tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 26, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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million new customers like jack and jill who by law must get insurance or pay a penalty. lizzy o'leary, cnn. and it is the top of the hour. i'm ashleigh banfield in for suzanne malveaux. let's get you up to speed. the supreme court wraps up day one of a case that affects the future of your medical care and possibly the presidential election in the fall. the justices heard more than 90 minutes of the debate over the health care reform law championed by president obama. it's the first of three days of arguments, two hours a day. rallies for and against the law are adding to all the drama surrounding this case. it's a circus around scotus. we'll have a live report and analysis from the high court in a few moments. today marks one month since unarmed teenager trayvon martin
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was gunned down in sanford, florida. public outcry just keeps growing because the shooter, george zimmerman, has not yet been charged in this case. a cnn/orc poll just out show that is 73% of americans say police should arrest him. 11% say they should not arrest him. and 16% don't know what the police should do at this point. trayvon martin's parents are taking part in a town hall meeting that they will follow up with a news conference a little later on this hour. we have all the angles covered for you live. also, president obama in south korea right now live for a global summit on how to secure the world's nuclear material and also deal with the threat of nuclear terrorism. an open mike caught president obama asking for space on the planned missile defense system in europe. he was speaking with outgoing russian president dmitry medved
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medvedev. take a listen. >> this is my last election and after my election i have more flexibility. >> i understand you. i transmit this information to vladimir, and i stand with you. >> medvedev saying i stand with you. >> also in the news pope ben ticket xvi arriving in cuba for a three-day tour. he will arrive in havana and celebrate mass in revolution plaza on wednesday. it has all the markings of a landmark case. the u.s. supreme court deciding the fate of the sweeping health care reform law. one of the signature accomplishments of president obama's administration. the justices wrapped up the first day of three days of hearings just a short time ago and our congressional correspondent kate bolduan as well as our senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin were not only in court, but they got to hear the whole thing, got it out on the steps. they're with us now live. jeff, let me start with you.
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you have had a chance to sort of think through some of those 90 minutes of arguments. the basic legal issue today wasn't necessarily that mandate itself but the actual jurisdiction, whether this should even be in court today. >> reporter: correct. this was really like the appetizer for tomorrow. tomorrow they're going to hear arguments on whether the law is constitutional. today the issue was is this case appropriately before the court now because as many people know, the affordable care act does not go fully into effect until 2014. one argument that some of the courts have made is that this case is simply premature, that the court should not even pass on the issue until the law is fully in effect. all nine justices today seemed very skeptical of that argument. all nine seemed very inclined to take this case, decide it on the merits, whichever way it goes,
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so i think today's argument only just raises the stakes for what we're going to hear tomorrow. >> so the appetizer with the indication that the appetizer will, in fact, be eaten. did they say anything, and it really does take a keen ear like yours to be able to discern or extrapolate from the questions that the justices asked those attorneys, those shakingly nervous attorneys. did you get anything out of their questions that might indicate where we may be headed tomorrow and the next day? >> you know, obviously, we were all listening for that and trying to hear it. there were bits and pieces, but i think they were pretty cagey. they know the stakes in this case. they know how carefully everyone is parsing and listening to every word they say. so i wouldn't venture a guess on the merits of the case based on what i heard today except to say that i do think the court will decide the merits of the case based on what i heard today, and they're not going to simply kick the can down the road for a couple years, which is what they would do if they accepted the arguments heard today.
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>> interesting. i want to switch over to kate bolduan for a minute. it's funny, i'm watching you listening to jeffrey toobin and you're smiling and laughing. it's like you're the most adorable geek i know, but i do want to ask you about the political -- >> thank you. >> it's a compliment. the political significance of this. all is quiet where our colleague is dan lothian at the white house, and yet there's a virtual cacophony going on behind you. >> it's hugely political and the political stakes are huge as well. there are very important can goal questions that are being asked as well as policy questions as well as social questions and political questions. there is so much at stake here. it cannot be ignored that this case was taken up by the justices in the middle of an election season and will be ruled upon -- they will hand down their opinion smack dab in the middle of an election sea n season, and this being the signature piece of legislation for president obama in his first -- in his presidency as
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well as a signature issue on the campaign trail for all the republican candidates. rick santorum was just here. that indicates just how important this case is to the republican candidates. they are running on this as well as president obama running on it saying this is what i've done for the american people. he think its it's important. the republicans have a lot at stake here too. the political stakes are huge. just as i have been saying and we've been saying, the stakes in general, the legal stakes cannot be overstated. the implications cannot be overstated because the law affects every american. both sides will be able to spin it to their favor. losing could be winning. >> they can try to spin losing, but losing is losing. if obama loses this case, it's
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going to be bad for him and they can spin all they wanted. this is a big, big deal. >> first thing's first, we have to get to the main event which is tomorrow. >> and if obama loses this case, then we're going to have a whole host of other conversations about how they may be able to rework this legislation, pain bringing back that health care exchange and public option. >> oh, boy. try to get this through congress again? i don't see that happening, but we'll see. >> you should get your voter registration right there on your steps because you're staying there until june, jeffrey. >> there you go. >> thanks very much. great work on the steps of the supreme court of the united states. now onto our other big story today, the nationwide uproar over the killing of an unarmed teenager named trayvon martin. it's been one month since his death, since a gunman, george zimmerman, shot him but wasn't charged because he said it was self-defense. george howell joins us live from sanford, florida, the city where trayvon martin was killed, it's also the city which is really
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ground zero for all of the protests. you have had a chance to talk to people on both sides of the case. obviously, it is heated no matter how you look at it, and they are taking to the streets, aren't they? >> reporter: well, ashleigh, indeed, we're seeing a lot of people starting to show up. we are expecting a big rally here in sanford, but we are hearing more, ashleigh, about george zimmerman. first of all, from his attorney who says that he will use the stand your ground law here in florida to defend his client if george zimmerman is arrested. again, you will remember that originally he had planned to just argue self-defense in that case but says after reviewing that law, he will use the stand your ground law. we are also hearing from one of george zimmerman's very close friends who staunchly defends him. take a listen to what joe oliver said to me this morning. is he concerned about his safety? >> he's in hiding. he's changed his numbers. his mother-in-law has no idea or any way to get in touch with her own daughter. so, yeah, they're all concerned.
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they're all in fear. this was not a racial incident. this was an incident where someone who was just trying to do the right thing ended up in a he have, very b -- very, very b position. >> obviously reverend jackson has a different take on it. he told me he sees george zimmermans a a villa s s s s a. he says there are problems, a long history of problems between the police department and -- between the police department i should say and the black community, so at this point he says that needs to be looked into, ashleigh. >> all right. well, just quickly, george, you know, bits of information seem to come out on a regular basis in this story, and i think it is critical to hear the side of the story of zimmerman as well as trayvon's parents who have been
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having these town hall meetings and been out in the public. and to that end george zimmerman's attorney came out saying that his client had his nose broken and that the back of his head was cut and bruised. there was also a fact detail that was outlined that he had blood and grass stains in the back of his shirt. to that end are we hearing anything about the facts of the altercation, which is really what this all comes down to on the legal front, the facts of the altercation as the state attorney see it is? >> reporter: at this point we can only look at those facts that we find in the police reports indicating, as you mentioned, that some sort of a struggle took place, but exactly how that happened is still unclear, and even the state attorney said she is still gathering all the facts there. there are so many facts to gather, to look at, before making a determination on exactly what happened. >> all right. george howell for us live in sanford, florida. thanks very much for that. keep an eye on things there, george, and we'll come back to you if developments warrant.
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here is rundown on what's coming up on the program. first, what could the health care ruling mean for you and your family? right down to the wire, we'll break it down for you. also dick cheney has a brand new ticker today. we're going to tell you how the former vice president is doing after a heart transplant this weekend. and then the cheating scandal going national. it wasn't the kids, it was the schools. did it happen to your school? back after this. right out of th. he was just... "get me an aspirin"... yeah... i knew that i was doing the right thing, when i gave him the bayer. i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. so he's a success story... [ laughs ] he's my success story. [ male announcer ] learn how to protect your heart at i am proheart on facebook. i get my cancer medications through the mail.
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now washington, they're looking at shutting down post offices coast to coast. closing plants is not the answer. they want to cut 100,000 jobs. it's gonna cost us more, and the service is gonna be less. we could lose clientele because of increased mailing times. the ripple effect is going to be devastating. congress created the problem. and if our legislators get on the ball, they can make the right decisions.
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release audio recordings. they make us wait usually quite some time, but today not so much. they've actually just released some of the audio recordings of the arguments that were being made in court just within the last couple of hours. i am giddy about this, folks. can you tell? i want to play for you what ruth bader ginsburg, a justice on the panel, was talking about while she was questioning the attorneys in this case. and when you hear what she has to say, put it in this context. 26 states are suing the federal government over this health care law. they don't like the individual mandate because they say you shouldn't be forcing an american to buy a product, even if it's health care. and if you do, it isn't fair it we get a tax or penalty if we don't buy it. here is how justice ginsburg was asking the question about that mandate. have a list rn. >> all this talk about tax penalties, all beside the point because this suit is not challenging the penalty. this is a suit that is
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challenging the must buy provision, and the argument is made that if, indeed, must buy is constitutional, then these complainants will not resist the penalty. so walt they're sehat they're s determination that the must buy requirement stated separately from the penalty, that that must buy is unconstitutional and if that's so, does it end the case? if it's not so, they're not resisting the penalty. >> so read what you will into that. but it's always fascinating to be able to hear those arguments just moments after they actually take place in the nation's highest court. if you don't have health insurance, president obama's reform law is supposed to make it easier for you to get it, but if you don't want it, you might have to pay anyway, which is what justice ginsburg was talking about.
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senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen joins me now. this is still really tricky for a lot of people. it's tricky for people who understand supreme court cases, so it's got to be really tricky for the average joe out there who is just trying to figure out if he's got to spend more money or end up getting a penalty. >> exactly, ashleigh. this is so confusing, and thankfully ruth bader ginsburg just gave you and me the perfect lead-in to discuss this because at the heart of this issue is should everyone have to buy insurance or not? because health care reform says you got to have it even if you don't want it. so if your employer doesn't give it to you, guess what? you have to go out and buy it or face a penalty, so ashleigh, i'm going to introduce you to some imaginary friends of mine. i'm not crazy, we invented them because they can help explain this confusing question. take a look at eddie the entrepreneur. all right. he does not have employer. he needs to buy insurance on his own. obama says you got to buy it. he earns $80,000. he would have to pay $4,500 for his insurance, and if he decides
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not to, he doesn't go to jail. there's no crime here. but he would have to pay a penalty of $2,000. so the big question is, what's eddy going to do? if he says $2,000 that's less. if he does that, he doesn't get insurance. let's look at maria the muti musician. she earns $25,000. she'd have to pay $1,726 for her insurance or else face a $695 penalty. it will be interesting to see what the marias of this world choose to do. again, she can pay the penalty, but -- because it is less, but then again she doesn't get insurance out of it. by the way, if you're wondering why maria's insurance is so much cheaper than eddy's, it's because she earns so little money the government will step in and give her a subsidy to help her afford it.
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if you have friends who don't get insurance through their employer, they want to know what it's going to cost them, they can go to, we have a link to a calculator. put in your income and other information. you can find out how much you would have to pay for insurance versus a penalty. >> but you know what, elizabeth, those are really high figures. for maria, at $25,000 a year income, it was $1,700 to buy. that's huge. can people wait and sort of like play chicken with the government or at least play chicken with their health and say i'm not going to do this until i get sick because apparently under the law they still have to cover me. no pre-existing conditions can stop me from getting the insurance. >> they have to cover you if you have insurance. if maria or eddy decide to pay the fine instead of getting insurance, i mean, they don't have insurance, so if they go to a doctor's office, that doctor likely is going to say go away. you don't have insurance. now, they can always go to an emergency room just as they can now and get emergency care if it's, you know, of a dire
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situation, but if you don't have insurance, if you don't pay, you can't play the game so to speak. >> i just wonder how it works when someone is truly sick. they don't get kicked out of a hospital so in the end we all pay anyway. >> exactly. so they show up at an emergency room deathly ill because they chose not to get insurance, and then you and i pay for them. that's exactly right. >> elizabeth, well, you're avatars help out a lot for those of us who are wondering what it would cost so thanks so much for that and it's always nice to see you. >> thanks. good to see you. >> thanks, elizabeth. this wasn't a case of a kid copying off the kid next to him. uh-uh. this was a case of the school cheating everybody, and it rocked atlanta, and it may have just gone national. it's the teachers who are in hot water, folks. find out why in a moment. [ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers. you know who you are.
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you can part a crowd, without saying a word. you have yet to master the quiet sneeze. you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts. well, muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour 3. zyrtec®. love the air.
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a senator and a teacher's union leader say it is time to investigate a possible nationwide school cheating scandal. the atlanta journal constitution looked at public school test scores in all 50 states, and the paper found suspicious results and red flags in 196 of the nation's largest school districts. georgia senator johnny isakson calls the report, quote, troubling. but he can quote himself because he joins me live by phone. senator, thanks very much for being with me. this is distressing because when you hear about skchool cheating you think it's the kids, but not this time. it's the schools. do you have a handle on how big
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this problem is, sir? >> well, the atlanta journal constitution article certainly indicates that it could be pervasive and nationwide. the only thing we know for sure is they did this study in atlanta. they saw indications of patterns of cheating. our governor fortunately put together an investigative team and found out it was rampant in the atlanta public school system. the superintendent was replaced, a number of teachers were replaced, and the situation was cleaned up. so they then applied the same l algorithm to school systems across the country and found a number of them had very similar anomalies in the test scores that did not seem possible. i think those systems should do what georgia did, call a panel, investigate them. they found out they're cheating, they should stop the cheating and cent the problem. >> so if the extrapolation is correct and this is a nationwide problem and it is a nationwide crisis, a lot of the opponents are saying that it's because of the no child left behind program, and i know you were one of the authors of that program
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and spent ten years trying to implement it. what do you think about that? >> well, i believe the testing is absolutely critical to being able to benchmark the progress of any student. people are who blaming cheating on testing are overlooking the fact that cheat something a failure of morality, not a failure of a test. you have to benchmark your progress on your students or you will never know which direction you're going in. the problem is either individually or collectively or through some pattern of practice teachers began changing scores to make scores look better than they were and that's just not right, but that's a moral failing, it's not a failing of the system or the law. >> but do you still think that no child left behind was a good idea? >> yes, ma'am. in fact, the problem with no child left behind is the last four years we failed to reauthorize the elementary and secondary education act which is no child left behind. we knew when we wrote it ten years ago that because of the adequate yearly progress requirements and the needs
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improvements requirements, the better systems did the harder it would be for them to continue to reach the benchmarks. we knew it had a life span. without it being reauthorized, that was part of the crisis. >> what the opponents say i when you set a benchmark, teachers panic, and if they don't meet that benchmark, they lose money and everybody loses, so there is huge incentive to cheat, but if you take that incentive away there's more incentive to teach. is that so wrong of an argument? >> well, i have great respect for america's teachers. unfortunately, there obviously were some in atlanta who cheated and tried to cheat the system. i hope it's not as pervasive as the study saw, but i do not think teachers rank and file are bad people or have a failure of morality. >> what if they are cheating out of altruistic goals? what if the cheating was not so they could fluff their feathers but instead so they could keep teaching these kids fearing they
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would lose the money they needed to do their jobs? >> once again i think the answer is it's a moral failing of the character of that teacher. that's the problem. >> all right. well, i do appreciate you coming on to talk with us today, and i assume there's going to be a whole lot more of this certainly if the rest of the states decide to do these kinds of investigations. >> they should be investigated by each state thoroughly. >> amen. thank you, senator johnny isakson. appreciate your time. from the streets to the schools to the pews of churches, hoodie sweatshirts have become the sign of mourning for trayvon martin, and there are going to be a whole lot more hoodies out at a rally today and tonight in florida. we'll talk about it in a moment. . ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste.
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there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ got some breaking news to bring you. our field producer, who is on the trail in sanford, florida, has been speaking with the family of trayvon martin, has been able to confirm for us a development in this case that has to do with trayvon martin
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being suspended from school for ten days just before he came to visit his father in sanford, and then, of course, this horrifying incident in which he was shot dead transpired. we can tell you that that suspension was as a result of drug residue being found in trayvon's book bag. apparently there was an empty baggy in his book bag that tested positive for marijuana. his family plans to address this in one of the press conferences that is coming up. they have been at a press conference with cnn contributor roland martin at a town hall, but they say they will address this news, this is breaking news as we get it, that a family spokesperson does confirm to one of our cnn producers in field that trayvon martin had been suspended from school for ten days prior to his visit to his father in sanford, florida. he lives in miami.
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he goes to school in miami. and he was down in sanford, florida, visiting his father and his father's fiancee who lived in this complex where he ended up shot dead. of course, george zimmerman is the shooter, self-acclaimed neighborhood watch patrol who has not been arrested in this case. the continuing investigation ongoing. the state attorney saying there are several options in this case. an arrest, no arrest, or a grabbed jurgrand jury, those ar the options we're waiting on. our analyst sunny hostin joins us by phone. i want to talk to you about this news we just broke. does this play into the case at all, that this young man was suspended from school and that there was drug residue found in his book bag? >> well, it only plays into this case if, in fact, he may have been under the influence of drugs when this incident occurred, and let me say this, i have spoken, of course, to the
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martin family and also to the martin family attorneys, and i spoke to them in particular about any possibility of trayvon martin being under the influence of drugs, and what i was told by the family was that, of course, a toxicology report is being done. we don't have the results of that, and they wanted the toxicology report to be done to prove not only to the attorneys investigating this case and the investigators, but also to the world that they believe that trayvon martin was not under the influence of drugs. so, again, it's too soon to tell whether or not this will have any impact on this investigation. the only way that i see that it could have an impact is if, in fact, toxicology reports come back positive for any drug use. and we have no indication that that would be the case. >> so that's all that matters here, sunny, is that there may or may not have been drug use that night, not that there was a suspension, not that there's proof that at one point he had a
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baggie that had marijuana in it in his book bag. none of those fact from a prior time play into the moment he came in contact with george zimmerman. >> that's right. that's certainly my view in looking at this. from the perspective of a former prosecutor, someone that prosecuted cases. it's very clear that when you have an incident like this, you have to look at what happened that day. you have to look at the circumstances surrounding what happened on that day. >> so i always found it fascinating from the moment i heard about this case that toxicology tests were done on trayvon martin's body but toxicology tests were not ordered for george zimmerman in this case because they didn't suspect him of anything. does it seem odd though that there wouldn't be that inclination? >> i think that it's unusual. again, coming from the perspective of having prosecuted cases, it is -- when you're investigating a shooting death,
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you want to make sure that you investigate all potential angles, and certainly one important piece of evidence would be whether or not george zimmerman was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. after speaking to the family attorneys, my understanding is that those tests were not conducted, that george zimmerman was also allowed to leave the police station with the very clothes that he had on during this altercation. that is very odd to me. that just doesn't sound in my view, in my experience as a thorough investigation. >> so let me throw a few more facts at you that are starting to come out in this case with regard to zimmerman. there's been a lot that's been said about trayvon, that he had ice tea and skittles, he was just out in the middle of a basketball game to take a break to the 7-eleven and home and he'd been on the phone with his girlfriend. when it comes to zimmerman, his lawyer is now starting to throw some facts out there, too. that he had a broken nose, a cut and a bruise on the back of his head, that he had blood and
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grass stains on his back, and then one of the friends of zimmerman has said that when he hears that 911 call and can hear the screams for help in the background, he swears it's his friend george zimmerman's voice screaming out for help whereas we know that trayvon's parents have both said they think it's their son trayvon screaming out for help. those are really critical facts, aren't they? >> they absolutely are very critical facts, and i think that's why it underscores the need for a thorough investigation. those are facts that i think are in the realm and the best place for a jury to determine what really happened that night. what is unfortunate in this case and something that trayvon martin's family has brought up over and over and over again, that the police department in sanford, florida, indicated that they were prohibited from making an arrest in this case because there was evidence of
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self-defense. well, now we know as the investigation has continued, quite frankly, as the martin family has investigated the case themselves, we're learning of two sides of the story and so perhaps it was trayvon martin's pleas for help on that night. perhaps it was george zimmerman's pleas for help on that night. but that does not mean that this is a case that should never be charged. that does not mean that this is a case that should not go before a jury. what it tells me is that there are questions of fact and questions of fact should be decided by a jury. not by the sanford police department. >> and not by us in the public either. there should be no rush to judgment. there shouldn't have been rush to judgment that night, and there shouldn't be rush to judgment now either. i'm with you on this one. it's all about the law, and the law deals with facts. sunny hostin, thanks. appreciate it. all right. so when is a gaffe more than just a gaffe?
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from president obama's latest hot mike moment to rick santorum losing his cool and using the bs word. we're going it take a look at what it all could mean for the election, if anything. there's another way to help eliminate litter box dust: purina tidy cats. tidy cats premium line of litters now works harder on dust. and our improved formulas neutralize odors better than ever in multiple-cat homes. so it's easier to keep your house smelling just the way you want it. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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so some people call them gaffes, some others call them slips of the tongue. stepping in it. whatever you want to call it. the candidates have been wandering off the trail into some troubled waters lately, actually a lot lately. but when is a gaffe more than just a gaffe? here to talk about it, political comedian and founder of the blog the dean's, dean obadella and lenny mccalster. i have been reading your stuff giggling away. i want to start with the whole bs part of the day. let's start with rick santorum. he had some pretty fiery rhetoric when it comes to his rival mitt romney. have a listen to the first part
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of what he had to say about mitt. >> why would we put someone up who is uniquely -- pick any other republican in the country, he is the worst republican in the country to put up against barack obama. why would wisconsin want to vote for someone like that? >> he is the worst republican in the country to put up against barack obama. he was asked about that comment and actually it was quoted verbatim by a "new york times" reporter. but santorum lost his cool. he dropped theb s wo bs word. >> you think he's the worst -- >> to run against barack obama on the issue of health care because he fashioned the blueprint. i have been saying it in every speech. quit distorting my words. if i see it, it's bull [ bleep ]. come on, man. what are you doing? >> come on, man. cameras are rolling. santorum was sticking by those
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words today, guys. yeah, he said any republican worth his salt shouldn't be afraid to take on a "new york times" reporter. but, guys, taking on a "new york times" reporter who was actually quoting him verbatim, is this going to be troubleson? dean, start with you? >> that's not even a gaffe. that's called desperate. looked a scene from "jersey shore." that was unbelievable. can you believe the guy is running for president? there's a difference between gaffes -- remember president obama said i ran in 57 states. president bush was amazing saying things like al qaeda, turning it from a middle east terror group to a mexican gra t restaurant. those are gaffes. these are glimpses into the character of the candidate and a view of their view of the issues. with focus group and everything being cancan sanitized, we shou
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savor this. >> so, lenny, i'm going to see dean's situation and i'm going to raise you a snooki. what do you think about this one? "jersey shore" or what? >> it's a little bit of "jersey shore," but you are seeing a little bit into what rick santorum is all about. he also talked about bowling a turkey. he's looking to possibly being the bowler chief at least in wisconsin. he wants to connect with people. senator santorum is the anti-establishment candidate. he's doing a little bit of rage against the machine. a little of the common man saying, listen, i'm going against the elitist "new york times." the establishment is against us. fox news is against us. the republican establishment is against us. i'm for the common people. we had governor sununu sit there and say that everybody that's significant is going for mitt romney. what does senator santorum do? he's already spun that well i guess the insignificant voters of america see it a little
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differently in states including louisiana. it gives a glimpse in what rick stanner to rum is saying being the anti-establishment candidate. should he have said the bs word? no. >> i love that you used rage against the machine when describing a guy in a sweater vi vest. let me move on. a hot mike moment. it's really fun when you watch it play out in real time. president obama this morning was speaking with russia's outgoing president dmitri -- i'm going to do my best russian accent, dmitri medvedev. this is what they were talking about as reporters were filtering into the room but the mikes were still hot. >> it's my election election. after my election i have more flexibility. >> i understand you. i transmit this afghanistan to vladimir, and i stand with you. >> whoosh. after the election i have more flexibility. the truth of the matter is isn't this the kind of conversation that happens all the time, dean? >> it probably does, and we
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don't hear, it but i can tell you this. the republican candidate who runs against him will use these words, after the election i'll have more flexibility, to inspire his base to say, look, if we didn't like what he did for first four years wait until he has more flexibility in the second term. i think it will be used in a campaign ad against him. it really is -- this one really is a blunder by president obama, and it does show a little insight in what he's thinking. it's real politics on parade for all of us. a man saying i'd like to do more in the missile defense but i can't do it until after the election. >> what do you think, lenny. is that a major league moment? >> i think for a canadian american that was pretty good russian accent on your behalf, ashleigh. in regards -- [ spoking foreign language ] >> you're going in a place i'm not going to be able to go. exactly. when it goes to president obama with this situation, this is something that's very, very bad for him. yes, it's everyday politics, but
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it fits back into what people have said about president obama, which is basically this. he is also somebody that's much like governor romney, maybe inclined to say something and do something in order to get elected. this is kind of what also ang angered the progressives about president obama. he said he was going to do certain things in 2008. he got into office and compromised on the tax cuts. he didn't move fast enough when it comes to the issue of gay marriage or don't ask, don't tell. other issue that is progressives think that he hasn't moved fast enough on and then, of course, the conservatives aren't happy with this president. by being able to have this type of hot mick mome-- mike moment, shows he's going to be wishy washy -- >> you are -- >> i have to try, right? >> where was the funny stuff? you were supposed to be funny. bring it, bring it next time. thanks a lot. good to see you. look forward to the next one. >> god bless. >> god bless you, too. >> how about some march madness.
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is your bracket all busted up? it is down to the final four. going to tell you which cnn anchor is still in the running and here is a hint, it isn't me. [ speaking in japanese ] yeah, do you have anything for a headache... like excedrin, ohhh, bayer aspirin... ohh, no no no. i'm not having a heart attack, it's my head. no, bayer advanced aspirin, this is made for pain. [ male announcer ] bayer advanced aspirin has microparticles, enters the bloodstream fast, and safely rushes extra strength relief to the sight of your tough pain. feel better? yeah...thanks for the tip! [ male announcer ] for fast powerful pain relief, use bayer advanced aspirin. here's a chance to create jobs in america. oil sands projects, like kearl, and the keystone pipeline will provide secure and reliable energy to the united states. over the coming years, projects like these could create more than half a million jobs in the us alone. from the canadian border, through the mid west, to the gulf coast. benefiting hundreds of thousands of families
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throughout the country. this is just what our economy needs right now. do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say.
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[ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. some big claims on the campaign trail lately. so what's for real and what's hogwash? we're going to find out in our political fact check. cleaner energy,y afford, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - >> proven technologies allow qu
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>> proven technologies allow qu affordable clean energy while protecting our environment. and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today.
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with all the political rhetoric flinging back and forth, it's tug sometimes to determine fact from fiction. we have the editor of the pulitzer prison -- prize winning let's start this with the chairman of the national republican committee. he said according to the congressional budget office, quote, as many as 20 million americans could lose their employer-based health insurance thanks to, and they use the term, obamacare. is that true or is that false? >> we gave that a half true on
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our truth meeter. and the reasoning was he is correct that that's something they said, but he is cherry picking the highest possible number and leaving out an important detail. the important detail is there are a lot of additional people who would get health care coverage from their employers because of the democratic health care law that the republicans call obama care. so overall, some truth to this one, but some facts left out. we gave it a half true. >> and that other word for it we almost never hear anymore is the affordable health care act. >> even some democrats are now calling it obamacare. i. >> i thought really? did you get that memo? let's move on to the fex onext . this one from president obama. he says in the campaign video, the auto companies repaid their loans from the bailout. true or not true? >> this one was also a half true on our truth-o-meter.
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again here we've got some important facts left out. yes, the new chrysler, the new general motors have repaid their loans. but the old general motors, the old chrysler, the companies that went through bankruptcy did not fully repay their loans. so this one is very carefully worded. we're going to hear this one a lot in the campaign, but it earns a half true because of some important things that are left out. >> okay. well, let's move on to mitt romney. in a campaign memo, he says that president obama is, quote, ending medicare as we know it. so how truthy is that on your truth-o-meter. >> that one gets our lowest rating, pants on fire. if this one sounds familiar, it's because you've heard it actually from a lot of democrats. what romney is doing is using a line that democrats have been using against republicans, saying by supporting paul ryan's budget plan, they would end medicare. sometimes they add "as we know
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it." in the case of romney, he's even more way off because obama's plan is not nearly as dramatic as ryan's. and when you look at the things that romney crites to back this up, they just don't add up. some of them are contradictory, some of them are really flimsy. so obama's plan to change medicare is to mack some cuts here, to even add a if uh benefits in the case of closing the gap for prescription drug coverage, but it is not ending medicare. so pants on fire for romney on this one. >> bill, nice to see you. >> thanks, ashleigh. >> folks, how is your bracket? down to the final four. we're going to take a look at which cnn reporter, anchor is in the lead. the initials are z.s. ♪ when your chain of supply goes from here to shanghai,
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that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there track it all through the air, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ clearing customs like that hurry up no time flat that's logistics. ♪ ♪ all new technology ups brings to me, that's logistics. ♪ have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste.
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show us how much you spent last year and we'll give you 2 miles for every dollar spent on your travel reward card. up to 100,000 miles! hawaii, here we come. claim your miles at today! what's in your wallet? can you play games on that? not on the runway. no. a. >> march madness started with 68 teams and now it's down to the final four. no cinderella teams will be headed to the final four.
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what does that mean for all our cnn brackets? i think my got busted up the first day. >> it's not bad. at least you have one of the four. you have kentucky in the final four. that's not bad. you mentioned there aren't any cinderella stories, i disagree with you. take a look at this. your partner in crime, she's number one. brooke baldwin is second. we've got randi kaye, my partner in crime on the weekend. she's also tied for third. we find ashleigh, you're number 14. you're smiling in that picture, but i know deep down you're probably feeling more like this because of your picks. if you don't have any experience you're not doing well. >> i threw a dart at a dart board. ask me about hockey.
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>> it's going to be interesting to see how it played out over the weekend. should be a lot of fun. >> i just can't believe zarida is beating wolf blitzer. a lot happening over the next two hours and we begin with rapid fire. >> just in, we learned that trayvon martin was suspended from school just before he was shot to death. in fact, we were told he gave 10 days suspension after the school found a baggy with marijuana residue inside his book bag.
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we're about to take you live to florida on this .twoing story. the supreme court hearing arguments today on one of the most impactful laws of our time. the affordable health care act. at issue, whether the government kp require all americans to have health insurance coverage. it's called the individual mandate. 26 states are leading the challenge to the high supreme court. much more in a few minutes. a wife of the army staff sergeant charged with 17 counts of murder says her husband is innocent. carolyn bales spoke on the "today show" about her husband robert. >> you spoke to him twice on the phone. did you say sweetheart did you do this? >> no. no. >> as a pospouse, wouldn't you want to ask those things? >> not on a monitored phone call. we couldn't discuss those details. he seemed a bit confused. >> carr line bales has set up a fund to help pay for her
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husband's defense. meanwhile, afghan officials say the u.s. government has paid $50,000 to the families of each of those killed, plus $10,000 to each of the six afghans wounded in that attack. the pope left mexico just this morning. he said his goal was to build bridges between cubans who fled the island and those who stayed. this is the pope's first trip to cuba. signs north korea is getting ready to launch a long range rocket seen by the united states. this news from a u.s. official comes just hours after president obama gave the north a stern warning. mr. obama is in seoul, south korea, for a nuclear summit. he warned north korea about its plans to use the rocket to laumpl a satellite next nont. the president set a launch would bring repercussions. >> a landmark catholic church
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sex abuse trial prosecutors say monsignor william lynn moved abusive priests from parish to parish. he said he made superiors aware of the problems including the cardinal who died in january. and the bar code taken to a whole new level. listen to this -- police in madrid rescued a 19-year-old girl from a prostitution ring. and thetis. she had a bar code on her wrist. that is used to signify ownership. under the bar code was a $amount, representing what she owed her pitchers. police also found money and guns in the ring. and the am way arena is now a
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huge pile of dust and adebris. it was imploded over the arena. a man two blocks away was hit in the leg with some of that deb s debris. the city has big plans in the area. a live/work flabd rise from the rubble. tim tebow speaks for the first time as a new york jet. as a new yorker, i'll excited about this. >> i'm excited to be a jet, you know, to go out there and to help this team any way that i can. and whatever my role is, whoufr i can expand that role, i'm going to try to do that. i'm going to give me whole heart to being the best jet i can possibly be. >> patriots quarterback peyton manning. >> and the hunger games rakes in $155 million in this opening weekend. that's double twilight's first weekend, by the way. and the third, best debut in
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movie history. the sequel "catching fire" comes out in november of 2013. >> we are watching sanford, florida, where trayvon martin's parents are getting ready to speak live about the case involving their son. we will bring you it live when it happens but first, watch this. >> an iraqi woman, mother of five, found beaten to death inside her own home. next to her, a note with the words, go back to your country, you terrorist. >> as the health care law goes on trial, i'll speak live to the young boy who became the face of the controversial overhaul. plus, bosses asking employees for their facebook passwords. there are new calls to stop this trend. and -- >> i can live on either side for about 25 hours. >> james cameron goes where no
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man has gone before. we'll take you inside the movie director's journey to the deepest spot on earth. water, we take our showers with it. we make our coffee with it. but we rarely tap its true potential and just let it be itself. flowing freely into clean lakes, clear streams and along more fresh water coast line than any other state in the country. come realize water's true potential. dive in-to the waters of pure michigan. your trip begins at [ coughing continues ] [ gasping ] [ elevator bell dings, coughing continues ] [ female announcer ] washington can't ignore the facts. more air pollution means more childhood asthma attacks.
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[ male announcer ] brake problems? stop in to meineke today for a free brake inspection and you'll say... my money. my choice. my meineke. >> trayvon martin was serving a ten-day school suspension on the day that he was shot. that's the reason he was visiting his father in sanford, florida. we want to get back to martin savage. what sku tecan you tell us abou school suspension? >> the information is coming
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from trayvon martin's family. they're going to hold a news conference to talk of thf subject spp but cnn already learned that apparently in high school down in miami where he attends in a book back was found a residue of marijuana. based on a zero tolerance standard, he was given that ten-day suspension and as you aptly point out, that's the reason he was up here visiting and spending time with his father who lives in sanford. >> george zimmerman, the man who shot trayvon martin hasn't been heard from publicly since this shooting, but his attorney did speak to the orlando sentinel. >> from the beginning, the attorney representing george zipperman said this was a case of self-defense, the stand your ground law. and also others, when i talk to
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the chief, billie when he -- before he stepped down, he told me, too, that evidence seems to support that. now we're beginning to find out more why that is being stated. this is again information right now being attributed to the orlando sentinel, the local newspaper. then a they're reporting that there was actually a fight that took place between george zimmerman and trayvon martin. and as george zimmerman tells it authorities, trayvon came up to him, struck him once, punching and decking him and then began pummelling or beating his head against the ground. this would seem to be corroborated somewhat, of course, by the attorney who represents george zimmerman who said his client suffered a broken nose and cuts to the back of the head during the altercation. >> are we getting any sense of when the parents will be coming out to speak? they're set to speak any moment now, right? >> right. we're expecting to hear from them regarding what we' been
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talking about, the suspension. they also put out a statement earlier, because as you know, there's a large protest that is planned for today that results from the down hall meeting that takes place inside the civic center here tonight. there are concerns that tempers could run up. the family is asking for calm. we have heard from the special prosecutor in this case. she was talking to hln, our sister network, and she was also speaking about what it is hoped her investigation will be able to prove. she admits they have a tough case. we do believe when we're done with the investigation, the family will know all the facts and details, as will the public. but they must be patient and we ask for their indulgence.
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>> she's got three choices there. she could charge george zimmerman or turn it over to a jury of some sort. she says hey, keep in mind, i was only appointed to this job last thursday. and they have not talked to george zimmerman yet. >> george zimmerman suspended but paid all the while. we know you'll be watching all the documents for us. thank you. that is expected at any moment. so stay with us. we should mention that there's more proof now how truly national the trayvon martin story has become. look at this here. a cnn orc poll of more than 1,000 adults showed that 73% of respondents say police should arrest george zimmerman. 11% say he should not be arrested. and 16% say they're unsure.
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one of the most controversial pieces of legislation in years. the health care law, championed by president obama goes before the highest court in the land today. you will hear just released audio of what happened inside the supreme court next. there's jesse jackson and al sharpton alongside the parents of trayvon martin. let's listen in. >> we're here with natalie jackson, as well as the parents of trayvon martin. reverend al sharpton and reverend jesse jackson. we're going to take a few questions. and i simply want to start off
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very clear ly whatever trayvon martin was suspended for had absolutely no bearing on what happened on the night of february 26. we told you frooefously when you ask questions that he wasn't suspended for anything violent and he wasn't suspended for anything criminal. faen he and his friends experimented with marijuana, that's still completely irrelevant to george zimmerman killing their son on the night of february 26. it's one of those things that the family says what does that have to do with him killing my son? what does it matter? and that is one of the reasons they continue to say it is irrelevant and we say today that it is completely irrelevant what
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trayvon is martin was suspended for on february 26. once again, law enforcement is attempting to demonize and blame the victim by releasing bits and pieces of their own ongoing investigation that they feel will help build zimmerman's claim up. it is irrelevant, completely irrelevant. the most important thing is that overage zimmerman dis-opaid the police dispatcher and went and pursued trayvon martin and initiated what proved to be a fatal encounter.
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and beyond that, that's the only thing that's relevant. listen to the tape. you're not going to hear from mr. tracy martin and then mr. fulton and hen rernd sharpton and reverend jackson. mr. martin? >> good afternoon. i would just like to say that even in death, and trayvon is gone, he will not be returning to us, even in death,er that still disrespecting my son. and i feel that that's a shame. >> the only comment that i have right now is that they've killed my son and now they're trying to dill his reputation.
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>> let me say that when we first got involved in this case, the day the police chief announced there would be no arrest for probable cause. i had a very candid and open conversation with the attorneys. and then with the parents. and we haven't been involved in many of these cases. i was told of all of the particular issues that may may try to raise. we saw them as irrelevant then. we see them as irrelevant now. i said to the parent, as much as it will hurt, they will try too make your son a junkie, a thief, an assaulter, everything else before this is over. they have done it in every case we have fought. the only thing that is relevant is what mr. zimmerman knew that
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day. if mr. zimmerman had no knowledge, he had no reason to do anything. if he did have knowledge, the only thing he had the reason to do was to call the police and turn that in. we're dealing with a self-appointed watch guide who d disbayed the dispatchers ininstructions that he agreed to. all else is irrelevant. now, if you want to discuss something relevant, discuss what zimmerman might have had in his system. discuss his past. mr. zimmerman was not tested. trayvon was. let's examine why we had a test on the victim rather than the one that was aggressive. let's not play the double standard of trying to demonize who was dead and sanitize who was the cause of the death.
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there you heard from the reverend al sharpton speaking from sanford, florida along with the mother of trayvon martin. she said her son is dead but her son is dead and now they're trying to kill his reputation. news coming out in the past hour that trayvon martin had been suspended from school for ten days for what authorities are saying were drug residue found in his book bag, marijuana in empty baggies. we are fwol lowing this story very closely. of course, a lot of questions, fundamental questions remain on what happened on the night of february 26 between the time that george zimmerman called 911, saying that there was a suspicious person and the time police arrived to find trayvon martin on the ground face down and dead. we are watching this developing story very closely. back after this.
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advantage. >> the reason i talk about obamacare and its impact on the economy an fundamental freedoms and mitt romney doesn't is because he can't, because he supported government-run health care as governor of massachusetts. >> cnn legal able list jeffrey toobin, you were inside the courtroom for these first days of arguments. some pretty tense legal speak, but this is why you're here for us. so simplify it so that our viewers and i understand what happened inside the courtroom today. >> here's the english language version. the issue to be discussed was very limited. is this whole case premature at this point? as many people know, the affordable care act, obama care if you refer, doesn't fully go into effect until 2014. and a couple of judges that reviewed it said look, because the law doesn't go into effect for a couple of years, we don't
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think we should deal with the issue. that was the question before the court. and i think through the justice's questions, we could see clearly that they were not buying that argument. they felt that now was the time to deal with the law, fwhouz the time to weigh the constitutionali constitutionality. so i think that much about the argument is clear. that just raises the stakes for tomorrow when they will hear arguments on whether or not the law is constitutional. >> we don't often get to hear the voices of the supreme court justice, bleu today we got in some audio of today's proceedings. we're going to hear from justice ruth bader ginsberg. watch. >> all this stalk about tax penalties is beside the point because this suit is not challenging the penalty. this is a suit that is challenging the must buy. and the argument is made that if
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indeed must buy is constitutional, then these complainants will not resist the penalty. so what they're seeking is a determination that the must buy requirement stated separately from the penalty that must buy is unconstitutional and if that's so, that's the end of the case. if it's not so, they're not resisting the penalty. >> there was, this was a lot of legal sfoek spoek. they're going to listen to some six hours of arguments they're going to make a decision in june. i'm being told we lost jeffrey toobin. we're going to try to get him back. a big question remain, will ultimately obama care, as critics call it, or the
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affordable health care act be upheld as constitutional or not? >> elizabeth, okay, the individual man date, obviously, is the biggest point of contention here that would mandate more than 40 million americans who are currently uninsured to have health insurance. and one of the provisions is that there would be a penl to if you don't get that health insurance, right? >> i like how ruth bader ginsberg put it, the must buy insurance 37 you must buy insurance. for people like you and me who work for a company that has insurance, we don't really care about this. not an issue, they give us insurance we're fine. but then tens of millions americans buy insurance on their own. lots don't buy it at all. they say i don't want to buy it. i'm going to invite you to see
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mir fictitious imaginary friends. eddie works for himself, he doesn't get insurance through his employer. he earns $80,000 a year. under this rule, they say write us a check for $4,500 and if you don't, if you don't buy insurance, we are going to buy you a penalty of $2,000. so he has a choice. he can pay the lower amount, the penalty, which would seem like the obvious thing, right? it's less. but he doesn't get anything for it. >> so for $2,500 more. >> he could actually get insurance. so one would hope he would make that decision because if eddie doesn't and he gets sick and ends up in an emergency room, you and i have to pay for him. l let me introduce you to his friend maria. she only makes $25,000. she's a struggling musician. she would have to pay $1,726 for insurance or pay a penalty of
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$695. again, maria has a similar choice. now, maria's insurance, you'll notice is a lot cheaper than her friend eddie's. it's not because she's cuter. it's because she makes so little money that the government has stepped in and subsidized the rest of the cost. now, a lot of people are wondering, what would it cost me to get insurance and would i get help from the government? go to and you can put in your income and see the answers. >> all right, but the penalties don't apply to everyone, right? there are exceptions. >> ey, some people would not have to pay a penalty. a hefty percentage wouldn't have top i want to introduce you to the clark family. together they earn $80,000. they would have to pay $7, 600 for insurance. if they choose not to, they don't get any penalty, zero. the reason for that, $7,600 is such a big chunk of their income that the government gives them a pass. they say we get it.
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>> is that percentage based. >> you get an an"a" for this segment. they say it's so much money, we will not charge you a penalty. it will be interesting to see what the clark family does. that's a lot of money for them. but before it would cost them even more. they may say great it's worth it to us. we have kids, we want them to be safe or they might say, we don't want insurance, we're healthy, we don't even want to go there. >> thank you for the "a" i'm not as dumb as i look. you have a story coming up about a little girl who really depending on this. >> some forget that some of it has already gone into effect. a little girl named violet partly because of pre-existing and partly because of lifetime limits. she was going to lose her insurance and now she has it. it's stable, it's not going anywhere. but if the supreme court
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reverses health care reform, if it overturns it, violet will lose her insurance. so we spent time with her and her family and they talk about it. this family is glued to this argument. the supreme court argument is everything to them. it's their daughter's health. >> you're talking about boiling down this issue, it's so complicated. so many people are still so confused by this health care act. and then you look at this family. this is why we're debating this issue. it does impact so many americans. >> if they overturn health care reform, she will not be able to get new insurance. she will be uninsurable and she's very sick. >> stay with us. i want you to watch this. coming up, remember this image when the president signed the affordable health care act law? that boy right him in the similar tie is marcellus owens. he was 11 years oled at the time. he's now 13.
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he's going to join me live in the next hour and he's going to talk about how his work advocating for health care is far from finish. and the wife of an american soldier accused of slaughtering 16 afghan civilians speaks out today. you're going to hear from sergeant robert bales' wife right after this. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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the wife with the soldier charged with 17 counts of murder set up a fund to help pay for her husband's defense. carolyn bales has two young children with staff sergeant robert bales, ages 3 and 4. she stands firm that he did not go on a murder spree that left nine children dead. >> he loves children. he's like a kid himself. >> he is accused of killing nine children. innocent children. >> i have no idea what happened but he would not -- he loves children and he would no do that. it's heart breaking.
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imagine losing my children, so my heart definitely goes out to them for losing all of their children. >> is it possible in your mind that this is just the stress of war? that's what i though, yeah. it seemed like this mission was different than the iraq tours. more intense. >> when you read some of the reports coming out, that there's surveillance video that he walked back to the base and turned hymn in, how do you square that and still say i don't think he was involved. >> i used to think everything i read was true. now as i read this, some things are true, some aren't. i'm i waiting to hear actually what is true. >> that was carolyn bales on "the today show" this morning. she said she never noticed signs of mental instability in her husband who's now 38. but now there are questions that the pills soldiers use to
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prevent malaria may have had some kind of influence. cnn pentagon correspondent chris lawrence joins us live to talk more about that. >> you mentioned there's questions. the hard part is to get answers. the medications he was taking is part of confidential medical information, like it would be for any of us. hid medical records are sealed. we don't know what specific medications he was taking. there's an issue with one of the medications that the u.s. military has used over the years. it's used to treat malaria. afghanistan is a country with malaria. in fact, there's a couple of different drugs you can use to treat malaria. and afghanistan has strain of malaria that's resistant to one. in that country, you have a fewless options than you would in other parts of the world.
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let me read a statement from the pentagon, trying to distance their investigation from this drug from what happened in this case. it says the department wide review has no connection to staff sergeant robert bales investigation. this review was requested in january to ensure that each service tukts proper screening, patient education and medical documentation. however, just about a week ago, the army put out a high importance memo ordering their people to sort of speed up that review. apparently they had not acted on it and there was a time constraint on acting on that review to look at this drug. >> of course, so many questions about what happened on that day, march 11. and there are new details coming out that the victims were killed in two separate attacks on that
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day? talk about that, chris. >> we always knew there were two separate attacks. one village was sort of north of this particular combat outpost. the other village was somewhat south of the outpost. but what we' learned just recently over the weekend is that apparently defense official confirms that it looks from the investigation that they left the base, went to one village, came back to the base and then went to the other village. woe don't have an exact time triem fraim. it does raise a lot of questions legally both for the prosecutor and especially for the defense if indeed he had time to come back to the base and then think about leaving again to go to
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this second village. >> thanks again. coming .uh, north korea reportedly moved a long range rock to the launch pad today. it comes as president obama visits south korea for a nuclear summit. we'll have that story after a quick break. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪ have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. ♪
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a u.s. official says there are signs knot korea is preparing for a launch. this. co-s as more than 50 world leaders including president obama are in seoul, south korea, for a nuclear summit. so what does this mean for the world communitcommunity? victor, great to see you. thanks for joining us. president obama said he did something he's never done over the week. you can see he visited the
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heavily fortified demilitarized zone known as the dmz which separates north and south korea. you were taken by that? why? >> for anyone who's been tot dmz, it makes a big impression. i think this president obama's case, in many ways it was a reality check for him with regard to his diplomacy to a large degree. he's come full circle trying to be engagement oriented, then getting slapped in the face and then for him to stand on the dmz and look into north korea he said the korean war never ended. it was up against north korea.
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>> as president obama looked across into north korea, what he saw were flags flying at half staff, marking 100 days since the death of kim jong il. he also said it's like you near a time warp. having been there twice to north korea, i can tell nitly tell you that's the case. i want to ask you about the satellite launch. this satellite launch is going to happen sometime next month, probably between april 12 and 16. this is in direct violation of an agreement north korea made with the u.s. and really the world in exchange for food aid. now, i want you to listen to what president obama said about that. watch. >> there will be no rewards for prove vags. those days are over. to the leader of pyongyang, this is the decision you must make. today we say, pyongyang, have
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the courage to pursue peace and give a better life to the people of north korea. >> it was to the leaders as well as the people of north korea. but at the same time, i'm a little concerned the north koreans are going to go ahead with this missile test. they call it a satellite launch, but it's basically the same technology for a ballistic missile. unlike their previous 2w0, this one might be successful. if it is, they could potentially demonstrate icbm capability that could reach hawaii, alaska and possibly the west coast of the united states. >> are you concerned are you? >> i'm quite concerned. i think the words are strong by president obama, rightly so. but at the same time, you know, there are reports now that they're standing this thing up on a missile gantry and they're putting this on the launch pad
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and we're just watching it and not really doing anything about it. >> the son of kim jong il, are you getting an indication of how he will run the country? >> we know less about him than we did saddam hussein, osama bin laden, moammar gadhafi. there was some hope that he would be a diplomat. but within days, they think not only is he dangerous, but he may be more dangerous than his father. >> victor, as always, we thank you for your insight into this complicatedish shoo uh and we'll be. whatting, of course, what happens with north korea in the coming days and weeks.
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thank you so much. . co-ing up, a massive dhaeting scandal in atlanta leads to a much broader investigation. we're now hearing that nearly 200 school districts across the country may have some level of cheating. the details are just two minutes away. ♪ ...that right now, you want to know where you are, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you, and what we heard helped us create pnc wealth insight, a smarter way to work with your pnc advisor, so you can make better decisions and live achievement. a smarter way to work with your pnc advisor, ♪ when your chain of supply goes from here to shanghai, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there track it all through the air, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ clearing customs like that hurry up no time flat
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test scores in close to 200 school district ace cross the country. more than 100 teachers and principals have been implicated in the atlanta cheating scandal. atlanta alone. and some level of cheating was found in more than half of the elementary and middle schools in the city. so the "atlanta journal constitution" the main newspaper here in the city launched a nationwide investigation and it found that scores in about 200 districts followed a testing pattern that in atlanta indicated schools had cheated. now this doesn't mean that cheating actually occurred in all of those school districts, but it certainly doesn't look good. this was a widespread investigation, 69,000 public schools. they found troubling and suspicious active any hundreds of schools across the nation. right in. >> that's exactly right. it's not relegated to a specific region or area. hundreds of schools allegedly involved with suspicious activity.
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and what we mean by that is we're looking at test scores and how these test scores change year to year and grade to grade. what the "atlanta journal constitution" did is looked at 69,000 public schools and it checked out these test scores own how they changed over time. and what they basically found is results that they characterized as highly unlikely. for instance, in one school system 42% of students passed a state math test. the next year, that school system was under investigation so the fifth graders, just 4% passed the state math test. that doesn't necessarily prove cheating, but where there's smoke -- >> if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's most likely a duck, right? >> so what is the reasoning behind this? there's a lot of talk about race to the top and no teacher left behind. these teachers were afraid of
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school closure, right? they wanted to meat the minimum requirement, right? a. >> in come zo some cases it's the teachers, in others it's the administrators. it comes down to federal founds, federal requirements, they believe that's responsible for a loet of problems here. if you have test scores used to evaluate teachers and school funds as is the case on race to the top, or when use them to talk about whether school can stay hope, the to meet these federal environments that they say can't be met, schools are threatened with closure. when you have a situation like that, critics say that could encourage cheating. >> sure, when jobs are on the line. sure. up negs, a real musician's musician. watch. >> he's from the pacific northwest. that's my neck of the woods. that's an yaer known more if
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grunge rock than jazz. i can attest to that. one part miles davis a dash of louis armstrong and do doc sevrenson. ♪ when your chain of supply goes from here to shanghai, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there track it all through the air, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ clearing customs like that hurry up no time flat that's logistics. ♪ ♪ all new technology ups brings to me, that's logistics. ♪ you know what's exciting, graduation. when i look up into my student's faces, i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile.
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>> he's on tour about 300 days a year. and when he plays the trumpet, you'll hear hints of miles davis, dizzy gillespie. pretty easy on the eyes, too. we want you to sit down and relax and take in the smooth jazzy soundsover chris botti on "music monday." >> i don't want to have a clothing line and perfume and to be an entrepreneur, you know? i think there's something noble about going place to place and making muse wick a great orchest orchestra. i grew up in oregon and i heard doc sevrenson playing the trumpet. i played the trumpet. i was fascinated by it.
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and then three years later, i heard miles davis for the first time. ♪ defense mesmerizing to me. >> i'm lucky enough to the this old martin trumpet. i've only had it for 11 years. this little part is from 1926. i played one note on it and instantly knew that this was my horn. so i've been touring. this is the only horn i have, unlike guitar players that have many, many guitars. i just carry this one.
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>> i know what i'm going to play. but i'm still mesmerized by others. >> you want to listen to it, but also back away and let it soothe you. >> i would love to make people aware of the impact of music for young people. what i'm more concerned about is to get a kid to have that fire to want to play an instrument. when you're playing guitar hero, it's really not a guitar. it's this generation's verse of
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pac man. i say the four ingredients to success are practice, practice, practice and be friends with sting. >> i remember when i was able to pay my first month's rent in new york, it was a big satisfaction, to be able to pay it playing an instrument, you know? >> i played on the streets of new york. and we played christmas carols. and then a lot of my friends went on to play trumpet and trombone and i went off and did my thing. it was nice to see that started out sort of really finished
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