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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 26, 2012 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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it's been a pleasure to do battle with you and your equally combative daughter lisa. >> thank you. >> don't mess with my momma. >> never going to mass with either of them again. that's all for us tonight, a combative evening. march for justice. >> put your hoodies on. >> a simple hoodie. now a symbol of solidarity. a rallying cry. what's a life worth? new information on what the u.s. calls an offer to help. some say it's compensation for a massacre involving a u.s. soldier. >> we've got about 30 seconds. the deep blue sea. this famous movie-maker takes us 30,000 feet below, the deepest point on the ocean floor. all that and more right here, right now on cnn. hello, everyone. i'm don lemon. thank you for joining us this evening. a sea of flickering flames on a somber night in sanford, florida.
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a candlelight vigil for slain 17-year-old trayvon martin. ♪ we shall >> we thank you for being able. >> songs and prayers for the young man whose life was cut short by a bullet, this on the eve of a major march also planned in sanford where martin was killed. protesters will gather at a city council meeting where martin's family is supposed to speak. hooded sweatshirts or hoodies have become a symbol for everyone demanding justice for martin. he was wearing one when he was shot. church-goers across the nation traded their sunday best for hoodies. many congregations held special services in honor of the teen. martin was walking back from a store when neighborhood watch captain george zimmerman spotted him and got suspicious. zimmerman says he shot martin in self-defense, but it turns out that martin was unarmed. there's a lot of talk about florida's stand your ground law in this case. it allows someone to use deadly force any time they have a reasonable fear of harm.
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florida governor rick scott is appointing a task force to review the law. >> i'm going to have different elected officials appoint officials, and we'll look at it. the first thing we'll all do is do a thorough investigation to see what happened here. no one can imagine this happened to their family. we've got to find out exactly what's going to happen. the florida department of law enforcement, state attorney, angela core, is going to do a great job knowing what happened and make sure justice prevails. we have to do that. >> initially zimmerman's lawyer said stand your ground didn't apply here because it's mostly for defending themselves inside their own home, for people defending themselves inside their own home, but now he's reversing himself saying it does fit in this particular case. i want to get right to cnn's george howell standing bay in sanford, florida. we mentioned a major rally planned in sanford on monday. what's going to happen? >> reporter: don, at this point we know that that rally will start right around 4:00 leaving a local church here and moving over to ft. melon park and then over to the civic center.
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again, that is where city commissioners will hold their regular meeting scheduled solely on the trayvon martin case. we're expecting many people, maybe some celebrities, don, to attend this meeting. and also, don, as you mentioned, we are learning more from george zimmerman's attorney that he will use the stand your ground law. what do we know about george zimmerman? not a lot at this point except for what we learned from police, that he did have grass stains on the back of his shirt, a bloody nose, bleeding from the back of the head. was this self-defense? again, the attorney initially said that he would argue self-defense in case his client is arrested, but this time we now know, don, that he will use the stand your ground law. >> it has been a month since this happened. do we have any better idea where george zimmerman is at this hour? >> reporter: don, a good question. a lot of people want to know that. at this point we do know that his attorney knows where he is. the attorney did indicate that
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police may not know where he is. some confusion with regards to that but george zimmerman clearly in hiding at this point. hard to get in touch with him through phone or where he lives. we even went by his home address several times. we were unable to find him there, don. >> and as we understand his own attorney has said he has told him and given him the advice to lay low at this point and stay out of the media spotlight. thank you, george howell. even president obama weighed in on the trayvon martin case but republican presidential hopefuls immediately accused him of being divisive. more in the talking points coming up. don't miss that. hard to imagine why a u.s. soldier might have carried out a brutal massacre of civilians in afghanistan, but new details are shedding some light on what happened last month in kandahar province. investigators believe staff sergeant robert bales returned to his base between rampages in two villages.
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sara sidner has more. >> reporter: this case is becoming more and more curious. for every detail that's released, more questions emerge. the latest detail comes from a u.s. official who told cnn that army staff sergeant bales left his base, went to one village and then returned to base and went to another. in both villages people were massacred. now the questions that arise from that is exactly who may have seen him when he returned to base. did he go inside? how was it discovered that he was left, and how did he end up in two different villages without anybody noticing, and the second bit of information that we've been able to get is from an afghan official that has now been confirmed by a u.s. official that compensation has been paid to the victims of the massacre, and we're talking about a figure, somewhere around $860,000, the equivalent of that has been paid in afghani in cash. we understand that for each person who died the family member got $50,000, and for each person who was injured, family
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members got $10,000 per person. >> all right. sara, thank you very much. i want to bring in retired general james "spider" marks for some insight in to this incident. you've been around soldiers your entire time and understand the stress. your gut reaction when you hear the possibility that bales could have gone on one killing spree and returned to base and go out to kill more innocent civilians. >> as you indicated, this is speculation. let's not get too far ahead of the investigation before we try to pot a spotlight on it. however, in this particular case obviously sergeant bales turned himself in when he was done with this rampage. now, i think, as you've indicated, it appears that there may have been two. this clearly was an nco who previously had a very strong track record of discipline and was a good soldier. clearly, he went completely off the reservation. something went terribly wrong with him and for him to conduct
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two specific operations like this, to leave and go to one village and then return and go to another village, again, speculation that that took place, but it clearly goes to the level of exhaustion and the troubles that this young non-commissioned officer was in. it's very, very important to also understand, and there were comments about his not being noticed when he was in the villages. let's bear in mind this was done during hours of daylight. limited amounts of electricity and his ability to get in and around villages probably should not be questioned. the real thing is what was his state of mind and we'll get into that in great detail. >> want to come back with you after the break, about aid to the victim's family and what it might suggest about the case against sergeant bales. pope benedict xvi led 4,000 catholics in an open-air mass today. this is the pope's first trip to spanish-speaking latin america.
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in a message to the crowd he asked mexican catholics to boldly promote peace across the country and much to the onlookers' delight the pope later donned a sombrero. monday he travels to cuba. it is monday in seoul, south korea, where president barack obama will attend the nuclear security summit and just minutes ago he finished speaking about the threat posed by countries such as iran and north korea. he discussed his vision for a world free of nuclear weapons. >> so our shared future and the unprecedented opportunity to meet shared challenges together is what brings me to seoul. over the next two days, under president lee's leadership we'll move ahead with the urgent work of preventing nuclear terrorism by securing the world's nuclear materials. this is an important part of the broader comprehensive agenda that i want to talk with you about today. our vision of a world without nuclear weapons.
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>> sunday the president saw firsthand the threat south korea lives with. he toured the korean demilitarized zone, shaking hands with soldiers. it was the president's first visit to the tense border between north and south korea. it's not always kissing babies and pressing palms on the campaign trail and you don't need to tell that to presidential candidate rick santorum. >> why would we put someone up who is uniquely -- pick any other republican in the country, he is the worst republican in the country to put up against barack obama. >> if you thought that was feisty, wait until you hear his response to reporters when questioned about that statement, but next more on the american soldier charged with killing afghan civilians. the u.s. is giving financial compensation to the families of those victims. we'll talk about it with general spider marks. greetings from the windy city of chicago.
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will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to back now to retired general james "spider" marks. general, the u.s. government is paying $50,000 to families of the victims of the massacre. we want to understand. is this an admission of guilty of the u.s. military paying money to victims, is this saying one of our soldiers did this? >> what this really is, these are reparations, the term could be blood money. this has taken place in our experience around the globe. unfortunately, we have more experience in this than we probably prefer.
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it's not an admission of guilt. what it is it's an admission that something went terribly wrong. the united states in this case raises its hand and says, look, we want to try to make this right, and we want to try to make sure that you understand that the victims and their families understand that this was a grievous event. we are terribly saddened by all of this, but we need to move forward, and we hope in some way this helps you and your families get over it. it's not a legal admission of guilt. now, there is, however, in sharia law, there is in fact explanations for things called kisas or dia which get to the terms we know as blood money. >> we've done it before. had experience with this compensation before. >> we have done. for example in, korea, we've had a long presence in korea since the war, and sadly, when you end up doing damage to individuals or property, there are
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reparations that routinely occur. >> general, the compensation is reportedly around $2,000 for civilians killed in the combat zone. this is much higher is this because of how the killings occurred? >> no, not at all, don. i think what this is is this is clearly circumstantial. it has to do with the situation that we're in right now. look at what led up to this. you had the challenge with the marines that urinated on some -- some dead taliban. you had the burning of the koran which was incredibly -- represented such incredible rage. it was an assault on islam and the holy book, the koran. whether it was done intentionally or not is not the point. and then you had the murder of these 16 civilians. so those circumstances aggregately, clearly the united states stepped forward and said, you know, we need to make this right and make this right right now in a way that's significant and demonstrates our desire to try to be a part of a solution moving forward. >> but does this payment put people -- these people in jeopardy given that they are suddenly receiving a windfall in a lawless region haunted by the taliban? >> well, you know, that's very, very true.
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clearly, local security is always an issue. i wouldn't begin to speculate on what they do with this reparation, this cash payment in afghanis' $50,000 equivalent. i don't know where it goes, how they access it or who takes care of it. it might be a draw and they pull off of it as they need it. i just don't know, don. clearly, you can draw the conclusion that it increases their risk a tiny bit. >> bales faces 17 murder charges. there were 16 victims. any idea why that might be? >> i don't, don. i'd be purely speculating if i gave you thoughts, and i don't want to wander down that path. we'll clearly know this when the investigation plays out. >> general marks, thank you. appreciate it. >> don, thank you. now listen to this. >> if i had a son he would look like trayvon. >> should the president have commented on the trayvon martin case? that conversation after a quick we just had ourselves a little "journey" moment there. yup.
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nine supreme court justices with a big decision and the potential to impact millions of americans. in a matter of hours, the supreme court will begin hearing arguments for and against president obama's health care overhaul. the court will have to decide whether the sweeping changes are constitutional. the big fight is over the law's central provision, the so-called individual mandate which requires americans to buy health insurance. it's set to take effect in 2014, and as it's written now, those who don't buy insurance would face penalties. the justices could strike down all or just parts of the law. that may mean throwing out the individual mandate which some proponents of the law say is the linchpin that makes the whole plan work. they may not rule on everything
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this year, but whatever the outcome, we'll have to wait to hear until the decision comes in june. republican presidential hopeful rick santorum has often said the president's reform bears a striking resemblance to the plan mitt romney enacted as governor of massachusetts. well, today when talking about romney's plan in wisconsin, santorum questioned his gop rival's credentials. >> why would we put someone up who is uniquely -- pick any other republican in the country, he is the worst republican in the country to put up against barack obama. why would wisconsin want to vote for someone like that? >> well, cnn's shawna shepherd is in racine, wisconsin, for us tonight. were you there for those comments, and you were also there when things got a bit testy between rick santorum and another reporter. shawna, what happened? >> reporter: hi, yes. after the speech rick santorum was working the rope line,
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greeting supporters, signing autographs, when a reporter from the "new york times" went up the rope line and asked him just to on the comment that you just heard, that he said that governor romney is not qualified to go up against president obama, and it was interesting because rick santorum, you know, appeared to get pretty worked up, and he said, you know, you guys are distorting what i'm saying. quit distorting my words and then he said, quote, and it's bs, but he used the full term there. i walked up shortly after that moment and caught the rest of the exchange, and rick santorum just continued to go after jeff fellani, making comments, you know, after he would make a statement. he was somehow telling the "new york times" reporter that he didn't say that and then hours later we have his spokesperson releasing a statement saying
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that rick santorum was going on the offensive there in that speech and that he spoke plainly and clearly, that all of the republicans in the field, mitt romney is the worst candidate to take on barack obama, so clearly they are taking on that statement, running with it. but, you know, at the time, santorum seemed to be a little on the defensive. >> shawna, is he denying the b.s. part of the statement, that he said that? >> they didn't comment on that part. >> okay, all right. shawna, thank you. we appreciate it. republican hopefuls and even president obama weighing in on the trayvon martin story. here's the president on friday in the rose garden. >> if i had a son, he'd look like trayvon. and, you know, i think they are right to expect that all of us as americans are going to take this with the seriousness that
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it deserves. >> okay. this was a very interesting conversation that i'm going to play for you now. i spoke with cnn contributor will cane and elsie granderson and also senior writer at espn, and i asked them if the president should have commented on the case. they did not hold back. here it is. >> a lot of people are tripping over themselves trying not to say race, trying not to say color. you know what? that's a vital part of this conversation, that's a vital part of this entire scenario so to assume that president obama, a black man in the united states would not have a reaction to what happened to trayvon martin is incredibly ridiculous. so it's natural for him to respond to that. >> i wonder if the situation was reversed, if president bush, let's just say, pick a president, who is a different color, commented on this and said, you know, i have -- i remember having -- when my son was 17 years old -- would people be saying the same thing about it because that's essentially
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what the president was saying, if i had a son meaning he'd look like trayvon, you know, yeah. >> you know, it's really, really disheartening to me to see, you know, newt gingrich and rick santorum try and politicize this. >> we're going to get to them. i'll play their sound bites and then we'll talk about it. do you think the president should have commented? >> i have mixed feelings about it, don. i mean, lz makes a pretty compelling argument for president obama stepping into what's become a very divisive issue, but my whole problem with this case, don and my whole problem with anyone commenting on this case from the president down to myself, there's still not a full spectrum of information here. there's not a finished investigation, and i realize, much as the complaint has been, that's what it's about. there's not a good investigation, but there's still this hole in the timeline. >> what do you need? >> everything looks to be condemning towards george zimmerman. we don't have all the facts.
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>> what more do you need? tell me what do you need beyond the 911 tape? >> there's still a moment in this timeline, in this case, where george zimmerman and trayvon martin were face to face. what happened at that moment? was george zimmerman attacked? does he have a legitimate claim to self-defense? obviously that's what he contends. >> you cannot tell me that you thought that skinny 17-year-old boy was going to kill without a weapon that big grown man. that's an absolutely ridiculous stance to take. i hear what you're saying about all the facts but if you look at the physicality of it all, it's a ridiculous argument. >> you want to be judge, jury and executioner. i want to go slow. i don't understand why going slow sparks outrage. i don't understand. >> i think -- i think -- >> it's been a month. >> i think you two guys are mixing up the two things. what the president commented on was the feelings of a parent, and you cannot help but feel for the parents in any situation. you cannot help but feel for anyone who loses a child. that's what many people in the country are commenting on, and
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that's what's raised the emotion. the whole thing about what happened, yes, will, the investigation does have to play out, but what most people are commenting on and what most people feel here are any time someone loses a child, it is terribly horrific and why wouldn't anyone want to comment on that? how could that not touch any person to say something about it? >> well, obviously everything you just said is true, but children die every day in this country. children die under horrible circumstances every day, and we don't talk about it on tv. my only point -- >> we talk about it all the time. i just got through doing a story on the kids who died in afghanistan, and we were talking about it. the president has commented on that. >> i don't think there's an intelligent rebuttal to my point of view here that all we're doing is saying, all i'm saying is we don't have a full set of facts. we don't know everything that happened. the only response i get is outrage and emotion, and all i'm telling you is outrage and emotion aren't good enough. there's a legal system.
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we're innocent until proven guilty in this country. i'm also telling you everything looks bad for george zimmerman here. it looks ugly. >> will, will, we get this. hang on. lz, let me do this. that's not what we're saying. of course the investigation has to play out. that's what every single person has been saying that i've seen on television, every commentator, and everyone has talked about the reports from the attorney saying that this guy was attacked, that his client in fact was the victim here. we understand that, but that's -- while we're at this moment i think people are saying that there's a realization about profiling in america that people don't understand. let the investigation play out for sure. >> no, no, no. >> there's a conversation that people are afraid to hear and don't want to talk about as it comes to profiling. go ahead, will. >> no, no, no. you shifted the debate to racial profiling and that's not the conversation we were having. you asked me a question about what people should be commenting on this case, including president obama and us here sitting in these seats and what i'm telling you unless you're getting on to me and you guys
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are chastising me simply for not joining in outrage and emotion. my job is to come on tv and express outrage and emotion what. i'm telling you the public has made mistakes in these kind of cases before. in the duke lacrosse case. the whole country condemned some guys without a full set of facts. what i'm telling you i think a responsible person in my seat, much less in a -- >> you're expressing outrage in your response now. i'm telling you the difference between the two. >> he's hot. he's hot. >> because i am outraged at the irrationality you're asking from me. you're asking me to come on tv and be irrational and -- >> there is absolutely nothing irrational about what we're talking about right now, will. what i really find irrational is your difficulty in even talking about race. your difficulty -- >> when you -- >> race hasn't even been part of this conversation so far. >> race is always part of this conversation. that's the problem. you're trying to put these items into vacuums as if they are individuals and separate it. they are not. we have a very long, centuries long history of racial tension in this country, so to talk about this subject matter and
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pretend that you can neatly compartmentalize things like that, this is racial profiling and this is the law and this is the stand your ground. they are all integrated. it's all a part of it. let me finish. as far as your emotional response to it, you're a dad. i'm a dad. you should have an emotional response to this. that boy sat in a cold space for three days, and the police did nothing to help find his parents. you should have an emotional reaction to that, if nothing else. that's what you're feeling. that's what you're getting from me. >> my job is not to come on tv and be emotional. i can tell you this as far as the race component. if george zimmerman were black and trayvon was white i would grant george zimmerman the black man the same benefit of doubt that i'm granting any defendant in this case. race for me being a responsible
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commentator has nothing to do with this. >> will, i think -- >> i have to remind you that race has a lot to do with it. >> i don't want to beat up on you, will. you're being outraged at the outrage and again you're right. >> i don't know what that means. >> you're outraged that everyone is so outraged about it. i think you're right that -- >> no, i didn't. i'm outraged that you guys are requiring that of me. >> i didn't require that of you. that's not what i said to you. i'm not requiring that of you at all. that's not what i said. i told you what the president commenting on, i told you about the emotion that people are feeling. but as far as talking about the merits of the case, i agree with you. i think that we have to wait for the investigation to play out, but every time someone comments our talks about the emotion or the reality of racism in the country or the reality of profiling, it doesn't mean that they can't speak to that. >> you didn't ask me about profiling, don. you didn't ask me about profiling. you asked me about the president commenting on this case. >> you went there.
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>> bottom line in the end, i want the viewers to trust me this on this. i will not comment on anything without knowing what i'm talking about, without knowing the facts of every single thing i talk about. hold me to that standard for my political opinion and cases like this. this to me has nothing to do with race. what it has to do with is facts. >> and the fact is race is a big part of this conversation. >> okay. are we done? are we done? we're good. >> this has been so hot the camera's going to blow up. you heard this thing buzzing the whole segment long. seriously? have you heard it buzzing? >> i love it. you know what i like about this? i think it's good to have these sorts of conversations. will and i are friends. lz and i are friends and we are all friends. talk like this all the time as we do on television. >> exclamation point. this is about race. >> the country should be talking like this, as well. so thank you guys. >> we should all be as honest. we don't have to castigate each other just for being honest, and we don't have to hate each other
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just because we may disagree. and for those of you who are concerned, we wanted you to see this. will tweeted this photo right after the segment ended showing us that we know how to disagree without being disagreeable. there was a little beer summit at the time warner center so they had a chance to talk more. why we love to talk to them each sunday. have the conversations yourselves and get it out. it's good. it's important. okay. moving on now. after five heart attacks former vice president dick cheney has a new outlook on life. we'll tell you why. that report is next. business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at
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checking your headlines right now. investigators for the u.s. military say the soldier accused of a massacre in afghanistan returned to his base between rampages in two villages. staff sergeant robert bales could face the death penalty in a military court. he faces 17 counts of murder. the military is paying $50,000 in compensation for each victim of the massacre. the man who once stood a heartbeat away from the presidency now has someone else's heart beating in his chest. former vice president dick cheney underwent a heart transplant on saturday. he's worn a pacemaker for more than a decade and has survived five heart attacks since 1978. cheney had waited 20 months for a transplant and at 71 he was nearing the age limit. welcome news for gas-weary customers. a lundberg survey says prices may be peaking below $4 a
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gallon. and after jumping 11 cents over the past 2 weeks, not a minute too soon either. the average price of regular unleaded is now $3.93 a gallon but everything depends on avoiding another spike in crude oil prices. fingers crossed. "the hunger games" lived up to hype and then some. the movie raked in an estimated, get this, $155 million this weekend, the third biggest debut in north american box office history. it is based on a best-selling young adult novel. a sequel is already in the works to be released in november of next year. as if i had to tell you that. the outrage over the shooting of unarmed teenager trayvon martin reaches the white house. president obama weighed in and some of the presidential candidates went after him for it but who is really politicizing this tragedy? no talking points erist anti-aging eye roller. its hydrating formula with caffeine-conditioning complex
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to the united states. over the coming years, projects like these could create more than half a million jobs in the us alone. from the canadian border, through the mid west, to the gulf coast. benefiting hundreds of thousands of families throughout the country. this is just what our economy needs right now. the arrest of zimmerman will not be the end. it's just the beginning. >> mm-hmm. >> but in my estimation, there needs to be outside forces, the department of justice, the fbi, the community relations service of the department of justice should be on the ground in sanford. this is having a chilling effect on young african-american males, their mothers, their fathers. >> that was congressman john lewis with me just a few days
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ago reacting to the killing of trayvon martin. it is time now for "no talking points." trayvon martin and president obama's comment. >> you know, if i had a son he'd look like trayvon. >> boy, did that comment strike a nerve. it comforted many who wanted the first black president to say something sooner, but for republican presidential candidates, current and former, it was red meat. newt gingrich wasted no time. >> is the president suggesting that if it had been a white who had been shot that would be okay because it wouldn't look like him? it's just nonsense. dividing this country up, it is a tragedy that this young man was shot. >> a white? michele bachmann, not even running anymore, defends newt gingrich. >> i think what newt gingrich said is race shouldn't be a factor. all human life is valuable. >> next, rick santorum.
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>> and then, his, again, politicizing it. this is again not what presidents of the united states do. what the president of the united states should do is try to bring people together, not use these types of horrible and tragic individual cases to try to drive a wedge in america. >> the president himself hasn't responded to the gop criticism, but one of his top advisers has, specifically referencing gingrich. >> those comments are reprehensible, and you know, speaker gingrich is clearly in the last throes of his political career. you know, you can make a decision whether to go out with some shred of dignity or say these reckless things and he's clearly chosen the latter path and that's unfortunate for the country. >> context is everything. we have said it over and over and over again in our "no talking points" segment. the president said this case made him think about his own kids and every parent in america
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understands the importance of a thorough investigation and then he went on to say this. >> i think all of us needs to do soul searching to determine how this has happened and that means we examine the laws and the context for what happened as well as the specifics of the incident. but my main message is to the parents of trayvon martin. you know, if i had a son, he'd look like trayvon, and you know, i think they are right to expect that all of us as americans are going to take this with the seriousness that it deserves and that we're going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened. >> i'll end the segment by simply saying this. dividing, politicizing, racializing, who exactly is doing this? that's tonight's "no talking point." she disappeared over the
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pacific ocean almost 75 years ago. what happened to her has captured the world's imagination ever since, but now one group says they have a clue that might help them solve the mystery of amelia earhart. a route map shows you where we go. but not how we get there. because in this business, there are no straight lines. only the twists and turns of an unpredictable industry. so the eighty-thousand employees at delta... must anticipate the unexpected. and never let the rules overrule common sense. this is how we tame the unwieldiness of air travel,
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social media really brought this to the attention of the world, and we've been tracking what you've been saying about the trayvon martin shooting and watching it on facebook and twitter, as well. asked people to send their
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thoughts with #cnntrayvon. trayvon's attorney said i don't believe race played a part in the shooting, so he must have gotten killed over his candy. at am davis says even the people who drafted the stand your ground law and the law doesn't pertain -- said the law doesn't pertain to this incident. why in arrest? anita writes this is inequality and justice, inhumane and not racism. fear started this ball rolling. faith wins. thank you for your comments. now to the big stories in the week ahead from capitol hill to hollywood our correspondents tell you what you need to know. beginning with the president's plans for the week in south korea. >> reporter: i'm dan lothian at white house. this week president obama is visiting seoul, south korea. while there, he'll stop by the demilitarized zone, the dmz, that area between south korea and north korea. he'll also visit with u.s. troops who are stationed there. president obama is also holding bilateral meetings with china's
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hu jintao and russia's medveded, among other leaders who are there, as well. after returning from overseas the president switches into campaign mode later in the week with a fund-raising trip to vermont and maine. >> reporter: i'm kate baldwin in washington. the senate will spend the bulk of the week with gas prices with democrats pushing to repeal oil and gas tax subsidies, something they have tried multiple times before and republicans oppose. the house is expected to focus on the republican budget this week and we'll also learn more details on a democratic alternative. neither proposal though is expected to pass the full congress. and both sides will be keeping a close eye on the supreme court as the justices will hear arguments on the land marc and controversial health care law with so much at stake politically for both sides. >> reporter: i'm poppy harlow in new york. a lot of economic news coming your way this week. first off, we'll get the latest home sales and home price numbers as well as the final reading on u.s. gdp for the
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fourth quarter of 2011. wall street and washington will be watching for that number very closely. also coming up, two key reports on consumer confidence and earnings from blackberry-maker research in motion, as well al walgreens. we'll see how the market responds to it all week and we'll track it all week on cnn money. >> i'm jane velez-mitchell. we're getting caught up on march madness and "showbiz tonight" in the middle of the action. catch "showbiz tonight" exclusively weeknights at 11:00 p.m. eastern and pacific or hln. >> always good to see jane velez-mitchell. thanks, everyone. movie director james cameron has done it. for only the second time in history. a person has gone down into the deepest part of the ocean, seven miles down, as a matter of fact. look at that. what he did after he got there, down there, well, that was a first as well. i've got that for you next. available now on the all-new 2013 lexus gs.
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there's no going back. see your lexus dealer. in here, the landscaping business grows with snow. to keep big winter jobs on track, at&t provided a mobile solution that lets everyone from field workers to accounting, initiate, bill, and track work in real time. you can't live under a dome in minnesota, that's why there's guys like me. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ challenge that. new olay smooth finish facial hair removal duo. first a gentle balm. then the removal cream. effective together with less irritation and as gentle as a feather. new olay hair removal duo.
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movie director, director james cameron has gone where very few have gone before. he successfully reached the bottom of the marriana trench today. that's in the pacific ocean off the coast of guam seven miles down. you're seeing footage of some of his practice dives right now, and here is a first. he tweeted from the ocean bottom. we've had our first ocean bottom tweet.
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he wrote, just arrived at the ocean's deepest point. hitting bottom never felt so good. can't wait to share what i'm seeing with you. and for more on that. how cool is that? >> technology has evolved. >> jacqui jeras with our sunday night mystery. first to go to the bottom of the trench. it's amazing. one of my favorite ever documentaries was "blue planet" and i've watched it over and over. they will have to update that. >> this will be a new thing. we'll be able to see some of the video down there right now. four cameras that can see 100 feet out on all sides of him. nice visuals. he should be down there for six hours. that is a ton of footage, right? >> my goodness. >> it's really exciting and it's really groundbreaking in a lot of ways. this has been done before but not for any real significant length of time. one of the big dangers that we're talking about. this is back in 1960, a navy lieutenant went down there. only down there for like 20 minutes. didn't see that.
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a lot of silt and sand. >> this one is not nearly is -- >> it's tiny. like worst than the astronauts in terms of being cramped in there, but they want to make it small, and the real concern is the pressure. it's really pressurized and to use an analogy, like putting 8,000 elephants on top of a mini cooper. that's how much pressure, but technology is so great that his ears won't even pop. won't even feel that at all. >> good luck, good luck. let's talk about. you know, i'm not going to judge. the whole amelia earhart thing, everyone wants to figure it out. i kind of like the mystery of amelia earhart. why does everyone want to figure out what happened to her? >> because she was such a hero, right? >> i agree, agree. sort of her allure. >> you want them to be back on american soil and whatever. this is really interesting because they have taken new technology combined with a really old picture, and they think it could have been actually be what's being called the smoking gun that could help them locate her missing plane as well as her and her navigator.
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fred noonan. so take a look at this picture. tell me if you can see anything out of this, all right? we've got the picture. >> we can see you. >> he can see me. there's amelia. there's a picture of her, and she's trying to circumnavigate the globe and trying to set a record here. they were lost back in 1937, so this is a 75-year-old mystery and there's this international group that have been searching for her. they have done ten searches now. but the state department, along with historians, along with scientists have analyzed this picture, and they say what is in the picture that apparently for some reason we can't see. >> there it is. >> okay. so in the bottom corner of that picture, they say those are the landing gear and the wheels of the bottom of her plane. this was taken three months after the disappearance, and so they are saying the reason why they didn't see it the first time they went around the island to look for it is because they think they maybe survived for a while and eventually the waves came up and brought that plane back into the ocean. >> how do we know?
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>> in july they will spend ten days. the state department, it's the government, come on. >> come on, prove it. what i'm saying about amelia earhart i love amelia earhart. i like the allure, the mystery. why can't we leave well enough alone and let it be a mystery? >> people want to see and feel a part of that history, i guess. >> i get it. i get it. nasa making a solar discovery. where? >> talking about mercury. the smallest planet, the close unfortunate one to the sun, a lot of information has just come back from this mission last week. there's like three or four amazing discoveries. they are seriously calling them weird and wacky because it was completely unexpected and the most unexpected one is the planet that gets up to 425 degrees celsius. >> wow. >> might have ice water on it. >> how beautiful that is. >> they are saying up by the poles of the planet are craters that are deep enough that they are shaded the entire time so that allows us to stay cold enough, and their equipment is seeing this high reflectivity
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that you see right there. all that yellow, and they believe that that could be ice water. that's one of the big discoveries that they have found. they decided to extend their mission another year because they're finding so many things out about mercury. >> you're so mysterious. >> we're here trying to solve some of them. >> all right. we're back after this. so, by combining your auto and renters insurance,
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well, in tonight's "what matters" segment the trayvon martin tragedy captured the attention of the entire country and today some churches leaders who wanted to talk about his death encouraged their congregation to wear one of the symbols of that tragedy, a hoodie. ♪ >> nobody should pretend that this isn't about race. >> he wasn't killed for a hoodie. >> as he forgive those who trespass against us. >> a real suspicious guy. he looks like he's up to no good or something. >> many people wear hoodies. athletes wear hoodies.
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there are people walking the streets walking dogs. hoodies are not just germane to crime or illegal activity. >> we pray for the family of trayvon and for all those who have been affected by the acts of humankind. ♪ >> we're going to take a picture today with this mug shot that says i am not dangerous. racism is. >> people. >> people align. >> stop the violence. >> stop the violence. >> save the children. >> if we fight back diligently, we can prevail. ♪ ♪ he won't give up on you >> only you can sustain us through these troubled times of crisis. see us through as you promised you would do, amen. >> thank you so much for watching this week. i'm don lemon at the cnn world headquarters in atlanta.


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