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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 3, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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all appears to be some sort of student prank, and pressurized device contained drano cleaner and thankfully no one is hurt. the exception is the assistant principal did go to the hospital after inhaling smoke and everyone seems to be okay. we'll keep you updated. and we talked about this here, about the osama bin laden file, hundreds of pages of documents seized in the raid that killed him one year ago released by the u.s. government. now another dead terrorist is speaking from the grave. the yemen based militant died last fall in a drone strike, but his group has published new irn constructions and among other things they're telling followers to set fire to america. set fire. these new instructions include guidance on how to create a so-called ember bomb to ignite wildfires. want to go straight to irvine, california, bob formerly of the cia. good to see you again.
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this is something we hadn't heard, the idea of using wildfires as weapons of terror. question to you, is this a new idea? is this something law enforcement has considered? >> they have considered it, of course. arson is a very effective weapon. it is easy to light places on fire and attack at several places. you don't have to procure explosives. the rest of it, it doesn't surprise me. al qaeda is desperate to strike back. it has been a year since osama bin laden was assassinated. they do want to hit, and they intend to, and they will use any weapon they can get their hands on. >> just to follow up, if you say this is something certainly they have i want i don't want to say anticipated but thought about, also something they're prepared to prevent? >> i think so. i think we have to look at al qaeda, the problem for the fbi in this country is that they simply put their instructions out on the web and they tell people what sort of weapons to
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get and accelerants and things like that and they just have to follow the orders. you don't actually have to be in touch with these people. you don't have to call on a cell phone or e-mail them. you say, hey, you go out and do this and in a disbursed movement like this it is very difficult to kill. >> something else, bob, published in the magazine today by the followers, a reason from al aci himself saying it is a okay to attack women and children in the cause of jihad and says they shouldn't be targets per se but if they happen to be in the way, it is allowed for muslims to attack them. the thing is here, bob, in the letters here, the letters from the osama bin laden letters seem to say the opposite. he is telling his troops be careful about collateral damage so when you look at the two opposite ends of the spectrum, it seems like they were at odds, these two leaders.
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>> brooke, you're right. it is ironic that osama bin laden himself was trying to contain the violence, trying to get away from slaughter. he knew it was counter productive. he couldn't get control over various franchises like in yemen or mali or other places like that. you know, it has been counter productive for islamic militants to go after indiscriminate atly women and children and buildings and the rest of it an i think the best news of this, it is this kind of random violence which will ultimately destroy this movement, how long, i don't know. >> you have looked through these documents, these bin laden documents released today. what is your biggest take away? >> oh, i think that how isolated bin laden was, that after 9/11 he was not only on the run but people weren't listening to him. they were going off in different directions. >> why do you think that was?
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>> i think he never had that much control over the movement. you have to look at 9/11 as pretty much as a pickup team that took on the professionals and got lucky. after that, they didn't really have an important attack except madrid and london and those were easy targets and after that the movement very much fell apart, and i think the fact that they haven't been able to strike since london and madrid has just under cut the attraction of this and ultimately these people are seen to be psychopaths that don't help islam or anything. they have gained nothing at all. >> well, al alack i gone, appreciate it. a lot more in the next hour. watch. never telling me. why? >> someone close to junior seau says he may have been lost, unsure about life after football. i am brooke baldwin.
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the news is now. ls d, mushrooms, drugs of the 60s returning not in the club but in the hospital room. >> i am just sort of passing through here. >> plus disturbing new numbers show america's taking a lot longer to retire. ben stein tells me his thoughts live. on my journey across america, i found new ways to tell people about saving money. this is bobby. say hello bobby. hello bobby. do you know you could save hundreds on car insurance over the phone, online or at your local geico office? tell us bobby, what would you do with all those savings? hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. on the case today what happened to the san diego college student brings a whole new meaning to the term wrongful imprisonment. they admit the agents accidently
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left daniel chung in a cell for nearly five days. he says he was handcuffed, no food, no water, actually had to drink his own urine and tried to commit suicide. agents say they picked up the young man during a raid where they took in eight others as well and found ecstasy pills, pot, ammo and guns and still no explanation of how how they overlooked the engineering student being held for so long. >> he screamed hundreds of times for help. he began to dig into the walls thinking that he could get water that way. >> i had to do what i had to do to survive, you know. i cycled through my own urine. >> chung has now filed a claim against the federal government for $20 million. joey jackson, a defense attorney on the case with us today and 20 million? i am guessing is he going to get that, no. >> that would be my answer, brooke. whenever there is a suit against the federal government, first of
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all, it is tough. we heard the expression it is tough to fight city hall. work that is way with the federal government also. although you can sue under limited circumstances and there is something called the federal torts claim act and under that act you can sue and what you first have to do is what he did, that you file a claim against the entity, the dea, drug enforcement administration. they as an agency have six months to evaluate the claim and the reason $20 million there is federal rules require you to put a specific dollar amount. so that sort of is just a starting point. what i do believe since the facts are uncontested and they are egregious is the agency will evaluate it and they already issued an apology. we have a united states senator saying i want an investigation, and i want policies changed and they will probably admit to this and come up with settlement amount and therefore the case will go away and it won't reach a lawsuit. that's my opinion. >> hang on. hang on. they say i extend my deepest apologies to the young man and
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personally ordered, the he had had of the san diego office, an extensive review of policies and procedure there is and use the word apologize. how does that play into this moving forward? >> i think how it plays is they're going to admit liability they're. here going to admit this was an accident and accidently they left him in a cold window less cell dark for five days and managed to get substance in there, i think methamphetamine, he was hallucinating, ate his glasses, tried to kill himself and i think they will add many it to much of the facts and i think they will move to finding a figure acceptable to the dea, the federal government, and acceptable to the poor 23-year-old that had to endure it and more importantly acceptable to his attorney. >> okay. let's move to new jersey, the case of this mother charged w h with en dangers a child. apparently she likes to tan. however, she is disputing police claims that she let her daughter inside a tanning booth and got burned and the girl is six years
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old. look at this. there aren't words. here are her own words explaining why she says police are wrong. >> there is no room, a. b, i would never permit it. c, it didn't happen. >> okay. her looks aside, her looks aside, joey, how do prosecutors prove this? >> well, with great difficulty. here is why i say this. first of all, the facts are in dispute. she certainly is not admitting anything to the if ekt and saying the opposite and then you move to who else can testify, a child, right, a five-year-old and i don't think the child will be competent enough to testify in a rt ko of law of course and in the event if the child did certainly a traumatic experience and the judge won't let her and you have the tanning salon and if they admit to this they face liability so what do you have, brooke, no witnesses, and so it is going to be a difficult case, i think, moving forward unless of course there are surveillance cameras or other mechanisms in the tanning salon that can demonstrate she snuck her into
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the tanning booth. >> what about the tanning salon itself, could they be held liable. >> i think what we're going to see is something administrative liability. i think they'll get a knock on the door from in jersey authorities that say what kind of regulations are employed here? what kind of supervision mechanisms do you have? do you look and see when customers are coming if they have children and do you have a waiting area? are they allowed to take them in? i think they will be investigated and some administrative penalty or remedy they have to endure. i doubt they get dragged into a court for any monetary damages. >> let me say i had basal cell skin cancer right here last year where a band-aid smack dab in the middle of my face doing the news for a week last year. don't do this. that's my little thing for the day. it is just not smart. wear your spf. thank you. not attractive. in a place where some young men consider rapists 14 is accuse of gang raping a 14-year-old girl are out of jail
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for $67. as billy graham struggles with his elt had, he is coming out here against same sex marriage and just before voters take up the matter you're about to hear from him. ]h(éq# this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. people don't like to miss out on money that should have been theirs.
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that's why at ally we have the raise your rate 2-year cd. you can get a one-time rate increase if our two-year rate goes up. if your bank makes you miss out, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. time for the help desk with answers to your financial questions. greg olson is a certified financial planner and partner and lynnette is the founder of the financial advice blog ask the money thanks for being here. greg, first question to you from atlanta. i purchased my home 20 months
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ago and currently have a 30 year fixed loan at 4.475%. should i consider refinancing? >> you should consider it. recent drop in interest rates might make that be a smart idea. the first thing you should do is look to maybe do a modification with your bank because that would not least expensive option. >> right. >> should that not be available, look to do a refinance. calculate the refinancing costs and see how long the savings on a monthly basis will take you to recoup the refinancing. >> you have to think about the up front costs, absolutely. thank you. lynette, your question from phil in colorado. phil wrote in i am 69 years old and have a large portion of my savings invested in mutual funds. how should i allocate many i assets. >> tough to give specific advice object us yusly without knowing the full fm picture. i would say two things, 69 and thinking about investment strategy, too often i think older people retirees go a little too conservative 6789
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obviously they want to preserve principle. you have to think about the fact we're living longer than ever. you could live potentially decades in retirement, so you want to think about being broadly diversified and have some growth though to power your portfolio and so don't think it has to be cds or money market accounts, very conservative fixed income investments exclusively. make sure you have a mix of stocks in there swm, stocks, bonds, cash, obviously you have to get the right asset allocation and the right mix and a professional will sit down to ultimately review your entire situation. >> thank you both. if you have questions you want answered send us an e-mail any time.
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new development in the
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videotaped gang rape that shocked south africa. earlier today four under aged teens accused of raping a mentally disabled girl were let out of jail on bail and the amount of the bail, $67 each. this is a crime that is filling the streets of johannesburg with demonstrators calling for life sentence for the accused. the four bailed out today are among these eight men and boys charged in the kidnapping and rape here. images of the repeated assaults were captured on cell phone and passed around from one to another to another and the video went viral, and a mom discovered the images of her daughter's phone and called police. a lot more to bring you now. rapid fire, roll it. the mother of florida a&m university band member robert champion says authorities botched the investigation into the hazing that killed their son. pam champion is disappointed the 13 suspects in the case aren't facing more serious charges. she wants the marching band
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disbanded for the next year and says they need to clean house. >> if you don't clean the filth out, it just stays there. right now you can't move forward with business as usual because the filth is still there. we need it cleepd out in order for you to move forward. the reverend billy graham gives his support to a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in north carolina. the 93-year-old says the bible is clear, god's definition of marriage is between a man and a woman, end kwoed. the proposed amendment is on next tuesday's primary ballot and would also ban civil unions and domestic partnerships. watch where you walk in wind mere, florida, and that's why. the family of six forced out of their home by a gigantic sink hole. it is so huge it swallowed four trees. in terms of how big, it is 100 feet in diameter, 50 feet deep, and the hole is still growing.
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look at this. neighbors have been warned it could threaten their homes as well. former republican presidential candidate michelle bachman throwing they are support behind mitt romney today. >> you see, i think for all of america this is a very simple proposition this november. president barack obama, president mitt romney. you decide. very easy. >> bachman endorsed romney this afternoon as the two appeared at a campaign event in virginia. hillary clinton, timothy geithner and other u.s. diplomats are walking a fine line in china as a blind activist declines protection and we will ask why this activist suddenly is changing his mind and there is something big happening this saturday night. it is round, it is bright, it is the super moon. we're going to tell you what to
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expect. ♪ recently, students from 31 countries took part in a science test. the top academic performers surprised some people. so did the country that came in 17th place. let's raise the bar and elevate our academic standards. let's do what's best for our students-by investing in our teachers. let's solve this. sorry. sore knee. blast of cold feels nice. why don't you use bengay zero degrees?
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get me out of here pleads a
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chinese activist to the u.s. and ugly secrets from john edwards inner circumstancel and what's that you say happening in the sky this weekend? time for reporter roulette and begin with joe johns where another of john edwards former aids took the stand in his campaign finance fraud trial. hey, joe. >> brooke, john davis was the close e staffer to former senator john edwards all the way up to the point in january 2008 when he suspended his presidential campaign. davis recounted a moment at the westin south field after he was told reel hunter traveled with edwards to record web videoses about edwards had come to an end. he said he was surprised to meet hunter after weeks of not seeing her and got off an elevator with hunter and got onto another one and continued to his hotel room on the same floor where edwards was staying. davis said he called his wife to tell her what happened and when there was a knock on the door and it was rielle hunter.
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she told him she and senator edwards were in love and edwards was concerned that he, davis, had seen hunter in the hotel. davis said he didn't care because he was focused on the campaign and later he spoke to edwards and ed washds asked if he had run into her. he told davis that rielle hunter was crazy and denied there was an affair. yesterday one of the most intensely emotional parts of the trial came when a former research direct for for john edwards and a friend of the late elizabeth edwards testified that mrs. edwards came so distraught following a "national enquirer" story about the affair she started tearing off her clothes in front of john edwards and all the while saying you don't see me anymore. edwards' daughter kate seated behind the former senator walked out of the courtroom and was seen wiping away tears. the prosecution is trying to show that edwards accepted illegal campaign money to try to cover up the affair and the defense says all edwards was doing was trying to keep information about the affair away from his wife.
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brooke. >> thank you. next reynolds wolf here as we're talking about the moon beams so big this weekend. it is the super moon. >> the super moon. >> i want to say that look i am talking about superman. >> why wouldn't you? take a look. see the shot over my shoulder. how about it? super moon, 14% big certificate how it appears to the human eye according to others and opposite other times. year because this orbit brings it closer to earth than any other time of the year and last time it happened was march 19, 2011, and there are people that say it makes things kind of weird around the planet and makes fish swim backwards and leaves fall back on the trees and all kinds of crazy stuff and the thing we do know is it does affect the tides. there is speculation it may have affected the titanic when it sank back in 1912. >> really? >> to be honest with you i think an iceberg had more to do with it. >> i think it is the iceberg. whatever.
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this picture, it is beautiful. how come in some of the pictures it is brighter, more orange, depending on where you are? >> the reason why it appears more of a bright orange color like this from last year, a spectacular picture, because of all the particulates in the atmosphere. it can be seen better lower in the horizon. as it goes up it has less to filter it and appears smaller and brighter and also more fun to watch lower in the atmosphere. >> i will be in the mountains so i will have a bigger super moon. >> you may have a great view really. bring your cam are. >> i will. i hope all of you send us tweets and mib we will get them monday. next on reporter roulette talk about to stan grant in bejing talking about chen guangcheng. you spoke to him in the last hour or so. what's it is update today? >> just touched base and now of course he is holed up in this hospital here in bejing getting very much needed medical treatment. of course he has been ill for
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some time now while he endured 18 months of what he calls brutal house arrest. he says he is persisting with his desire to leave china. he no longer feels safe here. he doesn't trust the chinese government to allow his family to live safely and wants to go to the united states. i also spoke to ambassador gary locke, the u.s. ambassador here in bejing, and he says that he did want to stay in china. he asked him repeatedly the other day are you sure you want to leave the embassy time and again chen said yes, i do. i want to stay in china. i want to be a freedom fighter. i want to continue my fight and fight for the rights of people here in china. he changed his mind. he now discovered threats were made against his family and there were threats of violence against his wife and when the guards discovered that he escaped house arrest his wife was taken away, bound to a chair for two days and beaten with sticks and now he says they can no longer live here and he is appealing to president obama to
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do all he can and get the family out of china. >> this is so confusing. you broke into the soe show yesterday and he was saying he was furious with the u.s. and felt like they misled him and now he is backing off the clamsz and is he not telling the whole truth? >> he is going through a very, very tumultuous time here, brooke, this is someone of course who had to escape house arrest and he was injured in that escape and he spent six days inside the embassy and all of the stories swirling around him and he had secretary of state clinton arriving here that ramped up the pressure and china on one side and the u.s. on the other and this blind activist in the middle. he did feel as if he wanted to stay. he told the u.s. he wanted to stay. after leaving the embassy and going to the hospital he spoke to his wife and learned about the level of threat that his family is facing and knew he could no longer trust the government here. he did feel let down and felt
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there wasn't enough information being provided to him before he made this decision and now he is appealing to the u.s. to try to get him out of here for the sake of his family. >> okay. stan grant, i know you're on it. thank you, sir. that is your reporter roulette on thursday. one person close to junior seau, the man that drafted him said the nfl great was having trouble finding his way after football. that's not the only detail he revealed. you're about to hear from him.
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he projected an air of invincibility and not the mention the last man you wanted to see coming at you if you were carrying the ball. former nfl star junior seau must have been dealing with demon that is no one ever knew about. the shock of his apparent suicide is now hanging over the league, hanging over his fans, and i spoke with dilley duvane who drafted him for the san diego chargers in 1990 and he says he was having trouble finding the next step in life
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after the nfl. >> junior and people that know junior know what a passion for the nfl that he had and also for life and for living and having a good time and that's what makes this thing so surreal. the type of person junior is or junior was. >> billy, i was talking to someone yesterday after the news broke who worked with him closely on a of it show called sports jobs and he described how he talked about his time at the league as a longing, a longing for the career. would you say, do you corroborate that? >> oh, yeah. you know what, junior probably took it to the degree just because of the competitive nature and to get to this level and to get to be an nfl player, sure, you have to have a certain hunger and certain desire and certain competitiveness and a love for the game and these guys that play, sure, there is a lot of money involved, you know that, and a lot of hurt and
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whatnot. >> prestige. >> players know the risk and every one of them in the game today love what they're doing and understanding what the risks are and junior was certainly one of the guys but like i said he had a love for the game of football and for the nfl that i have never seen before. >> billy, you talked about this tight circle of friends. were they at all worried about him? did they ever express any of that? >> yeah, we talked about that, certainly not to this degree. they were worried about him because they love the guy and he they wanted to see what his next step, was what he was going to be involved in and heavily involved in the foundation and he loved doing that, and a lot of charity work, and still trying to figure out, okay, what 43 years old, what's the next step going to be? that was the only concern, what direction he was going to go, but thirdly, not any kind of concern like this would happen.
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>> thank you, billy devayne. new numbers showing americans taking longer to retire that impacts every one of you, economist, octoberor, friend of our show ben stein has thoughts. we will chat on that one. he will join me live. judge u.s. just in, news about facebook and the move to go public. well, in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. like the transatlantic cable that connected continents. and the panama canal that made our world a smaller place. we supported the marshall plan that helped europe regain its strength. and pioneered the atm, so you can get cash when you want it. it's been our privilege to back ideas like these, and the leaders behind them. so why should our anniversary matter to you?
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because for 200 years, we've been helping people and their ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪
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just into us at cnn we're learning how facebook will price itself when it goes public. allison live in the new york stock exchange. allison, tell me about the when and the how much. >> when is on may 18th. that is the date right now that we're hearing. how much, facebook shares when they're traded publicly can go anywhere from $28 to 35 dollars. that's what they will be traded at once they do hit the market on the nasdaq actually on may 18th. keep in mind this is a proposed price range for the shares. it is sort of a preliminary target and it change many times before it goes public.
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you look at what other ipos did and they were priced well above the planned range and even though this is a $28 to $35 range it could go even higher than that. keep in mind what facebook is in the middle of is getting ready for the roadshow to happen on monday when it goes around to big institutional investors and tries to convince them to buy bu the company and likely that mark zuckerberg will be involved in this roadshow and even after this roadshow the price range that i just mentioned can change after that and can change several times. if they do get that $35 price range, though, they will be telling 337 million shares out there to anyone who wants to buy them. if they do get that price, in this ipo, facebook would raise $11.8 billion, just from the ipo. >> a mighty number to wrap your head around. >> it is. >> we'll look for you reporting on "the situation room" with mr. blitzer coming up. used to be you would work your rear end off, save money, pay down the house and retire early
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around age 60. check this out. according to an april survey the average worker expects to chuck the daily grind at age 67. i want to bring in our friend, economist, actor, ben stein. hello there, sir. here is my question, is this really happening? are people really working later or think they're going to have to? >> well, civil servants that have a nice pension are not working later. if they are out in the private sector which is by far the largest part of the economy, not only are they working later, but they are not going to be able to retire at all in most cases. the retirement catastrophe that awaits american workers in the private sector is far bigger than the numbers that you are quoting indicate. >> not going to -- >> not going to be able to retire at all. >> working, working, working, up until the very end? >> i think so. the majority of americans
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approaching retirement age have less than $100,000 in retirement assets. >> wow. >> that is not going to provide them with anywhere near enough to live on. i recently spoke to the head of a large insurance company that sells annuities and he says the number of middle class americans to retire at the same lifestyle they presently enjoy is between 5 and 7%. that means that 19 out of 20 roughly will not be able to retire at the same lifestyle or not retire at all. >> okay. here is my question to you. if people really are working very, very late in their years, it has to be more difficult for them to find work. what kind of work are we talking about? >> it is. well, there are some jobs that have mandatory retirement ages. for those people i don't know what they will do. wal-mart i am told recently did away with the greeters which was a great job for older people. i don't know what kind of jobs people will take. we are looking at a retirement catastrophe for middle income and upper middle income and
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lower middle income people of staggering dimensions and comes at a time when the federal government is broke, cannot bail them out, the great majority of americans lived through one giant stock market crash, one giant real estate crash, and another giant stock market crash and just recovering now and the losses to the savings of americans have been devastating. >> what do we do about that? we're now looking ahead and progress noss indicating what will happen and all the people that rely on social security and putting money away, will they have it to rely on in the end? >> i think unless they're very high income they will have the retirement income. i think they will cut out retirement income from social security for high income americans but for middle income americans they will get it. it is a trivial amount. at the very most you get is very roughly $2,000 a month. that is not a lot to live on in today's world. go shopping at a grocery store and tell me if you think you can live on $2,000. what the others will do, i don't know.
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we're facing for older citizens in a private sector, we are facing something equivalent to a great depression for people in the public sector, policeman, firemen, fire fighters, i should say and police people, those people are set. for the rest of us, it is going to really be a crisis. it is a crisis on a scale no one can imagine. >> that do we do to mitigate the crisis? what's the take away? >> the take away is that the government will not be able to do it for you. your employer won't be able to do it for you. you can't count on the stock market to do it for you. you have to save more. the crisis is americans are not saving. for a few quarters during the great recession worst part recently americans had greatly stepped up the rate of savings. now it is cut back again as they want to spend more. there is no way out of this box except greatly diminished living standards for the older americans. there is no way out. we're stuck now. >> okay. i am working hard.
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i tell you, i am looking forward to -- >> you're very young. you're very young. you can put away enough to tide you over. young people your age can easily do it. i am talking about americans in their 40s, 50s, 60s, here in trouble. sorry. i wish i could say better things. >> wah, wah. >> thank you. >> you can leave your car with a valet thinking they're just going to park it, right? this one guy did not do that as one reporter found out. the man takes the car on the highway, down the dirt roads to his home and there is video. emily's just starting out... and on a budget.
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like a ramen noodle- every-night budget. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach. until she heard about the value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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i know a lot of you like cruises. maybe you have taken a cruise out of port canaveral, florida. this is not a cruise story. this is about the car you may have left parked while you cruised and the trip it took while you were away at sea. here is jeff deale from our florida affiliate wftv. >> 0 to 60 in 3.6 seconds, one hot car, fire red, 430 horsepower v 8 engine and $60,000 and 2012 corvette, the kind of car you love to take for a spin and the kind of car you hate to leave in someone else's hands. sometimes that's what people do. especially cruise passengers looking to set sail on vacation, lots like premiere parking spot in cocoa offer to watch your car on vacation and shuttle to you the port in style. eyewitness news got a tip the
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owner of premier parks spot was known to take customer's keys and then take their cars for a ride. to investigate we rented the flashy convertible corvette and equipped it with a gps tracking device and sent a husband and wife in the sports car headed for vacation to drop the car off at premiere to see what would happen. sure enough, the temptation was too much. just six hours later with the couple long gone, the gps tracking device sent us a text message alerting the car was in motion and that's when we captured this video of him and another employee joy riding in our car and peeling out on dirt roads and we saw them taking ta the corvette in front of nieves' home, later that night and eventually parking it at applebee's. our computer gps system shows nieves even parked it at his home overnight. two days later we watched him drive it all over town rounding
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errands. he went to ace hardware this is nieves walking from the store to the car with a friend. later he loaded it up with lumber and even allowed the car to run around in the customer's car. finally when he left it in a parking lot near his business with the top down and door open for more than 20 minutes we'd seen enough. >> whose car are you guys driving today? do you think it's okay to drive customers' cars? >> his female employee didn't say much and when we confronted nieves, he played dumb. >> whose car are you guys driving out there? >> whose car are we driving? >> the red corvette. >> i'm not driving anybody's car, why? >> you guys are driving that car all over town. what are you talking about? >> even though we had all this video. let me show you something, jay. let me show you this video. do you recognize this road right here? do you recognize those people right there in that car? >> we're not driving anybody's car. jamie evans flat-out lied and denied he ever took a joyride in
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a customers' car. >> you're going to say you weren't driving that car? tell us the truth, be honest with us. >> you're completely wrong. >> wow! surprise for people coming off their cruise in florida this past monday, the sheriff's office says no one from premiere parking picked up the returning passengers after they took a cab to the perimeter lot, wftv reports they found cars with keys in the doors and no employees in sight. wow! now let's check in with one of my favorite people. i know, right? you shake your head. >> that was a great story. >> right? finding this car all over town? >> yea. >> i know. >> yikes! >> congratulations to that team. >> wftv. good for them. >> hi, wolf. >> nice to speak to you. >> what's going on? you know, the ush, how about you? >> we have two hours of serious news. guess who will be here live in "the situation room" for the next hour? >> you got me.
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>> newt gingrich. >> oh, really? >> after suspending his campaign. >> right. >> -- yesterday, he's coming in today and we'll talk to him and we've got good stuff and i want to review a little bit about the past and look ahead to the future and what will go on with the former speaker of the house. he's going sit down with me, and we've got some questions. i asked my followers out there on twitter what would you ask him and they came up with pretty good questions and i'm looking forward to the interview with newt gingrich, now the former presidential candidate. we'll see what's next on his agenda now that this part of his -- i guess this part of his career is over with. this chapter is over. >> we'll look for it, wolf. >> you promise you'll watch, right? >> promise. cross my heart. >> drugs, lsd, mushrooms and psychedelic drugs. i'm not talking woodstock. i'm talking the hospital. goodnight, outdated. goodnight old luxury and all of your wares.
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goodnight bygones everywhere. [ engine turns over ] good morning, illumination. good morning, innovation. good morning unequaled inspiration. [ male announcer ] the audi a8, chosen by car & driver as the best luxury sedan in a recent comparison test. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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psychedelic drugs. those two words perhaps conjure up visions of long-haired hippies at woodstock and communes, the '60s, you get it. those mind-numbing drugs can help cancer patients who face death. cnn cnn's deborah feyerick explains. >> if someone were to say how did you feel on your worst day? is this a pretty good representation? >> i think so. just dark and wretch ed and -- >> gloomy.
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>> with incurrable stage 4 cancer spreading through her body, the artist decided she had little to lose. early one morning in a manhattan doctor's office, she put on headphones, laid down and swallowed a powerful psychedelic drug with the same chemical properties as the magic mushrooms that came to define the woodstock generation of the '60s. >> it was a wonderful, visual world of colors and figures and motion, and more profound than that, for me was a feeling of being connected through time to other artists through a creative force and to a feeling of peace. >> reporter: in combination with therapy, that feeling lasted nearly five months, though for some people taking part in this fda-approved new york university study, the feeling has lasted even longer. because it's in the same legal category as cocaine, heroin and
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crystal meth, the drug is kept under lock and key. >> so this is it. >> reporter: this small vial contains the active ingredient in magic mushrooms and is valued at $12,000. dr. stephen ross, an addiction specialist at nyu has been give know a license by drug agents to test whether the drug can end stage cancer patients like norma. >> i've been very surprised in terms of patients having reduction or resolution of death anxiety, decreased depression and living their lives more meaningfully, attracting family members. >> reporter: dr. gus is one of the main investigators. >> sometimes people with cancer begin to die earlier than their body actually dies. they begin to withdraw and feel like life has no purpose. life has no meaning. >> reporter: the trial is only in its second phase, but a single dose helps people with terminal cancer let go of lifelong behaviors and habits. >> it's our hope that helping
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them have a spiritual or mystical experience will awaken and relatively quickly, awaken a new way of understanding themselves. >> reporter: norma warren, a naturally positive person says she is now more at peace. >> a feeling of being connected to people, the universe, the past, the present and i'm just sort of passing through here. >> i'm just so glad she feels better, deborah feyerick. people are wondering who gets into this study? how are they screened? >> it's very interesting. doctors are screening them very carefully. anyone with a mental disorder, bipolar and schizophrenia, they're not eligible because doctors don't know what effect this drug will have, but anyone with stage 4 cancer can participate in this study and it's not the indiscriminate mushroom taking that we identified the '60s with. it is very measured and patients get one dose and one dose only
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and what it does, brooke, it accelerates -- say you've been in therapy for five years. this accelerates that whole process so you're at a much higher level, much faster and from there you can go on and figure out exactly the associations, and it's a really interesting study and there are five others that are now ongoing at ucla, at johns hopkins. so it's pretty interesting. and it's not addictive and that's why these doctors are so fascinated by the potential that this offers especially for people who can't let go of that terrible fear and the anxiety and what does my life mean now? >> just release and continue on as long as they have. deb feyerick. that was fascinating and i thank you for that. now to wolf blitzer and "the situation room" begins right now. >> thank you very much. diplomatic crisis proving to be mission impossible for the white house. now a chinese dissident who sought refuge at the u.s.


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