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tv   Weekend Early Start  CNN  April 14, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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from cnn center this is "weekend early start," saturday, april 14ing, good morning i'm randi kaye. allegations of shocking scandal sent secret service agents home from the president's trip to columbia. remember these images from tuscaloosa last year, meterologists are bracing for another outbreak as devastating as this one, likely hours from now. we'll talk live with a storm chaser on his way to tornado alley. our weekend in focus, madam constituent, we look at what women want this november and what it means for the candidates. later this hour, a as a leb tee breakup of massive proportions? no, not them. but wait until you see. "weekend early start" begins now. a problem with president obama's secret service detail is overshadowing his trip to columbia, there for the summit of the americas.
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before the president stepped off the plane, a dozen of his secret service agents were sent packing. and replaced by a different set of agents. according to the washington post, the problems stems from one agent involvement with prostitut prostitutes. "there have been allegations of misconduct made against secret service personnel in cartagena, could bum leah prior to the trip. because of this, those personnel are being returned to their place of duty and replaced by our personnel." the president's security was never compromised. we got a quick reminder how important security is for a trip like this. four explosions in columbia yesterday, two in cartegena and two near the u.s. embassy in bogata. joining me is on the phone, ronald kessler, he broke the story about the agents being sent home. mr. kessler, good morning to
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you, what is your understanding of what these secret service agents were allegedly doing in cartegena? >> all 12 agents involved in this situation, involving prostitutes, and one of the agents did not pay one of the prostitutes and she complained to local police and that is how this all started. police went to the state department, state department told the secret service, secret service recalled all the agents, it is clearly the biggest scandal in secret service history. the only thing that comes close is the penetration of the state dinner by the salahis and it goes back to a culture of laxness in the secret service which i revealed in my book "in the president's secret service." a lax attitude which contributes to this kind of thing.
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>> do we have any idea if all 12 were sent home, how many were involved in this? >> my understanding is all 12 were to one degree or another, whether actually doing it or covering it up, and they are all going to be investigated by the office of professional responsibility. >> just to be clear, so lilicit prostitution is not illegal? >> right, in certain designated areas. but it's totally inappropriate for secret service agents to go to prostitutes, especially on a foreign trip when they are protecting the president. and exacts blackmail, one of these prostitutes knowing an agent is with the secret service, could blackmail him, many of them are married, could blackmail them by insisting that let's say a terrorist be allowed
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in a secure area. which could result in assassination. so it's really shocking. >> so what do you imagine is going on given your extensive coverage of the secret service, what do you imagine is going on in the organization this morning? what are they doing to investigate this? >> they certainly didn't want it to come out. i was able to get story. they never would have revealed it. and but it's the same situation as what happened in the salahis, nothing ultimately happens. president obama expressed confidence in the secret service, the secret service goes back to not enough agent, cutting corners, letting people through to secure areas without putting them through screenings, not keeping up with the latest firearms. bowing to political pressure,
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for example when dick cheney's daughter mary, wanted the secret service to take her friends to restaurant. they refused, they are law enforcement, not taxi drivers, she got her secret service detail leader removed. so what kind of message does that send to agents that management won't back them when they are trying to do their job? >> the agency is saying the president's safety was not compromised, but still that does concern you. >> yeah, even in this case, the agents who were sent in did not have time to acclimate themselves and do full advance work so it's clearly not as good a security situation as it should have been. but beyond that, one problem after another, that much is covered up. one other example recent example they don't do physical tests
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they are supposed to do, firearms training tests they are supposed to do. one agent, who is overweight, out of shape, happens to be a supervisor, couldn't even open the door of the president's limousine. what was the solution? the secret service said try to park the limousine in a way he can get out easily, rather than having her removed. just shocking. what could be more important than protection of the president? it goes back to upholding democracy, if you have an assassination, that nullifies democracy and yet they are cutting corners right and left. >> ron kessler, your insight is terrific for us to have this morning we appreciate your time, thank you. >> thank you. people living in the plain states are on alert for likely tornado outbreak later today. a tornado touched down late yesterday in the norman,
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oklahoma area ripping off roofs, there were no serious injuries. high winds in yuba city, california caused damage at a car dealership, nobody was hurt there. meterologist alexandra steele is in the weather center. >> we're looking at storms but the access of the most severe weather, long lived strong tornadoes tonight and after dark, which is the most problematic. radar picture, the quadrant, the plains the biggest threat. right now here is a look at the radar, oklahoma city to st. louis, now we do not have any tornado warnings at this point. this i-44 corridor, that is where we will see the threat this morning for strong storms. here what is the tornado watches posted this morning until 9:00 a.m. central, including tulsa, mostly oklahoma, southeastern kansas this morning. but here's the problem.
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all the ingredients coming together today, especially tonight and tomorrow, for severe weather. warm, moist air coming up from the south. very strong jet stream moving in the warm sector, so we will see winds turning with height. so potential certainly is there. and this is the quadrant, oklahoma city, wichita, kansas city, des moines and omaha. today for tornadoes, large hail, gusty winds potentially 70 miles per hour. the threat the biggest cities, des moines, wichita, kc, oklahoma city, abilene, the axis is great. sunday, the threat not over, look at as far north as green bay aztes texas, including chic, little rock and houston under the gun. for tonight the biggest threat after the sunsets. here is the quadrant where the severe storms are, northeast, southeast, sunny, mild, just where we should be this time of year.
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randi, we'll keep you posted as the tornado watches and warnings come out. thank you very much. there is a salmonella outbreak we want to tell you about. cdc says at least 116 people in 20 states and the nation's capital have gotten sick. investigators believe a frozen raw yellow fin tuna product is the likely source of the outbreak. the meat may be used in sushi and similar dishes. here is a rundown of stories we're working on. a hero mayor, that is how many are describing cory booker who ran in a burning home and rescued his neighbor. you will hear from him ahead. plus, taking a closer look at the mommy war sparked by something hillary rosen said on the air. a storm chaser is on the hunt for tornadoes that could hit the plain states today. who do you think paid lower tax rate, president obama or mitt romney? we'll tell how coming up. you're watching cnn "weekend early start," where news doesn't take the weekend off. ur dry cleg
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and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get back to these invoices... which i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business. [ female announcer ] introducing new nature valley protein bars. 100% natural ingredients like roasted peanuts... ♪ ...creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark chocolate flavor. plus, 10 grams of great tasting protein in every bar. so it's energy straight from nature to you. new nature valley protein bars. find them in the granola bar aisle. new nature valley protein bars. you know, those farmers, those foragers, those fishermen....
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for me, it's really about building this extraordinary community. american express is passionate about the same thing. they're one of those partners that i would really rely on whether it's finding new customers, or, a new location for my next restaurant. when we all come together, my restaurants, my partners, and the community amazing things happen. to me, that's the membership effect. ♪ what a beautiful shot there. good morning, new york, glad you're waking up with us on "weekend early start." good morning, everyone. he may be best known as mayor of newark, new jersey across the way from that lovely shot, but now cory booker is being called a hero. after he ran in a burning building and rescued his neighbor. firefighters say his actions
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likely saved the woman's life but not before they caused tense moments with his security team. here what is booker told our piers morgan about that and the scene in the burning house. i got there as the last person came down the stems. the mother was saying my daughter is still in the house, so me and detective rodriguez went up to the top of the steps,something exploded and shot sparks and embers over us, my security detail said you have to get out of here, mayor and we had a back and forth and their job is to protect me and i appreciate that. we had a bit of a tussle you have to let me go or the person will die, i'm grateful he let me go and i went through the kitchen which was on fire and got in a back room and at that point things got bad because the smoke i entered into was thick i couldn't see anything, couldn't locate the woman and i realized looked like my exit was blocked as well, and when fear and
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terror started sinking into me, almost as if by rescue i heard her voice call out to me one more time, was able to find her, grabbed her up on my shoulder and sprinted through the kitchen and that is where she sustained injuries but we got out of the house, i feel lucky and blessed that she and i are here today. >> what a hero. from saving his neighbor in newark to taking over twitter, the legend of cory booker has taken on the life of its own. our favorites courtesy of #cory booker. the dark is afraid of cory booker. you know it. super heros dress up as cory booker on halloween. billy joel didn't start the fire but cory booker put it out. a new blog is handling, call 911, nah, call super mayor.
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ryan gossling, to mayor booker, saved her from a taxi, mayor booker's response? saved her from a fire. ha. good stuff there. the birth of a campaign issue, ann romney nights spotlight. how did stay at home moms become the focus of the 2012 presidential campaign? we'll put it in focus, next. ♪ t
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♪ wake up, everybody, it's time for weekend early start here on cnn, good morning to washington, d.c. what a beautiful shot there of the capitol. the role women are playing in the election are a wanted group by both sides. that is why a single comment by a political analyst became big news. joe johns follows the trail. >> reporter: 8:43 p.m. eastern time, cnn contributor hillary rosen on anderson cooper 360 goes after mitt romney's wife. >> guess what? his wife has never worked a day in her life.
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she's never really dealt with the kind of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school and how do we -- why we worry about their future. >> reporter: twitter lights up immediately and the future of campaigns is here. now like it or not, rosen is a campaign issue. tweets are flying about the 35 times she visited the white house. the firm she works with that is linked to other prominent democrats. at 10:11, rosen tweets my point is he, romney should stop saying she is his guide to women's economic prob lechlts at 10:18, ann romney weighs in. i made a choice to stay home and raise five boys, believe me it was hard work. 10:58, rosen is tweeting ann romney, no apology yet. please, i admire you, but your husband shouldn't say you are his expert on women and the economy. thursday morning, hillary rosen was back on cnn, still not backing down from her original
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point. >> this isn't about whether ann romney or i or other women of some means can afford to make a choice to stay home and raise kids. most women in america, let's face it, don't have that choice. they have to be working moms, and home moms. and that's the piece that i am not hearing from the romney camp. >> reporter: at 10:42, ann romney was on fox news and 12 hours the controversy had gone full circle from cable news to social media, and reemerged on tv with new power. >> my career choice was to be a mother and i think all of us need to know that we need to respect choices that women make. >> reporter: at noon michelle obama tweets every mother works hard every woman deserves to be respected. by the afternoon, hillary rosen apologized asserting as a mom she knows raising children is the hardest job there is. and she said while her words on cnn wednesday night were poorly
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chosen, as a partner, gender equality is an issue she lives with every day. joe john, cnn, washington. president obama later came out and talked how hard stay at home mothers work and talked about his own mother. the romney campaign posted this on line. stand with ann. a new fundraising effort for mitt romney. next hour we'll focus how women are leaning so far in the election, how both campaigns are trying to court their support. also ahead, secret service agents sent home, the president is in colombia, some of those supposed to protect him are in hot water. we'll get in that. a man loses his balance, beware here, false and impales himself on a metal stake. part of it is in his back. incredible story right after the break. is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain, think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain.
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introducing gold choice. the freedom you can only get from hertz to keep the car you reserved or simply choose another. and it's free. ya know, for whoever you are that day. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. [ male announcer ] get it now at red lobster's lobsterfest. 12 tempting choices like lobster lover's dream or maine lobster and shrimp. but only for a short time. now at red lobster. i'm laura mclennan and i sea food differently.
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♪ we are just waking up everybody this morning. good morning, miami, little bit of elvis for you this morning as we start your day with us. it's 23 minutes past the hour. time to check out some of the stories making news around the nation. vermont's governor sharing one frightening story about a close encounter with four bears. >> i came close to being dinner and i got to tell you to be candid, i sleep like many vermont boys, without too much clothing at night, i'm not a big pajama person, bottom line is the bears were dressed better than i, they could have done real damage. >> governor says he was in bed, the other night when he heard the bears in his backyard, he tried to chase them away, but
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when he ran outside to grab the bird feeders, the bears charged him. he managed to outrun them. incredible. a tough one, california paramedics transported this man to the hospital with parts of a metal stake still in his back. officials say ben smith impaled himself while picking avocados, he fell, his grandmother says he is lucky no vital organs were hit. >> it is amazing it didn't hit the other organs, didn't hit anything vital. just the one thing. >> that one thing was a small tear to his intestines, surgeons removed the metal, he is expected to make a full recovery. fire. [ gunshots ] >> civil war veteran has been laid to rest near portland oregon, 88 years after his death. >> for 88 years later to be able
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to do this for him is just really awesome. >> peter naps remains and his wife sat in a storage container. it's not clear why they were never interred. anyone who has gone through the adoption process knows how hard and how long that journey can be and if you're gay, that road becomes harder. this week's cnn hero struggled more than a decade to fulfill his dream of becoming a parent and now he's helping others do the same. >> i was adopted and i felt that i wanted to adopt a kid that needed a home. my son was in foster care for four years, that was his 12th home. from the minute michael and i met, i knew we would be a family. i thought everything was going great but after a month, michael was removed from my house, i was instantly cut off from him. >> finding that family for that
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child, it's nothing short of a miracle. let's go. get ready for the horses. sometimes families are faced with barriers because of a myth or misunderstanding causing the kids to stay in the foster care system longer. being that gay or lesbian individual or couple makes it much harder. my name is david wing-kovarik. i adopted from the foster system. i help other gay and lesbian individuals realize their dream of becoming parents. we're working together with you on that. i want to make sure you have that family-to-family kind of support. i worked hundreds of cases side-by-side social workers. we covered a lot of information last week. i trained thousands of foster parents. doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, we do it for free. >> he figured out how to get us over that finish line. our family wouldn't have adopted each other if it hadn't been for
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david. >> i'm fighting for the right of that child to have that family. >> daddy? is tonight movie night? >> it's why i keep doing it every single day. remember cnn heros are all chosen from people that you tell us about. to nominate someone making a difference, go to and your nomination could help them help others. on the road and headed straight for danger, a storm chaser who took these pictures of an oklahoma tornado is now on his way to capture other severe weather in the plains. we'll talk with him right after the break. plus, relief may be in sight for millions of u.s. drivers, and it has something to do with those three little numbers that you see at the gas pump, i'll explain. ♪
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it's half past the hour welcome back i'm randi kaye. thanks for starting your day with us. a problem for the secret service, a dozen agents sent home for alleged misconduct while supposed to be preparing for the president's arrival in colombia. the problems involved one agent and a prostitute. dan lothian has reaction from the secret service and more on why the president is in colombia in the first place. >> reporter: well, later this morning, president obama will be taking part in the ceo summit, highlighting trade and jobs, a chance for u.s. companies to expand. kicking off the summit, a lavish dinner, leaders dinner last
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night. but even as that was getting underway, two distractions to this carefully-crafted summit. first of all, there were four explosions, two here in cartagena, two in bogota, near the embassy. law enforcement officials saying minor damage, no injuries, no one claiming responsibility and those two devices in bogata, according to law enforcement officials, were home-made. the other distraction involved the people who are charged with protecting the president, a secret service official confirming to cnn that some of those agents who were here in cartagena were sent home because of misconduct. spokesman edwin donovan telling cnn "there were allegations of misconduct made against personnel prior to the president's trip, because of this, those personnel are being relieved of their assignments and are being replaced by other secret service personnel." spokesman telling cnn none of
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this enter result the the president's secure plan. dan lothian reporting from ca cartage cartagena, could whlombiacolomb getting a check now of the top stories, syrians are under siege. government troops opened fire on protesters where human rights group says at least 20 people have been injured. the city of homs was hit again by another round of shelling from forces loyal to the syrian president bashar al-assad. it comes as the un security council is expected to vote soon on a resolution which demands access to syria and calls on both sides toned t end the viol. an oklahoma man does not hate african americans, in a jail house interview, jake england says he grew up with friends of all races and always
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got along with everybody. on friday, prosecutors filed murder and hate crime charges against england and another man, alvin watts. all of the victims were black while england and watts are white. three of those victims died, two others were wounded. for everyone frustrated by the amount of money it costs to fill up your car these days, we have good news. gas prices have been falling. yes, i said falling. for the past seven days. triple a says the decline has shaved nearly four cents off the price of gas bringing the national average to just above $3.90 a gallon. a slight drop in crude prices, all leading analysts to say gas prices may have peaked for the year. wouldn't that be nice. tony lubbock is not like most people. when tornado sirens sound, most people run for cover. tony goes at it. he chases the storm. tony shot the video yesterday of a tornado touching down in shawnee, oklahoma. tony is on the road in kansas
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now. heading to nebraska with more severe storms expected in the region and joins us now on the phone. tony, where are you now and how does it look to you? >> good morning. we're in salina, kansas, heading up to nebraska today. today looks very, very potent, very reminiscent of many of the outbreaks back in 2011. >> how many storms, is this something that -- what are we expecting in terms of the storms? are you expecting to find what you might call a super outbreak? >> today has the potential to be a super outbreak with tornadoes possible from nebraska down in north texas. many of those tornadoes could potentially be very strong, impacting a lot of people from lincoln, nebraska down to wichita falls, texas. >> what kind of gear do you take with you on a trip like this when you will take on a tornado? >> we're equipmented with satellites and mobile internet for radar and gps, all camera
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equipment and trusty vehicle to insure we can get in and out of there safely. >> i know when you spoke with one of our producers you said more food and mellow yellow than you can shake a stick at. so you have good supplies? >> i have been on the road for the last seven days, food and drink on the road is very handy to have in the back seat, we'll make sure i never run out of that. >> how do you know when it's too dangerous? is there ever a time where you won't chase a storm? >> my goal is to try to tell the story, not become the story, so i try to keep a safe distance in front of the storms so that i don't end up in any kind of trouble. obviously, some of the better pictures come from a safe distance and as i said, i don't want to be the story in these. i just want to tell the story as it happens. >> how close can you actually get? >> we've been within half a mile
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of many tornados, of course i have been called hail boy by a lot of my friends, for my love of hail, i'll typically try to find hail up close and personal, but tornados i like to stay half a mile to mile away. >> i don't know if you have a family or not, if so, what do they think of what you do? >> my family has been very supportive of me all through the years in doing this, and certainly followed me in my career. they love it, my wife, everybody is very supportive, enjoys what i do, and i come home every time and i think that what is counts. >> was there a time maybe i got a little too close? >> over the past few years, i worked with a research team and part of that a lot of times was to put instrumentation in the path of these attorneys and many times i got quite close to that. certainly a thrilling experience.
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back in the day i would say yes. >> a lot of people might think that looks cool, this guy is cool. i wanted to try that. what do you recommend to folks at home when it comes to storm chasing? >> storm chasing is very intense, time-consuming, money-consuming hobby and without any kind of proper experience, it is very dangerous and very costly. we recommend you talk with your local national weather service office to learn about the spotter training offered in your area, and read a lot of weather books, a lot of information online, talk to chasers that are in the community. they would be happy to help you out, give you advice and take you along so you're safely experiencing this without going out on your own. >> tony i'll let you get back to driving. please do stay safe and we may be talking to you tomorrow, who knows, depending what the storms turn up overnight. tony laubach, thank you very much. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. >> one brave guy. i would run the other way. stick around, we have some of the craziest videos of the
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week plus my favorite, giant george, the world's tallest dog. you do not want to miss this. we will be right back. it's very important to understand how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did things with electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion. thank you, mr. davies. [ male announcer ] we believe in thinking day and night... about your dog's nutrition. like the dual-defense antioxidants in our food
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that work around the clock... supporting your dog's immune system on the inside... while helping to keep his skin and coat healthy on the outside. with this kind of thinking going into our food... imagine all the goodness that can come out of it. just one way we're making the world a better place... one pet at a time. purina one smartblend. in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first. get more whole grain than any other ingredient... just look for the white check.
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in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers.
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[ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ every weekend we take time for r & r. today, reynolds is off so i'm on my own. >> shut up i'm going to miss r & r! >> i'm sorry, jon i know you're upset about missing it. reynolds is fishing in jackson hole, wyoming. jon stewart loves r & r. here are stories to hold everyone over until next weekend. >> you have to meet giant george, the guinness world record holder for tallest living dog. and tallest dog ever. can you imagine being his owner. he's 43 inches tall from the paw neck and seven feet, three inches long.
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weighs at 245 pounds. look at the size of him. six years old, born in 2005, and yes, he sleeps on a queen size bed by himself. how much does he eat you're wondering? 110 pounds of food. 110 pounds of food a month. he has to bend over to drink out of the kitchen sing, he sits on the chair like a human. he has 100,000 facebook fans as well. i don't know if you ate these as a kid, but mike and ike are splitting up, yes, say it isn't so, after 72 years! new boxes hitting the shelves with one name scribbled out. a group thought it could boost sales by announce theing they a breaking up. mike is leaving to pursue a music career, who knew mike had a story and life. ike will focus on his art. really, this is for real? i don't know, i'm not buying this. mike claimed that ike was
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loafing around too much playing words with friends. we'll stop here. finally, check this out, bizarre story from sherman, texas convicted sex offender breaking in a goodwill store. he put on a dress, pair of heels, and a purse. $30,000 of damage by the time he left, before he headed to goodwill he broke through the glass window of a motel, cut himself on the head and arm and made quite a mess over the donation barrels. donations had to be thrown out. quite a mess there to clean up. $8,000 in damage. one of the most bizarre things police have seen caught on tape. here too, i will agree with that one. i have a tax question for au you. who pays more the president or his secretary? we have the answer, next.
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♪ trying to wake up the first family, the president is in colombia in cartagena, maybe the first lady and kids are watching cnn. wake up, washington, nice to have you with us. with tax day fast approaching, president obama spent much of the week talking about a new tax on the very wealthy, the buffet rule. the president made a stop in boca raton, florida to push the plan. it's named after billionaire warren buffet who said he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. next week, members of congress get their first chance to vote on the rule. a fact president obama is highlighting in his weekly web address. >> i hope you'll ask your member of congress to step up and echo that call this week. by voting for the buffet rule.
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remind them in america, prosperity has never trickled down from a wealthy few. prosperity has been built by a strong, thriving middle class. that is a principle worth reaffirming right now. >> the buffet rule is about tax rates which will be a major issue in the election. lisa sylvester has more. >> reporter: who is taxed at a higher rate the president, mitt romney, or the president's secretary? it might surprise you, but it's actually the president's secretary. she makes $95000 a year. the obama administration confirms her tax rate is higher than the president's 20.5%. the rate he paid on the $789,674 he made last year. romney's projected tax rate was lower, 14%. yet romney's projected income was more than $20 million. democratic strategist says the tax rate gap is an argument that
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is hurting romney. >> does it look good to people four years after a terrible recession where most people in this country are struggling to make ends meet, no, in my business that is an optics problem. he has a serious optics problem around his tax returns. >> president obama has been driving the point home with calls for congress to pass the so-called buffet rule, that would increase taxes on people whose earnings top one million dollars. mr. obama, who made less than that, wouldn't be included based on his 2011 returns. neither would vice president joe biden who last year made about $379,000. but the romney campaign is firing back, a spokesperson says with the worst job creation record in history that president obama would try to distrablthct americans. romney pays a lower rate on taxes because most of his income comes from interest on investment and savings as opposed earned income from a paycheck.
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conservative writer steven moore says romney has to do a better job explaining why personal success shouldn't be penalized. >> i think mitt romney has to make the point look, my money was investment income, this is from saving investment h, we need more of that if we have a growing economy, to raise taxes on the investment people put in businesses is not a way to create jobs. >> reporter: romney is under pressure to relief final 2011 returns. which the campaign says he will do. democrats want more, though. they want him to release tax returns going back in the last decade. the tax returns show generous donations from the obamas, $172,000 last year. majority of that was from donations from his childrens book to the fisher house foundation, that helps military families receiving medical treatment, that was 22% of their income. the romneys, for 2010 and pro k projected returns for 2011, gave
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16%. joe biden gave 1.4% of their income. lisa sylvester, cnn, washington. mitt romney's taxes are going to be a little late. while he had released an estimate of his 2011 taxes he filed for an extension. the romney campaign says we should see the 2011 tax numbers in the next six months. going to the dentist may be good for your teeth but could the x-raies be hazardous to your health? dr. sanjay gupta on the story, next. [ male announcer ] nature valley sweet & salty nut bars.
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there is alarming news about x-rays that we take at the dentist. people who get frequent dental x-rays may be 90% to develop a brain tumor. just one dental x-ray each year could be enough to put you at risk. how often is too often then to get dental x-rays? i asked cnn chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta. >> we over prescribe these type of x-rays, not just dental x-rays, lots of tests, with x-rays in particular if you look across society, especially the
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united states, the most common source of ion izing radiation. >> does it affect children or adults? >> children are more susceptible, you can penetrate more easily, but also because their brains are still developing. they are a little more susce susceptib susceptible, they are younger and have suspendability and getting more x-rays. kids are getting braces get a lot of the panoramic x-rays, again ask the doctor does he need this, does she need this. they will probably cut down. >> how often is too often to get dental x-rays? >> difference between a kid, little more frequently, more at risk for cavities. but maybe one to two years. but a lot of that can be done by physical examination, getting in there and looking as opposed every time the kid goes to the deny dis, every six months, getting another set of x-rays. as you get older you can spread it out more so.
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maybe every two to three years. but again the question that a lot of people and it's a perfectly legitimate question, do i really need the x-rays. >> right, are they safe? >> every time you go to the dentist office you don't necessarily need them unless there is something specific going on. >> when we talk about tumors, what are we talking about? >> the tumor was something known as the outer layer of the brain, can grow inward. typically benign tumors, they don't spread but having removed these tumors myself, they can grow large and push on certain areas of the brain and that can be the concern. when you talk about them, a lot of times you observe it but it could need surgery. >> switch topics, talk to you about your show coming up, you have a guy on your show who claims --
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>> skinny-fat, it was a perfect description. he said look i want to follow all the advice out there, talk to every expert and do everything and see where i land with all that. it's fascinating. i can tell you as you might guess you don't need to do everything, there are simpler ways to get healthy. >> we'll have the answer? >> hopefully some take away tips that a lot of people can use. randi is so fit as it is, she doesn't need it. >> look who is talking. >> i have tried it all, too, i tried the paleo, vegan, raw, i'm very curious. >> he tries gadgets and the different diets, best kind of exercise, standing at your desk, tread mill when you type, we'll go through it all. >> that is overkill. >> i tend to agree with you, we will see what he says. >> sanjay, thank you. secret service agents and
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