down. we don't know. 7 1/2 weeks to the first votes in the iowa caucus. >> 7 1/2 weeks? can't wait. i know you can't either.
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paul steinhauser, we'll see you in iowa. we'll probably see you this weekend, also. >> you got that, too. all right. i immediately look to my left and i hand this off to brooke baldwin but i'm told that brooke baldwin is up north now in d.c., right? >> you're right. i got to mc this event so any good excuse to do my show in the d.c. bureau is a good excuse. >> great. have a good weekend. >> thank you, t.v. happy friday. let's get you caught up on everything making rapid fire this hour. beginning with right now the latest on the penn state child rape scandal. so here's what we know a vigil for the victims in this case planned for tonight, 9:30 eastern time. this vigil will take place at the old main building that's on penn state's campus. the vigil is expected to be a stark contrast to all the rioting. remember these crowds from wednesday night by all these
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students very, very angry over the sudden firing of their head coach joe paterno. the new interim president of the university is scheduled to speak in about 45 minutes. also, coming up, we will hear from the mother of win of the alleged victims, a former football assistant coach, jerry sandusky. that's coming up in a couple of minutes. stay with us. live coverage on cnn. also, mexico's interior minister, jose francisco blake mora is dead. he was on board a helicopter that crashed today just south of the capital, south of mexico city. two other ministry officials were killed as well. in all, nine people died, including two crew members. president obama marking veterans day by taking part in a wreath laying ceremony in virginia. he is also spending time with service members, both here in washington, d.c., also in san
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diego today. and while he is westward in california, he will be attending a little basketball game between my ala mater, north carolina, the tar heels, on board the uss carl vincent. and boxing fans paying their respects to booking legendary joe frazier. his funeral is set for monday. more than 1,000 employees of imf being told today that they are fired, effective immediately. employees will be hired to wind the business down. process bankruptcy claims. mf global imploded pretty recently after exposure to troubled european debt. just last week, federal regulators said that $633 million was missing.
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hazing apparently went too far at a south carolina fraternity. nine members of the fraternity have been arrested. one pledge told him that he was beaten with the paddle so hard he ended up being sent to the hospital for an extended stay. some frightened passengers on the atlanta to charlotte flight say they frantically texted their i love yous when they heard a large boom and smoke fill the cabin. the pilot, thankfully, was able to return safely to atlanta. passengers finally made it on to charlotte early this morning. and missing baby lisa irwin's first birthday is today. she is the little girl who disappeared now just about more than a month ago. birthday signs, they are strung up here in her family's home. this is kansas city, missouri.
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lisa's family attorney says that the family is cooperating with the police with the investigation into little lisa's disappearance. check your calendars. we don't get to say this ever. it's november 11th, 2011. 11/11/11. people trying to make this day a little extra special. vegas weddings, overbooked. expected moms schedules their c-sections for today. it's also national corduroy day because the stripes look like 11 slack/11/11. just so you know, there are only 50 days left in this year 2011. we are near moments away from hearing about seven new wonders of the world. the top locations were voted on by millions of people worldwide. have you heard about this? so among the top sites, the dead sea in israel, the u.s. grand canyon, and the great barrier reef in australia.
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also, polling high, is i indonesia's kumoto island. as soon as we know, we will let you know here on cnn. a couple minutes past 2:00. two hours to go here. take a look at this. dark days at penn state. child rape charges against a former football coach. this, as the team prepares for its final home game this weekend. but the real story in this case, the victims. >> you knew if you were getting in the car with him and going somewhere, he would have his hand on your thigh. >> we will hear from a woman whose child was allegedly raped by jerry sandusky. plus -- our priority it to find out what happened to sky. >> new details on the 2-year-old boy left in the car by his
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mother while she says she went for gas. now police say there was gas in that car. also, herman cain makes a joke about anita hill. you know, the woman who accused then supreme court nominee clarence thomas of sexual harassment. plus -- >> this is all that is left of what was a five-story building. >> dramatic new building of the earthquake in turkey. we actually see the precise moment when the quake hit. and outrage. huge bonuses for executives at freddie mac and fannie mae, all of this after the firms were given hundreds and billions of dollars in bailout money. honey, i love you... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. ♪ what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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all right. here's where we are on the penn state story right this moment. students are planning a vigil tonight. no pregame pep rally but really a solemn vigil to honor the sex abuse victims. specifically, at least eight alleged victims. tonight's show of respect is intended at least in part as a counter point to what occurred wednesday night into the wee hours of thursday. this was the image that played out. penn state students ran wild after the school's board of trustees fired their head coach, joe paterno. take a look at this. this is wednesday night after his firing. he failed to go to police all the way back in 2002 when this gr graduate assistant came to his home and told him that he had witnessed a graphic sengs you'll act between sandusky and a
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10-year-old boy at a school athletic facility. now, penn state's long-time president, he's out as well. his replacement spoke late this morning. >> my heart aches for the victims' and their families and my mind searches for answers like millions across the nation. this is a tragedy for many lives and it will take all of us some time to come to grips with the full magnitude of all of the damage that has been done. >> officials are voting today to authorize a special investigation. they still don't know everything that happened surrounding jerry sandusky. beth karas is there at penn state. before we go to her, we need you to know this. the mother of the child aid fied as jerry sandusky's victim number one, she gave an interview today in shadow. victim number one described in the grand jury indictment against jerry sandusky is being subjected to oral sex on more
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than 20 occasions. the mother told abc news about her initial suspicions two years ago. >> at some point he came to you and he said you wanted information about how to look up sex weird does? >> yes. >> what did you think of that? >> i asked him who he was looking up and he said he wanted to see if jerry was on there and i said, well, why would you look him up? and he said, i don't know. he's a weirdo and i proceeded to ask if there was something that he needed to tell me and at that point he didn't indicate anything. >> that mother said that everything began to unravel. she asked her son why he didn't step forward more forcefully. the son's reply simply was, you don't say no to jerry. now, to beth karas on campus at penn state. we know school officials today said they would authorize a vote to authorize an investigation.
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do we know whether a vote has taken place? do we know anything about these investigators? >> reporter: yes. the trustees met earlier today and announced the establishment of a special committee to conduct its own investigation. it's going to be headed by the education secretary. the members of the committee were not announced but comprised primarily of fact kul teas and other members of the committee. it's unclear what the power of the committee will be because it's an arm of the state that will have subpoena power so they can compel testimony as well as documents. right now you are seeing behind me a group of students have begun to sing the group's ala mater. they have just decided to do it now for us. >> if you didn't point it out, i was going to ask what the
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singing was. speaking of the students, we know that there is that vigil planned tonight, 9:30 eastern time. what are we expecting? i imagine a much different scene than we saw play out wednesday night? >> reporter: oh, yes. it couldn't be more different. it's going to be peaceful, candlelight. it's going to be on the lawn behind me. that's where the president of the university's office is located. the lawn there will have at least 8500 students. that's the last check of the registration of the rsvps 8500. it's a show of support tonight for the victims. the alleged victims of the sex abuse scandal. >> what about, beth, looking towards tomorrow, penn state has three more games. going into tomorrow, they rarvegrarveg ranked 12th. has the excitement been drained
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out of tomorrow's game? >> reporter: actually, i don't think the excitement has. although, people are very conflicted, it will be the first time in more than four decades that paterno is not there. mcquery who witnessed the alleged march will not be there as well on the field. the town -- i was just talking to a police officer, this place is going to be very different in a couple hours, 100,000 people descend on the town. it is just going to be blocks of traffic and really hard to navigate because people turn out for these games and they do expect it tonight as well. and for tomorrow's game. but people obviously are upset about the allegations and what has happened to penn state and around the nation. nonetheless, supporter supporters of the team will be there as well. >> blue out shirts will be sold and all the proceeds go to child abuse in the state of
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pennsylvania. beth karas at penn state, thank you so much. again, that game at noontime tomorrow. disgraced american soldier and cold-blooded murderer guilty on all charges ranging from rape to murder in afghanistan. he called his victims dirty savages. cut off his fingers to keep his trophies. the kidnapping of a 24-year-old washington nationals player. he's in venezuela, home this week, supposed to be there to play on a team. go home from christmas. he's not the only one who has been taken. family members of other players have been taken, held for ransom. and now this -- i think every mom grieves a little when you send them off. you start kind of a grieving process. you want them to come home safe but you don't know. >> we are talking about our men and women serving in the
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military. and there she is, robin meade. she has been traveling the country talking with military families, visiting bases for the past year. what better way to celebrate our american heroes than this day, veterans day. robin is going to join me live and about her special journey tonight. we'll get the preview next. veterans day is a great day to remember the people who fought for this country and who are fighting right now. if you were here right now, i would tell them thanks for serving us and our country. thank you. [ male announcer ] it's true... consumers er wanchai ferry orange chicken... over p.f. chang's home menu orange chicken women men and uh pandas... elbows mmm [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry, try it yourself. but when they come home, they don't want a parade; they want a job.
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the postal service employs more veterans than any other civilian employer. but congress is debating a bill that would force the postal service to fire tens of thousands of vets, close post offices, shut mail processing plants, and disrupt mail delivery. drastic cuts won't fix the postal service and aren't needed. tell your representative to vote "no" on house resolution 2309. it's time to deliver for our veterans -- and america.
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police in venezuela may be closer to solving the case of a mlb catcher who was kidnapped. i have joe la mere of sports on the line. as far as news today, if police say they are hopeful, what kind of progress are they making in finding him? >> well, for the most part, they have been quiet and they say that they are making progress for the quick resolution. there is advanced investigative tactics, perhaps including aerial overhead surveillance.
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they found the vehicle that was used in the abduction and no reporting of wilson ramos. >> so far, no one has called his family demanding, ransom. is that correct? >> that's correct. >> and there's been many kidnappings on the record. why are police staying so mum on this one, so guarded? >> well, without having received any sort of word, there is always some question of the motives of this incident. kidnapping is on the rise. ball players, in particular, have been kidnapped with contact
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made seeking ransom money. he's the first active mlb leaguer. there is some sort of monetary incentive but without contact, nobody wants to jump to conclusions. >> quickly, tell me about ramos. i know he's a rookie catcher and really excited to be with his family for the holidays. tell me more about him as a player. >> sure. he's a very young promising catcher. he was traded a little over a year ago and spent the last year with the nationals. ramos had been playing so well and rodriguez knew that the end of the career he had taken the starting position. like a lot of players, particularly those from latin america would play anywhere from
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a handful to a two dozen games in the winter league games. it's common practice for a little extra work and training. it's part of your home fans. many people and it's common for people and to do the same before with recent incidents. >> real quickly, i know he's just 24 years of age. what are the nats saying? >> they have been quiet. they released a joint statement saying that they had been informed not to make any sort of comment. presumably that's coming from investigators, presumably not to make any sort of comment that would rouse suspicion from anyone involved and in pass
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instances they have been following that protocol. >> joe lemire from thank you. now this -- >> how do you keep that stuff from breaking? it looks like the crackers would break. >> we try to wedge them in between -- >> we have games. >> take a moment and think about anyone that you know who is serving our nation. today is veterans day. we salute you. hln anchor, my friend, robin meade, salutes them as well. she has traveled the country gathering stories. she's live and is going to talk to me about her special coming up tonight. cnn will be right back. when you have tough pain, do you want fast relief? try bayer advanced aspirin. it's not the bayer aspirin you know. it's different. first, it's been re-engineered with micro-particles.
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not too far from where i set is national arlington cemetery. all of this as the nation pauses today for vet trants veterans day today. wherever you are, think for a moment, someone in a uniform, look them in the eye, give them a hug, buy them a cup of coffee. let them know that you certainly appreciate their service. today we formally recognize all veterans and it's a reminder of what we should be doing every single day and for those who gave their lives, a debt of gratitude that we can never fully repay. i want you to listen as president obama spoke a short time ago. >> this generation of service members has born the security during a hard decade of
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sacrifice. our servicemen and women make up less than 1% of americans. also, more than one million military spouses and two million children and millions more, parents, relatives, all of whom have shared the strains of deployment and sacrifice on behalf of the country that we love. >> speaking of our veterans, our sister network, hln, is airing a veterans day special. robin meade is in atlanta. i'm here in washington. robin, between your show and your singing, my friend, i'm not sure how you pulled off these travels across the country but i'm glad you did. tell me how you god this idea for the special that airs after night. >> every hour we do a salute to the troops and the president mentioned the families there. normally who would do the salute to the troops. it's 30 seconds is all on the show, but it's the family member saying, i love my family member
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in the military. if you for all that you do. so this special focuses not only on our military veterans and our vets but the people who hold down the forth when they are gone. we've been shooting this since january, at westpoint, jacksonville, florida, in georgia, so we have a number of different stories. sometimes it may be about the wounded warrior and how in the world they were able to come back and maybe still serve or other times it's about that family and we happen to catch like a piece where a battleship was deploying and we have to be there that day and i was so amazed by how the parents are able to convey to their children, every day that your mom or dad is gone, it's one step closer that they come home. >> right. >> and i want d to show a little piece of tape here for you, an example about how important the families are to our military
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here. >> well, we have this woman. all three of her family members are deployed. >> well, i think that every mom and wife -- but every mom grieves a little when you send them off. you start a grieving process. you want them to come home safe but you don't know. and you begin to wonder. how many times you can send them out and expect them to come home. >> oh, my goodness. oh, my goodness. >> you need to have your kleenex ready for this special. it's not all tears of fear. like she -- you know, she's what they call a blue star mom and she was preparing packages. it helps her take action. she's preparing packages of little goodies that she sends to the troops in afghanistan. she does have, like she said, four family members in the military. something else you'll see on
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this special, we take you inside a battleship. and not only do you notice things there that help protect our shores, but it's the people who work together and how you have hundreds of people on this destroyer that work so seemlessly together. we have a surprise military union where two new military moms -- >> i watched that. >> yeah. surprise. they were in afghanistan and brought their babies to the set and, no, their husbands were right there. we take you behind the scenes of how in the world did they pull that off. >> did you pull that off? >> yeah. it's kind of like an oprah moment. >> i remember, because that was the first time that the fathers actually not only got to see their wives, but, surprise, they got to see the little ones for the first time. before i let you go, i was reading about the special. tell me about the mr. moms.
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>> yeah. >> tell me who these guys are. >> right. we also focus on, once again, the family is the focus here with our military loved ones. we talked to two couples, both of whom the moms were deployed at the moment but the dads were also in the military. so you have two military spouses, while mom's deployed, dad is at home doing the little daughter's hair and he's like, i don't know how to do her hair. it's the little things thaw think about that military families do that make it all work for them and it's so tough for them. but it was a real great inside look at how are the dads keeping things together while mom's deployed and then moms come home and then it's their turn to go. really amazing. you think about how many children don't have their mom and dad home at the same time because they are serving us, the country. >> it gives you goose bumps. >> yeah. >> and i thank you for doing the segment. i thank you for this special.
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salute the troops, stories of courage, because that's what it is, at 7:00 p.m. on hln. >> if you're busy eating pizza tonight, it's also playing saturday night and sunday night the 7:00 p.m. >> there you go. >> thank you. have a wonderful weekend. i'll see you back in atlanta. >> thank you. the promise land for tech entrepreneurs but some minority-led firms are often times having trouble getting in the door. one professor is stepping in. he's doling out some controversial advice. track mat particular video from turkey's latest earthquake and survivor stories as thousands are still homeless. some people are scared. other people, they are getting
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angry. here's a question. is it necessary to have a white
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front man to exceed in the silicon valley? the group of blacks are putting everything on oh the line to try to succeed there. soledad o'brien is calling it the new promise land. silicon valley airs 8:00 eastern. take a look. >> for our documentary "black in america" this we're we wanted to focus on black americans who are entrepreneurs. they try to get their start-up ideas for a dot-com business launched and then pitched to invi investors. they are mentoring the eight in the house and his advice to them is stunning. listen. >> can i be critical about the community? >> yes. >> you folks don't help each other. >> investors in the valley practice pattern matching. they see entrepreneurs who are successful, mainly young, white
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males and invest in those who fit the pattern. >> when i did raise venture capital, my buddies advised me, get a white guy to be your fan. and i did that. i hired impressive six-foot tall polished white guy and let him do the talking. that's the way it is. i'm telling you. i've done it. that's the way the system works. you might as well use it to your advantage. >> i'm still kind of speechless. >> there is something raw and very direct about it that is jarring. >> it's very sad. we're in 2011 and we have a black president and he's not putting money in our pocket directly. what do we have to do? play the game until we're successful. >> and we're there every minute of their nine-week program to
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see if they can turn those viable dot-com businesses into dot-com businesses.
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dramatic new video of the moment that the earthquake struck in indonesia. >> turkey. the earth won't stop shaking in eastern turkey. security cameras show the 9.6 magnitude earthquake knocking
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out electricity and sending three men racing into the street just seconds before the hotel came suddenly tumbling down. >> this is all that's left of what was of five-story building, pile of rubble now the scene of a dramatic rescue operation working around the clock. >> reporter: heavy equipment and rescue workers were standing by to help. a much more powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake slammed the region barely three weeks ago killing more than 500 people. on wednesday, some of these rescue workers became victims of the latest quake. emergency workers pulled this japanese volunteer from the rubble. >> i tried to open my eyes but i could not because of lots of dust getting into my eyes. when i finally managed to open my left eye slowly, there was a ray of light that i could see and what i thought was complete
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darkness. that light gave me relief and gave me hope to live. that was the light from the computer i was using. >> reporter: she escaped. one of her japanese volunteers died from his injuries. eight amid stories of tragedy and hope, there is also anger. officials were confronted demanding resignations. riot police charged the crowd just yards away from collapsed buildings. in the days ahead, there will be more questions about government enforcement of building codes and pressure to reset tell hundreds of thousands of people made homeless. but for now turkey's earthquake survivors are just looking for a warm place to sleep. most of them, clearly too scared to step into their own homes. ivan watson, cnn, vaughn,
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turkey. >> i'van, thank you. and now to a list -- tweet me @brookeb @cnn. the amazon, halonb bay, vietnam, iguazu falls, brazil, jeju island, south korea, komodo, ind indonesia, puerto rico and table mountain, south africa. gabrielle giffords arrived at this scene 11 months ago, ready to shake some hands and she was suddenly shot in the head. she has given her first interview. we will hear her voice in just a moment. also, wolf blitzer joins me
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for the 2011 politics update. that's next. how he's going to react, if he's going to recognize me. >> mommy! >> when your mommy and daddy is away, it's hard to concentrate on your work and missing your mommy and daddy at the same time. >> yeah. that's -- >> you've got to be strong, don't you? >> yeah, we have to be brave, strong, and don't worry about them too much. >> are you surprised that i came home early? are you upset with me because i didn't tell you? no? are you happy? i missed you buddy. >> missed you too, mommy. is this a chevy volt? [ stu ] yeah. it's electric. i don't think so. it's got a gas tank right here. electric tank, right over here. an electric tank? really, stu? is that what you pour the electricity in? it's actually both, guys.
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i can plug in and go 35 miles gas free, or i can fill up and go a whole lot farther. is that my burger? oh. i just got bun. i didn't even bite any burger. did you hear sam... promoted to director? so 12 seconds ago. we should get him a present. thanks for the gift basket. you're welcome. you're welcome. did you see hr just sent out new... rules? cause you're currently in violation of 6 of them. oh yeah, baby? ...and 7. did you guys hear that fred is leaving? so 30 seconds ago. [ noisemakers blow ] [ both ] we'll miss you!
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oh, facecake! there's some leftover cake. [ male announcer ] the new htc vivid. stay a step ahead with at&t 4g lte, with speeds up to 10x faster than 3g. ♪ with speeds up to 10x faster than 3g. what are these guys doing? [ horn honks ] could you please not honk while this guy's telling me about his chevy volt? is that that new... is that the electric car? yeah. but it takes gas too. ask him how much he spends on gas. how much does he spend on gas? how much do you spend on gas? how much do i spend on gas?
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if i charge regularly, i fill up like once a month. he only has to fill up about once a month. [ woman ] wow. that's amazing. the sexual harassment scandal has become a nightmare for herman cain. caught on camera cracking a joke and sexual advances and when i play this sound, herman cain is tough to hear. >> anita hill.
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>> and from herman cain on the manhattan campaign, take a listen to that. >> i want you to fix this economy and continue all of this contingent on something that does not matter and on election day, the race for the nomination
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and the white house republican side, pretty exciting already. presidential hopeful facing up again tomorrow night, wolf blitzer joining me now in washington. obviously the last debate at the helm, pretty interesting, pretty surprising. what are you looking for this weekend? >> more of the same, accept this time it's -- the stakes are getting even more important. each debate now, the next general election and a year from now, not that long we start in new hampshire and in florida, it's the pressure intense going into this round of debates, it's going to be even more so and we've seen really dramatic developments taking place.
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right now he's raking in a lot of campaign money. newt gingrich is coming up slowly but surely would have thought that was possible only a few weeks ago and now newt gingrich is doing really, really well and slow and steady progress on that front. mitt romney has been sfteady an he doesn't seem to be going up. they are still looking, a lot of these republicans, for someone who is not mitt romney. they thought it was rick perry. a lot of other people thought it was herman cain and newt gingrich is potentially the mitt romney, if you will. there's a lot of excitement. we have the debate to be watching this weekend. i'll be moderating the next debate right here in washington, d.c., on national security and foreign policy. constitution hall. a few thousand people will be
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inside. it will be an important and exciting event for a lot of the people out there thinking about this upcoming primary and caucus. >> hey, if people keep stabbing me through the halls in the d.c. bureau, they thought it was wonderful that i crashed "the situation room" yesterday. so can i -- can i be invited back? >> are you going to do that again tonight? >> i'm officially asking. >> at 3:30, if you come closer to 3:50, we can do that. >> all right. wolf blitzer, thank you so much. >> thank you. there's been a lot of talk. have you heard about the talk about the tv interview with gabrielle giffords? we will hear her speak at length since she was shot in the head at close range. that was 11 months ago. it was january. we learned that a gunman had hoped fire on giffords in her
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home town of tucson, arizona. six people died. >> how about a thumb's up? >> for months we have watched as give fords struggled to recover. a bullet traveled through her skull. the damage so severe she had to relearn how to walk and how to talk. and now we are getting ready to watch this remarkable woman tell us how she's doing. her full interview set for monday night. it's an abc exclusive with diane sawyer and here is just a piece. >> how do you feel? >> pretty good. >> is it painful? is it hard? >> physical. >> i think gabby's got a message now that exceeds the political one. >> i'm not putting any cap on her.
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i can't begin begin to think how far she might go. >> wow. finally hearing her voice for the first time. by the way, you can also read about give giffords' recovery. she's written this book. it's called gab gby, a story of message and hope. it hits stores next week. a disgraced u.s. sergeant that gunned down unarmed afghan civilians, cut off their fingers to keep as trophies. more chilling details. and these tattoos that he has on his leg. have you heard about this? that's coming up. for adults.te multivn plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups. [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things.
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and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at
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very proud of my child holding the flag. and i'm very proud to be back. and i'm very happy to be back with the family. >> i was surprised and happy to see him. >> we try to coordinate everything and make sure she doesn't see him. we watched on the sideline and watched it unfold. lots of grown men complaining about their allergies. everybody's eyes were watering. it touched everyone in the stadium.
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although this is veterans day, when we should be spending the day honoring our troops in uniform, there are sad occasions when someone disgraces the uniform and sergeant calvin gibbs did exactly that. a military court has found him guilty of murdering three afghan men last year. we're live from seattle. i know the details of the case. cutting off fingers of these victims, these civilians apparently to keep as trophies is an incredibly sickening. what is the max sentence that he could face. >> reporter: the fmax sentence s life in prison but if he maintains good behavior, he could be out within ten years. it's an incredibly complicated case but really boils down to
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this. prosecutors said that five soldiers in afghanistan, didn't think that they were seeing enough action so they went after civilians, shot them, threw grenades at them and killed three civilians in separate incidents and said that they were taliban fighters. they got away with this for about five months and all of this time calvin gibbs was cutting off fingers and pulling out teeth to keep as trophies. when asked why you would cut off someone's finger that he had just killed, it was like taking antlers from a deer. >> i read that quote as well and it gave me the shivers. but, patrick, i also saw this photo. let's bring up the picture. this was on you talk about these three civilians in afghanistan. this is gibbs left leg. his pant leg is pulled up. these are skulls, these are tattoos of schools. there were six. apparently this represented his kills.
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so if three represent the civilians in afghanistan, dare i ask what the other three represent? >> that's a good question. they are working on that. three of those skulls represent kills in afghanistan. the other three kills represent kills in iraq. he's on his third tour. in previously in 2004 gibbs talked about how he shot a family in iraq. it was a car coming towards him and he opened up his weapon thinking that they were enemies. he used this as an example, you can kill civilians and nothing will happen to you. the army is going back to reopen that case and he could be charged with criminal wrongdoing. >> despicable. thank you so much. let's take a quick look at the big board and see how stocks are
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doing on this friday afternoon. take a look at that. up 248 points, the dow is just about the 12,000 mark. we are just about 60 minutes away from the "closing bell." let's take you live to the stock exchange, next.


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