tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 13, 2011 6:00am-7:30am EST
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>> i would say yes to both. of course, having said that, you want to offer all sorts of footnotes. >> no footnotes allowed. sir, pleasure to meet you. >> thank you, piers. good sunday morning to you all. it is 6:00 a.m. here in atlanta. 3:00 a.m. in portland, oregon. that's where we need to start with a live picture. occupy demonstrators are refusing to leave downtown parks, and they are now in a standoff with police. police who are now in riot gear. the demonstrators were given a deadline of midnight local time, that was some three hours ago, to leave downtown parks that they had been occupying for weeks now. well, the deadline has come and
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gone. the protesters have not gone anywhere. a tense situation right now on the streets of portland. we have reporters there. we'll check in with. we're also following the twitter feeds of the reporters, getting a lot of details there. also the twitter feeds of portland police. we do have reports of at least one police officer that has been injured. again, this is live, happening right now on the streets of portland. we'll if back in just a -- we'll go back in just a moment. also this morning, we've all done this -- sent that unintended e-mail. hit "reply all," and it went to an unintended recipient. now this happened to cbs -- an unintended recipient, a michele bachmann staffer. we'll tell you what's in the e-mail that bachmann's campaign says is proof of media bias. also, 850,000 veterans unemployed right now. another million expected to go back into civilian life by 2016. so who's helping them find jobs?
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we're getting into that question this morning. from the cnn center this is your sunday morning, i'm t.j. holmes. this hour, to our american forces network, thank you for being here. thank you for what you do. top of the hour in portland, oregon, this is happening live. 3:00 a.m., just after 3:00 a.m. on the streets of portland, oregon. downtown. you see what continues to go on. police are standing by in riot gear as we speak. they were given a midnight deadline, these protesters and demonstrators were, to leave many of these downtown parks that they had been occupying for several weeks. that deadline has come and gone. many are ignoring the warnings that they are getting for police to disperse. the mayor and police officers saying this is a dangerous situation. a safety issue. people need to finally leave, but that is not happening. we've even seen some crowds
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grow. we have a reporter on the ground from kptv, nicole dahl, who is there. this is a tense situation. is there any sign that some of these protesters and demonstrators are starting to finally disperse and leave like police are telling them to do? >> reporter: no. in fact, we're not seeing that at all. for about the last 30 minutes or so, there's been a standoff between portland police in riot gear and about 2,000 people. we're told by occupy portland organizers -- let me step out of the way. at 3rd and madison in downtown portland, as you said, protesters were given a 12:00 midnight deadline to get out of the parks. portland police were very encouraged because today they saw a lot of people leaving the parks. and that 12:00 midnight deadline came and went. and to be honest with you, there was a celebratory mood in the camp and everything seemed to be peaceful. then about an hour ago or so, we had a police officer who was hit by a projectile.
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he was at 3rd and main in downtown portland. and he was hit by a projectile by a protester. at that point, things got very, very tense. and we had a man who was arrested in the street. at that point, we saw the mounted police come out. we saw a line of officers in riot gear with their night sticks at the ready, who were preventing people from going into the street. and at this point, they have moved -- they've taken over an entire city block. police officers are lining that street. we have, again, about 2,000 people according to organizers that are on both sides of the street. a very, very ten situation at this point. we're kind -- very tense situation at this point. we're kind of in a holding pattern to see what happens next. i've been in constant communication with police and have not been able to get anything out of them for the last 20 minutes or so. t.j.? >> that was my next question -- what is the plan for police now? it looks like a standoff where they're facing each other down.
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do police have a plan for when they might move? are they just monitoring the situation, or do they plan to force these people out? >> reporter: that's been the big question. they set the deadline on thursday. they said, you know what, we've got safety concerns in the park. we had a couple of heroin overdoses. we had a molotov cocktail that was thrown at the world trade center here last week. they said, we've got to clear this camp out at this point. they set this deadline, 12:01 sunday morning. that deadline came and went. no movement. we pressed them and said, you know, a deadline's a deadline, and we have not seen any movement and then this happened. at this point i cannot get anybody on the phone to find out. there are certain things you know they would not talk to us about because it's tactical information. but at this point, we see officers in riot gear. we've got mounted officers, as well. i spoke with the organizers. and they said -- their understanding, and of course this coming from open organizers, that when -- from occupy organizers, that when
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they see the mounted police turn out they think they'll turn to chemicals, whether it be pepper spray, teargas, that kind of thing. we have seen folks within the crowd with gas masks. we had a run on gas masks in portland at some of the army surplus stores. we've seen them donning the gas masks. but a lot of people, to be honest, aren't protesters. we've seen people coming all night long, spectators, who want to see what's going on. we've got a sea of cell phone cameras in the air. people wanting to document this. at this point, we are just in a standoff between about 100 at least police officers in riot gear and at least 1,000, possibly 2,000 people in the streets. and i wish i could tell you what's going to happen next. at this point we don't know. >> nicole dahl on the street covering this. we hope we can check back with you. it doesn't look like this is going to wrap up any time soon. thank you very much. i want to remind our viewers, what you're seeing is a live picture. this is not video from earlier. this is happening just after 3:00 a.m. local time there in
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portland, oregon, where as you heard the estimates are some 2,000 at least people are still gathered. ignoring the order of the police and the mayor to leave these occupy encampments at midnight. that deadline is now three hours past. also we've been getting -- she was mentioning there, the reporter, that she hasn't been able to get hold of portland police in the past 20, 30 minutes or so. but that portland police have been diligent about putting information out. you're seeing the twitter feed here. they've been using this to tamp down a lot of rumors that have been out there. several of these are saying not true, the media is being encouraged to stay. there are others where you see the police responding to other people who are tweeting saying "go home." an officer was hit by a projectile, not on a horse. you see it on the screen. they said the officer is going to be okay. we are monitoring this portland police feed. this is where a lot of information is coming. the portland police tweeting
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this morning. we will keep a close eye and we have live pictures of portland that all of our folks are monitoring now. we'll continue to give you updates. that's a live picture just after 3:00 a.m. local time, portland, oregon, where thousands of people have ignored a deadline from police to leave one of these occupy encampments. we're keeping a close eye there. portland is not the only city that is trying to evict occupy protesters. albany to salt lake city, all over, you've seen some of the biggest clashes between police and protesters. in fact, in oakland and denver. the same kind of thing has been happening in atlanta and st. louis. but again, we will not go too far away from the story. give you updates throughout cnn sunday morning on what's happening right now in portland. we attorney politics and national security. that was the focus of last night's republican presidential
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debate in south carolina. each of the eight candidates trying to set themselves aside in the minds of voters with two months to go until the first votes are cast. i'm going to take you through some of the highlights last night. and one moment that people will be talking about today and throughout this week. the issue of torture came up, tor torture or enhanced interrogation techniques. the issue of water boarding came up. take a listen. >> if i were president, i would be willing to use water boarding. i think it was very effective and gained information for our country. >> water boarding is torture. we lose an ability to project values lake other countries. >> i would return to the policy. i don't see it as torture, i see it as an enhanced interrogation technique. >> torture is illegal. and by our legals, it's illegal by international laws. >> i am for using techniques, not torture, but using
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techniques that we know will extract the information to save young american lives. and i will be for it until i die. >> also last night, some ideas came up among some of the candidates about what to do about the $50 billion in foreign aid that this country gives out. listen to some of these disagreements. >> the foreign aid budget in my administration for every country is going to start at zero dollars. zero dollars. [ applause ] >> and then we'll have a conversation. then we'll have a conversation in this country about whether or not a penny of our taxpayer dollars needs to go into those countries. >> you ought to start off at zero and say, explain to me why i should give you a penny. also last night, michele bachmann's campaign got a little hot over the debates because it has nothing do here with what she said but how much she was allowed to say. there was an e-mail chain. we've all had those moments
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where you hit "reply all" and you didn't really mean to, and the e-mail went to somebody you didn't intend for it to go to. this is the kind of moment we're talking about, and it happened with cbs' political director john dickerson. a larger e-mail about post debate interviews, he had to say about bachmann's role in the debate itself. and i quote, "she's not going to get many questions, and she's nearly off the charts." well, the bachmann campaign certainly didn't appreciate that. it inadvertently went to one of michele bachmann's staffers. the campaign manager said dickerson should now be fired. cbs basically said, hey, it wasn't meant for you, but let's be honest, she's at 4% in the polls. let's be realistic. we'll have much more coming up at the bottom of the hour. also coming up at 6:30, we'll take a closer look at the upper tier of candidates. how they did last night. also going to check out their prospects heading into iowa. stay with us for that. we're about 12 minutes past the hour.
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in other news, it was a football game, but it seemed difficult to focus on football when you were watching the penn state/nebraska game yesterday. so much more was going on in the stadium, the campus and headlines, as well. students came to support their team but also to remember the alleged victims of the sexual abuse scandal that has shocked the campus and also shocked the count country. also this was really a nice moment before the game. both teams came together on the field in prayer. penn state lost 17-14. then after the game, jay paterno, the current assistant coach and also son of the former head coach joe paterno, well, listen to him -- >> joe has always taught us about the blue line of practice. when you cross the blue line, the only thing you control is what you're doing rights there. so we just had to imagine there was a blue line coming into the stadium. and once we were here, we were focused on the task at hand. and just a little short.
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dad, i wish you were here. we love you. >> this was the first game without paterno as head coach in 46 years. he was fired wednesday. some fans gathered at the pa attorney general home to pay tribute to the man they say they've always call "coach." for more on the day that was at penn state and what comes next, we have more from university park. mike, hello. we were talking about there yesterday before the game, trying to get a feel of the mood of everybody and what to expect at the game. once it started, did it feel like football? >> reporter: to a point, t.j. you and i, we said it. we didn't know what to expect. i'll say emotions ruled the day. and in a good way. i know you showed the prayer. it was so -- it was a beautiful picture to see both teams come together. and the prayer was about, hey, let's show flids bany little bo
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there watching that this is what being a man looks like, being all they can be. not about the scandal. you hear the prayer right now. you look at this and back to the emotions, the student body coming together. they sang that alma mater together. there was the moment of silence, i think someone said it -- a huge crowd like this. have you ever heard complete silence? that set the tone that we put the victims first. over $20,000 raised to help prevent child abuse in pennsylvania and beyond. that was a good thing. then you talk about football and the emotions, penn states down 17-0. you figure issue that emotionally shot, they have nothing left. yet they come almost all the way back, losing 17-14. 18, 22 to 23-year-old young adults had to deal with this through the week. they talk period their emotions after -- talk about their emotions afterward. >> 4 1/2 years playing for that
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man and i don't get the opportunity to shake his hand, hug him, go on the field and thank him for all the things he's done to create me as a man. >> reporter: you know, many -- t.j., i think you mentioned, as well, so many wondering about what about joe paterno, what did he go through. he was head coach since 1966. first time not on the sidelines for part of a game like that. we know what the players did to honor him. number one, there's a seat, seat number one on bus number one they left vacant in honor of joe paterno. he sent a message to the team saying i'm with you in spirit, don't focus on me, 401(k) focus game. they tried to do that, came up short. i'm sure he's proud of the way the team fought and almost came back. >> we appreciate you being us this weekend. 16 minutes past the hour. soul searching going on at the citadel. university officials there admit that they should have done more when allegations of
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inappropriate sexual conduct surfaced there a few years ago. a former cadet and camp counselor, you're seeing him there, was arrested last month on charges of criminal sexual conduct and attempted lewd acts with a child, but it was back in 2007. a red flag was raised about his conduct at the citadel. the university stopped investigating after their attorney said they couldn't confirm any acts of abuse had taken place. turn to italy now. sornl -- certainly on a new path this morning. [ crowd noise ] >> what you're seeing here are people in the streets celebrating the resignation of their controversial, now-former prime minister silvio berlusconi. stepped down after the parliament spoke about ways to help the economy. we'll see how it plays out with
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the world markets. also president obama says america has gotten lazy? those were his words. the president was talking about efforts to get foreign investors interested in doing business here. he says he's trying to turn that around. international trade is the focus of the apec summit in honolulu today. president obama will be talking trade today with world leaders from china and russia among others. 16 minutes past the hour. the rockies still hit by a blizzard. reynolds wolf with weather. good morning. >> they are just getting pummelled and will get pummelled through the afternoon, evening. it will move into the central plains. today is the day where they could see several feet of snowfall. not only that, some wind gusts that could be topping, say, 60, maybe even 70 minor 0 miles per. a full wintery blast will be making its way through the rockies. in atlanta, conditions are perfect picture. more coming up. you're watching cnn "sunday morning."
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women men and uh pandas... elbows mmm [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry, try it yourself. [ male announcer ] dressing your pomeranian as an elf? [ sneezes ] [ buzzer sounds ] bringing home a verizon samsung stratosphere for free from radioshack. so right. ♪ [ male announcer ] what is the future of fuel? the debate is over. ♪ lexus hybrid drive technology is designed to optimize any fuel source on the planet. even those we don't use yet. because when you pursue perfection, you don't just engineer a future-proof hybrid system. you engineer amazing. ♪
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and you are looking at live pictures. it's 3:18 in the morning local time in portland, oregon. occupy demonstrators are in a standoff with police. they had a midnight local time deadline. so just about three hours and 20 minutes ago. deadline to leave the occupy encampment that they have been occupying for the past several weeks. well, that deadline has come and done. many people have refused to leave. in fact, some of our reporters in portland say that after the midnight deadline, it actually attracted more people to the area. the estimates are that a couple thousand people may still be there. the police are on their horses, they are also in riot gear. but they have yet to move in, if you will, and force the protesters to leave. we have been watching live feeds. live pictures. we're not showing video from earlier. this is happening right now on the streets of portland, oregon.
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the local affiliates in rolling coverage this hour showing their local people what's happening in the streets. but the demonstrators clearly have refused to leave. our people have been watching these live feeds, and we have seen some people taken into custody by police now. there's essentially a standoff. we're told by our reporters there that there may be a couple hundred police officers, but those couple hundred police officers are up against possibly a couple thousand demonstrators. we've seen similar scenes around the country where paitience has been running thin, demonstrators defied the orders of local police and mayors to leave the parks. they say there's a safety issue involved. there have been issues, particularly in portland, where there have been drug overtoesz -- overdoses at encampments. others have been shot close to encampments, not to say necessarily it was related, but there have been incidents across
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the country. and now mayors are getting fed up and police officers saying, hey, this is a safety issue, and we need you to now leave. that deadline in portland is three hours and 20 minutes past. people still refuse to leave. one police officer was injured, hit by a project-year-oileproje. he's going to be okay. not necessarily the outbreaks of violence that we've been seeing or herring, but on the right side of the screen you see a picture of people at this hour chanting, singing, dancing, holding signs. many of them certainly aware that right now they are getting live coverage locally. they're getting live coverage now nationally. maybe they're getting a little more excited. we've been watching this feed since we came into work several hours ago. it seems like things are -- they're getting more animated as time goes on. police, as you see on the left side of the screen, are prepared. we haven't gotten word from them
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exactly what they're prepared to do. if they are going to physically start removing these people from encampments. again, these are scenes we're seeing playing out in several cities, not just portland, but right now in portland a tense situation. a standoff taking place but no word on what either side is going to do. the one side the police officers, the other side the occupy protesters. we're keeping a close eye on this situation. just told by my producer they continue to tweet, my executive producer telling me the portland police, which we have been unable to get on the phone. local affiliates have been trying to get them, haven't heard back in the past half-hour. they have been tweeting and giving information out this way. they have been using this to tamp down a lot of rumors that are out there. you know, sometimes rumors start to fly. someone says, hey, police are about to use chemical agents, this is going on, they're telling us to do this. police are using this as their p.r. machine to get their message out. they're trying to tell people --
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tanisha, you said last tweet they're telling people to stay on the sidewalks and to get off the streets. we did get reports from our affiliate reporters that several streets were blocked by protesters in the middle of the street, blocking things, holding things up. maybe not a lot of traffic at 3:00 a.m., but they're trying to get people out of the streets. police getting their message out that way. still, there have been so many reporter and rumors, we've been monitoring the twitter feeds ourselves. this is the way to get information out instantly. so many rumors out there about what is happening, what's going to happen. what the police intentions are. police are trying to battle back the best way they know how, which is on twitter, as well. i'm told by reynolds wolf it's portland, what, it's november, 3:00 in the morning. weatherwise these people have stayed out for the past several weeks. it's about 50 degrees. not too brutal weatherwise. still, that's a factor
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sometimes. maybe people can't stand the conditions and want to go home. well, it seems that more people are showing up on the streets of portland right now and don't have any intention of going anywhere despite what the police and the mayor have now -- not just told them or asked them politely to do, but have ordered them to do. but that deadline to leave was three, almost 3 1/2 hours ago. you're seeing from live pictures that they are not listening. we'll keep a close eye on what's happening in the streets of portland. we'll check in with reynolds wolf, keeping an eye on the rockies right now and the mess that's happening there. stay with us.
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getting close to the bottom of the hour, good morning again to reynolds wolf, the rockies -- >> a lot of people think this is perfect for skiers. not at all. you don't want to ski in this. last year i was in steamboat springs, the cloud deck was around 9,000 feet. going skiing, got to whiteout conditions. not kidding, could hold my hand in front of my face, could not see. it you don't want that kind of thing. that's talking high up. even part of the interstates, say parts of i hy-70 where truc are forcing their way through the mountain passes, they can't do that either. winds up to 60, maybe 70 miles per hour. you get snow and wind at the same time. >> how much longer are they going to deal with this? >> it should come to a
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screeching halt come monday. some people count on today to get ahead of the early morning crowds. the problem is, monday morning, people making the drive from the great basin to denver, colorado, moving into the central plain. even driving a high transfer truck will have a really hard time moving through the mountain passes. case in point, we'll zoom in on radar. for the time being it looks pretty innocent. you see rainfall in salt lake city, in the higher elevations. you have the snow coming down. what we have going in motion right now in the atmosphere is an area of low pressure that's going to be pulling to the northeast. same time, you've got this area of low pressure that's going to be pulling to the southeast. the combination of the two are almost like fly wheels in a machine. this is your conveyor belt, pulling winds from 60 to 70 miles per hour. i wouldn't be surprised if you have some that actually top hurricane-force winds getting to 74 miles per hour. maybe stronger. so true whiteout conditions you might be dealing with in parts of the central rockies. situation for the central and southern plain, pure bliss, we're talking about highs going -- you know, pretty nice, into
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the 60s and 70s in a lot of places. we've wrapped things up. you'll see the high temperatures, 83 in dallas. 80 in houston. 61 in kansas city, new york. 70 in atlanta, plenty of sunshine. 65 in san francisco. the rain is moving out. 69 in los angeles. 48 in salt lake city. all right, t.j., let's pitch it back to you. >> reynolds, thank you. we'll check in with reynolds throughout the morning. coming up, we'll talk about michele bachmann. there was a moment after the debate last night. it was a moment that you and i have all the time. you accidently hit "reply all," and it went to somebody you didn't want it to go to. well, this e-mail went to one of michele bachmann's staff members. they're using it now, they say, as evidence of meedia bias. we'll get into that next. want to remind you, we're keeping an eye on the streets of portland, oregon. a tense situation, live picture you're seeing as occupy demonstrators, they refuse to leave despite the orders and the deadline given to them by police. stay with us. ur father loves your new progresso rich & hearty steak burger soup.
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on the streets of portland. this is where police are standing by in riot gear, and they are trying to evict occupy demonstrators who have been in an encampment in downtown portland for the last several weeks. the police and mayor gave these occupy protesters, demonstrators, a midnight local time deadline. that's some 3 1/2 hours ago. they topper leawere to leave th encampments. so far they have not left. you have people gathered on the streets now. police are there, you see them on the right side of the screen in riot gear, standing by. we don't know what their next move will be. we've been talking to local reporters, some of the local stations are in rolling coverage covering this. some perspective on what you're seeing. we noticed that crowds were beginning to grow over the past several hours. so after the deadline crowds were starting to grow. one reporter we talked to who said he had to go to his car
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because of a safety issue, it was getting a little too frantic, a little too shaky. he had to go to his car for protection. he says what has happened now is that much of what you're seeing may not necessarily be occupy demonstrators and protesters. you see right now, even though you're watching cnn "sunday morning," it's essentially saturday night in portland. bars close at 2:00 a.m. in portland. that was just an hour and a half ago. what is happening, according to this reporter, is many people leave the bars, they came out a little innebriated and joined in. they are standing around spectating, and some may be causing the problems. knuckleheads coming from the bars and not necessarily the occupy protesters and demonstrators. that is information and maybe good perspective we're getting that maybe some of the chaos, some of the arrests, we have even seen people taken into
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custody who may not be affiliated with the demonstrations. either way, we are keeping an i -- -- the estimates are that some 2,000 people are gathered downtown, but police are standing by now in a standoff with some of the occupy protesters and other people of portland. we won't go too far from the story. keeping a close eye on that. turning to politics and the e-mail that has michele bachmann's campaign hot this morning. give you a snippet of it. this is from cbs' john dickerson, admitting in an e-mail that bachmann won't get many questions in the debate from last night because of her poor standing in the polls. this was an e-mail that probably should not have been sent to a bachmann staffer. it was one of those "reply all" moments. joining me on the phone from columbia, south carolina, cnn political producer shawna shepherd. good morning to you.
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and are they really upset about this e-mail, really surprised by this e-mail? or are they trying to use this to get attention and also maybe raise some money? >> well, t.j., it was an unusual move, and the bachmann camp is definitely upset. two hours after the debate, peter hamby got an e-mail from the team and the e-mail. the new cbs news political director expressed the lack of interest in doing a post-debate debate with bachmann. in the e-mail sent hours before the debate, dickerson said, "she's not going to get many questions, and she's nearly a off the charts," referring to her low poll numbers. bachmann's spokesperson, alice stewart, was copied on the e-mail exchange. her and the team were furious. the campaign manager using explosives to tell cnn that dickerson should be fired. bachmann came into the post-debate spin room to address
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the controversy. >> i don't know if it target anyone else. each of the candidates have something to say. i have something to say about foreign policy, as well. i think it's only respectful to allow the candidates to be able to speak and not intentionally ahead of time make a decision to limit candidates' opportunity to speak to the american people. this isn't about -- shouldn't be about media bias. clearly, this was an example of media bias. this should be about an effort to get all of the information on the table. >> now last night, cnn contacted cbs news to get their side of the story. in a statement they described d e-mail as a can dead exchange adding, that bachmann is at 4% in the polls, defending their position. when asked about bias, cbs' representative said he didn't know about the e-mail and tried
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to be fair to all the candidates. >> to get perspective, maybe this is embarrassing, but did he really say anything that's out there? this is what happens in the debate. those who have been polling well get the prime spots in the middle. they get the first questions, they get to mix it up. then people on the outsides who are polling low don't get as many questions. it might be unfortunate, they might not like that it got out and got to them. but frankly, isn't it understandable, the point he was making? >> well, what the bachmann camp is concerned about is -- they're milksing i focusing on that she's not getting many questions. which she implied that there was a concerted effort to keep questions going to her. even though shows low in the poll numbers, scott paily even mentioned last night, that governor huntsman, polling at 1%, said that he appreciated his effort to call him out and ask
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him a lot of questions. so you're right, you know, it is often a complaint for these candidates who are polling low. but the fact that you have a cbs employee in an internal e-mail saying that she's not going to get many questions is what's raising the eyebrows. >> all right. shawna shepherd, with the politics of debates. thank you so much. and rick perry, he was trying to avoid any big mistakes or maybe any embarrassing moments last night. seemed like a victory maybe given what happened the last debate. you remember this, don't you -- >> and i will tell you it's three agencies of government when i get there that are gone. commerce, education, and the -- what's the third one there? let's see. >> five -- >> commerce, education, and the
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-- >> epa? >> the epa. there you go. no, again. >> seriously? >> now perry made fun of himself the next night with this appearance on "late night with dave letterman." >> actually there were three reasons i messed up last night. one was the nerves. and two of the headache. and three -- um -- um -- [ laughter and applause ] >> tonight worry about it. >> and you just know "saturday night live" was going to have a blast with this one. >> governor perry, we're still waiting for the third department. >> hey! leave him alone! look, i tell you about the women -- i tell you all the vivid details, and there are a lot. just leave this poor man alone. look at him.
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>> i can't, i can't say stuff good. the words don't -- they don't talk right. i don't -- >> come here, come here. it's okay. it's okay. come here. it's all right. >> not going to be president, am i? >> no. no, you're not. >> rick perry talk good his oops moment again at last night's debate. got a laugh out of it. we'll tell you what he said next. ♪ if i should fall from grace with god ♪ ♪ where no doctor can relieve me ♪ ♪ if i'm buried 'neath the sod ♪ but the angels won't receive me ♪ ♪ let me go, boys, let me go, boys ♪ ♪ let me go down in the mud where the rivers... ♪ [ female announcer ] when you're responsible for this much of the team, you need a car you can count on. ♪ and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy.
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about 43 minutes past the hour. we're going to get to politics here in a moment. have a guest parks trisha murphy. you know her well, we'll chat with her in a moment. in portland we're keeping an eye on the occupy movement. live pictures we can show you. this is happening now. about 3:43 in the morning there local time where police gave protesters a deadline of midnight local time to leave the occupy encampment where they have been for the past several weeks. that deadline has come and gone. people are still in the street. we have police there in riot gear, standing by. not sure what their move will be. we have seen a couple people taken away, have been taken into custody by police.
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for the most part, police are standing by at this point. we're keeping a close eye on the streets of -- of portland this time. let's move back to politics now. we were talking about rick perry and that oops moment heard around the world. he had it last week. well, this was last night, an exchange between governor perry and scott pele of cbs news at last night's republican debate. >> governor perry, you advocate the elimination of the department of energy. if you eliminate the department of energy -- >> glad you remembered it. [ laughter ] >> i've had some time to think about it, sir. [ laughter ] >> me, too. [ laughter ] >> okay. you got to give the guy credit. highways ha he's having a little fun. everybody's had that brain freeze. people saying this could do him in. patricia murphy here with me now. founder and editor of "citizen jane politics." good to have you here in studio.
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>> it's wonderful to be here in studio. what a treat. >> we have been working together it seems like for years. this is the first time we've met. >> isn't that crazy? but i feel like i know you. >> we certainly know you. good to have you here with us. we'll have you here all the time. >> great. sunday morning is my time to shine. >> okay. >> apparently. >> well, perry, was this his time to shine last night? is he putting this behind him? does he need to stop making jokes, or do people appreciate that kind of self-deprecating humor? >> i think the humor after a disaster like that in the -- immediately the hours following, it's good to just defuse the situation with a little humor. the problem that rick perry has -- and i've talked to a lot of voters about this -- they are wondering why are you running for president. you cannot even name -- this was not a trick question. this was not who was the president of whatever, whatever. this was nothing obscure. no pop quiz. this is what are your core values, who are you. and to not be able to name the three agency that's -- agencies that he would eliminate, it was
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a brain freeze? >> we all have these moments. but if newt gingrich would have had the same thing, it wouldn't have been the same thing. >> it would not because newt gingrich is a superior debater and this would have looked isolated. we all know what newt gingrich stands for. rick perry is new on the scene, he's done poorly in all of the debates. some more than others. when you have a rocky background, a pock-marked report card and have a moment like this, he needed to be doing everything right to be getting up in the polls. this was just something we don't think he can really recover from. >> we're going to move to michele bachmann and that e-mail controversy if you want to call it -- at least she's stirring up one about the e-mail. but let me at least talk about herman cain for a second. this is not supposed to be his strong suit, foreign policy. did he come across as knowing what he's talking about last night? >> i think he struggled. we saw him answer question after question by deflecting the answer to who his advisers would be. and saying, would you take the tripsut of afghanistan, and his answer is, it depends what
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the generals on the ground tell me. the followup, what if you disagree with the generals on the ground, what is your core position. the voters are fine disagreeing with candidates but want to know who the candidates are at their core. they want to trust them. and herman cain doesn't give a good direction of exactly who he is on foreign policy. he needs to tighten that up. >> last thing, is this a real controversy or something michele bachmann is stirring up to get herself back in the headlines? but this controversy over the e-mail that was intercepted or inadvertently sent to a staffer that said she wasn't going to get many questions. you're not going to get many questions if you're at 4%. >> you're not going to get many questions. my question today is were they saying the same thing about john huntsman. he's at 0% in some polls. literally 0%. is she guessing fewer questions than him? are they saying it about everyone in single digits or just about michele bachmann? it's a fair question. >> she is stabilizing in the campaign. she was in a freefall for a
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while. >> she's stabilizing, i think herman cain is stabilizing a bit. he did not have as bad a week as he did before. and that's a good week for herman cain. >> patricia murphy, it is so good to have you here with us. we'll have you back plenty. >> my pleasure. appreciate it. thank you. >> we're about 13 minutes off the top of the hour. and america's jobs crisis goes from bad to worse for many military veterans. we'll tell you what the president want to do about it. we'll talk live with an advocate for veterans and find out what he thinks about the president's plan. stay with us. for a hot dog cart. my mother said, "well, maybe we ought to buy this hot dog cart and set it up someplace." so my parents went to bank of america. they met with the branch manager and they said, "look, we've got this little hot dog cart, and it's on a really good corner. let's see if we can buy the property." and the branch manager said, "all right, i will take a chance with the two of you." and we've been loyal to bank of america for the last 71 years.
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will be needing jobs the next few years. something's got to give. tom tarantino is an iraq war veteran and legislative associate for iraq and afghanistan veterans of america. he's with us this morning from d.c. sir, thank you for being here. the president, what do you think about the plan that the senate just approved that would give a tax credit to businesses who hire veterans? is that going to help a lot? >> yeah, the tax credit's a great thing. i think it's important to note that the tax credit's a very small part of a comprehensive package. this bill, the vow to hire heroes act, is the result of what we would see as uncommon cooperation between republican congressman jeff miller and democratic senator patty murray. they've put together a large package. they spent the last year working very hard on trying to solve some of the systemic problems with veterans' unemployment. >> i hope that's a good sign of things to come. this democratic and republican cooperation here. but help people understand -- it seems as if it would be kind of a natural thing.
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employers should be jumping at the chance to hire a u.s. vet. is that not the case? >> well, what we're seeing now is this is the first generation of business leaders that has largely never served in the military. so while the business community wants to hire veterans, they don't necessarily have an understanding of what they bring to the table. so one of the things this bill does is that it seeks to translate military skills. we've never done the analysis on what a military medic, truck driver, mechanic really means in the civilian world. this will do that. right now if you're a combat medic, have ten years of service, get out of the military -- in most states you can't even drive an ambulance. we think that's wrong. this seeks to translate hard skills and then seeks to provide in some understanding for the softer skills, the more leadership-type skills so that employers have something that they can understand when a vet applies for a job. >> tom, you said translate, but don't you have a tough task that's going to take time to also educate those employers? you got to get that word out.
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>> right. we just haven't done this. 30 years ago, if you were going in front of an employer, chances are that employer spent a couple of years toting a machine gun around and understood what military skills to bring to the table. that's not the case anymore. so this bill -- we're hoping it will pass the house this week. and i'm confident it will. it will actually step back and look at some of these more -- the more cultural and systemic problems that we have with veteran unemployment and seek to remedy them so we can get veterans back to work. >> all right. and like we said, there are going to be a whole lot more vets as we wrap up a couple of wars in the next several years, according to the president. another million joining civilian life. tom, we appreciate you taking the time this morning and highlighting this issue. i know there's a lot of talk about veterans day. but we certainly -- i think you agree, need to be talking about our veterans every single day. >> thanks for having me. >> all right. we're about five minutes until the top of the hour now. did you see that yesterday, it was a football game but it didn't seem to really focus on a lot of football. we're talking about at penn
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state. they're trying to move forward from the child rape scandals. an emotional scene at the final home game yesterday. the first since the allegations exploded there on campus. stay with us. g lte is fast. did you hear sam... promoted to director? so 12 seconds ago. we should get him a present. thanks for the gift basket. you're welcome. you're welcome. did you see hr just sent out new... rules? cause you're currently in violation of 6 of them. oh yeah, baby? ...and 7. did you guys hear that fred is leaving? so 30 seconds ago. [ noisemakers blow ] [ both ] we'll miss you! oh, facecake! there's some leftover cake. [ male announcer ] the new htc vivid. stay a step ahead with at&t 4g lte, with speeds up to 10x faster than 3g. ♪ the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. [ cellphone rings ] cut!
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[ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at
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getting close to the top of the hour, we continue to watch what you're watching on your screen which are live pictures of what's happening right now on the streets of portland, oregon. local time there, it's about 4:00 a.m. they have many of the occupy demonstrators ignored a midnight local time deadline by police and the city to leave the occupy encampment. essentially got eviction notices if you will. but they have refused to leave. here we are four hours past the deadline. they are still there. we have police in riot gear standing by. so far, so good. it's been peaceful. we've seen a couple of people arrested. a report of one police officer injured by a projectile, but still people, many people are the streets of oakland -- excuse me, portland, we will go back to portland live here in just a moment. also, we have been keeping an eye -- cross the top of the hour here
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on this cnn "sunday morning." portland not the only place, i said oakland inadvertently because we have been watching similar scenes in oakland, salt lake city, albany, across the country where police officers and cities have gotten in a way fed up with some of the occupy protesters and demand that they leave encampments. they're calling them safety hazards. there have been reports in places around the country. there have been drug overdoses in place. there was a guy found dead at one encampment, but it's a safety issue. this is what we're dealing with in portland. again, we're at the top of the hour, 7:00 a.m. eastern in atlanta. but it's 4:00 a.m., 4:00 a.m. in the morning, in some ways you can call it still saturday night for a lot of these folks in portland. but this encampment has been there for the past several weeks. occupy protesters have been occupying a couple of downtown park. police in the city gave them a deadline of midnight to leave these encampments. well, you can see by some of the pictures here that that did not happen. we are some four hours past that
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midnight deadline for them to leave. they are still there. police are in riot gear. we have seen it in many pictures. they have been so far just standing by. we've seen a couple of arrests in some of the live feeds we are seeing but not a major move by the police just yet to start hauling people out of there. carry koe is on the line, one of the community organizers. she's been a part of the occupy movement for the past six weeks. carrie, i appreciate you hopping on the line. set the scene. this appears to be a standoff, no side, the police or demonstrators, making any move of any kind. >> thanks for having me. so i think that tonight is a clear victory in portland for the occupy movement. the police and the mayor did say that they were going clear out the parks at 12:01. and as you said, it's four hours after that, and the crowd here, the assembly is still strong.
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still vibrant. and still very much holding down the occupation camp. with no sign of any of the spirit letting up even into the wee hours of the night. and we have seen the police have a presence here. they have, you know, been in riot gear and did try to bring in the horses. but protesters, the occupiers at every moment have been able to hold them back. >> well, kari, why have the demonstrators not followed the instructions of the mayor and of the police officers to leave? >> that's an excellent question because what we're doing here at occupy portland and in the occupy movement globally is we are bringing to the forefront issues that desperately matter to people. we're talking about inequality of wealth and power. we're talking about homelessness and foreclosures. we're talking about issue that matter to people's lives. and if the mayor can order us to leave but we have the right of freedom of assembly, we have right to free speech and the right to be in these park, and
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we're not going to back down and leave the parks just because it's inconvenient for the mayor to have us here. we think that our issues, the values that we're bringing to the national stage, to the national conversation and to our city conversation are much too important to just walk away. >> and ma'am, you said -- >> we clearly have the support of the community, we had 10,000 people show up to support these occupy encampment this evening. and we still have 1,000 people in the streets at 4:00 a.m. and so we are talking about the values that matter to the american public. the stlauls are hit -- the values that are hitting our heartstrings and pocketbooks. the mayor's wanting us to leave aren't going to change the issues that are affecting the occupy movement. >> and kari, the mayor and police officers, and we have seen this happen across -- not just in portland -- but some officers and some police departments and mayors are saying there's a safety issue. there have been incidents.
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maybe not directly related to what -- an action of a demonstrator or protester, but still you have people camping out in parks. and there becomes a safety issue. sometimes a sanitary issue. so what is the end game for the protesters? you say you have a right to be there and you're not going to leave. you're not going to leave until what? >> well, i think you make an excellent point that there are safety issues. you know, we see that folks -- walk to the occupy movement who are houseless, who don't get the services that they need from the system. they come to the occupy movement because we offer a safe place, a warm place, food. occupy portland of feeding 1,500 people a day at our occupation. 600 people at night were sleeping in the camps. those are issues that exist in our society. and those are just issues that occupy portland is bringing to light. so they're not going to go away just because the camp goes away
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if it ever does go away. it's something that the mayors around this country need to deal with and need to sort of stop blaming on the occupy movement who are simply shining a light on the social ills that we're all facing. as far as the end game goes, we plan to be here indefinitely. we plan to continue to work on the issues that we've been working on and hold public space. i think that the occupy movement has had an amazing victory in changing the national conversation. [ crowd noise ] >> sorry, the bike brigade is coming behind me. there's about 100 bike -- people on bicycles biking through the streets now. >> who are those people? you said the bike brigade. what is that, kari? >> so the bike brigade are bicyclists. portland is a big bicycling community. there's about 100 people on bicycles and all their biking gear who biking around the occupation all night long. they've been biking since 11:00
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p.m. and they are supporters of the occupy movement and people from the bicycling community here in town. >> all right. kari, we appreciate you hopping on line. just as you were describing that bike brigade, we're seeing live pictures. viewers seeing it, as well. we appreciate you taking the time with us now just after 4:00 in the morning there in portland. and as you just heard kari say, they don't plan on going anywhere. they plan on occupying the space they have indefinitely in defiance of what the mayor and what police officers are telling them to do which was leave four hours ago. that was the deadline. midnight local time. to leave the encampment. police, mayor saying this is a safety issue out there. local reports that there have been people who had drug overdoses and other safety issues. but the occupiers say, no, this is not what's happening. for the most part we've been peaceful. we have a right to peacefully assemble. and that is what they're going to do, and we'll be there
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indefinitely. we'll keep a close eye on what's happening. police continue to be at the ready on standby in riot gear. we're focusing on portland this morning. we're keeping an eye on it throughout this sunday morning. it's not the only city that's trying to get the occupy protesters out of some of these parks. this is a map for you. you see from albany, new york, to salt lake city and several points in between, we have seen a number of clashes between police and protesters. most notably in oakland. also in denver. we've seen some of the same happenings in atlanta where many of the protesters had to be evicted from the park. it was peaceful. also we have seen some clashes in st. louis, as well, where people are being evicted. we'll keep a close eye on it. we'll turn to politics and national security, the focus of last night's republican presidential debate in south carolina. eight candidates trying to set themselves apart in the minds of
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vote voters. we've got two months to go before the first votes are cast in this primary season. give you the highlight -- torture or enhanced sbargds t d interrogation techniques, it came up including that issue of waterboarding. listen. >> if i were president, i would be willing to use water boarding. i think it was very effective. it gained information for our country. [ applause ] >> water boarding is torture. we dilute ourselves down like a lot of countries and lose the ability to project values. >> i would return to that policy. i don't see it as torture. i see it as an enhanced interrogation technique. >> torture is illegal. and by our laws and by international laws. >> i'm for using techniques, not torture but using those techniques that we know will elk tract the information to -- will extract the information to save young lives, and i will be for it until i die. >> all right. the debate last night, the topic
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was supposed to be all about foreign policy, national security. but also spending cuts came up in relation to foreign policy. a couple candidates jumped in. they had ideas on what they would do about the current $50 billion foreign aid budget. listen to this idea. >> the foreign aid budget in my administration for every country is going to start at zero dollars. [ applause ] >> zero dollars. and then we'll have a conversation. then we'll have a conversation in this country about whether or not a penny of our taxpayer dollars needs to go into those countries. >> you ought to start off at zero and say, explain to me why i should give you a penny. >> well, also from last night, michele bachmann's campaign, they are a little peeve good something that happened -- peeved about something that happened around the news debate. didn't have something to do with what she said during the debate but how much she was allowed to say. let me explain here. there was an e-mail chain. you've had this moment before,
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you hit "reply all." this is one of those moments. the cbs political director, john dickerson, he accidently hit "reply all." in a larger e-mail about post-debate interviews, he this h this to say about bachmann's role, "she's not going to get many questions. and she's nearly off the charts." well, michele bachmann's campaign didn't appreciate that because when the cbs guy hit "reply all" it accidently went to one of michele bachmann's staffers. her campaign manager said that dickerson, the cbs guy, should now be fired. but cbs initially saying, hey, she's at 4% in the polls. let's be realistic. she's not going to be getting a lot of questions at this debate. we'll continue to follow this throughout the morning. about ten minutes past the hour now. and penn state trying to move forward from the child rape scandal. emotional scene at yesterday's final home game and the first game since the allegations came out.
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seemed like the focus was on everything but football. penn state playing their first game in some 46 years without joe paterno as their head coach, and also the first game since the entire child rape scandal broke. mike galanos is there for us. good morning once again. and you know, we talked about it yesterday. what do you really expect this to feel like? what did it feel like being there? >> reporter: you know, getting in that stadium, it had a big-game feel. not for football but, again, bigger than that. i think the folks from penn state, i think there was this "we've got to win this one." after all, let's at least have the win. they didn't, they lost 17-14. to your point, it was about more than football. and the players said that with their actions. instead of storming on to the field, they came out arm in arm together, walking. not charging. there was the moment of silence with the fans and everybody. never seen so many people so silent. and again, back to the players, they come together, both teams
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in prayer. that's almost unprecedented prior to a football game. so they set the tone. this is bigger than football. nebraska wins 17-14. penn state fought hard. and you could feel the emotions, that exhale of emotions at the end of the game. and you know it was -- we wonder what was stirring in the paterno family. jay paterno, joe's son, he's a coach. he was on the sidelines, and those emotions came to the surface after the game. let's listen to that. >> joe has always taught us about the blue line of practice, when you cross the blue line, the only thing you control is what you're doing right there. we had to imagine there was a blue line coming into the stadium. and once we were here, we were focused on the task at hand. and just a little short. dad, i wish you were here. we love you. if. >> wow, you see those emotions. the tears. you know there was a locker room full of tears probably throughout the week. and it's a testament to the players. they were able to continue to
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fight hard. i'm sure they were emotionally drained through all this. what about the fans? what kind of experience for them? the silence, it was a different feel. yet, it was football. let's listen to the fans' perspective on all this. >> there was a difference -- it was very touching. particularly the beginning of the game. both teams came together, embraced like that. it it was all some for the fans and entire community. i mean, it was an experience that i think every fan will remember. >> throughout the entire game penn state fans say we are penn state. and at the beginning of the game, i think it proved that both teams, nebraska and penn state, we were all penn state. >> reporter: how about that, very poignant. that was from a nebraska fan, after it was all said and done. and nothing said "we are penn state" or "we are together" more than $20,000 raised to help
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prudent child abuse coming from the stadium behind me. >> the healing begins with the football game yesterday. thank you very much. been reporting for us there this weekend. we're at a quarter past the hour. listen now on the heels of what's happening at penn state, listen to what's going on at the citadel. some soul searching this, as well. university officials now admit that they should have done more when allegations of inappropriate sexual conduct surfaced there a few years ago. a former cadet and camp counselor, you're seeing him there, louis reveal, was arrested last month on charges of criminal sexual conduct and attempted lewd acts with a child. but it was back in 2007 that a red flag was raised about his conduct at the citadel. the university stopped investigating after their attorney said they couldn't confirm any acts of abuse had taken place. also coming up this morning, the fall of prime minister silvio berlusconi following
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years of scandals and years of alleged sex parties. it's the economy that did the prime minister in. also this morning, 17 minutes past the hour. we continue to watch these live pictures, trying to figure out what they're up to in this particular shot. but this is out of portland, oregon, where we have been showing you live pictures for the past hour and a half. it's 4:17 in the morning there. the occupy protesters were ordered by police and the mayor to leave their encampment by midnight local time. that was almost 4 and a half of that hours ago. they're still there, still chanting, still yelling, they're still dancing. and they're doing what in this picture? not sure. we're keeping an eye on what's happening in the streets of portland, oregon. [ male announcer ] do you know how you will react
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21 minutes past the hour now. this is happening in italy. finding a successor to former prime minister silvio berlusconi. italy's president is meeting with top political leaders as many italians celebrate berlusconi's resignation. ♪ >> that is the scene last night outside the presidential palace where italian politicians are meeting. our senior correspondent live in rome. matthew, they have put up with a lot from berlusconi over the
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years. but it appears some at least are glad he's gone. is that the sentiment for most people there? also, what's next? >> reporter: yeah, i was outside the president's palace when the songs were being song. was a very celebratory mood. but it also turned nasty, as well, when silvio berlusconi arrived to formally submit his resignation. this were jeers, there were chants of, you know, you're a joker, you're a gangster, you should be arrested and put in prison. people were very angry. at one point the police were struggling to keep the hundreds of people, the crowds, back there his motorcade. got touchy at one point. he didn't actually come out, the situation was so bad. he slipped out through a poseidon trans-- through a side entrance, ironic for him. went out quietly. and there is a mood in italy
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that the end of an era has come and not a moment too soon for most people. in terms of what's next, the country's president now has to basically install a new caretaker government. negotiations are underway at the moment to make that happen. we're expecting a decision by the end of the day. >> all right. and matthew, at stake here, if you can in 30 seconds, what we have at stake is an economy. we've been talking a lot about greece and their debt issues. but italy really needs to be propped up. >> reporter: yeah. greece is a side show compared to italy. italy has debts of $2.6 trillion. if it fails, the euro zone collapses. it's as serious as that. >> all right. serious as that and simple as that. matthew, thank you so much this morning. 26 minutes past the hour. police in riot gear next to occupy demonstrators on the streets of portland, oregon, right now. live pictures. the deadline for the protesters to leave their encampment has come and gone. the demonstrators haven't gone anywhere.
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we're at 25 past the hour. 7. 2. 5 eastern time -- 7:25 eastern time in atlanta. 4:25 in portland. that's where you're seeing a live picture now. these aren't just taped pictures from earlier. this is happening live on the streets of portland, oregon. this is where occupy demonstrators who have been in an encampment for the past several weeks, well, the city and the police officers got fed up with that encampment, said it's a safety issue. ordered them to leave by midnight tonight. that deadline has come and gone. some 4 1/2 hours ago. as you see, the demonstrators have not gone anywhere. police are out in force. we have seen them in riot gear.
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we've seen police officers take a few people away, take them into custody. we've also gotten word that at least one police officer was injured when someone threw a projectile. we're told by the portland police that that officer is going to be okay. but we have been watching what's essentially a standoff for the past several hours. neither side making a move. police are standing by in riot gear. but they haven't necessarily moved in to make arrests or force people to leave. as far as the occupiers go, they haven't made much of a move either. they're standing their ground if you will, staying in the same spot and vowing to stay in the encampment and not go anywhere. one person a part of the demonstrations has been there the past several weeks saying this is a victory for us this evening. we're not going anywhere. planning to stay indefinitely now. what's the plan of the city and police of portland? they essentially gave an eviction notice to people tonight. that eviction notice, that was
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up at midnight. 4 1/2 hours ago. it has been for the most part peaceful. even the last several hours it's gotten even more jovial out there. they have gotten in a better mood as we continue throughout the early morning hours. more people seemed to join in the later that it got throughout the morning. this has no sign of letting up in the near future, meaning the next few hours or even weeks according to demonstrators. we're keeping a close eye on what's happening in the streets of portland right now. quick break. sanjay afterwards.
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