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tv   John King USA  CNN  April 2, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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i am wolf blitz inner "the situation room." the news continues next on cnn. >> thank you for joining us. jong king is off tonight. i am jessica yellin. we begin with breaking news in oakland, california, where seven people are dead in a mass shooting. also, a top official of the obama administration resigns in a spending scandal. wait until you hear how your tax dollars were spent. and this might make you glad you didn't win the lottery. a mcdonald's worker says she has one of the winning tickets but her co-workers are saying not so fast. we begin with breaking news. today's mass shooting at a religious university in california. at least seven people died and three others were wounded after a gunman opened fire at a classroom at oikos university. it is a religious vocational and technical school in oakland, california.
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police say they picked up a suspect several miles from the scene. dan simon is on the story for us there. dan, we know this is a breaking story. what's the latest that you know? >> reporter: hi, jessica. let me set the scene for you here. we are near the oakland airport. this is an industrial area. there is a car dealership next to me and behind me about 150 yards or so is oikos university. we know that at 10:30 a.m. they started firing as you said and seven people dead, three more people wounded, and police at this time do not have a motive. according to one person inside the building at the time, the shots seemed to be coming from either a classroom or near the office area. as you said, one suspect has been arrested. that person was picked up in a parking lot near a shopping mall in alameda, county, california, a short distance away from here.
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at this time the investigation is on going. obviously a horrible, horrible scene in oakland, california. jessica. >> all right. check back in with you, dan, as developments warrant. thank you for the report. we're continuing on this story because at the scene of the shooting witnesses have described moments of sheer panic. the oakland tribune reports that a woman fled the school saying that a gunman in the classroom stood up and shot one student in the chest and opened fire on the rest of the room. san francisco chronicle reporter henry lee was at the university when he spoke with cnn on the phone. >> it is very chaotic as you can imagine. initially police were saying the victims and witnesses were seen screaming and coming out of the building and there is a heavy police presence and the swat team is clearing the building and the initial emergency situation is long past and certainly the police are there at the building for a long time as well as here in alameda. >> the shooting suspect was taken into custody about five miles from the university.
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tom foreman is here to give us the lay of the land. hi, tom. set the scene for us if you would. >> jessica, let many he show you generally where this is. this is the northern california area of san francisco over here, oakland over here, san jose down here. fly into oikos university. i will give you an idea what this is about. this is a school that basically is a christian school. it caters to the korean community. there is teaching of nursing, theology, some teaching of music, homeopathic remedies, that sort of thing. it is not a very big place. the general area here is offices. there are other schools, high school nearby, there is a jail not terribly far away and a superior court office, and there are also places around here involved in environmental affairs and some that are involved in teaching avionics and air naut i cans and generally a warehouse area and not very big and not a whole lot known about this. we do know that it is not far if you want a sense, not far at all from right here, the oakland
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coliseum where the raiders play and the athletics play and if we go further out we can show you the hospital they were taken to. four miles away. heavy traffic as you can know the people that were wounded in all of this. all we know is it is a little removed from the residential area and a warehouse type area with a lot of other places around. if this were a random target, there were plenty of other place that is could have likely been the target. we just don't know at this point. >> we'll go to somebody who might know more about this, tom, thanks so much for this. joining me now is oakland city council president larry reed. mr. reed, thank you so much for being with us. first of all, i am sorry for the tragedy that's happened there. you have been a city employee for 30 years. you're near the crime scene right now. basically have you ever seen anything like this? >> no. i haven't. when i was chief of staff for
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one of the former mayors, we lost seven individuals on one day, and it was individual homicide that is took place but not to the extent where seven individuals lost their lives at one time in one location. >> what do you know if anything about how this happened? what happened inside that school if you can tell us? >> well, the only thing that i know i was on bart on my way to city hall when i got a call from the police chief indicating that this incident had taken place. then when i got here, briefed by the police chief, and that indicated to me the loss of life and those individuals who had been taken to one of our local hospitals for treatment, and that they were looking for the suspect. so i have been here ever since 11:00, and the chief will brief the city council at 5:00 and then also have a press
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conference at 6::00. >> what are witnesses saying? what have you heard from people there at the school? >> i think speem are expressing horror and loss of life. there are seven family members right now that are having to deal with this horrendous act that took place at the university. there are no words that one can say to help them to go through the ordeal that each of them are going to have to go through with the loss of life of their loved ones, so we'll be reaching out to the families to see how we as a city can assist them and moving forward with their life and it is just a real sad day here in the city of oakland. >> as a city official, council president, are you satisfied with the official police response to the incident? >> yes. i mean, we're fortunate to have a number of law enforcement agencies that help respond to this incident when it was
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understood that the suspect had left the scene, and they were out assists us and trying to locate the suspect and to bring him into custody and so, you know, the suspect is in custody, and our police department with other law enforcement agencies are out here doing the work that they need to do around the scene, this horrendous shooting that took place. >> mr. reed, any indication as to the gunman's motive? >> no. our police department right now is doing their work and trying to understand what was the motive to come in and take the life of seven individuals and then also to leave three individuals wounded. so certainly the information will come out during the legal process that he now finds himself in. >> as far as you know, was he a former student there?
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was he a current student there? >> my understanding that he was a former student at the university. other than that, like everyone else we will wait until the police chief brief us, the council and myself at 5:00 to understand more. we will respond in a much more intelligent manner to the questions being asked by you and other reporters throughout northern california. >> all right. 5:00 pacific time, two hours from now. thank you, mr. reed. >> correct. >> i am grateful for your time and incredibly sorry for the loss in your community. i appreciate that you have taken this time out to speak with us. now turning to politics and a breaking scandal for the obama administration. a top government official resigned today after revel liegss that nearly a million taxpayer dollars were spent on a
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training conference that included airfares to las vegas and according to the washington post a mind reader, a clown, and a comedian. let's go to white house correspondent brianna koehler. you have been tluming through the government outlining the extravagant expenditures. we don't often hear stories like this these days. what have you uncovered. >> what we know, judgest ka, we're talking about marsha johnson, the head of the general services administration which is basically in part the landlord to the federal government because the federal government owns thousands of buildings across the u.s. this was a training conference and it took place outside of las vegas at the m resort. 300 people attended. there were a number of sort of i guess you could say like preparation trips, sort of a dry run as well as a number of trips to plan this event and that included trips to this resort. those planning costs alone, $136,000. add that to the cost of the
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actual conference, and it is over $800,000. it is not just the overall price tag of this conference that is so eye popping according to this report from the independent inspector general for the gsa. it is also what the money was spent on. $75,000 to hire a company to do a team building, an actual team building exercise, pleural, and it included one that was a bicycle building project, $6,000 spent on commemorative coins, $6,000 on canteens, key chains, t-shirts, what we call swag, the give away that is would commemorate the conference and also the gsa also spent money on two-story suites that normally go for 1,200 or, pardon me, $2,200 per night, not the type of accommodate you expect these government agencies to be using
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for a conference, jessica. >> wow. do you think we can get assigned to a team building exercise that involves bicycle building? this is so surprising. the bam administration has been pledging to cut waste and avoid excessive spenting and it really flies in the face of that. how is the white house responding to this? >> well, i think in one word, quickly, jessica. some of this obviously is damage control in an election year where the economy is to bad and as this report came out, the white house, the president's chief of staff, jack lou, putting out a statement saying the president found out before he went on that trip to korea, so over a week ago, and that he was, quote, outraged and he instructed those responsible to be held accountable. the head of the gsa resign and had there were two other top officials closely related to this who were fired. >> no mercy on this one. thanks so much for the report. up next, a war hero tries his
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hand at politics and discovers the middle ground is not the safest place to be. later, some familiar faces return to morning television and they're not where you might expect. thanks for babysitting the kids, brittany. so how much do we owe you? that'll be $973.42. ya know, your rates and fees aren't exactly competitive. who do you think i am, quicken loans? [ spokesman ] when you refinance your mortgage with quicken loans, you'll find that our rates and fees are extremely competitive. because the last thing you want is to spend too much on your mortgage. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. ♪ the chevy cruze eco also offers 42 mpg on the highway. actually, it's cruze e-co, not ec-o. just like e-ither. or ei-ther.
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he was celebrated by the local and national media as a rising star of the republic can party. nathan fletcher is an iraq war veteran and now running for the san diego mayor. there is a catch. he doesn't want to be a republican anymore. the iraq war veteran is running as an independent. nathan fletcher joins me now. hi, nathan. thanks for being with me. let me begin by saying have you gotten national attention lately because you have a story to tell. i want to know why republicans across the country should care about the san diego mayoral race. >> i think everyone should care about the race. i ran for office to solve problems, to try to get things done to make a difference and i think our partisan environment in this world evolved to one where folks would rather preserve a problem to campaign on it rather than solve it. i think in a lot of ways it is a reflection of both parties. i am running and sending a
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message to say we'll have a mayor who will be willing to really reach out and work with anyone if your idea is good and we can fix a problem and solve something, let's work together and get it done. >> you quit the republican party to become an independent because essentially your argument is there is no room for moderates in the party. what's your response to those that say this is sour grapes because you can't win as a republican in that race? >> it is silly. i could have won as a republican. i don't believe i can govern as one. i think any time you see we have been attacked by the head of the democratic party and the republican party and i think any time both of those say you're wrong, you have to think about maybe you're right. in today's environment it is really evolved into one where i think there is a need and yearning among so many to say can we have a leader that will focus on the substance or the idea and not on whose it is. in today's climate, jessica, particularly in california, if you disagree with someone, you're supposed to treat them
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like the enemy. i fought in a war and i have seen the enemy. we don't have enemies here. we just have people we disagree with. i want to take the same frustration people feel at the extreme and channel it towards building a better city. >> i am curious what this means for your future. this is what l.a. times george skeleton wrote about you. a legislator abdomen abandoning his party is not unprecedent. i can't remember anyone jumping overboard with such potential to captain the ship. are you squanders your potential as a future republican leader? >> well, i think what i am saying is i care more about the future of my city. i care more about where we go in san diego than i do, my own political future, and my only focus and goal is to be a really good mayor, and we have had a rough decade out here to rebuild our city, our infrastructure, and our economy, and help out our schools and really do right by the people of san diego. i am not worried about what
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comes after that. i am worried about doing the right thing here and i think now is the time that really calls out for someone to say you're going to have a candidate on the far right. you're going to have one on the far left, and they're content to play partisan games. you're also going to have a choice for someone that says i will take good ideas regardless of party and always have a focus on moving the city forward. >> maybe this is the start of a viable third party alternative. thanks so much for joining us, running for mayor of san diego. glad to have you. >> thank you. >> next the airline whose pilot in flight had a meltdown and made national headlines. he went to court today. we'll tell you what happened. later, who has been hitting it big in the lottery brings a lot of headaches with it. see life in the best light. [music] transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. experience life well lit, ask for transitions adaptive lenses.
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welcome back. here is kate baldwin with the latest news you need to know right now. >> hello, everyone. good evening. some headlines for you. the jetblue pilot arrested after an inflight meltdown last week will be held in a county jail in texas without bond. clayton osbon was transferred from a hospital where he had been undergoing treatment since last tuesday's incident. his bond will be determined thursday. the pilot, a 12 year jetblue veteran has been charged with interfering with a flight crew. the supreme court says that jail officials may strip search people before putting them behind bars even if it is for minor offenses like not paying a
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traffic fine. a ruling on i acase out of new jersey, the court's conservative majority cited security needs like needing to protect other inmate from dangerous contraband from being smuggled inside. it is no april fools joke. ashton cusp certificate set to play steve jobs in a new biopick. it won't be too much of a stretch. the independent film will chronicle the apple founder's life from hippy to tech i and i am sure there will be a lot of eyes on it. >> that willing an interesting movie. >> interesting. >> and how they make it just a move zi they're very good at that. harry potter, that was helpful, four or five films. >> a lot. >> thanks, kate. coming up, an early morning showdown between sarah palin and katie couric. we'll have the details next. plus, we don't know who has the three winning lottery
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tickets but he know there is already a fight over the share of the mega millions. all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today.
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in this half hour of john king usa, a multi-million dollar headache, a dispute over who has the rights to one of the winning tickets from the mega millions lottery. tune into morning tv and you'll see familiar faces in very unfamiliar places. here is a headline you don't hear too chb, ghraib's prince
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harry saves the day. first this hour's breaking news. a suspect is in police custody after a mass shooting left at least seven people dead and two others wounded. it happened at oikos university which is a religious vocational and technical school in oakland. witnesses there described this chaos. >> i went outside and they were yelling don't move, don't move and started getting chaotic and i heard shooting out there and i saw like coming out with a bullet and just really crazy right now. >> cnn will stay on the story. we expect oakland's chief of police to brief reporters in a couple of hours and we will follow all the developments and bring them to you as soon as we have them. for now we turn to the network morning news shows and a story
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there, they're known for their epic ratings battles and ruthless tactics to nab the big get and that's usually about the guests. tomorrow the morning show will be all about the hosts. here is dana bash. >> we're glad to have katie couric. how does it feel? >> i am happy to be here, george. thank you for inviting me first of all. it is strange truth be told. >> it was a little strange for us viewers, too. >> you know me, it is hard to keep surprises from you. for 15 years katie couric was the today show. her popularity there led the program to number one where it has remained for a decade and a half. >> good morning, america. >> good morning america is nipping at its heels and one ups man ship. >> we have a special guest host for tomorrow morning. former alaska governor sarah palin. >> you bech a, pai will will go had he had to head with koour you can who conducted this
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infamous interview when palin was running for vice president. >> what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read? >> i read most of them. >> what specifically, i am curious. >> palin called into nbc on her way to new york city and matt lauer went there. >> what are you doing to prepare? are you reading some newspapers? >> oh. >> whoa. >> and it begins. >> you can still turn that plane around, governor. >> great. okay. that's a fine how do you do. that's a great start. here we go. >> before politics she was a local sports caster in alaska. >> i will show you highlights and tell you about that next. state right there. >> that was long ago. by inviting palin the politician to host the 8 a.m. hour of what's supposed to be a morning news program, nbc is treading on dangerous ground. so is palin. not only has she made a career out of slamming the mainstream media. >> don't get sucked into the
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mainstream media's lies. >> she is also playing into a dynamic she says she did he tests, which some see as sexism in media and politics and the new york daily news dubbed it a cat fight and she is reminding people of what appeared to be uninformed answers to couric's basic questions, mocked to big ratings on "saturday night live." >> but again and not to belabor the point, one specific thing. >> katie, i would like to use one of my lifelines. >> i am not your puppet. >> still, several gop strategists tell us palin can use some reputation rehab thanks to hb o's game change. >> you have ruined my reputation. >> hbo says the movie was the most watched original film in eight years. as for palin and nbc spokeswoman says she will not get paid for
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hosting which she will only do in the 8 a.m. hour, jessica and in the 7 a.m. hour she is going to be the news guest, so she will be interviewed at 7 and interviewing at 8. >> we'll watch and find out. you have been talking to republican operatives all day. what's their reaction to this news? what are the expectations? >> it is really mixed. i talked to several that say this is so risky for her because this is a forum she is not used to. it is so incredibly high profile. she can flub easily. on the flip side, i talked to several republican sources that are not fans and they say they're impressed she can make fun of herself, particularly that dicey interview with katie couric. guts see. >> and the newspaper joke she took in stride. >> exactly. >> thanks so much. turn from the morning show musical chairs to the mega million dollar reality for the networks. the "new york times" media columnist brian stealther. thanks for being with us. what is at stake this week for
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good morning america in terms of rating and the revenue here? >> the with a are is going on for decades. for 16 years the today show has been number one. abc and good morning america has not won a week since 1995. abc is getting close, closer than they have been in years and that's why we see the stunting happening, katie couric coming on abc and sarah palin on nbc. every tenth of a ratings point can mean a big gain in profitibility or a significant loss of money. every point counts. every viewer counts. >> beating them for one week matters that much. >> psychologically, not so much financially. there is a massive amount of reputation on the line here. there is a halo effect that comes with being number one in morning tv. nbc had it for so long that you can imagine how desperate abc might feel to get it. >> sarah palin was on the phone this morning on the today show. listen to what meredith vera said and we'll talk on the back
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end. >> i appreciate nbc's boldness and having me on and doesn't it reflect some of the diversity of opinion that i hear that you all espouse, so i appreciate that. >> more desperation. >> she said meredith viera said desperation. do you agree it is a desperate move by nbc. >> that's the debate behind the scenes of the networks. you will hear people say abc is desperate by booking katie couric and nbc is desperate by bringing on sarah palin and one ups man ship going on and it is distracts from what makes the show get which is the consistency. we turn on tv in the morning because we to want see the same faces waking up with us. that's out the window this week. >> when i woke up and turn on katie couric, was that a familiar reminder of how great she is at that craft of television and what she does. and you know even if palin comes to play, she can't -- i wonder
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if she can do what katie couric did this morning. look at this clip of her as she transitioned doing an impression of bill clinton to a very serious life and death story. look at this. >> now, you had this amazing rescue. >> nice impersonation by the way and now to the hair-raising rescue of a california mom that plunged head first into a snow bank and found herself trapped upside down and struggling to breathe for almost 30 minutes. >> we didn't get to it all but she just gifted at that. >> makes it look so easy. >> can palin compete with couric in terms of communicating flawlessly with viewers. >> people only watch one channel at a time. we'll see how many are flipping back and forth to see both shows. i would be surprised if sarah palin is able to lead the show the way that katie couric does, lead any show she is on. clearly sarah palin is going to be surrounded by the other co-hosts and supported by them. it makes me wonder after all, sarah palin is a paid contributor to fox news. she gets a lot of money every
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year from fox news channel and you have to wonder why they're allowing her on nbc at all. her deal is up at the end of the year so it is creating speculation whether fox will keep her and if they will keep it whether they will pay her as much. >> your guess, tomorrow, who wins the ratings war? >> it is going to be i think the closest we have seen in years. it has been up to about 100,000 viewers and abc is about 100,000 behind. i call that one suburb behind. i think abc could be closer tomorrow. >> you won't make the stab. you're leaning abc. got it. thanks so much for being with us. >> thanks. i don't know about you. i wasn't one of the lucky too you that hit the mega millions jackpot. a mcdonald's worker in baltimore says she has one of the three winning tickets and claims that ticket is hers alone. her co-workers say she is cheating. we sent brian todd on the trail to track her down. >> it is out there, the tiny ticket stub everyone is looking for. we have been on the hunt in maryland for the mega millions
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winner who will snag more than $100 million after taxes. could it be this woman? she told the "new york post" she is the maryland winner. we learned she also told people at a deli across the street from her house but co-workers at mcdonald's told them she was among a group that went in on the ticket together and she said the ticket she bought was separate. the piece of evidence will be found at this spot where the winning mega millions ticket was told right from this machine. here is what they'll be looking for. each mega millions ticket has a date and time stamp on it and they will match it up according to lottery officials with surveillance video, hopefully that they got of this purchase on these two cameraser hoo. you can see the return video over there. lottery officials say they take surveillance of the purchases and hopefully they will match this with the winning ticket and he verify everything. i asked carol everett about the dispute. >> what do you make of her claim
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at this point? >> there is nothing to make of it. it doesn't sound like a typical jackpot winner to us. i don't put much stock in the story. >> why not? >> she claims she won. she can't produce a ticket. we really don't even spend that much time on it other than to field questions from the media and in our opinion until they walk in the door and hold that ticket, produce valid identification and our security people process and validate it, doesn't matter. >> co-workers did tell the post wilson later couldn't find her ticket of. we looked all over baltimore for her, at her home, on her street where neighbors say she took off. >> she is a good neighbor. >> she is a good neighbor. she is an honest person. >> and at mcdonald's. no one would talk on camera. the owner e-mailed us saying nothing is confirmed about anyone there being involved. we asked mark how to avoid the disputes >> where i the i can ittets back, put them some place the entire group has oversight and the person is free to do whatever they want on their own
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behalf. >> lottery officials tell us people that go in on the tickets as a group should get it all in writing, have one document with the names of everyone going in on it explicit language that they're sharing the winnings so there is no dispute after the drawing. jud jessica. >> any indication they did get this in writing that they were sharing winnings? >> an official at the mcdonald's, the representative told us they don't know if they have a document. they told the post there were two batches of tickets bought, the first batch they put in a safe at the mcdonald's and the second batch they asked her to buy on her way home and apparently did that and that's where it is in dispute she claims that was bought separately for her only and so we're not sure if they have it all in writing and whether they photocopied the tickets. that's where the rubber will hit the road with this ticket. >> we'll see if that ticket turns up. brian, thanks so much. buy a ticket while you're there for the next one. >> got it.
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>> good job. mitt romney, he has a big problem with women lagging way behind the president with female voters in key swing states. the gop candidate has a secret weapon and we're talking about it next. [ male announcer ] a car is either luxury or it isn't. if you want a luxury car with a standard power moonroof, your options are going to be limited. ♪ if you want standard leather-trimmed seats, you're going to have even fewer. ♪ and if you want standard keyless access, then your choice is obvious. the lexus es. it's complete luxury in a class full of compromises. see your lexus dealer. i get my cancer medications through the mail. now washington, they're looking at shutting down post offices coast to coast. closing plants is not the answer. they want to cut 100,000 jobs. it's gonna cost us more, and the service is gonna be less.
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two big political stories we're watching tonight. first up as we close in on the general election, it is looking like the likely republican
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nominee has a problem with women. check out the new poll numbers. they show that mitt romney trails the president by double digits with women in a dozen key swing states. if mitt romney has a problem with a gender gap, maybe president obama has a problem with the supreme court. he spoke about it for the first time since the justices heard arguments against his health care law and that's where we'll start with the panel, rick tyler, a senior advisor for a pro gingrich superback and maria cardo cardona, contributor and strategist and tori clork, a former spokeswoman and senior adviceor for the comcast corporation. thanks for being with us. it is president for the first time commented on the supreme court oral arguments and on health care and he really went at it on accusing -- well, suggesting the supreme court should not over turn the law and be an activist court. listen to what he said. >> for years what we heard is the biggestproblem on the bench
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was judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint. an unelected group of people would somehow over turn a duelled constituted and passed law. >> now, quickly after that senator or an hatch, in a tough re-election fight in his state put out a statement saying it must be nice living in a fantasy world where every law you like is constitutional and every supreme court decision you don't is activist and said the memo appears to have gone out from the president's campaign and criticizing the supreme court will help his re-election. tori, fair of senator hatch? >> i think it is completely fair. i was surprised that the president did this. clearly he is trying to influence the supreme court justices and saying to justice kennedy, for instance, please, don't over turn my law and i
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think it will have the exact opposite effect. i think the supreme court justices will step on their spines even more and say do not get into your business and we have a role to play and stay out of it and we'll do our jobs. i think he will make them resist more. >> there is the danger the justices could get stiffen their back and say, no, i don't. >> the justices actually have to look at this from the standpoint of the law. frankly, what the president said is right. the major criticism, especially from conservatives is that when president obama puts forth his nominees for judge ships, it is that she don't want activist judges or activism on the court. he is right about that. the president said one other thing that is critically important in all of the politics discussion what has been lost is the human element. this is a law that has already helped 180 million americans. that is something we cannot lose sight of. >> is this really about hatch playing politics in utah because he has two opponents that he doesn't want to lose to and he has to show he has conservative
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strengths? >> i think the intention took the correct opinion in my opinion. i do think the president runs the danger of running straight because that would be part of the analysis whatever the court decides they will discuss, whether the president had influence or not. i found it interesting with a president would choose to make this statement in front of president ka derown and harper that have universal health care systems and trying to make this case and frankly the president knows better. this is when we refer to a judicial activism as conservatives, we don't want the court to make laws are on assert the legislative branch. they're striking down a law, not making a law. >> okay. so everybody can debate this forever. move to the gender gap story because there is athe lo of polling showing that mitt romney has this gap with women. let's listen to romney acknowledges this and he says his secret weapon is his wife ann. listen to this, the two of them. >> she is going across the
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country and talking with women and what they're talking about is the debt that we're leaving the next generation and the failure of this economy to put people back to work. >> the reason i like to talk to women in particular is that i want them to think about their children and their grandchildren and that we do not want those kids to have the burdens of this budget deficit. >> we don't have a lot of time unfortunately. do you think that ann's message is correct, focus on the big issues and ann can sell it? >> absolutely. as a woman i am always insulted when they say women care about issues just as important to women. women care about jobs. women care about taking care of their kids. i think she is speaking directly to their concerns. >> i think obviously his ratings have gone down and i think that's part of the strategy and women don't like the tone he has taken and i have never known a candidate's spouse to make up the gender gap. >> i think that's right. as articulate and charming as ann romney is, she is not on the
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ticket. it is mitt romney who is actually going to be supporting the policies that a lot of independent women do see as antiwomen and that's why he is bleeding women and there is a grand canyon esk casm going to be difficult to make up. >> interesting. bottom line, he thattes to fix it himself. >> exactly. >> okay. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> erin burnett out front is coming up at the top of the hour. president obama met with the -- up front and out front. he met with the leaders of canada and mexico. what's your take on the significance of their meeting? >> you know, i thought it was incredibly significant and some of the things we saw that happened today, jessica, are pretty frankly crucial for americans to know about. we'll take a close look and there is a key reason for it. we get 99% of something canada makes that we need desperately. china is starting to take more and more of it and so there was really disturbing things about that. we'll talk about that tonight and we have the latest on the t
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horrible shooting in oakland, seven dead right now, three injured. we will have a live report, breaking news on that. and the man who listened to the audio and broke it down technically on his computer of that 911 call that was overheard, the calls for help from, well, was it george zimmerman or trayvon martin, he's going to tell us exactly what he heard and whose voice he thinks was crying for help. all that coming up outfront. >> sounds good. i want to know what canada makes. i'll tune in. thanks, erin. coming up, lava gushz down the side of italy's mt. etna. but these eruptions are nothing new for the folks who live nearby. plus prince harry to the rescue. how he saved the day for a polo player who blacked out in a brutal accident.
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[ male announcer ] get it now at red lobster's lobsterfest. 12 tempting choices like lobster lover's dream or maine lobster and shrimp. but only for a short time. now at red lobster. i'm laura mclennan and i sea food differently. pris harry -- prince harry is being called a hero after rushing to the rescue of an injured polo player. check out these pictures from a charity match in brazil we just spotted. harry hopped off his horse and rushed to the man's side. he's an american businessman who blacked out when two horses collided. polo sounds like a dangerous business. richard quest is in london. richard, we couldn't tell the story without you, naturally. but first we have this quote from the "washington post" because kazi told him prince
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harry was the first one off his horse doing the right thing, turning me over to make sure i regained consciousness and he calls the prince, quote, a gentleman. now, we all know that the prince is a veteran of afghanistan, so, richard, do you think his military skills just kicked in at the polo match? >> there is no doubt, none whatsoever, that that's what happened. and if you look at the pictures the way harry jumps off the horse, immediately sees the man on the ground unconscious and rolls him over into the recovery position. he had fallen unconscious when he fell off the horse. but where this really takes off, this story, is when some safety experts and medical experts say the prince may have saved this man's life because he was unconscious and he rolled him over. now, firstly, there is no evidence that i've heard that the man's life was in danger. secondly, yes, he had fallen off the horse and that's a serious
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matter, but we really don't know just what the gravity was. but nonetheless, harry goes to the rescue, turns the chap over. he comes back to consciousness and everybody is happily ever after. >> now, this isn't the first time we've seen a member of the royal family play the role of hero. i remember when prince william, who was a member of britain's royal air force, co-piloted a rescue helicopter that helped save several russian sailors. that was a real rescue. so do you think these royals are just natural-born heroes? >> whether they're naturally born heroes or not, they all go into the military and that puts them in the environment where they get the opportunity. so take, for example, your case. yes, william was there, he went out and rescued some sailors and he piloted the helicopter because he's part of air/sea rescue. he then goes to the faulkland
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islands in the south atlantic, highly controversial and no great rescues took place there. and now harry dashingly off to rescue somebody who falls off a horse. perhaps not as dramatic. are they heroes or are they just in the right place at the right time with the right bit of training? i don't know. somehow, the hero bit sounds better. >> it sounds good. they have quick instincts. thank you, richard, for adding all the right drama to this story. always good to see you. >> thank you. >> richard quest for us. and here's kate with the latest news you need to know right now. >> hi, jessica. i do love that story. held again, everyone. other headlines to catch you up on. osama bin laden's three widows have been sentenced to six weeks in prison for living illegally in pakistan. the government also fined them about 10,000 rupies each which is about $110 if you didn't know the calculation, which i didn't. the wives of the former al qaeda leader have been under house arrest since u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s
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raided their compound. they will be sent back to yemen and saudi arabia following their jail time. check out this light show. mt. etna in sicily spewing ash and lava. the volcano is the tallest and most active volcano in europe. it's etna's fifth eruption this year and fortunately no damage is reported, but pretty amazing images to show you. good news if you're just itching to fill out your family tree. results of the 1940 census have been unlocked after a mandatory 72-year waiting period. that means the personal details of more than 132 million americans are now online. you can check them out at the site has had tens of millions of hits this morning causing some technical hiccups. there you have it. >> we'll get to it next. i haven't gone there yet.
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now "mad men" writers they dug from the political drama, set in the 1960s, and in an episode last night they made a jab at george romney, mitt romney's father. listen to this. >> you should have just gone into work. >> come on. >> do you want me to turn down the tv? >> fine. henry francis. well, tell jim his honor is not going to michigan. because romney is a clown, and i don't want him standing next to him. >> now, the amc drama is set in 1966 when george romney was michigan governor, and the character henry francis works for then new york governor nelson rockefeller. apparently mitt's eldest son was not pleased. he said seriously, lib media mocking my grandpa? i don't know. it's find of funny. >> they're trying to be


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