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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 17, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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you're in the cnn newsroom. the news unfolds live this saturday, march 17th, st. patrick's day. we now know the name of the soldier blamed for a deadly rampage in afghanistan. the pentagon identifies him as robered bales. the price of gas is on the rise again. it went up .4% overnight. it is the eighth straight day of price hikes. the national average for a gallon of gas is now $3.83. that's 31 cents higher than it was just one month ago. president obama is putting his re-election campaign into high gear.
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he kicked off a jam packed day at a fund-raising in his hometown of chicago. and then he flew atlanta for a series of events. two of them hosted by filmmaker tyler perry. 13-hour campaign blitz raised nearly $5 million. a notorious nazi criminal has died. 91-year-old john demanuk was living in a home for the elderly when he passed away easterly dwroi day. the retired u.s. autoworker was sentenced to five years in prison after being found guilty of assisting in mass murder at a death camp in poland. but he was released pending his appeal. 911 calls are being released in the shooting of an unarmed florida teenager. he was shot and killed last month allegedly by a neighborhood watch captain in a gated community. here's a conversation between the alleged shooter and the 911 operator shortly before that shooting occurred. >> something is wrong with him.
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yep. he's coming to check me out. he's got something in his hand. i don't know what it is. >> you are following him? >> yeah. >> okay. we don't need you to do that. >> a short time later, calls started pouring in from neighbors who say they heard a fight and then someone screaming and then this. >> do you need help? >> yes. >> there are gun shots. >> you just heard gun shots? >> yes. >> how many? >> just one. >> trevon martin's parents are outraged that george zimmerman has not been arrested and they feel portrayed by the sanford police department. back to our top story. the pentagon identifies the soldiers accused of a soldier massacre in afghanistan. he is robert bales. a 38-year-old army veteran of three combat tours in iraq.
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right now staff sergeant bales is in solitary confinement awaiting charges he killed 16 civilians last weekend in afghanistan. let's go to our reporter live in washington state at the joint base where bales was stationed. so, casey, you've been talking to people who know sergeant bales. what have they been saying about him? >> reporter: most of the neighbors near where sergeant bales' wife and two children live said they did not actually know him. but those who did say they are having a very difficult time reckon silg the man that they know with the man who is suspected of gunning down 16 afghan civilians. >> i was completely blown away. yes, deaf start i was devastate broken. completely shocked. i would describe him -- he was super fun to hang around with. kind of the life of the party kind of guy.
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super loving, friendly to everybody he met. great with his kids. i just -- i don't -- i don't see how this has happened. >> reporter: now the residents where the bales family lived was put on the market for a short sale on monday, just one day after those shootings happened in afghanistan. one neighbor telling us that the house was always lit up, always had lights on until about four days ago. that's clearly because his wife and children were moved here to joint base lewis mccord from their home for their own protection. >> so his home was not on base. what more can you tell buts neighborhood? was this a mostly military kind of neighborhood? >> reporter: no. actually, just the opposite. not very many military folks in the neighborhood. the bales family lived in a home that was one of the older homes in the area, just nearby some brand new much larger homes were in that area. described as a very tight knit
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community but one where many of the neighbors did not actually know the bales family. >> all right. casey, thank you so much. many people in afghanistan are furious that staff sergeant robert bales was moved out of the country. they believe he should stand trial there. cnn's sarah cider is in kabul. >> reporter: family members of the victims of sunday's massacre allegedly by a u.s. soldier spoke to afghanistan's parliamentarians today giving the same story they gave to president had a immediate karzai on friday asking that justice be done and it be done right here on afghan soil. meantime, there were protest that's erupted again. this is the second time protesters have taken to the streets there because of this case. and they were screaming things such as death to america and asking that the suspect be tried using islamic rule as opposed to any kind of foreign justice system. that is not likely to happen.
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there is an agreement that governs what happens with anyone who is accused, particularly members of the military. and so that agreement is in place between the united states and afghanistan. likely we will not see this soldier tried here. we certainly will not see him tried in the afghan judicial system or using islamic law. now one more thing i want to mention. this relationship between the united states and afghanistan seems to be fraying. the president's talks much yesterday about some of his frustrations saying that the united states did not cooperate fully the way that they had expected them to when it comes to this investigation saying that his investigators were not able to even speak with this accused soldier. cnn, kabul, afghanistan. a war caught in in a terrible conflict there. some of the most disturbing images yet are coming out of syria next. americans believe they should be in charge of their own future.
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video emerges from syria. they show killings and other atrocities committed by opposition forces in neighborhoods. cnn obtained footage that is the most disturbing yet. we should warn you our report includes scenes that may be hard to watch. >> reporter: the men crouch as they move across roof tops, crawling through holes they smashed through the walls. it's taken them nearly a week to get this far, to reach a house on a sectarian fault line that runs through the city. we're rescuing the bodies of the
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marty martyrs. they heard that a sunni family has been killed. what they find, shocking beyond description. the first body, that of a woman. in the room next to it, bodies crowded into a back corner as if they were trying to hide. the dead child's face with fear, blood splattered the wall. let the world see. look at this massacre in one just one house. he curses the shias. the video is said to have been shot in a neighborhood early in february. look, people, look. he is overcome with emotion as he, too, curses the regime and the world. the camera pans over to show more bodies slaughtered in the
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bathroom. suddenly, on another floor, a tiny wimper. the child cries out, clearly terrified. he comes into view. having to crawl over a body lying in the doorway. he must have been hiding for days. don't ab frayed. you're safe now. don't make a sound one of the men tells the boy. it's not known who killed his family or why. but the men who found the bodies are sure this was a sectarian massacre carried out by thugs allied to the regime.
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this election is about the economy, jobs and the businesses that create those jobs. but how much control do politicians really have over the u.s. economy? we have this week's "fortune brainstorm." >> our cnn contributor is a presidential author. nick in, terms of promoting american business, as you have looked back at other presidents, how does president obama -- notwithstanding all the krit sex he gets and is going to get from
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will cain sitting next to you, how does he rank in terms of being pro and anti-business and from a historical context, how has that played into presidencies in the past? >> presidents really don't have that much control over the economic cycle. we like to think they do. >> sure. >> and over long periods of time they do. teddy roosevelt and other presidents. but for the most part, presidents are hostages to economic cycles rather than driving them. >> or beneficiaries. >> right. >> what do you think, will? >> i love that analysis, by the way, the presidents are beneficials or hostages. but that doesn't begrudge us the ability to look to them and say are they pro or anti-business? i would say this, i think barack obama, certainly he wants to create jobs. i think he knows that businesses play a vital role in that process. i think he's pro business in that way. but a deeper level. i think he is anti-business. very, very anti-business. in fact, when i watch his economic policies and how he hopes to direct certain industries, invest in industry, green energy, it reflects that essential value to liberal ideology which is a lack of
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humility that you think you have more control over something than you actually do. >> thank you. that's this week's "fortune brainstorm." i love that my daughter's part fish. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready?
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we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. we have the latest video games to hit the stores. so, mark, let's begin with the games for the sports lovers. tell us about the fifth street from ea sports. >> yes. so fifa street is the latest soccer simulation. but instead of playing on the pitch as they call it, on the big fields and all the world's biggest stadiums, you're actually playing on the streets,
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hence the name. there are 35 different locations from new york to rio to tokyo, london, paris and you're engaging in a looser game, a faster paced soccer game with your favorite players. it could be, you know, your favorite stars from manchester united or barcelona. but you're engaged in head-to-head competitions against the game's artificial intelligence or online with up to eight different players. and there is trick competitions. there's customizability. can you create your own soccer star from scratch and work your way up. so it's really a lot of fun. a 11 different modes to choose from. not much to complain about with this game. it's really though designed for footy fans. if you like your soccer, then you're going to like fifa street which is i think the best one in this series. this is about a sixth in the series. >> it looks so real. so this past week we saw a new installment in the creepy silent hill franchise. tell us about down pour. >> right. so silent hill is a 13-year-old
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franchise. it's a single player game in the survival horror genre. so it's played from a cinematic third person perspective. and you're roaming around this creepy town named silent hill interacting with the mysterious town folk and unlocking sort of this, you know, very underground story about, you know, tied to all these kinds of monsters and zombies, if you will. this game is pretty good. it's definitely not the best in the 13-year-old franchise. down pour plays a prison inmate who escapes. you find yourself in the town. there is a lot more exploration and combat which is i think got news. n. this game. and more side missions and more to do. you don't feel like you're on a tight leash. but on the flip side, there are some technical bugs in this game where all the action kind of slows down to a crawl when there is a lot going on at the same time. and combat feels a bit stiff. but it's a decent game in the silent hill franchise. if you're a fan of this series
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and there are many of them who like to be scared as they play these games, the graphics are definitely good. you have to like these kinds of games. so definitely silent hill down pour is a solid game. i wouldn't say it's too very strong thumbs up or anything. >> yeah, instead i look forward to you telling me about the next thing that, is more happy. that's for me. party nine from nintendo. it's all about happiness and kids. >> that's right. this one is for everyone. this is the ninth game in the mario party series for nintendo wii platform. it's a party game. so up to four people can play. they can engage in eight different mini games. and it's everything from little racing fun games to capturing items to bowling to little fun and quick diversions, dij alt diversions. this time around you can team up with others more than you could
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have in the past instead of it being so competitive. there are boss characters that you are collectively fighting against. and it's fun. it's very colorful, fast paced. i think it's a good outing, you know, fon fr nintendo fans. you have all the familiar characters. very family friendly content. i think it's a fun game. the mini games start to get tired. they're coming up with eight different mini game for each of the nine games. they're bound to run out of ideas. i think it's starting to happen. still, fun game for $50. >> finally, some controversy surrounding the end to mass effect three. what's going on? >> right. so mass effect three is the third and final game in this epic sci-fi role playing game series that we have talked about on this segment in the past. so people are complaining about the ending. in fact, there's a poll at the bioware forums online that 89% of the people were not happy with the ending. some are saying you don't have enough choice. some are saying it's
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anti-climatic. i don't want to give away any spoilers here. but suffice it to say that this might be the first time in video game history that the gate vopors will release an update, downloadable content. that is optional. that could change the ending of the game to please their fans. there's been some buzz that this is what the developers will do. you'll have more choice on how the ending of this, you know, very anticipated game plays out at the end, at the climatic conclusion. so kind of very interesting to follow this. because mass effect three fans are not happy with the way the kurpt game ends. >> my goodness. >> this will be a foul if they change the ending. >> it appears the video games really appealing to the more adult audience, or at least the bigger kid, young adult audience for sure, mark. >> absolutely. the average age of a gamer in the u.s. is 35 years old. >> oh, my gosh. >> which is probably twice that you'd expect of the average age
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of a gamer. we grew up jumping over barrels and chasing ghosts and now we're having kids and we're still craving interactive entertainment. so there is something for everyone. >> wow. almost the middle ager crowd. all right. >> that's right. >> mark, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> so for more high-tech ideas and reviews go, to and look for the gaming and gadgets tab or follow mark on facebook, twitter and linkedin. i'm going green today. you have noticed? so is everybody else. ahead, clortful traditions of st. patrick's day.
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the pentagon releases the name of the soldier blamed for a deadly rampage in afghanistan. robert bales is an army staff sergeant now in solitairy confinement at ft. levinworth, kansas. he is accused of killing 16 civilians in kandahar. he shocked people in his washington state neighborhood describe bales as a normal family man. and now to the diplomatic fallout from the shootings,
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afghan president karzai is suggesting the u.s. isn't giving a completely candid account of what happened. and he says the incident has taken a significant toll on diplomatic relations with the u.s. earlier, i asked cnn foreign affairs reporter if the u.s. state department will attempt to get involved with the legal case against staff sergeant bales. >> the uniform code of military justice will dictate how this sergeant's -- staff sergeant bales is tried and there are particular rules in this. and basically it's a pentagon show. >> and who's idea was this? was it the u.s. military who said we need to go ahead and try sergeant bales in the u.s.? or did the state department play a role at all by trying to make a case or help make the case that afghanistan was making that perhaps there's a way to try him overseas? >> i don't think that any of this has really been worked out yet. some military officials are saying there is nothing to preclude him from being tried in
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afghanistan. let's be clear, whether we say tried in afghanistan, we don't mean tried by the afghanistan justice system. we would mean that the u.s. military would just move the trial over to afghanistan. but i think that, again, they're really leaving this up to the military and how they decide they want to proceed. certainly, they want to take into account the afghan's concerns that justice be served. there are also a lot of particular rules about whether witnesses can be introduced, whether afghan witnesses can be introduced. because if the prosecution uses afghan witnesses, then, of course, the defense will need to question them as well. so those kind of questions are still being worked out. again, nothing to say as they have in the past that he couldn't be actually tried in afrg. but, you know, as we've been talking about, this agreement that governs u.s. military in afghanistan when the fall of the taliban happened, u.s. and afghanistan had agreement that the soldiers had immunity from afghan law and processed according to the u.s. military
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justice system. so disagreement is in effect. i don't see the u.s. going back on that. they don't want to leave their military up to a trial. the afghan system which, fred, even though they're starting to build accountability, rule of law, afghan justice system considered very weak and corrupt. >> all right. taking our top stories, the director behind the documentary of a notorious u gandian warlord is in the spotlight himself. jason russell was taken to a medical facility after he was seen running through the streets of san diego in his underwear and shouting incoherently. his family says he does not have a drinking or a drug problem. a day of upsets in the ncaa basketball tournament. number two seed duke lost 75-70 last night and 15 seed lehigh university and norfolk state edged power house missouri 86-84. the march madness field of competitors is now down to 32
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teams. at 5:00 eastern, my colleague don lemon and i will have an ncaa bracket showdown. 5:00 eastern time today. all right. manhattan was bathed in a sea of green this morning. thou andz of st. patrick's day revellers turning out to celebrate the annual parade. st. patrick is the patron saint of ireland. people across the u.s. are celebrating his feast today. but for those of you not wearing green, be prepared to get a little pinch or two. it's a tradition to pinch anyone not wearing the color green. with ale in his hand, president bush celebrating st. patrick's dayment he made a surprise stop at an irish pub in washington, d.c. this afternoon. he ordered a guinness at the dubliner, well known pub in washington, d.c. on north capitol street. it is just around the corner
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from the capitol building. all right, calling attention to a crisis. george clooney wants the world to focus on sudan, even if that means crossing a police line. ok! who gets occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. omnipotent of opportunity. you know how to mix business... with business. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i could get used to this.
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get this free travel bag when you join ashlee! ashlee! ashlee! ashlee! what were you looking for when you bought your edge? um, i was definitely looking for fuel economy. that's the whole reason we, we wanted to look at the ecoboost. can you talk a little bit about the style of the edge? um, well, i think it's very hip. i even have several guys were like "whoa, do have twenties on those". like, don't even know what that means, but i guess it's cool. (laugh) george clooney says sudan could turn into the worst humanitarian crisis in the world unless aid is delivered immediately and to make his point, he was arrested outside the sudanese nebs washington, d.c., yesterday. cloon yea long with lawmakers
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and his dad, human rights activists and other demonstrators were trying to call attention to sudan's need for international help. earlier in the week, the actor testified before congress and met with president obama. he recently traveled to sudan to witness the desperate situation firsthand. >> you never know if you're accomplishing anything. we're just trying to bring attention to a moment in time that is actually important. we hope that this brings attention to it. we hope it helps. and we hope that the people understand there really is a ticking clock on this. we need to get moving. >> clooney accuses the government of raping, starving and killing its own citizens in the border regions between sudan and south sudan. and then, boy, it is a stunning look inside the power of a tornado that wipes out communities. in this case, this coming out of indiana. cameras at henryville junior high school were rolling when on
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march 2nd this ef-4 tornado headed straight for the school. jackie, you know more about this tornado and what it did and the results here, some image that's we're able to see for our own eyes. to try to piece this whole thing together, the power of this twister. >> it all happened in 20 seconds. you can really see the suction from this tornado. you can see the intensity of this tornado. it was an ef-4. winds were about 170 miles per hour. they're estimating. if you remember, the students were released for the day and sent out on the buses and some of the buses ended up coming back to the school because of that warning. and they got inside. but in the safe place of the school, you know, the large span roof tops like the gym, that video is amazing. that is not a safe place to be. you get into the interior hallways and into the bathroom, you get into an office room that is entirely enclosed. and that's how those children were able to be safe. >> incredible when you see the roof tops were peeled off like a single piece of paper. >> i know.
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and it just happens so fast. literally, your life can change in the blink of an eye. >> it sure does. >> scary. >> and what is scary, too, people are really enjoying this warm weather. it is a little nerve-racking. as we know, when you have the clash of this cold weather and this hot weather coming together, that spawns more potential tornadic activity, big storms and is that potentially on the horizon for us? >> it potentially is, yeah. looks likeliment when you get three days in a row, it comes with 80 degrees in the month of march. you have to enjoy it and loving it. you know something is going to give eventually. take a look at our severe weather area for today. you know, the big risks here is going to be large hail and damaging winds. i think it's going to be more isolated. this is not a big tornado day. we can't rule out a few isolated tornadoes. so we want to make you aware that st. louis and evansville and sneaking over to nashville later on tonight. tomorrow, more significant severe weather is expected. we have a strong storm system out to the west. and what's happening tomorrow with this system and the upper
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levels of the atmosphere is that winds are turning and changing and also getting faster with height. and so when we get those types of conditions and it starts to move into the plains, we got a very strong conveyor belt of winds which is already in place bringing up that warmth and that moisture from the gulf of mexico and that interacts with those changeable winds and that cooler, drier air from the west. and that's when severe weather happens. so that's the concern for tomorrow. it's a real slow moving system. so we're talking sunday, monday, maybe even into tuesday at least that we're going to be dealing with strong to severe thunderstorms in the plains. today with the system still way out west this is a windy, wet winter maker. let me tell you about it. ahead of it, things are dry and the warm air is pushing in. we have a critical fire danger area. and then heavy snow across parts of the west. sierra and tahoe are already reporting 48 inches of snow! >> i know! >> in 24 hours. >> that spring skiing is killer. >> my girlfriend is out there right now. i don't know that she's going to be able to get home.
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not that she cares. >> exactly. >> she may be snowed in. there are great things to do. >> four feet though, that's a lot. >> that's okay by me. and spring is tuesday? >> yeah. the 20th. >> officially. it's been spring for a month already. >> all right. we'll check back with you. right now in nepal, innocent children are growing up behind bars. this week's cnn hero decided to give them a better life by sacrificing her future for theirs. meet pushpa besnet. ? in nepal, children don't have local guardian, some children go to prison with the parents. the first time visited the jail, i was seeing small girl. just grabbed my shawl. she gave me a smile. it was really hard for me to forget that. my name is pushpa.
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my mission is to make sure no child grows up behind prison walls. in 2005, i started a daycare and the children can come out of jail at morning and go back to the jail in afternoon. we have children who are from 2 to 4 and they have coloring, reading, starting five days a week. we started with 2007. currently we have 40 children living here. mostly about 6 years old. i don't get a day off. i never get tired. the children all call me ma'amy. it's a big family. there is lots and lots of love. when i started this organization, i was 21 years old. people thought i was crazy. but this is all i wanted in my life. i'm giving them what a normal
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child should have. i want to fulfill all their dreams. >> remember all of our heroes come from your nominations. so go to to share your inspirational stories. all right, rapper turned actor ice cube is teaming up with a couple stars for the movie version of "21 jump street." >> you know, the show was cool. our movie is crazy. >> up next, our film critic tells us if the movie does live up to the hype. not financially. so we switched to the bargain detergent but i found myself using three times more than you're supposed to and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. thanks, honey.
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we love bikes. we love riders. and most of all, we love to ride. perfect hair every time. leading the pack in motorcycle insurance. now, that's progressive. call or click today. some movies at the box office including jeff who lives at home and "21 jump street" are opening. we have reviews of these two big movies. so let's begin with "jeff who lives at home." we're talking susan sarandon and ed helms. "jeff lives at home" waiting for
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something in his life to happen. right? let's take a look. >> just a little something. >> okay. >> hello? >> mom? >> jeff? >> hi. >> you know you're supposed to say hello when you pick up the phone. >> yeah, i know. i thought maybe you were somebody else but you're not. >> what do do you in the basement? you're not cleaning it? >> you really want to know. dunlt like it the last time we had this conversation. >> why you ever right, i don't. did you get the wood glue? >> matt, did you like? >> i did like this a lot. this is from the duplas brothers who gave us great indy movies called "the puffy chair." this is their first for a major studio. it's for paramount and it stars jason seagal and sus ab sarandon. jeff is a lay about. he lives in his mother's basement. he's got one job on her birthday. he has to go and get wood glue and fix her door. he manages to get in all kinds of trouble and kind of floats throughout his day.
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it's this weird little story. but i really liked it. it goes in directions you don't really expect. and it's this really satisfying personal story about this family. in a certain way it made me think of the descendents in that it's a very intimate story about one particular family pt i really enjoyed this movie. i think it's a fantastic time in the movie. i would recommend going and seeing this. >> it sounds like you're saying a lot of people may be able to relate to this story line, too. >> definitely. you know, especially considering that recent report about how more and more people think it's okay to live with their parents coming back, you know, the boomerang generation. so this might help them relate a little bit. >> all right wlachlt w. what was your grade? >> i gave it an a. i really, really enjoyed this film. i think it's -- you know, as close to perfect as you're going to find in a movie. >> oh, my god. you don't dole out the as, you know, lightly. >> normally not very often. >> okay, "21 jump street: going
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undercover at school." very similar to the television show. now on the big screen. we're talking about ice cube, jonah hill and channing tatum. boy, he's in everything lately. it seems like every time i turn around he's in something. so let's look at a clip. >> okay. >> i don't know who you are. >> don't worry about who i am. >> i'm worried about it. >> why? >> because you're at my party right now, dude. as a matter of fact, it's getting hot in here. >> it's getting real. >> it's getting very real. >> it's like seven strangers living in one house true story. >> you want real? >> okay. tell me more. tell me more. >> thing goes from bad to worse in that scene. now if you had asked me a few months ago what 21 jump street would have turned out to be as a movie, i would have told you it was something we saw with the dukes of hazard or starsky and hutch. i know i just gave an a to a movie about this. obviously, 21 jump street is the best movie i saw this week. it's fantastic. it starts out a little bit
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rough. it turns into a really surprisingly moving film. it gets really -- what it really gets right is the story between these two friends. and how being popular in high school really strains their friendship. it sounds really deep. it's crazy funny. there's lots of laughs. and really good cameos from the original cast of the show, of the tv show. >> wow! so now you're telling me, what? you gave it an a plus? >> i'm giving it an a. i'm giving it an absolute a. definitely go see this movie. >> okay. very good. looks like we're all heading to the movie tonight. check out at least one of them and maybe tomorrow night another. >> exactliment a great weekend to be at the movies. >> all right, matt, thanks so much. and, of course, we like to laugh, too. it's nice to have fun movies to attend. all right. check out all of matt's grades and reviews by going to the new ipad, well, it's out. you know that. you saw the lines, right? do you know someone who always
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has to have the latest gadget? next, josh tells us about that psychology being behind that. ncht everyone is wondering why a u.s. soldier would go on a lone rampage and massacre women and children in afghanistan. we're going to talk to people who know what it's like to survive in a war zone for months and sometimes years and then have to put all that horror behind them once they get home. i'm don lemon. we'll discuss the legal ramifications for that one soldier and also the mental and physical fallout for all of our brave women and men in uniform. when you join us on cnn weekend prime. [ male announcer ] what if you had thermal night-vision goggles,
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wash confidence in.
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the foun chains in front of the white house of flowing green. the first family dumped the dye into the fountain itself. growing in green, you might say that for apple. the new ipad was flying off the shelves. crowds gathered early to be among the first to take the ipad home. why do so many people push or stabbed in line, go to great
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lengths just to be the first to get it latest? there is a word for it. josh levs knows the word. share the word. >> here's the thing. take a step back and look at what's going on. it's stunning. some people line up days in advance because they have to have it. >> campers in their sleeping bags. >> what is humanity up to? we have yet to see whether this will outpace the sales of the previous ipads. either way, the fact is there are all these people who want to do this. >> i don't want to go to work. i want to go home and play. i have to figure out how to use it first. >> it's insane. for a toy, really? that's all i use it for is a toy. it's awesome. >> a toy? >> i've never been at anything like this before. >> i like that guy. i'm fascinated by what people are thinking.
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is there a story from our partners at that explains this. neophiles is a need to do what's new and have what's new. it is specifically and especially applicable. technology is addictive and neophilia is addicting. there are people driven by neophilia and have to have what's new as soon as it comes out. people who do the sales know this. >> apple knows this. they come up with something new or besting what they just did every two or three months. that's not an accurate depiction of the number, but it seems they come out quickly with the latest, greatest. >> everyone wants to take advantage of this.
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neophilia can lead you to be more interested in new experiences, to want to travel new places, do new things. they talk about the down side which is it's addictive. >> and you can go into debt and buy everything. >> exactly. that's the other thing. the impact on your life. it's an actual high from getting this new thing. then that can go away quickly. there is a test to help people find out if they are neophiles. >> you tease. >> it's on my facebook and twitter. >> i'm looking to see who i know that can fall into that category. you know how i am with technology. that's not me. i don't have to have the latest, greatest. >> you and i can wait. plus we don't like waiting in line for stuff. >> i don't want to wait in line, no. you don't have to worry about me in that category. it's like the endorphins are kicking in, too.
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interesting. josh levs, thanks so much. check out what happened at st. patrick's day at the parade in england. oh, katherine. there she is. the duchess of cambridge was giving out shamrocks to the first battalion guards. look what happened before she arrived. a couple of soldiers actually passed out. oh, boy. hopefully it wasn't because of her arrival. apparently he did recover quickly. it's not clear if it was about the impending excitement that got to him or he may have gotten overheated in that bear skin hat. the temperature there was around 50 degrees. . we think he's okay. a man weighing 600 pounds says he is being evicted because of his weight. can his landlord do that?
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class. this is what he says happens next. >> when i read it in my normal voice, she told me to read it blacker. it's very, very unprofessional and it should not happen. she didn't do it to any of the other kids, why did she have to do it to me? >> jordan went home and told his him. she went to school administrators complaining of racial insensitivity. we'll talk with his mom and how the school is responding. in connecticut, a man weighing 00 pounds says his apartment complex is evicting him unfairly. he says they think his weight is damaging the building. i asked our legal experts richard herman and avery freeman if a complex can kick someone out because of damage they may have caused. >> when he takes a step and he goes through the floor, okay, let's put that aside one second here. >> what? >> the claim violations of the lease were that he had more
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people living in the apartment, which violated the lease, and he had pets in the apartment, which violated the lease. those are grounds for eviction. the landlord has been trying two years to give this guy time to move out, to relocate. they don't want to move anywhere. they want to stay put. this guy is going to get evicted. it's coming down the pipe. it's over. >> no, he's not. >> avery, will they be able to do this? >> no. >> because there is violation of this agreement, too many people in the house, too many pets, that stand-alone is the reason for his eviction? >> yes. there are other tenants who are not obese that have the same circumstances. let me tell you something, the landlord is going down under the fair housing act. this law has been around 22 years. i hope joey and his mom move forward on this. if the landlord is smart, they'll leave this guy alone. the fair housing act protects joey and 54 million other americans from getting pushed around like this. it is a shame the


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