tv Starting Point CNN March 26, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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please rise for borat, medal ceremony plays the wrong anthem for the winner. they don't play the anthem from kazhakstan, they play borat's version of it. ♪ little red corvette, baby you're much too fast ♪ >> oh, that's prince "little red corvette." i love that song, brings back such fond memories. our panelists this morning, we have four panelists, lenny curry, chairman of the florida republican party, we joined you when we were in florida and we return the favor and host him here in new york city. great to have you visiting us. >> pleasure to be here. >> and john is a political comedian, will cain and fdorian nice to have each and every when of you.
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>> good morning. >> interesting to think it's been a month since trayvon martin killed. >> and two weeks since white people heard about it. >> the story was not that well-known in the media. >> on social media it was making the rounds and finally everyone else picked it up about two weeks ago. >> of course it's our starting point, thousands are expected to make their way to san sford, florida. honoring trayvon martin, and the rally will begin at 4:00 p.m. outside the first united methodist church and the crowds are going to make their way to the civic center which is roughly a half mile away and that's where the city's going to hold a town hall. there are reports that trayvon's parents are expected to speak there, that march comes right after a candlelight vigil held yesterday for martin. there were songs and prayers and more calls for justice. these tributes taking part in cities across the country.
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churchgoers traded in their sunday best for hoodies. reverend jackson addressed a standing room only congregation yesterday in florida, today live from sanford. nice to see you, sir, thank you for talking with us. we're going to get to the referred janckson in a moment. he's had a chance to sit down and talk to the family members. reverend jackson, can i ask you what you've had a chance to discuss with trayvon's parents, now a month since his killing? you know what? i'm going to stop you there, reverend, because we're having some audio problems. technical difficulties, as they like to say. we'll see if we can fix the techal difficulties and get right to the reverend jackson. it's been interesting to me to see the number of marches this has spawned across the nation and i wonder what the strategy is, a month in, as they continue to pressure for calls for justice, you know, what the next
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step is going to be. >> well t see, it seems like th many different cries for justice. it is my fervent hope that reverend jackson is, aside from using this as an occasion to get a community mobilized and pursue voter registration which i think is a very patriotic response to this tragedy we've heard disturbing group from the modern black panthers who put a bounty out on zimmerman's head. if there's ever been a chance to appeal for non-violent messages this would be a time to bring back dr. king's message of nonviolence. >> reverend jackson i hope you can hear me. >> i can. >> you just heard john say a moment ago he was hopeful would come out of the marches and the message that the marches give you an opportunity to deliver. what is your point as you continue to address the crowds assembled, in florida or else
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where? >> i think one point is the man that killed trayvon looked over him, with the gun in his hand and was able to walk away free, like the man who killed emmitt till three weeks later and this is justice delayed, justice denied is humiliatinhumiliating. second, not only should he face a process which he has not faced but the stand your point law shouis an insentive for vigilanteism. given the growing violence in the country there must be revived commitment to revival of battle and assault weapons. we've become much too violent and trigger happy in this country. >> there's a group called the new black panthers that actually are not really related to the original black panthers from civil rights days, the southern
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poverty law center calls them a hate group. they've offered a bounty for the capture of george zimmerman, that's a horrible development in the case. are you calling for peace and calm and for no retribution or retaliation? >> well, i think finding him is unlikely. he's probably very much in the protection of police. it's the recommission, the civil rights commission giving a real sense of where race relations are in the country and may dust off the report, i thought the president's statement was helpful and sensitive. i thought the department of justice is sensitive. in the meantime the killer is still on the loose and his very absence from a process sends a message of pain that will not go away, won't make these demonstrations get bigger here and around the world. >> dorian you had a question. >> good morning, reverend jackson. yesterday you mentioned trayvon
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martin was a martyr. what larger systemic issues his case raises for due process of law, for racial profiling, for a range of issues that i think people, that resonate with people as they turn out to marches and vigils across the country. >> you know that for too long, under the rug has put the impact of racial profiling and the criminal justice system. i have three sons. congressman jesse jackson jr., in a car on graduation, stand spread eagle, embarrassed, whon dering what did he do, university of virginia law, grew up in charlottesville, same experience, jonathan, mba, a&t northwestern school of business, same experience. the death of trayvon is painful, but more common than felt to be, and i think that now may be a
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chance to pull the cover off of just these gaps. we take the biggest hit in the home. the number one in infant mortality, nun one in short life expectancy, number one in unemployment. some focused on the african-american president who is a signal and high profile athletes with you beneath the very near of progress is a hole that is being ignored for too long. >> you had an opportunity to talk to trayvon's parents? what have they told you? you spoke to them last night. how are they doing and what have they updated you on? >> you know, they have lots of pain. it's their baby but amazing strength. every time they hear that tape and finally hear the shot, that shot is on their baby so they feel that intensity, and yet they have a greater sense of social consciousness in terms of
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this could be a transformative moment to adress the trayvon martins of the country who have been shot and falsely imprisoned in the same way. you think about it, the kid was drug tested and alcohol tested, but the killer was not. how humiliating can that be? that is so typical. that's why in this state, 16% black population, 49% jail population african-american. alabama, 30% black, prison 70% black. and prison labor, this whole dynamic of using blacks as fodder in the prison industrial complex, all of this stuff is coming out, it would not have come out had this not illuminated the darkness. >> reverend jesse jackson, thank you for your time, sir. nice to see you. john, i don't think he answered your question the call for
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retribution and retaliation for george zimmerman. >> i'm hoping we hear it. i've been disappointed how many friends of mine that describe themselves as liberal are using violent language. >> it's disturbing the bounty on a human being's head. it's sick. >> the opposite of everything dr. king stood for. i hope cooler heads prevail. >> we'll get to talk to natalie jackson, the attorney for trayvon martin's framily and craig sonner, criminal justice attorney and sanford's city manager nor than bona parte jr. first, christine romans has the headlines. >> good morning, president obama and more than 50 world leaders are in soul, south korea for the 2012 summit.
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the president sent a clear warning to north korea. >> there will be no rewards for provocati provocations. those days are over. >> the president is urging iran and north korea to have the courage to suspend their nuclear weapons programs instead of following "a road to isolation and economic distress." afghan officials say the u.s. paid $50,000 to the families of each villager killed in a shooting rampage and $11,000 to those who were wounded. army staff sergeant robert bales is charged with murdering 17 afghanville annualers, includ r afghanville villagers, and karilyn bales speaking publicly for the first time in an interview with nbc. >> he loves children. he's like a big kid himself. >> he is accused of killing nine children. >> right. >> innocent children. >> it's unbelievable to me. i have no idea what happened,
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but he would not -- he loves children and we would not do that. >> bales is charged with 17 counts of murder. he could get the death penalty. u.s. military investigators say bales left his base in rural afghanistan twice to carry out the massacres. pope benedict xvi arrives in cuba on his first trip to spanish speaking latin america. the country was owe fficially a atheist state in the 1990s. he asked mexican catholics to boldly promote peace across the country. later in the popemobile he even put on a sombrero. the crowd went wild. >> happy "hunger gamds" and may the odds be forever in their favor. the box office took in a record $155 million in its opening weekend, it's the third biggest
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opening ever and the best by a movie that's not a sequel, if you add in the nearly 60 million "the hunger games" made outside of this country, they had nearly $215 million and 39% of movie-goers were under the age of 18. >> and may the odds be always in your favor. i saw it last night. it's a little violent for kids, i wouldn't bring a youngish teenish. >> would you make them read the book first? for a pre-teen make them read the book first. >> the books are much more violent. >> reading versus watching really gives thaw distance. thanks, appreciate it. still ahead on "early start" a health care showdown happening in the high court with the decision coming in the thick of an election year. this more than mike dewine, one of the attorneys who is suing the federal government. and a national anthem,
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7:17 am in less than three hours the supreme court will hear arguments on at fordable care act, the bill signed into law two years ago by president obama. 26 states are challenging the law and arguments are scheduled over the next three days. first up today, should the case be heard at all or wait until 2015 after the individual mandate portion takes into effect. the obama administration feels good about their chances on this case. >> we're confident it will be upheld. you had democratic and republican jurorists held it in two decisions. >> republicans are hoping for a different outcome. >> the process was bad, the substapts gone over like a lead balloon. the vice president whispered to the president when he signed the bill two years this is a big f-ing deal and now it's a big
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f-ing mess for the country a whole. >> kind of too early for that talk. >> just par for the course. >> on cable, apparently. >> i hate when lindsay graham gets ghetto. >> glad he didn't use the whole word. let's get to mike dewine, attorney general of ohio, one of the states suing in this case. >> good to be back. >> thanks for your musical choice. two thumbs up for you. so obviously today is in the big picture about whether or not the court should take up this case. what do you think will happen here? >> here we are, waiting for a couple years and the lower courts have made their decisions and they've kind have been all over the place. now it's where we knew it would get, the united states supreme court. >> you could wait, though. you could have skipped and let it go into effect and then suing after that. why not wait until i think it's 2015? >> i don't think this is in anyone's interest to have the
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matter continue on. the obama administration finally figured that out as well so everybody's on board. the supreme court needs to decide this and we need to figure out where we're going as a country. >> let's walk everybody through, through sort of what will be the biggest argument which i think will be tomorrow which we'll get to the individual mandate really the most controversial part of the bill. the argument is whether or not congress can make laws and for those who support, they think that is the individual mandate constitutional is the big question there. people who want to uphold it would say congress is regulating commerce and people who want to strike the law in case of insurance if there's no purchase, there's no actual commerce happening, and then people's answer to that who would like to uphold the law say if you're not buying, that still counts as an action to the cost of some $60 billion or so. that's a very rough outline of how that would go. why do you think in your mind it's so clear this does not fall
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under the jurisdiction of congress, sir? >> well, if this is upheld, if congress can do this, there's really no limit to what congress can do. this would be the furthest stretching of the congress clause we've ever seen in over our 200-year history of this country. if congress can compel you and me and everyone who is watching to buy a particular product, in this case, health insurance, there's no limit to what they can compel you to do under the guise that this is regulating interstate commerce. what we have is a situation where people are doing nothing. they're not engaging interstate commerce, they're not buying anything. they're sitting back and doing nothing and congress is coming along, the president's coming along and saying well, but that really is engaging in interstate commerce, and so what's troubling i think is that the obama administration in their arguments so far have really not delineated any limit to this power. there's just no limit to what they could do in the future, a
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future congress, a future president can do. it's about liberty, it's about state's rights. it's about fundamental relationship between the federal government and the state government, and the federal government and the people, and their liberties. >> lenny curry is with us, of course the chairman of the florida republican party and your state, of course, has peaed in on this lawsuit as well and i'm curious to know what the strategy is when you look at all the other things that congress actually does mandate. if the neary is as we heard from mr. dewine, where does it end you have to buy, jeff toobin was saying cars have to be made with seatbelts. you have to get medicare, medicaid, you have to pay your taxes, those are mandated federally. will cain is shaking his head no. why am i wrong? >> philosophically a bigger request he, requiring someone to purchase a service or product by virtue of the fact they're alive and breathing, is the federal government beginning to control
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what is produced and consumed and republicans believe free enterprise is the best way forward. free enterprise is what lifted more people out of poverty in the history of the world than any other economic program in the way that folks operate. so this philosophically it's about the constitution, but fife of soically, do we believe government should control goods, services and production or free enterprise and individuals and businesses. >> go back to our last question to mike dewine before i lose him. what is the biggest challenge, today, tomorrow, wednesday? >> the big day probably is tomorrow, the individual mandate, that is where the focus has been but the court, you know, could make a decision not to really hear the case at all. i don't think they're going to. the obama administration wants this heard and the states want it heard. i think tomorrow the individual mandate where most of the discussion has been, that's where the action is and where
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game will be. >> the world will be watching closely, the supreme court negotiating over health care. thank you, we appreciate your time, mike dewine the ohio attorney general. ahead on "starting point," trayvon martin's parents attorney joins us. a big gold medal winner but not playing the real version, borat's version. how do you like her face? >> funny but not funny. >> funny but sad. we leave with you john's playlist the psychedelic furs. not in this economy. we also have zero free time, and my dad moving in. so we went to fidelity. we looked at our family's goals and some ways
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to help us get there. they helped me fix my economy, the one in my house. now they're managing my investments for me. and with fidelity, getting back on track was easier than i thought. call or come in today to take control of your personal economy. get one-on-one help from america's retirement leader. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪ we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back.
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♪ the national anthem of kazhakstan, that's our "get real" except it wasn't the real an they will. a member received a gold medal at the arab championships in kuwait, had her hand standing listening to the national anthem and realizes it's not the real national anthem. someone had played the wrong anthem, they played borat's version. in borat's version he boasts about the, it's a parody, boasts
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about cleanliness, i'm being careful of the nation ed process "daily dose" -- i can't get into the lyrics because they're crazy. they downloaded it from the web and kazhakstan has called it a scandal, i should point out it was across the board the are on shooting schmps also got wrong the serbian national anthem, eventually they redid the entire ceremony with the correct anthems but that is as you said sad but funny but not funny. >> still upset over borat. >> they got the serbian national anthem wrong as well? >> yes, so it was just poorly done on all fronts apparently. moving on, still ahead on "starting point," the attorney for trayvon martin's family will join us life, talk about what the family is looking for, one month since trayvon was killed. rick santorum, he night need a miracle to win the nomination but stepping up his attacks on mitt romney, saying he's the worst republican to pick, ever. you're watching "starting point." we'll talk about that, straight ahead.
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♪ i love this song, lenny curry i love that song, will smith "just the two of us." other stories to get to first this morning, christine has that. >> good morning, soledad. turkey can no longer ignore atrocities on its doorstep, recalling its ambassador and closing its embassy in syria. the two countries share a 566-mile long border. 17,000 refugees who have fled the violence are in turkey. a human rights group says 14 more people were killed in syria in the last now hours. french authorities filed criminal charges against the brother of mohammed merah. abdul qatar merah is accused of complicity in the seven murders and two attempted murders
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committed by his brother and charged with conspiracy to prepare for acts of trichlerror. dick cheney underwent a heart transplant this weekend. he's 71 years old, he's had five heart attacks. before getting the transplant cheney was being kept alive by a heart pump that was implanted in 2010. he's back for the first time in more than two years, tiger woods is a winner on the pga tour. woods ended the drought at the arnold palmer invitational yesterday with a five-stroke victory. 923 days, 923 since his last tour win, the master tees off in two weeks now. and are your brackets still alive? the final four is set and no cinderella teams will be heading to the big dance in the big easy this year. it will be kentucky and louisville in a battle of the bluegrass state and kansas versus ohio state saturday in
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new orleans. the winners play in the national championship game on monday. monday, soledad, that's the day. >> thanks, christine. >> welcome. later today we are expecting to see what could be the biggest march yet in honor of trayvon martin, a month after he was killed, the unarmed teenager shot by a neighborhood watch captain by the name of george zimmerman. this afternoon at 4:00 eastern people will gather not far from where the young man was killed for a rally and for there we head to the civic center for a town hall meeting where trayvon martin's family is scheduled to speak. people across the country wore hodis to honor trayvon jackson. let me talk about this march and town hall. what are you hoping to get out of this next step in raising awareness? >> i think this next step is about unity, soledad.
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i think that america is ready for everyone to unite under justice. this is not the divisiveness and different agendas people have. as sabrina fulton said trayvon is america's child now. >> let me ask you a question about george zimmerman, the neighborhood watch guy who shot and killed trayvon martin. there is a group called the new black panther party that offered a bounty really on his head. i know that trayvon's parents are aware of this. what's their reaction to that been? >> their reaction to this is that they did not endorse or condone this. they want a lawful arrest in this case. they want the justice system and they want the legal system to work. >> let's talk about your strategy as an attorney, hate crimes, as you well know, are very, very hard to prove. what is the strategy for state court, which is where i'm told it could be an easier effort for
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your side, what's the plan? >> in state court, our plan is just to present the evidence that we have gathered as attorneys. the problem with this case is as attorneys we should not have had to gather any of the evidence and do any of the investigation, but we have, and we're willing to turn that over to the prosecutors in this case, and we believe once they see all of the evidence in this case, and we believe that once it is presented to a jury, then the jury will convict george zimmerman. >> sounds like you don't think the police did their job beyond what the conversations have already been not arresting george zimmerman at the scene. is that correct? >> that's correct. clearly the investigation in this case was either bungled or ignored completely. our legal team has had to put together investigators and take interview witness statements, pretty much trace the whole scene again and we're willing to turn that information over to the prosecutors, and i'm sure the new prosecutor will also
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conduct her own investigation, as she said. >> george zimmerman's attorney was talking over the weekend, talked about the stand your ground law and also talked about the attacks he said happened on his client, said his nose his broken, there was a cut on george's back. he said he was attacked by trayvon. listen to what he said. >> he sustained an injury to his nose and the back of his head, i believe it broke his nose and he had a pretty good cut on the back of his head that probably could have used stitches but in the time it took for him to get to the hospital i think they opted not to put stitches in. >> this seems like an indication of what their strategy will be, which is this was self-defense. he was actually attacked by trayvon martin. >> well i'll tell you, soledad, there can be no strategy if there is no arrest. that's what the family wants in this case. they want an arrest so that they can get justice in court. george zimmerman has a right to present his evidence to the your
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ai len let them decide. we know as the public and as the attorneys in this case from jornl zimm george zimmerman's words, trayvon was not a threat to him and he was running away from zimmerman, in zimmerman's own words. that doesn't sound like an attacker. >> geraldo rivera made news over the weekend when he said this about what trayvon was wearing. >> i am urging parents to not let their children go out wearing hoodies. the hoodie is as much responsible for trayvon martin's deaths ageorge zimmerman was. parents, don't let your kids go out wearing these damned hoodies because they could attract the attention not only of cops but snut jobs like this george zimmerman. >> wlafs your reactiwhat was yo
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to that? >> it's a sort of ridiculous statements. hoodies don't carry guns. they're clothing. our children, black and hispanic should be able to wear clothing just like white children or any other child. >> natalie jackson is the attorney for trayvon martin's family. thank you for your time. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we'll continue to follow this story from all angles. high school students walked out in protest in the trayvon martin shooting, some forming his initials on a football field. teachers talking about the case as well. we'll discuss that straight ahead. rick santorum is lashing out at mitt romney and had harsh words for supporters and a little tears for fears this morning, "everybody wants to rule the world."
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you know what's exciting, graduation. when i look up into my student's faces, i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix, that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor, i am committed to making a difference in peoples lives and i am a phoenix.
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welcome back, everybody. you're listening to will cain's playlist, chris knight "oil patch town." rick santorum is fresh off a win in the louisiana primary, 20 delegates in louisiana, talking about republicans, though, he says are not yet ready to hand the nomination off to governor mitt romney, even though the governor has a big delegate lead, former governor, nearly half way toward the 1,144, magic number needed to win the nomination. senator santorum slammed the front-runner. >> why would we put someone up who is uniquely, pick any other republican in the country. he is the worst republican in the country to put up against barack obama. why would wisconsin want to vote for someone like that? >> senator santorum would say i
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was talking about health care. i was talking about romney care. will cain is shaking his head. >> larry craig is the worst choice. >> he has since said he wanted to clarify his remarks. are you surprised? >> i am surprised and look, each of the guys that are in the race had their shot to get this nomination. they rose and they fell. mitt romney has won florida, illinois, ohio, battleground states that we're going to need to win in the general election in november. so i would hope that rick santorum and newt gingrich would step back and think about how this is affecting us in our ability to compete in november in the general election. >> how do you think it's affecting? what do you think it is doing? >> some have suggested this isn't hurting us because hillary clinton and barack obama drug their election out in june. the different was there was no incumbent president. we have a president raising and sitting on money which puts him in a powerful position.
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mitt romney made the case in multiple battleground states. i'm not endorsing, officially neutral. >> official you have to be neutral. >> and i am. he's won in key battleground states, florida being an important one. time republicans stepped back and think about what's best for the party. we either really believe one of our nominees is better than president obama or we don't. >> isn't our small "d" democratic case to make for states who have not voted to make a decision in the process as opposed to party leadership. florida's voted already so that's easy for to you say but lots of voters in different states haven't voted. shouldn't they have a chance to express their voice towards the ultimate nominee. >> they should. i hope the folks in the race step back, take a deep breath and assess and analyze how what we're doing could affect the outcome in november. >> you and i talked about your observe state, lenny, santorum
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and gingrich want to rewrite your own state of florida. the whole thing smacks of desperati desperation. shake your head but don't be surprised. >> what is it, spoiler rule, why do the two of them don't get out, gingrich and saner snum. >> because there's a large group of social conservatives want them to keep on running and comedians, too, i'm rooting for a santorum/gingrich ticket. >> exit polls out of illinois, conservatives went for mitt romney, tea partiers went for mitt romney. >> they did there but there's discontent among the social conservative base regarding governor romney. i'm sure they'll rally behind him as an eventual nominee but they want to have their voices heard that's the only reason why saner sum still in the race. >> are independents like i'm done, i'm out, sick of this?
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>> every day this carries on we lose the opportunity to argue, make a compelling argument against what president obama and his administration believes america should look like. >> there's an argument that has been said ten different times on the show, long time 'til november, plenty of time to make that argument. can't you make up that lost ground before november? >> we'll deal with whatever hand we're dealt but it would be better if we could wrap this thing up randly and begin to make the argument for i go back to we want to argue for free enterprise. i believe the president's not about free enterprise. we're -- you cannot get time back. time is precious. and we're losing time every day. >> i love having lenny curry here, i can pick his brain about the florida republican party and bigger republican party as well. we got to get to our tease ahead on "starting point" this morning, hundreds of students and dozens of schools walk out in protest of the shooting death of trayvon martin, students across the country are saying it could have been them. we'll tell you what steve perry is telling his students at his
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school this morning. plus wedding crasher, the queen of england pops in on a couple of commoners getting hitched. she was actually invited so technically she wasn't a crasher. you're very cute. we'll share that story with you straight ahead. [ kyle ] my bad. [ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected.
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welcome back. students in miami are going to return to school this morning after hundreds of them at more than 30 schools took part in a walk-out for justice for trayvon martin on friday. the 17-year-old was shot and killed by a neighborhood watchman a month ago today. one school day spelled out his initials on a field. it was so big you can see it right there. you can see it from the air. school administrators and local police departments worked together to keep the huge crowds in order. can you listen to what some of the students said about why they walked out. >> it could have been us, you know? it could us lying on the ground face down. >> they should be put him in jail the man who killed him. >> the topic is a huge topic of discussion at steve perry's school which is a preparatory school and nice to have steve joining us this morning. first and foremost, i was
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surprised to hear you have two students named trayvon. i don't know that was a particularly popular name but is that right? >> i didn't neither until we had them. >> your students did not walk out. i would assume that is something you would never allow at capital prep. were there discussions about it, though? >> i don't know that we wouldn't allow it. our school theme is social justice and want our kids to be agents of change. when you walk out where do you go and when you get there, what do you do? the thing is it's otherwise just walking out, a parade if you don't go somewhere and do something. for us, we want our children to know if you participate in this, make sure it's what it's for. >> what kind of conversations have your students having inside the classroom and outside the classroom amongst themselves and with teachers and administrators? was there a movement to get together a walk-out? >> i don't know they have necessarily been talking about walking out. i think one of the things that is interesting is similar to
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when i was in college and the rodney king beating took place. among the students, they are not surprised by this. they are not surprised that african-american child would be profiled and murdered by someone who felt them to be a threat. i think what they are surprised is that nothing has happened as a result and that, i think, is disconcerting to them because even among the children who expect these types of things to occur, there's an expectation that the adults will let justice prevail and it's been a month since this child was, in fact, killed and nothing has been done in terms of arresting the gentleman who has, in fact, admitted to doing it does set them off and make them uncomfortable. >> john, i'm interested. often, we think of students as very apathetic but they are not all that interested in being a part of any political process. maybe this is a bad definition and maybe not 100% political and more social action and political. do you see encouragement in students walking or or do you see something wrong in that? >> i'm not a huge fan of a
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walk-out as steve says it's just for the sake of walking out but i think we live in a society kids know more about commercial jingle lyrics than civics. i'd like to ask steve -- do you think that this can be a teachable moment where this tragedy can be used to educate young people and what advice would you give to other administrators and educators as to how to let kids know more about their own justice system from this tragedy? >> it is absolutely a teachable moment. in fact, we are at a time in which america is almost aplectic about race. we do have an army president and on the other hand we have a child who is dead in sanford, florida, because i believe of his race. we have to encourage our faculty to be concerned about their own race issues and as well as the children themselves. we have to understand here we are at a time in american history where people have come together to elect an african-american president from all races and walks of life and
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now we have a child who as the president said could have looked like his own child were he to have a male child, dead. >> what are you advising your student to do? you mentioned your social justice school. does that mean a project, a program? what do you do? >> there are. every single child is responsible to put forward a social justice project but those things are already in place. what i'm expecting children to do is to learn from this in the ways that they can. we prepare our children as much as we can for the oftentimes when children will be pulled over by a police officer and some way made to submit to some authority. this is an outlier. this is like lightning striking because no way to prepare the children for this in particular. we want them to do is put in place systems to punish those individuals who do, in some way, do the types of things that george zimmerman has done. >> then what have your students been saying and doing? are they upset? are students crying? >> yes.
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>> are they handling it it emotionally how? >> they are upset. i don't know that they necessarily cry but they are upset. but, again, peculiarly, our children, as i mentioned by comparison with the rodney king, for those of us who were around the same age were not surprised but that it was caught on tape. i think it's not they are surprised they are surprised nothing has happened. again, i say i think they are blown away that the people in positions of power have simply not arrested a person who has admitted to shooting and killing another person. >> steve perry, nice to see. you always appreciate your insights from capital prep. still ahead, world loords in south korea for the 2012 nuclear security summit and president obama with a strong warning for both iran and north korea when it comes to nuke. an easter egg hunt had to be canceled because of pushy parents. >> shocking. >> i know. i'm stunned.
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>> if you're about to head to work, go to our live blog on our website which is to watch the rest of our show. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network.
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good morning, welcome, everybody. our "starting point" a call for justice coming from all across the country today. >> we simply have become much too trigger-happy as a country. >> that is reverend jesse jackson. he talked to us one month after trayvon martin was gunned down. thousands of people are expected to rally today. we will which with sanford's city manager whether they can keep the peace there. president obama warning iran and north korea they are running out of friends and time as well. strong words as a nuclear summit begins in seoul. the wife of staff sergeant
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robert bales breaks her silence and says she is in total disbelief her husband could have murdered nine children. we talked about what she must be going through as military wives stand by her. another disappointing result for newt gingrich. over the weekend in a southern state that he really needed to win, is it time for him to get out of the race? we will talk to his daughter jackie cushman. "starting point" begins right now. ♪ that's lenny curry's playlist. lenny curry thinks he is going to run this town! is that what i'm read nothing your selection? >> it's a good piece for a workout. >> i pick out what i like to run to on the treadmill. i don't know. a florida friend coming into the city. i used to have lenny as the chairman of the republican party and he was kind enough to host us when we were in your state so nice of you to return the favor.
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>> thank you. >> john fugelsang is also with us. we have been talking about the trayvon martin case. this afternoon, thousands of people will be flooding in sanford, florida, to honor him. he was shot dead by george zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain. the will begin at 4:00 eastern outside the first united methodist church and city officials will hold a ton hall meeting in a park in sanford. at a candlelight vigil for martin last night, there were continued calls for justice and tributes happening all over the country, including in many churches where people wore hoodies to church. that is completely inappropriate clotheing in a church except they are trying to send a message about the outfit trayvon martin was wearing when he was
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killed. a sanford, florida, city manager, he is live with us this morning. appreciate you being with us this morning. what are you hoping comes out of these various rallies and town hall meetings that i know there is going to be the city council will be meeting as well. what is the goal out of these meetings? >> first, let me say good morning and thank you for being here. we have a real challenge. the goal for coming out at the rallies, went people to express themselves and know a lot of raw emotions. people are upset and we understand it here. the outcome is to have a peaceful rally and meeting and we love to the community move forward as well as the nation in recognizing what is really behind this and the concern that residents have, the concern for people around this country have in terms of how people are treated by the police and how the justice system works. i've heard a lot of cries about mr. zimmerman should have been arrested. what we have been asking for as a city government is exactly that. let's investigate and let's find
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out, did the sanford police department not do something they should have done and how have they handled the case? what we want is justice for trayvon martin. >> a lot of people will be coming into sanford for the march and rallies, et cetera, et cetera. how is the town going to be able to respond to the huge influx of people that is expected? >> we have had a lot of preparation. in the past, we have had large rallies. we have an annual fourth of july which brings in 40,000 to 50,000 people so we are used to dealing with large crowds. in this case, however, unlike the fourth of july where people are coming to have a good time, people are coming here because they are angry so we are taking precautions. we are trying to be as accommodating as we can and we hope it's a peaceful rally. >> in a pretty horrible new development there's a group called the black panthers and they have put, i'm sure you know this, a bounty on the head of george zimmerman, the shooter in this case. the police chief who temporarily stepped down last week has now
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been receiving death threats in the case. are you worried about security? to what degree? >> we're taking security very seriously. this is a tense moment. but, again, we are looking for a peaceful rally today. >> when you hear about this new black panthers group and this bounty, what is the react to that? i think it's pretty horrific. >> well, i think others have spoken before that people shouldn't take justice in their own hands if, in fact, that is what mr. zimmerman did, it was wrong. for us to do the same thing i think also would be wrong. >> have you been surprised the degree to which this case has gotten national and international attention, sir? >> no, because it hit a nerve. it's not just that this one situation is causing the uproar. this is in sanford, a pattern that is, unfortunately, there have been other instances years ago where black community felt
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that the police treated them wrong and certainly as you look around the country, this is just, i think, a tipping point at this point in time people are saying enough is enough. we have to stop it. it just happened to be in sanford, florida. >> i've seen you give many interviews on tv and i must commend you as being a model of constraint and civility. my question is about the sanford police of chief. can you tell us what his current status it? and is he in this temporary resignation still drawing a paycheck? >> yes. he is on administrative leave and stepped down from his role so he is no longer operating the day-to-day or managing the day-to-day operations of the city police department and we have two captains that have stepped in and they are doing a commendable job. >> you have the authorization to fire him if you choose to do so, sir? >> yes, i do. and people have questioned me about it and i continue to say
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i've asked for an independent review by a law enforcement entity to come and tell me how did the sanford police department do? based upon that information and when i have that information then i will certainly be in a determination to make a determination about the future of chief lee and as well as the entire sanford police department. >> the state attorney's office has this case. >> in terms of the legal process, the sanford police department turned the case to the state's attorney. the governor is appointing a special prosecutor. we know the governor and the president of the united states have weighed in. i'm confident that the investigation, whether done by the sanford police department was correct or not s now being re-reviewed by the state's attorney office and the federal bureau office and the fbi. i'm looking to have a complete, though investigation done by those entities so we can, in fact, know exactly what happened and that, again, justice is
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done. >> thanks for your time, sir. always nice to see you. we appreciate it. >> thank you. in 30 minutes we will talk to george zimmerman's attorney and he will join us live straight ahead. president obama and 50 other world leaders are meeting in seoul, south korea, for the 2012 nuclear security summit. the president is vowing to further reduce nuclear arms in talks with the russians. supreme court hearing arguments in less than two hours with 26 states challenging the legality of president obama's signature health care overhaul. a ruling is expected in june. at the heart of this debate, whether the individual mandate is constitutional. that mandate requires most americans to buy health care insurance or face a penalty in
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2015. gas prices up again. aaa says the na national average $3.90 and a quarter shy of a the all than-time high set in 2008. gas prices, it's all about where you live. several parts of the country, mostly in the west and northeast, already seeing $4 gallon gas or even higher. check on the markets. stock futures for the dow, nasdaq, s&p 500 all up. a mixed week for stocks last week. a lot depends on the economic reports due this week. the focus is on the american consumer. several reports should give us a read on how we are feeling about the economic recovery. how is the fed chief ben bernanke feeling about the economic recovery? he says the jobs market is improving but he is uncertain whether growth could be sustained. he actually says the jobs numbers we have been seeing are out of sync what is happening in the overall recovery. he just started a speech at the national association of business
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economics in washington. queen elizabeth sort of a wedding crasher and unexpectedly dropped in a wedding while in manchester on official business. bride and grobedroom were ready. she did get an invite almost as a goof. the couple said they didn't think they would show up but the queen said she wanted to meet this couple since she was going to be in manchester anyway. he looked like head banger's ball and sounds like carnegie hall. 17-year-old jonathan antoine stopping the show on britain's got talent. listen. ♪ he is being called susan boyle 2.0. "britain's got talent" is the same show that they discovered boyle. this video has been viewed millions of times on youtube. >> good. he is good. i guess simon was not so crazy
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about the female singer. he said ditch your partner and he refused to do it because he says she has been so supportive. >> when coney 2012 video got that massive viewership in week's time it was compared against susan boyle's video. >> i love it. he is good and going to be a star. i call it now! after he just won "britain's got talent." christine, thank you. still ahead, a support in solidarity of the wife of bales. karilyn bales is speaking out for the first time. we will talk to two military spouses who are standing by her. say it isn't so. egg hunt canceled because of overly aggressive parents. john, you're a new parent. here is his playlist.
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wife of the soldier accused of a brutal massacre in afghanistan is speaking out as we learn new information about that rampage. army staff sergeant robert bales has been charged with 17 counts of murder and there are new reports that suggest he may have committed these acts in two separate outings. went out and then return to the base in between and went out again to a second village and that could help the case that the attacks were premeditated. his wife karilyn bales has been speaking exclusive to nbc news. here is what she said. >> he loves children. he is like a big kid himself. >> he is accused of killing nine children. >> right. >> innocent children. >> it's unbelievable to me. i have no idea what happened, but he would not -- he loves children and he would not do
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that. >> military spouses have been speaking now support and solidarity with karilyn bales and two of those join us this morning. both have been married to active duty soldiers for more than 20 years apiece. ladies, thank you for talking with us. i certainly appreciate it. let me begin with you, j.c. this crime is so horrific what is alleged to have happened. have you ever had to give counsel to a military spouse that comes even, you know, anywhere close to what has been, you know, this so seriously involved here? >> i have not. my job is to deal with military spouses on a day-to-day basis. at spouse buzz, we help spouses with the challenges of deployment and then everything you have to go through with reintegration at the end. i've never seen this before. >> yeah? and, vickie, tell me a little
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bit about your experiences. obviously, something like this is really sort of, you know, on the far edge of what happens to soldiers but what kind of advice and what kind of counsel are you called upon to help? >> i work as a clinically licensed social worker. i work with service members and their families on a daily basis. in addition, i get, you know, hundreds of letters each week expressing their concerns about depression, deployment, affects of multiple deployment, their relationships, et cetera. >> well, let's talk about some of that. j.c., your husband has been deployed seven times, is that right? i think a lot of people look at the number of employmend deploy >> one of the important things to remember is the research says that depression -- i'm sorry, deployment is not related to marital dissatisfaction and that is certainly what i've experienced. the important distinction here
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is the difference between deployment and combat. combat is related to higher levels of post-traumatic stress and that is related to lower marital satisfaction, lower confidence in the relationship, and lower belief that the relationship is going to go on. >> here's mrs. bales talking to matt lauer on the "tooedday". >> is it possible in your mind this is just the stress of walk? >> that's what i thought of, yeah. it seems like this mission was different than the iraq tours. so more intense. >> do you believe that your husband ever showed signs of ptsd prior to this deployment or during this deployment? >> i don't know a lot about the symptoms of ptsd, so i wouldn't know. he doesn't have nightmares, things like that. no dreams. >> trouble concentrating? >> huh-uh. >> erratic behavior shifts,
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anything like that? >> no. >> so, vickie. >> yes? >> what was your first reaction when you first heard about this and how do you feel towards what mrs. bales is going through right now? >> my heart really goes out to her, soledad. it's really not her fault. she's a spouse. she really does deserve support. but i think when we look at every aspect of sergeant bales' life, we can't say definitively why it happenned or that it woud happen, but he had tbi, he had momentum deployments. >> that is traumatic brain injury? >> yes. so you do have a lot of risk factors and put in a combat environment. all of those are risk factors. we can't say, you know, why it happened, but he definitely had all of the risk factors.
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>> j.c., the final question to you. are you getting a sense that people are angry? are they angry at sergeant bales for maybe putting the military mission in afghanistan in jeopardy? are they sympathetic towards mrs. bales? what is sense? >> my sense is people's first concern is for the afghan families. you can't hear about nine children being killed and not see your own children there. tragic for them first. a huge amount of support for kerry bales. we can see ourselves in her. and then there is concern for ourselves as military family that something like this could have happened to one of our own, that we missed something, that we let this happen. it's very, very serious for us. >> j.c. and vickie are military wives and thank you for joining us. >> thank you, soledad. >> you bet. >> still ahead, pope benedict is
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>> she is touring with ringo starr playing drums with ringon side-by-side. >> check out our entire playlist at cbs news/startingpoint. >> no one is getting an egg in this easter hunt. a popular easter egg hunt held every year in colorado springs and saened atteattended by hund children the parents could not behave so the egg hunt has been called off. apparently it was so popular there weren't enough eggs to go around. parents went crazy. they didn't have enough space to hide the eggs so they put them out in the field so the little kids need to pick them up off the ground. needless to say the parents started running over the barricades to grab up the eggs off the ground so their kid could get an egg too. >> how will kids learn about jesus if they don't do this? >> i don't see a problem. >> what are you talking about? >> you got to get yours. >> i will say this and i haven't had experience with easter egg
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hunts but as a parents you have to get involved to protect your kid like the pinata. >> are you saying you're an easter egg hunting parent actually? >> i never have done the easter egg hunt. it wasn't in my own house. >> celebrate the message of christ and trampling over other children? >> we do the easter egg hunt at our church but they separate the fields older kids and smaller kids. >> so smart. the pinata thing the older kids will grampl. you have a 3-year-old, your 3-year-old will be trampled by a 7-year-old. >> he will be confused with us people. >> stop! >> joystick parenting only applies to the good things in life. we won't discipline. we joystick to the benefits but, no, no, you're not going to be in trouble? >> what are you talking about? that's not true! we do both. you can help them through some things. >> french babies, we don't discipline our kids. >> please!
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i'm a cuban mom. >> cuban irish? >> i don't know what you're talking about. still ahead on "starting point," the man who shot and killed trayvon martin, this morning, there are growing calls for george zimmerman to be arrested. he says through his attorney it was self-defense and he will join us straight ahead. gop pressure mounts for newt gingrich to get out of the presidential race but he doesn't seem to be budging. we are going to talk to his daughter live, straight ahead well. you're watching "starting point, and we're back in a moment. ♪
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playlist. sam cooke, "a change is going to come." >> every tries to sing along but let sam sing it by himself. >> he was inspired by bob dylan who wrote that song. he sounded like crusty the clown, but i thought it was beautiful when bob dylan sang it. >> let's get to the headlines with christine. turkey says it can no longer ignore atrocities on its doorst doorstep, it's closing embassy in syria. 17,000 refugees who have fled the violence are now in turkey. a human rights group says 14 more people were killed in syria the past furor hours. two priests set to go on trial this morning on a case that has rocked the arch diedia.
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lynn's co-defendant father james brennan is accused of molesting a young boy. louisiana week, a third co-defendant defrocked a priest and pleaded guilty of raping a boy and sentenced to five years in prison. pope benedict xvi arrives in cuba today. cnn is live in havana with more on the pope's agenda. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. that's right. the eastern city of santiago is gearing up the pope' arrival this afternoon and there he'll deliver a large scale public mass and take a pilgrimage to cuba's saint tomorrow. tomorrow, he heads here to havana and meeting with not only raul castro and fidel castro. a pope meeting with not one but
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two communist heads of state. >> thank you. he was tasered and handcuffed and dragged face down across the floor. authorities in oklahoma city are now investigating this video showing an incident at will rogers world airport which happened back on february 20th. police say they stopped james hideabrick, after he tried to get past security to speak with presidential candidate newt gingrich. wow. local station coco reports that gingrich was in oklahoma but not at the airport at the time. the police told abc news the man was suffering mental issues. a gut check on housing for you. the value of your largest asset still down. prices the lowest in ten years, and interest rates are incredibly low. is that finally going to spark some action real estate? rents are rising and cheaper now to buy a home than rent one. in 98 of the top metro areas in the u.s. the only place that makes more sense to rent is honolulu and
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san francisco. home sales are picking up but a third of those purchases are people paying with cash. investors from china and latin america like real estate right now but what about the rest of us? >> i think that people need to discipline themselves. they need to take advantage of the low house prices that are probably going to stay low for the next couple of years. use this time to build up some savings so you can actually get in while the price points are low. >> it's a once in a lifetime combination, he says. if you have the money, home prices could keep falling. they could keep falling but mortgage rates are getting higher. the timing could be right for you. the rate on a 30-year fixed jumped 4% last week for the first time since october. the 15-year, the popular for refinancing is about 2.25% here right now. all right. he has done it. director james cameron has returned after plunging to the deepest spot on earth. the pacific ocean's mariana trench. "national geographic" his partner in this journey says
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camera reached a depth of 35,756 feet below sea level early this morning. seven miles down. listen to cameron describe his desce descent. you go past where the mirs can go and you're still only, you know, halfway there, two-thirds of the way there, it's crazy. >> cameron planned to spend up to six hours on the pacific ocean sea floor collecting samples for scientific research and filming for a documentary. he's the first man to do to that on a solo mission. the last team to do it was in 1960. >> amazing, amazing pictures. christine, thank you. rick santorum is ten delegates richer this morning after he won the louisiana primary over the weekend but it doesn't change the overall dynamics of the race, unfortunately for him. mitt romney is dominating in the hunt for delegates and newt
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gingrich remains a distant third. you see the numbers there on the screen. approaching dangerous territory and losing some of his key supporters. many people don't think he could mount a comeback at this point. listen to what crystal wright who is a washington, d.c. delegate for newt gingrich told cnn over the weekend. >> i think at a certain point, and it's probably going to be in the near term rather than the long term, that newt gingrich is going to have to step aside because he has only won two contests. the delegates aren't there for him and the math isn't adding up and he is going to go down looking like a spoiler. >> she went on to say i'm a realist. joining us from atlanta is jackie cushman who is newt gingrich's daughter. thank you for talking bus. certainly appreciate it. >> thank you. >> let's throw up the results from louisiana. rick santorum was the big winner there winning 49% of the vote an mitt romney 27% and your dad at 16% of the vote and ron paul at 6%. when you look at these numbers, what do these results tell you about how your dad is doing, not
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only in the state of louisiana but doing overall? he has only won two states. >> i think it's very important, soledad, for us to look not at just the results of the one state but where we are in the race and i think a couple of things. as you know and as most of your audience knows, you have to have 1,144 delegates before the convention to lock up the nomination. the reality is if you look at the math for all of the candidates, not just for newt gingrich or not just for rick santorum but even mitt romney who is currently in the lead right now, it is not a definite fact they will get that 1,144 delegates. what that means is a very high likelihood we will end up having an open convention or a contested convention or use whatever word you want to have before convention, but the fact of the matter remains it's very likely the republicans will not have a nominee before they go to the convention this fall. >> we have some words from some high ranking republicans who said this about the chances for mitt romney. listen.
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>> i think the primary is over. romney will be the nominee. >> i don't know he would say it he has it wrapped up. clearly on his way and the prohibitive front-runner. i think the sooner we coalesce romney the winner the better off we will be. >> do you think they are wrong? >> i think we have a different expert. i agree with governor palin who said several times part of this primary and part of the reason she is interested in continuing it allows us to talk about ideas and platforms and one of the reasons that my dad is very intent on staying in, let's look at the last few weeks. he has been very focused. newt gingrich has been very focused on an american energy policy, talking about using our own resources to get gas down to become independent of the middle east and pay down our own debt. that conversation, those ideas have driven the white house to respond. that is huge. we have a republican candidate who is driving the national narrative with the white house. that's very important and it's very important that we have these ideas come up and be
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talked through and american people to listen to them as part of the primary process. >> it sounds like you're saying staying in the race might make you a spoiler but it basically gives you an open mike for the media to chase you around and give you an opportunity to talk about things, issues that you want to bring up, even if it does mean you're undermining potentially the front-runner? >> i disagree that we are undermining the front-runner. you know? clearly that is what mitt romney team thinks and continue to talk about. what we believe it's very important for the american people, for the american voters to talk about, to think about ideas, does the media help with that? absolutely. that is how you get to the american people. it's through the media so it's very important to use that but what is most important, the reason my father is running is he believes in the power of the american people. he believes in the power of ideas. he believes that as a nation working together we can be more and do more and that is what he is focusing on. >> let's talk money moo moment. there is a report in reuters that says your father's money in the bank is essentially the
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equivalent to the money that he owes in debts as well and reports of people who work on the campaign saying they have been submitting voices that they haven't been paid sometimes just a little bit of money and sometimes a lot of money. is he going to -- can they just not afford to pay those folks? >> with all campaigns, you know, we are constantly raising more money and spending money and a lot of that is the timing issue. i would encourage everyone that either likes the ideas, that likes the idea of $2.50 a gas to go to and donate. does the campaign need more money for advertising, et cetera, absolutely. you'll hear the same thing from rick santorum's campaign and the same thing from mitt romney's campaign and hear the same thing from president obama's campaign. all campaigns are driven by money. we absolutely would love for people that like the idea of big ideas and like the idea $2.50 to go to and donate because the donations are incredibly important. >> final question for you. president obama was talking about vavon martin last week and he said this. >> my main message is to the
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parents of trayvon martin. you know, if i had a son, he would look like trayvon. >> your father later responded with this. >> is the president suggesting if it had been a white who had been shot that would be okay because it wouldn't look like him? that is just nonsense. dividing this country up, it is a tragedy that this young man was shot. >> do you think the president was suggesting there, if it would be okay for a white person, young man, to be shot? that seemed to be your dad's interpretation of what the president was saying. >> i never would guess what is in anyone's head when they say something. the fact of the matter is it's a tragedy. i'm the mother are of two children. it's a tragedy when any child in america is shot and a tragedy in america when any child in america something like that happens to them. it doesn't matter what color, background, where they live. it is a tragedy and all american children should feel safe and be safe and as americans, we should focus on that.
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>> jackie cushman, thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much. still ahead, a new report shows that kids across the entire country had been cheting cheating. two senators trying to make a federal case out of the practice of employers asking job applicants for their facebook password. yes! yes! yes! that's interesting, right? before you get the job, we need to check out -- you need to friend us and we need your password. details on that straight ahead. you're watching "starting point." back in a moment. ♪
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of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you, and what we heard helped us create pnc wealth insight, a smarter way to work with your pnc advisor, so you can make better decisions and live achievement. cheating on standardized tests, apparently it happens all over the country. a new report that has come out in the "atlanta journal-constitution" and it uncovered how widespread the problem is. the newspaper looked at 1.6 million records from nearly 70,000 public schools nationwide and found suspicious score increases, higher numbers of
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erasures and other irregularities in 200 school districts. steve perry is joining us now. he is a cnn education contributor. nice to see you. they are talking about roughly 70,000 schools and it was all an analysis of patterns in this report. how widespread, steve, is this problem? >> well, it's in many of the largest districts in america and in some of the smaller ones as well. this, to me, is one of the biggest stories in public education because it serves to undermine the very purpose of education, that somehow a group of the most senior educators in a building, that being the principal, the vice principal and some of the department chairs, would sit down and literally go in and change the answers of children so it would present themselves as if they had done their job which they have not. >> i thought it was compelling
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in this report that it wasn't one teacher trying to make her students look good or his students look good, that was there a whole system that often involved maybe the superintendent, people at the very top and then actual like parties at an event. i think a party in one case where they went to somebody's house to make changes to the exams. >> what is stunning about this is that in one case, one principal is alleged to have worn gloves to erase the answers. >> so he wouldn't get his fingerprints on the paper. >> it has to be premeditated. that means that these individuals have to sit down, someone has to create an answer key and call out the answers to the other clowns in the room who are going to sit there and erase the answers of the children and then set these children, the families, and then the teachers who will get them next year up to fail. >> before you get to the other part, steve, let me ask you a question. tht the "lanta journal-constitution." the newspaper sort of looking at this formula of changes because
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they could analyze it in third grade, the students were doing this well. by fourth grade, their improvements had crashed because it wasn't the same group of students. they weren't focusing on the tests. this is a newspaper monitoring it. is there anybody in the state that runs similar numbers and say we are seeing the same things, we are going to do something about it? >> in some cases, there was some states that did find something. but there's nothing that the "atlanta journal-constitution" did that the states couldn't do themselves. but because some of them became drunk on the relative success, they let it fall. they let these children be failed by these educators and, sadly, sadly, most of the educators had nothing happen to them. many of them have kept their jobs. some of them lost their jobs for a little while and then their organizations fought to get them their jobs back and not only did they get their jobs back but with back pay. meanwhile, the children have lost a year or two of education and no one is saying anything.
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>> it's victimization of poor students. the students were struggling could have gotten actual help but if they are not identified as struggling, no one will step in and help them. steve perry, thanks for the update. he gets so mad. i'm mad too. >> wearing gloves? like "csi." if you want a job, you have to hand over your facebook password. i had on to get the passwords for everybody on this panel! lenny, thank you for your password. interesting what is on your facebook page. just kidding. some senators are fighting back and want the feds to step in on. we will talk about that up next on "starting point." .
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♪ it was always the love songs! that is will's playlist. i like that. >> thank you. when we had our panelist join, we asked for resumes and two years of back taxes for everybody and we also wanted their facebook passwords so i is log in and check out what you're really like. the stuff you don't show us here. two senators are asking the
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justice department to investigate reports that people are being asked for their facebook passwords as they are interviewed for jobs. it's ghkic -- democratic senator chuck schumer. facebook says i don't have to hand over my password. i don't know that that is going to help you in your job interview. but that is kind of creepy. >> i'm very willing to give them my password. they can have that and go ahead. >> really should be people shouldn't put stuff on facebook, right? >> that's not true at all. they shouldn't be asking for this password. the observe solution have two facebook files. one for your friends and one for interviewers. the password is unreasonable and seems like liberals and conservatives could agree on. >> i think an employer going to a facebook page and see what is publicly posted is legit but
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asking for the password is like asking to go through your underwear doors. is it legal? i don't know about schumer and blumm bl blumenthal. >> it's creating jobs. unemployment three-year low is my facebook page. >> you don't have a personal facebook. you know your profile is going to be what everybody is looking at. >> all politics and family. >> yeah. i get it, i get it. he is going to be running for president one day, lenny. no facebook pictures in his facebook page. >> i have students all the time and they post whatever they want. >> you're lying. we're back in a moment with the panel with" "end point." all right, let's decide what to
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do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say. ♪ get down on it if you really want it ♪ get down on it you got to feel.
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♪ ♪ get down on it ♪ ♪ >> kool and the gang. a good way to end this morning. we were talking to craig sauneder. the attorney for george zimmerman and we were scheduled to talk to him today but we had logistical problems with the interview but try to get him tomorrow morning. here is what he said on the nbc -- i will tell you. he says this. when the evidence comes out it will show that george zimmerman was acting in self-defense. one fact we do know is that george zimman suffered a broken nose and injuries to the back of his head and signs of a scuffle, a green grass stain on the back of his shirt. so he is claiming self-defense in this. we move to "end point" and who wants to go first? will, i pick you. >> because i've been in the middle of a debate about this trayvon martin case because i'm unwilling to join the outrage up
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to this point. my message is the potential racial profiling of this case. george zimmerman's ultimate guilt and the stand your ground law in florida should be analyzed separately and, unfortunately, that's hard to do in short television. what we do well in television is outrage. and i wish we could have a full conversation on all of these issues. >> that brings us to a special we are doing on this very topic. maybe we will get a chance to talk to you about that later in the week. larry, what you got? what do you think. >> i want to say happy birthday to my little girl who turns 3 today. >> you're missing her birthday! >> we had a birthday party yesterday. i want to say quickly to our candidates that florida is the model for job creation under governor scott and i'd like to see our candidates talking about that in the presidential and i think governor mitt romney has made the case, it's time to coalesce. >> john, ten seconds. >> in honor of obama care second birthday i'd like to call it
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