tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 17, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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but don't have the votes in congress. they try to pass them anyway even if they think they will fail. one on taxes and one on gasoline prices which the president seems to be doing what weeks ago he mocked. >> this has been going on for years now. and every time prices start to go up, especially in an election year, politicians dust off their three-point plans for $2 gas. >> president obama that was march 15th mocking challenger newt gingrich. today he wasn't promising $2 gas. he wasn't dusting off a three-point plan. he did unveil a five-point plan to crack down. >> where speculators artificially manipulate markets by buying oil, creating the
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shortage and driving oil higher. we can't afford a situation where some speculators can reap millions while millions of american families get the short end of the stick. that's not the way the market should work. >> keeping them honest. not even his own advisers could say how this would effect prices. telling politico, i'm not going to speculate about this provision or any other provision and the specific effects it would have on the price at the pump. the proposed legislation is unlikely to get through the house. president obama is pitching it after spending the last few months arguing this. >> there is no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to high gas prices. there's no silver bullet. >> what i have also said about gas prices is that there is no silver bullet. >> there are no short-term silver bullets when it comes to gas prices. >> there are no silver bullets
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short-term when it comes to gas prices. >> there's no silver bullet for avoiding spikes in gas prices. >> there are no quick fixes or silver bullets. >> president obama has not forgotten that line. he's not promising his plan will fix everything. there are a lot of economists who don't think it can fix much of anything. as we've been reporting there's not much a president democrat or republican can do to change prices at the pump. it hasn't stopped any of them to try to dodge the political pain of high gas prices why trying to explain cures. here's george w. bush using almost identical language. >> you know, if there was a magic wand to wave, i'd be waving it, of course. it's -- you know, i strongly believe it's in our interest that we reduce gas prices. >> well, like president obama, president bush down played any
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plan to lower. legislation that could not get through congress but did become a large campaign issue. president obama seems to be doing the exact same thing. as we said at the top, he's following the same on taxes. >> on this vote the yeas are 51, the nays are 55. duly chosen and sworn not having voted, the motion is not agreed to. >> that's the so-called buffett bill winning in the senate but not the 60 needed to proceed. every republican but one voted to block it. every democrat but one voted for it. president obama has talked up the idea in several different ways. first it would put a dent in the debt. when a study revealed it might only make a tiny dent, the white house changed course. then last week on a conference call, said it was quote, never our plan to bring the deficit down and get the debt under control significantly through
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the buffett rule. president obama later said even though the legislation wouldn't do enough to cut the deficit, it would help the economy grow. many economists are skeptical about that. but what is clear, it showed 72% among americans. 53% support among republicans. the white house expected the doubt in the senate. pushed the bill anyway. then just moments after the vote, the white house put out this statement from president obama. quote, tonight senate republicans voted to block the buffett rule choosing once again to protect tax breaks for the wealthiest few americans at the expense of the middle class. the lone democrat who voted against the bill thinks they were. i spoke with senator mark pryor earlier today. i've heard you call the buffett rule a political ploy which agreeing with republicans on that saying the white house was pushing it knowing full well republicans would kill it. supporters would say what's wrong with one party putting
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something up for a vote and getting congress on record? >> that happens up here all the time. i just decided i don't want to play that game anymore. i think people in arkansas are sick and tired of the partisan games up here. it didn't have the votes to pass the senate. it wasn't going to be brought up in the house. i understand it's a good political issue for the president. i think he's sincere about it. and i think what will happen is that will get folded into tax reform either at the end of this year as we do major tax reform next year. it is political season up here. and with all due respect to the president and the republicans, i think both sides are trying to be very political with it. let's get back to governing. let's stop the games up here and get back to governing. >> how much of this is about politics for you? your critics are saying you're going to be up for re-election in 2014, don't want to be a top republican target. is that fair? >> i know people say that.
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i wouldn't say that that's particularly fair. i mean, that was not my motivation. i wasn't trying to position myself there. i have voted for increased taxes on millionaires. i think millionaires should pay their fair share. i have no mental reservation about that. but trying to do it right now in this circumstances didn't make sense to me. we should do it as part of a larger package. i've supported it with a larger package before. but we need to get back to focus on our deficit. we need to connect to the deficit and do deficit reduction. >> you are, though, in an awkward position. i mean, you really are the last national democrat standing in a red state like arkansas. >> well, i am -- let's see. there's two of us in our delegation. one house member and me. we'll see what happens in the elections. but you're right. the state's politics have gone through a change. who knows if that's a permanent
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change or if that was a one or two cycle blip and it will return back to the way it normally is. >> the flip side of this is there's probably plenty of democrats who are fine to let you vote whatever the way you want as long as it keeps you getting re-elected. >> well, from my standpoint, this tax issue's not about getting re-elected. like i said before, i've actually voted previously to increase taxes on millionaires. i think millionaires should pay their fair share. but i don't think we should single them out and pretend like and maybe present that it's really going to change our deficit number because it doesn't change it that much. doesn't move the needle that much. we need to do overall tax reform. again, i did not try to be political with this. i just thought that the best policy is to wait on this and do it later as part of a larger package. >> senator mark pryor, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. >> let's bring in cornell belcher and mary madeline.
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saying that putting the buffett rule up for a vote was basically a political ploy? >> i'm a little confused. i got to get this straight. so the senate majority leader senator reid puts forward a measure that 72% of americans think it's a good measure to put forward. and it's not a tossup. it's not even close. 72% of americans think it should be done. he puts it up for a vote. you've got a majority of the senators who would vote for it. i'm baffled. the question shouldn't be why senator reid put this up for a vote. clearly the american people want it. the question is why are republicans blocking common sense legislation like this that the majority of americans want? that's really the question. not why did reid put it up. >> mary is this a common sense
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legislation or a political ploy? >> of course it's a political ploy. the problem is it's not an effective political ploy. pointed out this buffett rule doesn't do anything for the deficit. if we took all of warren buffett's money, that would get us through about four and a half days. but the president's not going to reduce the deficit or stabilize the debt which is another rationale he put forth. he just wants to be fair. if you ask cornell, he's an excellent pollster. you want somebody else to pay more taxes than you, you say yes. when you say it's not helping the deficit or debt, it is going to hurt small businesses which do create jobs, they don't really have the same fear and loathing of millionaires, successful people that this president seems to have. he's been attacking them forever. that might be good with his base, but it's not going to have any long-term political impact on independents who are not.
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again, they do not despise and they do not loathe and they do not malign successful people in this country. >> cornell, what about that? the white house has changed their reasoning for the buffett rule several times. >> 69% of independents support this rule. you know, and i feel sorry for mary having to sort of spin away from that number of 72, but the fact is there's not one solution. there's not a silver bullet solution to the idea of one thing is going to fix the debt. so we have to take steps forward to fixing the debt. and part of the first step for fixing the debt is asking for wealthy people to pay their fair share. we've got to stop asking sort of the middle class to carry all the burden for this. and if that's what the middle class in this country get. and that's why there's overwhelming support for the buffett rule. it is a common sense rule that everyone should pay their fair share. the question shouldn't be why they bring it for a vote.
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the question should be why is it a small minority of republicans can stop the majority of people -- >> cornell, there is a political calculation of bringing it up for a vote even though you know it's not going to pass. >> you should pay a political cost when you go against the overwhelming majority of this country. this is a democracy. so the will of the people should have some say in this. when you go against the majority in this country, there should be a political cost that's paid. >> mary, both sides of the political aisle do this. it happens all the time. especially in an election year. >> yes. while i appreciate cornell's concern about me, in this occasion i don't have to spin. the numbers don't add up. when you ask independents, they have been saying resurgent republic -- cornell knows we keep finding them among
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independents. they want the president to focus on economic opportunity. not these inequality arguments. not these fairness arguments. they don't think that warren buffett paying more for his taxes is going to create more jobs. they do think this unsustainable debt and deficit is going to impede. that's what the election is going to be about. you can be concerned for me, but you don't have a message. you just have these tricks. and they're cute tricks. they're good for your base. >> we're going to leave it there. mary matlin, cornell belcher, appreciate it. more on follow me on twitter @anderson cooper. in breaking news tonight, warren buffett has cancer. we'll talk about the outlook in his case. we'll hear from someone in the middle of this who might have died as so many syrians have in the middle of what's supposed to be a ceasefire. the latest in syria. [ male announcer ] if you believe the mayan calendar,
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not only is the ceasefire in syria not holding. not only is the regime still killing its own people, it's now happening under u.n. observers. they're in syria because of a ceasefire. several members of the team were out on the streets today. they're supposed to be allowed to freely move any place to observe. the very same day observers were in the city, this was going on. crowds being fired on. we don't know by whom, but the targets fit the familiar pattern of government snipers shooting at civilians. there's new video claiming to be from a military snipers nest. while the rest of the troops ham it up and dance. snipers are still in cities, people are still getting shot, and especially in homs the shelling goes on. listen. [ explosions ]
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>> don't have to be a u.n. observer to know that's not a ceasefire. opposition members say at least 70 were killed in syria today. we can't confirm that number or this video. for more than a year the pictures haven't lied. the regime has and does. something the u.n. ambassador is saying plainly. you deal with syrian representatives all the time. i've had them on this program. they've said things which are not true. they've lied. they said things that are untrue time and time again. do they have any credibility to you? i don't know if you can say that. >> no, they don't. let's be plain. you're right. they have lied to the international community, lied to their own people. and the biggest fabricator of the facts is assad himself. his representatives are merely doing his bidding and under probably some not insignificant
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personal duress. but, no, words as we have said repeatedly are meaningless. the actions are what matter. and the actions thus far have continued to disappoint. >> earlier today i spoke with the activist zaidoun. he was in homs over the weekend. the shelling that wasn't and isn't supposed to be happening at all. here's our conversation. you were in homs on saturday. what did you see? what happened? >> in fact, i went with a journalist from the national. just to see whether the two sides committed to the ceasefire. and syrian free army has quit the army. i started recording every mortar or every shot i hear. i heard the first mortar fired at homs at 10:56. and then the second one at
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11:02. then i stopped recording because i realized that there was no ceasefire from the regime at all whatsoever and part of the shell came over. if i had just parked by car 30 seconds before that, i would have been dead by now. >> the neighborhoods that are being hit in homs, is the fire indiscriminant? >> it's indiscriminant. there's no target whatsoever. nobody could just guess where the shell is coming. where the bomb is reaching. they are very much accustomed to death now. people talk about okay we're used to it. we just leave the home and say good-bye to our family. we could just not come back. >> obviously the u.n. now has been trying to have some sort of diplomatic effort.
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is there any chance that assad has any intention or desire to live up to his end of the bargain, to the agreements he has been making? >> this regime has one intention only. is to deceive the national community, keep lying, keep deceiving them, and keep killing us. now, with the u.n. sending 30 sob servers -- excuse me. isn't it too many? we need 30 observers for one neighborhood only. >> what do you hope happens? what do you hope the international community does? >> the international community should send 3,000 observers and, believe me, the regime will fall the same day. because we will have people rushing to the streets.
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we want this regime to go peacefully. but we need the help. we need the help of the rest of the world. don't tell me you couldn't have sent us more than 30 observers. 30? not to send an army of half a million people just firing all types of bombs against civilians, against unarmed civilians. >> zaidoun, thank you for talk to us. >> thank you. >> he recently visited the refugee camps in turkey. it's one thing to have just been in these camps. having seen it with your own eyes, what do you come away with? >> i think the word academic is right. it was an education to be in this camps and education to talk to these people. it was an education to trust what the diplomats say.
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these phrases that you hear. ambassador susan rice feigning outrage about bashar al assad. then you walk these camps and it's something that breaks your heart. and you see proud families. i bonded with one family. i can't tell the whole story, but i can just tell you the headline, the essence of it. this is a family from a city that early on really knew the regime. this is a middle class family. they had a house of eight rooms. and there they were in this tent, the whole family there. two of their sons had been killed. one son is missing. and the word missing, by the way, we've been talking about 10,000 people have been killed in syria. it is by far the number must be much larger because people know what missing mean. missing mean really being killed. so a son is still missing, presumed killed. his infant who he had never seen
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is there in this tent. and this family with a memory of a life that they had is there in these camps. they had endured one harsh summer. this was their first summer last summer. they endured one winter. and it was unusually harsh winter in turkey at this time. they are dreading the onset of another summer. they know all of the things assad said are false. and they understand the situation they're in. it's really something. >> refugee camps the world over i find incredibly depressing. and one can look at them. you look at the pictures on the news showing the tents. you think these are refugees. these are not refugees. these are people who have homes but they have been forced to flee their homes. families had been murdered or killed or disappeared. it's easy to think of them as refugees, people who live in a camp. these are people who have homes
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and don't belong in this camp. >> it's a humbling experience. this one particular family, because they came from an upper class, if you will, or a solid middle class origin. in this tent they tried to reproduce the grace of their life. they had this potted flowers. they had stuffed toys for the little children. and they understand that there is no easy return. and the tales they tell like one of the reasons why they left, for example, is they had five daughters and rape had become an instrument of this war. the things that are going on in syria are really still not fully appreciated by outsiders. because the press is not there. because observers are not there. >> and we heard zaidoun, an activist we've talked to for a year, mocked the idea of 30 observers. he said we need 3,000 in order to flood the country and to stop the regime from killing people. >> absolutely.
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>> and even that might not work. >> these observers will do nothing. observers -- we already saw the mission led by the sudanese general. this would be the equivalent of it. i think we have to understand what the syrian regime has done. they've taken the annan mission as an opportunity for more killing. what they've done if you look at the numbers -- >> they upped the killing. >> yes. and not only that, but the turkish authorities have the numbers now. under and through this annan mission, the refugee numbers have spiked. people have fled. so we talk about the kind of -- this diplomacy and the diplomats and the powers coming to the rescue of the syrians. but no rescue is coming. and one thing we have to understand, there's an american role here. there's an american abdication here. to help the syrians in this crisis now comes for the most part from the united states.
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>> i appreciate it. i'm glad you were able to visit the camps. other big news back home. jeff neeley, this picture of a hot tub may make him a symbol of excessive spending by a federal agency charged with keeping costs down. he's pleading the fifth. raw politics next. bet you think you're pretty quick? yeah, i guess it is pretty quick. jesse?!? jesse? jesse?! much obliged. suddenly, everything else seems old-fashioned. ultrabook. inspired by intel.
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general services administration for more than five hours today. until today the gsa was an obscure agency. their job was to keep government costs down. but they had been doing the opposite on its own employees. one of the key people called to testify is a guy named jeff neely. there he is on the right taking the fifth yesterday. the other picture on the left is what looks like a las vegas hot tub. we don't know if your tax dollars paid for that hot tub or the glasses of wine there. a 2010 conference is one of the most over the top expenses that investigators have found so far. here's dana bash. >> reporter: not only did this 2010 over the top las vegas gsa conference cost taxpayers more than $800,000, it turns out the lead conference organizer jeff neely took eight trips to vegas to do what he called advance
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work. the cost? $147,000. >> my anger and frustration have gotten to a boiling point. >> reporter: as tales of extravagant spending unravelled during this hearing, it's clear why. >> 44 bucks for breakfast? i'm a big man. i can't do that. are you kidding me? >> reporter: the general who investigated put it this way. >> we turned every stone. every time we did we found 50 more. >> reporter: this is the suite where depth robert peck stayed in las vegas. >> i question the organizers as to the cost. they told me all the rooms were within the government rate. >> reporter: it's unclear what the cost really was. the organizer jeff neely seen here in what appears to be a las vegas hot tub evoked his fifth amendment rights for the second day in a row. but he was very much the focus. story after story of allegedly skirting and breaking the rules. maybe even the law to have a good time on the taxpayer dime.
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for example, it's against government rules to spend money for meals at meetings. unless awards are given out like here in las vegas. so they regularly made some up. listen again to the man investigating the whole thing. >> it was a running joke in region nine that in order to get food you had to give out awards. one of our witnesses characterized them as, i guess, fake awards and jackass awards and things of that nature. >> reporter: there was so little accountability inside the gsa, its own chief financial officer didn't know what neely spent on those conferences. >> it was difficult to have visibility into the -- >> reporter: at a different point the chairman lashed out about his inability to see their budgets. >> why are you hiding the information from this committee? >> reporter: mind boggling excess went beyond las vegas. at least a week in hawaii for a one hour ribbon cutting. >> would a one hour ribbon
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cutting justify a seven to nine day trip? >> not in my opinion. >> reporter: a 2010 conference for interns in palm springs has a price tag of $150,000. two months ago after the inspector general warned the gsa administrator of neely's spending, neely brought his wife along to a south pacific paid for by taxpayers. just last month, a conference in napa valley wine country to the tune of $40,000. one official said she raised a red flag to no avail. >> you notified the regional administrator ruth cox about the upcoming junket and expressed concern, right? >> i did. >> yeah. and what happened? >> i expressed concern and asked her to review the plans, make sure -- >> and that called it off, didn't it? no. >> i mean, it's amazing. sounds like this really is a
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systematic problem. >> reporter: absolutely. it is stunning the lack of accountability that become crystal clear about these hours that we watched today. first of all, what was amazing is listening to these people who you think maybe even hoped would understand and know what costs are involved in these trips. they didn't only have a clue, they didn't think it was their responsibility to know. they said oh, no, that's the regional administrator's job. now we know neely was spending lavishly. the other thing that was disturbing was it was from the bottom up. we heard that he was really intimidating people who maybe on a lower level could have said this is not right. but the investigator said that he would quote, squash them like a bug if they tried to challenge him. so it really is scary. >> the idea to take eight scouting trips to vegas before this conference is just ridiculous. absolutely. incredible.
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appreciate it. thanks. we're going to follow a number of other stories tonight. isha has the bulletin. >> we're learning about the secret service prostitution scandal in colombia. 20 or 21 women were brought to the hotel. an official tells cnn that secret service agents implicated in the scandal will be given polygraph tests. some claimed they did not know the women were prostitutes. theatrics at the trial of me man accused of killing 77 people in a shooting and bombing rampage. anders breivik said he carried out the most prolific attack since world war ii. final touchdown for the space shuttle "discovery." it landed at dulles airport as you see there atop a 747. it'll be put on display at the smithsonian national air and space museum.
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a bittersweet moment. >> it's cool that the 747 can carry the shuttle on top of it. that's crazy there. >> yeah. totally modified to carry that weight. awesome. >> it is. isha, thanks. in the trayvon martin case, we're waiting word to see if the judge is going to recuse herself because of a perception of conflict of interest. a lot of people think she will. there's new contenders for her replacement more on that ahead. free range chicken pancake stack baked alaska 5% cash back. right now, get 5% cash back at restaurants. it pays to discover. to provide a better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! in what passes for common sense. used to be we socked money away and expected it to grow.
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recksiedler. she will decide whether to recuse herself from the case. mark o'mara filed a motion yesterday asking for a new judge because of a conflict of interest. the judge's husband is a law partner of a cnn legal analyst mark nejame who is the first lawyer that zimmerman asked to represent him. nejame referred him to o'mara. judge recksiedler was assigned the case randomly. if she recuses herself, it's going to fall to the court's chief judge to appoint a new judge in the trial. there's a number of factors that could influence the choice. based on that there's likely candidates. mark nejame joins me now along with rod smith. mark, there have been some names out there of judges who may replace this judge. we've got pictures of some of them. what do you know about the judges? >> quite a bit. judge dickey is a senior judge. he could elect to keep the case or just let it go normal. then it would be a random rotation or land in one of three of the remaining four judges in
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the criminal division. if you remember the casey anthony case, judge perry kept the case as a senior judge -- as a chief judge, excuse me. that could happen here. unlikely, but it could happen. then there's a kind of a long shot. that's judge jim eaton. he used to be the chief judge. very well respected. he knows death cases, he knows murder cases as well as anybody probably in the state. and he's handled tough cases before and is not afraid of controversy. he'll do the right thing legally. he doesn't look at what's popular. he looks at what's right and follows the law. the three remaining is judge galuzo, nelson, and lester. they're the three remaining out of the criminal bench in seminole county. >> rod, you've appeared before judge lester before in court. you think he could potentially be named the judge in this case. why?
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>> well, it'll be a random selection if the chief judge decides not to keep it. and he may or may not. i agree with mark. i think i've been in one of his courts one time. i would say that it's judge eaton of course had a great reputation. it's somewhat unlikely that they keep a senior judge in a high profile. the other thing is the chief judge will vet to find out if anyone else has a potential confli conflict. the rules were followed well in this case. the lawyer acted appropriately and quickly. the system's designed to do just this. my guess is that certainly lester is among the remainder, he would be one that has the status to handle a case like this. and pretty well seen in that community as a middle of the road judge. neither side goes in with an easy day.
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>> judge eaton is a retired judge. why would they appoint a retired judge? >> first of all, he doesn't have a docket. a case like this could be so demanding on as crushed a the judicial system already is. it could be a seasoned judge such as eaton that would not have a docket otherwise could handle what might be given to this. not only would he be excellent, but the other three have had no significant controversy as far as i know. i've known lester for over 30 years. he is just spectacular. judge nelson has a great disposition on the bench. and judge galuzo is well liked by all sides. i think any four of those that they would act very, very well and we could find ourselves having the kind of trial that we hope to have. >> rod, when do you see this trial actually -- assuming it gets to trial, what kind of a timeline are we talking about here?
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>> the lawyers would -- they'll be discussing that once they get kind of past the preliminaries. one of the things that i know that everybody will be focusing on is whether or not this is tried in seminole county. that will be decided late. i've done high-profile prosecutions and i can tell you that o'mara's office is already in the process, i'm sure, of gathering all the pretrial publicity and evaluating it. there may be polling information. all that will be determined. some of that will be -- there'll be a date set for trial and it'll be substantially in the future. then there'll be a question whether or not they can seat a jury there or if they have to move it. again, may shape whether a senior judge takes it. i think the convenience of a senior judge is typically they don't have an ongoing docket and it keeps the rest of the court system moving simply. it's also pretty rare in high-profile cases. >> appreciate it. thank you very much. got breaking news tonight.
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warren buffett has been diagnosed with cancer. we'll tell you what he has so far. we'll talk about it. of blood f. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use
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cancer society. what does stage one mean exactly? >> stage one means that the cancer's confined in the prostate. it's usually a very good prognosis cancer. many of these stage one tumors don't even need to be treated. >> in his letter to stockholders, he said he and his doctors decided on a two-month treatment of daily radiation to begin in july. why treat it? you say some of them don't need to be treated. is this standard? >> yeah. the national institutes of health made an announcement about 130,000 of these stage one tumors are diagnosed every year. and most of them can be watched and not treated. in the united states, most men choose to get it treated. younger men will usually choose surgery. older men will choose radiation. i personally believe it should be left to the patient and his doctor to decide what to do. many of these are such good prognosis tumors they can be watched. >> he said he discovered the cancer because his psa level
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jumped up. what is a psa level and is it what most people get checked? >> the antigen is a blood test. it's a controversy blood test. some organizations have recommended that we not use it for prostate cancer screening. we only use it for diagnosis or following other diseases. others such as the american cancer society says that men should know that there's a potential risk to prostate screening and a potential benefit. they need to know the risks and the benefits and need to make a decision as to whether they want to be screened. >> if you do get treated, what are the ramifications of it? i mean, assuming it's successfully treated, what are the side effect? >> i should say a stage one prostate cancer has a 99% survival in the united states. the 15 year is up. it's a good prognosis tumor.
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radiation can cause side effects. surgery actually can cause similar problems. incontinence as well as impotence. and unfortunately with radical there's about a one-half of 1% chance that the radiation itself will cause death. >> appreciate it, dr. otis brawley. overall prognosis looks good. good survivals rates there for five years and 15 years. thanks for being with us. isha's back with the 360 news and business bulletin. >> anderson, police in north carolina are searching for a young army private who was last seen early saturday morning after being given a ride home from a bar. kelli bordeaux is assigned to ft. bragg and local police say she may be in danger. the michigan woman who continues to collect welfare benefits after she won a million dollars in the lottery is being charged with fraud. authorities say she doesn't report the lottery winnings as required by state law and she
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collected more than $5,000 in welfare benefits that she wasn't entitled to. police in georgia are defending their decision to handcuff and arrest a kindergarten student who was having a tantrum. they handcuffed the 6-year-old girl for her own safety. she was taken to the station and initially charged with battery and damage to property. but a spokesman says she won't be charged because of her age. and a ridiculist follow. you talked about the theft of five guitars belonging to tom petty and the heart breakers. the guitars have been recovered and suspect has been arrested. police caught up with the suspect after he allegedly sold one of the guitars at a pawnshop. >> rock on. >> rock on. did you know that petty as a solo artist and as a leader of the heart breakers has sold over 57 million records. how is it i only know one song? >> i did not know that number.
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>> do you know more than one song? >> you're putting me on the spot, but if i think about it i probably could. although -- >> we don't have all night. >> free falling. american girl. >> someone's feeding these to you. i know that's what's happening. >> no. >> i can see the shadiness in your eyes, coops. >> no. all i can say to you is stop dragging my heart around. thank you, thank you very much. that's another song. time now for 360 winners. coming up with a caption better than we came up with. tonight's photo rick santorum speaking in st. louis. winner is teny with santorum campaigns for birmingham deputy comp trolling 2013. here is nicolas. now i will play the air guitar and do some fancy pageant walking. we'll be right back. theory kick use list is next. ♪
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time now for the ridiculist. tonight we're adding once again teen bride/ambassador of love courtney stodden. i've talked about courtney a lot. but that's only because the haters keep hating and i'm determined to prove them wrong. courtney stodden married doug hutchinson when she was 16 with her parents' blessing. she sings, she models, she has some poetry on twitter. she does it all.
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tonight there's finally a way to silence them for all. courtney has a new message for the world. three new messages. they all start the same. >> well, i was in the grocery store today shopping for sexy bed sheets. >> i was in the grocery store today shopping for sexy bed sheets. >> i was in the grocery store today shopping for sexy bed sheets. >> yeah. she looks really tan, doesn't she? anyway, courtney is on an epic quest for sexy veggies. the produce we're about to show you is -- >> i grabbed these veggies. then i turned around and these were calling to me for some reason. they're sexy, aren't they? >> yeah. we blurred the veggies. they were that sexy. sometimes a pepper's not just a pepper. not in this case. i don't want to show you the cucumber she found. let's say it was highly organic. the point is that courtney is
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trying to get people to go vegetarian. a noble cause no doubt. she has thrown herself into it tirelessly to expose cruelty to annals and her foot hurts. >> my foot hurts really bad. i don't know what happened to it. >> it's those shoes, baby. >> no, no -- >> stop wearing the shoes. >> i'm not going to stop wearing my shoes. >> that is part of a web based reality series courtney is starring in. though could someone get her a lapel mic. i can barely hear what she's saying. people still have negative opinions about courtney stodden. but that's theirs to hold, not ours. >> people are welcome to their opinions. that's what the world is about. if they need to feel this way, that's theirs to hold. not ours. >> see, i've always wanted to know what was happening -- courtney in that clip.
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