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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  January 18, 2012 9:00am-11:00am EST

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narrative. the historical fact that he's the only guy to win iowa and new hampshire. >> on behalf of all of us i want to send our thoughts and prayers to the victims and survivors and their families of the cruise accident. >> on a different note, wikipedia is shut down today because of sopa. if you're looking to look things up, you'll have a problem. you can get wikipedia on your mobile device. >> i'll do the final end point. aim going to go off what you said. with this cruise ship horror. having that couple sit here. they seemed shell shocked. those were people able to get into a life boat and grab their daughter and pull her in. think of all those stories that we have not heard. people who had to swim with life boats gone. i think as we know more information, see more of these folks we'll get more horrific details. we wrap it up here. "starting point." i'm going to hop on a plane and get to south carolina. we hand it over to "cnn newsroom." i'll see you back here tomorrow i'll see you back here tomorrow morning. -- captions by vitac -- good morning, everyone. we start this hour with that doomed cruise ship off italy and
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fading hope to find anymore survivors. people are still missing in those frigid waters. two americans. at least 11 people have been killed. rescue operations are on hold again because it's too risky for divers as the cruise ship moves in the water. meanwhile, the ship's captain is under house arrest. he could be looking at man slaurt ter and abandoning ship charges after the cost at that c "costa concordia" hit a rock. barbie is joining us live from rome. barbie, any idea when the rescue operations might start up again? barbie, are you with us? >> reporter: oh, i can hear you now. yes. >> great. tell us, do you have any idea when these rescue crews could start working again? we understand that the water is cold, that bad weather is moving
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in causing that ship to shift and it has not been easy for divers to continue their operations. >> reporter: that's right. they're waiting right now for the conditions to stabilize a little bit. they're expecting some heavy seas in the next 24 hours, but the problem is the ship is really sitting on a sort of sea bed. they're worried that it could be pushed off and fall even deeper into the water. so they've got to make sure that those divers are safe. they've got to make sure that their rescue people are not put at risk, which could potentially add to the human toll of this if these rescue workers are put at risk as well. >> meanwhile, we saw this morning, "early morning" the video of the ship's captain being released from jail. now under house arrest. what can you tell us about him and why that decision was made? >> reporter: well, it was a really strange decision. it happened very late last night. this captain was basically whisked out of prison. he arrived at his home south of
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naples around 2:00 a.m. local time here. the italians are livid about this. there is a lot of anger. there were 1,000 italians on that ship. they believe he should be in jail right now. and the prosecutor who is trying to build a case in which he can charge him with manslaughter, abandoning ship, and causing the ship wreck is also very angry. he's intending to go back to the judge and get the captain back in jail. yesterday, of course, he was in court, captain schettino was in court, and the judge made a decision in which she would defer her decision, basically. in italy you can keep a suspect in jail for up to a year without formally charging them. she decided she needed to make sure the rescue efforts were finished before she made a decision whether or not he should stay in jail. it's really too early on, she thought. she didn't consider him a risk of flight, but that decision has not been well received here in
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italy. people are very angry and upset about it. >> barbie nadeau there reporting for us out of rome. barbie, thanks. major protest is underway this hour and it's as close as your computer. several websites, including wikipedia, are blocking out their web pages for the entire day. it's all in protest of an anti-piracy bill in congress that website employees say could put them out of business. christine romans is in new york. christine, for the sake of full disclosure, of course, cnn's parent company time warner supports this bill. >> right. >> let's talk about the protests that are going on and those that see this pending legislation as a threat. >> so it's called sopa, the stop online piracy act and it's really pitting hollywood and silicon valley. hollywood wants to protect its creativit creativity, content, movies, songs, the things that people are paid to come up with and do that the rest of the world wants, right? those things are knocked off quite frequently overseas. they're put up on websites. pirated, make their way back here to this country where
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people can basically see them for free. this is american -- an international creative content that is, frankly, stolen, right? the people who don't want their stuff stolen support sopa. the people who don't want the intern internet, sense sort. the others don't. they have signed a ler saying, the way congress is going about this is wrong. they're talking about too draconian of a way to stop this. my colleague, jennifer westhoven at hln puts it well. the tech companies don't want to have the burden of every picture that you upload, every home video of your child crawling across the floor, every little thing that you put out there, tech companies having to verify whether it is pirated contempt. that is just too difficult to do. so you've got these two sides. look, everyone hates piracy. it's how do you fix it? tech companies say the way congress is doing it is wrong.
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the way the content providers say they're doing it, they want it done and they want it done now. >> so if enacted, how exactly would the bill work? how does the government shut down these websites? >> that's a good, important question because they're actually changing that conversation as we speak. because of all of this pressure from the tech companies, now and also the white house didn't like the way the direction this was going in as well, some of these early versions of this bill where it would actually be changing. it's very technical even for me. the technical architecture of the internet. they're backing away from that. i think what you're going to see now is you're going to see this process is going to slow down and these voices have been heard from the tech industry, especially blocking out wikipedia, google, a lot of very powerful people in tech land are saying, slow down and do this right. congress, you're not doing this right. again, everyone agrees that piracy costs jobs and costs money to the people who create content. the question is you don't want
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to end up with web sensorship in the name of trying to stop piracy. that's a delicate balance that congress is going to have to take zbll christine romans out of new york for us. thanks so much. not surprisingly the internet is abuzz with talk of these website protests. zain verjee has been looking on line joining us from london with reaction. zain? >> reporter: hey there. good morning, kyra. there's been a lot of reaction online as you can imagine. rupert murdock, chairman of the media giant news core, supports it. i was looking at his tweet. he said this. nonsense argument about danger to internet. how about google, others blocking porn, hate speech, etc.? internet hurt? the u.s. democratic weighed in backing the protests against the piracy laws. he tweeted this, sopa would harm internet innovation and jobs. better ways to fight piracy. a bunch of cnn viewers were critical. one of them had to say this. there are merits to both sides
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of this argument. a re-write of this bill in consultation with both sides is needed. and finally, kyra, this tweet from charlie beck ket, the director of a media think tank here in the u.k. who writes, remind me who i'm angry with? the hollywood millionaires or the silicon valley billionaires? a lot of chatter online. the majority of voices weighing in speaking out against this proposed legislation. >> all points well made. that's for sure. zain, thanks so much. back here in the states, three days to go until south carolina votes in the republican presidential primary. newt gingrich is working hard to sell himself as the anti-romney candidate, so he wants perry and santorum to drop out of the race. >> look at the polling, i'm the only conservative who realistically has a chance to be the nominee. any vote for santorum or perry, in effect, is a vote to allow romney to become the nominee. we've got to bring conservatives
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together in order to stop him. >> and sarah palin weighing in now. this is who she says she's voting for. >> if i had to vote in south carolina in order to keep this thing going, i'd vote for newt and i would want this to continue, more debates, more vetting of candidates. >> cnn political editor paul steinhauser live in charleston. gipg grish knows south carolina is a do or die state for his campaign. what do you think? how and can he mount an upset? >> reporter: kyra, he could because, listen, south carolina very different state than new hampshire. here southern social conservatives play a big jerl factor, so do tea party activists. so do retired and active military personnel. remember, gingrich is from neighboring georgia before you are, so i'm not saying he's got home field advantage here in south carolina, but it is a more favorable ground than it was in new hampshire for the former house speaker. you know that palin sound you saw played from an interview last night, the gingrich
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campaign definitely running with that this morning. they say it's a pretty clear call to arms. listen, palin still pretty important, pretty influential with a lot of conservative voters. as for gingrich's call for santorum to drop out, here's what santorum says about that. >> i think it's an enormous amount of hubris for someone who lost their first two races who thinks enough of themselves that they should now, because a couple of polls have him at this moment in time ahead of me, that everybody should step aside and let him, who hasn't defeated me in two of the elections so far, to let him have a wide berth. >> reporter: santorum, perry, paul, they're going to be behind me. that's the where we have our debate tomorrow night. >> just quickly. speaking of santorum, we all remember how close the eye bowa caucuses were. we were' talking eight votes separated him from romney, paul.
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>> reporter: eight votes out of over 120,000, so did santorum really lose to romney? we'll find out by later this week. 5:00 local time in iowa all the 99 counties have to get their certified votes back to the iowa gop in des moines. the chairman of the party out there says he'll get those results out by friday at the latest. stay tuned on that one, kyra. >> paul steinhauser in charleston for us, thanks. tomorrow just days before the south carolina primary election the gop contenders debate the issues. the southern republican presidential debate on cnn tomorrow night 8:00 eastern. the captain of the capsized italian cruise ship under house arrest this morning. we're talking to ashleigh banfield about why he's not behind bars. and shoveling in seattle. the pacific northwest getting hammered by another major snowstorm, the second one this week. we've got a live report just ahead. when i grow up,
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all right. now rescue efforts at the capsized italian cruise ship are on hold because the ship has moved and it's too risky for divers to be near that wreckage. the captain far away from the scene now. he's under house arrest this morning and could face charges of manslaughter, ship wreck, and abandoning ship. just listen and follow along on the screen.
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our ashleigh banfield following all the legal angles for us now. ashleigh, around this time yesterday you and i were talking about that judge that ordered the captain to stay in jail. so what happened? he's under house arrest. >> well, the judge reconsidered and figured he's not a flight risk and there was no evidence from any of the transcriptions that you just showed that he was ever trying to really flee the scene. there is some speculation at this point that he certainly did abandon ship. i'll testimony you something, kyra. there's some very curious things that you can mine through those conversations that he was having with the port authority that can play perhaps for and against him in this matter. and i was very interested to see the accusations by the port authorities where they said, look, ske teen know, that's the captain, you may have saved yourself from the sea. this will put you through a lot of trouble. it will be very bad for you. get back on board for "f" sake.
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that sounds really damming, we have to remember. this was very dark. schettino was essentially in a life boat. who knows if it was possible to get back on board. so, listen, if anything is clear at this point, prosecutors are livid with the notion that he is on house arrest right now. they've already announced that they're going to appeal this and suggest that he be jailed instead awaiting the charges. >> is there a law in italy that a captain has to stay on that ship until he or she knows that every passenger is safe? >> that's an awesome question because we all sort of harken back to titanic where we saw the captain valiantly going down with the ship. it's a thing of legend. while there is that charge of abandoning ship, there is no law that you have to go down with the ship. to your point, and you make a good one, you can't just leave when all those other people were in need. so that's something they're going to have to really assess. he certainly did say multiple times on that tape with port authority that he had abandoned
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ship. but then, kyra, he also called it catapulted. if you saw the angle of the ship like i did, i could easily see people falling off as well. so that may be something that kind of mitigates in his favor there. >> real quickly before you go to the passengers and legal recourse that they might have, the survivors, there's this talk that the cruise line could actually be protected by ticket disclaimers. is there any validity to that? >> that seems so bizarre in american law, right? no way does the small print matter here, especially when it comes to civil action. you can bet your bottom dollar, kyra phillips, right now there are hundreds of lawyers absolutely mining through all of the different potential jurisdictional issues that they might be able to get their hands on. if there's a way, and there may be a different avenue, to get some jurisdiction in florida, somewhere in the united states, like if this series of companies does business with the u.s. and there are strict qualifications for what doing business actually means, then there may be some action that can actually be launched in this country.
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the protections for the companies involved are not quite as strident. if they have to stick with the conventions that guarantee the rights of the company in the maritime law of italy and the surrounding nations, it's so preclusion nar ri and so protective of the company that they really might not have much recourse other than i think somewhere upwards of $70,000 per passenger. >> i'll tell you what, a lot of americans, a lot of us love to take cruises. we'll keep this conversation going as we follow the investigation. ashleigh, thanks so much. >> sure. all right. news cross-country now. hundreds of occupy protesters are taking their cause to washington appearing outside the white house, capitol hill, and the supreme court. capitol police say at least two protesters were detained, including one charged with allegedly assaulting a police officer. now to bridgewater, mass. where a man pulled an 87-year-old woman out of a burning car within seconds to spare. these pictures are incredible. the man said that he saw the car actually careen into a
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neighbor's yard right here. it broke a window. opened the door. and he pulled her out. she is expected to be okay. and in parts of indiana and kentucky, cleanup begins after tornadoes struck yesterday. violent storms damaged roofs, flipped several cars and trucks. no deaths reported. well, the pacific northwest is bracing for the second winter storm this week and it could lead the region under record amounts of snow. cnn's them ma gutierrez, a true southern california gal, life in seattle for us to tell us how those conditions are at this moment. hi. >> reporter: hi there, kyra. i can start by telling you that it's very, very cold out here. again, not used to this kind of weather being from los angeles, but conditions out here actually not too bad, kyra. take a look right here. this is the famous pike street
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road. this one goes all the way down to that famous market. you can see that the snow is sticking right out here on the sidewalk, but if you look on the ground, snowplows have been out all morning making sure to keep all the roadways, highways clear and they were also putting out a mixture of salt and sand. so you can see that these roads at least the busy thoroughfares are being kept open and clean. there are many areas, though, in the -- around this downtown area, kyra, where it is much more problematic. as you well know being out here, it is very hilly terrain. so that can be very treacherous for commuters. what we're talking about is the brunt of this storm hitting around rush hour. and so people are going to have to try to navigate this kind of slippery weather this morning. and that's what the big concern has been all morning long.
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but further to the south in tacoma, that is where it has really been snowing, kyra. about an inch an hour. extreme avalanche danger southeast of here in the cascades. so we'll have to see what the storm brings, but the mayor is telling people to stay home. >> okay. we'll follow it. thanks so much. and did you know that the average car on the road is more than a decade old? in this brutal economy, folks just can't let go of that klunker. live to new york stock exchange next. and, mr. president, what color drone would you like from iran? that story right after the break. ♪ there's a place i dream about ♪ ♪ where the sun never goes out ♪ ♪ and the sky is deep and blue ♪ ♪ won't you take me american flight 280 to miami is now ready for boarding. ♪ there with you next.
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blue, pink, maybe green? if president obama can figure out his favorite color, he may get a very special gift from iran. zain verjee joining us in london and telling us what this is all about. pretty good marketing, i must say. they're getting attention this iranian firm. >> they are. they think that this is one big, fat joke. they are really mocking the united states and mocking president obama as well. just a little while ago iran claimed to have taken down a u.s. drone. the u.s. says that it was its drone but it came down because of a technical malfunction. well, the u.s. has been telling iran, give us back our drone. iran has said, if you want your drone, they're saying, we'll give you a drone. we'll give you a little toy replica of the drone. kyra, it's about 1/80 the size of the actual drone. they're saying they're going to send one to president obama sometime soon which is why he can pick the kind of color that he wants. so they're just having a jolly good ole laugh.
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they're also making more replicas of this drone that they want to sell to the iranian people for something like $4 in the stores. so this is -- they're taking a little jab here, but underscoring all of this are really serious issues between iran and the u.s. firstly, the weapons program and iran, because of sanctions the u.s. has whacked on it, is threatening to be difficult when it comes to the straits of hormuz. even close it. that's a big deal because something like 40% of the world's oil supply comes through those straits. they may have a laugh, but the message they're sending is serious. >> i think that's a cold day in hell when we see iran and the u.s. having a jolly ole good laugh. is that what you said? i'm going to quote you on that. zain, thanks. the economy is recovering, but americans are still trying to save cash. for one, holding on to that klunker. felecia taylor at the new york
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stock exchange. how old are they? >> well, you wouldn't believe it, but the average car on the road is now about 11 years old. which is a lot more than i would have thought. it's actually the largest since recordkeeping began in 1995. people are basically saying that the quality of cars is getting better so they last longer, which is kind of good news. obviously the tough time in the economy has been playing a big part. you obviously are not going to buy a car if you're worried about your job or paying your bills out there. so as the economy begins to get a little bit better, the trend could reverse and so there are some new car sales but, nevertheless, people seem to be holding on to their cars a little bit longer than they used to. in new york we don't drive cars very often. >> this is something you don't have to worry about. you've always got the trains and the subway. >> the bus. >> the bus. let's not forget that. of course, walking. stocks. how you are things looking after
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yesterday's boost? >> well, you know what was interesting, we had significant gains yesterday. things kind of trended downward a little bit. right now dow futures are a little bit lower. we've got some reports coming out the imf may be putting more money into its bailout fund. all eyes are on greece and what's going to happen there, whether or not it's going to be able to have an agreement with its creditors to actually try to cut its debt load. this is a significant problem. if they aren't able to do so, we could see some triggers going into the marketplace that would be not catastrophic but certainly have a very negative impact on the marketplace. so that's where all eyes are right now. >> all right. felecia, thanks. $5 a gallon gas. yeah, we're not happy about that either. we're going to look at how drivers in one city are dealing with that. plus, two u.s. military pilots describe what it was like when their jet was going down over libya. >> we were dropping it on the road. if you had a patch of ice, the car was spinning, that's what our aircraft was doing. >> pilots tell their harrowing story for the first time next.
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checking top stories. rescue operations on hold at site of the capsized cruise ship. the search was suspended after the ship began to move. at least 11 people have died since the "costa concordia" ran aground last week. two dozen are missing. the captain now under house arrest. wikipedia and several other major websites going dark for the day in protest of an anti-piracy bill in congress. they say it could lead to censorship and make operating nearly impossible. supporters say the measure protects copyright holders. congress expected to vote on
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a resolution denying president obama the authority to raise the debt ceiling. the measure is expected to pass the republican led house but die in the senate. gas prices nationwide are already about 30 cents higher now than a year ago and we could see $5 a gallon gas by summer. in river bank, california. he's still filling up his gas tank. prices not that bad yet, right, paul? >> reporter: well, i'll tell you what, kyra. here in california, we do suffer from very high gas prices. $3.70. this place here in bur bank is one of the best values at $3.55. why does california seem to pay a little bit more? we pay more because of basically increased production costs, because we've got all these standards for emissions here. we also have very high taxes. on the global level you're saying what's driving the rise in prices? of course, iran's threat to close the strait of hormuz. that's driven up the price of
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crude oil. also at play is an emerging demand from these markets such as china, brazil, southeast asia. back here in california. what do you think if you're in a small business? we talked to someone who installs tiling, granite countertops. this so far is affecting his business, a downturn, by 15%. >> it's almost $100 to fill up the tank and before you know it here comes wednesday or thursday morning, i'm putting another 50 to $100 in the tank. it's the stop and go driving, the zig zag, the gridlock. no matter where you have to drive in l.a. we're having to go out of the area unfortunately. >> reporter: and so back here live and in further talk to go this business owner, he would love to buy a more fuel efficient car. it's a catch 22 because when your profits are eroded by these rising gas prices you don't have the rest of the disposable income to go out and buy that new, more fuel efficient truck. back to you.
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>> paul in burbank. thanks so much. it's been nearly a year since nato launched a bombing campaign over libya. you may remember two u.s. pilots' plane crashed during the early days of that campaign. they share their harrowing tale for the first time in an exclusive interview with our barbara starr. >> reporter: the u.s. war over the skies of libya was just two days old when f-15 pilot major kenneth hare any and tyler start got their mission. conduct airstrikes against moammar gadhafi's forces. harny in the front seat, stark in the back. >> this is the big leagues. we're going to be flying in combat tonight. >> for me, i'm pumped. first time i get to go out in come bad. >> reporter: after bombing their target near benghazi, they turned for home. studly the aircraft is spinning out of control. they are headed for a crash. for the first time ever, harny and stark tell what happened in what would be the most tense
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hours for the u.s. military in its aid of the nato mission. >> pretty much if you were driving your car down the road, you hit a patch of ice and your car started spinning. that's what our aircraft was doing. >> from there it was the first thought is this is really happening. a little bit of surreal, like we're spinning. this is not good. very not good. >> i call may day, may day, may day. >> we're in the spinning, falling. counting down the altitudes. >> reporter: they bail out and hope they don't land in the middle of gadhafi's forces. >> i was scared. there's no doubt in my mind that i was terrified. >> reporter: they have landed in separate locations. on the ground, harny spends the next three hours on the run trying to hide and radio his position to u.s. planes overhead. the marines fly in a rescue team. harny wants no mistakes. >> i put my hands up in the air hoping that they don't come at me very hostile at this point. at that point i don't care if they put me in cuffs. i don't care if they throw a bag over my head. i know i want to be on that
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helicopter. >> reporter: stark winds up in a field suddenly two vehicles approach, someone calls out. >> we'll help you. >> i hear the voice a little bit closer. american come out, we're here to help. >> reporter: lights are shining at his position. >> i get up and put my hands up and start walking to the voice and the light. once i get there my impression is, okay, you have to assume that they are the bad guys. and so i approach them thinking, okay, i'm caught. >> reporter: he's driven to a nearby building, still very much on his guard. >> there's a half circle of locals and i'm thinking, okay, this is going to end one or two ways. this is where the beatings are going to start or this is where i'm going to get a lot of help. fortunately, i walked in the room and got a round of applause. >> reporter: with all the stress, stark can't remember the phone number in england to call for rescue so he calls his father from libya. >> in the age of cell phones, whose number do you know off the
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top of your head? your parents. i called them up, spoke with my dad. i said, hey, i need you to make a call for me. >> reporter: stark was shelled terd that night by the friendly libyans until an italian boat could come and pick him up to bring him to safety. what went wrong with the f-15 that night? investigators found that one of the flight maneuvers threw the plane off balance for technical reasons that the crew could not have anticipated. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. all right. coming up in a few minutes, we're going to talk to a principal who says he's found a winning formula to help kids make better grades and enjoy school. we're flipping classrooms next. and celebrity chef anthony bourdain not feeling sorry for paula deen and her diabetes slamming the southern food star via twitter next. >> the more wild ideas you want to realize, the more dry and rational and professional and rigorous you have to be in your
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approach. if you're just going to do the standard solution, you can actually be quite lazy. whereas, if you want to go even just a little bit beyond sort of the conventional path you really have to try hard to convince a whole series of authorities and also clients and investors and neighbors that this is actually feasible. this is an rc robotic claw.
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my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪
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chef anthony bourdain slamming paula deen via twitter. a.j. hammer with us. deen announcing she's diabetic and he doesn't have much sympathy for her. >> that's right. he responded to this whole situation, kyra, in the same way so many people have. he's publicly called deen's food bad for you. she's a paid spokesperson for a diabetes medication, he's stunned. here's what he tweeted to paula deen. thinking of getting into the leg breaking business so i can profitably sell crutches later. now he and deen do have a
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history. last year he called her the most dangerous person to america saying that she is proud that, as he put it, her food is bleeping bad for you. for her part she did tell him last year to get a life. kyra, i haven't seen her directly respond to him in the last 24 hours. she is publicly defending herself now saying her recipes were always meant to enjoy in moderation, not as an everyday kind of thing. certainly her revelation having diabetes has raised a lot of questions for a lot of people. >> where's the moderation in a stick of butter? explain that to me, a.j., and i will try. >> or the thing that she has with the two donuts and the beef patty and the eggs and the bacon. i don't know. >> and let's not get into the fried chicken, okay? now country superstar garth brooks taking a hospital to court. what's going on there? >> here's the deal. this is about a 2005 charitable donation that brooks made and he now wants it back. he says he gave a half million dollars to the integris canadian
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hospital, of yukon, oklahoma. he says they solicited the donation by promising to name a building after his late mother who died of cancer. the building was never built so he wants his money back. tmz says the hospital is calling this a misunderstanding and is hoping that things come to a quick and amicable resolution. people has a report, kyra, from brooks' representative that says he is taking this extremely personally and not to expect any sort of happy ending. it's going to be interesting to see how this sorts itself out. you can understand why this is so personal to garth brooks. >> i'm going to let you tease what's coming up. "modern family "someone drops the f bomb, are you serious? >> it's my best new friend from the show. i had a chance to spend some time with him at the golden globes. i enjoyed it. i'll tell you all about it next hour. >> what a tease. a.j., see you soon. failure rates at a michigan high school plummet.
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kids actually enjoy school and are less stressed. how did the principal turn it all around? by flipping the classroom, of course. he'll exwh [ wrapper coming off a vending machine waffle ] [ sizzling ] ♪ [ male announcer ] free hot breakfast. with fresh waffles. real value. from your friends at hampton. ♪[music plays]
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so i'm curious. was your high school experience like mine? you listened to the teacher, talked most of the day, then you go home and listen to your parents nag you for the rest of the day about doing your homework? well, imagine this, doing your homework at school and listening to the class lectures at home. a school near detroit is actually doing that. it flipped the old school idea, and it's working. kids are getting better grades and they're less stressed. greg greene is the principal at clinton dale high. these stats are amazing. in english the failure rate went from 52% to 19%. you're seeing great numbers in math, social studies and science also.
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explain to me how flipping got you there. >> well, i think the flip concept is relatively simple. we're having kids process the information right with the expert in class and also if a student who may be at risk needs technology, like the internet, a computer, we're able to offer that. if they need support services outside the realm of the classroom, we're able to offer that. we're also able to offer a safe learning environment. so we're really, our schools are really built around supporting the student learning. why shouldn't we do that at school rather than put the burden on families who are struggling to make ends meet and aren't part of the classroom experience every day. >> so in a little more detail then, i know this concept, the homework isn't done at home anymore, it's done in school. what is it about this concept, the flip concept, that works where previously, you know, it didn't? >> well, i think that in a
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traditional sense when students come to school they listen to a lecture and then they go home and try and process it. they may have struggled on problem one or problem five or number ten and there's really no support network to help them. when they're in the classroom, in a flip classroom, what happens is because they see their lecture prior to class, they have some sort of working knowledge of t. then when they come into class the expert teacher and also students as well, they have contributed to the learning environment. if a student has trouble on one, the teacher's right there. if a student has trouble on number five, they're right there. you're building your learning platform around the expert teacher rather than maybe a support system that can't regularly support an individual, especially in an adverse environment. when you have adverse environment you have to make decisions about some of the things that you support your children with. food or the internet? those decisions are tougher and
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tougher. >> yeah. you know, for a lot of these kids that aren't well off, they depend on school for their main meal of the day, yet you need a computer or a smartphone to get the full benefit of the flip classroom. how do you handle that? >> well, we just simply extend our services. at the beginning of the day, at the end of the day, and also at lunchtime. remember, when we created this model, we didn't have really the cash flow to do that within the district so we created this model without any grants or what have you, and so what we do is we just use existing equipment at school. most schools have taptops and desk tops that students can use. we make those things available to our students. they don't fall behind. >> greg green, interesting concept. really pretty simple concept. it's incredible what you're able to do with it as well. thank you so much, greg. you can actually read his commentary about flip classrooms
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on cnn's schools of thought blog. it's titled flip classrooms give every student a chance to succeed. coming up in sports, a book. a paralyzed athlete reaches the south pole. me optional pursuit. a privilege for the ultra-wealthy. it's a necessity. i find investments with e-trade's top 5 lists. quickly. easily. i use pre-defined screeners and insightful trading ideas to dig deeper. work smarter. not harder. i depend on myself the one person i do trust to take charge of my financial future. [ bell dinging ]
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11:45 eastern time, secretary of state hillary clinton meeting with basketball great kareem abdul-jabbar.
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he's getting a new title, cultural ambassador. and governor jerry brown will try to sell his plan with the state of the state address. and president obama will address the annual u.s. conference of mayors. also next hour, the head of hobby lobby, you know that chain, he'll be here to share his own hobby, rare biblical antiquities. you'll see the priceless items he's now putting on a worldwide tour including his latest find, the earliest known text from the book of romans. across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas. the smarter power, today. learn more at
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we it talk a lot about sports stars if our big play, but this guy is in a class by himself. grant corgen has become the first adapt it difference athlete ever to reach the south pole. he crossed 75 miles on a custom sit ski while braving a 45 below zero windchill. he was paralyzed from the waist down after a snowmobiling accident in 2010. he now has feeling down to his knees, but not his feet. miami heat without dwyane wade. he has a sprained ankle now. the heat two other stars take up the slack, though. chris bosh coast to coast for the slam. he scored 30. lebron james had 33. the heat beat the spurs. how about the australian
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open. he rushes the net, races back for the between the legs shot. we always love this. he'll move on to the third round. this could be the play of the day from melbourne. a ball girl getting krid rid of cricket. the match went on on and she was probably happy to get back to her real job. south carolina, cain suspended his presidential bid, but colbert has pulled him back in. >> reporter: how did a come ka median and pizza ceo turned politician become one? >> anybody who shares my values can show it by voting for herman cain. >> reporter: it's the latest stephen colbert caper. even more cunning than his decision to explore his own possible candidacy. >> for the the president of the
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united states of south care kar carolina. >> reporter: but how to get on the ballot? it's too late for stephen colbert to get on the south carolina ballot and write ins aren't allowed. solution. herman cain is already on the ballot, those he's dropped out of race. so take his place. >> there is one name on the ballot that stands for true american. herman cain. >> reporter: his super pac produced a vote herman cain commercial and colbert used his show to -- >> tell the world how much you love herman cain. >> reporter: south carolina has an open primary. so democrats and independents could vote for cain. and colbert friendly websites were buzzing with colbert/cain fever. so could the fake commecommenta the real primary? >> short answer is no. we may see a bump, but the
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serious point is that sometimes takes satire to tell the truth. >> reporter: we wondered what herman cain thinks about colbert stealing his electoral identity, but he didn't return our calls. remember what cain said the day he dropped out of the presidential race? >> i am not going to be silenced and i'm not going away. >> reporter: he's not going away if teastephen colbert can help . may the best smile win. make that shlowest. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. and we begin this hour with a major protest under way right now and it's as close as your computer. several websites including wikipedia are blacking out their web pages for the entire day. they're protesting an anti-piracy bill in congress that they say could put them out of business. dan simon looks at the battle
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that some describe as silicon valley versus hollywood. >> reporter: thousands of people this very minute are downloading pirated videos from overseas websites. movies still in the theaters like war horse can be watched on a computer screen for free. depriving the film industry of millions of dollars. with websites like the pirate operating in europe, the u.s. has no authority to shut them down. that has prompted capitol hill legislation known as sopa, stop online piracy in the house and protect intellectual property act in the senate. the bills would require that internet providers in the u.s. block the offending sites. media companies like time warner are among those supporting the bill. >> illegal conduct is not free speech. illegal conduct is what it is. it's stealing. and that's at the heart of this legislative effort. >> reporter: chris dodd heads up
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the motion picture association and is a huge backer. >> this bill is exclusively focused on the foreign criminal elements that are stealing. >> reporter: the bills would give washington unprecedented authority in regulating content. >> think of it as a black list. we haven't seen before. what would happen is a copyright holders in the u.s. department of justice would come up with this list and then with a court order serve this on internet service providers. >> reporter: search engines such as google would be banned from displaying sites. and advertisers as well as payment processors like pay pal could do no business with them either. collectively, silicon valley has said no go. not because they want piracy. but don't feel they should be the internet police. and are hurling words like censorship at the legislation. david run as successful internet security company can gives its customers the tools to block websites in their own homes or businesses. >> we've never wanted to be in the position to try to be the
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editorial directors. we certainly don't think the government is the right people to be in that position either. >> dan simon joining us live. cnn's parent company time warner supports this big. so let's talk about the technology companies protesting the pending legislation. what's their solution? >> i'm not sure they have it. this is a difficult question for both sides. but one thing you hear repeatedly when you talk to these technology executives is they look at hollywood and they say go innovate. they look at what happened with napster when pretty much everybody was downloading music for free. so they look at hollywood and they say figure out a way for people to pay for your content, that will help solve at least part of the piracy problem and of course a lot of smart people are trying to figure this out.
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we know that the bills apparently are on hold, the least the one in the house. there are a lot of people in the senate questioning whether they should go forward with the vote which was slated for january 24th. >> we're following it that's for sure. and in just about 15 minutes, jessica lawrence will join me, she's the managing director of new york tech meet up, a trade organization with about 20,000 members. and they are protesting in man hatten today. she'll join me live. not surprisingly, the internet is a buzz with talk of the protest. zain verjee has been looking online. what did you find? >> the internet has been on fire. this shall a hot topic online. let me give you a flavor of what some people are saying. i found a tweet by rupert murdoch and he says he supports it. nonsense art about danger to internet. how about google, others
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blocking porn, hate speech, et cetera? internet hurt? the u.s. democratic congressman keith ellison also weighing in backing the protests against the piracy laws. he tweeted sopa would harm internet in-p know vags and johns. better ways to fight privacy. loads of cnn viewers have plenty of opinions. one said there are merits to both sides of the argument. a rewrite of the bill in consultation with both sides is needed. finally, check out this tweet from charlie beckett, director of the big media think tank here in the uk. and he says remind me, who am i angry with? the hollywood millionaires or the silicon valley billionaires? so very opinionated thoughts online. majority of people weighing in and speaking actually against the proposed legislation. >> zain verjee out of london. thanks so much. now to that doomed cruise ship off italy and fading hope of finding any survivors.
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about between dozen people are still missing in those frigid waters. at least 11 people were killed. and rescue operations are on hold. it's too risky for divers as the cruise ship moves in the water right now. meanwhile the ship's captain under house arrest. he could be looking at manslaughter and abandoning ship charges after the costa concordia hit a rock friday night. barbie, let's start with the captain. is the move to house arrest a surprise? she was joining us on the phone via rome and that call dropped. we'll try to get reconnected with her to get the latest on that search. let's talk politics. three days to go until south carolina votes in the republican presidential primary and newt gingrich is working hard to sell himself as the anti-romney candidate.
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>> we've got to bring conservatives together in order to stop him. >> now sarah palin is coming out telling south carolina to vote for newt. >> if i had to vote in south carolina in order to keep this thing going, i'd vote for newt and i would want this to continue, more debates, more vetting of candidates. >> paul steinhauser live in charleston. so gingrich says he knows south carolina is a do or die state for his campaign. what do you think, can he mount an upset? >> he could. this is almost home field advantage for newt gingrich. he's from georgia. the state next door. and this is a very different state than new hampshire. so he could get very mojo here
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and do pretty well. as for the palin comments, his campaign calls them pretty darn clear call to arms. not an official endorsement, but they're pretty excited. santorum campaign is pretty much thanks but no thanks about stepping aside. >> the ad wars as we've talked about have been pretty brutal. take a listen. >> newt was fined $300,000 for ethics violations. took $1.6 million from freddie mac and co-sponsored a bill with nancy pelosi. santorum voted to raise the debt limit five times, increasing spending and debt by $3 trillion. and he even voted to let convicted felons vote. >> romney's economic plan, timid. parts of it virtually identical to obama's failed policy. timed in won't create jobs and timid certainly won't defeat barack obama. >> just how much money are the candidates shelling out, paul?
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>> a lot. i turn on your tfltv, it's a fl of campaign commercials. many negative. these are the latest numbers. will this is just in the campaigns. you can see who is spending the most, mid romney. next screen, this is the story of this campaign, it's the super pacs that are spending more money and look who is at the top, the pro romney super pacs spending nearly a million dollars just in the last week here in south carolina. we're talking a lot of money, a lot more to come between now and saturday's primary. >> speaking of a lot of money, mitt romney facing some political backlash over a reality that stairs back at us from every paycheck. rich people like romney, the multimillion their, paying a lower tax rate than working stiffs like you or me. >> what's effective rate i've been paying? probably closer to the 15% rate
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than anything. >> christine romans joining us from new york. 15%. how does he manage to pay less in taxes than the middle class? >> well, here's a couple of funny things. there's nothing simple about taxes. i'll say it again. there's nothing simple about taxes. people with a lot of money, and he has a lot of money, net worth something like $200 million. those kind of people have a lot of their investments in difference defends and capital gains. that's taxed at 15%. it's not taxed like labor, your work. when you go work. if you were being taxed on work, it would be 35% would be his marginal tax rate. but a f. a lot of his money is coming from investments, it's a 15% tax rate. here's something interesting, as well. he made a comment that fuel this is whole idea that there's this big gap and he doesn't get it. he pointed out that he makes money from speaking fees, as well, $374,000 he made. not very much, he said. he was pointing out that most of
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his income is from dividends and capital gains. but i've been on the phone crunching irs numbers with several different tax sort of policy centers or tax groups. i don't know that you can say point blank that on federal income tax alone he pays more than the middle class. look at these irs statistics. people who make $30,000 to $40,000 a year after you figure in all of their credits and deductions, their effective income tax rate federal only, this doesn't count payroll taxes, other stuff. 4%. 5% for 40 houd to $50,000. 7% for $50,000 to $75,000. 8% for $75,000 to $100,000. you look at the top 1%, they're paying i think like 24% is their effective tax rate. and here's why. because we have such a complicated tax code that is full of goodies for all kinds of different -- so rich people get all these breaks for capital gains and also for charitable deductions. but mofrt ganlg interest, a big
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deduction for that. you get a deduction also for having kids. you get a deduction tax credits and the like for your state income taxes. your property taxes. your local property taxes. and your charitable donations, as well. so you go down the line, there are deductions and tax credits for everyone. and finally, this is something that conservatives bring up a lot when they say, look, 40% of people who earn money have no federal tax burden at all. so we have a complicated tax code that is tilted in a lot of different ways and definitely the rich, their share of taxes has been going down, but i'll tell you, there's nothing simple about it. and on the campaign trail, we'll be hearing an awful lot more about it. >> and we'll be talking about about it trying to make it less complex so everybody can understand. christine, thanks. and tomorrow the gop contenders debate the issues, the southern
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republican presidential debate on cnn tomorrow night 8:00 eastern. now back to that doomed cruise ship off italy and fading hope of finding survivors. barbie joining us live from rome, let's start with the captain now under house arrest. >> reporter: that's right. the captain has spent his first day as a semifreema man. he's under house arrest in his hometown south of naples. and he's not supposed it to leave his house, he's not supposed to talk to anyone. he's supposed to just sit there and i'm sure work with his lawyer who is trying to defend him against potential charges for manslaughter, for an ban condonment of an dan donement of ship and causing ship wreck. in the town where the accident took place, a judge decided that she would wait and make a decision about what is going to happen with him during the interim of the investigation. that means there's a period of investigation going on right now
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which they can't really even start until they finish rescue and recovery phase of the accident. they're still looking for survivors, but also looking for the remains of the victims. they have spent very little time in the water today because of rough seas and it's supposed to be even worse tomorrow. >> and what happens to the ship as these strong winds orsuppose ed to move in, the weather conditions not helping these divers at this point.supposeed weather conditions not helping these divers at this point.d tor conditions not helping these divers at this point. >> the big concern they have with the ship is that it will slide forward in these rough seas and drop further. the seabed in that area is a fairly shallow water, but it is very possible that it will go down dealership if it's pushed forward. that would hamper the recovery phase, but it also could cause an environmental problem because that ship still has about
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550,000 gallons of fuel on it. so there is a salvage company in place looking at ways to extract the fuel from that ship, but it's all a compromise right now by the weather. typical winter weather on the seas, very unpredictable. and they're awaiting a winter storm. so we'll see what will happen the next 24 hours to see if that storm amounts to anything, if they can get back on that boat. but right now it's too dangerous for the divers to go back. >> okay. thanks so much. and the occupy movement targets several well-known sites, including the white house. and the pacific northwest is getting hammered by a second major winter storm. a live report from snowy seattle next.
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news across country. hundreds of occupy protesters taking their cause to washington. capitol police say at least two protesters were detained including one charged with allegedly assaulting an officer. bridge water, mass, a man pulls an 87 why would woman out of her burning car with just seconds to spare. pictures rin credible. the man said he saw the car careen into this neighbor's yard, so he broke a window, opened her door and pulled her out. she's expected to be okay. and in parts of indiana and kentucky, clean up begins after a tornado. violent storms damaged roof, flips several cars and trucks. no deaths reported. the pacific northwest is bracing for a second winter storm. this could reach the region under record amounts of snow.
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as i mentioned last hour, our southern california girl, thelma guttierez, is live there to give us a true perspective of what conditions are like. hey, thelma. >> reporter: well, i can tell you we've been here for about five hours and the snow is starting to come down. it's very steady. and as you can see, the snow is now starting to stick. what's really interesting is that this is actually happening in the heart of rush hour and as you look on pike and 7th where we're standing, it is very traffic light. very few cars out right now. possibly because the mayor and officials have been telling people stay home, don't come into the city. but as i can show you right now, all the main thoroughfares in this downtown area have been kept fairly clean. and that's because snowplows have been out. they want to make sure that people are able to get in and
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out when they need to. kyra, officials say they are prepared this time around for the storm. 2008 was a different matter. they're expecting about five inches here in downtown seattle. 10 inches in the outlying area. so that makes this a huge storm, not huge numbers when you talk about inches, but on the other hand, this is very treacherous terrain. it's like san francisco snow, very steep terrain. so that makes it very slow going, very dangerous for people out here. >> okay. we'll follow the conditions in seattle. thanks so much. and right now we're seeing just how much political clout the web has. popular websites are dark. website employees are protesting. all of it because of anti-piracy bills they believe go too far. we're actually talking to one protester next. [ male announcer ] feeling like a shadow of your former self?
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wikipedia and other websites have gone dark to protest anti-piracy bills in congress. employees say it could put them out of business. jessica lawrence is one of those employees. she's hamanaging director of te trade association with 20,000 members but today she's a protester. for the sake of full disclosure, cnn's parent company time warner supports this bill, jessica. so let's begin with you. and what's your biggest issue here with the sopa bill? >> our biggest issue is that although we really do believe that copyrighted material should be protected from piracy, these two pieces of legislation are far too overreaching and they really serve to stifle
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innovation, freedom of speech, and economic growth. it's like trying to put out a small barbeque fire with a giant fire hose. >> so you're not totally against the idea. so how would you rework this legislation, where would you find a compromise here that you would feel is fair? >> i think a ledggislative compromise might be an option. the other option is to work with the internet start ups themselves and find a solution. they're taking issues with music piracy and building a business model that protects some of that music from the piracy that we're seeing rampant in the music industry. >> you did say i believe it was the "new york times"s, you say this is a wake-up call. what cow mekou do you mean by t? >> politics is not necessarily that the start up industry and the tech industry has been heavily involved in. a lot of times people are building companies with a very small team, they have their
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heads down focused on their work. and i think this is the first time that the start up industry has really seen that there is legislation out there that would have a direct negative impact on their ability to do their work and serve the community with the products that they're creating. >> there are lawmakers scrambling to rewrite this. have you been in touch with any lawmakers? >> we were in touch with senator ji gillibrand's office and senator schumer's office and we suggested to both that they come out against this legislation that instead of trying to kill the internet, they should be trying to save the internet and these are both senators who are talked in the past about how much they support the tech community and yet this ledgess lags is directly against the tech community and will have a significant negative impact on it. >> do you think that we'll see more websites go dark in proceed test? >> i think we're already seeing some of the huge websites go dark. wikipedia and mozilla, even
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google. i think you'll see a lot of other sites going dark throughout the day. >> jessica, thanks for your side of the story. newt gingrich telling a south carolina crowd take he's ready to brawl for the white house. in fact, he says he wants to knock obama out. wonder what the vegas odds are on that fight. our political buzz panel sounds off. and the head of the hobby lobby chain will be here to share his own hobby. rarebib l lly ll lly biblical ck [ female announcer ] investing for yourself is a necessity.
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checking top stories. rescue operations on hold at the site of that capsized cruise ship off the coast of italy. the searchers were suspended after the ship began to move. crews plan to blast more holes in the boat today to give divers better access. at least 11 people have died. two dozen others are missing. and the captain now under house arrest. wikipedia and several other websites going dark to protest an anti-piracy bill. they say the legislation could lead to censorship and make operating nearly impossible. supporters say the measure protects copyright holders. congress expected to vote on a resolution denying president obama the authority to raise the debt ceiling. the measure is expected to pass the republican-led house, but die in the senate. time for political buzz. three questions, 30 seconds on the clock. playing today, maria c a chlt d
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rd. first question. a south carolina voter asked gingrich about taking on president obama. here is how newt answered. >> i don't want to bloody his nose, i want to knock him out. >> imagine newt versus obama come november. who wins the title bout, guys? >> well, about if i were a betting gal, which i'm not, i would put all my money squarely on president obama. look, first of all, you have gingrich who how many times has he imploded? and in every single match-up that you have in polls, president obama basically trumped him, trounces him. and in an election where the difference is going to be between a president who has created 3 million jobs and wakeses up every day trying to protect middle class and working class families versus anybody in the gop field who wants to put
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policies in place that put us in this recession to begin with, president obama will win. >> chris metzler. >> is this a trick question? newt wins. if you look at newt's ability to be an exceptional debater, if you look at his political skills, his vision, put all of those things together, he easily -- it's a tko. newt is the winner, end of discussion. >> chris mood dy. >> i think whether it agrees to his challenge of holding seven three hour lynn lincoln-douglase debates. gingrich has been practicing for at least two decades now. and i think he would do very strongly. but if it's gingrich or obama, that would be a lot more fun than romney-obama. sarah palin telling voters vote for gingrich. >> if it i had to vote in south
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carolina, in order to keep this thing going, i'd vote for newt and i would want it this to continue more debates, more vetting of candidates. >> more vetting of candidates. so if you could ask the gop field one question and get a straight answer, what would it be some chris metzler. >> first of all, governor palin is correct here in that newt's going to win south carolina. but besides that, the question really is going to be a two parter. first part of the question, if the treasury department dipped into the pension funds to avoid the debt ceiling, what would you do about that. and secondly and more importantly i think is on day one, what specifically are you going to do to create a business environment in which companies in-source rather than outsource jobs. >> maria. >> i would ask this. as a middle class latina mother who is a voter, what policies
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are republicans going to put in mace to try to convince me that they are not in it just to protect millionaires and billionaires and the biggest corporations with tax cuts for them at the expense of programs and policies that help the middle class and which i am in. and secondly, as a latina, why do they have such extreme positions that are anti-immigrant, anti-hispanic and what will they do to fix that. >> chris moody. >> we need to point out this is probably a watershed moment for sarah palin. it's perhaps the first time that something she says the entire washington, d.c. press core agrees with her. i think the secret is we all want will this to go on because the minute it's romney-obama is the minute we all take a nap. but the question i'd ask is did you really want to be president? >> okay. buzzer beater. 20 seconds each. company man o'brien talking about wick teed i can't going dark it protest of anti-piracy
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bills. take a listen. >> because of a protest, wikipedia is going to shut down for 24 hours. yeah. in fact it's 11:05. so you'll have less than one hour to get most of your facts wrong. >> hrt. if you were rewriting this anti-piracy legislation, guys, how would it read? maria. >> i think that there are certainly merits on both sides of the issue. but there has got to be protections in there. if this great segment goes on youtube and my mother wants to download it on facebook, facebook should not get in trouble and my mother should not get in trouble. and the way the legislation reads now, they both would. >> this this great segment. love it. >> two things. one, first of all i think what i would do is make sure that reid does not rush the legislation to
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the floor. but nothing in this legislation shall be inconsistent to the first amendment to the constitution. and secondly nothing in this legislation intended or otherwise should engage in censorship. >> chris moody. >> if it will shut down the internet as we know it, i think it needs provisions to teach us how to act without the internet. i don't know what i'm going to do if i don't have the internet. so it requires mandatory etiquette lesson, how to eat food with other people without an iphone. so we learn how to talk to each other. >> maria, chris squared, thanks, guys. anthony bordain isn't a fan of paula deen's. wait until see what he tweeted. also, if take you your ipod
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we talk a lot about sports stars, but this guy is in a class by himself. grant korgan has become the first adaptive athlete ever to reach the south pole. he crossed 75 miles on a custom
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sit ski push building a quarter million times while braving a 45 below zero windchill. he was paralyzed from the waist down after a snowmobiling accident in 2010. let's go to the australian open. he rushes the net, races back for the between the leg shot. between sweet. across court for the winner. del .ot rpopro won the man. this ball girl is trying to get rid of a cricket. slamming paula deen on twitter. a.j. hammer here to talk about the fact that deen made the announcement that she's
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diabetic, but bordane not showing much sympathy. >> no, he's called her food bad for you in the past and he seems incredulous that she's now work as a paid spokesperson. he said thinking of getting into the leg breaking business so i can profitably sell crutches later. now, we did reach out to bourdani for further comment and he gave us no comment. but he and deen do have a history. last year he called her the most dangerous person to america saying that she is proud that her food is as he put it bleeping bad for you. last year deen said get a life. we haven't heard back from her yet about the latest, but she's publicly defending her cooking by saying her recipes were always meant to be enjoyed it mod race, not as an every day kind of thing. but as you've been hearing, a the lot of people really upset that she kept her diagnosis a secret for so long. three years. while continuing to push her
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fatty foods. some people are saying maybe it should have been sooner. >> and now taking on a big sponsorship or being paid, rather, by a drug for die pete diabetes. modern family with an f-bomb in an upcoming episode. >> truly this is something that a lot of parents can relate to. you'll be relating to it yourself in a couple years. in the next episode of the great modern family, the youngest character on the show, which is 2 1/2-year-old lilly, drops one of those words you can't say on television. now the profanity is bleeped, but the humor comes with how they deal with how she learned the word and how to keep her from saying it in public again. kids pick up all sorts of things that she probably shouldn't hear and say. so it's common thing.
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i have seen a report that the actress who plays lilly actually said the word fudge during the taping so she wasn't actually taught the offending word. but you have groups like the parents television council and the no cussing club, they've been quoted as asking abc to not even air the episode. i don't think there's a bleeping chance that will happen. and i look forward to watching it myself on abc tonight. and i met jesse tyler ferguson at the globes and the instant i did, he knew we were big fans. he's watching. >> that's great. >> jesse of course plays mitch on the show. >> jesse, thanks for watching. i'm thrilled. we have to make sure we mention modern family every single hit from now on. a.j. has all the breaking news in the entertainment world. of course we have all the updates on modern family. so watch "showbiz tonight" 11:00 eastern on hln. you have to figure that the president of hobby lobby has one
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heck of a hobby. he'll show us some of his collectibles next, like text written in jesus' native palestinian language. there is a platform built for the purpose of driving innovation. one that's transforming how companies from every industry-- and of every size-- are doing business. a platform built for now. and for what's next. the cisco intelligent network. cisco.
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[ male announcer ] when diarrhea hits, kaopectate stops it fast. powerful liquid relief speeds to the source. fast. [ male announcer ] stop the uh-oh fast with kaopectate. let's check stories
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happening across country. people in the pacific northwest bracing for their second winter storm of the week, up to ten you were inches could hit seattle. students in garfield heights, ohio, going to school for just 5 1/2 hours. the district shortened the day due a budget shortfall. music, gym and art classes have all been dropped. and a new york homeless teen has received an invitation to attended the state of the union address. we've been following samantha garvey's story and she learned last week that she is a semifinalist now for that $100,000 science scholarship. and she said even if she didn't get it, she's still going to go to a great university. hobby lobby. that's the place that's all about finding cool stuff to do with your free time like arts, crafts, scrap booking. so it makes sense that its president would have a unique hobby himself like collecting rare biblical text and artifacts that would pretty much make indiana jones salivate. steve green has collected more
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than 40,000 biblical antiquities and he's putting a bunch on the road in a worldwide traveling exhibit called passages. he's here to share some of those with us. we promise not to spill any coffee or anything else on them. it makes me nervous. we want to talk about each one here. let's start with the earliest known text from the book of romans. a portion of it. >> on one side is a portion of chapter 9 and the other is a portion of the chapter 10. and what's interesting is this has just been discovered within the last 48 hours. dr. scott carroll who is the bible expert we've been working with discovered this. >> how? how did you get this? >> this is in part of the acquisitions that we have, uncovering layers and pulling hairs away, all different kinds of text show up. and this is as dr. carroll has identified it the oldest portion
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of the book of romans known dating to middle second century. sgl . >> incredible. >> so this adds another brick to the wall of evidence supporting what the bible tells us. an incredible find. >> and for those of faith, this is incredible to hear about. let's look at this is actually an illegal printing of psalms in the gospel of john? >> it's illegal because during the colonial days of america, england did not allow the bible to be print the in the americas. so we had to import bibles from england. this happens to be a printing prior to that and it is a dye blot meaning there are two different languages. the english version and next to it is an indian language. so it tells us the story of the interest of those back in this day that printed this of sharing the gospel with the american indians. >> what about all the little notes that are written on there? have you been able to figure out what that is?
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>> no, but that would be part of what our scholar initiatives will be able to do. we'll have leading experts decipher that. >> item number three. >> this is two leaves of the referred to as rescriptus because it has been written on on. this is jesus' household language, the largest portion of scripture that we have in jesus' household language. we're currently having it scanned the at oxford and they are through the different light technologies able to pull it out and better study what is being said. we'll have cambridge analyzing the scans so that we can be able
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to tell and analyze how close is will this text to what we have today. and it would be the closest thing to sitting around the table with jesus and hearing what he had to say. >> incredible. and whether you're a believer or not, it's fascinating -- this contributes to the discussion about the faith and what exists and what you've did you evered. and you can see the exhibit, explore >> correct. we have about 400 artifacts on display in atlanta. and we'll be having about 100 items on display at the vatican from lent through easter. and we're excited to be able to share some of the finds and encourage what this book has to say. >> thanks, steve. >> my pleasure. $5 a gallon gas. it could be just around the corner. and we're not happy about it either. we'll look at how drivers in one city are trying to deal with those sky high gas prices. [ female announcer ] experience dual-action power,
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with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only listerine® that gets teeth two shades whiter and makes tooth enamel two times stronger. get dual-action listerine® whitening rinse. building whiter, stronger teeth.
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gas prices nationwide are already about 30 cents higher than a year ago and we could see $5 a gallon gas by summer. out in burbank, california, paul still able to fill up that gas tank at a pretty good price at least if you go to the station where he is this morning. hey, paul. >> reporter: it's really something here in california. national average is about $3.30.
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here it's $3.70. so some small business owners flocking to this station. manny has a 30 car courier business, so he spends $4,000 a week on gas and that's why that price right there, $3.55, will is quite a bargain. you can imagine how much you can save. so what's driving all this? iran has threatened to close down the straigt of hermuz. so here in california, you have the high rice. are we indeed headed for $5 a gallon? we talked to an expert from use about that. >> i think idea of $5 prices is certainly within the realm of possibility. but the good news would be the economy would have to recover first. and therefore we'd be able to afford $5 gasoline. the bad news is the economy's
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not recovering so much because we've got these high but not quite $5 gasoline prices out there. >> and the good news is we have other analysts who say no way are we ever going to get to $5 a gallon. one thinks the high prices are front loaded the beginning of the year and later we might spike in spring, but later the prices could drop. there is not tremendous demand in the united states right now for gars. you used to live here. you know what it's like. you have to drive everywhere. and you're hit by sort of a double-edged sword here. you have a very high tax on gas at 35 cents a gallon. and you also have to produce gas at a higher rate because of the tough pollution control standards. >> and that traffic, too. nothing like it in los angeles. paul, thanks. if you walk or go jogging and you listen to your ipod, listen up. in today's daily dose, a new study finds that people who wear
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head phones on the street actually have a higher risk of getting hit by a car than people who don't. the study looked at 116 people hit while wearing head phones. most of the victims were males under the age of 30. 7 out of 10 people hit died from their injuries. coming up in the newsroom with suzanne malveaux, more than two dozen people who were aboard the doomed italian cruise ship are still missing. including this american couple. hear from their friends and family in minnesota as they pray for a miracle. plus we'll ask a lawyer what legal action the victims can take and who will ultimately be held accountable for this disaster. i'm always looking out for small ways to be more healthy. like splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweeteners. this bowl of strawberries is loaded with vitamin c. and now, b vitamins to boot. coffee doesn't have fiber. unless you want it to.
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splenda® essentials™ are the first and only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet. mmm. same great taste with an added "way to go, me" feeling. splenda® essentials™. get more out of what you put in.
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we may know by the end of the week if mitt romney's eight vote margin of victory in iowa holds up. paul steinhauser has that story. >> reporter: it ain't over until it's over, right? so hopefully by the end of the week it will be over. you're right, it was eight votes romney over santorum back on january 3rd. so here's the deal.yies in iowa
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until 5:00 this afternoon to get the certified votes to the state capital. chairman says by friday, he'll have an announcement on those final certified votes. stay tuned. if santorum does edge him out, i think that will be bragging rights for santorum. maybe it will help him in saturday's primary right here in south carolina. >> you've got 45 seconds to plug the big debate tomorrow. >> reporter: right behind me, take a look at this, i went inside. i took a photo. this is what it looks like, the debate hall inside. we're getting ready for the big debate. tomorrow night, five candidates. john king the moderator. i think we should all tune in. >> i think we will. thanks, paul. and we'll have more on the south carolina primary all day long. reminder for all the latest political news, go to c cnnpolitics.c that does it for us. suzanne with the new


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