tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 12, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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top of the hour. i'm suzanne malveaux. want to get you up to speed. a sigh of relief in new york where the 2 world financial center has reopened. police say a package actually contained a toy grenade. this hour george zimmerman will appear in court for the first time since killing trayvon martin. now, he says he shot the unarmed teenager in self-defense. he's now charged with second-degree murder. you're looking at his mug shot. zimmerman's brother tells cnn that the arrest was bittersweet. >> we are relieved that he's safe. that is, you know -- it's the most bittersweet news to hear in your life that your brother is being charged with a murder and to see him being taken into jail on live tv and to somehow have to think, well, at least there's
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something good in all of that, that he can't be attacked in all this, or he most likely can't be hurt, killed, injured in the way he has been on the run and underground in the streets for quite some time. >> zimmerman turned himself in yesterday after authorities said he would be charged in the case. that is him ducking into the seminole county jail with a jacket over his head. here is how trayvon martin's mother reacted to news of zimmerman's arrest. >> first of all, i want to say thank god. we simply wanted an arrest. we wanted nothing more, nothing less. we just wanted an arrest, and we got it. and i say thank you. thank you, lord. thank you, jesus. it's cease fire day in syria. both sides of the fighting, the syrian troops and the rebels, they are promising to stick to the u.n. peace plan that calls for all shooting to stop today. for now everyone seems to be
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cooperating. police across the country are reporting the calmest and quietest day in months. still, at least seven people reportedly killed today. the peace plan may be the last chance for diplomacy to work in syria. and it could be today, any minute now. north korea says its long-range rocket, gassed up, ready to launch. the united states, japan, and south korea are all nervously scanning the sky for any sign of this rocket. officials in north korea say they are putting a weather satellite in orbit, but neighboring countries believe it's a weapons test. we are also minutes away from seeing george zimmerman in court. he is the man who shot trayvon martin, and he has his first court appearance before a florida judge. it's happening this hour. he's facing second-degree murder charges. martin savidge is outside the corrections facility. it houses the jail and the court in sanford, florida. martin, tell us essentially what is it like? are people beginning to gather? what's the mood?
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>> reporter: well, i think there is anticipation, though a lot of that anticipation is, of course, with the media because the fact as you mentioned, that the courtroom is located inside the corrections facility. so there's no public real access for people to go inside there. there will be a way for the public to see inside, and that's going to be handled by a pool camera set up for the media. it's kind of an interesting set upthey ha up they have inside. you have a courtroom inside the corrections facility. you don't need to transport prisoners back and forth which can be a security risk. and then the judge appears before the prisoner by means of a television link up. so that's how it's all going to happen. we expect to hear the arraignment, the charges read, and then, of course, we also expect that george zimmerman is going to say not guilty. are a that it's -- after that it's the issue of bond that will have to be worked out. >> martin, i understand that george zimmerman, he will be there.
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he will show up, we'll be able to actually see him there. do we know anything about his first night in custody? >> reporter: well, you can understand that it was probably a very difficult night and a very big adjustment for him. he was brought here from jacksonville in an suv, so that was about a three-hour drive. he was then booked in. there was a large throng of media waiting to try to catch a glimpse of him. he would be photographed, the mug shot everybody has seen. there would be a physical and mental evaluation and eventually there would be time for his new attorney to sit down and talk with him. we understand they did meet for about an hour and o'mara said his client is clearly tired and clearly stressed, which is one of the reasons he hopes to get bond soon, so that he can get george into a better place. >> all right. martin, thank you very much. want to bring in our criminal defense attorney, holly hughes, to talk a little bit about what we can expect here at this hearing. do we anticipate that this is going to be an opportunity for them to set the bond, and if he
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could meet it, that he could be released today or will he be in jail for quite some time? >> it is possible because we know for a fact people have been expecting this to come including the zimmerman family, so they have probably been gathering resources getting ready to post a bond if one is given by the court. what we're going to see today is first appearance. that's the opportunity for george zimmerman to have either a formal arraignment where the judge will read the charge out loud in its entirety saying the people of the state of florida charge you with second-degree murder, list all the elements. a lot of times to sort of take away that sensationalism, the defense attorney will advise his client this is what you're being charged with, explain it to him in private, and then we'll hear something very short like we waive arraignment and we enter a plea of not guilty. people are like he has to enter a plea? yes, but his plea can be not guilty. that's what we're going to see today. they may or may not address bond. >> we're going to get back to you in a minute, holly. i understand that jay carney and the white house spokesman is talking about ann romney
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addressing this issue. let's listen in. >> it is not coincidental that the very first piece of legislation that this president signed when he entered office was the lily ledbetter free pay act. it had passed congress and the president signed it in law. why did it take president obama entering office, being sworn into office to have the fair pay act become law? because republicans overwhelmingly opposed it and presumably still do. when the president took office, we were shedding roughly 750,000 jobs a month and men and women across the country were feeling the pain of the worst recession since the great depression. we have seen 25 straight months of private sector growth, and when it comes to women and the economy, there has been a particular focus. as you know, just as recently as last week there was a forum here to discuss exactly what we need
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to continue doing to ensure that women are able to get to work with good paying jobs that can help their families and help them make ends meet. i would note again that one of the principal elements of the american jobs act was a provision, and this is the president's american jobs act, was a provision to provide assistance to states to rehire 400,000 teachers. as you know in this period of 25 straight months of private sector job growth, there has also been reductions in jobs in states and localities because of essures on the fiscal -- on the budgets of states and localitie localities. this assistance would have ensured that 400,000 teachers would have gone back to work. teachers, as you know, women are
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represented disproportionally in our teaching corps across the country. republicans overwhelmingly opposed that provision. in the ryan budget, the ryan republican budget, 400,000 students would lose pell grants in 2013 and another 465,000 students would lose pell grants in 2014. in addition, 9 million students would experience cuts in their grants starting in 2013 which would deepen to as much as $1,150 per student. roughly speaking, you can divide all those numbers by half in terms of the impact that those cuts would have on women. the head start program in 2013, a $430 million cut to the head start program would result in 60,000 low-income children losing access to early childhood education. after that $1.5 billion cut to the head start program would result in 200,000 low-income
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children losing access to early education. as some of you know, one of the cuts that would occur by our analysis if the ryan republican budget were enacted into law would be to the women, infants, and children program. a program that has had long-standing bipartisan support. the republican house budget resolution cuts $350 million from the special supplemental nutrition assistance program for women, infants, and children. it would require kicking about 700,000 pregnant or postpartum women, infants, and children off of wic and denying others from receiving food critical for healthy child development. i could go on, and i will if i'm asked. [ inaudible question ] . >> i haven't seen the records. i know three personally women named hilary rosen. i'm not sure that those represent the person we're talking about necessarily. so i really can't comment on the
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number of visits since i'm not sure that's accurate. >> how about the degree of this particular hilary rosen's -- >> i don't know how many times she's been here. she's not -- she's a democratic strategist. she's a cnn contributor as far as i know, and i don't believe -- i don't know how to assess her overall relationship with people here in the white house, but i do not -- i have not seen her here very frequently. >> do you expect that relationship to continue at whatever level it is? >> again, i don't know what the relationship is. let's focus on what the issue here is. this is a -- when it comes to what this administration has done for women, it begins with the president's signing of the lily ledbetter fair pay act. it continues with the emphasis on the need to put teachers back
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in the classroom. it continues with a variety of programs, including our opposition to the ryan republican budget and its dramatic cuts. medicare, for example. i'm sure many of you know that medicare benefits go disproportionately to women. ending medicare as we know it, forcing seniors to bear the brunt of the cost of tax cuts to the wealthy, would harm women disproportion disproportionally. these are real, fundamental policy decisions, and i think that when people look at those contrasts and those disagreements, it will be quite clear what president obama's position is and what his policies are. >> jay, you've mentioned that the president and president sarkozy discussed tightness in the oil markets.
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have they discussed the possibility of releasing oil reserves? >> you're watching the white house briefing there. interesting dynamic that is taking place here. we're talking about motherhood, women, work, politics, all those issues. you saw the white house there distancing itself from hilary rosen. she made some comments last night on "anderson cooper 360" that ignited a debate. let's listen first. >> what you have is mitt romney running around the country saying, well, you know, my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues, and when i listen to my wife, that's what i'm hearing. guess what? his wife has never actually worked a day in her life. she's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school, and how do we -- and why do we worry about their future. >> so that comment really took
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off. a lot of people reacting to it. among them was ann romney. she had this response. she says i made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. believe me, it was hard work. rosen then followed with a tweet, when i said ann romney never worked, i meant she never had to care for her kids and earn a paycheck like most american women. so this has raised a lot of questions and debate. a lot of people talking about this. raich sel a blchel is a bloggerc and renee sigh ll esiler, autho book "good enough mother." you heard the white house and you also heard the initial statements by hilary rosen. what do you make of it?
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i'll start with you, renee. what do you make of the fact that this has become such a hot, hot topic? >> well, i'm thrilled that they're paying attention to women in this election cycle. but i get a little bit frustrated, and i am truss traited by the fact that they have turned motherhood into a political football because it's not. every mothwoman who is a mother works hard. that's not really debatable if you're a mother. i think really the question is about when we heard ann romney say that she made a choice to stay home, and not every woman has that opportunity and has that choice to stay home. a lot of women, 60% of women are in the workforce and not all of them choose to be there. >> rachel, do you think it is about choice here or do you think it is about a lack of respect for what women do? >> well, first, let me start and tell you i am an at home mother of six children itself -- >> congratulations. >> this hits right at home for
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me. i think the idea that only well-heeled political operatives in the obama campaign can speak about women's issues or the economy can utterly insulting and what she's in essence saying is that stay at home moms like ann romney or myself should stay off the campaign trail, get in our place, and it's very patronizing, and actually works against so many of the advances that we've made. the feminist movement was about quote, unquote, choice and here we are disparaging people who make a choice to stay home. and while a lot of women stay home because they can afford to, far, far more women make the choice to stay home at great financial and personal and professional sacrifice because it's more in line with their values. so we shouldn't underestimate both the intelligence and the
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thought that has gone behind so many moms that choose to stay home like me. >> let's listen a little bit more because hilary rosen gave a little more context to what she was trying to say. >> most women in america, let's face it, don't have that choice. they have to be working moms and home moms, and that's the piece that i am not hearing from the romney camp. instead, everybody is attacking me. that's fine. attack me, but it does not erase his woeful record on this issue. >> rene, i want you to jump in here. obviously this is going to be a really important subject for a lot of people. you're talking about what is good for women economically here, and you saw jay carney there defending obama's administration, putting his record out there for people to see. why is it that the female vote has become so critical this go around? >> let me go back to what you said a moment ago. you said why is this important? this is important because moms
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like me, moms like rachel, we want what's best for our children. and, frankly, what's best for our children is to make sure that they can eat, they have a roof over their head, that there is some way we can provide for them to go to school in the future. these are the issues that i think -- and i'm not speaking for hilary rosen here, but when i saw her comments and she said ann romney's never worked a day in her life, i don't think she meant she never worked a day in her life. she has five boys. that's hard work. rachel has six kids. that's hard work. i have two that make the noise of 20 and that's hard work, too. but the fact is my situation is very different from ann romney's. i work because i have to work. my husband and i are both really, really struggling because, you know, we work for ourselves. every night i worry about, you know, how am i going to make this money last to the end of the week? am i going to get my kids into school? are we going to stay in in house? are we going to be able to afford our mortgage in a year from now? that's what's important to
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women. >> do either one of you think that ann romney or michelle obama don't get it? i mean, they both seem to be very hard working women who are raising their kids and seem to respect that job. do either one of you think they don't get it? >> no. i think that all women get it. and here is the deal, this is why this thing is so stupid. we're all sitting here as women, as mothers. i'm living here in central wisconsin. i can tell you that my neighbors are losing their jobs, and the reason why it's perfectly appropriate for mrs. romney to get out there and speak about it is because the reason people are losing jobs, the reason why plants are closing and shutting doors and go overseas is because of the policies, the out of control epa, the highest corporate tax rate in the world that is sending companies overseas. these are policies that are happening in washington and they're affecting mothers that mrs. romney is meeting all over the campaign trail. so the idea that she shouldn't
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speak for that, that she shouldn't tell the stories of women like me who are seeing this is ludicrous. >> i don't think that hilary rosen was saying sit down there and be quiet. i didn't get that at all. >> she certainly was. she certainly was. >> but wait just a moment, rachel, if i could. what i understand and what i see, i'm not going to say neither of these women get it or don't get it. what i think this is about, it's about where you're sitting at on the table. if you're at the head of the table, if you are part of the 1%, your life looks different than the life of other people. that's all i'm saying. i'm not -- please, i don't want a bunch of people on twitter going, you're wrong, you don't understand, this, that, and the other. i'm not saying this job isn't difficult, it is, but when you have to take care of all of those things, your kids as well as a job, you worry about losing your job, you worry about losing your house, you worry about daycare and afterschool costs, that's a lot of stress. >> rachel, i want to end it with
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you if i can here. we're talking about the wives here. do we think that they are really an accurate reflection of their husband's policies here? does that translate when you hear, okay, here is ann romney's situation, here is what kind of mother she is, here is michelle obama, here is what kind of mother she is, the kind of job she has. does it say anything about their husbands to you and what kind of leaders they'll be? >> i'll tell you this, from my perch as a political wife and from my perch as an at home mother at home living here in the midwest, what i'm seeing from washington and what i'm seeing specifically from the obama campaign is a decision on a campaign side to divide by race, to divide by class and income, to divide now within gender. i am calling on the president to step forward. he hasn't been afraid to wade into touchy subjects before. lead, stop campaigning, lead, and bring this country together.
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>> rene, do you want to button it up? >> i mean, i think she pretty much said it all, but, again, she's talking about this really from a political standpoint, and i'm -- >> no, i'm not. i'm absolutely not. i'm talking about it from the perspective of a mother. >> you are. you just said you're calling on the president, his that, his this. well reall need to try a little bit of understanding which i know doesn't work real well in politics. >> that's where we're going to end it, a little understanding from both of you. excellent discussion and, again, we admire what both of you do and that is to take care of your kids. this debate will continue. thank you again. rene, rachel. we're less than 30 minutes away from george zimmerman's first court appearance. the first technology of its kind...
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fox news sniffed them out pretty quickly. this is the website an unhappy employee at fox news posted some anonymous essays on gawker ripping the network on everything from professional ethics to the condition of the bathrooms. yeah. his online scheme didn't last long. they found him and they fired him. want to get in howard kurtz. howard, first of all, is this unusual? >> it's unusual -- it's not unusual for people to leak from inside news organizations. indeed, i have gotten a pretty good living sometimes being the recipient of those leaks. what's unusual is the public and taunting way in which this fellow practically dared them to find him. it only took a couple days for him to be sniffed out. >> who is this guy? >> i never heard of him. i think he's a midlevel staffer who obviously game disenchanted with fox news, and, you know, we
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in the news business ought to be careful about casting aspersions on whistle ploers from inside because that's what we often rely on to find out what's going on in other big organizations, political campaigns and the like. at the same time he wasn't exactly deep throat. he didn't provide any earth shattering information about what was going on in the bowels of fox news. >> talk about this video he released. a moment that wasn't meant to be recorded or broadcast. let's listen in. >> no. i look like a schlep. the same tie two days in a row. >> i think this is silly but -- >> yeah. >> how damaging was that? >> i didn't think it was terribly damaging. mitt romney goes on in that portion that was not meant to be aired to talk about the horses that he owns. so i guess you could say another example of him being an elitist but it didn't seem like a big deal to me. the fact that i believe it was
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hannity was chatting with him before or after the official part of the interview, that happens all the time while you're sitting around waiting to get going. i didn't think they seemed more chummy than other hosts and political guests might seem. gee wrote this on gawker. he says i am a weasel, a trader, a sellout and every bad word you can throw at me, but i'm free and i am ready to tell my story. so this guy, i mean, who would hire him? who would trust him? >> if joe wants to call himself a weasel i'm not going to argue with that. obviously he do be -- he did betray his organization. he was willing to be expelled from the fox news empire by taking this chance. he has some strong feelings about fox news. so he got his wish i guess you could say. >> he is free. maybe he'll write a book or something. maybe there will be more
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interesting tidbits he can tell us about there. this is the kind of thing that normally, i mean, i don't think networks would really -- would put up with, but you never know. >> well, there is that question when you do kind of turn on your colleagues and serve as a whistle-blower and you get caught or you out yourself or whatever it is. there is that question of are you trustworthy enough for anybody else to hire. and so i think he may have a tough time staying in the television business, but on the other hand, as you say, he could work the talk show circuit. maybe have him on my show sunday. joe, if you're out there be happy to talk to you and he can start a second career as a fox barber. >> okay. all right. howie kurtz, good to see you. george zimmerman just minutes away from his first court appearance. is it safe to get it? but what, so we should go broke with imports? look, i'm just saying. well, energy creates jobs. [announcer:] at conocophillips, we're helping power america's economy with cleaner, affordable natural gas.
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more jobs, less emissions. start a second career as a fox . it's cleaner. it's affordable. look, if it's safe, i'm there. [announcer:] conocophillips. how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you one-to-one. together for your future. ♪
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george zimmerman about to appear in court any minute now. he faces a second-degree murder charge in the shooting death of 17-year-old trayvon martin. zimmerman says it was in self-defense. he got a new attorney who is trying to get him out now on bond. >> i would like to get him out. i need him out to assist me in going over all the evidence and preparing our defense. i'm concerned about his safety to a certain extent but i'm truly hoping there will be a receding of the frustrations or anger now that the process is moving forward. >> we've also heard from the special prosecutor in the case, angela corey. >> when we charge a person with a crime, we are equally committed to justice on their behalf as we are on our victim's behalf. so we are here to do that on behalf of our victim, trayvon martin, and on behalf of the person responsible for his death, george zimmerman.
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we will continue to seek the truth throughout this case. >> i want to now listen to trayvon martin's mother and george zimmerman's brother, how they both reacted to this arrest. >> we are relieved that he's safe. that is, you know -- it's the most bittersweet news to hear in your life that your brother is being charged with a murder and to see him being taken into jail on live tv and to somehow have to think, well, at least there's something good in all of that is that he can't be attacked this way or he most likely can't be, you know, hurt, killed, injured in a way that he has been on the run and underground in the streets for quite some time. >> first of all, i want to say thank god. we simply wanted an arrest. we wanted nothing more, nothing less. we just wanted an arrest. and we got it.
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and i say thank you. thank you, lord. thank you, jesus. >> martin savidge is in sanford, florida, outside the complex that houses both the jail and the court. so martin, give us a sense, zimmerman's court appearance just minutes away now. set the scene for us. >> reporter: well, there's certainly a lot of anticipation, especially by the media. you have the parking lot that is just absolutely overflowing with all the television transmission trucks. there's a large crowd of journalists that have gathered by the entrance of the facility here. they're clearly anticipating after this hearing there's going to be some sort of a news conference. there are journalists being allowed in, a pool situation. so they would come out and give their commentary as to what they observed. there is going to be a camera inside, so you'll be able to watch as well as we'll be able to watch from here. the judge is the one who will not be in the courtroom. he is actually some place else and he's connected to the courtroom inside the prison facility by means of a television link up. that's how it all comes together.
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what we anticipate is, of course, that this is a first appearance. it's the arraignment. it's the reading of the charge. george zimmerman is expected to enter a plea. his attorney says already that that plea is going to be not guilty. the question mark is will they deal with the issue of bond? it's possible if something has been worked out ahead of time with the prosecutor's office and the defense attorney. if not, that could require another hearing at another time. it could become quite complex. >> are there a lot of people who are gathered where you are there? is there a lot of excitement or anticipation about what's about to happen? >> reporter: yeah, there's helicopters hovering overhead and the journalists are ready. not a lot of the public because the public knows they can't get inside. it's a courtroom located inside of the corrections facility. it's kind of a new trend. it is done for security reasons, of course. this way you don't have to transport prisoners back and forth to a courthouse. instead, it's the judge that appears electronically. as you looked inside the courtroom there and occasionally we do get glimpses of it, you can see that there is an area
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that is -- has seats that allow members of the media and apparently others to be present, but they're separated by glass. it would probably be a rather strong glass. and then there is an area where the prisoner could come to the microphone and speak and either answer the judge's questions or make some sort of response. that's what we're waiting for. you can see there is a guard clearly who is waiting as well. george zimmerman is not the only one who is going to have an arraignment today. this is a routine process that happens almost every single day, and so we expect it to be very quick, and george zimmerman we're told will be first. >> and do we know anything about his first night in custody? >> reporter: well, we know that he had to be trntansported from jacksonville. that would be about a three-hour drive in a black suv. there was a huge crowd of journalists and cameras that were waiting to catch any kind
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of glimpse of george zimmerman because, of course, he hadn't been seen. and so they were all rolling as he went inside. we know that then it's a formality. he has to be processed. there was the mug shot that everyone now has probably seen. that was taken. there is also a medical examination and a mental exam that is conducted, and then there is time for his brand new attorney, mark o'mara, to have the opportunity to sit down and for the first time talk face-to-face with his client. we understand that they did talk for about an hour. given so much that has to be done, that really is a relatively short period of time. >> okay. >> reporter: and mr. o'mara said afterwards he could tell his client was very stressed and very tired. >> all right. we're going to stay with this. i want to bring in holly hughes our legal analyst to talk a little bit about what we're expecting, how this is going to play out once george zimmerman appears with his tosh. what do we know about his attorney? >> well, at this point we know that he has finally stepped in.
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this is someone who has actually met the client. we know from the last sort of situation we had that the attorneys who were out in the press representing mr. zimmerman had not even had the opportunity to sit down with him. so we see that mark o'mara, who is an experienced criminal attorney, has done exactly what you're supposed to do. >> are these live pictures we're looking at? these are live pictures. we're seeing pick tours. we recognize the special prosecutor, angela corey, and i do believe, holly, we are looking also at mark o'mara. is that correct? >> exactly. we see him on the far side of the screen to the right of angela corey. >> there is george zimmerman who is walking in now into the first court hearing. let's listen in. >> we'll give you credit for that. i also will say for the record that i just received here moments ago a two-page affidavit signed by investigators galbraith and olsteen to stand for probable cause for the
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filing of an information in this matter. so you want him to appear, do you not? >> yes, i do, your honor. he is present. >> i didn't recognize him next to you there. all right. mr. zimmerman, you're appearing here for your first appearances -- or first appearance at this time for a charge of murder in the second degree and you are represented by mr. o'mara, is that true? >> yes, sir. >> remember your right to remain silent all the other rights he's told you about. you have to say nothing and we'll go forward on some proceduproceed you're ral matters. after reviewing the short affidavit for probable cause i do find that probable cause for the charge as put in the information. now, seeing that there's an information that was filed as of last -- yesterday at 4:00 p.m., all other matters at this point will be handled by the circuit court under the felony case number. that includes the further -- any further motions, bond hearings, anything like that now will go forward. all i can tell you at this time
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is that you will be set for formal arraignment with the judge on or -- not before but on may the 29th, 1:30, courtroom 1a and mr. o'mara, of course, will be in for that. there's no need to appoint other counsel. i show that he has good and adequate counsel. he's well-represented at this stage, and that date will hold. that is the right date, right, madam clerk? let's get this straight. may 29th, 1:30 is his next official court date at this time. all other matters, therefore, will be taken up with the circuit court at the courthouse. mr. o'mara, agree? >> we agree, your honor. >> very good. state, anything else? >> no, sir, thank you very much. >> upon that finding this hearing, a first appearance, is concluded. >> thank you for your time and consideration. >> i know you have to make arrangements for everybody and then we'll get the rest of the group in there and i will take a short break, okay?
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>> thank you. >> so that is the first appearance of george zimmerman. it was very, very brief as we predicted there, and there's his attorney and the special prosecutor who are still in the room there. holly, explain to us the judge simply said that they had set an arraignment date, may 29th, 1:30 p.m. courtroom 1a. what happens now? he goes back. he cannot -- they didn't set a bond. he cannot get out of jail. >> that's correct, suzanne. he is still in custody and will remain in custody until he has this arraignment hearing, and at that point in time the judge has let mr. o'mara and the state know you may address bond and any other preliminary matters at this point in time. the formal arraignment is where they will come into court, they will read out loud the charge, let him know what he is being charged with. that can also be waived by his attorney. the attorney has sat down explained the nature of the
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charge. he may say my client is full ri aware, we waive. >> his attorney is speaking now. let's listen in. >> information about some witnesses, some witness statements, some addresses, telephone numbers. there even, i believe, though i haven't reviewed the court file, may be some information specific to trayvon martin, a juvenile, and the concern is with the focus this case has gotten to date there are going to be and already have been requests to get that information. so i am seeking on my client's behalf and just in the interests of justice on a temporary basis that we do a complete sealing of that record, that no one have access to it except for the court, the appropriate court, and court personnel and, of course, the attorneys involved. i'm very concerned that -- >> let's take one step at a time. the probable cause affidavit, the two-page plus the jura t that came over today on the fax, i would be of the mindset to make that public because there's nothing in there other than what the court has already read and seen.
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>> yes, sir. >> but anything else so far what you have mentioned has not been filed yet to the clerk's knowledge. >> and that's correct. >> if you want to do it from now on and the state agrees, is that -- >> we're in agreement with that from now on. that's fine, your honor. >> stipulation, i don't have to order it. the two of you have agreed and we'll put that in the minutes today. so from here on how now it has to be with a hearing with the judge. >> i know you're very business. my concern is there's information flowing to the court file right now so it may get there within moments. two, i would truly ask rather than just sitting on the stipulation that you enter an order on our stipulation that would carry the weight of a court order because it may be attacked or assailed. >> mr. o'mara, local practice, our minutes has done an ordered language on it, i believe. yes. so it would have the weight of an order. >> that's what i want. thanks for the time. >> now, anything that i have done here, remember, is always reviewable and can be changed by the trial judge who is now assigned as of this moment in
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this case, okay? yes, your honor. thanks again for the time. >> thank you, your honor. >> thank you. >> i want to bring in mark from orlando to talk about what we have been watching. >> some of it came in a little gashbled, but basically i think he's doing what we saw yesterday when he first made his appearance. he's attempting to keep control of this without letting it just simply go out there and become chaotic. i think he wanted to maintain control of the file where both the prosecutor and the defense and the court had it but that there would not be this ongoing leak through the media and it would be handled in a haphazard way. from what i could hear, that seemed to be what was going down. may i also say something else though because i think that there's a little bit of a confusion. the arraignment date that's scheduled in florida basically it would be a not guilty plea entered into writing. the defendant's personal appearance is not required.
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so the chances are almost zero that mr. zimmerman will be appearing in court for his arraignment. there will be an attempt to get a hearing for a bond at some point before that. a lot of that will depend upon the judge's docket and being able to get hearing time to get in there as soon as possible. with the intensity and the attention of this case they're going to have to open up some time. you don't expect to see mr. zimmerman back in court for his arraignment. in writing it's done almost 100% of the time in florida, but do expect that a motion for a bond will be set. basically the county court deferred to the circuit court who has jurisdiction over this case now to handle the bond hearing. >> so at least at this point up until may 29th, he will remain in jail. is that correct? there's no chance he would actually be released because it's may 29th is the day. >> no, he's entitled to a bond hearing. so if they can get a hearing
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tomorrow or next week and the court's docket permits that in front of the circuit judge, then they can have a bond hearing before the arraignment. the arraignment is simply an entry of a plea of guilty or not guilty independent of the bond hearing. you don't get an automatic bond hearing just because you have an arraignment. you have to schedule the bond hearing for a hearing, and so that's what's going to be forthcoming. mr. o'mara will likely in the next few days prepare a fully detailed motion to set reasonable bond. it will be filed in the court and be set for hearing. >> mark, you were initially i understand you said earlier this morning approached by george zimmerman and his team to represent zimmerman. why did you turn down the case? does this look like a case that's going to be difficult to defend? >> it's a defensible case but a very complicated complex case. we were contacted and i have gotten a written consent from mr. zimmerman to allow me to talk about this. i did not disclose information yesterday, nobody has known about it because we didn't think it appropriate to comment until there was a release and consent
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by mr. zimmerman. >> we lost mark. he's going to explain that later. but he was approached by george zimmerman's team to represent him and he's going to explain why he didn't actually accept it. but what do you make of seeing george zimmerman now and the way he was portrayed before? even in the photos he looks physically different. >> we can tell he's lost weight and we heard from his prior attorneys earlier in the week that he had lost a substantial amount of weight. so i think what we're seeing is a man who is just and understandably so, extremely stressed. probably has not been able to eat, suzanne, and if he has, has probably not been able to keep a lot down. if you think about the intense media scrutiny that's been on this and a lot of community members who have sort of out on their own said, hey, let's put a bounty on his head, let's go hunting him down, that's a pretty precarious position to be in. so i'm not sure whether george zimmerman believes it was fully in self-defense or not. i'm sure that the taking of a
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life weighs heavily on you, whether you think you had to do it to defend your own life or not. that has to be an emotional toll that very few of us will ever understand. >> earlier today we heard from trayvon martin's mother, and she said she believed it was an accident, her son's killing. that they all just kind of got caught up in something. is that actually something that the defense could use to help zimmerman in this case? >> absolutely. what we're going to see, step one, is going to be a motion to dismiss based on justification, based on the stand your ground law. they're going to go before the court. mr. o'mara is going to prepare that motion, try to get that hearing date, and get the entire thing dismissed by a judge who will hear the facts and circumstances, have that preliminary hearing, and say i do or i don't agree with the defense on the justification. it could all go away at that point. if, however, it progresses, that is absolutely one of the options that is available to the defense. they can raise accident. they can raise self-defense. they can put anything before the jury that they think is
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reasonable based on the facts and circumstances as the evidence comes out. >> what do you make of the schedule, may 29th? >> this all goes with the court's docket and we have to remember as much as we're all watching this particular case, there are a couple hundred other defendants who have been sitting and waiting their court date, too. so the court is probably giving the first available date when they have to put him on. but, of course, because it is so high profile and you do have a lot of additional security concerns, sort of like we saw in the casey anthony trial where we don't really want to keep her in our jail because there's such a much greater risk, so i think we're going to see that bond motion filed and attempted to be scheduled a lot sooner than that may 29th date. >> holly, stay with us. we're going to take a quick break and we'll have more on this developing story. all energy development comes with some risk,
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were talking about the fact that earlier she talked about this on cable television, that she believed this was an accident, and that they got lost and caught up in something here. she wants to clarify her statement here and puts it out and says earlier today i made a comment to the media that was later mischaracterized when i referred to the world accident today, with regard to trayvon's death, in no way did i mean the shooting was an accident, and she says we believe that george zimmerman stalked my son and murdered him in cold blood. the accident i was referring to was the fact that george zimmerman and my son never crossed paths, it was an accidental encounter. if george zimmerman hadn't gotten out of his vehicle, this entire incident would have been avoided. my son was profiled, followed and murdered by george zimmerman and there was nothing accidental about that. that is a very, very strong statement. >> wow, that's powerful. those words were chosen very
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carefully. i mean, not only too we have i think that he murdered my son but she is saying it is cold blooded. she wanting to be incredibly clear with the media and with the public at large that she doesn't believe that an accidental defense which may be raised later on, should prevail. she just really wants to set the record straight. when you're in this emotional place, having been with murder victims parents, i see that. >> let's go to the attorney now. >> absolutely. >> we'll tend to a bond motion between now and then and tell you what it is set for. >> what do you make of sybrina's comments on the today she, she said an axe, the encounter between mr. zimmerman and trayvon was the accident. >> i look forward to having a conversation with her to see exactly what her feelings are on it. obviously it was a horrible intersection of two young men's lives, and it ended in tragedy. we have to figure out how it happened, why it happened, and who might be responsible for it. >> using those words against her
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in the future? >> they went to a horrible tragedy. they lost their son. we're not going to be talking about using words against a mother of a deceased child. we're not doing that. >> do you think that the ability, that the judge did not want to have mail, is that a setback. >> we made a decision before today, a couple hours ago, that i was not going to even seek to have the judge attend to that issue. it didn't make sense with where the case is now and with my client's status and quite honestly with the attempt to truly calm this case down rather than demand a presentation of evidence which might only increase the fervor around the case. >> between now and then you won't make -- >> i am sorry? yes, i did. >> can you describe in detail what he is saying because i know what is the demeanor right now.
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>> he is tired. it has been a very long period of time for him, and he has gone through tribulatons of his own being the focus of the intensity of this event. he is facing a second degree murder charge now. he is frightened. that would frighten any one of us. on the other hand, i am not concerned that some others may have been before me of his focus. he wants -- he is glad the process is in place. he really does hope as the prosecutor said that given the opportunity, by the media, by the community, to handle the case the way it is supposed to be handled, full discovery, conversations, negotiations, motions if they're appropriate, and let us -- let the system work. it really truly works and now that we have focus on it, it is going to work even better because i am sure you will tell us if it is not working properly.
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>> any remorse, apologetic at all about what happened? >> what i would like to do in that regard is if that conversation is to be had, it should be had directly to the family. >> why did you ask for a complete -- >> my concern before i was involved in the case was that this matter was being handled in a piecemeal fashion. whether it was police, law enforcement, defense, other witnesses, people just wanted to be involved in the case, people who saw things and what happened is i liken it to a picture that you have as a puzzle piece, and you throw out three or four pieces and you cannot get a picture of it an the frustration that happens is you see it one way. you see it another way. there is something missing and somebody is not answering a question and it is really supposed to happen in the courtroom. if it happens in the courtroom, and if we really look at it and say we're going to do it properly, then we don't need to let it out piecemeal. will you miss interpret it.
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i want to respond to it. they have to respond to it. the job is better done the way we know how to do it. >> why do you say a trial if needed and then what are your feelings about a possible change of venue? >> if you were to do a percentage of all criminal cases, very small percentage of them go to trial, higher percentage of murder cases. we're not taking any possibilities off the table how this case gets resolved. i haven't seen the first sheet of evidence yet. clearly premature. >> how many stand your ground cases have you handled in your career? >> self-defense cases, which is really what you are speaking of, a number of them. it shows up in a lot of personal crimes, whenever there is battery, aggravated battery, murder. i have not had one to a jury since the stand your ground statute, but i have had a couple that i have utilized that as sort of an impact on this. >> do you have evidence that you. [ inaudible ] stand your ground defense? >> madam prosecutor knows the case, knows how to do it, looked
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at the evidence and interpreted it a certain way. i won't make believe i know a different way when i haven't seen it. when i see it, we'll talk more about it maybe. i am not taking attorney's fees right now. i think that he is indid i gent for costs. he doesn't have money, and there is a process in place that allows the state actually to assist in paying costs, not attorney's fees. >> are you asking for them to put him in protective custody? >> seminole county sheriff on their own properly so have him in protective custody. it is a standard security measure that they put in place in cases like this. >> and i heard also several threats already coming into the sheriff's office. >> i have not heard anybody. >> how much money has he made from the website? >> how is he doing mentally? >> any diagnosis like that should be done by those who know how to do it, psychologists,
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psychiatrists. i can interact with him and i think he is in a good place. >> where has he been? >> i would rather not disclose that. i don't know fully. >> safer in the facility? >> i talked about doing it, talked to my clients, looked for the facts of the case, what would have to happen if we were to do the bond motion and decided not to. >> when do you plan to do that? >> any safety concerns and ask remain in jail until his arraignment? >> he? i really wouldn't discuss what he and i talked about anyway. >> do you feel he is safer for the short-term if he stays in the facility? >> i hope to have him released on bond and by that time i hope to have a place for him to be safe. >> when do you plan that? >> we don't have it set yet. >> bond is going to be set probably next couple of weeks and motion before the judge and talk about it. i am about to go meet a judge who has this case and if i don't it will be my first contempt by this judge. i will not taking that chance. >> how much money off the pay positively website. >> i have no idea.
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i haven't been on either one. i don't know if there is one or two. >> how much? >> how do you feel about the other attorney? >> the prosecution? >> the other attorneys that dropped him. >> i don't know. i don't know fully why or how it happened. i am concerned about some of it but not that. >> is it possible he will get bond. >> it is possible he will get bond based on what the judge decides. >> would that be an arthur hearing. >> yes, one of the elements that is considered bond. thank you. >> you've been listening and watching mark oh mayor a the attorney for george zimmerman. we're wrapping up coverage of the first court appearance of gmtz. the next time he will be called, may 29th for the arraignment, 1:30, courtroom 1-a and a lot of people paying attention to what happens here, charged with second degree murder of trayvon martin. his first court appearance and he is back in jail, back in custody, a lot of people
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awaiting to see what the next outcome will be. i want to toss this to brooke baldwin picking it up from here. >> thank you so much. minutes ago in case you are just tuning in the image so many people waiting to see we'll play it for you now, george zimmerman facing a judge for the killing of trayvon martin. here he was in a courtroom not too long ago, 47 days after he claimed he shot the unarmed teenager in self-defense, zimmerman entering the courtroom there in sanford, florida, wearing a great jumpsuit, standing quietly there alongside his lawyer we just heard from. he was in and out of this courtroom in about two minutes, that quick, sent back into custody and the judge set a formal arraignment date of may 29th. right now zimmerman is probably on his way back to his cell if he is not there already and we just learned on the news conference he is in protective custody, that that was a procedure with the seminole county sheriff's department and the special prosecutor here in
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this case, angela corey, she did charge zimmerman with second degree murder and he came out of hiding yesterday to turn himself in to police in sanford, florida. his attorney, mark o'mara says that zimmerman is afraid, frightened, glad the process in place and given the opportunity by the media and the community he is ready to have the systemwork but they're saying he is not a flight risk. take a listen. >> very long period of time for him and he has gone through some tribulatons of his own being the focus of the intensity of this event. he is facing a second degree murder charge now. he is frightened. that would frighten any one of us. >> o'mara also went on to say that media outlets, he told me outlets i should say that george zimmerman is sorry for shooting trayvon martin. as for martin's parents, the arrest comes as a relief but they say it was long over due.
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as mother is doing backtracking after saying something to nbc, saying this. >> i believe it was an accident. i believe that it just got out of control. he couldn't turn the clock back. i would ask him did he know that that was a minor, that that was a teenager and that he did not have a weapon? >> just a short time ago we did receive a samt from sabrina fulton. she says earlier today i made a comment to the media that was later mischaracterized. when i referenced the word "accident" with regard to trayvon's death in no way did i mean the shooting was an accident. we believe that george zimmerman stalked my son and murdered him in cold blood. the accident i was referring to is the fact that george zimmerman and my son ever crossed paths. it was an accidental encounter. if george zimmerman hadn't gotten out of his vehicle this entire incident would have been avoided. my son was profiled, followed, and murdered by george zimmerman
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and there was nothing accidental about that. martin savage is standing by outside the jail in sanford. martin, what is the next step here? what happens next for zimmerman? arraignment? >> the arraignment as you already said is scheduled for may 29th. i think before that his attorney, mark o'mara would like to get him out on bond and that's sort of what was being discussed at the end when there was a press conference after he was inside the correctional facility for the hearing. and it was interesting to listen to him talk. it appears that, number one, it will take him a couple of days, maybe longer, to put together his request. he will make a formal request for a bond hearing. it seems that he almost wants that time. in other words, he beliefs that george zimmerman is in a relatively of course safe place, and then on top of that this will allow tempers to cool, allow emotions to subside somewhat, and if, for instance, he was immediately released on bond, well, that could once
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again stoke up the attitudes that he has gotten some sort of preferential treatment and quickly out on the treat and this prosecution is not as serious as it initially seemed to be. i also thought it was interesting that angela corey was there for this particular proceeding. i mean, it is after all fairly routine, every prisoner will have to go through this within a 24-hour period, so she was there, she was on the spot, and keep in mind, of course, she had to decide here who really was the victim in this particular case. you had both sides claiming they were victims. george zimmerman claims he was attacked by trayvon martin, and of course the family of trayvon martin says that it was george zimmerman who stalked they are son and eventually killed him. she had to decide who really is the victim in this case. she clearly made that decision. george zimmerman is behind bars. we also know by her past that she grows very attached to the victim's families and they in turn grow very attached to her. many that continue to stay in touch from previous cases she's handled. >> and so in the meantime as we just heard, zimmerman's attorney
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talking about how he will formally request this bond hearing, in the meantime he is in presumably this jail in protective custody, one of the reporters throwing out questions about being threatened and i don't know if he was referencing within this jail, certainly probably from the outside. >> right. there are a couple of things we're worried about. this evaluation is handled by the jail and not so much by the attorney. the attorney may of course like to see that his client is being held in protective custody, but it is eventually up to the jail management here as to how he will be housed. what they will do is assessing him medically, assessing him mentally, i am talking george zimmerman, and they will make a determination whether or not to put him into the general population. if that's going to happen, it may not happen right away. perhaps it could happen weeks down the road. again, will bond supersede all that far and he be allowed to get out? how is he handled when he gets out? does he go into hiding?
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is there protection provided? that will be a great concern for his defense attorney. >> thank you, martin savage in sanford. i want to talk about the next step legally speaking and bring in sunny hostin. sort of what martin and i were going through, the next couple of steps for george zimmerman, we're talking potentially the next big step is formal bond hearing and in the meantime to martin's point the fact this attorney mark o'mara and george zimmerman probably want to sit down and talk for a little bit, let this calm down just a little bit. >> that's right. he certainly wants to be able to meet with his client. we know that we have now the may 29th date set for an arraignment. oftentimes, brooke, a defendant will waive his or her appearance to that arraignment. sometimes defendants don't go to the formal reading of the charges and allow their attorneys to plead guilty or not guilty, so i think really the next big day will be this bond hearing and we will likely see,
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i think, george zimmerman there. one thing that struck me as very interesting, brooke, that did come out is we now have a judge assigned to this case and the arraignment judge is jessica rektcider, a fairly new judge. apparently she has only been on the bench for about a year. she is about 40 years old, and my understanding is that once you are assigned as the arraignment judge, you keep that case in florida. that's what i have been told. so that gives us a real understanding, i think, or could give us some insight into how this case is going to be run. also, at the end of the press conference attorney o'mara said that he had a meeting with the judge that will be assigned to this case. so i think that's sort of one of the big things that came out of this. we now know who is going to be
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running this case and running this trial. anyone that has been a lawyer or watches court cases, especially the casey anthony case we know how important it is who the judge is for any case but especially a high profile one. >> we will be learning much more about her and we will know by the end of all of this exactly how to pronounce her name. let me take you back to this bond hearing. i heard one of the reporters throwing a question at this attorney saying will this be an arthur hearing. what does that mean? why is that important? >> right. that's another name for a bond hearing. it is important because george zimmerman has been charged with second degree murder. that's what's classified as a non-bondable offense because the maximum penalty is life in prison. so the attorneys would have to make a motion for this arthur hearing, this bond hearing, and at that hearing the prosecution can show that or will try to show perhaps that he is not entitled to bond and that he should be held pending trial.
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the defense will have to show that bond is appropriate. they will have to show he isn't a flight risk, isn't a danger to the community, that he hasses ties to the community so that's why it is so very important because mark o'mara indicated he wants his client out. there is also been some question about what george zimmerman's safety would be if he were to be in the community and so certainly that is a concern of this defense attorney. >> but is it really even realistic that he could post bond, his own attorney calling him indigent and doesn't have a lot of money in the case like this, i manl the bond would be significant. how could he afford that or would someone else pay? >> sure. someone else could pay. we know that his family is very supportive of him. his brother has spoken out about how close knit the family is. we know that his father is a retired magistrate judge. his mother is a clerk, a retired court clerk, so this may be a
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family of means. oftentimes, brooke, families put up their homes, their life savings, but i don't know that that is the only important piece in this type of case for bond. it would also be very important that he could be safe and that he could be monitored by the court. >> okay. i had more questions for you but i will talk to you next hour, sunny hostin. i want to talk about this charge because we're talking manslaughter yesterday and now it is up from that, murder in the second degree. thank you. we'll talk next hour. in the meantime, a lot to talk about in the next two hours. watch this. >> women, they're a big focus now of both presidential campaigns. a comment about ann romney just sparked a fire storm. >> his wife has never worked a day in her life. >> if this debate is suddenly about moms, who is winning it? i am brooke baldwin. the news is now. >> a man died after a severe beating by police. new pictures surface that make the man's mother cry out and
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collapse to the floor. >> employee rips company. employee goes public. company fires employee. legally speaking, what happens now to the so-called fox news mole? >> plus a campus is on edge after dozens of bomb threats since february almost on a daily basis. even now with the feds involved, the mystery heats up. and top nba players get millions of dollars to play ball. now some stars say they should be paid to represent their country in the olympics. so how about it? let's discuss. americans are always ready to work hard for a better future.
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just a short time ago cnn received a statement from hillary rosen expressing remorse for what she said last night right here on cnn about ann romney, wife of republican presidential candidate mitt romney. here is what rosen said last night. >> what you have is mitt romney running around the country saying my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues and when i listen to my wife, that's what i am hearing. guess what? his wife has actually never worked a day in her life. >> that remark right there that we just replayed drew a wave of did he nuns asians and just within the past hour jessica yellowen received this statement from hillary rosen. let me read it. quote, as a mom i know that raising children is the hardest job there is.
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as a pundit i know my words were poorly chosen. a apologize to ann romney and anyone else offended. let's declare peace in this phoney we're and go back to focus on the substance. focus on the substance she says. we'll have a little bit more on that later. stand by for that. we've been working to determine the source of the mysterious sheen in the gulf of mexico. i am talking about oil. chad myers, what is this? where is this? how big is this? >> it is one mile by ten miles, and i heard reports in the middle of the gulf of mexico. it is not in the middle really. it is only a couple hundred miles from where the other oil spill all washed up. it really is a very small sheen. it is not a spill. it is not a slick. you can see right through it. it looks like a rainbow. if you ever put gas in a boat near the water and you drip two drips you will see the same rainbow. they think it is probably only about 240 gallons of oil, not barrels or millions of barrels.
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the irony, brooke, i was on a cruise ship three weeks ago and they get their water from the ocean. they put it in the pool so the salt water is in the pool from the ocean, the gulf of mexico. the one pool got pumped in one night and it was full of oil from the water in the gulf of mexico. there was water in the oil and we thought durp it out and get new water so we can have fun. they couldn't do it because that would be putting oil into the gulf of mexico. once they pumped it in, they had to keep it and take it all the way back to tampa and have the whole boat cleaned, so there is still oil like floating around in the gulf of mexico and places. >> and it has been two years since the massive spill we were out there covering. do we know yet quickly where this sheen is from? >> we don't. if with he this i there is 250 gallons in the water, naturally from the bottom of the gulf of mexico every day 65,000 gallons of oil seeps out, 65,000 gallons, not 250 gallons, but eaten by the microbes below.
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that's what they're doing. this is on top. they don't know where it is coming from, helicopters out there, between two shell oil platforms and at this point in time shell is saying not us, we just saw it, we're the first to see it. it could have been a boat dumping oil. it could have been anything. there could be a boat sunk at the bottom of the ocean in the gulf of mexico for a very long time and all the oil is finally coming up. >> let us know what they figure out and how it could affect marine life. we'll stay tuned. new audio of a man begging for his life during an altercation with north chicago police. stay with us.
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screams are played, a grieving mother breaks down and the mayor pleads for more time to investigate a police beating that opened a floodgate of police brutality claims. want you to watch this from todd rollins from suburban chicago. >> gloria carr, the woman on the floor, is at a city council meeting in the city of north chicago. she is reacting to seeing photos that were passed around of her son, darren hanna, following a beating by police. officers had responded to a domestic violence call last november. hanna died four days after the incident. in a police audio recording hanna can be heard seemingly pleading for them to stop. >> put me down. put me down. i was down. i was down. i was down. >> i heard my son telling the
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officers to put him down, stop, he was crying out for his life. >> north chicago is a separate city from chicago with its own government and police force. since hanna's death more than a dozen others have come forward alleging police brutality including paul smith, the man in this video who says he was choked by an officer after an arrest for public drunkenness. >> he never read me my rights or nothing. they ended up i guess choking me, grabbing me, and smashing my head into the wall. >> smith's case is still under investigation along with several others. a special state police investigation into darren hanna's death determined the officers involved used reasonable force. beside the beating injuries, the coroner cited cocaine use as a partial cause of death. the officers say hanna rj whiched them yelling shoot me and they beat him and used a taser in self-defense. the audio which only surfaced this week has raised new
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questions. >> when the tape was brought to our attention you want to go back and talk to the officers in regards to the contents of the tape and we're in the process of doing that now. >> gloria carr wants the officers involved to be fired. >> what are you going to do? it has been over four months. >> yes, ma'am. >> over four months. i can't take this any longer. >> let me bring in ted rollins live in chicago. we heard from the officer saying they're going to go back after seeing the video and talk to some of these police officers. what more are they saying? >> well, it is difficult. you really have to separate the hanna case where there was a death with the state of illinois led that investigation and all of these other allegations. first off, the police chief that was in charge for years, he resigned under a lot of pressure. he was put on administrative leave. he resigned. now there is an interim police chief vowing to go back and look at every one of these charges of police misconduct and reevaluate
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the way this department does business and now the hanna case, now that this audio has come forward, the police chief says he is going to look into the question is will the state now reopen their investigation because they cleared the officers and basically and so that's the question we're waiting word on that. >> with the darren hanna case we heard the mother saying she absolutely wants something done. she wants the officers fired. how many officers are we talking about here? are they still on the job? >> they're on desk duty right now, and because the state investigation basically cleared them, we anticipated they would be back on the streets. now that this audio has come forward, their situation continues to be this desk duty scenario and we don't know what's going to happen to them in the future. >> let us know. ted roll ins in chicago. appreciate it. sadly, the words chicago and violence, used in the same sentence a lot. a lot lately. there is one man trying to do something about it by intervening early on in the
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lives of young men, young women in chicago, the rapper, act why are and activist will join me tomorrow. we'll talk about this tomorrow. a viral video depicts children acting out violently. violent crimes in mexico, and we'll have the video for you and explain why it was made in the first place. you know what's exciting, graduation. when i look up into my student's faces, i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix,
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hey, it's sandra -- from accounting. peter. i can see that you're busy... but you were gonna help us crunch the numbers for accounts receivable today. i mean i know that this is important. well, both are important. let's be clear. they are but this is important too. [ man ] the receivables. [ male announcer ] michelin knows it's better for xerox to help manage their finance processing. so they can focus on keeping the world moving. with xerox, you're ready for real business. ♪ why do you whisper, green grass? ♪ [ all ] shh! ♪ why tell the trees what ain't so? ♪
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[ male announcer ] dow solutions use vibration reduction technology to help reduce track noise so trains move quieter through urban areas all over the world. together, the elements of science and the human element can solve anything. [ all ] shh! [ male announcer ] solutionism. the new optimism. young, young children act out violent scenes in this youtube video that has absolutely exploded online. it is supposed to highlight real life problems, issues in mexico. take a look. >> ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> look at these little kids. raphael, talk to me about this. i know this video came out monday. it has gotten 2 million views. >> exactly. >> who made it? why did they make it? >> it is widely popular because it is driving home the message of enough is enough. too much violence and if nothing changes and that's the reason why they're using children, the children are going to face the same challenges, the same problem in the future. there are hundreds of children, seven and eight years old, and they are basically reenacting what's happening in mexico. the second scene that you saw with the supposed drug lord with the green polo shirt. that happened. this was the arrest of a drug lord known as the barbie. the message is to tell the mexican government and specifically the presidential candidate this is year, election
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year, you have to commit to really bringing change to mexico because enough is enough. >> do we know if those potential candidates in mexico, has this message resonated with them? have they responded? >> they have responded. three out of four say they agree with the basic premise of the video. however, there is already controversy, legislators saying that children should not be used in this fashion. they should not be portrayed as thugs or criminals or drug lords and asking for a ban but the organization says this is nothing that we're making uchl. this is reality. this is day-to-day life in mexico. >> it is effective when you look at this and you see little boys, seven and eight, carrying guns and running around and tossing people in trunks of cars. it makes a statement. >> exactly. you have to see all the comments on twitter and facebook. people are really reacting to this. >> thank you. >> sure. >> in the meantime george zimmerman, people are certainly reacting to this as well accused of second degree murder in the
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less than an hour ago george zimmerman made his court appearance for the killing of trayvon martin and the judge set a formal arraignment date, may 29th. zimmerman's lawyer said he decided not to ask for bail at least at this point in time. o'mara says the sanford florida authorities are taking extra precautions to ensure his client's safety. >> the sheriff on their own properly so have them in protective custody. it is a standard security measure they put in place. >> i heard -- >> you obviously know who this guy is, george zimmerman here. i want to advance this. this is a face will you seeing a whole lot right now. you may have never heard of mark o'mara. he could soon be a household
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name. zimmerman hired o'mara yesterday before turning himself in to police in sanford, florida, and o'mara had little time to get acquainted with the case before he was suddenly thrust in this national spotlight. he is probably best known here for his defense of suber, a case from 2004 charged with second degree murder for plowing into the back of a car and killing the driver and run ago way from police. o'mara successfully argued the charge down to manslaughter from murder two. just some bioinformation on mark o march a, he passed the florida bar 30 years ago and served as assistant state attorney in seminole county and earlier in the year he also -- that's the same county where his newest client is of course facing these charges. one more face i know you recognize her, you recognize her because o'mara served as a tv legal analyst during the casey
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anthony trial. now that you have a little bit of background here, i want to bring in someone who maced mark o'mara in a courtroom, legal analyst mark negime, and we have a lot of questions for you and your involvement in this case but off the top how do you rate mark o march a's legal skills? what kind of attorney is he? >> if there is a number above a ten, i would give him above a ten. mark is that good. i think he is one of the better lawyers, one of the best lawyers around. i know him quite well. i have been against him. i worked cases with him. actually, on the casey anthony case we were co-commentators for two months sitting next to each other and covering that for local stations, so i know mark quite well and i know the skills quite well. >> so you're saying he is pretty excellent and give him a high grade. is it true that you were approached to first represent george zimmerman but you then
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steered the case to o'mara? >> what happened and i have gotten permission and had this information for a month but we have a written consent from mr. zimmerman, so i can now discuss it. on march 13th, a month ago, mr. zimmerman contacted my office, attempting to reach me, and wanted to hire me to represent him on this case. i decided simply not to. he talked to one of my law partners. i will let it be known we were going to pass on the case. i am an older father. i am a dedicated to my four and six-year-old daughters that are basically where i have chosen to spend my free time. >> too time consume zg we had a phone call again yesterday morning from a representative of mr. zimmerman wanting us to still take the case. now taking the position as a cnn analyst, i simply said conflict on interest on top of the matters and gave them five names. mark was on top and they
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reviewed the names and said mark is the one we want. i put them together and they took it from there. >> we heard a little from mark o'mara when he was giving the news conference after we saw his client inside the courtroom for two minutes and somebody threw a question at him in terms of what self-defense cases and he said he did a number of self-defense cases and not had one go to jury since the stand your ground statute. we mentioned a case he is known for in 2004 and if we look at the past strategies used there, what does that tell us, mark, about how he plans to defend now george zimmerman? >> mark is board certified in criminal and also bort certified in marital and i think he is the only lawyer in the state of flo r with both certifications. he is really very, very smart when it comes to the law. he understands this. we did not get the statute in florida until 2005, so a lot of these cases are addressed early with the immunity hearing. prosecutors knowing that and a lot of the cases don't go this
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far because the prosecutors knowing that that's what's going to come up the charges are never brought. this is a challenging case for both sides. there is complex legal issues and all depends on what the facts ultimately bear out to then put that into what the law, with the law applies to it. so there is nobody going to know the law any better than mark. i was alongside him for two months. we were back and forth constantly. i think both sides have excellent legal representation. i know natalie jackson who has been representing trayvon's family, one of the lawyer there is and excellent also and i think" couple bant for people to have excellent attorneys on both sides so the truth can be gotten and our best chance to find justice. >> as you talk about both of these attorneys, you know, look, it can't be cheap to hire them and i know that as mark o'mara said, george zimmerman doesn't have a lot of money and referred to him as indigent and said to reporters he is not going to be charging him a fee. who does get charged for the defense?
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how does that work? >> really, it is mark donating services pro bono, and i suspect many people on the trayvon team doing that as well. lawyers who care, our passion, a lot of lawyers get a hit, a bad press and bad hit and some well deserved but there is many lawyers out there truly dedicating themselves to causes and cases. handling cases when in fact called upon. there is a personal gratification. there is a tension and it can help you down the line if you have handled the case well in the public thinks well of you. a lot of us are committed to doing that which is right. part of the reason i bowed out is i didn't think i could give it the time for this point in my life with my family that it needed. mark believes he can do it and i give him a lot of credit and other lawyers credit who do that. >> he was talking about his client a moment ago saying george zimmerman now we know is in protective custody and in this jail and he said i am just looking down and quoting saying george zimmerman is glad the process is now in place and he is ready for the system to work. you talk about justice.
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do you think there is any possibility that this thing will even go to trial? >> it is way too early to tell. i think mark answered the questions properly. look, i have had clients sit in my office and say we're absolutely going to trial, theres no circumstance exist that is we aren't going to trial and it is worked out. i have haeshd prosecutors say we're going to trial, your lient is go to jail and the charges are dropped. nobody knows what's really going to happen. all of the evidence is not in. there is a lot of questions that i have that i haven't gotten the answers to yet. a couple of them, very briefly. you have a situation where you have got 42 calls that came in from mr. zimmerman. were all of those calls for other people, hispanic, african-american, white, does that suggest racial profiling ? >> we heard from mark and he said he hadn't seen the first sheet of evidence. final question to you, let's just say if this does go to trial, mark, is mark o'mara, is he the type of attorney that would allow george zimmerman to get up and take the stand?
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>> well, he will make a proper decision. it is likely that george zimmerman will stay the stand in light of the anticipated defense but mark will evaluate the case and very measured and he is very smart, and he is very compass n compassionate and very tough. he will do what's right for his client but he won't misrepresent anything and he is very ethical. i think part of the reason he is a very good lawyer in this case is it will allow both sides if there is time for communication for that communication to take place. there will be a time where communication is taking place. >> mark, thank you very much. coming up next, how a woman survived a major fall and went on to be part of a major production involving horses and ballet. stay with us. with the ability to improve roi through seo all by cob. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price.
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the equestrian ballet has dance, acrobatics and dance with music and for the opportunity to perform almost didn't happen. chief medical correspondent sanjay gupta shares her story in the human factor. >> carolyn ferguson's high flying career came close to not happening after a freak accident almost left her unable to walk. she and her friends were diving 70 feet off a cliff in virginia. >> i just fell and fell and hit and hit and hit and hit all the way down until i fell into the water. >> she lost consciousness and began to drown.
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they are friends rescued her from the water and her bones were broken in 47 places and she had to undergo eight operations over six months. >> the doctors told me that because of the severity of how bad my left leg was they were like, you probably will not walk again and if you do walk, you will walk with such a severe limp. i respected their judgment but i didn't believe it. >> this is super hard on my ankle. >> ferguson says she knew to overcome the injuries she had so work hard at rehab, be patient and stay positive. >> there is mornings i wake up and limp to the bathroom and my leg hurts. when it rains, it is terrible, stuff like that, but almost like a reminder just like, hey, remember where you were and so get up, get going, and live this life that you had a second chance at. >> despite the pain, she didn't give up. she got back on her feet. working towards her dream of performing, she turned her love for horses into a career.
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landing her at cavalia performing tricks like this one. >> put your feet in the straps and horses running full speed and you really thrust right up and legs are straight and ankles are holding you in and you smile. >> dr. sanjay gupta, cnn reporting. [ female announcer ] if whole grain isn't the first ingredient in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first. get more whole grain than any other ingredient... just look for the white check. or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee, it's not just good for business, it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $6.4 billion in new credit to small businesses across the country last year.
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leon threatened to post pictures of boys on gay websites if they refused to perform sex acts during a video call. the fbi says he admits having at least 100 victims, most of them boys between the ages of 14 and 16. i want to bring in steven debrada, good enough to join me from indianapolis. nice to have you on. how in the world did authorities even find this guy? >> this investigation started with information obtained in michigan via county sheriff's department that led to an investigation involving federal, state and local officials in indiana, virginia and michigan. when it basically comes forth that a victim of this offense being sex-torted we alleged came forward and told people what was going on and that led to the investigation. >> i understand he operated from
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the internet in oi non-descript house and being held without bond and how did this happen? how do you believe this guy set these kids up again to use your word for sex-exploitation. >> what he did is tricked them. he represented himself to be someone else. what we allege is he acquired information that he could use to blackmail them. he basically threatened to provide that to his friends or to other sights on the internet to get them to do what he wanted done. because he was targeting people under age, they weren't equipped to deal with anything like this. >> when i first read about this story and these young people referred to as camera slaves, i thought they're sitting, who knows where else in the country on the other end of this video chat. why don't they just shut it off? they really believe they would be blackmailed, is that right? >> well, and they had reason to believe that. he had information he could use and he could embarrass them with it, and he used online surveillance and looked at who
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they were in order to be in a position to send the material to friends other other people. once he had that information, he was in a strong position to be able to blackmail them. what's important here is they broke the process by telling a responsible adult and that led to the investigation. in many instances it doesn't. this happens all the time. >> i understand that in an e-mail that within the criminal complaint against this guy it reads, quote, if you do what you're told, the vid will never be seen by anyone but me. so that goes to your point about these victims had reason to worry. i know one of the victims here allegedly begged f inkbiener to stop posting and prosecutors have the e-mails. it sounds like he thought he was absolutely invincible, didn't he? >> one of the things the internet has the capability to do is to empower people like this to get away with this kind of thing for a while and also has the ability to have their actions come to light if we can trace them and find out about
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things like this going on. that's the important lesson here. this man's activities have been stopped because this boy came forward and stopped it, and that led to what we're now looking at which involve as you can see a great many more victims potentially. >> we're talking about possibly more than 100, 100 victims if someone is listening or even not a victim of this guy and you mention this could be happening elsewhere, what's your message to them, sir? >> well, it is important that people understand things like this can happen to juveniles. what we need to do is make sure a responsible adult is prepared to listen to that, that the juvenile will say what's going on and that information will come forward and authorities can stop it. the terrible thing is it make this is information available to anybody that would want it or collect it and gives them a vehicle to attack children in their own homes. the important lesson here is this got stopped because this boy came forward. this led to another victim being identified. that put us in a position he we could search this man's house in indiana and stop him..
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that's how we can stop this. we have to know it is occurring. we know it is out there. we need the victims to come forward. in this case we have more victims we want to find. if someone has information, contact us. >> it was a brave young boy that decided amid possible risk to come forward to authorities. steven, we appreciate it there in indianapolis. we'll follow that case. >> thank you. this sunday is the 100th anniversary of the sirnging of the taitanic and we have reportr live headed for the spot where the original titanic sank. americans believe they should be in charge of their own future. how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want.
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100 years ago this sunday arguably the most famous ship wreck of all time happened, the titanic sank. we know the story. who hasn't seen the movie? now james cameron, the director of the film goes in-depth showing what happened after the 883-foot ship just broke apart. titanic, the final word, with james cameron airs globally on the national geographic channel. >> she goes, yep, that's right, almost vertical just when she goes under and implodes and now accelerates and all the stuff starts to rip off and comes the bow, falling in stable position and hits and, boom, kind of breaks its back and see the hydraulic outburst and the down blast effect. we see the shell plating blown
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off, deck, everything settling around it. looks like a big airplane crash site. that's exactly what we're looking for. >> wow. cameron isn't the only one paying tribute to the 100-year anniversary. more than 400 people are traveling on a ship to the exact spot where the titanic sank including chris welch live in nova scotia are the cruise is docked. in terms of timing, this is amazing they can pull it off. i understand they're trying to time the arrival to the second when the disaster happened 100 years ago. really? >> reporter: that's right, brooke. these 450 people on this ship as you mention and at the exact time, the exact day, this ship will be over the site where the titanic sank. titanic, the wreckage, will be
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some two miles below the surface of the sea. the folks on this ship are eagerly awaiting that 100th anniversary as you mention and had a lot of people around the country keeping an eye on these and there are two ships that will be meeting in the middle of the ocean. this left from new york city and another left from south hampton. you remember that's where the titanic left from. this is on its journey and left from new york city the other day. today, this morning, we have docked in halifax, nova scotia. you can see the picturesque harbor behind me. here is a cemetery where 120 people, many of them unidentified victims from titanic are buried. now, the ship stopped in halifax and this is the only stop before reaching that site in just a couple days, brooke. >> chris, call me crazy. when i go on a vacation, i like to plop down at the beach and do adventure travel. why in the world do these passengers, 1,500 people died, and why do they want to be on a cruise commemorating that
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moment? >> reporter: it is a really good question, brooke. to put it simply, these people are obsessed with titanic. that's not -- i am not saying that in a bad way. it is not a bad thing. a lot of these people have very personal connections to this ship, the titanic. there are a few descendents on board. one woman i spoke to earlier today actually caught up with her at the cemetery. this trip was so important to her to be at because her great grandfather had a ticket onto titanic, but he is a rancher. he wanted to bring cattle with him. they said he couldn't. they gave him a ticket on the carrpathia, the ship that helped save a lot of remaining passengers but this is what she told me about how special the experience is for her. >> it is a dream come true. i always wanted to be here, write about it, read about it, seen it. i am here. it is surreal to be here. >> reporter: as she says she
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