tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 29, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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and going to be a three-hour show. replay it and i can talk about anything. >> on sirius. it's a luxury. you and howard. you can't dvr. thank you, sir. >> good to see you. >> thank you, fran. thank you very much. next hour of "cnn newsroom" starts right now. i'm don lemon. thank you for joining us here at the top of the hour. going to begin in oakland, california, where city hall is trash and hundreds are under arrest after an occupy protest boiled over. windows smashed, debris all over the floor. even graffiti spray painted on some of the walls. city hall was just one of the targets during a day and night of clashes. protesters tried unsuccessfully to take over the convention center. according to police, they arrested as many as 400. police say the protesters pelted them with rocks, improvised explosive devices and burning
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flares. in return, officers used tear gas and smoke grenades on the crowds. look at the video there. now we go to atlanta, a very bold move. an occupier spray paints an anarchy sign right on the window after a police preseinct. in the nation's capital, the clock is ticking on occupiers near the white house. police say leave or end up in hand cups. on friday, park police put up a notice, telling occupiers they can't camp there overnight anymore. so, starting around noon on monday, officeers could start making some arrests. fair warning. we are keeping a close eye on that situation for you. a series of accidents 0en a florida interstate killed ten people team. smoke from a brush fire made the predawn darkness even blaker. some stopped, then, in an
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instant, cars and trucks started smashing into each other on i-75 near gainesville. stephen camps, who survived, said he got a second chance. he told me how he watched a driver who had stopped next to him die. >> and i tell you, no later than five seconds later, we heard a crash in the back and i guarantee you in no less than three seconds after we heard that, the driver was under the semitruck. >> wow. >> and that experience alone just really blew me and my friend's mind because we were just talking to this guy and he is under a semitruck. and after we, you know, we sat there and we were like, you know, we're going crazy, no later than ten seconds later, we get hit by a car going at least 80 miles an hour on the interstate and then literally knocks us into the semitruck. >> the florida highway patrol had just reopened i-75 when the
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collision started. a canadian jury says guilty. an afghan family, a husband, wife and 21-year-old son convicted of murder in a high profile trial. they were found guilty of killing three daughters and first wife in his police mist marriage. investigators say the three killed these women, punishing them for being rebellious and westernized. their bolds were found in a car that had plunged into an ontario canal. four police officers in east haven, connecticut, have been arrested and charged with beating and harassing latinos in their community. the jcatholic priest is getting correct for bringing the problem out in the open. cnn's national correspondent susan candiotti introduces us to father james manship. >> reporter: serving his prish nerps is something father james manship takes from his office to the streets. >> any affront to somebody's
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dignity to somebody's safety is an affront to god. and it required a response. >> reporter: so respond he did. long before four east haven, connecticut, police officers were indicted for systematically targeting and arrested latinos, father manship picked up a camera to document alleged abuse in his own backyard. >> sir, what are you doing? is there a reason you have a camera on me? >> reporter: a stour security camera was rolling in this latino convenience store when the priest saw police order that some old decorative license mraements be taken off a wall. >> i began to videotape what was going on. and then i was arrested. >> reporter: the priest's camera kept romming on police. >> is there a reason you have a camera on me? >> yes. >> why is that? >> i'm taking a video what's going on here. >> reporter: the store's camera spokes what happened next. father manship is arrested and
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charged with disturbing the police. >> he's definitely played critical role in helping people come forward and helping people really stand up. >> reporter: the fbi used manship's video to help establish what the justice department called discriminatory policing of latinos. authorities say more arelss are expected. east haven's mayor, who has been criticized for insensitive exempts about the latino community, says he stands behind the police department. the father's parishioners say they are blessed to have him speaking out. "if it weren't for him," she says, "we wouldn't nope what to do. he's the best." >> this was not for us, similarly about a few bad apples. this was a serious decull chral issue within the police department that needed to be transformed. >> reporter: among latinos, fear of police remains almost pant. >> what is the reason why you stop me? no reason at all. because you are latino.
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>> my hope is that one day we'll have a police department in east haven that we can be proud of. >> reporter: the priest who holds an engineering degree and once designed brakes for a living now finds himself trying to put a stop to alleged racial profiling. susan candiotti, cnn, new york. coming up, tick tock. two days until florida's republican primary. we're looking at what's at stake, live from tampa. two minutes.
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man on tv: ...rbis and 36 homers. swings at the first pitch and fouls it deep back into the stands. [ding] [fans whirring] announcer: chill raw and prepared foods promptly. one in 6 americans will get sick from food poisoning this year. check your steps at i'm not in florida but i can only imagine what it's like. i'm sure people there are getting swamped by political ads. but they can see the light at
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the end of the tunnel. all the campaigning, all the tv ads will be over in just two days. so, hang on, floridians. hang on. it going to be a full blast between now and tuesday. cnn's political reporter shannon travis joins us from tampa. shannon -- you've seen the ads? are they just bombarded, this guy is terrible, do not vote for him. >> reporter: don, you can't even turn on the tv down here and not see the ads. we know that mitt romney has been pretty much outspending newt gingrich in terms of the ads. the romney campaign and the pro-romney super pac. he's been outspending newt gingrich. the ads are coming fast and furious and they are pretty brutal already. not to mention just the ads, but the actual campaign events, i think we have some pictures that we're waiting for newt gingrich to come out. he's got an evening event and mitt romney's started with his. let's take a quick update of
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where this thing stands right now in terms of poll 234u78 pers. that's kind of the most accurate gauge of what's going on. an nbc news poll from earlier today, and take a listen at this. mitt romney, 42%, don. newt gingrich, 27%, rick santorum, 16% and ron paul, 11%. there were two other patrols, one from arg and another one from -- the tampa bay newspaper down here that also had similar numbers, so, this thing is looking really good for mitt romney, but as you said, anything can happen before tuesday. don? >> don't feel bad. i can't keep up with the polls. you know, hey. wow, that is -- >> reporter: keep watching the polls, man. >> rick santorum, ron paul. ill know that rick santorum had a health issue with his daughter. we are thinki ing about him. ron paul? >> reporter: we're watching
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really closely with what's happening with rick santorum's daughter. he's back in pennsylvania. she contracted pneumonia in both-hungs, apparently. he's out of florida, taking care of her, as he should be. no word on if he'll come back to his event. he has an event scheduled for tomorrow. no word if he will attend that. ron paul, i actually started my morning in maine, the state of maine this morning, don, because that's where ron paul was for two days. he was campaigning there, their call kulss have started. but he's going to be campaigning in colorado on florida primary day and spending his evening, as florida results come in, in vegas, another important caucus state, nevada. don? >> all right, shannon travis, get some sleep. turn the tv off, if you can. appreciate it. goldie taylor, she is always here, the managing editor of -- did you see -- pow on those
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polls, wow. what happened? >> remember the rock 'em sock 'em roe bolts when we were kids? remember, newt had a really good run in south carolina. he was able to take advantage of the retail voting, the door to door house to house stuff. can't do that in florida. too big of a state. you have to rely on the monday and romney has it. >> okay. this got my attention this morning, i was watching the morning shows for the chairman of rnc, take a listen, goldie. >> and in the end, in a few months this is all going to be ancient history and we're going to talk about owl own little captain, president obama, who is abandoning the ship here in the united states and more interested in campaigning than doing his job as president. >> he's -- you know, that was -- that was quite a comment to the captain of the "costa concordia." >> i run communications.
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whoever wrote that talking point for him this morning should be fired. >> really? >> whoever made that kind of metaphor -- >> isn't it fair game? >> no, no, manslaughter -- >> people died. >> manslaughter is not -- lives are not -- there were americans on that ship. not fair game. >> okay. stand by. don't go anywhere. we're going to talk spanish, not you and me but we're going to be talking about what newt gingrich did or didn't say about spanish. he's trying to explain himself again. you don't want to miss this. what's he looking for? i think he's looking for savings. ♪ i can't watch this anymore. stop! there's an easier way! we compare your progressive direct rate to other top companies so you get a great price. no more running around. ha ha ha! wouldn't you love to see the world through his eyes? i bet i look like the strongest man in the world. the best place to find a great deal. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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all right, we're back with goldie taylor. one of our regulars here. she's the managing editor of goldie taylor let's talk about newt gingrich and spanish. he keeps having to fight off claims that he disparaged people who speak spanish. listen, here it is this morning. >> and i said, we don't want anyone trapped, anyone, this was not a reference to any one language. we don't want anyone trapped in america not able to speak english because english is the language of commercial success. english is the language that givens you a better job. now, he turned that on its head and basically suggested something that was simply plain not true. >> is he being completely forthcoming about -- >> i don't think so. i don't hit the he is. i think in the context of things, you know, he has a point about english being, you know,
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the general language -- >> i'm glad you said that. i thought the same thing. >> he makes a good point about that. but the finer point is, this is a country of many races, many languages. but the second language, the most prevalent language in this country is spanish. and it happens to be spoken by people who are newer immigrants, people who are older immigrants. >> but he said -- what he said language of the ghetto, i said, what -- they're not speaki inin french in the ghetto, greek in the ghetto, day are -- >> one main language. spanish. >> all right. >> so, no, he's not telling the truth. >> let's just be honest about it. okay, let's talk about jan brewer, the arizona governor. you have saw the wag of the finger. >> i did. i commented this week on my blog. >> what's going on? >> the issue here is, you know, when the president comes in on air force one on that tarmac, it is a staged event every time. so, every single thing that happens on the tarmac is
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captured by photographs. she knew that the moment she stepped onto that tarmac it would be photographed. she waved her finger at the president's face on purpose. i think she concocted a story that she felt threatened in this president, as if she was going to snatch her purse. i think it's an unfortunate thing because many people beg off not going to meet the president when they disagree with his politics, whether it's a democrat or republican in the white house. she would have begged off if she did not have nefarious means. >> i was in the gym yesterday and people were talking as we were working out, they were talking about the debates and they were talking about this photo capture and they said, i'm a republican and i don't -- you respect the office. what's wrong? why would you do that? that's a general consensus. i want to go back, goldie, because i don't want people to misunderstand and i think it's important for people to know, especially young people, of color, i think newt gingrich
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does have a point when he says you have to speak proper english in you want to get ahead in this country. >> this is absolutely true. i teach it to my children, you know, but there are so many spanish language people in this country who are bybilingual. they have a country with this country and their home country and they speak both it was a broad generalization that -- it was mean spirited. >> but there was, as you said, there is a point. if you want to get along in business. >> sure. >> if you want to do what i do, you have to speak proper english. you can't speak slang unless you want to go into the entire at the same time industry or something like that. and even still, in a business meeting you are going to have to get your point across. >> to get your point across. i think that so many people certainly understand that. i think that, you know, newt gingrich has a way of demonizing people by using the positives about them to turn it and flip it back on its ear. that's what's most unfortunate about the comments. >> it's the way you say it.
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>> and what's behind it. >> i could just sit and talk with you. >> you know, pour a drink. hang out awhile. >> all right. cnn. thank you, goldie. see you soon. cnn is your source of complete coverage of florida's primary on tuesday. special coverage begins at 6:00 p.m. eastern. in other news now, troubling situation. a chicago student ganged up on, beaten and bullied and the incident posted on youtube. talking about how to stop this sort of thing from happening, with cnn education contributor steve perry, next. what ? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it ? hello ? hello ?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello ?
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we're talking about school education and how to handle challenging high school kid us. well, there may be no better person to turn to than cnn education contributor steve perry. his latest book is called "push has come to shove." earlier, i asked him about a troubling video out of chicago that has gotten a whole lot of attention. i'm not sure if you've seen this video, i'm pretty sure you have seen -- it's out of chicago, i'm talking about. i want to take a quick look at this. put it up now. these teenageers, they gang up on this kid, it is a kid and the
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kid -- there's a kid that's been charged, one is in jail now. he's charged as an adult, right? eight kids have been charged, i should say. this video is amazing. does this sort of thing surprise you? >> no. >> really? >> not at all. in fact, unfortunately, it becomes too common. what happens is, the typical bullying has gone to a whole different level. you get any kid with a phone and no good sense and they begin to videotape these things. what you see, really, is that this is an indication, not just of the child who is being hurt, but the hurt children who are around them, because in order for you to cause such harm to someone else, you can't love yourself. that's what we're seeing. >> as you're talking, i'm looking at the video and they are kicking this kid. you can see, kicking him in the face. and in the head. i don't -- i don't understand it. >> people don't understand -- things in our schools are so much worse than i think most people realize. it's really bad in many schools
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because so many children feel so broken inside. >> what do you do? we always say, okay, you -- here's the thing that i know. i'm not a parent but i know this. there's only so much that you can do at a school. home training, it starts in the home. but what can you do to make kids feel safe when they're -- >> we're the professionals. we're the ones who are trained to make children feel better. we can create a lot. of course home needs to play a role but we have your children for six and a half to sometimes eight, nine hours a day. we should play a very vital role in that. it's not one or the other. however, i see it as my responsibility. when someone says in hartford that a kid in a blazer is having a fight downtown, we get in the car and we go down there to make sure it's not one of ours. if it is, there's going to be two fights. >> going to be two fights if he finds out it's one of his kids. never shy with his words. that is steve perry. steve, thank you very much. coming up, your personal finances. are you sticking to your new year's resolutions?
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we'll talk with personal finance expert nicole lapin to get answers to your questions. homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. i learned early on if you want to make a difference you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i'm committed to making a difference and i am a phoenix.
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tragedy on interstate 75 in florida, before dawn today. cars and trucks piled up outside gainesville, killing ten people, injuring 18 more. drivers were blinded by smoke from a nearby brush fire. once survivor called it horrendous. highway patrol had just reopened the interstate when the chain of collisions occurred. in canada, an afghan family, his wife and 21-year-old son have been convicted of murdering these four women. the murdered women are the man's three daughters and his first wife. the three conducted so-called honor murders to punish the victims for being rebellious and westernized. the government is ramping up the bloodshed on the streets of syria. this video seems to sum it up. wounded protester shot by soldiers, dragged away. opposition activist group says at looels 64 people died in attacks today. nearly 100 saturday.
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cnn cannot confirm those numbers or verify the video, but with arab league monitors gone, the violence is escalating. it has been eight months since a monster tornado slammed joplin, missouri, killing 161 people. a hospital was heavily damaged and today the the demolition crews began touring it down. a cross hanging in the emergency room was taken to the new hospital site. a wrecking ball was used to tear down the hospital instead of explosives. much of joplin sits on old mines that have been filled in. they didn't want to take the chance of explosives damaging surrounding properties. a month into your financial resolutions. how are you doing? how are they going? here, again, to answer personal financial questions, all of your questions, money expert nicole lapin. okay, nicole. >> how are you doing? >> how are you doing? you all right? >> yeah. >> all right.
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let's get right to it. okay. >> let's get to it. >> here is what christina is tweeting. i have a money question. if my employer doesn't match 401(k) contribution, should i still invest or are there better alternatives? probably not, christina. and contrary to what financial experts will tell you, there are three folks that should think about thinking twist about investing in a 401(k). if you don't have six to nine months of savings, rethink a 401(k). you want to have a cushion of liquidity just in case something terrible happens. number two, if you have a boat load of debt. you're going to want to pay that down first, because that debt is going to increase much faster than the savings that you are accruing from that 401(k). and number three, just like christina said, if your employer does not match contributions. you have to rethink it. in the long run, 30 to 40 years out, of course, you are susceptible to the whims of the stock market. if your employer is not helping
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you, that's a risk you want to think about. >> all right, stephen wants to know, if you are a fan of mutual funds? >> yes. yes. why not? but here's the thing. fees, fees, fees. this is the biggest part of this. you have to really watch these fees, because study after study will show if you keep those in check, that is the best way to grow your nest egg. now, you have to look for stocks below one a below 1.33%. you want to keep the bond category lower than .9%. vanguard, fidelity have less expensive. t. rowe price is another good one, because that automatically deducts every month and you can get in, sneak attack under that $2,500, for 50 bucks a month. and you don't feel it coming out of your paycheck, it doesn't hurt that bad. >> a facebook user asks, what do i do with unwanted gift cards?
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regift them, right? i don't know. >> is that -- that's what i got in the mail from you? thanks so much, don. i was wondering, what is this flying biscuit gift card that i get from don lemon? you are probably the easiest person to get. you are always going to want a tie of any color. you are going to be that guy that is so appreciative of that. but it's a serious, you know, question, when you are looking at the gift cards. there are a couple of really great sites where you can swap them. let's say you got a shake shake card and you are really a vegetarian and you want a whole foods card. you can look at gift card and swap a gift. and you can potentially find somebody that you can swap with. or you can sell them on different auction sites like card hub or plastic jungle. you can also donate them to charity, if a charity accepts in kind gifts. you can write that off your taxes. and also, remember, you know, if you got a macy's card and think it must be nice to have some
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incense for the house -- yeah, forget the must be nices and save them for a time of must haves. like, when you are moving and you need towels or something, because they do last for five years. >> nicole, thank you. >> i'm going to get you a tie next year. >> okay, thank you. hey, we want to get out to the west coast, where the screen actor's guild awards are going on right now. there's someone there, i don't know, i kind of recognize this guy and young lady, i think it's george clooney and kareen winter. hello, kareen. >> george is such a comedian. george clooney and his beautiful date stacy keibler. so thrilled for tow be here. talking about your big night ahead. how thrilled are you? >> fabulously thrilled i am. i'm disappointed that don couldn't make the show. >> don? >> i'm very disappointed, as well. i didn't get george's invitation. >> george, he didn't get your
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invitation. very disappointed, as well. >> i'm sorry. it's in the mail. >> i love it. let's talk about the big year that you've had. you just won at the golden globes. you are a favorite going into the kay cadmy awards, george. does it ever get old? >> it doesn't ever get old when people are nice to you, you do things and people like them because it's not all that often you get to do that. it's nice. i enjoy what i do for a living and nice when people enjoy it, too. >> what is up with this friendly competition with you and brad pitt? >> there's nothing friendly about it. i tell you that right now. no, listen, brad is my buddy and i do wish him nothing but the best and i hope, you know, i actually think he's probably going to win tonight and i will be the first one cheering for him because he's my pal. >> of course, you are all winners. we are cnn, focused on politics, not just great award shows like this. i know you are keeping your eyes on the republican primaries. what would you say about what's
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happening with those presidential hopefuls and obama. is he going to have a tough time again this year? four years ago, he really had the backing of liberal hollywood. >> he had a tough time until the economic crisis, i think, and that sort of changes his election in 2008 and i think everybody election is going to be tough. going to be tough with 8.5% unemployment. but you know, you look at the other field and, you know, you -- we'll wait and see who they come up with and everything starts from there. it will be interesting to see. >> you are watching it closely. >> sure, it's fun. >> all right. we're not going to leave stacy out. you look beautiful. your designer? >> mar kay is a. >> and you are a fabulous date. what is the best part about dating george clooney? >> yes. >> how long do you have? >> all the time in the world. >> good answer. thank you so much guys. have fun, george, a treat talking to you and i guess a kis. >> oh, you are starting trouble on the red carpet! >> i am. you know i have to, you know i
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have to. george made it really, really fun, though. he's up against brad pitt but a lot of the other films that we're watching out for tonight, an outstanding cast performance by a cast in a picture category, "bridesmaids." breakout film from last year, don. some people are saying that could be a favorite, just because it was so hill lair youls. it grossed $170 million at the box office. proved that women can be funny, too. big night ahead. a lot of favorites like jormg, making his way down to the fan stand. about to get a little crazy in here. so, again, the show is about to start at the top of the hour and we can't wait, don. >> interesting, george clooney, kar kareen, an old school movie star, and he's so unassuming. in person, he's sort afterof a guy. >> every time ill have interviewed him, don, always so down to earth and humble and really means when he says, when i win, i'm kind of floored. he is that kind of guy.
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he loves his craft and i think that's why america's fallen in love with him. >> thank you, madame. you look lovely. as we look at the live pictures, they, too, as well. we will be watching. screen actors guild awards, live in l.a. at the shrine auditorium right now. next weekend, though, the sup super bowl will do something it's never done before. it involves a command center and new technology. live report, straight ahead. [ male announcer ] this was how my day began.
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largest financial planning company. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you, one-to-one. together, for your future. ♪ [oinking] [hissing] [ding] announcer: cook foods to the right temperature using a food thermometer. 3,000 americans will die from food poisoning this year. check your steps at
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fans of the nbc comedy "the office" know act on the rainn wilson as dwight, but unlike his character, wilson is committed to helping others. in 2007, he saw a story about one of our cnn heroes, an every day person changing the world, and he was moved that he decided to lend a hand. and five years later, he is still involved and inspired. >> i was literally sitting in my trailer at "the office" and i was looking at the cnn website. i think it was the first year of cnn heroes and i saw this story about aaron jackson. a young kid from florida, grew up on a golf course.
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didn't have much direction in his life and he went traveling in the third world and he saw poverty and he decided to just devote his life to making the world a better place. >> today, we've dewormed a little over 100 people. >> it's been great to be able to help out aaron jackson by doing some fund-raisers. i got to introduce him to people and help raise money and just help his organization really get moving. he's the amazing guy who is doing all the really hard work and, you know, give him the cash and just let him go down what he does best. they have four, five orphanages in haiti and i also went out when they distributed the deworming medication, out in the rural villages and towns. you are distributing food, aid, all around the country. so many kids can be, you know, eating their fill but because they're so filled with worms, they are unable to process that food so it's really just kind of
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a waste. >> you deworm a kid and the worms shoot out in 24 to 48 hours. you see a kid that is not alert at all and once you rid them of worms they come back to life. and that's what, to me, is the most amazing. you see an immediate impact. since the heroes segment in 2007, we have raised enough money to deworm every child in haiti, all 3.2 million kids. >> everyone can be a hero. it just takes a little bit of work. okay, all right. au revoir. ah! if there's one thing you can take away from cnn heroes, the stories inspired me to step up my game and try to do more to help the world. ♪
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internet, it will also be the first to have its own social media xhond center. tech reporter has all the cool details for us. tell us about this command center. sounds like war. >> it does sound like war. as you know, this is the first any big event has ever created a social media command center. here's the deal. super bowl host committee, they tapped an agency to handle the official super bowl twitter account and handle the facebook account, the youtube account and the blog site. to do this, they wanted them in the area. they have given them a 2,800 square foot facility that's going to operate like a mini cnn newsroom. produceers are going to be grabbing content from on site, all audio and video is going to be controlled off of i pads. their have tapped local universities to pull in students to be extra journal imss and new media advocates alongside a 16-person staff. but i think this is interesting, don, because if they execute this properly, i think this sets
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the precedent for a lot of big events to come. we know social media is huge. you think of events like the oscars and the world cup. growing that brand on all sites social media, that's where it's headed. >> cool. okay. let's move on to some changes that will affect a lot of our viewers, many viewers. first, facebook says it is pulling the trigger on a new design for everyone. >> yes. let's talk about facebook timeline. coming to your facebook page. so, once optional in terms of layout, facebook timeline will be mandatory for 800 million facebook users in the next few weeks. you probably popped on one of your friends pages and seen timeline. all it is, is a list of every single thing you posted to facebook ever. now, this is also a gold mine for hr or crazy boyfriends and crazy girlfriends in terms of stalking. so, don't panic. you know you're going to get timeline. what i recommend you do is get on there now. you have seven days to hide anything you don't want seen and
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with timeline they have announced 60 apps that allow you to share what you are doing at any given moment. make sure, don, your permissions and your privacy settings are set on facebook. >> you got to go in and check out my timeline. i was one of the test people that facebook uses and i've got some 1980s hair on my timeline, so, check it out. all right, thank you katie. we appreciate it. >> yay. talk to you soon. thank you. >> all righty. one week ail way from the super bowl and suddenly the question is being asked. is football too dangerous a sport? our dr. sanjay gupta joins me next to talk about the dangers of concussions. his cnn special report "big hits broken dreams" airs at the top of the hour. it's a conversation you do not want to miss. and then, in one blinding blink of an eye,
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cnn has spent over a year investigating the danger of concussions in sports, and coming up at the top of the hour, we will bring you "big hits, broken dreams." it's hosted by our chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta. he talks with athletes, young and old, with a special look at football's central role in one north carolina community.
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>> football in north carolina is really big. >> if you're from around this area, you know rh rose, a four-time state champ. >> pumped up, excited, ready to go. >> that's all i thought, every single day. football, football, football. >> football's a tough sport. you know, it ain't for everybody. there's collisions in this sport. >> here he is, my little brother. he's not moving. he needs help breathing. i mean, i just lost it. >> waller was tackled, walked to the sidelines, and then he collapsed. >> friday night's death of jakwan waller's death is hit hard. >> the trainer was asking me questions and i was answering them all wrong.
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>> there are a small percentage of impacts that simulate that car crash. >> he does have symptoms of a concussion. >> if a parent came to you and said, coach, my kid really wants to play football, but i want you to tell me that he's going to be safe. >> i can't guarantee that. >> it is a violent game. that's always going to be there. can you make this game safer? >> dr. gupta joins me now to talk about tonight's special. and we're also joined by former nfl player, lamar campbell, he hosted an internet radio show, it's called "life after the game." good to see both of you. i have to say, i went to the screening the other night, great work. >> thank you, thank you very much. >> it's great work. and i think it's going to be impactful. this is a huge issue. and i know you're hoping as well that it's going to make a difference. >> there is so much that has emerged in terms of science over just the last couple of years. it was almost one of those things that we felt that we couldn't do. because you watch football, i'm a football fan, you see the hard hits and you thought to yourself, anecdotally, that doesn't look good. wront know for sure what it does
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to the brain, but it doesn't look good. now there's science to actually say what it does to the brain specifically, and most importantly, what people can do about this. this was supposed to be very solutions oriented, don. >> and it was. and what was interesting is that you and your producers anticipated every question. as i was watching it, i started to ask questions, and then you would come along and answer them. and you know i always tell the truth. you have to watch this. it is one of the best documentaries i've seen here. lamar, you play football, highest levels, nfl players, you know they take blows to the head, many, many times. did you realize at the time that you were suffering from concussions? >> no, i thought we all thought we suffered from was basically diggers, and something you'd grow up in the game with. let's start with the issue that you play the game because you love the game. we all know it's hard to walk away from something that you love, without regard for how painful it might be. i think that's a great analogy for what we felt playing the game. >> here's the thing, dr. gupta,
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do you have to suffer from a concussion to have brain damage, or can it just be a really hard blow to get long-term damage? >> it could be a hard blow or a series of like subcon cussive blows. things you'd never think about. on average, a high school player takes about 650 of these hits a season. that was quite striking to me. we now, pretty definitively, and again, this is emerging science that's happening right now, don, we know that the impact of those blows can be something called cte, chronic traumatic encephalopathy. it looks like alzheimer's, but it's happening in teenagers and 20 or 30-year-olds episode to someone in their 90s. >> there's a young man in the documentary and the doctor says his brain looks like that of an 80-year-old or someone who has alzheimer's or dementia. >> a 17-year-old. the youngest person ever diagnosed with this and he's a high school football player. people think, look this doesn't
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happen to people that young. not only does it, but sometimes young people are more vulnerable to these types of changes. >> and talk about changes, these are the newer type helmets they have made -- >> since the days of fran tarpen. >> fran brought his old helmet into me a couple months back, and it's like the toy helmets we used to play with as can kids. is this making a difference, do you think, having these? >> i think it does make a difference, but concussions will never be 100%, especially in the game of football, will never be 100% free of concussions. i know for myself, fit was a pre-game ritual to pump as much air as possible into my helmet. so hopefully there's never any judgment in brainstorming. if anyone can come up with any helpful ideas to keep our youth protected as they play the game, that's great. >> there are people who donate their brains to research in your documentary and you're considering donating your brain too. >> when i look at the people
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i've had a chance to be with in my life, andre waters who committed suicide in 2006, i had a chance to spend a summer camp with him, and then turn around and commit suicide. now that the information and media is involved, the information is readily available. when i see similar symptoms in my case, i contacted the sport legacy at boston university and i have the paperwork. i haven't signed it as of yet. >> and andre waters was diagnosed, the first player ever diagnosed with cte. >> let's talk about the dangers. is it more dangerous than people think? and can it be -- i mean, after all, it's sports. it's football. you're hitting. that's the nature of it. >> it's a violent sport. and it's always going to be that way, i think. there are a lot of things in the documentary, but two things i'll share with you quickly. one is if you get a concussion and get a second concussion when the first one is healing, you turn a bad situation into potentially a catastrophic situation. you have a bruise on your arm
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and someone hits you, the next day someone would hit you again in that same spot, it's going to hurt you that much more. think of your brain the same way. inflamed, swollen after that first concussion, it will heal, but if it gets a second hit, it becomes a really bad situation. and that 650 hits a season, when we really dissected a season of a high school football team, we found the vast majority of those occur in practice. no question these players have to learn skills and some of that does involve hitting, but so much of that can be dialed back, as they're starting to do in states like north carolina and other states around the country. >> i'm going to ask you a question. if you had a teenage son, would you let him play high school football? >> no. no, i would not. i'm very conscious of how i feel today. but if he did decide to do that, he would be armed with one thing i did not, which is the education and knowledge of what the game can do to you down the line, and that's important. >> dr. gupta, same question? >> you know, i might, surprisingly, but -- and but is, the
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