tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN March 6, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EST
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problem with science? does mitt romney have the momentum? no better person to ask than >> tonight, i'll talk strategy with mitt romney's son josh romney and a heated conversation with former candidate michele bachmann, the views on rush limbaugh and gay marriage and kurt cameron and lewis black weighs in. >> you don't even make the choice to be gay. i mean, when did they catch on to that? why do they not -- what is their problem with science?
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>> but our big story is super tuesday. does mitt romney have the momentum? no better person to ask than josh, josh romney joins me. welcome. >> thanks for having me on. >> my pleasure. tell me the mood in the romney family camp. >> you know, i think we are pretty excited about how things are looking so far. we have a lot of momentum heading in to super tuesday. that's what it's all about is picking up the right number of delegates and looks like things are pointing in the right direction for us tomorrow to pick up a lot of delegates. >> the key one would appear to be ohio and the latest poll out just now says that a dead split, 32% for you, your father and for rick santorum. what do you make of that? how important strategically is winning ohio? >> you know, we would like a win. we don't need a win by any means and we are just hoping to pick up a lot of delegates and that's the key to pick up the delegates and ride the numbers up.
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>> is your father a bit frustrated with the pace of his campaign? i mean, does he feel like he takes two steps forward and two back and been a real uphill battle and not expecting it? >> no. i think we expected it to be just like. we weren't sure who was the final three or two to come down to but we knew it would be a tight race and prepare to be in for the long haul and why from the very beginning we set out to put a long-term campaign in place to raise enough money to compete through march, april, may and, you know, continue to slog this out and this is what we expected. so not a lot of surprises. >> one of the issues that your father's had, because i've interviewed him a couple of times and your mother who's delightful and come across to me as very personable, charming, nice guy. all the rest of it. and yet, he seems to have a problem -- i mean, you or may not agree with this. relating to the average american voter. why do you think this is?
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why do you think they're not getting the real mitt romney do you think? >> i think he is not on the "piers morgan" show enough. that's part of the problem. >> i couldn't agree more. >> yeah. no. as i talk to voters and go to places i just came from north dakota and people who saw him, i came just after he did a revent there. people said we could not believe how passionate he was, how connected we were to him so i think as people see and hear him and see what he stands for, that's not the case. and we see that in the state that is he's competed best in, people get to know who he is, feel connected to him, see he's a who who can turn the economy around. they recognize he's a good businessman and the guy to beat president obama next november. >> the biggest charge against him is always he's flip flopper. what do you as his son make of that? >> you know what? people are going to throw labels at you. that works for john kerry and people who know my dad and know
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him well know he's a man of true character, true principle and know that he sticks to his positions. he really does understand, you know, the issues that we face. and what the real solutions are. he brings a different perspective than inelse in the race right now, and i would say incredibly consistent. you look at the way he lives his life. governed the state of massachusetts. married for 42 years now and family is important and central thing in his life and keeps his grounded and principled. >> you yourself become a bit of a media star culminating in a stunning appearance on "saturday night live." let's watch a little clip of this, josh. >> mitt romney's five adult sons. why should people get excited and not terrified by the presence on the campaign trail? >> well, we connect with the younger voter. our average age is 36 and the median age is 35. and we like the same things as young people, such as sport.
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cinema and duop. see? we're just like you, america. >> i mean to be fair, josh, doing me two weeks ago, bore no relation to the real thing. i want to make it absolutely clear. >> yeah. you know, i think it's funny. it's so true. you know? i'm going to have to -- i tweeted out that i'm going to have to throw away the blue shirt and khaki outfit. i can't wear it on the campaign trail anymore. it's funny. you have to be able to laugh at yourself and you develop a thick skin. i think it's easier to laugh at methane my dad. it's tougher when they attack your dad, particularly the media. "snl" is fun. >> thank you very much. best of luck in super tuesday. >> thank you, piers. thank you very much. i appreciate it. michele bachmann made a run for white house but suspended the campaign. i'm trying to get her on the show for a last year.
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finally. >> here we are. >> lured you in to my lair. >> be happy. >> i am. >> be happy. >> why did you resist me for so long? >> i haven't resisted your charms at all. i had a full dance calendar. >> tell me about the reality of being a presidential candidate. it's incredibly hard work. >> it is, it is. i have tremendous respect for anyone in any party to do it. it's the most difficult thing i've ever done and i think the men in the race say the same thing. probably the most difficult thing they've ever done. physically it's very taxing. about 18 hours a day every day without a day off. and it's just one continual challenge. it's a marathon. >> super tuesday tomorrow. obviously, the big one for many of the candidates. what do you think? how do you reckon it plays out? a determining day do you think or with here in a month with things still undecided? >> my opinion is i think it will be a determining day because there's so many delegates up for grabs.
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about a third of delegates. ten different states. i think we'll be up virtually all night. alaska is involved, as well. i think highly determinetive. we may not know for sure the final result but i think we'll see a trend line that may take us to the end but actually, this is very typical of campaigns historically that they continue to go on. but i think that we'll know this spring who our nominee is. >> is it helpful or unhelpful the longer this goes on? there's two schools of thought. when president obama went up against hillary clinton it helped him and maybe when mitt romney prevails, it helps them to have a long battle tie process is very good. it is -- it literally beats the snot out of you if you will but that's a good thing because it's important for our nominee to be at the top of their game because there is no larger stage than
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debating the president of the united states. so they'll be well over 100 million people that watch those definitive debates. our nominee has to be ready to do that. they will be after this process. never forget hillary clinton and barack obama had a fairly bloody battle up until june of 2008 and i think that our nominee will be desooded my guess is probably before then. >> there are two key areas i would say tomorrow at super tuesday. one is a higher when rick santorum needs to win and if mitt romney wins that it's a major, major plus for him. newt gingrich has to win in georgia or otherwise his campaign is over. >> well, it looks fairly positive that newt gingrich will win florida and fairly --decisively. that's what the polls say and ohio is a very unique state. all roads to the white house travel through ohio. >> are you disappointed there's no bona fide tea party candidate left in the race?
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>> i'm very happy to get behind any of these candidates to have a unifying voice. we'll unify as a party. very shortly we'll be battening down the hatches whoever our standardbearer will be and happy to back that candidate and reach out to independents and disaffected democrats. we need a wide net to prevail in november. i'm confident our positive pro-growth, pro-job message will do that. >> my guess is if you sat down with dinner the person you're nodding with most is rick santorum. is that a misreading? >> i like rick santorum a lot and i like mitt romney and newt gingrich and ron paul. >> who do you most agree with? >> i think my opinions were fairly forthright throughout the debate and i felt i was the perfect candidate for america. but that didn't happen. and so, really, quite honestly, whichever candidate it is, i'll be happy to back.
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there are some issues that we are more alike on others with various candidates. i'm very strongly aligned with ron paul coming to the federal reserve and the economy. so i'm closely aligned with the candidates on different issues. >> disappointing there are no women in the final four, i think. >> i wish there was. i absolutely do. but i think that it was very important. our party fielded a woman and fielded an african-american as serious presidential candidates. i was the first republican woman ever to win the iowa straw poll. that had never happened before and i made some very important distinct contributions to this race. when i got in, our candidate said that they would issue waivers and executive orders on obama care. the's only one right answer now on obama care and it's full scale repeal. i'm the chief author of the bill to repeal obama care and the chief author of the bill to repeal dodd-frank. it wasn't an issue in the campaign. i made it an issue and now for our candidates they also will repeal dodd-frank. >> if you're so in the vanguard
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against obama care, presumably mitt romney is the least of the four candidates that you would personally endorse, right? because of his own health care plan not that different. >> that's the positive difference i made in the campaign. now mitt romney's answer is that he will get behind a full-scale repeal so no matter who our nominee is, they have all committed verbally to repeal of obama care and now it's up to us to hold our nominee's feet to the fire. >> let's take a little break and come back and talk to you about sex contraception and rush limbaugh. three words i hoped i'd never have to say on national television. >> then don't. >> announcer: this is the day. the day that we say to the world what does it say about the we're lifelock, and we believe
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goes before congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex? what does that make her? it makes her an slut, right? >> that was rush limbaugh in his radio show last week blasting law student sandra fluke for arguing in favor of birth control health care. were you appalled by the rhetoric? >> what i thought at first is that this is a 3d example of what obama care is going to mean in every america's life from now on because essentially for the first time in the history of the country we have one person who will be a health care czar who will not only dictate what we get in health care but more importantly what we won't get in health care. that's going to be the future of health care in the united states. >> we're across purposes. that wasn't the question. >> i'm sorry. >> the question is what you thought of rush limbaugh calling this law student an slut and a prostitute. what did you make of that? i thought the most offensive thing on the air waves since
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i've been in america. >> rush issued an apology and he said that he was wrong because he descended to the level of those people he considers the critics. i think, again, when you look at the crux of this, i go back up to the 50,000-foot level. we kind of focus on what happened the last 24 hours or 72 hours. i'm looking forward to what obama care's going to look like for the average american and right now, this discussion has been about the federal government mandating that every woman has free contraceptives or free morning after abortion pills or free sterilizations. let me just say. obama care will never be about what benefits we're getting. it will be about what benefits government will take away. because there's simply not enough money to provide everything for everyone. so the big untold story is that some day people will be told you're not getting the rotate or
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the cuff surgery, you are not getting hip and knee replacements. that's the bigger story. we don't with tonight have politically correct surgeries and pharmaceuticals. politically correct diseases. those diseases are funded and other diseases don't. that's wrong. >> why so many republicans unwilling to call out rush limbaugh on what he was when he said those words which was disgusting? why can't you say what he said was disgusting and indefensible? >> i think there's people that weighed in on it but more importantly the people involved made an acknowledgment and that was rush limbaugh. he made his acknowledgment. >> apologized again today and mainly i suspect because advertisers are quitting in their droves. aol's quit on him today and losing money hand over fist. i found it extraordinary that the leading commentator on radio in america, conservative commentator says this about a young woman and nobody, i have to say --
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>> i'll tell you. quite honestly, piers, i have gone through myself an experience more things said about me and i have never seen this level of outrage on the left about what left-leaning commentators said about me. no really. i mean, honestly. if you're a conservative woman, it seems like there's no level of vitriol beyond the pale. governor palin has been on the receiving end of it. you don't see this level of outranl and certainly don't see advertisers cutting back and i think that maybe that's what we should learn out of all of this. on both sides, we went to pay attention to what we're saying and more importantly, don't miss in the middle of this, this issue's about obama care and what it's going to mean for our lives. >> her battle, sandra fluke, to get the right to have birth control pill or other forms of prescription -- >> every woman has the right to get that. that's not -- >> to have it on health
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insurance plans. ideologically -- >> but it is. it's already available. see, what the difference is now one person, the president of the united states, has power to designate one particular drug or one particular service and at what price. that's phenomenal. that's never happened before. tomorrow the president of the united states could say, well, now, we are not going to allow a health insurance company to even sell contraceptives. we don't want any president to be able to have that kind of power. the president tomorrow could say, we only will pay for two births of babies for every woman for the hospital expensions. we don't want women -- i don't want to see women have one president or one individual be able to tell them what they can or can't have in health care. that's exactly what president obama is doing now. that's the level of power that he has and it's frightening. >> you are accusing the president of wanting to have some form of state control over people's sexual behavior. right?
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>> what i'm saying is that -- >> that's what the argument leads to. >> the president now has an unmitigated level of authority never before seen over health care and that's a maizing when you think one person -- we don't know how that power will be used. but we have seen it now. the president said for instance -- >> should women, you know, many, many women between the ages of 20 and 35 are sexually active and want to have birth control in america, millions, tens of millions, are they wrong to want that? just ideologically. >> right now, women have that right. they can have contraception if they want it but i want women to have that choice. not one government -- >> rush limbaugh's point was very, very clearly that he didn't want taxpayers and this was factually accurate, didn't want taxpayers to fund women like sandra fluke having contraception on their insurance plans.
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when he and i and you know it's the employer and insurance company that funds it. >> piers, we are looking at coming the point we'll be 16 trillion in debt this year and barack obama made it the highest priority to make sure that at no cost a certain drug is given to a certain part of the population. that's barack obama's highest priority. what about breast cancer drugs? women need that, too. but that's not given for free to women. think about that. >> yeah. >> that's what we're talking about. what's political salable? in collection years we'll see presidents in the future saying now i'm going to give you this procedure or this drug for free because it sells politically. i mean, come on, really. that we're going to? because that will come at a tremendous price, the cheapest way to have health care is all americans buy any health insurance policy they want anywhere in the united states,
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pay for it with their own tax free money and true medical malpractice reform. that's what barack obama should have done. he failed to do that. that's what we need to replace obama care with. we don't need socialized medicine. we need true free markets in health care because i want women to have access to health care in the best way to have access is lower the cost then they can choose whatever they want to have. >> okay. let's take a little break, come back and talk kirk cameron and homosexuality. >> you're up with a lot of interesting things today. progresso. it fits! fantastic! [ man ] pro-gresso they fit! okay-y... okay??? i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less.
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do you think homosexuality is a sin? >> i think that it's -- it's unnatural. i think that it's detrimental and destructive to the so many foundations of civilization. >> that's from the controversial interview of kirk cameron last week, an interview that trended worldwide on twitter for 36 hours. i want to ask my guest michele bachmann. he made it clear there that the religious beliefs determines the fact that he believes it's a sin, unnatural, destructive, it's detrimental to the
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foundations of civilization. and because he said that, he's taking a pretty big public kicking now. all over the world. what do you think of his comments? >> well, i'm not -- i'm here as a member of congress and not here as anybody's judge. that's what i have to say. >> do you agree with him? >> i am not here as anybody's judge. >> you can be judgmental in the past. come on. you have to have a view? >> me? >> yes, you. >> hardly, hardly, hardly, hardly, hardly. that's rude. that's absolutely rude. i'm not a judgmental person. >> really? >> no. >> i'm not being rude but you've been very, very outspoken. >> i believe in traditional values. i believe in marriage between a man and a woman. >> i'm not being rude. >> i don't think that's bigoted. >> let me read what you said in 2004, that being gay leads to the personal enslavement of individuals because if you're involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it's bondage and enslavement and so dangerous.
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that's fairly judgmental, isn't it? i don't want to be rude. >> i'm not here as anybody's judge. i'm here as a member of congress and former candidate who ran for the presidency of the united states and i believe very firmly we have got to get the nation back on the right track. we are at pains right now to try to even keep our country together and free from terrorist attempts here in the nation. that's what i'm focused on. i'm a member of the intelligence committee and spend 25 hours a week on this issue alone. this is a very serious issue. >> i'll come to that. but you have been very, very outspoken about gay marriage, about homosexuality in the past and people will view it whether you think it is judgmental or not as very judgmental and surprised you think i'm being rude by asking you about view that is you very, very specifically espouse. >> i'm adamant and clear that i believe marriage is between a man and a woman and i stand for that.
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i don't think that's bigoted. >> you have march 2004. 30% in favor of gay marriage. 62% against. a poll just now, 49% in favor. 40% against. this is one of the fastest sea changes in public opinion that people can remember in america, isn't it? >> well, there is still -- every state in the country that's put this up to the vote, people have voted for marriage between a man and a woman. when people are allowed to vote on the issue, that's what they do. the issue has been about vis judges and whether judges impose their morality on the people and i'm in favor of the people having their say. this is a fundamental issue and the people need to decide and the people need to vote. >> michele, isn't it this, that you can have a position that's based on religious belief and i have total respect for that. i do. i was raised a catholic and i have members of my family strong about these things, too. what i don't like is the rhetoric used against the gay
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community. >> actually, i would tell you, piers, the rhetoric is far worse against people that stand for traditional marriage. if anyone is attacked in this country, it's people who stand for traditional marriage. you just brought up kirk cameron right now and his comments. he's the one getting trashed right now and he's the one -- but hang on. he is the one -- >> i think that's something -- >> he originally said it's unnatural -- >> religiously inspired beliefs. >> shouldn't you respect their -- i do. >> there are people who claim islam as the religion. they do not believe in this issue of marriage between anything other than a man or woman. they're bigoted or hindus. they're not bigoted taking that view. >> shouldn't gay people given the same respect for their sexuality as you wish to see given to you and in your religious beliefs? >> i believe that everyone under
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the law here in the united states has the right to the same level of protections under our constitution. everyone is entitled to that. the difference is in this issue of marriage, we all have the right to enter in to marriage. and it's up to the people to define what those characteristics of marriage are. we have those characteristics. >> on kirk cameron's comments, i mean, he said that being gay is detrimental ultimately destructive to foundations of civilization and it's unnatural. would you agree with those comments? personally. >> honestly, i think i have had enough of the conversation. i think it's time to move on. we have beaten this horse to death. >> really? >> yeah. >> it is a lively horse, though, isn't it? >> for you. quite honestly, i think what i see people more interested than anything is what in the world are we going to do to get the economy back on track. i spent two days in my district on saturday and on friday.
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that's all people care about because they're nervous, they're scared to death. for the first time people told me they fear their government. because they've never seen this level of unprecedented government power before over their lives. that's what people are afraid of. i had a guy with 105 employees and in the last year, down to 62. he's barely treading water right now. he said obama care is a big issue. >> let's take a break and come back and talk about the economy. let's talk about the battleground for next election and also whether you think the debate about social issues is detrimental now to the republican party's chances in election battle with president obama because it may be. looking good! you lost some weight. you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories.
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i look forward to the next chapter in god's plan. he has one for each of us, you know. if we'll only cooperate with him, he's always had something greater around the corner. for beyond what any of us have ever thought or imagined. >> michele bachmann dropping out of the presidential race in january and back with me now. call core of conviction is your book. and i think even your toughest critics would say the thing about you is that you do believe in what you say. >> i do. i say what i say and i mean what i say. i group in iowa and minnesota afterwards and i came from a middle class family but like
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millions of people my parents divorced when i was a very young teenager. we went to below poverty and my mom did the best she could but i needed to get jobs babysitting and odd jobs just to buy clothing, my glasses, just to buy my lunch at school. and it formed my character and taught me the value of a dollar and taught me the principles to lead success and so -- >> lots to admire i think about you and your story because, you know, anyone that has -- you have five children of your own and had 23 foster kids. >> yeah. >> and ones i have seen interviewed in bits and pieces over the last year or so have always been incredibly complimentary of the influence that you and your husband had on their lives and taking the kids who were really in trouble and saving them. so i'd really admire that about you and the fact you have come from, you know, pretty humble upbringing to get to where you did. only question, i won't labor the point before the break. >> they're beautiful children and i think for us, it was a matter of we didn't forget the challenges that we came out of and we had broken hearts for at-risk kids.
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this yees we wanted to open up our home to foster children. we were afraid to do it. we didn't know if we would be good at it or not. we took one child and got a call to take another and we had 23 children in the home. it was a great experience for us as parents, for our biological children. they learned they're not the only people in the world and good for our foster children, too. we're not a perfect family. but they got to see what an intact family looked like. >> what do you teach them about -- well, two things. rick santorum with a comment of president obama pushing people to go to college and elitist snobbery. being snobbish. i can't imagine that you wouldn't wanted all the kids in the foster system to if they could get to college, right? i mean, isn't that part of the american dream to be better educated as you can possibly be. >> as a parent you want the very best for a child and every child is so completely different.
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from each other. and we had children who went on to become medical doctors. we had other children who struggled terribly with school. and i think the point from senator santorum was on manufacturing. he's talking about how the backbone of the united states is manufacturing. my dad was in mafring. there is nothing wrong with being in an honest profession, a blue color job. i we need more of those. that's the comment. >> i agree, by the way. if that's all he said i would have totally agreed and i thought it was silly of him to use the word snob about somebody encouraging people to go to college and when america is being left behind in higher education by china and other countries. america needs more people at college. not snobbery to want people to go to college. >> the point is we need more jobs in the united states. that's been the -- >> on the point -- >> that's happened under barack obama because under barackobama --
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>> i get that. michele, you have to answer some of my questions. >> i am! i am. i am! >> you're not. >> i am! >> is it snobbery to want your kids to go to college? >> everyone wants the best. as a parent -- >> wrong to use that word. >> listen, piers. i have been a mother of 28 children. from every level of capability. some of our children, it was college is not what they wanted. and i wanted the best for those children. and for some of those children, maybe a direct link to a job right after high school was what they wanted for their life. as their mother, i wanted them to have what they wanted. and i wanted their happiness. and so, it isn't snobbery to help a child get exactly what they want in life. that's what i wanted. i don't look like down on anybody in life. >> taking the argument -- i agree with you, by the way. we are in agreement here. >> see? it's possible. we can forge the bonds.
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>> michele, i am with you. i am with you. we can help each other. >> hey, i just passed a bill this last week with democrats and republicans, we finished and completed the longest unfinished bridge project in the history of the united states by bringing democrats and republicans together. see? we can do it. first pump. right there. >> you shouldn't be doing that. that's his trademark. >> we can do that. hey. that's not proprietary. >> yes, we can. what? >> you don't want to fist bump with me? what's wrong? see? you can do it. yes, you can. >> the president's watching and i'm sure he is, he will have enjoyed that moment. >> of course. with michelle. >> do you think if you became president, a contradiction of michele bachmann and why you're fras fatding to interview. so much strength of character through this book, so much to admire about your life path. especially these kids here. >> now we're getting somewhere with this. now we're getting somewhere with this interview. this is great.
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>> there's a but. >> i thought so. >> a key part of your i suppose life lesson to them would involve tolerance of people. >> of course. >> i find this weird streak of dramatic intolerance to certain groups of americans. >> this is what's so odd. this is what's so odd. so odd about people on the left that they absolutely are so -- >> i'm not on the left. >> oh, really, piers? >> i'm not on the left or right. >> really, they're so intolerant. oh my word. okay. >> no horse in the race. >> listen. i won't judge. i won't judge. but i think it's very important, though, that people who have sincerely held religious beliefs, i do, i think that it's important that we respect those people's beliefs and those of entire faith. >> listen to me. i was raised a catholic. all right? i understand the power of religious beliefs completely. i had spiritual guidance from nuns for two years. right? don't think i don't understand -- >> aren't you glad you did?
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>> yes. but you see, i was also taught to respect and be tolerant towards people who didn't agree with those beliefs and i think that america with this movement on gay marriage and so on, just has to come a time when people who have strong religious beliefs like you and kirk cameron and actually show people like the gay community tolerance and a bit of slack and say, i don't agree with it, but nor am i going to demonize you. that's all i'm getting at. >> i would like to see the lack of demonization for those of us who stand on sincerely held religious beliefs. that's where you dee is demonization of people that stand on the beliefs. >> respect on both sides is what we need to get to? >> of course. >> let's see in a year how far we get this. michele bachmann, new. >> thank you. lewis black up next. [ male announcer ] to the 5:00 a.m. scholar.
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anti-abortion. and now, 62 years later, you can have pro-choice or you can be pro-life. and that is what we've accomplished. >> the newest comedy special "in god we rust" on epix. i can't wit to hear what you have to say about kirk cameron, michele bachmann, rush limbaugh. what a week it's been. >> what a week. on friday, it all started to kind of break down. i was watching the news on friday and it was just one thing after another and then virginia basically saying, like, a couple of days after the virginia attack, you know, memorial, you know, another year of it, of those deaths, they say, well, we're going to see -- we're going to lift the ban on selling one gun per person. what planet are we on?
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>> lewis, i had michele bachmann on who called me rude to suggest that she was judgmental and some argue she's the most judgmental woman in american politics. >> well, she's been, you know -- she uses, you know -- she says in that thing, you know, that she basically believes in family values. but they -- much like santorum, they believe in family values but they use it like a sledgehammer. like if you don't believe in their family values -- how do you know what family values are? my mother couldn't cook. does that mean i'm supposed to pass on -- >> i think even if you have strong religious values which i totally respect in people, but it's the fact they try and equate that with a similar position of, i want total freedom for people. so i want you to be totally free, particularly from the government. actually, what i really want you to do is black you over the head with my religious beliefs that ban you from doing all sorts of things. i find that a contradiction. >> it's a total contradiction because they're the ones that screech -- it's freedom with --
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freedom within their limitations of what the freedom can be. so that if you make a choice that is outside their -- so you make a choice to be -- and you don't even make the choice to be gay. when did they catch on to that? what is their problem with science? to live -- we're the future now. this is the 21st century. it should be science fiction at this point. and they've -- all they will deal with is fiction. were they beaten by nerds in chemistry classes? did they burn their hands on bunsen burners? >> are those in reaction to the camera comments on my show? i didn't expect it to erupt in the way that it did. there's been a lot of the reaction from people. they're all sort of i think shocked by the fact that this sweet, nice boy from "growing pains" has come out with what he clearly felt were perfectly normal comments. actually in the colored light of day are transparently offensive.
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you can't just call a body of americans unnatural, you know, going to wreck civilization, all the things that he said. he said it so calmly. in the moment i was like, really? that's interesting. what? >> it's that whole thing of, you know -- it's -- you know, being jewish, you know, i know enough about christianity to know, you're not being a christian. you are not supposed to -- this is not supposed to be -- you can think it. you can think it -- >> you can personally believe it. >> yes. >> i have total respect for kurt cameron's right to have any beliefs that he wants. >> yeah. >> i've got no problem with that. i just don't think you can sit there with a straight face and say, i'm a christian, god-fear, all-around good person. but by the way, i hate these people who were born the way they were. >> yeah. and that -- and he does it with that, and then the -- and the thing about the rape and the, you know -- can talk about, you
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know, if your daughter was, you know, raped and the abortion. and the whole abortion issue. once again, here's what i don't understand about that -- the way the christian deals with -- the way they deal with it. is that if you really believe it, then these people are going to hell. so why are you working so hard -- >> why are you worried bill? >> it's already done. the deal's done. let them make their choice. >> what did you make up of the rush limbaugh furor? >> wow. well, there's so many levels to it. first off, it reminded me of what you'd expect somebody who maybe was like 15 years old to say. >> finally. super tuesday tomorrow. what are your overall thoughts about this republican race? >> i think it's one of the most spectacular races i've ever watched, if it was like maybe 1958. if i was watching this in black and white, i would be really thrilled about it. >> i should think some of their
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views may be pre-58. >> no, no, they are. but i didn't want to send the audience way, way back. >> always a pleasure. >> always a pleasure, thank you. >> take care. always entertaining. lewis black. next, only in america. the surprising events of the '80s sitcom "growing pains." ttd# 1-800-345-2550 ttd# 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about the typical financial consultation ttd# 1-800-345-2550 when companies try to sell you something off their menu ttd# 1-800-345-2550 instead of trying to understand what you really need. ttd# 1-800-345-2550 ttd# 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, we provide ttd# 1-800-345-2550 a full range of financial products, ttd# 1-800-345-2550 even if they're not ours. ttd# 1-800-345-2550 and we listen before making our recommendations, ttd# 1-800-345-2550 so we can offer practical ideas that make sense for you.
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rush limbaugh's latest for tonight's "only in america," kurt cameron and an unlikely new plot twist from "growing pains." it all seems frozen in time. the picket fence. the cheesy smiles. the unbelievably annoying theme tune. back in the '80s the smash hit sitcom offered shockingly amusing insight into the travails of rearing teenaged children. it's been 20 years since "growing pains" ended its run. it turned into an extraordinary spring board for superstars. leonardo dicaprio played a homeless orphan adopted by the clan. other names you may recognize. matthew perry. heather graham. hilary swank. the biggest was this guy, brad pitt. in this episode he played the incredibly handsome new student at school. it would be hard to imagine mr. pitt playing. he of course is an activist, championing causes he believes in, including the drive against
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california's prop 8 ban against same-sex marriage which would put him squarely at odds with his former colleague kurt cameron. brad so far hasn't commented on cameron's anti-gay remarks on this show last friday. everybody else now has including tracey gold who played his sister carol. she responded by tweeting, i'm a strong supporter of the lgbt community and i believe in equal rights for all. only in america would a long-defunct '80s sitcom be the vanguard at a national debate of religion and morality. if there's one thing america learn from "growing pains" it was surely understanding and compassion are better to aspire to than intolerance, lack of understanding, and plain old bigotry. tomorrow cnn will have super tuesday results beginning at 7:00 p.m. plus a woman who knows what it's like to go through a presidential campaign, cindy mccain.
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