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tv   Starting Point  CNN  February 1, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EST

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ron braun seencomes in strong. hook-up first thing in the morning. we appreciate pap as you know, we like to highlight our pab nellist's choices off our ipods. we've had some low lows and very high highs. ron brownstein, first time you contributed and strong. >> when he said we've had low lows, it's me. >> slow lows is what i should say. i want to remind everybody on friday we're going to take everybody's suggestions, feel free to tweetd us or tweet me. i would love to hear from you and not just the crazy people who tweet me, all the other people. you can also send to starting point. we would love to know what you suggest. we have will cain who is a columnist for "the blaze." i like the tweed. >> thank you. >> the actual professor though is next to you and that would be the former virginia congressman
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tom davis is back with us. i said a long good-bye to you yesterday and i'm like, oh, he's back. we loved having you. he is also the former chair of the republican house campaign committee. and he teaches political science now. and ron brownstein is the editorial director of the "national journal" and he is with us as well. let's move on to the state of nevada because the state of florida is over. it is next. the state caucuses are this weekend. mitt romney is going to head west with new momentum after this big win in florida. he won 46% of the vote. newt gingrich was at 32% of the vote. second place sfin anybody. 13% for rick santorum. 7% for ron paul. rick tyler joins us this morning, senior adviser to winning our future pac and former gingrich spokesman. nice to see you, sir. >> good morning, how are you? >> how are you doing, is a better question. did the margin of victory for the competition surprise you? >> a little bit.
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but, you know, the team romney spent over $20 million here. they ran 0.1% positive for romney which is a little disturbing because it's very difficult to move on and build political capital that way. in other words, romney didn't run any ads about how he's going to balance the budget or how he's going to fix the unemployment situation, how he's going to pay off the debt, how he's going to fix entitlement programs. he was all about how you slount vote for newt gingrich. that clearly had a lot of damage. but i think going forward, you know, we got mired in the swamps here, if you will, in florida. but we're heading for the high ground. we're going to talk a lot more about newt gingrich's conser conservative legislative achievement record when he was in congress, four years of balanced budgets, tax cuts. 11 million new jobs created. stock market went up, nasdaq went up. great success and we're going to focus on that because we feel that myitt romney cannot compar. >> when you complain about the negative ads, you run win ourg
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future, the pac, which has had its fair share of negative ads, just not as well funded is the issue. aren't you equally to blame for the negativity on both sides? >> you might remember, soledad, in iowa we didn't run any negative ads. in fact, gingriched admonished through the media not to run any negative ads. we didn't do that. we felt like that that over time that was not sustainable. we won south carolina by a similar 14-point margin. we came to florida and they had already spent more than $5 million here. they spent a total of $20 million in florida. >> they out spent you by a lot. you just got hammered negatively and also moneywise. >> yes. >> let me ask you a quick question. no concession speech. no concession call. isn't that unusual? isn't that, i guess, sort of bad form in a race, even if you're staying in and you're going to move on to the next contest? >> i can't speak to that.
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i'm not part of the campaign. i did note, you know, usually the people who concede speak first. and romney went right on immediately and spoke first. i thought that was fairly unusual around no one has commented on that. i don't know beyond that. >> rick, ron brownstein from "national journal." when you get to march, you have more states favorable to you like georgia and the tnd and ohio but you do have to get there first. then you look at this next month of contest, through the month of february, what, if any, are the states on that list that you think gingrich has a realistic chance of winning in this next month? >> well, it may surprise you but we're going to compete in n nevada. we're going compete in arizona. one thing is we're going to run a national campaign. you can do that with the media now. when people do national programming. this program reaches everyone nationally as does many talk radio shows reach people nationally. internet reaches people nationally. i think you can have an overall
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national message. where are we going to compete with dollars i think we would focus on states like nevada, states like arizona. remember, it's a little different than the last time. it's not winner take all of the way through. a lot of proportional states. even coming in second in states we can still accumulate delegates until we get to, as you say, super tuesday where i think we'll pick up a fair number of delegates. >> let me ask you a question about exit polls. when you look at exit polls that look at women. when you look at latinos, mitt romney won 54% to gingrich's 29%. there is a theory that says, an issue with affairs in the past turns off women. there is a theory that says, if you talk about, you know, language of the ghetto, that's going to turn off latinos. do you think that had an impact? >> i'm not sure -- you know, perhaps. it may have had an impact. butly point out that, you know, we won the evangelical vote in florida. and newt won the very
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conservative vote. and so those who identify most strongly with the tea party, he won those folks, too. yes, there's more work to do with women voters, there's more work to do with latino voters. newt has been working on that issue for quite a number of years. it didn't work out this time but we'll keep competing for that vote. >> this is tom davis. i had the privilege to serve with the speaker in the house. but his natural base right now, the party base, the more conservative base has been most activated in caucus states but that's where thing or pays off. months of organizing in between. seems like you're kind of airdropping into these areas that are your national strength that you ought to be winning. how are you going to handle caucuses in minnesota, colorado, over the next month? naturally that ought to be your base? and even in nevada where sharon engle was elected last time in the republican primary, a natural hard conservative base but these things take time to organize. what is the outlook at this point?
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>> well, sometimes you can go into a state and organize it yourself, other times you can sort of adopt the organization that's already there. tea party is a natural group to attract and get to go to work for you. the good thing about the caucus states which i think you are intimating is that there are more educated voter because they are -- they care about the issues actually go to the meetings, actually organize, actually walk the precincts. therefore we think we have an advantage with those people because we know that those people tend to be more conservative. they know newt's record about balanced budget and cuts and balanced budgets. as you say, you know best about the republican revolution and what he was able to accomplish as speaker. so we think we have an advantage with those people, but, you know, it will be a challenge. and our super pac is prepared not only to run ads but prepared to engage and get a ground game going as well. we'll do whatever it takes to make sure that newt is the nominee back here in tampa and in august. >> rick tyler with us this morning.
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appreciate your time. >> thank you. other stories making headlines. christine has those. >> good morning. breaking news this morning out of syria. government security forces clashing with armed protesters overnight if the city of homs. at least 20 people were killed. this latest fighting comes as the u.s. and the arab league press for a u.n. resolution to have syrian president bashar al-assad step down. russia and china are blocking it. is iran the biggest threat to america's national security? u.s. intelligence officials in their annual threat assessment to congress, they say iranian leaders are now more willing to plot and attack on u.s. soil if their regime is being threatened. officials point to iran's alleged attempt to assassinate the saudi ambassador in washington last year. tehran's nuclear capability also a major concern. california republican congressman darrell issa threatening to hold attorney general eric holder in contempt if holder doesn't turn over documents related to the botched, fast and furious gun
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walking administration, that alloweded them to reach mexican drug cartels. he claims holder's justice department is, quote, actively engaged in a cover-up." a democratic report found atf agents not justice department officials were responsible for that program. holder is scheduled to testify before iss a's committee tomorrow. the costa concordia shipwreck of italy is over. too dangerous for rescue workers right now. 17 body have been recovered. more than a doz slen people, including two americans, they have not been found. this as a new report says that six of the cruise wreck survivors are suing for $460 million. minding your business this morning, positive economic news set to boost stocks today. dow futures are up 90 points thanks to upbeat manufacturing data out of china and europe. but who cares about that? it's about facebook, right? facebook's long-awaited ipo filing. it could happen any moment today. facebook reportedly looking to
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raise up to $5 billion in its initial public offering. that would make it the biggest tech io in history, against google. ipo filing is just the first step. shares wouldn't be listed for several months, of course. and first lady michelle obama on "the tonight show" last night talking about her workout routine and showing off her left hook. >> you got a little testy with al roker. >> oh, no. >> show that footage. >> are jumping jacks your exercise of choice? >> you know, i do everything. i mean, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, a little boxing. >> does the president have to worery about the boxing part? >> you you know, sometimes when he sees me punching, he kind of -- uh! >> boy, you are competitive. man. i didn't mean to hit him that hard. >> that was a great appearance,
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wasn't it? really, really fun. >> great timing on both of them. thank you. it's true, she was very good when asked about the romney singing she gave a very political answer. it's a great song. a very high end. i would like to say stop with that, please. >> exactly p. i head this morning, mitt romney is going to join us live. he will not be singing on this program. he is heading less though with all of his momentum. we'll take a look at that this morning. plus, pakistan helping the taliban? there are new concerns that pakistan know where's taliban fighters are hiding. our "get real" to morning, little league coach tells this little girl that she can't play because she's a little girl. unfair. we're going to talk about that.
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victory in florida for mitt romney in case you missed it, here are the results. romney got 46% of the vote. gingrich got 32%. ron paul came in with 7% of the vote. the former massachusetts governor mitt romney joins me from tampa this morning. congratulations are in order for you. we appreciate you being with us. how you feeling as you move forward and you see those results? >> soledad, that feels pretty darn good. florida in some respects is a microcosm of the nation. in part because so many people move here in their retirement years. we've got good support here. actually i understand a record number of votes in a republican primary. so i'm pretty pleased. >> so, let's talk about things that may be less pleasing. if you look at exit polling on conservatives and exit polling on tea partiers, you lost both of those categories to newt gingrich. how do you get them? >> actually we won both conservatives and tea partiers in flg. i'm pretty pleased that we had good support here. we were also able to do very
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well with hispanic voters. i think the last time i ran i got 14% of the hispanic vote, this time, 54%. the difference is that people care about the economy and they understand that's been my background. they really don't think that people who spent their entire life working in washington are prepared to take on the problem of getting our economy strong again. >> when i talk about tea party and conservatives i should clarify very conservative and strong tea partiers. when you look at that focus, which is a very energized and core group of the party you are trying to represent, they went with the other guy. how do you get them? >> well, you know, i have to make sure i get the majority in each state i go to. so i want to have good support from the tea partiers and fro conservatives but i recognize there may be some who decide to go elsewhere. that's the nature of the process. if i can keep winning and getting the delegates and become the nominee i want to make sure that people know who i am, what i stand for. i'm not going to try to veer to one direction or another trying to get one group or another.
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>> you know, newt gingrich, he gave a speech but it wasn't really a concession speech and he didn't give a concession call. did that offend you, upset you in any way, shape, or form? >> no. as has been said long ago, politics ain't bean bags. we're battling to become the nom know. he's going to do it the way he thinks is best. i'm going to do it the way i think is best. so far by process has given me a good start. i know we're going to go on. i'm feeling pretty good at this point, soledad. i really do think the american people do not want to take us into the politics of washington and the practices of washington. they want to take us in a direction that gets this economy going again. we rechange the way washington works fundamentality. >> i've never heard that, politics ain't bean bags. i'm going to write that down and throw it at other people one day. you said last night, listen, competitive primary does not divide us, it prepares us and we will win.
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but isn't there a downside to all of this negativity? when you look at independents' opinion of you, and i think we have a graphic of this, favorable has only gone up 1% since december and unfavorable is 20% increase since december. doesn't that seem to be a very big problem among independents who often decide a race in the general election? >> well, i think if there were some way of having no negative ever launched against you, even by the democrats, why, the argument might make sense. but frankly, i know that if i'm the nominee, barack obama is going to spend almost a billion dollars attacking me. so you might as well get it out there now. learn how to respond, and make sure that we're able to get back to the real issue people care about when the time of the general election comes around. that real issue is how to get america's economy so strong creating jobs for people again and how to change washington from becoming the, if you will, the bloated beast that's taking over larger and larger part of
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our life. those kinds of issues is what will win. >> do you get distracted from that conversation when you have someone like newt gingrich saying, yeah, i'm going to stay in the race. 46 states yet to go so you don't really get to have a conversation with president obama. you end up having a sort of a battle on two fronts. that's got to be not a good thing. >> well, you know, you take what comes. each candidate has the right to stay in the race as long as they want to. you know, i welcome the fact that we're going to be honing our message and battling against the attacks that will come. but i recognize that this is going to be a long road and particularly if speaker gingrich and rick santorum and ron paul want to go on a long way, i certainly want to go a long way, go to the convention as a winner. we'll take what comes and be prepared for president obama who will do everything in his power not to talk about his record. and the truth is he has failed the american people. he's lost more jobs during his presidency than any other
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president, i believe in history. home value is down during his presidency. he doesn't want to talk about that. that's what we're going to talk about. >> it might be challenging to get that conversation going if you have a prolonged battle. if you look historically, when republicans are in these prolonged battles for the nominati nomination, it actually bodes poorly for them in the general election, right? i think it's only eisenhower in 1952 who was able to merge victorious. the same is not true on the democratic side. you sound very not concerned about it but the statistics would say maybe you out to be concerned about it? >> i guess i'm very concerned about things i can change. but i can't possibly suggest that i'm going to tell somebody else in the race what's right for them. they have to pursue the course that's best for them. i think with regards to winning in november, it's going to come down to whether people want to have barack obama, who has been extraordinarily unsuccessful and inexperienced, continue to lead a nation at a critical time, both internationally with the threat in iran, as well as
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domestically, with an economy that continues to bump along the bottom. >> when i was in florida you were absolutely hammered with the ads. literally, it was an incredible thing. now we know that was the most negative ads ever in the history of forever, like 92%, 93% negative ads. when you look at the spending for ads in the campaign, you just killed it, really. your campaign spent about $9 million. your super pac, over $10 million. and 13,000 ads compared to newt gingrich's 200 ads. is this what we're going to see as you move through the primary season into the general election, money flooding with negative ads and that's going to be the tone of this entire campaign? >> well, you are going to see us talking about the contrast between me and the other people in the race. >> that's a yes? >> when we were in south carolina -- well, when we were in south carolina i was vastly overspent with negative ads attacking me. and we sat back saying a positive message, focused on president obama would be just
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fine. i got beaten there. and we said, well, that doesn't make a lot of sense. so our campaign made sure that we were more appointed on our message and pointing out the differences between me and speaker gingrich and our respective records. as to what the various pacs do out there, there's not much i can do about that. i can't tell them where to go or where to spend their money. obviously the reading was that the pac -- super pac that supported speaker gingrich which was financed by sheldon adelson, my guess is he's saving his powder for nevada and other ways races to come. >> there's a poll that came out that says, understanding the needs of average americans. and president obama rates at 55% in this polling. you come in at 39%. the conservative writer, kathleen parker, wrote about, you know, it's that romney can't connect with the people as has been -- it isn't that romney can't connect with the people
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has been pronounced repeatedly. it's that the people can't connect with him. that explains why the far less can't connect. >> what happened in florida is i got a chance to go across the state. meet with people. they heard what i am concerned about. they understand how i will be able to make things better. i think people want someone who not just throws an incendiary bomb from time to time but knows how to improve their life, get jobs again in this country, make sure when soldiers come home they have a job waiting for them. make sure people who are retired not worry about what's going to happen at the end of the week. this is a time people are worried. they're frightened. they want someone who they have confidence in. i believe i will be able to instill that fconfidence in
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american people. we have a safety net for the poor. if it needs repair, i'll fix it. i'm not concerned about the very rich, they're doing just fine. i'm concerned about the very heart of the america, 90%, 95% of americans who right now are struggling and i'll continue to take that message across the nation. >> i know i said last question. you said i'm not concerned about the very poor because they have a safety net. i think there are lots of very poor americans who are struggling who would say that sounds odd. can you explain that? >> well, you had to finish the sentence, soledad. i said i'm not concerned about the very poor that have the safety net but if it has holes in it, i will repair them. the challenge right now -- we will hear from the democrat party the plight of the poor. and floss question. it's not good being poor and we have a safety net to help those that are very poor. but my campaign is focused on middle income americans. my campaign -- you can choose where to focus. you can focus on the rich, that's not my focus. you can focus on the very poor.
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that's not my focus. my focus is on middle income americans, retirees living on social security, people who cannot find work, folks who have kids getting ready to go to college. these are the people who vst most badly hurt during the obama years. we have a very ample safety net and we can talk about whether it needs to be strengthened or whether there are holes in it. but we have food stamps, we have medicaid, we have housing vouchers, we have programs to help the poor. but the middle income americans, they are the folks are really struggling right now and they need someone who can help get this economy going for them. >> mitt romney, congratulations to you on your big victory last night. thanks for talking with us. appreciate it. >> thanks, soledad. still ahead, she plays ball better than her little brother but apparently it doesn't matter. 7-year-old girl is getting a lesson on gender bias at the young age of 7. that's our "get real" this morning. miami unoccupied now. they tore down tents and hauled protesters out.w
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that's an oldie but an oldie. congressman tom davis' play list this morning for us. i like it. >> they got it out of the archives. >> they did. and i don't know any tillotson. >> yeah. >> how many johnny tillotson do you have on your ipod? >> a couple. >> i'm going to trade a little with you. >> i'm not suggesting you were, congressman. sensitive people were about criticism on their music and including me. it's just music. >> it's not just music. it's the audio part of our show, people. let's be serious. okay. we're getting to gt quet real" this morning. a little girl named anna kimbell. just turned 7 years old. there she is on her website. she plays baseball on a little league team in texas. she plays with her little brother carson, teammates. they were teammates. team's coach told anna's mother
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that anna is being cut from the team. she outplays her little brother who i think is 6 years old. the reason is that he is moving the team to an all-boys league next season so that they can be more competitive. little girl ousted. her mom said this to a local station, i can't believe that she's 7 and already she's having to face this. she's already having to hear someone say, because of who you are, because you were born a girl, you're not allowed to go do something. well, anna, welcome to the world. no, kidding. that's terrible. her little brother is her biggest fan, which i think is sweet. nice to have a brother who loves you as opposed to fights with you. he says that if his big sister can't play, forget it, he's not playing either. >> all right. >> solidarity. >> 6-year-old of solidarity with his sister. and the bigger question is, i had the same issue with my kids. at some point the girls and boys cannot play together. they do. they oust the girls from the team. it's unfair, i think. >> but the real story is this -- >> the real story? >> the real story is that this
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is a story 20, 30 years ago this is routine but right now it's unique enough to be worthy of mention. the fact is that we've moved so far past this in most places when it happens you know this. >> ron brownstein finding the silver lining of. >> it's true. >> it's progress kind of. all right. we got to take a short break. "starting point" continues with former governor rick scott joining us. talks about his experience as a businessman and why that makes him a great governor and why that would make romney a good president. what is the connection to private sector success when you're in office? and the violent battle over syria. have you guys seen the pictures? in the streets. and the u.n. as well. resolution could help but it is going to be tough to get there. people are saying it's dead in the water. plus, long lost recordings from the air force one flight back to washington, d.c. on the day that jfk was killed. we'll hear the chilg tape. that's all straight ahead. we have a short break. but not your wrinkles?
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welcome whack, everybody. you're watching "starting point." we start with headlines. christine romans has those for us. >> good morning. a leaked nato report says pakistan is directly assisting the taliban in afghanistan. the pakistanis are denying this report. the bbc obtained it. they say it's based on 27,000 interrogations with captured taliban and al qaeda fighters. police in miami are clearing out an occupy protest camp. they stormed the encampment last night. kicked out demonstrators, tore down tents and made a few arrests. they had been camping out for more than three months. a federal judge clears the way for police in washington, d.c. to keep occupy protesters from camping out in two local parks there. one demonstrator asked the court to issue a restraining order against police, claiming camping out is a form of free speech. america's deficit will drop this year, according to the
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congressional budget office. it's all thanks to additional tax revenues and cuts in government spending. the catch, it's still going to be $1.1 trillion. last year's deficit was $1.3 trillion. the u.s. national archives releasing long lost recordings of the air force one flight back to washington on the day john f. kennedy was assassinated. there is 42 minutes of never before heard audio, including a discussion between u.s. navy physician, gregory berkeley, and army surgeon general leonard heaton, about what to do with the president's body. >> general heaton, this is dr. burkely. >> yes, burkely. >> yes. >> you, the military district of washington, in regards to the taking care of the remainses of the president kennedy and we are planning on having the president taken directly to walter reed and probably mrs. kennedy will
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also be going out there. we will clarify that later. >> oh, all right. >> the entire two-hour 22-minute recording is made available by u.s. national archives. you can find them all online if you're interested. time for "minding your business." wall street is expected to start the new month with a movedest rally thanks to upbeat manufacturing data from china and europe after stocks close out their best january in 15 years. that should bode well for the rest of the year because, as wall street says, as goes january, so goes the year. there you go. >> is that always true? >> usually true. and election years tend to be good years. >> interesting. good. then i'm glad we had a strong january. >> yeah. >> christine, thank you. we heard from mitt romney a few moments ago. he clearly has momentum this morning. 50 dell greaegatdelegates. republican florida governor rick scott joins us. he's in tallahassee this morning. nice to see you, sir. thanks for being with us. we appreciate it.
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i know the polls show that romney was going to win. give me a sense of when you see the actual numbers, how you feel about last night's race. >> well, you know, what florida voters cared about is the economy. we've had a good year in 2011. unemployment dropped 2.1%, the second fastest drop in the country, but still have 900,000 people out of work. what florida voters want is they want a president who is going to focus on reducing taxes, reducing regulation. and get our economy back to work. and last night governor romney was that candidate. >> governor romney has said, i think as you also said in your campaigning, that being a ceo, which you were, you know, has its benefits because you can tackle issues like this economy, unlike other competitors. has that borne out for you as governor? >> you know, soledad, i think the real benefit is you have a better feel for what businesspeople need. every business in this country worries about taxes and fees and regulation and permitting and litigation risks. and if we want more jobs in this
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country, which is i want more jobs in florida. that's my whole job is to build jobs in our state, is we've got to think about the size of our government, we've got to reduce taxes, we've got to reduce regulation. the other thing is we've got to listen to businesspeople, they're competing with companies around the world. our country was built on the free market, on capitalism. we've got to say we've got to be -- we've got to understand we're competing with brazil and india and china. if we don't put american businesses at a distinct advantage the jobs are going to go overseas. all of us want more private sector jobs here. >> how come then your approval numbers are not better. if you follow through with a ceo successful in the private sector can come in and be successful in the government, kind of look at the country as a private sector thing. you stug struggled a lot. 43% approval, 47% disapproval. not great numbers. is that an indication that maybe
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ceo is not a great job for being a person who is leading a state? >> what you have to do is governor or president is you have to make the tough choices. if you do that it works. and in my i state, you know, my third friday of every month what happened on unemployment. and unfortunately for our state -- oh fortunately it's dropped. that's really the judge. people judge us on how we deal with the economy. think about your family. you care about, my children get an education, can i get a job, and does government keep the cost of living low. that's who people care about. that's what the election was yesterday. who is going to be the right president. who is going to be the right partner for the progress we're making in florida? is unemployment down, getting jobs going, we need somebody that's going to think the same way. the choice was mitt romney. >> governor, tom davis. your numbers are actually coming up. you make the tough decisions the first year and get them out of
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the way. if things work out your numbers are back up. i wanted to ask about governor romney's numbers. right now we have polls showing him losing the state to president obama. the election, of course, is nine months away. how do you see this playing out over the next nine months? what do you think the governor's chances are going to be in november? >> well, i think in november people are going to go to the polls and they're going to choose whether it's president obama or whether it's going to be the republican nominee. they're going to say, who can help my family. partially depends on the economy over the next nine months. partially going to be who has a plan that people believe in and, in my case, i ran a very specific campaign. seven steps to 7,000 jobs over 7 years. i could explain it to people and they believed in it. and that's what -- whether it's going to be the republican nominee or president obama, they're going to have to come out and say, we have a plan, this is how my plan is going to work. and they're going -- i think they're going to have to do the same thing i did in florida, is really go sell every day and
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talk to people and explain it and get them to buy into what -- what they believe in. now, backgrounds are very important. but really it's going to be who has a plan that people believe? >> governor rick scott joining us this morning. thank you for being with us. >> thanks a lot. have a great day. >> thank you, likewise. the u.s. urging the united nations take some action on syria, but russia is vowing to block a resolution. secretary clinton has strong words for those not on board. planned parenthood is losing the support of the nation's leading breast cancer charity. why the komen foundation is cutting off funds to planned parenthood. hint, it's all political. we're going to leave you with a little will cain music this morning. rolling stones, classic. >> never go wrong. >> you're just going for the low-hanging fruit, easy wins. you're watching qu"starting point." we're back in a minute. [ female announcer ] if whole grain isn't the first ingredient
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violence continues to rage in syria. the u.s. urging the united nations to move in.
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it has, quote no, chance of passing. secretary clinton has some strong words for the countries that are not on board. here's what she said. >> at the end of the day, every member of that security council has a choice to make. if you do not choose to try to stand on the side of the syrian people, then you are standing on the side of the continuing killing and abuses that are carried out every single day. i know what side we're on. >> some of the pictures we've been seeing out of syria are horrific. jamie ruben is a former assistant secretary of state. he joins our panel. let's talk about the options, especially diplomacy. it seems like it's not good right now. >> well, normally in the international diplomatic protocol, if the arab league, the regional organization, takes the lead on something, it's very, very rare that the united nations wouldn't support that regional initiative. that's the basic way business is
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done, if it were in africa, the eu, in south america, the oau. so for the russians to be holding back and preventing a regional initiative like this by the arab league is extremely unusual in international diplomacy. >> why is that? why are they doing that? and china, too. >> only they know for sure, but i think there are serve factors. number one, syria is one of the last places that russia can remember what it's like to be a great power, where it has an ally, who has a naval base that it can use, who buys weapons from it, who has close personal relations between the two leaders. so that gives them that sense of we're a player and we have to go along. i think that's one reason. number two is payback. they felt they were -- went along with the libya operation where a u.n. resolution permitted nato to use military force and overthrow gadhafi.
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they were saying they were misled and they're not going to let that happen again. >> a lot of americans are wondering why did we intervene on the humanitarian grounds in libya and why are we standing apart from syria? >> how is syria different? >> the arab league, believe it or not, asked the united states and nato, really unprecedented thing, to come in in the case of libya. they were afraid of an imminent slaughter and they asked for military assistance, which winz credible. they haven't reached that point yet. so the arab league is still hoping to find a diplomatic solution. >> if they do reach that point, do you think that would be the tipping point in our decision making, if there was a request, would we answer? >> i think we would have to seriously consider it. i hope we would do something to contribute to preventing the mass killing of syrians. but, i would say that syria is a much, much tougher case. there are far more complexities. far more regional difficulties. you have a large ethnic group on one side and you have a minority
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led bys a sa assad on the other people imagine a long-time civil war that would be much worse than what we faced in libya, which was obviously many months as well. >> i've got to hit our commercial break so i'm going to stop you there. nice to have you talking with us. pictures are incredible when you see them on youtube mostly. amazing. thanks for being with us and explaining the complexitiecompl we've got to take a short break. coming up next, gop campaign hitting a new low for going negative. we're going to have reaction from our rnc chairman. >> what's going on over there at first glance seems playful and fun but there's a whole world in gastromony that we're eaching the doors to that is mind blowing.
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if you turn on the tv in florida over the last couple of weeks, here's what you would have seen. >> gingrich was paid $1.6 million by the scandal ridden agency that helped create the crisis. >> what kind of man would mislead, distort, and deceive just to win an election? this man would. mitt romney. >> tonight he has on his own record the judgment of his peers, democrat and republican alike, by an overwhelming vote. they found him guilty of ethics violations. >> if we can't trust what mitt romney says about his own record, how can we trust him on anything? >> well, this morning on early start they called the number of negative ads unpress is he dented. here's what he said. >> this last week in florida, over 90%, 92% of all the ads were negative. i've certainly never seen anything like that. never seen anything like that in a republican presidential
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primary. >> we have the republican national committee chairman. you have said, sir, good morning to you. nice to have you back. you've said, hey, competition is a good thing for the party. if you look at some polls, especially you say mitt romney standing negativity among independents, he's up 20 points in people who dislike him more. isn't that really this kind of stuff, a big problem? >> well, i don't know what poll you're referring to, but we can talk generally about it. i don't necessarily believe that tough primary competitions carry in the general elections. the history there, soledad, is that it really doesn't. i mean, if you're really being objective here, not spinning here, soledad, you look back -- >> appreciate that. >> you look back at obama and hillary clinton. that's the most obvious and most recent example that our country has of a very, very difficult primary election. the chair woman of the dnc was
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on team hillary campaigning against obama. hillary called obama a hypocrite from the very beginning. >> it was ugly. >> i have a good point here. hang on. hang on. >> okay. i'm waiting. >> it's going to take 15 seconds. obama said that hillary clinton didn't have the moral fiber to lay a wreath or his people -- he said hits people said this. hillary didn't have the moral fiber to lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. now she is the secretary of state. so my point is this, primaries are tough, and even in that case, i mean, obama won very easily. my point is this, this is a process that, you know, yes, would i prefer everyone adhere to reagan's 11th commandment? of course. but i have to let the process play out. >> got t. okay. i hear yeah. >> i have to support the nominee. >> tom davidson. you have no choice. you have to let it play out.
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it's still early. nine months is an eternity in this business. >> sure. >> there's plenty of time to recover. this race to the bottom, negative ads, 92% were negative in this particular way, are not helping particularly in a state like florida which is a key state. i think the faster we can get this thing back on a -- >> that's not even a question. that is a plea from the congressman to stop. >> republicans outside are saying, why are we doing this? and so good luck is all i can say. >> before i let him go i have to ask him a question. i have to hit a hard commercial break. i have to ask you a question about this cruise ship thing. here's what you said. you know what i'm going to ask you. >> back to that, i know? >> i know. you and i haven't discussed it. let's play the chunk. >> in a few months this is all going to be ancient history and we're going to talk about our own little captain schettino, which is president obama, who's abandoning the ship here in the united states and is more interested in campaigning than doing his job as president. >> inappropriate?
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you're talking about a tragedy that's claimed lives while they were still trying to fish bodies out of the ship? >> well, first of all, clearly our hearts and prayers go out to folks that are either missing, perished, injured, terrible, terrible piece of the story, but i also made it very clear, soledad, and if you're being fair, that even when i mentioned you cut the clip off, even when i mentioned it, i couched it to the discussion that we were having that a president who's more interested in campaigning and worried about his own job instead of the millions of people that are out there and out of work is something that i think that the american people need to think about. i made it very clear in the analogy. >> all right. all right. i just want you to explain to me -- >> fairly say -- >> i try to be fair with everyone. i have to go because i have to hit a hard break. i did want to hear you explain it. we're back in a moment. i thank you for being with us. f of fairy tales.
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but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. when we were determined to see it through. [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. here's an update on the progress. we're paying for all spill related clean-up costs. bp findings supports independent scientists studying the gulf's environment. thousands of environmental samples have been tested and all beaches and waters are open. and the tourists are back. i was born here, i'm still here and so is bp.
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-- captions by vitac -- good morning. welcome to "starting point." this burst of momentum for mitt romney. the campaign moving west after a tough battle in the state of florida. earlier this morning mr. romney told me that all the negative campaigning is just practice for what lies ahead. >> i think in some way of having no negative ads launched against you by the democrats, the arc gumt might make sense. frankly, i know if i'm the nominee barack obama is going to spend almost a billion dollars attacking me. might as well get it out there now. i've learned how to respond and make sure that we're able to get back to the real issue people care about. >> there was no phone call. there was no tweet from newt gingrich after the campaign. in fact, what he did do is relaunch his campaign. he promised a fight to the finish. we'll talk about the implications of that. >> plus iran willing to cross the line and have a terrorist
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attack on the u.s. we'll take you live to the pentagon. >> this story about a cancer charity and planned parenthood. they're in a bitter dispute and women who are in need are stuck in the middle today. we'll have all those stories and much more as "starting point" begins right now. ♪ we are rocking out this morning on "starting point." my guest in a little bit is congressman connie mack. this is lynn nard skin nard, "god and guns." if he were here, he would slap you up side the head. >> that's a very specific reference. >> i know. i know. that's a good song. i vote for that. all right. we want to remind everybody if you want music played that's not the music that i don't dislike, you can tweet me at @soledad underscore o'brien. it's my show. i get to pick a few things or
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starting point.cnn. we've got will cane, who's with us. let's have a conversation about what we've been talking about. interesting to hear from mitt romney a little chunk of what he said in our interview in the last hour. we talked about his victory, the strategy ahead as the whole race moves west. we also talked about who he's trying to represent. here's what he said about poor people. you just said i'm not concerned about the very poor because they have a safety net and i think there are lots of very poor americans who are struggling who would say that sounds odd. can you explain that? >> well, you had to finish the sentence, soledad. i said i'm not concerned about the very poor that have a safety net, but if it has holes in it, i will repair them. >> got it. >> the challenge right now, we will hear for the democrat party the plight of the poor and there's no question it's not good being poor. we have a safety net to help those that are very poor, but my campaign is focused on middle
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income americans. >> okay. he went on to say, i'm not focused on the very rich, i'm not focused on very poor, i'm focused on the middle incomes. is this a misstep snnchts absolutely. many of the pundants will tell you, they'll tell you correctly, mitt romney's been very good at telling you why you should not vote for newt gingrich or why you should not vote for president obama, but he has not sold you on why you should vote for him. >> why is that a mistake? >> hold on. let me say this. i don't know how representative i am but i've begun to feel like i can champion mitt romney as a symbol. it forces me to peer into him. it forces me to guess. when he says statements like this, now i see him not defending us as rick santorum does, as a group of americans as a whole, but divide us and pander to the middle class. ronald will say he does that all the time. >> if it's a misstep, it's one he does every day. it's at the core of his argument. it is at the core of what conservative pop pewlism has been all about.
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the argument the government takes money from people who are working hard and gives it to people who don't deserve it. that is the animating force. as you go around and go to these events, opposition to transfer payments is the core of the energy in the tea party movement. there's a clear distinction people make between social security and medicare. what romney is doing is making the argument, making it more visible than it usually is. >> does it matter? >> you want to bring the poor to the middle class. you want to give them a rung on the ladder. that ought to be the message. so i think it's a mistake and i think it's a mistake to the base. >> we've got congressman connie mack joining us. nice to have you. we were rocking out to your lynard skinnard. we like your musical choices. let's get to the results, 46 to 32. what's your take away? >> i think first of all it's a huge victory for mitt romney here in the state of florida. and as i traveled around the
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state this last week, you know, the big issues that people were talking about were the economy and housing. you know, you had mitt romney who was addressing those issues, who was talking to the people. he had a stellar debate performance on the first debate and the second debate. this was a huge victory for mitt romney, and i think the people of the state of florida got to see somebody who they could believe in, who can beat barack obama, and who can turn this country off the road to greece that we're on right now and back to the road of 'stert. >> here's ron brownstein. >> real quick, congressman. good morning. in addition to that one big issue was illegal immigration discussed a lot. in the exit poll 64% of republican primary voters said illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the u.s. either being put on a pathway to citizenship or given temporary worker cards. only 31% wanted to deport them. what did you think of that result and how does it, do you think, play out in a general election given that all of the republican potential nominees
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are moving much more toward a harder position? >> let me say this. i believe that you'll see mitt romney here shortly put out a plan on immigration that he's been working on. and i think that'll answer a lot of those questions. but i've got to tell you, as i traveled around the state, either with mitt romney or without him, i have heard people even in the hispanic communities, they're not talking about immigration, they're talking about jobs. they're talking about the economy. they want to be able to make sure their roof is going to stay over their head. >> there's no question that everybody -- >> that's what they're talking about. >> i think there's no question that everybody is talking about jobs. consistently polls number one. >> connie, tom davis. i know you have a senate race coming up. good luck in the primary. things look good. going into november mitt romney at the head of the ticket versus newt gingrich, what does that difference make for somebody running down a ticket in a state like florida? >> again, i think mitt romney
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can beat president obama and he can win big in florida. obviously that helps all of us down the ticket. so having mitt romney at the top of the ticket gives us a chance to win back the senate, take majority in the senate, so we can begin to balance the budget, reduce regulations, create an environment where risk takers can go out and create jobs. mitt romney is the guy that gives us the opportunity to do that. >> will cain. you talked about going around the state without mitt romney. what about newt gingrich. you've described him as erratic and unpredictable. are you not there to provoke snim what's going on there? this is at least unusual. >> yes. i can answer that part. yes. >> actually, it's not unusual. every campaign, if they have the ability to do so and have people who are willing to do so, bracket everybody else's races. i didn't stand in the front row, i stood quietly in the back row. but i did give -- i was able to
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give perspective to the press when newt gingrich would make comments. and one of the big issues here in florida is housing. so many people have lost their homes or they're underwater, and the relationship with newt gingrich and freddie mac is very troublesome. i think a big part of the reason that newt slid so much in the polls and on election day is he never came out and answered the question about what his relationship was with freddie mac. i think that was a big problem. no one bought that he was a historian. >> i've got to ask you a question. you tweeted in the wake of the whole keystone pipeline thing, you tweeted this. obama two nation. take your jobs and shove them. i'm going to disney world. i wonder if you think that twitter is helping make the tone of discourse in politics in this nation worse? i mean, that, sir, with all due respect, that is a snarky tweet, right? >> absolutely, but it's the truth. we have an opportunity with the
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keystone xl pipeline to create jobs immediately here in the united states. let me give you this other fact. right now if we were to pass and move forward on the keystone xl pipeline when it's completed we could stop buying oil from hugo chavez. the refineries in houston are the type that can take that heavy crude that we're getting from hugo chavez. wouldn't americans rather get oil from canada, an ally and a friend, than buying it from hugo chavez? i think this is a huge issue. the fact that i sat with secretary clinton and she told me that they support the keystone xl pipeline. now to play politics on such a big issue on energy independence and jobs, to me it's appalling. the president should be -- frankly, he should come forward and apologize and move and sign this permit so we can get going on the keystone xl pipeline. >> connie mack with us. congressman from the state of florida. thanks for being with us.
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got to get to headlines. christine romans has those for us. >> good morning to you, soledad. attorney general eric holder will be on the firing line when he testifies at a house hearing tomorrow on the "fast and furious" gun walking program. committee chairman is threatening to charge holder with contempt if the ag doesn't turn over documents related to the botched program that allowed weapons to reach mexican drug cartels. they claim the justice department is actively engaged in a coverup. democrats found that federal agents, not justice department officials, were responsible. the family of a minnesota couple still missing in the "costa concordia" cruise ship disaster are planning a memorial service. gerald and barbara hile, they're a couple of more than a dozen people who are missing. authorities have called off their search because of the danger to rescue workers. wiky leaks founder julian assange in a london courtroom. it's the first of two days of
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hearings at england's supreme court to determine if he should be extradited to sweden. the high court has ruled for the extradition. his lawyers have vowed to take the fight all the way to the european court of human rights. the nation's leading breast cancer company is planning to cut funds. the key reason is that planned parenthood is under investigation in congress. planned parenthood says it is, quote, alarmed and saddened by the decision blaming political pressure. soledad? >> all right. christine. thank you. ahead on "starting point." facebook ipo frenzy. why it could lead to a new tech explosion and whether or not you can get on it. a new crackdown on incompetent sider trading and congress in the works. apparently insider trading and congress is not illegal. we have a former congressman who's going to walk us through all of this. straight ahead. stay with us.
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good morning. welcome, everybody. there is a new warning to tell you about about iran. it might be looking to launch terror attacks on u.s. soil. barbara starr is with us this morning. obviously this sounds terrifying, barbara. what's going on? >> reporter: soledad, yesterday on capitol hill they said in public for the first time that iran, in his words, has changed its calculus and now is more willing, indeed, to conductor or list attacks on u.s. soil or against u.s. interests abroad. continuing to get a lot of attention on that early this morning because iran, of course, is suffering from the u.s. and allied sanctions against its oil exports, against it's con mi to try and pressure it to not develop a nuclear weapon as iran
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feels that pressure, will they lash out? that is one of the key questions now that the u.s. intelligence community is looking at. >> that's terrifying. all right. thanks. appreciate the update for us. barbara starr at the pentagon. ahead this morning on "starting point." republican senator mike lee is going to join us. he says president obama is a tyrannical executive. plus what women need to know about -- you hear the story about the komen is now no longer to be funding planned parenthood. it has sent on twitter a wharf words. >> sounds like congress. >> and then we have will cain's play list. >> with me. >> john mel len camp. i think he did a song with india ari. not that i don't love your song. you've redeemed yourself very well. >> "i saw you first." [ male announcer ] this was how my day began.
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a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ let me get you a free tank of gas -- how's that sound? progressive saved me money, and i'm saving you money. [ chuckles ] now these guys are protected with progressive. come on around. we'll fill up your tank for you.
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while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network.
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♪ ♪ it's amazing i'm the reason everybody got up ♪ i love -- >> it's like cultural smackdown. >> it is. a little bit. yes, if you can't start your morning with kanye west, amazing, it is not going to be a good morning. welcome back, everybody. finally i have a little pull on my own show. >> on the radio. >> on your ipod. yes. yes. yes. >> just clarify that. >> let's talk about exit polling. the exit polls from yesterday's race really show us some interesting numbers. especially if you break down the
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latino vote. 54% went to mitt romney. we know that there are some interesting issues when it comes to immigration with mitt romney as a candidate and also the dream mack, etc., etc. we have a representative with us this morning. he is in -- i think you're in the rotunda if i see behind you. nice to have you, sir. thank you for being with us. >> good to be here. >> i mentioned that 54% of the latino vote went to mitt romney and you are a romney supporter, but really state of florida there's a lot of cubans, puerto ricans, not very many mexicans. in that way florida is not as representative of the united states, right? really the overwhelming population of latinos in this country is a growing number of mexican americans. do you see a challenge there for mitt romney? >> you know, you're right about the demographics, however, on the issue of immigration the hispanics in florida feel the same way as the rest of the hispanics. why do they support governor romney in such incredible
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numbers? i think it's borrowing a phrase from bill clinton. it's the economy, stupid. connie mack was right. the americans are concerned about the economy, that's the number one issue. imagine hispanics in florida, almost 14% unemployment. as much as non-hispanics are concerned about not being able to create jobs, the hispanics are suffering much more for the failed policies of obamanomics. that's why you're seeing a huge support. >> obamanomics. you coined a word. will says i'm wrong. no question that's a talking point. >> congressman, ron brown -- >> with all due respect, it is not a time for hispanics. we can think on our own. with all due respect, that's my term. >> listen, listen, listen. >> you can use it whenever you want. >> congressman, good morning. ron brownstein. quick question. you write that hispanics in florida, cuban americans and puerto ricans feel the same way
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about immigration. it's not as pressing an issue because the subject illegal immigration is not an issue. puerto ricans are citizens. let me ask you to amplify what soledad was asking. marco rubio last frierks a conservative hispanic group said two things, he said it was unrealistic to deport 11 million immigrants. we need an accommodation not only for young people in the military but young people who are pursuing higher education. both very different from your candidate, mitt romney. what do you make of marco rubio moving in a different direction on those issues? >> i've always been on that side of the equation. i've always supported the dream act. i'm a co-sponsor of the dream act. there governor romney has a much more hare lined stance than i do. obviously is it a challenge? if the rhetoric gets really nasty, it becomes problematic. however, i still think that issue number one, when i'm out there speaking to the people, i don't care where in the country
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it is, issue number one is the economy, stumd, as clinton would say. so as long as the rhetoric doesn't get crazy, i don't think it will, i think governor romney understands it. he's a sensible man. he's a reasonable man. i think what people are looking for is a turn around artist, an expert who can turn this economy around. look, it's really sad, i'm sure you all reported on it, even illegals are not coming into the united states now because they can't find jobs. it's how desperate the job situation is in the united states. until we fix that, everything else, education, which is hugely important to hispanics and everybody else, nags national security for us and everybody else. until we fix the economy, none of the rest is possible. >> we don't have a lot of time. >> the governor carried the vote in the republican primary by over half the hispanics in florida are registered democrat, independent. what's his prospect there? how much will immigration be an issue vis-a-vis the economy as you look at the general election
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in florida? >> immigration is a sensitive topic. here's the problem that the president is also going to have. remember, he promised multiple times in the first 12 months that he would present and have paths when he controlled the house and senate, global immigration reform. he hasn't done so. he only remembers that hispanics exist election time. on one side you have mitt romney who has a very hard line on immigration, illegal immigration. on the other hand you have a president who speaks a good game but who, frankly, has been a huge disappointment for hispanics because they don't trust him about what he says anymore. so i think there's a great opportunity for mitt romney to get a huge portion of the hispanics because, again, i think they basically neutralize each other and the issue is going to be jobs, jobs, jobs. >> that's interesting. you're saying it is going to be a battle in that state. nice to see you, congressman. reminding us that hispanics can think on their own.
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jts absolutely. >> he's giving me a hard time with that. i recognize that, congressman. i know what you're saying there. you cannot get under my skin this morning. moving on. >> thank you so much. >> nice to have you. ahead this morning on "starting point", utah senator mike lee is going join us. he's a freshman member. 's been going toe to toe with the white house over presidential appointments. we'll talk to him this morning. plus, it's the mother of all job references i guess. president obama following through on our promise to help a woman from texas to help her husband find a job. plus pakistan helping the taliban. there's disturbing information in a new report that's out. we'll tell you about that all ahead on "starting point." [ male announcer ] how do you trade?
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♪ i like it.
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i like it. i like it. people are shooting for it. that would be republican senator from utah mike lee's play list. that's "the middle." we like his music. good, people should try a little harder than some of the music we've had on. >> tom davis is a cooler guy than you thought. he's going to join us in a few minutes not to talk about music. we have to get to headlines. christine romans has those for us. >> i'm going to go broke buying all of these songs on itunes. i keep adding to my list. thanks, soledad. another night of bloodshed in syria. government forces clashing with armed demonstrators in the city of homs. they are calling for syrian president assad to step down. former assistant secretary of state, jamie rubin, explained why he thinks moscow is siding with the syrians. >> syria is one of the last places that russia can remember what it's like to be a great power, where it has an ally who
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has a naval base that it can use, who buys weapons from it, who has close personal relations between the two leaders so that gives them that sense of we're a world player. we have to go along. pakistan is denying a leaked nato report that says pakistan is directly assisting the taliban in afghanistan. the bbc obtained the report, which it says is based on 27,000 interrogations with captured taliban and al qaeda fighters. >> pfizer is recalling one million packets of birth control pills this morning. they've discovered a packaging error which could leave women with a less than adequate dose and increase their risk of accidental pregnancy. and president obama following through on his promise to a texas woman to help her husband find a job. on monday jennifer woodell told the president her husband is an
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engineer who hasn't worked full time for three years. this morning she told us she got a call from the white house. >> she said that the obama personally that morning made it a point to get my husband's resume out to several dfw contacts. we are very grateful for that. >> jennifer is a republican but she says she's not impressed with the gop field. hasn't ruled out voting for the president come november. soledad? >> she hasn't ruled in or out anybody. i thought that was an interesting thing she said. i'm underwhemd on all fronts. i've found that has mirrored the country. >> i bet her if her husband gets a job -- >> she said even if your husband gets a job, we're not the only people out of work. it's going to depend on policy. >> in polling you ask which party can better revive the economy. a quarter of americans have said neither. >> but what you could do is go ahead and just buy all the facebook stock. >> good luck with that.
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>> then retire. ipo from facebook. we're told literally it could brak any minute now. ipo stands for initial public offering. what's the valuation? what will this go for? >> it looks like maybe 5 billion is what people are targeting. we don't know yet. that's why we're waiting for the filing and the process that will unfold over the next few months. 5 billion would make it the biggest tech stock. this is the first real look under the hood of facebook. an 8-year-old company that rules the world. it's the first look under the hood. >> how realistic is it that somebody, say you or me, could get in and actually get in on an ipo for facebook? >> you know, i don't have multi-millions invested at goldman sachs or morgan stanley. >> expensive? we don't have access? >> we don't have access in the first place, and then you'll have to say -- look at the big investors, they'll get the first shot at it.
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the pension funds, endowments, people who have accounts and ties with the big investment banks who will be on the road pushing, trying to sell this. they'll be on a road show trying to sell this initial public offering to these big investors. the way we get in on it is later on, even maybe the next day or two, where you buy the stock in your account or if your mutual fund company has bought it and now has put it in some mutual funds in your 401 k. >> in other words, i have to come to work tomorrow. >> yes, we both have to work tomorrow. >> thanks. campaign heating up. of course, president and political background in washington d.c. getting hotter too. committee hearing talking about president obama's recent appointments. there was one senator who's been fighting back against those appointments. that senator would be our next guest. mike lee of utah joins us. nice to have you, sir. we like your music. already we're off to a good start on that front. we appreciate you joining us. >> thank you. >> let's not get to that first. let's talk about the race first
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and the victory and look at some of the exit poll numbers. we will get to obama's appointments in a minute. tea party, strongly support the tea party went for newt gingrich in the state of florida. mitt romney came in only at 33%. i'm wondering if your take is, listen, this could be a problem for mitt romney or is it down the road anybody versus president obama is going to get the support of those strong tea partiers? which is it? >> i would go more toward the latter of the statements. any republican who gets the nomination is going to have the enthusiastic support of all republicans, most americans, and the overwhelming majority of tea party supporters. it's interesting, 2/3 of those who voted in florida's presidential primary identified themselves as those who support the tea party. mitt romney still won by a margin of about 15 points. but, look, regardless, the tea party is all about limited government. it's all about the fact that the federal government's too big and too expensive. mitt romney supports those
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principles. the tea party will get behind him if and when he becomes the nominee. >> senator ron brown -- >> which is looking increasingly likely. >> senator, good morning. ron brownstein. republicans are concerned about the president's recess appointments in particular. richard cordray to run the consumer finance bureau. the republican position was that they would not confirm any appointee to that bureau unless the president agreed to substantive changes in the underlying law. can you name a precedent in american history where the senate took a position that they would not confirm someone for a legally created position unless the law itself was changed. has that ever been done before? >> you know, i'm not sure that i can name a precedent where that has happened. i also cannot name a precedent where the senate has been asked to confirm someone to a position that wields this kind of power. the cfpb head has power that is unprecedented. this is someone that would act without any oversight by congress or the president.
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doesn't serve subject to the pleasure of the president and would have unprecedented power over our financial services industry. so this is concerning to many republicans. and it's concerning to many americans. >> so here's what you said last week. i want to play a little chunk of that. we'll talk on the other side. >> given this president's blatant and egregious disregard for both constitutional procedures and for the senate's unquestioned role in such appointments, i find myself duty bound to resist the consideration and approval of additional nominations until the president takes steps to remedy the situation. >> okay. so am i wrong in hearing you say when you say i find myself duty bound to resist the consideration, i will not do anything until this is fixed in a way that i'm satisfied? is that what you're saying? >> no, i'm not saying i won't do anything, but what i said is i'm going to resist them. i didn't indicate exactly how i'll be doing that. generally i don't show my cards
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in advance of exactly what play i'm going to make, but what i'm saying is i've cooperated with this administration up to this point. i've voted for scores of presidential nominees with whom i had some significant philosophical difference. now the president has taken power that doesn't belong to him. >> but some people read this as you saying i'm going to be an obstructionist. here in congress i'm going to be an obstructionist moving forward. i'll play a little chunk of what president obama said and then we'll talk on the other side. >> no, that's really not what i'm saying. >> hold on one second. i hear ya. >> they deserve better than gridlock and games. one senator gumming up the whole works for the entire country is certainly not what our founding fathers envisioned. >> okay. so sorry to cut you off there but i wanted to play what the president a president's take away from what you said was. you said that's not what you meant. explain that. >> that's not what i said. the president was eager to make
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that characterization. that's not what i said. look, my point is this, this discussion is about the constitution. its a he about the fact that ours is not a government of one. i've talked to people throughout my state and across the country who are concerned. they feel somewhat powerless because the president has taken power and exercised power that doesn't belong to him. it belongs to the people. it's authorized to be exercised by people who are elected to the united states senate. he because we don't have a government of one, we have a senate that makes sure that presidential nominations of a certain level have to be confirmed, and he didn't follow that process here. i'm going to hold him accountable for that. >> go ahead. >> senator, what about going to the courts on something? recess appointments have been defined. you could adjourn one evening and he could appoint during the evening under this definition? what's the answer? how is the senate going to react to this? >> thank you for raising that point. that's part of the concern is that under the president's own logic, taken to its logical
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conclusion it could suggest he could do exactly that, that we could adjourn for the weekend or perhaps even for the evening and he could say, okay, i'm making a recess appointment. >> before i let you go. i hear you. i get what you're saying. i want to ask you this final question which is in a way he's making you and you're becoming the poster child for a congress that stands in the way of something getting done. isn't that kind of the bigger problem? the people hear this and they say, god, again, congress, 11% approval. can you people not get to work and get something done please? >> we are getting to work and we're doing our best to get something done. we are at the same time duty bound to that constitution to which we've all taken an oath. and our job is to get something done and to do it within the procedures that have been outlined in our law of laws, the u.s. constitution. we can't simply overlook that just because the president wants to have his way and he wants to have his way right now. the constitution isn't always efficient, but it is the law.
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we are duty bound to uphold it. the american people deserve better than to have that document overlooked. >> senator mike lee joining us. he's a republican from the state of utah. he was joining us from the russell row tun dampt hard time seeing those pictures. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> still ahead this morning on "starting point." the senate is considering a blow that would ban insider trading for members of congress. really? shouldn't that have been written in somewhere already? we're going to talk to a lawmaker who says they engage in that practice more than you might think. ♪
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welcome back to "starting point." this week the senate voted to begin debate on the stock act to stop trading on congressional knowledge act. that's what stock stands for. the bill would make insider trading illegal for members of congress. scott brown has urged people to act fast. >> members of congress have to live by the same 4r50i6s as everybody else. they have access to all kinds of sensitive information and it has to be clear that we're using that information to serve and do what we do best for the american people, not to make a personal profit.
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that's a big distinction. >> peter schweitzer is author of "throw them all out." there are a total of 535 people in congress overall. how many are making money this way off of this stock scheme? >> it's really hard to know, soledad, because basically what you look at is you look at the fact that members of congress often trade stocks in areas where they have responsibility. you have senators who on the senate banking committee, for example, who are trading bank stock. what information that's secretive do they use in those trades we don't really know. what we do know is that academic studies have been done that show that their investment picks are quite good, that they actually outperform hedge funds. >> stunning. if i did that, that would be illegal, right? clearly? if i had insider information and i used it to go ahead and pick the stock, that would be illegal. how come it's not illegal for members of congress? >> well, it's for a couple of
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reasons. first of all, the way that the laws are interpreted, the case law on insider trading, people that get in trouble with this in the private sector are fiduciaries. in other words, they're employees of a company. they have a fiduciary responsibility to keep information secret. members of congress are not fiduciaries to anyone so they're free to do this. the second problem though i think is even larger. that is there is no mention of this whatsoever in the house or senate ethics manuals. the senate ethics manuals, soledad, has six paragraphs on the improper use of senate stationery. it doesn't mention once the misuse of information for stock trading. >> the former congressman, tom davis is with us. he's going to be our official congressional insider here. tell me a little bit about this. is this something that every single congress member knows and says listen -- >> no. there are people on committees that are offered insiders on real estate stock, friends and family. look how many members make a lot of money being congressmen. you shouldn't make a lot of
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money being a congressman. you make $174,000. that has been frozen for four years. the investments outperform. this is a long-needed law. i think congress ought to pass it. if you want to get rich, retire from congress or don't run. >> so 92-3 -- sorry, 93-2, excuse me, was the vote to begin debate. senator coburn was one of the two who voted against it. he said this. let me play a little chunk. >> and the assumption that the senate is undertaking now is that some of our colleagues are doing insider trading on the stock market. nothing could be further from the truth. the real inside trading is the horse trading that goes on in this body that's not always in the best interests of the country. >> what would you say to senator coburn on that, sir? peter. >> yeah, what i would say is i'm not quite sure. i'm sure there is horse trading going on. there are all sorts of problems to be addressed, but there's no
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question. if you are a member of the senate or the house and you're on a committee that, say, oversees health care, you have conversations with medicare and medicaid officials and you find out whether certain drugs are going to be reimbursed or not reimbursed. that can affect stock valuations by 20, 25%. if you are free to trade on that information and you only have to disclose once a year stock transactions, it's very tempting and they often do trade on that kind of information. i think it's better to just make it very clear in the legal code that this is not allowed to take place. >> peter, ron brownstein. i think you've clearly identified an important problem and it's remarkable at the speed with which people are responding. on the other hand, do you think most people are going into congress because they're hoping to get rich? there are a lot of problems with congress but it seems there are other -- >> play the lottery would be one. >> well, i think what's happened over the last 40 years or so it used to be you had to make a choice. if you look at a lot of people that have come into kwong and
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have left after 15, 20 years, they did good but they also did very well. so you're increasingly not having to make that choice. there's academic studies that show that members of congress accumulate wealth 150% faster than equivalent americans in the private sector. so there's just no question that it's going on. i'm not saying it's certainly everybody, but i think there are substantial number of cases of people who come in of relatively modest means and after 15 years they're leaving worth 5 or $6 million. they didn't win the lottery and depress they didn't have a rich uncle that died. >> he wrote "throw them all out." thanks for being with us. those statistics are what people look at at the end of the day. ahead on "starting point" this morning, first day of black history month today. we are celebrating. we're going to reveal african-americans who left their mark on history with their inventions. straight ahead. stay with us.
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well dock back, everybody. you're watching "starting point." it is february 1st. it's the start of black history month. it is the shortest month of the year. i'm going to bypass that altogether. we'll talk a little bit about our celebrations which will get underway today. i thought what we would do here
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is highlight some of the remarkable work of people you've never heard of. we came up with pretty incredible inventions. we begin with thomas jennings. he was the first african-american to receive a patent. the year was 1821. he invented a dry cleaning process. he used the proceeds of the dry cleaning process he invented to buy his relatives out of slavery. c.b. brooks invented the street sweeper in 1896. today when your car has a dent in it in new york city because of the street sweeper. alfred crowley is how you pronounce his name. he patented the first ice cream scoop. modern day inventors, charles drew created the first large scale blood bank. george caruthers created an ultraviolet camera. take a guess at which made him richer, nasa or the super soaker. ding, ding, ding. it was the super soaker. all of this comes to us courtesy
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of dr. george franklin grant. he patented the world's first golf tee. he did not market it instead he gave it away to his friends. those are some african-american inventors you have never heard of but you should be grateful. we'll keep updating you all through february about black history month. "end point" with our panel is up next. stay with us.
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♪ legacy. >> yes. yes. yes. >> i knew who that was. >> if i could get a little portion of -- >> extra for the host. >> if i could get a little portion of america to love this like i do, it would be a very good thing. i would like bravo. i don't think we have the rights to t. tweet me. can we have the rights to bravo as my theme song.
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"end point." look what i have to do. look what i have to do, congressman, to get a little progress here. >> exactly. >> you're going to start for me ron brownstein. >> back to rick tyler. what is the bridge for newt gingrich. he has states that are more demographic and identify diao logically suited for him. he has a long race. >> he says 46 to go. >> mitt romney's already pivoting toward general election. we heard from connie mack, he's going to come out with his own immigration proposal. >> that was interesting. >> today, the day after florida, where millions and millions of dollars have been spent on advertising. will it be a tendency to say that it's bad. the negative ads, put them in context. it comes, by the way, when you look into it and understand it's the cost of political free speech. >> i feel like we should be running music. what happened with your accent today? you sound like a texan today? >> reall


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