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tv   CNN Presents  CNN  January 15, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EST

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thank you so much for watching. make sure you have a great week. see you back here next weekend. good night. >> they live in the shadows, but their message and tactics ignited a movement around the world. a rare look in the shadowy group, secret opes. toxic schools. >> that was a building that was storing chemicals that were cancer-causing agents and because of the vicinity and the children that are involved. you didn't care. >> these parents have every reason to be angry. the children's school had toxic chemicals and even worse, they were the last to know.
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prescription for cheating. they read our x-rays, but the investigation reveals a disturbing question over the certification of many radiologists. >> isn't it cheating? >> revealing investigations. fascinating characters. stories with impact. this is cnn properties with your host tonight, brooke baldwin and dr. sanjay gupta. >> we begin with a rare look in anonymous. >> they are the shadowy and motley group of hackers and activists. drawn together by love of internet mischief. they are evolving into the movement of social change behind the wall street occupiers. they are hated by corporate security, but hunted by the fbi. >> one of the questions is who are these people and why are they taking to the streets? to get some answers, we step into the shadows.
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. >> it's a dark and disturbing vision. a world where riot police attack with immunity. >> she got shot! >> democracy is corrupted by greed and dissent is crushed. that's how anonymous sees america and they say that's why they are fighting back. >> we do not forgive. we do not forget. >> it's a movement that defies description. leaderless. faceless. >> this is our space! >> a loose collective born on the internet, anonymous has no official members and no
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hierarchy. but within the group, individual a nones have greater standing earned by skills as hackers, video makers. >> i record it myself. >> increasingly street level activists. troy, not his real name, is one of them. >> this is what happens when people have had enough. when greed goes unchecked. >> troy was drawn to occupy wall street after watching his mother struggle with medical debts. he is working two jobs to make ends meet. despite having a college degree. >> you lose track of days and time. it's worth it. all worth it. >> we met him at the occupy wall street camp at zuccotti park. >> the most specific person that talks to us. an idea is brought up and if the overwhelming number of people go with it, we go with it. >> we are following troy and he has been out there policing and
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making sure that all of these protesters are getting along with the community and not causing any problems. >> we are handling internal affairs as far as damage control and making sure everybody is respecting the local businesses around here. >> how's it going? >> she not just watching over the protests. he's also watching the police. part of the evolution of anonymous from hackers to activists. anonymous was born's decade ago in one of the weirdest and darkest corners of the internet. an anything goes image board called 4 chan. they post anonymously and the name stuck. >> we're do not forgive. >> they're adopted an identity and symbolism. a mask taken from the movie v for vendetta. a retelling of the english rebel and his plot to be with the house of lords in 1705.
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instead of gunpowder, anonymous uses the internet. anonymous attacks targets by flooding and crashing corporate and government websites or digging up and publicizing highly embarrassing information. it's called trolling. they troll targets out of genuine outrage, but also just for fun. >> lulz is like lol. >> gabriella coleman has been watching anonymous for years. >> for denote this is pleasure, humor, laughter. everything from something that is quite playful and harmless to engaging in a full-fledged trolling attack that are you milliates. >> operations or opes can be dramatic. in late 2010, a distributed denial of service attack took
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down the website of pay pal after the company cutoff support for the whistle blowers wiki leaks. >> people tend to get funds and truth in these dark times. >> 16 a nones were arrested by the fbi, charged with conspireing to intentionally damage pay pal's computers. >> this is a message from anonymous to the bay area rapid transit system. >> this summer anonymous attacked the san francisco area's public transportation system, bart. bart cut sele system within the system as a way of disrupting protest. anonymous's reaction was devastating and vicious. >> we will not issue any more warnings. >> op bart included the release of a naked photo of a senior bart employee. >> it makes you laugh sometimes and sometimes it makes you
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cringe or laugh and trinj at the same time. all of a sudden there is this dagger being thrown. >> a naked photo. >> do you feel like there is a fear out there of what they can possibly find or leak about a certain individual? >> absolutely. that's what makes them who they are. they are kind of bad boys and rude boys to some degree. there is a dual fascination and horror that goes on at the same time. >> be aware, be vigilant. >> anonymous was evolving using power to shock and disrupt to effect social change. during the arab spring, the collective emerges as an activist group. taking up the cause of tunesians fighting against a repressive regime, literally saving lives. >> the tunesian government made itself an enemy of anonymous. >> they did everything from take down government websites and
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they wrote scripts to top the fishing of passwords and they brought massive media attention to tunisia. >> last fall anonymous broke cover here at home, stepping out from behind their secure computer screens for a new cause. occupy wall street. >> there is a revolution brewing. >> suddenly the symbols were everywhere in energies, masks and banners. >> we are the 99%! >> when we return, pepper spray and anonymous strikes back. >> how are they getting your personal information of these officers? >> i would rather not say. i'd race down that hill without a helmet. i took some steep risks in my teens. i'd never ride without one now. and since my doctor prescribed lipitor,
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ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. [ malwill be giving awayu can't passafree copiescation, of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to the shadowy group known as anonymous has grown beyond the hacker roots and emerging as a forceful weapon for the occupy movement. amber lyon takes you inside. >> anonymous likens itself to
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the air force of the occupy movement. >> everyone everywhere will tear down capitals and other spaces. >> anonymous has medics in san francisco. tech support in washington, d.c. and here in new york, guys like troy. troy, not his real name, is part of an army of citizen journalists by do you meaning the movement and broadcasting and when they see police misbehavior a, none muss strikes back, relosing personal information about specific officers. >> hopefully you will think twice before he pulls out his baton and they said we just want peace. >> how are they getting the cell phone numbers and personal information of the officers or bankers? >> i would rather not say.
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>> in september, an nypd officer was filmed pepper spraying two protesters. anonymous took direct action. >> held on to your phones. your servers and anything else we can find. one of the most active subgroups is called the cabin cr 3 w. their specialty doxing or combing the internet for all the information you can find about a target and releasing it publicly. >> injustices being committed by the new york police. >> they're compiled the name, home address, past legal actions, even the names of his family members and put it all online. after a police investigation and public pressure, he was placed on leave and reassigned to staten island.
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>> what do you think that did to the nypd when they saw officers information get posted on line? >> they think they would see it as a form of vigilanteism. they are pushing the boundaries of the law. i think some of the actions also reveal the ways in which a private security company or police are also acting outside of the boundaries of the law. >> a 99 muss's biggest coo was this. in a non-group called operation leaks posted on you tube. the next day the clip tops 100,000 views. three days later, 1.5 million. the casual yulty spraying cop had it all. >> peppy spraying student protesters. >> it was picked up by the
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mainstream and replayed over and over again. anonymous wants to frame the narrative of the occupy movement as a contest between peaceful protesters and a militarized police state. >> oh, my gosh! >> reality is not quite so clear cut. at occupy oakland protesters attacked the police with rocks and bottles. others erupted in a fury after a citier to down the encampment. >> they are trying to head into the main area and others are trying to keep them quiet and calm so the police don't have to get involved. >> we need help over here. >> you willing to fight us? you are doing their job. >> the anonymous pr machine focused solely on instances where the cops got out of line and they have plenty of ammunition.
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>> what happened? >> she got shot. >> during one night of chaos, police apparently fired a projectile directly at a former marine named scott olsen who was peacefully protesting. anonymous went into over drive. >> this is an unlawful assembly! >> scanning for police badge numbers and names, offering a reward for anyone who could identify the officer responsible. the case is under investigation. the differently homeland security has put out several alerts to law enforcement and corporate security focused mainly on the group's hacking activities and the fbi made more than a dozen arrests. >> but there is no indication that has cramped anonymous's style. their latest op? >> merry christmas and a happy new year to all on planet earth. >>or christmas day members
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crashed the website of a security research company. packing the client list with the credit card numbers in order to steal $1 million for donations to charity. >> we are anonymous. expect us. >> of course amber joins us here in studio. a little frightening. scary. >> especially for law enforcement. >> what if they get it wrong and put up information that is not accurate. do they have accountability? >> because of the way it is organized, anyone can claim anonymous and there is extreme out liars. law enforcement is intimidated by anonymous. we tried to get an interview and they refused to send an officer forward to the chopping block because they feared if this officer appeared on camera, they could be a target of anonymous.
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>> good story. coming up, is it possible that schools could be making your child sick? there is a hidden problem all-around the country and it's one that kids can't avoid.
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the parents at a public school thought they had won the jackpot. the children won the lotly to get the spots and one of the best public elementary schools. the school had a problem. it wasn't the teacher or the test scores or the kids. the problem was the building. it wasn't safe for the children. ps 51 is not alone. it's part of the ongoing reporting and our investigation found that all over the country children are going to schools that can make them sick. our first stop was ps 51. >> mare sol is helping her son get ready for the first day of school. brandon seems excited.
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mare sol seems nervous. >> i almost burned myself with this. >> this is more than a case of first day jitters. in august, weeks before school started, mare sol saw this emergency meeting notice taped to brandon's school. ps in the bronx. that nightmare sol joined an d >> first i want to start out by apologizing to all of you. >> he followed with disturbing news. >> we decided to do environmental reviews. your school came with a result we were not satisfied with with an elevated level of tce. >> tce is a kafr sin jen. prolonged exposure can cause
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parkinson's cancer or death. tests showed levels at 100 times worse than what's considered safe. >> based on the final test, we thought we needed to shut the building down. . >> parents are upset. >> you are using euphemisms. you are trying to be nice. a building was storing chemicals that were cancer-causing agents and because of the facility and the children that are involved, you didn't care. >> you guys first allowed it to be used as a school for our children. it's so inappropriate. >> parents were more upset by the fact that the department discovered it in january and parents were not told. children were kept in class through the end of the year. >> i voiced my displeasure for as far as the timeliness.
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from this point on whenever we get a positive notification around some type of environmental issue the parent community staff and school community will be notified immediately. >> i met her outside that contaminated school. >> the staff and the kids and the people who are in the building new nothing about this? >> the chancellor said he was sorry. >> how worried are you? >> very worried. >> this is the school right here. >> even brandon who is normally upbeat is worriyed. >> you like this new building? >> you know why you are in the new building. >> yeah. because of the tce chemical. >> what are do you know about it? >> it's a cancer-causing chemical. >> we wanted to ask why they
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didn't tell parents about the toxic femme cal, but after repeetd requests, his office declined to speak. >> for the callousness and recklessness of the behavior towards kids, this is as bad as i have ever seen. >> collins won a number of contamination suits for communities around the country. >> the people who ran the school and the consultants knew for at least six months that there were dangerous levels and some cases off the charts levels of chemicals in the area that these kids were breathing and yet they let the kids go there day in and day out, every day for the rest of a semester. unconscionable. >> the building should never have been a school. >> it's an old industrial site, not a place to have kids going to school. >> new york city records show ps 51 did house a car garage and a lamp factory.
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>> tce could have been left over waste. many schools on built on sites who dig up the past of foxic schools. >> we don't consider contamination before we decide where to put the school. particularly in new york city, we have the leased schools on leased properties, most are the former industrial sites. they had a policy of not looking for problems. >> he believes that ground and water testing should be mandatory. he also said ps 51 was probably always problematic. weeks before, parents were hit with more unsettling news. they had a common but toxic dry-cleaning chemical, pce. >> what are will happen to our children? >> parents showed up at another
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meeting in october to confront the chancellor. >> i first have to say dennis walcott, how dare you! >> they dismissed the test results as insignificant. >> there was an open container. once that was corrected they came back out. >> parents no longer trust the school system. >> what are you going to do? >> watch them consistently. any little thing he gets is going to be an alarm for me. he is 8 years old and it's scary. i have to see what's going to happen. i pray nothing will come of this, but you don't know. >> about a third of the schools have some kind of problem that causes respiratory problems in children. it is horrific. when i grow up,
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we have seen a school contaminated where many schools sit on the old industrial sites. >> my investigation found the problem goes far beyond the chemicals. 1/3 of our public schools have air quality that can cause respiratory problems. >> our kids spent about half of their waking day in school and there no standards for classrooms in the united states. >> it's quite shocking. on the second part of my investigation, schools that are making children sick. . >> in picturesque connecticut, a 250-year-old town. a typical school day at hinsdale, elementary.
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one fourth greater won't be there this morning or any morning. >> now if you look at him, what do you think? do you think he will be friendly? are. >> matthew's mother is home schooling her son this year. >> when he was out of school, he was well. when he was in school, he became ill. last year was by far his worst year. he missed more than 50 days of school. >> mold at hinsdale was making her son sick. >> this bag represents most of the medications that matthew was on last year. he was given this right before he went in the hospital. when he left school he left all this behind too. he needs none of it. this is garbage. >> this is actually a zero. >> alexandria's parents pulled her after a cough wouldn't go away. that was a tough decision because her father, paul, was on
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the school board at the time. >> she was put on a nebulizer and steroids and another medication. since she has been at parochial school she hasn't been on any of it. >> the school district spent $16,000 to get rid of the mold at hinsdale and the board is trying to decide whether to close the school temporarily to replace a leaky roof. only about 20 to 30% is susceptible to problems like mold or dust, but for those who are, the symptoms get increasing sever so manstudents and teachers were getting sick with problems that officials decided to tear down mckinley elementary and start from scratch. the school was riddled with mold. >> i started to get sick the second year when they put me in the basement classroom. >> the special ed teacher taught
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for 23 years before she was permanently disabled with the lung condition called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. >> they have mild, moderate, and severe. because i lost 50% of lung capacity, i am moderate. i never had a pain-free day since then. i have chronic pain. i have muscle spasms. >> another source of pain for her, if you ask her if she misses teaching. >> that's a really loaded question for someone loaded to leave the profession when they didn't want to. i'm sorry. >> if you think connecticut is somehow unique consider this. a 2010 survey nationally found 40% of students and staff sickened by the school environment.
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not all districts have the money to fix the problem. here at southern middle school, concerns about air quality closed the basement gym. >> there two or three different kinds of mold here. >> when are it rains heavily, it rains into the room. we have the buckets and these trash cans and we collect the water. >> it's raining outside and inside. >> a teacher shot this video. >> what about mold? >> one of the resitual effects would be mold. >> drew is the acting superintendent and he has seen the video and said there is no money to replace that roof. >> the buildings continue to deteriorate and we have a small amount of dollars to spread to
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do just minimal things like new roofing. some people say this would never happen. >> the national education association, the largest teacher's union agreed to meet me. >> how big of a problem would i saw indoor air quality is to a student's health? >> right now the last estimates said about 1/3 of our schools. about 1/3 have some kind of problem that causes respiratory problems in children. >> that's remarkable. >> it is horrific. >> would you send your kid to this school? >> to this school? would i send my child to this school? um, for the quality of education that i believe these teachers can provide and the principal will demand, yes. from a facilities standpoint, if i had another option, i would
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exercise it. >> you are the superintendent. people are going to be surprised because you are the guy who they are going to say look, make it the school you want to send your kid to. you can't do that. >> i can't with the financial means i have now. >> the solution costs money and it's the right thing to do. the money they need so kids have a healthy place to learn. >> sanjay, that is stunning to hear that superintendent say he couldn't send his own child to the school and something that is intangible. we talk about air and a third of the schools have air that is unhealthy. for parents who are watching and who don't even realize this, is there anything they can look for? >> i think about this all the time and i learned a lot. there some things visiting your kids's school looking for
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cleanliness and inspectors do that and you can ask for the roars looking for things like mold that can be a problem in terms of people who are susceptible to it. this idea of busses and cars idling for a long time in front of a school. that was not obvious, but exhaust fumes get into the school. the clusters ever kids. a lot of kids in your class have headaches and asthma, that should be a warning sign as well. >> a great take away for parents. up next, a stunning investigation reveals doctors cheating on medical exams.
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it's a critical specialty in medicine and radiologist. these are the doctors who examine x-rays to diagnose if you have a serious disease. to get board certified, radiologists must pass tests in their residency. a cnn investigation found that many of the doctors have taken shortcuts along the way by getting exam questions from doctors who take the tests before. this has been going on for a long time. there is a name for it. recalls. the doctors memorize the questions and write them down and now a national crack down is under way by the group that certifies radiologists that calls the practice downright cheating. drew griffin reports. >> this is absolute definitive
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cheating. >> dr. matthew webb is a then your old army doctor accepted to one of the military's largest medical residency programs. a san antonio texas complex that includes the brook army medical center where webb trained as a resident. it wasn't long before he was stunned to learn an open secret about most of his fellow doctors. they were, he says, cheating to pass medical exams. >> it wasn't until i took my physics exam that i found out that the way the residents were studying for the exam was to actually study from verbatim recalled back tests that had been performed by prior residents. >> to be certified by the american board of radiology or abr, doctors must pass two written exams and an oral exam. he took that first exam in the fall of 2008 and to his surprise
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he failed the first test that focuses on physics. he said he went to the director of the radiology program at the time. >> he told me that if you want to pass the abr exam, you have to use the recalls. i told him sir, i believe that is cheating and i can do that on my own. he then went on to me you have to use the recalls. almost as if it was a direct order. >> an order easily fulfilled. web found the recalls, the tests almost verbatim on the website for the military residents. cnn obtained all of these tests, at least 15 year of recalls stored on a shared military computer server. the test questions, the answers, even propertied as a power
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point. cultivateed fr cultivate and adding them to what appears to be an ever growing database. a glorified cheat sheet. >> they knew about the recalls and the program directors knew about the recalls and the largest portion of people were using them and it was accepted. >> that bothered web not only was this cheating, this was the army. he said his supervisors in uniform didn't seem to care. webb took his complaint of cheating to the board that certified radiologists. dr. gary becker is the american board of radiologist's executive director. pawe're heard about the recall memories come out of the test, you take the next 20 questions. they sound like well organized schemes to skirt the certification you are trying to ensure. >> i don't think we know how well organized they are. we have evidence. >> isn't it cheating? >> we would call it cheating. our exam policy would call it
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cheating, yes. >> now for the first time in more than years, the board is revamping the testing procedures. at the same time cracking down because so many certified radiologists may have gained certification at least partially because it was so easy to cheat. right now about half of the written test questions are the same every year. >> we take it seriously. when we put the stamp of certification on an individual, that means that the public has trusted us to do so. >> from any of the investigations or inquiries you have done, you don't have a sense of how long? >> no. it's been going on a long time. i can't give you a date. >> this goes right to the heart of the value of the certification. >> exactly what it's all about. >> we showed becker copies of the recall exams from the military's san antonio program. >> we're are outraged by this and we took this case to our
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professionalism committee. the result of the deliberation there is and the decision of the board was to go directly back to the training director and the dean of the institution. we had those discussions. >> here acknowledged the recall were close to the actual test. >> you signed a statement that they know this material is copyrighted. >> that's correct. that's where the illegal comes in. exactly right. >> for could be a crime? >> it could be a crime. >> the military refused to answer questions on camera. they did send a statement acknowledging residents shared exam questions in the past and it does not encourage or condone cheating of any kind. the military admitted faculty members and program directors were aware of the use of recalled examination questions by residents. the military admits a smaller number of faculty and a past
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leader encouraged the use of recall questions as one of several toolses to improve medical knowledge and prepare for the exam. the military said the recall exams have been removed from the computers and residents must sign this statement that they won't use them. has the damage already been done? >> dr. webb said to find out these physicians don't have the knowledge and are able to get through by cheating is despicable. do you agree? >> i agree. i agree. now, i can say we don't have any more information on other programs. we haven't heard similar reports from other residents. if and when we hear of any, we will track them down. >> we wanted to find out how widespread the use of recalls really is. so we figured we would come here to chicago to the largest medical convention in the united
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states. the radiological society of north america. that draws 60,000 radiologists from around the world. it wasn't long before we started getting answers.
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>> cnn investigation reveals that radiologist residents hits a well-known program known as recall test questions for years to prepare for a critical exam. >> the american board of radiologist call this is cheating. as we learned, it doesn't stop there. how widespread is the cheating and also what did doctors have to say about it? drew griffin investigates. >> if you want to find out how widespread it is, there is no better place than chicago's cormick place. radiologists have been gathering here for the largest medical convention in the united states. 60,000 strong. the society of north america is the place to show off new
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technology, new techniques and to find out that an out bald and illegal practice has been going on for years. >> dr. kay lo zano, a practicing radiologist for seven years said she never used recalls, but admits they were easy to find. >> i didn't know a person who didn't have access to those, but it was i think part of it is how you use it. >> residents told us off camera recall use is widespread. not just at the army program in antonio, but programs across the country, including prestigious ones like harvard's teaching hospital, massachusetts general. the chief there said he didn't know personally of anyone using recalls, but said we did not officially sank or organize the recalls. >> was using recalls cheating?
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>> with something so widespread, it feels less like cheating. >> how it works is simple in a long standing practice. residents take the american board of radiologist's certification test and immediately upon finishing write down a portion of the test they are responsible to recall. >> people decide beforehand which sections will i focus on in terms of trying to recall the questions and answers. immediately after the examination, the residents get together and try to put these down on to paper or word processors to be able to share it with the classes coming behind you. >> dr. june yu said residency programs even share the recalls, helping each other build as close to a copied test as possible. yu said it's not exactly
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cheating, especially when passing the test, getting certified could mean the difference between getting a job and being unemployed. >> it's out of necessary to pass the examinations that you have to rely on the recalls. >> yu, lo zano and the doctor said residents have used the recalls as guides to help narrow down topics most likely to be covered on the exam. he said the radiology test is almost impossible to pass without the recall exams because many of the questions are obscure, irrelevant facts. we have known people who tried to study out of the books and the people don't pass that way. >> nonsense said dr. gary becker, executive director at the board of radiology. thereafter are they say they write the questions or random medical facts.
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we don't believe that. >> there is no reason to believe the use of the recalls led to n unqualified doctor since they must pass a rigorous oral exam. >> these are doctors and they should be and is a higher standard. >> i agree and that's why the abr does not want to tolerate this behavior. >> do you think it's a big deal? >> yeah and recalls are cheating and it's inappropriate. >> that are may be so. but residency program directors like this doctor who doesn't endorse the use of recalls said it has been going on for so long it's difficult to stop. any resident who speaks out may find few friends come testing. >> if a training is not willing to actually use recall and help them to pass the exam and the particular trapping program is
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that every one does it that, particular person can be singled out as the social out cast. >> which brings us back to dr. matthew webb who said that's exactly what happened to him. he said he has been shun said by fellow residents. he was fired from the radiology program after something unrelated to the recalls. he was reprimanded by the army for making sexual comments to another doctor and for other conduct unbecoming an officer. webb calls it a personality dispute that escalated. the army has other plans for dr. webb as this story was being prepared, the army called him in and grill him on why he spoke to cnn. while he remains an army doctor, he fierce his military career is in jeopardy. >> that's fascinating and lots of questions it raises.
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drew griffin joins us now. >> here is my question. what is the army say being webb's claim that they wanted to get rid of him? >> they flatly deny they retaliated for speak out about this. we have a document, an army document that said look, this guy was a talented resident who demonstrated conduct unbecoming an officer. what they are saying is he's a good doctor, but not a good soldier. he did have the height to speak out, but they wanted to be notified in advance. >> did you get an idea of how often this occurs? >> we only found hard evidence with the american board of internal medicine. they suspended 139 doctors in 2010 who they found were leaving the exam and going to a test exam company and helping that company to generate a recall exam. the


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