tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 17, 2012 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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the attorney for george zimmerman who's charged with second degree murder has filed paperwork to request a new trial judge. mark o'meara is asking the circuit court judge to recuse herself because of a possible conflict of interest. this is where it gets complicated. o'mara became zimmerman's attorney after being recommended by mark nejame who cnn hired as a legal analyst. he's an orlando lawyer. he's also the law partner of the judge. the judge's husband. they referred him no mark o'mara who filed the recusal file today. he joins me now. thanks for joining me. earlier this afternoon you filed the motion to recuse the judge. are you confident it is going to be granted? >> yes, i do. the way their rule is set up is once the presentation is made by verified motion, the court should grant it. she could have an inquiry if she wanted to. i don't think she will.
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dids keep the information flow concentrated within the court system. better handled there and again, it information like this, which names on it gets out, my concern is they will be spoken to. they will be questions, four or five at the statements from one what business, let's say, then we have to sit through all of that to get to what is the truth.
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>> elephant are you in communication with on a daily basis. least a couple of times a day, and again, he is doing well. he is doing well physically. he wants out he is certainly frightened as to what's going on. he's very concerned with the process. but i think he understands it. >> you said he's frightened about what's going on? >> well, he's -- >> i'm sorry. is that the word you used? >> yes. frightened. >> okay. in terms of the actual meetings, are they face to face or over the telephone? >> face to face and over the telephone. i saw him earlier this afternoon, spoke to him again on the phone. i try to get to see him every couple days, particularly during the time he's in. hopefully he'll be out soon. >> you have a bond hearing coming up this friday. what do you think the likelihood is he could get out? >> well, a bond scheduler says it's a no bond status until the judge reviews it. when the judge reviews it, he does or she does, what we call an author inquiry. basically, with a case where you're going to try to keep somebody in pretrial, which i would consider pretrial punishment, because they've not
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been convicted of anything yet, then the court has to look at it. in a case like this decide the proof is evident and the presumption great. proof of course evidence. evidence, look at webster's for a good definition of what evidence is. evidence would seem to be corroborated, unopposed, undeniable. then the presumption of guilt has to be great. our case law has interpreted that standard, the standard to apply in an author inquiry to be greater than beyond a reasonable doubt. so if the judge follows the law, the judge would have to make a determination that the proof of guilt is evident -- i'm sorry, yeah the proof is evident and the presumption is great. i'm hoping that the judge is not going to decide that. and we'll get him out on friday. of course, maybe for the last day or two i'm going to be able to argue ignorance because i
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haven't seen the discovery yet. i hope to see it before friday so i can be properly prepared for the hearing and know what the state is going to present and rebut it. >> if he did get out, are you concerned about his safety? >> very concerned about his safety. the concern, of course is once we get him out, and i believe he deserves to be out. and i need him out for our defense purposes. we need to keep him safe. again, there's been a lot of emotions that have come forward in this case. and some of those emotions are showing themselves in bad ways. and i'm just hopeful that we can get him out, keep him safe, and then give me the time to do my job. >> mark o'mara, appreciate your time. thank you. let's talk about what today's legal filings mean. for the trial ahead. joining me mark geragos and analyst and sunny hostin. given the possible conflict of interest, do you believe the judge should have recused herself from the case? >> well, i don't know if she should have. she obviously had to disclose it. i think now the paperwork's been filed, i think she will recuse
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herself. she's in a no-win situation. if she rules for him, somebody's going to say well, you know, there's a connection because the husband referred the case over. if she rules against him, they're going to say well the husband's firm turned him down. why be second guessed? the easier thing is to take her out of the mix. >> sunny, you said there's another reason o'mara might want her out. >> well, bottom line is, this is a very new judge. she hasn't presided over a homicide case. she's only been on the bench a year. mark doesn't know her. he would know the other three judges. this is sort of a win/win. she just got assigned for the case randomly. now he gets the chance to probably be in front of judges he's be in front of before. that's a good place for an attorney to be. >> the sealed court records, does that help one side, the prosecution or defense, more than the other? >> i always think, frankly, that sealed court records help the defense.
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because generally what you're sealing is the prosecution's records. the defense records are generally in the defense lawyer's file. you don't necessarily, until you file a motion, put in things like your theory and other kinds of witness statements, things like that. so what you're trying to prevent from getting out there is prosecution evidence. and a lot of times the evidence put in by the prosecution into police reports, probable cause, statements, things like that, are stuff that may never reach a courtroom. and in a case like this, 245 is super sized, you don't want it out there. you don't want everyone discussing it. you don't want the witnesses -- and we mentioned this last week when you were interviewing the witnesses. you start to get witness statements out there and people start talking about it and things of that nature. that never helps the defense. >> do you think they'll reverse that order to seal the records? >> i think so. florida with the sunshine laws is really transparent especially the court system. i think your questions to o'mara was so good i wonder if you don't have a law degree. >> stop trying to butter me up. >> i was going to say the same thing, but i didn't want to suck
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up to you. >> okay. all right. >> the bottom line is they can redact witness names. they can redact the information that is of great concern. so i would imagine that in looking at the standard, there's no doubt that a lot of this information will be made public but in a redacted form. >> mark, explain to people who -- you know, having no legal background i'm surprised by when a lawyer says i haven't asked my client at this point about what happened that night. mark o'mara says he's waiting for whatever evidence the prosecution has for him to look at before he talks to his client about that. explain why that would be. i mean, my instinct would be tell me what happened. why is that not a good idea? >> tell me everything. >> yeah. >> i tell that to clients when they come in. i say look before i start questioning you, before i grind you, i want to see what the prosecution has. it's simple. it's based on the fact that the prosecution has the burden of proof. it's not a civil case where
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you're fighting over money and each side's got to tell their story. this is a criminal case. the prosecution's got the burden of proof. i want to know what they have. before i grill the client, i want to see what the prosecution has, and i'm going to know their case and know it as well as they do, and then i'm going to go to my client and basically start to cross examine him on what he knows and what he doesn't know. >> is there a danger for a defense attorney to hear too much from his client or her client? >> absolutely. let me give you a perfect example. if i start asking questions before i know the discovery, my client then has told me something. i'm locked into that. at a certain point, i cannot ethically put that client on the stand if the client is going to -- his memory's going to evolve. he's going to remember something he didn't know before. if i suspect that he's not telling the truth, i'm in betwixed and between -- and i'm conflicted. so yes, there's a problem with that. >> by not asking your client at this stage in the game you are protecting yourself as well as your client, really. >> well, i'm protecting the
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client more than anything else. protecting myself is the last of my worries. what i want to make sure is i understand the prosecution's case, that i hold them to their duty which is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. and that i'm not making it easier for them. >> do you think, sunny, he will get bond? do you think he'll get out? >> i think so. >> on friday? this soon? >> if it's on friday, yeah. if you look at the standard, it's clear that the judge -- that the state has to prove that he should be held. and the judge could still release him if he isn't a flight risk. he isn't because he turned himself in. if he is a danger to the community is a tougher question. if he has ties to the community. i suspect there will be some sort of bond situation here. depends whether or not he can meet the requirements, because they should be pretty stringent. >> mark, do you agree with that? >> i agree. if you look at the law, he should get bail. whether he gets out is a completely different question. because i don't think, frankly, he's got the wherewithal or the
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means to post any significant bail. i mean, pretty much -- we face this situation all the time in the courts. somebody gives you bail but you don't have the wherewithal to bail out. >> mark geragos, sunny hostin thanks. let us know what you think, follow us -- we're on facebook, google plus, follow me on twitter tonight, @andersoncooper. i'll be tweeting during the hour ahead. the people who are supposed to protect the president in colombia, they're charged with dealing with prostitutes. new developments tonight ahead. raw politics now. [ male announcer ] when this hotel added aflac to provide a better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha!
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comprehensive identity theft protection ever created. lifelock: relentlessly protecting your identity. call 1-800-lifelock or go to today. new developments in the secret service prostitution scandal. telling john king it involves 11 secret service employees and ten department defense personnel. all of whom were to protect president obama in colombia. they're all under investigation accused of bringing prostitutes back to a hotel secured for members of the american delegation. again, that's 11 secret service employees and ten from the
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defense department. today an embarrassed chairman of the joint chiefs had this to say. >> we let the boss down. because nobody's talking about what went on in colombia other than this incident. so to that extent, we let him down. >> joining us now with more details, chief white house correspondent, jessica yellin. what is the latest you're hearing about this? >> the details are sorted for these guys. it happened two days before the president arrived. according to multiple government officials, the people involved range from relative newcomers to nearly 20 year veterans. we're told they went out in separate groups on wednesday night. then one secret service agent let a prostitute stay overnight in his room. then there was a dispute over payment. the hotel called local police. police filed a report. that report went to the american embassy. you can see where this goes. the embassy alerted secret service headquarters and it all unravelled from there. >> how big -- it's obviously embarrassing for the secret service, for the summit in colombia. how big a deal is this for compromising presidential
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security? >> you know, the service maintains the president's security was never compromised because these guys routinely lock up documents and the president wasn't in the country yet. but the real question is what if? i've spoken to many former agents in the last few days. they say one thing they're taught specifically is to avoid prostitutes for fear of possible blackmail even years down the line, when an agent could be promoted into the president's protecttive detail. and having personally traveled with the president, i'm most surprised they bring these women back to a staff hotel where white house officials would be staying in a few days. >> i want to bring in a journalist ronald kessler. author of "in the president's secret service." you say this is the biggest scandal to hit the secret service. how did this happen? >> well, since i broke the story, of course it's the biggest. but it is a symptom of the lax attitude of secret service management. we saw that come out in the fact
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that the salahis were able to crash the white house state dinner. in my book "in the president's secret service," i reveal dozens of corner cutting by management. allowing people into events without screening for example. it's just like letting people into an airplane without screening. that alone is shocking. >> you put the responsibility on mark sullivan, you're a critic of his? >> yeah. obviously these people engaged in egregious behavior and there they're reminded they could be blackmailed. but i think that when people on the grounds see that the boss really doesn't care, is sort of winking and nodding, is lax and is over working them and is showing favoritism, one example
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they don't even insist of regular physical fitness testing or regular firearms requalification testing. sometimes they will ask agents to fill out their own test scores on these things which is just dishonest. they are also not keeping up to date with the latest firearms. one example of what goes on is that when dick cheney's daughter mary was under protection, she would try to get her agents to take her friends to restaurants. they're not taxi drivers. they refused as they should have. but she threw a fit. because of this she was able to get her detail leader removed by secret service management. so what does that tell the agents on the ground? it tells them if we do our job, we might be removed. and that's what happened with the salahis. you had secret service uniformed officers who knew that they were not on the guest list and a
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third also not on the list, carlos allen, a story which i also revealed. and yet they ignored that. why? because they were afraid that gee, if they turned them away, and they were supposed to be on the list, that management would not back them up. all this culture filters down and i think led to this really scandalous situation. >> jessica, the president has indicated he'd be angry if these allegations were confirmed. do you expect he's going to personally have more to say on this? or is the white house eager to move on? >> eager to move on definitely. they'd rather focus on policy agenda. and the body language at the white house is for now at least this can be handled by the secret service. let's be honest, this is an election year. the president has to demonstrate leadership. this is the same head of the secret service who was in charge when the salahi scandal happened. he's been there since 2006. the service has to handle this quickly to insulate the white house from any political fallout here if they don't want the president to intervene.
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>> ronald kessler, appreciate you being on. jessica yellin, thanks. discuss don't, this is what the cease-fire in syria looks like. the latest in the assad regime's broken promises. we'll talk to ambassador susan rice who has no problem called assad basically a liar. what's the u.s. going to do about it? that's next. [ male announcer ] the cadillac cts sport sedan was designed with near-perfect weight balance from front to back... and back to front. ♪ giving you exceptional control from left to right... and right to left.
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one of america's top diplomats using blunt language tonight about syria's regime. confirming what we've been reporting night after night. thousands of syrian murder victims won't be forgotten. and their killer won't get away with it. tonight i spoke with u.s. ambassador susan rice. she said the regime there has lied about slaughtering victims. the biggest is bashar al assad. here he is on the left, in homs,ed day he promised to pull out tanks and troops, to stop the shelling, stop the killing. there on the right, that very day, video of his forces pounding other parts of that same city. that day march 27th, 57 syrians died mostly in homs. according to opposition figures. the regime then killed hundreds more between then and april 12th when the ceasefire went into effect. keeping them honest. today four days into the cease fire as u.n. monitors arrived in syria, the opposition is reporting 55 people killed. that's homs today. bombardment continues. u.n. commissioner reporting it's
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seriously concerned, unquote. about reports of forces using heavy weaponry against the population. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> the video claiming to be from yesterday in homs. you can hear large explosion of incoming heavy artillery. you can hear and see it's a bombardment of explosions coming just seconds apart. today's u.n. statement acknowledges violations as well on the part of opposition forces. in this video, there appears to be an exchange of gunfire going on between sides. however, opposition fighters don't have much more than ak-47s and rpgs, rocket propelled grenades.
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the syrian army has been pounding suburbs. the syrian army that still has tanks like this one in homs. assad, remember, promised to pull tanks and troops out. as always, we can't independently verify what you're seeing, when the video was taken, or where. but by now, no one seriously doubts it. what you're seeing is the ugly truth and has been for a long time. quote, the commission also hopes that the ceasefire will contribute to putting an end to the gross human rights violations that has been reporting on over the past six months. that we've been documenting for more than a year now. however, in all that time, the assad regime has yet to keep really a single promise. i spoke about all the broken promises tonight with america's ambassador to the u.n., susan rice. a plan to halt the violence, they kept on killing. march 27th of this year assad
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agreed to the peace plan the same day 57 people were killed. this past tuesday when syria was to pull troops out of urban centers, 101 people were killed. on the day it was to take effect, another 77 people killed. why should anyone believe at this point anything this regime says? >> there's every reason, anderson, to be exceedingly skeptical. and the united states certainly is. the russians and the chinese who have been protecting assad and the security council for many, many months, however, have in the past couple of weeks stepped up the pressure on assad. i think it's as a result of that that he agreed to the end in plan. and began a cessation of violence which did hold largely for a couple of days, thursday and friday. he resumed the shelling of homs on saturday and has continued and intensified. so really, the onus remains on assad and those who are protecting him, to ensure that
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he does, in fact, defy his pattern, and begin to uphold his commitment. the u.n. monitors, the first handful of whom on the ground, are not in the position to rule anything. nor is that their mandate. their role is to observe and verify a cessation, provided the parties, particularly the government, adhere to their commitments, which thus far they don't seem to be. >> the syrian government says the ceasefire was broken by armed terrorists. and the violence has escalated since the ceasefire was to be in effect this past thursday. you deal with syrian representatives all the time. i've had them on this program. they've said things that are not true. they've lied. they've said things that are dem on stra demonstrably untrue time and time again. do you have any credibility to you? i don't even know if you can say that. >> no, they don't. let's be plain. you're right. they have lied to the international community, lied to
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-- the biggest fabricator of the facts is assad himself. his representatives are merely doing his bidding and under probably some not insignificant personal duress. words as we have said repeatedly are meaningless. the actions are what matter and the actions have continued to disappoint. >> i don't know if you can answer this question, but what is it like to deal with people who are not telling you the truth on a daily basis and -- i mean, how do you deal with that? >> well, anderson, you would not be surprised that in diplomacy and national security matters and foreign affairs, the truth is not always the currency of choice for some of the countries we have to deal with. fortunately they are the minority. but they're some of the greatest troublemakers. that's why we don't take anybody at simply their word. when they are abusers of human
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rights or states that have used violence against their own people or neighbors, we have to hold them to their actions. and we have to apply meaningful pressure that has a viable prospect of potentially changing their behavior. >> at what point does military intervention of some sort become inevitable or a real possibility? >> i don't know at what stage anything becomes inevitable in this business, anderson. the reality is that these are very, very complicated circumstances. syria's even much more complicated, for instance, than libya. there isn't unity in the region among the arab countries or the neighbors for any kind of international intervention. there are differing views even among the internal and external opposition. the security council has been divided with russia and china opposing sanctions much less military intervention. and indeed the context on the ground is much different. whereas in libya, the opposition controlled a major swath of
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territory beginning with the major city of benghazi and were able to push out from there. there's no such degree of unified control on the ground nor is there a degree of a unified military command within the opposition. so many of these factors are different. plus the fact that there are many powerful countries in the immediate neighborhood and beyond that are determined to back one side or the other to the hilt which raises the stakes quite dramatically in terms of consequences for the region. >> finally one question on north korea. you spoke to the security council saying it strongly condemns north korea's failed missile launch attempt. after that attempt mitt romney said incompetence from the obama administration has undermined the security of the united states and our allies. how do you respond to that? >> well, that's just completely wrong. what has happened over the last many years in the past prior to this administration was north korea would behave badly and they were rewarded for their bad behavior with being taken off
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the terrorist list or food aid or what have you. this administration has given north korea nothing. and they won't be getting food aid as a consequence of violating their agreement. instead, we've imposed the toughest sanctions to date on north korea. we just enhanced them today in the security council with an agreement that not only strongly condemns the missile launch, but threatens further measures should there in fact be any further launches or nuclear test. and indeed today imposed additional sanctions. so the message that this administration has sent is, again, you will be judged by your actions not your words. there will be no rewards for bad behavior. if you break commitments you not only will get nothing, you will get increasing pressure and international isolation. that's what we have proved yet again today. >> ambassador rice, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. >> we're following a number of other stories tonight. isha is here with a 360 bulletin. >> underway in norway today for
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the man accused of going on a shooting and bombing rampage last summer that killed 77 people. anders breivik says he acknowledges what happened, but pleads not guilty because he was acting in self-defense. the trial's expected to last ten weeks. in oklahoma today, pleads of not guilty were entered by a judge for two men charged in a murder spree this month. england and watts are accused of going into a black section of tulsa and shooting to death three people and wounding two others. they also face hate crimes charges. also in oklahoma, a sixth person has died as a result of injuries sustained in this weekend's tornadoes. all of the deaths occurred in woodward, oklahoma. dozens of twisters touched down in ten states across the midwest and the plains. the space shuttle discovery has been mounted atop the 747 at the kennedy space center. tomorrow it will make its final trip. it will be flown to washington
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and its new home at the smithsonian. check this out. nature at its most fantastic. this is a fire ball erupting today on the left side of the sun. nasa refers to -- >> wow. >> i know. nasa refers to it as a giant prominence. that was accommodated bay solar flare. nasa says the eruption was not aimed at us. >> it's crazy. >> is that not the coolest thing you've seen today? >> yes. that is probably the coolest -- >> i know you don't see a lot of cool things, but that is a truly cool thing. >> that is amazing. also the image. did they happen to -- are they rolling on that all the time? >> i'll have to ask my people to check that. >> please do. >> but that is magnetic plasma you see there. >> i knew that. no, i didn't. >> i know you didn't. >> that's magnetic plasma? i don't know what that means. that's really cool. the other cool thing today that occurred is congratulations. you have a new program on cnni that launched.
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>> yeah. >> so what time is it that people have cnni? >> 3:30 p.m. eastern. we launched today. and it was a great start. so thank you so much for making it -- now i'm going to get all emotional and i'm going to cry. and you're going to ruin my make-up. >> it's well deserved. congratulations. >> thank you. speaking of international news, did you cover pippa middleton today? >> i passed on that one. >> really? >> yeah. >> well, you're very highbrow. we decide to cover it. the sister of the duchess of cambridge may be in trouble with the french police, and the royal family -- the person she was with pointed a gun at photographers. it was a big to do as they say. we'll have that story ahead.
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pippa middleton, prince william's sister-in-law may be in trouble tonight with the french police. since serving as her sister's maid of honor in a dress that got rave reviews. she's been a model of good behavior. the constant attention and paparazzi has not gone away. they've only increased. over the weekend in paris, pippa was photographed with three mail friends in a convertible. the driver was holding a gun pointing it seemingly at the photographer. a lapse in judgment by any measure, but it might be much worse for pippa middleton. i talked earlier to international business correspondent richard quest. so richard, pippa could actually be facing criminal charges and possible jail time for this,
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right? >> oh, no question about it. the allegations are extremely serious. and if you look at the pictures from the sun newspaper, you see quite clearly, one of the people in the front of the car allegedly are pointing a gun. we don't know whether it's real or fake. but that wouldn't matter one way or the other. all the others in the car could also be charged with offenses. now, depending on the exact nature of the offense they will be charged with, it could be anything from two years to seven years. but that is at the upper end and extreme end. this will all now be decided by the police which will put the facts before examining magistrate who will then decide whether charges should go forward. but the important thing here is the anguish and angst this has raised in france and in paris where the country is still reeling from some grotesque
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serial murders. >> to the royals, is this a big deal? have they put out a statement or anything like that? >> absolutely not a word. which tells and speaks volumes. they will be working out what to do. on the one hand, pippa is not a member of the royal family as such. her sister is married and is part of the royal family. so the royal family, buckingham palace, will not comment at this stage. the spokesperson hasn't commented at this stage. everybody is -- my gut feeling is everybody is waiting and watching to see how this plays out. >> she's got a lot of attention in the united states since the wedding. is she as big a source of interest over there? >> the picture editor of "the daily mail" newspaper is quoted as saying he gets 400 photos a day.
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now, unlike the duchess of cambridge who has now got royal security. when she goes somewhere, it's carefully controlled. she is within the royal bubble. and although she has a lot of attention, she enjoys the protection. pippa middleton is on the outside of that. and it must be -- although she's had this for some years, it must be quite dramatic. she now knows she is suffering in some ways the sort of attention that diana post divorce had. no security, no protection. free for all for the paparazzi. in that scenario, this is the sort of thing that happens. frankly she hasn't put a foot wrong so far. this is the first. she's probably got a bit of grace because of it, but the warning signs are there. >> richard quest, thanks. it's worthwhile to know that 15 years ago, this august princess diana died in a car chase while
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being followed by paparazzi. technically speaking, pippa middleton is not a royal, but they are not known for splitting hairs. she's become one of their favorite targets. gary tuchman reports. >> reporter: at the highly anticipated royal wedding of prince william and kate middleton, all eyes were not only on the bride but another middleton. kate's younger sister, pippa. >> i have to say the look of pippa middleton, my word. >> gorgeous. >> reporter: the rave reviews for pippa's dress and figure turned her into an instant celebrity and a paparazzi favorite. the tabloids began calling her your royal hotness. photographers stalking her wherefore she went. after the wedding personal pictures of the 28-year-old began to leak to the press. including this photo showing her in a bikini while in 2006 with her sister and prince william.
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sunbathing topless on that trip was also made public. later photos from a private party showing pippa dancing in her bra were leaked. every day tasks for pippa like walking to work or going to get coffee, also became photo ops for the pap rats saturday. the daily mail would see 400 a day cross his desk. it extends into all area of her life. clothes, hats, boyfriends, rumored boyfriends, sometimes even her like of boyfriends. while she's tried to avoid the paparazzi, she's been gracious in the times she's spoken to a reporter. >> how are you doing? how's the race been so far? >> tiring. >> tiring? did you prepare for the race? >> yeah, i did prepare. >> how much? how long? >> couple of weekends. >> okay. so are you a good skier? from one to ten? >> average. >> so what time did you plan for?
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>> to get around in time. >> good luck. >> reporter: the constant attention began to take its toll. and in january pippa threatened to take out an injunction to stop what she called harassment by photographers. saying it was causing her serious distress and anxiety. but the paparazzi continued to follow her. and this latest incident will mean one more thing. more photographers following a woman who clearly doesn't want that. gary tuchman, cnn, atlanta. >> and isha's back. it seems totally unfair they're hounding this young woman and she has no protection from the royal family at all. >> yeah. indeed. she's really left at the mercy of the british paparazzi which is relentless. and as we see, they're going after her, because she have access to her, unlike her sister. plus, i think because they don't have the access, it makes pippa all the more valuable. and follow her the way they did diana. she's in an uncomfortable spot.
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>> and, of course, it's people's fascination with her that fuelsed desire for the magazines, it fuels the photographers. so everybody plays a role in this. >> yeah. and she's good looking. she's, you know, she's got the look. she's got the connection. she's mixing in very high power circles, exclusive circles. and people want those images. paparazzi and scandal and that kind of media is very popular in the u.k. >> you'd think the royal family would give her some protection or something. i mean -- >> you would think. but she is not a royal, anderson. >> i know. but she's suffering because -- anyway. >> i know. i'm totally with you. but protocol is protocol. >> oh, right. right right. >> oh, tally-ho. >> bangers and mash. >> what's bangers and mash? >> i don't know. the only other thing i could think of, that popped into my head. >> good-bye. >> bye. government official spends close to a million dollars in
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tax money on a lavish conference in las vegas and gets a bonus. he faced angry lawmakers on capitol hill today. and so did his boss. >> when you see this widespread abuse of money and you as the former administrator said they were entitled to it. that's where there's frustration just steaming out of our ears. >> hear more of the testimony when we come back. on december 21st polar shifts will reverse the earth's gravitational pull and hurtle us all into space. which would render retirement planning unnecessary. but say the sun rises on december 22nd, and you still need to retire. td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life. we'll even throw in up to $600 when you open a new account or roll over an old 401(k). so who's in control now, mayans?
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that stage collapse that injured and killed dozens last summer at the indiana state fair. sugarland was set to go on. jennifer nettles says she was never asked to delay the show, when asked if she felt responsible for the sete of her fans, she answers, no. saying, it's not my responsibility or my management's responsibility to evacuate fans in case of danger. the lawsuit claims sugarland knew about the approaching weather and could have delayed or cancelled the show. a heated exchange today at a congressional hearing about a general administration services conference in las vegas in 2010, that cost $800,000 in taxpayer money. former gsa head martha johnson resigned over the controversy. today she was grilled about the $9,000 bonus that gsa official jeff neeley received after he
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organizes the vegas event. at a time there was a freeze on federal pay. when she was asked if she thought he was entitled to the bonus, the republican jason chaffetz erupted. >> when you see this widespread abuse of money, and you as the former administrator say, they were intitled to it, that's where there's frustration steaming out of our ears. it's totally unacceptable. and for the president of the united states to look the american people in the eye and say, we have a pay freeze in place, you're going on bonuses or going on trips, it's totally unacceptable. >> republicans in the senate have blocked president obama's buffet rule, which sends a tax on millionaires and billionaires. if a statement after the vote, president obama said, senate republicans once again chose tax
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breaks for the wealthiest few americans at the expense of the middle class. three men face charges after allegedly stealing a penguin from sea world in australia. bragging about it online, and posting pictures it on facebook. the penguin was found last night, was not hurt and is now back at sea world. anderson? brace yourself for some serious cuteness. there's a leopard cub enjoying a scratch. he was born a month ago. these kind of leopards are endangered. we surely wish this guy well. >> he's loving that. >> life is good. a real heartbreaker for rock music. someone stole a bunch of guitars from tom petty and his band. the capital one cash rewards card
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time now for the ridiculist. tonight we're adding the unknown perpetrator or perpetrators in the petty theft from the world of rock. some bone head stole five guitars from tom petty and the heart breakers. including petty's vintage 1967 blond rickenbacher. sounds like i know a lot about guitars. doesn't it? i don't. the pictures and the descriptions are on the band's website. they were stolen from a sound stage in culver city, california, where the band has been rehearsing for a tour that starts next week. it's just wrong, people. you don't steal from tom petty
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and the heart breakers. that's like stealing picasso's paint brushes. it's like stealing the doll hands from the sketch on snl. artists need their tools. and theirs happen to be these badass guitars. exhibit a, the song, i should have known it from the 2010 album, mojo. ♪ this is the last time you're going to hurt me ♪ >> see. that just wouldn't work without guitars, would it? what do the thieves think they'll do with them anyway? they'll get caught if they try to sell them. maybe they got the idea from you want to be a rock and roll star. ♪ so you want to be a rock and roll star ♪ ♪ do what i say ♪ just give an extra guitar and learn how to play ♪ >> there was a line get a guitar
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and learn how to play. because you should have specified, get your own electric guitar. just because you stole their guitars, doesn't mean you're going to be able to play like mike campbell. that's right. i know my heart breakers. there's been a lot of fretting over this guitar case. but it could have been worse. sonic youth had all their equipment stolen. same thing happened to radio head in 1995. they had to borrow instruments from soul asylum on tour. some of these stories do have happy endings. peter of r.e.m. got his returned after it was stolen in 2008. and yo-yo ma even got his cello back after he left it in a taxi. here's hoping they get them back. it's a senseless crime that has literally rocked us to the core. that does it for us. breaking news, the buffet rule is dead on arrival. and president obama is
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