tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 16, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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breaking news of the italian crewship disaster, the number of people unaccounted for, 29. sharply higher than a few hours ago, you look at this new video from the italian coast guard, you can see even the passengers who managed to make it out of the listing ship, what a harrowing escape it was. this is night scope video of passeng passengers streaming down the side of the cost cost. a costa concordia and some had to climb down what amounts to the size of an apartment building. this is in the middle of the night on a ship that should never have tipped over the way it did commanded by a captain according to authorities should never have done what he did before, during or after his ship ran into trouble. the questions are many tonight. we learn from dan rivers a moment by moment account of what we know. >> reporter: it was the first evidence capture on video something was wrong. around 9:30 at night, lights go
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out aboard the costa concordia and some sense this was something more serious than just a power blackout. >> they were saying everything was under control, there was an electrical problem with the generator. my husband and i looked at each other and said, they're full of it, we have to get off this boat. >> reporter: the skyscraper ship had run into rocks off italy's giglio island and beginning to list to one side and passengers begin to panic. [ screaming ] this amateur video shows the dark cold chaos as passengers try to flee the ship in life jackets, battling against gravity to get out. according to accounts of survivors, some of the crew members helped passengers board
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life boats before jumping overboard. others seemed helpless and confused. >> people were pushing and shoving. there was no order, know lines and no system in place and no one in charge. >> reporter: because of the tilting ship, some passengers are unable to make it to the lifeboat, some decide to jump and swim to shore, risking injury and hypothermia with air temperatures below freezing. >> hit the cold water.and our life jackets have a light on them. you turn it on, gets wet and starts to flash and all you could see was flashing lights in the pitch-black, just swimming. some people really freaking out, grabbing hold of other people, everyone was trying to keep everyone calm. >> at about 10:20 p.m., rescue operations begin from shore. divers search in pitch-blackness underwater for survivors. at dawn, the enormity of the damage is clear.
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an open garb running the length of the ship. by monday, at least six people are dead and more than two dozen remain missing. then, the partially sunken vessel begins to shift, temporarily halting rescue operations. >> this picture says it all about how precarious, dangerous and difficult this search and rescue operation is proving to be. earlier on, fire officers had to be wenched off the super structure of the costa concordia, as she started shifting in the sea. now, they're beginning to resume their search of the some 2,000 cabins inside. meanwhile, the chief executive of costa cruises has defended the actions of the crew following this disaster but said the captain's actions probably contributed to this wreck. >> reporter: the ship's captain, schett ti
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schettino may face manslaughter charges. some saw him boarding a lifeboat before they wear able to evacuate. he could face 15 years in prison. on italian television, he said he and his crew were the last to leave the ship and the rocks they hit were not marked on his map. still, why he took this massive ship so close to the rocky shore is unclear. an investigation is under way while concern grows over the fate of the missing. the rescuers say could still be trapped in the ship's partially flooded compartments. >> dan join us now just on shore from the crippled liner and also joining us is butch hendrick, president of life guard operations and 30 years in maritime operations. how could those on the ship not realize those hazards were there. they had made this route an awful lot, hadn't they? >> reporter: they had.
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i think perhaps that led to the complacency of the captain. they had a habit of going very close to the port showboating, effectively to show off to their friends on the island, apparently. this time, they got very close, too close, scraping that huge hole along the hull. we went out there. frankly, you'd have to be mad to take a ship that size that close to the shore. it's very close indeed. i can't really imagine what they were thinking. there would have been alarms going off on the bridge and visual alarms and navigation screens, telling them to bear away, but they didn't. >> do we know how deep the water is there, dan? >> reporter: well, it's more than 100 meters if you stay outside the rocks, but there is a reef there that comes out from
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the peninsula there are a string of rocks at the surface. we were in an inflightabatable and you can see the rocks and a huge chunk in the hull of the ship and gives you an idea of the size that ripped the size of a car off still inside the hull. >> from what you know of these situations, is it likely at this point this is just more of a recovery effort than really a rescue effort or could there still be people inside the ship above the water somewhere? >> there still could be people locked into compartments when the ship is twisted and moved, like a house, you get a big rainstorm, you can't open or close your door, they could still be trapped in a compartment somewhere where they can't physically move because of the twisting of the metal. >> also, it's important to talk
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about, it looks like a pretty calm environment, not particularly deep. but the divers have to go through this wreck, diving in a wreck any time is dangerous and this boat could still move. it's very dangerous for the divers looking for the people who may still be either under the water or alive in the boat. >> yes, it certainly is. one, as you point out, the boat is still going to move because the tide is moving so it has to move. on top of that, if you think of the fact that inside of that ship, all the electrical system is gone. as the water is moving around, the initial few hundred feet going in, there's no visibility. these divers aren't going into a facility they're able to physically see anything. they have to run tracer lines so a tracer line is a line, they'll start at the outside of the ship. as they move forward, they'll bring that line with them so they can get themselves back out.
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there could be a point they will make certain turn, whether co companion way or going down into another lower deck, they may put another diver at the top of those stairs to take care of the diver now going down and trying to find his way to other compartments. >> a dangerous and slow process. d dan, it looked like there wasn't a lot of organization, you said on your report, did the people on board know that the ship wasn't likely to completely think. that's the most terrifying thing, if you're on a ship, that the whole thing is going to go under water, this would just list on its side, did they have that information? >> reporter: i don't think they did, no. i think there was probably one thought in most people's heads who were on board, which was simply one word, "titanic." that's the obvious thought, the image that comes to mind, when you look at it, especially when you get up close and see how big
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it is. of course, it's 100 years ago, since titanic sank in the atlantic. she went down completely. the costa concordia tilted over on its side, as you can see and thankfully came to rest on the rocks on shore. i think the people on board would have no idea what would happen. don't forget it's dark and they probably couldn't see the shore. for all they knew, they were much further out and the boat was going over and didn't know if it would go down as well. >> to go through a ship this size, how many divers do you need? how long could it take? >> this could literally take a couple weeks, a pace, until they get to a point they have the sloshing of the water slowing down, they could have visibility, most likely, they would be running a camera line back to a main deck so they could see what was happening back on the surface. this could definitely take 100
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divers depending how much they want to search underwater. >> if you had been in this situation, had you been a passenger on this ship, there's a lot of unknowns, what would you do? what's the advise to somebody one side, the lifeboat looks like it can't be unloaded, would you jump in the water? >> the temperature is 57 degrees and hypothermia is a concern and they're 300 yards from shore and that's a long swim in that water temperature. if you're standing there and realize there's not enough lifeboats and it's dark, they're frightened. i imagine i would be trying to ask them to stop, wait, they will come back with more boats. entering that water would have been my last choice only because of the hypothermia and not knowing what was there to injury you. >> that would be my fear, jumping into the water and more rocks there if you had run
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aground. >> thanks. for more on the why of this disaster, let's turn to tom foreman. >> it was interesting dan mentioned the titanic. look at this. the costa concordia held twice as many passengers as titanic, longer, much heavier, but everything that was learned since the titanic's sinking went into its construction. so how did this happen? investigators, we believe, are focusing on three key questions. let's go through them. the first question is, why did it go so far off course and hit this rock? that's the basic question. the captain suggested there was a problem with his charts or something wrong with the navigation equipment. when they hit, the power went off right after impact. we've heard a lot of people talk about this, almost simultaneously from what some of the witnesses say. that has raised suspicion there could have been some electrical problem that maybe caused the navigation system to malfunction or electrical problem that came
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from that impact that shouldn't have happened. ships like this are not designed to have that happen. the second question is why did the ship start tilting so dramatically and so quickly after that impact. ships like this are designed to carry their load, all the heavy equipment, engine, very low in the hull for stability. imagine if you were lying in the bottom of a row boat versus standing up, it's much more stable that way. they have numerous water tooiig compartments throughout the ship, so if they have water in one, it will be sealed off and won't affect the other. that's supposed to keep it safe when they have a collision like this. the ship itself is supposed to be the primary vessel for taking people back to safety. instead, this one went into a tight turn in shallow water and then it rolled "live from" completely on its side, anderson. >> that must have been so scary. there's also criticism about the
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evacuation itself. we saw how disorganized it was. how long did the captain wait for the evacuation, do we know? >> it sounds like from the accounts, about 45 minutes from the actual impact to the evacuation. that raises the third big question. why was the evacuation apparently so chaotic? we know this cruise had just begun, we are told there were language barriers involved. it was dark. passengers had not been given safety briefs. there's that rock mentioned by dan, there it is. many people were celebrating their first night at sea and only been out a while. many didn't even know the command to abandon ship had been given, yet look what was happening below all these decks, huge, huge ship in the dark. as you go deeper into this hull. here are the top decks, this is roughly where the water is now. as you go through all these decks, look at the amount of deck being devoured by the water
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gets bigger and bigger, you get to this level with the casino and big theater and a lot of restaurants, you get closer to having everything under water. by the final bottom decks, basically everything is completely under water. as bush mentioned, think about this, 57 degrees is cold enough to bring on confusion and exhaustion of hypothermia and many people, in an hour or even less. so even people on board, forever they were trapped down here and got wet, it made it very difficult for them to think clearly, anderson, and that seems to have added to it. these are the three big questions right now investigators have to be asking before they can move to the more delicate ones. >> 2009 unaccounted at this point. we're on facebook, google plus, add us to your circles and twitter. i'll be tweeting tonight. does this make you less likely to go on one of these kind of cruises? let me know. next, the latest on the campaign trail, new signs mitt
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romney is on the road to victory and the anti-gingrich ad about his time at bain capital and laid-off workers and weren't laid off by bain, they actually said they got promotions. and a killer pardoned in mississippi and the search to answer about the one guy who pardoned them, the former governor. and it was the right thing to do because these were crimes of passion. those remarks stirring a big storm, is there something different about crimes of passion? let's also check in. >> anderson, nic robertson is on the ground in syria and this is almost beyond description. as if the tanks weren't enough already. he has an up close look at ordinary people of what is looking more and more of the beginning of a bloody civil war. that and much more when "360" continues.
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the other office devices? they don't get me. they're all like, "hey, brother, doesn't it bother you that no one notices you?" and i'm like, "doesn't it bother you you're not reliable?" and they say, "shut up!" and i'm like, "you shut up." in business, it's all about reliability. 'cause these guys aren't just hitting "print." they're hitting "dream." so that's what i do. i print dreams, baby. [whispering] big dreams. republicans are settling on mitt romney for their nominee, one dropping out and another one dropping down. another stop for the
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massachusetts governor what his campaign is calling the money bomb. ron paul may have taken the last four days off but his donors have been busy putting up $1.4 million over the weekend. jon huntsman is out. >> today, i am suspending my campaign for the presidency. i believe it is time for our party to unite around the candidate best quipped to defeat barack obama. despite our defensives and the space between us on some of the issues. i believe that candidate is governor mitt romney. >> new polling out today from cnn shows governor romney far and away the front-runner among republicans nationwide and newt gingrich and rick santorum won the vote of conservatives over the weekend. newt gingrich warning voting for santorum or any but himself
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would insure a moderate wins the nomination. >> ask yourself a simple question. why would you want to nominate the guy who lost to the guy who lost to obama? okay? >> today's polling seems to contradict him there. republicans by a 2.4 margin thinks governor romney stands the best chance of beating obama in november. speaker golden globe is no longer using another attack on mitt romney's time at bain capital. maybe because of the reaction he got at the candidate forum saturday. >> governor romney ran saying he created 100,000 jobs in the private sector. let me just say -- >> mr. speaker, we said we would not allow any comments on the other candidates. >> i was answering his question. let me say it differently. i believe it's fair to ask the records be clear. >> the record is not exactly clear thanks in part to that 28 minute documentary style campaign ad by winning our future which is the super pac
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supporting gingrich. you can question governor romney's time at bain and his claims are hard to back up. he's been toning them down himself. that's not the issue. with this ad, the issue -- it's less about exaggeration and less about out-and-out fraud. the ad features people who used to work at a company that bain bought in the '90s. watch. >> i never knew if i was going to have a job when i came in the next day. we had insurance there. we both worked there. if we was let go, we both was let go at the same time and neither one of us would have a job. >> then, at the very end, they decided to shut the doors. >> they never -- no matter how much they already had, they just could never get enough money. >> that sounds ominous. but when the "wall street journal" contacted those three
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workers. they said they were taken out of context. they said they got promotions and raises when bain took over. what were they talking about on the video? bain bought unimac in 1988 but sold it six years later to another private group who closed their plant and moved it to wisconsin. they said they were interviewed by john burke who was uninterested in hearing anything positive and paid them in visa gift cards. rick tyler disavowed any knowledge of john burke. here's what rick tiler told us. i don't know what their beef is. it was presented in context. they were talking about what bain did as far as cheapening quality of product and moving it along the production line too quickly. that's what mitt romney did, bain drives companies into debt until they have to merge with another company and shut down. with the south carolina primary fast approaching, we have two with us.
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bill burton is here and rich gaylin, who served as a communications director of newt gingrich when he was house speaker. bill, if criticizing romney on bain is something now seems like republicans are backing off of, it's backfired, at least on gingrich through the super pac, do you think this is something democrats now are not going to want to go to? >> facts matter. what you saw not only has newt gingrich's campaign been a disaster but the super pac is not doing a very good job. there's a very damaging straightforward truth-based argument to be made about private equity in role mitt romney had. >> and what about democrats once this becomes a general election? >> i don't think that happens in this primary is anything that can't be used in the general election. the way newt gingrich and the super pac tried to go at this by not being straightforward who these workers were and what happened to them was damaging to
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them but i don't think it has anything to do with what will happen in the general. >> in the past several days we started to hear something different from mitt romney and the claims about the jobs. saying he created hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands to thousands in a web ad. if this is this centerpiece of his campaign, is this a big problem? >> it points up he violated one of the principle rules of politics, never get stuck with a hard number you can't defend. about two months or so, i thought the president did the same thing when he said unemployment would likely be or possibly be 8% by november. when i heard that, why would you say that? just say it's heading in the right direction, we're doing everything we can. i think that's what romney found himself, came up with this 100,000 number that was indefensible and trying to back him. >> when you work in private equity not to create jobs but to
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make a big return for yourself and those who invest in your private equity firm. there's nothing wrong with that. bain wasn't in the creating job business, giving rurnsz to investors business. was it a mistake for romney to paint this as a jobs creator opposed to revenue builder? >> to a degree, i think it is, anderson. this will come back and get him in the general election. most americans have no idea what private equity does, something stereotyped and demagogued by people since the 1980s, the gordon gecko carrickture. how did he create the jobs? were jobs lost and were jobs created? how was he able to make money when he won a deal or lost a deal. >> i'm not sure it's that hard. he points to don't no's and staples and sports authority, everybody has one of those
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nearby and know how many people are employed. dominos. they have big businesses and hire people. >> and it sets him up to be nibbled around the details, something the democrats can come after him. frankly, it's his biggest strength and they will try to attack it and tear it down and first stuck on numbers and now other details. it will be hard. >> i'm curious how you think of these poll numbers. voters think romney can handle the economy better than president obama. how do you think the economy is doing a bit better but the president's approval numbers have not been improving. >> if you look at economy numbers for mitt romney, my advice is go to the cnn web page, print out this story and put it in a frame. this will be the best it ever guessed. this is what the numbers look like before people take a hard look at what his record was. this back and forth whether it was smart to use 100,000 workers or not. the issue for him is he doesn't
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have a good answer for what he did at bain capital and what that meant for what he could do as president. >> but saying president obama could handle the economy as well as -- >> we're going through a period of time the president has been taking broadside attacks from republicans day after day with basically no response and even show, his numbers have held steady. this is not a terrible place to start the general election. >> it's a different number, bill. what anderson is talking about in the poll today, an issue handling question, yes or no, does this apply to obama, can you get the economy move. ing again? 40-58. for romney, 53-41 the same question. obviously, this will change. the issue for the president, as we move into the general election cycle, past the primaries is to keep this from being a referendum on obama and get it to be, as bill was pointing out, a referendum on
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mitt romney, assuming he's the nominee. >> we have to leave it there. still ahead. in syria, the arab league monitors are getting ready to wrap up their mission as the death toll rises even. and we will show you what happened in one town. remarkable pictures. and at the governor's mansion in mississippi, convicted murders given baby-sitting jobs in the kitchen and in turn, they had an inside track to pardons. the governor saying they committed crimes of passion and therefore not a risk. is that true? [ monica ] i'm away on a movie shoot
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good thing i've got the citi simplicity card. i don't get hit with a fee if i'm late with a payment... which is good because on this job, no! bigger! [ monica ] i may not be home for a while. [ male announcer ] the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye-care experts at bausch + lomb.
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in syria, arab league monitors have now been on the ground for three weeks and civilians are still being killed. opposition groups said security forces killed at least 14 more people, five gunned down at homes while waiting in line at a bakery, on top of nearly three dozen reported deaths yesterday. we can't independently verify these reports because the syrian government restricts the activity of journalists. nic robertson was with monitors and this is how they were treated yesterday. >> reporter: the crowd has gone absolutely wild now that the monitors have arrived even carrying them on their shoulders. they're treating them as if they're gods sent here to save them. >> they reportedly pulled out before the monitors arrived. residents told nic what life has
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been like for them. >> reporter: bitter anger against the government is everywhere. . >> every day, every morning, shooting. >> reporter: two or three people have been killed, she says, more than 60 wounded. now, for the last three days, she adds, water, electricity and phones have been cut off. >> they strike at anything, in the street, in the street, kill people, isolation people. we don't need this regime. can you understand me? they are killing us. >> people so desperate to get their message out, desperate to find the words. many residents urge the monitors to stay longer. i talked to nirk by phone a short time ago and asked him about that. >> reporter: they thought that the monitors were not going to see everything. the crowd worried, they said to them, as soon as you leave, the
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government just down that road there in tanks are going to start shooting at us. the monitors said, we understand, we have to leave, and then the crowd, in their desperation literally started pounding on the car with the monitors in it, throwing rocks at it, forcing them to drive down a road that was dangerous because the syrian army -- there was a road no longer used, a front line and the monitors had to drive down this very very dangerous road, anderson. >> then what happened? they basically ended up where the assad troops were? >> reporter: they did. they ended up in a barricade across the road and the assad troops said, no, we will not let you through. they were stuck there an hour and a half and bullets flying by. it was a very dangerous place to be. >> why were they kept so long? >> reporter: eventually, they did bring a big dump truck to clear a hole through the debris in the road.
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at the same time, while they were telling us they wouldn't let us through, they brought a body out of a soldier and said, is this what you want, to the monitors, incredibly angry with the monitors. eventually, a huge amount of gunfire erupted when the monitors did get through that road barricade. >> we're showing the video of the army showing what they say is the dead body of another soldier and angrily talking to the monitors. you said, this reminds you a lot of bosnia back in the '90s. how so? >> reporter: incredibly, because the area around the town is a no man's land, a ghost town for miles and miles of villages empty, houses empty, there's no one there and even passed people at the side of the road fleeing the area on foot. they weren't in cars, didn't have possessions with them. just families essentially with their children and their pets walking down the side of the road to get out of the area. it was so much like bosnia where
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these heavily fortified front line areas. heavy army military vehicles. the monitors thought the reason they were kept there for an hour and a half, because they believe the army was removing their really heavy weapons like tanks so they wouldn't see them which is what the monitors are there to look for. >> also, i guess, like bosnia, concern about sectarian violence and sectarian civil war. >> reporter: that's been a concern here in syria. we're beginning to see a picture emerging where there is sectarian division, sort of a sectarian cleansing, homes we visited are now divided along sectarian lines. people are moving out of their homes if they're from the wrong sectarian group. you have the christians mostly supporting the president, the camps in the country, often, you
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will find those communities in one area and sunnis in another area. this community is dividing, separating, almost preparing for that moment where community turns against community, where you can say that become as civil war. >> nic robertson, stay safe. thank you for the reporting. still ahead, an idea many cannot wrap their heads around, favoring convicted murderers that worked at the governor's mansion. hal haley barbour said he trusted these men that killed to baby-sit his grandkids and said they committed crimes of passion and therefore not a risk on the outside. we will talk to an expert to see what that whole idea of crime of passion is out-dated and false. and the u.s. sends a rare letter to iran.
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were granted pardon dons by the out-going governor haley barbour that the state attorney is trying to get overturned. they all had one thing in common, they worked at the governor's mansion as part of a work program. we invited the governor to be on the show. said he's not available. he trusted the workers that worked at his mansion and even trusted them with his grandkids. >> i have no doubt in my mind, these men have repented, been redeemed, come back hard working to prepare themselves to go out into the world. i have no question in my life. when my grandchildren are over at the governor's mansion, we trust them to play with and to be looked out for by these people. if i trust them to be around my grandchildren, i think that makes a pretty plain statement. >> digging deeper, nothing new for inmates to work at the
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mississippi governor's mansion but lingering questions about whether murderers should have been allowed in as one is speaking out. >> reporter: up until one week ago, anthony mccray worked a let governor's mansion. he murdered his wife, jennifer in 2001, shooting her in the back in front of a roomful of witnesses. mccray was one of the four murderers at the mansion pardoned by governor haley barbour. >> what kind of things did you do at the governor's mansion? >> housekeeping, wash cars, stuff like this, cook. that's it. >> reporter: how long were you there? >> three years. >> reporter: exactly how a murderer gets to the mansion is a convoluted selection process in involving the governor's staff, mississippi parole board and department of corrections. the department of corrections website out-lines who can and cannot be a trustee. inmates with prior sex offenses or current sex offenses may not be considered. no rule violation reports of any
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kind, no prior escapes in the last five years and inmates must test negative for the use of alcohol and/or drugs. as one law enforcement source told us, they wouldn't choose any that might grab a kitchen knife and do something. they have to be people they feel they can watch. one strike and you're out. they're on their best behavior always. mccray says you're always good because you're always with a person who decides your fate. >> while you were work, did you ever have the chance to talk to governor barbour? >> yes. how the children are doing and stuff like that. >> how often would you have the chance to talk to the governor? >> you see him everyday, you know, if you want to go talk too him. he'll be available and talk to you. >> mccray murdered ronald bonz' sister and he finds the whole trustee system unbelievable. >> the governor's mansion. how do they do that? what's the procedure? how do you go about getting in the governor's mansion, you know what i'm saying? >> reporter: is it right that a
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murderer can bend the ear of the governor? >> it's not right with me and it's not right with a lot of other folks pushing this legislation. >> reporter: democrat bobby moak wants to pass a law to change things. things are already changing. new governor bryant says he's already discontinued the process of convicts spending the night on the grounds in addition to trustees. and in the online handbook, there never should have been murderers at the governor's mansion. "any inmate who has a life sentence is not eligible for trustee status and any convicted of capital murder, murder, attempted capital murder or attempted murder unquote. martin savage, cnn, jackson, mississippi. >> you might wonder why would governor haley barbour having
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murd murders at his home much less looking after his grandparents. apparently he had a theory. >> the reason they work at the mansion is the experts that say that people who commit a crime of passion or murder is a crime of passion, are the least likely to ever commit another crime and they are the best people in a situation like this. most all the trustees that worked at the mansion since i've been governor were people who committed a crime of passion, convicted of murder. >> joining me is a forensic psychiatrist, and cnn legal analyst, jeffrey toobin. >> this motion that people who committed a crime of passion are unlikely to commit another crime, he says that's what the experts say. is that true? >> no. absolutely not. passion basically is equivalent of rage. if someone is rageful, they will commit a homicide. the real question has to do with
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lo looking at saying that any who commits a crime of passion will never do it again. doesn't think about the individual person. you talked about these people at the governor's mansion being so kind and nice and on their best behavior. as the ex inmate said, it's because they're watching us. they are our key to getting out of here or staying in here. so that's why we behave. but on the outside, nobody's watching these people. nobody's going to say that, oh, gee, you're out. you committed a crime of passion, you'll never do it again. absolutely not. the risk is still there. >> it also implies any time you get passionate or you're angry or you're in love, that you have a problem with dealing with your emotions, with your passions, you can't control yourself. >> well, it also brings up another question of is there a different perhaps in murdering
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somebody that you know versus murdering somebody that you don't know. domestic violence seems to get shunted away as if the crime of passion is more explained when you're in an intimate relationship. >> one of these guys shot his -- i don't know ex-wife or current wife, basically point-blank range, killed her while she was cradling their child and tried to shoot the guy she was with. does this notion of crime of passion make any sense to you? >> it makes sense as a relic of a time the criminal justice system was completely sexist. it wasn't too many decades ago men could not be charged with raping their wives. that was not a crime this society recognized. the idea somehow shooting your girlfriend or wife is a lesser crime than killing a stranger is a relic that we hope had been left very much in the past. but haley barbour -- >> you don't see any female murderers working in the
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governor's mansion there. seems like there's a different standard. >> we have no idea how these people were picked. what makes this so agonizing, this story, there are undoubtedly lots of people in the mississippi prison system who should get pardons. pardons are not a bad thing but because of this sort of futile system, the king, the governor, taps a few people on the shoulder in this seemingly irrational way, it discredited this whole policy and a lot of people who probably should get pardons, non-violent people will wind up not getting them. >> do you agree the whole notion of crime of passion is an antiquated sexist notion? >> absolutely. murder is murder. it doesn't matter what your motive is. if you killed someone, you killed someone. people like to cling to the idea that in passion, you're not thinking, you're not considering their consequences, but it's still so antiquated. this does kind of taint the whole pardon system. >> it does. we have almost 2 million people
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in prison in the united states. there are 5,000 people in parchment prison alone, the notorious prison where most of the convicts came from. there are a lot of people who should be pardoned. president obama has been disgraceful underutilizing this. it's always risky to do pardons and why they always do it at the end of their terms, the mark ridge pardon with president clinton. if they did it more often with non-violent people, it would be better for the society. now, you can be sure mississippi will have fewer pardons. >> fascinating. appreciate it. coming up, a plea from the fbi as agents search for the body of a missing montana teacher and more on the investigation and who's being held in connection with her disappearance. the search for a suspected serial killer is now over. we'll tell you how it ended. i want to go on a road trip. when i grow up, i'm going to go there.
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the ridiculous is coming up. but let's check in for the "360" news bulletin. sending letters to the iranian government in response to blocking the strait of hormuz and the world's oils and didn't provide specifics. the pentagon released this video of incidents ten days ago of iranian speedboats coming extremely close to u.s. ves selling.
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and montana is asking for help finding the body of teacher sherry arnold. two men in custody in connection with the case are charged with aggravated kidnapping. a friend said this u.s. marine seemed depressed when he returned from serving in iraq. he is accused of killing four homeless people in orange county, california. z zappos shoppers be wear, the company has been hit by hackers and partial credit card information may have been stolen and as a result, they have reset the password of all 24 million customers. >> can't have been easy. a woman gives permission for her 7-year-old daughter for liposucti liposuction. you name it.
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and the human barbie. the moniker in the uk, for those unfamiliar, spent more than a million dollars on plastic surgery and now passing it on to her 7-year-old daughter. she gave her 7-year-old daughter a voucher for liposuction. why? it's legal to get actual liposuction when you're 7. this way, with a voucher, she can wait until she's old enough. mom tells the daily mail she asks for surgery all the time. she wants to look good and lipo is one of those that can always come in handy. and last year, she gave her a voucher for breast enlargement surgery. if she develops big boobs naturally, she wcan have something else done with it. and then she taught her to pole dance. i know what you're thinking, she's send iing wrong messages
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her daughter. i get angry when people say i'm doing any harm in giving her this gift. poppy is a normal kid who is good at sports and loves playing outside. this lady with the surgery vouchers, she kind of makes cinderella look like elizabeth katie stanton. look her up. we reach out to sarah bergh, who said the media is getting it all wrong, that says she's an associate of plastic surgery companies. this is my trade. if i was a dentist, would people still be up in arms about it? if you were a dentist giving your 7-year-old plastic surgery vouchers, i still think people would be up in arms about it. i see these vouchers as investing in her future like saving money for her education. you know what else i
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