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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  January 25, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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they went in on a very dark night, went in on helicopters, had to fight their way into this compound where they were holding these aid workers that had been helping people in somalia. got in there, there was a fire fight. they killed nine of these guys who were holding them. they were not, interestingly, brooke, believed to be terrorists. they were actually like criminals, pirates in a way, and killed them, got the two people out and they are now being looked at medically. there was a report that one of the reasons they decided to do this at this particular point is because jessica buchanan was ill, that she had some sort of problem that could have become serious and they decided to go in. >> and we now know this is what president obama was talking about in the washington state of the union coverage, and you hear him say good job tonight. >> to panetta. >> to panetta, right.
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>> they were working for a danish company called danish refugee council, and they were helping people in somalia deal with land mines. in essence, they were teaching. they were telling them how to defuse mines and make harmless these mines. it's not an easy job, as you can imagine, and in that area, i've been talking with some aid organizations that work in that area. some parts of somalia are relatively okay, but this was right on the border of areas that could be dangerous. and they have fighting on the ground, there is al shabob, which is a terrorist organization, then you have just the general mayhem of groups like this who want to kidnap people and make a lot of money in doing that. >> jill daugherty, thank you. i want to talk a little more about this. jill was just talking about jessica buchanan, the young woman who was rescued from those pirates in somalia.
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we have brian todd who joins me at valley forge christian college in pennsylvania. jessica was a student there on that campus. what have you learned about her, brian? >> well, brooke, we know that she was a student here. she graduated in 2007 with a degree in education. they are ecstatic on this campus that she has been rescued. they got the news this morning when they all went to their required chapel services here. it's a small liberal arts college associated with the assembly of god church. jessica buchanan had graduated, like i said, in 2007. she had gone over to africa several times to student teach on mission and see things like that, and the people here describe her passion for education, and especially a passion for teaching in that part of the world, this is what the school president, don meyer, said about that. >> when someone loves africa, it just comes through. for her she couldn't talk about africa without tears in her eyes, just deeply passionate about wanting to make a
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difference there. >> school officials have been in touch with the family. they have not been able to share some of the news with the family and have been in touch with them. they ask that we not relay too much of what the family has said. we have spoken to the father, not on camera, but he spoke to myself and a colleague of mine, talking about how grateful he is for the rescue. i asked about her health, and he said, she's doing well under the circumstances. there is some concern that she had some kind of an illness. the specifics of that are not clear right now. the father did not want to get into that with me. interesting, he described the phone call that he got from president obama, telling him the news. he said, john, this is president obama. i have great news. your daughter has been rescued by the military. and he referred to some of the circumstances there, but a very emotional father right now, very emotional people right here on campus. they're just very, very relieved
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and glad for this news and they're eager to see this young lady again and hear more about what happened. >> amazing. we're glad she's safe. meantime, next we have reporter a costa in miami where president hopeful mitt romney about to speak again today. busy, busy schedule for these candidates. we know president obama was slammed. >> just to explain a little bit about what's gone on here, let's play a little bit of that ad, and for our viewers at home who don't speak spanish, i'll do my best to give you a little translation on the other side.
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[ in spanish ] >> you heard a little bit there in that ad calling mitt romney a liberal from massachusetts, but the other thing that is said in this ad that has really caused a lot of controversy here in south florida, the ad calls mitt romney the most anti-immigration candidate and mitt romney responding to that at that univision forum a little while ago saying that was unfortunate. but that's not what's causing the controversy. mark a rubio weighed in on that ad, calling the ad inflammatory and inaccurate. in response to that, brooke, the gingrich campaign has pulled down that spot. it is no longer running that auto ad. a very interesting development. it's heating up with one out of every ten republican voters down
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here, they are sort of the big empanada, if you will, when it comes to the florida primary. no hold barred when it comes to the scrapping going on between these two campaigns today, brooke. >> also, after the state of the union, we know mitt romney attacked the president, saying the president lives in fantasyland. those are pretty strong words a day before our debate in jacksonville. >> that's right. mitt romney has tried to stay with his just attack the president posture, but it's difficult to do because. he was asked, would you consider newt gingrich as a running mate? and he said, yes, he would still consider him a running mate.
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so even though there's been bad blood in the last couple weeks, he still supports him. a dad turns his oshow in pls "insider" trading and congress congress. also this. >> i might have tacos when i go home, i'm not quite sure yet. >> do you hear that, might have tacos. this comment sparks outrage at a time when several police officers are accused of pro filing. find out what dr. doom is predicting, next. i'm robert shapiro.
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over a million people have discovered how easy it is to use legalzoom for important legal documents. so start your business, protect your family, launch your dreams. at, we put the law on your side.
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if it's interesting and happening right now, you're about to see it. rapid fire. let's go, beginning with the federal reserve saying the economy is picking up, but it's going to keep interest rates low at least until 2014, and that sure is some good news considering the warning we heard from the international fund that the global economy is slowing down. now the wife of that capsized cruise ship, costa concordia, she is coming forward. she is standing by her husband saying he is not at all the monster that she says is being portrayed that way in the media. she defends her husband,
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francesco schettino, and she says he's a maestro that knows how to do his job, that he's being made into a scapegoat. by the way, a 16th body has been recovered from the cruise ship. 17 are still missing. a very emotional morning there on capitol hill today. congresswoman gabrielle giffords formally resigned from congress. she gave up her seat to focus on her recovery after being shot in her head at a rally in tucson just last year. her good friend and colleague, debbie wasserman schultz read her letter on the house floor. >> always i fought for what i thought was right, but never did i question the character of those with whom i disagreed. never did a pass up an opportunity to join hands with someone just because he or she
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held different ideals. >> also today a private funeral this afternoon for ledgendary penn state coach joe paterno. thousands stood in line yesterday just to file past his casket. a public service will be held tomorrow in a 16,000-seat arena on campus. the 85-year-old died two months after being accused of being involved in the scandal with a former coach. the driver didn't see any barriers, so she drove right on into that flood zone. her car totally stalled, so you can see, there she is. she made it out. the car did not. and to davos, switzerland, we go now where some of the richest people are gathering for the forum. poppy harlow took a plane ride over there.
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some beautiful, snowy trees behind you, poppy harlow. you've been talking to some of the most influential people on earth. what do they tell you when you're asking about the world economy? >> two things, brooke, that have really stood out to me. first, how dire the situation in europe is. just yesterday we got the latest reading from the international monetary fund which greatly reduced the growth projections, so what happens to europe and their situation greatly matters to us in the united states. but my conversation with leaders today was their projection of soulful unrest is going to continue. i sat down with rabini, dr. doom, the economist who predicted last year we would see great social unrest. it played out. here's the reaction from both of them. >> you are right there has been national unrest both in the
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united states in the economies. we're back to what was the quality in 1999, the onset of the great depression. >> will we see more social unrest this year? will the situation get worse? should politicians pay more attention to what's brewing? >> yeah. i am afraid that, in fact, it's brewing because there is a great deal of frustration and anger. and as i say, it's understandable, and i think something ought to be done, so that's why i'm personally very happy to pay more taxes. >> there you heard it. billionaire investor george soros, i'm personally glad to pay more taxes. the president at the state of the union calling for anyone who makes more than $1 million to
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pay taxes. i said, aren't your colleagues going to call this human warfare? he said, my colleagues will call it that. i don't believe that's what it is. incoming equality is the defining issue of our time. it has everybody talking. tomorrow we're going to sit down with a number of leaders, including bill gates, my colleague is going to talk to jp morgan chase. interesting to get their take on all of it. >> we'll see you back here hopefully tomorrow. thank you, poppy, live in davos. i want to show you again and push forward this world beat-down. it's caught on video, then posted to youtube. several of these youths are charged and one is still sitting behind bars because of his dad. we asked escoban when he heard about the video and why he
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decided to turn his 17-year-old son in. don't miss this. i don't have homework today. it's what's right here is what is most important to me. it's beautiful. ♪ ♪
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an eighth teenager has been charged in the chicago gang attack posted on youtube. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> the victim there did get away with some cuts and some bruises, but of the eight charged so far, here just one is sitting in jail today, only one charged as an adult. his father played a key role in putting the 17-year-old defendant behind bars. michael palomino, a sheriff's deputy of 30 years, said he had no choice when he recognized his son's face in this youtube video. he turned in his son raymond. now a judge has refused to reduce raymond's $100,000 bail,
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and his father can't get his son out of jail as a result. the other teenagers charged are under house arrest. i want to bring in michael palomino and his attorney from chicago. gentlemen, thanks for coming on. michael, just beginning with you, raymond, are you able to talk to him since he's been in jail? i understand he said to you your turning him in was the right thing to do. >> yes, it was. >> can you explain why he said that? do you know why? >> because what he did was wrong, and me seeing the video, all my family members and friends were calling me and telling me, look at the video. so i looked at it and seen him on the video, and i had no other alternative to do what i had to do. >> that was my next question, how you even saw this video. you say you had friends and family tell you to take a look at it.
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>> yes. >> and you say he didn't say anything to you even as he was sitting there watching the video alongside you? >> no. when i seen the video, he went into his room. >> and then what did you say to him? >> i asked him why he did it. at that time he didn't say nothing. >> so then what? >> i made the phone call to chicago, waited for the police to show up. they came to the house, they left, came back 10 minutes later and placed him under arrest. and he said that -- go ahead. >> was there ever any pause? did you ever think, maybe i shouldn't do this, turn him in? >> no. when i seen it, i took it upon myself to do what i had to do as
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a father. >> i know a lot of people have praised you. our own legal analysts, sunny hostin and myself, we said you absolutely did the right thing. but as a father, how involved are you in raymond's life? why do you even think he was involved in a fight like that? >> i never seen this side of him, you know. to me it was a good -- he's a good kid, and he would help people out in the neighborhood when they needed help. i've never seen this side of him do this. this is, for me, the first time i've seen something like this done. >> did you ask him why he and so many others were doing this to this fellow student? >> he said -- he said that he didn't know why he did it, then later on he told me that it was, i guess, some kind -- a couple months ago two of his friends got jumped by this young boy and
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20 of his friends. >> so i understand -- i know you say you did the right thing by turning him in, but you're frustrated because he's still sitting in jail. so ili, my next question is to you. the bail is $100,000. there's a web site called to help the family raise this money to get raymond out of jail. so far you've taken in $270. there are a lot of critical comments. we've gone through this web site. do you see how people -- and i tell you, we told the story yesterday and i got a lot of angry people on twitter. they have no sympathy whatsoever for this young man in jail, especially when they see the video. >> well, i noticed that a lot of people wish bad upon raymond. they wish him to get hurt in jail, to get raped. and really, he's just a little kid, and wishing him to get raped is no different than these seven kids or eight kids did to
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the one kid. quite frankly, i think it's disgusting that as a society, we want this little kid to be hurt. that's what this is. this is just a circle of violence. they've been teaching our children not to turn the other cheek, in a sense, but to live an eye for an eye, and that's a major problem here, because everybody is mad at this one kid, but there are six, seven other people involved in this, and they're all free right now. >> well, they're under house arrest. they're not entirely free, and it's raymond who is 17 and is now sitting in jail as a result of everything that they are charged of doing. my final question, michael, to you, i understand you're a single father of seven kids. what, as a father, do you want fellow parents to take away from your situation? >> what he did was wrong, you know. in my eyes, what he he did was wrong and he has to suffer the consequences. >> but what's the takeaway for
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other parents? is there a takeaway? perhaps not. >> i don't understand that question. >> is there anything other parents to be watching this video to see what you're going through, anything another parent can learn from your situation and your son being in jail? >> when people see the video, they're making my son look like the bad guy through the whole video, but he's not the only one involved in the beating of this young man. there are seven or six other kids involved. they're all on house arrest, but my son has to sit in jail because i can't come up with the $10,000 bond for him. but they should be charged the same as he is. >> i understand your frustration. i appreciate you both coming on. i appreciate it. now this. send me a bill that bans
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insider trading by members of congress, i will sign it tomorrow. >> that's the moment from last night's state of the union. it certainly caught our attention. somehow the practice of lawmakers to use speaker appreciation to further a cause is not banned. why they can get away with it. actions that would land you and i behind bars. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 i'm a serious trader.
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last night in his state of the union address, president obama talked about the, quote, deficit of trust that existed between those in washington and the rest of the nation. >> some of this has to do with the corrosive influence of money and politics. so together let's take some steps to fix that. send me a bill that bans insider trading by members of congress, i will sign it tomorrow.
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>> send me a bill, the president says. now, some lawmakers might have stood up for that idea that was proposed last night. but congress overall has been sitting on any kind of reform to prevent insider trading by lawmakers. that may surprise you, the fact that those in congress do not actually follow the same rules about selling and buying stocks that you and i have to follow. cnn in depth today, we return to my interview just a couple months ago in november with the author of this book, "throw them all out." peter schweizer says insider trading people are crooks. >> if they get frustrated with something in the economy or a bill related to health care, they're free and they often do trade on that inside information on the stock market. there have been studies done, brooke, that show that u.s. senators actually are better investors, i'll put that in quotation marks, than hedge funds. hedge funds beat the market by 7
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or 8% a year, hedgers beat the market by 12% a year. there's examples of how they do this. >> i know you cited an example of you're sitting on a health care committee and you get this not yet public information on a specific drug, and you buy stock. perfectly fine? >> yeah. it's perfectly fine. it works both ways. if you find out that the fda is going to approve a drug, you're having a conversation during an oversight meeting or discussion with a bureaucrat, you're free to trade on that information. if you get a briefing from the treasury secretary on something happening in the financial markets that no one else is privy to, you're free to trade on that information. this goes on quite regularly. during the 2008 financial crisis, for example, brooke, we had lots of members of congress who had very small intimate private meetings with the president, secretary and fed chairman.
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if you look at those meetings, you'll notice a half day after those meetings, dozens of congress men were selling large amounts of stock before the rest of us even knew how serious the crisis was. >> access to stock offerings, we can buy them at insider prices, yes? >> let's say you're a united states senator. if i come into your office and i give you a shoebox with $10,000 of cold, hard cash in it and i hand it to you. that's bribery. if we get caught, both of us are going to jail. but if i came into your office and said, look, i'm going to give you access to public shares of stock, and if you buy these, it's going to net you $100,000 in a single day, that's quite legal and it goes on regularly. >> how about that. schweizer also says there is not enough oversight on politician and land deals. jurors apparently getting very emotional after garth brooks takes the stand in a
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promise made to his own mother. plus, he is known as the barefoot bandit convicted of a nationwide crime spree that baffled investigators for years. he is skej ulcheduled this week. but some e-mails he wrote behind bars may be coming back to haunt him. dinner? candles?
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i wanted it to be special. oh, what's this? it's progresso's new loaded potato with bacon. mmm, it's good. honey, i love you and... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. yeah but honey, i love you and... is that what i think it is... it's bacon. honey look. [ male announcer ] progresso rich and hearty... 4 new flavors, you can lose yourself in. what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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on the case today, country music superstar garth brooks goes to court over a broken promise to honor his mother. she died of cancer in 1999, and just last night, garth brooks won. joey jackson, an attorney and former prosecutor. joe, good to see you. garth says this oklahoma hospital promise to do name a women's center after his mother in exchange for a half a million dollar donation. but hospital administrators made
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plans to use the money for other projects, so what does brooks do? he sues and the jury awards him a million dollars, so double his money back. sounds like a pretty fair outcome. what do you think? >> justice is served. here's what's important here. it's his late mother, she died in 1999, and what did he do? he said, i want to honor her, and the best way i can honor her is to go to this hospital and have them name a women's center after her and we'll give them half a million dollars to do that. and what did the hospital do? they said, we have other important projects and priorities, so we'll spend the money on that. so what he sought to do by taking them to court was to hold them accountable. he said, look, we had an agreement. you promised me one thing, you did another, that's republic rehence i belier -- reprehensible. they also awarded punitive damages to say what you did was wrong, and to deter them from
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doing this to him or anyone else in the future. great outcome. >> you point out the jury didn't buy it. would you buy that? >> no way. i mean, listen, you have to think about when two people are sitting down to have a discussion, of course they say, you know what? he gave us this gift, and it was unrestricted. it was a half a million, we could do as we pleased. who could believe that? he honored his mother, it was an agreement between two people to honor and recognize his mom, not to spend it anything you want. that would be nonsense. the jury so concluded, gave him his money, and $500,000 before the hospital could think twice before they did this again. >> the jury thought about this for mere minutes, and boom, verdict. are you surprised? >> no, brooke, because they had to go back, have a cup of coffee, talk about how egregious and reprehensible this action
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was, so i'm not surprised at all. it's bad enough losing your mom, then he wants to honor his mother. they don't agree with that. they're a hospital, they wanted to do what they wanted to do. i'm just surprised it didn't take them a couple seconds instead of a couple minutes. >> he thought thanks so much, i'm going to take my money and donate it somewhere else. let's talk about the bare foot bandit. remember, this is the 20-year-old burglar who broke into homes and businesses wearing no shoes. thus, the barefoot bandit. he got out of the bahamas on a stolen plane, was arrested while trying to get away from police on a stolen boat. he was quite con trite before he was sentenced last month on charges, but it turns out this man has been bragging about his crimes, bad-mouthing authorities ever since. he is supposed to be tried tomorrow on federal charges. tell me, joey, what has he been
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saying, and i imagine it will come back to haunt him. >> i'd love to tell you what he's been saying, but i can't repeat such things on air. let's just say he's had a couple choice words for the police, they're swine, prosecutors, they're bad people. because what happens is, if you're in a federal lockup or any facility, whether it be state or whatever it is, they monitor what you do. you don't have the expectation of privacy. so if you're speaking on the phone, expect for what you say to be recorded and otherwise transcribed if you say something adverse to your interests. same thing when you're writing letters. all that is monitored. when you're in a situation when you're going back to court, when you've already resolved your state sentence at 7 and a half years, and when you're going back to a state court that's going to determine how much federal time you'll do, the last thing you want to do is say negative things. however, i think the attorney will deal with that and say, you know what, these are musings by a frustrated person, obviously, and he didn't bad-mouth victims
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or people he might owe restitution to or did negative things to, he just expressed a little frustration. and if you look at his background, you can see he has a very troubled past. alcoholism, his mom was very much unfortunately very involved in the alcoholism thing, he had a broken home, he had a very unfortunate background and upbringing, and as a result of that, perhaps the judge just decides to look the other way. but that being said, look, they're talking about a 78-month sentence. these are 67 crimes that he committed over the course of two and a half years. come on, that's a bargain, you know. >> he said on page 20 of his sentencing memorandum, the things i have done as far as flying airplanes go is amazing. nobody on this planet has done what i have done except for the wright brothers. >> that's why they're going to get a movie deal out of this, and all that money, brooke, $1.4 million, is going to pay restitution to the victims, and what can be better than that? >> joey jackson.
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great to see you on the case. now this. >> ever since she's been a little girl, we would get ready to send her off to school. i always told her, just study hard and learn a lot. we love you. i don't get to do that for her anymore. >> so sad. this is a story you have yet to hear about a tornado that ripped through alabama and the 16-year-old girl who dies and the parents reveal the shock of losing their little girl. you'll hear a little bit more from them, next. [ female announcer ] lactaid milk is easy to digest.
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two dead, hundreds of others destroyed. that might be the headline you saw about the tornado that ripped through alabama this week. but there are also other stories behind the headlines, including one about a 16-year-old girl who simply fell asleep monday night and didn't wake up. >> she had such spirit, such life, and, i mean, she was smart and she had such ambition. >> reporter: this is the worst day of darrell and carol hagabike's lives. the song of their lives was killed when the tornado ripped out of the alabama sky and toward their home. >> every day we would get ready to send her off to school and i always told her, just study hard and learn a lot, we love you. i don't get to do that for her anymore. >> reporter: their home nestled in a small valley, they never heard the warning sirens.
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as their house blew apart, jarld and his 21-year-old son landed in the pool. carol was trapped under debris. christina was found in the basement trapped under a mattress. she never woke up. >> christina was the kind of kid you wanted to have -- if we told her to be home by 10:00, she was home by 10:00. if she drove to school, she always texted me and said, dad, i'm here. >> reporter: in her school in birmingham, her friends and teachers tried to comprehend the loss. >> christina was destined for greatness. she was brilliant. i could see her go on to become anything she wanted to, and i know she wanted to go to veterinary school, and i could definitely see that. she would be wonderful with animals. >> reporter: her dad says christina, an honor student, planned to go to albright on a full scholarship. >> all her plans to go to college and now they're gone. i don't know what to do. >> reynolds wolf, cnn, alabama.
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>> beyond tragic. for more information on how to provide help or relief of the victims of the southeast storms, go to it has been a couple weeks here since alec baldwin got booted from that plane for not lirchi in listening to the flight attendants. and now he is speaking for the first time to a cnn exclusive. you're going to hear for the first time from alec baldwin. next.
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alec baldwin is now speaking out to cnn in an exclusive interview. keep in mind this is the first time we actually heard from the
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"30 rock" star since he was booted from an american airlines flight for playing a word game on his cell phone. >> i was on this plane and all of a sudden i was in the presence with whom all those rules changed and we were going to have a very, very kind of soviet level of enforcement of the rules, if you will, and in an instant, and it was done without any -- no quarter. it was done very brutally. this woman was very harsh and very, very snappy. and i reacted badly to that. i got really, really very upset. and then i was asked to get off the plane and get on another plane. and to the extent, as i said, that i inconvenienced anybody else on the flight, i was very, very sorry, and i really mean when i say when you get on the plane, even though most people, i think, are aware that these rules about this stuff while they're on the ground or certainly while they're at the gate, these rules are kind of stupid and inane, it's still
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something you have to contend with. just turn your phone off while in flight. >> you can catch that tonight, 9:00 eastern, only here on cnn. meantime another guy right around the corners from us, as always, wolf blitzer, "the situation room" starting in ten minutes. he's on the road in jacksonville, day before the big debate. top of the hour, new poll numbers, right, wolf? >> new poll numbers. just to be precise the university of north florida in jacksonville. lovely campus. we've got brand-new cnn/"time" magazine/orcp poll. the latest numbers, i think you'll by interested how this race goes up, goes down, who's ahead and not necessarily ahead. this is shaping up to be a really exciting contest next tuesday. guess what? >> what? >> tomorrow night on the campus
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of the university of north florida in jacksonville, the fine arts center, i'm going to be moderating cnn's debate, the presidential debate with the final four, the final four republican candidates left standing on that stage. so busy getting ready with good questions, we hope. >> i wouldening ma so. that was quite the debate last week. david gergen calling it historic. i cannot wait to watch until tomorrow night, mr. blitzer. thank you very much. see you in a couple minutes for your show. coming up next, a mayor makes an offensive comment during a time when several of his own police officers are accused of racial profiling. you'll hear his comment, and just a short time ago jason carroll caught up with the mayor of east haven, connecticut. he'll join me live, next.
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east haven has a problem with the police, specifically four officers named in a federal indictment. then there's the mayor. we'll play some sound bite in a moment, but first, this is report mario diaz of cnn affiliate wpix. >> reporter: john miller, a veteran cop, along with three others -- david carrie, jason suli, also known as the miller
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boys. >> the entire intimidated harassed and humiliated members of the latino community. >> four police officers, close to 10%, do the math, 10% of the east haven force arrested on charges of racial profiling and harassment of latinos. good time for the mayor to try to reestablish a little truth with the city's hispanic community. here he is, mayor jo neff maturu. >> that's why we can't always believe what we hear from the press. never criticize without knowing the facts. >> reporter: what are you doing for the latino community today? >> i'm going to have tacos when i go home. i'm not quite sure yet. >> the mayor essentially says he plans to assure latinos by having tacos for dinner. maybe a clarification is in order jason carroll has ventured in search of precisely that. what did the mayor say?
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>> reporter: i did. he apologized, as you can imagine. the fallout has been tremendous, people writing on the internet, calls coming into the mayor's office. he basically said that he needs to apologize and has apologized to the community. he also said, brooke, that the stress of the situation basically got the better of him. he said it was a long day after doing a lot of interviews. he says his comments were misinterpreted. originally brooke, he said he would read me a prepared statement. he did that. at the conclusion of that i pressed him more on the statement of what he tried to say. listen to what he had to say. >> reporter: just tell us, do you think the apology would be enough? i think that would help. >> i certainly hope so. i created something that went viral. it was something that the media says gotcha, and ran with if. i accept full responsibility i have apologized profusely. >> reporter: would it be helpful if you at least tried to explain
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what you were trying to say about the latino community. that's what i'm saying. >> there dare i go get myself in trouble again. >> reporter: what were you trying to say. >> i don't feel back going into any community -- i didn't feel percent quited by what happened in our town prior to that, so by going into another section -- that's all it meant, is that i could go into a different section of the community and have a bite to eat. i didn't feel -- i didn't feel as though i was being for our town was being discriminatory or that i was -- i wasn't afraid to talk to or be in the company of anybody. >> reporter: so there you have it, brooke, trying to give more of an explanation there. the mayor of hartford also weighing in, calling the mayor's comments disgusting. the governor of connecticut also weighing in today, saying the comments made by the mayor were
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insensitive and showed a real lack of judgment. when i asked the mayor about that, he said, look, i have to agree with what the governor said, but he also said at this point what he wants to do is promote healing. he's put together a commission to look into this, to look into the larger issues that are facing this community dealing with the police and the latino community here in east haven. >> i appreciate you pressing him and that whole exchange afterwards. sort of the same question you asked him -- is an "i'm sorry" enough? have you been on the ground long enough to find out, talking to people in east haven, is that good enough for them? >> reporter: i think in the latino community since there's been such a long-standing feeling of distrust with the police, i think it may be difficult there. but right before i was to go on, a woman came by and said the police in this community do a good job, the mayor's comments were taken in some ways in her
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opinion out of context and there needs to be healing on both sides here. >> jason carroll, we appreciate you tracking down the mayor. thank you, in east haven, connecticut. finally political pop now giving you a little international flavor today. let's head to russia, shall we? putin visiting a siberian judo hall, hard at work training for the summer olympics, but putin who holds a black belt in judo himself, he had to get in on the action. he showeds kids some of his moves. he was there in a suit, but we managed to dig up old video of him in the whole judo outfit. this is from "let's learn judo with vladimir putin." this actually exists. this is an instructional dvd put out in 2008.


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