tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN March 31, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT
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tonight, who to believe in the trayvon martin tragedy. >> he didn't pull out a gun and shoot him. george showed tremendous restraint. >> george zimmerman hunted my son like an animal. >> emotions boiling over in a case gripping america. new details ahead. plus, a movie they don't want your kid to see. >> get your ass off my book bag. move! move! brutality of bullying. the battling over the new film. >> when you see this movie and you see the kids beating each other up, that's when you draw the line? >> i'll talk with the director and produce. and also a country legend. ♪ i might have been born plain white trash but fancy was my name ♪ >> reba on life and love and what's behind the twinkle in her eye. >> and known in america. mega millions. the stunning paycheck you have
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to see to believe. this is piers morgan tonight. good evening. our big story tonight is one dividing the country. the trey son martin case. the man who shot trayvon martin says it was self defense. tonight aisle talk to an attorney for the martins. this is what george's brother robert told me last night. who was screaming there, robert? >> that's my brother. >> how can you be so sure? because trayvon's family are equally adamant it's their boy. >> you know, that's a very sensitive thing to talk about. i don't blame them for being as equally adamant. i don't blame anybody whose meam member they believe or perceive to hear on a tape for being equally adamant. i would expected nothing less actually. i know that that's george. >> joining me now is one of the attorneys of trayvon martin's family. natalie jackson. what did you make of the
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interview i conducted with robert zimmerman? >> well, i thought it was more of the same that we've seen. we've seen it from his father. we've seen it from joe oliver. we've seen his from his attorney. now we see it from his brother. it's a tweaking of the story. and it's a bedding of a story to see which story is the best and most acceptable to america. and it's also coming from people who will never, ever take the stand. these are people who are not involved in the story. they weren't there, they won't take the stand. our team will ask to please look at the evidence that we know. there probably is more. but what we know right now is that we have a call that george zimmerman made to the police. we have seven 911 tapes. we have three witnesses who said they are sure george zimmerman
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was the aggressor and trayvon screamed for help. we have a girl in a phone record that backs aup young girl who says she was on the phone with trayvon. we have now a video that totally throws out any of the assertions that robert zimmerman made. robert zimmerman actually said that one more hit on the head and he would be in diapers. his brother would be in diapers. it's just -- it's ridiculous. and it shouldn't -- i don't know. >> do you believe that the family is conspireing to create a version of events best suited to a defense under the stand your ground law in florida? >> yes, i do. in fact, i think that they consulted with someone to help them. with his story.
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and i will say that because i notice piers that you asked robert three times if george told him something. robert never said, yes, george told me. that's very telling. and i believe he did that because if he said george told him something, he could be a witness at trial. but as it stands, what he said is not admissible in trial. so he can say whatever he wants. joe oliver can say whatever he wants. his dad can say whatever he wants. >> well, natalie jackson, it's certainly a fascinating case that's gripping america. i hope for the sake of your clients we get to some sense of truth and justice at the end of this. >> i want to talk with a man who is part of the trayvon martin case from the beginning. dan abrams. dan, it's a very complicated legal case. isn't it? because of the various laws that florida has relation to stand your ground and so on and
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concealed weapons and all the other facets to this make it complicated. from everything that you've seen and read that is factual so far, what is your overview about this case? should the police based on all we now know have arrested george zimmerman on that night? >> we still don't know about the most crucial question. that's exactly what happened that precipitated this event. we know a lot about all the circumstances surrounding it, but there are still some key questions. and look, i'm not in any rush here. i think that the authorities ought to take their time. with that said, i expect that there be an indictment. i expect that after the authorities review all of the evidence here, after they speak to all of the witnesses, some of whom they didn't speak to early on, it does seem that the
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publicity surrounding this has led to a lot more information, and information that should have been available to the authorities at the beginning. by now that's happening. and there's a special prosecutor here. and she's made it really clear she may move forward with or without a grand jury here. i'm of the belief that we should make the system work. not call for an arrest today and see what happens. i expect to see some action happening there in the very near future. >> let me play you a clip from my interview with robert zimmerman and i'll ask you a reaction for after this. >> a lot of the injuries take time to show the gruzing. sometimes the bone breaks and the blood is swallowed, like in the case of, for example f your hand would be on someone's nose and mouth, preventing them -- >> does he have injuries now? >> his nose is still broken. >> it's still broken? >> his nose is stig broken, yeah. >> i mean, it is a strange contradiction to the fact that
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we are led to believe george zimmerman and trayvon martin had this kind of brutal battle on the street and fell on the ground. he was being pounded and everything else and literally just over half an hour later we see him in that video in the lis station looking perfectly okay with no visible damage whatsoever. what do you make of that. >> i'm not a doctor. the doctors with whom i have spoken have indicated in the vast majority of cases if someone had their nose broken, there would be some indication of it. we haven't seen a close-up on the video. but i have to say one of the things that struck me most in your interview with the brother was him saying that trayvon martin snuck up on zimmerman. he made a reference to that in your interview. and i found that to be particularly striking. that's the key question here. meaning i think team zimmerman
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is going to have a hard time demonstrating that it was trayvon martin who snuck up on zimmerman when you have him talking about the fact that he's essentially sort of trailing him. and so then the question becomes that you're saying that zimmerman is trailing him. zimmerman stops, and then trayvon martin somehow sneaks up behind him in some way, shape or form. that sounds like that's what mr. zimmerman's brother is alleging. >> i thought an interesting came from another guest i had last night. mike tyson. when i talked to him about this. he said, well how did trey son martin know that george zimmerman have a gun? if you believe it, george zimmerman was reacting because trayvon was trying to weapon to use against him and was making death threats. he didn't explain how trayvon martin would have known that
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george zimmerman had a concealed weapon. >> it's also hard to imagine why trayvon martin suddenly wants to kill zimmerman, right? i mean, he sees him following him and decides he's going to die there tonight. and again, this is the problem for zimmerman is you have the 911 tape. you have him calling 911, him following martin, and it sounds like zimmerman's brother is questioning when that stopped. but this is a tough situation for zimmerman. this goes to the florida law. i know how much people want to knock talk about the law. and they want to talk about the facts. but the law is really, really important. if florida didn't have a stand your ground law, and there with the duty as it is in so many states to retreat, i don't see how the authority wouldn't have already charged zimmerman?
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they would have had to be able to show that zimmerman retreated, and that would be tough to show. but in florida you done have to show that. and that's what makes this case tricky. dan abrams. thank you for that. >> thank you, pierce. coming up, a man who took exception to my interview with george zimmerman's brother. he started a twitter war about it. toure is here. [ male announcer ] if your kid can recognize your sneeze from a crowd... you're probably muddling through allergies.
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we interviewed george zimmerman's brother last night. my next guest has been very vocal about the interview on twitter and other air ways. joining me now is pop culture commentator toure. you seem very exercised about my interview with george zimmerman's brother. tell me why. >> let me explain to you a little bit at what's at stake here. this is a major moment in american history. america is reaching a boiling point. when we allow misinformation and people to be confused about the truth of what's going on, then we become part of the problem and not part of seeking a solution. and you became part of the problem by allowing robert zimmerman to come on your show and spread misinformation and perhaps prevarication throughout the waves which we know many people will believe.
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the number one problem with having them on the air is the two of them haven't spoken in years. that comes from george zimmerman's attorney. in nbc at the hallways we were laughing with you. we wouldn't take them. standards of practices at nbc wouldn't let him get through door. you had him on the air and allowed the hundreds of thousands or tens of thousand that watch your show listen to what he has to say. and you aren't challenging him the way that we needed you, too. the way other more spornl journalists are doing. >> we spoke to the familied a virz about an hour ago. he rang george's father who said there is no es strangement. they all talk. >> joe oliver is a major problematic source in all of this. >> with respect -- with respect. >> we can't listen to what he's talking about.
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>> with respect, toure. you've had your say. let me have mine. you are incorrect about the esstrangement. you tried to portray me as an unprofessional journalist who didn't challenge george zimmerman's brother. anybody saw me challenge him repeatedly throughout the 20 or so minutes that we conducted that interview. let's play a clip and show you what i mean. how do you explain as a family the video that came out last night of your brother within not much time after this incident walking around, unaided, perfectly okay, with no apparent markings to his face. if you get a broken nose or the kind of head injuries sustainable from having your head smashed on the concrete floor, you're going to have blood everywhere. you're going to have injuries. there is nothing. we're looking at images now. there's no visible sign of any attack. how do you explain that? >> we're confident the medical
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records are going to explain all of george's medical history. >> now, unless i'm mistaken, toure. that's a clear challenge by me. so what are you talking about? >> well, what did robert zimmerman say in response to that? and what did you say in response to his response? i heard you -- i appreciate that are among those of us who agree that zimmerman said it on the tape. i saw you try to push him on the issue. he allowed those who want to believe he didn't say it, which is rather clear to us. you allowed him to say maybe it was a different word. you allowed him to talk about he's the most honest brother. how would that be quantified. and why is that not challenged? you allowed him to say he was going to target. it's not a neighborhood watch. what are you talking habit? >> toure, calm down. i don't wish to give you a lesson in how to be a professional journalist. >> well, you couldn't do that.
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>> if you let me finish. if you watch the interview back, you will see that i challenge him repeatedly about that plr joyce of words that his brother used under his breath, repeatedly, as any professional journalist will do. what is the next part where you say i didn't challenge him. >> i already said several. you allow him to say the most honest. >> remind me of some moments in the interview where i didn't challenge him. >> you said ha he was going to target and not on neighborhood watch. i think we pretty much established that he was on the neighborhood watch. and not going to target with his gun. >> tell me, what do you think happened? toure? you seem to be abreast of more facets of information than anybody else. >> i'm not abreast of any more facets of information than anybody else at mbz. we all share the information that is coming into us from
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multiple sources. >> msnbc, as has nbc, has all been running clips of my interview, without changing it. nor are they quiveling with the news value of the brother of george zimmerman going on the record and giving his version of events. wait a minute. at no stage did i give any sense that i agreed with what he was saying. i challenged him repeatedly about many of the things that he was saying. >> what you understand as challenging, perhaps maybe that goes in england. that's not what we do in terms of challenging in america. i saw a person who was saying things that didn't ring true to me. and i would have liked to seen him pushed and challenged. more follow-up. more pushback. more research to understand what you're saying does not ring true, sir.
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>> which part of this -- cl part of this story do you think i'm not really aware of given i've covered it for a week now. >> a whole week. wow. >> yeah, i've been running this for a week. i'm interested to know which part of the story you don't think i'm fully aware of the facts about. explain to me. >> the story that robert zimmerman wants to tell about this beating is -- cannot possibly be true. so, yes, you're pushing back lightly a little bit. just a tiny little bit. wen we look at this video tape where he's walking to the police department, it's impossible that his story is true. so at that point we can't give him a light push back. we have to give him a much tougher follow-up than that. >> toure, that is where you are revealing yourself to not be a professional journalist. actually, from that video, you
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cannot see for a 100% fact that he has or has not broken his nose. >> you can see quite clearly that person's face is not puffy. >> allow me to finish. >> he's not had a bloody nose in the last 30 minutes. that's quite clear. >> allow me to finish. we do not know if it was cleared up. we don't know this information yet. >> you can't clear up a broken nose. >> allow me to finish a sentence, toure. i also got robert zimmerman to say categorically that the medical records will substantiate the broken nose. that's a very revealing piece of information. >> if it comes out. >> exactly. at least we know that the family believe the medical records will confirm their story. at no stage did i say i believed a word of what he was saying. >> we'll take a short break. more with my interview with toure when we come back.
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i return to this. are you saying that robert zimmerman invented all his story on my interview last night? are you saying that his father, who an hour before our interview just now has taken place, was asked directly is there an estrangement and said directly there isn't. is he lying, too? is everybody apart from you lying, and are you abreast of more information than anybody else in america right now?
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>> one thing i notice is obviously the zimmerman family is banding together to try to keep george out of jail for the rest of his life. so that's quite obvious what their motivation are to say the things that they're saying. i also notice that between robert, george, and the father and the attorney, that there are not consistent stories being told. so we're not getting a consistent story that we can wrap our heads around. i mean, we have not heard before that he was actually going to target, instead of on the neighborhood watch. you know, he's sort of reading some of the story from the orlando sentinal and making the other story up. i don't understand why it's not clearer to you why this is a witness who needs to be cleated a little more hotly and pushed back a little bit more and why other people are not rushing to have him on the their airwaves because he doesn't know george zimmerman that well and they haven't spoken about this, which also joe oliver has admitted he's not spoke on the george zimmerman about this.
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how is he telling us things that may or may not happen when he too has not spoken. they're not telling a consistent story. they're spreading inconsistent information. and this is not helping america at an incredibly difficult moment. >> if i could just point out two things. one, brian williams through his rock center show, they are trying to get robert zimmerman on the show. are you aware of that. >> that's not the information that i had 30 minutes ago. >> okay, maybe news has taken over for you. secondly. you tweeted this on the 19th of march. new slang. you're zimmermaning me equals you're killing me. that's a pretty serious responsible piece of journalism, isn't it, toure? >> in the first days, in the first weeks of the situation what many people were doing, what i was trying to do is to pile on and to say hey, look, this guy is not doing the right thing.
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this guy has harmed somebody in our community. some people miscon trued that. but this is an incredibly serious situation. >> so serious that you felt the need to throw out jokes. >> you're showing you don't understand america. >> i understand america very well. >> you might call it black humor. not african-american humor. but black humor. dark humor. these are things that are common in america. that laugh to keep from crying. once again another black person who is unarmed and innocent and not doing anything wrong has been killed. and this is incredibly painful and goes back before before you were born and before your father was born and before my grandfather was born. so these are things that hurt as an american very deeply. and you are too new to this situation to fully understand what's really going on here and what's really at stake for america.
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>> what a load of fatuous nonsense. you think you have the only right to speak about what's serious in america. you think i don't have the right as somebody from britain who spent the last six or seven years here to address the story? >> six whole years. tough right. you have the right. but you're showing us that you don't fully understand what's going on here. >> what don't i understand? no, just deal with this. what don't i understand? what don't i understand about america? >> you're showing you clearly don't understand the depth of the pain in the american soul that is at play in this situation. >> what a load of nonsense. absolute nonsense. you clearly don't watch my show. you don't have to. no one is forcing you to. if you had you would have seen exactly the seriousness and responsibility that i brought to our coverage in the last week. robert zimmerman gave fascinating new information. >> i'm not saying you take the case lightly, but there are
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notes, subtleties, nuances, there's a depth of history within this that you can't possibly understand. >> do you believe that george zimmerman murdered trayvon martin? >> yes. >> so you've already tried him? you've convicted him? >> you asked me what i think. >> you called me an irresponsible journalist. that is professional? professional journalism means that you have just -- >> it was george zimmerman is clearly showing repeatedly racist biased against a person who he does not know and has never seen before and is pouring all these sort of stereotypes into this person. that's before we get to coop. they always get away. which is ridiculous. the jails are filled with millions of black men. he thinks they always get away. he's up to no good. he's got his hands in his pants. he's on drug.
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it's a 17-year-old boy walking down the street talking to his girl on the phone. none of those things are true. and then we have the other 911 call which i imagine will be extraordinarily damaging if we ever get to a court of law. where we hear someone screaming. which clearly sounds like a young boy and not a 200 something pound 28-year-old man with a gun. a person however is screaming, there's a gunshot, and there's no more screaming. it reminds him of him bashed in in the coffin. here's evidence of a black body being destroyed wrongfully. and the justice system, of course, not coming to his aid. >> i've raised many questions about the justice system, the legal process, as anyone in the
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last week knows. what i haven't done is convict george zimmerman because i haven't seen the facts yet. you berate me for lack of journalism. you said you believe he murdered him. you have a biased one side of the opinion based on the limited amount of facts that we have at our disposal. that's our prerogative. you also think it's okay to do stupid dumb jokes. mocking, what do you call it, zimmermaning me? i like to think that i'm a professional journalist. i think you are something else. but appreciate you joining me tonight. coming up, america's epidemic of bullying on what harvey weinstein is doing about it.
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how can i help you guys? >> my voice is shaking. i'm very upset. i'm upset enough i don't want him to ride the bus anymore. >> get your ass off my book bag. >> move! move! if they're out of your care, they're in someone else's, who is just as capable of you of keeping them safe. and i don't feel like that.
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>> statistics are absolutely shocking. some 13 million american kids will be bullied this year. 160,000 kids stay home from school every day because of fear of bullying. and bullying victims are up to nine times more likely to consider suicide than nonvictims. the documentary "bully" is an attempt to finally do something about it. joining me now is harvey weistein. harvey, i can almost see the steam blasting out of your ears because the npaa want to give this movie an "r" rating. why make a movie about bullying if the kids that really need to see it will be deterred. >> that's right, pier, is you've been a champion on this cause. when i appeared before the npaa i brought alex libby, who is one of the young boys we just saw in the clip from the movie. he was so incredibly impressive
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about wanting to have kids see the movies and having kids exact peer pressure. when i was a kid and my mom took me to "sound of music", i ran out of the theater. anything that spells like medicine, no kid is going to see. they should see it and make their own decision. i thought the rating was really not called for and really unsympathetic. >> what i thought was so utterly ridiculous is that hunger games has come out and it's a very popular movie and it's about kids killing kids. that kids a pg-13 rating. how can they justify that? >> i don't know how they justify it. i saw hunger games. it's a fun, terrific ride. great book. incredible. good directing. good everything. there's sa scene in the movie where in the course of 30 or 40 seconds ten kids are massacred. you see a 10-year-old get killed.
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how the hell does that get a -- pg-13 rating? >> i really can't understand is that hypocrisy. i've got four kids. three teenagers. one near teenager. and the idea that that go to a movie and watch these kids getting massacred and it's going to traumatize them less than listening to a few "f" words that they hear every day on the school bus, in the school playground, on the streets. isn't it time they woke up and realized that what this movie is trying to do? what they are trying to do is stop children from being bullied. not encourage them to massacre each other. >> first, thank you for having me. it's a great honor to on your show. i agree. i think there's an absolute double standard. we set the message that violence, exploitation is glorified and sexy.
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it's in film after film. this is a movie that's very real. there's not a huge amount of pro fanty. hean they slam it with this "r". i think many people would like to overturn it. i think the system is outdated and half a million americans said the rating should be overturned. i still hope and have faith they can find a way to do that. it's great to have harvey by my side in leading this charge. >> well, the great thing about having harvey by your side, he rallied the celebrity troops. a stunning list. justin timberlake, jessica simpson, ryan seacrest, hugh jackman, chelsea handler. urging the ncaa to -- what are you after?
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a pg-13. would that be okay for you? >> a pg-13 would be 100% what we're looking for. these stars have not only stepped up by tweeting and facebooking, but they make public appearances. they tape tsas. it's been a crusade. i just love that pop stars with katy perry who have 12 billion twitter fans or mariah carey, a lot of them have gotten into it. johnny depp is taking it personally. i would get more insurance at the npaa. >> let me ask you about the the movie itself. clearly the battle for the rating is one thing. why is so so powerful? twhast the message that you're really sending with this movie? >> the statistics are staggering. i was bullied. millions of people are bullied every year.
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it compounds year after year, age after age. i certainly want teenagers to step up and see it. it doesn't hit you over the head with this is what you must do. it allows people to see the movie and to make a decision. if they choose to, to step up, to stop it. they have access to make the change. that's what is giving it power. people want to talk about this. a lot of people have the experience that carry the memories and are dealing with it in difficult situations day in and day out. >> it is a fine line between bullying and child horseplay. where is that line to be drawn? >> when you she the movie and see kids beating each other up or they don't look the way they're supposed to or they're gay or whatever reason they get
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mercilessly beaten up, that's where you draw the line. on a humorous note. i think this must be my redemption. god must be working in mysterious ways to have somebody of my past temper now defending the bully movie. >> there is a certain irony. people in hollywood are looking at a tag line at the moment which says mo gurks ul takes on bullying. it's like, wait a minute. are you a changed character? >> i never bullied anybody in my life. but i certainly had a tempered. i've always been sorry. think my redemtive moment. i will tell you that i went to washington. lee was there, too. went to the senate. saw bob casey, who sponsored the school safety act, and it's having no traction in congress. if we overturn the pg-13 and get that rating done, congress is
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next. one thing i'm not going to do is rest until they pass a safety schools act. can you believe that's popping up in our congress? it's pathetic, the people blocking it. we have 600,000 on the pe tig. we have all the stars we mobilized. can you imagine when we hit washington, d.c. to pass a school safety act? they're going to wish we had gone away a long time ago. >> i'm already fearful for the consequences. it's a terrifically important, powerful movie. i'm happy to support it. >> thank you for being a champion, piers. >> coming up, my prime time exclusive with the queen of country. for a limited time, passages malibu
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♪ >> reba mcentire is the reigning queen of country and an absolutely fitting title she's had dozens of hit. reba is much more than a singer. she's a best selling author and actress. this sunday she hosts the academy of country music awards for the like the 27,000 time. how many times have you done this? >> this will be my 14th time. >> your first appearance, much more importantly, on this show. >> yes, i'm so excited to be here with you. >> you are the queen of country. lots of people are called the queen of country. but i've done a little record
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checking of my country fans. and they tell me there's only one queen. there are princesses. dolly, emmy lou, but there's one queen. >> kitty wells. >> you think? >> well, kitty wells was queen of country music forever. when i was growing up she was always the reigning queen. >> but you are the current queen? >> if they say they about many, i'll sure take that. but in my eyes, no. >> what i love about you is you were born in this small town in oklahoma. >> like the indians? >> cowell? >> how do i pronounce that? >> cowboy country. so you were born to a cowboy family in cowell? >> you're doing so well. >> so oklahoma. >> this is what i like the best.
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your father and your grandfather were champion steer ropers. >> yes. >> in england i don't know what that is. what is a steer roper? is it where -- one of those guys? >> yes, it is. >> fantastic. what is so that's so special about the country world? because it's a special world, isn't it? >> it's the people. the people are very special. they are very competitive. very egotistical in a way, but very humble in the other sense. because there's always somebody in this business and i think it started with minnie pearl and roy acuff to put you in your place. we laid the groundwork for you is what minnie would say. we paved the road, so it would be easier on you. so now you make it better for the people to come after you. that's your job, your responsibility.
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>> to be a successful country singer, have you had to have gone through dramatic emotional times in your life? is it part of the territory, do you think? >> i don't think so. there are so many young kids who are singing, take leann rimes, she was such a success singing "blue" at an early age. i think people who are successful in the country music business have old souls and so maybe it's in their dna in somewhere back. and it just happen toss come out when they're singing a country song because it's such a storytelling type of music. and that's what i love so much about it. dolly parton, i was such a huge fan of hers for all my life, still am. that was what i loved so much, the songs were the stories she would tell. >> you went through the awful experience when most of your band were killed in this plane crash. and you talked about this many times. i don't want to go over it again. what effect did that have on your life afterwards, how did it change your outlook on life. to lose so many people you were close to in one day? >> horrible. it was a nightmare.
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how did -- how did it affect me? it crushed me. it made me realize how precious life is. and all i could think of was their mothers. how could you go through this? how are you going to see the next day? my heart went out to them. their wives. their children. i just couldn't fathom how they were going to go on. i mean, it hurt me and they were my friends. but to be that close as a family, i just -- my heart went out to the family. >> did you resolve to change your life in any way? did it give you a new perspective? a cliched thing to say. >> it woke me up. if you have somebody you love, you better tell them because things can happen in an instant to change your life. and do things that make you happy, that makes your life happy. god wants us to be happy. he doesn't want us to be miserable. >> you found happiness and you
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found love. wasn't the first time around. >> no. >> second time around? >> yeah. we were both married before and we weren't perfect. >> what did you learn about you as a wife and the husband? >> the thing i learned about me, i need to communicate more. i can sulk up for three days. >> really? >> wow. that's world class sulking. >> i was the best in the world. three days sulking up. but you know what? i was miserable. my first husband didn't know i was sulking up. he loved the silence, so it didn't bother him. that's what i learned. and i learned that we were the perfect pair because we worked together. we started to work together in 1980 and he was my steel guitar player. then he kept giving ideas and he
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was my band leader. he just kept coming on and believing in me. then he became my manager and then later on my husband. >> what would your advice be for being a successful wife? >> to be a successful wife? >> yeah. >> to be a very silent partner sometimes is pretty good. sometimes talking is too much. but i think to be supportive and loving and that's probably the most two important things. >> you got bizarrely a pilot about a tv show in malibu. malibu country. much call for country music in mal malibu? >> oh, yeah. everywhere. it's been since 2006 since the reba show quit. i play a country singer in nashville. >> what a surprise. >> i know. >> well, great, good luck with it. >> thank you. >> good luck on sunday. you're an old hand at it. i'll be watching. will you be singing? >> no. just hosting. >> i'm not going to sing.
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just hosting. >> the one and only reba mcentire. coming up next, only in america. ok, guys-- what's next ? chocolate lemonade ? susie's lemonade... the movie. or... we make it pink ! with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast speeds. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner.
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>> tonight only in america, mega millions. no, not that mega millions that the whole of america is going crazy about. >> i bought five for me, five for her. >> definitely paying off my mom and dad's house. >> go move into the building that jeter lives in. >> it's not even close to mad money. hedge fund manager has made a stunning $3.9 billion in the last 12 months. put that in perspective. it's more than the gdp of 35 countries. including belize at one point. $5 billion. st. lucia, $3 billion and samoa at $600 million. as you're waiting in line tonight, don't bother looking for ray. his american dream, his luxury win has already happened. that's all for us tonight.
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