tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN April 22, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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> when i am on 24/7, it's you must watch tv. my boy 50 going to tell you. what you think? >> absolutely. you see the ratings drop. >> come on, it's me, man. what would the show 24/7 be without me. what would the show 24/7 be without me? >> if you were unmy shoes and -- if you were in my shoes and producing 24/7. >> if i was in your shoes and producing 24/7. i would let miguel coto get 24 minutes on the show and let mayweather and 50 cent, larry
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ellerby, g-unit we are going to the rap studio on this one. we run the show. we is the show. let us take over. it's called the takeover. the money team takeover. 24/7. >> you'll excuse miguel coto for not talking back. he is just here to fight. >> do it. do it. that's right. >> i don't need to talk about
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floyd, you know. he is the guy who i -- always needs someone all attention. i am a quiet guy. but i am always thinking, preparing myself to do it. >> that event is scheduled for may 5th in las vegas. a meeting of two of boxing's signature names of the past decade. coto is training for floyd mayweather in orlando, florida. with a committed circle of confidants closely observing the 31-year-old port regain and his trainer, pedro diaz in action. >> enough challenging situations in life. and this fight for me is the best opportunity i can have to -- to prove and show to the world what miguel coto is made of. >> it has been a little more than four months since miguel coto stepped foot in a boxing
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ring on the night that may have been the most emotional of his professional career. in new york's madison square garden, coto was fighting antonio margarito. in a rematch off bout three years earlier, margarito stopped coto after 11 punishing rounds. the first loss of coto's pro career. as time passed coto and the boxing world came to believe that margarito fought with hand wraps filled with plaster in the first bout. it led to a rematch and an opportunity for coto to mete out his own brand in new york. >> revenge or repeat? >> hard right hand by coto. doing a serious operation to margarito's face right now. >> if every pun p ch coto threw was laced with vengeance, the cumulative effect, kept
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margarito in the safest place. in the middle of the ring. coto is pushing margarito back again. >> if you compare this with the first fight. the first, six, seven rounds was the samable. i had enough energy to keep it fighting. there was the difference for this fight. >> the punches just don't have the same sledgehammer impact that they had in las vegas. >> in their first encounter, coto gradually succumbed to his opponent's assault. but on this night the story would have a much different r ending, one ultimately determined by margarito's battered right eye. >> when i hit him with a lot of punches, his eye comes with a lot of swelling. and i knew. this fight is going to be for me. >> i said to stop it. >> it's over! it's over!
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>> i just -- i just stand in front of hum to enjoy the moment. and enji my victory and let him know how happy and how good i feel. margarito's chapter was open in 2000 and we finally cloetz with the rest of my life last year. >> 2,000 miles away in las vegas nevada's china town district, a sign was recently erected above a previously unmarked storefront. ♪ inside the mayweather boxing club, however, little has changed there are the same faces, attitude, and expectations as ever. with the club's namesake in training for miguel coto. ♪
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♪ respected by my team reflected as a king ♪ >> the money team is in full effect. money part of respect, the money team to the d-i-e. >> four, five, six, seven, eight. >> lifestyle, flashy, flamboyant. you know how it is, 24/7, 365. ♪ hustle hustle >> the sweat and strain may see like a routine sight, bulgt it once seemed unlikely may weather would be in a position to train. stemming from a plea-bargain, may weather was to begin serving a 90 day jail sentence. with the fight already booked, however, a judge agreed to postpone the sentence to begin june 1. awe off course i am thankful that the judge didn't stop me from making a living.
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you know, boxing is what i do. boxing is what i love. you know, june 1, it is just any ordinary day. i am not worried about it. i don't even think about it. it its what it is. i take the good with the good. i take the bad with the bad. cannot stop me. >> while impending incarceration doesn't appear to be phasing the fighter. there are friends to confide in like best friend, 50 cent who himself spent time behind bars years ago. >> you know what it is? this time period when you say -- the 90 days or whatever, one day, two days too many to spend, you know, without -- without being able to get up, go and move as you please. i think -- he is not going to actually think about that part how uncomfortable it could be. almost like, you know what, wait till your father comes home. waiting is worse than the actual -- whooping you get when he gets
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there if you get it. what's interesting what you see next from floyd following that because that will be a theira therapeutic process of him going back and thinking of his life. >> to chief adviser, leonard ellebee the decision was less in legalities than putting the episode behind him. >> respect the man for not putting his kids through a difficult process. i have the advantage of actually knowing what the facts are in this particular case and the pu -- public doesn't have that information. i know that he stepped up and did what he needed to do to protect his family. ♪ y
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>> as the sunrises over cocoa beach, florida, miguel coto is well into his workout on the sand opposite pedro diaz. this is the second camp for coto and his trainer, following their successful collaboration for the margarito rematch, last december. >> what the people see comes because of pedro. he was the mastermind behind the plan. for this fight he was the responsible for make me look the better i look. >> diaz was the lone new member of a well-entrenched team when he was hired before the margarito bout. though he quickly came to understand the profound impact the 2008 defeat had had on his fighter.
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>> it has been more than a month since floyd mayweather began training for coto. the bout will come 7 1/2 months after mayweather's last trip to the ring when he faced title holder victor ortiz. typical of mayweather affairs the leadup to the bows was filled with shared disparagement between the two camps. >> right before he got to the ring. i said something to hip. >> mayweather wasted no time administering a forceful dose of punishment to his underdog opponent. and by the fourth round, ortiz's right eye had begun to swell. >> i seen ortiz's eyes was closing. i seen blood.
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i said let's go for the kill. that's what we did. >> ortiz's response was as unexpected as flagrant. a leaping head bout on the ropes. followed by an apology in the form of a kiss. >> he tried to make love to my nephew, i guess. he knew he had did wrong. he did wrong. and since he did wrong, well, i mean, he got what he was asking for. >> protect yourself at all times. >> ortiz was apologizing. and mayweather was punching. >> it's look this, you violate and we'll demonstrate. he violated so i had to demonstrate. after the fight, mayweather
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demonstrated a lack of interest in the line of questioning. >> taking advantage. >> you don't ever give me a fair shake. some i am going to lot you talk to victor ortiz. >> what are you talking about? >> you never give me a fair shake. hbo needs to fire you. you don't know [ bleep ] about boxing. >> i wish i was 50 years younger, and i would kick your -- >> i could care less if he is going to be around for my next fight. i ain't doing the interview no way. i'm going right to the back. get my check. and hang out with my boy 50. and we're going to do what we do. >> while training sessions at ♪ ♪ wow...
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♪ [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ werther's original caramels. [ gnome ] bonjour americans! enjoying your holiday? ooo no. the hotel lost our reservation, so nonsense! you book at travelocity, your reservation's guaranteed. well, i didn't book with travelocity.
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>> while training sessions at the mayweather boxing club are consistently defined by the self-professed maxims of hard work and dedication, surprises nonetheless seem to inevitably crop up. today, the unexpected arrives in the form of floyd mayweather sr. making an unannounced visit to the gym for the first time since a nasty confrontation with his
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son here last summer. >> you don't want nobody in the way interfering. we don't want nobody in the way while we're working. get the [ bleep ] out of my gym. you couldn't fight worth [ bleep ]. >> you will get your -- >> you guys shouldn't do this. >> floyd sr. says today he initially planned to just drive a friend to the gym and wait in his car. but after being encouraged to come inside by a member of his son's team he is happy to be greeted with open arms by the group. >> how you doing? you all right? >> all right. good girl. >> the reunion by the heavy bag shows father and son hatch at
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least begun the process of moving on. >> you know, most people come back to you, a, they look for som somebody to say that they're sorry or don't be mad at me what i did, i'm sorry what i did, whatever it is, but i never got none of that from him. but he came up and hugged me. and that might be his way of showing passion and it might be his way. it's not my way. >> hard work! >> dedication! >> hard work! >> dedication! >> at the end of the day he is still my son, anyway. he is still my blood. i do think about him every day. i live and let live. and all i do is -- attend my own
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business and leave everybody else's business alone. and that's the best thing for me to do. >> for today and perhaps beyond, peace reigns in the gym in china town district. and an incongruous background, perhaps, with the next clash on the calendar just 21 days away. >> may 5 is just naut day for me. i don't live that far from the strip. the only thing i am going to do is, hop in one of my toys, drive ten miles down the strip, and give the fans what they went to see. i am going to chop his -- up and there is two ways he can go. he can fall on his face or fall on his back or lay the way flat. well, that's three ways now.
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>> i think he will -- coto's next chapter. he never face a guy like coto. he is going to see it on may 5th. ♪ >> the story of every fighter's career is driven by a wide range of factors. fury. family. and fate among them. >> every bout they approach is a product of those dynamics. every bout an opportunity to add to their story. >> welcome to the doghouse. >> i don't know coto, but i will find out because he is fighting the best fighter in the world.
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♪ >> nights fallen on the las vegas strip. and floyd mayweather has had a sudden urge to rea out. >> i'm texting miguel coto right now. how you doing, miguel. hope you had a great day at training camp. we are going to dance luke the stars may 5th. let me tell miguel. how you doing, miguel coto? tell puerto rico that floyd mayweather loves puerto rico and don't be late for your funeral
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come may 5th. you smell like an egg. you farted. >> no, i didn't. >> we are talking about easter, right? so i don't understand easter because. because rabbits don't lay eggs. you never thought about that, did you? >> they don't? >> rabbits don't lay eggs. >> the ventures into rationale discourse are rare on ride like this. other desires invariably take precedence. >> let's get us some el pollo loco. >> let me order. >> welcome to pollo loco. would you like to try a burrito? >> no, thank you, sir.
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wing lovers, two piece. number one also, sir, please. >> cold wings. >> he finishes off the meal by 10:00 p.m. for the famously nocturnal mayweather the night its just getting started. up next, a few impromptu five on five runs with the money team. the full courtle calorie burn means there is plenty of room left for another stop before retiring for the evening. >> fried chicken and french fries up. yeah! there's for your big -- >> that's the most i have seen
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you eat since i met you, i think. >> when he arrives home well after midnight there is a friendly pair of hands to greet him belonging to a woman who prefers the simple moniker of ms. jackson. >> we don't want to put a label on ms. jackson and say she is my fiancee. we say she is my better half. i believe on a woman standing on her own two feet. she is one of the queens of the money team. >> floyd and my bond is unbreakable. can't be touched. won't be touched. floyd has a special side to his life. i have a special side of my life. we bring our two lives together and we make one hell of a bond. >> and say where is my daughter-in-law? >> the visit by floyd may weather sr. to the gym was the
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first time father and son had seen each other in eight months. >> my dad, 24/7. he ain't crazy. i'm not going to tell him he can't come to the gym. that's my father still. we beef a little bit, but we all right. right now, it's okay. next week we be arguing. he'll be trying to tack over the gym. the gym a cross the country in orlando, florida, miguel coto and his team are an easy group to track in transit. commuting in a custom built, dark gray freight liner to morning training sessions at cypress grove park. there, trainer pedro diaz, the former coach of the cuban national team immediately puts his fighter to work. ♪
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♪ after parting ways with hall of fame corner man, emmanuel stewart, coto hired diaz last fall and realized he would have to do adjusting to his new instructor. >> miguel, had some pressure coming from the trainer's side. he always says that he is a friend, outside of the gym. but he is a hard worker inside the gym to try to follow him if you want to train with him. >> he is a pretty loud guy. >> i don't really like that. but i have to work with him. it's his way to work. and i have to be with him for this part.
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>> diaz also brings an ak dem -- academic approach, befitting of a man who holds a doctor at and university sport in cuba. so workouts and location, vary each day, boxing drills integrated with conditioning work. every movement closely recorded and calibrated in a small notebook of dr. pedro diaz. >> he's like a computer. half is problem.
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he knows what road he want to take at the victory. >> for miguel coto, a fighter who changed trainers three times in three years, the experience so far with diaz, first the win over margarito and invigorating training camp has his realize that this can be a lasting one. >> pedro is a hard workworker. and create a lot of confidence for me. and i'm pretty sure until the end of my career, i'm not going to move, anywhere else. ♪ lar shifts wl revers e the earth's gravitational pull and hurtle us all into space. which would render retirement planning unnecessary. but say the sun rises on december 22nd,
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♪ >> in las vegas, floyd mayweather isn't worrying much about academic credentials of his opponent's trainer. >> well, i am glad that miguel coto trainer is a doctor so when i open his -- up. he can close him up. you talking about this kid being trained by a doctor. i am the doctor. i'm the doctor. i'm going to operate come may 5th. watch me operate. you know me i'm still going strong. still look good and young.
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feel strong. still got big muscles. you know how it is. still flam buoyant. still talking. flying with big matches. >> like his fighter, roger main weather never pays the other corner much heed. >> it doesn't matter who he got. that guy can't fight for him. so as far as we got doctor that don't mean anything. that don't mean anything. and that's going to thinkhe -- [ indiscernible ] roger mayweather has been training his nephew for the better part of the last 16 years. while the fighter's relationship with his father man who taught him to box. >> he is a great person.
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unbelievable. you know that's my uncle. i love him. i would do anything for him. >> i'm not his dad. i don't tell him what to do. i ask him what to do. even if he want to say something to me, he say, i want to work on this. why would i trip on it. you want to work on something, we'll work on it. i want the best for him. that's how i do it whether his dad and him get along. i still want the best for him. so, i think that's why we probably get along. >> miguel coto trains in orlando, florida, simply for the weather and proximity to puerto rico. but on days off in camp, the wealth of attractions the city offers can be peeling. today the fighter and the team
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have their eyes set on a destination on the south side of town, the orlando cart center track. >> i have my mask and helmet. i should be ready to go. >> in store this afternoon, a few laps of amateur racing. every man, woman and child for themselves. >> the most beautiful process of our training camp is -- is living. smile with them. get inside the moment with them. outside the game more like a family. >> we are ready to beat miguel's -- i want to see a clean, safe, race. okay. don't overdrive. don't go more faster than you can handle the cars, okay? >> go! go! go!
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>> for the family of a fighter, uncertainty can be a potent foe. but for miguel coto, the life he dedicated to the ring is in his mind also devoted to those closest to him. >> i bring them an education with my boxing. i bring them a house with boxing. i bring them everything they can have in life is because of boxing, you know. i know that when they can realize that -- they're going to be pretty successful with boxing.
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[ gnome ] bonjour americans! enjoying your holiday? ooo no. the hotel lost our reservation, so nonsense! you book at travelocity, your reservation's guaranteed. well, i didn't book with travelocity. you didn't use travelocity? i did not book with travelocity, okay?!? [ female announcer ] get the travelocity guarantee anywhere when you book with our new app. you'll never roam alone.
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been ability to procure an impressive collection of material goods. including a celebrated assortment on wheels. a life spent riding at the top though can be lonely, which is why it is good to keep close to those familiar with the trappings of super stardom. >> yeah, 50 cent. of course, my best friend. unbelievable. unbelievable person. some of the best music you ever heard. ♪ we come from queens where we are taught ♪ >> strong, mentally, fizz -- physically. very smart. >> the fighter from grand rapid and rapper from queens have been close for a decade. a pair of stars who discovered their personalities are a great fit. >> he has qualities that i don't have. he final three got me out of the house. i am a homebody. i can enjoy myself on the couch.
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>> for years now, 50 cent has been a regular presence at may weather camps. coming to vegas to get a rng side view of his friend in training and also finding an escape from the burdens of being a hip-hop mogul. >> he doesn't need me for anything. i have my circle at camp like a whole another camp of people that is away from it. i get a chance to escape it and be with my friend the i just have fun when i am here. i don't have to deal. a lot of people i am responsible for. >> he has a very, very busy schedule. but, you know i like him to be around for that inspiration. you know. i feel like going to this fight is get rich or die trying.
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on another sunny morning in orlando, training for team coto isn't set to start for a few more hours. which means there is plenty of time for the perfect cup of coffee. if you so desire, a few extra hours of sleep. the ring tone on the alarm may be familiar but the sleeping arrangement perhaps is not. miguel coto's family has departed for puerto rico which means perez is on the other side of the fighter's bed. >> in 2000 we moved to tampa for training. for fighting. when more people are in our camp. we have no beds left in the house. i have a king bed in my room. and i asked him to -- to move with me to the same bed. since then, he doesn't went to
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lose sleep with anyone. >> sharing the bed with miguel is like sleeping with your brother. you know, we just go to bed. talk a little. i am the first always to go to sleep. >> i have two more brothers. i love them pretty much. but i share more time with him. i talk more with him. i spend more days during the year in the company of brian than, than, than my brothers. >> coto and perez met in 2003. four years later, coto sr. hired brian to join the team. and the elder coto convinced perez to make a life changing decision. >> i use itted to be very overweight.
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i was 473 pounds. i remember hits dad, mr. miguel, he was pushing it, hey you have to do something for you. you have to remember that you are a young guy. you have to lose weight. and i finally heard him. like, two years after. i got the surgery. gastro bypass. i have lost 214 pound already. it's not even a year. and i feel blessed. it's another way of living, experience things i have never experienced before. it's been a lot of hard work, dedication, and support by, by the people that i have, the people that i love. awe officially, perez its head of coto's production company. in charge of logistics for events like the camp's media day today. but in reality, responsibilities of this sort are merely where
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his role begins. >> he makes everything for me. he, he -- decide everything for me. he try to make me feel most comfortable. he can make me feel. he its good, knowing to have a brother ian your side always. looking for you if there is something. >> miguel has been a very special guy in my life. he has teached me a lot about hard work and achieving your goals, you know? we may not share a last name. but we are brothers. that's how we feel. the confidence that we have between us is incredible. so, i think trust and loyalty are the, most in important word in, in our team. ♪ >> how the -- do miguel coto have a loyal team and keep changing trainers every fight. stop. that's not loyalty.
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loyalty is what me and roger mayweather have got. a lifetime contract with no paperwork from the heart. that's what we call, you know what i'm saying, loyalty. ♪ light we'll see >> loyalty means people who you can trust, people that you know they're going to watch your back no matter what. ♪ just as long as you stand by me ♪ ♪ so darling darling stand by me ♪ >> the most dependable bonds are most fundamentally based on choice. ♪ stand by me >> the decision of two to align as one. the resolution of a group to create an alliance that is absolute. ♪ should tumble and fall >> if i had to go to war, you
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know there is certain soldiers i got to have with me. 50 cent. i got to have with me. so strong. he been shot more than nine times and he is still here. i got to have him. got to have roger with me. i have to take my father with me. you know, because he is going to go all out. his mentality is like mine. it's kill or be killed. ♪ stand by me ♪ oh ♪ stand by me >> we leave our families, we leave everything behind, just to go and, and work for a goal. and i think, the sacrifice is not in vain. we will achieve. >> to pretend that boxing is an individual endeavor is to neglect what carries a fighter to the ring -- skill, desire, and purpose, all propelled by some of the most important choice he's will ever make.
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>> if i'm with you, i'm with you to the end. that's what i truly believe. if i have unconditional love for you, i will die for you. ♪ >> tune in next saturday night at midnight for the third installment of 24/7, mayweather/coto. and don't miss the live fight, may weather/coto may 5, hbo pay-per-view. this has been a presentation of hbo sports. hello, i am don lemon. wait until you see what we are working on for you tonight. cnn after dark where most shows dare not go.
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