tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 29, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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teen violence right now and i think education is extremely important. >> house democrats accuse republicans of a war on women for not voting to extend the legislation, but republicans say democrats are manufacturing a political issue. top of the hour, everyone. i'm don lemon. suzanne malveaux is on special assignment. thank you for joining us. let's get you up to speed right now. surveillance video raising new questions about the killing of trayvon martin. the tape shows a handcuffed george zimmerman at a police station just hours after he shot the unarmed teenager. zimmerman does not appear to have any injuries consist went a life and death struggle that his lawyer claims he had with the 17-year-old. a police report says zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and the back of his head and was given first aid at the scene, but then this video was
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recorded. president barack obama tries to tap into the anger over rising gas prices. in a speech just a short time ago, the president called on congress to end tax breaks for the oil industry. the senate republicans have just blocked a vote on legislation to repeal the tax breaks. republicans argue that would lead to even higher gas prices, but the president says big oil doesn't need subsidies. >> it's not as if these companies can't stand on their own. last year the three biggest u.s. oil companies took home more than $80 billion in profits. exxon pocketed nearly $4.7 million every hour. and when the price of oil goes up, prices at the pump go up, and so do these company's profits. another sign of continuing improvement in the job market. the number of people filing first time claims for
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unemployment benefits fell to another four-year low last week. the labor department reports 359,000 new claims for jobless benefits down from the previous week. a new report just released by the cdc shows 1 in 88 children in america has autism. that's a big increase. want you to check out this full screen right here. back in 2000 studies showed 1 in 150 had the developmental disorder. the number rose to 1 in 125 a few years later. then in 2008 it reached 1 in 88. >> how much of that increase is a result of better tracking and how much of it is a result of an actual increase, we still don't know. >> autism groups say it's an epidemic in the u.s. and they believe something beyond just genetics is likely causing the problem. >> infections, we're talking about social conditions, and we're talking about exposures to toxicants. >> i'll talk to one of the advocates about the possible
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cause of autism coming up in 20 minutes. the jetblue captain at the center of this chaotic scene is now facing federal charges. the criminal complaint filed by a u.s. attorney in texas says clayton osbon interfered with the flight crew. osbon, who was removed from the plane after an emergency landing, has been suspended by jetblue. no court date has been set. a cell phone video shows a terrifying scene for one family as they outrun the deadly colorado wildfire. in an interview with cnn, the mother, who was driving the car just ahead of this one, talked about what was going through her mind. >> what is she stopping for? >> my dad and brother are both firefighters and i know that one of the dangers is if the road becomes blocked with trees that are downed, and i was concerned we would just get trapped inside. so the neighbor that passed us, we didn't know that that neighbor knew the way out, but he was flying and so we just -- we went for it. >> investigators in colorado say the fire started as a controlled burn. it is now in its fourth day.
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let's get back to the new developments in the trayvon martin case. there's new surveillance video showing a handcuffed george zimmerman in custody just after ha shooting. plus, his father is speaking out for first time. i want to head out to martin savidge in sanford, florida. let's focus on the video. many people are saying zimmerman doesn't look like a person who has been in a fight for his life. >> reporter: no, he doesn't. that's the first thing that strikes you as you look at it. this video, according to the time stamp, is about a half hour or so since the time at which police were called to the initial scene. so it's very fresh, right after the incident. you would think there might be traces of blood. might be indications of injury. that he might walk in a way that appears george zimmerman had been involved in the fight of his life as he had told police officers. there's none of that. and there's a lot of video. so it's going to be very tough as far as his side of the story to explain this away. >> and the last time we spoke just about an hour ago, you know, i said what's the
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discrepancy because it had been reported it was hours after and now you're saying it's about 30 minutes after the initial call. i mean, that makes a big difference, right? >> reporter: sure does. the first time we saw this video which was on abc, there was no time stamp, and so the various people who had spoke out about this video, one of them was joe oliver, a good friend of george zimmerman, he said he believed it was taken hours after the event. the time stamp we now see put in by the police department and the city of sanford shows it's less than an hour actually since the original incident. >> very interesting. okay, martin. now to zimmerman's father. what is he saying about what happened? because didn't he say, too, i'm not sure if he did, that this video was taken long after the shooting? what has happened? what is he saying? >> reporter: well, i don't think that he's responded directly to this video because when he was interviewed on the local fox affiliate television, i'm not
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sure when that interview was conducted this video was out. what he talks about is what his son went through. robert zimmerman, the dad here, it's a very detailed and graphic account. he says his son told him of what happened with the showdown between trayvon martin and his son. he says that trayvon was the aggressor. we, of course, know there was a purge and that george zimmerman went down, but this is robert zimmerman picking up the description right after this moment. >> after nearly a minute of being beaten, george was trying to get his head off of the concrete, trying to move with trayvon on him into the grass. in doing so his firearm was shown. trayvon martin said something to the effect of, you're going to die now or you're going to die tonight, something to that
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effect. he continued to beat george, and at some point george pulled his pistol and did what he did. >> reporter: now, again, don, just important to point out that this is robert zimmerman's account, supposedly what he heard from his son. robert zinerm zimmerman was not. it's a one-sided tell. >> the father expressing surprise at the country's reaction to this killing. i think in full transparency, martin, it's also important to point out not where you are, but the dad is a former judge as well. >> reporter: right. and he is angry. he's really surprised by the amount of hatred he says that his family has received coming from very surprising places. listen. >> i never foresaw so much hate coming from the president, the congressional black caucus, the
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naacp, every organization imaginable is trying to get notoriety or profit from this in some way, but there's so much hate that i have never been involved in hate, and george hasn't, and it's really unbelievable. >> reporter: taking it back to where we started, this new video, probably not going to defuse or ease the emotions. if anything, it may stoke them more. >> and i think it's interesting, martin, that he said another comment that he was getting hate mail or hate inquiries. i'm not sure how he phrased it, from the naacp. really? is that really happening? >> reporter: i haven't heard that. it's clear the zimmerman family has received death threats. there have been -- people have said some really awful things. that at least we've heard from joe oliver, a close family
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friend. they are caught up in an emotional state just as trayvon martin's family is caught up in an emotional state. >> outside of what you played there was a longer part of the interview we played last hour here. i think he made that comment. thank you, martin. great reporting in sanford, florida. tomorrow night cnn's soledad o'brien leads a special town hall event about how this tragedy became a nationwide story. don't miss "beyond trayvon, race and justice in america." tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. want to give you a rundown of some of the stories we're covering over the next hour. first, the trayvon martin case. we'll hear from george zimerman's father. and would trayvon martin be dead if he was white? we'll talk about race, the law, and what it means to be a young black man in america.
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thaen we're going to talk autism as well. it's affecting more kids and more families than we ever thought before. if you're a parent, you'll want to stick around for this one. .a. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. it's this... the etrade pro platform. finds top performing stocks -- in three clicks. quickly scans the market for new trading ideas. got it? get it. good. introducing new etrade pro elite. 14 clubs. that's what they tell us a legal golf bag can hold. and while that leaves a little room for balls and tees, it doesn't leave room for much else. there's no room left for deadlines or conference calls. not a single pocket to hold the stress of the day, or the to-do list of tomorrow. only 14 clubs pick up the right one and drive it right down the middle of pure michigan.
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of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $219 a month. [ male announcer ] brake problems? stop in to meineke today for a free brake inspection and you'll say... my money. my choice. my meineke. we keep getting information in bits and pieces from the night trayvon martin was killed. the latest is a surveillance 1r video george zimmerman at a police station. a police report says zimmerman was bleeding from his nose and from the back of his head. there's no apparent blood or injury, but it's surveillance video, not exactly the clearest thing you have ever seen. lou is a former police and security officer. he joins us from new york.
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i wish it was under better circumstances we could have a conversation. you have looked at the tape, read the police report, and you think what? what does this make of the evidence? the case? >> well, i think there's, unfortunately for mr. zimmerman, there's a time line that exists that indicates he probably precipitated that problem, number one. the fact that he got his nose bloodied and got put on his ground is only kittant with this young man having more physical prowess. the problem is very simple. he had no legal right to confront this young man under any circumstances. he's not a trained law enforcement agent. he's not an experienced law enforcement agent. he wasn't licensed to carry a gun in this capacity. to the contrary, these neighborhood watch groups frown upon it and they have a policy discouraging, if not dramatically impressing upon these people they don't want weapons carried. you have to ask yourself what was the whole need for what was this exercise about.
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reference has been made to this young man being suspicious. what is it in mr. zimmerman's background that qualified him to identify trayvon as being suspicious? there's a lot of questions here. this tape that we see, the tape to me is borderline academic except from the standpoint it supports the fact that he did not sustain these injuries he would like everybody to think he sustained, bottom line. and the question we have to ask each other is how after he was warned or how we would say told to stand down by the 911 operator, who by the way are trained by law enforcement agents, did he manage to come in proximity of trayvon martin to the point where it gave him opportunity to be beaten up pretty much. >> so, lou, listen, we don't know what happened at the scene. you have read the police report. i have read the police report. we have heard everybody sort of trying this case and people are saying he's being tried in the media. and so let's give information here.
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it really boils down to what the family wants at this point. sure, they would love to have their son back. they know that's not going to happen obviously, but what it boils down to is they want an arrest, right? >> correct. >> and if you look at this, the circumstances, the police report, the videotape, it boils down to probable cause. do you see problem? >> absolute probable cause? >> absolutely. listening to zimmerman's father he outlines what happened. zimmerman got into a physical confrontation with trayvon martin and in the course of losing the battle he saw fit to use deadly force in a fistfight. that's not legal either. this whole case, this whole set of circumstances from beginning to end is problematic for mr. zimmerman. i think that there should be an arrest made. i think they need to go back and revisit a number of issues and
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incidents of that evening. i think there should be questions if he sustained such injuries, why wouldn't the police take photographs? why didn't they seek emergency medical treatment. i think zimmerman is in damage control because he got involved in something he wasn't equipped to handle and he encountered a young man who comes from a rough neighborhood from what i can gather, this miami gardens. i think part of his survival tools is learning how to take care of himself. he has this unknown male following him around without any legal justification, not posse s possessing any type of law enforcement identification he could provide justifying any type of interaction. you have to empathize with what was going on in this kid's mind. we have him in a phone conversation with his girlfriend clearly stating he's being followed. we have a 911 tape clearly stating he's following this young man. we have in that same tape the
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fact he was told to stand down. i think you have more than sufficient amount of probable cause to come to the conclusion that he instigated this engagement with him and as marcia clark pointed out last evening on anderson cooper, if you initiate or you instigate a confrontation with someone, you know, this stand your ground or use of deadly physical force or self-defense is not your affirmative defense. >> so why isn't he arrested then if you believe it's probable cause as someone in law enforcement? >> i think they dropped the ball in the state attorneys office. what we now know is the detective or the investigator in sanford wanted to charge him with i believe it was manslaughter. >> manslaughter, yeah. >> correct. for whatever reason they weren't quite sure of the landscape here. i don't think really anybody conducted an investigation sufficient enough to determine what exactly did go on here. i don't know what the fruition
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was of a crime scene, were there photos taken? the police -- listen, this young man, trayvon, was lying dead on the street. at that point they needed to chalk that body, cordon off the area, and conduct a thorough forensic investigation. we don't know if that was done at this point. we know one investigator had the wherewithal to try to put his foot forward and have this guy charged. for whatever reason they deferred to the state attorney which i don't fully understand, and at that point it got kicked. >> lou, thank you. we appreciate you joining us. tonight at 9:00 eastern robert zimmerman joins piers morgan and speaks out on the trayvon martin case, the treatment his brother is receiving, and how he feels the case should be handled going forward. that's cnn tonight 9:00 eastern. it's one of the questions at the heart the trayvon martin tragedy, what if he had been white? the case has touched off emotional debates, but what about the other side of the coin?
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white privilege. joining us is michael scolnik. do you believe there's such a thing as white privilege? is that real? >> of course it's real. i'm white and i have it. i can walk in the street in new york city and put my hand out and no taxi will pass me by. no woman is going to grab her purse in fear of me. no one asks me to pay before i eat. no one will call 911 and say i look suspicious. i wore a hoodie and jeans and white tennis shoes this weekend and no one is ever going to stp and say that guy looks suspicious. for one reason and one reason only, because i'm white. and let me say one other thing. furthermore, i have the privilege to never look suspicious. that's an incredible privilege to have. i will never look suspicious to anyone regardless of what i'm wearing because of my skin color. >> what is -- then where did this concept of white privilege come from?
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>> well, i think the idea of white privilege comes from white people have been in power for hundreds and hundreds of years. because we've been in power for hundreds and hundreds of years, we think we have the right to do whatever we want. i look at a young man like trayvon walking through his neighborhood with a bag of skittles and a can of iced tea and another man looks at him, young black men look suspicious because of the color of their skin is wrong. >> is it something that's innate? you know, people say you don't know. i have had many women say you don't know what it's like to be a woman, don, because you're not a woman. you don't know what it's like to be black because you're not black or white because you're not white. is it something that's so innate and pervasive that people don't understand the concept of white privilege and they're in it. >> i wrote a piece on global as a white person we have to begin to understand i don't feel guilty for being white. i'm not ashamed.
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it was the hand i was dealt. it was the card that came out of the deck. but when i got that, when i was lucky enough to be a man, to be white, to be an american, i got choices to make. the choices i'm going to make is i'm not going to be quiet, i'm not going to watch a kid get shot in the chest and just be quiet. three weeks ago when joseph kony, that movement started, all my white friends were loud, tweeting, e-mailing. when a 17-year-old black kid was killed in our country people were quai yes, sir. it was you, and melissa harris perry, and black commentators were talking about it. i said why do they have to talk about it? why can't white people stand up and say this is just as wrong. >> i'll answer that. i think it's a matter of -- some did because actually cbs news was the first to do the story. i think it's diversity. if you work in -- let's say you work with the economy, you work on wall street. things that are in reference to the economy or economics are going to stand out to you and
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you're going to follow that. if you're an african-american in this country and you see a story like that, it is by nature something that you're going to a pay attention to. if you're a woman and there is a woman issue, then you are going to be drawn to that story. it's just a diversity issue. so, you know, i agree with you on the comment. but here is what i'd like to know. i heard a republican commentator on another channel, i'll be honest, it was joe scarborough on msnbc saying if you took the pictures of trayvon martin and transpose them into a 17-year-old white kid and then you transposed george zimmerman into a 28-year-old black man that's twice the size, how would you feel about this particular story and how would it be portrayed? and are you looking for how would you look for guilt or innocence on the part of each side? >> i hear this conversation a lot. let's be honest, we're not going
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to be back here in three weeks talking about white kids being killed in record numbers. not talking about white kids being stopped and frisked in new york city at record number. we're not going to talk about white people being in put in prison at record numbers. we know -- if we're going to be honest with each other, if we want to walk that elephant out of the room which is race in this country, let's be honest and let's at least agree that young black men, young brown men, young latino men are being targeted in every neighborhood in this country and every community in this country. i am not going to walk through my neighborhood in brooklyn tonight and have to worry about the police following me because i look suspicious. it's just not going to happen. yes, if a black man killed a white kid is it just as wrong? of course it is. if he racially profiled that white kid? of course it is. it's not going to happen at the numbers it's happening with young black men. >> just from this conversation people should not draw the conclusion that we're speaking of the guilt or innocence of george zimmerman. that is a different conversation
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when we're weighing -- >> absolutely a different conversation. absolutely a different conversation. >> we can have these conversations. >> he's innocent until proven guilty in my book and he should have due process and he should be arrested and we should let it go before his peers. >> there are a lot of white people who feel the same way you do. editor in chief of global we're back in a moment. get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. [ female announcer ] live the regular life. ♪ when your chain of supply goes from here to shanghai, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there
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>> reporter: you know, don, i can understand why people are frustrated about this. you know, you take the new ipad with the super high resolution screen and you combine it with the 4g connection if you happened to have gotten that upgraded model and you have the recipe for consuming a bunch of data. people are complaining saying they have exhausted their whole month's data plan in a matter of hours. we wanted to test it for ourselves. we teamed up with tab times, a publication devoted to tablets. if you're watching a high-definition movie for three hours, you can burn three gigabytes of data. i'm sorry to get technical for a second, but i have to do this. so the way it works is you can purchase a plan from at&t or verizon. the plans usually are two gigabytes or three gigabytes a month for $30. and you do the math. one high-definition movie equals about three hours. there's three gigabytes of data.
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it's a story of buyer beware. take a look. wau do you think this means for the consumer? >> this is interesting for the consumer. i think in the short term is probably means a lot of people will be scared and nervous about using these kinds of connections to stream video. i think in the long term hopefully this -- these kinds of findings are going to help the at&ts and verizon wirelesses of the court figure out what consumers need and meet that need. >>. >> reporter: so if you watch an entire game using this connection it's going to cost you $30. >> $30 for a three-hour baseball game unless you really need to watch that game, it's outrageous. think about this, you could buy a ticket for this much money. >> reporter: the bottom line here, don, is these wireless companies don't want these new networks to be constrained, so they have to keep the prices just high enough so lots of people are going on there. it's the same reason why they got rid of these all you can eat plans when it comes to, you know, the phones and so we're seeing the same principles applied here to tablets.
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you've got to be careful. >> what do you do then? >> reporter: well, it's an easy answer. use wi-fi, and if you happen to be on one of these super high fast mobile connections, be cautious about watching video. that's where you're going to soak up a bunch of data. there are also resources you can go on to your tablet to see how much data you have consumed, but you got to be careful or else you're going to incur some extra fees. >> dan simon, san francisco, thank you, sir. appreciate it. a new report showing more kids and more families are living with autism than we ever thought and we'll have the latest on the troubling numbers and what they mean for your family. ♪ why do you whisper, green grass? ♪ ♪ why tell the trees what ain't so? ♪ [ all ] shh! ♪ whispering grass ♪ the trees don't have to know
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the utterly shocking sensation of being on a business trip where everything goes right. backed up by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. feel the advantage. feel the hamptonality. a rundown of some of the stories we're working on. neck, more kids and more families are dealing with autism. we'll break it down and tell you about a new report. then a rising star in the republican party gets behind mitt romney. will it give him the bump that
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he needs? we're talking about that new government study that finds in 1 in every 88 children in america has autism. check out what's on your screen right now. back in 2000 1 in 150 children had the developmental disorder. and you can see the rate steadily increasing over the years. joining me now is mark rothmaier, the president of the advocacy group autism speaks. thank you for joining us. this is near and dear to your heart. are you surprised at this 1 in 88 number. >> first of all it's a pleasure to be here. this 1 in 88 number, i think it's time to declare autism is an epidemic in united states. autism speaks is the leading autism organization in the world. it was started in 2005 by susan and bob bright. the rate has nearly doubled in that time. we see the cost to families has almost tripled over the last six years. ais i'll tell you we're
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undercounting on both numbers. >> why do you think that? >> they pull from health and education records. we did a gold study in south korea where everybody single child got looked at. the rate was 1 in 38. folks at the cdc will tell you jerry undercounting. >> why do you think this number is growing? what's causing it? is it environmental? you know it's a developmental disorder. >> the nih pays a scientist at columbia university just on that question, the answer is four fold. better diagnosis, more awareness, but 50% is do not know. what we think there is that there are environmental triggers going on and we need more science dollars to go into environmental research. >> like what? because i spoke to dr. sanjay gupta last hour. i said is there a test? he said i'm used to ordering a test saying get this and what have you. it's not quite that cut and
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dried when it comes to autism. >> the things we're starting to look at range from everything from internal infection, vitamin d deficiency, maternal age. if women and moms and dads are older having babies, they've been exposed to more toxins over the course of a lifetime. we're looking at things like air pollution. we're looking at things like pesticides. >> you definitely think it is environmental. >> so genetic predisposition, environmental trigger. going forward there's a real clear plan here. you know, we're looking for the coalition of the willing. >> that's what i was going to ask you. what can -- especially parents do, but is it government, is it schools, but most of all what can all of us do and especially parents? >> first of all with parents or anybody that's out there in america, for parents if you have young infants and toddlers look for the early warning signs. go to autism you can see it 3, 6, 9, 12 months. we have a video glossary that compares a typically developing child with a child on the spectrum. we have resources where you can
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go locally. >> these are some of the possible signs of autism, delayed and infrequent babbling. doesn't gesture to communicate. poor eye contact. seeks your attention infrequently. doesn't reach out when you approach. that's what you should look for. >> correct. i want to come back to this concept of a coalition of the willing and what is it going to take? 1 in 88, 1 in 54 boys. we have an epidemic going on in the united states. it's the federal, state, and loyal gofervernments. it's local schools. we need more science around that environmental side. we can diagnose of all children of all backgrounds by 18 months of age. he can diagnose definitely by 18 months. that's the standard that we want to get to. there's two things in our way of doing that. we need more providers that are out there, almost a national training corps. what we have is such a demand,
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we're not meeting with the supply of providers. and also insurance. in this country 21 states that don't cover any autism insurance coverage. we need to change that. >> we're so happy you came, mark. thanks for coming on. >> just one last piece, we have the first cdc study that was ever done in 1992. those kids are now turning 20 year olds, adults with autism are becoming a bigger and bigger issue. we have to get behind that also. >> yes, thank you. pleasure. >> thank you. let's talk some politics. he's a rising star in the republican party but will marco rubio's endorsement be enough to puthtino voters in mitt romney's corner? ♪
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[ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. but last year my daughter was checking up on me. i wasn't eating well. she's a dietitian, and she suggested i try boost complete nutritional drink to help get the nutrition i was missing. now i drink it every day and i love the great taste. [ female announcer ] boost has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to help keep bones strong
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and now he's endorsing romney. jim acosta had a one-on-one interview with the senator, and jim joins us now live from washington. good work there, jim. what is senator rubio saying about his endorsement of romney? >> reporter: well, this is a good endorsement for mitt romney, don. this is probably one of the biggest endorsements for mitt romney to date. you will remember that marco rubio won down there in the state of florida with the backing of a lot of tea party supporters, a lot of conservative voters. so that's helpful to mitt romney, and imarco rubio, caught him for just a few minutes on capitol hill, why exactly is now the time to get behind mitt romney? he didn't do it before the florida primary. he's doing it now. here is what he had to say. give us a little of the backstory on why you decided to endorse governor romney now? >> there's no backstory. the primary is over.
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i think a floor fight in tampa would be the worst possible thing we can do in terms of winning in november. so i think mitt romney by the admission of his opponents has won the primary and it's time for us to get behind our nominee. >> so there you heard the words there. it's now time to get behind our nominee. he's not quite the nominee yet, but a lot of republicans here in washington are starting to feel like it's looking that way and so marco rubio getting in line behind mitt romney is a good step in the right direction in that department. >> important because it's not just coming from the establishment, an establishment republican. this is coming from someone who is a favorite, as i said, in your introduction among tea partiers. >> reporter: that's right. and we had a chance to talk to senator rubio about all of this speculation about whether or not he would appear on a ticket with mitt romney as his vice presidential running mate. and it was very interesting, don, what marco rubio had to say about that. he said, well, i'm not going to be my vice president and my answer hasn't changed right now. that raises the question, well,
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could your answer change tomorrow, three months from now? he had said on "meet the press" last year that under no circumstances would he appear on the republican ticket in 2012. the answer he gave us today was just slightly different. but this is a sign that republicans are starting to close ranks to get behind mitt romney. >> former president george h.w. bush later today -- >> that's right. i mean, and the romney campaign is making a big deal about that. they are going down to houston. in fact, they're in houston right now where mitt romney will be meeting with the former president and the former president will be coming out later on this afternoon, we expect, to give some sort of official announcement in front of the cameras. this is a big moment for mitt romney. he is well ahead of his rivals right now in the race to get that magic number of 1,144 delegates, and as he inches closer, we will see more of these establishment republican figures sort of falling in line. they're starting to see the writing on the wall.
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even though rick santorum and newt gingrich say, wait a minute, this thing isn't over yet, there's still time for us to overtake mitt romney and if not overtake him in the number of delegates perhaps at a contested convention. we're going to see this argument play out, but in the meantime romney is continuing to line up people behind him. it's only going to help him along the way. >> it looks like they're coalescing getting behind mitt romney. more of that interview on ""the situation room."" >> you bet. >> thank you. you see her more in court these days than in the movies. we're going to have the latest on the lindsay lohan saga coming up. [ speaking in japanese ] yeah, do you have anything for a headache... like excedrin, ohhh, bayer aspirin... ohh, no no no. i'm not having a heart attack, it's my head. no, bayer advanced aspirin, this is made for pain. [ male announcer ] bayer advanced aspirin has microparticles, enters the bloodstream fast, and safely rushes extra strength relief to the sight of your tough pain. feel better? yeah...thanks for the tip!
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[ male announcer ] fast relief, fresh breath, all in a pocket sized pack. lindsay lohan, the troubled actress, back in court today but for a change it was actually a good thing this time. so don't be all judgmental, don lemon. nischelle turner tells us why. she's in los angeles. you know, we always get in trouble when year together. can i say something? that whole conversation we had yesterday about spike lee and clearly i was exasperated like, god, let's move on because what he did was idiotic. someone took it the other way and wrote about it saying that don lemon approves of what spike lee did. is that just the most ridiculous thing you have heard? how idiotic. >> you know, it is ridiculous, and i think most people with logical minds don't approve of that, and i think i got what you were saying. >> move on, this is so
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ridiculous, no the even worth talking about the stupidity that he did. thank you. >> i got it. >> thank you, initianischelle. let's talk about lindsay. >> sourt today and like you said she spent a lot of time there, but after five years of probation, she's finally off the hook. a judge just ended her formal probation at a court hearing in los angeles. this brings an end to the courtroom saga which started after her may 2007 dui arrest. she could have finished her probation two years ago but four probation violations have kept her under court supervision until today. over the past five years she spent 250 days in rehab, 35 days in home confinement, 67 days on community service, 19 days in court, and made 6 trips to jail. by the way, she's only 25. now, lindsay will remain on informal probation for two more years due to a misdemeanor shoplifting conviction. remember that whole necklace incident? >> you glossed right over that.
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>> she's trying to get her career back on track. i know. this is where the good stuff comes in. >> you glossed right over that. by the way, she's only 25. that's very important. >> she's lived a life. let's just put it like that. but she's trying to get back on track, don. she's got this upcoming role in an episode of "glee" and we have also just confirmed that she does have a work permit now which will allow her to work in vancouver because she's going to be filming this movie called "liz and dick." according to her representative that starts in may. hopefully maybe she can just go to canada, spend some time filming her movie, and get everything back together because she's lived a pretty hard life for a 25-year-old. she's done a lot. >> yes. i don't know what to ask you because the prompter went blank. bring back the words. i'm saying that because i'm so excited about this next story. let's watch a video and then you and iing talk about it, it. all right?
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>> yeah. >> as of 0900 mountain time paramount pictures and myself, ronald joseph and aaron burgundy have come to terms of a sequel of anchorman. >> yay. >> you know, you just had a ron burgundy moment there. the prompter we want down and you couldn't go on. >> bring back the words. i am don lemon? who put a question mark in the prompter. ron burgundy is this huge deal. people know him and not just for his skill on the jazz flute that i played for conan last night. the original anchorman movie took in 85 million dollars. of course we shouldn't be surprised they green lit the sequel. here is what i will say, stay classy and get ready for the return of anchorman. >> stay classy, michelle turner, san diego, you know what comes after that? don't say it on tv. >> no way, sir. i like this job. >> yes. you're a big deal.
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people know me. people know you. pretty big deal. thank you. i have gone way off the rails. thank you, michelle. hope to he so you soon in person. to stay up to date the news from the entertainment world, don't miss show biz tonight, 11 p.m. eastern on hln. earl skrugz was the most important banjo player that ever lived. just ask actor and blue grass expert steve martin. we'll take a look back on this legend and his music coming up. ♪
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on the theme song for the beverly hill billys is dead. >> ♪ ♪ then one day he was shooting a some food ♪ >> jett clampent was the only number one hit but it helps bring blue grass music into popular culture. he died yesterday of natural causes. he was 88. that was part of the vernacular for a long time, that song still famous and classic. rest in peace, sir. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function
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not on the runway. no. two days and counting until the final four. a month ago there were 68 teams in the hunt and now it is down to kansas, ohio state, louisville and kentucky and one kansas player is battling for more than a championship. rob has his story. >> college basketball can be gut wrenching, heartbreaking, and exhilarating. the life of a college basketball player can be all of those things and one other, exhausting. >> we have early morning workouts and then classes and
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then straight to practice after that and practice normally could go from 2 to 4 depending on how the coach feels and then tutoring at night and back in your room and back up the next morning doing the same thing again. >> it is a full day every day, one that can sometimes be eased by a comforting call home. >> when things get tough for me, my mom is one of the first people i call and i am sure it is the same for a lot of people. >> over a year ago kansas forward thomas robinson received a late night call from home that changed everything for him. he was told his mother lisa had just died of a heart attack at age 37. this only weeks after the deaths of robinson's grandparents who helped his single mother raise him. he and his seven-year-old half sister jayla were left alone. >> when i said, thomas, anybody back home you want me to contact? he said, coach, they're all gone. that just broke my heart. >> my teammates, you know, immediately became my brothers
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and strong support i have. >> his teammates followed him home to washington, d.c. for the funeral and the school started an education fund for his sister. even as the fans filled the seat at legendary fog allen donated to a cause more worthy than another national championship he realized his daily responsibilities are grown i am he mentionly. >> i have something big to her take care of. i have a little sister at home. >> some people would go the opposite way and they don't have anything to work for now, you know. he kind of had a different approach like i am going to go even harder. >> there was a whole different level of want, of try in him that i hadn't seen seen before. >> the 6'10" junior wears that responsibility to his sister like a chain around his neck honoring his mother. his performance in the ncaa tournament shined like the medallions taking the jay hawks to the final four on the strength of averaging nearly 16 points and 13 rebounds in their
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four wins. the goal is a national championship, all with the hope it will lead him to millions in the nba and his sister to a future without worry. >> for me to feel comfortable, the best way to do that will be able to reach my lifetime dream, man, and doing that would be able to take care of her. >> gut wrenching, heartbreaking and exhilarating. thomas robinson's life has been all of those things and one other, inspiring. rob marciano, cnn, atlanta. thanks for watching. brooke baldwin takes over now. >> mr. lemon, thank you very much. a lot up thatting today. we begin with rapid fire. roll it. >> let's begin with this. we have new images, take a good long look if you have yet to see this, images of a man that admits to shooting florida teenager trayvon martin and we're getting a good look, video spot lotted to look closely handcuffed in custody as he
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arrives at the police department. there are no clear injuries on the tape which was obtained by ab. c news and it is not known how much time had passed since the shooting but zimmerman had been treated by paramedics and his own father says martin beat zimmerman so badly he had no choice but to shoot him. and the senate today killed a bill backed by president obama to end tax breaks for major oil companies. speaking before the vote the president said the nation would be watching to see what congress did. it is not as if these companies can't stand on their own. last year the three biggest u.s. oil companies took home more than $80 billion in profits. >> the bill died on a 51-47 procedural vote with democrats backing the measure and republicans opposing it. a security scare today at philadelphia's airport. here is what happened. police say the guy tried to go through security with m-80 fire works and flash powder in the
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backpack. the pennsylvania man was trying to catch a flight, united airlines to san francisco, and never exactly made it to the plane and he was taken into custody and federal officials say and there are and i am quoting them, no early indications of terrorism. and an update today for you in the killing of the 17 afghan civilians. the u.s. military says it has never had access to the two villages where the killings happened. that will make it tough to prosecute the alleged killer here, staff sergeant robert bales. his attorney, john henry brown was on cnn just last night. >> it is not a traditional crime scene. there is no crime scene. the military has not been back to the villages where this allegation stems from. they haven't been back there. so there is no crime scene, there is no dn. a, there is no fingerprints, there is no confession. alarming new numbers out today. just how likely are you to have a child with autism? answer?
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1 in 88. that's a new figure released by the cdc. dr. sanjay gupta will talk to us next hour and tell us what the numbers mean and what parents can do to lower their risk of having a child born with autism. an american soldier that lost his life in afghanistan last week is being haled as a hero. specialist dennis whiteshell was killed as he lifted a young afghan girl out of the path of an on coming military vehicle. she was saved. after his death he has now been awarded the bronze store for heroism and promoted to sergeant. now look at these pictures. this could be, could be lindsay lohan's last time in court. there she is. her probation is over. her judge saying at a hearing just a little while ago, quote, i don't expect to see you again. lohan has done community service, counseling sessions, following her dui arrest about five years ago now and we did hear her just briefly thank the judge before getting out of there. >> i just to want say thank you
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and for being fair and it is really opened a lot of doors for me so i really appreciate it. >> you're on a tight leash. you won't be on that leash any more. the leash you will be on will be elf imposed. you know what you have to do. >> if you have lotto fever, sorry, you're not alone. the mega millions jackpot reached a record high $540 billion. so if you haven't bought your ticket yet like myself, make sure you wear comfortable shoes. lines across the u.s. are wrapping around buildings, up and down streets and everyone hoping to cash in on the biggest lotto drawing in not just u.s. history, world history, friday night 11 p.m. eastern. also this. >> beverly hill billy's. ♪ >> that gets you toe tapping, the unmistakeable sound of earl scruggs, a music legend died at a nashville hospital. he was 88. he teamed up with lester flatt
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to form the follow i mountain boys and earn their way into the country music hall of fame. the biggest hit was the theme song to the cbs sitcom. we have a lot more to cover over the next two hours including this. we have the police report now. we also have a surveillance video showing george zimmerman after the shooting and mike brooks is here. he will walk us through the video frame by frame. >> so many questions remain unanswered, the new video sheds a lot of light on what his role may have been. >> i am brooke baldwin along with mike. the noo uz is now. a security guard scans a little boy at a school board meeting. >> i think it is the epitome of disrespect. >> as the picture goes viral, tempers flare over a controversial curriculum. >> i was terrified. >> a group of men burst into a church classroom, put
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pillowcases over the heads of children and fake kidnapped them. why? >> shock value of it. >> they could be in serious trouble. >> where is mom? what is she stopping for? >> inside a family's escape from a raging wildfire. alicia silverstone making waves for the way she feeds her baby. is it natural? or is it just plain gross? [ car braking ]
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take a look with me. this is the surveillance tape of the admitted shooter. you see george zimmerman in custody of sanford florida police. he is in handcuffs, area in red and police, you see them checking him all over, video obtained by cnn, and i know it is darker, it is kind of grainy, but there doesn't appear to be any visible injuries to zimmerman. i want to play another piece of the video you can see. the lighting is a little better. we spotlighted his head. this is zimmerman being led into a room for questioning and police would ultimately decide as you know now know not to arrest him. i want to bring in david mattingly standing by in sanford, florida, and we know that zimmerman claimed that trayvon martin was attacking him and he fired his gun in self-defense to save his own life. his appearance in the videos, it is raising questions about that, is it not? >> like so many things that come out in the case, it is raising more questions than providing answers about what happened that night in that video as you acknowledge, it is not the best
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quality video. it is not the best angle. it is not a close up shot of george zimmerman, but we do not see visible injuries on his face or the back of his head. he told police he was attacked by trayvon martin who punched him, knocked him down and jumped on top of him, hit his head against the concrete on the gro you understand and also hit him in the face. we do not see any evidence of that in this poor quality video. we also know, and i have spoken to an eyewitness that witnessed the wrestling as the witness described between two men. it was dark. the witness could not describe exactly who was fighting whom that night, but that witness said that police said that night that george zimmerman did indeed sustain injuries and that he had been beaten and he had some scratches that he had to deal with there at the scene. >> i have the police report here. it describes from this officer, you know, observing his back to be wet, covered in grass, lying on his back on the ground. here is the part i want to highlight. zimmerman was also bleeding from the nose and back of his head.
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this is from the report. it also says, david, that he received first aid at the scene as well and it is possible that could have minimized his wounds. >> well, here is the problem with that bit of information that we have. it is not telling a complete story. we don't know the extent of his injuries. we don't know how bad these wounds, scratches, whatever they might have been, how bad they were. we do know from people speaking on his behalf and message has been very consistent over the last couple of weeks
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family took footage on the ground as they're escaping the flames. you will see how that makes all the difference. let me set this up here, so the dad is in the car with the kids and mom is in another car leading the way and the dad, his name is doug, says he turned the corner and this is what he saw. >> daddy. >> we're going to be fine. >> where is mom? what is she stopping for? >> it is down there. it is down there now. whoa. >> there it is right here, right here.
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>> you think about how many times they took the same road to go to the store or whatnot and now they're on basically a trip for survival. it is basically an escape. they're very fortunate. terrifying altogether. >> what's the status of the fire right now? >> it will be dicey the next couple days. by the time we get to the end of the weekend we expect changes and a front to come through. when it does it could bring moisture and it could be a big game changer. hop over for a moment if we can. we will kindly show you the story with the help of google earth. it is really amazing as we zoom in and you see the area that they certainly were flamed with. you see the southwest in the city you see the active fire area. of course the evacuation zone
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shaded in green. as we zoom in more, you will see the place where the fire took place and where the family was escaping for their lives down these roads and again it is not like going down i-70 where you have a wide expansive area and present i of room to gun it. that's not the situation. have you twists and turns and the possibility of trees toppling over and blocking the route and certainly a very terrifying scenario. >> we're hearing from the family, are we not? >> we spoke with the mother earlier and her story just liked video was quite compelling. >> i had to put on the bra i can to figure out that i could get my hands to the lights and turn those on and i was considering that we might not make it through and maybe we needed to turn around, like many i husband said, and my dad and my brother both fire fighters and i know that one of the dangers is if the road is blocked with trees that are down and i was concerned we would just get trapped inside. the neighbor that passed us, we didn't know that that neighbor knew the way out, but he was
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flying and so we just went for it. >> goodness. the one thing we can green from this is when there is an order to evacuate, it is an evacuation order. it is not a suggestion. you take yourself and get your family and get out of the area. anything else you leave behind, all of that can be replaced. they're very fortunate obviously and they could have turned into a different scenario and they have a lot of work, the fire fighters, still going to be a lot of work and certainly hats go off to the hard work and hopefully they will remain safe. >> that's one family however many who have been in the exact same scenario racing down the road to flee the fire. thank you. now to this. he is the american soldier accused of killing 17 innocent civilians including nine children. there is a whole new twist involving the crime scene itself. it could mean it will be very, very difficult to convict sergeant robert bales in this murder spree.
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a soldier around 2 in the morning and his roommate says he has been off the base killing afghan civilians. that soldier dismisses it as non-sense. areasonable doubt coming to a u.s. official that roommate telling the story was in fact staff sergeant robert bales. the official says he left the base a second time. just about 90 minutes later he ran into a search team looking for him. bales had blood on him according to the same official and as you now know he is charged with gunning down 17 afghan civilians and trying to kill another six. his defense attorney says the military will have a tough time proving bales is the mass murder murderer. >> it is not a traditional crime scene. theres no crime scene. the military hasn't been back to the villages where this allegation stems from. they haven't been back there. so there is no crime scene. there is no dn. a.
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there is no fingerprints. there is no confession. the afghan people traditionally i understand and understandably bury their dead very quickly, so it is going to be a tough case for the prosecutors. >> the military official says investigators have not been able to go to the crime scenes now more than two weeks after that shooting spree and nick peyton walsh has been on this and in kabul, afghanistan, and, nick, military has not been back to the villages. why not? >> reporter: they haven't been there at all. the only u.s. military personnel to be to the two murder scenes was staff sergeant robert bales. immediately afterwards even afghan investigators that went there came under attack and security concerns and still very fractured relationship with the lollipcal investigators keeping
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problems with the forth coming prosecution. they need water tight forensic evidence and need to tie bales to the particular scenes and they can't do it. there is nothing left there now that would be reliable enough in court. the bodies as you said earlier buried, so real issues for u.s. investigators, brook. >> it is the afghan investigators, they're the ones who have been handling the forensics, the evidence there at the villages, and i imagine that would be a point when it comes to the defense of this sergeant. >> reporter: absolutely. whatever the afghan investigators have done, however good they have been at their jobs, the ep are station of law enforcement is corruption and ineptitude, you name it, will be frankly providing welcome ammunition for the attorney here. he can claim the evidence is unreliable and frankly it will be that which connects bales to the murder sites and he apparently according to this official had blood on his uniform and the issue will be tieing that to the dna of the dead that bury the bodies and
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not accessed by u.s. investigators and could possibly be that the wounded from this taken to the air field for treatment there, their blood may match that but that doesn't necessarily correlate easily to a murder charge. u.s. investigators and prosecutors deeply concerned this hugely problematic mass homicide here in afghanistan may be quite hard to turn into a solid conviction under the u.s. legal system. >> we now know sergeant bales faces all of those 17 murder charges and we'll see where it goes next. thank you, nick. now to something that a lot of you tweeted me about this time yesterday. conversation i had yesterday with congress woman kareen brown has a lot of you talking today 24 hours later including the congress woman herself. she told me she cares about all children in her district regardless of race, but she had a tough time answering my question in the heat of the moment. we'll replay that moment for you and share new information we just got in the last couple of hours. that's next.
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want to take a minute now just to talk about something that happened on this show yesterday. we were speaking with corrine brown, the congress woman from the florida district where trayvon martin was shot and killed. back on tuesday brown and other african-american democrats held a briefing on racial profiling and hate crimes on capitol hill which martin's parents did in fact attend. back to yesterday. near the end of the interview with this congress woman i asked her this. would you, would your fellow african-american lawmakers be as concerned about this case if trayvon wasn't black? >> let me tell you something. we had an incident in my area where a young white female was murdered, and i was just as concerned, absolutely. i care about all of the children. you know -- >> what was her name? >> the young lady that got
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killed? >> yes, ma'am. >> in orange county. >> what was her name? >> the young lady that got killed, no, no, the point -- >> do you remember? >> i don't remember her name, but we had all kinds of rallies in the community in jacksonville that i participated in and i made sure that the sheriff department had the money that they needed to pursue the case, so just don't try to act like this is just about this one black male. this is about all of the children and in fact the congressional black caucus is the conscience of the congress, and we constantly work to make things better. you know, i served in this congress for a long time, and i have seen what we call a reverse riding hood, robbing from the poor and working to give tax breaks for the rich. we talk about it all the time. how can we elevate it? how can we make a difference? you are talking about deficits, but we talk about investment in
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young people. how to give them opportunities, and, yes, how to stop profiling. i mean, the folk, the point is i really do believe to whom god has given much is expected. we are here to try to make a difference for all young people. >> congress woman, corrine brown, i hear you. >> when america has a cold, african-americans have pneumonia. >> that moment provoked an immediate reaction. many people on blogs and twitter were not so kind to congressman brown when they couldn't remember the older case she cited in the interview and others were angry that i asked her that question in the first place. later the congress woman's office sent us materials about the other case. it turned out she was talking about sommer thompson, a seven-year-old girl kidnapped in clay county, florida, in 2009, and found dead two days later.
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jared harold pleaded guilty back on february 3rd. he was sentenced to life in prison. the facts of this case, this he are absolutely horrific. prosecutors said he as fixated the girl and dumped her body in a landfill. brown's office says the investigation of the costly and she fought to get more funding and we spoke to the sheriff of clay county who did say that brown, and i am quoting, very helpful to the investigation and estimates they brought in about $150,000 to help cover the cost of things like officer overtime. despite her involvement in that case, though, congress woman brown couldn't remember sommer thompson's name during my interview yesterday or even which county thompson was abducted from and it could have perhaps just slipped her mind. the point is this. as more and more people, especially lawmakers attach themselves to the trayvon martin case, it is only fair to ask about their investment in the cases. brown says she felt attacked by
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my questions and that was certainly not my intent. there is nothing racist or even sa lashs about asking a lawmaker to back up claims with account fas. tune in friday night, 8:00 eastern for a special town hall hosted by sol soledad o'brien. coming up, a father and son run military drills in the woods as part of militia and the government accused them of plotting to attack the government and the fed dropped the charges. you are with to hear from one of the former militia members next. [ male announcer ] this is coach parker... whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil now and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain.
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a father and son that ran military drills in the woods pleaded guilty to weapons charges. a federal judge dropped more severe charges again david and joshua stone yesterday and they include a conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction against the government. the fbi planted an informant with a group that recorded all of these different activities here and when the so-called militia was charged, the government case described them as i am quoting christian warriors. want you to listen to a former member speaking to a reporter
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after yesterday's court proceedings. tina stone is her name and she is married to the leader of the group and says, yes, she is christian but she is not antigovernment. she goes to church every sunday and she told this reporter she voted for obama. here she is. >> there is no talk of overthrowing the government. in fact, to be perfectly honest, i don't think they could overthrow a troop. it was survivalist basically, dooms day preparers, just like the show on tv. we were -- we lived in the time for revelations and with our family being christian we figured at one time or another christians will be hunted down and killed. we talked about the new world order, not this government. we talked about the anti-christ, which unless the government is saying that they're the anti-christ and they're the new world order, you know, but, no, not this government. we were just playing follow the leader. that's basically what it was.
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we would walk in a line, watch our surroundings, and, yeah, we had loaded guns. >> tina stone also says she expects the militia to regroup. again, her had us and step son pleaded guilty to weapons charges today. she met her husband, the head of the militia online and she says they lost everything including their house and their jobs. politics and the man who has almost single-handedly bank rolled newt gingrich's campaign is saying time is up. i am talking about sheldon adelson. he is a big supporter, so big in fact he poured $15 million of his own money into this newt gingrich super political action committee and now mr. adelson admits the former house speaker's campaign is nearly over. >> it appears as though he's at the end of his line because mathematically he can't get
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anywhere near the numbers and is not unlikely to be a brokered convention. >> quick check as he was talking about math of the delegates count and it is apparent why he feels this way. he had 33 contests so far. gingrich won only two states and collected 137 delegates, nowhere near the magic number, and necessary to get the gop nomination. for newt gingrich time is running out and it is running out very quickly. go to washington and talk to joe jons about all of this. we just heard from adelson himself pointing out the math. is that ultimately why he is not giving the money anymore? >> don't know why, but it is interesting. it appears that he just was talking to some journalists and he feels comfortable with and shared a few thoughts, so thanks to jewish we have a window into the thinking of sheldon adelson. it is a guy that's been bank rolling newt gingrich's super pac and he is a las vegas casino billionaire, given $11 million
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more, the count is much higher by some, and in an interview with reporters that's posted on the website, adelson explains his motivations. he says he likes gingrich because he is a decision maker and he suggests he doesn't like rick santorum as much because he is too social, apparently meaning santorum is too conservative socially conservative and sees mitt romney as a guy he doesn't think he can get a clear answer from, and says president obama is the same way, that said, adelson sounds like he is being realistic about his chances and also suggested he would like to see a romney-gingrich ticket and even raise the issue with both of them but he says he wasn't able to get a clear answer from romney. listen to this. >> i would have said yes because in past i have talked to both him and mitt about committing to each other to be vice president. mitt says, well, he didn't give
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me an answer and newt says, listen, i would do that except that every governor whose help you need to go through in the election is hoping he will be the vice president pick, so if i go into the context with a vice president already picked, they're not going to help me. >> so it would be interesting to see if newt gingrich would say the same thing now given the fact that he is really scaled back his campaign with an eye toward the convention. i did talk to his campaign just a little while ago and they're not touching this. i have to tell you, brook, i have called many times asking about sheldon adelson and you don't get a lot of answers. they pick their words carefully when you talk about him. he has given so much money to the super pac. >> i can imagine. stop asking, we're not answering. we appreciate your diligence,
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joe. thank you so much in washington. now this. the epitome of disrespect and disregard. >> tempers flare after this picture goes viral. this little boy, not at an airport, not court, he is inside a school board meeting. all the anger, it is over a controversial curriculum. that's next. ♪ ♪ wow... ♪ [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ werther's original caramels.
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all right. i will show you a picture. take a close look at it. you will see this little boy arms out, and you may think you know what's happening here. trust me, you probably don't. you might think you know where this is headed. you will be surprised. cnn's telema explains. >> you might think these people
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are heading into a federal courthouse or going through airport security. they're not. this young boy and this little girl and their families were entering school board meetings in tucson, arizona. >> what were they afraid of? >> university of arizona associate professor roberto rodriguez took this photo of nine-year-old nicholas being wanded by an armed guard. >> we're not in afghanistan, you know. we're not in syria. >> the photo taken this month went viral and for some struck a raw nerve. >> i think it is the epitome of disrespect and disregard for our children. >> when they're wanding you and checking your purse, i think the message is we're really not welcoming you to be a part of this. >> tucson is where one of the country's most contentious education battles is being fought. at issue is a mexican american studies program designed to teach literature, american history, culture and art from a
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mex an american perspective. in 2010 the state legislature made courses designed for a particular ethnic group illegal. they say the law was aimed squarely at the mexican american program. the state school superintendent say he had no choice but to ban it. last april during a public forum to discuss the ban high school students took over the school board meeting. >> basically this is where we chain ourselves to the chairs. i am right over here. >> denise, a university of arizona freshman says the ta takeover was the culmination of years of frustrated efforts to save the program. >> this is disruptive when you look at it. couldn't you have done it in another way? >> we tried talking through letters. we went to meetings with them and they wouldn't even all meet with us. >> after that confrontation security at school board meetings was dramatically increased. school board member michael
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hicks says the added security applies to everyone. >> we felt that it was so volatile that the atmospheres that we were dealing with, people want to make it more than what it is, but it is all about safety of the individuals in the meetings. >> rodriguez says the response is over the top, that the guards now out number the school board members. >> these students didn't come in with weapons. they said we will speak for ourselves, you know. this is about education. >> both sides say the other side over reacted. >> they have established a sentence of us versus them and rather than working with one another. >> both sides would say unfortunately this photograph is a sign of the times in arizona. >> nine-year-old boy. want to bring in thelma live in los angeles, thelma, you had all of these different voices in this piece, and obviously the battle over this mexican american studies course, far from over. where does it go next? >> well, brooke, because there is a state law in effect, some
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worry that the state superintendent will start to turn his attention toward the mexican american studies program at the university of arizona. now, we contacted his office just a short time ago. a spokesperson there told us that while the superintendent does believe there is an unhealthy link between the university program and the high school program because the professors help to create that high school program, he says that he will take a look at it though he has no plans to take any action right now. so there is concern that he will start to turn his attention toward the university of arizona program and, by the way, brooke, the superintendent hupen there is thal stits on the board of re jonts although he says he has no plans right now. >> does the district have another mexican american studies program or programs in the works right now? >> not in the past forum,
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brooke, but they are looking at trying to put together another kind of program and we talked to the superintendent's office and they say we're not going to stop it. if they want to put together a program, one that fits what we believe it ought to be, and follows the rules of the district and the state, we will let it go through, and so they say there is something like that in the works right now. this fight is far from over. >> i know you will be covering it for us. thank you so much. that video they got a lot of talking and a nine-year-old and want to show you another video that involves an 11 month old. have you seen the video of ak tres alicia silverstone feeding her baby? she chews up the food and spits it in her baby's mouth. is it natural? other question, is it just plain gross? my next guest is a mommy blogger and says there is a point here that everyone is missing. that's next.
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♪ when your chain of supply goes from here to shanghai, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there track it all through the air, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ clearing customs like that hurry up no time flat that's logistics. ♪ ♪ all new technology ups brings to me, that's logistics. ♪ have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness.
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my goodness, thises definitely trending today. the story is actress alicia silverstone posts this video that has a lot of moms wondering who is clueless, us or her. i don't know if you have seen this. guess what we're going to show it to you. here she is chewing her food. this is silverstone with her baby son bear. watch with me as she puts it in his mouth. not playing kiss efface at all. most parents simply cut up the food in teeny tiny piece he and
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she is prechewing food for her son and feeding him directly from her mouth just like a mother bird feeding baby birds in the nest. this video here, there she goes, is setting the world of mommy blogs on fire. let me read a couple comments. jean sager rights i am trying to to come up with something nice to say and, sorry, i have nothing. it is weird. it is disgusting, and in a world where you can pick up a food processor for $50 at target, it is unnecessary. over jez bell, tracy also notes silver tone's vegan diet. mealtimes sound miserable for me, no cheese, and then she has a toddler literally trying to suck food out of her face. no thanks. one more, stephanie elliott over at real moms guide sums it up. trying to make a statement. i just can't for the life of me figure out what that statement might be. okay. katherine conners, back on the show, blogs as her bad mother,
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and, katherine, what's your reaction to this video? >> gosh, my first reaction was much like everyone else's. i thought, wow, that is not for me. i mean, there is the chewing the food part for your child and then there is the kiss feeding it to your child which takes it to a whole different level of uncomfortable. >> i have to be honest. it is something we talk through all of our stories in morning meetings and gauge how people feel and the reaction was mixed. you have the eww faces and others didn't find it strange at all. when you think about it, and you're a parent, i am not, but you are, how high does this rank on the list of gross things parents have to do? >> well, look, parents have to do a lot of really gross things. i have done a lot of really gross things that i won't list for you. some of them are as would be uncomfortable to watch as this. this isn't something that's necessary. the gross things that i have done have all fallen into the
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category of necessary. this isn't a necessary thing. we have food processors and utensils. we don't need to chew food for our children or transfer it from our mouth into theirs. i think it puts us on a different level. >> what did you do when your little one, jasper, was 11 months old? >> gosh, he ate soft foods. he ate banana, avocado, i mashed up potatoes for him with a fork, and i let him feed himself. i thought it was important that he learn to feed himself. look, i am as interested in keeping my babies as close to me as any other mother is, but i think tracy morris was very right in her statement let's leave some things for ourselves and let children learn to do things by themselves. >> you mentioned this a moment ago. it is one thing to see a mother and a young boy. would it be different if it was a father with a young boy? >> no. i made this point in the post that i wrote about this which is that a dad would not get away with doing this. i also say, i think, a gay
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parent or lesbian parent probably wouldn't get away with doing it in public either like this and i think it is something worth discussing. doesn't make it wrong. it means we have to think about what it represents, why it makes us uncomfortable. we see a mom doing it, maybe, okay, she is kiss feeding her child, but if we saw a dad do that, especially a dad with a daughter, we would be really uncomfortable. >> then there is the whole health issue, right? i was reading articles where researchers critical say, look, you have bacteria you're bassing onto the little one and can could contribute to tooth decay. it is not the healthiest thing to do but at the end of the day she is the parent and you're the parent of your child and are we in a position to judge? >> i don't know. i always try to avoid judging. there are some things you can't help but ask yourself questions. thises one. i think there are health concerns and i was told not to put my child's soother in my mouth to clean it if it fell in the sand because there is so much bacteria and where there are real health concerns, i
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think we put those out into the discussion and say she is doing and maybe we don't want to judge or say it is disgusting but we also don't want to encourage other mothers to do it if there are real health concerns at stake. >> our entertainment unit reached out to alicia silverstone because the big question is what kind of statement is she trying to make and the only glimmer is at the end of the l.a. times for her part silverstone says she loves feeding the her 11 month old this way and he loves it too. this is alicia silverstone talking. he literally crawls across the room to attack my mouth if i am eating. there you have it from her own blog. we appreciate you talking with us. now this. all right. top of the hour here. alarming new numbers about autism. autism in america, and also an american soldier dies safing a little girl and mark rubio tells cnn what he thinks about a possible
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