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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  January 23, 2012 1:00am-2:00am EST

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for the country. and thedare the republicans not agree with him. that makes us winners. >> thank you for coming in. pleasure to meet you. >> thank you. i will step down this week. >> her best friend joins us live. sad ending. the legend that was joe paterno is now history, dead from cancer. we look back on the career of joe pa. anchorman, veteran newsman, dan rather talks politics and the media. >> this is all a part of the
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dance of democracy, america style. sex surrogate. a 67-year-old grandmother says she is paid to have sex with men as therapy. >> you are getting paid for sex. >> i'm not getting paid for sex. >> her story inspiring a controversial movie. that and more right here right now on cnn. i'm daon lemon. severe weather taking aim at a large part of the u.s. the worst of it might come in the overnight hours. who is at risk? >> we are looking at parts of arkansas right now. in the last three hours we have had about four reports of tornadoes. at this hour we have a confirmed tornado on the ground with this cell. storm spotters have confirmed that this is a large violent
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tornado causing damage. very dangerous situation unfolding. we have this line, this whole area surrounding the i 40 corridor between little rock and memphis, tennessee. this is the area of concern. these storms have been moving rapidly to the north and east between 60 and 70 miles per hour. you can't outrun these things. you can't see them. they are rain wrapped. it is nighttime. when the sirens go off you definitely need to take them very seriously. a tornado watch means conditions are favorable for tornadoes to occur. this watch is what we call a particularly dangerous situation. that is what has been evolving at this hour. there are reports of dangerous in arkansas on the north side of town. several homes have been damaged. we also have reports of fires burning in eastern arkansas because power lines have been coming down with this situation, as well. on the northern tier, this is
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our latest watch issued for western kentucky, southwestern indiana, southern parts of illinois. there are possible tornadoes that could be embedded. i think damaging winds are the greater concern. the last area is the tail end. look at the line towards shreveport. a tornado watch may be needed here. this is an ongoing situation. very dangerous. we expect this line of storms to continue through the overnight hours as they progress to the east. >> the question on a lot of people's minds, what about tomorrow's commute? >> very concerned about travellers for a number of reasons. if we look for tomorrow, the severe weather threat will be diminished but we will have showers and thunderstorms especially across the southeast. if you are traveller the clouds will be low. that will make it difficult at the airports. the northeastern corridor you
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will wake up to freezing rain. we have advisories in effect. as we head through even by mid morning, temperatures are going to warm up enough that this will melt off and will no longer be a concern. out west it has been a mess of a weekend with incredible winds. more than 100,000 people without power in washington state. heavy snow making its way down the sierras. two feet of snow possible by this time tomorrow. really getting slammed in so many areas. tomorrow is going to be really tough for travellers. >> if the weather situation needs updated we'll check back. the latest shock to hit the campus of penn state university. the school's football coach, joe paterno who came to an end amid scandal has lost his battle to
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cancer. sus >> reporter: in the shadow of joe paterno's statue students sang their alma mater. after 61 years of coaching, puterno won fans. >> joe was penn state. he made penn state. it is really just a very sad, sad day for all of us. >> reporter: in the end the winningest coach in college football lost his life to lung cancer. he was 85. he died as he lived his family said. he fought hard to the end. the end came two and a half months after he was fired as head coach. paterno was not criminally charged in the child rape case involving his former assistant
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coach, jerry sandusky. he acknowledged he could have done more. in what turned out to be his final interview just over a week ago he tried to explain his thinking. >> i have never had to deal with anything like that. i have had a wonderful experience with penn state. i don't want to walk away from this thing bitter. >> reporter: still some question whether paterno and the university tried to cover up the sex abuse allegations. paterno fans stand by him. >> we are still going to love him. it wasn't joe's fault. we are going to love joe paterno forever and ever. >> reporter: for some his loss could be more painful because of questions that may taint his legacy. we should tell you jerry
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sandusky is reacting to news of paterno's death. his arrest on child molestuation charges led to the firing of the coach. nobody did more for the acad academic -- another major story we are following tonight. for the past year we have watched arizona congress woman, gabrielle giffords. as our athenna jones reports, giffords is resigning from congress to focus on getting better. >> i will step down this week. >> reporter: in a video
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announcing her decision to resign from congress, arizona representative gabby giffords had a message. >> thank you for your prayers and for giving me time to recover. >> reporter: giffords says she has more work to do on that recovery, a year after being shot in the head during a rampage. >> i don't remember much. >> reporter: giffords was hosting a meet and greet on january 8, 2011 when prosecutors say jared loughner opened fire. thores believe he targeted the congress woman. after undergoing months of rehabilitation giffords was greeted to a standing ovation. whether she would come back full time remained uncertain. earlier this month as tucson marked the anniversary of the shooting giffords chief of staff described her thinking. >> i think for her it is a
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personal decision. >> reporter: before she leaves office giffords plans to hold a private gathering with some people who were there. she will also attend the president's state of the union address on tuesday. in a statement president obama said >> i'm getting better. every day my spirit is high. i will return and we will work together for arizona and this great country. >> reporter: athenna jones, cnn, washington. next here, gabby giffords, best friend joins me to share her thoughts and to talk florida politics.
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also ahead tonight my conversation with ethyl kennedy, the widow of senator robert kennedy. we'll talk about the new documentary. [ kyle ] my bad.
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[ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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will be giving away passafree copies the allstate value plan. of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to congress woman gabrielle giffords announcing she is resigning from office this week a little more than a year after she survived a point blank gun shot to the head.
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she says she needs the time to focus on the recovery. i know you have been very busy. congress woman gabby giffords told you about the decision before she made the announcement. can you tell us about the conversation? >> sure. i talked to mark and went to visit gabby at the end of december and then at the end of november, as well. i had a couple of conversations with gabby about the way she was thinking. i had to tell you, when i left the last time i went to visit her in december i told my husband that i wouldn't be surprised if she decided that she wasn't going to run for reelection. this decision of gabby's is really quint essential gabby giffords. gabby knew that once she had decided that she wasn't going to run for reelection and she
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needed to really focus on her recovery she needed to step aside for herself so her constituents could get full time representation. she cares about them so much. that was her number one priority. >> it is not just about her. the people's business needs to be taken care of. >> she loves public service. i know she is coming back. she wants to come back to public service. gabby giffords doesn't do anything half way. she gives everything 150%. if she wanted to come back in 2012 -- if she had done that she would have been dividing her time between focussing on recovery and doing her job. she would have had to do both half way. she realized her recovery is going to stretch into years rather than months. it is better to focus on coming 100% back and return to public
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service later on. >> thank you so much for talking about her. she is not being selfish about it. she needs to focus on the recovery. i have to ask you about politics. you know that you are the head of the dnc. in your state, florida, you were at gingrich head quarters in south carolina last night. you saw the passion of the south carolina voters for him. have democrats been preparing to take on the wrong republican in mitt romney? >> no. mitt romney has earned the scrutiny that he has gotten. i have been through a number of presidential elections. on my watch we are not going to take the mischaracterizations and distortions and lies that mitt romney has told about president obama's incredible record in getting this economy turned around lying down, not on my watch. it is important that people
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understand the contrast between the direction that mitt romney would take this country back to the failed republican policies of the past. >> you are so focussed on mitt romney here. just being on the ground, newt gingrich inspires a lot of passion from conservatives, more passion than mitt romney inspires. people would say he inspires just as much passion and maybe as much on the right as barack obama does on the left. is he an opponent for barack obama come november? >> newt gingrich has spent really this whole entire primary making extremely divisive statements and really embracing the tea party and embracing extremism. he is certainly no better a choice than mitt romney would be. mitt romney is coming into my home state of florida with this state being his race to lose. he has something like a 22 point
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lead here in the last poling. for him there are ten days between now and the primary. the more people see mitt romney the less they like him. with two debates between now and january 31 it will be interesting whether he comes clean. does he release years of tax returns. right now he is saying he will release 2010 and an estimate of 2011. that is unacceptable. he is hanging his predicate for his campaign on his economic record. in the business sector, he owes it to the american people to show his background financially and be transparent. >> that is going to have to be the last word. we want to thank you for talking politics and thank you for talking about your friend. >> thanks for giving me the opportunity to come on about gabby. my conversation with legendary anchorman, dan rather who is outspoke bnt the gop and
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the news media.
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dan rather has covered presidential elections for more than four decades and now is covering the upcoming florida primary. i spoke to him about newt gingrich's fiery week and his convincing south carolina win. >> newt gingrich has the momentum. there is the old song from some light opera, hearts can inspire other hearts with their fire. and gingrich has the fire. as we mentioned earlier he does inspire people, those who don't
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like him and they are not all democrats. he has really caught fire. if he can keep the momentum going in florida then we have a real race here, one for the republican nomination that can go deep into the spring and possibly to the republican convention itself with someone such as jeb bush coming in at the tail end. florida is not south carolina, as we all know. it is a much bigger state, much more diverse state. mitt romney has the advantage there. don't forget a fairly high percentage of the votes in the florida primary have been cast absentee before the south carolina race. so i would to always look natural, to look like me, while a lot of other actresses because newt who can be ornery when chooses
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to do so as evidence in the debate when he unloaded. >> i want to play some of that. i'm glad you talked about that. he had a strong week leading into south carolina. defining moment when john king asks him to respond to the interview his exwife gave to abc. >> she says you asked her to enter into an open marriage. would you like to respond to that? >> no. but i will. >> we know how that went. he went on basically to cast gate the media saying i can't believe you would do that. in reaction to the response, rick santorum told a south carolina crowd not to fall for his rivals tactics. >> i would say to the people of south carolina, take a step back. get past the one liners and
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beating up of the media. get past the nevitability that the person with the most money wins. he didn't win iowa. >> obviously he was taking a shot at newt gingrich. is this significant, a gop candidate finally admitting to blaming the media which is so easy to do? >> particularly in republican primaries it is so-called red meat in primaries. let's be clear. this election is not about the nomination process or the press or whatever anybody thinks about the press. it is about the economy and specifically jobs. and it's about how are women going to go in the general election. as citizens we need to keep our focus on what the election is about. >> that was dan rather. to that point we are going to talk a bit more. it was the most explosive start
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yet to a republican presidential debate. >> and i am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that. >> newt gingrich exploding at john king over a question about his exwife. many think it won him the south carolina primary. it doesn't mean he gets to claim the moral high ground here. talking points is next. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. lord of the carry-on. sovereign of the security line. you never take an upgrade for granted. and you rent from national.
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because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i deserve this. [ male announcer ] you do, business pro. you do. go national. go like a pro. requires more than wishful thinking. it requires determination and decisive action. i go to e-trade and get unbiased analyst ratings and 24/7 help from award-winning customer support to take control of my finances and my life. i tap into the power of revolutionary mobile apps. to trade wherever. whenever. life isn't fully experienced sitting idly by. neither is investing.
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former speaker of the house waiting to pounce and this lightning rod of a question. >> she says you asked her, sir, to enter into an open marriage. would you like to take some time to respond to that? >> no. but i will. i think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office. i am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that. >> while electric his answer really wasn't surprising. he has done it many times before, even on other debates on fox news, msnbc and other networks. >> i took seriously the injunction to put aside the talking points. i wish you would put aside the gotcha questions. >> i hope all of my friends are going to repudiate every effort
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of the news media. >> we can debate whether it should have been the first question. conventional wisdom is it swung the primary in his favor. it is the classic gop move to blame the media. what is surprising is that for the first time and just this week, someone in the gop is acknowledging that the gop has a media blaming addiction. >> i would say to the people of south carolina, take a step back. get past the one liners, the beating up of the media which is always popular among conservatives. >> that is obviously a slap at his opponent. he did admit it and admitting it is the first step. the media are fair game. what is disengen world series about the holier than thou response is that it purposefully ignores his history.
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he is the man who has repeatedly said this. >> i do believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. >> a question that could reveal is fair game and should not be answered by media bashing unless he wants to change his popular refrain to marriages between a man and a woman and a woman. that is tonight's no talking points. . we're going to turn to international stories. search teams have found another body on the partly sunken cruise ship, costa cordia. search efforts are continuing. attention will turn to removing 2,400 tons of fuel from the ship. yemen's embattled president is headed to the u.s. for medical treatment.
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solawas wounded. the announcement game a day after yemen's parliament gave the president complete immunity from prosecution. the arab league is demanding that syria's president step aside. the league said they should be starting to talk within the next two weeks. under the plan al assad would delegate powers to the vice president. we go now to the big stories. our correspondents tell you what you need to know. we begin with the president's plans for the week. >> i am dan lothian. this week president obama delivers his much anticipated state of the union address. aides say the prime time address will be partly a blueprint for the middle class with specifics on job creation. and then on wednesday the president hits the road on a
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five state tour making stops in cedar rapids, phoenix, denver, detroit and las vegas. >> reporter: i'm barbara starr at the pentagon. expect to see the first signs of this year's defense spending budget coming out of the pentagon. we will begin to see the first of the $450 billion or so in military spending cuts over the next ten years. some of the nation's biggest defense contractors will be watching very carefully to see what money they will get for what programs they have and how many jobs may have to be cut. >> reporter: i'm poppy harlow. wall street is awaiting a slew of reports. fed chair, ben burr nanky will speak. we will get the first reading of fourth quarter gop. the latest new home sales data will come out as well as
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earnings from am, mcdonalds, starbucks. wall street will be all ears for the president's state of the union address. we will track it all for you on cnn money. >> reporter: here is what show biz tonight is looking at this week. the oscar nominations are out on tuesday. we will have reports from hollywood. up next my conversation with ethyl and rory kennedy about a new documentary. eem like the stf of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter.
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robert f kennedy's widow, ethel kennedy was in the middle of some of the political fire storms. the new documentary premiering this weekend at the sun dance film festival was made by her daughter, rory. i spoke with the two about this look at living history. >> i found myself wanting to tell my mother's story about the life she shared with daddy and the life she shared with us, her children. a personal story. because her life was intertwined with history, more than that. there was just one problem. >> why should i have to answer all of these questions?
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>> well, we're making a documentary about you. >> that's a bad idea. >> why did you think it is a bad idea, mrs. kennedy? >> rory is so much fun and so stimulating and so accomplished and so great it should be about her. >> did you have to watch your mouth or your tongue or what you said because you were talking to your daughter? it is not like you are talking to me. you are talking to your daughter and very outspoken. we love you for it. did you have to say maybe i shouldn't be sharing that? >> yes. i was extremely restrained. >> that was you being restrained? >> that was sarcasm. were you being sarcastic there? >> no. i tell the truth. >> rory, your story is taught in
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school. most people think they know everything that happened. are there some surprises in the documentary that people will find out when they watch? >> there were certainly surprises that i found out that yp didn't know about my mother. i didn't know she used to bet on the horses in college every day, for example. >> he was standing in front of a roaring fire place in the living room. >> what did you think when you saw him? >> wow. pretty great. >> really? >> yeah. >> so was it love at first sight? >> it was. we made a bet right away about who could get down the mountain faster. >> and who won? >> i'm not going to tell you. >> rory, 95 minutes of the documentary in the film. can you describe your mom in a word or a sentence?
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your mom and the experience of doing this documentary with her? >> well, it's an experience. it was challenging. it was hard for the reasons that i have outlined. it is really an experience that i will treasure for the rest of my life. i feel like i gained so much in making this film. i had a huge appreciation of my mother going into it. i have a deeper one coming out of it. and so i'm so grateful to my mother for giving me the gift of this experience. i'm really excited for it. it is at sun dance, but to really come out in the world. it is going to be on hbo this summer. i'm looking forward to sharing it with a larger audience, as well. >> if rory wanted to be president, she could. >> thank you. >> why do you say that?
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>> well, just because she's so great and qualified like several of her sisters. they'll love to hear that. >> i'm not running for president. >> with the utmost respect, through this film, i have asked you and you said you had no agenda when it comes to the film. many of us look to you for guidance. if you have any words of wisdom for us and the world as you see it as a woman who has had such a huge role in history, what do you say to us? >> i think i'd say be kind to others and do whatever you can for our country. >> good advice. thank you, rory. thank you mrs. kennedy. the documentary, ethel will be shown on hbo this summer. of fever hous allowing your little one to get back to building a better afternoon.
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children's advil. relief you can trust. on my journey across america, a better afternoon. i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you
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fifteen percent or more on car insurance. to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye-care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. [ male announcer ] ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now, that's a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health.
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a new film at sun dance is raising eyebrows. it features the story of a woman who gets paid to have sex but she is not considered a prostitute. >> i have had many people tell me i have never been with anybody who talked so openly about sexuality. >> reporter: she doesn't just talk about sex, the 67-year-old grandmother of two, actually
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engages in sex for money. today she is one of boot 50 sex sergts. >> you are getting paid for sex. >> we are doing communication skills, touching skills. it is whole body. >> reporter: over the years she says she has seen more than 950 clients, most of them here inside her berkeley, california home. they are men dealing with dysfunctions to those with severe disabilities. in this oscar winning 1996 documentary, the late author and poet who suffered from childhood poliorecalled visiting green desperate to finally lose his
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virginity. >> she kissed me on my sex after we had intercourse. >> reporter: the therapy sessions can include anything from fondling to actual intercourse and range from six to ten sessions and sometimes more. the american psychological association hasn't taken a position on the use of this. some think the practice is outrageous. >> you have a person holding themselves out to be an expert or an authority figure engaging in an act that puts another person in a position of tremendous vulnerability. >> this is a very vulnerable session. i have had a mastectomy and reconstruction. >> reporter: her husband supports what she does. >> it doesn't baukter me. >> reporter: he was a client in
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1979 struggling in relationships due to what he calls performance anxiety. >> she provided an environment where i was able to relax. >> the more comfortable people are in any culture with sexuality i believe there is less fighting. >> reporter: people she wants to feel as comfortable talking about sex as she does. >> sex surrogate will be a guest on cnn news room tuesday afternoon during the 2:00 hour. you won't want to miss it. one of the wealthiest men you may have never heard of is supporting newt gingrich with millions of dollars with his own money. we'll tell you who he is and if he has an impact on the election. [ indistinct conversations ]
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[ hissing ] agents, what did we learn here today? that lint balls are extremely flammable! well, yeah. and that 15,000 dryer fires happen every year! that's why it's important to regularly clean and inspect your vents! correct. where did you get that?! i built it. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪
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all this week cnn goes in depth on money and politics. tonight the cash behind a superpac allowed to help candidates but technically aren't affiliated with campaigns. a superpac supporting newt gingrich recently picked up $5 million from one man. who is he? >> reporter: sheldon may be the wealthiest man you never heard of and he likes it that way.
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>> if you change the status quo of any business success will follow you like your shadow. >> reporter: he is the son of a boston cabby. >> bigger is better. >> reporter: he founded and sold the com dex trade show and now has an estimated networth of $21.5 billion. why is he giving $5 million to the political action committee supporting newt gingrich's presidential bid. >> this is a personal favor to he and gingrich. they met in the mid '90s. >> reporter: they first bonded over israel where he has posted tens of thousands to charity. >> we haven't invented palestinian people. >> reporter: he agreed. >> for those of you who know me
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you know that my political lead leanings are far to the right, at least on a scale of one to ten at least a six. >> reporter: he publishes his own far right leaning newspaper which backs conservative prime minister netanyahu. >> and backing him in the same sense that new york times backed obama against mccain. that, too, is no secret. >> reporter: he shared distaste with gingrich for the political power of labor unions. he has funded adds attacking pro union candidates and fought successfully to keep his las vegas resorts nonunion.
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he is often accompanied by armed guards, even at this deposition. >> what kind of weapon is he carrying? >> you will have to ask him. >> reporter: during his union battles someone vandalized his home writing dead jews in soap. during the construction of this casino the culinary workers union apologized for a picket sign reading this is sheldon's wailing wall. he has given more than $10 million to various national political campaigns, mostly to republicans like gingrich, george w. bush and sharon angle. he has donated to john kerry, ted kennedy and harry reid. a close source says he hopes it will help his friend do well in the primary. are you a baseball fan? can you put together a group of friends with a billion dollars?
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if so you can join the bidding frenzy to buy the los angeles dodgers. we'll tell you some of the big names already bidding next. and so is having a trusted assistant. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...and go. you can even take a full-size or above and still pay the mid-size price. here we are... [ male announcer ] and there you go, business pro. there you go. go national. go like a pro.
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but it's not always easy. at regions, we have the tools and expertise to really help you find your balance. like the freedom to access and monitor your accounts anytime, anywhere with online and mobile banking. real guidance and solutions from a regions personal savings and debt review. plus, at regions, you'll get the award-winning service people are talking about. it's financial control - well, like you haven't had before.
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wow. ( bike bell) unbelievable. one of baseball's most storied franchises is up for sale. and powerful groups loaded with celebrities pitching to become the new owners. >> reporter: the score card for potential buys for the dodgers
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is crowded and la is buzzing. >> impossible to explain. it is a valued franchise. it and the yankees are the two most famous franchises in sport. >> reporter: he says he is a minor player in a dodgers big group. there is a powerful magic johnson led investment team. former dodgers lead another club. yankee manager joined with developer rick caruso who mast minded la's popular grove shopping center. peter o'malley is back in the hunt. and then interest from billionaire boys clubs including mark cuban and hedge fund manager steven cowan. possible media bidders reportedly include time warner cable, fox and the disney family. nondisclosure vows have crowded
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a murky process. bids are due monday. the field will be narrowed to ten. >> so much money is coming into this. really whoever gets it i think the dodgers will be happy. in terms of fans i think it will be a quick fix. whoever replaces will look so good by comparison. >> hollywood seems to love bad news about mccort. he lost $130 million to ex wife, jamie and only after did he agree to sell the dodgers. in the end baseball commissioner will have final approval of the dodgers deal. >> you look at the quality of the people at each group and they are very, very good. >> how about the size of the funds? >> doing okay. >> reporter: they better be head shaking rich. some insiders predict the dodgers could sell for up to $1.6 billion shattering the record amount of almost $850
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million paid for the chicago cubs in 2009. they are bidding on faded glory. the dodgers have not been to the world series since 1988. their image was further tarnished by last season's nearly deadly beating of a dodgers fan at dodgers stadium. >> we want to make it cost effective and bring it back to life and make sure the culture in the stadium is reverent. you cheer for your team and accept the others. >> reporter: major league baseball says the eventual winner should emerge by april 30 barring any legal snags in this game outside the game. back to you, don. >>. want to check our weather. severe weather system racing across the southeast tonight. jackie jar s has the details. >> we have a new tornado warning for memphis, tennessee. this includes downtown memphis. we are getting indication of a tornado just to the west of west memphis. this storm is moving very
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quickly to the north and east. you need to take cover right now. you can see a live picture from wm tv. you guys have about ten minutes before you need to get to shelters. storms ongoing all night. we appreciate it. hollywood executives are kicking themselves after several of them passed on the movie "red tails". this weekend it exceeded expectations taking in more than $19 million. movie tells how the tuskgy air men helped win waurld war two. >> this is really just a fun classic popcorn movie for everyone. it is really a family film. i think we are at a time in our lives now where we want more stories with inspiration, stories with messages that give us hope.
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we have been saturated with these films. we do enjoy them. everything now is with vampires and killing and villains. i think we as humans really want to root for good guys and boo the villains. >> again, that movie took in more than $19 million this weekend. that was director anthony hemming way talking about his movie, "red tails". it's now official. it will be the new york giants' against the new england patriots in the super bowl two weeks from tonight. it will be a rematch of super bowl xlii. new york advanced tonight by beating san francisco in overtime and new england defeated baltimore earlier. this year's game will be played in indianapolis.


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