tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 5, 2012 8:00am-9:30am EDT
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officially kicks off his campaign today in ohio. we'll take you there live. also a colombian prostitute speaks. >> they're a bunch of fools. they're responsible for obama's security and they still let this happen. >> her story about what really happened the night she met u.s. secret service agents. do you know how ugly you are? we'll explain why bullying activists are so worried about it. good morning, everyone. i'm randi kaye, it is 8:00. thanks for waking up with us. let's get you caught up with some news. we start with the court appearance we'll all be watching. the man accused of planning the 9/11 attacks will be charged during a military tribunal. he and four others are being arraigned in guantanamo bay, cuba. mohammed is the alleged mastermind of 9/11, blamed for the attack that killed nearly 3,000 people. it will be a rare look at the
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man now dubbed ksn. he's probably the most notorious terrorist alive in the world. our pentagon correspondent, chris lawrence, is in gonuantano bay, cuba. chris, attorneys are saying today could shape up to be a legal circus, why is that? >> reporter: well, nobody knows what the other defendants are going to say. in past court appearances, ksm has boasted of planning the attacks on september 11th, taking credit for it, having a swagger, as one family member described it. so no one knows how this is going to play out except khalid sheikh mohammed and those other defendants. they could plead guilty and then move towards more of a sentencing type phase or plead not guilty and khalid sheikh mohammed could stay on the soap box and have more opportunity to
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bash the united states. >> chris, i want to ask you about what may happen actually in court today. is there a chance this could get delayed even again? >> reporter: it is, because, randi, some of the defense is going to bring some motions objecting to some of the conditions here at dpaguantanam bay, including they allege the government has been opening, reading some of the correspondence, the written letters between these defendants and their attorneys, which they say violates attorney/client privilege. i spoke with some of the family members last night who journeyed here. they are all here right now. some of them are very emotional about the length of time this has taken. you know, this was arraigned, looked like it was going to be over an then the rules had to be rewritten. it got referred to federal court in new york and then brought
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back here. they say there is only one outcome that would be satisfactory to them. >> it has to be the death penalty. it doesn't have to be an ugly death. you can select what you wish off the menu. but they have experts that deal with that. >> life in prison drags it out. and it costs us government money. and it just -- it lingers in the back of your head that these people are still alive. i mean they're not glorious, and it would bring closure. >> hopefully. >> reporter: and that is something that a lot of the families are looking for here. they say they are not afraid to look ksm in the eye. they want to see him and they want to at least get started on the road to closure. >> and, chris, in terms of the
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defense, isn't it going to be tough, considering that some of them have already admitted plotting the attacks? >> reporter: indeed, but because these charges were referred without prejudice, pretty much all of this is in the past. these defendants could come in and please not guilty if they want to drag this out. the defense attorneys obviously have a vested interest in keeping ksm and the other defendants from going off on some rant which could alienate the 12 military officers that will decide their fate, but ultimately how much actual control they have over their clients, that remains really to be seen. >> chris lawrence for us at guantanamo bay. chris, thank you very much. a blind chinese activist may end up coming to the u.s. in a dramatic turn-around, the chinese government says that chen guangcheng can apply for a travel visa.
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he's under guard at a hospital in beijing after leaving the u.s. embassy where he had sought refuge from house arrest. president obama officially kicks off his re-election campaign today in the battleground state of ohio. the president has stopped in ohio 20 times since taking office. mitt romney has been there twice in just the last month. cnn's political editor, paul steinhauser is there for us right now. i know you haven't been there 20 times but it's nice to have you there this morning. any indication of who the voters in ohio are supporting? >> reporter: ohio is such an important state, mitt romney coming back here again early next week on monday, the president here today. take a look at this, this is the latest polling in ohio. quinnipiac university just came out the other day and it's dead even here, a two-point margin for the president. it's all tied up here in ohio. that's why you're going to see mitt romney and president obama here over and over between now
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and election day, which is just six months away now, or six months to go. randi, hovering all over this is the economy and that jobs report that came out yesterday. you saw the unemployment level inching down from 8.2 to 8.1%. not as many new jobs created as expected and both gentlemen will be talking about the economy. listen, it's obvious, mitt romney is trying to make this election a referendum on president obama and the job he is doing on creating jobs. it is as simple as that, randi. >> how do you think the president will try to frame the jobs report today there? >> reporter: well, you heard him yesterday. the president commenting yesterday late morning about the jobs report. again, he talked about trying to recover from the worst economic recession since the great depression, so the idea is when he came into office he's trying to make the point things are really bad and he's trying to fix it. he touted the number of jobs created and talked about not going back to the philosophy, the strategies, the policies of
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the republicans, which he says got us in this mess in the first place and he said mitt romney would do that. so you'll see both gentlemen battling about the economy between now and election day. here in ohio the unemployment rate is a little lower than the national average, 7.5% here, 8.1% nationally. >> do you expect that he'll have the same message, because the obamas are heading to virginia as well. >> reporter: yeah in, virginia as well the unemployment level is slightly below the national average. behind me to the right, five hours from now is where the president will have his rally. behind me is the cnn election express. you'll see a lot of that between now and november. >> one day, paul, i hope you invite me on that bus. i've never been on it in all these years. >> reporter: come on board, come on board. >> all right, will do. paul steinhauser, nice to see you. thank you. planned parenthood says it will consider a legal challenge to a new arizona law that cuts off state funds for the organization. the law signed yesterday by
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governor jan brewer prevents taxpayer money for being used for nonabortion services, even though arizona already bans the use of public money for abortions except for certain situations. supporters say the broader ban is needed to make sure no public money indirectly supports abortions. a former adviser to john edwards says he warned him to stay away from rielle hunter but the aide says edwards told him that he, quote, didn't need a baby-sitter. it was the latest twist in the case which centers on whether edwards used campaign cash to cover up an extramarital affair and then lied about it. before you go to sleep tonight make sure you get a look at the moon, or the super moon. there's no way to miss it, it's huge. the moon may appear up to 14% larger and nearly a third brighter than any other full moon this year. for the best views, nasa says look on the horizon right after sunset. reynolds, when is actually the best time to see this so-called super moon?
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>> it really is interesting. it should be directly overhead for each time zone when you get to 11:30, but i think nasa is right. when it gets up over the horizon it's going to appear bigger because you have mor water vapor and dust. look at this one from march of just last year. you can see a little volcanic dust gave it that reddish hue, just beautiful. coming up we'll give you a specific forecast of where the best spots around the nation will be to view this incredible phenomenon. >> my view is going to be at my pillow at that hour. >> exactly. >> all right, thank you. she is the woman at the center of the scandal that's humiliated the secret service. now in her own words, hear her explain what really happened that night. plus, there is a fight going on in north carolina over an amendment that would strictly define marriage in that state. time is running out for voters. the showdown sure is getting ugly. we're talking with a man at the center of the debate.
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secret service agents buying and drinking alcohol like it was water, acting crazy, dancing on bar tops and leaving sensitive files open in hotel rooms. that's what a now former escort is saying about the colombian prostitution scandal that's implicated two dozen members of the secret service and the military. donna suarez gave her story. she offered a laundry list aimed at the agents and i talked with it with drew griffin. the woman did not know these guys were secret service agents, otherwise she said she wouldn't have turned them into police. >> it was an amazing moment in this very casual interview, i should say, randi, because the secret service was really intent on making sure that the prostitutes, the girls or whatever, did not know they were secret service agents.
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so that would mean that the president's security was never threatened. but she says this probably would have never happened had she known that. it started out as a very casual kind of party in a bar it sounds like. some outlandish behavior, a lot of drinking, a lot of fun. one of her friends even attracted to one of these secret service agents, whom again she said she had no idea who they were. >> and she says these guys were dancing on the bar and drinking a lot of vodka and pulling up their shirts and then a friend introduced them? >> that's right. i mean it sounded like your typical rowdy, raucous pickup scene. and that's where she says it led. >> translator: my friends nor i, we didn't know they were agents, you know, obama's agents and then we left and we went to this place to buy condoms and then we went to the hotel. who went? well, my friend -- well, she's not really a friend, she's an
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acquaintance and the agent who was with me and the other one, the four of us. and then my friend went with him because she liked him. no, i don't understand because she liked him. it wasn't the same thing i was doing. >> and what she says she was doing she admits was trying to get payment for, quote unquote, escort services. she said she and the agent she was paired with had an agreement, an $800 gift if she spent the night in the hotel room and she did. she went in at 1:30 to 6:30. she won't say what happened, but she will say what happened after it ended. >> so what happened the next morning? because the hotel called and said that she had to go. >> that's right. and she wakes up the agent, whom she's just a friend, right, and says it's time to pay me. take a listen to what she says happened next. >> translator: i told him to wake up and give me my gift that i asked him for and he says no. just go [ bleep ], i'm not going to pay you.
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and then he just 50,000 pesos for the taxi. i was like -- i was in shock in that moment when he just said that. >> 50,000 pesos is about 30 bucks. she was not going to leave with $30 after being promised 800. she spent the next three hours getting the colombian police, getting other agents to pool their resources, eventually leaves with $250, not knowing until the next day this was all, quote unquote, obama's agents. >> wow. and that's money other agents pooled together. >> that's right. this guy would not open his door. >> wow. so now she's saying that selling her body is not something she's going to do anymore, according to this interview, but she's not opposed, i guess, to posing in men's magazines? >> not opposed. it's been rumored there's some deals in the works. let's face it, it's been two weeks since her claim to fame. she's probably still figuring
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out why she's going to go with this. >> drew griffin, thank you. >> our thanks to drew griffin. so how do you dwoefine marriage? that is the question asked of voters in north carolina and it is creating a firestorm. we wade into the debate next. and an ivy league education costs big bucks, but now there's a way you can take the classes without having to dole out all that cash. mario armstrong joins us to tell us how. i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix, that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor. i'm committed to making a difference in people's lives, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now.
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good morning, washington. it's about 17 minutes past the hour. welcome back to cnn saturday morning. in just three days, north carolina voters will be making a big decision at the polls. the decision to change their state's constitution with amendment one. so what is amendment one? it's a measure that will define marriage as only between a man and a woman, something several other states have done. but this amendment goes a step further. not only would it ban same-sex marriage, which is already illegal in north carolina, it would also invalidate civil unions and domestic partnerships between unmarried heterosexual couples too. as you can imagine, the measure raises all kinds of legal questions and is causing a heap of controversy. both sides are spending millions to convince voters. recent polling has the amendment passing right now with a 54-40
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margin. this morning we are focusing on amendment one talk with supporters and opponents. everyone gets a voice. joining me now, a leading voice against the amendment, reverend william barber, president of the north carolina naacp. reverend, good morning to you. thank you for being here. >> good morning. >> what concerns you most about amendment one? what is your fear if this amendment does pass tuesday? >> first of all, the naacp and our people's coalition of more than 125 organizations, how people feel about same-sex marriage religiously or personally is a matter of their conscience. but the real question here is do we want to support codifying and voting on placing discrimination and hate and division in our constitution. do we want to follow groups like the family research council that have been listed as a hate group who have said clearly that the goal of these type is not so much about marriage but about splitting democratic party
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constituencies. do we want to follow those who have fought us in every area on voting rights, civil rights, they cut public education by $1.6 billion. they tried to pass a voter i.d. law, tried to repeal the racial justice act, they have given money to the wealthy rather than deal with the fact we have 1.6 million people in poverty in north carolina. and now they want to ask us to codify discrimination in our constitution, to literally put up for a public vote people's constitutional rights to try to get a state constitution to trump the federal constitution and the 14th amendment, equal protection under the law. this is a very dangerous precedent -- >> reverend, let me just jump in here for a second because last year i spoke to representative paul sham and i want you to hear what he told me about melissa, a woman in a lesbian relationship for ten years who will lose hr and her daughter's health insurance if the amendment is passed because her wife is working for the government. listen to this.
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>> the vast majority of governmental insurance would not cover her child anyway, and those handful of cities and counties that have it of that nature, if they reformat it so that they want to cover the unmarried household members and all the children, they could do that if they want to. now, that would be very poor insurance policy, but it would be legal if they want to do that. >> so he's talking about reformatting their status. i guess you can call them roommates instead of wives. what is your take on this? >> well, the problem is, first of all, you have to know the source. again, this is an ultra conservative tea party-type ideology trying to split the community. this is bad law. they didn't allow any of the family lawyers across this state, and every one of them at every law school said this is bad law because it will hurt even heterosexual families because it does not recognize
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any other domestic union. it will hurt children, it will hurt those that need protection in domestic violence issues. it's bad law. there was no public comment on those laws. then when you check somebody like the senate you just mentioned, look at the rest of the record. he stood against us on voting rights, he stood against us on dealing with disparities in the criminal justice system, he tried to repeal the racial justice act. this is nothing more than ultra conservative regressive tea party-type ideology trying to split the community and it's bad, particularly in the south where we talk about a state's rights agenda to trump the equal protection clause. >> let me ask you very quickly, because the naacp doesn't take a stance on same-sex marriage. i'm curious why that is and maybe in light of issues like these coming up on the ballot, might the naacp reconsider? >> no, that's really actually the wrong question. we believe that is a matter of religion, a matter of conviction, a matter of conscience. this is a matter of constitution. and since the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments
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to the constitution, we have never narrowed constitutional rights, we've always expanded them. when we did write narrow things into the constitution, it cost us 250 years of slavery and 100 years of jim crow. we originally wrote women out of the constitution, we wrote poor white people out of the constitution. the general assembly is not the council. the reality is we should never seek -- however we feel about same-sex marriage, we should never seek to codify discrimination, hate and division into the constitution. on those grounds when you ask people that question and let them know who's behind this, what it will do, we find the polling is much different. people can be against same-sex marriage personally and religiously, they have a right to do that, but they also find themselves standing against this amendment because they understand that is fund mentally contrary to the american way and constitutional value to vote on people's rights, to put people's constitutional rights up for a public vote. that's the debate we should
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have. we're not voting on how you feel religiously or otherwise about same-sex marriage, we are voting on the constitution. >> reverend william barber, thank you very much for your time. appreciate that. >> thank you so much. god bless you. still ahead, want a free ivy league education? i'll tell you how to get one, seriously. to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. (female announcer) most life insurance companies look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. we're bringing humanity back to life insurance.
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happy cinco de mayo, everybody. the festivities getting under way a little early in washington, d.c., on the national mall there with some food, some dancing and some arts and crafts. of course it all goes back to this day in 1862. that's when the mexican army defeated their french rivals during the franco-mexican war. it is starting to look like an ivy league free for all. top colleges, harvard, stanford, princeton and mit are offering free, yes, free online courses if you can get your hands on a computer. mario armstrong, hln's digital lifestyle expert, joining me now from baltimore to talk about this. >> hey, good morning. >> this got our attention but it sounds a little too good to be true. is it for real, seriously?
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>> it is for real. this is serious. the bottom line is education in america needs to change. it needs to be more accessible to people that cannot necessarily afford it or get to it. now, what you get with these universities, there's two different kinds of programs going on. one is called ed-x which is a combination of harvard and mit. the other combination is with stanford, university of pennsylvania, university of michigan, princeton, and that's going through a program called corsera. both these programs don't give you a degree but they give you a certificate. you don't get credit but you can achieve mastery of a specific skill. i talked to a lot of people who are laid off, looking for work, and this is a way for them to access the education necessary to do so. >> so can anyone take these classes? as long as you have a computer, you can do it? >> as long as you can get online. whether that's at home or at a public library, as long as you
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can get online because you do this at your own pace, on your own time. you learn incrementy, they embed video lectures into this, interactive embedded quizzes into it. it's really the best form to me, interactive learning is a great form. not just online but interactive learning is great learning and anyone can take it. so if you have a young student that really wants to achieve mastery in building circuits, you can take that mit class. >> and you get a certificate, as you said, not a degree. >> that's right. but hey, if you can make it through the process, it's still not easy. these are still college-level courses. they haven't dumbed down the material, so it's still going to be credible or at least some virginia to be able to have this type of certificate. so i hope that what you'll see, you'll start seeing these things on resumes. you might see these on people's linkedin pages, things like that where they can prove what their expertise and background and education is. >> got it. before i let you go, your ipad
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can now help you study like a good college student as well but it can also, from what i understand, help you drink like one? >> yes, it can. >> maybe a few too many times last night? >> here's the deal. i wouldn't recommend this for just any use of this is pad charger. but if you have any extra ipad chargers laying around an a good old sombrero around the house, for cinco de mayo, you might find people using this to open a bottle of beer. >> should we call it cinco de mario then? >> tech style. >> very, very cool, love the hat. >> take care. join us every saturday at this time as mario armstrong, not always holding a beer and wearing a sombrero, gives us the scoop on the latest technology. hot or not? just check the ugly app. what is an ugly app?
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welcome back. i'm randi kaye. thanks for starting your day with us. when your friends won't tell you the truth, the ugly meter will. that is the motto of one of the newest smartphone apps that has become an unlikely best seller. using a picture of your face, the ugly meter rates your attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 100, 1 being the ugliest, 100 being the most attractive. if you don't make a perfect score, it will tell you why. like this one. your longer face is less attractive. your eyes are slightly too far apart. the app creators say it started as a joke but not everyone is laughing about it. joe overline is one of the app's creators. good morning to you. >> hi, how are you doing. >> i want to explain how this works because you say there's real science behind this. >> yeah, ugly meter pro uses facial recognition technology to
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actually scan your face and takes 100 points of measurement and measures different ratios and symmetry to give you a beauty rating. >> that does sound like science. >> it is. >> let's look at some of the celebrities the app has rated. take a look at these. we have mitt romney, he got a 66, i believe. barack obama got a 74. oprah got a 42. and brad pitt got a 91. that's pretty impressive. beyonce got a 92, even more impressive. i'm curious, have you ever scanned yourself and what was your rating? >> yeah, i unfortunately come in at about a 32. >> 32? >> and i can't argue with my own app, so -- >> you do expect the ugly meter to make a million dollars in sales, right? just this month? >> if we keep on track, we should hit it this month. >> why do you think it's been so successful? >> well, vanity is something everybody has, everybody is interested in. when people get up in the morning, everybody looks in the mirror and wonders how they look
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and this gives a new answer. >> were you surprised by the success? >> yeah, we never expected it to sell. it's just something we did for fun and it took off from there. >> i know you think it's fun but not everybody thinks a joke and some parenting and bullying experts are concerned about it. here's some feedback i want to share from they say what the app developers don't realize is how readily available they have made another tool for bullying. kids have found countless ways to bully via facebook and texting but with this app there's another means at their disposal. what is your response to that? >> well, the app has been out for over two years and there's never been one reported case of bullying. there's hundreds of bully tools out there that they call bully tools. but it's never happened. i think people that are reasonably intelligent understand that apps are for fun and this is an app that's for fun too. it's pretty simple. >> bullying is something we talk about on the show and a couple of weeks ago we had a 14-year-old girl who had a picture taken of her at school and friends distorted it and
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made her look fat and wrote horrible things about her on this fake facebook page. does it at all concern you that it could be added to the bullying tools one day? >> bullies will be bullies. if they don't use this, they'll use something else so i don't believe that any of the responsibility lies with us. it was made to be for fun and we think people take it that way. >> you're a father yourself, right? >> yeah, i have a 5-year-old son. >> so you don't see any irresponsibility at all? >> no. i think parents need to take responsibility for your own kids. i take responsibility for my son. if he's a bully or being bullied, that's something i need to deal with as a parent. i don't need to put the blame on apps or violence in movies or video games. i need to be a parent. >> and to those who say this is just another tool, so why give them another tool to do it? >> well, they can say that about anything. bullying is a hot topic. they like to find the next thing to try to blame bullying on. but it's completely fabricated by the press. there's never been any uses of ugly meter bullying.
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>> any plans to develop more? >> yeah, we hired on more programmers. we're doing a lot of different apps. we make different things. we make games and other stuff too, yeah. >> all right, thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thanks. it is the biggest full moon of the year and it is almost upon us, but what makes this moon so super? planning a trip with your family can be time-consuming, especially if you are looking for places to stay that allow pets. cnn's producer reports for this week's travel insider. >> reporter: hi, i'm jamie, a producer at cnn and this is rambo, our little mini poodle. my husband and i, we live in atlanta, georgia, and we've been looking for some pet friendly vacations good for ram bow. our favorite is hilton head, south carolina. go get 'em! if you're looking to book a pet friendly trip, i suggest you search for pet friendly hotels or recommendations at out of all the websites this is the most reliable.
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we booked a condo instead of a hotel for a low rate. just keep in mind that if you bring fido, it could cost more. some places require a dog fee. and if you want your pooch on the beach all day, plan your trip before memorial day or after labor day. during the summer, your pup can only be on the beach leashed before 10:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m. if you think planning a dog vaca is hard, think again. besides hotels, there are also pet friendly restaurants. we found a few in hilton head that offer a dog menu. if you travel with your pet, you don't have to find someone to watch him and hilton head made it easy to enjoy a weekend away as a family. >> that's hilton head, south carolina. see life in the best light.
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♪ you've got to fight for your right to party ♪ >> it was the song that helped transform three jewish guys from brooklyn into the ground-breaking rap group, the beasty boys, but that trio has lost one of its founding members. he has died after a three-year battle with cancer at the age of 47. the multi-talented youk is survived by his wife and daughter. reaction to his death is pouring in from the music world and beyond. here is some of what we found from twitter. from eminem, i think it's obvious to anyone how big an influence the beastie boys were
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on me and so many others. justin timberlake says that he is, quote, crushed to hear the news of adam's passing call him a true pioneer of art. new york senator chuck schumer tweeting born and bred in brooklyn, usa, they call him adam yauch but he's mca. rip adam. later today, three astronauts will be inducted into the u.s. astronaut hall of fame joining the ranks of john glenn and sally ride, including charlie precord who was inside columbia in 1993 when a valve sprung a leak causing a dangerous engine shutdown. he survived and will be honored today in florida. joining him will be dr. franklin chang diaz, he holds the record for flying in the most space missions, seven, tied with astronaut jerry ross. diaz has spent more than 1600 hours in space.
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general kevin chillton has been a commander. as for colonel precourt, he was a shuttle mission specialist and spacecraft commander. the ceremony starts at 3:00 eastern time. you will want to look into the heavens tonight. the biggest and brightest moon of the year will be on display. when is the best time to get the best citing of this? reynolds is keeping tabs on the skies for us. >> we need to synchronize our alarms and watches to 11:30. it doesn't matter what time zone, go outside at 11:30. that should be the best time to see it. although it is going to be bigger and brighter than it is during any other time of the year, 14% -- 30% brighter, 14% bigger is how it will appear, the weather will not cooperate for everyone. we can expect relatively clear conditions in parts of the northeast and partly cloudy in the southeast, but for much of the mid-atlantic, including the outer banks, it may be very
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difficult to see. clear skies out toward the west and the west coast. you may have a little marine layer to deal with but for the most part if the moon rises up over the east, it should be picture perfect as it rises over the sierra nevada. just spectacular. >> i know it's going to be super, but officially why do they call it the super moon? >> well, the moon actually takes one pass closer to the earth during its orbit each year that's a little closer than others. last year it was in march and the pictures we have from that is spectacular. this year it falls tonight. it's going to be tonight at 11:30, should be amazing to see. many people say it has weird effects on the planet. it can enhance tides, make birds fly backwards. people have tied it into disasters like the titanic. but that didn't have to do with the moon, it had to do with an iceberg, plain and simple. >> also big and white. >> very much so. >> but not up in the sky. >> if they had kept their eyes on the water as opposed to the sky, things might have turned
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out a little better for them. he is likely to be the next j.k. rowling or stephanie meyer. if you don't know him just yet, you are going to, especially if you have a teen in your midst. we'll talk to him about his next book in his trilogy. and later, the kentucky derby hours away. umbrellas are a banned item, so if the weather doesn't hold, well, it won't be pretty. but we will take you there live.
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it is called a hero for wondla. it is from best-selling author tony deterlizzi who has a fantasy world full of intriguing characters. welcome to you. >> thanks for having me. i'm off to a good start, i like that. >> the book has a great cover, very impressive. for those who are just catching up, who is wondla? >> it focuses on a young girl who's 11 years old. what we find out is that she is living on an alien planet. she realizes she's the only human alive on this alien planet. so that's what the first book focuses on. it was inspired by my love for "the wizard of oz," alice's adventures in wonder land and peter pan and wendy. i wanted to do a 21st version of that. >> the action takes place in new att
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attica, an interesting choice for a name. any relevance to that? >> i was thinking of greek and roman and the beginning of civilization. and i know a lot of people think of the jail attica, but i was thinking of the beginning of civilization so it's this new rome, this new greece is what i was more referring to. it's where the humans have begun. what we find out is that the planet is not an alien planet, but the earth and aliens have immigrated and taken over. so the humans of this outpost city that they're trying to get re-established. >> where do these ideas come from? >> i'm making it up right now. >> how does it all come to you? >> you know, i was the kid that sat in the back of the classroom and while the teacher was talking, i was in the back drawing and coming up with crazy stories. i'm very fortunate that my parents and a lot of my teachers really encouraged my imagination and that fostering has allowed me to become a kids book guy. >> yeah, you wear your
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imagination. i want to talk about, it has a really interesting component, sort of a link to an online bit of a game really. >> yeah. we were using a little augmented reality in this books. if you don't know what that is, it's an application that relies on a webcamera on your computer. what you do in the case of the wondla books, there's certain images in the book. when you hold them up to the web camera, a three-dimensional map popped out and the second book, the ship on the front, you'll be able to fly the ship. >> by holding it up to the webcam. >> just by holding the book and steering it. the folks at simon and schuster came up with that and i thought it was an interesting idea. i'll go to any length because i was a reluctant read wher i was young. >> i know you're very involved with the starlight foundation. >> i am. >> does some of this go to that? >> well, i help them in
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different ways. my wife and i spent some serious time in hospitals when our daughter was younger. it dawned on me, there's a lot of anxious moments and then there's a lot of waiting and waiting for the doctor to come, waiting for tests to happen and stuff like that. and i thought i'd go on tour, i go out and i visit with a lot of children in schools and libraries, et cetera. the kids in hospitals, they don't get that. so the starlight foundation is so fantastic in bringing events like that to schools. they offer video games and all kinds of other things to help distract with pain management and stuff like that. so i've been doing my book events that i would normally do in a bookstore in a hospital, and it's awesome. it's awesome. i love doing it, they're great people. >> i know i'm not a teenager, but i'm going to read these. the new one, a hero for wondla, tony, great to have you here. aside from the horses, they are probably some of the most famous images of the kentucky
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derby, the hats. this year they may be more functional than fashionable. that is next. plus today could mark the path to justice for the families of 9/11. the man accused of masterminding the worst attacks on u.s. soil will face a military tribunal at guantanamo bay today. we'll take you there live. those surprising little things she does still make you take notice. there are a million reasons why. but your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready.
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joe carter joining me now from louisville. the kentucky derby has never been cancelled due to weather, but i guess they had to evacuate some folks yesterday? >> reporter: yeah, as a matter of fact, randi, the kentucky derby itself, the race has never been delayed or cancelled in 137 years. yesterday was the kentucky oats race. it's the biggest race the day before the kentucky derby. just before that race yesterday there was pretty severe weather that blew through town. they had to evacuate the infield as well as the grandstands. the race has delayed itself about 45, 50 minutes but the weather blew through. it rained throughout the night. there was pretty heavy downpours, thunder and lightning. right now it's sunny skies and it looks like we'll have pretty good weather throughout the day. the forecasters are saying maybe a little later in the afternoon there's a chance for severe weather, but the track is pretty wet but they have the tractors grading it up, so we'll see. 137 years they have never cancelled, delayed or postponed it so the odds are we'll get it off and running on time. >> that is good news. but i don't want to just talk to you about the horses today, i want to talk to you about the
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wacky fashions. what have you seen? >> reporter: hats. it's all about the hats, randi. that's the fashion. >> how come you're not wearing one? >> reporter: it all starts from there and you work it down. i left my fedora at home, i'm sorry. you'll see both men and women wearing them. the women are trying to express their inner southern belle. i said what's the deal with the hats, what's the rule? they said there are no rules, there are no limits, do not hold back, be as creative as possible. some spend anywhere from $500 to $10,000 on these hats. there's a lot of traditions that lie within the kentucky derby. of course the hats, the roses, the mint juleps. it's a great day and the most exciting two minutes in sports. if you have plans this saturday afternoon, don't worry, the race only lasts two minutes. it should be a good one. >> it's a whole lot of celebrating for two minutes there. thank you, joe. have a mint julep for me. >> reporter: thank you. a day of hang gliding turns fatal, and police say this man, the instructor, may have kept
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key evidence from them. i'll tell you how they say he did it. plus drinking alcohol like it was water, dancing the night away at a seedy bar. an escort is spilling bombshell revelations about what secret service agents were doing in colombia, but find out why she says they could have compromised president obama's security. instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. people don't like to miss out on money that should have been theirs. that's why at ally we have the raise your rate 2-year cd. you can get a one-time rate increase if our two-year rate goes up. if your bank makes you miss out, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you!
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coming up in just 30 minutes, your bottom line with christine romans. christine, what do you have on tap today? >> the key to winning this election, getting you a job. we'll show you the battleground states both candidates need to worry about. and the occupy wall street movement shows that free speech and protest are alive and well in america, and not just limited
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to tea partiers. lots of people in the 99% are now asking themselves six months on does occupy represent everyday americans? are they now the 1% of the 99? and ten rules for raising boys right with lisa bloom. that's all coming up at 9:30 a.m. eastern. randi. it has to be the death penalty. >> families of the victims of the 9/11 attacks arrive in guantanamo bay, cuba, as the alleged mastermind behind the notorious day of terror is arraigned. we'll take you there. plus president obama officially kicks off his campaign today in ohio. we'll take you there live. also, a colombian prostitute speaks. >> they're a bunch of fools. they're responsible for obama's security and they still let this happen. >> her story about what really happened the night she met u.s. secret service agents. could you live off $1.50 a
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day? we'll talk with one celebrity who's going to true and ask her why she's doing it. good morning, everyone. i'm randi kaye. it is 9:00 on the east coast. let's get you caught up on the news right now. the man accused of planning the 9/11 attacks are expected in court at this hour. after years of delays, they will be charged with terrorism, conspiracy and murder. khalid sheikh mohammed and others are being arraigned in guantanamo bay, cuba. mohammed is the admitted mastermind of 9/11, blamed for the attack that killed nearly 3,000 people. it will be a rare look at the man dubbed ksm. after osama bin laden's death, he's probably the most notorious terrorist alive in the world. our pentagon correspondent, chris lawrence, is in guantanamo bay, cuba, for us this morning. chris, what can we expect in court today? >> reporter: probably the unexpected, randi, in that no one knows exactly what khalid
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sheikh mohammed is going to say. we're just a few minutes away from getting our first look at ksm and the other defendants in years. some of the family members who have journeyed down to guantanamo bay have already filed into the room. there are also viewing sites set up at military bases in maryland, in massachusetts, new york and new jersey where other victims' family members will be keeping a very close eye on what happens here. there are some motions to take care of first in which the defense is going to raise some points, such as that the government has been reading and looking at some of the written letters between these defendants and their attorneys. the defense counsel says that violates attorney/client privilege. and then it will move into the actual plea in which ksm may enter a plea, he may not. he may plead guilty, he may plead not guilty. that all up in the air in the next few hours. >> chris, in terms of the timetable, this has been going
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on for years. we've seen delays. is there a chance that it could be delayed again? >> reporter: more than a chance. this is something that will stretch out for years and years. even if ksm does plead guilty, his defense attorneys are likely to file several motions excluding certain evidence that will tie this up for years. no one that i spoke to at the pentagon thinks this is anywhere close to being wrapped up, when it's heart breaking for some of the family members who have seen this drag on. they watched as his trial was moved by the attorney general to new york and then after a large public outcry, brought back here to guantanamo bay. some of the families say they have been through the wringer and that the only thing that will bring true closure is to see the death penalty imposed on ksm. >> no doubt they want justice. chris lawrence there at guantanamo bay, cuba. thank you, chris. an escort at the center of the colombian prostitution scandal is spilling all about
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her night with secret service agents. dania suarez told a colombian radio station the agents involved were, quote, idiots and bought alcohol like it was water and danced on the bar. and she says if she had been a spy or terrorist, she could have easily gotten sensitive information compromising president obama's security. >> translator: of course. at that moment if i had been a member of one of those terrorist gangs, it's obvious that i would have been able to get everything. just like the newspapers say, i put them in checkmate. they're a bunch of fools. they're responsible for obama's security and they still let this happen. i told them, i'm going to call the police so that they would pay me my money. they didn't care. they didn't see the magnitude of the problem, even when being responsible for obama's skurlt. i could have done a thousand other things. >> believe it or not, she says that her reputation and her life have been ruined, but she also says that she's open to other opportunities, like posing in men's magazines. president obama is kicking off his re-election campaign in
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a key battleground state. that would be ohio. he's holding a rally in columbus later today showing just how important ohio is. mr. obama has visited the state 20 times since he took office. republican rival mitt romney has also set his sights on the buckeye state. he's been there twice in just the last month and returns again on monday. cnn political editor paul steinhauser joining us now from columbus. you have been there a few times as well. why is ohio so critical, paul? >> reporter: it sure seems to play a major role in presidential contests. remember back in 2004 it was the state that put george w. bush over the top in his re-election bid. president obama, then senator obama four years ago won ohio, one of the reasons he captured the white house. randi, as you said, they're all here. it's no surprise president obama is holding his first kickoff rally for the re-election bid where? right here. take a look at this, the latest polls in the buckeye state from quinnipiac came out the other day, pretty tight.
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44% for the president, 42% for romney, who's the presumptive republican nominee. that's basically dead even right here in ohio. so behind me that's where in about four hours the president will hold that rally. you can see the cnn election express. we'll have it all over the campaign trail between now and election day, which is six months from tomorrow. >> wow, six months to go. okay, paul, thank you very much. keep it right here today at 1:00 eastern, cnn will bring you president obama's first campaign speech of the election from columbus, ohio. that is scheduled to get under way, once again, 1:00 eastern right here on cnn. and now to canada, where a canadian hang gliding instructor has been granted bail after he was charged with obstructing justice related to a fatal accident one week ago. the woman in the glider with him dropped to the ground. investigators say the instructor may have tried to hide key evidence about what happened by swallowing a memory card that has the video of the fall. that video is now in police custody.
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he is being called a visionary, a pioneer and a legend. ♪ you gotta fight for your right to party ♪ >> adam yauch, a co-founder of the beastie boys, has died after a three-year battle with cancer. the group which first came together to play at his 17th birthday party has sold more than 40 million records. he leaves behind a wife and daughter. he was 47. a baby born addicted to drugs is always a tragedy, but in one state it is also a felony. we'll tell you where and why some people are saying that women's civil rights are in danger. this at&t 4g network is fast.
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[ female announcer ] only flood insurance covers floods. visit to learn your risk. one baby an hour born addicted. that shocking revelation came in a new study released this week. those babies showing signs of withdrawal just after being born, but it's not just illegal drugs. the biggest rise is addiction to prescription drugs. it is a sad story, but in alabama, it's a criminal story. that's because in alabama, giving birth to a drug-addicted infant is a felony, punishable by a prison sentence all because of a law known as the chemical endangerment law. now, in one case a man named amanda kim broe had a baby addicted to crystal meth after 19 minutes. the death of her infant landed her in jail. joining me is brian white,
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attorney for amanda, an ben dupree, the head of a group arguing for the rights of unborn babies. gentlemen, welcome to both of you. brian, let me start with you on this one. many people might say a mother did meth while pregnant, an illegal drug no less, and it killed her baby, why shouldn't she go to jail. what's your response? >> well, my response is that the punitive approach to that problem has proven not to be effective. the therapeutic approach, that is helping women overcome their addiction as quickly as they can during their pregnancy is in the best interest of the mother and the best interest of the fetus. prosecuting them -- prosecuting the pregnant mother has a great deal of adverse possibilities and separating the child from the mother is not in their best
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interests. putting the mother in jail in unsanitary conditions. >> i want to share a bit of what the law says, brian. in fact the law prohibits a responsible person from exposing a child to an environment in which he or she knowingly, recklessly or intentionally causes or permits a child to be exposed to, toin gest, inhale or have contact with a controlled chemical substance or drug paraphernalia. when you look at the law, this was supposed to protect children from meth lab explosions at home. so are you saying what happened with your client is more a chase for child protection services, not prison? >> exactly. that's the very heart of our case is that the word "child" in that statute does not mean a child in utero. the legislature in passing a law where a third party would kill a pregnant woman and her child specifically says the woman and her child in utero. in this law, it just simply says child. the court says child means
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viable fetus, which is absolutely unsupported by the legislature's intention. interestingly enough, the legislature five times since 2006 have tried to -- legislators have tried to introduce bills to clarify to mean child in utero. those bills have not passed. >> ben, if the law was meant to protect children from potentially explosive meth labs and hoeme and it doesn't mentio womb or fetus or pregnant woman anywhere in the language, is this a bit of a stretch of this law and criminalizing what women are doing with their own body? >> no, and it doesn't just cover meth lab explosions, it covers any exposure of a drug intentionally to a child. it does not limit a child after birth and i think that's what the courts have noted. if the legislature wanted to limit it, it could have. but using the common sense term, a child refers to whether a woman is carrying a child in
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utero or it's born. just as if a born child is exposed intentionally to meth or any other controlled substance, we would criminalize that certainly and we do. in the same way an unborn child is a captive audience of the mother and that should be prohibited. >> i want to share with our viewers something, ben, you told the "new york times" magazine. you said i think it would be unequal protection to give the woman a pass when anyone else who ingests drugs into a child would be prosecuted. what do you mean by that? >> the 14th amendment requires equal protection of the law and requires it of all persons. in this case i believe a child would be covered under this law, unborn or born. so if a mother was injecting her 1-year-old child with an illegal substance, we would be up in arms about that. in the same way, an unborn child -- a hort doesn't drink alone when she's pregnant and doesn't do drugs alone.
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in the same way that child has no choice. it takes what the mother takes, be it crystal meth or oxycodone or whatever substance that mother is abusing. as your coverage has shown, those children go through horrible withdrawals when they're born and doctors are scrambling to cope with the epidemic of these children born drug addicts already. >> ben, just very quickly i want to ask you because there's a new study reporting that the number of babies born addicted to pain killers has actually tripled in the last ten years. in alabama there have been cases where pregnant women who have taken pain killers legally have given birth to addicted babies and then the mothers have been jailed. do you think pregnant women should have different civil rights than nonpregnant women? >> no, i think they should have the exact same civil rights. but i also believe that the unborn child should have the same right. the right to life, first of all, and the right not to be forcefully injected, which is essentially what happens since they're attached through the
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umbilical cord. the womb should be the safest place for that child. when the mother does illegal substances or abuses drugs, it becomes a place of poison for that child and they're born an addict. >> ben, brian, thank you both very much for your time. we'll continue to follow this issue. so do you ever think about how much you spend on something to eat and drink in just one day? try doing it all for just $1.50 or less. an actress did that and she's promoting awareness against extreme global poverty. she'll tell us what she lived on. the mission of business is to make invention accessible. to make it possible for all people to execute on their great ideas regardless of their luck, their circumstance or pedigree, to give everyone a chance. we give these people an opportunity to literally see their ideas up to their full
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day. that is almost the number of people around the world now who actually do. 1.4 billion people live in extreme poverty. a growing number the global poverty project hopes to change. they are challenging people to live below the line of poverty in the u.s. for five days. celebrities and activists are stepping up to the challenge and daring you to do the same. >> $1.50 a day is only enough for two bowls of rice with a couple of spoonfuls of beans. dare. i dare you to challenge yourself. i dare you to find a cause that you believe in. i dare you to put your body and mind to the test. i dare you to take a stand. i dare you to eat for less than $1.50 a day for five days. >> you probably recognize malin akerman from movies such as "27 dresses" and "the romantic."
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she's joining me this morning live from los angeles. malin, good morning to you. >> good morning, randi, how are you? >> i'll well, thank you. i love this cause. it's so important. i know that you have actually seen some of this poverty firsthand so i want to talk about your recent trip to tanzania with opportunity international. what were the conditions that the people there were dealing with? >> well, you know, it's interesting. we came into a small town called arusha and traveled around and met all the clients of opportunity international. many of them work in markets selling potatoes, fruits and vegetables. some of them have restaurants, which basically consists of four walls and a bench and a table cooking, you know, rice and beans over coal. and it's interesting because you walk around these towns and small cities and they don't have
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much, but what they do have is a lot of pride, happiness and hope that they have finally gotten some financial aid, because -- and the most fascinating part to me was the first thing they told me was what they did with the money was send their kids to school, which is such a great cycle i find. >> but the live below the line challenge kicks off monday. you've actually lived berlow th line for a day. how did that go? >> we did. it was actually a fun experience. going into the supermarkets here in l.a., trying to figure out what you're going to buy for $1.50 because you can't really buy much here in the states. and it was -- we went straight to the rice and beans, which really is the most economic choice because it can last you a few days. as you can see a few ramen noodles always works well, four
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for a dollar. it was interesting because you really start to appreciate. even as we were putting water in the pot, you realize a lot of people when we were in tanzania, they don't have running water or electricity in most of their homes. >> the thing is, though, we all run and we buy these expensive coffees and things. i'm sure this has really changed as you tried to live for $1.50 a day. i'm sure it's changed your global perspective. how so, just in terms of your personal habits and spending or even wastefulness? >> absolutely. i mean you feel extremely lucky. you understand sort of -- it feels really silly to think that we spend $5 on a coffee. when, you know, people spend a fraction of that on everything. i mean literally. this challenge is just $1.50 on food. meanwhile people over in third world countries are spending $1.50 for everything. so it really just puts
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everything into perspective. >> i want to show you what we did here, because we decided to actually see what we could buy for $1.50. so watch what a couple of my producers were able to do so. >> great. >> i've got $1.50. let's see what i can get. we've been here a little bit and it's tough. 59 cents for a gallon of water. i have about 88 cents after that water. i can pretty much get three different ramen noodles. i found this bread for 49 cents but that means i have to return two of the ramen noodles. 29 cents, 49 cents, 59 cents is $1.37 before taxes. i made my budget. i only spent $1.33. i have 17 cents left for the rest of the day. >> how can people sign up? how can they do this to try to bring more attention to it? >> well, you can go to and partner
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with opportunity international and grab a group of friends. the more people you get involved, the more money you have to spend. it's a little easier to find food and sort of fraction it out. so make it a fun thing. challenge your co-workers at the office. go to the grocery store, get your food for the five days and, you know, invite people over and do dinner parties on $1.50 a day. it's actually -- >> i'm going to spend a little time googling recipes for ramen noodles because i am determined to try this for at least one day. >> please do. >> malin, it was great to have you on. again, congratulations on highlighting a great cause. we appreciate that. >> thank you so much. thanks for having me. >> thank you. have a great day and we'll be right back. this is $100,000.
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