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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 3, 2012 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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this is a treasure trove as the single largest batch of terrorist material ever obtained. i'll tell you how you can see these documents in just a minute. we will talk to nic robertson in a moment. we are connected. nic robertson, tell me more about what was discovered and more of what we learned about osama bin laden. >> reporter: here is the big picture that emerges from here. it is only part of the big picture. 17 of 6,000 documents. it is a partial picture of bin laden. it is bin laden struggling with the affiliates. he is trying to chastise them and give them direction. one of the big eye openers there is bin laden was jealous of some of his rising stars.
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anwar al awlaki, the yemeni cleric accused on some of the attacks of the united states. talks about al awlaki to take over leadership there. bin laden says i hear what you are saying, but where i come from, we like to see people tested on the battle field first. he hadn't been to the battle field. you can see the jealousies emerging. >> you talk about paranoia. it is fascinating when you read through the documents. did you find anything in there that showed that bin laden knew al qaeda was getting weaker and the u.s. was stronger? he always came off in the recordings and statements like he was unbeatable. it looks like he realized he could be beat. >> reporter: this absolutely emerges. one of the things you think about al qaeda and they seem to be able to do what they want to be able to do. bin laden is a son of a
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billionaire. saudi businessman billionaire. we see him directing one of the operatives to travel from pakistan and afghanistan region halfway around the world to try to raise $200,000. that is something we weren't aware of. this sort of idea that the united states not only doing better than him financially able to continue the fight, but his thinking about moving his fighters out of camps in the west of pakistan into afghanistan where they can hide in the mountains and tall trees away from the drone strikes and satellites. he directs his 20-year-old son says move and get out. when he is moving his family
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around to avoid drone strikes, you know he is worried, kyra. >> he talks so much about the bin laden brand. talk about a tremendous ego. he wanted to change the name of al qaeda? >> reporter: he realized that he had all of the videos of beheadings. he was brutal. there were people in al qaeda that bin laden was to disassociate himself. this is the negative image that bin laden was wanting to change. he was advising the would-be al qaeda affiliates in somalia, don't take our name. it will give you more enemies. after bin laden died, they have gone ahead and done that. bin laden was so concerned about al qaeda and the image, that he wanted to change the name, that he wanted to centralize the media operations, he wanted everyone to write to him to get operations cleared.
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this was a man who communicated by letter. as a ceo, massive organization in isolation with leaders sort of core directors turning against him. >> nic robertson, thanks so much. if you want to read these bin laden documents, you could go to and type in bin laden documents. we are hearing from another mouth piece. anwar al awlaki was the cleric who preached jihad on the internet until he was killed in yemen last september. actually, he is still preaching jihad. two issues on his online magazine have hit the web. they demonstrate the chemical weapons that were used with countries. they say women and children are legitimate targets and wildfires can be used as weapons much. the blind chinese activist
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who left the u.s. embassy on the fact he would not be harmed has now been sold out by washington. chen guangcheng is in a chinese hospital. he said we are in danger if you talk to hillary. i hope she can help my whole family leave china. u.s. secretary of state is in china for the annual talks that focus on the global issues. the chen case has complicated everything. they are scolding the u.s. while interfering, but the u.s. says chen left on his own free will. and marissa alexander faces 20 years in prison after a fight with her husband and killing him. her attorneys used florida's stand your ground law as a defense, but alexander was
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convicted of aggravated assault. her attorneys plan to appeal. several groups rallied outside the courthouse calling her conviction another example of a major injustice. left to rot in jail for five days, handcuffed, no water, with nothing but his urine to drink. now the college student wants the dea to pay up. a gre hot dog i knew it was going to be a success. the invention was so simple that i knew i needed to protect it. my name is chris schutte and i got my patent, trademark and llc on legalzoom. [ shapiro ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to legalzoom today and make your business dream a reality. at, we put the law on your side. the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement
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talk about a nightmare. a college kid smokes pot at a friend's house and falls asleep and wakes up to a raid by federal agents. he and several others are hauled away by officials.
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daniel chong was told he would be released, but instead, somehow chong was left in a five by ten foot holding cell alone. no food. no water. no communication. seemingly forgotten. for four and a half days this lasted. finally he was discovered and rushed to the hospital where he spent days in intensive care. now he is out and he and his lawyer are talking. >> he screamed hundreds of times for help. he began to dig into the walls thinking he could get water that way. >> i had to do what i had to do to survive. this is an "s" in pitch black. trying to write "sorry, mom." i gave up on that one. >> you heard him. chong drank his own urine.
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he tried to kill himself with the lens he broke out of his eyeglass eyeglasses. he is suing and the dea is apologizing. the acting head of the san diego office says and i quote, i'm deeply troubled by the incident that occurred. my deepest apologies to the young man and this event is not indicative of the high standards i hold to our agents. reporter rory devine has been on the story for knsd in san diego. rory, great story. tell me how you broke the story. >> reporter: our station had it a few days before everybody else. what happened is that we received a tip. he said when we received it, he could not believe it.
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he almost didn't call it in to confirm it. it seemed like such an unbelievable allegation. he called the desk. the desk did research and we were able to confirm that and break that story on saturday night. >> how did you track down daniel chong? how did you convince him to talk to you? i know he and his lawyers talked to you before anybody else. >> reporter: that's right. it was a lot of work. i will say that we put together some pieces and figured out that the raid was in the university city, which is the campus closest to usd. we figured out that they had a roommate that reported him missing. it was a missing person's report. we were able to track -- we did not know the missing person was, in fact, the person that was stuck at the dea's office. we went down that avenue and tried to check that out. eventually got information about
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the report that was filed, which led us to the student's roommate. we talked to the student's roommate. he said he is with his attorney. we knew who the attorney could be. we called the attorney and we were able to get the one-on-one interview. >> the perfect gum shoe and the beauty of a stakeout. what happened to chong, rory, was a huge mistake. the dea claims the raid was legit? >> reporter: i don't think it is a question about the raid. daniel chong had gone there the day before. he was going to visit some friend. in their statement, the dea says, admittedly he was going there to be high. daniel chong shakes his head no when i asked him about that. he goes there the day before and smokes marijuana. he spends the night and the raid
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happens. at the raid, they found ecstasy and methamphetamine and guns, et cetera. according to daniel chong's lawyer, he wasn't under arrest for anything. he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. the raid, allegedly, at this point, anyway, it went down legitimately. daniel chong was stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time. >> before we let you go. is he going back to school? >> reporter: his roommate told me he lost a lot of weight. i saw daniel and i said i understand you lost weight. he said i lost 15 pounds. he missed all of his mid terms. he is a usd fifth year engineering student. you don't get into the engineering school if you are not a smart person.
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he missed all of his mid terms. kyra, i want to add, when this kid woke up in the hospital, that was the part where he seems to be traumatized by. he wakes up in the hospital. he finds out he almost died. he almost died. the medical staff tells him, of renal failure. they tell him what happened with his medical condition. i said what did your mom say? he said my mom visited me and she was horrified. >> i know you will be following up on this story. we are very anxious to see what the dea does and hear more from the dea and you. rory devine, great job. >> reporter: kyra, thanks for talking to us. a head football coach fired in a small town and athletic director fired and it can all be tied to 80 reports of sexual assault.
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well, more fallout from the story we first brought you yesterday in mizzoula, montana. up to 80 complaints of sexual assault in the town. the feds are investigating the complain that the law enforcement dropped the ball. the county prosecutor days ag e agrees. >> i have no reason to believe that the missoula police department has in any way violated constitutional rights. >> joining us on the phone is gwen who broke the story. the allegations are
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gut-wrenching as we find out more about the cases. tell me about the fact that gang rape was involved. >> reporter: that's how the initially started with a report from the -- we had heard allegations and the university confirmed it. a report that two female students had been assaulted by multiple male students in what the university describes as date rape is how we correctly describe them as gang rape. >> in addition to that, you were telling me about the reports of the saudi student who was accused of a sexual assault and left the school. tell me about that. >> reporter: that outraged the entire town. it happened after the initial investigation at the university where they brought in a retired supreme court justice to look at the issue of sexual assault on campus. they held public forums on campus and around town on sexual assault.
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after all of that, the saudi student was accused much assaulting two women in the same night and accused of raping one of them. when this was reported to the dean of students, his rule under the code, he confronted the student and he left the country. >> another interesting tid bit in the reporting, the montana supreme court justice was hired by the university to look into the allegations, right? >> reporter: yes. >> tell us. >> reporter: she would do an independent review of what was happening so the university could say it was being thoroughly investigated. >> gwen, before i let you go, what are the students saying about the football coach and athletic director? >> reporter: there are divisions on this. some are furious that the coach and athletic director were let go. they don't want to see anything
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that might hurt the program. others are furious that problems with football players went on for so long. there have been a number of public scrapes with the law. they said this should have been dealt with a long time ago. >> we want to continue the follow the story. qwen florio, you broke it. thanks. an update to a story from yesterday. a high school athlete benche for his age, but today, he is one step closer to the starting line up. wertr's or igin caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ werther's original caramels.
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i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing.
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all right. a couple of stories that i just love. this lioness in the oregon zoo looks hungry and mad she cannot get to her prey. why would you dress your infant in zebra colors and in front of the cat cage. the baby wasn't scared.
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lucky for everyone, there was the big thick glass separating the two. i work hard for a long time to get to play my senior year. if i could play in other states, i should get to play in michigan. please let me. thank you. >> you tell him, eric. that was an emotional plea of the 19-year-old basketball player to the michigan senate committee. we told you about eric yesterday. well, eric plays basketball in his high school team. he plays football. now the school athletic association says he can't stay on the team because he's too old. eric has down's syndrome and was held back in elementary school, which is why he is older than everybody else. the senate committee heard his plea. all of them voted to change the rules and today it goes before
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the full senate for a vote. we will let you know how it turns out. eric, we are rooting for you. after a hard day at work, what is a better way to relax than good food and wine. kareen wynter shows us more. >> reporter: welcome to one of my favorite restaurants in town. divetro. it is market of glass. it is not just the atmosphere, but the food will blow you away. what makes this hot spot unique is the vibe inside. from the floor-to-ceiling wine rack to the detailed-custom design. the upper floor dining area. it is a perfect setting to hang with friends and do people watching down below. now we are in the kitchen. check this out. it is right in the middle of the restaurant which is kind of cool
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of the . we will catch up with the chef. we want to see you in action. >> we have bellwether ricotta. >> reporter: i don't think we would be an able to find this anywhere, guys. it is bacon. >> and black betteblackberries. >> reporter: look at all of this food. you know the desserts are just as amazing. i'm going to get to work. until next time, kareen wynter, cnn, west hollywood, california. cheers. a medicare fraud bust with false claiming up to $452 million. how health care providers deceived you to put money in their pocketbooks. if there was a pill
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well, the very people you trusted, more than 100 doctors and nurses and social workers and pharmacists all taken down in the most recent medicare bust in history. this involves medical professionals in seven cities. 107 people now charged for bilking medicare of $452 million. we are talking about your tax dollars. the feds are in the process of rounding them up and making arrests. sandra endo has more from washington. sandra, what is the latest now? how many in custody? >> reporter: this is huge, kyra. this is the largest medicare fraud bust this history. out of the 107 people charged in the bust, at least 91 are in custody. they are accused of submitting claims to medicare for treatments that were medically
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unnecessary and often times never provided. the charges include conspiracy and health care fraud and violation of anti-kickback statutes. kyra. >> and kathleen sebelius talked about this yesterday. >> this is the latest in the campaign to stamp out fraud in our health care system. we more than quadrupled the task force teams operating around the country. >> apparently this one was the largest. what schemes are we talking about? >> reporter: the examples of alleged fraud, kyra range from ambulance rides that were medically unnecessary to the pharmacist in tampa who was arrested for diverts controlled substances. another defendant in chicago is accused of making $1 million in false claims for psycho therapy
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services. >> sandra endo out of washington. thanks. jt ready was a well known player in the immigration debates along the border with mexico. he was usually armed and a known neo-nazi. now he is dead along with four others in a case of what is believed to be domestic violence. we have tess with the latest. there is chatter surrounding the shootings. what are police telling you? >> reporter: just about an hour ago, police confirmed they do not believe this had anything to do with his political views, but rather a domestic violence issue. as you can see behind me in the gilbert neighborhood, which is 20 minutes outside of phoenix, investigators, federal and local levels have been out here throughout the night collecting evidence and trying to figure out what exactly led up to the shooting that left five people
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dead. let's take a look at what it looked like yesterday when this unfolded at 1:00 in the afternoon neighbors heard a barrage of gunfire. when officers got here, they found the five people dead, including a 15-month-old baby girl. police say jt ready, is the believed shooter. he killed two women inside the home along with that child. came outside and shot another man before turning the gun on himself. ready and 47-year-old lisa medearos had lived in the home together and been in a relationship for the past year. the others killed lisa's daughter and her fiance. the two moved out of her mother's home a month ago. she was shot and died on her way to the hospital. you were talking about who is j.t. ready. a well known member of the minutemen. held his own border patrols and
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leading groups of people and always armed. he was a big supporter of s.b. 1070. the anti-immigration law that created a fuss across the country. he led protests or i should say supporting the s.b. 1070. a lot of speculation. there have been rumors of mexican drug cartel or a possible hit. gilbert police do not believe this has anything to do with where j.t. ready stood, but a domestic violence issue with him and his girlfriend. so, details still unfolding. interesting point, kyra, officials got involved because of hazardous materials and hazardous chemicals and huge drums in the home along with a lot of ammunition. a lot of questions still unanswered. >> tess rafols, thanks. to the latest in the john edwards saga playing out in a north carolina courtroom.
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we know him as a senator and presidential candidate. now that he has gone to trial, we are learning more about him as a man and husband and what a disappointment he is. his trial is surrounding hiding campaign cash to hide his mistress. we have known for a long time that edwards' cheated on his cancer-stricken wife. we knew he fathered a child with his mistress. we don't have pictures from the courtroom, but the words are enough. his campaign's former research director actually testified that edwards and his wife, elizabeth, had a confrontation in a airport hangar back in 2007 just after the "enquirer" reported news of his affair. the witness testified that elizabeth tore off her clothing and exposed her chest and
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screamed at her husband quote you don't see me anymore. then elizabeth collapsed on the ground. then the testimony got so excruciating that edwards' daughter, kate, reportedly left the courtroom in tears. this is the man that wanted to be president. we have learned the man is innocent of the charges until proven guilty. this is just one person's story. what we are talking about here, the allegations and the facts, are gut-wrenching on some many levels. the affair and cover up and misuse of campaign cash and a family attorney apart. today, another john edwards' aide takes the stand and we will have an update for you tomorrow. it is never dull when your brother is the president of the united states. omar obama. might his half sister. she met her brother in the
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1990s. in "and then life happens," she talks about her relationship. piers morgan has her interview. >> it is your first trip to america. >> yes. >> a wonderful picture with you and barack obama on the day you meet. he is cooking you a meal. what did he cook you? >> he cooked me indonesian food that day. >> was it good? >> i enjoyed it. i really did. i don't remember so much about the food because when we met each other, we had so much to say to each other, the food was a secondary factor. >> she works at care international in narobi. cluster sex offenders in one community or leave them homeless? one such offender is providing
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homes for people just like him. is he nuts or a modern day rob it hood? it's not just od for business, it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $6.4 billion in new credit to small businesses across the country last year. because the more we help them, the more we help make opportunity possible.
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sex offenders. here's what usually happens. they register and they try to find a job. many sex offenders are forced to live on the streets because they cannot find homes. one registered sex offender is buying homes in south florida and renting them out to fellow sex offenders. he is creating a community of sex offenders. he is expanding this to orlando. randy young is the founder of
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the web site. he was arrested after he allowed a 19-year-old girl to have sex with a minor in his room while he watched. he is now a modern day robin hood. he says he is actually keeping you safer. randy young is that man. he joins me live. you manage more than two dozen around orlando and other parts of florida. tell me why you're doing this. >> i'm doing this to help the families of sex offenders. i get calls from mothers that are dying of cancer and children whose fathers are being released from prison. if they don't have an address, then in many cases, they stay in prison or forced to live on the streets or under bridges. that really is heart wrenching to these families. in addition to that, i believe
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it helps the community in these people can be monitored much better in a home rather than under a bridge. >> so do you involve police or probation officers at all? >> absolutely. i just spoke to a probation officer moments ago. the prisons, probation offices and sheriff's office and judges, i get calls from public defenders, et cetera, all asking me to help certain individuals. i had a call from homeland security to place one a person that helped them out that happened to be a sex offender. we found housing for them. >> let me ask you, randy, in any way are you concerned about putting offenders in houses together or a community together. if you have them all hanging out
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together that it just strengthens the temptation to offend again? >> well, i'm not sure that's the case. i think they help monitor each other. most of them are very happy that they have a home and if they see that is jeopardized, they would call me or perhaps call law enforcement. they obviously would talk to that person that's sharing the residency with them. i don't think it works the other way around to get a few people out there trying to revictimize somebody. >> how do you resist the temptation to do it again? >> well, obviously i went to jail. i spent 11 months in jail. that was a horrible experience. i had no idea what lied in there for me, especially with the charge i had. in addition to that, i took four
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and a half years of therapy. i know most people think the therapy is useless and there is no cure for a sex offendeoffend. there is a different range of sex offenders. i'm not sure there is a lot of help for somebody who molested a 5-year-old versus somebody who was with a teenager. i don't know what to say beyond that. >> i'm wondering how do you monitor these people? how do you monitor these sex offenders? how do you assure the neighbors next door to the homes you are buying and put sex offenders in that they will not harm their son or daughter? >> i pick homes that have few or no children. i really look for that in more adult communities. i'm not saying there are no
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children and sometimes children move in after i already started a home. i talk to those people. i give them my personal phone number. anything they see suspicious, they can call me. i'm happy to evict the person. whereas if they call law enforcement, they need to prove there is an issue. they don't have to prove anything to me. let me know and i'll take care of the situation. >> are you keeping track of them and making sure they are going to counselling or they are checking in with their probation officers? are you -- can you say 100% you are following up on each one of these individuals that you are buying a home for and putting them into? >> no. i don't feel that's my job. i think they are supervised very well by the department of corrections and the local law enforcement. they don't need my help. they give them a lie detector
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test at least once a year. i think they are doing a great job at that. i have helped more than 500 people find homes. in that time, none of my people have reoffended. there was one that moved out of my homes and into a competitor's home and he reoffended. >> i tell you, it's definitely an attention grabber, randy. we will follow this and see how this turns out. you got our attention. randy young, director and founder of michele bachmann could her endorsement of mitt romney shore up a tea party vote and can romney win without it? a party?
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he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did things with electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion. thank you, mr. davies. well, the republican unity tour newt gingrich bows out and backs knit romney. now in a few hours michele bachmann will formally endorse him. cheri jacobus and maria cardona join me for "fair game." >> a lot of the tea partiers are with mitt romney. it's been very slow going for
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him. i think when he gets them on, i think he will, you have to give the credit to him. michele bachmann endorsement certainly means something, it's very helpful, it's a good moment, but you have to give mitt romney credit for this. he's worked for this incrementally. every day he's out there talking to these folks. i want to give hip the credit for winning them over rather than handing it over to other people for an endorsement. >> what do you think? if tea partiers all gather around mitt romney, is that trouble for obama? >> no, it's not trouble for obama, but let's go back to the michele bachmann endorsement. it's been 119 days since she withdrew from the race and that's how long it's taken her to quet, unquote endorse. not even last week could she bring herself to endorse him. she said pointblank to reporters when asked whether they thought mitt romney can beat president obama, she said it's not going to happen. no way. so this endorsement clearly is not coming from the heart.
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we all know that it's a jagged bitter little pill that she probably had to use a tequila chaser to actually do. will it help mitt romney? symbolically maybe. but is it going to bring all the tea party voters which frankly many of them still have qualms with mitt romney, will it bring them running to the polls? i doubt it. >> mitt romney semi obsessed shall we say with jimmy carter this week? take a listen. >> governor, would you have gone after bin laden? >> of course. >> you would have given the order, governor? >> even jimmy carter would have given that order. >> it was the most anti-small business administration i have seen probably since carter. who would have guessed we'd look back at the carter years as the good old days. >> all right. funny lines, but cheri, what's the strategy here. he left office three decades ago. >> there's a couple things here. first of all, it's only been within the past six months that
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barack obama's approval numbers have been lower since jimmy carter's. i think in some cases obama could hope to do as well as jimmy carter. he's been one of the worst presidents in the history of our country. in a generation from now people will be referring to obama to make those comparisons. people who are senior citizens were raising families during that time, they remember the gas lines. another huge thing happened the year jimmy carter was elected as president. that was the year i got my driver's license and i had to use some of my babysitting money to fill the gas tank. people of all generations remember those years and they see the comparisons. the summer is coming up where people want to take trips, can't afford it because of gas prices. >> i think we all remember those lines down six blocks through our neighborhood, right? waiting for gas. but seriously, what do you think about him invoking jimmy carter a handful of times this week?
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>> it sounds like a little bit of a desperate strategy, kyra. it's not going to work. he should lay off jimmy carter. why is he picking on an 87-year-old man who has actually won the nobel peace prize who spent ten years in the armed forces and graduated from the naval academy and guess what? yes, we all know that he does have the fortitude, he, jimmy carter, does have the fortitude to a to order a raid like the bin laden one because he did and he gambled his presidency on it. according to mitt romney's own words he would not have ordered the bin laden raid under the same exact circumstances that president obama did. so he should lay off jimmy carter. jimmy carter is way out of his league. >> actually, those comments were taken out of context. even the left wingers -- >> no, they weren't. he said -- >> -- calling it despicable. >> the two feistiest women i
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know. cheri and maria, i can always counseled on them for a good debate. happy thursday. >> thank you, kyra. the shocking death of a former nfl superstar. could junior seau's injuries on the field be the reason that he took his own life? ice. why don't you use bengay zero degrees? it's the one you store in the freezer. same medicated pain reliever used by physical therapists. that's chilly. [ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on.
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move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪ what do nfl players chris doleman, jamaal anderson, and o.j. santiago have in common? they're among the 114 former players suing the nfl this
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morning. the new lawsuit brings the total number of players suing to more than 1,500. they all say the nfl knew about the effects of concussion and traumatic brain injuries but deliberately didn't tell them. former nfl player junior seau's apparent suicide yesterday bric brings us back to that same question, did he have a brain injury? the 43-year-old apparently shot himself in the chest, and our dr. sanjay gupta investigates. >> we don't know for sure if junior seau has what a lot of people are talking about, cte, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and it's off to talk about but the only way to know for sure is to examine someone's brain after they have died. that's when they know for sure if these dimension-like syndrome affected junior seau but there's a lot of similarities between him and a player named dave dourson. you may remember last year he also shot himself in the chest as did junior, and this is an
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usual ning thing to do. in deurson's case he left a note saying he wanted his brain examined. he did have cst. i visited the lab in boston where they examine brains for chronic traumatic encephalopa y encephalopathy. 18 out of 19 showed sans of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. the youngest person was 17 years old. this process does seem to start quite early in life. >> that was our dr. sanjay gupta. check out his show, "sanjay
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gupta, m.d." thanks for watching, everyone. you can continue the conversation with me on twitter @kyracnn or on facebook. cnn "newsroom" continues now with our suzanne malveaux. live from cnn headquarters in atlanta where it's 12:00 noon, 9:00 a.m. on the west coast. i'm suzanne malveaux. for the first time we get to see what osama bin laden was thinking. letters by him were posted online by the combatting terrorism center at west point. they're among thousands of documents seized by the navy s.e.a.l.s who killed bin laden last year in pakistan. well, they show he worked until his death to organize another major terrorist attack against the united states. we're going to have a live report. he is probably the most famous guy in china today and
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the biggest headache for the chinese government. chen guangcheng remains in a beijing happen. he says he wants the united states help to get to united states where he believes he will be safer. chinese officials promise to leave him alone, but chen doesn't believe them. he made a personal plea to president obama. >> translator: i would like to say to him, please do everything you can to get our whole family out. i'm very disappointed with the u.s. government. >> chen is continuing to -- cnn rather is continuing to seek comment from u.s. officials about chen's claim he was mistreated and threatened by the chinese government. . we'll talk later about why this man's trouble he is in china matter to us here in the united states. a suspect in the florida a&m hazing case is sought on bond.
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brian jones is one of 13 people charged in the beating death of drum major robert champion. two other suspects are in custody. police say they are still searching for ten more. another former rival gets ready to get back at mitt romney. michele bachmann, she's going to endorse romney in a campaign event in virginia. that is next hour. we're going to take you there live. bachmann has strong tea party support but when asked why she held out so long for the endorsement, bachmann said, well, she's working behind the scenes to bring the party together. so check out the video. a huge sinkhole opened up behind a house in windmere, florida. it's 50 feet wide, 50 feet deep, swallowed four trees when it collapsed. newly declassified documents, 17 letters or draft letters totally 197 pages in the english translation posted online just a short time ago by the combatting terrorism center at west point. now, they are among more than
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6,000 documents seized by u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s during the last raid -- last year's raid that killed bin laden at the compound in pakistan. nic robertson has been reading the letters. nic, explain to us what the documents show, the state of bin laden desperate to launch perhaps another attack in the united states. >> yes. this is 17 out of 6,000 documents or roughly 6,000 doun documents, so we know it's a picture, it's probably at best the partial picture and even the ctc who released this material said you have to take this with events that happened but it's an amazing insight. bin laden said it dedicated two teams specifically to try to kill president obama when he was visiting afghanistan, one near bagram air base where often air force one or whichever aircraft will fly in there taking the president into afghanistan would land. that's how much he was going after president obama. also talking about going after
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general petraeus who was in command of troops in afghanistan at that stage. talking about wanting to launch more attacks inside the united states, not just attacks on aircraft flying into the united states. so that is one theme of many that emerged there, suzanne. >> and, nic, what do these writings tell us about his state of mind? >> some of it is absolutely fascinating. i mean, you can see there's jealousy there. bin laden is in a way here the overseer of a large organization. some of it doesn't want to go along with his views. some of then want to follow their own path. you can see these differences emerging in some of these letters, these draft letters, if you will. but one of these letters comes from their affiliate, al qaeda's affiliate in yemen, and they're recommending that the yemeni cleric who is a rising star in al qaeda who inspired many people to perpetrate attacks for
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al qaeda, kill many people, and the yemenis say to bin laden we would recommend him as leader for al qaeda in yemen and bin laden says it down essentially saying i hear what you're saying but we like our leaders to be battlefield tested. bin laden himself being on the front line of the battle. you see these petty jealousies emerging. >> does it tell us anything about the state of our own security today? >> yes. it certainly tells us that there is a battle against al qaeda's operatives in the field in the west of pakistan where they get their training, whit's being effective. it's removing, killing some of al qaeda's key leaders. so much so that bin laden is looking and saying i'm considering moving my brothers, telling -- essentially saying he would like them to move to
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afghanistan to a mountainous region where satellites and drones cannot penetrate visually to the ground to see what the operatives are doing. bin laden is saying he'd like to send the al qaeda fighters there. at the same time he's saying his son, his 20-year-old son, who is in the same area, he'd like him to go to the luxury of qatar, but only to move when there's heavy cloud cover. clearly bin laden is saying in as many words there, the united states has the upper hand over those camps. >> nic robertson, thank you so much. i appreciate it. here is rundown on some of the stories we're covering. first, doctors and nurses accused of ripping off american taxpayers and it's happening all across the country. and then if you can believe this, can you imagine bringing another $200 to bring your bag on board the flight. and he had talent, money, and fame. why would this former football great take his own life? and is the game itself to blame.  when you have diabetes...
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a dozen doctors, nurses, and therapists across the country are charged with trying to defraud medicare out of more than $450 million. federal authorities are calling it the biggest medicare fraud sweep in recent history. in some cases federal agents went to doctor's homes to make the arrests. 107 people were arrested for allegedly false billing in seven cities including miami, l.a., houston, and baton rouge. sandra endo is live in washington is some of the details. this is hard to imagine. we're talking about doctors' offices, mental health facilities. how did this go down?
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>> reporter: all the people you're supposed to trust, suzanne, and all of the 107 defendants in this bust are accused of allegedly submitting claims to medicare for treatments that were medically unnecessary and often times never provided. charges include conspiracy, health care fraud, violation of anti-kickback statutes, and money laundering. now, the baton rouge case is the largest and most egregious in this takedown. seven people were arrested for allegedly filing $225 million worth in false claims, and they allegedly preyed on beneficiaries who are the most vulnerable. >> sandra, tell us, do we know how much money the federal government actually paid out for false billing? >> well, yeah. officials say they will continue to be aggressive in curtailing this type of crime because they say every taxpayer is a victim and you asked how much money the federal government actually paid out for false billing?
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well, suzanne, it's really unclear at this point. a spokesperson for the justice department says they don't really know at this point in total, but they are allegedly trying to recover at least $60 million in those false claims. >> and sandra, i understand -- >> these defendants allegedly recruited elderly, drug addicted, and mentally ill patients from nursing homes and homeless shelters in order to submit false claims on their behalf. they also allegedly falsified patient notes and attendance records and forged signatures of medical professionals all to make it appear as though these patients were receiving medical services when they were not. >> and as part of this investigation, officials are stopping payments on 52 health care providers as more investigations are under way. so certainly their work is not over. suzanne? >> i understand the worse case,
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alleged worse case was out of baton rouge. what was that about? >> that's what you heard about right there where these hale providers were really preying on the most vulnerable, getting beneficiaries from homeless shelters and people who were drug addicted and making claims that they provided services to these people but when really in reality they didn't get one single service to help them. >> such a shame. sandra, thank you. appreciate it. travelers beware. we're going to tell you which airline just jacked up the baggage fee to 100 bucks a suitcase. and that is each way. [ female announcer ] the sun powers life.
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and now it powers our latest innovation in more efficient cooling and heating. introducing the world's only solar-powered home energy system, which can cut your heating and cooling bills in half. call now to get up to 1,375 dollars in rebates. or zero percent financing for 18 months. plus download our free lennox mobile app with an energy-savings calculator to show how much you'll save... with lennox. innovation never felt so good.
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we all hate to pay the fees to check a bag in at a flight. spirit airlines taking baggage fees to a whole new level.
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they're raising their existing fee for carry-on bags to as much as $100 each way. alison kosik is joining us from the new york stock exchange. wow, alison, that is crazy. $200 round trip for a carry-on, really? >> yeah, it's like your packing the body into that bag, other person into the bag. >> what's going on? >> they're going to stick it to you with the baggage fees. as you said, it's $100 each way if you carry your bag on. i'm talking about the bags that go into the overhead bins. it doesn't count your purse or laptops that can fit under the seat. it's not such a huge surprise because spirit airlines has made a charge for charging a lot of fees. guess what? their strategy is working. spirit flyers, they pay an average of $50 in fees on a one-way flight. the ceo of spirit says that's an industry first, and here is the trade-off though. look at spirit's fares. they are cheaper than the big
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carriers. the average one-way ticket in the first quarter was around 76 bucks. i can't think of any other airline that has that. also spirit's ticket prices, fell last quarter while many others raised their prices. >> i'm one of those people who has a ton of bags. >> of course you do. >> people look at me like what the hell? is there a body in that bag. it's usually overweight. is there anything you can do if you want to save on baggage fees? >> listen closely then since you are the lady with the bags. it's only $100 if you get to the airport and you go straight through security, you get to the boarding gate and you go, i forgot, i didn't realize i didn't pay for my carry-on yet. that's only when you will be charged that $100. what they're trying to push people to do is plan a little early because it's going to save you money. what you do is pay $50 a bag if you pay at the ticket counter or the airport kiosk before you go through security. now, the cheapest way to carry on is $35.
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that's what you would pay if you booked a ticket online, pay right then, but on spirit almost always it's cheaper to check your bag than to carry it on. it's about $5 less, and by the way, these higher fares, these higher bag fees, that $100 fee, that goes into effect in november just in time for the holiday travelers. >> all right. so you hope that if you check the bag at least it will get there and it's not lost in luggage. that happens all the time, too. >> that's true. and there's a tradeoff there. >> thank you, alison. newt gingrich bowing out of the race of the white house about $4 million in the hole and his best hope of paying off the debt is the same guy he's been slamming for months on the campaign trail. what is the next move for gingrich? i'm going to throw that to our political panel. >> time for the help desk. joining me this hour, gregg olson, a certified financial planner and lynette cox is the founder the blog ask the money
12:17 pm greg, first question to you from atlanta. i purchased my home 20 months ago and currently have a 30-year fixed loan at 4.475%. should i consider refinancing? >> you should consider it. recent drop in interest rates might make that be a smart idea. the first thing you should do is look to maybe do a modification with your bank because that would be the least expensive option. >> right. >> should that not be available, look to do a refinance but calculate the refinancing costs and see how long the savings on a monthly basis will take you to recoup the refinancing costs. >> you have to think about the upfront costs absolutely. thank you. lynette, your question comes from phil in colorado. phil wrote in, i'm 69 years old and have a large portion of my savings invested in mutual funds. how should i allocate my assets? >> tough to give specific advice without knowing his full financial picture but i would say two things for someone who is 69 and thinking about their investment strategy. too often i think older people
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retirees or pre-retirees go too conservative. they want to preserve their principal, but we're all living longer than ever. you could live potentially decades in retirement. you want to be broadly diversified. you want to have some growth to power your portfolio. don't just think it has to be cds or money market accounts, very conservative investments exclusively. make sure you have a mix of stocks in there as well, stocks, bonds, cash. obviously you have to get the right asset allocation, the right mix, and you need a professional to review your entire situation. >> thank you both. if you've got questions you want answered, just send us an e-mail anytime to people with a machine.
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here is a rundown of some of the stories we're working on. newt gingrich has to come up with millions of dollars to pay off his failed bid for the white house. he was a football hero with everything going for him. why would junior seau kill himself. and a super moon on the horizon. michele bachmann said it was only a matter of time before she endorsed mitt romney. she's going to appear with romney in virginia next hour officially endorsing him. so what is her support going to mean and what about all that criticism of romney during the primary campaign? joining us to talk about that, democratic strategist jamal simmons and republican political
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analyst ana navarro. she was campaigning -- while she was campaigning michele bachmann blasts romney as too liberal, a flip-flopper. here is what she told wolf just back in november. >> as governor romney has also advocated for mandating that every citizen in the state of massachusetts also purchase health insurance which is exactly the same as obama care and was a pattern for obama care. he's been on both sides of the abortion issue. he was for abortion. he was against abortion. he was for same-sex marriage and, in fact, i believe had signed 189 marriage license for same-sex couples and then came out against it. and so on issue after issue after issue governor romney has been on both sides. >> ana, you're going to miss michele, aren't you? you're going to miss her there. she was quite the presence and
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now they've buried the hatchet. they're frenemies. is that going to really help him now? >> i think so. i think it's a very good message she's sending. i was exposed to michele bachmann during the campaign. i learned to respect her. i think she works very hard. she's certainly earned a spot and a room, a space, in the republican party. it will help him because it sends the message that all republicans are coalescing now behind mitt romney. it's just a matter of time before newt gingrich and santorum do the same thing. all of us are now falling behind our candidate. we are supporting him. we want to see him beat barack obama and i don't think the attacks that she made during the primary are a big deal. you know, we'll rather four years ago the primary between hk and j hillary clinton and joe biden and barack obama was very heated.
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>> you had hillary and bar rock, mano y mano. is she really going to be able to get the tea party support behind him or does he need to move towards the middle and attract more of those moderates? >> it seems to me mitt romney is going to need every single conservative right wing vote, tea party vote he can possibly get because he keeps having problems like the problem he had this week with his foreign policy spokesman who had to resign because he was gay and some of the gay activists took after mitt romney for having him on the campaign. ultimately he felt unwelcome and he resigned. those are the kind of things that scare off moderate, independent, conservative independent voters. they don't want to be in bed with that reactionary thinking. when it comes to somebody like michele bachmann, he's going to need her help as much as he needs every other conservative because without those conservative votes i don't think there's any way he has a chance. >> ana, i want to point out,
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this is the obama campaign putting the focus on women again. there's a website called the life of julia. click on julia at different stages of her life. just to get a sense of obama's policies, how they would affect her compared to romney's policies. age 3, she's in a head start program backed by obama. in college she gets grants, low-interest loans, and when she has to have surgery later on, she's covered by her parents' insurance. all of this trying to highlight here what the obama administration is able to offer here. do you think that this is something that will resonate with people? is this something that romney also needs to get on board with or does it look like kind of a gimmick here? >> i hope i don't see that kind of gimmick from the romney campaign. to me it looks a little creepy. frankly, it was depressing to me that julia went from birth to death practically on the government dole. and i think it's a distraction. obama is trying to distract. we're talking about a virtual
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julia, a virtual woman, because they don't want to talk about real women and the pain they're going through. nearly a million women are unemployed because of the obama administration or during the obama administration. the women's poverty rate is the highest it's been in 17 years. so women, we know how bad it is. we know, you know, what suffering has been like in this recession. women are worried about sending their children to school. they're paying 4 point something for gas. let's talk about the real women and leave the virtual ones behind. >> jamal, you got to respond to that. she really hit pretty hard. >> reality is women know that this president is in their favor. they know about the child care issues such as head start. they know one of the number one pre-existing conditions that people get banged for -- dinged for when they want health care a pregnancy. it's considered a pre-existing condition on a lot of health care policies. that's no longer something that
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can keep you from getting health care coverage because of president obama. there's all sorts of reasons why women will do better under president obama. and if mitt romney wants to compete for voters, he's going to have to be more create at this. this kind of interactive infographic is the thing that catches the eye and gives people who aren't paying attention to politics something to latch on to so she can understand why one candidate is better than another and mitt romney better get in the game. >> real quick, we have new poll numbers to talk about. two key battleground states, ohio and florida. they show romney is gaining ground on president obama. quinnipiac poll in florida, romney and obama nearly tied with romney at 44%, obama at 43%. obama had a seven-point advantage in march. ohio, obama edging romney out 44% to 42%. in march obama led by six percentage points. does this show us how close this race is going to be or is it
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more of a reflection of romney's opponents essentlly now clearing the field and getting out of the race? >> it's certainly a good trend for romney. we'll see if obama hit his ceiling. i live in florida and i can tell you on the ground you can sense it, you can feel how close this race is going to be. it's no coincidence that president obama has been here now 15 times, almost every other week we have somebody from his administration, the first lady or jill biden or joe biden or a secretary here and it seems not to be helping much. i think what you're going to see in places like florida, like ohio, massive ground efforts, massive campaigning. a lot of media blintzes. if you live in florida, you live in ohio, you live in virginia, you better get used to seeing a lot of negative ads and political campaigning because it's going to be a long six months. >> on both sides. jamal, should the obama administration, should they be worried about those poll numbers or is it just too soon to tell? >> they certainly should be concerned. i think everybody knows this race is going to be tight as a
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tick going into the finish line. there's no way the president is going to win in ohio by seven points or win in florida by seven points. this is going to be a two, three, four-point race nationally and in states like ohio and florida, but the good news for the obama administration is they're not like the old democrats from 2000, 2004 who are dependent upon ohio and florida in order to win. they're playing in 34r5places l north carolina, virginia, colorado, new mexico, maybe even arizona and nevada. those states are going to be the difference in this election. >> we have to leave it there. great to see you both. >> good to see you. >> thank you. there's certainly a lot of outrage over the story of this new jersey mom who allegedly put her 6-year-old in a tanning bed. all anyone online is talking about is the woman's overcooked complexion. we're going to get a closer look. and this weekend on cnn's "next list" a guy who makes inventors' dreams a reality now in the marketplace. it's human nature to invent,
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bust out the shades. you got to see this new jersey mom who was arrested on charges she abused her daughter.
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someone complained the woman took her 6-year-old in a tanning booth. this lady admits she's been a bit excessive in her own tanning treatments but forcing her daughter? she went to court for that. jeanne moos has the story. >> reporter: in court she pleaded not guilty to endangering her child by taking her into a tanning booth. >> i'm innocent. >> reporter: but what she's not at any time of is torturing her own skin with that flapper gasting tan. >> that's the mother. >> oh, my got. >> that's the mother. >> she's 44 or 84. >> that's 44 and that's burnt up. >> reporter: talk about tan lines. that's a tan that crosses the line. sort of like this. though her shade changes from interview -- >> i have been tanning my whole life. >> reporter: to interview. >> mommy tans. >> reporter: maybe because of the lighting? >> she's my little girl. >> reporter: all of those interviews make her mug shot look formal. 44-year-old patricia of nutley,
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new jersey, was arrested after her daughter showed up at school with a sunburn. >> did you get a suntan? >> yeah. i did. >> reporter: anna told the school nurse she got it going tanning with mommy, and the school called child services. mommy says anna got some sun playing outside. >> she's 6 years old. yes, she does go tanning with mommy but not in the booth. >> reporter: when she showed up for court with her pale-faced attorneys, the whites of her eyes stood out as she rolled them. >> would never, ever allow her child to go inside a tanning bed. >> reporter: and though she stated her case convincingly, that this is all a misunderstanding at her daughter's school, it's hard to look past her skin tone. early on set mum fication said one poster. another said she resembled an oompa-loomp or magd from "something about mary."
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she seems like a perfect candidate for way too tan a blog that collects those who have fried themselves to a crisp but there's nothing funny about skin cancer and the word tanorexic kept comingresearchers say peop get addicted to uv rays, that they produce endorphins, but this mom is not feeling so good now. >> i'm a wonderful mother. i would die right now for her. >> are you excessively tanning yourself though? >> yeah. >> you admit that, okay. >> reporter: no shades of gray in that answer. she prefers shades of brown. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> that's a crazy story. concussion literally knocks your brain inside your skull around, and if you're a football player there's a risk of getting a jolt like that every time you step onto the field. we're talking about more than a bad headache. we're talking about brain damage. we're going it get a closer look at what helmets cannot protect. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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[ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. [ sneezes ] the sudden death of former nfl star junior seau is putting the national spotlight on a troubling issue within the league. a growing number of current and former players now taking their own lives. seau died yesterday after apparently shooting himself in the chest. he was just 43 years old. while seau didn't have any reported brain injuries on the field, the former linebacker was known for his fearless and aggressive tackles. in a recent interview he said football needs to become a safer game. last year in a tragedy eerily similar to seau's, david due
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rson shot himself in the chest. he left a suicide note requesting his brain be studied to find out the long-term effects of concussions. more than 100 players filed suit against the league for concussions they surfed. joining me is jamaal anderson. your name was on that list. you're trying to sort it out with your attorney. >> we knew this was coming and it's something we've been talking about for a while. i think you have a lot of players who are taking interest in what has transpired in the documentation and different things that have been discovered. obviously i have some concern about their health moving forward. as a former player in the nfl just like everybody else, i think that's of critical importance to look at and that's what we're doing. >> have you yourself experienced any kind of problems? >> not major, but there's certainly going to be issues because of the way i played and how long i played football. so, sure, sometimes i wake up, i may have a headache.
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sometimes i wake up and i may have a sore shoulder, my knee may be sore. i had two acl repairs, tore my shoulder up. it's football, it's the tough part of the sport. it's an unfortunate part that you do get injured and you have to deal with those things. i wouldn't say on a daily basis i'm waking up and i'm crippled and can't move and do things like that, but there are certain ramifications of playing this game. >> explain to us how this is possible, how is it tolerated that so many of you guys end up getting these kinds of concussions? >> you know, the whole history, especially with football, there was a culture several years ago, and, you know, junior seau came in in 1990, you didn't want to be hurt. it wasn't something guys 15, 20 years ago, even 5 years ago, heck, 2 years ago, you didn't want to disclose you were hurt because you wanted to be on the football field, you wanted to be able to play. you wanted to be a viable part of the football team and contribute and, frankly, it was frowned upon if you were a
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player who got injured often, if you were one of the guys -- there used to be things you don't make the club in the tub. that means you're in a cold tub trying to recover. it's a tough sport. you want your healthy guys on the field. you want your players who can play to be out there. >> who do you point the finger to? is it the managers? is it the doctor on the field or is it the players themselves who are like maybe a little too proud to say, look, i'm having a real problem here thinking or concentrating? >> it's something that starts -- i think the culture has changed in the nfl. there's now an emphasis on safety, player safety. we see the fines, we see the suspensions happening with different teams and different players from the hits. the hits to the head. they're trying to change the culture of the game, and i think all of the things that the commissioner has done and the emphasis on player safety is of critical importance to the game moving forward, but it wasn't like that before. this is football. it's a tough sport. the toughest guy is usually the last guy standing and things of that nature. it wasn't like guys, especially
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the type of money your making, if you get banged up, guys weren't running to the doctor saying, hey, i got banged up on this play, i need to come out. there were several doctors on several different teams who didn't necessarily want those top players out. so it's a different culture now, but, you know, unfortunately, it is. >> let's talk about kids here, expand this a little bit. you have so many kids playing football here. i want to bring up some statistics here. millions of kids across the united states playing tackle football. for bays age 10 to 19 years old, brain injuries are happening almost often during football and bicycling. football alone causing more than 55,000 traumatic brain injuries a year. that's a number that keeps growing. and you have a child -- a young son. >> i have a son who plays football. >> you coach his team. >> yeah. >> do you worry about that? >> that's why i'm coaching his team. i am worried about it, and i was actually -- i started playing football when i was 7. he's 7 years old. he started a year before me which made me nervous, but what
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was important for me to get out there is to teach them how to play the game, teach them how to play the game the right way. change the culture of kids sticking their head down to try to make a tackle. if you teach kids how to play the game right, no, you will not be able to deflect from every major hit that could cause an injury. this is football. people are threeing around. but if you teach them how to play the game right, how to not lead with their helmet, how to lead with your shoulders when you want to tackle, how to wrap up, you can teach kids how to stay as best as possible injury-free. obviously, you can't control these things, but that's why it was important for me because i love the sport of football. the way i feel about football hasn't changed one iota. i had great coaches in youth, high school who taught me the game, who taught me an appreciation for the game, and that's what i'm trying to impart with my kids, with the kids on my team, the kids that are part of what we do. we try to teach them how to play the game right, how to tackle right. so, you know, you can be as healthy as possible and continue to be successful moving forward. >> all right.
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we wish you the best to you and your son to those players -- >> suzanne, i just can't -- i mean, next year you got to take me to the nerd prom though. i'm really upset with you. i'm a little upset i didn't get an invitation to you about that. >> i'll get you an invite. white house correspondents dinner. thank you. good to see you. think about this, 13 million abortions performed in china every year. a lot of times it happens against the mother's will. we're going to hear more about the blind activist who was trying to put a stop to that. but did you know they're good for you too? they're high in vitamins and potassium. and idaho potatoes are now certified to carry the heart checkmark from the american heart association for foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol. so they're good for my family, and for yours. heart smart idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
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dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. a couple weeks ago the name chen guangcheng was not in the news very often in the united states. now he's on every front page in the news blogs and he's the top story on cnn. he's a blind lawyer who has been irritating the chinese government for many years. he's against china's one child policy. he says china makes millions of women have abortions and forces them to be sterilized. the government threw him in
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prison for four years and then house arrest until he escaped just last month. i want to bring in michael holms from cnn international to talk about this. of course, he's causing problems for the chinese government, but the real question is why his case over there has really resonated for so many people here when they think about what is happening to this one man and what he represents. >> yeah. he's one of china's leading dissidents, if you like. he's been known for a few years. he was put in jail for four years, trumped up charges by all accounts. then he was put into house detention where they built a wall around his house and he wasn't allowed to leave. he claims he was beaten up by thugs, government thugs, on a routine basis. and the reason that he's become so prominent was partly because of what he was doing, which was opposing forced sterilization and abortions in china, but also hillary clinton had mentioned him in several cases -- on several occasions when she was talking about china's human
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rights record. so he had a huge profile outside of china. of course, china cracks down on all sorts of dissent and people who speak out against their policies and also even within china they censor. so people in china don't know him hardly at all. >> that's interesting because it reminds me when i was -- when president bush was over in china and we actually had all of our materials confiscated, cell phones, laptops, the whole thing and the chinese government actually blocked live coverage of the presidential press conference so their own people were not able to see that we were there and the coverage, live coverage, of the president's visit. talk about the difference here, the importance. >> i have another anecdote i will share with you actually. when i was anchoring on cnn international, this is last year or more than a year ago, when the anniversary of tiananmen square, we put on in the monitor behind me cnn's signal into china. what you could see into china. i said i'm going to say the words tiananmen square anniversary and, bang, goes
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black. and that was the chinese authorities. they have guys sitting there monitoring us. if we were broadcasting now into china like cnn international, this conversation would not be airing. they have guys sitting there and as soon as something is said, they hold it off. a few minutes later when you stop talking about, it the signal will come back up. >> this kind of thing happens around the world. in egypt, this was a while ago, before the arab spring, did an independent broadcast and everything was censored through the egyptian government. could not have anything broadcast without their approval. explain to us really the significance of being here. we are allowed to protest. we are allowed to express ourselves. how unique that is. >> we complain often. it's all about relative, isn't it? we complain sometimes we're losing our freedom, they're taking our freedom away. we don't know what that's like. i have reported out of eastern europe back over the berlin wall in romania and czechoslovakia,
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same thing. we couldn't feed our material out until every piece had been screened by a government censor. this happens in numerous countries around the world and china is one of the biggest offenders. mr. chen is a prime example of that. he's done some remarkable work in terms of exposing the effects of the one-child policy in china and the forced sterilizations. he did a class action lawsuit and that's what brought him to prominence. he's a classic example. there are many dissidents in china suffering from the same sort of oppression. >> this is one man who is really shining a spotlight on that issue. >> this puts the u.s. in a tough position. they had him in the embassy, they let him go. he's in the hospital there, and what is the u.s. going to do if they go and shove him back in house arrest? >> secretary clinton being over there, really dicey diplomacy. >> tough position. >> michael, thank you. >> good to see you. just three days to go before presidential runoff elections in france. the two contenders have been firing off insults at each other. the debate last night got heated
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and personal. [ speaking foreign language ] >> the televised debate lasted three hours with francois hol laend lande accusing the french president. saturday is going to be pretty cool. a marvelous night for a moon dance. we'll tell you what is going to cause the super moon to light up the sky. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you.
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the moon will hit your eye like a big pizza pie this weekend. it's not amore but something much less romantic than that. this is not photo shopped. this is one night last year, the moon was so close to the earth it seems you could reach out and touch it. they call it a super moon. we're going to see another one this weekend. joining us, reynolds wolf to talk about this funky effect in the sky. >> super moon, heck, yes, it is. >> i love full moons but this is really special. >> this is the super moon. it has a big "s" on it and has a big red flowing cape and can leap tall buildings in a single bound. it's called super moon because the moon is at its closest point to the earth. it happened once a year. a spectacular thing to see. you will notice sometimes the earth has a different hue when it's lower in the atmosphere and
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that's because of all the stuff up there, volcanic dust, smoke that can give it different colors. that's the beautiful thing you have there. what we're going to be seeing with the super moon at least in this instance is going to be something larger. again, it's about 13% to 14% larger than what we see normally. the amazing thing is we advance this map, you will see some of the cool factoids. the full moon during a perigee is when the moon's orbit brings it closest to earth. all kinds of animals have a different reaction to it they say. the moon comes within 221,000 miles and it will be about 16% brighter than normal and very big, especially near the horizon. if you happen to be in the southeastern united states, you might have an issue trying to see it because of a mix of sun and clouds here and there. by the evening the sun down but the clouds are going to remain. for parts of the northeast, should be very nice for you to see the moon coming up between
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those clouds. i'll send it back to you, suzanne. >> do you get crazy when you got a full moon there? it's romantic. >> my last name is wolf, come on. we're talking super moon. what do you think? >> you'll be howling, i'm sure. >> exactly. you bet. >> thanks. looking to get away to europe for the summer without spending a lot of money? clark howard has your deal of the week. he says cruises are the best deal. >> suzanne, i got a deal for you. europe in a lot of ways is going to be really expensive this sunler because of the olympics going on in england late july to mid-august and there are already warnings about how expensive travel there is going to be. but there's one thing this year that i can tell you in europe is going to be a steal of a deal, and that's mediterranean cruises. there are two reasons for it. one, the horrible incident with the ship going on its side. somewhere around 30 people sadly losing their lives. took a lot of excitement out of people about going on a cruise
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in the mediterranean. so that has definitely depressed sales. but you want to talk about what's really depressing sales for this summer? the european travel market, europeans that might have gone on a mediterranean cruise are much less likely to book because of the financial crisis in europe and declining economies in several european countries. in addition, do you know the euro is down in value versus the dollar generally trending. not only whatever you do on land is going to be cheaper, but the cruise itself is going to be a real deal. if you're not familiar with cruising, you want to buy from a cruise-only agent, but if you're really experienced, the online deals are fantastic. >> for more deals and tips from clark howard, tune into our sister network, hln, every saturday and sunday at 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. eastern.


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