tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 20, 2011 2:30pm-3:00pm EST
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sometimes that passion comes around quite by accident, other times it's as if they were born to do nothing else. in the end, though, they're all agents of change. that's what earns them on a spot on "the next list." you're in the cnn newsroom. i'm ted rowlands. fredricka whitfield is off today. facing negotiation deadlocks and a looming deadline cnn has learned that the deficit cutting super committee is no longer discussing if a deal can be reached. now they are talking about how to announce that talks have failed. barring any last minute solution. both sides are talking about the official end of work to trim more than $1 trillion from the deficit. lisa is on capitol hill. it looks like this is over, lisa, what happens now? >> right.
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a couple of things happen. first of all we'll get the official announcement as you're talking about, saying that may come tomorrow, discussions under way. as the super committee fails that would trigger across the board cuts of 8 to 9% to most every government agency and those would not go into effect another year. a lot of speculation to whether congress will pull that back. but let's get back to sort of where we are right at this moment. behind the scenes, we have many, several sources republican and democrats, telling us they're planning for the end. but what's interesting, it ted, i want listeners and viewers to pay close attention here, publicly members of the super committee aren't saying that yet. they still have a date day to work out a deal. sounds like they don't want to admit they basically have stopped talking. let's play some sound from the sunday talk shows and listen closely to kind of double messages here. first from a democrat and then a republican. >> there is still an opportunity, there's a plan on the table that would at least take us halfway to our goal which is -- it's on the shelf,
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scored, ready to go. if the democrats would agree it that we could still get soming done. if they would come back with a counter proposal we would work on it. >> waiting all day, i'll be at the table, as i've been willing to talk to any republican who says look, my country is more important. that pile of bills is not going to go away, i'm ready, i'm waiting, today i'll be at the table, all night long. we have a few hours left. >> the democrat you heard from at the end there, co-chair of the super committee and then pat toomey from the super committee republican at the top. i think you get what i'm saying. both of them say, hey, i'm ready, i'll keep talking as long as you come to me. the problem is, they're both saying that and no one's moving and the truth is that behind the scenes, staff is admitting that this is over, at least barring any unexpected development. >> right. let's be honest, lisa, a lot of americans will say, oh, they failed. what a huge surprise.
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people weren't expecting anything out of -- they don't expect anything out of washington. did these specific lawmakers go in with an attitude that this wasn't just an exercise in futility, that they did think they were going to accomplish something here? >> i'll tell you from standing outside these meetings, watching these lawmakers go in and out, and they've spent sometimes as long as six, seven, eight hours day, a few months ago, working out these problems, i really believe these lawmakers were serious. i've talked to staff behind the scenes. i know they've been working out many different proposals, trying to get creative. for me i think the moment when i thought this could be over came thursday night. a late meeting between a few democrats and republicans. senator john kerry came out, one of the few in the committee that to the last has said, hey, let's get a big deal, pat toomey, another one, we can do it, trying to get them to go big, he came out drained and really seemed discouraged and to me that was a sign that they really didn't have much further to go. >> all right.
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lisa, at the u.s. capitol in washington, thanks, lisa. overseas, at least four people are dead in the chaos of central cairo today. witnesses say police and egyptian troops filled tahrir square with tear gas and may have even fired live rounds when they cleared out demonstrators who packed the square. it is the second straight day of clashes between protesters and security forces in cairo and other cities in egypt. our senior international correspondent ben wedeman is in cairo right now. ben, why the fighting now in the streets and why are these crowds massing in tahrir square again? >> what you see really, ted, this is a manifestation of the growing frustration and anger against the supreme council for the armed forces. that's the group that took over from hosni mubarak when he resigned on the 11th of february. the feeling is that they're not moving quickly enough to civilian rule, that they may harbor ambitions to hold on to
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power for the foreseeable future. another element is that these clashes began yesterday, when the police were trying to clear a fairly small number of people out of tahrir square, but they used fairly excessive force yesterday. one man was killed in cairo, more than a thousand wounded. this is really -- sparked more outrage because, of course, egyptians overthrew hosni mubarak's regime because they felt that the police had too much power, was too brutal, arbitrarily tortured and detained people. this is really a reaction to that. they don't want to see the same sort of regime coming back and staying yet again. >> well, it looks like the same tactics to put down the demonstrations earlier, when mubarak was in power, are being used now. how connected is this now to the elections coming up next month or later this month?
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>> yeah. the elections take place on the 28th of november. and of course, it really is a part of it. it's a time of growing tension. you have all of these new legalized parties, 31 new political parties, all of them vying for power. and there's a heightened sense of tension, of anticipation, throughout the country. i should add that these clashes like those that are taking place in tahrir square are also taking place in alexandria, second largest city in egypt, in suez, another city. these protests seem to be spreading in just the run up to these elections. now, the elections will go on from the end of november, until march. there's a variety of rounds. we could be looking at months and months of more instability and more violence. ted some. >> all right. some unbelievable pictures there, thanks, ben wedeman, live in cairo.
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back in this country we're getting word into cnn that two athletes running the philadelphia marathon died today either during or shortly after the race. details so far are few but the race director has confirmed that two runners did die on the course. six of the gop candidates gathered around a thanksgiving table in iowa, mitt romney and jon huntsman had something else up their sleeves and speaking of mitt romney, he's about to speak live in new hampshire. we'll bring it to you when it happens. actor isiah washington lost a critical tv role after offending his cast mates and viewers by using an offensive remark. >> my exit from grace was a catalyst for sure. even in loss you gain, even in loss you win, even in the "l" you get a "w." >> four years after "grey's anatomy" a book about the self-discovery that followed. our fredricka witfield sits down with isiah washington in face to
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suspect it true that nationally you're currently polling in the low single digits? >> it is true, seth. but only a few months ago i was polling at margin of error. so to have any digit at all, is a pretty big deal. >> that's gop presidential candidate jon huntsman using his last in the polls status to go for a few laughs on "saturday night live." over the weekend.
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we're looking at mitt romney on the campaign trail in new hampshire. he just picked up a very important endorsement. take a listen. >> we are honored to be here today to enthusiastically endorse mitt romney for president of the united states of america. [ applause ] >> a very much sought-after endorsement by congresswoman kelly ayotte happening in new hampshire. neither mitt romney or jon huntsman attended an iowa family and faith forum last night. the six republican candidates who did attend found themselves rather unconventional setting. they sat at what looked like a thanksgiving day dinner table in front of a large group of conservatives. here are some of the highlights from last night. >> those of us that are people of faith and strong faith, have
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allowed the nonfaith element to intimidate into not fighting. i believe we've been too passive. we have maybe pushed back, but as people of faith, we have not fought back. >> how do you fight back? >> the way you fight back is not be afraid to express your faith in any setting, rather than worrying about the political correctness police. >> gay marriage is wrong. as abraham lincoln said, the states do not have the right to do wrong. there are folks here who said states can do this and i won't get involved in that. i will get involved in that because states as a president, i will get involved because the states do not have the right to undermine the basic fundamental values that hold this country together. >> my challenge for all of you and for every elected official out there for every governmenter and next president of the united states, not be afraid to be a
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faithful individual every day, to live that life, to stand up for your values, to be able -- if you are a pastor, you need to be in the pulpit every sunday and frankly every day that you have the opportunity to be in that pulpit talking about values. because values are going to get decided. somebody's values are going to decide what the congress votes on or what the president of the united states is going to deal with. >> join us at 4:00 rooern for our political hour. we'll hear from all the republican contenders. coming up, he played a life-saving doctor on tv. now actor isiah washington says he's saving real lives. find out how in fredricka whitfield's face to face. don't go away. we'll be right back. locks in th. surf & turf -- you can't go wrong. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's surf & turf event. choose from three grilled combinations all under $20.
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it is 46 minutes after the hour. i'm ted rolands in for fredricka whitfield off this weekend. before she left she talked to actor isiah washington in one of her face-to-face segments. take a look. >> it has been four years since actor isiah washington starred in the hit television show "grey's anatomy." that is until he made an offensive remark in 2007. in his book "a man from another land" washington talks about
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life after "grey ae's anatomy" defeat and reawakening in west africa. we talk face to face. >> i talked to a lot of viewers who couldn't wait to hear your story and find out where you are, and where you've been in the last four years. >> representing 6 million people, six villages and already saved lives. i have 500 students in my school. that's what i've been doing the last four years. and to get excited about saving real lives, that is the biggest adrenaline rush i could have for someone like me. >> had that experience at "grey's anatomy" not played out the way it did, would the inspiration to talk about this self-discovery or your mission and commitment to sierra leone happened? >> my exit from grace was a cat
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la test. even? loss you gain, even in loss you win, even in the "l" you get a "w." >> not to disagree you're 99.9% of sierra leone ancestry, you have committed yourself to building schools, to changing lives of people and their parents. does this bring you greater gratification than reaching a pinnacle of your acting career ever could? >> now i get to be on the world stage. seeing the smile on these faces that would have never had an opportunity to get an education ever. >> so this helped remove some of the misgivings you had about your blackness. >> completely. >> that was imposed on you by all kinds of experiences along the way that made you feel insecure. >> inadequate. >> ugly. >> inferior. >> unattractive. all of it. broad nose, full lips, the whole thing. all those negatives went away.
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>> and that's what's extraordinary, because you exude through your characters, through who you are, a confident man, completely comfortable with the skin that you're in. playing these powerful figures over a span of these movies and television shows and it would take this kind of moment, this dna test, for you to now feel complete, it is really hard, i'm sure, for a lot of people to understand and embrace that. >> yeah. >> when you come across as completely okay with who you are. >> good actor. good actor. >> you felt like you were fooling yourself and fooling a lot of people along the way until this point? >> no. just following the writing. >> the last four years has been an incredible revelation for you. >> absolutely. >> evolution for you. a lot of people who are watching
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movies, watching television, thinking, i'm not seeing isiah, i remember seeing him from "grey's anatomy" and all they're thinking about is, gosh, what has happened? and may feel sorry for you because they're not seeing you like they once did. your response is, don't feel sorry for me, this has been an incredible journey. >> to help thousands of children, thousands of adults that need job creation, so in that losing on this tv show, i now win as an ambassador for an entire country, to literally rebuild it in the next five to ten years. in losing dr. burke, i've gained isiah. truly gained isiah washington. >> so isiah washington remains busy. he's in florida discussing his memoir "a man from another land" and over the last few months washington says he has produced two movies and one documentary and you'll see him on the big screen soon in the movies with
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"the suspect" title of one and another "area q." coming up today in our 5:00 hour, fredricka talking with isiah washington about his controversial departure from gray's amateny and if he still watches the show. >> first justin timberlake and now actress mila cube nis how she made one man's dream a reality. >> for the past two months the occupy movement has been putting up tents across the country, even in the coldest places, occupy alaska. you won't believe this. we'll have that coming up next as well. capital one's new cash rewards card
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gives you a 50 percent annual bonus. so you earn 50 percent more cash. if you're not satisfied with 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here, waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet?
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checking other headlines the occupy movement stretches all the way to alaska. a few brave souls are bundling up and setting up tents in a park in fair banks. apparently they plan to stay awhile. check out the firewood that they have stockpiled. sources say baseball's labor negotiators shook hands on a new contract. now they have to put it in writing among other things, the new five-year deal reportedly will raise minimum salaries for players to around a half million dollars. we could learn more on that tomorrow. and here's proof that if you ask, you might get your wish. while in afghanistan, sergeant scott moore went on youtube and asked actress mila kunis to go to the marine ball with him.
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she said she couldn't let him down and she didn't. there they are at the ball on friday night. a number of countries reigning in the debt is a top priority. you're watching what's happening and so is our money team. an update with felicia taylor in new york. >> hey, ted. concerns about your europe's debt crisis slams stocks this past week. the major averages fell about 3% each as italy and greece put new governments in place. until now stocks had been up six of the past seven weeks. and oil topped $100 a barrel for the first time since july. the u.s. postal service however continues to bleed money. the usps reported a $5.1 billion loss. the agency is saddled with high retiree health care cost and hit with declining mail volumes. poppy harlow has a look at what's coming up in business news. >> thanks so much, felicia. there's a lot on the business calendar even though it's a pretty short trading week.
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financial markets will be closed thursday for thanksgiving and trading will end early on friday. wall street is hoping to hear that the congressional debt committee has reached a deal. the super committee has until wednesday to find a way to slash the massive u.s. debt by at least $1.2 trillion. otherwise, automatic spending cuts will kick in 2013. and on friday, or for some retailers late on thanksgiving, the official holiday shopping season begins. the national retail federation expects that more than 150 million americans will shop over the black friday weekend. and we'll keep an eye on it for you on cnn money. >> thanks, poppy and felicia. check out for the latest financial news. well in parts of the south it is time to grab your umbrella. jacqui jeras, anything to worry about? lot of rain? >> lots of rain. we're worried about flooding and also worried about the threat of severe thunderstorms. nothing severe out there right now, but as we take a look at
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the radar we are kind of monitoring an area and so is the storm prediction center here for the potential of severe thunderstorms developing and that includes you in the dallas area. this is kind of a part of a cold front moving its way across the plains. check out the pictures from yesterday of what the storm system did in the north. we had a lot of snow across the parts of minnesota, up to a foot in northern parts of this state. only a couple inches around minneapolis-st. paul, but quite an issue there on interstate 94. they also had problems along i-35. the southern tier will be the focus today and here's that severe weather threat. our frontal system stalling out which means that we could see as much as three inches in the next couple of days. a lot of travelers out there, ted, concerned about roadways. >> thanks, jacqui. 44 days until the iowa caucuses and most of the republican presidential contenders are making a pitch to a very important group of conservative voters. we'll have a live report in one hour as we look at the 2012 presidential contenders.
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