tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 24, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EST
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is there room for lady of the evening in a puppet courtroom? i would respectfully say the answer is a resounding yes. that's it for us. erin burnett "outfront" starts next. a frantic evacuation and a tsa showdown. senator rand paul blocked from boarding a flight after refusing a pat-down. let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erin burnett and tonight, breaking news.
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>> mitt what's the gross revenue of bain when you were dealing with it? to what's the gross revenue? >> fairly substantial, but i think it's irrelevant than the fact that you were working for freddie mac? >> did they ever do work with the government like medicare? >> we didn't work with the government. i didn't have an office on k street. i didn't work in washington.
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>> he likes to surf off that audience approval. without that tonight, he did seem relatively subdued so it had an impact. >> a lot of really interesting moments. like romney said what do i do with the taliban? beat them. and then of course there's silence. you don't have that applause. these guys are learning to use the audience as a weapon on their behalf. i think he is right. i personally think, get rid of it entirely. it is totally downer productive and it is -- >> i would say i totally agree with that. then you have that dead moment of silence and you're waiting for the applause and it forces to you say, what was the substance of that? do i agree with that? >> and actually answer the question. >> what do you think?
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>> it's funny you mentioned that. when you showed that ron paul line that he talked about the strait of hormuz and the gulf of mexico, there would have been boos had there been more audience participation. that line got to float out there without a lot of reaction. >> i want to play one sound bite to rick santorum. this is him talking about iran which the republicans like to do. here he is. >> iran is not just another country or a little small country, as president obama classically said during the campaign. obama's iran policy has been a colossal failure. it has been a failure because he's not been true to the american public about the threat that iran poses to the world. not just to israel but to the world and the united states. the bottom line is the theocracy is the egive will he be of vd al qaeda in charge of huge oil reserves and a nuclear weapon. >> they're all hitting at your
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guy. iran has been the issue where they were able to take a lot of punches. remember john mccain's line, bomb, bomb, bomb iran. >> oh, yeah. >> that's what you start to fear when you listen to santorum. he won't do the song but he is singing the same notes. i think we have to be more judicious than that. the president clearly, the allies are ratcheting up. if we get there, we get there. i don't think we want a presidential candidate banging that kind of a war drum. >> all right. who won? >> i think that santorum definitely didn't win. i think when he lost in 2006 in pennsylvania, a lot of it was because of his foreign policy. it at any time feel right to pennsylvanians. >> romney had a very strong debate. he was cool, calm, collected and punched at newt effectively rattled him at time. >> so one thing that romney said
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before we go, one thing that he said, he said something about foreclosure and he wanted to let foreclosure process work its magic. that's something that kind of slid by. that means people will lose their homes. >> that's an important point. it will get a lot of follow-up in florida and nevada. we appreciate it. more details coming up. i've got that contract from newt gingrich and freddie mac. the police using the gps, well, to look at you. supreme court weighs in.
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senator rand paul's long running problem with the government got personal today. when the outspoken republican refused a patdown at the nashville airport. an alarm went down when paul went through a scanner. that happens to me all the time. i usually take patdown but paul did not want the patdown. he wanted to go through the body scan again. we know they don't like it when you do that. so he wasn't allowed to get on his flight. he laughed it off later. this is a very serious issue for the senator. he's been fighting the tsa a long time.
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and senator paul comes out tonight. let me ask you, senator paul rand. what really happened today? >> well, you know, i did offer also to show him my leg. i showed him my leg. i pulled my sock down. they really weren't interested in at my leg. they wanted to do the patdown. i said i'm happy to walk back through the screener which i've done at other airports before. been reskreepd. and they weren't willing to do it. the one thing i learned out of all this, i had two tsa agents admit to me that the screener isn't always going off because it sees something. it also goes off because it is part of a random screening process. i think most passengers don't know this. we're made to believe it is okay to do the patdown because they're looking for something. it is telly random. >> it happened to me the other day. they admitted know you're frustrated with them and you don't like them, was there any theatrics?
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rand paul acting out a little bit? >> no, but i wouldn't put it that way. i wouldn't say i don't like tsa. there is a need for security at our airports. most of the tsa agents i see are good and pat me on the back, but they're stuck with rules that don't allow them to have any consideration. i want the manager on the floor to have some discretion to say we don't have to do a pat-down here. i want them to have a trusted traveler program where business travelers can flow seemlessly through the airport without being harassed. >> i hear you on that point, but when you look at the tsa, 708 million people go through those scanners. what if, god forbid, they thought someone looked normal and didn't submit them to the extra check and that's the person who blows up a plane?
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>> there's always the what if, but if you had a frequent travel travel program, you would sign up, give background information voluntarily. you would still go through an x-ray machine, but you wouldn't take your shoes off, your belt, but wouldn't have to go through a pat-down search. we've had 88-year-old women having an adult diaper taken off. an 8-month-old child, the same thing. a 6-year-old girl from my town had an agent putting their hands inside her pants. we've gone too far and are not using our brain. let's use common sense in trying to figure out who are the people who want to ait can us. >> how did you get on the plane? >> well, i was detained for a while. and then when they got tired of detaining me, they then injected me and sent me outside under
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sort of duress. >> oh, ejected. i think you said injected. >> not injected. i was detained for a while and every time i tried to leave the cubicle, i was detained. then they got tired of me because i made phone calls. they said, if you use your phone, you'll get the full body pat-down. >> is that just maybe of terms -- >> if you're told to get back in the cubicle, is that being detained? but then they got tired of me on my phone and they knew they were created more problems, so they forcefully ejected me and you know what they did in the end? they said if you go through the screener again, we'll pretend like it didn't happen. then the screener didn't pick up anything.
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so either the screeners aren't working or i was being suggested to a random pat-down, which i don't think the helping any of our safety. >> i want to do one final question for you, sir. i spoke to newt gingrich the day before the south carolina primary. and i asked him about your dad and he had a lot of praise for him. here's what he said. >> it's a fact of life ron paul's going to get a significant vote and it's a fact of life that you want to find something that would give him a strong reason not to consider a third party and so you've got to say o kay, under what circumstance, he has a legitimate role. and you want to find something we're compatible on that you could find something to do. >> is there a something? >> well, i think one thing that ron paul has brought to the republican party is he's been a long time republican, but when you poll him against president
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obama, he's beating president obama by seven points among independents. he's bringing young people and independents to the party, so i think newt is right. they need to embrace ron paul and say we want you to be a prt of our party. we want all these new, young people. but in some ways, they have to embrace ron paul's message, because it's not about ron paul as a personal figure. it's about my father's message that brings the young people. i think there is room for him in the republican party. there's room for me. we're not all the same, but most of us do believe in much smaller government than president obama does. much less taxes and much less debt than the president does. >> rand paul, thank you very much. apologies for the snafu with your name at the top. you were gracious. have a good one. tonight, under surveillance, how the government is watching us and we're talking about g prk s. in cell phones, cars, boats, planes.
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you can get it now in a wristwatch for as little as $100, but it's also used by police to track suspects. until now, they didn't need a search warrant, but today, the supreme court ruled that the police have to have a warrant in order to monitor a suspect with the gps device. paul cowen, the case today was a suspected drug dealer. tracked him for 28 days. should they be aloud to do that? >> well, there's a big disagreement about that. those who support law enforcement officials and including the obama administration, people think it's a liberal administration. the justice department said they did not wrong. a search warrant expired after 11 days and they tracked the guy for 28 days, nailed him and then
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he got sentenced to life in prison and the justice department says it's okay. >> the obama administration supported the position that no warrant was required by the police. >> and i think people would be shocked by that. civil libertarians say they should have had a warrant. you can't have this sort of unrestrained surveillance by police forces in the united states. >> what's the reaction going to be? >> people were hoping for a monumental decision about these new digital surveillance techniques. gps is kind of an old one. they were hoping the court would hand down a big decision, but it was a very confused decision. the only thing they agreed on is that they trespassed on somebody's property. can you follow somebody for 28 days and as a result of knowing where they go, then you arrest them for criminal activity.
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people thought we'd get a look at infrared, all these techniques, but we did get a hint that a lot of supreme court justices think we need new laws in this area. that americans' privacy is being violated by these techniques. >> remember, everyone, to turn it off. you know, you can turn off your gps thing. i think they're always watching. all right. got to go. >> okay. >> next, where is michelle parker. there is new video showing the missing mother just hours before she was last seen. it's a story we've been following and we're going to talk to her sister tonight. and the end of the line for one of your favorite television characters. the shat goes splat in tonight's number. [ male announcer ] no one just hands you the title, most advanced technology in its class. it needs to be earned.
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explodes. it's part of the company's plan to stop its name your own price option that shatner has promoted successfully for 14 years, but don't worry, the shat is still under contract with price line, which brings me to tonight's number. 46. that's how many seconds it took for to tell me there were no flights that matched my cry tier yachlt i searched for a flight to dubai. i entered january 24th as departure, january 28th as return and i waited and waited. while i waited, i saw shatner doing karate and posing with something that looked like a gigantic pimp, then priceline said they don't even have any flights.
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to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye-care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. [ male announcer ] ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health.
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we start the second half of our show on stories we care about and tonight, we begin with two people dying, 100 injured. there's been severe weather in the southeast today. one of the hardest hit areas was jackson county, alabama. officials there are telling us the storm destroyed more than 200 homes and damaged another 200. we're told that number will rise. alabama governor robert bentley has declared a state of
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emergency in all 67 counties. two, the u.s. has imposed sanctions on iran's biggest bank. the european union put pressure on iran saying they would ban oil imports. but the truth is, the u.s. and europe are not able to stop iran from getting the money it needs to build nukes. an analyst says one-third of transactions go through dubai and has been used a long time by iran to conduct back channel trades. three, gabrielle giffords will resign from congress this. daniel hernandez seen here hugging the congresswoman is credited with saving her life after a gunman opened fire at a congress on your corner event january 8th, 2011. we talked to daniel hernandez after today's event and he told "outfront" that giffords talked
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to his mom and said, quote, she was always a fan of my mother's cakes and today, mentioned her name. number four, the new ceo of rim, said today that better marketing and product rollout are key to keeping the smart phone alive. market share has dropped below 10%. they need a change at the top, however, experts believe a change in markets will not be enough to turn around blackberry. it has been 171 days since america lost its top credit rating. we are hopeful congress to going to do more this year. only 90 public laws were passed in the senate in 2011. that is the lowest number since 1995.
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stable? housing prices are down 24% from their peak and the facts are, no matter what you believe about freddie's contribution to helping people buy homes in this country, the fact is that america's home ownership rate today is about 66%, almost identical to canada's 68% and canada has no taxpayer subsidized institution like freddie. freddie still owes $56 million billion to taxpayers. that's part of the $71 billion bailout they were handed during the crisis. that is more money than any bank in this country ever got.
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it is a swordid and dark history that requires a lot of deep reading to understand. >> that original spin causes him part of the problem. because no one bought that. so now to have nancy desmond come out interesting ceo of gingrich group and say, it precludes lobbying, it doesn't. there is nothing in there that precludes lobbying. so don't argue based on the document when it doesn't back you. >> right. why would they only come out with one year of all the years? it has to be the year at the top of the housing market but why only one? >> you figure this had a $300,000 max spent. and it was for one year. and they must have renewed it. they must have extended it. and they spent another $3.4 million. >> we'll keep looking into it. thanks very much to both of you. ahead, we'll take you inside the italian cruise ship and the
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moments it slammed into the rocks. some new home video to show you what happened in those moments. new clues in the disappearance of michelle parker, the it is mg mother we have been covering in the state of florida. according to research, everybody likes more cash. well, almost everybody... ♪ would you like 50% more cash? no! but it's more money. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? woah! [ giggles ] woah! i've tried it. but nothing helped me beat my back pain. then i tried salonpas. it's powerful relief that works at the site of pain and lasts up to 12 hours.
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itwill be giving away passafree copies. of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to we do this at the same time every night. our outer circle where we reach out to our sources around the world and we begin in italy with the cruise ship disaster. tonight we have newly released video of the moments just after
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the costa concordia ran aground off the coast italy. honeymooners denise and david were among the first passengers to evacuate. and david captured moments of sheer pan everything on his camera. now as the rescue mission continues, italian officials announced two more bodies were recovered in an area near the ship's internet cafe. that brings the number of confirmed deaths to 15. the search efforts continue but a new phase of the operation began today. cnn's dan rivers has been there covering the story and i asked him about it. >> it has been a watershed day here on gigleo island. they have formally started the salvage operation to empty the fuel off the wreck of this liner. they're starting with one of the 13 fuel tanks with some 270 cube everything meters of fuel. 2.5000 tons needs to be removed along with thousands of other
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chemicals and it could take more than a month. >> next to nigeria where blasts in the nation's second largest city killed at least 157 people, and left police headquarters and government buildings in ruins. nigeria is the most pop list country in africa split between muslims and christians. they claimed responsibility for the blast, according to a nigerian newspaper. it has been blamed for months of widespread bloodshed. the head of the africa practice, we asked him about the strategy behind the attacks. >> they seem to have multiple targets, depending on the particular attack at hand. at its root, i think they're looking to delegitimize the administration, make him look weak and powerless and tap into a sense, the sense particularly among northern muslims that this government is in some ways
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illegitimate. >> good luck. now to afghanistan and the develop many in the taliban talk negotiations. in meetings between the u.s. special envoy to afghanistan and pakistan, karzai's government signals that it is willing to deal with an american led peace effort. karzai's government indicated it would not stand in the way of the u.s. releasing prisoners from guantanamo bay. no decisions have been made about releasing detainees. ambassador is a senior adviser. and weapon what needs to happen before official talks with the taliban can start? >> first and foremost, we need to find out if the taliban are serious. they haven't been in previous talks. second, we need to keep president karzai on board. there is concern by afghans that there will be a secret u.s. taliban deal. and thirdly, pakistan has to be a part of this. there will be no long term political settlement for
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afghanistan unless the pakistanis are involved. >> was the winningest coach in college football. joe paterno's legacy is still in legg limbo. the coach died sunday from lung cancer. the state college campus is honoring the legend but there are so many questions surrounding the penn state program. paterno's former assistant coach was jerry sandusky. he was charged in november with sexually abusing at least ten boys. several more alleged victims have come forward since. before he died, paterno said he wished he had done more in light of the allegations against sandusky. sarah has covered it from the beginning and she is in state college tonight. good to see you. let me ask you this. i know you spoke to scott paterno. what did he say? >> he told me that his father died in a way that he wishes he has the courage to die. that way when his time comes, he said he was completely at peace with his life. he told his children, just take
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care of your mother. he kept saying that over and over again. please take care of your mother. scott, everything that joe paterno has accomplished, he has done with his wife by his side. and really moving forward, they're focused on their mom. they're concerned about her but they're also really looking forward to celebrating joe paterno's life and his legacy in the coming days at a campus memorial service on thursday. >> is there any indication, sarah, from your reporting on this, that as to whether joe paterno's death will impact the case against sandusky since obviously he was the one that mike mcqueary told that he saw jerry sandusky abusing in the shower. >> what legal experts are telling me, joe paterno's statements would have been a dramatic moment in court for sure. that people would have wanted to
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hear what he that. there will be some unanswered questions because he now can't take the stand. however, as far as it being crucial to either of the two cases interesting perjury case or the molestation case against jerry sandusky, it probably wasn't going to be crucial or key. and the reason is because he really was just a piece in a time line. the key people here are eyewitnesses and victims. in the perjury case, the key people are the two defendants and the people that they talked to directly. so you know, of course people wanted to hear from joe paterno. is it going to make a huge difference in either the prosecution or the defense? people are speculating that the answer is no. >> okay. thank you very much. as we said, sarah has been breaking all the news on this story since the very beginning. it has been nine weeks since michelle parker disappeared in orlando, florida. on friday she turned 34. police have released new video of her from the day of her disappearance. this is significant. we've been covering this story. there had not been any video.
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so this is video of her at a fast food restaurant about three hours before she vanished without a trace. as you can see, that is zooming in on her face there. michelle was last seen dropping off her children with her exfiance. dale smith, who remains the only suspect in the they had a relationship which ended in a fight over an engagement ring on the people's court. lauren ericson is michelle parker's sister, and the attorney. i wish you weren't here because i wish this story ended and ended well, but you are. lauren, the new video released of your sister coming through the fast food, it helps police with the timeline of what happened to her and where she was. have they learned anything from this video? >> the video itself, it just shows her going through the drive through, getting lunch that day. if anything, it just shows it was normal day.
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she was going to grab lunch, actually on her way out to a beauty supply store to pick up color for our salon. as to anything significant to the timeline itself, it doesn't show too much. >> my understanding, tell me if i am wrong, there was a decal on the back of her car, which apparently was not there when they actually got the car. is there any, in your view, significance of that or what did it say? what's your belief and what you hearing from the police? >> that's correct, when the vehicle was found the next friday, the stickers were off of it. in the video, when she went through the kfc, the stickers were still on there. we saw her 2:30 that day in the salon. i remember watching her leave and know the stickers were on it then. the time between when she was last seen and it was found when it was taken off. >> what's your thoughts on the video of what happened with the
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timeline and michelle? >> it shows they're doing a great job and searching on every single tip that comes in and have it narrowed down to her driving through a fast-food restaurant. the significance is it shows they were on there before and later on, you know, in the timeline, those decals were gone. it show us, a, the police are doing a great job and, b, the decals were removed and we don't know why. >> lauren, how are the children doing now? obviously, they're still with the dad? >> the twins are with the dad and austin, the oldest, he's back in school and doing all right. i haven't seen the kids recently. as far as their well-being, i'm sure they're fine. >> i know you're still searching for your sister. how often are you going out at this point? do you feel there's still stones
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left unturned? >> i feel, until my feet have crossed over every inch of the state of florida or until she's found there will be stones unturned. there will never be a stone unturned until the day i see her again or this family has closure one way or another or justice is served. >> matt, what else do you think -- i know you've always talked and said the orlando police department has done a great job. you had said before you want more assistance and more help. do you still think you need more assistance to find out what really happened? >> erin, at this point, we're actually regrouping, in that sense this week. what we need at this point is a more organized effort. we're going to be assisting opd and the surrounding law enforcement agencies with that effort. we're going to be gathering our support group to work with them to finds out what happened and say this is a high probability
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area, we believe she could be here and we'll get our people together and join forces with opd and hopefully, bring michelle home. >> all right. thank you very much to both of you. i appreciate your taking the time. we still all the viewers who have been involved with your story are all hoping there will be a miracle and a nice outcome. thanks to both of you. good to see you again. >> thank you. >> thank you. a strange thing happened in south carolina when we were there. we spent a yarn about country music. what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas.
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while we were in south carolina covering the primary runoff last week, we made a stop at a company called firefly vodka, on a barrier island in the middle of nowhere. you might have seen a story on the show we did. while we were there, in between drinks, the company told us about an amazing thing firefly vodka does for independent music acts. >> we do lot of promotions through indy bands. we offer our rv and pay for gas when they're on the road and we offer our studio for use for grata. >> it's a wonderful thing. we appreciate it? you're welcome. >> that's right. the company gives the bands a free tour bus.
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they can drive around the country, play shows and it doesn't cost them anything, not even gas. all they have to do is park the rv, a giant billboard, really, see? it says firefly. they have to park it in front of the venue and mention firefly vodka when they're on stage. it's a great promotion for firefly and incredible get for the band. capitalism meets entrepreneurialism and freedom. the band we met, called yarn is using it to play in south carolina, north carolina, georgia and florida. when we met the singer you saw talking a moment ago, he asked where we were from. we said new york. he said, we're from new york, too. it was a long drive, huh? we stopped in our tracks and someone thought we would have driven. we thought how amazing that would have been and how scheduled our lives are and how freeing a road trip is. we stood there talking about how amazing it would be to be young and in a band.
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we're not either one of those things but we did a road trip from charleston, south carolina to atlanta for election coverage, and flea markets and small stores and even porn shops. bottom line is yarn is doing what they want to do how they want to do it. stop when they have to stop, go where they want to go. we thought we'd play a little bit of yarn. by the way, it's an amazing plant. they have a great song that you're going to listen to here. i'm waiting for the key line. playing good music and living the real american dream, it's pretty amazing. "schenectady." hold on. ♪ >> schenectady. ♪ ♪ i've been waiting so long for you to comfort me ♪ >> we even know all the words. one word to you, yarn, if you
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