tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 12, 2012 9:00am-11:00am EST
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a platform with which to think about the things that are really, really important. i love that. i think that's great. i think it's genuine. some of the men are haters, i will not name names. i salute that. if he has an in, if he's tight with jesus, more power to him. let's get to kyra phillips. >> tell you what, i would never go up against jesus, that's for sure. we wouldn't win that battle. love 9 panel discussions. we start this hour in mississippi and the outrage over nearly 200 pardoned prisoners. the ones still behind bars will stay there, at least for now. the judge has put a hold on their releases. many convicts are already out. the injunction's in response to a move made by former governor haley barbour who pardoned 199 convicts on his way out the door including 14 murderers. the state's attorney general compares it to something out of "dukes of hazard." >> former governor barb bour ran the state like boss hog. he didn't follow the law.
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governor barber didn't follow it. it was very clear he had to have this information. he department obtain it before he signed these pardons. now he's caused a public safety issue. these families are afraid out here. these victims have been through a terrible amount. >> martin savidge is in jackson, mississippi, this morning. martin's what's the constitutional issue here? is haley barbour giving any explanation? i know you tried to talk to him at the beginning of the week and you couldn't get anything. >> yeah, in fact, we just tried to talk to him again. we put another request in to his officials. once again, flatly turned down. let me point out what the mississippi constitution says when it comes to the issues of pardons, especially pardons granted as a result of the governor. it says in writing in that constitution that there has to be a formal 30-day notification published in the newspaper in the county where the offense for the criminal took place. it must be in that newspaper for 30 days. the question is, did that actually take place for all of these pardons, for all of these
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criminals that have been set free as a result of the governor -- former governor's actions? that's what they're investigating. they're especially wondering was it done with those four murderers, the ones set free on sunday. as for any response coming from the former governor, haley barbour, let me read you something he put out last night. he had a very long statement. he didn't nak himself. it was a press release. he said the people have misunderstood the clemency process. he went on to say that, quote, approximately 90% of these individuals are no longer in custody. the pards were intended to allow them to find gainful employment or obtain professional licenses. they can also hunt and vote. you can't vote. by pardoning you can go out and buy a gun and you can vote. kyra? >> so, martin, what does this mean for the prisoners who have already been released? >> reporter: and that is the real question here. right now it means that there
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are about 21 that have not been let loose from the prisons. they're on hold. they have to stay in place. as far as the other people that were already released, they're real questions. will they eventually have to turn themselves back in? will the pardons be null and void. those that have served their time, they won't have to. right now they don't have to turn themselves in but they must daily report their whereabouts to the department of corrections. full hearing set for mon the 23rd of this month. that's when we'll know more. >> martin savidge. we'll follow this story. the u.s. marie corps is investigating a shocking video that is now drawing calls of condemnation from around the world. the video seems to show a marine sniper team urinating on taliban corpses in afghanistan. we won't show you the video. barbara starr, we still do have a photo. what exactly do you know about
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this tape? >> reporter: well, kyra, as of this morning there is a full blown criminal investigation underway. the naval criminal investigative service, ncis, now investigating this looking for potential criminal activity. defense secretary leon panetta expected to issue a statement shortly. he saw the video last night. he is said to have found it very disturbing. there have been statements from several government officials now, people calling it disgusting. this is something that has really caught the military by surprise. we have seen this kind of misconduct over the years. they did not expect to see it again. they're going to move very quickly to try and pin down who these people are in the video, what unit they belong torks and what potential charges might, might be brought here because they know these images are flying around the internet around the world. they will have a very bad reaction understandably in the
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islamic world, desecration of a dead body really unthinkable by u.s. military personnel, so they want to get a handle on it. they want to exert that kind of disciplinary action as soon as they can determine the facts here, kyra. >> we'll definitely follow the investigation and try and learn and bring about all those facts. barbara, thanks. appreciate it. a big question now. was it an isolated incident? last night on erin burnett's show she asked major general spider marks about that. >> it doesn't go beyond this team. i need to tell you. >> shock the? >> absolutely. everybody in this team's chain of command, they're no longer elite. these guys are outside the norm. this really makes you upset. everybody in this team's chain of command right now are trying to find out why these guys, guys that we trusted, marines that we put in incredible positions, trained them immensely, we injected them with our military ethos and they do this?
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everybody in that chain of command is trying to figure out what broke down. >> you can hear more from spider marks at 11:00 a.m. taking you live to greer, south carolina. presidential candidate mitt romney taking questions from reporters. let's listen in. >> governor, you added a phrase to your stump speech last night about the protection of life. both last night and this morning you repeated the word life three times when talking about the declaration of independence. is that a specific play to social conservatives here in south carolina that you weren't making in new hampshire? >> people in new hampshire know extraordinarily well that i stood for life. it was very highly publicized in new england and particularly in the boston papers and the boston stations that i became pro-life, described why i became pro-life. i am proud of that fact and continue to make that message, but, no, i don't have any -- >> is that something you feel you need to emphasize more in south carolina? >> i understand that there are
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some attack ads coming my way that question that, and obviously it's important for me to remind people that i'm pro-life. thanks. >> mitt romney there speaking live in greer, south carolina. he doesn't always take questions from reporters. in this live event he did. paul steinhauser, our cnn political editor, was actually listening in as well. why do you think he decided to do this? >> does it every now and then. kyra, let's be honest. he's been coming under a lot of criticism lately, a lot of questions about his time at bain capital. that was the private equity firm he headed in the 1980s and 1990s. question about whether he destroyed jobs in those years. he was asked about it at the beginning of this news conference. he said, the companies we helped when i was at bain, over the years they've created over 100,000 jobs. you've heard a lot of republican
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candidates going after him as well as democrats. as he runs for president he touts job creation. can he do a better job creating jobs than the current person in the white house, president barack obama. it's part of the main push for him running. when he gets criticized, it goes to the heart of his campaign. last night sarah palin, somebody respected by a lot of conservative republicans, here's what she had to say. >> governor romney has claimed to have created 100 thousand jobs at bain. people are wanting to know, is there proof of that claim and was it u.s. jobs created for united states citizens? that's not negative campaigning, that's fair to get a candidate to be held accountable to what's being claimed. >> so when sarah palin says something like that, mitt romney, maybe he wants to respond because, again, even though she's not running for the white house, she's still pretty credible with a lot of conservative candidates. in south carolina, the governor,
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nikki haley, another conservative who was helped by sarah palin, she is backing mitt romney. she's been with him a lot over the last week or two. you've seen her. she was defending mitt romney. take a listen to what she said. >> but we have a real problem when we have republicans talking like democrats against the free market. we believe in the free market. >> yeah. you hear that, kyra it's part of the theme here from the romney campaign. you are the guys who are attacking me. you played into the hands of the white house playing into the hands of the obama re-election team. stop, stop, stop. kyra, mitt romney by the way heading to florida now. he's campaigning there a little bit later today. florida goes ten days after south carolina. south carolina nine days away. a lot of action to come, kyra. >> a lot to talk about. paul, thanks so much. we'll have political updates throughout the morning. a reminder, you can always go to our website 24/7
9:10 am a french journal list is struck by a mortar and killed while covering a pro-government rally. now the syrian opposition is blaming security forces for the death. cnn's zain verjee is in london. zain, what do you know? >> reporter: hi, kyra. a major syrian opposition group is essentially blaming the government of bashar al-assad for the attack and trying to intimidate the media. it's also calling for an independent prone into the french journalist's killing. let's take a look at the headlines around the world. "the national" has this headline. they slammed the arab league and said they're useless. this is the headline. the arab league's indecision is fueling assad's belligerence. it says, when lost, continue walking around in circles. that is the motto of the arab league in dealing with the crisis in syria. there is no ash momentum to side with the syrian population against their leaders. "the international herald
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tribune has this headline. it says mr. assad has not deviated from the notion that he remains popular. a victim of a conspiracy financed by outsiders offering the same kind of logic that was heard in libya and egypt before uprisings brought down long time auto krats "the globe and the mail" has this. a dangerous delusion. the arab league's half-hearted attempt to monitor the conflict in syria has evidently encouraged president bashar al-assad to threaten to govern with an iron fist. that's just an idea of some of the newspapers and what they're saying today, kyra. >> zain verjee out of london. thanks. new shocking allegations about how casey anthony got pregnant. that's just ahead. glass from a high rise building in sacramento shattering the sidewalk. workers say it's not the first time either. we'll go cross-country right after the break. [ nadine ] buzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz,
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let's head cross-country now for stories that you may have missed. starting in pittsburgh, penn state alumni vented frustrations over the school's handling. take a listen. >> how could a board have not had a crisis plan? >> the bond between the administration and the board has sometimes been too close. >> i was disgusted at the lack of response from the university. university president told the alumni they need to remind
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people about the positive aspects of a penn state education. protesters angrily reached a -- reacted, rather, to the tucson's vote. the state threatened to withhold $15 million in annual aid. glass falling from a building in sacramento smashing onto the sidewalk. nobody was hurt. people that work in that building say glass also fell from it seven years ago. casey anthony's back in the headlines. just days ago she surfaced on the web in a video diary talking about her life and keeping her whereabouts secret. now new shocking details are released. psychiatric notes claiming that anthony was drugged and raped while unconscious during a party. a date rape, she says, may have left her pregnant. joining me from new york, ashley
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banfield. you've covered this for months. why is this information coming out now and why didn't we hear about it during the murd kerr trial? >> that's a great question. these were psychiatric reports that were commissioned by the court. you have to determine someone's competent to stand trial. they send in the doctors. they ask you all sorts of questions. these two doctors who analyzed casey took copious notes. these allegations or claims came from those notes. why they never came out at trial is still a bit of a mystery to me. they certainly do support all of the allegations that casey through her attorney made in court as to her defense. she kind of blamed her whole family for everything that was wrong. blamed her family for why she was a liar. now she's going even further and blaming her father for possibly even murdering this little girl. >> she made these pretty explosive allegations against her father during two separate jail house interviews with psychiatrists. what more do we know about that?
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>> well, the weird thing is is that in her defense jose baez when he took to the floor and addressed that jury and questioned all those witnesses on the stand, he went to the point where he alleged that her dad, casey's dad george, george anthony, used to molest her and that that's why she became this chronic liar that none of us could believe. the lies were proven. we knew she was a liar. that's a fact. and so jose had to clean it up in court. he blamed all of it on her father who had to walk up to the stand several times and listen to all of these allegations that he molested casey. now casey while speaking privately to these psychiatrists said not only did he molest me, but i think he molested my baby and that he drowned her to cover it up. this is really brutal stuff. >> all right. the second topic i want to address with you, natalie holloway. today an alabama judge will consider whether to declare her dead nearly seven years after she disappeared in aruba.
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who's requesting this declaration and why? how does this work? >> well, it's such a tender thing because she is technically still missing. they never found a body, but her father, dave, petitioned the court for this declaration to basically put an end to it all. her mom, beth, was not too fond of this idea, pushed back as we're told quite a bit at the beginning but now has just sort of decided not to contest it. there are a couple of reasons for it. you might say the emotional reason of closure. there's also the technical stuff. they have a college fund for natalee which is still tied up. they have a sibling. they might want to use the money for the sibling. there are medical insurances that could be tied up with the declaration of death. how could incidental that it would happen today when just yesterday the guy who is widely suspected to be involved with this but never charged ended up in a peruvian courtroom making some pretty strong statements?
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>> joran van der sloot is a suspect in hallow way's death but has never been charged. >> right. >> we talked about this. last week he pled guilty to killing this peruvian woman. if hallow way will that impact him in any way? >> it's kind of hard to say. no, really not, because if they had any good evidence that natalee was murdered, you don't have to have a body to bring murder charges. the fact that they have an officially dead person doesn't change the fact that they don't have any goods on joran van der sloot in aruba. what could happen to him though involves our good old u.s. of a because there is a case that's been indicted here where he tried to extort natalee's mother, allegedly, by suggest fg she gave him i think around $250,000 he'd give her information as to where the body of her daughter was. that was all on tape. so the i have had is there. they still want to potentially
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pursue prosecution against him, but they can't. he's in peru. if they extra diet him before or after this very long sentence, then there could be another thing coming here in america for mr. van der sloot. >> ashleigh banfield, thank you for being with me. new numbers in on the estate of the economy. foreclosure filings plunged last year to the lowest level since 2007. what's in store for 2012? stay with us. a grounded cargo ship split in two spills tons of oil off the coast of new zealand. now there he is a safety concern about containers that could go overboard. so, this is delicious
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grounded cargo ship has spilled tons of oil off new zeala zealand's coast. the chip has split in two. as you can see, it's sinking in pretty rough waters. zain verjee following the story. zain, the ship has been grounded for some time, right? >> reporter: yeah. this happened about three months ago. it hit a reef around new zealand. it's been stuck ever since. the reason this is back in the news, kyra, is because over the weekend there were massive waves. that precipitated the ship breaking in two. so if you look at this video you can see the front of the ship that's up something about 100 meters or so. the bridge and the back of the ship is all underwater. the thing right now is oil. the oil is leaking out and there is still about 100 tons of oil
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inside the containers on this ship. so what people are trying to do right now, the salvage crews, are really focusing on trying to secure this. they're putting out beacons, buoys, they'll figure out a time where they can bring it to shore safely. this is a bad situation. new zealand is calling it its worst maritime disaster ever. 400 tons of oil did leak out and it has been spreading. a lot of sea life has been destroyed. >> we'll stay on the story. zain, thanks so much. let's head to the new york stock exchange. alison kosik actually following a pretty positive headline on the state of the housing market. hey, alison. >> hi, kyra. i'm going to temper that a little bit because if you look behind the headline you're still going to see a little of the bad stuff. first i'll give you the good. 1.9 million foreclosures. that's how many there were in 2011. that's a big improvement relatively speaking. the number of foreclosures is
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down 34% from 2010. its a at its lowest level from 2007. here comes the bad news. the reason behind the huge drop is because of big processing delays have followed the slide in 2010. banks are taking their time. they're making sure they make no mistakes. that slows the process. banks are working their way through that backlog so we're actually likely to see foreclosures pick up again. still analysts do expect home prices to bottom out this year. another positive in this situation, those government modification programs and low mortgage rates, they're helping people to refinance into more affordable monthly payments. that keeps them in their home where they need to be. >> we're hearing there's new numbers on retail sales and the labor market. how's that playing out in the markets today? >> not playing out too well because the numbers on retail sales and the labor market, that came out a little while ago, they're a big disappointment. stocks are backing off their earlier gains.
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jobless claims numbers jumped last week. retail sales number from december, they rose only a little bit despite it being the big holiday shopping season. that comes as a big surprise because you know how it's been lately, kyra. other economic reports have recently shown a pace of recovery that's picking up speed. this came as a big disappointment. we'll see how the market reacts in four minutes when the bell rings. >> alison, thanks. newt gingrich's positive campaign is pretty much a distant memory now. he's not just going after mitt romney in south carolina, he's going after mutt romney, too. yes, the family dog. oprah winfrey's network has a star hit. who's the star of the show? take a wild guess. dry mouth may start off as an irritant. it'll cause cavities, bad breath. patients will try and deal with it by drinking water. water will work for a few seconds but if you're not drinking it, it's going to get dry again. i recommend biotene.
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checking top stories now. minutes ago defense secretary leon panetta condemned the shocking video that's stirring outrage around the world. he said it was, quote, utterly deplorable. the video seems to show a marine sniper team urinating on taliban corpses in afghanistan. it isn't clear who shot or posted the 39 second video, but the military says it wants to find out. a judge has issued a temporary injunction stopping the release of any more prisoners pardoned by outgoing mississippi governor haley barbour. the state's attorney general says barber violated the state constitution when he pardoned close to 200 criminals, including 13 convicted killers, four of them are already free. and the fda says it's now testing orange juice headed into
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the u.s. for an illegal fungicide. this fungicide in question is actually legal in brazil and other parts of the world but considered an unlawful pesticide chemical residue here in the u.s. so do you get the feeling that newt gingrich turned to his staff in south carolina and said, unleash the hounds? even the romney family dog isn't safe from gingrich's ads now. a new one actually needles romney for putting his irish setter in a crate on top of the car for a 12-hour road trip. >> we love the dog. it was where he was comfortable. we have five kids inside the car. my guess is he liked it a lot better in his kennel than he would have liked it inside. >> who let the dogs out? who? who? >> will cane and row land martin
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are with us this morning. guys, you've got to laugh. the music's classic. newt gingrich, angry little attack muffin strikes again. i had to steal that line. it was peggy noonanss of course. what happened to nice guy? is this the voice of angry desperation? >> this is the newt we all know and have come to adore. 's more like chucky from those horror films. that's what he's turned into when he gets upset. newt gingrich's only goal in life right now is to destroy mitt romney. he does not care about anything else. forget gop, forget about beating president obama. he is so mad they smacked him around in iowa that he says, i am going destroy the rich guy with the square jaw. >> will, what about reagan's 11th commandment not to speak ill of another republican. >> forget reagan's 11 d
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kmantment? who was the one touting that like a month or two ago. who was the one who said this is the commandment? it was newt. i cannot understand this. it's political gi had. i'll blow myself up with everybody else to take this man down. the question is why? what got you so mad? let me say this though, it's also a favorite of romney. this will play well for romney. newt gingrich and also by the way rick perry are basically joining the left, pre-arguing obama's argument and putting free markets and private enterprise on trial through mitt romney. it's given mitt romney his voice. that speech after new hampshire was great. >> i have to push back. >> hold on a second. i'll let you respond to that. let's take a look at this campaign, ad, that gingrich supporters are running in south carolina. it's called king of bain. it talks about romney's career as a venture capitalist. take a listen. >> story of greed. playing the system for a quick buck. a group of corporate raiders led
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by mitt romney. for tens of thousands of americans, the suffering began when mitt romney came to town. >> so, row land, i'll ask you. is all of this going to hurt romney or make back fire and get him some sympathy? >> he has to answer to. this here's why i have to push back on what will's saying and this ad plays into t. they're parenting the left. no, there are people in the tea party who also don't like big business who came in and whacked jobs and got rid of people. that's a whole bunch of broke conservatives across the country not happy with companies that came in, piled on debt, got rid of people and then sold the company for a higher amount. so i think it's a ridiculous argument to say this is all about the left. there are a lot of people in this country who do not like what has happened when you look at these venture capitalists. so i'm not going to play that game, but i will say he has to answer to this. look, white, blue collar voters,
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not necessarily happy with president obama, trust me, when they have a hack to their jobs, they'll say mitt you explain to us why we should vote for you. >> row land, this is going beyond, the right doesn't like business collusion with government. they don't like cronyism. they don't like cheating. the right has no problem with success, no problem with someone coming in and even if it's creative destruction, capital markets. this is what they're indicting. newt gingrich has gone beyond cronyism. 's indicting free markets. i'll give you, me as your example. i have a hard time mustering enthusiasm for mitt romney, but i've got no problem mustering enthusiasm for a defense of free markets. that's what they put on trial. >> separate these. even booel crystal said we need to be very careful trying to somehow associate with this with a free market. there's also a difference there. bottom line though, there are people out there, kyra, who have lost their jobs. mitt romney has to explain
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trashing the gm bailout to those people whose jobs were saved, who send their kids to college as a result of keeping those jobs. the companies that still survive because of auto plans. he has some explaining to do. it's not as simple as saying no big deal. >> i want you to weigh in on this. if news loses armageddon, that's his word, is it over for him, will? >> yes. >> roland? >> quick enough? >> that's quick enough. roland. >> he has no choice to step out because this will affect his future in the party and as a conservative voice. he can't lose that. if he loses all credibility, he's toast. he has to go back to those funders when he's all done. >> kyra, if he wants to take down mitt romney he should drop out now. drop out now. >> chucky is not dropping out, will. >> will and roland will continue. meanwhile, cnn is the place not only for debate, as you can see, but for the southern republican presidential debate in charleston. it's a week from today 8:00
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eastern on cnn. they get another chance to debate the issues two days before the south carolina primary. we'll bring roland and will back. it's been a pretty mild winter so far. it's not good for an industry that relies on snow. can ski resorts expect some fresh powder any time soon? rob marciano has a gig this week. presidential power meets a list of star power at the white house. why brad pitt and angelina jolie paid president and mrs. obama a visit. moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula goes beyond 24-hour moisture. it's clinically proven to improve your skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. and for healthy, beautiful hair, try nourish plus haircare. only from aveeno. fresh powder any time soon?
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oprah winfrey's got a hit on her hands. it's her own show. a.j. hammer here to explain a little bit from new york. a.j., i guess we had to expect this. have you watched any of oprah's next chapter? >> i have. i've seen both of the episodes that have aired so far. last night i happened to accidentally stumble upon the steven tyler episode. tyler a fascinating character. listen, everybody knew that the big attraction to the oprah winfrey network would ultimately be oprah herself. the question was how was she going to put herself out there. now we see she's done it in a terrific way. "oprah's next chapter" was a great hit. she got 1.6 viewers for her
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second episode. that is the biggest audience ever for any show on the network since it was first launched back in 2011. i'm really curious now to see how the next show does. she's fee during governor chris christie in that. a fascinating character to be sure, but i was thinking of all the possible people out there to interview so early in the show's life. it was an interesting choice. we'll have to see if the audience does come for it. >> those are definitely two people that make headlines for sure in totally different ways. what's the deal with angelina going to the white house? paying the president a visit? >> yeah. got to drop in on president obama, absolutely. angelina jolie and brad pitt were in washington spotted by the white house press core. i'm looking at this video right here. it's kind of stalkerish to me. it is the president core. it was an unannounced visit. jolie was in washington. jolie and the president had a
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chance to chat about her efforts to protect women from sexual violence around the world. the charity that these two do has certainly come to the attention of the white house before. you might remember a few years ago the president and pit actually met to talk about his work building houses in new orleans and, kyra, i wouldn't be surprised, at least i wouldn't be surprised that much, if a bit of the chat last night involved hollywood support of the president in the upcoming campaign. >> you think? >> rob lowe recently told me it's not a problem. president, we've got your back. but i have a feeling that may have come up. >> i bet you're right. a.j., thanks so much joompt trekkies get ready to inphase. william shatner will show up on broadway. iced in for months, now shep on the way for people in gnome, alas alaska. we'll have the latest for that desperate scramble for badly needed supplies. ski resorts from colorado to vermont facing the same problem,
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not enough snow on the slopes. we're going live to colorado next. for reminding me. wait, what? fret not ma'lady. i have the app so we can get a great deal even at the last minute. ah, well played sir. download the free app and get exclusive mobile deals. be smart. book smart.
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destroyed. as many as ten people were hurt. badly needed fuel may arrive in gnome, alaska, today. the town is surrounded by a sheet of ice and has been cut off from supplies since major storms hit in november. a coast guard ice breaker is actually help get that russian fuel tanker to reach the town through the treacherousberg sea. tim tebow mania is triggering a run onners yis. excitement against the patriots this weekend is to blame for the shortage. rebook stopped making theers yis. north korea key is going to start supplying nfl gear this spring. if you planned a ski trip this winter, you may be in trouble. there's not a lot of snow out there. ski resorts across the u.s. are struggling to make their own white stuff now since there isn't enough actually falling from the skies. meterologist rob marciano in colorado, where's the snow, pal?
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>> reporter: you've got 18 feet in alaska. they wish we could have say little bit here. we come out here for the weather and climate summit. we come regardless of snow. the last two seasons have been absolutely epoch. they're struggling across the country. resorts are reporting 15% drop. places like brek ken ridge, the skier visitations as far as lodging is right on par. people are still coming to play. in a place like this at 10,000 feet, when it's minus two degrees, making snow is not a problem. let's look at the maps and compare last year to this year. last year we had over 70% snow cover across the u.s. absolutely epoch. unbelievable ski year and also water storing in the mountains. this year only 24%. a remarkable drop. so what do the locals do here in order to get more snow? local native american tribe, they do a snow dance, kyra. that's what they did over the
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weekend. they do it right before the ulu fest which is happening right now. low and beloeld, it worked. yesterday 8 inches of fresh powder falling out of the skies. come on. >> look at the mountain behind me. how spectacular is that. >> reporter: with this festival happening, it's celebrating the north's mythical god of snow. what a way to do that than a set of viking ears. check it out. specially made, kyra, by a local artist for cnn. they love us here. we love them as well. happy ulur fest everybody. i command the snow gods. >> yes. >> reporter: to bring more snow. >> i'd like to see you now on the slopes. i'd like some video, please, in your special outfit coming down on a snowboard, no less, please. next hit. >> reporter: i won't be the only one wearing this, i guarantee you that.
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so how many embryos are safe, according to the study? >> this is controversial. the study was done in britain where we regulate medicine to a higher degree than here. they want to know how many do you put in to get a baby? but you want to avoid multiples. it's more dangerous for the mom. more dangerous for the babies. what they say is that three -- that one or two is good, and three doesn't help you. on average three does not increase your chances of having a healthy baby with multiples. one for women under the age of 40. two for women 40 and oleer. they think that ought to be the legal limit. >> doesn't it depend on the quality of embryos? i went through if vrk. we transferred five. that's because some didn't look so good. others did look good. >> that's because your doctor looked at you as a person rather than a statistic. your doctor says i think this
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woman is not going to be so successful. we're going to put in five to get a baby. you were blessed with two. >> that's wonderful. statistically speaking, they say as an average more than two doesn't help. your doctor said you are not an average. you're your own person. that's why in this country we do things differently. >> could we see this happen in the u.s.? >> no. everybody knows octomom. you don't want to transfer one because your chances of failure are high. there's a magic number out there that's different for everyone. in the u.k. you could not have had five embryos transferred. that would be illegal. here things work differently. you have octo-mom in this
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country. you didn't have her in england. at 2:00 eastern bud selig is expected to announce a two-year extension to keep him in charge through 2014 in alabama at 2:30 eastern, a judge will hear a request to declare natalee holloway dead. and leon panetta visiting if the bliss. lots of developments next hour in the cnn "newsroom." let's check in first with ed lavandera. ed? >> we'll have the latest on the scandal in mississippi over governor haley barbour's almost 200 bar dons. t getting nasty. one former prosecutor called him insane. a top official says he's like hog from the dukes of hazard.
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>> i'm paul steinhauser. sarah palin tells mitt romney to be more transparent. i'll have the latest controversials at the top of the hour. and i'm alison kosik at the new york stock exchange. the tax man is catching more mistakes you make on your tax return. it could mean more money in your pocket. i'll have details in the next hour. >> thanks so much. also next hour an anonymous group of hackers coming out from behind the computers and joining the occupy wall street movement. we'll go inside the group for a revealing look at their fight against police crackdowns. my name is ron orsini,
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i'm forty eight years-old, i love to swim, and i love to walk outside. osteo bi-flex has really helped my knees. osteo bi-flex has been incredible for me, and i swear by it. [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, the glucosamine chondroitin suppment with 5-loxin advanced. shows improvement in joint comfort within 7 days. osteo bi-flex, my knees thank you. [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex. the #1 doctor and pharmacist recommended brand. and it hasn't been going exactly as planned. cut. cut! [ monica ] i thought we'd be on location for 3 days -- it's been 3 weeks. so i had to pick up some more things. good thing i've got the citi simplicity card. i don't get hit with a fee if i'm late with a payment... which is good because on this job, no! bigger! [ monica ] i may not be home for a while. [ male announcer ] the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate.
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no worries. not quite knowing what the next phase was going to be, you know, because you been, you know, this is what you had been doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪
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it doesn't have to deal with the game, but a personal reason. >> this is really personal as they prepare for the playoffs. a really sad story. the team is getting ready for sunday's playoff game without joe philbin. the body of his son michael was found this a wisconsin river. he apparently drowned after a night out with friends. pacers quarterback aaron rodgers spoke to reporters after practice. >> it's important in this business to separate the personal from the approximatal. when you're at work to try to focus on work. everybody misses joe and thinks about him and diana, the kids and we know it's a tough time. we're trying to focus on getting
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ready to play. >> they play sunday night. joe philbin is away from the team indefinitely. nba highlights. kobe bryant coming off a 48-point game against utah. under a minute left. there he is. he hits the jumper to put l.a. up two. he is also a great defender. blocks the shot at the buzzer the lakers aren't the only show in l.a. anymore. blake griffin and the clippers taking on the heat. can we have two on two between those guys? watch paul degriffin on the alley-oop. once again king james flamed out in the fourth quarter.
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conan o'brien had his very own version of tim tobey in husband touchdown with the steelers. >> denver quarterback tim tebow took the snap. before finding thomas open at the 40 yard line. thomas raced into the end zone to give the victory. as the crowd went crazy, he went down on one knee to give thanks for his victory. >> conan says he can't afford to show the video on his show, so he uses peanuts instead. makes a lot of sense. >> he definitely doesn't make peanuts. that's for sure. thanks, jeff. appreciate it. we begin this hour with the u.s.
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marine corporation investigation into a shocking video around the world. the video seems to show a marine sniper team urinating on taliban corporations in afghanistan. we're not going to show you the video. it's too disturbing. but we do have a still photo. what he's saying definitely matches the outrage we're seeing overseas. >> the defense secretary is issuing a same now after seeing the video and finding it very disturbing. he said, quote, i have seen the footage and i find the behavior in it utterly horrible. i don kem it in the strongest terms. this is entirely inappropriate from members of the united states military and does not reflect the standards or values our armed forces are sworn to up hold. there will now be a criminal
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investigation by the ncis officials. the reality is they do believe this video is accurate. legitimate. that it does show what it proports to show. they believe it most likely comes from a union and it is home. they are able to hone in on this quickly. they could now face charges. >> following the investigation. barbara starr from the pentagon. thanks. now let's get to the outrage. 200 pardoned prisoners will stay behind bars now. the judge put a hold on the releases. many of the convicts are out. it's in response to a move made
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by haley barbour. he released so many prisoners. >> he reason the state and the the governor's office like boss hog. he didn't follow the law. this is a simple constitutional provision. and governor barbour didn't follow it. it was clear he had to follow it. these families are afraid out here. and these victims have been through a terrible amount. >> ed lavandera is live in dallas. ed, what's the constitutional issue here, and does haley barbour give any explanation? >> well, attorney general hood is arguing any time any inmate is up for a pardon, they must announce that publicly 30 days in advance. that could be done through a newspaper ad in the community are the crimes happen. in the vast majority if not all of the cases, that did not
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happen. so that's what they're arguing. so everything has slowed down. i believe there are five inmates who had already been released. there's a hearing coming up on november 23rd. we have finally heard from governor haley bor boaarbour. he said approximately 90% of the individuals were no longer in custody. a majority of them were out by years. the pardons were intended to allow them to find gainful employment. half the people incarcerated or released were placed on suspension. because health care suspensions were costing the state so much money. they are not threats to society. and he also wept onto say at one point he wanted them to get gainful employment and professional licenses to allow to hunt and vote. the last part of the comment has
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not gone over well in many parts of the state. >> ed lavandera, thanks so much. the battle is on for south carolina as the clock ticks down to the january 21st primary. this hour rick santorum meeting with voters at a faith, family and freedom town hall in blu bluffton. he's in second place with 19% of the vote according to the latest orc poll. and front-runner mitt romney still under attack for the right from his record at capital. take a listen to sarah palin calling for transparency. >> governor romney has claimed to created 100,000 jobs, and people are wanting to know, is there proof of the claim? is it u.s. jobs created for united states citizens? that's not negative campaigning. that's fair to get a candidate to be held accountable to what's being claimed. so we just heard from romney
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last hour. how is he defending himself? >> he is defending himself and his record. we heard this for five days now. romney coming under attack. as he runs for president, his main selling point, i'm a businessman. i can create jobs. i can do a better job than the current person in the white house. she thought about running for the white house. she decided not to. romney a while ago, about an hour ago, in south carolina, defending his record. take a listen. >> pretty straight forward. just look at those companies i mentioned. staples. broad horizons, steel dynamics. and the sports authority. you can go on the weapon sites. you can see they're well over 100,000. >> that's the private firm he created in the 1980s and 1990s. they've been laying off him from
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pushback in conservative groups saying knock it off. you're playing into the democrats' hands. >> newt gingrich is comparing the south carolina race to the end of days. we heard the armageddon bite. here's what he told our piers morgan. >> this is going to be armageddon. they will come in here with everything they've got. every surrogate. every negative attack. >> paul, armageddon? that's quite a battle. >> maybe he's blowing it up a little too much. hey, that super pac, the independent group backing mitt romney is up this morning with new ads in south carolina that go after gingrich that criticize gingrich for his past actions. and that group says they're going to spend a couple million dollars this south carolina on these ads. you can see the new one on tv. gingrich's superpac as well. up with ads. and rick santorum super pac up with ads.
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it's hot and heated in south carolina. it will only get more so in the next few days. >> and we'll get more coverage throughout the day. and a reminder for the latest political news go to our website. a french journalist is struck by a mortar and killed covering a rally. now the syrian opposition is blaming security forces for the death. what do you know, zane? >> hi, kiera. what they are saying about the killing of the french journalist is it shows that the regime is trying to intimidate the media. the same group is calling for an independent probe into the dilling. let me show you the newspaper headlines around the world. the national has this headline that slams the arab league saying they're essentially useless. when lost, continue walking around in circles. that's the nmotto of the arab
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league. there's no side with the syrian population against their leaders. the international herald tribune. it says mr. assad has not deviated from the notion that he remains popular. a victim of conspiracy financed by outsiders offering the same kind of logic heard in libya and egypt before uprising brought them down. finally the globe an the mail. the headline, a dangerous illusion. the arab league's halfhearted attempt to monitor the conflict in syria has evidently encouraged president bashbasha bashar al-assad to govern with an iron fist. many at the state department and in other diplomatic circles saying the arab league is ineffective. >> zane verjee from london. thanks. a group of evangelical leaders will meet in texas tomorrow. they'll probably talk about picking one gop candidate and
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sticking with him. so why can't it be this guy? coming up, we're going to talk to one influential pastor who will be at that meeting. and glass from a high-rise building in sacramento crashing to the sidewalk. workers say it's not the first time. we'll go cross country after break. epced ople witma chin what ? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it ? hello ? hello ?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello ? ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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scandal. >> how could the board is not had a crisis plan? >> the bond between the administration and the board has been too close. >> i was disgusted at the lack of response from the university. >> university president rodney erickson told the alums they need to remind people about the positive aspects of a penn state education. protesters angrily reacting the to the suspend the mexican-american studies program. the judge says it violates a new state law, and the state threatened to withhold $15 million in annual aid. and some glass falg frling a building fell seven years ago. they're investigating. as many as 150 evangelical leaders meet tomorrow in texas.
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they're going to talk about picking one republican candidate that they all can support. but there's word out there that this is actually a scramble to stop mitt romney. after jim garlo of skyline church in la mesa, california, will be in the meeting. you told me earlier you don't know if this meeting is stopping romney. does romney's mormon faith bother you like other evangelical leaders? >> i think really the issue is not necessarily his mormon faith. i think it's whether or not he's trustworthy on the foundational issues. they are painted as single issue people. we care about biblical imperativ imperatives. i see romney as untrustworthy at this point. >> what is it you don't trust? >> i don't know where he stands
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on the foundational issue. the issue of life. i don't know that he's really pro-life. he says that he is now. i don't know that his support for traditional marriage is rock solid at all. and i'm concerned on the economic issues, there's a principal thou shall not steal. i'm quite surgeoned he is not one of us in that arena. >> let me ask you. do you think he made his money in an immoral way? >> that i cannot comment on. i really don't know for sure. i do believe capitalism is lifted up by scripture as long as it has parameters of serving one another. i have no expertise on commenting on how he achieved his funds. but i just do not think he's a trustworthy candidate in the contrast. that's why for example, for newt gingrich, i believe he stands on
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those issues. >> let's listen to what mitt romney had to say when he defended his career. this was from a campaign stop today in greer, south carolina. >> any time a job is lost is a tragedy. for the family. for the individual that loses a job. it's devastating. and every time we invested in the business. it was try to encourage the business to have ongoing life. the idea of making a short-term project doesn't exist in business. nobody wants to buy stock in a company that's a short-term success. you want it to be long term. >> that happened just this morning when he was asked about his career. what is your reaction to that? >> my concern has to do with the overarching issues. what i would call biblical imperativ imperatives.
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i wish he was a much better mormon and would follow the issues as it relates to defense of life to the defense of marriage. where is it within scripture that doesn't match with his life with regard to dealing with money. what does it mesh for you? >> well, i broadened the category. i would start with the issue of the sanctity of life, that the scripture is clear on that one, and he's been a pro abortion governor in the state of massachusetts, even writing into romney care the issue of support of planned parenthood, which is responsible for the major number of abortions, of tearing up babies in the womb of their mothers in this nation. and the second factor i would come to is the issue of the definition of marriage. the scriptures have very, very clear. the bible begins with the issue of a marriage and it ends with
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the issue of a wedding. and revelation genesis, it's one man, one woman. and romney has not stood consistently for that through the years. he says he's there now. i don't know if that's the case. his record as governor does not bear that out. >> do you think he's reached out to evangelicals? >> not that i'm aware of. >> if he has, i have not heard about it. >> what would you want from him, and could he change your mind in any way? what would you need to hear from him. >> newt gingrich brings to the table the issues that are cardinal to me. as a follower of jesus christ, including the issue of economic issues. he stands for life. he stands for marriage. i'm not looking to support romney. i've decided who i'm supporting at this time. and i believe that newt gingrich offers a little bit of a winston churchill attitude in the
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perilous time our nation is in. i'm happy if romney wants to reach out to evangelicals. i'm supporting newt gik gingrich. we have other good candidates as well. >> we're interesting to see what happens at this meeting on friday. doctor, thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> still ahead a shadowy group posting personal information for police officers online for one specific reason. >> hopefully you'll think twice before he pulls out his baton against somebody who is holding a sign saying we want peace. >> they consider themselves the air force of the occupy movement. [ female announcer ] lactaid milk is easy to digest.
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is so who are these people? cnn is taking an in-depth look at the group. back up, back up, back up. >> it's a dark and disturbing vision. a a world where riot police attack with impunity. >> what happened? what happened? >> he got shot! >> get back. get back. >> where democracy is corrupted by greed, and the scene is crushed. last how anonymous sees america. they say that's why they're fighting back. >> we are legion. we do not forgive. we do not forgive. >> troy, not his real name, is one of them. we met him at the occupy wall street camp at zucotti park.
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>> it's more like an idea that's brought up. and for a good reason. if the overwhelming majority of people agree with it, then we go with it. >> we are anonymous. >> anonymous likens itself to the air force of the occupy movement. >> everyone everywhere will occupy their towns. their capitols and other public spaces. when they see evidence of what they believe is police misbehavior, anonymous strikes back, releasing personal information about specific officers. hopefully he'll think twice before he pulls out his sign. the officers of bankers. the department of homeland security put out several alerts to law enforcement and corporate security. focused mainly on the group's hacking activities. and the fbi has made more than a dozen arrests.
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>> but there's no indication that has cramped anonymous' style. >> merry christmas and a happy new year to all on planet earth. >> on christmas day. they hacked the client list along with credit card numbers in order to steal $1 million. for donations to charity. >> we are anonymous. expect us. >> amber is joining me now from los angeles. amber, what is involuntary manslaughter' goal? why are they so involved with the occupy movement? >> well, i can't speak for the entire collective, but i can speak for a couple of nuns we spoke with. they say the ultimate goal as they did in the middle east is to galvanize the middle east movement as they are here in the u.s. they want to see an all out
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revolution in the united states. they say they'll use the power online and the power to embarrass the critics as we've seen in the past to make this succeed. this is against what they believe are cases of police brutality, kiera. >> and anonymous has been posting the personal information of these police officers that they believe mistreated these protesters online. have police taken any legal action? >> we were hard pressed in this piece, kiera. it shows the amount of fear in the group. we were hard pressed to show any law enforcement, whether local or federal to speak with us on camera. they said they feared the officer or representative would then become a victim of the group. so we weren't able to get necessarily that side of the story as much as we would have wanted to, but i spent a lot of nights on the streets of zucotti park in new york city.
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and you could feel the tension between the nones and the police department as the nones knew they were being monitored if they did anything they thought were against protecting the human rights of the protesters, their information could be released. >> thanks. and don't miss her revealing look inside anonymous. her complete report on cnn presents saturday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. well, casey anthony is back in the headlines. just days ago she surfaced on web in a video diary talking about her life and keeping her whereabouts the secret. now new shocking details are released. psychiatric notes claiming that anthony was drugged and raped while unconscious during a party. a date rape, she says, that may have left her pregnant with caylee. you got off the phone with sources at at prosecutor's office. did they tell you why the
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psychiatric reports never surfaced in court? >> yes, and i have some interesting information. those reports came in two batches. number one was the competency hearing. both sides should have access to that. number two, jose bias hired the two psychiatrists and had them depose casey. all the material ended up in the reports. her defense could have put that out there. and the the conventional wisdom here is they did that so they could get this really awful story that casey had about being a victim herself, and that's why she lied for 31 days where we thought the little girl was missing. they needed to explain that. they didn't want to put her on the stand. if you have a psychiatrist on the stand saying things about her alleged terrible lifestyle at home and when she was a child, that would do it for them. but the idea here is the stories
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are so crazy and they're so overboard and contradictory, there's no way they could do this. there's no way they could get reports into court without the jury saying, are you kidding me? and the other thing is, there wasn't a logistic way, a legal way that casey's defense attorney could put the doctors up on the stand and ask them questions about the depositions because it would be hearsay if their client casey didn't take the stand themselves. and then the prosecutors who would love to have that stuff out there, they couldn't do it either because casey didn't take the stand. had she taken the stand, all that stuff would have been fair game. as you were mentioning, kiera, coming into me, one of the shocking allegations is she said she was date raped and that's how she got pregnant with casey. before she said she didn't know who the dad was. she also alleges to the doctors
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that she thinks her father outright killed little caylee, drowned her in the pool. because she also allegations to cover up for a sexual molestation her father was perpetrating on the little girl. really fantastic allegations being made. >> thanks, ashleigh. now he's going after mutt romney. yep, the family dog. [ male announcer ] feeling like a shadow of your former self? c'mon, michael! get in the game! [ male announcer ] don't have the hops for hoops with your buddies? lost your appetite for romance? and your mood is on its way down.
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you might not just be getting older. you might have a treatable condition called low testosterone or low t. millions of men, forty-five or older, may have low t. so talk to your doctor about low t. hey, michael! [ male announcer ] and step out of the shadows. hi! how are you? [ male announcer ] learn more at [ laughs ] hey! like splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweeteners. this bowl of strawberries is loaded with vitamin c. and now, b vitamins to boot. coffee doesn't have fiber. unless you want it to. splenda® essentials™ are the first and only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet. mmm. same great taste with an added "way to go, me" feeling. splenda® essentials™. get more out of what you put in. but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose.
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[ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! [ inner voice ] establish connection. give me voice control. applications up. ♪ hands in position. airbags. ten of 'em. add blind spot monitor. 43 mpg, nice. dependability. yeah. activate dog. a bigger dog. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing the reinvented 2012 camry. from toyota. ♪
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leon panetta condemning a shocking video striking outrage around the world. the video shows a sniper team urinating on taliban corporations in afghanistan. it isn't clear who shot or posted the 39-second video, but the military says it wants to find out. and a judge issued a temporary injunction, stopping the release of anymore prisoners pardoned by outgoing mississippi governor haley barbour. the state's attorney general says barbour violated the state constitution when he violated close to 200 criminals, including 14 convicted killers. four of them are already free. and good numbers out from the housing market, but it isn't necessarily good news. foreclosure filings and repossessions are at their lowest levels since 2007. but it might only be because of bank processing delays. all right, political buzz.
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rapid fire look at the best political topics of the day. three questions, 30 seconds on the clock. and robert zimmerman, patricia murphy and cnn contributor will cain. first question, the attack ads getting vicious in south carolina. not even the family pet is safe. here's newt gingrich, a web video. targeting romney for putting his dog in the crate on top of the car for 12-hour road trip. >> we love the dog. it was where he was comfortable. we had five kids inside the car. my guess is he liked it better in the kennel than he would have inside. >> who let the dogs out? who? who? >> all right. low blow or an indication of what's ahead? robert? >> yes on both counts. i'm not sure i trust newt
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gingrich with the family pet. there are so many more important issues to focus on. when he was governor of massachusetts his notion of outsourcing jobs overseas. advocating 11 million undocumented wo,ers, ending medicare for undocumented workers. that's the subjects that the american people have a the right to a debate about. i'm in a bad habilitate of surrounding myself with them. i can say with some confidence that it is. i might have heard them before. not from you. but i might have heard the points made before about corporate personhood. these are all in the after newt gingrich. it sounds like such an attack from the left. sometimes i wonder maybe newt is doing this for mitt. maybe he's getting it out of the way. maybe it's so good he's doing it for them now. am i never in pursuit to pander
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to this the audience and get a lot of fans out there? i recognize the place that dogs have in our society we put horses in trailers. maybe mitt doesn't see the distinction. >> i have a lot of horses in my background. a trailer is different than a crane on top of a 70 miles an hour car. it's very different. reporters are wondering who would stoop low enough to bring shameless, the family dog, into the game. of course, it was newt gingrich. it tells us as much about romney as gingrich. there's a story line that he no longer wants to be president. he wants to make sure mitt romney is not president. he's willing to do anything to make that happen. >> last night's new hampshire primary was how well ron paul
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did. he did so well. he gave a speech afterwards. in his speech he described himself to the crowd as dangerous. one of his handlers fell him warm milk and he fell asleep in a shoe box. >> all right. all jokes aside. in this case, who is ron paul most dangerous to? >> it's a little bit political insider, but i think the answer is jon huntsman. he has a strong lerertarian streak. from breaking up the banks to embracing civil unions. i think if ron paul jumped out of the race and people recognized this about jon huntsman's policies. >> he's most dangerous to the republican party in the general
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election. he could demand a role the convention to articulate his views about the support of iran having a nuclear bomb as tolerance of it. his advocacy against foreign aids. he could play a role as a third party candidate, which clearly hurt the republican field. or he could do nothing and stay home. ultimately he represents the extremism that is undermining the republican party. >> patricia? >> i agree with robert. ron paul is dangerous to the republican establishment. he has a ton of money and a group of supporter who will vote for nobody but ron paul. if he runs as a third party candidate, it can absolutely take down the running for barack obama. if he doesn't get what he wants,
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he could them then down in 2012. >> newt gingrich on the wave of attacks coming in in south carolin carolina. >> this is going to be armagedd armageddon. they'll come in with everything they've got. >> so in south carolina primary. there was a biblical story of some sort, what would it be? robert? >> kiera, the last thing we need is injecting more religion discussion into politics, or using the bible as a political prop. so i think the issue here, especially with newt gingrich, who represents the seven deadly sins, the issue here is not that the primary is armageddon. it represents political global warming. like the real global warming. human beings are creating it. >> will? >> we're not going to inject the bible into it. and then he did. seven deadly sins. i don't know about a biblical
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metaphor. i will go with a politically correct religious metaphor. there are groups of people who look to take down other people. this looks like that to me. newt gingrich is going to take down mitt romney. even if it means the best of his own career. >> i will do a biblical metaphor. i'm going to go for it. south carolina is usually the exodus for republicans. they spend a lot of time wondering in their desert. looking for the candidate. hurting themselves. south carolina puicks the nominee. they should be able to do it again with the nominee chosen. >> after a 50-year break william shatner is making the trek back to broadway. on my journey acros,
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i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. discover visine® tired eye relief with hydroblend™, only from visine®. just one drop instantly soothes and revives tired, overworked eyes. and comforts them for up to ten hours. visine® tired eye relief.
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it look like viewers want to be part of oprah winfrey's next chapter. they made her new cable show a hit. have you watched the show? >> i have. i caught the first two episodes. steven tyler episode. both terrific. not a huge surprise the show did so well. just over 1.5 million people tune in to see her with the osteens on. the second episode aired on
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sunday. the network's biggest rating cinch the launch last year. while she certainly has a terrific cast of personalities on her network, they haven't been getting big ratings. you put oprah, and the audience will come. i'm sure while it wasn't a huge surprise to anyone that the show did so well, they are probably breathing a sigh of relief at the oprah winfrey network. they've had a tough year finding an audience. perhaps now they'll have viewers showing up for oprah's next chapter. there's really terrific programming on. as we know, it's tough to launch a new network when you have so many choices out there these days. >> well, here's a choice you want to make. he's got to the the funniest guys. >> the shatner is coming back to broadway. he was a broadway actor.
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he appeared in seven plays. a press release for the show went out. it's going to offer shatner stories about his journey from shakespearean. he sad his plan has been to return to broadway every 50 years. the show will open up on february 16th. it's only scheduled to run until march 4th. if you miss it, he'll be back here in another 50 years. >> i think that guy is going to stay the same age for eternity. >> yeah. well, remember he's lived for generations, as we've seen on him in various television programs and movies. >> coming up tomorrow, oprah will talk about her school's first graduating class.
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stock exchange. the irs is finding more mistakes on our tax returns. is that a good thing or a bad thing? >> sometimes it works in your favor. when it doesn't, forget it. it can be one big headache. the irs is finding more mistakes because it's relying more on automated systems. look at 2010. they flagged 11 million math miscalculations. it's great if you get more money back. that was the case in 2010 with many of the errors found. if you think the return was right, take a dpeep breath, count to ten. most likely means you'll refund will be delayed and probablily less than what you were thinking. >> let's talk about what is happening with the market. >> markets are low. the dow is down 59 points. just for as at least one day,
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investors are less worried about europe. december's retail sales, a gauge of the all important holiday season. they didn't rise much at all. and also more americans filed those first time jobless claims last week. they rose by 24,000. some of that is because the temporary workers no longer have the jobs. big disappointment for wall street today. >> alison, thanks. an outbreak that killed 30 people could have been avoided if safety measures had been enforced. that's the conclusion of a congressional committee looking into the grout break among cantaloupes. they say a company that carried out an inspection before the
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outbreak gave the farm near perfect safety marks. south carolina residents are under seize in their cars, their homes, everywhere. it's the attack of the political ads. [ shapiro ] at legalzoom, you can take care of virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. now it's quicker and easier for you to start your business... protect your family...
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while the republicans are fighting for the nomination, the president is raking in the money. paul steinhauser here to talk about how much money we're talking about. paul? >> we may have records. last time he raised $750 million. maybe he'll do more this time. here are brand new numbers for the obama re-election team in chicago. for the fourth quarter. that's october, november, december. re-election team raised $42 million. and the democratic national committee added $24 million. they were trying to raise -- the goal was $60 million. so they beat that. if you add it all together, since they started the reelect campaign here the president himself was helping in the cause. he was at fund-raisers in chicago he had three in chicago.
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the money raised now goes towards the first quarter of this year. this is way ahead of what the republicans are raising. but right now they're battling each other for the nomination. and factor in the third party groups. the super pacs. a lot of money going to be spent in the 2012 election. >> some people say romney may run away with it. are we far away from anyone getting enough delegates to win the nomination. >> he's got momentum. you can see mitt romney on top. look at the top. 1,144 delegates needed to clinch the gop nomination. i know mitt romney has the momentum in south carolina, but we're a long way away from anybody clinching this nomination, kiera. >> paul steinhauser, thanks so much. most voters have a message for the campaigns. these ads are not helping your
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candidate. tom is taking a closer look. >> reporter: south carolina is under attack. >> yes. we'ring together. >> campaign ads from republican contenders are being fired around the clock now. >> it's a moral imperative. >> all aimed squarely at undecided voters like cam spencer in charleston. >> thank goodness for the mute button. >> and it's not just the tv. she starts receiving robo calls before she makes her morning coffee. >> it's 8:30. and the phone is ringing. i don't feel like it's more than than it is in '08. or in '10. >> but it's still not down to the wire. >> that's true. already she and many others here are finding the on slot almost inescapable. during her commute, the radio
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rattles with more. there are e-mails, yard signs. by lunchtime she's had her fill. >> between the ads that you see on tv and hear on the radio and read and get in e-mails. how many are you getting a day? >> at least 20 or more. >> what do you expect next week? >> double that. at least. will my of these change your mind? >> no. >> none? >> none of the ads. >> are they wasting their money? >> yes, i believe they are. >> she may be onto something. they watched several ads. liked some. disliked others. but generally voters are being hit with way too many. >> a large increase in ads on youtube. >> i changed the channel three times. there were different ads but all political. >> do all the ads make a difference to you? >> may don't make a difference to me.
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they annoy me. cam spencer is making up her mind who to vote for. >> are you tired of the ads? >> i've been tired of the ads. >> but she knows from sun up to sun down until primary day it will only get worse. tom for man, cnn, charleston, south carolina. >> we'll have political updates all day long and a reminder for all the latest political news, go to so does your bottom line need a boost? want to know what you can do to improve your financial situation? next hour cnn "newsroom" personal financial expert suze orman will answer your money questions. there's two ways to send your questions. you can post them on or tweet them at suzannemalveaux. i'm breathing better so now i can take the lead on a science adventure.
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